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Science Journal of Energy Engineering

2015; 3(3): 11-22

Published online July 8, 2015 (
doi: 10.11648/j.sjee.20150303.11
ISSN: 2376-810X (Print); ISSN: 2376-8126 (Online)

Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle

Board Factory
Temesgen Gebrekidan, Yonas Zeslase Belete
Department of Chemical Engineering, Adigrat University, Adigrat, Ethiopia

Email address: (T. Gebrekidan), (Y. Z. Belete)

To cite this article:

Temesgen Gebrekidan, Yonas Zeslase Belete. Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory. Science Journal of
Energy Engineering. Vol. 3, No. 3, 2015, pp. 11-22. doi: 10.11648/j.sjee.20150303.11

Abstract: Biomass briquetting is a process which converts agro residue and saw dust materials with low bulk density into a
uniform size and more convenient households or industrial fuel product. The major advantages offered by biomass
densification are related to handling improvement and increasing calorific value per unit volume. In general this process offers
energy generation opportunity from any biomass residue. Maichew Particle Board Factory generates a huge amount of dust
particles from its different lines which recovered using different cyclones. But this recovered waste doesn’t use as a fuel for
boiler or dryer and also not yet convert to any valuable product. It is simply disposed to the environment. Therefore, the
objective of the project was to study an integrated briquetting plant for Maichew Particle Board Factory which converts the
waste dust particle in to valuable product. This case study involved the overall energy review of Ethiopia and briquetting
process in detail. According to the selection of appropriate technology which converts the eucalyptus dust to high quality
briquette fuel screw press extruder with a pre heater and heated die coils has been chosen. In addition the amount of energy
required to convert the dust particle to briquettes is also evaluated. Based on the results of this study, the economic evaluation
of the integrated briquetting plant for Maichew Particle Board is feasible besides to its socio environmental benefits. It is an
investment which can recover its capital with almost two years.
Keywords: Biomass Energy, Biomass Briquetting, Waste Dust Particle

the total energy supplies.

1. Introduction
Table 1. Total Energy Consumption in Ethiopia in 1998.
Historically, biomass has been a major source of
household’s energy in Ethiopian. Biomass meets the cooking Energy Type Percentage (%)
Biomass 94
energy needs of most rural households and half of the urban
Petroleum 5
household’s demands. Despite significant penetration of Electricity 1
commercial energy in Ethiopia during last few decades, Total 100
biomass continues to dominate energy supply in rural and
traditional sectors. Biomass energy constitutes wood fuels This dependence on biomass resources has been
(including charcoal, and wood wastes), crop residues (such as detrimental to their sustainability and adverse to the
coffee husk, bagasse, rice husk and crop stalks) and animal environment. The overall dependency of majority of the
dung (including biogas) [8, 10]. Ethiopia’s energy system is population on the charcoal and fuels wood as energy source
characterized mainly by biomass fuel supply, with has brought in its wake the threat of deforestation and this
households being the greatest energy consumers. The total leads to decrease the soil fertility. This impasse can be
percentage total energy consumption in 1998 is estimated sustainably resolved through the introduction and wide
accordingly the following table. dissemination of new and renewable energy technologies.
From this total, biomass fuels accounted for 94% (77% Such as:
from wood fuels, 17% from agricultural residues, dung and Use of densified agricultural residues for fuel;
charcoal), petroleum fuels for 5% and electricity for less than Demonstration projects on biogas, solar energy and
1% of supplies. The household sector takes up nearly 90% of thermal;
12 Temesgen Gebrekidan and Yonas Zeslase Belete: Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory

Improved stoves; worldwide in recent years as a technique of beneficiation of

Improved charcoal production technologies; and residues for utilization as energy source. Not only as ultimate
Trials on fast growing tree species for fuel. solution for the problems of transportation, storage, and
Processing of agricultural residue to produce good quality handling, but also the direct burning of loose biomass in
house hold cooking fuels had started in the early 1990 after conventional grates is associated with very low thermal
the investigation of the opportunities to use biomass residue efficiency and widespread air pollution.
at state farms and agro industries as the substitute for the fuel
used in households and industries. And a pilot plant had 2.2. Biomass Briquetting (Densification)
erected in different governmental farms such as Diksis Biomass densification is processing of biomass by-
(wheat straw), Amibra (cotton stalk) and Shoa (bagasse) and products such as agricultural and forest residues, sawdust,
so on. But these plants were not successful while operation slabs, chips, etc. into uniform sized particles which can be
due to the instability of the country in the civil war in 1980’s compressed into wood-based fuel products. It is important to
and some technical failure such wear of the pressing machine mention that biomass densification is simply a physical
and lack of skilled man power to operate the plants [1]. transformation that does not change the chemical
Maichew Particle Board Factory PLC is a private company composition of biomass. Thus, the calorific value of biomass
established under EFFORT with the objectives of producing is not affected by densification.
and supplying high quality three layer particle board Nevertheless, since non-densified products exhibit lower
products. The factory has annual production capacity of bulk density than pellets and briquettes, fluffy materials (e.g.
40,000m3. Its major standard raw material is eucalyptus tree. chips, sawdust, etc.) have lower energy density than densified
During processing there is 3360 ton per year emission of dust products. The process offers the following advantages:
particles which is captured and collected using an exhaust The net calorific value per unit volume is increased,
system connected to a cyclone. But this recovered dust does Easier handling,
not used as a fuel for boiler or dryer and also not yet convert Lower transportation cost
to any valuable product. It is simply disposed to the The fuel produced is uniform in size and quality,
compound and makes a load of materials within last three Disposal of residue is facilitated, and
years operational period. It has been shown that this waste Environmental friendly fuels [7]
can be converted into valuable product which can bring an
economic benefit and reduce the cost incurred on disposition
of the dust particles.
Because of this reason, the objective of project studied an
integrated briquetting plant which converts the above
mentioned waste dust particles generates in Maichew Particle
Board Factory to a valuable product so called briquetting.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Agro Residue and Saw Dust as a Fuel Sources

