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0311 CG2 English

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Bureau of Secondary Education Curriculum Development Division Pasig City

March 9, 2011

TABLE OF CONTENTS ii I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction Conceptual Framework in English Concept Matrix Performance Matrix Program and General Standards Three-Stage Curriculum Framework

Annexes A. B. The Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the 2002 Secondary Education Curriculum: Findings and Recommendations Guide Questions for the Review of the Curriculum

The Context As a matter of practice, the curriculum in the Philippines is revised every ten years, but the rapid rate of change in education and the fast obsolescence of knowledge necessitate a continual revisiting and updating of the curriculum to make it responsive to emerging changes in the needs of the learner and the society. Thus, the refinement of the curriculum remains to be a work in progress. Aside from the issue of relevance, the refinement of the secondary education curriculum was guided by the need, as articulated in the Education for All Plan 2015, to streamline its content in order to improve student mastery and contribute to the attainment of functional literacy. This became a primary consideration in the design of the curriculum and the formulation of standards and the essential understandings from which the content of the curriculum was derived. The results of national and international assessments were reviewed and analyzed for their implications for teaching and learning. The findings were used to further tighten the standards and improve the delivery of the curriculum and the teaching-learning process. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum were likewise considered in the review of the curriculum. The findings and recommendations (see Annex A) guided the training of teachers and the capacity-building of school heads in managing the pilot test of the curriculum in 23 secondary schools nationwide.

The Process The refinement of the curriculum followed the Understanding by Design (UbD) model developed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins.

Essential Content/ Objectives Performance (knowledge/skills) Understandings Standards Results/Outcomes Products/ Performances Assessment

Essential Questions

Assessment Criteria/ Tools

Learning Plan

Learning Activities

Resources/ Materials

The curriculum design has the following elements: Stage 1 A. Results/Desired Outcomes, which define what students should be able to know and do at the end of the program, course, or unit of study; generally expressed in terms of overall goals, and specifically defined in terms of content and performance standards A.1. Content standards, which specify the essential knowledge (includes the most important and enduring ideas, issues, principles and concepts from the disciplines), skills and habits of mind that should be taught and learned. They answer the question, What should students know and be able to do?


A.2. Performance standards, which express the degree or quality of proficiency that students are expected to demonstrate in relation to the content standards. They answer the question, How well must students do their work? or At what level of performance would the student be appropriately qualified or certified? B. Essential Understandings, which are the big and enduring ideas at the heart of the discipline and which we want the children to remember even long after they leave school C. Essential Questions, which are open-ended, provocative questions that spark thinking and further inquiry into the essential meanings and understandings D. Curriculum Objectives, which are expressed in terms of knowledge and skills that teachers can use as guide in formulating their own classroom objectives Stage 2 A. Assessment, which defines acceptable evidence of students attainment of desired results; determines authentic performance tasks that the student is expected to do to demonstrate the desired understandings; and defines the criteria against which the students performances or products shall be judged. B. Products and Performances, which are the evidence of students learning and a demonstration of their conceptual understanding, and content and skill acquisition Stage 3 A. Learning Plan, which details the instructional activities that students will go through to attain the standards A.1. Instructional Activities, which are aligned with the standards and are designed to promote attainment of desired results. Questions to guide the review of Stages 1 to 3 are provided in Annex B. A series of consultations with critical stakeholders: students, teachers, school heads, parents, supervisors, industry, local government officials, the religious, and experts from the academe, among others, were made to validate and further refine the formulation of standards, the essential understandings, the essential questions, and the assessment criteria and the tools to measure students products


and performances. Workshops were conducted to draft the curriculum documents, write the instructional plan and develop lesson exemplars. Teachers were trained and school heads from the 23 identified pilot schools underwent capacity-building to prepare them for the management of the try-out of the curriculum. The schools were identified based on their location (i.e., Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao) and the type of program (i.e., regular high school, specialist high school) they offer. Meetings with school heads and classroom visits were made on a quarterly basis to monitor the try-out of the curriculum. Teachers feedback on the lesson guides became the basis for further refinement of the standards and the other elements of the curriculum. Education supervisors were later trained on providing instructional support to teachers. A follow-through training was subsequently conducted to further equip them with the tools of supervision given the requirements of the program. Results Initial feedback from the teachers has been useful in further improving the design of the curriculum. What has evolved from the tryout is a core curriculum that builds on and retains the principles of the 2002 BEC (i.e., constructivism, integrative teaching) and integrates the richness of the special curricular programs (Arts, Sports, Engineering and Science Education Program, Journalism, Technical-Vocational Program, and Foreign Language). The latter shall be offered in schools as special interest areas which children can pursue among many other career options in livelihood education. The curriculum has the following features:


Features of the Curriculum

Lean- focuses on essential understandings Sets high expectations (standards-based) expressed in terms of what students should know and the quality and proficiency of the skill that they are expected to demonstrate as evidence of learning Rich and challenging- provides for a personalized approach to developing the students multiple intelligences Develops readiness and passion for work and lifelong learning


What is being envisaged is that the core curriculum shall be implemented with special curricular programs: special program in the arts (SPA), special program in sports (SPS), special program in journalism (SPJ), special program in foreign language, special science/math (S&T), technical-vocational program (tech-voc) being offered on the side, to develop the students multiple intelligences.

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum

Conceptual Framework in English

Functional Literacy for All

Communicative Competence

Literary Competence/ Appreciation

Valuing CBI
CALLA PTCBL Theory of Learning Theory of Language
Linguistics Philosophy Psychology Constructivism Learning by doing (D) Reflective learning (P) Social learning Learning strategies Transformative Learning Text Based Context Based

Genre Based

Theory of Language Learning

Process - Oriented Condition - Oriented 1


The overall goal of the 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum is to develop a functionally literate Filipino who can effectively function in various communication situations. A functionally literate individual demonstrates the following critical competencies: ability to express clearly ones ideas and feelings orally, in writing, and non-verbally; ability to learn on his own; ability to read, comprehend and respond in turn to ideas presented; ability to write clearly ones ideas and feelings, and the ability to access, process, and utilize available basic and multimedia information. These competencies comprise the expected outcomes of the 2010 Secondary English Curriculum. As indicated in the schematic diagram, the two-fold goal of this Program is to develop the communicative and the literary competence/appreciation of the Filipino youth. The purpose is to develop the four competencies: linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse and strategic with emphasis on cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). On the other hand, literary competence is concerned with general skills needed to meet the communicative and linguistic demands of the different types of literature. Values underscore the significant insights and universal truths presented in the varied literary texts. In addition to the macro-language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the model highlights the paramount importance of viewing of multimedia and Internet sources of information as the means to develop creativity in transcoding concepts from one medium to another. The said language skills do not occur as separate units but rather as integrated units. In the 2010 Secondary English Curriculum (2010 SEC), other inputs have been considered in response to the paradigm shifts that have taken place. These additional inputs mark the difference between the 2010 SEC and what preceded it. The model shows that as far as communicative competence is concerned, the learning program in the curriculum focuses on contentbased instruction (CBI) which integrates the learning of language and the learning of some other content such as Science and Mathematics where English is used as the medium of instruction. The model, likewise underscores the use of cognitive academic language learning approach (CALLA) which takes into consideration the various contexts in which language is used in the classroom and other academic settings. In addition, the model uses the problem-based, task-based, and competency-based learning (PTCBL) approaches in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experiences. The teachers take on the role as facilitators of learning. The use of text analysis, text-based, contextbased and genre-based approaches to reading literature and literary appreciation ensures literary competence and appreciation. The underlying theoretical bases of the 2010 SEC include the theory of language, theory of learning and theory of language learning. The theories of language and language learning are in keeping with the current pedagogical practice highlighting constructivism.

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English

Year Level Concept Philippine Literature Quarter Afro-Asian Literature (including Philippine Literature) British-American and Philippine Literature World Literature (including Philippine Literature) FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR THIRD YEAR FOURTH YEAR

















2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English



Interactive Storytelling/Reading

Short Story Writing

One-Minute Film/ Movie Poster Presentation

Drama Presentation

Playlet Presentation from an Original Script

Theatrical Presentation of an Existing Drama

Presentation of Modern Adaptation of a Classic Play

Choral Reading

Writing a Haiku/Tanka

Poetry Slam/Performance Poetry

Writing Lyrics to a Given Melody

Writing a Personal/Reflective Essay

Descriptive Essay Writing

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Writing Critical Analysis of a Film


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

General Standard:

The learner demonstrates literary and communicative competence through his/her understanding of the different genres of AfroAsian Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture and those of other countries.

Quarter 1: Narrative Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of the artistic combination, skillful variation and intermingling of the storys basic ingredients which are essential in illustrating truth and in recreating a fictional world in an interactive story telling. The learner participates and responds creatively in an interactive story telling. Afro-Asian narratives reveal a whole range of peoples beliefs, attitudes, self concept philosophy in life and social ethics/standards. How do Afro-Asian narratives reveal peoples beliefs, attitudes, selfconcepts, philosophy in life and social ethics/standards?

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

An interactive story telling
INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING - a new highly expressive art form of storytelling that integrates interaction and narrative. It is participatory, for it involves the audience as active participants immersed in the direct and friendly conversation. Its nonconventional , non-linear which means that story elements do not occur in fixed sequence ( start to finish) but can be divergent or multidirectional although it has a fixed outcome; what matters here is the journey not its conclusion.

