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A Study On The Relationship Between Cash-Flow and Financial Performance of Insurance Companies: Evidence From A Developing Economy

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A Study on the Relationship between Cash-flow and

Financial Performance of Insurance Companies: Evidence

from a Developing Economy

Babatunde AKANJI2

The study examines the relationship between cash flow and financial
performance of insurance companies in a developing economy – Nigeria. Using time
series data for the period 2009-2014, twenty seven listed insurance firms in Nigeria were
selected as sample size. The study uses both descriptive and inferential statistics to
determine the relationship among the variables. It also employs the series of diagnostic
tests to ensure stability of the time series used as well as to ensure the model meets the
assumption of ordinary list square.
The findings reveal that cash flow was observed to determine insurance firms’
financial performance and is statistically significant. Cash flow from operating activities
was observed to significantly increase financial performance of insurance companies in
the period examined. Cash flow from financing activities was found to increase the
financial performance of the sampled insurance firms, but was not statistically
significant. The size of the insurance company did not increase the financial
performance of the insurance firms and was also not statistically significant.
The paper recommends that managers in insurance firm should regularly
change the extent at which cash is spent to avoid negative cash flow position as well as
financial crisis. Adequate investment appraisal is really a concern that insurance firms
need to take into consideration when customers are taking up insurance coverage. The
costs have to be weighed against the benefits accruable thereto.

Keywords: Cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities, cash
flow from financing activities, firm size.

JEL classification: A12

1. Introduction

Cash liquidity is very critical and necessary to the financial status of firms.
Cash in organizations usually takes two direction and are – inflow and outflow.
The difference between these two concepts results in cash flow. Thus, a financial

Sunday Ogbeide, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences,
Elizade University, Ilara- Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria
Babatunde Akanji, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Social and
Management Sciences, Elizade University, Ilara- Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria. E-mail:,2

148 Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 Review of International Comparative Management
manager in an organization makes it a priority to ensure cash outflow does not out-
weigh the cash inflow. Net positive cash flow connotes there is prudent
management of cash under the three activities in the organization, which are –
operating, investing and financing activities. Different investors usually take a
cursory look at each of these activities prior to making investment decision.
Similarly, cash flow from each of these activities has a way of influencing the
performance of quoted firms for a period. For instance, excess of cash outflow over
the inflow may indicate poor expense, debt, bad inventory, poor cash management,
weak investment skills and inability of finance managers to critically engage in
optimal financing decision for a period. It is also a pointer that there is higher
proportion of cash leaving the business than it comes. This explicitly is a red flag to
the cash position and consequently the business performance of a quoted company.
As noted by Narkabtee (2000), the “the importance of cash flows cannot be
overemphasized mainly because the users of accounting in formation are
particularly interested in the cash of the company that is published in its financial
statements”. Internally, managers need to know the current financial position of the
firm (performance and problems); how to deal with financial problems and also
control functions (Bodie, Kane, Marcus, 2004). In corroborating this view,
Fabozzi & Markomits (2006) stressed that suppliers are always interested in a
firm’s liquidity because their rights are generally on a short-term basis and in any
case, the company’s ability to pay is best reflected by the company’s liquidity
indicators. Earlier, Bragg (2002) accentuated that investors in bonds who ordinarily
lend to firms in medium or long term basis for a pay-back are also interested in the
firm’s ability to generate cash flow for medium and long-term coverage of
servicing debts. In addition, Bingilar & Oyadonghan (2014) stated that “cash flow
of a company is a crucial factor that enhances its operations”.
Uremadu (2004) sees cash flow of an organization as those pool of funds
that the organization commits to its fixed assets. As noted by Efobi (2008), the
ability of a firm to effectively choose adequate sources of funds to finance its
operations will differentiate strong cash flow governance and poorly managed cash
flows. As such, cash flow is an index of the money that is actually received by or
paid out by a firm for a certain period of time (Albrecht, 2003). This index is not
inclusive of non-cash accounting changes such as depreciation; cash representing
the firm’s vascular system of which if it dwindles, the business will not survive.
Furthermore, the fact that a firm is profitable does not mean that it is also solvent in
that the profit is not cash only (Bingilar, Oyadenghuan, 2014). Turcas (2011) is
also of the view that the solvency, flexibility and the financial performance of the
firm are set on the firm’s ability to generate positive cash flows from its operating,
investing and financing activities.
Knechel, Salterio, Stephen, Ballon & Brian (2007) posit that the information
contained on a cash flow statement stresses the existing differences between the
operating profits of a firm and on the other hand, the decrease or increase in
bank/cash balance over a similar accounting period. The authors further opined that
this is because a cash flow statement shows whether activities of investing have

