Anand Milk Collection Centres
Anand Milk Collection Centres
Anand Milk Collection Centres
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The Anand Milk Union Limited (AMUL) was born in 1956, before the promulgation of the
Gujarat State Cooperative Act, 1961. The first cooperative dairy in the state of Gujarat was
established in Anand district and the offices of the National Dairy Development Board are
also located here. The Anand District Milk Cooperative Society (DMCS) has a staff strength
of 1,200 and collects 700,000 - 800,000 litres of milk every day from 1,003 milk societies
(with more than 578,000 members, of whom 405,000 belong to the poor category) in
Anand and Kheda districts. The Anand District Milk Cooperative Society produces milk,
flavoured milk, cheese, chocolates, butter, ghee, etc. It provides backup integration to
these societies through selling 600 tonnes/day cattle feed and has one breeding centre, 36
veterinary centres (with 76 qualified doctors) and four chilling plants. The old system of milk
collection at the primary societies; with manual testing, manual account keeping on paper
and manual receipt of the payments from the district dairy, resulted in a five to10 days¶
delay in payment to the milk collectors. An Automatic Milk Collection System (AMCS) was
introduced in 1996. At the time of the study, 691 primary milk collection societies used
· To automate milk collection procedures at the collection centres to reduce the time
required in collecting milk from members.
· To use electronic technology to weigh the milk and to measure fat content in the milk.
· To automatically calculate the amount payable to each and every milk collector.
· To integrate data at each primary milk society with the District Milk Cooperative
through the use of ICT.
Each AMCS consists of a computer for billing, a milk-testing machine and an automatic milk
tester. There are seven to eight manufacturing companies (such as Akashganga, Surabhi,
RAL, Kaamdhenu, Prompt, etc), which manufacture these instruments. Each AMCS costs Rs
70,000 to 90,000. At the time of the study, 691 out of 1,003 primary milk societies used
AMCS, while the remaining societies used automatic weighing machines. The e-Governance
Centre of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) has worked to extend the benefits of
this application by developing the Dairy Information System Kiosk (DISK) software, which
will replace the existing application at the milk collection centres. It has two major
components - an application with enhanced database and reporting running at the society
level and connectivity to a dairy portal serving transactional and information needs of all
members and staff at various levels in the district cooperative structure. The DISK database
includes a complete history of all milch cattle owned by the farmers. The basic details of
breed and a history of diseases, inoculations, artificial insemination and pregnancy are
maintained in the system. Longitudinal data on milk production by individual farmers is also
available in the collection, which can provide feedback to the farmers.
AMCS provides automatic weighing of procured milk, measurement of fat content of the
milk and automatically calculates the amount to be paid. It maintains a database on the
computer for member details like membership number, date and time of the milk collection,
weight of the milk, fat content of the milk and amount payable. The payment is made to the
member on the spot at the rate of Rs 190 per kilo fat. Each primary milk collection society
provides cattle feed at no profit-no loss basis, veterinary services of Rs 35 per visit and
artificial insemination at nominal charges.
The target population is 578,000 members of 1,003 primary milk collection societies and
400,000 poorer members every day.
The DMCS has 13 elected members. There is a Managing Director, along with two General
Managers (plant technology and dairy development), two Assistant General Managers
(cattle feed and other products), 10 Managers (milk procurement, cooperative development,
finance, accounts, production, engineering, chocolate complex, cattle feed, cheese centre
and animal husbandry). There is a fully equipped research facility as well. Each 1,003
primary milk cooperative society has 11 elected members, out of which there is one
chairman. Each primary society has a secretary, a milk collector, a cashier, a tester, an
artificial insemination worker, a cattle-feed salesman and a clerk. At the primary milk
cooperative society, AMCS is either manned by a milk collector or by a tester.
· Printing of pay slip, with all this data and the amount to be paid.
The MS DOS based system offers scalability for an information-kiosk like service. Thus,
DISK has been added as an enhancement, which offers a multitude of animal husbandry
related services, besides maintaining databases and offering Internet connectivity at the
Dairy Cooperative Society.
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The Milk Collection Centres of the primary DCS are the primary access points. The number
of farmers selling to their local cooperative milk collection centre varies from 100 to 1,000
and the daily milk collection varies from 1,000 to 10,000 litres.
AMUL uses the facilities of the Institute of Rural Management at Anand (IRMA) for the
purpose of capacity building. At least two members from each DCS have been given three-
day training on the use of AMCS and computers. All the secretaries of DCSs have been
given one-day training in AMCS. Managerial training courses like Member Business
Development Programme, Society Staff Orientation Programme, etc, also include an
orientation towards the use of AMCS.
The major barrier is the attitude of the people. It seems like a surmountable challenge but
building the initial momentum takes time due to this attitude. Although AMCS is priced
competitively, the cost is a major impediment for the DCS, for whom every rupee has to be
accounted for. They are answerable to every member of the society. In addition, villages in
India are dusty and have poor infrastructure. or ICT based systems to operate, the
machines have to be rugged and able to withstand all the climatic conditions. The power
situation in the villages is poor. When the milk collection is going on and the power goes
down, all activities come to a halt. At times, the manual entry mode has to be used, leading
to a major disruption of normal routines.