Explanation Explain the common features of narratives. Accurate Coherent Insightful Recognize the elements in a text that prompt a personal response. Accurate Coherent Predictive Discuss how the theme of a narrative is still important to people of today. Credible Justified Insightful

Peoples beliefs attitudes, philosophy in life and social ethics/standards serve as means of expanding experiences and enhance universal values.

How do peoples beliefs and attitudes enhance universal values and assess Asian identity?

Performance assessment of an interactive storytelling based on the following criteria: Focus/content Problem/ Conflict Development of action Delivery Voice Language Mechanics Gestures

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question Language Focus Describing persons, places, objects and events through the use of phrase modifiers Using simple past tense and time markers

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Understanding Performance Performance Interpretation Construct meaning from the inside range of textual/oral narratives. Illustrative Insightful Meaningful Significant Make meaning of narratives of different cultures and eras including Philippine culture. Illustrative Illuminating Meaningful Insightful Read and listen critically or interpretatively to a story. Insightful Meaningful Significant Analyze the structure, components/elements and language of Afro-Asian narratives. Credible Insightful Revealing

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Content Performance Essential Understanding Question Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance
Application Participate and respond creatively in interactive story telling. Efficient Fluent Effective Retell a story from a different point of view. Adaptive Fluent Effective Use multimedia and technology in the presentation. Adaptive Fluent Effective Retell a story from different points of view. Credible Insightful Plausible

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment Product/ Performance At the level of Understanding Empathy Evaluate ones and others narratives presentation (written/oral) using a set of rubrics. Insightful Perspective Receptive Open Compare the customs, traditions, beliefs and culture of Afro-Asian people to ones culture, customs and traditions. Insightful Perspective Receptive Open Self-knowledge Conduct self-evaluation by reviewing ones work in narrative mode. Meta cognitive Mature Reflective Self-adjusting Performance

Quarter 1: NARRATIVE Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question
Topic 1 The learner demonstrates understanding of the close relationships among the elements of a short story that can bring out its meaning. Language Focus: Simple past tense Time transition words The learner writes an insightful personal narrative. The presentation of believable characters and situations that shape ones life complimented by the interplay of other story features and elements leads to the understanding of a story. Personal narrative reflects significant human experiences. How does the interplay of the elements of short story create a meaningful whole? An insightful personal narrative
PERSONAL NARRATIVE - a short narrative composition that presents true-to-life experiences of the author / narrator. It is told in the first person or I point of view.

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Explanation Show how the features/elements of a story work together to help one understand and appreciate the narrative. Accurate Coherent Insightful Explain how the theme of a narrative is still important to people of today. Accurate Credible Insightful Demonstrate imagination of writing personal narratives. Illuminating Insightful Predictive Performance assessment of a personal narrative based on the following criteria: Focus/ theme Characters Problem/ conflict Development of action Language Mechanics

What is a personal narrative without human experiences?

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Interpretation Discover Philippine and AfroAsian narratives as means of expanding experiences and outlook thus enhancing worthwhile universal human values. Illustrative Insightful Meaningful Significant Make meaning of worthwhile experiences underscored in AfroAsian and Phil. narratives. Illustrative Insightful Meaningful Significant Make sense out of the language features of a narrative. Illustrative Meaningful Significant Application Write a well-developed, organized, coherent and insightful personal narrative. Effective Realistic Meaningful

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding

Use appropriate language structure in writing personal narratives. Efficient Effective Write in expressive and imaginative modes. Efficient Effective Diverse Perspective Discriminate between positive and negative values used in narratives. Credible Insightful Plausible Emphasize how narratives serve as transmitter of culture and values. Credible Insightful Plausible Infer how the universal themes in narratives are still prevalent in AfroAsian Culture. Credible Insightful Plausible


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Perform ance

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Understanding

Empathy Discover through narratives the links between ones life and the lives of Afro-Asians. Insightful Perceptive Open Be open to value and respect for diversity which are evident in narratives. Insightful Perceptive Open Receptive Self-knowledge Recognize the effect of a literary piece on ones values system. Self-aware Meta cognitive Reflective Accept ones strength and values as underscored in a narrative. Self-aware Meta cognitive Reflective Relate reading to ones experience to clarify meaning. Self-aware Meta cognitive Reflective


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Topic 2: The learner demonstrates understanding of the effectiveness of literary devices and styles used by the author in creating an illusion of reality in order to communicate meaning. Language Focus: Clarifying and describing persons, ideas and situations by using adjective phrases The learner writes an insightful techniques essay which focuses on narrative styles and devices Specific literary devices underline, intensify, and expand a storys impact and meaning. How do literary/narrative devices contribute to the overall theme of the story?

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Explanation Show the importance of the essence of literary devices and techniques in the comprehension and creation of narratives. accurate credible insightful Support interpretation with facts and specific examples. accurate credible coherent Explain how meaning is enhanced in a short story. accurate credible insightful Explain the recurring themes of narratives lead. accurate credible insightful Performance assessment of an insightful techniques essay based on the following criteria: Focus/ content Organization Style Language mechanics

An insightful techniques essay which focuses on narrative styles and devices

TECHNIQUES ESSAY - an essay that presents how effective literary / narrative devices and techniques are as employed by the author to communicate or to convey the meaning of the literary piece.

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Gather facts that support illusion of reality or fantastic reality. accurate credible coherent Explain the appropriateness of literary/ narrative devices/ technique used by the author for specific purpose. credible justified insightful Interpretation Analyze the distinct qualities of Afro-Asian narratives. illustrative insightful meaningful Evaluate the effectiveness of narrative/literary devices/ techniques used by the author. illustrative insightful meaningful


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Application Recollect, talk and write about the narrative/ literary styles/techniques/ devices used by the author. adaptive efficient effective Write personal reflections about narrative/literary devices used by the author. adaptive effective efficient Write creative, original and analytical responses to a narrative. realistic effective Demonstrate a mature command of the language. fluent effective Use adjective phrases to clarify intentions/ expressions. effective efficient fluent


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Perspective Generate important questions about the narrative techniques/devices used. credible insightful plausible Compare/contrast the narrative/literary devices used in the story read. credible insightful plausible


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Topic 3

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Explanation Generate important questions about the story and answer them comprehensively. accurate credible insightful Explain the recurring themes in narratives. accurate credible insightful Show facts that support illusion of reality or fantastic reality in narratives. accurate credible insightful Demonstrate the steps in interactive storytelling. accurate coherent systematic insightful Performance assessment of an interactive storytelling based on the following criteria: Focus/theme Characters Development of action Problem/ conflict Voice Delivery Gestures/ body movements Props Language convention

The learner demonstrates understanding of how to convey and recreate meaning of a story communicated in various ways also from different points of view.

The learner takes part in an interactive story telling.

Interactive storytelling provides stimulus to stretch ones imagination, fosters creativity and enhances language/oral communication skills.

How does interactive storytelling recreate meaning of an experience?

An interactive storytelling


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Interpretation Illustrate how the meaning of an experience is highlighted in interactive storytelling. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Critique/evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive storytelling. insightful meaningful significant Application Take active/ meaningful role/part in an interactive storytelling. fluent efficient effective Use storytelling to improve English oral communication skills. fluent efficient effective


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Integrate interaction and narrative. adaptive effective innovative Use graphic organizers/ informational ads to illustrate ideas. adaptive diverse effective Integrate multimedia and technology in interactive story telling. adaptive effective diverse Give creative, original and imaginative responses to narratives presented. effective diverse innovative


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Refine presentation of significant human experiences in an interactive storytelling. efficient effective diverse Exhibit language and oral proficiency in sharing experiences. effective efficient fluent Retell a story from different points of view. adaptive efficient effective fluent Perspective Compare traditions/ customs/ language and culture highlighted in interactive storytelling. credible insightful revealing Recognize the universality of literary themes across cultures.


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

credible insightful plausible Distinguish between fantasy and realistic stories. insightful plausible revealing Critique oral/ written presentation using agreed upon criteria. insightful plausible revealing Relate characters, events situations to real life. insightful plausible revealing Empathy Be open to the links between ones life to the lives of others through narratives. open perceptive receptive Consider other styles of presenting experiences in interactive storytelling.


