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Biomass Resource Facilities and Biomass Conversion Processing For Fuels and Chemicals 2001 Energy Conversion and Management

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Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378

Biomass resource facilities and biomass conversion processing

for fuels and chemicals
Ayhan Demirbas *
P.K. 216, TR-61035-Trabzon, Turkey
Received 19 April 2000; accepted 28 September 2000

Biomass resources include wood and wood wastes, agricultural crops and their waste byproducts, mu-
nicipal solid waste, animal wastes, waste from food processing and aquatic plants and algae. Biomass is
used to meet a variety of energy needs, including generating electricity, heating homes, fueling vehicles and
providing process heat for industrial facilities. The conversion technologies for utilizing biomass can be
separated into four basic categories: direct combustion processes, thermochemical processes, biochemical
processes and agrochemical processes. Thermochemical conversion processes can be subdivided into gas-
ication, pyrolysis, supercritical uid extraction and direct liquefaction. Pyrolysis is the thermochemical
process that converts biomass into liquid, charcoal and non-condensable gases, acetic acid, acetone and
methanol by heating the biomass to about 750 K in the absence of air. If the purpose is to maximize the
yield of liquid products resulting from biomass pyrolysis, a low temperature, high heating rate, short gas
residence time process would be required. For high char production, a low temperature, low heating rate
process would be chosen. If the purpose is to maximize the yield of fuel gas resulting from pyrolysis, a high
temperature, low heating rate, long gas residence time process would be preferred. 2001 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biomass; Biomass resource facilities; Biomass conversion products; Pyrolysis

1. Introduction

There are many dierent ways in which the abundance of energy around us can be stored,
converted and amplied for our use. Energy sources will play an important role in the world's

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E-mail address: (A. Demirbas).

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1358 A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378

future. The energy sources have been split into three categories: fossil fuels, renewable sources and
nuclear sources. The fossil fuels are coal, petroleum and natural gas.
The point where the cost of producing energy from fossil fuels exceeds the cost of biomass fuels
has been reached. With a few exceptions, energy from fossil fuels will cost more money than the
same amount of energy supplied through biomass conversion. Biomass is the term used to de-
scribe all biologically produced matter. World production of biomass is estimated at 146 billion
metric tons a year, mostly wild plant growth [1].
The renewable energy sources are solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass and geothermal power.
The nuclear powered sources are ssion and fusion.
Biomass is the name given to all the earth's living matter. It is a general term for material
derived from growing plants or from animal manure (which is eectively a processed form of
plant material). It is a rather simple term for all organic material that stems from plants (including
algae), trees and crops. Biomass energy is derived from plant and animal material, such as wood
from natural forests, waste from agricultural and forestry processes and industrial, human or
animal wastes.
Plants absorb solar energy, using it to drive the process of photosynthesis, which enables
them to live. The energy in biomass from plant matter originally comes from solar energy
through the process known as photosynthesis. The energy, which is stored in plants and animals
(that eat plants or other animals), or in the wastes that they produce, is called biomass energy.
This energy can be recovered by burning biomass as a fuel. During combustion, biomass re-
leases heat and carbon dioxide that was absorbed while the plant was growing. Essentially, the
use of biomass is the reversal of photosynthesis. Is biomass energy a variety of chemical energy?
In nature, all biomass ultimately decomposes to its molecules with the release of heat. The
release of energy from the combustion of biomass imitates natural processes. Therefore, the
energy obtained from biomass is a form of renewable energy and, in principle, utilizing this
energy does not add carbon dioxide to the environment, in contrast to fossil fuels [2]. Of all the
renewable sources of energy, biomass is unique in that it is eectively stored solar energy.
Furthermore, it is the only renewable source of carbon and is able to be converted into con-
venient solid, liquid and gaseous fuels [3].
Biomass can be used directly (e.g. burning wood for heating and cooking) or indirectly by
converting it into a liquid or gaseous fuel (e.g. alcohol from sugar crops or biogas from animal
waste). The net energy available from biomass when it is combusted ranges from about 8 MJ/kg
for green wood, to 20 MJ/kg for dry plant matter [4,5], to 55 MJ/kg for methane, as compared
with about 27 MJ/kg for coal [2].
Many biomass red electricity generators use waste materials, such as straw or domestic refuse.
Other schemes are based on the idea of cultivating crops of various kinds, especially to provide
biomass for fuel.

2. How important is biomass?

Biomass, mainly in the form of wood, is the oldest form of energy used by humans. Tra-
ditionally, biomass has been utilized through direct combustion, and this process is still widely
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used in many parts of the world. Biomass has historically been a dispersed, labor intensive
and land intensive source of energy. Therefore, as industrial activity has increased in
countries, more concentrated and convenient sources of energy have been substituted for bio-
Biomass, mainly, now represents only 3% of primary energy consumption in industrialized
countries [6]. However, much of the rural population in developing countries, which represents
about 50% of the world's population, is reliant on biomass, mainly in the form of wood, for fuel.
Biomass accounts for 35% of primary energy consumption in developing countries, raising the
world total to 14% of primary energy consumption [6].
The earth's natural biomass replacement represents an energy supply of around 3000 EJ
(3  1021 J) a year, of which just under 2% is currently (1998) used as fuel. It is not possible,
however, to use all of the annual production of biomass in a sustainable manner. One analysis
provided by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) esti-
mates that biomass could potentially supply about half of the present world primary energy
consumption by the year 2050 [6].
Biomass has great potential as a renewable energy source, both for the richer countries and for
the developing world. Biomass as a fuel is still in the experimental stage and provides only about
0.25% of the total electricity generating capacity in the UK. However, this is likely to increase for
a number of reasons. One reason is that European and UK legislation aims to encourage less
polluting methods of waste disposal, and one viable option is to burn the waste to generate power.
Another reason is that biomass power systems will become more aordable as the technology
Biomass is used in a similar way to fossil fuels, by burning it at a constant rate in a boiler
furnace to heat water and produce steam. Pipes carry the steam through the furnace again to raise
its temperature and pressure further, and then, it passes through the multiple blades of a turbine,
spinning the shaft. The turbine shaft drives an electricity generator which produces an alternating
current for use locally or to supply the national grid.
Liquid biofuels, such as wheat, sugar, root, rapeseed and sunower oil, are currently being used
in some member states of the European Union, like Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and
Spain [7].
Refuse fuels used in power stations would otherwise have to be disposed of in landll sites or in
some other way. Ecient burning reduces them to a relatively small volume of ash while also
producing useful electricity or heat energy.
There are also potential benets in growing biomass especially for fuel. Provided the right
crops are chosen, it is possible to use poor quality land which is unsuitable for growing
Burning biomass produces some pollutants, including dust and the acid rain gases sulfur di-
oxide (SO2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NOx ). Burning wood produces 90% less sulfur than coal. These
can all be reduced before releasing the fuel gases into the atmosphere. At the present rate of use,
the quantities of atmospheric pollution involved are insignicant compared with other pollution
sources, but this would be a factor to consider if the use of biomass increased.
Carbon dioxide (CO2 ), the greenhouse gas, is also released. However, as this originates from
harvested or processed plants, which have absorbed it from the atmosphere in the rst place, no
additional amounts are involved.
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3. Biomass energy

