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Practice Court 2 Script Direct

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Ferrer vs. Ferrer C: What is your name?

W: Jefferson Ferrer
Presentation of Witness for
the Petitioner
C: Where do you live?

Counsel (C): We call Mr. Jefferson W:

Ferrer to the witness stand.

C: What is your occupation?

Interpreter (I): Raise your right hand. Do W:
you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?
Witness (W): I do. C: How long have you worked there?
I : Please state your name and personal W:
W : ( state your name, age, civil status,
C: What is your civil status?
residence ).
W: Married.
I: Your witness.

C: What is the name of your spouse?

C: We offer the testimony of the
witness to prove _________and for W: Cynthia Manalo-Ferrer
all other matters, facts and
circumstances relevant and material
to this case. C: How did you and Cynthia meet?
W: We met through the dating app, Tinder.
C: May we proceed, your Honor?
Judge (J) : Counsel, please proceed with C: Who initiated the conversation on
your direct examination. Tinder?
C: Thank you, Your Honor. W: It was Cynthia who initiated the
conversation on Tinder.

C: After that conversation on Tinder, what

happened next, if any?
W: We started talking more often and we
had our first date on May 14, 2011 wherein I
asked Cynthia to be my girlfriend.
C: What did she say, if any? W: This was the Marriage Certificate that we
executed during our wedding solemnized by
W: Mayor Alicio Montemayor.

C: After that first date, what happened next, C: Your Honor, we would like to have
if any? this Marriage Certificate be marked
W: On June 1, 2011 or after only less than a as Exhibit A.
month we decided to live together in my
J: Mark it.

C: After your civil wedding, what happened

C: Was there a significant event while you next, if any?
were still living together as boyfriend and
girlfriend, if any? W: Cynthia was not pleased with the civil
wedding, she wanted a church wedding.
W: Yes, there was one event that I can recall.

C: Did she tell you why?

C: What was this event?
W: Yes.
W: On February 28, 2012, Cynthia found
out that she was 3 weeks pregnant.
C: What did she say, if any?
C: How did you feel at that time? W:
W: I feel … and this became a compelling
reason for me to marry her as soon as
possible. C: Did you follow her wish to have a church
W: Yes.
C: When did you and Cynthia get married?
W: On June 4, 2012
C: When was your church wedding?
W: We got married at Sacred Heart Church
C: Where was your wedding celebrated? on …
W: At the office of Mayor Alicio
Montemayor at the Cebu City Hall
C: I have here a Certificate of Marriage
issued by the Sacred Heart Church with
your name on it. Can you go over this
C: I have here a Marriage Certificate dated
document and tell this Honorable Court
June 4, 2012, can you go over this document what is the relevance of this document to
and tell this Honorable Court what is the you?
relevance of this Marriage Certificate to
W: This is the Certificate of Marriage that C: Why was Cynthia rushed to the hospital?
was issued to us after our church wedding.

C: Your Honor, we would like to have

this Certificate of Marriage be marked C: What happened to the baby that Cynthia
as Exhibit B. was carrying at that time, if any?

J: Mark it. W:

C: During the first few weeks of your C: I have here a Certificate of Fetal Death
marriage, did you notice something unusual signed by Dr. Martha Perez dated August 2,
about the behavior of Cynthia, if any? 2012. Can you go over this document and
tell this Honorable Court what is the
W: Yes. relevance of this document to you?
W: This is the Certificate of Fetal Death of
our child.
C: What was it?
W: While Cynthia was pregnant with our
child, she …. C: Your Honor, we would like to have
this Certificate of Fetal Death be
marked as Exhibit C.
C: What happened next, if any? J: Mark it.
W: One day, she told me that she wanted to
get rid of the baby.
C: After the death of your child, what
happened next, if any?
C: What did she say, if any? W: I noticed Cynthia’s unusual behavior.

C: What was this behavior?

C: After that, what happened next, if any? W: Cynthia did not shed a tear upon hearing
W: I found Cynthia on the balcony with an the news and even asked Dr. Perez in a
empty wine glass and drove her to the OB- happy tone if the baby was really dead and
gyne. how long it will take her to lose all the

C: What happened on August 2, 2012, if

any? C: After that, what happened next, if any?

W: Cynthia was again rushed to the J: Cynthia would always go

hospital. shopping…overspending…
C: What else happened, if any? W: (Social Media Accounts – please break
down narration by counsel asking, what
W: Cynthia would come home late and happened next, if any… etc.)
drunk after a night of partying with her
friends and workmates.
C: Upon seeing those, what did you do next,
if any?
C: Did Cynthia tell you where she was
working? W: I captured the screen shots and printed
W: Yes

C: Your Honor, we would like to have

C: Where? these printed screen shots of the
W: She told me she was working as a sales following social media accounts of
clerk at Ever Bilena Cosmetics. Cynthia Manalo Ferrer in
FindAdultMen.Com, Tinder and
OkCupid be marked as Exhibits D, E
C: Can you recall any incident during your and F, respectively.
marriage in relation to her occupation, if J: Mark it.
W: Yes. Cynthia would bring home a lot of
male clients. (no sexual intercourse) C: Other than those that you mentioned,
was there any other incident that you can
recall during your marriage, if any?
C: Was there any other incident in relation W: (Japanese guy at home – please break
to Cynthia’s occupation that you can recall, down narration by counsel asking, what
if any? happened next, etc.)
(bar incident … told by officemate)

C: Other than you and Cynthia, was there

C: After that, what did you do, if any? someone else who saw the Japanese guy in
your house, if any?

C: What happened next, if any?

C: Who was it?
W: Cynthia insisted to keep her job in Planet
XYZ as she shines like a star… W:

C: Other than those you mentioned, was C: What is her name?

there any other incident that you can recall W:
during your marriage, if any?
C: After the incident with the Japanese man, W:
what happened next, if any?
W: I got hospitalized for two weeks.
C: I have here a Decree of Church
Annulment with your name on it. Can you
go over this document and tell this
C: Why did you get hospitalized? Honorable Court what is the relevance of
W: this document to you?
W: This is the Decree of Church Annulment
that we got.
C: Your Honor, we would like to have
this Medical Certificate be marked as C: Your Honor, we pray that this
Exhibit G. Decree of Church Annulment be
marked as Exhibit H.
J: Mark it.

C: While you were in the hospital, who take

care of you? C: That would be all for the witness,
Your Honor.

C: Where was Cynthia at that time?

W: Cynthia left the conjugal dwelling.

C: Did you know whom she lived with?

W: With her Japanese lover

C: How long have you been living


C: What happened on March 30, 2016, if

W: We were granted a Church Annulment
by the Metropolitan Tribunal of the
Archdiocese of Cebu.

C: On what ground?

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