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

open receptive insightful Relate ones experience to others to find a common bond. open perceptive insightful State the effect of a story listened to/shared orally on ones value system. self-aware meta cognitive self-adjusting Recognize ones difficulties and strengths in taking part in interactive storytelling. meta cognitive self-aware self-adjusting reflective Conduct self-evaluation by reviewing ones role/part in interactive storytelling. meta cognitive self-adjusting


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Product/ Performance Understanding Performance

Self-knowledge State the effect of a story listened to/shared orally on ones value system. self-aware meta cognitive self-adjusting Recognize ones difficulties and strengths in taking part in interactive storytelling. meta cognitive self-aware self-adjusting reflective Conduct self-evaluation by reviewing ones role/part in interactive storytelling. meta cognitive self-adjusting

As of March 9, 2011


Quarter 2 DRAMA

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 2 DRAMA
STAGE 1: RESULTS/OUTCOMES Standard Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Afro-Asian drama reflects the culture, tradition, values, and beliefs, norms of behavior and significant events through artistic interpretation and critical analysis of a playlet which promotes the appreciation of the said genre and satisfies the audiences craving for short dramatic performances. Language Focus: Identifying and assessing drama concepts by using cause and effect connectors. Giving opinion on similarities and differences in Afro-Asian dramas through the use of single-word adverb. Expressing specific ideas, feelings and thoughts in producing a dramatic monologue using verbal nouns. Using infinitives as nouns or adverbs in expressing specific values and experiences in preparation for a playlet presentation. Performance The learner takes active part in staging a playlet based on an original script. Essential Understanding Drama depicts the culture, tradition, values, beliefs, and practices, norms of behavior of AfroAsian countries by artistic performances, moving dialogs, realistic setting, authentic plot and clear interp etation. Question Product/ Performance A playlet presentation based on an original script. STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Performance Explanation Explain the common features, elements, conventions of Afro-Asian drama. Accurate Justified Credible Demonstrate a clear distinction among dominant themes and story lines contained in Afro Asian dramas. Illuminating Credible Make a clear and interesting explanation about Afro- Asian people and their literary heritage. Reflective Accurate Insightful Establish relationship between drama themes and real life. Justified Comprehensive Insightful Performance Performance assessment of an enthralling playlet based on the following criteria: Voice Acting skills Stage presence Stage production Conventions Mastery of lines Technicalities Proteomics

How does drama depict the culture, tradition, beliefs, practices, and norms of behavior of Afro- Asian countries? Explain by way of giving examples or situations.

Interpretation Illustrate connections among drama concepts that draw meaningful realizations between drama text and reality. Meaningful Illustrative Significant Make meaning of the drama from various Afro-Asian countries that reflect multi-cultural diversity and varied literary styles. Meaningful Insightful Illuminating Authentic Application Perform a playlet in conformity with drama conventions. Criteria Insightful Credible Revealing Use creativity and ingenuity in putting up the stage design and ensure functionality of equipment needed in the playlet production. Efficient Effective

Perspective Analyze the structure, elements, themes of AfroAsian drama. Credible Revealing Accurate insightful Empathy Assume role in a playlet that links well or counter to ones character. Convincing Receptive Self Knowledge Reflect on dominant themes depicting way of life and national aspirations contained in Afro- Asian drama. Self-aware Self-adjusting Mature Objective Conduct self-evaluation by reviewing how a playlet depicts the culture, tradition, norm of behavior, and way of life of Afro-Asian people. Mature Reflective Objective Meta cognitive

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

QUARTER 2 - DRAMA TOPIC 1: Elements, Features, and Themes of Afro-Asian Drama STAGE 1: RESULTS/OUTCOMES STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT Standard Essential At the level of Product/ Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Understanding Performance Topic 1 The learner demonstrates understanding of the different elements, features, and themes of Afro-Asian dramas that provide insights in producing a dramatic reading of a play. Language: The learner demonstrates understanding of the comparison and contrast connectors useful in identifying and assessing the elements, features, and themes of Afro-Asian drama. The learner interprets a play through an impressive dramatic reading. The elements, features, and themes of AfroAsian drama provide insights into the characters lives and their relationship with the other characters. How do the elements, features, and themes of AfroAsian drama help in understanding and appreciating this genre? An impressive dramatic reading of a play Explanation Identify the elements, features, and themes of Afro-Asian drama. Accurate Coherent Insightful Analyze how the elements, features, and themes of Afro- Asian drama provide understanding of the genre. Credible Accurate Insightful illuminating Interpretation Make sense of the dialogs used in Afro-Asian drama. Persuasive Meaningful Significant Illustrate authenticity of context, and characterization through text revalidation. Illustrative Insightful Performs an impressive dramatic reading of a play based on the following criteria: Audibility Tone of voice Phrasing Stress patterns Diction Pronunciation Vocal variety Pauses


Application Use proper intonation in expressing variety of feelings and traits in a drama. Accurate Credible Perceptive Exhibit competencies in using audible cues (pitch, stress, diction, accent etc.) in doing a dramatic reading. Accurate Insightful Justified Perspective Compare and contrast features, and themes of various Afro-Asian dramas. Illustrative Illuminating Infer character traits through the structure of dialog and mode of delivery. Credible Insightful Perceptive Empathy Relate drama themes in real life experiences.

Significant Meaningful Authentic Consider various individual strategies in internalizing a role for a dramatic reading. Precise Meaningful Justified Self-Knowledge Reflect on the moods and tones of characters. Revealing Insightful

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

QUARTER 2 DRAMA Topic 2: Concepts and Mechanics of Stage direction STAGE 1: RESULTS/OUTCOMES Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question Topic 2 The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts and mechanics of stage direction through the strategies and competencies to be employed in making a stage plan. The learner produces a creative stage plan/ design. Stage directions enhance characterization, setting, plot and moods in a play. Why are stage directions important in a play? What is a play without stage directions? Language The learner demonstrates understanding of expressing opinions on similarities and differences using single-word adverbs that enhance characterization and setting of moods. Product/ Performance A creative stage plan/ design STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Performance Explanation Describe various styles of designing a stage for AfroAsian plays. Accurate Insightful Creative Design a stage within the context of culture and the prescribed setting. Credible Justified Insightful Illuminating Creative Interpretation Illustrate how stage design helps unravel characterization, setting, plot and moods in a play. Significant Illuminating Insightful
Performance assessment of a creative stage design based on the following criteria: Organizational Planning Thematic accuracy Color scheme Craftsmanship Use of space Collaboration and teamwork

Application Create a stage design by applying the appropriate technical and aesthetic skills. Accurate Revealing Effective Exhibit competency in considering the appropriate materials and lights in designing the stage. Accurate Adaptive Significant Perspective Analyze a stage design in terms of aesthetic quality and authenticity of culture. Credible Accurate Insightful Empathy Consider various ideas in putting up a stage design of a play. Perceptive

Receptive Insightful Self-knowledge Recognize the distinctive style and authenticity of context reflected in the stage plan. Self-aware Meta cognitive

As of March 9, 2011

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

QUARTER 2 - DRAMA Topic 3: Dramatic Conventions and Role Internalization STAGE 1: RESULTS/OUTCOMES Standard Essential Product/ Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Topic 3 The learner demonstrates understanding of the essential dramatic conventions and role internalizations in presenting a dramatic monologue. The learner presents a sterling dramatic monologue. Dramatic conventions such as masks, indigenous music, chants, and internalization drills contribute to a sterling performance of a dramatic monologue. What is the importance of dramatic conventions and role internalization in the presentation of a dramatic monologue? A sterling dramatic monologue

STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Performance Explanation Prove that dramatic conventions and role internalization are requisites to a dramatic monologue presentation. Accurate Credible Insightful Describe how various dramatic conventions such as masks, chants, indigenous music, and authentic materials enliven the performance of a dramatic monologue. Credible Illustrative Adaptive Explain how characterization, plot structure, and lines are enhanced by dramatic conventions. Justified Credible Effective Performance assessment of a dramatic monologue based on the following criteria: Interpretation Voice Projection Facial Expressions Pronunciation Proxemics Stage deportment Dramatic conventions Diction

Language Focus: The learner demonstrates understanding of the use of verbal nouns in expressing specific ideas, feelings, and thoughts in performing a dramatic monologue.


Justify the appropriateness of the authors choice and use of dramatic conventions. Accurate Reliable Insightful illuminating Interpretation Evaluate concepts and principles of different dramatic conventions. Credible Coherent Effective Document various conventions applied in AfroAsian drama. Insightful Realistic Significant Application Produce insights from the lines and roles of characters. Reflective Justified Credible Perform the roles to be played after the internalization drills. Credible Significant


Moving Exhibit own style in delivering a dramatic monologue. Convincing Insightful Adaptive Perspective Infer character traits based on the dialogs/lines. Illuminating Reflective Credible Empathy Consider the dominant feeling of a character through a dramatic monologue. Accurate Illustrative Convincing Relate with the message of the play by revisiting lines and plot structure. Persuasive Moving Reflective Self-Knowledge Assess ones performance in a dramatic monologue. Self-adjusting Self aware


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

QUARTER 2 - DRAMA TOPIC 4: THE AFRO-ASIAN PLAYLET STAGE 1: RESULTS/OUTCOMES Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Topic 4 The learner demonstrates understanding of drama that mirrors the values, beliefs, cultures and events of the Afro-Asians through careful analysis and artistic presentation of a playlet. Language: The learner demonstrates understanding of the use of verbals in expressing specific values and experiences in preparation for a playlet presentation. The learners present an original playlet. Drama reflects the beliefs, values, cultures, and events in the lives of the Afro-Asians through stage performances and aesthetic skills. Product/ Performance Presentation of an original playlet. STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Explanation Explain the significance of drama elements, features, and conventions in the light of a stage performance. Accurate Coherent insightful Recognize various play production aspects that are needed in staging a drama. Accurate Coherent Predictive Discuss how a playlet presentation depicts the authentic experiences of the Afro-Asians. Credible Justified Insightful Interpretation Represent an enticing story line through a playlet. Illustrative Insightful Meaningful



How does drama reflect the beliefs, values, and cultures of the Afro-Asians? Why should drama be staged?

