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State of the Art REVIEW

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 on 5 December 2023. Downloaded from on 31 December 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Advances in the management of chronic kidney
Teresa K Chen,1 Melanie P Hoenig,2 Dorothea Nitsch,3 Morgan E Grams4
A b s t ra c t
Kidney Health Research
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents a global public health crisis, but
Collaborative and Division awareness by patients and providers is poor. Defined as persistent abnormalities
of Nephrology, Department
of Medicine, University of in kidney structure or function for more than three months, manifested as either
California San Francisco; and
San Francisco VA Health Care low glomerular filtration rate or presence of a marker of kidney damage such as
System, San Francisco, CA, USA
albuminuria, CKD can be identified through readily available blood and urine
Division of Nephrology,
Department of Medicine, Beth tests. Early recognition of CKD is crucial for harnessing major advances in staging,
Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Harvard Medical School, prognosis, and treatment. This review discusses the evidence behind the general
Boston, MA, USA
principles of CKD management, such as blood pressure and glucose control, renin-
Department of Non-
Communicable Disease angiotensin-aldosterone system blockade, statin therapy, and dietary management.
Epidemiology, Faculty of
Epidemiology and Population It additionally describes individualized approaches to treatment based on risk of
Health, London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
kidney failure and cause of CKD. Finally, it reviews novel classes of kidney protective
London, UK
agents including sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide-1
Department of Medicine, New
York University Langone School receptor agonists, non-steroidal selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists,
of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
and endothelin receptor antagonists. Appropriate, widespread implementation of
Correspondence to: M E Grams these highly effective therapies should improve the lives of people with CKD and
Cite this as: BMJ 2023;383:074216
decrease the worldwide incidence of kidney failure.
Series explanation: State of the
Art Reviews are commissioned Introduction (MRA), and endothelin receptor antagonists. Finally,
on the basis of their relevance Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects approximately we describe major guidelines in CKD and highlight
to academics and specialists 10% of the world’s population and is associated common themes as well as differences in their
in the US and internationally.
For this reason they are written
with substantial morbidity and mortality.1 Risks of recommendations.
predominantly by US authors kidney failure, acute kidney injury, heart failure,
cardiovascular disease, and hospital admissions Sources and selection criteria
are all heightened in people with CKD.2 The Global We searched PubMed for peer reviewed articles in
Burden of Disease Consortium projects that CKD the English language from 1 January 2010 to 14 July
will be in the top five conditions contributing to 2023 using the keywords listed in the web appendix.
years of life lost by 2040.3 However, CKD remains We additionally reviewed reference lists of selected
under-recognized by both patients and providers.1 articles, prioritizing randomized controlled trials,
A diverse entity, CKD is most commonly attributed systematic reviews, and meta-analyses when
to diabetes or high blood pressure, but many other possible but also including observational studies
causes exist, from genetic causes to adverse effects and reviews that were of high quality. We included
of drugs to autoimmune processes.2 In this review, older articles if we deemed them to be of high
we summarize the evidence for current paradigms importance. Finally, we reviewed guidelines from
of disease identification and classification, discuss websites of professional societies and advisory
new equations developed for estimating glomerular committees (for example, the National Institute for
filtration rate (GFR) and harmonizing different Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Kidney Disease:
measures of albuminuria, report major progress in Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), US Centers
individualized risk estimation of kidney failure and for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department
other adverse outcomes both for CKD in general of Health and Human Services, and International
and within specific disease entities, and describe Society of Hypertension).
longstanding and novel treatment strategies. Notable
advances have been made in both general and Epidemiology
cause specific therapies, including sodium-glucose CKD is a global public health crisis. Recent estimates
cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, glucagon-like suggest that more than 700 million people have
peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, non-steroidal CKD, with greater burdens in low income and middle
selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists income countries.1 4 Determining the global, regional,

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 1

State of the Art REVIEW

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 on 5 December 2023. Downloaded from on 31 December 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and national burden of disease is challenging owing countries with the highest prevalence were Taiwan,
to inconsistent use of estimating equations for GFR, the Republic of Korea, and Japan.5
laboratory assay standardization, and albuminuria
testing. Despite this, some important observations Definition and classification of CKD: cause, GFR, and
can still be made. The prevalence of CKD increases albuminuria staging
with age and is greatest in people over 70 years.2 In CKD is defined as persistent abnormalities in
the US, compared with White people, Black people kidney structure or function for more than three
have substantially higher rates of kidney failure, months, manifest as either low GFR or presence of
followed by Native Americans, people of Hispanic a marker of kidney damage.2 Specifically, diagnosis
ethnicity, and people of Asian descent.5 requires one or more of the following: albuminuria,
The most commonly reported risk factors for CKD defined as an albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR)
are diabetes mellitus and hypertension.6 7 Social ≥30 mg per gram of creatinine (approximately ≥3
determinants of health are also important and likely mg/mmol) or albumin excretion of ≥30 mg/day;
contribute to racial disparities in kidney disease. GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2; abnormalities on urine
Specific genetic variants increase risk of CKD, sediment, histology, or imaging; electrolyte or
including variants in the APOL1 and HBB genes that other abnormalities attributed to tubular disorders;
are present in far greater proportions among people or history of kidney transplantation. The KDIGO
of African ancestry.8-11 In Central America, Sri Lanka, heat map helps with understanding of overall risk
Egypt, and Central India, defined geographic areas (low, moderately increased, high, and very high)
exist where many cases of CKD of unknown cause of patients according to level of albuminuria (A
have been identified.12 Some experts postulate that category), level of GFR (G category), and cause
heat stress or pesticides may contribute. of disease (fig 1), such that people with normal
Whereas the incidence of CKD is difficult to estimated GFR but higher albuminuria have a similar
estimate, reliant as it is on testing for GFR and risk to people with moderately reduced estimated
albuminuria, the incidence of kidney failure with GFR and no albuminuria.
the receipt of replacement therapy (KFRT) is more
readily captured. Many countries have developed Clinical manifestations of CKD
national registries of patients with kidney failure, Albuminuria
allowing comparison of incidence across ages and Albuminuria is often the first sign of kidney damage,
countries.13 For example, the countries with the and its detection drives many treatment decisions.2
highest incidence of treated kidney failure in 2020 The prevalence of albuminuria in people with diabetes
were Taiwan, the US, and Singapore, whereas the or hypertension is estimated to be 32% and 22%,












Fig 1 | Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes heat map with guidance on monitoring.2 Numbers in boxes indicate recommended frequency of
monitoring (number of times per year). Colors denote risk as follows: green (low risk), yellow (moderately increased risk), orange (high risk), and red
(very high risk). CKD=chronic kidney disease; GFR=glomerular filtration rate

2 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | the bmj

State of the Art REVIEW

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respectively.14 However, only a minority of patients done in clinical practice. Instead, GFR is usually
receive urine screening tests.14 15 For example, the estimated by using plasma or serum concentrations
mean albuminuria screening rates across health of endogenous filtration markers, such as creatinine
systems in the US were 35% among adults with and cystatin C, and demographic variables. Early
diabetes and 4% among adults with hypertension.14 equations for adults, such as Modification of Diet
The gold standard for assessing albuminuria is in Renal Disease (MDRD) and CKD Epidemiology
either a sample collected mid-stream from an early Collaboration (CKD-EPI) 2009 equations, used
morning urine void or a 24 hour urine collection; filtration markers along with age, sex, and race
however, in situations where this is not possible, (Black versus non-Black) to estimate GFR.19-21
a spot collection is reasonable.2 Quantification of The newer European Kidney Function Consortium
albumin is preferred over that of total protein.2 16 equation, which allows for seamless GFR evaluation
This preference is because the sensitivity of the total from infancy to old age, uses a population specific
protein assay to different protein components can divisor to adjust creatinine values (for example,
vary by laboratory, as well as the fact that proteinuria separate values for Black European and White
assessments do not easily discriminate A1 and A2 European populations).22 However, the use of
categories. Both urine albumin and urine protein race in GFR estimation has faced strong criticism
are typically indexed to urine creatinine to account and, in 2021, the US based American Society of
for differences in dilution, as urine ACR or urine Nephrology-National Kidney Foundation Task Force
protein-to-creatinine ratio (PCR). Dipstick protein on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing
assessment is generally more economical than both Kidney Disease recommended immediate adoption
methods; however, like PCR, dipstick assessment of the race-free CKD-EPI 2021 estimating equations,
can be insensitive in A1 and A2 categories. which exist for creatinine alone (eGFRcr) as well as for
Although conversion calculators exist to aid in the creatinine and cystatin C (eGFRcr-cys).23-25 Cystatin C
harmonization of ACR and PCR measures; they do has distinct confounders (non-GFR determinants) of
not work well at lower ranges of albuminuria.17 18 its relation with GFR compared with creatinine (fig
2).2 26 Thus, eGFRcr-cys is a more accurate estimate
GFR of GFR than eGFRcr alone, irrespective of equation
The second axis for CKD classification focuses on used, in most scenarios, including those in which
GFR.2 The gold standard for assessing GFR is direct large differences exist between eGFRcr and that
measurement from clearance of an exogenous estimated solely using cystatin C (eGFRcys).25-28
filtration marker such as iohexol or iothalamate; However, the newest GFR estimating equations have
however, this is relatively cumbersome and rarely not been tested extensively in Asian populations.29 30


