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QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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PE FO M N E Q A IFIC T N R R A C U L A IO O F A T CA E UO L V (ID N A L O /203) . o. V /PR D

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave Table of Contents

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PROTOCOL APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................2 OBJECTIVE.............................................................................................................................................3 SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................................4 RESPONSIBILITY .................................................................................................................................4 ACCOUNTABILITY...............................................................................................................................4 METHOD.................................................................................................................................................4 RECORDING .......................................................................................................................................22 ABBREVIATIONS ..............................................................................................................................23 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................23 ANNEXURES .......................................................................................................................................23

PROTOCOL APPROVAL 1.0 Protocol Prepared by Executive QA is responsible for the preparation of protocol for Performance Qualification of Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave). NAME Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass DESIGNATION Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla SIGNATURE DATE Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave Mr. Yeswar Dass Executive - QA

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1.1 Protocol Checked by Validation Core Committee Member responsible to review the Protocol

NAME Mr. P. Sitarami Reddy Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mr. Jatinder Rohilla

DESIGNATION Dy. Manager QA Sr. Manager EW Manager - MF



1.2 Protocol Approved by General Manager is responsible to approve the protocol. NAME Mr. Prahlad K. Chauhan DESIGNATION General Manager SIGNATURE DATE

OBJECTIVE 2.0 The objective of this protocol is to establish sufficient data to assure that the Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave) supplied by M/s METAL CHEM INDUSTRIES-MUMBAI is suitable for steam sterilization of sterile area Garments, SS accessories, Membrane filter assembly, Filling assembly, Rubber closures, cleaning aids. In addition, this validation protocol is intended to assure the Sterility of the items when the equipment is operated in accordance with SOP No.: SOP/PROD/2007/210. Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic SCOPE Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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3.0 These procedures are to be performed after the installation and operational qualification have been completed and approved. 3.1 These procedures are to be performed, as per the schedule given to assure that the system performance is consistent between the period, after completion of performance qualification study and before conducting a revalidation study. 3.2 These procedures are to be performed after any major modification of the equipment or relocation and for revalidation during appropriate intervals. 3.3 Any change in cycle parameters (set parameters). 3.4 To show that the Autoclave installed in the Ampoule section performs for its intended use.

RESPONSIBILITY 4.0 A plan to carry out the validation shall be prepared in the form of a protocol by the Task Force Leader. 4.1 The validation team members shall be responsible to carry out the validation. ACCOUNTABILITY 5.0 METHOD 6.0 VALIDATION TEAM MEMBERS : S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Mr. P. Sitarami Reddy Mr. Jatinder Rohilla Mr. Dhanjay Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mr. Ishwar Dass Department Quality Assurance Production Quality Control Engineering Quality Assurance Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Head Quality Control.

Task Force Leader Member Member Member Member Approved By P.K.Chauhan

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave 6 Mr. Amit Upadhyaya

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6.1 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.1.1 The steam sterilizer should be capable of achieving a temperature of 1210C in direct contact with saturated steam with approximately 1.2 Kg/cm2 pressure. 6.1.2 The steam sterilizer should be capable of maintaining uniform temperature through out the chamber within the range of 121.00 to 124.00C during sterilization holding period. 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 F0 value of lowest heating probe should be not less than that of F0 value of Biological Indicator. The Bowie-Dick Test indicator should show a uniform color change. The bacterial load should be reduced on steam sterilization by more than 12 log when challenged with Geobacillus stearothermophillus spores having spore population of 106 spores per strip. 6.2 VALIDATION PLAN AND METHODOLOGY 6.2.1 The Steam Sterilizer will be considered qualified for consistent and reliable performance (Validated) on successful completion of the following tests. Calibration of Instruments. Vaccum Leak Test. Steam Qualification Tests (Non Condensable Gases Test). Bowie Dick Test for Steam penetration (3 trials). Steam qualification tests (3 trials on 3 different days). Empty Chamber Heat Distribution studies (3 trials, Standard) with temperature mapping probes at different locations of the sterilizer chamber.

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Loaded Chamber heat penetration studies (3 trials) for each sterilization load with temperature mapping probes inside the innermost possible layer of the load subjected for sterilization.