Performance assessment of an interesting playlet based on the following criteria: Acting Delivery of lines Interpretation Stage Deportment Conventions


Significant Make meaning of a play production based on the various aspects to be considered. Illustrative Illuminating Meaningful Insightful Watch and listen critically to a playlet. Insightful Meaningful Significant Application Participate and assume role responsibly in a playlet. Efficient Fluent Effective Exhibit competencies in planning, rehearsing, and presenting a playlet. Adaptive Fluent Effective Use multimedia and technology in the playlet presentation. Adaptive Diverse Effective Decide on matters like technicalities and stage performance to give life to the playwrights masterpiece. Credible


Insightful Plausible Perspective Analyze the development of events in a playlet. Credible Insightful Revealing Criticize stage performance in the light of the set criteria. Insightful Revealing Credible Empathy Relate with the characters sentiments as events gradually unfold in the playlet presentation. Insightful Perceptive open Compare the customs, traditions, beliefs and culture of Afro-Asian people based on the playlet presentation. Insightful Receptive Perceptive Self-knowledge Conduct self-evaluation by reviewing the playlet presented. Meta cognitive Mature Reflective Self-adjusting As of March 9, 2011


Quarter 3 POETRY

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 3: POETRY
Stage 1 : Results /Outcomes Standard Content Performance Essential Understanding The structure and content of Afro-Asian poetry reflect the peoples identity that contribute much in promoting and and enriching their beliefs, attitudes, tradition and culture; thus help in the betterment of the society and the world. . Idealism, beliefs, culture and experiences of the people enhance and preserve worthwhile universal values. Commonalities and differences in ideals, beliefs, culture and experiences of the people may exist among Afro-Asian poems that may be of universal value. Question Why do learners study Afro-Asian poetry? Stage 2 : Assessment Product/ Performance A creative and original haiku.
HAIKU a simple typical Japanese poem of unique 3 lines seventeen syllables pattern. It has no rhyme, no meter and its purpose is to communicate the feeling of a single moment through using images / mental pictures. It sketches a quick picture of a scene from everyday life by using a kigo (seasonal word) that suggests / hints the feeling being conveyed. It is noted for its brevity, beauty, and intensity of emotion being conveyed and the use of nature to convey a passing moment in life. Here, noble subjects are treated indirectly with delicacy of touch and tenderness.

At the level of Understanding Explanation Discuss the nature, special features and elements of Haiku /hokku/ tanka/ and other contemporary Afro- Asian poetry. accurate insightful justified Express emotional reaction to what was presented in the poem. credible insightful illuminating Describe the relationships among the elements of a haiku, tanka and other Afro-Asian poems. insightful illuminating justified Performance Performance assessment of a haiku based on the following criteria: -Focus/ Theme -Imagery -Rhythm -Language -Visuals

The learner demonstrates The learner writes an understanding of how original haiku. haiku, tanka, hokku and other Afro-Asian poetry present and promote the ideals, beliefs, culture and experiences of the people; thus enhance and preserve worthwhile universal values. Language Focus: Using correct imperatives gerunds and infinitives in express ing appreciation and understanding of Afro-Asian poetry

How do the structure and content of AfroAsian poetry reflect peoples identity? How do peoples ideals, beliefs and culture preserve worthwhile universal values?

Explain how literary techniques help in bringing out the beauty and essence of the poem. insightful illuminating justified Synthesize production elements that contribute to the development and effectiveness of writing a haiku. accurate insightful illuminating Show appreciation of the significant human experiences highlighted in haiku, hokku,.tanka and other.Afro-Asian and Filipino poems. credible insightful illuminating Interpretation Analyze the distinct qualities of a haiku, hokku, and tanka insightful 2

meaningful significant

Evaluate the common features of Afro-Asian and Filipino poems. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Evaluate how the poets choose words to create effective expressions of their thoughts, feelings and observations in life. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Read, comprehend, discuss and interpret Afro-Asian poems highlighting their culture, beliefs and societies. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Make sense of a haiku through using 3

appropriate media and technological aids. illustrative meaningful illuminating Application Write a haiku. adaptive effective efficient fluent Use multimedia and technology in the presentation of a Cultural Report. adaptive diverse effective efficient Use appropriate gerunds highlighting feelings, thoughts, actions.and observations in life . adaptive effective efficient fluent Refine presentation of significant human experiences in poems. 4

adaptive effective efficient diverse

Demonstrate a mature command of the language with freshness of expressions and varied structures. effective efficient fluent Use imperatives effectively in written and oral communication. effective efficient fluent Produce written and oral works that to demonstrate comprehension and appreciation of Afro-Asian poems. effective efficient diverse fluent Use the language effectively to convey 5

knowledge, meaning and communication. adaptive effective efficient fluent Collect , write and talk about significant experiences communicated in an Afro- Asian poem through a Cultural Report. adaptive effective efficient fluent Stimulate oral appreciation of a haiku /hokko / tanka. effective efficient fluent realistic Perspective Compare Afro-Asian language, oral traditions and poems that reflect their customs, culture and societies. credible insightful revealing

Understand how to respond critically to an Afro-Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Analyze the effectiveness of complex elements of an Afro- Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Examine a haiku from several critical perspectives. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible View concepts and ideas presented in an Afro-Asian poem from different perspectives. credible insightful plausible 7

revealing Compare and contrast different culture and traditions as reflected in Afro-Asian and Filipino poems. credible insightful plausible revealing Infer the emotional appeal of the poem read. Credible Insightful Plausible Empathy Evaluate own and others style for organizing, preparing and presenting a very unique haiku. insightful open perceptive receptive Understand how and why people react differently to poems based on their background knowledge, purpose and point of view. 8

insightful open perceptive receptive

Connect information and experiences in text to life and life to text experiences. open insightful perceptive receptive Consider how others use rhythm, rhyme and language for effect. open receptive tactful Be open to the links between ones life and that of others throughout the world as reflected in AfroAsian poems. open receptive perceptive Show value and respect for others and diversity as evident in Afro-Asian and Filipino poetry. 9

insightful open perceptive Self-knowledge Recognize ones knowledge, strengths and values as effect of ones understanding and appreciation of a haiku and other contemporary Afro-Asian poem read. self- adjusting self-aware meta cognitive reflective State the effect of a poem in ones value system. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise Use self- correction strategies in writing a haiku. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise


Quarter 3: POETRY Stage 1 : Results /Outcomes Standard Content Topic 1 The learner demonstrates understanding of the nature, features, and elements of Afro-Asian poetry to distinguish them from the poetry of other cultures. Performance Essential Understanding Question Stage 2 : Assessment Product/ At the level of Performance Understanding Performance Explanation Discuss the nature, special features and elements of Afro-Asian poetry. accurate CULTURAL REPORT insightful an audio visual report on justified how people from different Highlight the factors that cultures can unite / share things in common as shaped Afro-Asian highlighted or played up in poetry. literary pieces. accurate insightful - presents how Afro-Asian poems highlight their customs, illuminating tradition, beliefs, attitudes and Express emotional societies. reaction to what was presented in the poem. credible insightful illuminating Describe the relationships among the elements of a poem. insightful illuminating justified A Cultural Report

The learner presents a cultural report that shows the differences between Afro-Asian poetry and that of other cultures.

The nature, special qualities features, and elements of Afro-Asian poetry work together to set it apart from the poetry of other cultures.

How can Afro- Asian poetry be distinguished from the poetry of other cultures? How different or similar is Afro-Asian poetry to poetry of other cultures?

Language Focus: Using correct imperatives in giving emphasis to ones feelings, actions, thoughts and observations

Performance assessment of A Cultural Report based on the following criteria: Focus/ Content Accuracy Organization Visuals Relevance Delivery Appeal/ Impact Voice


Explain how literary techniques help in bringing out the beauty and essence of the poem. insightful illuminating justified Show how production elements contribute to the development and effectiveness of AfroAsian poems as well as a Cultural report. accurate insightful illuminating Show appreciation of the significant human experiences highlighted in Afro-Asian and Filipino poems. credible insightful illuminating Interpretation Analyze the distinct qualities of Afro-Asian poetry. illustrative insightful meaningful significant


Evaluate the common features of Afro-Asian and Filipino poems. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Evaluate how the poets choose words to create effective expressions of their thoughts, feelings and observations in life. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Read, comprehend, discuss and interpret Afro-Asian poems highlighting their culture, beliefs and societies. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Make sense of a Cultural Report using appropriate media and technological aids. illustrative meaningful illuminating


Application Present a Cultural Report on what shaped a specific Afro- Asian poem. adaptive effective efficient fluent Use multimedia and technology in the presentation of a Cultural Report. adaptive diverse effective efficient Use appropriate imperatives in highlighting feelings, thoughts, actions and observations. adaptive effective efficient fluent Refine presentation of significant human experiences in poems. adaptive effective efficient diverse


Demonstrate a mature command of the language with freshness of expressions and varied structures. effective efficient fluent Use imperatives effectively in written and oral communication. effective efficient fluent Produce written and oral work to demonstrate comprehension and appreciation of AfroAsian poems. effective efficient diverse fluent Use the language effectively to convey knowledge, meaning and communication. adaptive effective efficient fluent


