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Numerical Simulation of Two Phase Flow

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Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241

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Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in porous media

using a wavelet based phase-field method
M. Jalal Ahammad a,b, Jahrul M Alam a,b,⇑, M.A. Rahman c, Stephen D. Butt c
Theoretical Physics, Memorial University, A1C 5S7, Canada
Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University, 5S7, Canada
Process Engineering, Memorial University, A1C 5S7, Canada

h i g h l i g h t s

 The capillary phenomena have been studied based on the free-energy of multiphase flow.
 A wavelet-based phase-field method for multiphase flow has been investigated.
 Bubble dynamics has been compared with an experiment and a reference numerical model.
 Bubble velocity predicted by the phase-field method agrees with experimental data.
 Results indicate that phase-field calculations are as accurate as some experiments.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An understanding of the transport and dynamics of two fluids in porous media, as well as the bubbly flow
Received 11 January 2017 regime, is important for many engineering applications, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method,
Received in revised form 8 May 2017 drilling technology, multiphase production system, etc. In this respect, the dependence of capillary stres-
Accepted 7 July 2017
ses on the excess free-energy of a thin interfacial layer formed by two immiscible fluids is not fully clear,
Available online 29 July 2017
particularly in porous media. Of particular interests are the closure models for interphase forces which
often hinder the reliable prediction of the homogeneous flow regime. This article presents a multiphase
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study of bubbles in homogeneous porous media to model the flow
Phase-field method
Wavelet method
of oil and gas, and investigates a closure model that is based on the Allen-Cahn phase-field method,
Navier-Stokes equation where the capillary stress is derived from the excess free-energy. The governing dynamics is simulated
Porous medium with the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations extended for multiphase flow in porous media. The
Bubble dynamics equations have been discretized by a wavelet transform method to accurately capture the topological
Surface tension change of the fluid-fluid interface. To validate the closure model for interphase forces, the results of
the present phase-field method have been compared with that from experiments, as well as from refer-
ence numerical models. An excellent agreement among the results from present phase-field simulations,
experiments, and some reference numerical simulations has been observed. The terminal velocity of the
rising gas bubble in a liquid saturated porous medium, as well as in a pure liquid has been investigated.
The bubble rising velocity in both cases have been compared with respect to the theoretical and exper-
imental results. The study illustrates how the bubble dynamics in porous media depend on the excess
free energy of a thin interfacial layer formed by two immiscible fluids.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Horgue et al., 2015; Higdon, 2013; Wu et al., 2016). Of particular

interests are two-phase flow in and around a wellbore, enhanced
Numerical modelling of multiphase flow and transport has oil recovery techniques, and carbon capture and storage projects
attracted numerous researchers because of its importance in vari- (e.g. Arzanfudi et al., 2016; Kundu et al., 2016; Rahman et al.,
ous scientific and industrial applications (Giorgio et al., 2017; 2013). A critical challenge in modelling oil and gas is that the flow
rates often cease to remain linear with the pressure gradients in
⇑ Corresponding author at: Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University, A1C wellbores/reservoirs, and the capillary stress becomes important
5S7, Canada. (Wu et al., 2011; Mahdiyar et al., 2011). To investigate the nonlin-
E-mail address: (J.M Alam). ear flow behavior in the near wellbore region, Molina and Tyagi
0009-2509/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241 231


x horizontal coordinate (m) DV grid volume

z vertical coordinate (m) Dt time step
t time (s) O order of magnitude
u velocity field (ms1 ) lm micrometer
P pressure (Pa) N number of grid points
g acceleration due to gravity (ms2 )
K permeability of the medium (m2 ) Non-dimensional parameters
/ porosity of the medium (–) Re Reynolds number
ct gas compressibility (–) Da Darcy number
C volume fraction of fluid (m3 ) Bo Bond number
I identity matrix (–) U velocity scale
d characteristic of pore space (m) D length scale
lgðlÞ gas (liquid) viscosity (mPa:S)
m kinematic viscosity (m2 =s) Subscripts
qgðlÞ gas (liquid) density (kg=m3 )
i i ¼ 1; 2 phase
q density (kg=m3 ) g gas
Pl liquid pressure (Pa) l liquid
Pg gas pressure (Pa)
r surface tension (N m1 )
sr stress due to surface tension (N m1 ) Abbreviations
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
 interface thickness (m)
j curvature of the interface (1=m) CPU Central Processing Unit
W total free energy (N m1 ) EOR enhanced oil recovery
lc chemical potential (J=mole ¼ Newton) REV Representative Elementary Volume
VOF volume of fluid
1=T inverse elastic relaxation time-scale (1=s)
Dx; Dy; Dz grid space along x; y; z-axis

(2015) considered the Navier-Stokes equation to simulate the sud- tures and reduce the overall flow rate in a reservoir. CFD simula-
den change of shear stress and flow direction in perforation tun- tions of such a multiphase flow in reservoirs (or in wellbores)
nels that are connections between the reservoir and the wellbore remain elusive primarily because the capillary stress is active over
(cf. Fig. 1). However, as the reservoir fluids enter into the wellbore, a wide range of length and time scales, and we don’t have a widely
the liquid phase may remain continuous, and the gas phase may acceptable closure scheme to truncate the spectrum of the length
appear as randomly distributed bubbles. In such case, the pressure scales effectively. Technical details of the closure schemes for mul-
drop may be described by the bubble velocity, friction factor, and tiphase flow are covered by Adler and Brenner (1988), Higdon
buoyancy (Livescu et al., 2010). In contrast, the presence of bubbles (2013), Alpak et al. (2016).
in a reservoir would alter some reservoir properties, such as the Consequently, a multiphase bubbly flow in porous media is
macroscopic hydraulic conductivity of the medium, and the pres- often studied by the Buckley-Leverett model, or the pressure pro-
sure drop across a bubble may become a nonlinear function of file in the reservoir is analyzed by the pressure diffusivity equation.
the fluid velocity. Bubbles may plug some pore channels or frac- In both approaches, the length scales are truncated based on the