Biomass energy is one of humanity's earliest sources of energy. Biomass is used to meet a
variety of energy needs, including generating electricity, heating homes, fueling vehicles and
providing process heat for industrial facilities. Biomass potential includes wood and animal and
plant wastes. Biomass is only an organic petroleum substitute which is renewable. The term
biomass refers to forestry, purposely grown agricultural crops, trees and plants and organic,
agricultural, agro-industrial and domestic wastes (municipal and solid waste) [8]. Biomass is the
name given to the plant matter which is created by photosynthesis in which the sun's energy
converts water and CO2 into organic matter. Thus, biomass materials are directly or indirectly a
result of plant growth. These include rewood plantations, agricultural residues, forestry residues,
animal wastes etc. Fossil fuels can also be termed biomass, since they are the fossilized remains of
plants that grew some millions of years ago.
The one renewable energy source on which mankind has relied since the discovery of re is
photosynthesis, the process in which solar energy is converted into an energy rich biomass. In this
process, solar energy, absorbed by green plant tissue, provides energy to reduce CO2 and form
carbohydrates which are then utilized as energy sources and raw materials for all other synthetic
reactions in the plant. Thus, solar energy is captured and stored in the plant, thereby providing
food, ber, fuel and shelter for mankind. However, this photosynthesis uses only a small portion of
the sun's energy to x 200 billion tons of carbon into terrestrial and aquatic biomass with an energy
content of 3000 billion GJ/y. Yet, only 1/10th of the worlds biomass energy is consumed, while the
rest is left untapped [9]. Every year, plants store 10 times the present annual consumption of energy.
This large quantity of energy can not only contribute to the country's energy resources but also can
eectively provide a wide range of chemical feed stocks for the organic chemical industry, thus
saving the consumption of precious non-renewable petroleum products. Moreover, it is environ-
mentally friendly and prevents ecological imbalance. Stored plant energy can be utilized by burning
it directly or using various processes to obtain potential fuels, such as ethanol, methane etc.
Forest energy involves the use of forest biomass which is currently not being used in the tra-
ditional forest products industries. Essentially, this means the forest residues left after forest
harvesting, residual trees and scrub or under-managed wood land. Forest residues alone count for
some 50% of the total forest biomass and are currently left in the forest to rot [10].
The opportunity to combine fuelwood production with euent disposal has many potential
environmental benets. The economic feasibility of woody biomass plantations is dicult to
justify at present, but if full costing of externalities, such as CO2 emissions, are to be applied in the
future, then acceptable payback periods for boiler conversions and handling and storage facilities
could be achieved.

4. Resources of biomass

Biomass resources include wood and wood wastes, agricultural crops and their waste by-
products, municipal solid waste (MSW), animal wastes, waste from food processing and aquatic
plants and algae. The average majority of biomass energy is produced from wood and wood
wastes (64%), followed by MSW (24%), agricultural waste (5%) and landll gases (5%) [7].
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Biomass is the oldest known source of energy. Biomass is a renewable source. It supplies only
4% of the industrialized countries' energy. Biomass energy comes from burning organic matter.
Biomass is burned in a special waste to energy plant to produce electricity. Biomass fuel comes
from landlls and agricultural waste. In landlls, a gas called methane is used as a fuel in waste to
energy plants. Energy from biomass costs more than coal. Burning waste for energy reduces 60
90% of the trash dumped in landlls. This also reduces landll cost.
Biomass diers from other alternative energy sources in that the resource is varied, and it can be
converted to energy through many conversion processes. Biomass resources can be divided into
three general categories:

1. wastes
2. standing forests
3. energy crops

Biomass resources that can be used for energy production cover a wide range of materials.
Biomass energy can be separated into two categories, namely modern biomass and traditional
biomass. Modern biomass usually involves large scale uses and aims to substitute for conventional
energy sources. It includes wood and agricultural residues, urban wastes and biofuels, such as
biogas and energy crops. Traditional biomass is generally conned to developing countries and
small scale uses. It includes fuelwood and charcoal for domestic use, rice husks and other plant
residues and animal wastes. Examples of biomass energy resources are:

agricultural production wastes
agricultural processing wastes
crop residues
mill wood wastes
urban wood wastes
urban organic wastes
Forest products:
logging residues
trees, shrubs and wood residues
sawdust, bark etc. from forest clearings
Energy crops:
short rotation woody crops
herbaceous woody crops
starch crops (corn, wheat and barley)
sugar crops (cane and beet)
forage crops (grasses, alfalfa and clover)
oilseed crops (soybeen, sunower, saower)
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Aquatic plants:
water weed
water hyacinth
reed and rushes

The demand for energy is increasing at an exponential rate due to the exponential growth of
world population. This, combined with the widespread depletion of fossil fuels and gradually
emerging consciousness about environmental degradation, suggests that the energy supply in the
future has to come from renewable sources of energy. Statistics show that, although total re-
newables now account for nearly 18% of global primary energy supply, out of this, over 55% is
supplied by traditional biomass and about 30% by large hydro. Solar, wind, modern biomass,
geothermal, small hydro (below 10 MW) and ocean energy all together account for only 12% of
total renewables. The new renewables account only for 2% of the world primary energy supply.
Biomass contributes about 12% of today's world primary energy supply, while in many de-
veloping countries, its contribution ranges from 40% to 50% [8].
World production of biomass is estimated at 146 billion metric tons a year, mostly wild plant
growth. Some farm crops and trees can produce up to 20 metric tons per acre of biomass a year.
Types of algae and grasses may produce 50 metric tons per year [1].
For its mission analysis study conducted for the US Department of Energy in 1979, Stanford
Research Institute (SRI) chose ve types of biomass materials to investigate for energy conver-
sion: woody plants, herbaceous plants (those that do not produce persistent woody material),
aquatic plants and manure. Herbaceous plants were divided into two categories, those with low
moisture content and those with high moisture content [7].

