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Syllabus BBA

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Eligibility :- Candidates must have passed Senior Secondary Examination of equivalant with 50% marks. Part - I Medium of instruction and examination will be English. For pass at each examination, a candidate shall be required to obtain a minimum of 36% marks in each paper and 48% marks in the aggregate. Successful candidate will be qualified as under(a) (b) (c) 48% and above but less than 60% marks 60% and above but less than 75% marks 75% marks and above II Division I Division I Division with distinction

The number of papers and practicals, wherever prescribed, the duration of examination, maximum marks and minimum pass marks are shown separately against each paper. A student will be requested to pass BBA Course within five years from the date of his/her admission.

Distribution of Marks
S.No Name of the Subject/ Paper 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paper-I Business and Management Paper-II Business and Communication Paper-III Legal aspects of Indian Business Paper-IV Business Economics Paper-V Business and Management Paper-VI Computer Fundamentals Theory Practicals No. of papers to be offered One One One One One One 2 hrs. 2 hrs. 40 60 14 22 Duration 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 Min. Pass. Marks 36 36 36 36 36

50% paper can be carried forward from BBA Part-I examinations to BBA part-II examination and from BBA Part-II examination to Part-III examination. The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very Short answer type questions of 2 marks each. (up to 50 words) Question No.2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 works) There shall be 5 essay type / numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each

question shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. The Pattern of question paper for Computer Fundamentals (Theory will be as follows:) Question No. 1-10 Marks : Consisting of 20 multiple choice questions with four choices and students will have to pick the correct one. Each question will carry half marks, Question No.2-10 Marks : Consisting of 10 short answer questions (Upton 50 words.) Each question will carry one mark. There shall be 3 essay type / problem solving questions. Candidate shall be required to attempt any two questions. Each question shall be of 10 marks.



Scheme : Maximum marks : 100 3 Hours duration Maximum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question paper shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type / numerical questions Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. Business & Management: Features and Scope of Business, Elementary knowledge of Trade,, Industry and Commerce, Types of Industries, Forms of ownership --Sole trading, Partnership, Company, Cooperatives. Joint Sector, public Enterprises. Concept of management, Nature and scope of management, Management Functions, Functional areas of Management (elementary knowledge only) Principles of Management, Schools of Management Thought. Planning : Nature and components of planning. Types of plans, Process of planning, Effective planning, MBO Decision- making - Process and Techniques of decision-making Organisation : Definition, Principles of organisation, Forms of structure, Formal and informal Organisation, Delegation of authority. Leadership : Functions and Theories of Leadership, Leadership Styles. Coordination : Principles and Techniques of coordination, Effective coordination. Motivation : Human needs, Techniques of motivation, Sound motivation system, Theories of motivation (suggested by Maslow, Herzberg, Mc Gregor Victor Vroom). Control : Nature and process of control. Techniques of control (elementary knowledge only) Effective control system. Books recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Koontz and Weihrich-- Essentials of Management (Tata McGraw Hill Co.) Newman, Watten & McGill - The Process of Management (Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.) Terry and Franklin-- Principles of Management (All India Travellers Booksellers) Toseph L. Massie- Essentials of Management (Prentice Hall of India) Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert- Management (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.) Robert N. Lussier-M, Lissier-Management Fundamentals (South-Western College Publishing). Dr. B.S. Mathur--Principles of Management (National Publishing House. Chaura Rasta, Jaipur). M.J. Mathew-Business Management (Sheelsons. Jaipur). G.S. Sudha --Business Management (R B S A, Jaipur).


Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Maximum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question paper shall be as under : There Shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type question of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type / numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. Concept and objectives of Communication, Effective Communication. Communication Process, Types of Communication--Upward and Downward Horizontal. Grapevine Media of Communication : Written, Oral, face-face, visual, audiovisual, modern media-telex, fax teleconferencing, mail, media of nonverbal communication, kivesics effects. Barriers to Communcition : Wrong choice of medium, Physical barriers, Semantic buries, Different comprechension of reality. Socio-Psychological burgers. Aids to correct writing : Tenses, Modals, Conditional Infinitives, gerunds and participles. Active and Passive voice, Subject-verb agreement Common errors. Practical aspects of business communication :Report writing, Public speaking, Seminar Presentation, Interview, group discussion, Effective Listening. Writing Skills : types of business letters and letter writing. Books recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rajendra Paland J.S. Korlahalli-Essentials of Business Communication (Sultan Chand & Sons.) C.S. Rayed-Communication (Mumbai : Himalaya Publishing House). C.B. Gupta-Business Communication & Customer Relations (Sultan Chand & Sons.) Parag Diwan-Communication Management(Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd.) Ronald E. Dulek and John S. Fieden-Principles of Business Communication (Macmilan Publishing Co.) Karl Erik Rosengren-Communication-An Introduction (Sage Publications) Websters Guide to Effective Letter Writing-HarperPAPER-VI : COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS & Rom 8. Krishna Mohan and Meera Banerji-Developing Communication Skills(Macmillan India Ltd.)