Fig. 1. A schematic illustration of an oil reservoir, where a vertical wellbore with perforation tunnels are also shown. The figure is adapted from a similar illustration given by
Rahman et al. (2007). Note that the fluid flow is vertical in the wellbore and horizontal in the reservoir. Bubbles may be present in the wellbore or in the reservoir. When the
reservoir fluid enters into the wellbore, the flow rate is affected by the formation damage near the perforation tunnels.
232 M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241

Darcy’s equation in such a way that the capillary stress is treated tension models. In contrast, the phase-field method is relatively
implicitly – through the relative permeability. The Buckley- new and similar to the VOF approach, which calculates the surface
Leverett model of a two-phase flow is tension and the wetting phenomena based on the chemical poten-
tial and thermodynamic free energy (Ganapathy et al., 2013a,b;
li @si
ui ¼ $Pi þ qi g; þ $  ðsi ui Þ ¼ 0; Kusumaatmaja et al., 2016; Feng et al., 2007; Feng, 2006). There
Ki @t is thus a growing interest on the phase-field method for multi-
where li ; K i ; ui ; P i ; qi , and si are viscosity, relative permeability, phase flow in porous media (e.g., see the recent review of Alpak
velocity, pressure, density, and saturation of phase i ð¼ l; gÞ. In this et al., 2016). In this article, we have presented a CFD model of mul-
model, details of the capillary phenomena are not resolved individ- tiphase flow, where the capillary stress is calculated based on the
ually. Instead, capillary phenomena are lumped into the phe- excess free-energy of a thin interfacial layer that is formed
nomenological relative permeability, K i , which can be measured between two moving immiscible fluids in a homogeneous porous
on core samples in the laboratory. While this approach is pragmatic medium. We have considered the Allen-Cahn phase-field method
and fit-for-purpose for many of the operational aspects, one notes to define the capillary stress as a function of the volume fraction
that the surface tension has not been accounted explicitly in the (C) of one of the two fluids. We have incorporated the capillary
Buckley-Leverett model. The linear theory fails to mimic any contri- stress explicitly into the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equation,
bution of the non-Darcy flow regime (Wu et al., 2011; Molina and where the resistance of porous media is expressed as a quadratic
Tyagi, 2015). Further details can be found from the work of function of the fluid velocity. To examine the performance of the
Skjetne et al. (1999), Lee et al. (1987), Guppy et al. (1981), Tek phase-field approach in estimating the pressure jump across a
et al. (1962), and Swift and Kiel (1962). To incorporate some of fluid-fluid interface, we have compared the present phase-field
the nonlinear features – as observed in fractures and near wellbore simulation with an equivalent experimental study of an isolated
regions, the Forchheimer equation, gas bubble rising in a liquid, where we have observed a reasonably
good agreement between the two results. We have then extended
li CF q the phase-field method to simulate bubble dynamics in porous
ui þ pffiffiffiffiffiiffi jui jui ¼ $P i þ qi g;
Ki Ki media, where we have used experimental data to validate the
numerical results. We have presented a brief mathematical analy-
was proposed to replace the momentum equation in the Buckley- sis that provides an overall estimate of the surface tension and
Leverett model, where C F is the Forchheimer coefficient, and the resistive forces active on a bubble that moves in a fluid saturated
second term on the left hand side accounts for the frictional pres- porous media. Finally, comparisons among numerical simulation,
sure loss. mathematical analysis, and experimental data indicate the robust-
Alternatively, a pressure analysis technique was derived from ness of the phase-field simulation of multiphase flow in porous
the conservation of mass, the Darcy’s equation, and the equation media. Clearly, the scientific contribution of the present study
of state (Khadivi and Soltanieh, 2014; Dake, 1983). The single- has the potential to significantly advance CFD simulation of oil
phased pressure diffusivity equation, and gas flow in reservoirs albeit we have simulated only idealized
/lct @P 1 @P @ 2 P
¼ þ Section 2 provides a brief outline of the technical details that
K @t r @r @r 2
are necessary to implement the present methodology. In this sec-
forms the foundation of pressure analysis techniques in petroleum tion, we have discussed the phase-field method that conserves
engineering, where ct is the gas compressibility. In practice, well- mass and its benefits to incorporate surface tension directly into
bores have a damaged zone with reduced permeability resulting the Navier-Stokes equation via a modification of the deviatoric
from oil well drilling – known as skin effect, and the pressure diffu- stress. Section 3 outlines the present numerical approach, as well
sivity equation often fails to represent the pressure draw-down cor- as discusses how our method can be incorporated into an existing
rectly in wellbores. CFD code. Based on a classical test case that is commonly used to
In methods reviewed above (or in similar methods), the Darcy’s study multiphase flow, Section 4 considers two sets of experimen-
model does not couple the multiphase nonlinear interactions tal data to validate the methodology outlined in our work. While
among a liquid, a gas, and a solid – for example – the skin effect showing a good agreement between experimental results and
in the perforation zone or a bubbly flow in fractured porous media. our numerical results, we have also discussed a mathematical for-
Thus, extending CFD methods to analyze oil and gas recovery tech- mulation of the combined forces on the fluid-fluid interface that
niques is an active research topic in the field of Computational evolves through a porous media.
Multiphase Flow (e.g. Kundu et al., 2016; Molina and Tyagi,
2015; Ahammad and Alam, 2017), where the friction between
the oil/gas and the porous matrix is incorporated into the Navier- 2. Simulation methodology
Stokes equation through a method of volume average (Bear,
1972; deLemos, 2006). To track the complex interaction between 2.1. Multiphase flow in porous media
oil and gas in such a CFD simulation, the volume of fluid (VOF)
method is a widely used technique, which calculates the surface To simulate the multiphase flow in a porous medium, the
tension based on the curvature of the interface between two fluids, Navier-Stokes equation along with the conservation of mass and
where the wetting phenomena is imposed as a boundary condition the Allen-Cahn phase field equation have been solved for the
on the solid substrates (Raeini et al., 2012; Sun and Sakai, 2016). intrinsic average of the velocity, u. For convenience, we have
Recent progresses in this direction are discussed, for example, by adopted the symbol u to replace the usual symbol hui for the aver-
Sun and Sakai (2016), Patel et al. (2017). However, curvature track- age. We have simulated the flow of two immiscible fluids of differ-
ing algorithms lead to spurious velocities (parasitic currents) in ent densities (qg < ql ) and viscosities (lg < ll ). The capillary stress
VOF simulations, which also fails to correctly model capillary is derived from the excess free-energy of the system accumulated
waves (Baltussen et al., 2014). A comparison between three surface in a thin interface of finite thickness () between two fluids. The
tension models through a series of VOF simulations was done by volume fraction, C, of one of the fluids is used as a phase indicator,
Baltussen et al. (2014), which indicates that accurate closure mod- which takes a value 1 for one fluid and 0 for the other fluid, where
els for gas-liquid interaction depends greatly on accurate surface the interface of free-energy is defined by C 2 ½0:5  =2; 0:5 þ =2.
M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241 233