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Fig 2 | Common non-glomerular filtration rate (GFR) determinants of blood concentrations of creatinine and cystatin C.2 26 eGFR=estimated
glomerular filtration rate

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 3

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cause of disease. Targeted gene panels offered
Box 1: European Renal Association and European Rare Kidney Disease Reference
commercially may have high diagnostic yields in
Network recommendations for settings in which genetic testing might be
select populations, such as patients with glomerular
disease, nephrotic syndrome, or congenital
• Most tubulopathies anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.31 One
• Glomerulopathies: study suggested that for appropriately selected
○○Congenital nephrotic syndrome patients, 34% had disease either reclassified or
○○Nephrotic syndrome refractory to standard steroid therapy assigned on the basis of genetic testing, thus
○○Multi-organ phenotypes suggestive of syndromic steroid resistant nephrotic changing clinical management.32 The European
syndrome Renal Association and the European Rare Kidney
• Complement disorders: Disease Reference Network have issued a joint
○○Immune complex mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis statement providing recommendations for how to
○○C3 glomerulopathy provide genetic testing, including specific settings
○○Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in which it may be considered (box 1).33
• Renal ciliopathies
• Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract
Individualized prognosis and treatment
• Patients aged <50 years with severe CKD of unknown cause
Identifying the cause of CKD is critical as different
• Patients aged >50 years with adult onset CKD and family history of CKD
causes of CKD carry different prognoses and can
CKD=chronic kidney disease have distinct treatments.2 For example, autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is
the most common genetic cause of CKD and is
Cause typically associated with faster progression than
The third axis for classification is cause of CKD, other disease entities.32 34 Individualized prognosis
which is generally ascertained through imaging, is often determined by using disease specific risk
assessment of extrarenal manifestations and classification or calculators (for example, the Mayo
biomarkers, or kidney biopsy.2 Classification of classification or the ADPKD Prognostic Tool), and
cause typically hinges on the presence or absence screening and treatment recommendations such as
of systemic disease (for example, obesity, diabetes, increased fluid intake and tolvaptan are unique to
hypertension, systemic autoimmune disease) this entity.35-38 IgA nephropathy, the most common
and the specific location of the kidney pathology type of glomerulonephritis worldwide, particularly
(for example, glomeruli, tubulointerstitium, in East Asian and Pacific Asian countries,39 has its
vasculature, or cystic/congenital abnormality). own prognostic aids, such as the International IgA
Unfortunately, the cause of CKD is often unknown, Nephropathy Prediction Tool,40 41 and treatments
limiting its utility. Molecular phenotyping and specific to IgA nephropathy are in various stages
genetic testing are increasingly being used to assign of development.42 The APOL1 high risk genotypes
confer about twofold higher risk of kidney failure in
the general population and are common in people of
 African ancestry.8 43-45 A recently published phase 2A

study of targeted therapy for APOL1 related disease
Suggested referral thresholds showed promising reductions in albuminuria; the
 20-40%: Dialysis access/transplant phase 3 study is ongoing.46 Other disease specific
 >10%: Multidisciplinary care therapies are increasingly available, such as
>2%: Nephrology
 belimumab in lupus nephritis and lumasiran for
 primary hyperoxaluria type 1.47 48
Individualized risk prediction is also available

for more general populations of patients with CKD.

The most widely known and validated is the kidney
 failure risk equation (KFRE), which is used in
 patients with GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2.49 Tested in

more than 30 countries and 700 000 people, the tool
provides probabilities of kidney failure at two years
*D$ *E$ *$ *$ *D$ *E$ *$ *$ *D$ *E$ *$ *$
and five years based on age, sex, and estimated GFR
and albuminuria levels.50 Like all risk equations,
Fig 3 | Range of predicted risk of kidney failure using the kidney failure risk equation the KFRE may perform better with recalibration to
(KFRE) within G and A categories of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The KFRE (ckdpcrisk. absolute risk levels of local populations, but the
org/kidneyfailurerisk) was used to estimate two year risk of kidney failure in 350 232 discriminatory ability (that is, distinguishing people
patients with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 from at high risk from those at low risk) has been extremely
the Optum Laboratories Data Warehouse (OLDW). OLDW is a longitudinal, real world
consistent across all studies. The KFRE has also
data asset with deidentified administrative claims and electronic health record data.
been validated in recipients of kidney transplants.51
Patients with eGFR and albuminuria (urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR), protein- 52
to-creatinine ratio, or dipstick protein) within a two year window were included in Although the KFRE does not explicitly take into
this analysis. Different measures of albuminuria were harmonized to ACR levels for A account the competing risk of death, estimates are
categories ( quite accurate except among the members of the

4 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | the bmj

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Fig 4 | Comprehensive care of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), irrespective of cause

oldest segments of the population at the highest kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and death
risk.53 One study suggested that the KFRE provides for patients with estimated GFR <30 mL/min/1.73
more accurate prediction of kidney failure than both m2, which can inform decisions on access placement
patients and providers.54 Even within categories and reinforce the importance of cardiovascular
of GFR and urine ACR, the KFRE provides a wide risk reduction.57 Estimating risks of cardiovascular
estimate of risk prediction, which can be helpful disease is particularly relevant given that many
in the counseling and referral of patients (fig 3). more patients with CKD have cardiovascular disease
Some centers will refer patients with a two year risk events than need KFRT.58 Other efforts incorporate
of kidney failure greater than 20-40% for vascular estimated GFR and albuminuria into existing tools,
access and kidney transplantation evaluation, on the such as SCORE2 and the pooled cohort equation for
basis that tools that incorporate albuminuria provide the prediction of cardiovascular disease.59 60
more accurate and unbiased time to kidney failure Patient specific prognostic clues may stem from
than does estimated GFR alone.55 Studies suggest discrepant estimated GFR values between eGFRcr and
that the KFRE is robust to different GFR equations eGFRcys.61-63 When eGFRcys is substantially lower
(specifically, CKD-EPI 2009 and CKD-EPI 2021) and than eGFRcr, the risk for kidney related laboratory
that many patients value being counseled using this abnormalities (for example, anemia, hyperuricemia,
information.53 56 and hyperphosphatemia) and subsequent adverse
Other risk equations exist to predict the risk of outcomes (for example, kidney failure, heart failure,
cardiovascular disease and death in CKD; some and mortality) is higher.61 64 65 By contrast, having a
of these do consider the competing risk of death lower eGFRcr than eGFRcys is associated with lower
( For example, the advanced risk of adverse outcomes.66 Risk factors for having a
CKD risk tool provides simultaneous estimates of discrepancy between eGFRcr and eGFRcys include

