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LSM Grade 5 Science 2nd Trim Exam SY 2011 - 2012

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Lourdes School of Mandaluyong

2nd Trimester Exam Reviewer
Identify the part of the urinary system which is being described by each sentence. Choose your
answers from the diagram below.

________________________ 1. Removes waste products from the blood and controls the
concentration of various substances found in body fluids.
________________________ 2. The filtering of the blood occurs here.
________________________ 3. Consists of collecting ducts that carry urine.
________________________ 4. A cavity connected to the ureter where the urine drains.
________________________ 5. The drainage tube of the kidney, it contracts to move urine to
the bladder.
________________________ 6. Conveys urine outside of the body. It has the sphincter which
regulates the outflow of urine.
________________________ 7. A muscular sac that temporarily stores urine before it leaves the
Write TRUE if the sentence is true. It the sentence is false, change the underlined word and write
your answer in the blank before each number
________________________ 8. The functional and structural units of the kidneys are the
________________________ 9. Filtration occurs while the blood is flowing through the
glomerulus within the Bowmans capsule.
________________________ 10. The kidneys produce only about 1.5 liters of urine in 24 hours.
________________________ 11. The lungs are also excretory organs because our bodies give off
oxygen every time we exhale.
________________________ 12. Some proteins and other nitrogenous compounds are broken
down in the liver by a process called excretion.
________________________ 13. The eliminated undigested and digested material from the

Science 5
LSM 2011-2012

Prepared by: Mauie Flores

digestive tract becomes feces as it travels down the large

________________________ 14. The skin is the largest organ of the body that is contact with the
external environment.
________________________ 15. Keratin produce oily secretions that keep the skin and hair soft
and pliable and provide a protective coating.
Complete the table of urinary diseases below.

inability of kidney to
function normally
growth tumors in the
inability to control


inflammation of the
deposits of stones in
the kidney or bladder


painful urination



kidney infection


cancer cells


injury in the nerves of

the bladder, stroke, or
old age
drugs, toxic fumes,
toxic substances
too much salty food
in the diet
poor hygiene,
complication of
diabetes and kidney

use of adult diapers

surgery and dialysis
laser surgery or

Give 4 ways to keep our urinary system healthy.

22. _________________________________________________________________________________________
23. _________________________________________________________________________________________
24. _________________________________________________________________________________________
25. _________________________________________________________________________________________
A. Groups of vertebrates.

D. Common characteristics among

26. ___________________________


27. ___________________________

35. ___________________________

28. ___________________________

36. ___________________________

29. ___________________________

37. ___________________________

30. ___________________________

38. ___________________________

B. Kinds of fish

39. ___________________________

31. ___________________________

E. Characteristics that distinguish

32. ___________________________

mammals from all other vertebrates:

C. Major groups of amphibians

33. ___________________________

40. ___________________________

34. ___________________________
41. ___________________________

Science 5
LSM 2011-2012

Prepared by: Mauie Flores


Kinds of mammals


Kinds of arthropods

42. ___________________________

60. ___________________________

43. ___________________________

61. ___________________________

44. ___________________________

62. ___________________________

G. Kinds of placental mammals

63. ___________________________

45. ___________________________

64. ___________________________

46. ___________________________


Kinds of vascular plants

47. ___________________________

65. ___________________________

48. ___________________________

66. ___________________________

49. ___________________________

K. Kinds of angiosperms/flowering

50. ___________________________


51. ___________________________

67. ___________________________

H. Groups of invertebrates

68. ___________________________

52. ___________________________


Ways of separating mixtures

53. ___________________________

69. ___________________________

54. ___________________________

70. ___________________________

55. ___________________________

71. ___________________________

56. ___________________________

72. ___________________________

57. ___________________________

73. ___________________________

58. ___________________________
59. ___________________________
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
74. These egg-laying mammals are the most primitive and reptile-like of all the mammals.
a. monotremes
c. placentals
b. marsupials
d. none of the above
75. They are the largest and the most successful group of mammals. Their developing young are
retained within the uterus until its time of birth.
a. monotremes
c. placentals
a. marsupials
d. none of the above
76. This kind of coral reef grows between a landmass and an ocean. It is separated from a
mainland or islands shore by a deep lagoon.
a. fringe reef
c. platform reef
b. barrier reef
d. atoll reef
77. This kind of coral reef is ring-shaped and it grows around the rim of a dead underwater
a. fringe reef
c. platform reef
b. barrier reef
d. atoll reef
78. In this type of fishing, fishermen or divers use heavy materials to drive the fish towards their
net. In doing so, they break, pulverize, and destroy coral reefs
a. siltation
c. sedimentation
b. dynamite fishing
d. muro-ami
79. This is the only group of thallophytes or nonvascular plants.
a. thallus
c. gametes
b. thallophytes
d. mosses

Science 5
LSM 2011-2012

Prepared by: Mauie Flores

80. This spore-bearing plant has rhizomes that grown underground. Its leaves, called fronds, can
be used for packing fruits and vegetables.
a. fern
c. spruce
b. pine tree
d. liverwort
81. This is a decoction of seven kinds of leaves which is found to be effective in preventing heart
diseases and rheumatism.
a. adelfa
c. amanita
b. pito-pito
d. nightshade berries
82. This plant has spines that protect it from birds and other animals.
a. Blackberry bush
c. bamboo
b. cactus
d. poison ivy
83. This plant protects itself by secreting an oily liquid that irritates the skin and causes blisters.
a. Blackberry bush
c. bamboo
b. cactus
d. poison ivy
84. The bending of a plant shoot towards a source of light is called ____.
a. phototropism
c. hydrotropism
b. geotropism
d. tropism
85. Substances that are uniformly mixed are called ___ mixtures.
a. homogenous
c. heterogenous
b. suspension
d. colloid
86. A homogenous mixture of two or more substances.
a. solution
c. solute
b. solvent
d. mixture
87. The liquid substance that make up the bulk of a solution is called ___.
a. solution
c. solute
b. solvent
d. mixture
88. It is known as the universal solvent.
a. gasoline
c. water
b. sugar
d. salt
89. If solids dissolve in a liquid, then they are ____ in the given solvent.
a. miscible
c. soluble
b. imiscible
d. insoluble
90. When two liquids are soluble with each other in any proportion, then these solutions are
called ___.
a. miscible
c. soluble
b. imiscible
d. insoluble

Science 5
LSM 2011-2012

Prepared by: Mauie Flores

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