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Warm Up Games

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Sharks and Fish

Organise the children into pairs. One child is the shark, the other is the fish. The fish follows the shark around and
must imitate everything the shark does. The teacher can shout out ideas such as 'swim' backwards, move slowly, rest
on the floor etc. Can you think of any other commands?

Run Through the Jungle

Children are running through the 'jungle' and run into many animals, etc that they need to get away from. The teacher
can give appropriate commands, and the children carry out a suitable action:

 jump over logs

 duck under branches
 high knees through quicksand
 run from the tiger
 tip toe past the snake
 talk to the monkeys (ooh, ooh, aah, aah), etc.
 Swing through the jungle like Tarzan - children reach up for the jungle vines and calling 'arrhhh, arh, arh'
beating their chests etc.

Cups and Saucers

Place enough small flexi cones on the floor so that there are at least one for each child. Half of them need to be placed
on the floor in the normal way, and half upside down. This creates the cups and saucers.

Divide the class in two, depending on whether they are a cup or saucer and they have to turn the flexi cones over for
their team. The team with the most cones turned over within a set time, e.g. 30 seconds, wins.

The game can be repeated by lengthening the time, travelling in a specific way e.g. hopping, or having an uneven split
of cones to start with.

The Numbers Game

Set up a square, marked out in the four corners of the hall, and marked with numbers 1,2,3,4 respectively.

On the floor of the hall, spread out, will be 4 sets of numbers from 1-8 (so there will be four 1’s, four 2’s etc in the
hall). Pupils will jog around the hall in and out of numbers.

The teacher shouts a number between 1 and 8. At this, the pupils have to pick up whatever number they are closest to,
and using the numbers in the corners have to get the number the teacher shouted using adding or subtraction, e.g. if the
teacher shouts 3 and the pupil picks up number 5, then that pupil must run to the corner numbered 2, as 5 minus 2
equals 3.

There will be a section marked out in the middle of the hall for those that can’t be solved, e.g. if the teacher shouts 1
and pupil picks up number 1 then they can't make 1 by adding or subtracting numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4.

The Sharks are Coming!

Children walk around the room and when the teacher shouts "The Sharks are coming", the children shout "How
many? The teacher then shouts out a number and the children must get into groups of the number shouted.

The children who are left out, are out! You can try and catch the children out by shouting "1".
Stuck in the Mud

Stuck in the mud is a classic game and is a great pulse raiser for any age.

Two people are 'on' (that is depending on the size of the class - my example is for a class of 15-23 students). They
have to chase the people that are not 'on' and tag them.

When they have tagged another student who was not on, that person is 'stuck in the mud'. They stand with legs and
arms out and they cannot move. The only way to release them is if another person who is not stuck goes under the
student that is stuck to free them. They can go through the person's legs, or under their arms.

This continues for about 5-10 minutes or until everybody is stuck. To increase the difficulty level, use more catchers.

Human Bop-It! -

 Kick it - children kick in front of them (ensure they're all in a space first!)
 Twist it - twist their bodies half way around then back, feet remaining in same place on the floor.
 Spin it - children turn around
 Pull it - imagine they are pulling two levers down from above their heads.
 Bop it - jump in the air.


Select two children as the 'Ice' and give them blue braids. Select two children as the 'Sun' and give them yellow braids.
The 'Ice' children must chase others, [apart from the 'Sun' children] touch them so they freeze. Children can only
become defrosted when they are touched by the 'Sun'. Play the game for a designated amount of time.

To the ship: run to the captain's right
To the island: run to the captain's left
Hit the deck: lay down on your stomach (or if players don't want to get dirty, they can crouch down)
Attention on deck: salute and yell, "Aye, aye captain!" -- players may not move now until the captain gives the order
of, "At ease!" (i.e. even if the captain gives a different order such as "to the ship" the crew must continue to
remain at attention until told "at ease")
Three men in a boat: the crew must form groups of three and sing "Row, row, row your boat"
Clear the deck: everyone must have their feet up off the floor
Scrub the deck: everyone on their knees scrubbing
Captain's Quarters: everyone ran towards the captain.
A Periscope: Every player falls on their back and sticks one leg in the air.
SHARK!!!!: Everyone must run to a designated base (multiple bases can be used).
Crow's nest: All players must find a partner. The lightest player rides on their partner's back.
Bow: Run to the front of the boat
Stern: Run to the back
Port: Run to the left side of the boat
Starboard: Run to the right side of the boat.
Row the Boat: Each player finds a partner, sits face-to-face, holds hands, and pretends to row a boat.

Make a Letter

Teacher calls out a letter and children make their bodies into that shape. Teacher can demonstrate if children
find it difficult. Stick with capital letters as most are straight shapes.
The Bean Game
Command Action
JUMPING BEAN Jump around the room
Run around the room (looking out for other people).
RUNNER BEAN OR Running on the spot (more suitable for younger children than
running around the room)
Stretch your arms and legs out as wide as you can. Walk around
the room taking as large strides as possible.
BAKED BEAN Lay on the floor in a star shape until the next command is given.
Move around the room slouching and doing silly movements
Wobble like a jelly
FROZEN BEAN Children have to stand very still.
Stand on the spot, making yourself as long and thin as a piece of

BAKED BEANS ON TOAST Lie flat on the floor, spreading arms and legs out as far as possible.

JELLY BELLY BEAN Students lay on floor on their bellies and wiggle.
Children start in crouching position and then spring up suddenly
towards the sky!
Children get into threes, one on the bottom sitting on the floor, the
next on their lap, the final one on the middle ones lap.


Children walk around the room and when the teacher shouts "The Sharks are coming", the children shout "How

The teacher then shouts out a number and the children must get into groups of the number shouted.


 Kick it - children kick in front of them (ensure they're all in a space first!)
 Twist it - twist their bodies half way around then back, feet remaining in same place on the floor.
 Spin it - children turn around
 Pull it - imagine they are pulling two levers down from above their heads.
 Bop it - jump in the air.


 Play - walk around

 Rewind - run / walk backwards
 Fast Forward - run
 Pause - jump on the spot
 Stop - stop
 Eject - Jump Up!

Coach Says
Similar to simon says. The participants must only copy the actions when The coach shouts: ‘Coach says – jump up
and down’. The participants must not copy the action if the phrase ‘Coach says’ is not stated.

Running along lines

· Preferably done in a place with lots of court markings.

· Say “ walk along any line” or “jog along any line” – Be specific they cannot step off the lines.

Killer Whale

In an appropriately sized area. One or two students are made killer whales and the rest of the students are
seals. All the students will be moving around the shaded area. When the coach shouts killer whale the
students that are seals must get to the outer square before they are tagged by the killer whales. If the seals are
tagged they become killer whales.

Pasta PE

The children should begin by walking around the room in any direction. On the various commands listed,
they should carry out the appropriate action:

 spaghetti - walk round the room tall and thin arms pointed together;
 tagliatelli - walk round the room arms pointed side by side;
 pasta bow - walk round with legs and arms apart, bow shaped;
 lasagne - lie flat on the floor
 macaroni-make a circle with arms;
 pasta shapes - make a 2D shape in small groups holding hands;
 spaghetti hoops - make a 'hoop' in a small group holding hands;
 canneloni - roll on the floor;
 ravioli - stand back to back with a partner.

Body ball

All participants will need a football. When they are dribbling around with the ball, a body part will be called.
For example left knee. The participants must stop and place their left knee on the ball.

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