Paper-III : Legal Aspects of Indian Business

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours Duration Minimum Pass Mark :36 The Pattern of question paper shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No.1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each.(upto 50 words) Question No.2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type / numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary.

Law of Contract :Nature of Contract. Classification. Offer and Acceptance, Capacity to Contract, Free Consent, Consideration, Legality of object, Agreement declared;ated void, Performance of Contract, Discharge of Contract, Remedies for breach pf contract. Special Contracts : Indemnity, Guarantee, Agency. Sale of Goods Act : Formation of Contract of sale, Goods and their classification, Price, conditions & warrnties, Passing of property in goods, performance of contract of sale, unpaid seller, sale by auction. Negotiable Instruments Act : Definition of Negotiable Insruments, Features, Promissory note, Bill of Exchange & cheque, Holder & Holder in due course, crossing of a cheque, type of crossing, Dishonour of cheque. Indian Companies Act : Meaning & Nature of Company, Lifting of Corporate Veil; Functions, Duties, Liabilities and Rights of Promoters; Procedure of Ragistration; Contents and alteration of Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, Statement in lieu of Prospectus. Directors : Power and Duties, Appointment and Removal of Directors; Appointment and Role of Company Secretary. Books recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Avtar Singh-- Company Law (Eastern Book Co., Lucknow) Gulshan and Kapoor--Busines Law Avtar Singh--Mercantile Law (Eastern Book Co., Lucknow) M.J. Mathew--Commercial Law (RBSA, Jaipur). M.J. Mathew--Company Law (RBSA, Jaipur). Majumdar and Kapoor--Company Law and Practice (Taxman, New Delhi)

Paper-IV : Business Economics

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3. Hours. duration Minimum Pass Marks :36 The Pattern of question paper shall be as under : There shall be 7 question in all. Question No. 1 and 2 Will l be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each upto 50 words) question No. 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type / numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. case study related quesions may be asked wherever necessary. Meaning and scope of Economics, Micro Vs. Macro Economics. Methodology of Economics. Utility Analysis: Law of Diminishing Margial Utility, Equi-margial utility, Consumer's surplus. Indifference curve Analysis Law of Demand. Demand Forecasting. Laws of Returns:Porduction Function in Short-Run and Long Run. Market Cost and Revenue Analysis: Pricin Under Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly. Theory of Factor Pricing: Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution Rent, Wages, Interest, Profit. National Income Analysis:Various concepts, Measurement and Economic Welfare. Keynes and Classicism: Brief Study of Keynesian theory of Employment. Business Cycles. Growth Vs. Development: Theories of Economic Growth. Books recommended : 1. M.L. Seth--Principles of Economics, Laxmi Narain Agarwal, Agra. 2. M.L. Jhingan--Principles of Economics, Vikas, New Delhi.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Paul A. Samuelson--Economics, McGraw Hill International, New York. D.N. Divedi--Managerial Economics, Vikas, New Delhi N.D. Mathur--Business Economics, Shivam Book House (p) Ltd., Jaipur. D.M. Mitthani--Fundamental of business and Managerial economics-Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 7. U.L. Mote, Semuel Paul and G.S.Gupta--Managerial Economics, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Mumbai.

Paper-V : Fundamentals of Accounting

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question paper shall be as under : 3 Hours duration

There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No.1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 ,marks : 10 very shortanswer type questions of 2 marks each. (upto 50 words) Question No. 2020 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each, (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type / numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherver necessary. Ganerally Accepted Accounting Principles : Concepts and conventions, Accounting equation. Books of Original Record : Journal and subsidiary books. Ledger, Trial Balance. Bills of exchange. Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves, Rectification of Errors. Preparation of Final Accounts with Abjustments. Accounting of Non Profit Organisations. Sectional and Self balancing Ledgers Preparation of Accounts from Incomplete Records Insurance claims for loss of stock and loss of profit Deparmental and Branch Accounts Issue of Shares and Debentures Redemption of shares and Debentures Valuation of Goodwill and Shares Final Accounts of Companies Books recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shukla & Grewal--Advanced Accounts S.N. Maheshwari--Advanced Accountancy, Vol. I & II. Sharma & Bhardwaj--Book-keeping & Accounting Sharma, Shah & Agarwal--Financial Accounting Monga, Sehgal,Ahuja--Advanced Accounts Vol.I & II. R.L. Gupta & M. Radhaswamy--Advanced Accountancy I & II