the bmj | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 5

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Table 1 | Landmark randomized clinical trials on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers in chronic kidney disease
Benazepril for Advanced
Parameter REIN Stratum 276(n=166) RENAAL77 (n=1513) IDNT78 (n=1715) AASK68 (n=1094) CKD, Group 279 (n=224)
Kidney related inclusion CrCl 20-70 mL/min/1.73 SCr 1.3-3.0 mg/dL SCr 1.0-3.0 mg/dL in women GFR 20-65 mL/min/1.73 m2 and SCr 3.1-5.0 mg/dL and
criteria m2 and protein excretion and ACR ≥300 mg/g or and 1.2-3.0 mg/dL in men PCR ≤2.5 g/g protein excretion >0.3
≥3 g/day protein excretion ≥0.5 and protein excretion ≥900 g/day
g/day mg/day
Drug Ramipril 1.25-5 mg daily Losartan 50-100 mg Irbesartan 300 mg daily Ramipril 2.5-10 mg daily Benazepril 20 mg daily
Comparator(s) Placebo Placebo Placebo; amlodipine 10 mg Metoprolol 50-200 mg daily; Placebo
daily amlodipine 5-10 mg daily
Follow-up Mean ~1.3 years Mean 3.4 years Mean 2.6 years Median ~3-4 years Mean 3.4 years
% with diabetes 0% with insulin 100% 100% 0% 0%
dependent diabetes
Baseline GFR, eGFR, Mean GFR ~39 mL/ Mean SCr ~1.9 mg/dL Mean SCr ~1.7 mg/dL Mean GFR 46 mL/min/1.73 m2 Mean eGFR ~26 mL/
or SCr min/1.73 m2 min/1.73 m2
Baseline PCR, ACR, Mean protein excretion Median ACR 1261 mg/g Median protein excretion ~2.9 Median PCR 0.08 g/g Mean protein excretion
protein or albumin ~5.3 g/day for placebo group and g/day and albumin excretion ~1.7 g/day
excretion* 1237 mg/g for losartan ~1.9 g/day
Primary outcome Mean GFR decline† 0.53 Hazard ratio for Relative risk for composite of Mean difference for total GFR slope Risk reduction for
(SE 0.08) mL/min per composite of doubling doubling SCr, ESKD, or death (mL/min/1.73 m2 per year) 0.61 composite of doubling
month for ramipril v SCr, ESKD, or death 0.80 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.97) (SE 0.22) for ramipril v metoprolol SCr, ESKD, or death 43%
0.88 (0.13) for placebo 0.84 (95% CI 0.72 to for irbesartan v placebo; 0.77 (P=0.007); −0.34 (0.38) for (P=0.005)
(P=0.03) 0.98) (0.63 to 0.93) for irbesartan v ramipril v amlodipine (P=0.38)
ACR=urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio; CI=confidence interval; CrCl=creatinine clearance; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESKD=end stage kidney disease; GFR=glomerular filtration
rate; IDNT=Irbesartan Diabetic Nephropathy Trial; AASK=African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension; PCR=urine protein-to-creatinine ratio; SCr=serum creatinine; SE=standard
error; REIN=Ramipril Efficacy In Nephropathy; RENAAL=Reduction of Endpoints in NIDDM with the Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan.
*To convert ACR from mg/g to mg/mmol, multiply by 0.113.
†n=117 with ≥3 GFR evaluations.

older age, female sex, higher body mass index, recent 0.64 to 0.89) and all cause mortality (hazard ratio
weight loss, and smoking. 0.73, 0.60 to 0.90), regardless of CKD status.69
Blood pressure control can also reduce albuminuria,
General principles of management as shown in the Chlorthalidone in Chronic Kidney
The mainstays of therapy for patients with CKD Disease (CLICK) trial of chlorthalidone in advanced
include treating the underlying cause if known, and CKD.71
correcting risk factors (for example, albuminuria) for
CKD progression and other CKD related complications Glycemic targets
(fig 4).2 Among patients with diabetes and CKD, glycemic
control is an important component of comprehensive
Blood pressure targets care.72 The Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease:
The three major studies for evaluating the optimal Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled
blood pressure target in CKD were the Modification Evaluation (ADVANCE) was the largest trial of
of Diet in Renal Disease Study (MDRD), African intensive glucose control to enroll patients with
American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension CKD.73 Among the 11 140 trial participants, 19%
(AASK), and Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention had an estimated GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and
Trial (SPRINT).67-69 In both MDRD and AASK, 31% had albuminuria at baseline.74 Compared with
intensive blood pressure control did not slow GFR standard glucose control, intensive glucose control
decline overall.67 68 However, in MDRD, participants was associated with 9% (hazard ratio 0.91, 0.85 to
with baseline proteinuria of ≥3 g/day seemed to 0.98), 30% (0.70, 0.57 to 0.85), and 65% (0.35, 0.15
benefit from intensive blood pressure control, with to 0.83) lower risks of developing new onset ACR 30-
slower mean rates of GFR decline compared with 300 mg/g, ACR >300 mg/g, and end stage kidney
their counterparts in the usual blood pressure disease (ESKD), respectively.
control group.67 Among SPRINT participants with
baseline CKD (n=2646), aiming for a systolic blood Specific classes of therapy
pressure goal of <120 mm Hg versus <140 mm Hg Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and
did not significantly reduce the risk for a composite angiotensin receptor blockers
kidney outcome that included a ≥50% reduction When choosing antihypertensive agents, those that
in estimated GFR, long term dialysis, or kidney act by inhibiting the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
transplant.69 70 However, benefits of intensive blood system (RAAS) have particular relevance in CKD. A
pressure control were seen with respect to prevention 2001 meta-analysis of 11 studies suggested that, for
of the composite cardiovascular outcome (defined non-diabetic CKD, the use of angiotensin converting
as myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, enzyme (ACE) inhibitors resulted in a 30% reduction
stroke, heart failure, or death from cardiovascular in risk of KFRT or doubling of serum creatinine.75
causes—hazard ratio 0.75, 95% confidence interval Clinical trials in populations with CKD and diabetes

6 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | the bmj

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Table 2 | Landmark randomized clinical trials on sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in chronic kidney disease (CKD)
CANVAS Program86 87
Parameter (n=10 142) CREDENCE88 (n=4401) DAPA-CKD89 90 (n=4304) EMPA-KIDNEY91 (n=6609)
Kidney related eGFR >30 mL/min/1.73 m2 eGFR 30 to <90 mL/min/1.73 eGFR 25 to 75 mL/min/1.73 m2 and eGFR ≥20 to <45 mL/min/1.73 m2 or eGFR
inclusion criteria m2 and ACR >300 to 5000 ACR 200 to 5000 mg/g ≥45 to <90 mL/min/1.73 m2 and ACR ≥200
mg/g mg/g
Drug Canagliflozin 100 mg daily; Canagliflozin 100 mg daily Dapagliflozin 10 mg daily Empagliflozin 10 mg daily
canagliflozin 300 mg daily
Median follow-up 2.4 years 2.6 years 2.4 years 2.0 years
% with diabetes 100% 100% 68% 46%
Cause of CKD NA 100% diabetes 58% diabetes; 16% hypertension/ 31% diabetes; 22% hypertension/
ischemic; 6% IgA nephropathy; 3% renovascular; 25% glomerular; 12% other;
FSGS; 2% chronic pyelonephritis; 10% unknown
1% chronic interstitial nephritis; 9%
other; 5% unknown
Baseline eGFR Mean 77 mL/min/1.73 m2 Mean 56 mL/min/1.73 m2 Mean 43 mL/min/1.73 m2; 14% with Mean 37 mL/min/1.73 m2; 35% with eGFR
eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2 <30 mL/min/1.73 m2
Baseline ACR* Median 12.3 mg/g; 23% with Median 927 mg/g Median 949 mg/g; 90% with ACR Median 329 mg/g; 52% with ACR >300 mg/g
ACR 30-300 mg/g; 8% with ACR >300 mg/g; 48% with ACR >1000
>300 mg/g mg/g
Hazard ratio (95% CI) comparing SGLT-2 inhibitor v placebo
Primary outcome Composite of non-fatal Composite of doubling of Composite of sustained decline in Composite of sustained decrease in eGFR
myocardial infarction, non- serum creatinine, ESKD, eGFR of ≥50%, ESKD, or death from to <10 mL/min/1.73 m2 or by ≥40% from
fatal stroke, or death from or death from kidney or kidney or cardiovascular causes: 0.61 baseline, ESKD, or death from kidney or
cardiovascular causes: 0.86 cardiovascular causes: 0.70 (0.51 to 0.72) cardiovascular causes: 0.72 (0.64 to 0.82)
(0.75 to 0.97) (0.59 to 0.82)
CKD progression† 0.60 (0.47 to 0.77) 0.66 (0.53 to 0.81) 0.56 (0.45 to 0.68) 0.71 (0.62 to 0.81)
ESKD‡ 0.77 (0.30 to 1.97) 0.68 (0.54 to 0.86) 0.64 (0.50 to 0.82) 0.73 (0.59 to 0.89)
Difference (95% CI) in mL/min/1.73 m2 per year comparing SGLT-2 inhibitor v placebo
eGFR slope§ Total: 2.0 (1.5 to 2.6); long term: Total: 1.52 (1.11 to 1.93); long Total: 0.93 (0.61 to 1.25); long term: Total: 0.75 (0.54 to 0.96); long term: 1.37
1.2 (1.0 to 1.4) term: 2.74 (2.37 to 3.11) 1.92 (1.61 to 2.24) (1.16 to 1.59)
ACR=urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio; CANVAS=Canagliflozin Cardiovascular Assessment Study; CREDENCE=Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Diabetes and Established Nephropathy Clinical
Evaluation; CVD=cardiovascular disease; DAPA-CKD=Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease; EMPA-KIDNEY=Study of Heart and Kidney Protection with
Empagliflozin; ESKD=end stage kidney disease; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; FSGS=focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; NA=not available.
*To convert ACR from mg/g to mg/mmol, multiply by 0.113.
†CKD progression defined as 40% reduction in eGFR, need for dialysis or kidney transplantation, or death from kidney causes in CANVAS; doubling of serum creatinine, ESKD, or kidney death in
CREDENCE; decline in eGFR of ≥50%, ESKD, or death from kidney causes in DAPA-CKD; sustained decrease in eGFR to <10 mL/min/1.73 m2 or by ≥40% from baseline, ESKD, or death from kidney
causes in EMPA-KIDNEY.
‡ESKD defined as dialysis for ≥30 days, kidney transplantation, or eGFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 in CANVAS; dialysis for ≥30 days, kidney transplantation, or eGFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 in
CREDENCE; maintenance dialysis for ≥28 days, kidney transplantation, or eGFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 in DAPA-CKD; initiation of maintenance dialysis or kidney transplantation and includes death
from cardiovascular causes in EMPA-KIDNEY.
§Long term eGFR slope defined as 13 weeks onwards in CANVAS, 3 weeks onwards in CREDENCE, 2 weeks onwards in DAPA-CKD, and 2 months onwards in EMPA-KIDNEY.