5. Energy from biomass

Biomass is not in ideal form for fuel use. The heat content calculated on a dry mass basis must
be corrected for the natural water content that can reduce the net heat available by as much as
20% in direct combustion applications. Gasication to low caloric gas carries an additional net
energy loss, and conversion to synthetic natural gas and liquid fuels results in still greater re-
duction of net energy, to perhaps 30% of the original heat content [11].
Photosynthesis is a process by which plants use solar energy to transfer the low energy CO2 into
energy rich organic compounds. Thus, solar energy is captured and stored in the form of chemical
Wood is still a predominant fuel in many non-OPEC, tropical, developing countries, and it will con-
tinue to be so for at least the next 4050 years. It competes well with fossil fuels, because it is re-
newable, and with soft energies like solar and wind, on account of its energy storage capacity. It is
being used in the domestic (for cooking and water heating), commercial (water heating) and industrial
(for water heating and process heat) sectors and also in rural industries, like brick kilns, potteries etc.
Wood is a composite of cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose (43%, 36% and 22%, respectively). A
typical analysis of dry wood yields carbon (52%), hydrogen (6.3%), oxygen (40.5%) and nitrogen
(0.4%). The proximate analysis of wood shows the following components [7]:
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wood: volatile matter (80%), xed carbon (19.4%) and ash (0.6%)
bark: volatile matter (74.7%), xed carbon (24%) and ash (1.3%).

The energy content of dierent plant materials determines their caloric value (heat content).
This caloric value depends on the percentage of carbon and hydrogen, which are the main
contributors to the heat energy value of a biomass material.
The characteristics of important fuelwoods indicate that the density of woods varies between
400 and 900 kg/m3 , and the energy content (kcal/kg) varies between 4200 and 5400.
To get the maximum energy, the plant materials should be air dried because the amount of
energy contained in the plant varies with the amount of moisture content. If the combustible
materials are required for the energy recovery process, the amount of water in the plant material
will aect the recoverable energy. The variations of caloric value of Indian rewoods indicate
that with increasing moisture content, the caloric value decreases linearly [9]. Energy can be
obtained from biomass in ve ways:

production of crops which yield starch, sugar, cellulose and oil

solid waste which can be burnt
anaerobic digestors which produce biogas which can be used to generate heat/electricity
landll production for methane
biofuel production which includes ethanol, methanol, biodiesel and their derivatives.

Ethanol is blended with gasoline in the ratio of 1:9 to produce the fuel gasohol. Ethanol can
also be used in fuel cells. The production of biodiesel has also gone up from 11,000 tons in 1991 to
1,286,000 tons in 1997. The raw materials are oils from 84% rapeseed, 13% sunower, 1% soy-
bean, 1% palm and 1% others [12].
Although wastes are still largely under utilized in some developed countries (such as Sweden)
with a high land to population ratio and an active forest industry, their use is increasing rapidly,
whilst costs (in real terms) drop signicantly, resulting in as much as 1518% contribution to
national energy needs. Predictions suggest that in countries such as New Zealand, biomass
mixed with hydro and wind could make the country completely reliant on renewables within
the next 26 years, if the right nancial support is given. Reports from the US, UK, Sweden,
New Zealand and covering the EU indicate the eorts which are being made by governments to
establish biomass as a long term resource within the framework of a sustainable, environmentally
acceptable, cost eective policy linked to specic scal and legislative measures [7].
The cost of purposely grown biomass is still a major issue. The aims are to increase the use of
residues whilst reducing costs (increasing yields) of biomass production, improve conversion ef-
ciencies and improve economics (competitiveness with fossil fuels).

5.1. Wood fuels

Wood fuels are fuels derived from natural forests, natural woodlands and forestry plantations,
namely fuelwood and charcoal from these sources. These fuels include sawdust and other residues
from forestry and wood processing activities.
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Fuelwood is the principal source for small scale industrial energy in rural areas of developing
countries. Much of this fuelwood falls outside the commercial market, but increasingly; traded
supplies are being used. Large reforestation programs will be required to meet future energy
demands as the world population grows.
In industrialized countries, the predominant wood fuels used in the industrial sector are from
wood processing industries. The utilization of this residue for energy production at or near its
source has the advantage of avoiding expensive transport costs. Domestic wood fuels are sources
principally from land clearing and logging residues.

5.2. Agricultural residues

Large quantities of agricultural plant residues are produced annually worldwide and are vastly
under utilized. The most common agricultural residue is the rice husk, which makes up 25% of rice
by mass. Other plant residues include sugar cane ber (known as bagasse), coconut husks and
shells, groundnut shell and straw. Included in agricultural residue is waste, such as animal manure
(e.g. from cattle, chicken and pigs), which is used extensively in developing countries and, in some
instances, in developed countries to produce heat or gas.

5.3. Energy crops

Energy crops are crops grown specially for the purpose of producing energy. These include
short rotation plantations (or energy plantations), such as eucalyptus, willows and poplars,
herbaceous crops, such as sorghum, sugarcane and artichokes, and vegetable oil bearing plants,
such as soya beans, sunowers, cotton and rapeseed. Plant oils are important, as they have a high
energy density. The oil extraction technology and the agricultural techniques are simple, and the
crops are very hardy.

5.4. Urban wastes

Urban wastes include MSW generated by household and commercial activities and liquid waste
or sewage. Most MSW is currently disposed of in landll sites. However, the disposal of this waste
is a growing problem worldwide. Much of the waste could be used for energy production through
incineration and other processes. Japan currently incinerates more than 80% of its MSW [6]. It is
also possible to use the methane produced in landll sites for energy production.

5.5. Refuse derived biomass fuel

Biomass fuel is an organic material produced by plants, animals or microorganisms that can be
burned directly as a heat source or converted into a gaseous or liquid fuel.
Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is the combustible material in domestic or industrial refuse. It
consists mainly of plant material but may also include some plastics. RDF may be used raw and
unprocessed, partially processed or highly processed in the form of pallets. These burn more
eciently and with lower emissions.
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Animal dung has long been a fuel for cooking and heating in poor countries. Poultry litter
consists of droppings from egg laying birds kept in cages or a mixture of droppings and wood
shavings where the birds are free roaming.
Straw from cereal crops and other crops, such as rapeseed, oers a continuing resource of bio-
mass. A number of combustion methods are being investigated, such as slicing straw and mixing it
with coal or compressing it into bales which are burned whole. Another promising biomass source is
copied wood. This is wood harvested on a three to ve year cycle from fast growing trees grown on
waste land or diversied farmland. The harvested wood is chipped to burn more eciently.

