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Scoliosis: Review of Diagnosis and Treatment: Janusz Popko, Michał Kwiatkowski, Monika Gałczyk

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Pol. J. Appl. Sci.

, 2018, 4, 31-35


Janusz Popko1 , Michał Kwiatkowski2 , Monika Gałczyk1
Faculty of Health Sciences
Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Lomza, Poland
Department of Pediatric Orthopedics
Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland


Abstract: Scoliosis is a spinal deformity consisting of lateral and rotation of the vertebrae. The causes of scoliosis
are varied and classified broadly as congenital, neuromuscular, idiopathic and spinal curvature cause by secondary
reasons. The essential components of diagnostics are patient history, physical examination, and radiographs. The
scoliometer is a very useful and safe tool in diagnostic and management of scoliosis. The treatment scoliosis
is based on age, curve management and risk of progression. It includes observation, orthotic magnitude and
surgical correction with fusion. These and other authors’ observations indicate that bracing is the most ef-
ficient non-surgical method of treatment for idiopathic scoliosis patients with 25◦ -45◦ curvature according to Cobb.

Key words: scoliosis, classification, diagnosis, treatment.

DOI: 10.19260/PJAS.2018.4.1.06


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that oc-

curs as a person’s body grows. Scoliosis is often defined as
a simply frontal plane deformity of the spine > 10◦ [1]. The
deformity is much more complex and includes significant
transverse and sagittal plane components [2, 3]. Most cau-
ses of scoliosis are mild, but some children develop spine
deformities that continue to be more severe as they grow.
Severe scoliosis can be disabling. A special severe spinal cu-
rve can reduce the amount of space within the chest, making
it difficult for the lungs to function properly.
What causes scoliosis?

In over 80% of cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown –

a condition called idiopathic scoliosis. The American Aca-
demy of Orthopedic Surgeons in cooperation with the Sco- Fig 1. Congenital scoliosis. This girl has thoracic- lumbar congenital scoliosis
liosis Research Society describe four different types of sco- Fig. 1: Congenital scoliosis. This girl has thoracic-lumbar congenital sco-
with severe
severe deformity
deformity (own
(own material).
liosis [1, 2]:
1. Congenital. This type of scoliosis occurs during fetal 2. Neuromuscular. This type of scoliosis is associated
development. It is often caused by one of the follo-
with many neurological conditions, such as the fol-
• a failure of the vertebrae to from normally;
• an absence of vertebrae; • cerebral palsy;
• a partially formed vertebrae; • spina bifida;
• a lack of separation of the vertebrae. • muscular dystrophy;
• neurofibromatosis, this is a genetic condition that
Patients with congenital scoliosis must be evaluated for car- affects the peripheral nerves that causes changes
diac and renal abnormalities [4]. A six-year-old girl with to occur in the skin, called café-au-lait spots.
thoracic severe congenital scoliosis is shown Fig. 1. The de-
fects in formation of thoracic spine produce deformity of Surgical treatment cannot be12avoided in most cases of pro-
spine. gressing neuromuscular scoliosis. However, there is a place

c Copyright by the Lomza State University of Applied Sciences
Popko J. et al.: Scoliosis: Review of Diagnosis and Treatment Pol. J. Appl. Sci., 2018, 4, 31-35

for conservative management which consists of physiothe-

rapy and bracing. Orthotic treatment can prevent the col-
lapse of the trunk and improve the sitting position. The re-
sults of the Swedish National Health Care Quality Program
for prevention of hip dislocation and severe contractures in
cerebral palsy [5], introduced in 1994, appear promising.
Between 1994 and 2005, in Sweden and Norway, the pro-
gram saw a reduction of the number of neurogenic scoliosis
cases by about 60%. Such monitoring and preventive sys-
tem should be widely introduced.

3. Idiopathic. The cause of this type of scoliosis is unk-

nown. There are three types:
• infantile, this type of scoliosis occurs from birth
to age 3;
• juvenile, occurs in children between ages 3 and
• adolescent, this type of scoliosis occurs in chil-
dren between ages 10 and 18. This is the most
Fig. 2: Symptoms of scoliosis (own drawing).
common type of scoliosis. Fig 2. Symptoms of scoliosis (own drawing)

4. Secondary or functional scoliosis:

Imaging test
• differences in leg lengths;
• hereditary conditions that tend to run in fami- Plain x-rays can confirm the diagnosis of scoliosis and
lies; reveal the severity of the spinal curvature. Radiographs
• injury; are indicated if the scoliometer reading is greater than 7◦
• infection.
(Fig. 3). Scoliometer has an application in examining chil-
Symptoms dren with scoliosis and is most widely used in the USA for
school screening [3]. The clinical measurement of the angle
Small curves often go unnoticed until children hit a of trunk rotation using a scoliometer can predict the degree
growth spurt during puberty, and there are more sings (Fig. 2), of the angle of the curve scoliosis [6, 7].
such as:

• tilted, uneven shoulders, with one shoulder blade pro-

truding more than the other;
• prominence of the ribs on one side;
• uneven waistline;
• one hip higher than other.

