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Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis

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Ranganathan, J Nephrol Ther 2015, 5:4

hrology & T
Journal of N

Nephrology & Therapeutics
ISSN: 2161-0959

Commentry Open Access

Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of

Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD)
Natarajan Ranganathan*
Kibow Biotech Inc, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA

The primary goal of this invited commentary is to update recent scientific progress, understanding, knowledge
gained and also several clinical advances made since the very first review that was published from our commercial
efforts in the year 2012 (Title: Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics: Gut and Beyond in Gastroenterology Research and
Practice). The use of probiotics and prebiotics is generally well recognized towards digestive, gut and immune health.
However, Kibow Biotech is a R&D Biotech company involved in novel and niche application of probiotics and prebiotics
as a dietary supplement in stabilization of Gut Microbiome towards Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

Keywords: Enteric dialysis; Dysbiosis; CKD; Probiotics; Prebiotics; ongoing R&D drug developments by several pharma/biotech firms, the
use of dietary supplements is also a promising and inexpensive approach
Gut microbiome; GFR reduction
and should be included in any strategy to reduce the likelihood of such
epidemic CKD crisis.
Since our first review article on this subject matter, several other The uremic syndrome
reviews have been published as of now [1-9]. All of these independent It is said to consist of nitrogenous waste retention, deficiency
reviews in various scientific journals reflect on various topics such in kidney derived hormones such as erythropoietin and vitamin D
as gut Microbiome, its dysbiosis, impact of the altered intestinal (anemia and renal osteodystrophy), the enzyme renin, and reduced
characteristics including small bowel bacterial overgrowth, newer acid excretion with acidosis. Untreated uremia may progress to coma
uremic toxins, adsorbent drugs and several observational small scale and eventual death. Toxicity due to the accumulation of various uremic
clinical studies from Kibow [10-14] and a host of others (all of these are toxins (recent findings and literature reports to include Indoxyl Sulfate
referenced in the review articles). and para-Cresyl Sulfate in particular) is a concern for CKD and ESRD
This commentary is mainly written to connect various aspects of patient populations. Concentrations of uremic solutes have been
scientific understanding with greater emphasis on the health economics shown to increase as the disease progresses from CKD to ESRD [23].
and potential of probiotics and prebiotics towards CKD applications The European Toxin workgroup (EUTOX) has classified many uremic
both in developed and developing countries. Hence, with all humility, toxins based on their molecular weights and their protein binding
the author has undertaken to revisit and review the subject matter and property [24]. Though urea is generally nontoxic, it can degrade to the
thus help offer his independent views in connecting the failing KIdney highly toxic cyanate, which, in turn, binds to proteins by carbamylation,
function by the BOWel as was originally conceived by the distinguished including serum albumin, and modifies them. Recent studies by Berg et
thought leader of Renal Sciences - Dr Eli A Friedman [15,16]. Out of al. [25] have shown that carbamylated serum albumin is a risk factor for
this concept was born “KIBOW” in the year 1997 and the concept is mortality in patients with kidney failure. As early as 1998, it was shown
now being more scientifically researched, commercially validated and that CKD patients are at a higher risk of cardiovascular problems.
realized as “Gut and Kidney connection”. Death due to cardiovascular disease is higher by 10 to 20 times in
these patients as compared with the general population [26]. CKD and
Chronic kidney disease ESRD patients have high morbidity and mortality rate due to uremic
cardiomyopathy [27]. Uremic toxins in CKD patients burden the
General awareness of the rising global prevalence of kidney
cardiovascular system and lead to progression of cardiovascular disease
disease has been steadily growing among medical and public health
[28]. Increased levels of uremic toxins also cause dysregulation of the
professionals [17-19]. Kidney disease is the eighth leading cause of
Gut Microbiome (Dysbiosis) which in turn promotes inflammation
death in the U.S. [20], with approximately 600,000 patients in end-stage
and oxidative stress. This further accelerates the progression of CKD
renal disease (ESRD, most receiving dialysis) and over 26 million in
symptoms including progressive decline of the GFR to End Stage Renal
earlier stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) [21]. As the population
Disease requiring dialysis. Therefore, some believe it to be necessary to
continues to age and the epidemiological shift from acute infectious to
chronic metabolic diseases progresses, contributing factors to kidney
disease (obesity, diabetes, and hypertension) become epidemic. Kidney
disease may turn into a major health crisis in the USA and globally. *Corresponding author: Natarajan Ranganathan, Kibow Biotech Inc, 4781 West
Existing worldwide statistical data on the incidence and prevalence of Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA 19073, USA, Tel: 610-353-5130; Fax: 610-353-
kidney disease and kidney failure, the resulting mortality, the high cost 5110; E-mail:
of treatment, and associated socioeconomic and political consequences Received: April 30, 2015; Accepted: July 31, 2015; Published: August 08, 2015
present a compelling and urgent need for an effective, easy to use and
Citation: Ranganathan N (2015) Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® -
affordable alternative adjunct treatment modality to be available to
Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic Kidney Diseases
the global kidney patient population. A latest research by the George (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209
Institute for Health published in the Lancet [22] shows that every
Copyright: © 2015 Ranganathan N. This is an open-access article distributed
year over two million people globally die as they do not have access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
to treatment for kidney failure (dialysis or transplantation). Despite unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.