6. Benets of biomass

Biomass is a renewable, potentially sustainable and relatively environmentally benign source of

energy. If grown and utilized on a sustainable basis, biomass is carbon dioxide neutral. Thus, the
substitution of fossil fuels for energy production with biomass will result in a net reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions and the replacement of a non-renewable energy source. Many large
power producers in industrialized countries are looking to biomass as a means of meeting
greenhouse gas reduction targets.
The natural decomposition of biomass produces methane, which is about twenty times more
active as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide [7]. There is, therefore, an additional greenhouse gas
emission benet in burning biogas, landll gas and biomass residues to produce carbon dioxide.
Biomass fuels have negligible sulfur content and, therefore, do not contribute to sulfur dioxide
emissions, which cause acid rain. The combustion of biomass produces less ash than coal com-
bustion, and the ash produced can be used as a soil additive on farm targets.
The combustion of agricultural and forestry residues and MSW for energy production is an
eective use of waste products that reduces the signicant problem of waste disposal, particularly
in municipal areas.
Biomass is a domestic resource, which is not subject to world price uctuations or the supply
uncertainties of imported fuels. In developing countries in particular, the use of liquid biofuels,
such as biodiesel and ethanol, reduces the economic pressures of importing petroleum products.
Perennial energy crops (grasses and trees) have lower environmental impacts than conventional
agricultural crops.

6.1. Benets of biomass energy

Biomass provides a clean, renewable energy source that could dramatically improve our en-
vironment, economy and energy security. Biomass energy generates far less air emissions than
fossil fuels, reduces the amount of waste sent to landlls and decreases our reliance on foreign oil.
Biomass energy also creates thousands of jobs and helps revitalize rural communities.

6.2. Environmental impacts of biomass energy

As with all forms of energy production, biomass energy systems raise some environmental
issues that must be addressed. In biomass energy projects, issues such as air pollution, impacts on
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forests and impacts due to crop cultivation must be addressed on a case by case basis. Unlike
other non-renewable forms of energy, biomass energy can be produced and consumed in a sus-
tainable fashion, and there is no net contribution of carbon dioxide to global warming. One
example is a closed loop system in which carbon dioxide will be taken up by new plant growth at
the same rate that it is released by using the harvested biomass for fuel. Such bioenergy crops
would make little or no net contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. On
the other hand, when fossil fuels are burned, carbon is released that has been stored underground
for millions of years, making a net contribution to atmospheric greenhouse gases. Therefore, if
managed carefully, biomass energy can have signicant environmental advantages over the use of
fossil fuels. An appropriate level of biomass energy use can have less environmental impacts than
our current means of energy production.

6.3. Constraints to biomass use

In nature, biomass is not concentrated, and so, the use of naturally occurring biomass requires
transportation, which increases the cost and reduces the net energy production. Biomass has a low
bulk density, which makes transportation and handling dicult and costly. The key to over-
coming this problem is locating the energy conversion process close to a concentrated source of
biomass, such as a sawmill.
The incomplete combustion of fuelwood produces organic particulate matter, carbon mon-
oxide and other organic gases. If high temperature combustion is used, oxides of nitrogen will be
produced. The health impact of air pollution inside buildings is a signicant problem in devel-
oping countries, where fuelwood is burnt ineciently in open res for domestic cooking and space
There is the potential for widespread use of natural forests to cause deforestation and localized
fuelwood scarcity with serious ecological and social ramications. This is currently occurring in
Nepal, parts of India and in sub-Saharan Africa. However, it is widely accepted now that the
conversion of forestland into agricultural land and urban areas is also a major cause of defor-
estation. In addition, in many Asian countries, much of the woodfuel used for energy purposes
comes from non-forest areas.
There is a potential conict over the use of land and water resources for biomass energy and
other uses, such as food production.
Some biomass applications are not fully competitive at this stage. In electricity production, for
example, there is strong competition from new, highly ecient natural gas red combined cycle
plants. However, the economics of biomass energy production are improving, and the growing
concern about greenhouse gas emissions is making biomass energy more attractive.
The production and processing of biomass can involve signicant energy input, such as fuel for
agricultural vehicles and fertilizers, resulting in a poor energy balance for the biomass application.
Biomass processes need to minimize the use of energy intensive and fossil fuel based inputs and
maximize waste and energy recovery.
There are often political and institutional constraints to biomass use, such as policies, taxes and
subsidies that encourage the use of fossil fuels. Energy prices often do not reect the environ-
mental benets of biomass and other renewable energy resources.
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6.4. Industrial and home use

