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Drills and Training On Board Ship in Maritime Transport

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The key takeaways from the document are that drills and training are important for safety and competitiveness in maritime transport. Regular drills help crews prepare for emergencies and minimize risks.

The main regulatory requirements for performing drills and training on ships are outlined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). SOLAS requires ships to comply with minimum safety standards, including requirements for maritime training and ensuring training conditions for safety navigation.

The steps involved in planning drills or training on ships according to the document include reviewing guidelines, confirming budgets, identifying control teams, obtaining endorsements, liaising with designated persons, refining event lists, briefing participants, conducting the drill, performing debriefs, and recording lessons learned.

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Drills and Training on board Ship in Maritime Transport

Article  in  Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta · December 2016


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2 authors:

Cristina Dragomir Utureanu Simona

Maritime University of Constanta Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa


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Drills and Training on board Ship in Maritime Transport

Cristina Dragomir
Constanta Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Transport

Simona Utureanu
“Ovidius” University from Constanta, Faculty of Economic Sciences


In maritime transport, drills are methods of practicing how a team or individuals should behave
in case of an emergency on board ship (fire, explosion, pirates’ attacks, ship sinking, ship
grounding, capsizing etc.). Most commonly acknowledged in the shipping domain, drills are
synonyms to training exercises. Drills are extremely important for the safety of ship, crew and
passengers and are mandatory to be performed in any sea voyage. In this paper is made an
overview on regulatory framework and strategic role of efficient maritime drills and training.

Key words: safety, security, safety management manual, SOLAS, STCW

J.E.L. classification: J24, J28, L91, O15

1. Introduction

Traditionally, the purpose of training and development has been to ensure that seafarers
can accomplish their jobs efficiently. Current trends emphasize the importance of training
and intellectual capital, a critical factor for competitive advantage. When strategically
applied, continuous learning fosters knowledge and skills acquisition to help the maritime
companies achieve their goals. The role of Human resources and training department is to
establish and implement a high-level roadmap for strategic training and development. The
starting point is an in-depth understanding of the IMO regulations, business environment,
knowledge of the organization’s goal and insight regarding training and development options
(Surugiu et al., 2010).
Since 1989, in the operation of the bulk power supply system, a similar domain full of risks,
many of them different than the risks met by sea, but with a similar approach in planning and
establishing managerial procedures, (Ackerman et al., 1989) presented reports in disaster planning.
(Mao et al., 2014) proposed a set of appraisal procedure and index system to assess the holistic
drilling effectiveness of shipborne Command and Control system. Their work present the basic
principles and rules to be followed in the assessment process, the hierarchy structure of evaluation,
criteria and computing method of each index and the calculation method of index. Their research
was applied to warship training procedures.
(De Miguel and Diez, 2015) established a conceptual design model that informs the
development of socio-technical systems to support community involvement in emergency drills.

2. Regulatory framework for performing drills and training

The International Conference of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention in its successive
forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the safety
of merchant ships. It requires that signatory flag states (comprising in March 2016 a number of
162 contracting states representing approximately 99% world merchant fleet) ensure that ships
comply with minimum safety standards in construction, equipment and operation.
The Convention was established, adopted and several times amended by the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO). The first version was adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic
disaster. In 1960, at the fourth version of SOLAS were taken institutional measures for ensuring
maritime training conditions in respect for safety navigation. was stated that “Contracting
Governments should take all practicable steps (…) to ensure that the education and training of the
masters, officers and seamen in the use of aids to navigation, of life-saving appliances and of
authorized devices designed for the prevention, detection and extinction of fires or for prevention
or alleviating casualties at sea is sufficiently comprehensive, and also (…) education and training is
kept up to date and in step with modern technological developments” (SOLAS, 1960,
Recommendation 39).
The 1974 version of International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS,1974)
required specific mandatory drills to be performed by a vessel in order to enhance the safety and
security of the voyage.
Since 1985, the institutional perspective on training became holistic and included all the
interested entities. At the seventh session of the Joint IMO/ ILO Committee on Training was
adopted a Document for guidance – An international maritime training guide, acknowledging that,
to comply with SOLAS recommendations, “adequate facilities should be provided for the training
(…). There should be exchanges of information on modern methods and technological advances
between all concerned in the shipping industry. In the establishment and review of training
schemes, shipowners’ and seafarers’ organizations should be fully consulted. The satisfactory
completition of appropriate training courses should be among the qualifications required for the
grant of appropriate certificates” (IMO/ILO, 1985, p.1, art. 2).
Current drills regulation, in force since 1 January 2015, as described in SOLAS latest
amendments, are presented in Table 1 below.

Table no 1. SOLAS onboard drill requirements (with MSC 92 amendments to regulation III/19, entered
into force on 1 January 2015)