Paper-VI : Computer Fundamentals

Maximum Marks Minimum Pass Marks Theory Practical Theory Practical 40 60 14 22

Time allowed

Theory 2 hours Practical 2 hours The Pattern of question paper for Computer Fundamentals (Theory) will be as follows ; Question No. 1-10 Marks : Consisting of 20 multiple choice questions with four choices and students will have to pick the correct one. Each question will carry half mark Question No.2-10 Marks: Consisting of 10 short answer questions (upto 50 words). Each question will carry one mark. There shall be 3 essay type/problem solving questions. Candidate shall be required to attempt any two questions. Each question will be of 10 marks. 1. Introduction to Computers and related Terminology (Basic Information only) a. Hardware-CPU-(Motherboard, Microprocessor, (The Intel Pentium III, AMD and Cyrix), MMX /Technology, System Clock, Address Bus, Data Bus (PCI & EISA) cache Memory, Processing Speed, Expansion Slots (Video Controller, Sound Cards, SCSI,Network Card), Memory--(unit, RAM, FOM,EDO RAM, SD RAM), Input and Output Devices, Laser Jet), Microphone, Speakers, Modem, Scanner, Digital Cameras), Storage Devices-- (Diskette Drive (Types, Density, Formatting Boot Record, FAT, Folder Directory), Hard Disk Drive, CD ROM Drive (CD ROM Speeds), CD-R Drive, CVD Rom Drive, Tape Drive). b. Software-Introduction to Programming Languages, System software (Operating systems and Utilities), application software (Word processors, Spreadsheet, DBMS, Presentation Graphics, Browsers, Personal Information Managers), Introduction to Multilingual Word- processors. c. Communications and Connectivity-Data Communication systems, Data transmission (serial, Parallel, bandwidth, Protocols), E-mail, FAX, Voice and Video messaging, Video conferencing, Online services, userconnection (type) Networking of Computers (Node, Client, Server. LAN, WAN), Using the network, The Internet and the Web. 2. Operating Systems (Working knowledge at Common Users Level only) Overview of important DOS commands, Windows 98: Installation, Scandisk, Control Panel, Taskbar, Toolbars, Display Settings (Background, Wallpaper, Screensaver, Desktop Themes), Files and Folder management, Windows Explorer, Finding Files and Folders, Formatting Disks and Copying files, Printer Settings. Modem Installation. Mouse Installation, Adding and Removing Programs, Active Desktop Concepts. Winzip and its applications. Norton Antivirus and its use. Use of Calculator, Paintbrush, winamp, MPEG Player, and Windows Help 3. Application Softward (Working knowledge at Common Users Level only) a. Word Processing Software-MS Word Entering. Editing and Formatting Text. Document Formats (Page Size and Orientation, Headers and footers. Columns and Sections. Page layout), Spelling and Grammar Checkers. Thesaurus. Find and Replace, Cut and Paste, Tables and formatting tables, Mail Merge, Styles and Templates) b. Spreadsheet Program-MS Excel Entering, ;ables. Values. Dates, Formulas, Cell reference. Formats Functions. Templates, Charts and Maps, Analyzing data in a spreadsheet. c. DBMS--Microsoft Access Database, Entering data into the database, Creating Database tables editing data, Viewing Records, Sorting records, Querying a database, generating reports. 4. Computer Programming Algorithm development--steps in program development - problem identification task analysis, Data analysis, GIGO, outputs and Inputs, Pseudocodes, Algorithms, Flow charting, program coding, testing and debugging. Programming (Using C-Language) Data Types, Variables and constants, expressions, operators and assignment statements, control statements, Console I/O, Arrays, functions, Dynamic data structure in C-

pointers, Structures and Unions and user defined variables. File handling in The C preprocessor, C standard Library and Header files. Simple Programming exercises.


Scheme of Examination Medium of instruction and examination will be English For a pass at each examination an candidate shall be required to obtain a For a pass at each examination a candidate shall be required to obtain a minimum of 36% marks in each paper and 48% marks in the aggregate. Successful candidates will be qualified as under (a) 50% and above but less than 60% marks II Division (b) 60% and above but less than 75% marks I Division (c) 75% marks and above I Division with distinction The number of papers and practicals, wherever prescribed the duration of examination, maximum marks and minimum pass marks are shown separately against each paper. Distribution of Marks No.of Min. Max. S.No Name of subject/Paper papers to Dura-tion pass Marks be offered Marks 1. Paper-I Strategic Management One 3 hrs 100 36 2. Paper-II Marketing Management One 3 hrs 100 36 3. Paper-III Human Resource Management One 3 hrs 100 36 4. Paper-IV Business Finance One 3 hrs 100 36 5. Paper-V Quantitative Techniques One 3 hrs 100 36 6. Paper-V Management Information System One 3 hrs 100 36 Not more than one paper can be carried forward from BBA Part-II examination to BBA Part-III examination. The pattern of question papers will be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words). There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions.shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary.

Paper-I Strategic Management

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The pattern of question papers will be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words). There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions.shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary.