Wood related industries and homeowners consume the most biomass energy. The lumber, pulp
and paper industries burn their own wood wastes in large furnaces and boilers to supply 60% of
the energy needed to run the factories. In our homes, we burn wood in stoves and replaces to
cook meals and warm our residences.
Biomass is burned by direct combustion to produce steam, the steam turns a turbine and the
turbine drives a generator, producing electricity. Because of potential ash build-up (which fouls
boilers, reduces eciency and increases costs), only certain types of biomass materials are used for
direct combustion.
Gasiers are used to convert biomass into a combustible gas (biogas). The biogas is then used
to drive a high eciency, combined cycle gas turbine.
Heat is used to convert biomass chemically into a pyrolysis oil. The oil, which is easier to store
and transport than solid biomass material, is then burned like petroleum to generate electricity.
Pyrolysis also can convert biomass into phenol oil, a chemical used to make wood adhesives,
molded plastics and foam insulation. Wood adhesives are used to glue together plywood and
other composite wood products.
Cellulose suitable for polymer manufacture is expensive. Petrochemical polymer substitutes
were cheaper to produce and rapidly won over markets opened by cellulosic plastic and bers.
Whether cellulosics can win back those markets depends on nding an ecomonical crop to grow as
a cellulose resource and the ability of cellulosic polymer scientists to develop new properties that
can be used to create new products. Pulpwood is the chief resource for cellulose production.
Demand for wood by the paper industry has caused prices to increase. Some chemical manu-
facturers are looking at alternative crops.
Purity is essential to make quality cellulose polymers, like rayon. More ecient methods have
been developed to separate pure cellulose from the lignocellulose complex in the raw biomass
resource. One method, steam explosion, produces cellulose, a partial hydrolyzate (product made
by the chemical action of water or an acid) of hemicellulose, and a low molecular weight lignin.
Cellulose can be converted into glucose by acid digestion. The glucose will oxidize to produce
lactic acid. Once the biomass chemical industry can supply the raw materials, low cost lactic acid
will compete as a direct substitute for petrochemicals and take advantage of its own unique
properties. Lactic acid forms lactide, and lactide can form polymers. These lactide polymers make
transparent lms and strong bers and are biodegradable. Research and development for lactide
polymers will tailor new products to meet requirements for specic end uses in direct competition
to petrochemical polymers.
More research needs to be done to develop new product potential for the low molecular weight
(LMW) lignin. Unlike lignins currently on the market, it is soluble in common organic solvents,
like ethanol and acetone, making structural transformation easier. Key intermediates made from
LMW lignins should be low priced because much of the cost of generating them will be covered by
the value of the pure cellulose and hemicelluloses produced during the steam explosion process.
Phenol and benzene can be made from LMW lignin in direct substitution for petrochemical
processes, or indirect substitutes may be made in the form of phenolics or epoxies [13].
Phenol formaldehyde (PF) resins represent a 1.2 billion pound/year market for phenol in the US
[7]. Low purity phenols may be used for PF resins, since in their nal form, PF resins are highly
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cross linked and relatively insensitive to impurities. Ablative fast pyrolysis is used to convert solid
biomass into a liquid pyrolysis oil in high yields while minimizing the formation of char and
permanent gases. The liquid pyrolysis oil is then subjected to a solvent extraction process to recover
the phenol rich phenolics neutrals (PN) fraction. Depending on the biomass feedstock, 1820 wt.%
of the original biomass may be recovered in the PN fraction. This PN fraction can then be for-
mulated into PF resins that are useful as wood adhesives and injection molded plastics. Up to 50%
of the phenol in a typical PF resin can be replaced with PN without a substantial decline in the
physical properties of the wood adhesives or injection molded plastics. Biomass from a number
sources, i.e hardwoods, softwoods, annual grasses and wood bark, have been evaluated as feed-
stocks for the production of PN. The source of the feedstock does have some impact on the quality
of the resins or plastics. Softwoods and grasses appear to be attractive feedstocks.

6.5. The future of biomass

In the future, biomass has the potential to provide a cost eective and sustainable supply of
energy, while at the same time, aiding countries in meeting their greenhouse gas reduction targets.
By the year 2050, it is estimated that 90% of the world population will live in developing countries
[6]. It is critical, therefore, that the biomass processes used in these countries are sustainable. The
modernization of biomass technologies, leading to more ecient biomass production and con-
version, is one possible direction for biomass use in developing countries.
In industrialized countries, the main biomass processes utilized in the future are expected to
be direct combustion of residues and wastes for electricity generation, bio-ethanol and biodiesel
as liquid fuels and combined heat and power production from energy crops. In the short to medium
term, biomass waste and residues are expected to dominate biomass supply, to be substituted by
energy crops in the longer term. The future of biomass electricity generation lies in biomass in-
tegrated gasication/gas turbine technology, which oers high energy conversion eciencies.
Biomass will compete favorably with fossil mass for niches in the chemical feedstock industry.
Biomass is a renewable, exible and adaptable resource. Crops can be grown to satisfy changing
end use needs. The success of the biomass derived chemicals industry will depend on the supply
and demand for feedstock, primary chemicals and key intermediates the petrochemical industry
cannot make, such as cellulose, lactic acid and levulinic acid. The rst thermoplastics and syn-
thetic bers were made from cellulose derivatives. Acetaldehyde, a major petrochemical key in-
termediate, can be made from lactic acid. Levulinic acid salts have been proposed to replace
ethylene glycol as an engine coolant.

7. Biomass conversion processes

Biomass conversion may be conducted on two broad pathways: chemical decomposition and
biological digestion. The conversion technologies for utilizing biomass can be separated into four
basic categories: direct combustion processes, thermochemical processes, biochemical processes
and agrochemical processes.
Thermochemical decomposition can be utilized for energy conversion of all ve categories of
biomass materials, but low moisture herbaceous (small grain eld residues) and woody (woody
industry wastes and standing vegetation not suitable for lumber) are the most suitable. Biological
A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378 1369

processes are essentially microbic digestion and fermentation. High moisture herbaceous plants
(vegetables, sugar cane, sugar beet, corn, sorghum, cotton) marine crops and manure are most
suitable for biological digestion.
Extraction is another, mainly mechanical, process for producing an energy carrier from bio-
mass (e.g. rapeseed oil from rapeseed). With regard to the energy carriers produced from biomass,
a distinction can be made between the production of heat, electricity and fuels. There are nu-
merous ongoing technological developments in the eld of biomass energy conversion. A detailed
overview is, however, beyond the scope of this introduction. Such an overview can be found
elsewhere, for example in a report by Van den Heuvel [14].

7.1. Direct combustion processes

Combustion is widely used on various scales to convert biomass energy to heat and/or elec-
tricity with the help of a steam cycle (stoves, boilers and power plants). Production of heat, power
and (process) steam by means of combustion is applied for a wide variety of fuels and from very
small scale (for domestic heating) up to a scale in the range of 100 MWe . Co-combustion of
biomass in (large and ecient) coal red power plants is an especially attractive option as well
because of the high conversion eciency of these plants. It is a proven technology, although
further improvements in performance are still possible. Net electrical eciencies for biomass
combustion power plants range from 20% to 40%. The higher eciencies are obtained with
systems over 100 MWe or when the biomass is co-combusted in coal red power plants [15].
Direct combustion is the main process adopted for utilizing biomass energy. The energy pro-
duced can be used to provide heat and/or steam for cooking, space heating and industrial pro-
cesses, or for electricity generation.
Small scale applications, such as domestic cooking and space heating, can be very inecient,
with heat transfer losses of 3090%. This problem can be addressed through the use of more
ecient stove technology.
On a larger scale, biomass, such as fuelwood, forestry residues, bagasse and MSW, can be
combusted in furnaces and boilers to produce process heat, or steam for a steam turbine gene-
rator. Power plant size is constrained by the local feedstock availability and is generally less than
25 MW. However, by using dedicated feedstock supplies, such as short rotation plantations or
herbaceous energy crops, the size can be increased to 5075 MW, gaining signicant economics of
scale [16]. In developing countries, power generation is usually required in smaller increments, and
agricultural residues, such as rice husk and nutshells, can easily meet feedstock requirements.
Large biomass power generation systems can have comparable eciencies to those of fossil fuel
systems, but this comes at a higher cost due to the moisture content of biomass. However, by
using the biomass in combined heat and electricity production systems (or cogeneration systems),
the economics are signicantly improved. Cogeneration is viable where there is a local demand for
both heat and electricity.