Collect , write and talk about significant experiences communicated in an AfroAsian poem through a Cultural Report. adaptive effective efficient fluent Stimulate oral production in a Cultural Report of an Afro- Asian poem. effective efficient fluent realistic Perspective Compare Afro-Asian language, oral traditions and poems that reflect their customs, culture and societies. credible insightful revealing Understand how to respond critically to an Afro-Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Analyze the effectiveness of complex elements of an Afro- Asian poem. 16

critical in analytical sense insightful plausible

Examine a poem from several critical perspectives. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible View concepts and ideas presented in a poem from different perspectives. credible insightful plausible revealing Compare and contrast different culture and traditions as reflected in Afro-Asian and Filipino poems as highlighted in Cultural Reports. credible insightful plausible revealing Infer the emotional 17

appeal of the poem read. Credible Insightful Plausible Empathy Evaluate own and others delivery of Cultural Reports. insightful open perceptive receptive Understand how and why people react differently to poems based on their background knowledge, purpose and point of view. insightful open perceptive receptive Connect information and experiences in text to life and life to text experiences. open insightful perceptive receptive Consider how others use rhythm, rhyme and language for effect. 18

open receptive receptive tactful Be open to the links between ones life and that of others throughout the world as reflected in Afro-Asian poems. open receptive perceptive Show value and respect for others and diversity as evident in Afro-Asian and Filipino poetry. insightful open perceptive Self-knowledge Recognize ones knowledge, strengths and values as effect of ones understanding and appreciation of AfroAsian poem read. self- adjusting self-aware meta cognitive reflective State the effect of a poem in ones value system. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature 19

wise Use self- correction strategies for writing and speaking. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 3: POETRY Stage 1 : Results /Outcomes Standard Essential Content

Topic 2 The learner demonstrates understanding of how imagery, figurative language, sound devices, symbolism and other poetic devices shape the meaning of Afro-Asian poetry. Language Focus Using participles and participial phrases in expressing appreciation of the of poems explored and in describing ideas, thoughts, feelings and observations.

Product/ Question Performance

Choral Interpretation (among others) of an Afro-Asian poem

Stage 2 : Assessment At the level of Understanding

Explanation Explain the appropriateness of literary/ poetic devices used by the author. accurate insightful justified Prove how ones feeling about the poem are influenced by by imagery, rhythm, rhyme, figures of speech, and other literary/ poetic devices. illuminating insightful justified Show how different poetic devices add beauty and meaning to poetry. credible insightful

The learner performs in a ( e.g. Choral, sketches /drawing, dance, dramatic, song) Interpretation of an Afro-Asian poem.

Imagery, sounds, figurative language, symbolism and other poetic devices add up in shaping the meaning of Afro-Asian poetry as much as they connect ideas to familiar, ordinary but significant experiences.

Performance assessment of an Choral Interpretation of an Afro-Asian poem based on the following criteria: -Voice -Delivery -Interpretation -Mastery -Gestures /Body Movements -Props -Language Conventions

How are meaningful perceptions being shaped in Afro-Asian poetry?

CHORAL INTERPRETATION - a groups oral artistic / stylistic interpretation of the literary texts meaning. This requires orchestration of moves and gestures, smoothness of delivery, quality of voice, appropriateness of facial expressions, masks, costumes and props.



Describe the power of sensory/figurative language and participles in creating meaning of a poem. accurate insightful justified Synthesize figurative language used. accurate credible illuminating Interpretation Interpret Afro-Asian poems through using illustrations. illustrative insightful meaningful Illustrate how literary/ poetic devices help one understand clearly the meaning of the poem. insightful meaningful significant Evaluate how the poet uses literary/ poetic devices. illustrative insightful 22


Make meaning of the sensory images in the poem read. illustrative insightful significant Make sense of how the poet uses vivid descriptive words for the readers to visualize familiar images in a new, original, surprising and unfamiliar ways. illustrative insightful meaningful Evaluate how the poet uses expressions of his thoughts, feelings and observations in life. insightful meaningful significant Critique the subtleties of literary/poetic devices and techniques in the comprehension and creation of poems. insightful meaningful 23


Application Produce a well-prepared, creative and imaginative Choral Interpretation of an Afro-Asian poem. Effective Efficient Fluent Use the language effectively to convey knowledge, meaning and communication. adaptive effective efficient fluent Use participles and participial phrases to express ones feelings and thoughts in writing a poem. Effective Efficient fluent Perspective Compare Afro-Asian language, oral traditions and poems that reflect their customs, culture and societies. credible insightful 24

revealing Understand how to respond critically to an Afro-Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Analyze the effectiveness of complex elements of an Afro-Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Examine a poem from several critical perspectives. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible View concepts and ideas presented in a poem from different perspectives. credible insightful plausible revealing Infer the emotional appeal of the poem read. credible insightful plausible


Empathy Understand how and why people react differently to poems based on their background knowledge, purpose and point of view. insightful open perceptive receptive Connect information and experiences in text to life and life to text experiences. open insightful perceptive receptive Consider how others use rhythm, rhyme and language for effect. open receptive receptive tactful Be open to the links between ones life and that of others throughout the world as reflected in Afro-Asian poems. open receptive 26


Show value and respect for others and diversity as evident in Afro-Asian and Filipino poetry. insightful open perceptive Self-knowledge Recognize ones knowledge, strengths, and values as effect of ones understanding and appreciation of Afro-Asian poem read. self- adjusting self-aware meta cognitive reflective State the effect of a poem in ones value system. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise
Use self- correction strategies on presenting a creative and imaginative Choral Interpretation of Afro-Asian poem. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise


Quarter 3: POETRY
Standard Content Performance Essential Understanding Question Product/ Performance Understanding Explanation The structure and content of Afro-Asian poetry reflect the peoples identity that contribute much in promoting and enriching their beliefs, attitudes, tradition and culture; thus help in the betterment of the society and the world. . Why do A creative learners and original study haiku Afro-Asian poetry?
Discuss the nature, special features and elements of haiku /hokku/ tanka/ and other Afro- Asian poetry. accurate insightful justified Express emotional reaction to what was presented in the poem. credible insightful illuminating Describe the relationships among the elements of a haiku, tanka and other Afro-Asian poems. insightful illuminating justified Explain how literary techniques help in bringing out the beauty and essence of the poem. insightful illuminating justified Synthesize production elements that contribute to

At the level of Performance Performance assessment of a haiku based on the following criteria: -Focus/ Theme -Imagery -Rhythm -Language -Visuals

Topic 3 The learner demonstrates The learner understanding of how haiku, tanka, writes an original hokku and other Afro -Asian poetry haiku. present and promote the ideals, beliefs, culture and experiences of the people; thus enhance and preserve worthwhile universal values. Language Focus: Using correct gerunds in expressing appreciation and understanding of Afro-Asian poetry.

HOKKU - an old form of HAIKU with 3 lines following 5-7-5 syllables pattern.

TANKA - a classic Japanese verse form expressing intense emotion in 5 lines comprising 31 syllables following 5-7-5-77syllables pattern. It is a brief but beautiful poem that describes strikingly beautiful scenery that appeal to the senses. They originally developed from songs.


the development and effectiveness of writing a haiku accurate insightful illuminating Show appreciation of the significant human experiences highlighted in haiku hokku, tanka and other contemporary AfroAsian and Filipino poems. credible insightful illuminating Interpretation Analyze the distinct qualities of a haiku hokku, and tanka insightful meaningful significant Evaluate the common features of Afro-Asian and Filipino poems. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Evaluate how the poets choose words to create effective expressions of their thoughts, feelings and observations in life. illustrative insightful meaningful



Read, comprehend, discuss and interpret Afro-Asian poems highlighting their culture, beliefs and societies. illustrative insightful meaningful significant Make sense of a haiku through using appropriate media and technological aids. illustrative meaningful illuminating Application Write a haiku. adaptive effective efficient fluent

Use appropriate gerunds highlighting feelings, thoughts, actions and observations in life . adaptive effective efficient fluent Refine presentation of significant human 30

experiences in poems. adaptive effective efficient diverse Demonstrate a mature command of the language with freshness of expressions and varied structures. effective efficient fluent Produce written and oral works that demonstrate comprehension and appreciation of Afro-Asian poems. effective efficient diverse fluent Use the language effectively to convey knowledge, meaning and communication. adaptive effective efficient fluent Stimulate oral appreciation of a haiku /hokko / tanka 31

effective efficient fluent realistic

Perspective Compare Afro Asian language, oral traditions and poems that reflect their customs, culture and societies. credible insightful revealing Understand how to respond critically to an Afro-Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Analyze the effectiveness of complex elements of an Afro- Asian poem. critical in analytical sense insightful plausible Examine a haiku from several critical perspectives. critical in analytical

insightful plausible

View concepts and ideas presented in an Afro-Asian


poem from different perspectives. credible insightful plausible revealing Compare and contrast different culture and traditions as reflected in Afro-Asian and Filipino poems credible insightful plausible revealing nfer the emotional appeal of the poem read. Credible Insightful Plausible Empathy Evaluate own and others style for organizing, preparing and presenting a very unique haiku. insightful open perceptive receptive Understand how and why people react differently to poems based on their background knowledge, purpose and point of view. insightful


open perceptive receptive

Connect information and experiences in text to life and life to text experiences. open insightful perceptive receptive Consider how others use rhythm, rhyme and language for effect. open receptive receptive tactful Be open to the links between ones life and that of others throughout the world as reflected in AfroAsian poems. open receptive perceptive Show value and respect for others and diversity as evident in Afro-Asian and Filipino poetry. insightful open perceptive Self-knowledge Recognize ones


knowledge, strengths and values as effect of ones understanding and appreciation of a haiku and other Afro-Asian poem read. self- adjusting self-aware meta cognitive reflective State the effect of a poem in ones value system. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise Use self- correction strategies or writing a haiku. self-adjusting meta cognitive mature wise