In other words, the saturation of one phase is C and the other phase 2016). There are two versions of the phase-field method. The
is 1  C. This representation of the two-phase flow is similar to the Cahn-Hilliard method uses a fourth order diffusion (e.g. Jacqmin,
volume of fluid method, as well as equivalent to the Buckley- 1999) and the Allen-Cahn method uses a second order diffusion
Leverett method. Peaceman and Rachford (1962) presents a (e.g. Vasconcelos et al., 2014). Both approaches preserve the
detailed derivation of how the individual saturation (si ) in the immiscibility of fluids by conserving mass of each phase. This arti-
Buckley-Leverett model is equivalent to the phase indicator func- cle has adopted the Allen-Cahn method because its numerical
tion C (see also, Chen et al., 2006b). The density, the viscosity, treatment is more efficient with respect to the Cahn-Hilliard
and the velocity of the phase-field system are given by method.
q ¼ qg C þ ql ð1  CÞ; l ¼ lg C þ ll ð1  CÞ, and u ¼ ug C þ ul ð1  CÞ In phase-field methods, the total free-energy is defined by the
(Antanovskii, 1995). functional
The simultaneous flow of a liquid and a gas behaves as an Z  
incompressible flow if the corresponding Mach number (the ratio 2
W¼ j rCj2 þ f ðCÞ dX; ð2Þ
of the velocity to the sound speed) is less than 0:3 (Kundu et al., X 2
2012; Antanovskii, 1995). Thus, the conservation of mass becomes
where  is the thickness of the interface containing excess free-
r  u ¼ 0: energy of the two phase system, and the double well potential takes
Since the length scale characterizing the pore structures of the the form f ðCÞ ¼ C 2 ð1  CÞ2 . The dynamics of the interface is then
porous medium is much less than that of the REV, as well as the governed by the evolution of Cðx; tÞ according to
computational mesh, the porous medium is represented by a Z
packed spheres. In this approach, the viscous drag exerted by the @C T
þ u  r C ¼ T lc þ f 0ðCÞdX; ð3Þ
spheres is equivalent to the volumetric flow rate that is linearly @t jXj
related to the pressure gradient in the Darcy’s equation (Bear,
1972), and the form drag exerted by the spheres is equivalent to where 1=T is called the elastic relaxation time-scale and lc is called
the resistive force in the Forchheimer equation (deLemos, 2006). the chemical potential, which is defined by
For each phase, the porous medium is modelled in terms of the
total resistive (drag) force lc ¼  ¼ 2 r2 C  f 0ðCÞ
m juj
fi ¼  þ C F pffiffiffiffiffi u; is called the chemical potential (Yang et al., 2006). The last term in
(3) ensures the conservation of C (Vasconcelos et al., 2014). Clearly,
where K ½m2  is the effective permeability of the model porous the chemical potential, lc , vanishes away from the interface. In
medium, m is the kinematic viscosity and C F is a constant. For other words, the phase-field Eq. (2) approaches to the VOF equation
spheres of diameter d (e.g. characteristic pore-scale), both K and away from the interface (Alpak et al., 2016; Hirt and Nichols, 1981).
C F can be estimated using Ergun’s methodology (Ergun, 1952) such
that C F ¼ F= K ,
2.2.2. Surface tension
d /3 1:75d The surface tension across a fluid-fluid interface can be
K¼ ; F¼ ; obtained from the Young-Laplace equation
ð1  /Þ2 150ð1  /Þ

and / is the porosity of a porous medium. A technical details of the Pg  Pl ¼ rj;