7.2. Thermochemical conversion processes

Thermochemical conversion processes can be subdivided into gasication, pyrolysis, and direct
liquefaction. The last two processes are sometimes confused with each other, and a simplied
1370 A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378

Table 1
Comparison of liquefaction and pyrolysis
Process Temperature Pressure (MPa) Drying
Liquefaction 525600 520 Unnecessary
Pyrolysis 650800 0.10.5 Necessary

comparison of the two follows. Both are thermochemical processes in which feedstock organic
compounds are converted into liquid products. In the case of liquefaction, feedstock macro-
molecule compounds are decomposed into fragments of light molecules in the presence of a
suitable catalyst. At the same time, these fragments, which are unstable and reactive, repolymerize
into oily compounds having appropriate molecular weights. With pyrolysis, on the other hand, a
catalyst is usually unnecessary, and the light decomposed fragments are converted to oily com-
pounds through homogeneous reactions in the gas phase. The dierences in operating conditions
for liquefaction and pyrolysis are shown in Table 1.

7.2.1. Pyrolysis
Pyrolysis is the thermochemical process that converts biomass into liquid (bio-oil or bio-crude),
charcoal and non-condensable gases, acetic acid, acetone and methanol by heating the biomass to
about 750 K in the absence of air. The process can be adjusted to favor charcoal, pyrolytic oil, gas
or methanol production with a 95.5% fuel-to-feed eciency. Pyrolysis can be used for the pro-
duction of bio-oil if ash pyrolysis processes are used, and it is currently at the pilot stage [17].
Pyrolysis produces energy fuels with high fuel-to-feed ratios, making it the most ecient process
for biomass conversion and the method most capable of competing with and eventually replacing
non-renewable fossil fuel resources. The conversion of biomass to crude oil can have an eciency
up to 70% for ash pyrolysis processes. The so-called bio-crude can be used in engines and tur-
bines. Its use as feedstock for reneries is also being considered. Some problems in the conversion
process and use of the oil need to be overcome. These include poor thermal stability and cor-
rosivity of the oil. Upgrading by lowering the oxygen content and removing alkalis by means of
hydrogenation and catalytic cracking of the oil may be required for certain applications [18].
Pyrolysis is the basic thermochemical process for converting biomass to a more useful fuel [19].
Biomass is heated in the absence of oxygen, or partially combusted in a limited oxygen supply, to
produce a hydrocarbon rich gas mixture, an oil-like liquid and a carbon rich solid residue.
Traditionally in developing countries, the solid residue produced is charcoal, which has a higher
energy density than the original fuel and is smokeless and, thus, ideal for domestic use. The
traditional kilns are simply mounds of wood covered with earth, or pits in the ground. However,
the process of carbonization is very slow and inecient in these kilns and more sophisticated kilns
are replacing the traditional ones.
Chemical decomposition through pyrolysis is the same technology used to rene crude fossil
fuel oil and coal. Biomass conversion by pyrolysis has many environmental and economic ad-
vantages over fossil fuels, but coal and oil production dominate because costs are kept lower by
various means, including government protection.
A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378 1371

Pyrolysis has been used since the dawn of civilization. If some means is applied to collect the
o-gases (smoke), the process is called wood distillation. The ancient Egyptians practiced wood
distillation by collecting tars and pyroligneous acid for use in their embalming industry. Pyrolysis
of wood to produce charcoal was a major industry in the 1800s, supplying the fuel for the in-
dustrial revolution, until it was replaced by coal. In the late 19th century and early 20th century,
wood distillation was still protable for producing soluble tar, pitch, creosote oil, chemicals and
non-condensable gases often used to heat boilers at the facility. The wood distillation industry
declined in the 1930s due to the advent of the petrochemical industry and its lower priced
products. However, pyrolysis of wood to produce charcoal for the charcoal briquette continued
The wood distillation industry used pyrolytic reactors in a process called destructive distilla-
tion. The operation was performed in a fractionating column (a tall still) under high temperature
(from 750 to 1350 K). Charcoal was the main fuel product, and methanol production was about
12% of volume, or 6 gallons per ton. This traditional method was replaced by the synthetic
process developed in 1927 [7]. The synthetic process utilizes a pyrolytic reactor, operating as a
gasier by injecting air or pure oxygen into the reactor core to completely burn the biomass to
ash. The energy contained in the biomass is released in the gases formed. After purication, the
syngas, hydrogen and carbon monoxide in a 2 to 1 ratio, is altered by catalyst under high pressure
and temperature to form methanol. This method will produce 100 gallons of methanol per ton of
feed material [21].
Pyrolysis of wood has been studied as a zonal process with zone A (easily degrading zone)
occurring at temperatures up to 473 K. The surface of the wood becomes dehydrated at this
temperature, and along with water vapour, carbon dioxide, formic acid, acetic acid and glyoxal
are given o . When temperatures of 473533 K are attained, the wood is said to be in zone B and
is evolving water vapor, carbon dioxide, formic acid, acetic acid glyoxal and some carbon
monoxide. The reactions to this point are mostly endothermic, the products are largely non-
condensable and the wood is becoming charred. Pyrolysis actually begins between 535 and 775 K,
which is called zone C. The reactions are exothermic, and unless heat is dissipated, the temper-
ature will rise rapidly. Combustible gases, such as carbon monoxide from cleaving of the carbonyl
group, methane, formaldehyde, formic acid, acetic acid, methanol and hydrogen are being lib-
erated and charcoal is being formed. The primary products are beginning to react with each
other before they can escape the reaction zone [11]. If the temperature continues to rise above 775
K, a layer of charcoal will be formed that is the site of vigorous secondary reactions and is
classied as zone D. Carbonization is said to be complete at temperatures of 675875 K. The
thermal degradation properties of hemicelluloses, celluloses and lignin can be summarized as
follows [22]:

thermal degradation of hemicelluloses > of cellulose o of lignin

If the purpose is to maximize the yield of liquid products resulting from biomass pyrolysis, a
low temperature, high heating rate, short gas residence time process would be required. For high
char production, a low temperature, low heating rate process would be chosen. If the purpose is to
maximize the yield of fuel gas resulting from pyrolysis, a high temperature, low heating rate, long
gas residence time process would be preferred.
1372 A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378