Quarter 4 ESSAY

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
STAGE 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question The learner demonstrates understanding of how a sterling description necessitates the use of vibrant, colorful, sensory, figurative and picture making words to portray specific and clear images of people, places, and objects or ideas; likewise, to create a strong mood in writing. Language: The learner demonstrates understanding of participles, figurative language, idioms and correct positions of adjectives to enhance descriptive writing. Forms: *Correct positions of adjectives *participles (generic and phrasal) *figurative language The learner produces a powerful descriptive essay. A powerful description plays a significant role in composition writing by taking into consideration the use of clearer words, more convincing writing style, and by using concepts which are easier to understand. Descriptive words and sensory images bring life to a given composition. How does a powerful description enhance the writing of a composition? Product/ Performance A powerful descriptive essay
DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY -a special kind of essay that creates a vivid, colorful, moving and lively picture of a subject-in-focus (object, animal, plant, place, person, figures of speech, symbolism are used to bring images into life.

STAGE2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance Explanation Explain the basic features of a descriptive essay. Accurate Justified Credible Demonstrate a clear perception of writing a descriptive essay. Illuminating Credible Authentic Make a clear and interesting explanation on the elements of a descriptive essay. Reflective Accurate Insightful Demonstrate understanding of the steps in writing a descriptive essay. Justified Comprehensive Insightful Interpretation Make sense of the parts of a Performance assessment of a powerful descriptive essay based on the following criteria: Focus/idea Structure Organization Tone Language Mechanics

What is a composition without words? What are words without sensory images?

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
Functions: *Describing vividly items like objects, ideas, thoughts, feelings etc. *presenting clear descriptions *using sensory- based picture forming words *using special expressions to clarify and specify actions, intention and ideas. descriptive essay. Meaningful Illustrative Significant Make meaning of the organizational patterns that enrich a descriptive essay. Meaningful Insightful Illuminating Authentic Application Exhibit knowledge in writing a descriptive essay. Insightful Credible Revealing Persuasive Use the correct forms, functions and positions of adjectives in writing a descriptive essay. Efficient Effective Integrate technology in the presentation. Perspective Analyze the patterns of organization and

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
appropriateness of words used in a descriptive essay. Credible Revealing Accurate Insightful Empathy Consider others point of view in writing a description. Convincing Receptive Challenging Insightful Self Knowledge Reflect on the significance of sensory words and figurative language in writing a descriptive essay Self-aware Self-adjusting Mature Objective Conduct self-evaluation by reviewing how a powerful descriptive essay creates clear images of the subject being discussed. Mature Reflective Objective Meta cognitive

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
Topic 1: Description of an Object

Standard Content Topic 1 The learner demonstrates understanding of how a straight forward description consisting of sensory and specific words as well as clear descriptive details all of which help in creating a dominant impression about the nature of the objects.
Language Focus: Correct positions/order of adjectives in a series

Performance The learner writes a clear description of an object.

Essential Understanding Creating sensory image that makes one not only see the object but also smell, hear, taste and feel it by using sensory and specific words truly makes a description interesting. The learner demonstrates understanding of how a sterling description necessitates the use of vibrant, colorful, sensory, figurative and picture making words to portray specific and clear images of people, places, and objects or ideas; likewise, to create a strong mood in writing.


Product/ Performance A clear description of an object

STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Performance

How can a description of an object become interesting? How can the use of descriptive words help in bringing to life a specific subject?

Explanation Explain the basic principles of paragraph development. Accurate Coherent Insightful Demonstrate knowledge of the different kinds of descriptive paragraph. Accurate Coherent Predictive Discuss how the use of descriptive words can help in bringing to life a specific subject. Credible Justified Insightful Interpretation Make sense of an object through the use of vivid descriptive details. Illustrative Insightful

Performance assessment of a clear description of an object based on the following criteria: Focus/ideas Structure Organization Style Tone Language Mechanics

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
Meaningful Significant Make meaning of a descriptive paragraph through the use of specific, sensory words. Illustrative Illuminating Meaningful Insightful Application Produce an interesting description of an object. Efficient Fluent Effective Use clear sensory details that create vivid images. Adaptive Fluent Effective Exhibit competence in following the order of adjectives in a series. Illustrative Meaningful Significant Perspective Analyze the quality of the

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
object presented based on the descriptive details. Credible Insightful Revealing Compare and contrast objects having their descriptions as bases. Credible Insightful Revealing Empathy Consider others suggestions on the use of descriptive words in a paragraph. Perceptive Insightful Open Receptive Imagine somebody elses description of an object based on the use of clear and exact words. Insightful Perceptive Open Self-knowledge Reflect on the accuracy of

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
descriptive details presented in a composition. Meta cognitive Mature Reflective Self-adjusting Conduct self-evaluation of the content, style, and language considered in the description of an object. Mature Mata cognitive Self-adjusting

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY Topic 2: Description of a Place

STAGE 1: RESULTS/OUTCOMES Standard Essential Content Performance Understanding Question The learner demonstrates understanding on writing an impressive description of a place calls for choosing the right words and using logical, well organized picture which conveys the mood , or visions, reinforcing a realistic experience Language Focus: *Use of Participles in describing place The learner writes and presents an impressive essay describing a place. A significant overall impression of an image strengthened by the communication of the feeling or mood transported through a meaningful pattern allows one to visit an imaginary and fantastic place. What constitutes an impressive description of a place? Explain. How does an overall impression of an image allow one to visit an imaginary fantastic place? Product/ Performance An impressive description of a place STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Performance Explanation Explain the conventions in writing a description of a place. Accurate Coherent insightful Recognize the use of colorful and moving descriptive words in describing a place. Accurate Coherent Predictive Discuss how word choice and writing style help enhance descriptive details. Credible Justified Insightful Interpretation Construct a well written discourse highlighting Performance assessment on a description of place based on the following criteria: Focus/ideas Structure Organization Style Language Mechanics

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
description of a place. Illustrative Insightful Meaningful Significant Make meaning of a places description by merit of descriptive details and sensory images. Illustrative Illuminating Meaningful Insightful Application Use participles correctly in describing a place. Efficient Fluent Effective Produce an impressive description of a place after taking into consideration the validity of facts and accuracy of information. Credible Insightful Plausible Perspective Analyze the richness of

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
information contained in a paragraph describing a place. Credible Insightful Plausible Revealing Empathy Evaluate own and others descriptions of places using a set of rubrics. Insightful Perceptive Open Receptive Be open to feedback on the quality of description produced. Insightful Perceptive Open Self-knowledge Reflect on the quality of the written description of a place. Mature Reflective Meta cognitive Self-adjusting


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY Topic 3: A Character Portrait


Standard Content The learner demonstrates understanding of bringing an imaginary character come into life vividly and realistically means accentuating descriptive details of appearance, movement, and personality of a character in focus through precise, vivid, colorful, sensory, picturemaking and figurative yet specific language. Language Focus: Adjective clauses Performance The learner produces and presents a striking character portrait

Essential Understanding Picturing out a character as a unique and distinct individual who is vibrant and alive on the page is bolstered by descriptive details, picture-making and sensory words.

Question How is a striking character portrait written? How do descriptive details and picture making and sensory words help the learner present a striking character portrait?

Product/ Performance A striking character portrait

STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding


Explanation Explain the requisites as well as the standard in writing a character portrait. Accurate Coherent insightful Recognize the use of colorful and moving descriptive words in describing a literary or imaginary character. Accurate Coherent Predictive Discuss how word choice and writing style help enhance descriptive details. Credible Justified Insightful Interpretation Construct a well written discourse highlighting a

Performance assessment of a character portrait based on the following criteria: Focus/ideas Structure Organization Style Language Mechanics


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY

characters description. Illustrative Insightful Meaningful Significant Derive meaning of a characters description by merit of descriptive details and sensory images. Illustrative Illuminating Meaningful Insightful Application Use effective adjective clauses in describing a character. Efficient Fluent Effective Produce an impressive character portrait by taking in consideration the validity of facts and accuracy of information. Credible Insightful Plausible


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
Perspective Analyze the richness of information contained in a paragraph describing a literary or imaginary character. Credible Insightful Plausible Revealing Empathy Evaluate own and others character portraits using a set of rubrics. Insightful Perceptive Open Receptive Be open to feedback on the quality of description produced. Insightful Perceptive Open Self-knowledge Reflect on the quality of the character portrait produced. Mature Reflective Meta cognitive Self-adjusting


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY Topic 4: The Descriptive Essay


Standard Content The learner demonstrates understanding of descriptive writing to show what and how a person, a place, an object, or an idea looks like through the use of picture making and sensory words. Language Focus: Figurative language and special expressions like idioms Performance The learner writes a powerful descriptive essay.