above model for single-phase flow in porous media is documented
where r [N/m] is the surface tension and j [1/m] is the local curva-
by deLemos (2006), Breugem and Rees (2006) and Bear (1972). Fol-
ture of the interface (Chen et al., 2006a). Thus, the stress acting on
lowing Antanovskii (1995) and Breugem and Rees (2006), we have
an arbitrary fluid surface must account for an additional component
derived the following ‘intrinsic average’ of the momentum equation
for a two-phase flow in porous media:
rj in a two-phase system in such a way that the surface tension
does not alter the stress tensor in the region that is away from
Du /lu C F /juju the fluid-fluid interface. An accurate representation of stress in a
q ¼ $P þ $  ðl$u þ l$uT Þ   pffiffiffiffiffi
Dt K K two-phase system is a potential advantage of the phase-field the-
þ ðql  qg Þg  $  sr ; ð1Þ ory. Antanovskii (1995) and Jacqmin (1999) provide a detailed
derivation of stress that is modified by the surface tension. For
where the present Allen-Cahn method (cf. Vasconcelos et al., 2014), the
assumptions remain the same as the assumptions considered by
Du @u
¼ þ u  ru; Jacqmin (1999) for the Cahn-Hilliard method. In the Navier-Stokes
Dt @t
equations, the total stress for a two-phase flow is thus given by
$uT denotes the transpose of the velocity gradient tensor $u, and (e.g. Eq. (1))
sr ¼ rj2 $C  $C denotes the stress tensor contributed by the sur-  

face tension. $  s ¼ $  PI þ l $u þ $uT þ rjlc $C;

2.2. The phase-field method and the surface tension where the last term accounts for the divergence of stress due to the
surface tension, which has been derived using the variational
2.2.1. Dynamics of the two-phase interface derivative of W (cf. Eq. (2)) and expanding $  ð$C  $CÞ. In other
The phase-field method is a relatively new approach for two- words, the last term in Eq. (1) is given by
phase flow simulation (Vasconcelos et al., 2014; Kim, 2012;
$  sr ¼ rjlc $C:
Provatas and Elder, 2011; Feng et al., 2007; Jacqmin, 1999;
Antanovskii, 1995). It employs the Navier-Stokes equations to We have employed the above theory to simulate a two-phase
accurately simulate the motion of a contact line (Cai et al., 2015) flow of a gas and a liquid by solving Eqs. (1) and (2) along with
or to directly simulate pore-scale flow of two fluids (Alpak et al., the conservation of mass, $  u ¼ 0.
234 M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241

3. Computational procedures For the purpose of illustrating bubble dynamics and under-
standing the effect of capillary stress and resistive force of the por-
This section outlines the discretization method and the solution ous medium, we have simulated multiphase flow in an isolated
techniques, where the mathematical details are not repeated, and porous block so that all other features of the reservoir do not influ-
can be found from the cited articles. The governing equations are ence the results. First, we have considered two sets of phase-field
discretized on a mesh that is a collection of non-overlapping rect- simulations. In one simulation, we have turned off the resistive
angles with nx cells in the x direction and ny cells in the y direction. force of the porous medium; in other simulation, we vary the resis-
tive force. Thus, we gain an understanding of how the capillary
stress affects the multiphase flow in porous media. Second, we
3.1. Wavelet based CFD simulation
have considered the result of an equivalent numerical simulation
to understand the performance of the proposed CFD technique.
The wavelet method has the multi-resolution properties, and is
Third, we have considered the result from an experiment that deals
often called ‘numerical microscope’ in signal and image processing
with air bubble rising in a porous medium saturated by water. The
(Mallat, 1999). Recently, the efficiency of wavelet-based CFD sim-
comparison between the phase-field simulation and the experi-
ulation techniques has been demonstrated by several authors
ment illustrates that capillary stress is a function of the excess
(Alam, 2015; Alam et al., 2012; Sun et al., 2012; Schneider and
free-energy of the multiphase flow. Fourth, we have considered
Vasilyev, 2010). In particular, the wavelet method is known to cap-
the balance of forces acting on a bubble to analytically predict
ture the evolution of a thin interface accurately. There are three
the terminal velocity of a rising bubble. Phase-field solution is
primary approaches of implementing the wavelet method: (i) the
compared with the analytical solution.
wavelet collocation method based on the nodal approximations
For all simulations, the model region is initially saturated with a
(Jameson, 1993; Mehra and Kumar, 2005; Alam et al., 2014); (ii)
fluid of density ql and viscosity ll . We have discussed our results
the wavelet method based on the wavelet expansion coefficients
with respect to dimensionless parameters, namely the Reynolds
(Liandrat and Tchamitchian, 1990; Mehra and Kumar, 2005); and
(iii) the wavelet method based on finite difference discretization number Re ¼ UD=m, the Darcy number Da ¼ K =D2 , and the Bond
and dynamically adaptive mesh refinement (Vasilyev and number Bo ¼ gD2 ql =r, where m ¼ ll =ql and D is the characteristic
Bowman, 2000; Alam et al., 2012). The present method falls under length scale.
the category (i) – a detailed implementation of which is given by
Alam et al. (2014), and is not reproduced here for brevity. Briefly, 4. Numerical simulations
it forms a trial solution based on the wavelet expansion series,
where the Deslauriers-Dubuc wavelet of order 2p reproduces poly- Let us begin with a numerical validation of the phase-field
nomials up to a degree 2p  1; i.e. the wavelet expansion recon- method in Section 4.1, and demonstrate that the macroscale sur-
structs the fluid-fluid interface by polynomials of degree 2p  1. face tension computed from the chemical potential is indeed the
Here, the wavelet method extends the weighted residual colloca- microscale surface tension that satisfies the classical Young-
tion method presented by Finlayson (2013) to discretize the Laplace equation.
Allen-Cahn Navier-Stokes equation. The truncation error of the
method is OðDt2 ; Dx2p Þ (see also, Walsh and Alam, 2016). In the pre- 4.1. Macroscale modelling of surface tension
sent study, p ¼ 3 is used so that the interface is implicitly recon-
structed by a 5-th degree polynomial. Moreover, the leading The Young-Laplace equation states a balance of normal stresses
order truncation error of this wavelet based discretization contains between two stationary fluids which meet at an interface. In the
only terms of order 2p þ 1, which makes the method uncondition- phase-field method, the Young-Laplace equation is applied at
ally stable according to the heuristic stability analysis (Warming macroscale on an interface of thickness . When the mesh resolu-
and Hyett, 1974). This method does not propagate dissipative trun- tion, D, and the thickness of the interface, , are about the same
cation errors, which is beneficiary for simulating multiphase flow order of magnitude, the Young-Laplace equation would be satisfied
problems. One advantage of the scheme is that a moving interface by the phase-field method. Hua and Lou (2007) observed numeri-
of a finite thickness will not be smeared out or dissipated. For the cally that a further reduction of mesh resolution is not necessary to
present scheme, if Dx is reduced to improve spatial truncation satisfy Young-Laplace equation. When the mesh resolution is
error (cf. numerical test in Section 4.1.1), it is not necessary to greater than the thickness of the interface, there is a net imbalance
reduce Dt unless there is a need of improving temporal truncation of surface forces, and the total stress tensor is not resolved because
error (cf. Alam, 2017). The method treats the simultaneous depen- Young-Laplace equation is not satisfied.
dence between velocity, pressure, and phase-field through a
Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov iterative solver. It is worth mention- 4.1.1. Test case
ing that the overall computational scaling of this wavelet method To demonstrate the phase-field modelling of pressure loss by
is asymptotically optimal, i.e. its computational complexity is capillary friction, we have examined the surface tension by simu-
OðNÞ for a mesh of N grid points. lating a rising air bubble in a tube of diameter 10 cm, saturated
with water. To understand the effect of surface tension, we have
3.2. Simulation and parameters turned off the resistive force of the porous medium. Fig. 2(a) dis-
plays a vertical cross section of the tube at t ¼ 0, where a bubble
The multiresolution wavelet method has been implemented in is formed with 65:5 ml air, and is visualized with a color filled con-
a CFD package, AWCM++, using the STL library of object oriented tour plot. We have used C ¼ 1 (red1) to denote the fluid of density
C++ programming paradigm (cf. Alam et al., 2014). AWCM++ has qg ¼ 1:2 kg/m3 (air), and C ¼ 0 (yellow) to denote the fluid of density
been extended to implement the phase-field method for multi- ql ¼ 997 kg/m3 (water). The numerical simulation has been repeated
phase flow in porous media (cf. Section 2), where we have taken under the same physical and numerical conditions except the mesh
advantages of two well-known software libraries, such as libMesh has been refined. Four meshes are labelled with respect to number of
(Kirk et al., 2006) to handle advanced data structure for mesh gen-
eration and PETSc (Balay et al., 1997) to efficiently solve nonlinear 1
For interpretation of color in Figs. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10, the reader is referred to
systems. the web version of this article.
M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241 235