Table 2
Results of pyrolysis of solid waste and analysis of the gas content
Temperature Char Liquid Gas CO2 O2 HC CO Others
(K) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%)
507 97.0 0.0 3.0 22.1 0.6 32.5 13.8 31.0
584 76.2 15.9 7.9 18.9 3.9 32.9 18.2 26.1
655 62.9 25.4 11.7 34.5 0.4 21.4 10.6 33.1
683 49.0 35.0 16.0 45.1 4.6 20.9 9.4 19.7

Solid waste of a city (Istanbul, Turkey) was pyrolysed in a nitrogenous ambient pressure at
dierent temperatures. The results from the solid waste of the city are given in Table 2.
A wide spectrum of organic substances, contained in the pyrolytic liquid fractions, is given in
Table 3 [23]. The liquid fraction of the pyrolysis products consists of two phases: an aqueous
phase containing a wide variety of organo-oxygen compounds of LMW and a non-aqueous phase
containing insoluble organics (mainly aromatics) of high molecular weight [24]. This phase is
called as bio-oil or tar and is the product of greatest interest. The ratios of acetic acid, methanol,
and acetone of aqueous phase were higher than those of non-aqueous phase [24]. The charac-
terization of the chemistry and products from pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials are given in
Table 4.

7.2.2. Gasication
Gasication is a form of pyrolysis, which is performed at high temperatures in order to opti-
mize gas production. The resulting gas, known as producer gas, is a mixture of carbon monoxide,
hydrogen and methane, together with carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The gas is more versatile than
the original solid biomass (usually wood or charcoal). It can be burnt to produce process heat and
steam, or used in gas turbines to produce electricity.
Biomass gasication is the latest generation of biomass energy conversion processes, and is
being used to improve the eciency and to reduce the investment costs of biomass electricity
generation through the use of gas turbine technology. High eciencies (up to about 50%) are
achievable using combined cycle gas turbine systems, where waste gases from the gas turbine are
recovered to produce steam for use in a steam turbine. Economic studies show that biomass
gasication plants can be as economical as conventional coal red plants [25].
Commercial gasiers are available in a range of sizes and types and run on a variety of fuels,
including wood, charcoal, coconut shells and rice husks. Power output is determined by the
economic supply of biomass, which is limited to 80 MW in most regions [16].

7.2.3. Supercritical uid extraction

Conversion by supercritical uid extraction of biomass to liquids has been demonstrated with
the use of a number of processing congurations [2628]. These dierent processing techniques
tend to emphasize dierent mechanism subsets within the large group of potential chemical
mechanisms by which biomass is converted to primary products and thereafter further converted
by varying degrees to nal products.
A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378 1373

Table 3
Chemical analysis of organic subtances contained in the fractions of liquid pyrolysis products from deciduous woods at
725 K (wt.% dry basis)
Acetic acid 16.78
1-hydroxy-2-propanone 7.01
Methanol 4.11
1-hydroxy-2-butanone 3.47
Furfural 2.09
2,6-dimethoxyphenol 1.97
Levoglucosan 1.89
a-angelilactone 1.81
4-methyl-2,6-dimetoxyphenol 1.81
1-hydroxy-2-propane acetate 0.86
Guaiacol 0.82
1-hydroxy-2-butanone acetate 0.67
Crotonic acid 0.66
Formic acid 0.66
Butyrolactone 0.66
Crotonic acid 0.66
Propionic acid 0.59
Ethanal 0.54
2,3-butanedione 0.54
2,3-pentanedione 0.54
Valeric acid 0.54
Isovaleric acid 0.54
5-methyl-furfural 0.33
Valerolactone 0.33
Butyric acid 0.33
Isobutyric acid 0.33
Propanone 0.33
Acrylic acid 0.33
2-butanone 0.33
Methyl acetate 0.21
Methyl-furyl-acetone 0.16
Crotonolactone 0.16
2-methyl-cyclopentenone 0.16
Cyclopentenone 0.16

7.2.4. Liquefaction
Liquefaction is a low temperature, high pressure thermochemical process using a catalyst. The
process produces a marketable liquid product. Liquefaction takes place at moderate temperatures
at high pressure with the addition of hydrogen. The interest in liquefaction is low because the
reactors and fuel feeding systems are more complex and more expensive than for pyrolysis pro-
cesses [17].
Concerning the catalytic eect of alkali hydroxides and carbonates, there has been little de-
scription about the roles that a catalyst plays in liquefaction with some exceptions. Appell et al.
1374 A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378

Table 4
Characterization of chemistry and products of biomass pyrolysis
Type Feature and process Products and their characterizations
Pyrolysis of General eects Volatile products
holocellulose Color changes from to brown to black Readily escape during pyrolysis process 59 com-
Flexibility and mechanical strength are lost pounds produced of which 37 have been identi-
Size reduced Weight reduced ed
Processes CO, CO2 , H2 O, acetal, furfural, akldehydes,
Dehydration ketones
Also known as char forming reactions Tar
Produces volatiles products and char Levoglucosan is principal component
Depolymerization Chars
Produces tar As heating continues there is a 80% loss of weight
Eect of temperature and remaining cellulose is converted to char
At low temperatures dehydration predominates Prolonged heating or exposure to higher tem-
At 630 K depolymerization with production of perature (900 K) reduces char formation to 9%
levoglucosan dominates Between 550 and 675 K
products formed are independent of temperature

Pyrolysis of Conventional (carbonization) Char

lignin At 375450 K endotherm Approximately 55%
At 675 K exotherm Distillates (20%)
Maximum rate occurring between 625 and 725 K Methanolmethoxyl groups, acetic acid
Tar (15%)
Phenolic compounds and carboxylic acid
CO, methane, CO2 , ethane
Fast and ash pyrolysis Bio-oil
High temperature of 750 K Will not mix with hydrocarbon liquids
Rapid heating rate Finely ground feed material Cannot be distilled
Less than 10% MC Rapid cooling and conden- Substitute for fuel oil and diesel in boilers,
sation of gases furnaces, engines, turbines etc.
Yields in 80% range Phenols
Char and gas used for fuel Utilizes a solvent extraction process to recover
phenolics and neutrals 1820% of wood wt.
Secondary processing of phenol formaldehyde
Injected molded plastics
Other chemicals
Extraction process
Chemical for stabilizing the brightness regression
of thermochemical pulp (TMP) when exposed to
Food avorings, resins, fertilizers, etc.

proposed the mechanism for sodium carbonate catalyzed liquefaction of carbohydrate in the
presence of carbon monoxide [29].
A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378 1375

7.2.5. Hydro thermal upgrading process

Another way to produce bio-crudes is the hydro thermal upgrading (HTU) process. HTU
converts biomass in a wet environment at high pressure to partly oxygenated hydrocarbons. The
process is almost at the pilot stage [30].