Bio-Challenge studies using Geobacillus stearothermophillus spore strips (containing more than 106 spores) during the loaded chamber heat penetration studies.

Estimation of the F0 value achieved during the sterilization hold period at each temperature-mapping probe.

To qualify the equipment above tests should fulfill the acceptance criteria described in the individual test procedures. After completion of the qualification tests all the data generated will be compiled together to evaluate ability of the Steam Sterilizer to sterilize different components at the set parameters and set-loading pattern. 6.3 CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS: Instruments required for equipment qualification shall be calibrated at the start and at the end of qualification study as per the respective standard operating procedure of instrument calibration. Instruments required for qualification a) b) Data logger. Flexible RTDs

Note: Attach the copy of the calibration record. 6.4 COLD CHAMBER LEAK TEST: 6.4.1 Objective Objective of this test is to ensure that the rate of vacuum drop is with in the acceptable limits when the steam sterilizer is operated as per SOP/PR/121. Procedure Place minimum 12 no.s of Temperature mapping probes (flexible Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan



QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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RTDs) in to the chamber through validation port of the sterilizer. Seal the port with silicon sealant so that steam leakage does not take place. Place one probe in drain point. Locate the probes in the chamber in such a way that probes do not touch any metallic surface. Connect the probes to a suitable data logger, which can scan temperature from different locations with respect to time at 1-minute interval. Operate Autoclave as per SOP/P/ . Ensure the cycle parameters are as follows. Pre vacuum Delay time Hold time Acceptance limit : - 0.800 bar : 5 minutes : 10 minutes : 0. 013 bar

Process end pressure: - 0. 070 bar Start the Cold Chamber Leak Test and also start the chartless recorder. During vacuum leak test equipment operates in the following steps 1st: Reaches the vacuum level up to 0.800 Bar and note the reading (P1) 2nd: Hold the vacuum for 5 minutes 3rd: Note the reading (P2) after 5 minutes delay period 4th: Continue holding of vacuum for further 10 minutes 5th: Note the reading (P3) of vacuum after the 10 minutes 6th: Vacuum break starts and reach up to -0.070 Bar Take the print out of vacuum leak test from the equipment printer Equipment operator is to note the pressure of P1, P2 and P3 from print out Calculate the rate of vacuum drop as per the following formula Rate of vacuum drop = Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass
(P3 P2) X 1000 10

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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8 of 23 EPQ/SS/07/203 00 07/11/2007 Restore the print out and chart to support the vacuum leak test report. Identify the print out and strip chart record with cycle detail i.e. date and cycle code. NOTE The vacuum leak test should be performed only when the sterilization chamber is empty, dry and at room temperature. Take three trials of vacuum leak test in three different days. Acceptance Criteria: The rate of vacuum drop should not be more than 1.3 m bar/minute. 6.4.3 Observation & Results: Record the observations in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-I (SUMMARY REPORT) and enclose reports in Validation Report. 6.5 HOT CHAMBER LEAK TEST 6.5.1 Objective Objective of this test is to ensure that the rate of vacuum drop is with in the acceptable limits when the steam sterilizer is operated as per SOP/PR/121. 6.5.2 Procedure Operate Autoclave as per SOP/PR/121.

Ensure the cycle parameters are as follows. Pre vacuum Delay time Hold time Acceptance limit : -0.200 bar : 3 minutes : 10 minutes : 0.013 bar

Process end pressure: -0. 070bar 1st Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass Start the Hot Chamber Leak Test and also start the chartless recorder. During vacuum leak test equipment operates in the following steps. : Reaches the vacuum level up to 0.200 Bar and note the reading (P1) Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th : Hold the vacuum for 3 minutes

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: Note the reading (P2) after 3 minutes delay period : Continue holding of vacuum for further 10 minutes : Note the reading (P3) of vacuum after the 10 minutes : Vacuum break starts and reach up to -0.070 Bar Take the print out of vacuum leak test from the equipment printer Equipment operator is to note the pressure of P1, P2 and P3 from print out

Calculate the rate of vacuum drop as per the following formula.

(P3 P2) X 1000 10

Rate of vacuum drop = report. detail i.e. date and cycle code.