J Nephrol Ther Volume 5 • Issue 4 • 1000209

ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal
Citation: Ranganathan N (2015) Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic
Kidney Diseases (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209

Page 2 of 6

reduce the levels of urea in chronic renal failure patients by medication probiotic microbes in human health and disease has been expanding
or other interventions and strategies, such as a probiotic therapy (some rapidly in recent years [47-50]. Beneficial impacts have been noted for
representatives of the lactic acid bacteria population have the capacity gastrointestinal disorders, functional bowel disorders, inflammatory
to metabolize urea). Probiotics and prebiotics have for centuries been bowel disease and ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, cardiovascular disorders,
reported to enhance intestinal health [29]. Scientific proof has now cancer, hepatic function, metabolic conditions including obesity/
been obtained that confirms their positive effects on human health in diabetes, lipid metabolism, neuropsychiatric disorders (depression and
general [30]. Recently, the application of probiotics/prebiotics in various anxiety), chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, psychoneuroimmunity,
diseases has intensified, as understanding of how the gut microbiota and neurodermatology, immune function (incl. immunomodulation/
shapes human health and how their composition changes significantly inflammation), allergies and, autoimmune disorders.
in any disease conditions causing more inflammation and more so in
CKD progression [31]. Gut Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Small Bowel Bacterial
Overgrowth (SBBO) or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Probiotics (SIBO)
They are defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Since the recent advances and relevant discovery and knowledge
and World Health Organization (WHO) as “live microorganisms which gained from the complexity of Gut Microbiome, it is becoming more
when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the and more evident that CKD patients have a distinctly altered bacterial
host” (2002). Probiotics are characterized and named according to its composition – also termed as Dysbiosis (less of the good microbes such
Genus, Species and Strains. In addition, only those well characterized as lactobacilli/Bifido species versus the Pathogens – that are the cause of
and precisely defined strains possessing specific health benefits are dysbiosis). This altered intestinal microbial gut flora results in impaired
classified as Probiotics. Probiotics are quantified as Colony Forming barrier, structure and function causing the disruption on intestinal
Units (CFU, generally billions of CFU/gm). Epithelial Tight Junction. This is also referred to “leaky gut syndrome”
Prebiotics and invariably related to almost all of the gut related diseases. CKD
causes dysbiosis, bacterial conversion of urea into ammonia and
They are defined as “non-digestible, but fermentable, foods/ several gut Microbiome produced toxins. This disrupts the enterocyte
ingredients that allow specific changes, both in the composition and/ tight junctions, resulting in translocation of bacteria and toxins into
or activity, in the gastrointestinal microflora that confers benefits upon systematic circulation resulting ultimately in increased inflammation.
host well-being and health [32]”. Well known examples of prebiotics Small bowel bacterial overgrowth is a condition in which very large
include inulin, oligofructose, galacto-oligosaccharide, lactulose [33], numbers of bacterial growth also occurs in the small intestine. Simenhoff
xylo-oligosaccharides [34] and Beta-glucans [35]. The combination and coworkers were the earliest researchers to report on the SBBO in
of probiotics and prebiotics is generally known as Synbiotics. They dialysis patients [51,52]. They attributed this to increased toxicity of
