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Raw Material Quality

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The demand for tomato processing usually arises from a need to preserve the product for home
use (inclusion in stews, soups, curries etc) out of season or to add value for extra income.
Traditionally, the most important methods used are concentration (to a paste or purée) and drying
either fruit pieces or to a powder. These remain the most suitable processes for many people to
use and form the bulk of this brief. In addition you will find information for making ketchup,
chutney, leather, juice and tomato jam.

It should be noted that high quality 'salad' tomatoes have the highest value when sold fresh and in
good condition. These would not normally be used for processing, unless for home use to save
excess at the height of the season.

Raw material quality

For each of the processes described below the tomatoes should be ripe, red, firm to soft, free of
all mould growth (by cutting out infected parts) and free of stems, leaves, dirt and other soils (by
washing). The under-ripe fruit can be left to ripen and used at a later date. It is less important if
the tomatoes have surface blemishes or splits/cracks (provided these are not infected) as in most
processes they will be cut or pulped.

Sorting the tomatoes in the processing unit at Walewela, Matale, Sri Lanka.
Traditional methods in hot, dry regions include sun drying. Tomatoes are halved and either
placed on a clean flat surface (eg a roof) with the cut side facing up or threaded onto strings
which hang in the sun from a branch or beam. In both cases, drying is relatively rapid (depending
on the temperature and humidity of the air) but there may be contamination of the product by
insects, dirt and dust. This can be reduced by covering the tomatoes with fine muslin cloth or
mosquito netting. The end product is dark, red, leathery pieces with a strong tomato flavour.  Re-
hydration of the dried tomatoes is relatively slow, but this may not be important in cooking
applications.  Provided that the humidity is low, the dried product will keep without special
packaging for several months.  If the humidity rises the product will go mouldy and should be
protected, either by suitable packaging (eg sealed plastic bags - preferably polypropylene or thick
polythene - or in sealed pottery jars). Alternatively, the pieces can be dried slowly over a fire to a
low moisture content. It is important that the tomatoes are far enough away from the fire to
prevent cooking. The pieces will be fully dried when they are hard and brittle.

Dried  tomatoes

Process details Flow sheet

Select firm, ripe tomatoes.  Reject any that are
Preparation of the tomatoes
over-ripe, rotten or damaged.
You can leave the skin on, or remove it from
the tomatoes.

If you remove the skin, the fruit will dry more


Plunge the tomatoes in boiling water to loosen

the skins.  Remove from the hot water, cool in
cold water and peel the skin.
Plunge in hot water (optional step)
If you leave the skin on, the drying process will
take longer as it is difficult for the tomatoes to
lose water through the skin.  The final product
will have a wrinkled leathery skin with curled
up edges (see figure 2).  If the unpeeled pieces
of tomato are too big, it might be difficult to
remove all the moisture from the centre of the
pieces and they will have a short shelf life.
Chop in half or quarters depending on the size
of fruit. Smaller pieces dry more quickly so
give a better dried product.  Do not make the
pieces too small (no less than 20mm thick) or
they will shrivel and become crisp during
Place the cut pieces of tomato cut side upwards
on the drying platform or tray. If you are not
peeling the tomatoes, make sure the side with
the peel is in contact with the tray.  Place the
pieces close together to get as many as possible
in the dryer. But do not let the pieces touch or
Sun drying. Place the trays of fruit in a shaded
sunny position.  Do not dry in direct sunlight or
the colour will fade. Choose a spot where there
is good ventilation to speed up drying.

Solar drying. Place the trays of fruit into the

dryer and dry until the pieces are soft and
Conditioning is an important step if you leave
the peel on the tomato and there is the risk of
some moisture remaining in the dried pieces.