AMUL has been one of India¶s great success stories. It has been instrumental in bringing the
³White Revolution´ into India. The use of AMCS in the DCSs has brought about phenomenal
results. AMCS has brought down the waiting time for the members of the Milk Collection
Centres from 20 minutes to 50 seconds. AMCS has a comprehensive database of 290,000
members in Anand-Kheda districts in 691 DCSs. Also, it has reduced payment delays from
13-14 days to sameday payments. AMCS has served tens of thousands of members in
Anand-Kheda districts and in other districts of Gujarat.
A large part of the success of this venture can be attributed to the use of appropriate
technology. The adapted milk-testing machine costs Rs 22, 500 (US$ 500) as compared to
Rs 180,000 (US$ 4,000) for one from the original manufacturer. It works better in the heat
and dust. It needs manpower to operate the machine, but this is not a disadvantage in rural
India. Simple and rugged plastic cards with holes are used as personal identifiers, rather
than smart cards. The idea was to keep the cost to affordable levels, without sacrificing any
essential requirements. Building useful content in local languages is absolutely necessary. In
the dairy sector, the district unions are willing to spend because they stand to gain as the
system increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the services delivered by them to rural
farmers. or rural kiosks to become a reality, it is necessary to build partnerships among
development organizations, telecom companies, small IT service companies, and
government agencies. The role of the committed volunteer who acts as the intermediary
between the computer screen and the rural farmer is also extremely important.
The AMCS is sustainable. The cost of the whole system is Rs.70, 000 - 90,000 (around
$2,000). The time reduction in catering to customers, providing an instant milk quality
measurement facility and the automatic generation of database recovers the cost within a
period of two years. In most DCSs, one or two staff have been removed after the
introduction of AMCS, further reducing the operational costs. The District Milk Union has
entered into an annual maintenance contract for the hardware. The operation of AMCS is so
simple that in less than one day anyone can master its operation. The widespread
replication of AMCS in numerous DCSs in various Indian states has been primarily due to its
sustainable business model.
Of 10,000 DCSs in Gujarat around 4,000 are in the AMCS network. The concept of AMCS
required considerable effort from the manufacturing companies. Their aggressive marketing
and rural coverage assisted them in winning the confidence of the DCSs. The replication of
the use of AMCS has spread beyond the state of Gujarat. Of 96,000 DCSs all over India,
around 6,500 are already using AMCS. The replication has been fastest in Gujarat and
Maharashtra. But other states like Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Karnataka are also quick in
adapting AMCS at Milk Collection Centres of DCSs. The biggest stumbling block in fast
replication is the poor financial position of most of DCSs in India.
It is recommended that the pilot DISK should be replicated in all the DCSs where AMCS are
being used. There is a felt need for a database of milch cattle (consisting of past history of
diseases, inoculations, artificial inseminations, etc), decision support systems (like milk
collection forecasts), information on veterinary related issues and innovations. DISK would
eventually fill the gap for the benefit of poorer members. There is a need to scale up the
pilot of connecting five AMCS in DCSs through a network. All 50,000 AMUL product
distributors are already connected to 50 marketing offices of AMUL across the country
through dial-up connectivity. Since 1997, 50 marketing offices are linked to the Gujarat
State Cooperative Milk Marketing ederation through dial-up connectivity and,in turn, this is
connected through VSAT with 12 District Milk Unions in the state of Gujarat. The
organizational structure is already in place; the networking of DCSs with the DMU should
follow. In most DCSs which are using AMCS, other databases of members are kept
manually. The PC attached with the AMCS is only used for four hours in a day. It will be
useful for the DCSs if all their remaining work is computerized too. The cost of AMCS is still
out of reach of small DCSs. If it could be reduced by 20-30 percent, it would become
affordable to even small DCSs.
DCS at Utarsanda in Anand district provides quality services to 2300 pourer members. The
population of Utarsands village is 15000 and has 4500 milch cattle. The DCS has a staff of
10 members and is looked after by the secretary, Deepakbhai Patel. AMCS was introduced
in the Milk Collection Centre in 1997. Everyone in the DCS knows operation of AMCS. Every
morning and evening they generate data of milk collection and post in front of the office
notice board. The centre opens between 6 AM to 8.30 AM in the morning and between 5.30
PM to 8.00 PM at night. Earlier there used to be long queue of around 700 pourer members
everyday and the centre used to close one hour later in the morning and evening as well.
The centre has a telephone and a television for the use of pourer members. The AMCS are
always functional because of the UPS and generator backup. 465 milk buyers have also
joined a special Deposit scheme in which on a deposit of Rs.500 or Rs.1000 they receive
milk and amount is debited from their accounts. The services available at DCS are very
popular with the villagers. In 2002-2003, the DCS has made a net profit of Rs 2 million! And
in 2001 it received the ISO-9002 certification.