now appear with increasing frequency in various foods, beverages, various amines like methylamine, dimethylamine, N,N-nitrosoamine
supplements, and are readily utilized in alternative and complementary including the recent finding of Trimethyl Amine (TMA) and its
medical practice strategies. Due to direct consumer advertising, oxidation to Trimethyl Amine Oxide (TMAO). These researchers also
the average population has been convinced of the positive role demonstrated the “Biomodulation of the toxic and nutritional effects
that probiotics play in health and disease. This has led to marketing of small bowel bacterial overgrowth in end-stage kidney disease using
and consumption of a number of probiotic supplements available freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus”. Unlike the large intestine, the
for purchase online or in pharmacies without their benefit being small intestine does not have a high number of bacteria. When there
scientifically proven in a rigorous clinical trial. Probiotic microbes are are too many bacteria in the small intestine (SIBO), these organisms
predominantly found in fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, kefir, use up the nutrients that would otherwise be absorbed into the body.
cheese and other fermented foods. The expansion of our awareness The breakdown of nutrients in the small intestine by the excess bacteria
and use of probiotics, however, has raced ahead of the scientific basis can also damage the intestinal lining. This can make it even harder for
for the mechanisms by which they impact health. Probiotics are the body to absorb nutrients resulting in malnutrition, loss of body
increasingly utilized in clinical settings. The role of digestive [36] and mass, increased inflammation/oxidative stress and ultimately resulting
immune systems [7], as well as inflammatory [37] and oxidative stress in poor quality of life among CKD patients.
[38,39] functions in the progression of inflammation and CKD has
been emphasized by researchers in the past decade. Current data have Potential Therapeutic Future Interventions – Addressing the
highlighted an integrated and perhaps a causal relationship between the cause of Dysbiosis and not the symptoms
observed clinical outcomes and the role of an activated immune system The kidney/s is a single organ system possessing three distinct
in uremia. functions. These are: secretory (hormonal), regulatory (homeostasis)
Gut Microbiome and excretory (urinary elimination). The currently existing drug
interventions address only the individual deficiencies on the
During coevolution with microbes, the human intestinal tract has pathophysiology and biochemical functions of the kidney. These three
been colonized by thousands of bacterial species [40,41]. Gut-borne functions are in a dynamic equilibrium in any healthy individual and so
microbes outnumber the human body cells by a factor of ten – i.e. is the Gut Microbiome with trillions of microbes.
>100 trillion versus 10 trillion [42]. Recent metagenomic analysis of
human gut microbiota has revealed the presence of 3.3 million genes, In CKD patients there are profound changes in the colonic structure
compared to a mere 23,000 known human genes [43-45]. Microbial and function resulting in abnormal generation and absorption of
communities perform the majority of biochemical activities on the toxins, dysbiosis, inflammation, impaired epithelial disarray as well as
planet and play integral roles in human metabolism and immune SBBO. Generally most of these patients are treated with one or more
homeostasis in human physiology and function [46]. Evidence for distinct drug therapies such as antibiotics, EPO, Vit D, ACE drugs
various beneficial roles of the intestinal microbiota and, concomitantly, or ARB inhibitors, K or PO4 binders, diuretics etc., to address the

J Nephrol Ther Volume 5 • Issue 4 • 1000209

ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal
Citation: Ranganathan N (2015) Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic
Kidney Diseases (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209

