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Scattering Dreams & Tales
Scattering Dreams & Tales
Scattering Dreams & Tales
Ebook136 pages56 minutes

Scattering Dreams & Tales

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About this ebook

This latest collection of poems, our third, can be considered a grace note attached to the full melody to the first two.
The title, "Scattering Dreams and Tales," was written to reflect the other two publications. According to my co-editor, Fabrizio Frosini, "Dreams & Tales" recalls 'Nine Tales of Creation'. "Scattering" evokes 'At the Crossing of Seven Winds".
In this Anthology, you will find poems by 13 poets.
According to the Random House Dictionary, a POET is a person who has the gift of poetic thought, imagination and creation.
Let us see how we can amplify this definition with statements made by poets and prose writers.
One of the earliest definitions still current is by the ancient Roman poet, HORACE, one of the masters of Lyric Poetry in Western literature.
He wrote Poets were the first teachers of mankind. The poet-teacher would inculcate the highest human values along with whatever information would be deemed necessary.
Who are the hyphenated teachers in today's world? Perhaps technocrat-teachers, dogmatist-teachers, militarist-teachers, businessman-teachers. Would there be room for Horace's confidence in Lyric Poetry?
The early 20th century poet James Flecker made a very precise distinction in what we can expect poets to accomplish through language, mere words raised to heightened, even electric power: "The poet's business is not to save the soul of man but to make it worth saving."
Perhaps several poems in our anthology will perform this redemptive role, if the poets have fulfilled their mission and readers read with lively attention.