1. Strategic Management .Concept, meaning of strategic managemaent, need for strategic management, Role of SM in Business and non- Business organisations. Limitations of strategic management Strategy & Tactics. Strategicmanagement process, srganisational mission, vision, obectives goals & Ethics. 2. The External Environment. The Broad Environment : Social, Ethical, Economic, Technological, Legal/Polotical, Global Environment Sources of External Environment informations. 3. The Operating Environment & External Stakeholders. The operating environment : External Stakeholders &Environmental uncrtainty, competitives forces-customers, suppliers, Existing competitors potential competitors & Entry Barriers. 4. The Internal Environment, Internal Stakeholders a Competitive Resources : The ECEO & orgi/anisation Managers, Owners, Employees & Hman Resource Management, Internal Resources & Competitive Advantage. 5. Strategic Alternatives, Strategic Alternative development : Value of developing strategies. corporate Strategies-offensive strategies and Defensive Strategies, Functional Strategies : Marketing, finance, production and HRM 6. Choice of Strategy:Concept of choice of Strategy, Choice process. Evaluation of Strategic alternatives, Gap Analysis, Strategic profiles, Business protfolio, Factors Affecting choice of Strategy. Time Dimensions Strategic choice and countingency Strategies. 7. Functional Strategies, Marketing Strategy, Operations, R&D. Strategy- Information systemts Strategy. HR Strasegy, Financial Strasegy, Managing functional Strategies. 8. Structure & Strategy, Dimensions of an organistion's Structure. Strategy-Structure fit. BusinessLevel Structures-Functional, product/Market project Matrix, Network, corporate-level structuresDivisional Strasegic, Business Unit, Corporate Matrix, Transnational. 9. Strategic control. Meaning of Strategic control, system-Elements.... of a Strategic control systemFeedforward control, Feedback control and concurrent control, criteria for evaluationQuantitative/qualitative Corporate Restructiring. Preparing a case Analysis. 10. <>Case Analysis Books Recommended : 1. Grigspy, D.W. and Stahl, M.J. (1997). Cases in Strategic managements, oxford : Blackwell publishers LTD 2. David, F.R. (1997), cases in Strategic management, New Jersey : Prentice Hall. 3. Grant, R.M. (1995), Gontemporary Strategy Analysis, oxford : Black well publishers. 4. Rowe, A.J. & others (1994) Strategic Management A Methodological approach, Reading, Mass : Adison- Wesley. 5. Harrison, J.S., St. John, CH (1998), Strategic Management of organisations & Stakeholders, Cincinnatr, Ohio : South Western college publishing. 6. Prased, L,M. (1995), Business policy & Strartegy, New Delhi : Sultan chand & Sons. 7. Jauch, L.R. & Glueck, W.F. ( ) Business policy and Strategic Management, Mcarow- Hill. 8. Michael, V.P., Globalisation, Liberalisation & Strategic Management, Mumbai : Himalaya publishing. 9. Ramaswamy, V.S. & Namakumari, S., Strategic Planning formulation of Cofporate Strategy, Delhi : Maacmillan India. 10. Pearce II, John A., Strategic Management, IIIionois, Homewood : Richard D. Irwin.


Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall br as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No, 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1- 20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type question of 4 marks each, (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions, Each question shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. I. II. III. Introduction-Nature and scope of marketing importance of marketing, the marketing concept-selling Vs marketing concept : Growing relevance of marketing in India. Marketing Environment:Demographic, Economic, natural, technological, politic, legal and,socioculturalenvironment, The Indian Marketing Environment. Buyer Behaviout and Market Segmentation: Factors influencing buyer behaviour, bying decision process, profile and feature of Indian consumers, Market segmentation-meaning, levels, basis of segmentation, concept of niche marketing. Managing the product: product planning, product mix, deciding product policy, product line decisions, product differentiation, Brad Equity packaging, lavelling, concept of product life cycle, New produt development process. Pricing: Factors ingluencing pricing, pricing ovjectives distribution -Types of pricing, pricing procedure. Marketing channels, Logistics and physical distribution: Types of channels, channel functions, Selection of channels, Logistics Role and types, Physical distibution-objective and functional areas of physical distribution, Physical distribution in the Indian context. Marking communication :Meaning and Importance, communication objectives, effective communication, communication process. Promotion Tools :Advertising-meaning, objectives types in advertisting decisions, planning and evaluation of compaign, trends in Advertising in Indian : personal selling-objectives, functions of and principles : public Relations-Importance and methods, Direct marketing concept : sales promotionpurpose, consumer and dealer promotion methods. Marketing Research and control :Marketing research-Need Techniques and process : Need and tools of contrl (elementary knowledge only) Marketing Challenges :Marketing in 21st century,Impact of globalisation, technological advances and deregulation advances and regulation on marketing, challenge or rural marketin in India, Need and frants of marketing in the service sector in india.


V. VI.


IX. X.

Books Recommended : 1. Kotler, Philip, Marketing Management (New Delhi Prentice-Hill of India Pvt., Ltd. The Millinnium edition). 2. Saxena, Rajan, Marketing management (New Delhi Tata Mc Grow-hill Publishing Co. Ltd.) 3. Ranaswamy, V.S. Namakumari,S. Marking Management planning Implementation and Control the Indian context (Delhi: Macmillen India Ltd.) 4. Varshney R.L. Gupta, S.L. Marketing Management (An Indian Perspective) Text and cases (New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons) 5. Kotber, Philip, Armstrong, Gary, Principles of Marketing (New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd.) 6. Sherker,S., Marketing Management (Mumbai: Himaleya Publishing House) 7. Gandhi, J. C. Marketing Managerial Introduction (New Delhi Tata Migraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.)