7.3. Biochemical processes

7.3.1. Anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion is the decomposition of biomass through bacterial action in the absence of
oxygen. It is essentially a fermentation process and produces a mixed gas output of methane and
carbon dioxide. The product generated by the decay, in the absence of air, of sewage or animal
waste is known as biogas. The anaerobic digestion of MSW buried in landll sites produces a gas
known as landll gas.
Biogas is most commonly produced by using animal manure mixed with water which is stirred
and warned inside an airtight container, known as a digester. Digesters range in size from around
1 m3 for a small household unit to as large as 2000 m3 for a large commercial installation [6]. The
biogas produced can be burnt directly for cooking and space heating, or used as fuel in internal
combustion engines to generate electricity.
The methane gas produced in landll sites eventually escapes into the atmosphere. However,
the landll gas can be extracted from existing landll sites by inserting perforated pipes into the
landll. In this way, the gas will travel through the pipes under natural pressure for use as an
energy source, rather than simply escaping into the atmosphere to contribute to greenhouse gas
Alternatively, new landll sites can be specially developed in a conguration which encourages
anaerobic digestion. In these new sites, the pipe system for gas collection is laid down before the
waste is deposited, thus optimizing the gas output, which can be as high as 1000 m3 /h. The landll
gas is generally used for electricity generation, using large internal combustion engines. Typically,
the engines drive 500 kW generators to match the normal gas supply rates of around 10 GJ/h. One
of the largest landll gas plants in the world is a 46 MW plant in California [6].

7.3.2. Alcoholic fermentation

Ethanol can be produced from certain biomass materials which contain sugars, starch or cel-
lulose. The best known source of ethanol is sugar cane, but other materials can be used, including
wheat and other cereals, sugar beet, jerusalem artichoke and wood. The choice of biomass is
important as feedstock costs typically make up 5580 % of the nal alcohol selling price [3]. Starch
based biomass is usually cheaper than sugar based materials but requires additional processing.
Similarly, cellulose materials, such as wood and straw, are readily available but require expensive
Ethanol is produced by a process known as fermentation. Typically, sugar is extracted from the
biomass crop by crushing, mixed with water and yeast and kept warm in large tanks called fer-
menters. The yeast breaks down the sugar and converts it to methanol. A distillation process is
required to remove the water and other impurities in the diluted alcohol product (1015% eth-
anol). The concentrated ethanol (95% by volume with a single step distillation process) is drawn
o and condensed to a liquid form.
1376 A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378

Ethanol can be used as a supplement or substitute for petrol in cars. Brazil has a successful
industrial scale ethanol project which produces ethanol from sugar cane for blending with petrol.
Some vehicle adaptations are required for full petrol substitution.
Crop residues are often used to supply the external heat required for the process. There is a
signicant energy loss in the distillation stage, particularly the complex secondary distillation
process required to achieve ethanol concentrations of 99% or better. This may be acceptable,
however, due to the convenience of the liquid fuel and relatively low cost and maturity of the

7.4. Agrochemical processes

Seed crops, which contain a high proportion of oil, can be crushed and the oils extracted and used
directly to replace Diesel (called biodiesel) or as a heating oil. The energy content of vegetable oils
are 39.340.6 MJ/kg [31]. There are a wide range of crops that can be used for biodiesel production,
but the most common crop is rapeseed. Other raw materials used are palm oil, sunower oil, soya
bean oil and recycled frying oils. The cost of the raw material is the most important factor aecting
the overall cost of production. There are currently 85 biodiesel plants around the world (including
one in Malaysia using palm oil) with a combined capacity of over 1.28 million tons [32]. In the
Philippines, Diesel is blended with coconut oil and used in tractors and lorries.
There are a number of benets associated with biodiesel, including a reduction in greenhouse
gases of at least 3.2 kg of carbon dioxide-equivalent per kilogram of biodiesel, a 99% reduction of
sulfur oxide emissions, a 39% reduction in particulate matter, a high biodegradability and energy
supply security [32].

7.5. Hydrogen from biomass

Hydrogen is a clean burning fuel. It is not a primary fuel it must be manufactured from water
with either fossil or non-fossil energy sources. Hydrogen is produced from pyroligneous oils
produced from the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass [33].
Gasication of solid wastes and sewage is a recent innovation. The synthesis gas formed with
air or oxygen is reformed to hydrogen. The solid waste concept solves two problems: (1) disposal
of urban refuse and sewage and (2) a source of hydrogen fuel for hydrogen powered vehicles [34].
Hydrogen from biomass has generally been based on the following reactions [35]:
solid waste Air ! CO H2

biomass H2 O Air ! H2 CO2

cellulose H2 O Air ! H2 CO CH4

8. Conclusion

Biomass conversion may be conducted on two broad pathways: chemical decomposition and
biological digestion. Thermochemical conversion processes can be subdivided into gasication,
A. Demirbas / Energy Conversion and Management 42 (2001) 13571378 1377

pyrolysis and direct liquefaction. At present, the conversion of logs into sawed wood and veneer
gives rise to considerable volumes of residues. Successful commercial ways of utilizing these in-
clude particleboard, hardboard, breboard and pulp. In addition, the chemistry of wood oers
some potential. Both softwoods and hardwoods contain cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and
chemical extractives. Liquefaction is a low temperature, high pressure thermochemical process
using a catalyst. The process produces a marketable liquid product. Through the process called
hydrolysis, these wood elements can be converted into wood sugars and alcohols for use in the
chemical industry, but in practice, it is dicult to do this in competition with cheaper petro-
chemicals. Rayon can be produced from wood. There is also the process of pyrolysis, which is the
destructive distillation of wood. It is a process which has been known from ancient times. It
produces, in the rst instance, charcoal, but other by-products arise, including methanol, acetone,
acetic acid and tars. Again, success in commercial terms depends on the ability to compete with
petrochemicals. Non-timber products from trees may, at present, be more cheaply produced from
other materials, but the fact that these prospects exist further underlines the extraordinary number
of ways in which they can serve the human race.


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