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Explain The Four Function of Communication: 1. Define Communication and Explain Why It Is Important?

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1. Define communication and explain why it is important?

Communication is the act of giving, receiving and sharing information thru talking,
writing, sign language, gesture, listening and reading. It can be happened between a
superior and subordinate, between a manager and a client or costumer, between an
employee and government representative. It may be done face-to-face, or through printed
materials, or through electronic devices.
Communication is somewhat important since it creates nor build strong oral and
written messages working well with others sad it can develop critical thinking, problem,
solving conflict resolution, team building and public speaking.
2. Explain the four function of communication?
This are the following functions in communication:
1.Information function – Information obtained through communication can be used to
make decisions at all levels of the company.
2. Motivation function – Communication is also frequently used to motivate personnel
to dedicate themselves to the organizational objectives.
3. Control function – When properly communicated, reports, policies, and plans define
roles, clarify duties, authorities and representatives. Effective control is, then facilitated.
4. Emotion function – When feelings are repressed in the organization, employees are
affected by anxiety, which, in turn, affects performance. Whatever types of emotions
are involved, whether satisfaction, dissatisfaction, happiness, or bitterness,
communication provides a means to decrease the internal pressure affecting
3. Explain the eight steps in the communication process?
1. Develop an idea
The most important step in effective communication is developing an idea. It is
that the idea to be conveyed must be useful or of some value.
2. Encode
The next step is to encode the idea into words, illustrations, figures, or other
suitable for transmission. The method of transmission should be determined in
advance that the idea may be encoded to conform with the specific requirements of
the identified method.
3. Transmit
After encoding, the message is now ready for transmission through the use of an
appropriate communication channel. Among the various channels used include the
spoken word, body movements, the written word, television, telephone, radio, an
artist’s paint, electronic mail, etc.

4. Receive
The next step is the actual receiving of the message by the intended receiver. The
requirement is for the receiver to be ready to receive at the precise moment the
message relayed by the sender. The message may be initially received by a machine
or by a person. In any case, communication stops when the machine is not turned on
or tuned on to receive the message, or the person assigned to receive the message
does not listen or pay attention properly.
5. Decode
Decoding means translating the message from the sender into a form that will
have meaning
to the recipient. If the receiver knows the language and terminology used in the
successful decoding may be achieved.
6. Accept
The next step is for the receiver to accept or reject the message. The factors that
will affect the acceptance or rejection of a message are as follows:
a. the accuracy of the message.
b. whether or not the sender has the authority to send the message and/or require
c. the behavioral implications for the receiver.
7. Use
The next step is for the receiver to use the information. If the message provides
information of importance to a relevant activity, then the receiver could store and
retrieve it when required. If the message requires a certain action to be made, then he
may do so, otherwise, he discards it as soon as it is received. All of the above options
will depend on his perception of the message.
8. Provide feedback
The last step is for the receiver to provide feedback to the sender. Depending on
the perception of the receiver, however, this important step may not be made.
4. In your own understanding differentiate the verbal and non- verbal
Verbal communication is an emotion, thoughts or information exchanged between
individuals thru the use of speech and it is conveyed through emails, letters, notes
reports or anything written and in oral format where word are used. This verbal
communication is clear and concise. While in nonverbal communication involves the
use of visual or non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expression, eye or
body movements, eye expression and this sometimes confusing most especially if
you’re not familiar with the body gestures or symbols they convey.
5. State the three barriers of communication and how can we overcome
these barriers?
Various factors impede the efficient flow of communication. Any, or all, of these
factors may, at any point, derail the process.
1. Personal Barriers
Personal barriers are hindrances to effective communication arising from a
communicator’s characteristics as a person, such as emotions, values, poor listening
habits, sex, age, race, socioeconomic status, religion, education, etc. Emotions cloud
the communicator’s ability to judge correctly the real meaning of messages received.

People with different values will find it hard to communicate with each other.
Poor listening habits of a receiver frustrate the communication efforts of a sender.
2. Physical Barriers
Physical barriers are impediments to efficient communication that arise in the
environment in which the communication takes place. Distances between people,
walls, and a noisy atmosphere are all examples of physical barriers.3. Semantic
The study of meaning as expressed through symbols is known as semantics.
Symbols are words, visuals, or behaviors that imply certain meanings.
Misunderstanding happens when the receiver chooses the incorrect interpretation.
This type of mistake acts as a barrier to communication.
When communication barriers threaten successful performance, certain measures
must be implemented to overcome them. The following steps should be taken to
eliminate difficulties caused by noise, selective perception, and distraction:
1. Use feedback to facilitate understanding and increase the potential for
appropriate action.
2. Repeat messages in order to provide assurances that they are properly received.
3. Use multiple channels so that the accuracy of the information may be enhanced.
4. Use simplified language that is easily
6. Explain the importance of Marketing strategy?