Paper -III : Human Resource Management

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question paper shall be as under : There shall be 7 question in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) question N0, 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type question 0f 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions. Each question shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. 1. Human Resource Management: Concept, functions, importance and role or HRM Management; HRM Evironment in India. 2. Human Resource Planning:Need, Importance, process of HRP. 3. Job Design and Job Analysis: Job design, Job Analysis, Job Description Job Specificationm Job Enlargment, Job Enrichment and job Rotation 4. Recruitment Selection and placement: Sourcess of Recruitment Selection process and placement. 5. Training and development : Need and benefits of training and Evaluation of training, Programmes. 6. Performance Appraisal : Objectives, importance and methods of performance appraisal and Employee counselling. 7. Compensation: Various modes of Compensation, Incentives and Fringe benefits. 8. Internel Mobility: Promotion and Transfer of Empolyees. 9. Discipline and Grievance handling procedure. 10. Morale. Books Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Edwin B. Flippo, Personnel Management MCGraw Hill International Book Co. M. N. Rudrabasavarji, Dynomic Personal Administration, Himalay publishing House. Michael Armstrong, Handbook of personnel Management, Kogan page Ltd. London. Udai Pareek & T.V. Rao Designing and Management Human Resource systems, oxford and IBH. Gray Dessler, personnel management Reston publishing Co. A.C. Handblin, Evaluation and Control of Training, McGra Hill. P.Subba Ro Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations.


Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks: 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary.

1. Environment of Business Finance : Financial Environment-Finance Concept, Finance & other discipline, Business Financing, Corporate Finacing. Financial Information-Duties, Forecasting Stock marketing Fundamental analysis. 2. Perspectiveof Finance : Finance function in Business-Finance and other functions. factors affecing the finance organisation. Financial Management-meaning objectives, scope and functions, functional areas of Financial management, Financial Decisions. 3. Financial Planninmg & Forecasting. Financial planning meaning, characterstics,captialisation under capitalisation and over capitalisation. Financial forecassting : meaning, tooks of Financial forecasting 4. Techniques of Financial Analysis: Analysis of financial Statements: Statement of change in Financial position Funds-Fiow Analysis cash Flow Analysis, cash volume profit Analysis, Financial Analysis through leverages. 5. Long Term Financing Decision Long term financing, Short Term Financing, Term Financing, Venture capital. 6. Capital Structure Cost of Capital 7. Long Term Investment Decision Capital Budgetting-principles and Techniques, Analysis of risk and Uncertainty Measurement of Mergers and Acquisitions, Lease financing 8. Devidend Policy Decision Devidend and Valuation, Determinants of Dividend policy Dividend. policies and share Valuation. 9. Working Capital Management Theory of working capital management, Management of cash and marketable securities Receivables Management, Inverntory Management 10. Management of Financial Institutions ICICI, IFCI, IDBI, UTI Books Recommended : 1. Khan M.Y. & Jain P.K., Financial Management : Text & Problems, New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Chandra Prasanna Financial Managment-Theory & Practice Management Tata McGraw-Hill 3. Kulkarni P.V.& Satyaprasad, B.G. Financial Management-A Conceptual Approach Mumbai : Himalaya Publishing House 4. Pandey, I.M. , Financial Management, New Delhi : Vikas, Publishing House 5. Vanhorne, James C., Financial Management & Policy New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India 6. Kishore, Ravi M., Financial Management with Problems & Solutioins, New Delhi Taxmann 7. Block & Hert Foundation of Financial Management

Paper-V : Quantitative Techniques For Management

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No.2-20 marks : 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each

question shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions. Each question shall be of 20 marks. 1. Quantitative Teciniques : An Introduction, Statistical and operations Research techniques, Scope and application of quantitative techniques, Scientific approach in decision making. Limitation of these techniques. 2. Probability and probability, distributioins : Laws of probability, Baye's theorem, Methematical Expectation, Binomial, poisson and normal probability distribution. 3. Decision Theory : Decision making under certainty, uncertainty and Risk, Decision tree analysis. 4. Linear Programming : Graphical and Simplex Solutions of LPP. Primal and its duel. 5. Transpor and Assignment Problems. 6. Network Analysis : Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and critical path Method (CPM), Cost Analysis and Crashing the Network. 7. Theory of Games and Queuing Models : Two persons Zero sum games, pure and mixed strategy. 8. Queuing mode Single channel queuing theory Application of queuing theory in business decision making. 9. Replacement Theory: Replacing of items that deteriorate with time, Time value of money concept and replacement of items that fails suddenly. 10. Simulation: Advantages, Limitations, Monte casio Method. Books Recommended : 1. Kothari, CR, Quantitative Techniques, N. Delhi : Vikas publishing 2. kapoor, V.K., operations Research, New Delhi : Sultan chand & Sons. 3. Khandelwal M.C., Gupta & Quantitative Techniques.


Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No. 1-20 marks : 10 very shory answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks : 5 short answer type question of 4 marks each, (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each question shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. 1. Introduction to MIS: Concept of MIS, role of MIS, objectives of MIS, emergence of MIS, MIS and computers Impact of MIS, systems approach to MIS Advantages, and disadvantages of computer based MIS2. Information : Classification of information, levels of information, Ievels of information, Methods of data and Information collection value of Information, 3. System Analysis and Desigan Introduction, System Analysis for existing system, system analysis for new requirements,MIS and system or systems analysis, cost benefit analysis. 4. Development of MIS : Determining the Information requirements Development of MIS Implementation of MIS, Factors responsible for development of MIS, Evaluation of MIS.

5. Information system for decision making Decision- making and MIS, decision making concepts organisational decision-making, MIS and decision making concepts. MIS as technique for programme decisions,Decision support system.MIS and role of DSS. 6. Data base Management systems: Data base Management systems: Data base concepts, data base models data base design, RDEMS MIS and RDEMS, Introduction of oracle, Data Access. 7. Network : Introduction, topology, LAN and WAN, Data communication. 8. MIS in operations MIS for Finance, MIS for Marketingm MIS for production, MIS for Human resource Management, MIS for marketing. 9. & 10. Laboratory : -Network Usage -MIS and client server -Data Processing/Transaction processing Books Recommended : 1. Javedkar, W.S.-Management Information Systems (Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi) 2. Mardic R.G., Ross J.E.& clagget J.R. - Information System for Modern Management (Prentice Hall of India) 3. James A.O. Brien Management Information Systems, (Galgota Publications) 4. Locus, Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information System (McGraw-Hill Book Co.) 5. Anderson, Lavid L. Post, Gerald V., Management Information System (Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing Co.)


Medium of instruction and examination will be in English For a pass at each examination a candidate shallbe required to obtain a minimum of 36% marks in each paper and 48% marks in the aggregate. Successful candidates will be qualified as under(a) 48% and above but less than 60% marks II Division (b) 60% and above but less than 75% marks I Division (c) 75% marks and above I Division with division The number of papers and practicals, wherever prescribed, the duration of examination, maximum marks and minimum pass marks are shown separately against each paper. Distribution of Marks No.of Min. Max. S.No Name of subject/Paper papers to Dura-tion pass Marks be offered Marks 1. Paper-I Oganisation Behaviour One 3 Hrs 100 36 2. Paper-II Risk and Isnurance Management One 3 Hrs 100 36 3. Paper-III International Business One 3 Hrs 100 36 4. Paper-IV Cost and Management Accountancy One 3 Hrs 100 36 5. Paper-V E- Commerce One 3 Hrs 100 36

Paper-I : Organisational Behaviour

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks: 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. 1. Introduction : Meaning of O.B., Disciplines, Contibuting to O. B. feild, Role of O.B. in todays'business organisations. 2. Understanding self : Perception : Nature and Importance, percepual selectivity, social Perception, Personality : Meaning, personality determinats, personality characteristics, personality development theoires. 3. Motivation : Primary and secondary motives, Theories of motivation : Content and process-throries - V room's expectancy theory, Porter-Lawler model. Equity theory of work motivation. Alderfers ERG theory, Mc Clelland's need theory. 4. Learning : Theories of leaming, principles of learning, Reinforcement and its application in behaviour modification. 5. Group Dynamics : Theories of groups, group norms and roles, choesivenes the dyanamics of informal groups. 6. Leadership : Leaders versus Managers, Theories of leadership : Trait theory, behavioural theory, Fiedler's contingency theory, Hersey and Blanchard's. Situation theory leadership in 21st century. Leadership styles, Managerial Grid, Likert's systems of leadership, Nornative model, Tannen baum and schmidt's model. 7. Management of Conflicts : Reasons and types of conflicts. Management of Interpersonal conflicts and organisational conflicts. 8. Organisational Change: Major forces of change. Resistance to change. Process of change. Developing support for change, Change Model. 9. Power: Meaning of Power Source of power, Implications for performance and satisfaction. Books Recommended: 1. Fred Luthans Organisational Behaviour. 2. Robbines Organisational Behaviour. 3. Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard: Management of Oranisational Behaviour.

