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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Vol. 4, No.2, April 2014, pp. 180–188

E-ISSN: 2225-8329, P-ISSN: 2308-0337
© 2014 HRMARS

Effect of Financial Leverage on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking

Savings and Credit Co-operative in Kenya

Moses Ochieng GWEYI1

The Co-operative University, College of Kenya
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Abstract The aim of this study was an attempt to investigate the effect of financial leverage on financial
performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya. The sample data was extracted from 40 Savings and
Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) registered by Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA)
extended from the period 2010 to 2012. The secondary data used for analysis was collected from the
financial statements of the various deposit taking Saccos. Two basic approaches descriptive and
analytical design were adopted. The results show perfect positive correlation between debt equity
ratio with return on equity and profit after tax at 99% confidence interval and a weak positive
correlation between debt equity ratio with return on assets and income growth. As the scope of
study is limited to the deposit taking Saccos and the sample size is small, the findings of the study
must be interpreted with caution and the results may not be generalized to the Sacco sector. This is
the first study that examines the relationship between financial leverage on financial performance of
deposit taking savings and credit co-operative in Kenya.
Key words Financial Leverage, Financial Performance, Co-operatives, Saccos

DOI: 10.6007/IJARAFMS/v4-i2/838 URL:

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the Study
In the quest to optimize their objective, which hinges primarily on quantifiable performance, financial
managers have adopted various capital structures as a means to that goal. A firm can finance its investment
by debt and/or equity. The use of fixed-charged funds, such as debt and preference capital along with the
owner’s equity in the capital structure is described as financial leverage or gearing (Dare and Sola, 2010). An
unlevered firm is an all-equity firm, whereas a levered firm is made up of ownership equity and debt. Financial
leverage takes the form of a loan or other borrowing (debt), the proceeds of which are (re)invested with the
intent to earn a greater rate of return than the cost of interest. If the firm’s marginal rate of return on asset
(ROA) is higher than the rate of interest payable on the loan, then its overall return on equity (ROE) will be
higher than if it did not borrow (Laurent, 2005). On the other hand, if the firm’s return on assets (ROA) is
lower than the interest rate, then its return on equity (ROE) will be lower than if it did not borrow. Leverage
allows a greater potential returns to the investor than otherwise would have been available, but the potential
loss is also greater: if the investment becomes worthless, the loan principal and all accrued interest on the
loan still need to be repaid (Andy et al., 2002). This constitutes financial risk (Pandey; 2005). The degree of
this financial risk is related to the firm’s financial structure. The total combination of common equity,
preferred stock and short and long term liabilities is referred to as financial structure. That is, the manner in
which the firm finances its assets constitutes its financial structure. If short-term liabilities are subtracted from
the firm’s financial structure, we obtain its capital structure. In other words, the firm’s permanent or long-
term financing consisting of common equity, preferred stock and long term debt is called capital structure

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS

(Van Horne, 2002). Hence, the objective of financial management in structuring a firm’s capital components is
to maximize the shareholders‟ wealth, as a measure of performance. Based on the above the problem of this
study is to analyze the implications of financial leverage on performance. Also considering that maximizing
accounting profit and maximizing shareholders‟ value are not identical because of shareholders‟ losses from
agency costs, it is therefore pertinent to see how capital structure affect shareholders‟ value.

