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The key takeaways are that the document outlines daily English lesson plans for a primary school class with objectives, activities, teaching strategies and assessments.

The objectives of the English lessons include developing pupils' skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing through focusing on topics like greetings, self-introductions, phone conversations and vocabulary.

Activities used to teach the lessons include greeting pupils, introducing new vocabulary, reading aloud, acting out conversations, completing exercises in activity books and drawing.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Tuesday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 3 January 2012 : 10.45 11.45 am : Listening & Speaking

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.2, 1.3 Learning Standards 1.2.1 (a), (d) 1.3.1 (a) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) exchange greetings expressively 2) introduce a new friend 3) answer simple WH questions regarding oneself

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Greet pupils and ask a few Wh-questions regarding their school holidays. Step 2 Introduce a new member to the class. Introduce sentence patterns: - What is your name? - Where are you from - Where do you live? - What do you like to do? Step 3 Pupils take turn to practice the sentence patterns. Step 4 Pupils complete Page 1 on Activity Book. ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Communication Moral Values Respect

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard: - none -


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Wednesday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 4 January 2012 : 11.45 12.45 noon : Reading

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 2.2, 3.1 Learning Standards 2.2.4 3.1.1 (a), (b) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) read sentences with correct pronounce, stress and intonation 2) fill in the blanks with words and phrases at least 80% correctly

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about the telephone conversation on page 3. Step 2 Read aloud the conversation. Act out (in groups). - drilling Step 3 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 2 (Activity Book) Step 4 Enrichment: Guide pupils to complete their particulars on Activity Book. ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Communication Moral Values Respect

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard:


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Thursday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 5 January 2012 : 8.15 9.15 am : Reading

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.1, 2.1 Learning Standards 1.1.1 (g) 2.1.2 2.1.3 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) blend and spell phonemes at least 80% correctly 2) read simple sentences with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress 3) listen and circle the words at least 80% correctly

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about the words learnt in Year 1. - revision Step 2 Teacher puts up the word cards on blackboard and asks pupils to read them aloud. - drilling on blending and spelling the words Step 3 Read aloud sentences on page 4. Pupils take turn to read the sentences (in pairs). Step 4 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 3 (Activity Book) ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Harmony

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation Checklist

Performance Standard:


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Sunday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 8 January 2012 : 11.15 12.15 noon : Writing

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 2.2 3.1 Learning Standards 3.1.1 (a), (c) 2.2.4 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) read and understand a simple passage 2) fill in the blanks with words at least 80% correctly 3) copy the passage with neat and legible handwriting.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about the picture on page 5 (Textbook). Step 2 Read aloud with correct pronunciation. - drilling Talk about the paragraph to make sure that pupils understand the paragraph. Step 3 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 4 (Activity Book). Step 4 Pupils copy the paragraph (page 5 textbook) in their exercise books. ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Friendship

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard: B1 DT6 E1


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Monday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 9 January 2012 : 8.45 9.45 am : Writing

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 3.1 3.2 Learning Standards 3.1.1 (c), 3.2.3 (a), (b) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) read and understand a simple passage (postcard) 2) know when to use capital letters and full stop in a sentence 3) punctuate the passage at least 70% correctly

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Revision on punctuation capital letters and full stops. Step 2 Talk about the postcard on page 7 (Textbook) Ask questions and elicit answers from pupils - is it written correctly? - is the name written correctly? Step 3 Guide pupils to punctuate the postcard correctly. Step 4 Pupils rewrite the postcard with correct punctuation in their exercise books. ADDED VALUE

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard:


Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Diligence

Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Tuesday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 10 January 2012 : 10.45 11.45 am : Writing

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 2.2 3.1 3.2 Learning Standards 2.2.4 3.1.1 (a), 3.2.3 (a), (b) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) read and understand a simple paragraph 2) fill in the blanks with at least 70% correct words and punctuations.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Revision on yesterdays lesson capital letters and full stops. Step 2 Read aloud the information on page 6 (Activity Book) Rewrite the information with correct punctuation Step 3 Guide pupils to complete the paragraph below the information. Step 4 Check answers.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard: B3 DT4 E1

ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Diligence


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Wednesday : 2 Bestari : Unit 1 Hooray We Are Back : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 11 January 2012 : 11.45 12.45 noon : Language Arts




Content Standard 4.1 1.1 Learning Standards 4.1.2 1.1.3

Step 1 Talk about the song on page 8 (Textbook) Teacher sings the song with music (minus one).

