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Queensbury Elementary School: Welcome Back To School!

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Queensbury Elementary School

2020 Moody Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7L 3V3 Phone: 604-903-3730 Fax: 604-903-3731
Queensbury School Mission Statement Education at Queensbury is directed towards providing all children an equal opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to maximize their potential in intellectual, social and physical development. Queensbury School Code of Conduct Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Cooperative. Believe in Yourself and Others Please visit our school website: school links: Queensbury School

September 9, 2011 #1


I would like to extend a warm welcome back to all staff, students and families! I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing summer break. With the start of the new school year, I would also like to welcome all of the new students and families to Queensbury. We have a number of new staff members joining us this year as well. I am sure you will help welcome David Harris (Teacher), Poupak Toufanian (Special Education Aide), Teresa Gatti (Learning Support Worker), and Susan Reid (Temporary Supervision Aide) to the Queensbury family. It has been a busy first week as students moved into their new classes on Wednesday and have been busily getting to know new teachers and classmates. The transition has gone very smoothly and I am pleased to say everyone is settling well into the new routines. Today we had a welcome back assembly and it was an opportunity for everyone to meet as a whole school and review some school expectations. Many of you may have noticed the physical changes that have taken place at Queensbury over the summer. We had the interior of the school painted, electrical upgrades, new venting system in the library installed, and new staircases and pathways by the gravel field built. These renovations have enhanced the appearance of the school and helps ensure greater safety for all. This school year has started with teachers in Phase 1 of job action. While there may be some impact on our day to day operations, I want to assure you that the safety of your children and the integrity of their educational programs will continue to be at the forefront of our staff. Teachers will continue to take attendance, teach and assess students, and communicate with parents if the need arises. However, during this job action, report cards will not be prepared or distributed. There will also be no formal parent teacher meetings scheduled. As a result, Meet the Teacher Night, scheduled for September 22nd has been cancelled. We will email updates for rescheduled/cancelled events, or should there be any changes to the job action taken by teachers. Our hope is that teacher contract negotiations will be settled soon. Rick Chan Principal

PROFESSIONAL DAY - FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 No School for Students

Forms, Forms, Forms!

Your child will by now have brought home a stack of forms to fill out. Please do so as soon as possible and return them to the teacher. This helps us update our records and also means that we will be able to contact you in an emergency as quickly as possible. The forms sent home with the old comfort kits must be returned by September 16 Earthquake drills will be taking place later in the school year. Having complete forms will expedite your childs release from school should it be necessary in an emergency. Your attention to this important matter is appreciated.

SMILE! Student Photos

Individual student photos will take place on Monday, Sept. 19.

There is no formal supervision before 8:50 am. Students will be allowed into the building beginning at 8:40. There is a first bell at 8:45 to signal to the students to begin preparing for the start of the day. The 8:50 bell is the start of instruction in the classes. To assist with morning routines, we ask that you have your child here at school on time. Everyone is to enter through the front door with the exception of the students in the classes downstairs who may use the door on the southside leading into the lower level. We would also appreciate it if parents can be prompt with the drop off and to exit classes by the second bell to allow instruction to begin. As far as getting to school goes, the best way to get here is to walk. This is good for the environment and good for fitness too. It also reduces the number of cars here in the morning, which increases the safety for our students. Do not use the staff parking lot for either drop-off or turning around. If you have to drop your child off, please consider doing so on either 21st Street or on Queensbury Avenue behind the field. There are gates through the fence, and it is much less crowded and therefore much safer. Dog walkers, please do not tie up dogs on the fences. We are concerned that children may be nipped as they walk by. Ask a friend to remain with the pet, while you come inside, or allow your child the independence of walking in the front door on his/her own.

Personal Effects at School

From time to time, students like to bring personal effects to school. Unless it is for a specific activity like show and tell, it is best that anything of value is kept at homeit is just too easy for cherished items to get broken or lost.

Cell Phones
Some parents have provided their children with cell phones for the purpose of staying in touch before and after school. As it relates directly to student safety, cell phones are permitted. However, they must be dropped off at the front office, so they do not become a disruption in the class, and to help keep the cell phones secure.

Lunch Time Routines

We remind parents at this time that you are welcome to take your child home for lunch hour to give a much needed break or to spend quality time, if you are able. Please be sure that students sign out prior to leaving school grounds, and check in upon their return. It is important that we know which children are physically in the school so that if there is an emergency, we do not waste precious time looking for a child that is not present. Parents must provide a note to the office indicating that their child has permission to go home at lunch time. One note for the year is fine if the child goes home every day. If your child will go home only occasionally, please provide a note for that particular day. For students who wish to go to a friends for lunch, a permission note from both sets of parents is required. If there is no note, the child must remain at school. Children staying for lunch will have from noon to 12:25 pm to eat their food. The bell at 12:15 will allow students ready to go out to do so. All students must head outside at the 12:25 pm bell. Students will re-enter the school at the 12:50 bell. Instruction will begin promptly at 12:55 p.m.

During the first six to eight weeks of school, the kindergarten childrens lunch hour will be different from that of the rest of the school in order to teach the children the procedures, rules and expectations of lunchtime. They will be Playing First (from 11:30 to 12:00 being supervised by SEAs) and Eating Later in their classroom (from 12:00-12:25 being supervised by SEAs and Grade 6/7 lunch monitors)

Allergy AwarenessPeanuts, Sesame Seeds, Kiwi Fruit!