Essential Understanding Creating specific images of a person, place or object with words that appeal to the senses makes up an impressive descriptive essay.


Product/ Performance A powerful descriptive essay

DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY -a special kind of essay that creates a vivid, colorful, moving and lively picture of a subject-in-focus (object, animal, plant, place, person), figures of speech, symbolism are used to bring images into life.

STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT At the level of Understanding Performance

What embodies a powerful descriptive essay? Explain. How do words that appeal to the senses make up an impressive descriptive essay?

Explanation Explain the requisites as well as the standard in writing a descriptive essay. Accurate Coherent Insightful Recognize the use of figurative language and idioms in writing a descriptive essay. Accurate Coherent Predictive Discuss how word choice and writing style help enhance descriptive details. Credible Justified Insightful Interpretation Construct a well written descriptive essay. Illustrative Insightful

Performance assessment of a powerful essay based on the following criteria: Focus/ideas Structure Organization Style Tone Language Mechanics


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
Meaningful Significant Derive meaning of a composition by merit of descriptive details and sensory images. Illustrative Illuminating Meaningful Insightful Application Use correct figurative language and idioms in a descriptive essay. Efficient Fluent Effective Produce an impressive descriptive essay by taking in consideration the validity of facts and accuracy of information. Credible Insightful Plausible Perspective Analyze the richness of information contained in an essay based on the richness of details. Credible


2010 Secondary Education Curriculum English II

Quarter 4 - ESSAY
Insightful Plausible Revealing

Empathy Evaluate own and others descriptive essays using a set of rubrics. Insightful Perceptive Open Receptive Be open to feedback on the quality of description produced. Insightful Perceptive Open Self-knowledge Reflect on the quality of the descriptive essay. Mature Reflective Meta cognitive Self-adjusting
As of March 9, 2011



The Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the 2002 Secondary Education Curriculum: Findings and Recommendations
The Bureau of Secondary Education was tasked by the Department of Education to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the new curriculum in secondary schools of the country. Accordingly, the Bureau conducted case studies of twenty secondary schools, grouped as follows: General high schools funded fully by the national government Newly established high schools funded jointly by the national, provincial, and municipal government Science high schools Private high schools Technical-vocational high schools

The purpose of the multiple case studies is not to produce an objective body of knowledge that can be generalized to all schools in the country, but to build collaboratively constructed descriptions and interpretations of practices, that enable supervisors, school heads, department heads, supervisors and teachers, to formulate acceptable ways of implementing the BEC, and to solve implementation problems that emerge. The case studies recognize that the school is a learning community where people continuously plan, observe, review and reflect on what they do in order to achieve shared goals and aspirations. The first monitoring and evaluation of the BEC implementation was conducted in September 2002, the second in October 2003, and the latest in September 2004.

The findings from the case studies were based primarily on qualitative data. To verify their reliability, the findings were compared with those obtained from quantitative data. No marked difference in both findings was observed. The following are the themes and patterns of school practices that emerged from the implementation of the BEC. 1. There are gross inconsistencies between means and ends. School heads, department heads, and teachers fully agree with the BEC that the desired learner/graduate should be functionally literate, a creative and critical thinker, an independent problem solver and a work-oriented lifelong learner who is MakaDiyos, Makabayan, Makatao and Makakalikasan. However, except in some Science high schools, there are gross inconsistencies between the kind of learner/graduate that the schools desire to produce and the strategies they employ. For example, instruction is still predominantly authoritative and textbook-based; learning is usually recipient and reproductive; supervision is commonly prescriptive and directive; and assessment is focused more on judging rather than improving performance. Moreover, while teachers believe in the importance of contextualizing or localizing the curriculum, yet many of them derive lessons more from course syllabi, textbooks, and competency lists rather than from the learners felt needs. While they believe in the full development of the learners potentials, yet lessons that they provide do not adequately address the differing needs and capabilities of the students. Recommendations: In schools where the inconsistencies exist, the following actions may be taken: The school head should organize a committee to identify and describe the curricular, instructional, supervisory, assessment, and managerial practices that do not contribute to the development of the desired learner/graduate. Focus group conversations may be conducted to clarify the school and non-school factors that reinforce the questionable practices and to develop and implement action programs to remove the inconsistencies. There should be a school assurance team to coordinate, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the action program. The removal of the inconsistencies should be among the primary goals of the school improvement plan and the focus of instructional supervision.

2. Teachers want to know more about integrated teaching. Across all school types, teachers have a positive attitude toward the integrative, interactive, brain-based approaches endorsed in the BEC. However, teachers do not feel confident to use the approaches because of their limited knowledge to operationalize them in terms of lesson planning; instructional materials development; and subject matter organization, presentation, and evaluation. Some of the school heads and teachers who returned from the BEC training seriously conducted school-based training. They reproduced and distributed BEC materials and coached teachers how to use them. Some, however, merely echoed what they learned; thus there are still many teachers who do not have enough knowledge about the key concepts and approaches in the BEC. Teachers do not just need ready-made daily or weekly lesson plans. They want full understanding of integrated teaching, i.e., its basic concepts, underlying assumptions, operational principles and approaches.

Recommendations: School heads should capitalize and reinforce the positive attitude of the teachers toward the BEC, particularly its instructional approaches. They should increase the teachers capability and confidence in using the approaches by providing the competencies they need. A needs assessment managed by teachers themselves should be conducted to identify gaps between actual and expected competencies. A benchmarking study may be conducted to close the gap. The study can start with internal benchmarking of successful practices by department or year level, and later expand to external benchmarking of successful practices of other schools. A handbook which explains the nature of integrated teaching, i.e., its underlying assumptions, principles, operational definition of terms, practical methods and approaches and examples of long and short range plans, can help remove

discrepancies between process and output. Schools are also encouraged to prepare leaflets and flyers on the integrative approaches.

3. Teachers have limited knowledge of constructivism as a learning theory. Learning as a construction process and the learner as a constructor of meaning is among the basic concepts of the BEC. The concept underlies the integrated approaches endorsed in the BEC. Although the concept was unfamiliar to many teachers, yet its operationalization was observable in some classes in Mathematics, Science, and Araling Panlipunan where problem-solving, inquiry or discovery approaches were being used. Application of the concept, however, was very limited. School documents like the yearly reports, school development and improvement plans, instructional and remedial programs, lesson plans, course syllabi, and teachers reports made little mention of how the concept was being applied to the teaching-learning process. Recommendations: The school head should develop a consensual understanding of constructivist learning among his teachers. This can be done through focus group conversations (FGC) by year level or by department. The conversations shall be facilitated preferably, by the school head, with division supervisors or nearby university professors as resource persons and consultants. The conversations should be backed up by extensive references on constructivist or integrative learning. The FGC shall be followed through by activities on the practical application of the theory; i.e., lesson planning, demonstrations, field tests of approaches, team teaching, etc. The outputs of the FGC can be additional inputs into the schools BEC Handbook. The Handbook should be revisited regularly to keep it self-correcting and self-renewing.

4. Students are having difficulties using English as learning medium. School heads and teachers recognize the difficulties that students face in learning English as a language and at the same time using it as a medium of learning. As such they have resorted to various ways of increasing the English proficiency of the students like holding essay contests, English campaigns, public speaking competitions and the like. The problem, however, has remained unabated. In English medium classes, both teachers and students usually shift to the local language to ensure that they understand each other. The fall-back language is usually Taglish, which students in non-Tagalog provinces are ill at ease. BEC advocates the development of creative, critical thinkers and problem solvers. Teachers find this difficult to achieve in English medium classes where students have poor oral, aural, reading, and writing skills. In these classes, teachers are prone to resort to simple recall, recognition and leading questions and to minimize questions that demand complex reasoning, explanations, elaborations, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, which students find frustrating and even exasperating.

Recommendations: Schools should consider developing and testing the effectiveness of the following measures in increasing students English proficiency: Voluntary participation in English remedial sessions facilitated by volunteer students. Facilitators are selected on the basis of their English proficiency and are given special training on how to facilitate group learning. A system of incentives is provided to both walk-in students and volunteer facilitators. Proficient English students from higher levels, mentoring students from the lower levels. The participation in the project of both mentors and learners is voluntary but the school provides an incentive system to support the project.

Holding regular English writing and impromptu speaking contests using criterion-referenced evaluation. To encourage wide participation, multiple winners, not only the best, are proclaimed. At the end of the semester, the classes with the biggest number of winners are given citations. Using the results of achievement tests for the previous years, the school conducts frequency and error analysis of English competencies that students failed to master. Remedial measures are instituted and continuously evaluated for their effectiveness in producing the desired change in achievement.

5. Several factors constrain teachers from playing their role as facilitators of the learning process. Teachers are open to new opportunities and possibilities offered by the BEC to accelerate learning. They are fully aware of the limitations of the traditional expository methods in facilitating the full development of the students potentials and are willing to learn how to be more effective facilitators of the integrative learning process. From the field data, however, emerged several factors that inhibit the teachers from playing the facilitators role effectively: namely, students English deficiency that hinders critical discussion; overcrowded classes that restrict interactive learning; insufficient supply of textbooks that predisposes teachers to lecture; prescriptive supervision that constricts teacher creativity and initiative; and an examination system that encourages authoritative teaching. Confronted with these constraints teachers tend to fall back on traditional expository modes like lecturing, question-and-answer, dictation exercises, and practice tests. Recommendations: Use best practices approach by benchmarking classes, which, despite constraints of overcrowding, a foreign learning medium, insufficient textbooks, and supervisory and assessment restrictions, still continue to be facilitative rather than directive or prescriptive in teaching.