(a) Initial shape of the bubble.

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 2. Temporal evolution of a rising bubble in a liquid for various meshes of resolutions: (b) R1(32  64), (c) R2(65  128), (d) R3(128  256), (e) R4(256  512). All the cases
are at the same time, tU=D ¼ 7:4.

cells in the horizontal and vertical directions, and are denoted by R1

(32  64), R2(64  128), R3(128  256), R4(256  512).

4.1.2. Observation
The outcome of this investigation is depicted in Fig. 2(b-e). The
results reported in Fig. 2 show an imbalance of capillary pressure
within and out of the bubble, which alters the shape of the bubble
until when the size of computational cells, D, has been reached to
about the same order of magnitude as the thickness of the phase-
field interface. A careful comparison between four contour plots in
Fig. 2(b-e) indicates that the discrepancy may not be primarily
because of the numerical truncation error (see also Hua and Lou,
2007). More specifically, numerical oscillations or wiggles in such
a moving interface usually occur due to the propagation of the
truncation error, which are suppressed at each of the four resolu-
tions examined. In other words, the coarsest resolution is enough
to capture the advection of the interface accurately, but seems
insufficient to resolve the surface tension. To gain a quantitative Fig. 3. Contour line plot of the simulations presented in Fig. 2. The results represent
how accurately the interface between two fluids have been resolved by various
understanding, we have plotted the contours of the moving inter-
face at C ¼ 0:5 in Fig. 3, showing the terminal bubble shapes at
each resolution. Clearly, the contour at the coarsest mesh R1
(32  64) has no wiggles or oscillations. The phase-field implemen- for the present numerical algorithm when we had switched to
tation of the Young-Laplace equation is satisfied gradually as the the higher resolution D=D ¼ 0:0075 in R4(256  512).
mesh is refined, where the phase-field method would satisfy
$P ¼ rjlc $C (cf. Jacqmin, 1999). In case the pressure drop were
imbalanced with the surface tension, pairs of counter rotating vor- 4.1.3. Comments on the terminal bubble shape and velocity
tices (parasitic currents) would sustain near the edge of the bubble Fig. 4 compares the time series of the terminal velocity for the
as the mesh was refined. Based on the contour plots in Fig. 3, the rising bubble at various resolutions. The results show that the
Young-Laplace equation is satisfied on two highest resolution velocity increases linearly until about t ¼ 0:5 and the time series
meshes. This result indicates that surface tension applied on the of the velocity are in agreement for until about t ¼ 2. Some tempo-
phase-field interface of thickness, =D ¼ 0:022, is accurately ral fluctuations are seen in the velocity time series at the lowest
resolved on a mesh with D=D ¼ 0:015 in R3(128  256), which is resolution R1(32  64). The velocity of the bubble reaches a steady
a near optimal balance between the CPU time and the memory state, showing that the velocity is in agreement except at the
(Jacqmin, 1999; Vasconcelos et al., 2014). We also note that both coarsest resolution R1. The rise velocity of a bubble in a liquid col-
the memory and the CPU time increased approximately linearly umn depends on the interaction between various forces such as
236 M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241