Release dateJun 1, 2015
Scattering Dreams & Tales

Fabrizio Frosini

Author and Publisher — Born in Tuscany, Italy, and currently living close to Florence and Vinci, Leonardo's hometown. Doctor in Medicine, specialized in Neurosurgery, with an ancient passion for Poetry, he is the Author of over 2,000 poems published in 20 personal books. Frosini writes in Italian, his native language, and English. He is the founder of the International Association "Poets Unite Worldwide," with which he has published over 50 Anthologies. Among his own books: «The Chinese Gardens - English Poems», «Prelude to the Night», «Anita Quiclotzl & Her Souls - Anita Quiclotzl e le Sue Anime» (Bilingual Ed.) [for the others, see below].~*~Books published as sole Author:(*BE*: Bilingual Editions, English–Italian ; All books have PAPERBACK and EBOOK Editions)– «The Chinese Gardens – English Poems» – English Ed. – (published also in Italian Ed.:– «I Giardini Cinesi» – Edizione Italiana);– «KARUMI – Haiku & Tanka» – Italian Ed.;– «Allo Specchio di Me Stesso» ('In the Mirror of Myself') – Italian Ed.;– «Il Vento e il Fiume» ('The Wind and the River') – Italian Ed.;– «A Chisciotte» ('To Quixote') – Italian Ed.;– «Il Puro, l'Impuro – Kosher/Treyf» ('The pure, the Impure – Kosher / Treyf') – Italian Ed.;– «Frammenti di Memoria – Carmina et Fragmenta» ('Fragments of Memories') – Italian Ed.;– «La Città dei Vivi e dei Morti» ('The City of the Living and the Dead') – Italian Ed.;– «Nella luce confusa del crepuscolo» ('In the fuzzy light of the Twilight') – Italian Ed.;– «Limes —O La Chiave Dei Sogni» ('The Key to Dreams') – Italian Ed.;– «Echi e Rompicapi» ('Puzzles & Echoes') – Italian Ed.;– «Ballate e Altre Cadenze» ('Ballads and Other Cadences') – Italian Ed.;– «Selected Poems – Επιλεγμένα Ποιήματα – Poesie Scelte» – Greek–English–Italian (Αγγλικά, Ελληνικά, Ιταλικά – Greek translation by Dimitrios Galanis);– «Prelude to the Night – English Poems» – English Ed. (published also in Italian Ed.:– «Preludio alla Notte» – Edizione Italiana);– «A Season for Everyone – Tanka Poetry» – English Ed.;– «Evanescence of the Floating World – Haiku» – English Ed.;– «From the Book of Limbo – Dal Libro del Limbo» – *BE*;– «Anita Quiclotzl & Her Souls – Anita Quiclotzl e le Sue Anime» – *BE*.~*~Forthcoming publications:– «Mirror Games — A Tale» – English Edition (also in Italian Ed.:– «Giochi di Specchi — Un Racconto»);– «Il Sentiero della Luna» ('The Moon's Path') – Italian Edition.~*~Anthologies published by Fabrizio Frosini with "Poets Unite Worldwide"(*BE*: Bilingual Editions, English-Italian ; All books both in PAPERBACK and EBOOK)1. Poetry Collections:– 'At The Crossing Of Seven Winds' – English Ed.;– 'Nine Tales Of Creation' – English Ed.;– 'Scattering Dreams & Tales' – English Ed.;– 'We Are The Words – Siamo Parole' – *BE*;– 'Whispers to the World – Sussurri al Mondo" – *BE*;– 'How to write Poetry, A Handbook – Come scrivere Poesie, Manuale'– *BE*;– 'Poetry Against Terror'– English Ed.;– 'Poets Against Inequality'– English Ed.;– 'By Land & By Seas – Poetry for the Refugees' – English Ed.;– 'Voices without veils' – English Ed.;– 'Singing Together – Poems for Christmas' – English Ed.;– 'We All Are Persons – Why Gender Discrimination?' – English Ed.;– 'A Note, a Word, a Brush – Ode to the Arts' – English Ed.;– 'Seasons of the Fleeting World – Writing Haiku' – English Ed.;– 'Our Chains, Our Dreams' [Part One] – English Ed.;– 'Our Chains, Our Dreams' [Part Two] – English Ed.;– 'Our Chains, Our Dreams' [Part Three] – English Ed.;– 'Our Only World – Poetry for Planet Earth' – English Ed.;– 'Time to show up – Poetry for Democracy' – English Ed.;– 'Let's Laugh Together – Poems for Children' – English Ed.;– 'Moments of Lightness – Haiku & Tanka' – English Ed.;– 'United We Stand – Poets Against Terror' – English Ed.;– 'When Love is Bitter' – English Ed.;– 'From an Old Path – Contemporary European Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Tunes from the Indian Subcontinent – Contemporary Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Whispering to the Heart – Contemporary African Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Hues of the World – Contemporary Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'The Sounds of America – Contemporary American Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Fifty-six Female Voices of Contemporary Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Homo Homini Lupus: Why To kill a Mockingbird?' – English Ed.;– 'Through Time, Through Space' – English Ed.;– 'Spring Songs' – English Ed.;– 'Summer Arias' – English Ed.;– 'Autumn Lullabies' – English Ed.;– 'Winter Melodies' – English Ed.;– 'The Four Seasons Poetry Concerto' – English Ed.;– 'The Feminine Heart of Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Geography & Music of Poetry' – English Ed.;– 'Space of the Mind' – English Ed.;– 'From the Past to the Future' – English Ed.;– 'Abstract Life, Abstract Love' – English Ed.;– 'Born on a Full Moon — Senryū' – English Ed.;– 'About Abel & Cain —or The Best & Worst of Human Society' – English Ed.;– 'Poems from a Land of Wonders' – English Ed.;– 'One Step At A Time' – English Ed.;– 'About Love' – English Ed.;– 'The Moon & The Humans' – English Ed.;– 'Glimmers of Light–Guizzi di Luce' – T. Billsborough & F. Frosini – *BE*;– 'The Soprano of Sunlight–Luce di Soprano' – Billsborough, Frosini – *BE*;– 'The Double Door' by Daniel J. Brick & Fabrizio Frosini – English Ed.;2. Other Books (Ebook & Paperback Editions):– 'Essays on the World of Humans' – D.J. Brick & F. Frosini – English Edition.~*~Forthcoming publications:– 'Planet Earth in Danger — Poems' – English Edition;– 'Poetic Fantasies' – English Edition;– 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? — The wave of global protest' – English Edition;– 'Short Tales Extravaganza' – English Edition.~*~Facebook: address: username:@fabriziofrosini