1.1.1. Overview of Saccos in Kenya

In 2007 the ICA ranked the Co-operative Sector in Kenya number seven in the world and one in Africa in
terms of membership, capital, number of enterprises, and contribution to national economy. Today, Kenya
has about 15,000 registered Co-operatives which can be broadly categorized as non-financial and financial Co-
operatives. Non financial co-operative include trading, produce and marketing Cooperatives. Financial
Cooperatives include Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCO societies), Housing, Union of SACCOs, and
Investment Co-operatives. SACCO societies have significantly increased to account for 50% of the registered
Co-operatives. The Kenya’s national development blueprint and the Vision 2030 recognize SACCO societies as
important players in deepening financial access to mobilize savings for investments in enterprises and
personal development (Mohammed, 2013). Sacco sub sector comprises both Deposit Taking and non-Deposit
Taking Saccos. Non-Deposit Taking Saccos is supervised by the Commissioner for Co-operatives while Deposit
Taking Saccos (D.T. Saccos) are licensed and regulated by SASRA. SASRA licenses Saccos that have been duly
registered under the Cooperative Societies Act CAP 490. As at December 2012 the total Sacco sub sector
assets stood at Kshs. 293 billion and total membership for the sector was 3 million persons. Total deposits for
the sector stand at Kshs.213 billion and Loans to members are at Kshs. 221 billion (Ademba, 2013). There are
6,151 registered Saccos out of the total twelve thousand (12,000) registered co operatives, which is about
51% of the total number of co-operatives in Kenya. Out of the 6,151 Sacco 165 are rural Saccos (commodity
based) while the rest are Urban Saccos. All Saccos operate Back Office Service Activities and have been able to
mobilize over Kshs 180 billion and granted loans to the tune of Kshs 120 billion. Out of the 6,151 Saccos 135
have ventured into front office service activities (FOSA). The FOSA offer bank-like services, like withdraw-able
savings, debit cards, advances, deposits, money transfers etc. FOSA activity came about after banks withdrew
from many rural areas and the people were left un-banked. Various FOSAs have received Salary Codes from
employers and their members’ salaries are paid through the FOSAs. The Saccos with FOSAs are spread all over
the country and include both Rural and Urban Saccos. The Ministry of Co-operative Development and
Marketing (MoCD&M) is responsible for the development of the Cooperative sector through policy and legal
framework to facilitate attainment of the national social-economic goals in Kenya (Ademba, 2012). Unlike
other commercial establishments, co-operatives are guided by the cooperative philosophy which is based on
seven Co-operative Principles formulated by International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). The Sacco Societies
Regulatory Authority (SASRA) is a creation of the Sacco Societies Act. The Authority’s establishment falls
within the broad Government of Kenya’s reform process in the financial sector which has the dual objectives
of protecting the interests of Sacco members and ensuring public confidence towards the Sacco. This
ultimately will spur economic growth through deepening financial access, mobilization of domestic savings
and affordable credit to Sacco members (Ademba, 2013).

1.2. Statement of the Problem

A recent study by FSD (2013) revealed that Saccos are facing severe liquidity problems and majorities
are unable to meet the demands of their clients for loans and withdrawal of savings. Given this situation,
clients despite their loyalty are getting anxious about the future of the Saccos. If this situation is not rectified,
we may witness the demise of Saccos which will be a terrible loss for Kenyans. There is need therefore, to
understand the effect external financing has on financial performance of Saccos.
The major problem areas facing Saccos include the following; Inadequate Legal and Regulatory frame
work i.e. Saccos have not been adequately covered in the Co-operative societies Act of 1966, 1997 and 2004.
Low adoption of International Performance Standards, Lack of Disclosure requirement standards, Lack of a
Development Strategy framework for Sacco Societies, Low adoption of Information and computer
technologies, Poor Human Resource Management leading to high staff-turn over, Capital deficiency and
wanting capital structuring models are identified as key challenges facing the regulated Saccos in Kenya. The
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS

situation is made worse by unstable Macro-economic environment coupled with stringent prudential
requirement on capital adequacy and liquidity standards. (Ongore et al., 2013) This study therefore, sought to
find out the effect of financial leverage on financial performance of Saccos in Kenya.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective
The main objective of this study was to explore the effect of financial leverage on financial performance
of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya.

1.3.2. Specific Objective

The study pursues the following specific objective:
To examine the effect that Debt Ratio has on Financial Performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya.

1.4. Research hypotheses

This study sought to address the following pertinent research hypothesis:
HI1 Debt Ratio has a positive effect on Financial Performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya.

1.5. Justification
The study of capital structure is relevant to both researchers and managers. The major issues faced by
the finance managers are not only to receive or gather the funds but also their meaningful deployment in
order to generate maximum returns.
Mostly the sources of finance across all the businesses are same, then why some businesses succeed
while other doesn’t see the light of day. This clearly means that there is something beyond financial success of
business besides great idea and good geographic presence.
This makes it more attractive to study the effect of financial leverage on financial performance of
deposit taking Saccos in Kenya.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms

Financial Leverage- According to Pandey (2008) it is the existence of debt in a firm’s capital structure of
a firm
Financial Performance- It is a general measure of a firm's overall financial health over a given period of
time. Leontief (2011)
Co-operative- According to ICA (2006) a co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united
voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-
owned and democratically controlled enterprise.
Savings and Credit Co-operative (SACCO) - It is a type of co-operative whose objective is to pool savings
for the members and in turn provide them with credit facilities. Additional objectives of SACCOs are to
encourage thrift amongst the members arid also to encourage them on the proper management of money
and proper investments practices. Where in urban areas salary and wage earners have formed Urban SACCOs,
in rural areas, farmers have formed Rural SACCOs. There are also transport, jua-kali, traders and community
based SACCO’s.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Theoretical Literature Review
2.1.1. The Trade-Off Theory
The term trade-off theory is used by different researchers to describe a family of related theories. A
decision maker running a firm evaluates the various costs and benefits of alternative leverage plans.
Frequently it is assumed that an interior solution is obtained so that marginal costs and marginal benefits are