Page 3 of 6

corresponding symptoms. intestinal/gut barrier. Despite several reported observational or pilot

scale/small scale studies, quality intervention trials investigating this
Using Ketoacids novel treatment in CKD are still lacking in its full clinical validation.
Besides dietary changes, treatment of CKD has many components Hence, a well-designed RCT protocol with the power needed for
such as low protein diet, sufficient adequate calorie intake, plus subject enrollment and statistical significance changes in defined
vitamins and trace elements. When kidney function declines, protein primary or secondary end points are needed. The published studies
recommendations are lowered to preserve kidney function and reduce and as well the proposed “SYNERGY” [56] clinical trials are aimed to
uremic symptoms. In addition to reducing protein intake, amino and assess the effectiveness of synbiotics (co-administration of pre- and
keto acid supplements can be given. The fact that many studies and probiotics) as a potential treatment targeting the synthesis of uremic
clinical outcomes documenting a low protein diet with keto acids or toxins, specifically, indoxyl sulfate (IS) and p-cresol sulfate (PCS). These
essential amino acids and its effect on the slow progression of CKD and other biomarkers evaluated like doubling of the serum creatinine
is becoming more and more evident [53,54]. These supplements has been re-evaluated and being proposed with the general acceptance
provide protein without overloading the diseased kidneys with too of GFR decline as an end point for clinical trials in CKD. The earlier
much phosphorus or urea that would come from foods. However, in end point “doubling of serum creatinine”- resulting in 50% or greater
the United States, these supplements are expensive and not routinely GFR reduction, is a late event in several CKD patients and also subject
covered by insurance companies. Likewise it is also quite expensive for to several of the aforementioned variable subject matters discussed. It
CKD patients who have little or no financial resources worldwide. is also subject to enrolled patients primary disease status, diet, life style
and several other factors including genetic makeup and dysbiosis of
Using Kremezin the gut Microbiome including inflammation and oxidative stress. Thus
Oral charcoal sorbents like AST-120 (9 gm/day, about USD$270/ decrease of GFR of 30-40% can sufficiently reduce these inflammatory
month supply), manufactured by Kureha Chemical Industry Co Ltd markers which will ultimately have a significant impact on the quality
and marketed as a drug under the brand name Kremezin is being used of life (QOL) in CKD patients. This also requires a long time of follow
mainly in Japan and has been reported to have mixed clinical findings up and large sample size in clinical trials. Thus, there is a great interest
in other countries. Recently completed RCT of AST-120 in over 2000 in alternative GFR-based end point to shorten the duration of clinical
patients in USA failed to show any improvement in progression of trials, reduce sample size, and extend their conduct to patients with
CKD [55]. The successful use of the same product as a drug in Japan earlier stages of CKD.
may be attributed to the additional benefits derived from the daily New end points for CKD clinical trials gaining acceptance
consumption of fermented drinks (Yakult) and other fermented food
from US FDA, NKF and several nephrology professionals and
product (Miso) as a part of daily diet among the Japanese population of
renal health care providers/industries
patients. AST-120 has little affinity for urea but does bind with uric acid,
creatinine, indole and phenol metabolites. In addition, it also possesses “The US Food and Drug Administration currently accept halving
the negative impact in binding to several of the drugs that most of of glomerular filtration rate GFR) assessed as doubling of serum
the CKD patients consume every day. AST-120 is a specially coated creatinine level, as a surrogate end point for the development of kidney
charcoal and possesses similar properties of activated charcoal in failure in clinical trials of kidney disease progression. A doubling of
binding characteristics to scores of aromatics, steroidal and heterocyclic serum creatinine level generally is a late event in chronic kidney disease
compounds. (CKD); thus, there is great interest in considering alternative end points
for clinical trials to shorten their duration, reduce sample size, and
Using Probiotics extend their conduct to patients with earlier stages of CKD. However,
Prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics could also play a role in the relationship between lesser declines in GFR and the subsequent
reducing the generation and elimination of uremic toxins, decreased development of kidney failure has not been well characterized. The
inflammation, more so in conjunction with standard care of therapy National Kidney Foundation and Food and Drug Administration
sponsored a scientific workshop to critically examine available data to
according to individual CKD patient, nutritional needs and disease
determine whether alternative GFR-based end points have sufficiently
conditions. The modulation of the intestinal microbiota composition
strong relationships with important clinical outcomes of CKD to be
with the use of probiotics/prebiotics could potentially minimize the
used in clinical trials. Based on a series of meta-analyses of cohorts and
deleterious effects of its imbalance, thereby improving the health of
clinical trials and simulations of trial designs and analytic methods,
the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening the immune system, restoring
the workshop concluded that a confirmed decline in estimated GFR
the bioavailability of micronutrients, exerting anti diabetic actions, of 30% over 2 to 3 years may be an acceptable surrogate end point
improving dyslipidemia and allergic disorders, and reducing the risk of in some circumstances, but the pattern of treatment effects on GFR
other health problems. The mechanism by which probiotics exert their must be examined, specifically acute effects on estimated GFR. An
favorable effects seems due to direct utilization of several uremic toxins estimated GFR decline of 40% may be more broadly acceptable than
(diffused from circulating blood into the colon) as nutrients for its own a 30% decline across a wider range of baseline GFRs and patterns of
growth with its inherent capabilities of multiplying and doubling every treatment effects on GFR. However, there are other circumstances in
20 to 25 minutes. The increased growth of these gut microbes are then which these end points could lead to a reduction in statistical power or
eliminated by the natural defecation process which has been referred to erroneous conclusions regarding benefits or harms of interventions. We
as “Enteric Dialysis” in this commentary (Figure 1). encourage careful consideration of these alternative end points in the
In addition, probiotics change the intestinal pH, inhibit the growth design of future clinical trials [57]”.
of pathogens (through the production of antibacterial compounds, Routine Dialysis Versus the concept of “Enteric Dialysis”
competitive exclusion of pathogens in receptor binding sites and
competition for available nutrients), and suppression of mutagenic Previous research has suggested that longer dialysis sessions can
and carcinogenic processes and ultimately affords protection of the provide benefits without increasing the risks of complications [58-