SOL Chapter Regulati Regulation Regulation description

AS Title on no. title
Cha (paragra
p. phs)
II-1 Construction 24 Marking,  weekly drills for the operating of watertight
–structure, (2.1; 2.2) periodical doors
stability, operation and  drills held before leaving port in ships in which
installations inspection the voyage exceeds one week
of watertight
doors, etc., in
passenger ships
II-2 Construction 15 (2.2, Instructions, on-  On-board training in the use of the ship’s fire-
– fire 3.1) board training extinguishing systems
protection, and drills  Fire drills
III Life-saving 19 (2.2; Emergency  Musters of newly embarked passengers prior to
appliances 22.3; 3.2; training and or immediately upon departure on a voyage for more
and 3.3; 4.1; drills than 24 h,
arrangement 4.3)  Passenger safety briefing whenever new
s passengers embark
 Every crew member shall participate in at least
one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month.
 The drills of the crew shall take place within
24 h of the ship leaving a port if more than 25% of the
crew have not participated in abandon ship and fire
drills on board that particular ship in the previous
 each lifeboat launched during an abandon ship
drill at least once every three months
 lifeboats be lowered at least once every three
months and launched at least annually.
 rescue boats launched each month with their
assigned crew aboard and maneuvered in the water.
 crew members with enclosed-space entry or
rescue responsibilities to participate in an enclosed-
space entry and rescue drill at least once every two
 ship’s life-saving appliances on-board training
as soon as possible but not later than two weeks after a
crew member joins the ship.
 training in the use of davit-launched liferafts
shall take place at intervals of not more than four
26 (3.3) Additional  At least two crews of each fast rescue boat
requirements shall be trained and drilled regularly
for ro–ro
passenger ships
30 (1;2) Drills  On passenger ships, an abandon ship drill and
fire drill shall take place weekly. The entire crew need
not be involved in every drill, but each crew member
must participate in an abandon ship drill and a fire drill
each month as required in regulation 19.3.2. Passengers
shall be strongly encouraged to attend these drills.
V Safety of 26 (1;  Within 12 hours before departure, the ship’s
navigation 3.2; 4;5) steering gear shall be checked and tested by the ship’s
 Emergency steering drills shall take place at
least once every three months in order to practice
emergency steering procedures. These drills shall
include direct control within the steering gear
compartment, the communications procedure with the
navigation bridge and, where applicable, the operation
of alternative power supplies.
Source: (SOLAS, 2015)

3. Strategic role of maritime training and drills

In maritime transport, professional competence is acquired after passing competency courses,

simulation training on shore, drills and training exercises on board ship. Enhancement is provided
by using advanced simulation training, leadership and teambuilding programs, customized training
based on the needs of the team. A constant analysis of productivity is needed to keep up to date
results. A training system kept into consideration by a competitive shipping is not only limited to
shipboard training. Shore based training implies external courses like STCW (International
Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978)
mandatory courses, competence and soft skills enhancement courses. Also, in house shore
based courses are related to company’s system and policies, safety, productivity and loss control.
The objectives of structured shipboard training are acquiring theoretical knowledge, familiarization
and drills, mentoring and next rank training (Surugiu et al., 2010, p.61).
Good quality training is a prerequisite for ensuring a vessel maintains a high standard of
operation. Training in all its forms adds to the value and safety culture on a vessel. From the
legally imposed training certificates of competence to the cadet programs of practice at the board of
the ship, it is essential to understand the strategic importance of operating a vessel to the highest
For crew members aspiring to higher ranks, statutory training is carried out as they seek for
promotion, but a good ship operator will have their own in-house training program that will help
reinforce the company’s culture and safety ((Surugiu et al., 2010, p.62).
A well-trained seafarer is the most valuable asset an owner has on board. Companies must meet
the requirements for which they are directly responsible. Having well-trained seafarers is essential
to any maritime company who wishes to demonstrate that responsibility, while at the same time be
seen by the community as having quality and competitive operation (Barsan et al., 2011, p.91).
The best way to verify crew’s readiness, response reactions and under stress actions is to
provide drill scenarios as similar to real life situations as possible. A valuable and skills developing
drill should involve every crew member, who must understand the reasons for the actions taken and
be aware of the hazards connected with them (Szcześniak, J.A., 2013, p.95).
Drills are procedurally explained in the Safety Management System records. A drill or training
on board ship has to be prepared and planned carefully in advance. Planning includes the following
chronological actions, presented in Table 2:

Table no. 2. Time-Table for planning drills or training


D -18 (calendar Review the Guidelines
D -18 dates Confirm budget availability for items and/or services to be
to be employed during the drill
D -18 inserted) Identify the drill control team
D –17 Obtain management endorsement if it is required
D -16 Liaison with the ship designated person
D -10 Refine or adjust the Master Events List if necessary
D -1 Brief the participants
D day Conduct the drill
D day Perform the debrief and record the lessons learnt
D+ Record the conduct of the drill
D+ Prepare the written report on the drill
D+ Report the conduct of the drill to management

Source: (APEC Manual of Maritime Security Drills and Exercises for Port Facilities, Appendix 1)

Lessons learned after drills and training procedures are useful notions of large interest for
enhancing crew capabilities and team responsibilities. After conducting drills, the major lesson
learnt is the benefit of undergoing that training exercise, as the information and know-how of crew
members becomes solidified. And this will help crew strategically improve their work

4. Conclusions

In maritime transport, performance, safety and competitiveness can be achieved at the early
stage of training personnel. A well-trained crew means minimized risks of transport and enhanced
safety of service. Therefore, drills and trainings on board ships (or on shore) are essential part of
seafarers’ working process. A drill is an exercise supervised and conducted by competent authority,
preparing crew for possible emergency situations like fire, severe weather conditions, flooding,
collision, grounding, injuries abandon ship, person overboard, terrorism or bomb threat etc.
Performing drills and training on board ship brings several advantages and benefits, like
minimizing responding time in case of real emergency situations, improving the way of taking
decisions under pressure and familiarizing crew with the ship’s equipments and procedures. Best
practices acquired after drills and training procedures are useful solutions for enhancing crew
5. References

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