The momentum Eq. (1) may be reduced to the laminar boundary

layer equation

@v @v 1 @p ll @ 2 v
u þv ¼ þ
@x @y ql @y ql @x2
for the liquid phase around the bubble. In other words, when the
bubble rises without changing its shape, the liquid flow around
the bubble possess the character of a laminar boundary layer. The
laminar boundary layer theory indicates that the upward rising
bubble would have a zone approximately around the lower half of
the bubble where the liquid flow separates away from the bubble
with dp=dy > 0, and thus liquid accelerates downwards. Hua and
Lou (2007) illustrates that a rising bubble may feel a jet force
beneath it from the surrounding liquid. In other words, frictional
pressure loss from rising bubble contribute to the ‘adverse’ vertical
pressure gradient. Following sections demonstrate this hypothesis
experimentally and numerically.
Fig. 4. Time series of the velocity of the simulation presented in Fig. 2. The results
represent the convergence of the approximate solutions subject to the surface
tension and truncation error. The result is normalized by U ¼ 1 m/s and 4.2.1. Experimental data
D ¼ 5  102 m. Bhaga and Weber (1981) provides an experimental study on the
shape regimes and terminal velocities of a bubble that is rising in a
viscous liquid, where the flow field around a bubble was visualized
surface tension, viscosity, buoyancy and drag forces. For small bub-
with a hydrogen tracer technique. The shape regimes observed
bles with dominant surface tension and spherical terminal shape,
experimentally by Bhaga and Weber (1981) was also studied
the rise velocity gD2 ðql  qg Þ=ð18ll Þ is obtained from the Stokes numerically by Hua and Lou (2007). These results indicate when
solution. For larger bubbles, inertia becomes dominant (Hua and the viscous force (or the surface tension) is relatively strong, the
Lou, 2007), and an isolated rising bubble experience a ‘jet’ beneath bubbles remain spherical. The shape regimes of the rising bubbles
itself, which deform its spherical shape. For intermediate to large help the understanding of the pressure loss due to friction and
bubbles, the terminal velocity is proportional to gD. For the time entertainment of surrounding liquid. As it was observed by
series in Fig. 4, the terminal velocity is about 0:707 gD. Bhaga and Weber (1981) (see Fig. 13 therein), friction and enter-
tainment of surrounding liquid plays a dominant role on the termi-
nal shape of bubbles.
4.2. Experimental validation of the bubble dynamics
4.2.2. Numerical simulations
Let us consider the conservation law to understand the pressure In Fig. 5, we have compared the shape of a rising bubble among
profile in a vertical tube based on the multiphase flow mechanism. the experimental work of Bhaga and Weber (1981), the numerical

Fig. 5. Terminal shapes of the rising bubble in a liquid. (a), (d) and (g) are plots of the experimental results provided by Bhaga and Weber (1981). (b), (e) and (h) are plots of
corresponding numerical results provided by Hua and Lou (2007). (c), (f) and (i) are plots of numerical results present CFD simulation. Although the physical conditions and
parameters are not exactly the same for three cases, the comparison supports findings of ‘adverse’ pressure gradient in the wellbore.
M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241 237

simulation of Hua and Lou (2007), and the present numerical sim- and the mathematical derivation indicates that the derived mathe-
ulation. Note that, the results in Fig. 5 may not be considered for a matical model is appropriate under the assumptions adopted.
one-to-one comparison. In contrast, we see clearly that the liquid
pushes beneath the bubble like a jet because the bubble pressure 4.3.1. Two-phase flow simulation in a porous medium
has been lost due to friction with the surrounding liquid. Recall, The setup of the simulation is similar to the case presented in
the viscous force dominates over the inertia force when Re < 1. Section 4.1.1 (hereinafter bubble in a clear medium). For bubbles
Similarly, the surface tension dominates over the buoyancy force in a porous medium, the solid phase is modelled by the frictional
when Bo < 1. Bhaga and Weber (1981) discussed bubble dynamics force in Eq. (1), which can be characterized by the Darcy number
based on the Reynolds number and the Bond number. Da ¼ K =D2 . A large Darcy number implies a large relative perme-
In order to gain a better idea, we have considered a numerical ability, and vise versa. Here, K represents a characteristic length
study with Re ¼ 5; 10, and 20. For each Re, we have also varied for the gap between the solid phase and the fluid phase. In the limit
the Bond number, namely, Bo ¼ 5; 10; 20; 50, and 100. We have of K  D and if the bubble is approximately spherical, the fric-
noticed that the pressure loss occurs for Bond number P 5 if Re tional force on the bubble is primarily due to the surrounding fluid,
is fixed at 20. Similar pressure loss is seen for Re P 5 if the Bond which can be described adequately by the Stokes approximation
number is fixed at 100. This simulation has been presented in (Kundu et al., 2012). In the opposite limit, the solid phase is very
Fig. 6 showing the phase-field contours C ¼ 0:5 (Fig. 6b, d, f), where close to the fluid phase, and the fluid particles within a bubble
we have also compared the present simulation with the VOF sim- experience simultaneously a drag force parallel to the direction
ulation of Hua and Lou (2007) (Fig. 6a, c, e). Note that the VOF of mean flow and a lift force along the transverse direction. Further
method uses a color function, which is reconstructed to capture details of this phenomena was studied experimentally by
the interface. Although the interface is tracked accurately, the Takemura et al. (2002).
reconstruction of the interface leads to difficulties in the calcula- We have simulated a spherical bubble of diameter D in a fluid
tion of interfacial forces (Baltussen et al., 2014). It can be seen from saturated porous medium with porosity, / ¼ 18%. The observation
Figs. 5 and 6 that the Allen-Cahn phase-field method captures the of this simulation is reported in Fig. 7. The data has been
dynamics of the bubble correctly with respect to an experiment post-processed and visualized as a color filled contour plots in
and a VOF (front tracking) simulation. One also notes that the
Fig. 7a-d for four values of the Darcy numbers, Da ¼ 9  103 ;
shape of the bubble is affected by friction of surrounding liquid
Da ¼ 9 104 ; Da ¼ 9  105 , and Da ¼ 9  107 . The snapshots
in the phase-field simulation.
in Fig. 7 are taken when the bubble has travelled approximately
a distance of 2D. We notice that the bubble retains a spherical
shape approximately for the highest Darcy number considered
4.3. Bubble dynamics in porous media here (Fig. 7a). When the Darcy number decreases the lift force
becomes important (e.g. Takemura et al., 2002), and one notices
In this section, we consider the interaction among the buoyancy that the bubble deforms, e.g. Fig. 7b–d. As we have demonstrated
force, the surface tension, and the frictional force due to the porous in case of a clear medium, a bubble deforms due to the change of
medium. We have presented a simplified mathematical expression local viscous stress (Re > 1) and capillary forces ðBo > 1Þ. In the
to describe the balance among these three forces. We have solved present case, since Da is the only controlled parameter, the defor-
the Allen-Cahn Navier-Stokes equation to estimate the effect of mation of the bubble in Fig. 7 is primarily due to the frictional force
these three forces. A comparison between the numerical simulation of the porous medium.