J Nephrol Ther Volume 5 • Issue 4 • 1000209

ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal
Citation: Ranganathan N (2015) Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic
Kidney Diseases (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209

Page 4 of 6

Figure 1: Treating the cause of dysbiosis not the symptoms using probiotics (Enteric Dialysis® – Registered trademark of Kibow Biotech Inc.).

60]. However, some nephrology professionals find this view highly and phenols in the bowel; the so called concept of “Enteric Dialysis” is
debatable. ( a revolutionary way and offers hope to Renal failure population. It is
KidneyWin13/1.aspx). The controversy centers on the invasive nature safe, inexpensive and provides an alternate option for CKD and ESRD
of hemo/peritoneal dialysis that has significant potential for causing patients worldwide. However, well designed multi-site additional RCT
greater infections and higher mortality, particularly when sessions are clinical trials need to be performed in order to document statistically
frequent. However, the use of a well-researched, clinically documented significant data. Hence, the gut Microbiome modulation of dysbiosis
and safe probiotic/prebiotic dietary supplement formulation has the with pro/prebiotics provides an attractive futuristic potential towards
potential to safely perform continuous 24/7 uremic toxin removal and CKD patients and as well in several other health/disease conditions.
stabilize the gut Microbiome and its dysbiosis.
Summary The author wishes to express his appreciation to Usha Vyas (Lead
microbiologist) for her help in assisting and compilation of this commentary.
Global CKD is on the rise. Toxicity due to the accumulation of
various uremic toxins includes several newer ones such as Indoxyl Conflict of Interest
Sulfate, para-Cresyl Sulfate and many others. Concentrations of The author is one of the key founders of Kibow Biotech Inc, is employed as
various uremic solutes have been shown to increase as the disease key management and scientific personnel and has substantial financial / business
progresses from CKD to ESRD. Current hemo/peritoneal dialysis is interest in the company.
only accessible in affluent countries wherever respective governmental
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J Nephrol Ther Volume 5 • Issue 4 • 1000209

ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal
Citation: Ranganathan N (2015) Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic
Kidney Diseases (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209

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J Nephrol Ther Volume 5 • Issue 4 • 1000209

ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal
Citation: Ranganathan N (2015) Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic
Kidney Diseases (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209

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Diseases (CKD). J Nephrol Ther 5: 209. doi:10.4172/2161-0959.1000209

J Nephrol Ther Volume 5 • Issue 4 • 1000209

ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal

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