Let the dried fruit pieces cool then place in a

large plastic or glass container. Fill the
container to about two thirds full.  Stand in a
warm, dry, well ventilated place for up to 10 Conditioning and packing
days.  After this time, inspect the pieces of
tomato.  If there are beads of moisture on the
pieces, return to the dryer until they are fully

Once you are sure that the pieces are all dry,
pack them in moisture proof packaging

Sun drying is really only an option when the climate is hot and dry.  If you are in a humid

When tomatoes are dried to a very low moisture content, so that they are hard (eg 5% water),
they can be pounded or milled to a powder.  The powder should be stored in an airtight, moisture
proof container such as a sealed glass jar or polypropylene bag.  The dried powder is more
convenient to use in cooking, but is more difficult to store as it will easily attract moisture and
become damp.  Ground powder also tends to lose its taste and flavour more rapidly than whole
pieces of tomato.
environment, or if the tomato harvest season coincides with the rainy season, you will need to
use an artificial dryer.  The choice of dryer depends on the amount of tomatoes you want to dry,
what is available locally and the climate.  In addition, you need to determine whether it is
financially worth investing in a dryer. Tomato that is being dried for home use will have a low
economic value, therefore it is important to calculate the cost of the drier and fuel before starting
to ensure that it is economically viable to use an artificial dryer. 

Preparation of tomato pulp

Figure 3: Tomato processing unit at Walewela, Sri Lanka. Putting tomatoes in the pulper.
Photo: Practical Action / Zul.
Download the full PDF version to see this picture.

Tomato pulp can be prepared using a pestle and mortar, some types of mill, a hand held mouli
machine or a small pulping machine.  It is usually necessary to remove the seeds and skins which
can be done by sieving through a medium mesh (eg 1-2mm holes) or, in the case of some of the
pulpers, these parts are separated by the machine.  The pulp can be used for a number of different
products – to make a concentrated puree or paste, jam, juice or fruit leather.

Process details Flow chart

Select firm, ripe tomatoes.  Reject any that
Preparation of raw material
are over-ripe, rotten or damaged.
If you need to remove the skins plunge the
tomatoes in boiling water to loosen the
Removal of skins
skins.  Remove from the hot water, cool in
cold water and peel the skin.
Mill the tomatoes using a hand held mouli
grinder, a small mill or a pulper
Tomato pulp is available for use in a
variety of products.

Tomato pulp can be boiled to evaporate the water.  Depending on how much water is removed
and what other ingredients are mixed into the pulp, it is possible to make a variety of products. 
Examples are given in Table 1.
Temperature (at
  Added ingredients
sea level)
content (%)*
Paste 40 (101) -

Puree 34 (100) -

Jam 68-70 (106) (pectin), sugar, (acid)

Chutney 42 (101) vinegar, salt, spices

Ketchup 35 (100) vinegar, sugar, spices

Soup 16 (100) flour, salt, sugar

Table 1: Products made from tomato pulp

*           Usually measured as °Brix using a refractometer.  The figures in brackets are the final
temperature of boiling at sea level, which is an alternative way of measuring the solids content
(at higher elevations the boiling point is progressively reduced and separate technical advice is
needed if you are above approximately 2000m)

The basic preservation principle behind all these products is to remove water by boiling to a)
heat the product to destroy enzymes and micro-organisms and b) concentrate the product so that
contaminating micro-organisms cannot re-grow.

Heating can be done in an open pan over a fire.  It is necessary to heat slowly -especially when
the product is more concentrated - to prevent it burning onto the pan.  It should also be stirred
continuously which is very labour intensive (and hot work).  The product will be a dark red paste
with a strong taste of tomato.

You can make a product with a better colour and in a shorter time by using a steam jacketed
boiling pan with steam from a boiler. This is expensive and should only be considered for larger
scales of operation.  The bright red colour of imported tomato pastes and purées can only be
obtained by using vacuum evaporators, which to the best of our knowledge, are not available at
the small-scale.  

Tomato puree or paste

Tomato puree and paste are formed by concentrating tomato pulp by removing the water.   The
moisture can be removed by careful heating or by pressing the pulp through a filter or drip bag.

Fresh tomato pulp (10kg) (see the method above)

Lemon juice (50ml per litre of tomato juice - to adjust the acidity)

Salt (25g per kg tomato pulp)

Sodium benzoate (0.3g per 10kg pulp)

Process details Flow chart

For glass jars: Wash the jars and lids and put them into a
large saucepan.  Fill the saucepan with water so that the
jars and lids are covered and heat until the water boils.
Boil for about 5 minutes.
Preparation of the jars and
Remove the jars and turn upside down so that the water
can all drain out. DO NOT dry them with a dirty cloth.

