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Pizza Hut

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The project report discusses developing an online shopping website for Pizza Hut using technologies like ASP.NET, SQL Server, and multi-tier architecture.

The project deals with developing an e-commerce website for Online Pizza Hut Shopping that provides users a catalog of pizzas and a shopping cart to facilitate online purchases.

Technologies used include multi-tiered architecture, server and client side scripting like ASP.NET, programming languages like VB, and relational databases like SQL Server 2005.







This is to certify that Mr. / Miss, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------has successfully completed the academic project titled, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------in partial fulfillment of diploma course in software programming.

HOD. Examiner


Sincere appreciation and warmest thanks are extended to the many individuals who in their own ways have inspired me in the completion of this project. Many persons have contributed to make this project a reality. We would like to express our appreciation to our coordinator. Mr. Shambharkar Sir, our Miss Shraddha Mestry for her generous support and encouragement. We acknowledge the help and cooperation received from all the staff member of IT Department of Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments Mumbai. Last but not the least we would like to thank our parents and other family members who have always guided us towards the path of success and our friends who have helped us indirectly through the entire project duration and also have been the source of encouragement. And finally, our sincere thanks to our batch-mates, who have provided us with innumerable discussions on many technicalities and friendly tips. Without their cordial and friendly support, this activity would have been much tougher.

Sandesh Manohar

The business-to-consumer aspect of electronic commerce (ecommerce) is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods and services online. This project deals with developing an e-commerce website for Online Pizza Hut Shopping. It provides the user with a catalog of different Pizzas available for purchase in the store. In order to facilitate online purchase a shopping cart is provided to the user. The system is implemented using a 3-tier approach, with a backend database, a middle tier of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and ASP.NET, and a web browser as the front end client. In order to develop an e-commerce website, a number of Technologies must be studied and understood. These include multitiered architecture, server and client side scripting techniques, implementation 2005). This is a project with the objective to develop a basic website where a consumer is provided with a shopping cart application and also to know about the technologies used to develop such an application. This document will discuss each of the underlying technologies to create and implement an e-commerce website. technologies such as ASP.NET, programming language (such as vb) and relational databases (such as SQL Server


1. Introduction Introduction of Project 2. System requirement Processing Environment - Hardware Acceptance criteria Technical feasibility Economical feasibility 3. Project plan Gantt chart Programming language and development tool 4. Design Document Context level diagram 1st level DFD Use Case diagram 5. Architectural Design Introduction Architecture Presentation Tier User Page Flow Diagram Admin Page Flow Diagram

Business Tier Class Diagram Sequence Diagram Data Tier E-R Diagram Data Table Screen layouts 6. Testing Unit Testing Integration Testing Validation Testing White Box testing 7. Limitation and future Enhancements Limitation Future Enhancement 8. Conclusion 9. Bibliography

1. Introduction of the Project

E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. More and more business houses are implementing web sites providing functionality for performing commercial transactions over the web. It is reasonable to say that the process of shopping on the web is becoming commonplace. The objective of this project is to develop a general purpose ecommerce store where any product (such as Veg Pizza and Non-Veg Pizza) can be bought from the comfort of home through the Internet. is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalog and select products of interest. The selected items may be collected in a shopping cart. At checkout time, the items in the shopping cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more information will be needed to complete the transaction. The customer will be asked to fill or select a shipping address, a shipping option, and payment information such as credit card number. An e- mail notification is sent to the customer as soon as the order is placed.

2.1 Processing Environment Hardware

Processor :- Intel Pentium 4 RAM :- 256 MB Minimum Space Required :- 20 GB Display :- 16 bit color

2.2 Acceptance Criteria

The Acceptance criteria can be divided into the following sections:

2.2.1 Technical Feasibility

To deploy the application, the only technical aspects needed are mentioned below: Operating Environment Win 2000/XP Platform .Net Framework & IIS Database SQL Server 2005

For Users:
Internet Browser Internet Connection

2.2.2 Economic Feasibility

The project is economically feasible as the only cost involved is having a computer with the minimum requirements mentioned earlier. For the users to access the application, the only cost involved will be in getting access to the Internet.

3.1 Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart developed as a Production control in 1917 by Henry l. Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist. Frequently used in project management, a Gantt chart provides an graphical illustration of scheduling of the project plan, coordinate and track specific task in the project. Grants chart may be a simple version created on the graph paper or complex automated version created using project management application such as Microsoft project or excel. A Gantt chart is constructed in a horizontal axis representing the total time span of the project, broken down into increments and vertical axis representing task that make the project. Horizontal bars of varying length represent sequence, time span of the each task in the project.