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS

The original version of the trade-off theory grew out of the debate over the Modigliani-Miller theorem.
When corporate income tax was added to the original irrelevance, this created a benefit for debt in that it
served to shield earnings from taxes. Given that the firm's objective function is linear, and there is no
offsetting cost of debt, this implied 100% debt financing.
Several aspects of Myers' definition of the trade-off merit discussion. Foremost, the target is not
directly observable. It may be imputed from evidence, but that depends on adding a structure.
Different papers add that structure in different ways.
Next, the tax code is much more complex than that assumed by the theory. Depending on which
features of the tax code are included, different conclusions regarding the target can be reached. Graham
(2003) provides a useful review of the literature on the tax effects.
Thirdly, bankruptcy costs must be deadweight costs rather than transfers from one claimant to another.
The nature of these costs is important too. Haugen and Senbet (1978) provide a useful discussion of
bankruptcy costs.
Fourthly, transaction costs must take a specific form for the analysis to work. For the adjustment to be
gradual rather than abrupt, the marginal cost of adjusting must increase when the adjustment is larger. Leary
and Roberts (2005) describe the implications of alternative adjustment cost assumptions.

2.1.2. The Pecking Order Theory

The pecking order theory does not take an optimal capital structure as a starting point, but instead
asserts the empirical fact that firms show a distinct preference for using internal finance (as retained earnings
or excess liquid assets) over external finance. If internal funds are not enough to finance investment
opportunities, firms may or may not acquire external financing, and if they do, they will choose among the
different external finance sources in such a way as to minimize additional costs of asymmetric information.
The latter costs basically reflect the “lemon premium” (Akerlof, 1970) that outside investors ask for the risk of
failure for the average firm in the market. The resulting pecking order of financing is as follows: internally
generated funds first, followed by respectively low-risk debt financing and share financing.
In Myers and Majluf model (1984), outside investors rationally discount the firm's stock price when
managers issue equity instead of riskless debt. To avoid this discount, managers avoid equity whenever
possible. The Myers and Majluf model predicts that managers will follow a pecking order, using up internal
funds first, then using up risky debt, and finally resorting to equity. In the absence of investment
opportunities, firms retain profits and build up financial slack to avoid having to raise external finance in the
The pecking order theory regards the market-to-book ratio as a measure of investment opportunities.
With this interpretation in mind, both Myers (1984) and Fama and French (2000) note that a
contemporaneous relationship between the market-to-book ratio and capital structure is difficult to reconcile
with the static pecking order model. Iteration of the static version also suggests that periods of high
investment opportunities will tend to push leverage higher toward a debt capacity. To the extent that high
past market-to-book actually coincides with high past investment, however, results suggest that such periods
tend to push leverage lower 209.
Empirical evidence supports both the pecking order and the trade-off theory. Empirical tests to see
whether the pecking order or the trade-off theory is a better predictor of observed capital structures find
support for both theories of capital structure (Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999; Fama and French, 2002).

2.2. Empirical Literature Review

A few empirical studies have been performed to analyze the relationship between leverage and
corporate performance. Gweyi, Minoo and Luyali (2013) in their paper “Determinants of leverage of Savings
and Credit Co-operative Societies in Kenya”. The study sample included 40 Sacco registered by Sacco Society
Regulatory Authority (SASRA) extended from the period 2010 to 2012. For the data analysis, regression model
was employed; the explanatory variables comprised of firm size, growth rate, liquidity profitability and
tangibility, whereas the explained variable was the leverage ratio. The results show that for Saccos; there
were statistical significant relationships. The results from the study revealed that firm size has significant