Physical examination

The standard screening test for scoliosis is the “Adam’s

forward bend test”. During the test, a child will bend for-
ward with feet together, knees straight and arms hanging
free. The doctor will observe a child from the back, looking
for a difference in the shape of the ribs on each side.
With a child standing upright, the doctor will also check,
what the doctor can see, if the hips and shoulders are level,
and if the position of the head is centered over the hips. The
doctor will check for limb – length discrepancies, abnormal
neurological findings, and other physical problems. Fig. 3: The scoliometer shows truncal asymmetry (own material).
Fig 3. The scoliometer shows truncal asymmetry (own material).

Pol. J. Appl. Sci., 2018, 4, 31-35 Popko J. et al.: Scoliosis: Review of Diagnosis and Treatment

Radiographs should be made on 36-inch film and ta- Correcting scoliosis utilizing surgical and non-surgical
ken standing. The Cobb angle is the most widely adopted methods should be three-dimensional and include the re-
technique to quantify the magnitude of spinal deformity [2]. storation of physiological thoracic kyphosis [15]. The main
Scoliosis is defined as a lateral spinal curvature with Cobb problem is the scoliosis progression in a patient. It has been
angle of 10◦ or more [2, 3]. proven that the best way to stop it is a back brace. Inva-
riably, the most important impact on treatment success is
Management principles consistency and conscientiousness in wearing an orthopedic
A diagnosis of scoliosis often causes apprehension. We In the assessment of the progression of the curvature
should reduce this anxiety because scoliosis is usually equ- on the basis of angles determined according to Cobb in
ated with treatment by braces or surgery. The indications the study group of 51 patients aged between 9 to 18 years
for treatment should be individualized; however, some ge- (84% females) of orthopedic brace wearers, we revealed a
neralizations can be made. In general, the treatment of sco- considerable curtailing of the process (Fig. 5). The main
liosis depends on the severity of the curve:
> 25◦ – the halting of scoliosis, rehabilitation treatment,
25 − 45◦ – brace treatment is indicated for immature pa-
tients where progression is defined as a documented
increase of 5 or more degrees;
> 45◦ – surgical treatment.
Our experience in treating scoliosis.

The prevention of scoliosis and rehabilitation pro-

gram. The malfunctions leading to scoliosis are connected
with the asymmetry of the load on both lower limbs and
specific unconscious habit of standing. The are some situ- Fig. 5: The principle of thoracolumbar brace action (own material).
Fig 6. The principle of thoracolumbar brace action (own material).
ations, which prevent scoliosis [8, 9]:
issues in the group are pain and damage to the skin during
• the habit of standing on the left leg or on crossed legs;
• the habit of sleeping in the fetal position with the treatment. Our results confirm that the majority of patients
knees against the chin; treated with this method get used to the new situation
• the intense practicing of sports. without feeling an excess of negative experiences during
that time. In addition, the number of hours a corset is worn
The aim of the exercises is to remove the contractures on
per day does not have any effect on the intensity of pain [16–
the concave side of the scoliosis. The exercises to counteract
the contractures of the tissues on the concave side of the 19]. A careful measurement in the form of gypsum negative
lumbar scoliosis: bending with the maximum rotation to or computer scan plays a key role in each type of corset.
the left side – 50 – 100 – 200 times daily (Fig. 4). This has a significant impact on the quality of usage, which
translates into the number of hours spent daily in a corset.
Bracing is the most effective evidence-based non-surgical
method for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Surgical treatment

Surgery is recommend if 17a child’s curve is greater than

45 -50◦ or if bracing did not stop the curve from reaching

Fig 5. Bending exercises to the left and to the right leg correct scoliosis (own this point. A surgical procedure called “spinal fusion” will
Fig. 4: Bending exercises to the left and to the right leg correct scoliosis
(own drawing). significantly straighten the curve and then fuse the verte-
brae together, so that they heal into a single, solid bone.
Brace treatment is indicated for immature patients Metal rods are typically used to hold the bones in a plane
with curves of 25◦ − 45◦ . Bracing usually slows or stops the until the fusion happens. The rods are attached to the spine
progression of most spinal curvatures [10–14]. by hooks screws, and for wires [21, 22].

Popko J. et al.: Scoliosis: Review of Diagnosis and Treatment Pol. J. Appl. Sci., 2018, 4, 31-35

In the years 2001-2014 we operated using the Cotrel-

Debousset method, 42 patients aged 13 – 18 years (83%
females) with scoliosis greater than 50◦ . The average cor-
rection of curve after operation was about 51% (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6: Correction and fixation of thoraco – lumbar scoliosis utilized dual

Fig 7. pedicle screws
Correction and laminar
and fixation hooks
of thoraco – lumbar
(own material).
scoliosis utilized dual rods,
Fig. 7: Secondary scoliosis (own drawing).
pedicle screws and laminar hooks (own material).
Spinal fusion is very successful in stopping the curve Fig 8.Secondary scoliosis (own drawing).
from increasing. Surgery is also able to straighten the curve
significantly, which improves the patients appearance [23].
Most children can return to sporting activities within 6 to 9
months after surgery [3]. Spinal fusion does not increase the
risk of complications for girls during any future pregnancies
or deliveries.
Secondary scoliosis

Scoliosis usually resolves itself when the underlying pro-

blem is corrected. There are no 18 bone changes; the scoliosis

is flexible; and the rotational elements are minimal. The

common causes are leg length inequality (Fig. 7 and 8).

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