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    Book preview

    Scattering Dreams & Tales - Fabrizio Frosini

    Table of Contents

    Opening note by Fabrizio Frosini

    Introduction by Daniel J. Brick

    Poems by Fabrizio Frosini

    Poems by Daniel J. Brick

    Poems by Leah Ayliffe

    Poems by Lawrence Beck

    Poems by Dilantha Gunawardana

    Poems by Simone Inez Harriman

    Poems by Diane Hine

    Poems by Galina Italyanskaya

    Poems by Mallika Menon

    Poems by Miriam Maia Padua

    Poems by Mihaela Pirjol

    Poems by Abby Sze

    Poems by Niken Kusuma Wardani

    About the Authors

    Connect with the Authors


    Opening note

    This Anthology of Poetry, the third after "At The Crossing Of Seven Winds and Nine Tales Of Creation", is published with the participation of poets from different parts of the world: 13 poets from 12 countries. A good deal of the poems collected here are new ones; others have been published already.

    The title I have chosen for this third book wants to offer a link to the titles of the first two anthologies: "dreams & tales of creation scattered by the winds of poetry".

    Enjoy the reading.

    Fabrizio Frosini (Firenze, 2015)


    Aus der Hand frißt der Herbst mir sein Blatt: wir sind Freunde.

    Wir schälen die Zeit aus den Nüssen und lehren sie gehn:

    die Zeit kehrt zurück in die Schale.

    Autumn eats its leaf out of my hand: we are friends.

    From the nuts we shell time and we teach it to walk:

    then time returns to the shell.

    Paul Celan, "Corona"



    by Daniel J. Brick

    This latest collection of poems, our third, can be considered a grace note attached to the full melody to the first two. The title, "Scattering Dreams & Tales," was written to reflect the other two publications. According to my co-editor, Fabrizio Frosini, Dreams and Tales recalls Nine Tales of Creation. Scattering evokes At the Crossing of Seven Winds.

    I have freely and proudly used the term P-O-E-T to describe us in the first two Introductions. So I think we should consider the multiples meanings of this key word being bandied around. According to the Random House Dictionary, a poet is a person who has the gift of poetic thought, imagination and creation, and in addition poetic creation over time. Let us see how we can amplify this definition with statements made by poets and prose writers. One of the earliest definitions still current is by the ancient Roman poet, Horace, one of the masters of Lyric Poetry in Western literature. He wrote poets were the first teachers of mankind. Horace does have a reputation for being the author of didactic verse that illustrates a noble and virtuous lifestyle, and he would certainly want his poet-teacher to infuse a love of poetry and truth in his students. And also the poet-teacher would inculcate the highest human values along with whatever information would be deemed necessary. Who are the hyphenated teachers in today's world? Perhaps technocrat-teachers, dogmatist-teachers, militarist-teachers, businessman-teachers. Would there be room for Horace's confidence in Lyric Poetry?

    In Plato's Symposium, the comic playwright Aristophanes tells a mythic story about our human origins in which he declares every man is a poet when he is in love. Aristophanes tells us originally humans were androgynous beings whose happiness made the gods jealous, so they separated us, and ever since the two halves have sought wholeness and happiness through sexual love. And it is this pursuit of our missing half which inspires poetry, so Plato links the erotic and the poetic.

    Taking a leap forward. Percy Bysshe Shelley gave poets a political as well as literary dimension by declaring, "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." Notice he avoided reference to executive functions of government which are coercive and accompanied by force. Legislators are a deliberative body which use words and arguments to persuade others of their view, which is exactly the nature and process of poets. If this seems hopelessly idealistic to you, I would remind you of a beloved and heroic senator from my state, Minnesota, Eugene McCarthy. In challenging the Vietnam War in 1968, he rallied opposition, eventually creating a lasting Peace Movement in American politics. A few years before his death, I attended one of his poetry readings. Long retired from the political arena, he was thoroughly happy to share his wit and wisdom in his fine, formal poems. His life proved Shelley was absolutely on target.

    And no less a political figure than John F. Kennedy, when he was a senator, extolled the achievements of poets: "When power leads a man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limits. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses." W. H. Auden was extremely impressed with this statement, and quoted it on many occasions.

    The early 20th century poet James Flecker made a very

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