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Math - Angles

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Lesson Plan

Year Level: 5/6

Date: Monday 11 February – 9:40am to 10:40am

Topic: Mathematics – Geometry: measure and classify angles

Link to Curriculum:
Year 5: Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor (ACMMG112)
Year 6: Investigate, with and without digital technologies, angles on a straight line, angles at a point and vertically
opposite angles. Use results to find unknown angles (ACMMG141)

WALT: Measuring angles using a protractor and recording their size in degrees (within 2 degrees).
Identifying different types of angles, such as acute, obtuse, right and reflex angles.

Time Activities/Classroom Management Focus Questions Assessment

9:40am Introduction:
What is an angle? (The amount of turn between two lines that meet each
other.) Angles around us: look at angles that can be found in the room, What is an angle?
e.g. furniture, doorway.
Explain the properties of a protractor to students:
o Used to measure angles How do we Student response.
o Numbers like a ruler, but measured in degrees to identify the size measure angles?
of turn in angle

9:45am Main Body:


Using hovercam, show students how to measure angles using a
o Place centre of protractor on the vertex (point of angle)
o Line up the “0” line of the protractor on one of the arms of the
angle, making sure the other arm of the angle is inside the
o Line up the arm of the angle with the measurements on the
protractor to read the size of the angle

Identify angles when measuring angles:

o Acute: between 0 and 90 degrees
o Obtuse: between 90 and 180 degrees
o Right: exactly 90 degrees What size is this
o Reflex: greater than 180 and less than 360 degrees
Is it an acute,
obtuse, right or
Do a few examples, then ask students to read and identify some angles
reflex angle?
to check understanding.

Ask if any questions.

First Activity:
Have “Student of the Day” select a helper to hand out work sheets to

Students begin working.

Write on whiteboard with picture example:

o Acute: < 90 degrees
o Obtuse: > 90 degrees
o Right: 90 degrees

o Reflex: > 180 but < 360 degrees

Teacher moves around the room to monitor and assist students.

Students stop working. Teacher reads out answers and students self-
mark. Have a student from each table collect the worksheets and bring to Mark worksheets
Second Activity - “Scoot Game”:
Ask students to get their clipboards.
Hand an angle card and an answer sheet to each student.
Have students clip their answer sheet to their clipboard.
Students measure the angle on the card at their desk and write the
answer on the answer sheet next to the number that corresponds with
their card.
Ask students to stand and move to a different angle card at another
table. Students continue to move around the room and measure the
angles on the cards, writing their answers on their answer sheets.
Students move back to their desks, teacher reads answers out and
students self-mark.

Ask questions:
What is an acute angle?
What is an obtuse angle?
What is a right angle?
What is a reflex angle?
End of lesson

High/Low Low achievers:
Achievers One student with down syndrome and one student with undiagnosed
learning disability receive assistance from an educational assistant.
Have these students measure the cards that have the picture of a
protractor on them.

High Achievers:
Extension work sheet
Challenge students to measure the reflex angle on the angle cards.

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