Assessment Observation

Step 2 By the end of the Ask pupils to turn to lesson, pupils should be page 113 of the able to: activity book. 1) Sing a song in groups Guide them to make 2) Make two finger the finger puppets. puppets creatively Step 3 Pupils make the finger puppets. Step 4 Sing the song together and do the actions using the finger puppets ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Musical-Rhythmic EMK Creativity & innovation Moral Values Cooperation

Performance Standard:


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Thursday : 2 Bestari : Unit 2 Do The Right Thing : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 12 January 2012 : 8.15 9.15 am : Listening & Speaking




Content Standard 1.1 2.2 Learning Standards 1.1.4 2.2.2

Step 1 Talk about signboards and notice boards around the school. - ask the meaning of the signs and notices Step 2 Talk about the signs on page 9 (Textbook) Ask them other signs that they normally seen on the street everywhere. - let them draw a few on the blackboard

Assessment Observation

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) read signs and understand their meanings 2) Talk about the stimulus expressively 3) Choose the correct Step 3 name of places for Tell pupils to complete each signs seen. the activity on page 7 (Activity Book) Step 4 Check answers ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Visual-spatial EMK : Creativity

Performance Standard: B2 DB3 E1


Moral Values Good Citizenship Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim) Disemak Oleh: ( )

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Sunday : 2 Bestari : Unit 2 Do The Right Thing : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 15 January 2012 : 11.15 12.15 noon : Reading




Content Standard 1.1 2.2 Learning Standards 1.1.4 2.2.2 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) read and understand phrases 2) talk about the rules in school and why they are made 3) fill in the blanks with at least 90% correct words.

Step 1 Talk about what they did in the assembly today. - during singing the anthems - during the speeches Step 2 Talk about the pictures on page 10 and 11 (Textbook) Read aloud the phrases - focus on must, must not and do not Step 3 Ask pupils to complete the activity on page 8 (Activity Book). Step 4 Check answers. ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Visual-spatial EMK : Creativity

Assessment Observation

Performance Standard:


Moral Values Good Citizenship

Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : Monday : 2 Bestari : Unit 2 Do The Right Thing : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 16 January 2012 : 8.45 9.45 am : Reading

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 2.2 3.1 Learning Standards 2.2.2 3.1.1 (a), (b) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) name and demonstrate some good habits 2) read and understand the sentences 3) fill in the blanks with missing words at least 80% correctly.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about some good habits - eating, sleeping Step 2 Talk about the habits on page 13 (Textbook) Read aloud the good habits on page 11 (Activity Book) Talk about the good habits Step 3 Guide pupils to complete the sentences on page 11 (Activity Book). Step 4 Check answers ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Cleanliness

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard:


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic : Tuesday : 2 Bestari : Unit 2 Do The Right Date Time Skills : 17 January 2012 : 10.45 11.45 am : Reading


Thing : World Of Self STRATEGY / LEARNING OUTCOMES ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Assessment Introduce phonemes (ai) Observation and (ee) Step 2 segment the phonemes with other words and ask pupils to blend the phonemes to form words Practice reading the words list on page 12 (Textbook) Step 3 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 9 and 10 (Activity Book). Step 4 Check answers. ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Verbal-Linguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Rationale

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.1 2.1 Learning Standards 1.1.1 (g) 2.1.1 (a) 2.1.2 2.1.3 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) blend the phonemes to form words 2) read and spell the words correctly 3) listen to and write the words at least 80% correctly

Performance Standard: B1 DB3 E1 B1 DB4 E1


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day : Wednesday Date : 18 January 2012

Class Topic Theme

: 2 Bestari : Unit 2 Do The Right Thing : World Of Self

Time Skills

: 11.45 12.45 noon : Writing

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 2.2 3.1 Learning Standards 2.2.3 3.1.1 (b), (c) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) name some rules for the class 2) write out the sentences using You must or You must not at least 80% correctly 3) Write the sentences neatly and legibly.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about the pictures on page 15 (Textbook) - ask why they cant do that? Step 2 Talk about some class rules Ask and elicits answers from pupils - ask why we made such rules - stress on good habits Step 3 Guide pupils to complete the activity on page 12 (Activity Book) and page 15 (Textbook exercise books) Step 4 Check answers ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Visual-spatial EMK Creativity Moral Values Cleanliness

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard: B1 DT6 E1


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan

English Year 2
Day Class Topic Theme : Thursday : 2 Bestari : Unit 2 Do The Right Thing : World Of Self Date Time Skills : 19 January 2012 : 8.15 9.15 am : Language Arts

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.1 4.1 Learning Standards 1.1.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) Sing action songs with correct pronunciation and intonation 2) Do appropriate actions when singing 3) Colour a poster of rules for the classroom artistically.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Revision on the topic learnt this week. - rules, good habits Step 2 Teacher chants the sentences on page 16 and pupils follow. Sing the chants tune This Old Man Do the actions Step 3 Divide pupils into two groups. One group sing the song and the other group do the actions. Take turn Step 4 Pupils colour the pre-made posters in group and display in class. ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Musical-Rhythmic EMK : Creativity & innovation Moral Values Cooperation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

Performance Standard: B1 DL1 E1 B1 DL2 E1


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : : : : Sunday 2 Bestari Unit 3 Where Am I? World Of Self Date Time Skills : 29 January 2012 : 11.15 12.15 noon : Listening & Speaking

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.1 1.2 Learning Standards 1.1.4 1.2.2 (b) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) name the places in school at least 80% correctly 2) spell the name of places in school correctly 3) listen to and follow simple instruction at least 80% correctly.