If you are using recycled plastic jars, clean them with a

solution of chlorinated water (100ppm). Turn upside
down so all the water can drain out.
The pulp should have a pH value of 4.0 or lower.  If it is
higher, add lemon juice or vinegar to increase the acidity.
If you cannot measure the acidity, add lemon juice (50ml
per litre of tomato juice) to make sure it is high enough. Check acidity of pulp

Add 0.3g sodium benzoate per 10kg pulp to preserve the

Concentrate the pulp by removing the water. There are Concentration
two ways of doing this – by heating or by draining:

Heating - Heat slowly in an open pan, stirring constantly

to prevent burning.  If this is done carefully, the bright red
colour can be retained. Continue heating until a paste
with 30% total solids is obtained. For best results, this is
measured using a refractometer.  If you do not have a
refractometer, you need to use another method: 

When it is cooked, the paste should easily coat the back

of a spoon.

You can also calculate how much water has been lost by
weighing the pulp before and after heating. The pulp
should be reduced to one third of its starting weight.
(Remember to subtract the weight of the pan when
estimating the pulp weight!)

Draining - An improved method of concentrating is to

place the pulp in a white cotton sack that is hung up for
one hour to allow the water to drain out, until the pulp
loses half its original weight.

Add 2.5% salt by weight of concentrate and mix


Re-hang the sack for one hour until the pulp is one third
of its original weight (until it is 30% total solids).

Make sure that the sack is very clean and that the pulp is
not exposed to insects and dust.
Fill the paste into bottles or plastic pouches. Seal the
Filling and packaging
Place the glass containers into a water bath that is at the
same temperature as the bottles. The water must cover the Pasteurisation
jars. Pasteurise at 90°C for 45 minutes.
Remove the water bath from the heat. Gradually add cold
water to slowly cool the water bath. Or, leave the jars to
cool in the water bath until the following day.

Both glass and plastic packages of tomato paste should be

stored away from direct sunlight to prevent the colour
fading. The pasteurised puree stored in glass jars will
Cooling and storage
have a longer shelf life (up to 12 months) than that in
plastic pouches which cannot be pasteurised after packing
(up to 3 months).  Shelf life also depends on the correct
level of acidity to prevent the growth of bacteria. 

Once opened, both glass and plastic bottles of tomato

puree are susceptible to spoilage by bacteria.

Tomato juice and squash

Figure 4: Bottle cooling system. Download the full PDF version to see this picture.

Tomato juice can be separated from the pulp by filtering but more commonly the entire pulp is
used as juice.  The juice should be bottled and pasteurised to extend its shelf life.  There are two
methods of pasteurisation – before or after filing into bottles.  If plastic bottles are used, it is
essential to pasteurise the juice before filling as the plastic bottles will not withstand the
pasteurisation temperatures. The pulp is heated to 90-100°C and held at this temperature for 10
minutes.  It is allowed to cool to about 80°C and then hot filled into clean, sterilised jars. If glass
bottles are used, the juice can be pasteurised after it has been filled into the clean, sterilised
bottles. The sealed bottles are placed in a water bath that is heated to 90-100°C for at least 10
minutes followed by cooling to room temperature. The length of time of heating varies according
to the size of the bottles.  The bottles should be slowly cooled to room temperature. Do not cool
too quickly or the glass will crack. A bottle cooling system is illustrated in figure 2. Tomato juice
that is packed in glass and pasteurised in the bottles will have a longer shelf life than juice that is
hot filled into plastic containers.

During storage, there will be some separation of juice and pulp with pulp accumulating at the
bottom of the bottle.  However, clear separation into a pale liquid and a solid pulp layer indicates
that the juice is under-pasteurised.  This is not likely to be harmful but is less attractive.  Some
small-scale producers have found that adding 0.3% thickener (eg sodium alginate) to the juice
completely prevents separation.  Sodium alginate is a permitted additive in most countries but
may be expensive and is not really necessary.

Process details Flow sheet

For glass jars: Wash the jars and lids and put them
into a large saucepan.  Fill the saucepan with water
so that the jars and lids are covered and heat until the
water boils. Boil for about 5 minutes.

Remove the jars and turn upside down so that the

Sterilise the glass jars and lids
water can all drain out. DO NOT dry them with a
dirty cloth.

