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Lara Core A5

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Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

The Character
The character is the avatar of the hero in the game world. Each player -
except the game master, of course - will need one to represent him. A
character is defined by four abilities -measuring his capacities- a class -his
way of life- and skills -his knowledge and experiences.

When creating a character, you must distribute 7 points between the four
abilities. Each score must fall between 0 and 3 upon creation. The four
abilities are as follow:

Physical [PHY]: All possibilities of the body, might, reflexes, endurance,

Mental [MEN]: All possibilities of the mind, intelligence, memory, wits.
Social [SOC]: All social possibilities, charisma, negotiation, social awareness.
Combat [COM]: All things fighting, like holding weapons, and using those.

Class The Lambda

The character’s class defines the way he lives his
life, and in many cases, what skills he can master. HP: 1d6+10
In this mod, we’ll only present one class, the Skills: choose two
lambda, who is just a normal human being. You from the common
can invent your own classes, or find more in skill list.
other LARA products. Hindrance: none.

The Defence score [DEF] is the target number when dealing with attacks.
Upon creation, the DEF score is equal to 5 plus your PHY score.
Note: DEF may be augmented by wearing armour, and augments naturally
when the PHY score goes up.

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

Common Skills
Skills with a * can be chosen up twice. This is call “mastering”. A mastered
skill is more efficient, as described in its entry.

*Athlete: +1 (*+2) to Physical roll involving jumping, running, swimming and

*Aware: +1 (*+2) to physical rolls involving detecting, noticing.
*Brawl: you deal 1 (*2) extra damage and have +1 (+2) to your combat roll
when you fight with your fists.
*Charm: +1 (*+2) to all rolls involving seduction and charisma.
*Connoisseur: +1 (*+2) to all rolls involving appraising, criticising, or copying
a work of art.
Drunken master: The hero never suffers any penalty from being drunk.
*Eagle Eye: +1 (*+2) to ranged attack roll.
*Escape artist: +1 (*+2) to any roll involving getting out of physical restrain.
Hard Bones: All fist attacks make +1 damage, falling damage are divided by
*Heavy Hitter: You deal an extra +1 (*+2) damage.
*Locksmith: +1 (*+2) to a Physical roll involving lock picking and identifying
*Lucky One: You may reroll 1 (*2) bad roll per scene.
*Negotiator: +1 (*+2) to any roll
involving social interaction like
negotiation, bargaining, flirting, etc.
*Strong: +1 to any roll involving
pushing, pulling, carrying (+2 when
Wrestling: your Fists (and any Brawl
weapon) gain the critical effect

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

Doing Actions and Stuff
There is one thing you need to know in order to play LARA: the ability roll.
Every time a character tries to do an action which outcome is not evident, the
player controlling said character have to take an ability roll, using his
character’s ability value.

The GM will decide which ability is appropriate,

Difficulty TN
and set the Target number [TN], according to the
Routine 5
action’s level of difficulty. Then the player roll
Easy 7
2D6 and add his appropriate ability; if this grand
Moderate 9
total is equal or superior to the TN, the action is a
Hard 11
success; if it is lower, the action fails.
Tough 13
Special results
Whenever a player rolls a natural 12 (that’s 6 on both dice), he succeeds
perfectly, whatever the TN; this is called a CRITICAL SUCCESS or CRITS as
short. Whenever a natural 2 is rolled (that’s 1 on both dice), the action is
very, very, very failed, whatever the TN, bonuses, or circumstances. This is
called a FUMBLE.

Whenever a hero falls, roll 2D6 to determine the damage. The player may roll
PHY (TN9) to halve the damage; on a critical, the hero is not damaged at all.
When falling from great heights, the DM may choose a higher TN.

At the beginning of each turn, a suffocating character loses 1HP and must roll
PHY (TN9) or lose D3 HP more, until he dies, or is not suffocating anymore.

At the beginning of each turn, a bleeding character loses 1HP until he dies,
the combat ends, or he spends an entire combat round tending to his wound.

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

A stunned hero has -4 on all his rolls this round. A stunned monster cannot
act at all.

Poison Lv. TN Damage

A poison is defined by its level (from 1 to 1 5 D3
5). Whenever a hero is poisoned, he must 2 7 D6
roll PHY (See the table for TN); if he fails, 3 9 D6+1
he takes the damage indicated by the 4 11 D6+2
table. 5 13 D6+3

Experience and Advancement

At the end of a quest (scenario, or game session), each hero that is still alive
in the party gets experience points [XP].