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS

relationship with leverage at 99% confidence level, whereas liquidity and tangibility have significant
relationship with leverage at 95% confidence level.
Obradovich and Gill (2013) had researched on the Impact of Corporate Governance and Financial
Leverage on the Value of American Firms. For this purpose a sample of 333 firms listed on New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) for a period of 3 years from 2009-2011 was selected. The co-relational and non-experimental
research design was used to conduct this study by taking firm value as dependent variable and CEO Duality,
Board Size, Audit Committee and Financial Leverage as dependent variable. The purpose of this study was to
find the impact of corporate governance and financial leverage on the value of American firms. Overall
outcomes show that larger board size negatively impacts the value of American firms and CEO duality, audit
committee, financial leverage, firm size, return on assets and insider holdings positively impact the value of
American firms.
Hasanzadeh et al. (2013) had investigated the Effects of Financial Leverage on Future Stock Value at
Stock Exchange. The research statistical population was consisted of those Tehran stock exchange listed active
cement industry companies analyzed from 2005 to 2008. By taking financial leverage and market to book
value ratio as variable and to analyze data and test hypothesis of the present research, descriptive and
inferential analyzing methods and SPSS statistical software were applied. They concluded that leverage does
not affect future stock value of the firm. The results indicate non-response of capital market against levered
nature of the firm. Lack of relationship between leverage and firm value approves net operational income
(NOI) theory and Miller and Modigliani (M.M) theory.
Akhtar et al. (2012) had investigated the impact of influence on shareholders return. In their paper
“Relationship between Financial leverage and Financial Performance: Evidence from Fuel & Energy Sector of
Pakistan, they demonstrated that financial leverage has got a positive relationship with financial
performance”. Hence, the companies in the fuel and energy sector may enhance their financial performance
and can play their role for the growth of the economy while improving at their optimal capital structures. In
their study they employed a sample of 20 listed public limited companies from Fuel and Energy sector listed at
Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). The study aimed at measuring the relationship between financial leverage and
the financial performance. To test the hypothesis, the main variables used in the study consist of a dependent
variable which is financial performance of fuel and energy sector while an independent variable financial
leverage in fuel and energy sector.
Akinmulegun Sunday Ojo (2012) in his paper “The Effect of Financial Leverage on Corporate
Performance of Some Selected Companies in Nigeria empirically examines the effect of financial leverage on
selected indicators of corporate performance in Nigeria”. Leverage therefore significantly affects corporate
performance in Nigeria. Other detailed objectives are to: Examine the impact of leverage on the earnings per
share and net assets per share of corporate firms in Nigeria. The econometric findings presented in this study
evidence that leverage shocks (debt/ equity ratio) have significant effect on corporate performance especially
when the net assets per share (NAPS) is used as an indicator of corporate performance in Nigeria over the
period covered by the study. Earnings per share depend on feedback shock and less on leverage shock. Also,
the outcome exposed that the influence shock on earnings per share indirectly disturb the net assets per
share of firms as the majority of the shocks on the net assets per share was received from earnings per share
of the firms.

2.3. Conceptual Framework

2.3.1. Dependent and Independent variables
After discussing the different theories of capital structure now we discuss the dependent and
independent variables for our study. The dependent variable which is used in this study is the financial
performance of the deposit taking Saccos in Kenya. The financial performance will be measured by using five
indicators named as, Return on Equity (%), Return on Assets (%), Net Profit Margin (%) and Income Growth
(%). In this study we use financial leverage as independent variable which is measured by using Debt Ratio.
The relationship between dependent and independent variable can be explained by the following equation:

Financial performance = a + b (financial leverage) + E

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS

2.3.2. Conceptualization
Independent Variables Dependent Variables
Financial Leverage Financial Performance

Debt – Equity Ratio  Return on Equity

 Return on Assets
 Profitability
 Income Growth
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Introduction
This chapter presents the research methodology that was applied in undertaking the study. In order to
carry out the study, data collection, data analyses and data interpretation was undertaken. Details of how the
activities were carried out are outlined below.

3.2. Research Design

Two basic approaches descriptive and analytical design were adopted. The descriptive design uses
ratios to highlight the effect of financial leverage on Sacco financial performance; while the analytical design
assessed using a mathematical model the nature and significance of the effect of financial leverage on Sacco
financial performance.

3.3. Target Population

The Target population of study is the Saccos in the Kenyan Co-operative industry which operates front
office service activities (FOSA) and has been registered by Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA). They
are presently 135 licensed deposit taking Saccos (DTS) in number.

3.4. Sampling Frame

The sampling frame was the list of all the registered Sacco by Sacco Society Regulatory Authority

3.5. Sampling and Sampling Technique

The sample data was extracted from 40 Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) registered by
Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA) extended from the period 2010 to 2012 through convenience
sampling technique.