4. R.S. Dwivedi: Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour. 5. A. K. Korman : Organisational Behaviour 6. L. M. Prased: Organisational Behaviour

Paper-II : Risk and Insurance Management

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks: 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. I. II. III. Insurance - An Introduction :- Origin and development of insurance, Risks Hazards, Management of Risk, Meaning Characteristics functions and Social and Economic significance of insurance. Principles of insurance - Insurance Interest, utmost goodfaith, warranties, causa proxima, subrogration. Types of Insurance Contracts - Essential Elements of Contect Insurance, Differance between general contract and contracts of insurance, Life Insurance contracts, Indemnity Contracts, Procedure of issuing insurance policy under insurance, over insurance reinsurance. Nomination, assignments, Revival, Renewal and Cancellation Insurance Act - 1938 (Main Provisions only) Life Insurance - Meaning, Need, Functions and development of life insurance in India, Important Plans, Annuity Insurance Plans, Term Insurance Plans. Group insurance Plans. Unit Link Insurance plans and other plans. Calculation of Premium and Settlement of Claim in Life Insurance - Basis for Premium Calculation of Premium Settlement of Claims by death by maturity and other claims. Life Insurance Agents-meaning of an agent. Procedure of becoming an agent. Agency Law, Qualities of an ideal insurance agent code of conduct. Fixe Insurance-meaning, Scopy. Issue of five Insurance Policy, Types of Plans, Conditions of fire Insurance policy and Settlement of Claims marine Losses. General insurance - meaning, Scope, Settlement of claims, working of General Insurance Companies. Liberalistion and Insurance - Opening up of Insurance sector for private and foreign companies, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA). Emerging challenges and prospects of Insurance.



Paper - III : International Business

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks: 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each

questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. 1. International Business : Introduction--Meaning of I.B., Domestic V/S I.B., Scope of I.B., Role of I.B. Driving forces of I.B. Forces restricting I.B. why to study I.B. ? 2. Cultural Environment : Definition of culture components of culture, (Ianguage, religion, values attitudes, customs & maunss, Education. family, Material culture Aesthetics.) Imperatives of culture for I.B. - Work place and Market place, Misconceptions about culture. 3. The Global Economic Environment : The Global Economy. Bases of Eco. Wealth-Population, Natural Environment Technological Resources. Eco. system-Market Allocation, Command Allocation, Mixed Allocation. Indicators of Eco. WealthNational Product, Balance of payment, Exchange rate, Foreign Investment. 4. Political Environment Importance of political Environmet for I.B. The Political Systems: Democracy-Basic Principles, Authoritaritism-Theocracy, Monarchy, Dictatorhsip. Major Political objective-Political Sovereignty. National Prestige and Property. National Security. Protection of Cultural Identity. 5. Legal Environments : Legal Systems-Code v/s Common law. Islamic Law. Socialist Law. Agreements and Conventions. Bilateral Multilateral, Global. Laws relaing to I.B. Market Entry Laws, Product (Intellectual Property Laws. Warranties & Product Liabilities, Pricing & distribution, Channels of distribution, Promotion, Sales of Good and Services, Others-Tax laws, Legal issues in I.B-Conflict of laws, Jurisdiction, corruption. 6. Internation Trade Environment:World Trading Patterns, Reasons Countries trade-Trade Theories, Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, Barriers to World Trade-Fiscal and Financial, Quantitative,Qualitative, Administrative. WTO, Regional Integration. 7. Internation Financial Environment Foreign Direct Investment-Reasons, Volume and directions, Foreign Exchange Transactions and Terminology. 8. International Trade Practices and Documention A case study of India. 9. International Business Organisation Types of I.B. organisation, Conflict between Headquarters and subsidiaries, new trends of global organisation. Books Recommended : 1. Thakur and Mishra: International Business. 2. J.M. Diwan and K.N. Sudarshan: International Business Management. 3. R.D. Robinson: International Business Management a guide to decision making 4. Ramu Shiva: International Business

Paper- IV : Cost & Management Accounting A-Cost Accounting

Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words) Question No. 2-20 marks: 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary.

1. Introduction to Cost Accounting : Meaning and definition, scope and use of cost accounting, cost centre, cost accounting and financial accounting, cost concepts, classification of costs. 2. Elements of Cost: Material,labour and expense,direct Material cost-Meaning,Purchase and stores routine, methods of Princing Material issues,wastage,scrap spoilage and defectives,Invenory Control labour cost-Meaning Remunertion methods,labour-turnover,treatments of idle time,overtime premium,Employee welfare costs and frige benefits. 3. Overheads : Introduction, diret expenses, steps in accounting of overheads, classification of overheads, techniques for separatin of fixed and vaniavle costs allocation and ipportionment of overheads, absorption of overheads - methods of overheads, absorption, overabsorption and under absorption of overheads. 4. Costing methods : Output costing, contract costing, service costing provess costing. 5. Cot control Technques : a. Budgeting Introductiion, comprehensive/master budget, fixed and flexible budgets. b. Standard costing : Introduction, Cost Variance analysis- material, lasbour and overhead variances. c. Marginal Costing and Manage B-Management Accounting 6. Introduction :Management Process and Accounting, Managrial planning and control, scope and role of management accounting installation and opoeration cost. 7. Statement of changes in financial position : Introduction, fund flow analysis and cash flow analysis. 8. Ratio Analysis : Introduction, types of ratios, liqulity ratios, Leverage ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios. 9. Capital budgeting Techniques : Introduction-Payback period method accounting rate of Return method, Net present value method, internal rate of retrun method, profitability. C-Index Method 10. Risk Analysis in project decisions : Introduction, Business risk & financial risk, Sensitivity analysis, Simulation Standerd costing as on absolute measure of risk, Hilliers method of risk analysis. Books Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. M.N. Arora: Cost Accounting- Principles and practices S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang Cost Accounting. M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain Management Accounting. I.M. Panndey: Management Accounting. P.C. Tulsian Practical Accounting. Robet Anthony, Reeceetal Principles of Management Accounting M.R. Agarwal Management Accounting.