(for example, IDNT, RENAAL) have also shown benefit in prevention of death and cardiovascular events
of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) in preventing associated with continuation of RAAS inhibitors.83-85
CKD progression (table 1).77 78 RAAS inhibition also A retrospective, propensity score matched study of
plays a role in prevention of cardiovascular disease. patients with estimated GFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2
The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) showed higher risk of all cause mortality and major
study showed that ACE inhibitors reduced the risks adverse cardiovascular events in those who stopped
of myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular RAAS inhibitors compared with those who continued
death in populations at high risk for cardiovascular them,83 as did a Swedish trial emulation study.84 The
disease, including those with diabetes and risk of kidney replacement therapy associated with
albuminuria.80 The Ongoing Telmisartan Alone cessation of RAAS inhibitors was not statistically
and in Combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint significant in the first study and lower in the second
Trial (ONTARGET) showed that ACE inhibitors and study.83 84 In an open label randomized trial,
ARB were generally equivalent in the prevention of cessation of RAAS inhibitors did not show significant
cardiovascular events.81 Because of the increased between group differences in long term decline in
risk of hyperkalemia and acute kidney injury, dual estimated GFR or initiation of kidney replacement
therapy with both an ACE inhibitor and an ARB is therapy, providing reassurance that RAAS inhibitors
typically avoided.82 can be safely continued as GFR declines.85
When GFR declines, providers often grapple with
whether RAAS inhibitors should be continued. The SGLT-2 inhibitors
Benazepril in Advanced CKD study showed that One of the biggest advancements in CKD management
benazepril reduced the risk of the primary composite over the past decade was the discovery that SGLT-2
kidney endpoint by 43% compared with placebo, inhibitors have robust protective effects on the heart
thus suggesting that RAAS inhibitors are beneficial and kidneys in patients with and without diabetes.
even in advanced CKD (baseline serum creatinine Recent trials showed an approximate 30% reduction
3.1-5.0 mg/dL).79 Three recent reports further in risk for diverse kidney outcomes among patients
explored this question, also examining the benefits with baseline estimated GFR values as low as 20

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Table 3 | Adverse effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors* in CANVAS, CREDENCE, DAPA-CKD, and EMPA-KIDNEY trials
Urinary tract infection Similar Similar NR Similar
Serious genital infection Higher† Higher in men Too few events Too few events
Hyperkalemia Similar Similar NR Similar
Acute kidney injury Similar Similar Similar Similar
Liver injury Similar Similar NR Similar
Ketoacidosis Similar Higher Similar Too few events
Limb amputation Higher Similar Similar Similar
Bone fracture Higher Similar Similar Similar
Severe hypoglycemia Similar Similar Lower Similar
Volume depletion Higher Similar Higher Similar
Pancreatitis Similar Too few events NR NR
CANVAS=Canagliflozin Cardiovascular Assessment Study; CREDENCE=Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Diabetes and Established Nephropathy Clinical
Evaluation; DAPA-CKD=Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease; EMPA-KIDNEY=Study of Heart and Kidney Protection
with Empagliflozin NR=not reported; SGLT-2=sodium-glucose co-transporter 2.
*Reported as similar, higher, or lower risk, event rate, or frequency for SGLT-2 inhibitor versus placebo.
†Defined as infection of male genitalia and mycotic genital infection in women.

mL/min/1.73 m2 (table 2).86 88 89 91 Importantly, the patients with IgA nephropathy and perhaps also
three trials designed with primary kidney outcomes those with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
(Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Diabetes and (FSGS).93 94 Among 270 participants with IgA
Established Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation nephropathy (mean estimated GFR 44 mL/min/1.73
(CREDENCE), Dapagliflozin and Prevention of m2; median ACR 900 mg/g (102 mg/mmol)),
Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (DAPA- dapagliflozin was associated with a 71% lower risk
CKD), and Study of Heart and Kidney Protection with of developing the primary outcome and a 70% lower
Empagliflozin (EMPA-KIDNEY)) were terminated risk of ESKD compared with placebo.93 Among the
early because pre-specified efficacy criteria were 104 participants with FSGS (mean estimated GFR 42
met, with median follow-up times ranging from 2.0 mL/min/1.73 m2; median ACR 1248 mg/g (141 mg/
to 2.6 years.88 89 91 The overwhelming majority of mmol)), dapagliflozin was not associated with a lower
trial participants were taking an ACE inhibitor or risk of the primary composite outcome, although this
ARB before randomization, showing that the benefits analysis was limited in power (only 11 events).94 In
of SGLT-2 inhibitors on slowing CKD progression are exploratory analyses, dapagliflozin was associated
additive to those of RAAS inhibitors. One simulation with slower chronic decline in estimated GFR in the
study estimated that a 50 year old adult with non- FSGS population. Investigations on the use of SGLT-2
diabetic albuminuric CKD would have seven extra inhibitors in other patient populations, such as those
years free from doubling of serum creatinine, kidney with polycystic kidney disease and kidney transplant
failure, or all cause mortality if treated with an SGLT- recipients, are ongoing (
2 inhibitor and RAAS inhibitor.92 SGLT-2 inhibitors, which act at the level of the
Subgroup analyses of the DAPA-CKD and EMPA- proximal tubule to block the reabsorption of glucose
KIDNEY trials have provided additional insights and sodium,95 are generally safe to use in patients
on the wide range of patients who are likely to with CKD. Early signals of heightened risks of volume
benefit from SGLT-2 inhibitors.89 91 In DAPA-CKD, depletion, serious genital infections, bone fractures,
dapagliflozin was favored over placebo in all pre- and need for limb amputation in the Canagliflozin
specified subgroups by baseline age, sex, race, Cardiovascular Assessment Study (CANVAS) were
diabetes status, systolic blood pressure, estimated not observed in subsequent studies—CREDENCE,
GFR (<45 v ≥45 mL/min/1.73 m2), and ACR (≤1000 DAPA-CKD, and EMPA-KIDNEY—thus assuaging
v >1000 mg/g or ≤113 v >113 mg/mmol).89 Similarly, these concerns (table 3).86 88 89 91 A pooled analysis
in EMPA-KIDNEY, empagliflozin was associated of 15 081 participants with type 2 diabetes and CKD
with lower risk of the primary composite outcome G3-4 showed similar rates of serious adverse events
compared with placebo regardless of baseline for empagliflozin versus placebo, with a higher
diabetes status or estimated GFR (<30 v ≥30 mL/ rate only of mild genital infections with the SGLT-2
min/1.73 m2 to <45 v ≥45 mL/min/1.73 m2).91 The inhibitor.96 A real world study of patients receiving
risk of the primary outcome was not lower among SGLT-2 inhibitors compared with dipeptidyl
patients with ACR ≤300 mg/g (approximately ≤30 peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors found no increased
mg/mmol). In exploratory analyses, however, risk of outpatient urinary tract infections or severe
empagliflozin was associated with slower annual urinary tract infection events requiring hospital
rates of decline in estimated GFR compared with admission.97
placebo among participants with ACR between 30
and 300 mg/g (approximately 3-30 mg/mmol) and GLP-1 receptor agonists
slower chronic slope (from two months to the final GLP-1 receptor agonists have also been shown to
follow-up visit) among all ACR subgroups. improve kidney outcomes among patients with
The DAPA-CKD trial also showed that the kidney type 2 diabetes, albeit in trials that were designed
protective effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors extend to for primary cardiac outcomes (table 4).98-109 The