If you are using recycled plastic jars, clean them with

a solution of chlorinated water (100ppm). Turn
upside down so all the water can drain out.
Prepare pulp according to the method above Tomato pulp
The pulp should have a pH value of 4.0 or lower.  If
it is higher, add lemon juice or vinegar to increase
the acidity. If you cannot measure the acidity, add
lemon juice (50ml per litre of tomato juice) to make
Check acidity of pulp
sure it is high enough.

Add 0.3g sodium benzoate per 10kg pulp to preserve

the product.
Heat to 90-100°C and hold at this temperature for at Pasteurise (before filling if using
least 10 minutes. plastic containers)
Cool to 80C and hot-fill into sterilised bottles. Seal
bottles with new clean caps
Stand the bottles in a hot water bath. Heat to 90- Pasteurise (after filling if using
100C and hold for at least 10 minutes.  Leave one of
the bottles unsealed and place a thermometer in this glass containers)
bottle to check the temperature.
Cool to room temperature. Label the bottles. Cool and label
Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Store

Tomato squash is tomato pulp with added sugar syrup to give a concentration of 30-50% total
solids (°Brix) measured by a refractometer.  It is not a very common product as people tend to
prefer squashes made from other fruits but it may well be worth investigating in your own area. 
It is processed in a similar way to juice and may contain up to 100ppm of sodium (or potassium)
benzoate preservative (check with your local Bureau of Standards for the legal limits in your
country) to help preserve it after opening the bottle.

Tomato jam
1kg tomato pulp
1kg sugar
(pectin and citric acid not usually necessary but 0.1% pectin and adjustment to pH3.3 may be

Tomato pulp can be used for the preparation of tomato jam.  It is not a common product, but may
be worth trying.

Process notes Flow sheet

For glass jars: Wash the jars and lids and put them
into a large saucepan.  Fill the saucepan with water
so that the jars and lids are covered and heat until the
water boils. Boil for about 5 minutes.

Remove the jars and turn upside down so that the

Sterilise glass jars and lids
water can all drain out. DO NOT dry them with a
dirty cloth.

If you are using recycled plastic jars, clean them with

a solution of chlorinated water (100ppm). Turn
upside down so all the water can drain out.
Prepare pulp according to the earlier method TOMATO PULP
The pH should be 3.3.  If it is higher than this, add
lemon juice or citric acid to reach this level.  Add
Check pH.  Add ingredients
sugar to the pulp.  If pectin is needed, mix this with
the sugar before adding to the pulp.
Heat gently to dissolve the sugar, stirring to prevent
burning at the base of the pan.  When the sugar has
dissolved, bring to the boil and boil rapidly until the
jam has the correct level of soluble solids (65-68% as Boil
measured by a refractometer).  If you do not have a
refractometer, you can test for the end point with the
wrinkle test (see below) or drop test.
Cool to about 80C and hot fill into sterilised jars.
Place the lids loosely on the jars.
Allow to cool to room temperature.  Apply the labels. Cool and label
Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight Store

Determination of the end point of jam

Using a refractometer to measure the total soluble solids is the most accurate method.  If you do
not have a refractometer you can use one of the methods below:

Drop test. This is the cheapest option, but is the least accurate of the methods.  It is good enough
for use at the home level, for jam that will be used within a fairly short time.  It is not
recommended for jams that are meant for sale as there is no guarantee of consistency from one
batch of jam to another.

After two minutes of rapid boiling, remove the pan from heat. Dip a clean wooden spoon into the
jam and hold it over the pan for 1 to 2 seconds.  If the jam runs back freely, repeat the test every
two minutes until the jam looks like a heavy syrup. When a small lump of jam forms on the back
of the spoon and breaks away from the rest, the setting point has been reached. 

Alternatively, you can drop the jam into a glass of cold water:  Take a small drop of the boiled
jam on a spoon. Cool it slightly and drop into a glass of cold water. If the drop falls in a single
piece until it reaches the bottom of the glass the end point has been reached.  If it disperses in the
water it requires boiling for longer.

The skin wrinkle test. This method is also cheap and about as accurate as the drop test.  You
need a cold plate or saucer.  After two minutes of rapid boiling, remove the pan from heat. Dip a
clean wooden spoon into the jam and drip a small amount of jam onto the cold plate surface.  Let
it cool and then push the lump of jam with your finger.  If the surface of the lump of jam
wrinkles when you push it, it is cooked.