Paper-V : E-Commerce
Scheme : Maximum Marks : 100 3 Hours duration Minimum Pass Marks : 36 The Pattern of question papers shall be as under : There shall be 7 questions in all. Question No. 1 and 2 will be compulsory. Question No.1-20 marks : 10 very short answer type questions of 2 marks each (upto 50 words)

Question No. 2-20 marks: 5 short answer type questions of 4 marks each. (upto 100 words) There shall be 5 essay type/numerical questions. Candidates shall be required to attempt any 3 questions. Each questions shall be of 20 marks. Case study related questions may be asked wherever necessary. 1. Introduction to E-Commerce : Mcaning and concept, Electronic versus traditional commerce, Media convergence, E-Commerce and e-business. Channels of e-commerce, Business applications of ecommerce need for e-commerce,e-commerce as an electronic tradings, System, special features. 2. Internet Concepts and Technologies: Concept and evolution of internet, web technologies, client server concept, Hypertext information to network, benefits of hypertext, URLs, HTTP,HTML, HTML, forms and CGI gateway servies. 3. Business Models to E- Commece : and Infrastructure :E- commerce models, supply ohnain management remote servicing, E-Commerce resources and infrastructure resourced and planning for infrastructure. 4. Business to Consumer E- Commerce : Cataloguing. order planning and order generation, cost estimation and Pricing, order receipt and accounting. order-selection and prioritisation order scheduling order fulfiling and delivery, order billing and payment managments, Post sales services. 5. Web-site Design : Role of webisite in B2C e-commerce, web-site. stratrgies and web-site design principles, push and pull technologies, alternatife methods of customer communisation. 6. Electronic payment Systems : Special features required in payment systems for e-commerce, types of e-payment systems, E-Cash and currency servers, e- cheques, credit cards, smart cards electronic purses and debit cards; Business Issues and economic implications; operational, Credit and Legal risks of epayment systems, Components of an effective electrinic payment system. 7. Business to Business E-Commerce : Need and alternative mode/of B2B e-commerce, Technologies, EDI and paperless trading, EDI architecture, EDI standards, VANs, Costs of EDI infrastructure, features os EDI service arrangements, Internet- based EDI. 8. E-Business : Workfolw management, mass cusstomization and product differentiation, Organisation restructuring, Integrated logistics and distriution, Knowledge management issues and role of ecommerce infrastructure, concept and role of multimedia. 9. Internet Protocols : Layers and networking, OSI layring and TCP layering, TCP, IP , DNS and PPP, Emerging scenaraio in ISP. 10. Security Issurses in E-Commerce : Security risks of e-commerce, exposure of resources, types of threats, sources of threats security tools and risk-management approach, e-commerce security and a rational security policy for e-commerce, I.T. Act. 2000. Books Recommended: 1. Agarwal, K.N. and Deeksha Ararwala :Business on the Net : what's and How's of E-Commerce : Macmillan, New Delhi. 2. Agarwal, K.N. and Deeksha Arrawala : Business on the Net : Bridge to the on line Storefront : Macmillan, New Delhi. 3. Cady, Gloc Harrab and Megregor Pat : Mastering the Internet, BPB, Publication. New Delhi. 4. Diwan, Prag and Sunil Sharms : Electronic Commerce -A Management Guide to E-Business, Vanity Books International. Delhi. 5. Janal, D.S. : On line Marketing Hand-Book Van Nostrand Reinhol New York. 6. Kosiver, David : Understanding Electronic Commerce, Micorsoft Pres Washington. 7. Ninoli and Minol : Web Commerce Technology Hand Book, Tata McgrawHill, New Delhi. 8. O'Brien J : Management Information Systems, Tata Mac Graw Hill New Delhi, 9. Schneider, Gary P : Electronic Commerce, Course Technology, Delhi. 10. Young Margret Levine :The Complete Reference to Internet, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 11. Parag Diwan and Sunil Sharma, E- Commerce-A Managers Guide to E-Business Excel Books, New Delhi.

Paper- VI : Project And Viva-Voce

1. Allocation of Marks : Project Report Viva Voce 75 25

2. Internal Examiners (qualified teachers) for Vice-voce shall be appointed by the Head of the Institution where the course is being run. 3 Two External Examiners shall be appoineted by the University for evaluating the Project report. 4. Vica-Voce shall be conducted by an external examiner appointed by the University with the internal examiner appointed by the Head of the Institution. 5. Every B.B.A. student of Part III must join some business and work for six weeks and prepare a project report.

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