The shortage of fuel in many parts of the developing

countries such as Ethiopia caused by an increasing shortage
Figure 1. Sample of Briquette.
of traditional fuel (firewood, charcoal) creates a need for
alternative sources of domestic fuel. Ethiopian has an
The process of transforming loosen biomass residue in to
agricultural based economy where all kind of tropical crops
briquetting requires large amount energy consumption and
are in cultivation and residues such as coffee husk, cotton
sustainable supply of raw material. Raw materials for
stalks, wheat straw, bagasse’s, shells and nuts are major
briquetting include waste from wood industries, loose
potential fuels used in many part of the country. Sawdust, a
biomass and other combustible waste products. On the basis
milling residue is also available in some quantity. Utilization
of compaction, the briquetting technologies can be divided
of agricultural and forestry residues is often difficult due to
their uneven characteristics, low density, inconvenient shape,
High pressure compaction,
high moisture content, low calorific value per unit volume,
Medium pressure compaction with a heating device, and
etc. are some of the hampering factors. This drawback can be
low pressure compaction with a binder.
overcome by means of densification, i.e. compaction of the
In all these compaction techniques, solid particles are the
residues into products of high density and regular shape. And
starting materials. The individual particles are still
further processing like carbonization (pyrolysis) is needed to
identifiable to some extent in the final product. Briquetting
transform the various types of organic waste into an
and extrusion both represent compaction i.e., the pressing
acceptable form of domestic fuel [5].
together of particles in a confined volume. If fine materials
Densification has aroused a great deal of interest
which deform under high pressure are pressed, no binders are
Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2015; 3(3): 11-22 13

required. The strength of such compacts is caused by van der adhesion possibility is much higher for powders. Fibers or
Waals’ forces, valence forces, or interlocking [10]. bulky particles can interlock or fold about each other as a
Natural components of the material may be activated by result forming interlocking or form-closed bonds. To obtain
the prevailing high pressure forces to become binders. Some this type of bond, compression and shear forces must always
of the materials need binders even under high pressure act on the system. The strength of the resulting agglomerate
conditions. The figure below shows some of the binding depends only on the type of interaction and the material
mechanisms. characteristics [9].
2.4. Selection of Biomass Residue for Briquetting

In addition to the availability of sustainable supply of raw

material for the commercial briquetting plant there are many
factors to be considered before a biomass residue qualifies
for use as feedstock for briquetting. Some of the
characteristics are the following.

2.4.1. Low Moisture Content

Moisture content should be as low as possible, generally in
the range of 10-15%. High moisture content will pose
problems in grinding and excessive energy is required for
2.4.2. Ash Content and Composition
Figure 2. Binding Mechanisms. Biomass residues normally have much lower ash content
(except for rice husk with 20% ash) but their ashes have a
2.3. Binding Mechanisms of Densification higher percentage of alkaline minerals, especially potash.
These constituents have a tendency to devolatilize during
In order to understand the suitability of biomass for combustion and condense on tubes, especially those of super
briquetting, it is essential to know the physical and chemical heaters. The ash content of some types of biomass are given
properties of biomass which also influence its behavior as a in the below table.
fuel. Physical properties of interest include moisture content,
bulk density, void volume and thermal properties. Chemical Table 2. Ash Content of Selected Raw Materials.
characteristics of importance include the proximate and Biomass Ash content (%)
ultimate analysis, and higher heating value. The physical Saw dust 1.3
properties are most important in any description of the Coffee husk 4.3
binding mechanisms of biomass densification. Densification Cotton shells 4.6
of biomass under high pressure brings about mechanical Rice husk 22.4
interlocking and increased adhesion between the particles,
forming intermolecular bonds in the contact area. In the case The ash content of different types of biomass is an
of biomass the binding mechanisms under high pressure can indicator of slagging behavior of the biomass. Generally the
be divided into adhesion and cohesion forces, attractive greater the ash content, the greater the slagging behavior. But
forces between solid particles, and interlocking bonds [6]. this does not mean that biomass with lower ash content will
High viscous bonding media, such as tar and other not show any slagging behavior. The temperature of
molecular weight organic liquids can form bonds very similar operation, the mineral compositions of ash and their
to solid bridges. Adhesion forces at the solid-fluid interface percentage combined determine the slagging behavior. If
and cohesion forces within the solid are used fully for conditions are favorable, then the degree of slagging will be
binding. Lignin of biomass/wood can also be assumed to help greater. Minerals like SiO2 Na2O and K2O are more
in binding in this way. Finely divided solids easily attract free troublesome.
atoms or molecules from the surrounding atmosphere. The
thin adsorption layers thus formed are not freely movable. 2.4.3. Flow Characteristics
However, they can contact or penetrate each other. The The material should be granular and uniform so that it can
softening lignin at high temperature and pressure condition flow easily in bunkers and storage silos. The properties of the
form the adsorption layer with the solid portion. The solids that are important to densification are:
application of external force such as pressure may increase Flow ability and cohesiveness
the contact area causing the molecular forces to transmit high Particle size (too fine a particle means higher cohesion,
enough which increases the strength of the bond between the causing poor flow)
adhering partners. Another important binding mechanism is Surface forces (important to agglomeration for strength)
van der Waals’ forces. They are prominent at extremely short [8].
distances between the adhesion partners. This type of
14 Temesgen Gebrekidan and Yonas Zeslase Belete: Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory