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Table 4 | Landmark randomized clinical trials on associations of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists with secondary kidney outcomes
among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
ELIXA98-101 SUSTAIN-6100 104 EXSCEL105 106 REWIND107 108 AMPLITUDE-O109
Parameter (n=6068) LEADER102 103 (n=9340) (n=3297) (n=14 752) (n=9901) (n=4076)
Kidney related eGFR ≥30 mL/ Age ≥50 years with ≥1 Age ≥50 years with CVD eGFR ≥30 mL/min/1.73 eGFR ≥15 mL/ Age ≥18 years with history
inclusion criteria min/1.73 m2 cardiovascular coexisting or CKD G3+ or age ≥60 m2 min/1.73 m2 of CVD or age ≥50 (men)
condition (eg, CKD G3+) years with ≥1 CVD risk or ≥55 (women) years
or age ≥60 years with ≥1 factor (eg, albuminuria or with eGFR 25 to <60 mL/
cardiovascular risk factor (eg, proteinuria) min/1.73 m2 and ≥1
albuminuria or proteinuria) cardiovascular risk factor
Drug Lixisenatide 10-20 Liraglutide 1.8 mg daily (or Semaglutide 0.5 or 1.0 Exenatide 2 mg weekly Dulaglutide 1.5 mg Efpeglenatide 4 mg or 6
μg daily maximum tolerated dose) mg weekly weekly mg weekly
Median follow-up 2.1 years 3.8 years 2.1 years 3.2 years 5.4 years 1.8 years
Baseline eGFR Mean 76 mL/ Mean ~80 mL/min/1.73 m2 Mean 80 mL/min/1.73 Median 76 mL/ Mean 78 mL/ Mean 72 mL/min/1.73 m2
min/1.73 m2 m2 min/1.73 m2 for min/1.73 m2
placebo group and 77
mL/min/1.73 m2 for
exenatide group
Baseline ACR* Median 10.5 mg/g 10% with ACR >300 mg/g NA NA Median 1.94 mg/ Median 28 mg/g
for placebo group mmol; 35% with
and 10.2 mg/g for ACR ≥3.39 mg/mmol
lixisenatide group;
6.5% with ACR ≥300
Kidney outcomes ACR >300 mg/g ACR >300 mg/g, doubling of ACR >300 mg/g, ACR >300 mg/g, ≥40% ACR >300 mg/g, ACR >300 mg/g and
serum creatinine with eGFR doubling of serum decline in eGFR, kidney ≥30% decline increase in ACR ≥30%
≤45 mL/min/1.73 m2, need creatinine with eGFR replacement therapy, in eGFR, or from baseline, ≥40%
for maintenance kidney <45 mL/min/1.73 m2, or or death from kidney maintenance kidney decline in eGFR or eGFR
replacement therapy, or need for maintenance causes replacement therapy <15 mL/min/1.73 m2,
death from kidney disease† kidney replacement maintenance kidney
therapy replacement therapy
Hazard ratio (95% 0.85 (0.69 to 1.05) 0.78 (0.67 to 0.92) 0.64 (0.46 to 0.88) 0.85 (0.74 to 0.98) 0.85 (0.77 to 0.93) 0.68 (0.57 to 0.79)
CI) comparing GLP-1
receptor agonists v
ACR=urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio; AMPLITUDE-O=Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes with Efpeglenatide in Type 2 Diabetes; CI=confidence interval; CVD=cardiovascular disease; ESKD=end-
stage kidney disease; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; ELIXA=Evaluation of Lixisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome; EXSCEL=Exenatide Study of Cardiovascular Event Lowering;
LEADER=Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcome Results; NA=not available; REWIND=Researching cardiovascular Events with a Weekly Incretin in Diabetes
SUSTAIN-6=Trial to Evaluate Cardiovascular and Other Long term Outcomes with Semaglutide in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes.
*To convert ACR from mg/g to mg/mmol, multiply by 0.113.
†Most of the risk reduction was due to prevention of the albuminuria endpoint.

reduction in risk of kidney outcomes, which associated with greater ACR reductions in a dose
included albuminuria, ranged from 15% to 36%. dependent manner over the one year follow-up.
A large meta-analysis of approximately 44 000 Exact mechanisms by which the GLP-1 receptor
participants from the six trials in table 4 reported agonists slow decline in estimated GFR and/or
that use of GLP-1 receptor agonists was associated reduce albuminuria are not entirely clear, but
with a 21% lower risk of developing the composite proposed mechanisms include improved glycemic
kidney outcome, defined as new onset albuminuria control, weight loss, increased natriuresis, and
>300 mg/g, doubling of serum creatinine, ≥40% reduced inflammation and oxidative stress.111-113
decline in estimated GFR, kidney replacement Adverse effects observed with this class of
therapy, or death due to kidney causes, compared drugs have included diarrhea, nausea, and
with placebo.100 This risk reduction seemed to be vomiting.103 104 107 109 110
driven by the reduction in incident albuminuria >300
mg/g; associations between GLP-1 receptor agonists Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists
and CKD progression and kidney failure were not Several MRAs are available and can be useful adjuncts
statistically significant. However, results were more to RAAS inhibitors, particularly among populations
promising in A Study Comparing Dulaglutide with with albuminuria and/or diabetes. Two common
Insulin Glargine on Glycemic Control in Participants steroidal non-selective MRAs, spironolactone and
with Type 2 Diabetes and Moderate or Severe Chronic eplerenone, both lower albuminuria.72 In a meta-
Kidney Disease (AWARD-7), a clinical trial designed analysis of 372 participants from seven trials,
to evaluate change in glycated hemoglobin.110 combination therapy with a non-selective MRA
Among 577 adults with type 2 diabetes and CKD and an ACE inhibitor and/or ARB was associated
G3-4 randomized to open label dulaglutide 1.5 mg with a significant reduction in proteinuria, albeit
once weekly, dulaglutide 0.75 mg once weekly, or with a higher risk of hyperkalemia.114 Finerenone,
insulin glargine daily, both dulaglutide groups had a non-steroidal selective MRA, was also recently
slower estimated GFR declines compared with the approved.115 Compared with the steroidal non-
insulin glargine group; among participants with selective MRAs, finerenone has a stronger selectivity
baseline albuminuria >300 mg/g, dulaglutide was for the mineralocorticoid receptor, a shorter half life,