Reference model Present model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 6. Terminal shapes of a rising gas bubble in a liquid. (a), (c) and (e) are plots from the reference model provided by Hua and Lou (2007). (b), (d) and (f) are corresponding
plots from the present CFD simulation. Although the modelling technique and the numerical method are not the same in both cases, the comparison supports the findings of
the two-phase flow modelling approach considered in the present work.
238 M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241

Fig. 7. The effects of permeability on the shape of the rising bubbles. Here, all the parameters including porosity, / ¼ 18% for the simulations are same except the Darcy
numbers. The results (a) for the Da ¼ 9  103 with tU=D ¼ 6:85, (b) for the Da ¼ 9  104 with tU=D ¼ 6:9, (c) for the Da ¼ 9  105 with tU=D ¼ 7:0 and (d) for the
Da ¼ 9  107 with tU=D ¼ 8:9.

4.3.2. Momentum balance and frictional force of porous media 4.3.3. Numerical and experimental validation of the terminal velocity
Let us consider a bubble of diameter D ¼ 2r (r, radius) and of a bubble
density q1 , which rises in a homogeneous and isotropic porous Experimental data from literature can be used to model bubble
medium, and the medium is saturated initially with a fluid of dynamics in porous media. The experimental data and findings of
density q2 . The frictional force of the porous medium is given by Takemura et al. (2002) suggest that an overall effect of frictional
f p ¼ ðl=K þ F qv =K Þv in the present model (based on the Forch- forces results in pore-scale velocity vectors shifted by an angle h
heimer equation), which can also be expressed using the expres- with respect to the direction of mean flow. A quick calculation
sion of K and F given by (see Ergun, 1952) indicates that a bubble has travelled a net vertical distance
D cos h in a porous medium during a period when it has travelled
d /3 1:75d an actual average distance of about D. As a result, the terminal
K¼ and F ¼ : speed of the bubble in porous media has an equivalent impact with
150 Að1  /Þ2 150ð1  /Þ
respect to that in clear media. This phenomena may be character-
ized from controlled numerical simulations. Let us now present a
According to Bear (1972), an equivalent radius of pore throat for
pffiffiffi comparison of the terminal speed of a bubble rising in a porous
this porous medium is R ¼ ð2 3  3Þd=6. These information can medium with that in a clear medium.
be used to estimate the terminal velocity of the bubble, using the Fig. 8 compares the time-distance plot for two numerical simu-
vertical component of the momentum balance Eq. (1), which takes lations. Fig. 8(a) presents the result, where a rising bubble in a fluid
the form of higher density has been simulated. The terminal velocity has
been estimated 25 cm=s. Fig. 8(b) presents the result under the
4 3 dv 4 same conditions as that is in Fig. 8(a), except now the bubble rises
pr q1 ¼ ðq2  q1 Þ pr3 g  2pRr sin h
3 dt 3 in a fluid saturated porous medium. The terminal velocity is esti-
" #
150v ð1  /Þ2 l 1:75q1 v 2 ð1  /Þ 4 3 mated 17:5 cm=s in this case. For this simulation, the ratio of the
A þ pr :
d /3 d/3 3 net distance travelled to the actual vertical distance is approxi-
mately cos 45
. In other words, the local velocity vectors of fluid
Here, the first two terms on the right hand side represents the particles with the bubble has an overall shift of 45
with respect
buoyancy force and the surface tension, respectively, and the term to the vertical direction when bubble rises in porous media. It is
within ½   represents the frictional force. The above equation can worth mentioning that the several other investigators measured
the apparent dispersion coefficient in a porous medium and found
be rearranged as dv =dt ¼ av 2 þ bv þ c, and from which the terminal
that the effect of the porous medium on the dispersion coefficient
velocity v T is then given by
is equivalent to the local velocity vectors shifted by h 45o .
av 2T þ bv T þ c ¼ 0:
Roosevelt and Corapcioglu (1998) and Corapcioglu et al. (2004)
reported experimental studies that are dynamically equivalent to
the case discussed in the present work. We have considered such
One may employ a symbolic computing software, such as MAPLE,
experimental data along with two sets of data obtained from the
and obtain the following form of the terminal velocity
numerical simulations with our phase-field method. One of the
ð1  /Þl simulations is carried out in a clear medium, and the other is done
vT ¼ with a porous medium. In each case, the size of initial bubble is the
2 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
! 3 only parameter that has been varied. The result is presented in
u 0:57 q1 d3p /3 3R
4 t
 42:86 1836:74  r sin h  ðq2  q1 Þg 5: Fig. 9, showing a comparison among the experimental data,
A ð1  /Þ3 l2 2r 3 numerical simulation, and analytical results. In both cases, the
numerical simulation has a good agreement with the analytical
Let us now examine the above simplified mathematical expression solution for the entire range of bubble sizes. We see that the exper-
using the proposed phase-field simulation. imental data show a trend of deviation for bubbles of radius
M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241 239