Review of International Comparative Management Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 149
either been financed externally, borrowing done internally which at the same time
is not affecting either the working capital management or generated profits for the
same period.
Subsequently, cash flow analysis is thought to be more effective in
determining an enterprise’s effectiveness and competitiveness in the market
because it is a more dynamic examination of actual returns on assets and equity
(Amuzu, 2010). Similarly it is argued that cash flow analysis is a better measure of
performance and competitiveness for firms competing in emerging markets. In
essence, cash flow information assists financial statement users in obtaining the
relevant information concerning the use and source of virtually the entire financial
resources over a given time period (Ross, WesterField & Jordan, 2007).
Specifically, the kind of information that the cash flow statement contains include
details of operating, investing and financial activities (Macve, 1997). Thus,
insurance firms usually engage in different financial services to meet the need of
various policy holders despite the fact that insurance companies differ in size and
‘products’ or services they offer to customers. The size of the insurance firms may
determine the number of customers they could have and by implication if the size
is large, this will require more cash flow to meet administrative and non-
administrative charges. Thus, size should contribute to the competitiveness and
dominance of insurance companies. It could also engender their ability to satisfy
customers’ demand as the need arises in the insurance sector. Insurance firms
usually differ in terms of size and area of specialization. Large insurance firms
usually have the propensity to pool large resources to meet the need of customers
or indemnity than when the situation arises. Intuitively, it is expected that the larger
the insurance company, the more they can perform more than the smaller firms and
make more profit given that all other variables remain constant.
The nexus between cash flow and financial performance of firms in the
financial sector, specifically the insurance companies has become an area of keen
interest to numerous researchers both in developed and developing countries. There
is very little or no study that have examined the relationship between cash flow and
the financial performance of insurance companies in Nigeria at least to the best of
the knowledge of the researchers. It is this gap that this study addresses.
As such, the specific focus of this study is to examine the relationship
between cash flow from operating activities and the financial performance of
insurance firms, investigate if cash flow impact on the financial performance of
insurance firms, ascertain the relationship between cash flow from investment
activities and the financial performance of insurance firms and determine if cash
flow from financing activities impact on the financial performance of insurance
firms in Nigeria. The next section of this paper is concerned with a brief review of
both theoretical and empirical existing literature; this is then followed by
examining the methodology employed to undertake the study while this is followed
by the empirical analysis of data, interpretation of results and discussion of
findings. Also, the conclusion and recommendations arising from empirical results
are presented.

150 Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 Review of International Comparative Management
2. Review of related literature on the relationship between cash flow
and firm performance