3.6. Data Collection Instruments

The secondary data used for analysis was collected from the financial statements of the various deposit
taking Saccos. This was the most viable sources available and of course, only secondary sources such as those
mentioned above could suffice for the analysis by virtue of the nature of the variables.

3.7. Data Processing and Analysis

Correlation analysis was used to find out the relationship between financial leverage and financial
performance and also to examine how significant financial leverage affects Sacco financial performance.

4. Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1. Introduction
This chapter presents the results of the data analysis. Secondary data in the form of published financial
reports of forty (40) deposit taking Sacco was obtained from the SASRA. This data was then converted to the

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS

desired form and entered into SPSS version 21. Data analysis was then conducted to generate descriptive and
correlations output. These results are as shown in the proceeding sections.

4.2. Descriptive Statistics

In table 1 statistical analysis of financial leverage indicator is shown. The maximum value of debt –
equity ratio is 664.09 while the minimum value is 2.89 while the average for the industry is 73.1817 with a
standard deviation of 141.11733.

Table 1. Statistical Analysis of Financial Leverage Indicators

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

DEBT EQUITY RATIO 40 2.89 664.09 73.1817 141.11733

In table 2 statistical analysis of financial performance indicator is shown. The maximum value of return
on equity is 79.57 while the minimum value is .04 while the average for the industry is 9.2775 with a standard
deviation of 17. 94284. The maximum value of return on assets is 23.61 while the minimum value is .49 while
the average for the industry is 12.6223 with a standard deviation of 5.40236. The maximum value of income
growth is 14.20 while the minimum value is -13.15 while the average for the industry is 4.5250 with a
standard deviation of 4.94188. The maximum value of profit after tax is 2,290,717,472.00 while the minimum
value is 4,880,461.00 while the average for the industry is 239,802,837.80 with a standard deviation of

Table 2. Statistical Analysis of Financial Performance Indicators

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

RETURN ON EQUITY 40 .04 79.57 9.2775 17.94284
RETURN ON ASSETS 40 .49 23.61 12.6223 5.40236
INCOME GROWTH 40 -13.15 14.20 4.5250 4.94188
PROFIT AFTER TAX 40 4,880,461.00 2,290,717,472.00 239,802,837.80 417,890,981.35

4.3. Correlations analysis

Table 3 shows the relationship between debt/equity ratio and various financial performance indicators.
The Pearson’s r for the correlation between the Debt/Equity ratio and ROE variables is 0.994. This means that
there is a strong relationship between the two variables. Since the Sig (2-Tailed) value is less than 0 .05. We
can conclude that there is a statistically significant correlation between the two variables at the 0.01 level.
The Pearson’s r for the correlation between the Debt/Equity ratio and Profitability variables is 0.662. This
means that there is a strong relationship between the two variables. Since the Sig (2-Tailed) value is less than
0 .05. We can conclude that there is a statistically significant correlation between the two variables at the 0.01
level. This is in line to the positive relationship hypothesized in H1. Hence, H1 is supported.

Table 3. Correlations analysis of financial performance indicators with Debt Equity Ratio


** **
1 .994 .005 .662 .044
DEBT EQUITY RATIO .000 .974 .000 .788
40 40 40 40 40
** **
.994 1 .073 .684 .048
RETURN ON EQUITY .000 .653 .000 .767
40 40 40 40 40
RETURN ON TOTAL .005 .073 1 .021 .164
ASSETS .974 .653 .898 .311
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 4 (2), pp. 180–188, © 2014 HRMARS


40 40 40 40 40
** **
.662 .684 .021 1 .139
PROFITABILITY .000 .000 .898 .392
40 40 40 40 40
.044 .048 .164 .139 1
INCOME GROWTH .788 .767 .311 .392
40 40 40 40 40
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusion
The study has contributed to the ongoing debate on capital structure determinants by adducing the
effect of financial leverage on financial performance among deposit taking Saccos in the Kenyan context. The
findings from the student indicate that there is a strong correlation between financial leverage and financial
performance of Saccos in Kenya. This is in line to the positive relationship hypothesized in H1. Hence, H1 is
supported. This is in line with the studies by Obradovich and Gill (2013), Gweyi, Minoo and Luyali (2013),
Akinmulegun Sunday Ojo (2012)

5.2. Areas for further Research

Future researchers may extend study period and may also take all the deposit taking Sacco that
are regulated by SASRA. Researcher can also conduct comparative study by taking data from deposit taking
Saccos and Non deposit taking Sacco to check the relationship between financial leverage and financial

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