Fig. 9. The terminal bubble velocity of a rising bubble as a function of the initial
radius of the bubble. The present numerical study is compared with respect to the
theoretical terminal velocity v T and experimental data from Roosevelt and
Corapcioglu (1998). (a) Clear fluid, and (b) fluid saturated porous medium.

entire period of simulation. The conservation of mass can be exam-

ined by analyzing the time series, hCðx; tÞi=hCðx; 0Þi. In Figs. 2 and 7,
we notice that the bubble has been deformed during its travel. We
have presented the time series hCðx; tÞi=hCðx; 0Þi in Fig. 10(a, b). The
Fig. 8. Time vs distance plot for a rising bubble. (a) A test of a rising bubble in a plot in Fig. 10(a) shows that the total mass is conserved with a suf-
fluid. The data fit well with an average speed 25 cm=s. (b) A test of a rising bubble in ficient accuracy in case of a clear medium – as expected. In case of
a fluid saturated porous medium. The data fit well with an average speed 17:5 cm=s. the porous medium, the plot in Fig. 10(b) shows a relative numer-
ical error that is Oð104 Þ. It is evident from this result that the pro-
< 0:3 cm, which indicates that the measurement error may have posed CFD simulation is highly accurate in terms of numerical
dominated for small bubble. Note also that the slight discrepancy truncation error.
between the numerical data and the analytical solution for small
bubbles could have been improved by increasing numerical resolu- 5. Conclusion and future work
tion. The average error between the numerical and the analytical
solutions reported in Fig. 9 are 4:01% and 6:02%, respectively in a In the study of multiphase flow, the dynamics of the interface
clear fluid and in a porous media. between two fluids can be described according to the classical
Gibbs theory of capillarity, where fluid properties vary discontinu-
4.4. Mass conservation in a phase-field simulation ously across a sharp interface of zero thickness (Xu and Meakin,
2008; Antanovskii, 1995). The classical Buckley-Leverett approach
In a two-phase flow simulation with Allen-Cahn phase-field is a sharp-interface method for multiphase flow in porous media
method, we assume that no mass transfer occurs from one phase based on the Darcy’s equation, where capillary phenomena are
to another although we do not calculate the saturation of each lumped into the relative permeability. In contrast, the phase-field
phases individually. Mass conservation is important in such mod- theory of capillarity is based on the thermodynamic principle of
elling approach because the simulations would preserve the equilibrium, where fluid properties vary continuously across an
immiscibility despite there is an interface of excess free-energy interface of finite thickness, which contains excess free-energy of
between the two phases. In view of petroleum engineering, a the system (Jacqmin, 1999). Literatures indicate that there is a
phase-field simulation that does not conserve mass would predict growing interest on phase-field modelling of multiphase flow;
the overall rate of oil production inaccurately. Since the bubble however, there is a lack of studies on how to extend the phase-
may deform from its initial spherical shape during a period of tra- field method for a CFD simulation of multiphase flow in porous
vel, depending on the underlying physical condition, immiscibility media, particularly for CFD simulation of oil and gas reservoir
implies that the mass of individual phase would still conserve. flows.
In a phase-field model, one thus expects that the quantity In this article, we have presented a wavelet-based phase-field
hCðx; tÞi ¼ X Cðx; tÞdX remains approximately constant for the method for the CFD simulation of multiphase flow in homogeneous
240 M.J. Ahammad et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 173 (2017) 230–241

in porous media as they migrate with the continuous phase. Nota-

bly, this article does not have enough scope of discussing bubbly
flow in heterogeneous or fractured porous media, which may be
addressed in a future study.
Finally, authors note that the present research can be extended
to investigate the deliverable from various drilling techniques, to
directly simulate experimental procedures for similar purposes,
and to simulate flow and transport in the field scale wellbores
and reservoirs. Such work is currently underway.


J. Alam acknowledges financial support from the National

Science and Research Council (NSERC), Canada. M.A. Rahman
acknowledges financial support from the National Science and
Research Council-discovery grant (NSERC-DG), Canada, RDC Ignite,
NL and Seed grant Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.
S.D. Butt acknowledges financial support from the National Science
and Research Council (NSERC), Canada. M.J. Ahammad acknowl-
edges School of graduate studies, Memorial University of New-
foundland, Canada for scholarships. Comments from two
anonymous reviewers are greatly acknowledged by the authors,
which has improved the manuscript significantly. This work uti-
lized the computing facility of the Shared Hierarchical Academic
Research Computing Network (SHARCNET: and
Compute/Calcul Canada.


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