Restore the print out and chart to support the vacuum leak test Identify the print out and strip chart record with cycle

NOTE Perform the hot chamber leak test when the chamber is in hot condition. Take three trials of hot chamber leak test in three different days. Acceptance Criteria: The rate of vacuum drop should be NMT 0.013 bar/minute.


Observation & Results Record the observations in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-II (SUMMARY REPORT) and enclose reports in Validation Report. 6.6 STEAM QUALITY TESTS (Non-Condensable Gases Test)


Objective Objective of this test is to ensure that, the steam, which comes from the reboiler of the High Pressure High Vacuum Steam Sterilizer, does not Prepared By Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan

Name Signature Date

Yeswer Dass


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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contain non-condensable gases more than the desire level (NMT 3.5%) when measured on-line during the sterilization cycle. 6.6.2 6.6.3 Procedure Test Apparatus: The apparatus is shown and described in Figure No.1. Assembling of the test apparatus: Connect the needle valve (f) to the steam service pipe as shown in Figure No.1. Assemble the apparatus so that condensate will drain freely from the long rubber (i) tube into the glass sampling pipe (e) with U type end as shown in Figure No 1. Fill the container (d) with cold water until it overflows. Fill the burette (a) and funnel (b) with cold water, invert them and place them in the container (d). Draw out any air that has collected in the burette. While keeping the steam sampling pipe (e) out of the container, open the needle valve and allow steam to purge the air form the pipe. Place the pipe in the container, locate the end within the funnel, and add more cold water until it flows through the overflow pipe (k). Place the empty measuring cylinder (g) under the container overflow. Adjust the needle valve to allow a continuous sample of steam into the funnel sufficient to cause a small amount of Steam Hammer to be heard. Ensure that all the steam is discharged into the funnel and does not bubble out into the container. Note the setting of the needle valve. Close the valve. Place a thermometer (j) to dip the tip in the water of container. Ensure that the container is topped up with cold water and that the measuring cylinder is empty. Draw out any air present in the burette. Note the Burette reading. Testing:


Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Ensure that the sterilizer chamber is empty except for the usual chamber furniture. Select and start the operating cycle. When the steam supply to the chamber first opens, open the needle valve (f) to the previously noted setting, allowing a continuous sample of steam into the funnel sufficient to cause a small amount of steam hammer to be heard. Allow the steam sample to condense in the funnel. Any non-condensable gases will rise to the top of the burette. Overspill formed by the condensate and the water displaced by the gases will collect in the measuring cylinder. When the temperature of the water in the container reaches 70-75C close the needle valve. Note the reading of the Burette. Note the volume of gas collected in the burette (Vb) as difference between initial and final reading and the volume of water collected in the measuring cylinder (Vc). Calculate the fraction of non-condensable gases as a percentage as follows. Fraction of non-condensable gases = 100 x (V b/V c). Note: Carry out the three tests in three different days.


Acceptance Criteria The test should be considered satisfactory if the fraction of noncondensable gases does not exceed 3.5 %. The test should be done two more times to check consistency. If the results of the three tests differ significantly, then the cause should be investigated before proceeding further. Observation & Results Record the observations in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-III (SUMMARY REPORT) and enclose reports in Validation Report.


Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Figure NO.1

6.7 BOWIE DICK TEST FOR STEAM PENETRATION 6.7.1 Objective Objective of this test is to ensure that the vacuum pulses applied before the sterilization hold period are sufficient to remove the entrapped air or non-condensable gases so as to facilitate rapid and even steam penetration. Procedure Place one Bowie-dick Test Pack in the center of the sterilization chamber Supported approximately 100 to 200 mm above the sterilization chamber base. Start Chartless Record.


Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Operate the Steam Sterilizer as per the SOP No. SOP/PR/121. Ensure the cycle parameters are as follows Pre Pressure No. of Pre pulses Ster. Hold Temp. Ster. Hold Time Over shoot Temp Ster. Stop temp Ster. Reset temp Temp. Control Process end pressure : : : : : : : : : 0.500bar 3 No.s 121.5c 30 minutes. 124.0c 121.0c 120.0c 0.3c 0.050 bar 6.7.3

To support the test result preserves equipment print out, chart, Exposed Bowie Dick test paper. Acceptance Criteria The Bowie-Dick test indicator should show a uniform color change. No change or non-uniform change and/ or air entrapment (bubble) spot on the pattern indicates inadequate air removal from the sterilization chamber. If air is present in the chamber, it will collect within the Bowie-Dick test pack as a bubble. The indicator in the region of the bubble will be of different color as compared to the color on the remaining part of the test paper, because of lower temperature, lower moisture level or both. In this condition the cycle parameters to be reviewed and the normal sterilization cycles to be modified accordingly. Observations & Results. Record the observations in the prescribed format as given in Annexure IV.(SUMMARY REPORT) and enclose reports in Validation Report. 6.8 EMPTY CHAMBER HEAT DISTRIBUTION STUDY


6.8.1 6.8.2

Objective To ensure the uniform heat distribution within the empty chamber when Standard process without pulsing is selected for autoclave operation. Procedure Prepared By Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan

Name Signature Date

Yeswer Dass


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Record the set parameters for the sterilization cycle to be operated during the test for empty chamber heat distribution study. Location of the probes is shown in the diagram attached as Attachment I. (SUMMARY REPORT) Ensure the cycle parameters are as follows: Sterilization temp. Sterilization time Temp control Over shoot temp. Sterilization stop temp Sterilization reset temp Process end pressure : : : : : : : 121.5c 30 minutes. 0.5c 124c 121.0c 120.0c 0.050 bar

Pass a minimum of 12 numbers of Temperature Probes into the chamber through a port of the sterilizer. Seal the port with silicon sealant, so that the steam leakage cannot take place. Suspend the probes in the chamber at different positions, so that probes do not touch any solid surface. Attach the probes connecting cable to a data logger, which can scan/ print the date, time and temperature of the probes. One probe will be placed at the condensate drain point. Place Biological indicator strips of Geobacillus stearothermophillus containing NLT106 spores along with all flexible probes will be depicted in the diagram attached with each trail. Operate the Autoclave as per Doc. No. autoclave). Evaluate temperature-mapping data. If the empty chamber heat distribution study data is acceptable, perform three consecutive replicate runs to demonstrate cycle and sterilizer reproducibility. After completion of Sterilization and cooling, take out all exposed Biological indicator strips; pack them in an airtight sterile pack. SOP/PR/121 (Double Door

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic 6.8.3 Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Position no. of biological indicator should be marked on the pack. Microbiologist will test the biological indicator as per the procedure described below and record the results in test data sheet. Acceptance Criteria The High Pressure High Vacuum Steam Sterilizer should be capable of attaining a temperature of 121C during the sterilization hold period of 30 minutes with steam pressure of approximately 1.2 kg/Cm. Temperature spread should be uniform in the chamber within the range of 121C to 124C during sterilization cycle. Note: The Location(s) where the sterilization temperature of 121C achieves lately compare to other locations is called as cold spot. Do not keep any load in cold spot area.


Observations & Results Record the observations in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-I and enclose reports in Validation Report. 6.9 LOADED CHAMBER HEAT PENETRATION STUDIES


Loaded chamber shall be checked for heat penetration study. If there is any change in the type and number of articles to be loaded, loading diagram will be changed before revalidation. As per the revalidation result the diagrams will be established for routine cycles and accordingly SOP will be changed. In this case protocol will not be revised, as Validation method will be remaining same. Types of loads Standard - Minimum Load & Maximum Load (Media). Minimum Load & Maximum load of Filling Items/Garments/ Rubber bungs/WFI & Disinfectant items). 6.10 STANDARD CYCLE Objective To ensure the uniform heat penetration within the media placed in chamber when Standard process without pulsing is selected for autoclave operation. Procedure Prepared By Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan




Name Signature Date

Yeswer Dass


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Record the set parameters for the sterilization cycle to be operated during the test for loaded chamber heat penetration study. Place the probes within the loads as deepest position to attain temperature and in the chamber. Location of the probes and load pattern are shown in the diagram attached as Attachment . Also place biological indicators strips along with locations of temperature mapping probes. (Spores: Geobacillus stearothermophillus, Spore count: Not Less than 106 per strip). Ensure the cycle parameters are as Follows: Sterilization temp. Sterilization time Temp control Over shoot temp. Sterilization stop temp Sterilization reset temp Process end pressure : : : : : : : 121.5c 30 minutes. 0.5c 124c 121.0c 120.0c 0.050bar