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Table 5 | Landmark randomized clinical trials on finerenone in chronic kidney disease
Parameter FIDELIO-DKD116 (n=5674) FIGARO-DKD118 (n=7352)
Kidney related inclusion criteria ACR 30 to <300 mg/g and eGFR 25 to <60 mL/ ACR 30 to <300 mg/g and eGFR 25 to 90 mL/min/1.73
min/1.73 m2 and diabetic retinopathy or m2 or ACR 300 to 5000 mg/g and eGFR ≥60 mL/
ACR 300 to 5000 mg/g and eGFR 25 to <75 mL/ min/1.73 m2
min/1.73 m2
Median follow-up 2.6 years 3.4 years
Baseline eGFR Mean 44 mL/min/1.73 m2; 55% with eGFR <45 Mean 68 mL/min/1.73 m2; 17% with eGFR <45 mL/
mL/min/1.73 m2 min/1.73 m2
Baseline ACR* Median 852 mg/g; 87% with ACR ≥300 mg/g Median 308 mg/g; 51% with ACR ≥300 mg/g
Hazard ratio (95% CI) comparing finerenone v placebo
≥40% kidney composite outcome: sustained decrease in eGFR by 0.82 (0.73 to 0.93) 0.87 (0.76 to 1.01)
≥40% or to <15 mL/min/1.73 m2, ESKD, or death due to kidney
≥57% kidney composite outcome: sustained decrease in eGFR by 0.76 (0.65 to 0.90) 0.77 (0.60 to 0.99)
≥57% or to <15 mL/min/1.73 m2, ESKD, or death due to kidney
ESKD: initiation of maintenance dialysis for ≥90 days or kidney 0.86 (0.67 to 1.10) 0.64 (0.41 to 0.995)
Ratio of least squares (95% CI) comparing finerenone v placebo
Mean ACR change from baseline to month 4 0.69 (0.66 to 0.71) 0.68 (0.65 to 0.70)
*To convert ACR from mg/g to mg/mmol, multiply by 0.113.
ACR=urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio; CI=confidence interval; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESKD=end-stage kidney disease; FIDELIO-DKD=Finerenone in Reducing Kidney Failure
and Disease Progression in Diabetic Kidney Disease; FIGARO-DKD=Finerenone in Reducing Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity in Diabetic Kidney Disease.

less of a blood pressure lowering effect, and a more enrichment period during which all participants
favorable side effect profile, as well as potentially received atrasentan 0.75 mg daily (n=5517), those
greater anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic who responded (defined as a ≥30% reduction in
effects.115-117 The Finerenone in Reducing Kidney urine ACR without the development of substantial
Failure and Disease Progression in Diabetic Kidney fluid retention or increase in serum creatinine by
Disease (FIDELIO-DKD) trial and the Finerenone in >0.5 mg/dL and 20% from baseline; n=2648) were
Reducing Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity randomized to receive atrasentan or placebo. Over a
in Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD) trial were median follow-up of 2.2 years, the atrasentan group
two complementary phase 3 clinical trials designed had a 35% lower risk of developing the composite
to investigate the kidney and cardiovascular kidney outcome compared with the placebo group,
benefits of finerenone, respectively, in people with although fluid retention and anemia were more
albuminuria levels ≥30 mg/g and type 2 diabetes frequent in the former. Of note, the frequency of
(table 5).116 118 Both trials included patients taking hyperkalemia was low (1%) in both treatment groups.
maximally tolerated ACE inhibitor or ARB, with Sparsentan, a dual endothelin and angiotensin II
participants in FIDELIO-DKD generally having receptor antagonist, is also being investigated as a
more severe baseline CKD. In a pooled analysis of treatment for FSGS and IgA nephropathy.121 122 In a
the two trials, finerenone was associated with a 15- phase 2, randomized, double blind, active control
23% lower risk of developing the kidney composite trial, 109 adults with biopsy proven FSGS (estimated
outcomes and a 32% lower mean change in ACR from GFR >30 mL/min/1.73 m2 and urine PCR ≥1 g/g)
baseline to four months.119 Hyperkalemia was more received varying doses of sparsentan (200, 400,
frequent among patients randomized to finerenone or 800 mg daily) or irbesartan 300 mg daily.121 At
(14%) compared with placebo (7%). In pre-specified eight weeks, participants receiving sparsentan had
analyses, baseline SGLT-2 inhibitor use (n=877) or greater reductions in urine PCR compared with those
GLP-1 receptor agonist use (n=944) did not modify receiving irbesartan. In an interim analysis of the
the beneficial effect of finerenone on the kidney PROTECT phase 3 trial, adults with biopsy proven
composite outcome, thus suggesting a potential role IgA nephropathy (urine PCR ≥1 g/day) randomized to
for dual therapy (for example, finerenone plus SGLT- sparsentan 400 mg daily had a 41% greater reduction
2 inhibitor or GLP-1 receptor agonist) among patients in urine PCR over 36 weeks and threefold higher
with type 2 diabetes and CKD. odds of achieving complete remission of proteinuria
at any point compared with their counterparts who
Endothelin receptor antagonists were randomized to irbesartan 300 mg daily.122
Endothelin receptor antagonists have emerged as Based in part on the results of this study, the US Food
novel treatments for a variety of kidney diseases. and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated
The Study of Diabetic Nephropathy with Atrasentan approval for the use of this drug in adults with
(SONAR) evaluated the effect of atrasentan on a primary IgA nephropathy considered to be at risk of
composite kidney outcome (defined as a doubling rapid disease progression.123
of serum creatinine or ESKD) among adults with Endothelin 1 has been implicated in the
type 2 diabetes, estimated GFR 25-75 mL/min/1.73 pathogenesis of kidney disease via various
m2, and urine ACR 300-5000 mg/g taking a stable mechanisms including vasoconstriction, vascular
dose of ACE inhibitor or ARB.120 After a six week hypertrophy, endothelial and podocyte injury,

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Fig 5 | Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes/American Diabetes Association recommendations on the management of diabetes in
populations with chronic kidney disease.72 174 ACR=albumin-to-creatinine ratio; ASCVD=atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; BP=blood pressure;
CCB=calcium channel blocker; CVD=cardiovascular disease; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; GLP-1 RA=glucagon-like peptide-1
receptor agonist; HTN=hypertension; MRA=mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; PCSK9i=proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor;
RAS=renin-angiotensin system; SGLT2i=sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor

inflammation, cell proliferation, extracellular matrix with mean estimated GFR of 27 mL/min/1.73 m2).128
accumulation, and fibrosis.124 Systemic and local Treatment with these low density lipoprotein (LDL)
kidney production of endothelin 1 is augmented in cholesterol lowering agents led to a 17% risk reduction
CKD. for development of a first major atherosclerotic event
compared with placebo, although this benefit was
Other nephroprotective and cardiovascular risk seen only in the patients not requiring maintenance
reduction strategies dialysis. Those at very high risk (for example, with
A bidirectional association exists between CKD and previous major atherosclerotic cardiovascular
cardiovascular disease: cardiovascular disease is disease events) may benefit from additional therapies
both a risk factor for CKD and a common outcome to lower LDL cholesterol, including evolocumab.129
in patients with CKD.125 126 Thus, patients with CKD Evolocumab is a monoclonal antibody for proprotein
are likely to benefit from efforts at cardiovascular risk convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, which increases
reduction including administration of a statin as well LDL cholesterol receptors and hence clearance of
as the gamut of lifestyle changes.2 127 LDL; this novel therapy also seems to be safe and
efficacious in patients with CKD.129 130
Lipid management
The Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP) trial Physical activity
evaluated the efficacy of ezetimibe and simvastatin Exercise has been shown to benefit patients with CKD.
combination therapy in patients with moderate to Several small, randomized trials have reported that
severe CKD (33% on dialysis; 67% not on dialysis exercise training programs in patients with moderate