The marketing strategy is a detailed plan developed specifically to meet the

organization's marketing objectives. It's important since it lays forth a strategy for
achieving these marketing goals. It is the foundation of a marketing strategy. It is the
result of extensive market study. A marketing plan enables a company to focus its limited
resources on the most promising areas in order to grow sales. An organization's
marketing plan gives it an advantage over its competitors. Strategy aids in the
development of goods and services with the greatest profit potential. Marketing strategy
aids in the discovery of areas affected by organizational growth and, as a result, aids in
the development of an organizational plan to meet customer expectations. It aids in
determining the appropriate price for an organization's goods and services based on
market research data. The effectiveness of departmental coordination is ensured through
strategy. It enables a company to make the best use of its resources in order to
communicate a sales message to its target market. A marketing strategy aids in the pre-
determination of the advertising budget, as well as the development of a system for
determining the scope of the plan, i.e., the revenue generated by the advertising plan. In a
nutshell, a marketer. In short, a marketing strategy clearly explains how an organization
reaches its predetermined objectives.

7. Explain the importance of the Industrial safety?

An industrial safety system is a countermeasure crucial in
any hazardous plants such as oil and gas plants and nuclear plants. Industrial safety
is important since it is used to protect humans, industrial plants, and the environment
in case of the process going beyond the allowed control margins. For the safety of
people in their workplaces for protecting the environment against damage from
industrial accidents for protecting businesses against serious losses from damage to
plant and machinery for eliminating accidents causing work stoppage and production
loss. For creating awareness of the good practices available

for the delivery of effective safety instrumented systems For providing basic training
in well-established techniques for engineering of safety systems For assisting
engineers and technicians to support and participate in the safety systems activities at
their work with good background knowledge of the subject For being aware of what
can go wrong and to avoid accident .Industrial Safety Precautions on different
machines & Hand tools”] Because of safety first rule, all industrial personals must be
trained enough about safety aspects of man, machines, and material & other
infrastructure facilities for avoiding minor or major accidents. Safety is the first
requirement and every industrial employee must learn safety measures even before
he starts working on a machine or equipment.
8. Explain the importance of Project management?
Project management gives direction, inspiration, and vision to the team, as well as
removing impediments and inspiring them when needed. The project's responsibility
is ensured by a project manager or project management software. In addition, it
provides project leadership and direction. Leadership and vision are provided
through project management, as well as inspiration, roadblock removal, mentoring,
and inspiring the team to accomplish their best work. Project managers not only
serve the team, but they also ensure that clear lines of accountability are established.
9. Define Motivating and explain the 3 factors contributing to motivation?
Motivation is a powerful tool in the hands of a manager for inducing his
subordinates to act in the desired manner by satisfying their needs and desires. It is
concerned with how behavior gets started, is energized, initiated, sustained and directed.
The 3 factors contributing to motivation are:
1.Motivatin through Job Design
- this job design is psychological theory of motivation that is defined by as the
systematic and purposeful allocation of tasks to groups and individuals within
organization where as a person will be highly motivated to perform if he assigned a job
he desires. The first move is to design jobs that will meet the requirements of the
organization and the person will occupy them.
2.Motivation through reward
This type of incentive provides employees with tangible and psychological
benefits in exchange for completing work-related tasks. This reward can be divided into
two groups:
1. Extrinsic payments are those made to an individual by a third party. Money, employee
benefits, promotions, recognition, status symbols, praise, and so on are all examples.
2. Intrinsic rewards are self-granted payoffs that are perceived internally.
Self-esteem, sense of accomplishment, and self-actualization are examples.
3.Motivation through Participation
Employees' personal participation is increased when they decide on various parts
of their jobs. It is frequently carried out till the assignment is accomplished.
The following are the specific activities in which employees may participate:
1. establishing objectives
2. decision-making
3. & problem-solving
4. conceiving and putting into action organizational changes
While, the following are some of the most popular ways to participate:
1. quality assurance circles
2. teams that control themselves

10. Discuss the Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory?

A psychologist named Abraham Maslow proposed that humans have five basic
needs, which are as follows:
psychological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization are the following:
These requirements are arranged in a hierarchical order. To look at it another way,
one need must be satisfied before the other.
Psychological requirements. Those concerned with biological requirements such as
food, water, rest, and sex. These requirements take precedence over all others.
Security requirements. People would aim to satisfy their safety demands after
meeting their psychological needs. These requirements include protection from the
weather and other people, as well as financial security. Security that could be
jeopardized by the loss of a job or the breadwinner in the family

Prepared by: Engr. Gaudencio T. Tiwing, PSE., MBA.


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