There are plethora of studies that have examined the relationship between
cash flow and firm performance both in developed and developing countries (see
Khoshdel, 2006; Ashitiani 2005; Miar, 1995; Bingilar, Oyadonghun 2014; Amuzu
2010; Chikaghi, 2013). However, some of the empirical findings from these studies
are mixed and inconclusive; thus necessitating further research on the subject
matter. While some studies show that there is a negative relationship between cash
flow and firm performance, others reveal a positive relationship between
company’s performance and cash flow (Ashitiani 2005; Amuzu 2010). The study
of Ashitaiani (2005) shows that the relationship between operating cash flows,
investments, financing and stock return, a proxy for financial performance in
Tehran Stock Exchange are insignificant and negatively correlated. In quantitative
study, Bingilar & Oyadenghan (2014), made enquiries of the association between
cash flow and organizational performance in hospitality and the printing media
industry in Nigeria. Data was were collected through questionnaires while the
analyses was performed by means of descriptive statistics and Pearson product
moment coefficient of correlation. The result indicated a statistically significant
and strong positive relationship between cash flow position and net profit and this
made Bingilar, Oyadenghan conclude that cash flow position determines the extent
of net profit performance of organizations in the hospitality and printing/media
In another study, Ogbonnaya, Ekwe, Uzoma (2016) assessed the relationship
between cash flow and financial performance of listed banks in emerging
economies using Nigeria as case study. Data was obtained from the annual reports
and accounts of the selected banks and subjected to statistical analysis using
correlation technique. The study outcome revealed that operating cash flow has a
significant and strong positive relation with performance in the Nigerian banking
sector. Further results also showed that investing cash flow and financing cash flow
had negative and weak relationship. The authors therefore recommended that the
Nigerian financial regulatory authorities to scrutinize financial reports of quoted
banks in Nigeria and make external auditors use cash flow ratios to evaluate
performance for the purposes of helping investors make the right decision. In
another interesting study, Nwakaego, Ikechukwu & Ifunanya, (2015) empirically
determined the impact of cash flow on a firm’s performance of a Nigerian food and
beverage company. The result revealed investing cash flow had a significant
negative relationship of corporate performance. Further, the nexus existing
between firm size and performance has also received considerable attention in both
theoretical and empirical research. Dogan (2013) argued that it is obvious for big
companies to have more competitive power when compared to smaller ones since
they have a bigger market share which makes this big firms have the opportunity to
profit more.

Review of International Comparative Management Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 151
Subsequently, these big firms seize the opportunity to work in market places
that require high capital rates since they have larger resources, and this situation
provides them more opportunity to work in more profitable environment with little
competition. Thus, economic theory postulates that having a firm size allows for
incremental advantages because firm size raises the barriers of entry to potential
entrants and at the same time creates leverage on the economies of scale to attain
higher profitability. In as much as firm size influences profitability, this general
notion may not apply to all industries since profitability can also be determined by
several complex factors including product prices, factor costs, production function
and so on. Thus, the hypothesis that size does matter for profitability purposes is
not generalizable without providing relevant qualifications. The import of this is
that it will be difficult to argue logically and establish with empirical facts that firm
size predominantly determines profitable, particularly across all industries. Thus,
there is need for re-verification in this study for the purpose of contributing to the
existing literature. For instance, an empirical study on the relationship between
firm size and profitability by Niresh & Velnampy (2014) found no relationship
between firm size and profitability of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanke.
So their study emphasized that firm size has no profound impact on profitability of
some categories of companies.

3. Methodology
This study is both explanatory and experimental. The sample size of 27
insurance companies quoted for the period – 2009 to 2014 was selected using the
purposive sampling method. The data were collected from the secondary source,
basically from the annual financial statements of the insurance companies. For the
purpose of empirical validation of the variables in the above model, the panel
estimates generalized least squares (EGLS) is used for analysis. Employing the
econometric package of E-views version 7.0, the pooled and panel data estimates
of the multiple regression models was used, after carrying out diagnostic tests,
correlation analysis and inferential statistics.

4. Model Specification
The model employed in this study is underpinned to the work of Nwakaego,
Ikechukwu and Ifunanya (2015) where they examined the effect of cash flow
statement on company performance of food and beverage companies in Nigeria for
the period 2007 to 2011. The model is modified and used in this present study. It is
specified in a stochastic form as follows:
Roeit = βo + β1cshf it + β2 cshfopit + β3cshfinvit + β4cshffinit +
+ β5fsizeit + ԑit.
β 1 – β5 are the coefficients of the parameters of estimation.
ROE represents return on equity, a proxy for firm financial performance and
is the dependent variable.