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to severe CKD are safe, feasible, and effective in rich in not only potassium but also alkali and fiber.
improving physical activity levels, cardiorespiratory Observational data from prospective cohorts suggest
fitness, and quality of life.131-135 Whether these that plant based diets are associated with less CKD
interventions also slow CKD progression remains progression.143 157 158 Evidence is also emerging to
to be determined, as many of these studies were suggest that increasing fiber intake benefits the gut
underpowered for this outcome. microbiome, decreases inflammation, and possibly
slows CKD progression.159
For patients with obesity, weight loss may reduce Appropriate drug dosing and nephrotoxin avoidance
the risk of CKD progression, whether it comes from An important component of care for patients with
intensive lifestyle intervention such as in the Look CKD is avoidance of additional insults. Many drugs
AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial or, as in are cleared by glomerular filtration or tubular
observational studies, from bariatric surgery.136-138 secretion by the kidney, and reduced GFR can
Micronutrient and macronutrient composition of lead to accumulation of the drug or its metabolites
diets may also matter.139 resulting in adverse effects.160 Careful estimation of
Traditional recommendations about diet in the GFR is generally a first step in determining dosage
setting of CKD have focused on limiting protein and for renally excreted drugs.161 The US FDA guidance
dietary acid intake. Experimental evidence suggests to industry suggests that estimated GFR based on
that protein intake can increase intraglomerular serum creatinine may be used in pharmacokinetic
pressure and cause glomerular hyperfiltration.140-142 studies.162 If drugs are dosed on the basis of estimated
Observational data from large cohort studies suggest GFR (rather than estimated creatinine clearance
that the type of protein may be important; a diet high from the Cockcroft-Gault equation, an equation that
in animal protein may increase risk, whereas protein is known to be flawed), estimated GFR must be “de-
from plant sources may be better tolerated.143 144 For indexed” by multiplying the standardized estimated
example, an observational study in Singapore found GFR by the individual’s calculated body surface area
a strong correlation between red meat intake and risk and dividing by 1.73 m2.163-165 This is because drug
of ESKD.145 Little clinical trial evidence for protein clearance is thought to be proportional to a person’s
restriction exists. The MDRD study randomized GFR and not the GFR standardized to body surface
patients to different levels of protein restriction but area. Antibiotics and antiviral agents, direct oral
found no statistically significant difference in the anticoagulants, drugs for diabetes mellitus, and
rate of GFR decline.67 chemotherapeutic agents are the most common
A second line of investigation has been into the drugs that require attention to dosing in CKD.2 160 164
benefits of increasing nutritional alkali intake, with Some drugs should be avoided or minimized in CKD
a body of open label trials suggesting benefits on because of their potential to worsen kidney function.
kidney function and prevention of starting dialysis.146 For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
A phase 3 double blinded, placebo controlled trial drugs (NSAIDs) can exacerbate hypertension,
reported that veverimer (a potent acid binder that cause fluid retention, and contribute to the risk of
acts in the intestine) was effective in raising or acute kidney injury.166 Particularly when used with
normalizing serum bicarbonate among patients with RAAS inhibitors and diuretics, NSAIDs are ideally
CKD and chronic metabolic acidosis.147 Other double avoided.167 In select patients with CKD, however,
blinded studies using veverimer suggested that some clinicians will prescribe an abbreviated course
treating acidosis in CKD improves quality of life and of NSAIDs given that the most common alternative,
overall physical function.148 However, a recent trial opioids, also have significant adverse effects.168
evaluating veverimer in slowing progression of CKD Proton pump inhibitors can lead to acute or chronic
was negative.149 interstitial nephritis and have been associated with
Although patients with CKD are prone to incident CKD, progression of CKD, and ESKD.169 170
hyperkalemia, potassium intake has a beneficial Although the mechanism by which proton pump
effect on blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and inhibitors contribute to CKD remains unclear, most
death independent of and opposite to that of sodium experts agree that these agents should be used
intake.150-153 One large randomized controlled judiciously.
trial suggested that substituting 25% of sodium
chloride intake with potassium chloride reduced Emerging treatments
the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events by Many phase 3-4 clinical trials are ongoing to
13% in the general population.154 Similarly, small evaluate emerging treatments for kidney disease
studies suggest that diets rich in potassium may ( These include, but are not limited
be beneficial in CKD. A feeding trial in people with to, investigations on the use of dapagliflozin in
CKD G3 observed that 100 mmol compared with 40 advanced CKD (for example, estimated GFR <25 mL/
mmol of dietary potassium per day increased serum min/1.73 m2, on maintenance dialysis with residual
potassium by 0.21 mmol/L,155 similar to the increase daily urine output of >500 mL, and kidney transplant
seen with finerenone.156 Many dietary studies have recipients with estimated GFR ≤45 mL/min/1.73 m2;
evaluated patterns of diet rather than potassium NCT05374291); finerenone in non-diabetic CKD
alone: for example, plant based diets tend to be (NCT05047263); and monteluklast (NCT05362474)

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and pentoxyifylline (NCT03625648) in diabetic in addition to estimated GFR in people with
CKD. Several therapies are also being tested for hypertension.173 KDIGO and NICE also recommend
rarer causes of kidney disease: obinutuzumab testing anyone who is at risk for CKD, which includes
(NCT04629248), zanubrutinib (NCT05707377), those with hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
and SNP-ACTH (1-39) gel (NCT05696613) diabetes, and previous acute kidney injury, along
in membranous nephropathy; voclosporin with multiple other, less common conditions.179
(NCT05288855), atacicept (NCT05609812), For CKD, the KDIGO guidelines recommend at least
anifrolumab (NCT05138133), inanalumab annual albuminuria testing with greater frequency in
(NCT05126277), secukinumab (NCT04181762), higher risk categories (fig 1).2 The NICE guidelines, on
obinutuzumab (NCT04221477), and ACTHar gel the other hand, recommend annual ACR testing with
(NCT02226341) in lupus nephritis; VX-147 in individualization based on clinical characteristics,
APOL1 related kidney disease (NCT05312879); risk of progression, and whether a change in ACR
imlifidase in antiglomerular basement membrane would lead to a change in management.16
disease (NCT05679401); sparsentan in focal KDIGO guidelines and those from NICE differ
segmental glomerulosclerosis (NCT03493685); and slightly on staging CKD. KDIGO recommends
pegcetacoplan (NCT05067127) in immune complex using a validated equation for GFR estimation and
glomerulonephritis. IgA nephropathy, in particular, suggests that using “race as a distinct variable in
is an area of high interest, as recent work suggests that the computation of GFR” is not appropriate.179 NICE
disease activity may be driven by the overproduction of recommends using the CKD-EPI 2009 equation,
galactose deficient IgA antibodies that are recognized which did include race, but using the computed value
as autoantigens, triggering glomerular deposition of for non-Black people for everyone, a position that is
immune complexes.171 Monoclonal antibodies to also endorsed by other European groups.16 180 181
signaling molecules that enhance IgA production The KDIGO guidelines recommend staging CKD
are in phase 3 trials, as are immunosuppressive by eGFRcr-cys when cystatin C is available, as well
and non-immunosuppressive agents (for example, as when precise estimates of GFR are needed for
those acting on the endothelin-1 and angiotensin II clinical decision making.2 179 The NICE guidelines
pathways): budesonide (NCT03643965), sparsentan recommend direct measurement of GFR rather than
(NCT03762850), atrasentan (NCT04573478), the use of cystatin C in clinical situations requiring
LNP023 (NCT04578834), RO7434656 additional precision.16
(NCT05797610), atacicept (NCT04716231), and Both KDIGO and NICE emphasize the importance
sibeprenlimab (NCT05248646; NCT05248659). of risk assessment in patients with CKD. The NICE
guidelines suggest that primary care providers
Guidelines should counsel patients using the KFRE five year risk
Major guidelines in CKD are issued by the estimate, with referral to a specialist if risk is greater
international KDIGO group (, and than 5%.16 KDIGO 2023 additionally suggests that
locally in the UK by NICE ( the two year risk estimate can drive referral for
ng28/chapter/Recommendations#chronic-kidney- multidisciplinary care (>10%) and preparation for
disease), with the most recent issuances primarily kidney replacement therapy, including vascular
from 2023 (currently in public review) and 2021, access planning and referral for transplantation
respectively. KDIGO publishes guidelines on the (>40%).179 The KDIGO 2023 guidelines also
evaluation and management of patients with CKD in emphasize the importance of cardiovascular risk
general, as well as myriad other aspects (for example, assessment using equations developed in people
diabetes, blood pressure, lipids, anemia, mineral with CKD or that encompasses estimated GFR and
and bone disease, hepatitis C, ADPKD, glomerular albuminuria and the use of disease specific tools in
diseases). With the expansion of therapeutic options, IgA nephropathy and ADPKD.179
both organizations are updating recommendations Multiple guidelines comment on target blood
frequently. Other guideline producing organizations pressures in the setting of CKD. The NICE guidelines
such as the American College of Cardiology, the recommend a target of <140/90 mm Hg, or <130/80
American Heart Association, the European Society mm Hg if ACR is ≥70 mg/mmol (approximately 700
of Cardiology, the European Society of Hypertension, mg/g).16 Guidelines from the American College of
the International Society of Hypertension, and Cardiology, American Heart Association, European
the American Diabetes Association (ADA) provide Society of Cardiology, and European Society of
more limited statements of recommendation for the Hypertension recommend a systolic blood pressure
specific aspects of the management of patients with target of <130 mm Hg as a best practice target, with
CKD.172-175 the European Society of Cardiology and European
Annual screening for CKD (including testing for Society of Hypertension specifically advising
albuminuria) is widely recommended in people against lower targets.172 The KDIGO guidelines
with diabetes.72 174-177 Guidelines in hypertension on hypertension in CKD advocate for a systolic
are less clear.178 The 2020 Global Hypertension blood pressure goal of <120 mm Hg, as assessed
Practice Guideline from the International Society using standardized office measurements.182 This
of Hypertension is a notable exception and now recommendation is based largely on data from
recommends routine assessment of albuminuria SPRINT and the observed benefits in cardiovascular