3.2 Programming languages and development Tools 3.2.1 Programming languages vb SQL server 2005

3.2.1 Development Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

4.1 Context level diagram




Add Product

Add Category

Add Subcategory

5.1 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to provide an architectural design for the Online Pizza Hut Shop. The design will show the presentation tier, the middle tier consisting of classes, sequence diagrams, and the data tier consisting of the database design diagram.

5.2 Architecture
Three-tier (layer) is a client-server architecture in which the user interface, business process (business rules) and data storage and data access are developed and maintained as independent modules or most often on separate platforms.

The Architecture of Online Shopping of Software & E-Books is based on three-tier architecture. The three logical tiers are Presentation Tier - ASP.NET Web forms, ASP.NET User Controls, ASP.NET Master Pages.
Business or Middle Tier vb classes. Data Tier Database

1) Presentation Tier: - It is responsible for displaying the

contents to the user.

2) Business Tier: - It communicates between Presentation Tier

and Data Tier.

For Example, Receiving the search request for the product and passing it to the database and submitting the results back to presentation tier for display. Displaying the cart empty message when there is no product in the shopping cart. It is the main component of the website since it is responsible for handling the overall logic.
3) Data Tier: - It is responsible for storing the product

information, transactions of the customer and shopping cart products. It is also responsible handling the requests from the business tier and using stored procedures passing the result back.

Fig. below shows the model of three-tier architecture.

The main reason for considering three-tier architecture for the Online Pizza Hut Shop is as follows:


Management of data is independent from the physical storage support, Maintenance of the business logic is easier, Migration to new graphical environments is faster. If there is a minor change in the business logic, we dont have to install the entire system in individual users PCs.


Reusability of business logic is greater for the presentation layer. As this Component is developed and tested, we can use it in any other project and would be helpful for future use.

Team Work:

Team work is optimized.


More secured architecture since the client cannot access the database directly.

5.2.1. Presentation Tier

The presentation tier for the Online Book Store is ASP.NET Web Forms with User Controls. The presentation tier takes care of the user interaction and the visual part of the website. The Visual Studio .NET IDE will be used to create the Web forms. It uses code behind code, where the code for each ASPX page is encapsulated into a separate file. The various Web forms used by Users are listed below. ASP.NET Web Forms Default.aspx Purpose This web page is used to browse the entire website and also displays different categories, offers available The Web page displays informations about the Pizza Hut. The Web page is the display address to contact us. The Web page is to feed back us about our service and query. The Web page where a new user can create a user account. The Web page for confirming successful registration. The Web page is not successful registration & says please try again. This web page is used for a user to login and enter the website. The Web page where the users can view their profile information. The Web page where he can view his items in shopping cart. The Web page where the users can view a product details by selecting product list. The Web page where the users can checkout for order payment detail. The Web page for searching an available product.

Aboutus.aspx Contactus.aspx Feedbackform.aspx Registration.aspx SuccesfullyRegistered.aspx UnSuccesfullyRegistered.asp x Login.aspx MyProfile.aspx Mycart.aspx ProductList.aspx Checkout.aspx SearchResult.aspx

The various Web forms used by Administrator are listed below. ASP.NET Web Forms Purpose


This web page is used for an Administrator to login and enter the website. The Web page for welcome screen. The Web page is viewing details information of his account The web page for viewing categories and their respective subcategories and adding new and view existing details of categories. The web page for viewing subcategories and their respective products and adding new and view existing details of subcategories. The web page for viewing all respective products of particular subcategories and adding new products. The Web page for directly order the no of product as a System.

Welcomeadmin.aspx Addminprofile.aspx AddCategories.aspx




5.2.2 Business Tier

The Business Tier or Middle Tier consists of two classes

5.2.3 Data Tier


Registration table

Category Table

Subcategory Table

Products Table

Feedback Table

5.3 Screen Layouts

Home Page screen

About us Page screen

Contact us Page screen

Feedback Page screen

Registration Page screen

Login Screen:

Site map Screen:

Searched Result Screen:

Successfully Register Screen:

Unsuccessfully Register Screen:

WelcomeAdmin Screen:

Admin Profile Screen:

AddProducts Screen:

Add Category Screen:

Add Subcategory Screen:

DirectSystemOrder Screen:

Logout Screen:

User My Profile Screen:

Product list and Add to the Cart Screen:

Shopping Cart Screen:

Checkout Screen:

Logout Screen:

Software testing is a process of running with intent of finding errors in software. Software testing assures the quality of software and represents final review of other phases of software like specification, design, code generation etc. 6.1 Unit Testing Unit testing emphasizes the verification effort on the smallest unit of software design i.e.; a software component or module. Unit testing is a dynamic method for verification, where program is actually compiled and executed. Unit testing is performed in parallel with the coding phase. Unit testing tests units or modules not the whole software. I have tested each view/module of the application individually. As the modules were built up testing was carried out simultaneously, tracking out each and every kind of input and checking the corresponding output until module is working correctly. The functionality of the modules was also tested as separate units. Each of the three modules was tested as separate units. In each module all the functionalities were tested in isolation. In the Shop Products Module when a product has been added to cart it has been made sure that if the item already exists in the shopping cart then the quantity is increased by one else a new item is created in the shopping cart. Also the state of the system after a product has been dragged in to the shopping cart is same as the state of the system if it was added by clicking the add to cart button.