Each Hero will earn 1 to 3 XP, depending on the performance of the team:
● +1 XP for survival; Upgrade Cost
● +1 if the mission is successful; +1 to HP total 1 XP
● +1 if the character did particularly Learn new skill 3 XP
well. Master known skill 3 XP
Players may then spend XP to upgrade +1 to ability 5 XP
their hero before the next quest, or
stock them for future use.

Note that the absolute maximum for an ability is 5.

Combat is divided in rounds, each one representing a very short period of
time, during which each fighter will have the opportunity to make ONE
action, in the order determined by the initiative roll. When every combatant

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

acted, a new round begins and so on, until one side is clearly defeated.

Initiative is the order of who acts when in combat. Before combat starts, each
combatant rolls 1d6+COM. The highest goes first. Any ties will act

Combat actions
When his turn comes, a player must choose 1 action in the following list:
● Move: can Engage an enemy or Disengage from an enemy (see below).
● Attack: If he has a valid target, the hero may attack once (see below).
● Take cover: the hero’s defence goes up by +2.
● Use Item: switch weapons, use a potion, throw an item to an ally in free
position, reload a gun or crossbow...
● Flee: the hero must be in free position and roll COM (TN is the highest DEF
in the enemy party). If he succeeds, he is out of the fight.
● Background specific action: Like magic, psionic or whatever...
● Other action: the GM may specify other actions, like picking a lock, or hack
a computer...

A combatant may attack once any valid target (see later). He must roll COM
(TN is the DEF score of the target). If he succeeds, he may roll the damage
dice for his weapon; the rolled total is deduced from the target’s HP total.

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

Special results in combat
When a combatant scores a critical in combat, the effect varies with the type
of weapon he is using (see Warehouse).

When a combatant scores a Roll Result

fumble in combat, roll on the 1 Trips and fall
table beside to know the 2 Stun himself (3 rounds)
exact effect (Add 1 to the 3 Weapon breaks
dice if using ranged weapon). 4 hits himself (1 damage)
5 hits himself (normal damage)
6 hits himself (critical damage)
7 Hits ally (normal damage)

LARA combat uses abstract movement to represent the heroes and their
enemy constantly moving. A combatant may be in Free position, or Engaged
in hand to hand combat.

Everybody starts the fight in free position. When free-positioned, you may:

● Make a move action to engage an enemy in hand to hand combat;

● Attack any enemy with a ranged weapon; if the target is engaged,
you have -4 penalty on your attack roll.
● Take cover, use item, flee, and other action freely.

When a hero is engaged, his options are more limited:

● Make a move action to disengage from his enemy, by rolling COM (TN9); if
he succeeds, he moves back to free position.
● Attack the enemy he is engaged to with a contact weapon;
● Use an item on himself or the enemy he is engaged to.

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

Damages and recovery
If a hero or monster’s HP score reaches to 0, that character is dead.
Resting for an hour or so gives back D6 HP, resting for a full night brings you
back to your total. Current HP may never go over the HP total.

Tabletop RPG is a game played as a group; One of the group is the game
master - or GM -, who tells the story, whereas each other player takes on the
role of one of the characters living the story.
There is a luck factor, as you’ll use dice to determine the outcome of
uncertain actions, but most of all, the character’s choices will decide if they
pass or fail the trials devised by the GM.
All you need to play is some friends, a bunch of dices (2 is enough, 2 per
player is better), paper, pencils, and imagination.

LARA only uses six-sided ordinary dices (called D6). You might come across
some strange notations, explained below:
Roll D6 = roll one dice.
Roll 2D6 = roll 2 dices and add up the results.
Roll D6+2 = roll 1 dice and add 2 to the result.
Roll D3 = roll 1 dice and halve the result (round up).
Roll D66 = roll 2 dice and read the result as a two-digit number, the highest
result being the unit digit.

LARA version 1.0 - December 2016

Licensing: Lara System © 2016 Robertson Sondoh Jr & Pierrot is license under
a Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

To view a copy of the license, visit:

For specific details, appropriate credits, and updates to this license, please

Daniel Paulo (order #14026548)

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