2.5. Biomass Briquetting Process than a flash drier, especially at a capacity less than 3-4 TPH.
All biomass materials are amenable to drying by flash
Densification of biomass is a multi-operation driers with or without disintegration. Even though biomass
manufacturing process. In general, the raw material has to materials are heat sensitive these can be satisfactorily dried at
fulfill some specific properties such as: size, uniformity, and relatively high temperature because of short drying time.
moisture content before being densified. For this reason, the Most of the moisture is removed either in a disintegrator or at
raw material needs to be pre-processed to achieve such the entry point of the feed into the gas stream. Entry
conditions. This pre-processing stage may include size temperature of gases up to 300 - 400 0C can be conveniently
reduction operations (milling, grinding, chipping, etc.) and employed even though the decomposition temperature of
drying operations based the physical characteristics of the most biomass materials is between 250 - 350 0C.
raw material. Once the raw material is prepared, it is
compressed under high temperature and pressure conditions
[8, 9].

2.5.1. Size Reduction

Size reduction refers to the reduction of any biomass by
mechanical means into higher valued and relatively uniform
bulk material to be used for subsequent processing. It is
desired to reduce the given biomass particle size to the
required final particle size with optimum energy
consumption. Except saw dust other agricultural or forest
residue should be crushed to 6-8 mm size with 10-20% fines
to achieve optimum briquetting results. While many types of
crushing and grinding equipment’s are available in the
market, for biomass materials, hammer mills are considered
the most suitable. These are available in various sizes from a
few kg/hr. to 10-15 TPH. Maintenance is rather routine and Figure 3. Flow Diagram of Briquetting Process.
heavy in these machines and it is advisable not to operate
these machines for more than 20 hours per day. Some 2.6. Feed Pre-Heating
hammer mills are symmetrical so the direction of the rotor
can be reversed. In this case, more running time is possible Material preparation plays a key role in the successful
without maintenance [7]. briquetting of biomass. Under the technical aspects, the
major bottle neck for disseminating of the briquetting plant in
2.5.2. Drying commercial level is due to frequent wearing of the forming
Drying refers to the reduction of the amount of moist of screw due to high friction and high power consumption
water in biomass. The main objective is to achieve uniform during production. Some of the studies conducted earlier
moisture content in the material at the end of the drying have revealed that the addition of heat benefits by relaxing
process. Drying is necessary in the production of briquettes the inherent fibers in the biomass and apparently softening its
due to technological reasons linked to the manufacturing structure resulting in release of some bonding or gluing agent
process as well as storing and transportation reasons. Drying on to the surface.
is normally not required for materials like coffee husk, In feed pre heating process the material is heated up to 100
groundnut shells and rice husk. If feed is wet and drying 0
C and there is loss of moisture from 10% in feed to 8% in
becomes essential, integrated drying cum disintegration the product. Here furnace is used for preheating. In general
should be carried out by using the hot flue gases from the feed pre heating results:
thermic fluid preheating furnace. However, drying is Reduced pressure required for briquetting, resulting in
essential for sawdust, wet coir pith, bagasse and bagasse pith reduction in power consumption
and some other agro-residues like mustard stalk if their Reduced frictional forces leading to a reduction of wear
moisture content is greater than 10%. to contact parts, particularly the rotating screw
The types of drier employed for biomass materials are Reduced resistance to flow leading to an enhanced rate
paddle indirect drier, flash, direct type, pneumatic or flash, of production.
and direct or indirect type rotary driers. Direct driers are There are different equipment’s which provide direct and
those in which hot air or flue gases are intimately mixed with indirect heating system. But for biomass pre heating direct
material and indirect ones are when heat is transferred to heating system is not suitable due to the combustible nature
materials through a metallic surface and material is not of the material. From the indirect heating systems the most
mixed with the hot streams. Indirect driers are normally appropriate for developing countries briquetting practice is to
inefficient and require a large heat transfer area making the deploy high temperature thermic fluid system. The hot oil is
equipment bulky and expensive. Rotary driers are highly heated in separate solid fired furnace and then circulated
reliable but tend to be an order of magnitude more expensive around the conveyer to heat the biomass [8, 9, and 10].
Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2015; 3(3): 11-22 15