In the Product Description Module it has been tested that all the images are displayed properly. Users can add review and the as soon as a user adds a review it is updated in the view customer review tab. It has been checked to see if the whole page refreshes or a partial page update happens when a user writes a review. In the Cart Details it has been tested that when a user edits a quantity or removes a product from the cart, the total price is updated accordingly. It has been checked to see if the whole page refreshes or a partial page update happens when a user edits the cart. Visual Studio 2005 has in built support for testing the application. The unit testing can be done using visual studio 2005 without the need of any external application. Various methods have been created for the purpose of unit testing. Test cases are automatically generated for these methods. The tests run under the ASP.NET context which means settings from Web.config file are automatically picked up once the test case starts running. Methods were written to retrieve all the manufacturers from the database, strings that match a certain search term, products that match certain filter criteria, all images that belong to a particular product etc. Unit test cases were automatically generated for these methods and it can be seen in figure 6.1 that the tests have passed.

6.2 Integration Testing

In integration testing a system consisting of different modules is tested for problems arising from component interaction. Integration testing should be developed from the system specification.

Firstly, a minimum configuration must be integrated and tested. In my project I have done integration testing in a bottom up fashion i.e. in this project I have started construction and testing with atomic modules. After unit testing the modules are integrated one by one and then tested the system for problems arising from component interaction.

6.3 Validation Testing

It provides final assurances that software meets all functional, behavioral & performance requirement. Black box testing techniques are used. There are three main components - Validation test criteria (no. in place of no. & char in place of char) Configuration review (to ensure the completeness of s/w configuration.) - Alpha & Beta testing-Alpha testing is done at developers site i.e. at home & Beta testing once it is deployed. Since I have not deployed my application, I could not do the Beta testing. Test Cases- I have used a number of test cases for testing the product. There were different cases for which different inputs were used to check whether desired output is produced or not. 1. Addition of a new product to the cart should create a new row in the shopping cart. 2. Addition of an existing product to the cart has to update the quantity of the product.

3. Any changes to items in the cart have to update the summary correctly. 4. Because same page is inserting data into more than one table in the database atomicity of the transaction is tested.

6.4 White Box Testing

In white box testing knowing the internal working of the product, tests can be conducted to ensure that internal operations are performed according to specification and all internal components have been adequately exercised. In white box testing logical path through the software are tested by providing test cases that exercise specific sets of conditions and loops. Using white-box testing software developer can derive test case that Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once. Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false side. Exercise all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bound. Exercise internal data structure to ensure their validity. At every stage of project development I have tested the logics of the program by supplying the invalid inputs and

generating the respective error messages. All the loops and conditional statements are tested to the boundary conditions and validated properly.

Limitation & future Enhancements

7.1 Limitations
This application does not have a built in check out process. An external checkout package has to be integrated in to this application. Also users cannot save the shopping carts so that they can access later i.e. they cannot create wish lists which they can access later. This application does not have features by which user can set price ranges for products and receive alerts once the price reaches the particular range.

7.2 Future Enhancements

The following things can be done in future. The current system can be extended to allow the users to save products in to wish list. The users could subscribe for price alerts which would enable them to receive messages when price for products fall below a particular level. The current system is confined only to the shopping cart process. It uses third Party for Check out Process to Complete. It can be extended to have an easy to use check out process. Users can have multiple shipping and billing information saved. During Checkout they can use the drag and drop feature to select shipping and billing information.

The Online Pizza Hut Shop is designed to provide a web based application that would make searching, viewing and selection of a product easier. The search engine provides an easy and convenient way to search for products where a user can Search for a product interactively and the search engine would refine the products available based on the users input. The user can then view the complete specification of each product. They can also view the product reviews and also write their own reviews.

Use of Ajax components would make the application interactive and prevents annoying post backs. Its drag and drop feature would make it easy to use.

1. Anderson, R., Francis, B., Homer, A., Howard, R., Sussman, D. and Watson. (2001) Professional ASP.NET. Wrox Press Ltd. 2. Unleashed. SAMS Net. 3. Wiley, Y. M. J. & Sons. (1997) Creating the Virtual Store: Taking Your Web Site from Browsing to Buying. 4. 3.5 by wrox professional in c#

1. 2. 3. For online customer behavior. 4. For relation between IIS and ASP.NET. 5. For definition of Data Flow Diagram.

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