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endpoints and survival rather than benefits in kidney limits (that is, ≤4.8 mmol/L based on trial and ≤5.0
endpoints.70 mmol/L as per FDA).72 174 175 179 More specifically, the
Of note, disparate guideline recommendations starting dose should be 10 mg daily when estimated
may reflect different emphasis on standardized blood GFR is 25-59 mL/min/1.73 m2 and 20 mg daily
pressure measurement techniques, which can result when it is ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m2. The guidelines also
in measured blood pressure that is substantially lower recommend that potassium concentration should be
than measurement in an uncontrolled setting.183 checked at four weeks after starting treatment, with
Joint statements from several international groups each dose change, and routinely during treatment.
including KDIGO stress the importance of proper If potassium is >5.5 mmol/L, the drug should be
technique when assessing blood pressure.184 Both stopped and restarted at the lower dose of 10 mg
NICE and KDIGO recommend RAAS inhibitors (either daily when potassium is ≤5.0 mmol/L. Additionally,
ACE inhibitor or ARB) as first line antihypertensive finerenone need not be stopped when estimated GFR
treatment for people without diabetes but with falls below 25 mL/min/1.73 m2 as long as the patient
albuminuria (NICE: urine ACR >70 mg/mmol; KDIGO: is normokalemic.174 175
A3) as well as those with diabetes and CKD G1-G4, With respect to cardiovascular risk reduction, the
A2-A3.16 182 KDIGO 2023 suggests continuation of KDIGO guidelines suggest that all patients aged over 50
RAAS inhibitors even when estimated GFR is <30 with CKD G3-G5 but not treated with chronic dialysis
mL/min/1.73 m2.179 or kidney transplantation should be treated with
For patients with diabetes and CKD not treated a statin, irrespective of cholesterol concentrations
with dialysis, KDIGO recommends a hemoglobin A1c or a statin/ezetimide combination.179 187 The NICE
target ranging from <6.5% to <8%.72 NICE does not recommendation is broader, recommending starting
provide specific recommendations for people with atorvastatin 20 mg for all people with CKD.188
CKD, instead emphasizing shared decision making KDIGO recommends regular physical activity for
but a general goal of hemoglobin A1c <7% for people people with CKD, for at least 150 minutes a week of
with diabetes treated with drugs associated with moderate intensity exercise.179 NICE simply suggests
hypoglycemia and <6.5% for people with diabetes providing lifestyle advice, including encouragement
managed by lifestyle or a single drug not associated of exercise, maintenance of healthy weight, and
with hypoglycemia.185
KDIGO and ADA guidelines recommend SGLT-2 Glossary of abbreviations
inhibitors as first line drug therapy for all people
• ACE—angiotensin converting enzyme
with type 2 diabetes, CKD, and an estimated GFR
• ACR—albumin-to-creatinine ratio
≥20 mL/min/1.73 m2 (fig 5).72 174 175 179 The NICE
• ADA—American Diabetes Association
guidelines recommend that an SGLT-2 inhibitor
• ADPKD—autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
should be offered when ACR is >30 mg/mmol
(approximately >300 mg/g) and considered when
• ARB—angiotensin receptor blockers
ACR is between 3 and 30 mg/mmol (approximately
• CKD—chronic kidney disease
30 to 300 mg/g) in patients with type 2 diabetes and
• CKD-EPI—CKD Epidemiology Collaboration
CKD who are already taking an ACE inhibitor or ARB
• DPP-4—dipeptidyl peptidase-4
and meet estimated GFR thresholds.185 The NICE
• eGFRcr—estimated glomerular filtration rate using
guidelines further specify that dapagliflozin should
also be considered in people with estimated GFR
• eGFRcr-cys—estimated glomerular filtration rate
25-75 mL/min/1.73 m2 and ACR ≥22.6 mg/mmol
using creatinine and cystatin C
(approximately 200 mg/g) regardless of diabetes
• eGFRcys—estimated glomerular filtration rate using
status186; KDIGO is broader and recommends SGLT-
cystatin C
2 inhibitors in general in people with ACR ≥200
• ESKD—end stage kidney disease
mg/g and estimated GFR ≥20 mL/min/1.73 m2,
• FDA—Food and Drug Administration
as well as in those with CKD and heart failure.179
• FSGS—focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
KDIGO further specifies that once started, a SGLT-
• GFR—glomerular filtration rate
2 inhibitor can be continued even if the estimated
• GLP-1—glucagon-like peptide-1
GFR drops below 20 mL/min/1.73 m2, as long as it
• KDIGO—Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
is tolerated and kidney replacement therapy has not
• KFRE—kidney failure risk equation
yet been started.72 179 The KDIGO and ADA guidelines
• KFRT—kidney failure with replacement therapy
recommend the use of GLP-1 receptor agonists in
• LDL—low density lipoprotein
patients with type 2 diabetes and CKD who are
• MDRD—Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
unable to tolerate metformin or an SGLT-2 inhibitor
• MRA—mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists
or do not meet their individualized glycemic target
• NICE—National Institute for Health and Care
with these drugs.72 174 175 179
In patients with diabetes and CKD, the KDIGO and
• NSAID—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
ADA guidelines recommend that finerenone should
• PCR—protein-to-creatinine ratio
be used as add-on therapy to maximally tolerated ACE
• RAAS—renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
inhibitor or ARB if ACR is ≥30 mg/g (approximately
• SGLT-2—sodium-glucose cotransporter-2
≥3 mg/mmol) and potassium is within normal

14 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-074216 | BMJ 2023;383:074216 | the bmj

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pressure and glucose control, and statin therapy
Questions for future research
and RAAS blockade—to provide effective preventive
• How do the race-free estimating equations perform in global populations? strategies for CKD progression and cardiovascular
• Where can genetic testing add value in patient care? events.
• Can cause of chronic kidney disease be incorporated into risk prediction tools? We thank Andrew S Levey and Roberta M Falke for providing both their
• How can medical therapy be best tailored for the individual patient with chronic perspective as patients affected by kidney disease and their input
kidney disease? on the manuscript itself. We also acknowledge Alix Rosenberg and
Yingying Sang for their help with the boxes and figures.
Contributors: All authors were involved in the conception, writing,
Patient perspective and revision of the manuscript. MEG is the guarantor.
Funding: TKC is supported by NIH/NIDDK K08DK117068; MEG
Increasing awareness of chronic kidney disease is key to empowering patients to is supported by NIH/NIDDK R01DK108803, R01DK100446,
make lifestyle changes and seek treatments to improve their health outcomes. We R01DK115534, R01DK124399, and NIH/NHLBI K24HL155861.
are pleased to offer our perspective as husband and wife, and as physicians, who Competing interests: We have read and understood the BMJ policy
have been affected by kidney disease. Roberta M Falke is a patient with autosomal on declaration of interests and declare the following interests: TKC
and MEG received an honorarium from the American Society of
dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a kidney transplant recipient, and a Nephrology (nephSAP).
retired hematologist-oncologist. Andrew S Levey is a kidney donor and a nephrologist. Patient involvement: We invited a husband and wife, Andrew S Levey
Our knowledge of Roberta’s family history enabled early diagnosis and treatment.189 and Roberta M Falke, who are affected by chronic kidney disease, to
Although we have benefited from our training and positions in the healthcare system, write a patient perspective together. They also reviewed and provided
input on the penultimate draft of the paper.
all patients can benefit from early diagnosis.
Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; externally peer
RMF—My ADPKD was diagnosed when I developed pyelonephritis at age 22 years. reviewed.
Thereafter, I had prophylaxis and prompt treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections
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