the material from the feed port, through the barrel, and
compacts it against a die which assists the build-up of a
pressure gradient along the screw. Thus, the extruder features
three distinct zones: feed, transport, and extrusion zones. The
important forces that influence the compaction of the feed
material play their role mostly in the compression zone near
to the extrusion die.
Briquettes normally have a cylindrical shape although
square or hexagonal shapes are possible. Outside diameter
vary from 40 to 70 mm, with typical inside hole of 15 to 25
The frictional forces between feed materials and
barrel/screw, the internal friction in the material and external
Figure 4. Saw Dust Pre-Heater. heating device (of the extrusion zone) cause an increase in
temperature (up to 300 0C), which softens the feed material.
The feed preheating system consists: Lignin from the biomass is set free and acts as gliding and
2.6.1. A. Thermic Fluid System binding agent. The speed of densification, the energy
This system comprises of circulating pump, oil storage consumption of the press and the quality of the briquettes
tank, furnace, piping, fittings and instruments. These heat produced depend on:
transfer media are mineral oils which are stable up to 350 0C Flow ability and cohesion of the feed material
and are widely used for heat transfer applications. This oil is Particle size and distribution
circulated between the heater/furnace and the process Surface forces
equipment and is a very convenient heating system requiring Adhesiveness [2, 3].
very little maintenance. For applications involving the
heating of biomass, oil at a temperature of 200 0C should be
adequate. Normally, thermic fluid heating systems employ
furnaces fired with oil and gas, but solid fuel fired systems
that utilize reject briquettes and other agro-residues and allow
the operating costs to be drastically reduced are most suitable
for biomass briquetting.

2.6.2. B. Furnace
A furnace is required to heat the heat transfer oil to Figure 5. Screw Extruder.
provide the necessary heat for preheating the biomass. In
addition based on wetness of the incoming raw material, it The merits and demerits of this technology are:
can provide heat for flue gases in case drying of biomass is The output is continuous and the briquette is uniform in
required. The design of the furnace should incorporate use of size.
solid fuels for heating the heat transfer oils. The outer surface of the briquette is partially carbonized
facilitating easy ignition and combustion. This also
2.6.3. Biomass Densification protects the briquettes from ambient moisture.
Biomass densification represents a set of technologies for A concentric hole in the briquette helps in combustion
the conversion of biomass into a fuel. because of sufficient circulation of air.
The technology is also known as briquetting and it The machine runs very smoothly without any shock
improves the handling characteristics of the materials for load.
transport, storing etc. Briquetting is one of several The machine is light compared to the piston press
agglomeration techniques which are broadly characterized as because of the absence of reciprocating parts and
densification technologies. Agglomeration of residues is flywheel.
done with the purpose of making them denser for their use in The machine parts and the oil used in the machine are
energy production. High and medium pressure compaction free from dust or raw material contamination. The
normally does not use any additional binder. Normally, the power requirement of the machine is high compared to
briquetting process bases either on screw press or piston that of piston press [2, 4].
press technology. Other briquetting technologies are less ii. Piston Press
applicable in developing countries because of high The material is fed into a compression chamber where a
investment costs and large throughputs, e.g. roller-presses to moving piston forces the material through a slightly taper die.
produce pellets or briquettes [2]. As the material is forced through the die, frictional energy is
i. Screw press dissipated, causing the temperature of material to rise beyond
In a screw press or screw extruder, the rotating screw takes the level needed to activate the lignin as a binder. Heat is
16 Temesgen Gebrekidan and Yonas Zeslase Belete: Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory

mainly generated at the outer surface of the briquette. Heat 2.6.4. Selection of Appropriate Biomass Briquetting
mainly generated as the outer surface of the briquette. Technology
Briquettes are building up of layers formed by each stroke of As it stated in the above the principal raw material input
the piston and the briquettes can be broken in to the original for the briquetting plant is the process byproduct of the
by hand. Combustion and mechanically quality is therefore Maichew Particle Board factory. Maichew particle board
not very good. factory uses eucalyptus tree as a raw material to produce a
The working pressure of hydraulic piston press is lower. three layer particle board. In the material preparation section
Hence the quality and density of the produced briquette is there is emission of saw dust particle in the screen where the
lower. In addition the technology is rather complicated and surface material and core material are got separated. This is
high initial investment and some technical infrastructures are captured in an exhaust system connected to a cyclone. The
required. under size particles emitted in the preparation section is
estimated to be about 1800 ton per year. On the other hand
after pressing, the boards are cooled prior to stacking. The
75 % produced particleboard panels are sanded and trimmed
to final dimensions. During sanding there is also high
emission of particulate matter which is controlled in the same
manner as particles from the screen. This is estimated to be
about 1550 ton per year.
These saw dust particles are simply captured and collected
to control atmospheric emissions, but currently there is no
any technology which converts the recovered dust as a by-
product fuel for a boiler or dryer or any other valuable
product. Rather it is continuously damped in the compound
Figure 6. Mechanical Piston Briquetting Press.
and now days it become a potential hazard of firing for a
The merits and demerits of this technology are: boiler or dryer or any other valuable product. Rather it is
There is less relative motion between the ram and the continuously damped in the compound and now days it
biomass hence, the wear of the ram is considerably become a potential hazard of firing.
reduced. There are different high compaction technologies or binder
It is the most cost-effective technology currently less technology, consists of the piston press and the screw
offered by the Indian market. press, which convert the biomass residue to high quality
Some operational experience has now been gained using briquetting products. At present, screw press and piston press
different types of biomass. technologies are becoming more important commercially. In
The moisture content of the raw material should be less a screw extruder press, the biomass is extruded continuously
than 12% for the best results. by a screw through a heated taper die. In a piston press the
The quality of the briquettes go down with an increase wear of the contact parts e.g., the ram and die is less
in production for the same power compared to the wear of the screw and die in a screw
Carbonization of the outer layer is not possible. extruder press. The power consumption in the former is less
Briquettes are somewhat brittle. than that of the latter. But in terms of briquette quality and
iii. Hand Mould Briquetting production procedure screw press is definitely superior to the
Hand moulds are the simplest devices to form small piston press technology. The central hole incorporated into
quantities of briquettes. This is a low pressure compaction the briquettes produced by a screw extruder helps to achieve
used to produce households cooking fuels. It is produced uniform and efficient combustion and, also, these briquettes
from any waste biomass and binding agents. There are can be carbonized. Table: 2 show a comparison between a
various binding agents in use: organic binders (Molasses, screw extruder and a piston press [5, 6].
Coal tar, Bitumen, and Starch) and inorganic binders (Clay,
Cement, Lime, and Sulfite liquor).
Table 3. Merits and demerits of piston press and screw press.

Piston press Screw extruder

Optimum moisture content of raw material 10-15% 8-9%
Wear of contact parts low in case of ram and die high in case of screw
Output from the machine in strokes continuous
Power consumption 50 kWh/ton 60 kWh/ton
Density of briquette 1-1.2 gm/cm³ 1-1.4 gm/cm³
Maintenance High Low
Combustion performance of briquettes Not so good Very good
Carbonization to charcoal Not possible Make good charcoals
Suitability in gasifies Not suitable Suitable
Homogeneity of briquettes Nonhomogeneous Homogeneous
Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2015; 3(3): 11-22 17

As it has been seen from the above comparison the does not need drying
mechanical or hydraulic piston press technology is rather 1 % Loss of raw material during feed processing
complicated and high initial investment and some technical 11 gm/kg of briquette material is converted into volatile
infrastructures are required. In addition the quality and fumes i.e., 1.1% loss of material having 3.5% moisture
density of the briquettes is lower. So, the appropriate and
technology for this package is a screw press briquetting In preheating and briquetting sub system there is 2%
machine with die heater stove. and 2.5 % loss of moisture content.
3.2. Material and Energy Balance
3. Preliminary Process Design
From the above explained, it is decided the operating
3.1. Design Basis system and the technology to convert a dried saw dust to
Annual saw dust generation 3360 ton per year briquetting. The ideal representation of the plant to make
Operating days per year = 300 material balance is:
Operating hours per day = 16
Moisture content of the saw dust is 8%. Therefore, it

Figure 7. Schematic Diagram of Ideal Briquetting Plant.

Overall material balance is given by the following Because of the moisture content of the feed is less than
equation: 10%, it doesn’t need drying rather there may be loss of
Output briquettes= Feed raw material – material loss in pre material during sieving.
and briquetting process – Moisture loss in Assume in the feed processing there is 1% loss of material.
Pre heater & briquetting process F1= 0.99 (F- X1) assume X1= 0, because no drying is
P F ∑ X ∑ Y (Kg/hr) F1= 693 Kg/hr
Y1= 7 Kg/hr
Where, F = feed rate with Xf moisture content
X 1, 2, 3 = moisture loss from components Pre-heating Subsystem
Y1, 2, 3 = material loss from components In this section the biomass is heated to about 100 C.
P = net production of briquettes About 2% loss of moisture i.e. from 8% to 6% is expected [5,
(Xf), (Xf1), (Xf2), (Xf3) = moisture content of different 7]. Input is:
streams on wet basis
Feed Processing Subsystem (1)
Basis: F= 700 kg/hr of dry feed containing Xf= 8 %
fraction of moisture content
18 Temesgen Gebrekidan and Yonas Zeslase Belete: Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory

