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Because I Could Not (1863)

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Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Her poetry
writes during American Civil War
influenced by the reading of the Bible, Shakespeare, Milton, the Metaphysical poets and contemporary
writers such as Emily Bronte and Robert Browning but highly original
antithesis of his contemporary Walt Whitman
rebellion against the Victorian tendency to exploring the world
interested in spiritual experience
forerunner of contemporary poetry

Main themes
obsession with death
love, explored through a wide range of emotions
nature: the speaking voice becomes part of the nature (animal, blade of grass, etc.)

Death from the point of view of:
-the person dying
-a witness
Death: the great mystery, connected with eternity, a liberation from anxiety.
Death: the place where the human being tends towards, in order to become one with the universe.

short poems, organized in quatrains
no title
monosyllabic words
terms from various sources: law, geometry, engineering
syntax is often obscure
variety of rhetorical devices: alliterations, assonances, imperfect rhymes, metaphors, etc.
punctuation: extensive use of dashes

Because I could not (1863)

1. Death kindly stopped to visit the speaker
2. . The speaker had to give up what she was doing
3. . Death and the speaker rode through the village
4. . The sun went down and the weather was cold
5. . They stopped at a strange house
6. The speaker understood she was riding towards eternity

There is no rhyme scheme, the poet breaks away from the conventions of poetry
It is characterized by the lack of conventional punctuation, but for the dash which breaks the line
In this way Dickenson emphasises certain words and highlight the emotions
The repetition of ‘We passed’ creates a sort of trance-like atmosphere and conveys the sense of
inevitability of the journey towards eternity
Death is personified
The grave is connoted like a house
The idea of the last journey is connected with the concept of another life in eternity; at the same time, it is
contrasted with the idea that life on earth will continue around us even after our departure

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