152 Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 Review of International Comparative Management
Cshf represents cash flow.
Cshfop represents cash flow from operating activities
Cshffin represents cash flow from financing activities
Cshfinv represents cash flow from investing activities
Fsize represents firm size
ԑ represents the stochastic error term, βo is the intercept
i = represents cross- section and t is the time period, 2008 -2015 the study

5. Apriori Expectation
The a priori expectation in the model is of the form; β1—β5 >O. What this
connotes is that all the independent variables are expected to have a positive
relationship with firms’ financial performance.

Empirical analysis
Table A: Diagnostic tests

Variance inflation factors (VIFs)

Coefficient. variance
Centered VIF
CASFO 2.980 2.176
CASFI 1.420 1.925
CASFF 2.260 1.652
CASHT 0.022 1.072
TASST 7.780 1.544
Breusch – Godfrey – serial correlation LM test
F-statistic = 0.021706 Prob.F(4, 143) 0.7365
Obs * R-squared = 0.092838 Pro. Chi-square (4)
Heteroskedasticity test Harvey
F-statistic 2.913026 Prob. F(4, 12) 0.0675
Obs * R-squared 8.374974 Prob. Chi- 0.0788
square 0.0788
Ramsey Reset Test
F-statistic = 1.522564 Prob.F(3, 144) 0.0000
Source: Researchers’ compilation from E-view 8.0 (2016)

The diagnostic table above shows that the variance inflation factor statistic
is less than 10 (Centered VIF < 10) for each of the variables. This indicates absence
of multicollinearity among the explanatory variables. The ARCH (Harvey)
Heteroskedasticity test shows the presence of homoscedasticity (0.0000 > 0.05),
thus confirming the constant variance assumption of the ordinary least square
estimator. The Breusch-Godfrey serial correlation LM test result of 0.0000 > 0.05)
points out the absence of higher order correlation. The Ramsey Reset Test result of
(0.0000 > 0.05) substantiate validity of the regression model.

Review of International Comparative Management Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 153
Table B: Correlation Matrix
RETOE 1 0.083 -0.023 0.181 0.107
CASFO 0.158 1 -0.393 -0.126 0.145 0.634
CASFI 0.083 -0.393 1 -0.507 0.087 -0.307
CASFF -0.023 -0.126 -0.507 1 -0.101 0.039
CASHT 0.181 0.145 0.087 -0.101 1 0.196
TASST 0.107 0.634 -0.307 0.039 0.196 1

Examination of the above table points out that all the variables are both weak
and positively and negative associated. CASFO and CASHT are positively
correlated (r = 0.145, r = 0.181), CASFO and TASST are positively related
(r = 0.634, r = 0.107); CASFO and CASFF are negatively related (r = -0.126,
r = -0.023); CASFO and CASFI are positively and negatively related (r = -0.393,
r = 0.083); this applies among the other variables respectively. No multicollinearity
is observed in the correlation matrix.

Table C: Hausman Test

Test summary Chi-square statistic Chi-sq d.f Prob
Cross-section 4.6112 6 0.0012
Source: Data computed by researchers based on E-VIEWS, 2016

From the above table, Hausman test chi-square statistic is 4.6112 with a
probability value of 0.0012 (P < 0.05) indicating significant difference. Thus, the
null hypothesis is rejected hence the conclusion is that the fixed effect estimator is

Panel least square multivariate regression analysis

Table D: Fixed effect estimation

Dependent variable Variables Coefficient t-statistic Probability
RETOE C -5.412061 -1.341209 0.1820
CASFO 0.003802 2.206141 0.0290*
CASFI 0.002409 2.006689 0.0467*
CASH 0.001788 1.176765 0.2413**
TASST -8.45E-05 -0.298178 0.7660**
R 0.73
ADJ. R2 0.66
F-statistic 1.948765
Prob. F-statistic 0.037994
Durbin-Watson stat 1.547016
Source: Data computed by researchers, 2016.
Key: * Indicate 95% level of significance. ** Indicate none significance at 95% level.