We have several students in a number of classrooms who have severe, life-threatening allergies to nuts, seeds and kiwi fruit. Please note the posters on classroom doors. Everyone can help to create a safe environment by packing peanut free snacks and lunches. Lets help to keep all our students safe at school! Thank-you!

Medications at School
If your child is anaphylactic and you have not yet completed medical forms or do not have an epi-pen @ school, please inform the school immediately. We have a number of students in the school with life-threatening allergies to peanuts, peanut butter, and sesame seeds as well as a few with allergies to various fruits. Parents and students in all of the classrooms affected have been notified of the allergies, and the Community Health Nurse has reviewed with all staff the proper use of the epi-pen. If your child is registered in a class where students with severe peanut or other allergies are also enrolled, please remember to keep it a nut free zone. Our priority is to keep your child safe at school!

Beginning/Continuing Band Practice

Please note that Band practices are as follows starting on Monday, Sept. 12. Beginner Band Monday 11:20 a.m. & Wednesday @ 2:20 p.m. Continuing Band Monday 8:00 a.m. & Wednesday @ 1:40 p.m.

2011/ 2012 Bell Schedule

8:45 Warning Bell 8:50 Instruction Bell 10:20 Recess Break Begins 10:40 End of Recess Bell 12:00 Lunch 12:15 Bell (students may begin to go out to play) 12:25 Bell (all students to go outside) 12:50 End of Lunch Bell 12:55 Afternoon Instruction Bell 3:00 Dismissal

School Fees
As advertised in the May 2011 Newsletter, presented at a PAC meeting, and approved by the School Planning Council and School Board; Queensbury will be collecting a school fee this year. This fee will cover the cost of planners, and various enrichment activities (tennis, gymnastics, drama, and science workshops). In past years, money was collected for each activity individually. This year, the money will be collected all together at the end of October. The fees are as follows: Kindergarten Materials Kindergarten School Fee Division 8, 9, and 10 Division 1 to 7 $35) $20) for a total of $55.00 $35 $40

If the payment of school fees is a financial hardship, please contact Mr. Chan in the office. A notice will be sent home at a later date regarding the collection of money.

A Note from Mr. Wolfbury Wow! It is great to see all the smiling faces again! Mrs. Wolfbury, Little Wolf, Sister Wolf and I would like to welcome all students and parents to a new school year. We look forward to many spirited events and we know the student energy at Queensbury will be positive and fun. We would be pleased to get to know everyones name at Queensbury. Please visit us in Mr. Smyths office when youoooooo get a chance! Bye for now. Mr. Wolfbury

IAP Kids Plus Accident Insurance ~ A great way to protect your child every day. Applications are available at the office. You can apply online as well at
Queensbury School Staff 2011- 2012 Administrative Staff: Principal Vice-Principal Office Staff: Administrative Assistant Office Assistant Supervision Aide Teaching Staff: Grade Division E01 7 E02 6 E03 4/5 E04 4 E05 3 E06 3 E07 2 E08 1/2 E09 1 E10 1 E11 K E12 K Non-Enrolling Teaching Staff: Library/ NIT Music ESL/ NIT Learning Assistance Counsellor Band Learning Support Worker Special Education Aides: Mrs. Sandy Dodimead Mrs. Poupak Toufanian Mrs. Darlene McIntosh

Mr. Rick Chan Mr. Rob Smyth Mrs. Judy Hudson Mrs. Marie Ellis Mrs. Patty Smith Room 1 3 4 2 6 8 5 7 11 14 12 13 Teacher Mrs. Joanne Rittich / Mrs. Jennifer Young Ms. Heather Duncan Mr. David Harris Mr. Rob Smyth/ Mrs. Wendy Evans Ms. Megan Hoodspith Mrs. Gerri Karr Mrs. Laurie Kennedy / Mrs. Beverley Grantham Mrs. Kathy Garford Mrs. Kerri Battrum Mrs. Judy Galpin Mrs. Brenda Bennett Ms. Heather Willams Mrs. Wendy Evans Mr. Rob Smyth Ms. Cheryl Yasayko Mrs. Biro Dhaliwal Ms. Enzula Tavormina Mr. Steve Toren Ms. Teresa Gatti

Missing Mural
Upon return to school this week, we realized that our mural that was by the front doors was missing. After checking with District Personnel and contractors who were in over the summer, we have not been able to solve the mystery as to what happened to the mural. If you have any information about the mural, please contact Mr. Chan in the office.

Volunteer Forms
If you are planning to volunteer in the school or drive on a field trip this year, please come by the school office to pick up the volunteer application package. The forms will need to be completed and returned to the office. Thank you in advance to all the parents who devote countless hours supporting the students of Queensbury.

Queensbury Calendar of Events Sept. 2011

Sept. 09 Sept 12 Sept 13 Welcome Back Assembly 9:15 am Kindergarten gradual entry as per schedule Kindergarten gradual entry as per schedule PAC Meeting at 7 PM in the Library Sept 14 Sept 16 Sept 19 Sept 30 - Everyone Welcome !

Kindergarten First Full Day of School 8:50 am 3:00 pm Terry Fox Run for all students Student Individual Photos - am Friday - School Based Professional Day - NO SCHOOL

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