F1= 693 Kg/hr at 8 % moisture content and there is no dry The latent heat of vaporization can be also calculated from
material loss Y2 = 0. the Clausius Clapeyron Equation in differential form which is
Loss of moisture content stated as (adapted from Flowers and Mendoza 1970 as cited
in Humphrey & Bolton, 1989):
∗ X – ∗X
'( ∗ 2.5 x 10+ – 2.48 x 10$ . T
693 ∗ 0.08 – 693 – ∗ 0.06
HV = latent heat of water (J/kg H2O)
13.07 Kg/hr
T = evaporation temperature (0C)
X2 = evaporated water from pre heater (Kg/hr)
693 /!" 13.07 /!" Mathematically, the sensible heating for drying of biomass
693 /!" 13.07 /!" may be expressed as
679.3 /!" ∆'/ ∗ 012 ∗ ∆3
Briquetting and Cooling Subsystem
During processing of biomass in this subsystem, the ∆HS = sensible heat (KJ/Kg), CBM = specific heat of
moisture is further reduced from 6% to 3. 5% and 11 gm/kg biomass (KJ/Kg.K), ∆T=temperature change from ambient to
of briquette material is converted into volatile fumes i.e., evaporation temperature (0F), and F1= feed flow rate to the
1.1% loss of material having 3.5% moisture. pre heater (Kg/hr)
Only 50% heat going for preheating
The remaining 50% accounted for by losses in flue
gases (40%) and losses due to radiation in oil
circulating system (10%),
90% combustion efficiency of furnace which takes into
consideration the radiation losses from furnace and
uncombusted fuel,
Ambient temperature 24 0C
Heat required in pre-heater
Input F2 = 679.3 Kg/hr and there is no dry material loss Y3
=0 4 '( 5 ∆'/
Loss of moisture content X4
4 ∗ 2.5 6 10+ – 2.48 6 10$ ∙ 3 5 ∗ 012 ∗ ∆3
# ∗ – $ ∗ $
Where biomass with 10% moisture content specific heat is
# 679.3 ∗ 0.06 /!"– 679.3 3 ∗ 0.035 /!" 1.5466 KJ/kg*K (biomass briquetting technology and
practices, P.D. Grover & S.K. Mishra April 1996)
# 8.386 /!"
4 13.07 ∗ 2.511 6 10+ 2.48 6 10$
Loss of material due to emission of volatile fume during
briquetting is 11 gm/kg per briquette material. 100 5 693 ∗ 1.5466 ∗ 353 297
Product & – $ – & ∗ 0.011
Q 89597.86 KJ/hr
& 679.3 – 8.386 – 0.011 ∗ &
4 104686.49/0.5 :/;

& 663.61 4 179195.72 :/;

If it assumes 90 % furnace combustion efficiency, the
3.3. Energy Balance
amount of energy required in furnace for pre heating is:
As it has stated in the above the incoming waste raw
4 179195.72/0.9 :/;
material is dried enough for briquetting process. Thus, it
doesn’t need to incorporate a drier in its process. The furnace 4 199106.35 :/!"
is only used for pre heating sub system only. The material is
heated up to 80 0C and there is loss of about 2% moisture If it assumes to use a eucalyptus saw dust briquetting
content during pre-heating. briquette or any biomass with calorific value of 2500
Basic energy requirements for wood and water heating Kcal/kg, the amount of briquetting required to pre heating
may be divided into several areas. In general, energy use in sub system is calculated as follow:
drying consists of latent heat of evaporation, sensible heat, Total heat duty per year
heat lost by exhausting of air and heat lost by convection and
4 199106.35 :/!" ∗ 16!"/<=> ∗ 300<=>?/>@="
radiation from the dryer’s walls, and other heat losses such as
leaks [6]. 4 955710 A:/>@="
Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2015; 3(3): 11-22 19

Calorific value of briquettes = 10450 KJ/kg Hot oil out let temperature = 160 0C
Amount of briquettes required per year Overall heat transfer coefficient = 0.03486 KW/m2*K
= 955710 MJ/year/10450 KJ/Kg
= 91455 Kg/year Q BC∆3DE Where Q = Rate of heat exchange (KJ/hr)
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient (KJ/m2.K)
4. Design and Equipment Sizing A = Heat exchange area (m2)
∆Tlm = mean temperature difference
The improved briquetting system developed recently
consists of the following: a briquetting machine (screw A Q/U ∗ ∆3DE
press), a biomass pre-heater, a biomass-fired die-heating
stove and a smoke removal system.
4.1. Preliminary Pre Heater Design

Pre-heating biomass before extrusion reduces briquetting

energy consumption and also extends the life of the ∆3DE 180 24 – 160 80 /HI 180 24 / 160 80
briquetting screw.
∆3DE 110J 0 383
A = 89597.86 KJ/hr/ 0.03486 KW/m2*K * 383 K
A = 1.86 m2