154 Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 Review of International Comparative Management
The above table shows that the R2 statistic is 0.73 while the adjusted
R2 statistic is 0.66. This shows that 73% of systematic variation in financial
performance (RETOE) of the insurance companies is explained by changes in cash
flows. After adjusting the degree of freedom, 66% variation in the financial
performance of the insurance firms was explained by changes in explanatory
variables, learning 34% unexplained due to the presence of stochastic error term.
This suggests that cash flow influence the financial performance of insurance firms
in Nigeria.
The F – statistic, 1.948765 with a probability value of 0.037994 showed that
the model satisfies the overall goodness of fit statistical test. It implies that cash
flow measures, inclusive of the control variable are able to predict financial
performance of the sampled insurance companies in Nigeria. The Durbin-Watson
statistic of 1.54 (approximately 2.0) indicate the absence of serial autocorrelation in
the model. It suggests that the result it good for policy prescription. Similarly, the t-
statistics and R2 statistics are not extremely high as to suggest the existence of
Multicollinearity and Heteroskedasticity in the model. It further portends that the
econometric model employed in this study satisfies both statistical and diagnostic
criteria. It represents a good and consistent estimator, and hence useful for policy
direction in the insurance firms in Nigeria.
The individual coefficient shows that a unit change in cash flow from
operating activities increases the financial performance (RETOE) of the insurance
firms by 0.003802 units and is statistically significant at 95% level. 0.002409 units
change in cash flow from investing activities enhances the financial performance
(RETOE) and it was statistically significant at 95% level. It can be observed that
0.001788 unit change in cash flow from financing activities increases the financial
performance (RETOE) of the insurance firms. It is however not statistically
significant at 95% level. Cash flow generally put together is observed to increase
the financial performance of the insurance firms by 0.326666 units and is
statistically significant at 95% level. Total assets which measure the size of the
insurance firms in Nigeria have -8.45 units. This shows that the size do not increase
the financial performance of insurance firms and is also not statistically significant
in the period considered.

6. Discussion of findings, conclusions and recommendations

The empirical estimations as regard the impact of cash flow on the financial
performance of insurance firms in this study in Nigeria is quite revealing. Cash
flow was observed to determine insurance firms’ financial performance and is
statistically significant. The finding is consistent with Nwayanwu (2015), Bingilar
& Oyadunghan (2014) and Amuzu (2010). The findings however, differ from that
of Zhou, Yang and Zhang (2012) where they reported negative impact of cash flow
on firms’ performance. The implication of this study findings is that there is need
for efficiency and application of managerial skills in handling the three major

Review of International Comparative Management Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2017 155
activities in the business will engender performance. This ultimately will lead to
maximization of the shareholders wealth.
From this paper, cash flow from operating activities was observed to
significantly increase financial performance of the insurance companies in the
period examined. The findings are however not in tandem with Ashitani (2005)
where cash flow from financing activities was found to increase the financial
performance of the sampled insurance firms, but was not statistically significant.
As such, cash flow is a major concern that every managers must closely manage
carefully so as to achieve the competitive objectives of a firm. A negative cash
flow spells out insolvency and financial crisis, particularly for insurance firms.
This is because without cash, it will be difficult to efficiently operate the business,
meet obligations as at when due, expand operations and maximize wealth of the
shareholders. Thus, the results of this study have showed that cash flow is a major
determinant of the financial performance of insurance firms in Nigeria while the
size of a firm may or may not increase financial performance of insurance firms.
What is required to operate optimally is efficiency in the cash flow generation. A
lot of insurance companies have gone into liquidation due to the inability to meet
financial obligations to the customers majorly occasioned by insufficient cash flow.
This has engender moral hazard and adverse selection in the insurance sector in
It is therefore recommended that there has to be adequate policy thrust by
the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) making it mandatory for insurance companies
to maintain persistent increase in cash reserve. The level and strength of corporate
governance need to be monitored by the apex bank (i.e. CBN). The managers in
insurance firms should regulate the extent of cash outflows under each activity to
avoid negative cash flow issues as well as financial crisis. Adequate investment
appraisal is really a concern that insurance firms need to take into consideration
when customers are taking up insurance covers. As such, the costs have to be
weighed against the benefits accruable therefrom.

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