STRATEGY / LEARNING ACTIVITIES / TEACHING OUTCOMES AIDS Step 1 Assessment Talk about places in Observation school. - place to eat, place to play football etc. Step 2 Talk about the pictures on page 17 (Textbook) Drilling on spelling the name of the places in school Introduce the vocabulary of directions Step 3 Practice a few simple directions in class. Step 4 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 13 (Activity Book). ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Visual-Spatial EMK Creativity Moral Values Rationale

Performance Standard:


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : : : : Monday 2 Bestari Unit 3 Where Am I? World Of Self Date Time Skills : 30 January 2012 : 8.45 9.45 am : Listening & Speaking LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.1 1.2 Learning Standards 1.1.4 1.2.2 (b) 1.2.3 (b) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) listen to and follow simple instruction at least 80% correctly. 2) Name the places correctly.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about how to get to the classroom from the gate. Step 2 Revision on vocabulary of directions turn left, turn right, go straight etc. Ask pupils to stand up and do the actions on turning left, turning right, go straight. Step 3 Rearrange the classroom into 6 stations (layout in AB: Page 14) Pupils are divided into six groups and stationed accordingly. Pupils listen and follow the instruction given by the teacher. Step 4 Revision on vocabulary of directions (action) ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, BodilyKinaesthetic EMK Creativity Moral Values Rationale

Performance Standard:


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : : : : Tuesday 2 Bestari Unit 3 Where Am I? World Of Self Date Time Skills : 31 January 2012 : 10.45 11.45 am : Reading LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation Checklist

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 3.1 3.2 1.1 Learning Standards 3.1.1 (a) 3.2.2 1.1.4 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) Spell names of the places at least 90% correctly 2) listen to and follow simple instruction at least 80% correctly. 3) Fill in the blanks with words at least 80% correctly.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Talk about common places around the school such as the grocery shop, the stationary shop, etc. Step 2 Ask pupils to study the map on page 25 (TB) Talk about the map drill on the name of the places Read and complete the directions given guided activity Step 3 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 17 (AB). Check answers. Step 4 Enrichment pupils complete worksheet ( English module Y2 Page 10 & 11) ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, VisualSpatial EMK Creativity & Innovation Moral Values Rationale

Performance Standard: B3DB4E1


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : : : : Wednesday 2 Bestari Unit 3 Where Am I? World Of Self Date Time Skills : 1 February 2012 : 11.45 12.45 noon : Reading LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation Checklist

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 2.1 2.2 1.1 Learning Standards 2.1.1(a) 2.2.3 1.1.1 (g) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) Segment and blend phonemes at least 80% correctly. 2) Read the word list with correct pronunciation. 3) Fill in the blanks with words at least 90% correctly.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Introduce phonemes [oa] and [igh]. Step 2 Pronounce phonemes [oa] and [igh] repeatedly Blend and segment a few words form the word list drilling Write the word list and ask pupils to pronounce each words correctly Step 3 Read aloud the phrases on page 21 (TB) focusing on the pronunciation. Step 4 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 15 & 16 (Activity Book). ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Mastery Learning, Verballinguistics EMK Creativity Moral Values Respect

Performance Standard: B1 DB3 E1


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : : : : Thursday 2 Bestari Unit 3 Where Am I? World Of Self Date Time Skills : 2 February 2012 : 10.45 11.45 am : Writing LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment Observation

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 4.2 2.2 Learning Standards 4.2.1 (b) 2.2.5 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) Look up meaning in the picture dictionary correctly 2) Name the pictures at least 80% correctly 3) Group the words according to their first letters at least 90% correctly.

STRATEGY / ACTIVITIES / TEACHING AIDS Step 1 Show and talk about the picture dictionary. Step 2 Teach how to look up meaning in the picture dictionary Drill with a few examples. Step 3 Guide pupils to look up the meaning of the words listed in page 24 (TB). o Write them in the exercise book. Step 4 Guide pupils to complete activity on page 18 (Activity Book). ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Visual-Spatial EMK Creativity & Innovative Moral Values Hardworking

Performance Standard:


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(Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Berangan (2) Daily Lesson Plan English Year 2

Day Class Topic Theme : : : : Monday 2 Bestari Unit 4 Read Me A Story World Of Story Date Time Skills : 6 February 2012 : 8.45 9.45 am : Listening & Speaking

OBJECTIVES / SKILLS Content Standard 1.1 4.2 Learning Standards 1.1.4 4.2.1(a) (c) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1) Look and talk about the book cover expressively 2) Name the title, author and the images of the book cover 3) Answer simple questions about the book cover at least 80% correctly.

STRATEGY / LEARNING ACTIVITIES / TEACHING OUTCOMES AIDS Step 1 Assessment Ask pupils whether they Observation read the story books lately. Step 2 Show a story book and talk about it. o Focus on title, author, characters Drilling on the title, author and character (use other story books) Step 3 Guide pupils to complete activity 1,2 and 3 on page 19 (Activity Book) Step 4 Guide pupils to draw the cover for a book (Activity Book Page 19). ADDED VALUE Pedagogy Contextual Learning, Visual-Spatial EMK Creativity & Innovative Moral Values Respect

Performance Standard:


Disediakan Oleh: (Noor Hasliza Ahmad Abd Halim)

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