Operation Load the articles into steam sterilizer chamber as per attached Loading diagram. Place probes in/on the surface of loaded articles and select the positions where heat penetration is difficult, like within dresses, within media flask. The position of probes should be represented in diagram attached with each trail run. One probe will be placed at the condensate drain point. Place biological indicator strips of Geobacillus stearothermophillus containing NLT106 spores along with all flexible probes will be depicted in the diagram attached with each trail. Operate the Autoclave as per Doc. No.: SOP/PR/121 (Double Door autoclave). Evaluate temperature-mapping data. Prepared By Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan

Name Signature Date

Yeswer Dass


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic 6.10.4 Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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If the temperature data is acceptable, carry out total three replicate runs with loaded chamber for each load configuration. After completion of Sterilization and cooling, take out all exposed Biological indicator strips; pack them in an air tight sterile pack. Position no. of Biological indicator should be marked on the pack. Microbiologist will test the biological indicator as per the procedure described below and record the results in test data sheet. DETERMINATION OF F0 VALUE The actual observations obtained during the heat distribution and heat penetration studies at different temperature sensing locations were compiled in the table and the observed temperatures were subjected for calculation for F0 values at that particular location. The calculations are done by using the following formula and the lethality factor computed (during the sterilization period) are given below. F0 = dt 10 (T 121)/ Z (1) F0 = dt (Sum of lethality factors ) Where, Dt = The time interval between successive temperature measurements. T = The observed temperature at that particular time (As per the actual temperatures recorded) Z = The change in the heat resistance of Geobacillus Stearothermophillus spores as temperature is Changed (100C) TEMPLATE FOR F0 DATA SHEET LETHALITY FACTOR 10 { (T -121)/ 10} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Name Prepared By Checked By



The minimum F0 value {by equation (1)} should be more than the biological F0 for the biological indicator strip exposed for the biochallenge study. The biological F0 value for biological indicator strip exposed during the sterilization can be calculated as follows. F0 = D121 ( log A log B) .. (2) F0 = D value of the biological indicator at 1210C A = Biological concentration or spore concentration B = Desired level of non sterility

Acceptance criteria: The minimum calculated F0 value required for more than 12 log reduction of the Geobacillus stearothermophillus indicator, which is exposed during the sterilization cycle should not be less than the biological F0 value for the particular biological spore strip indicator exposed during the Bio challenge studies.


TESTING OF BIOLOGICAL INDICATOR Prepared By Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan

Name Signature Date

Yeswer Dass


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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Keep the spore strips along with temperature probes. After completion of sterilization cycle, cut and open the exposed indicator under LAF, by using sterile forceps and scissors and inoculate it in a test tube containing 30 ml of Soybean casein digest medium ( SCDM). Incubate test tubes at 55 - 600C for 7 days. Keep a blank tube of SCDM as negative (-ve) control. Inoculate an unexposed biological indicator in SCDM tube as Positive (+ ve) control. Observe for any growth in the tubes on each day starting from 1st day. Record the observations on daily basis as given in data sheet. Observations & Results Record the observations in the prescribed format and enclose reports in Validation Report. Study the sterilization cycle duration with in the load with respect to chamber sterilization cycle. Action To Be Taken In Case of Failure: If minimum sterilization temperature of 121C is not achieved in one or more location(s) during sterilization hold period of Empty Chamber Heat distribution cycle following action are taken: Engineering department will be informed to check the calibration of instruments like temperature indicating probe, Digital temperature indicator, Data logger, etc. However all the instruments are checked for calibration before validation hence engineering departments will be asked to send the reference instruments for re-calibration to Calibration agencies. If fault is found due to error in calibration Steam Sterilization cycles will be repeated. Engineering department will check mechanical operation of pneumatic valves, operation of vacuum system, functioning of steam trap, steam supply in jacket, any blockage in the steam or vacuum line, any leakage through door gasket and other joints. If fault is found due to mechanical error, cycle will be repeated putting 2 probes in the location of lower temperature. 6.10.6 6.10.7