4.2. Screw Press Briquetting Machine Design

The briquetting machine used in this package is a Thailand

manufacture, heated die biomass screw press machine. The
main components of the machine shown below is a screw
which feeds the saw dust material from the feeding hopper
which is driven by the main motor with 30/45 KW capacity,
compact it and press it in to a die of square, cylindrical,
hexagonal or octagonal cross-section depending on the type
die it uses.
An electrical coil is fixed on the outer surface of the die, to
Figure 8. Schematic Diagram of Heat Exchanger. heat it to about 300SC. This temperature is required to soften
the lignin in the biomass, which acts as a binder. Generally
Therefore, a pre-heater was incorporated in the briquetting the machine has the following specifications.
package. General Specifications:
The biomass pre-heater essentially consists of two Capacity: 600 - 700 Kg/h (Varies according to type of
concentric pipes. Biomass is passed through the inner pipe raw material & input power)
under the action of a screw rotated by a variable speed motor. Main Motor: 30/45 KW (Voltage & Speed to meet exact
The raw material is pre-heated while being conveyed through customer requirements)
the inner pipe by circulating hot termic oil at 1700c and Agitator Motor: 0.25/1.0 KW (Depending on the raw
temperature drop within the heat exchanger is 100C [2, 9]. material & machine capacity)
The rate of heat transfer from hot oil to biomass is affected Mould Heaters: 6.0 KW (Thermocouple & Temperature
by individual transfer coefficients on the oil and biomass controller, included)
sides; and to some extent on the thermal resistance of shell Transmission: Through V Belts & Pulley arrangement
thickness, but the controlling transfer resistance is on the Speed: 450 - 750 R.P.M (Depending on the Raw
biomass side. This is due to the low packing density and the Material & Capacity of Machine)
refractory nature of biomass materials [4]. The following Profile of Moulds: Cylindrical / Hexagonal / Square or
data are operational characteristics: Octagonal
Total heat duty = 89597.86 KJ/hr Size of Briquette: 55mm/65mm (Measured across two
Feed inlet temperature = 24 0C parallel sides) [3, 7].
Feed out let temperature = 80 0C
Hot oil inlet temperature = 170 0C
20 Temesgen Gebrekidan and Yonas Zeslase Belete: Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory

All dimensions are in cm

Figure 9. Schematic Diagram of the Heated-Die Screw-Press Briquetting Machine.

5. Economic Analysis of Briquetting Component Assumed % of FCI Cost (birr)

Service facilities (installed) 10 228,028
5.1. Estimation of Total Investment Engineering and supervision 4 91,211
Construction expense 8 182,422
Table 4. Cost of Major Equipment. Contract fee 5 114,014
contingency 5 114,014
Power rating Total (fixed capital investment) 2,280,281
Equipment Cost (birr)
(horsepower, hp)
Screw press briquetting machine 57 144800 Total capital investment = fixed capital investment +
Feed pre-heater 3 45000 working capital
Main screw conveyer 3 45500
Cooling conveyer 3 71000 Assume working capital is 10% of total capital investment
Furnace 55000
Tractor and trailer 200000
30K 0K 5 0.1 30K
Total 66 561300
30K 2280281 5 228028) Ethiopian Birr
Purchased equipment = F* Cost of major equipment 30K 2,508,309 MN!OPQO=I RO""
Where F = 1.3, is a correction factor based on wise guess
Purchased equipment cost = 729,690 birr The total capital investment which will be offered by the
Machine Particle Board Company is about 2,508,309
Table 5. Estimation of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI). Ethiopian Birr.
Component Assumed % of FCI Cost (birr)
Purchased equipment 32 729,690 5.2. Estimation of Total Production Cost
Purchased equipment installation 5 114,014
Instrumentation (installed) 3 68,408 Total product cost = manufacturing cost + general
Piping (installed) 3 68,408 expenses
Electric (installed) 2 45,605 I. Manufacturing cost = direct production costs + fixed
Building (including service) 21 478,859 charges + plant overhead costs
Yard improvement 2 45,605

Table 6. Estimation of Total Production Cost.

Components Qty/ number Cost (birr)

1. Raw materials (it is assumed that cost the dust particle is zero) 3360 ton dust/year 0
2. Operating, supervisory and clerical labor
Production head 1 36000
Shift leader (technician) 2 57600
Machine operator 3 21600
A. Direct Mechanical &electrical maintenance 3 43200
production costs Accountant 1 13000
Store keeper 1 9000
Daily laborers 8 57600
Sub Total 19 (man power) 238000
3. Utilities
Electric power 80 hp (52 Kw) 214848
Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2015; 3(3): 11-22 21

Components Qty/ number Cost (birr)

Fuel ( briquettes) 91455 Kg/year 137182.5
Sub Total 352030
4. Maintenance and Repairs and operating
Supplies (10% of fixed capital)
B. Fixed 1. Depreciation (10% of fixed-capital investment for machinery and equipment 228028
Charges 2. Local taxes (1 - 4 % of fixed capital investment) 80000
C. Plant- (SO-70% of cost for operating labor, supervision, and maintenance, or 5-15% of total
overhead costs product cost);
Total 1216086
A=IS =TNS"OI 0P?N UO"@TN &"P<STNOPI 5 O6@< 0!=" @? 5 &H=IN VW@"!@=< 0P?N?
A=IS =TNS"OI 0P?N 238000 + 352030 + 228028 + 228028 + 80000 + 90000
= 1216086 RO""
The total manufacturing cost for the plant is 1216086 Ethiopian Birr.