See the Practical Action Technical Brief on jam making for further information.

Tomato leather
Tomato pulp can be mixed with spices according to local taste and availability and used to make
a fruit leather.  The pulp is heated and spread in a thin layer which is dried.  After drying, the
leather is cut and rolled into balls or cubes which can be rehydrated and used in a range of soups,
stews and sauces.


1kg tomato pulp

1/3 onion, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 pinch sugar
2 teaspoons parsley, chopped
Ground black pepper, to taste
1 pinch basil

Process details Flow sheet

The pH should be 4.2 or lower.  If it is higher than this,
Check acidity
add lemon juice or citric acid to reach this level.   

Prepare ingredients
Saute the onions and garlic and add to the pulp with
the spices

Bring the mixture to a boil.  Continue to heat for 10
Pour the mixture onto paper lined trays and dry at 65-
70°C until soft and rubbery.  The time taken to dry Dry
depends on the thickness of the leather
Cut into strips and roll up
Cut the leather into strips or cubes.

Store in a moisture proof, airtight container away from

direct sunlight.


Green tomato chutney

Unripe tomatoes can be left to ripen or can be used to make a fruit chutney.  You can vary the
recipe according to local taste and preference.


1kg tomatoes                                                    500g sugar

125g cooking apples                                          1 level teaspoon salt
500g onions                                                       ½ level teaspoon mustard
100g sultanas                                                    ¼ level teaspoon pepper
450 ml vinegar                                                   2 level teaspoons curry powder

Process details Flow sheet

For glass jars: Wash the jars and lids and put them
into a large saucepan.  Fill the saucepan with
water so that the jars and lids are covered and heat
until the water boils. Boil for about 5 minutes.

Remove the jars and turn upside down so that the

Sterilise glass jars and lids
water can all drain out. DO NOT dry them with a
dirty cloth.

If you are using recycled plastic jars, clean them

with a solution of chlorinated water (100ppm).
Turn upside down so all the water can drain out.
Chop the onions and apples into small pieces. Peel
the tomatoes and chop into small pieces. Plunge
Prepare raw materials
the tomatoes into boiling water for a few minutes
to loosen the skins and make peeling easier
Add the sultanas, vinegar and spices and mix well.
Mix and heat
Heat gently until all the ingredients are soft.
Add the sugar. Heat gently to dissolve the sugar,
then boil for 30 minutes until the chutney has a Add sugar and concentrate
thick consistency.
Allow the chutney to cool to 80°C and hot fill into
sterilised jars. Cover with lids
Cool to room temperature, tighten the lids and
Label and cool
label the jars.
Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.  Store


Tomato ketchup
Tomato ketchup is a popular product worldwide. The following recipe is for a thick sauce with a
sweet taste and tomato flavour.  You can modify the spices according to local taste and
availability. Chilli powder can be added (2.5g per 10kg tomato pulp) to make a tomato chilli

10kg tomato pulp
1.5kg sugar
450g onions, finely chopped
3.5g mace
9g cinnamon
11.25g cumin
11.025g cardamom
11.25g ground black pepper
5g ground white pepper
5g ground ginger
330g salt
800g vinegar

Process details Flow sheet

Pulp prepared according to the above recipe TOMATO PULP
Add 500g sugar, the onions and the spices tied
loosely in a muslin bag (mace, cinnamon, cumin,
Add ingredients
cardamom, black pepper, white pepper, ground
Heat slowly to dissolve the sugar. Heat to below
boiling point, stirring continuously to prevent
burning. Continue heating until the volume has
reduced by half.
Remove the spice bag. Separate

Add 1kg sugar, the slat and the vinegar.  Continue Mix sugar, salt and vinegar
heating for 5-10 minutes. Check the total soluble
solids using a refractometer (it should be 10-
Cool to 80°C and hot fill into sterilised bottles or
Fill and seal
jars.  Close the lids tightly.
Cool to room temperature.

Store away from sunlight in a cool place. The sauce
can be stored for up to a year without losing flavour
and taste but can lose colour if exposed to sunlight.

 Jam, Jellies  & Marmaledes       Practical Action Technical Brief
 Semi-Processing Tomatoes       Practical Action Technical Brief
 Fruit Leathers        Practical Action Technical Brief

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