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave

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If minimum sterilization temperature of 121C is not achieved in one or more location(s) during sterilization hold period of Loaded Chamber Heat Penetration cycle following actions are taken If the failure occurred with the cycle of media it will be considered as critical failure as media used for all microbiological testing (e.g. sterility testing), so there is a chance to false interpretation of results. If the failure occurred with the cycles of garments it will be considered as Major failure because it may hamper the environmental conditions of sterility testing area. If failure occurred with the cycles of SS buckets it will be considered as Minor failure because SS containers are used for sanitization purpose only. In case of any failures, cause of failure will be investigated in detail as given below. a) Action to be taken in case of critical failure: If any probe located inside the media shows the temperature below 121C, Fo value of the location and Biological Indicator test data will be reviewed. If Fo value is lower than the accepted limit and biological indicator test report shows acceptable reduction in the bacterial population, then the cycle will be repeated and the investigation will be carried out to determine attaining the minimum required temperature. In case the biological indicator also shows positive growth, investigate the cause of failure and review the following parameters: Sterilization parameters Loading pattern Biological indicator qualification Necessary corrective actions will be taken to rectify the known (or identified) defect and a revalidation of the sterilization cycle will be undertaken before commencement. b) Action to be taken in case of major failure: Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla Approved By P.K.Chauhan the cause of not

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass


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If any probe located inside the load of Garment shows the temperature below 121C, data of Fo value of the location and Biological Indicator test data will be reviewed. If Fo value is lower than the accepted limit and biological indicator test report show required reduction in the bacterial population then the cycle will be repeated and the investigation will be carried out to determine the cause of not attaining the minimum required temperature. In case the biological indicator shows positive growth, the personnel monitoring data and environmental monitoring data and garment sterilization records of the batches manufactured since last re-validation will be reviewed. If the data and sterilization record is well within the acceptable limits and cycle will be repeated to establish the sterilization parameters. c) Action to be taken in case of minor failure: If any probe located inside the load of SS buckets shows the temperature below 121C, data of Fo value of the location and Biological Indicator test data will be reviewed. If Fo value is lower than the accepted limit and biological indicator test report show required reduction in the bacterial population then the cycle will be repeated and the investigation will be carried out to determine the cause of not attaining the minimum required temperature. In case the biological indicator shows positive growth, the cycle will be revalidated for reestablishment of sterilization parameters. 6.10.8 FREQUENCY OF REVALIDATION: REVALIDATION SCHEDULE: STUDY VALIDATION FREQUENCY

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave Calibration of all instruments e.g. Pressure gauge, Temperature probes. Cold Chamber Leak Test Hot Chamber Leak Test

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For Every Six months Every Six months three trials Every Six months three trials Every Six months three trials Every Six months three trials Every Six months three trials Every Six Months three trials for each type of load.

Test for the presence of non-condensable gases in pure steam used for steam sterilization Bowie Dick Test ( 3 Trails ) Empty chamber heat distribution studies (3 cycles) Loaded chamber heat penetration studies (3 cycles each with specific loading pattern)

UNSCHEDULED REVALIDATION For unscheduled revalidation empty chamber and loaded chamber revalidation shall be carried out. The pattern of the study shall be based on case-to-case basis and promptly documented. Revalidation shall be carried out in case of the following. Major Maintenance of Major parts. Change of cycle program. Inclusion of new load. RECORDING

7.0 After completion of each study, a report shall be prepared by the validation team members which shall include the following information. 7.0.1 7.0.2 Tabulated Data Trend Analysis Plots

Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan


QUALITY ASSURANCE VALIDATION PROTOCOL Topic 7.0.3 7.0.4 7.0.5 ABBREVIATIONS 8.0 SCDM REFERENCES 9.1 SOP/PROD/2007/028 Protocol for Performance Qualification of Autoclave Validation Team Members and their Signatures Conclusions Quality Assurance Department Certification

Page No Protocol No. Revision No. Effective Date

23 of 23 EPQ/SS/07/203 00 07/11/2007

Soyabean Casein Digest medium

Operation of Autoclave



Prepared By Name Signature Date Yeswer Dass

Checked By P. S . Reddy Dinesh Kumar Jatinder Rohilla

Approved By P.K.Chauhan

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