II. General expenses = administrative costs + distribution &"P ON = N@" N=6 = 1 – 0.35 ∗ 2182913 – 228028
and selling costs
&"P ON = N@" N=6 = 1190865.25 aO""/>@="
Component Cost (birr)
Administrative costs 70000 &=>a=T; Q@"OP< = 0K/f@N &"P ON
Distribution and selling costs 80000
Total 150000 = 2280281 aO""/1190865.45 aO""/>@="

General expenses = Administrative costs + distribution &=>a=T; Q@"OP< = 1.9 >@="

and selling costs The above profitability analysis indicates that the total
General expenses = 70000 + 80000 investment can return with almost two years with one single
screw press machine.
General expenses = 150000 Birr
The general expenses cost of for the plant is 150000 6. Conclusion
Ethiopian Birr. Tough briquetting practice can offer important and
III. Total product cost = manufacturing cost + general substantial environmental and socio economic benefit in
expenses developing countries by remedied deforestation and fire
wood shortage; it is not developed yet in a desired rate. In
3PN=H Q"P<STN TP?N = 1216086 + 150000 Ethiopia briquetting plant set up in early 1980s have failed to
practice in commercial wise, mostly because of poor
= 1,381,086 aO"" management skill, high power consumption and lack of
The total cost for operating the plant and selling the technical constraints involved and the lack of knowledge to
product is 1,381,086 Ethiopian Birr. adapt the technology to suit local conditions. By alleviating
such problems, the developing countries like Ethiopia can
5.3. Profitability Analysis turn their huge agro and forest residue to generate energy
with environmental friendly.
Profit before tax = revenue – total production cost As it observed in the above; from the different available
If it assumes sell price of briquetting is 1.5 birr/kg and a briquetting technology screw press extruder with a pre
capacity utilization of 75%. heater and heated die coils has been chosen with respect
3PN=H Q"P<STNOPI Q@" >@=" to optimum energy consumption, low wear age and
quality of briquettes.
= 660 /ℎ" ∗ 16ℎ"/<=> ∗ 300<=>/>@=" ∗ 0.75 As a matter of fact the saw dust materials from different
lines of Maichew Particle Board Factory are in ultimate
= 2376000 />@="
optimum conditions for briquetting process. It doesn’t
b@W@IS@ = 2376000 />@=" ∗ 1.5 aO""/; incur additional cost for pretreatment like chopping
and/or drying. They are at the desired range of size and
b@W@IS@ = 3564000 aO""/>@=" moisture content (6 – 8 %).
The integrate briquetting plant can turn the
&"P ON a@ P"@ N=6 = 3564000 − 1381086
environmental unfriendly saw dust materials which was
&"P ON a@ P"@ N=6 = 2,182,913 aO"" simply disposed to the environment to a valuable high
quality briquettes with a calorific value 2800 – 4200
&"P ON = N@" N=6 = 1 − Nb &R3– U@Q"@TO=NOPI Kcal/Kg.
Based on the results of this study, manufacturing of
cℎ@"@: Nb N=6 "=N@ = 35%
briquettes from saw dust residue is feasible with
22 Temesgen Gebrekidan and Yonas Zeslase Belete: Integrated Briquetting Plant: Study for Maichew Particle Board Factory

economic benefit besides to the socio environmental [3] Max Peters and Klaus Timmerhaus. (1991). Plant Design and
benefits. It is an investment which can recover its capital Economics for Chemical Engineers. 4th Edition, Mcgraw Hill
with almost two years.
[4] Eriksson, S. and M. Prio., (1990).The briquetting of
agricultural wastes for fuel, FA0 Environment and Energy
Acknowledgements Paper 11, FA0 of the UN, Rome.
First of all we would like to thank God for his blessing and [5] Aqa, S. and Bhattacharya, S.C. (1992). Densification of
guidance throughout our life. We would like to thank to preheated sawdust for energy conservation, Energy.
Asgele Gebrekidan from Maichew Particle Board Factory for
[6] P. D. Grover and S. K. Mishra. (1996). Biomass Briquetting:
his continuous offers of different current data from the Technology and Practices, RWEDP.
company. We wonder if this project would be completed
without his help. We would also to thank Sileshi Abebe from [7] S. C. Bhattacharya and S. Kumar. (2005).Technology
water and energy minister for his kindness in offers us Packages: Screw-press briquetting machines and Briquette-
fired stoves.
different materials.
References [9] Pietsch, W. (1991). Size Enlargement by Agglomeration, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd., England.
[1] Robert H. Perry; and Don. Green. (2007). Perry's Chemical
Engineers' Handbook. 8th Edition, McGraw Hill Professional [10] Reed, T.B., Trefek, G, and Diaz, L. (1980). Biomass
densification energy requirements in thermal conversion solid
[2] MC Cabe W. L. and J. C. Smith. (1956). Unit Operations in wastes and biomass, American Chemical Society, Washington
Chemical Engineering, pp943. D.C.

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