6. Promising alternative supervisory approaches are emerging. Several promising supervisory approaches are emerging. One of these is collaborative supervision whereby groups of two or more teachers help one another to improve their teaching practices as well as discover better ways of teaching. They identify and address common instructional problems, share experiences and resources, and monitor and evaluate their progress. Another emerging approach is self-directed supervision, which is common among experienced and highly-motivated teachers. In this practice each teacher assumes full responsibility for improving his instructional practices and promoting his professional growth. In both above-mentioned approaches the school head participates mainly as consultant, adviser, resource linker or provider, reinforcer and facilitator. These supervisory approaches however, are not widespread. Mentoring is also emerging as an alternative supervisory approach although it is still in a tentative and inchoate state. There are schools, however, that are already talking about putting up a mentors pool for the professional and career development of their teachers. The most common supervisory practice is the conventional type whereby the supervisor observes a class as an expert or authority and makes on-the-spot recommendations which the teacher is expected to implement. Teachers find the practice threatening and disempowering. It stifles initiatives and creativity, lowers self-esteem, and encourages conformity but not commitment. In many cases the school head delegates the supervisory function to department heads, who, teachers claim tend to inspect and evaluate rather than improve performance. A common but unpopular practice is the laissez faire type, whereby school heads, assuming that teachers know best being major in their subjects, give teachers the freedom to select teaching methods. Many of these school heads do not observe classes.

Recommendations: With the continuing increase in supervisor-teacher ratio it would not be practical anymore to depend on the traditional supervisory approach to improve teachers performance. The school head should explore the following alternatives: Self-directed supervision for experienced, strongly motivated, and innovative teachers; Peer or collaborative supervision for teachers who can work in teams or quality circles; Mentoring of new teachers and coaching the mediocre and low performers. These necessitate putting up a pool of trained volunteer mentors.

The school head should avoid copying these alternative modes, but rather benchmark them in order to adapt the practices to the needs and conditions of his school. The institutionalization of the best supervisory practices should be an important strategic goal in the School Development Plan. Supervisors as instructional leaders should not only limit their functions to giving direct instructional assistance, curriculum development, and staff development. Educational impact cannot be produced by teachers working individually but by teachers working collaboratively toward shared goals. Therefore, teachers group development for collective action should also be part of the supervisors responsibility. So that teachers would not be slavishly dependent upon foreign ideas and methods, supervisors should help them become knowledge workers by training them in classroom-based action research. This type of research is collaborative, user-friendly, nonstatistical and naturalistic. Public school teachers are using many innovative teaching methods and materials which do not become part of our educational heritage because they are not systematically developed and properly documented. There is a need for supervisors to train teachers how to test their methods as they teach. This is classroombased action research, a practical technique for developing and confirming best practices.

7. Teachers need more knowledge and skills to operationalize Makabayan as a Laboratory of Life. School heads and teachers find the laboratory of life concept of Makabayan novel and quite interesting and have come up with some imaginative schemes to implement the concept. Among these are the 8-2 plan (8 weeks of the grading period for teaching the four learning areas separately and 2 weeks for the integrated culminating activities), the planned or deliberate integration (a weekly lesson plan carries two or three related objectives from the other learning areas) and incidental integration (related content and skills from other disciplines are taken up as they crop up during the development of the lesson). Teachers, however, find the integration of the four Makabayan learning areas difficult to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate for several reasons: (1) lack of a common vacant period for planning the integration, (2) limited knowledge of the interdisciplinary, interactive methods, and (3) lack of readily available teacher-friendly expert assistance. Moreover, the anxiety of not being able to cover the units expected for a grading period and the threat of division achievement tests that are text-book based, predispose teachers to separate-subject teaching. There are also teachers who are lukewarm toward integration because they believe that integrating other subjects would reduce the time to teach the competencies prescribed for their own subject. Since their efficiency is assessed more by their students performance in division tests than by how well they have integrated their subject with other subjects, their tendency is to give less attention to integration. Recommendations: School heads should conduct consultative or brainstorming sessions with their staff to resolve problems and issues related to the implementation of Makabayan as laboratory of life. The four Makabayan learning areas have to be scheduled in such a way that the teachers will have time to meet and plan integrated lessons. Schools superintendents should also consider putting up pilot or experimental schools for the teaching of Makabayan to lessen the trial-and-error practices which confuse teachers.

8. Teachers are divided on how to teach values. Two patterns of thought emerged from the field data. One favors the integration of values education in all the subjects and not teaching it as a separate subject. It recommends that the time allotted to values education in the present curriculum should be used instead to increase the time allotment for TLE and AP. The other pattern favors the teaching of values education as a separate subject for the reason that effective teaching of values involves going through the valuing process of clarifying, analyzing and choosing in relation to decisions and actions, which cannot be adequately enhanced in the integrated scheme. It is further argued that since values shape and guide important decisions and actions, their development should not be left to chance. Hence, value education should remain a separate subject. Recommendations: To help resolve the issue whether values education should remain as a separate subject or as an integral part of the other subjects, two approaches are recommended. The values education teachers should approach the teaching of the subject as action researchers. Working as a team, they identify a common teaching problem, plan and implement a solution, observe and reflect on the feedback, and continue the process until they get the desired result. The action research process would shed more light on the issue. Values education as a separate subject in the Basic Education Curriculum today should be viewed as a case study or a focus of inquiry rather than a mandate. How do students personally perceive and feel about the methods, materials, and the assessment and reporting systems that are being used? The approach would make the classroom teachers active generators of experience-based knowledge and not mere passive transmitters of knowledge from some remote experts.

9. Teachers teach to the test, students study to the test. The use of traditional assessment tools like the multiple-response, simple recall, recognition and application tests is predominant. Rubrics, portfolios, and other forms of authentic assessment are not widely used. Teachers are aware of the limitations of traditional tests and the need for alternative forms to measure higher order thinking skills. However, they tend to resort to the traditional forms for several compelling reasons: These are the types used in periodic and achievement examinations. They are easier to score. (Teachers teach as many as 300 to 400 students a day and scoring non-traditional measures like rubrics could be an ordeal.) They are easier to prepare than the non-traditional forms like portfolios, rubrics, and other authentic measures. These are what everybody else is using. Teachers have inadequate knowledge of authentic learning and authentic assessment.

Documentary analysis showed that schools in general lack an institutionalized system of utilizing test results for diagnostic and remedial purposes. Teachers tend to teach to the test; students tend to study to the test. This culture is reinforced by supervisors who specify units to be taught and tested for each grading period and use test results more for judging rather than improving teacher and student performance. Recommendations: Schools should review their present assessment practices. The teacher appraisal system and the kinds of tests used in the classroom as well as those, in the division and national examinations, should be evaluated against the goals and objectives of the Basic Education Curriculum, among which is the development of critical thinkers and problem solvers. Schools should also consider the use of alternative assessment tools and techniques that would provide opportunities for students to experience learning as an enjoyable, delighting process of inquiry, discovery, construction and creation of new knowledge, rather than as a tedious process of cramming to pass examinations.

While schools should double their efforts for students mastery of the basic competencies they should also never lose sight of the fact that their ultimate goal should be the development of functionally literate citizens of a democratic community.

10. Schools are moving toward shared governance. Although most of the centralized organizational charts displayed in the principals office, are still the same charts before R.A.9155, yet shared governance and participative leadership were clearly evident in many schools. The involvement of ad hoc committees, task forces, study groups, action cells, and the conduct of consultative meetings, and brainstorming sessions, to assist the school head make administrative or instructional decisions, were regular patterns that cropped up in individual and group interviews. Another promising pattern is rotational delegation of authority by the school head, among department heads and subject leaders, as well. Recommendations: Schools should continue reinforcing their efforts toward the institutionalization of shared governance as envisioned in R.A. 9155. To facilitate the process, they should make shared governance as one of the strategic goals in their educational plans. The goals should be supported by a long-range program jointly designed, developed, implemented, monitored by the school heads, department heads and teachers. The program components should include needs analysis, competencybased training, benchmarking studies, design and development of appropriate organizational structure and staffing, monitoring and evaluation and a reward system.
The traditional end-of-the-year assessment, characterized by achievement testing and one-shot school visits, should be evaluated. The process which has been going on for decades, has not improved school performance and student achievement. A better alternative should be considered.

ANNEX B Guide Questions for the Review of the Curriculum

Stage 1 Content Standards Do the content standards reflect the desired results: the most important and enduring ideas, issues, principles and concepts from the disciplines; and skills and habits of mind that should be taught and learned? Are the standards attainable, considering the capabilities of the target learners? Performance Standards Do the performance standards express the criteria against which students performances or products shall be assessed? Do they answer the question, How well must students do their work? Essential Understandings Are they the big and enduring ideas drawn from the disciplines? Do they reflect the major problems, issues and themes that are deemed most important for students to learn? Essential Questions Do they center around the major understanding, problem, issue or theme? Do they unpack the essential understandings? Are they relevant to students lives? To society? Do they provide enough challenge or rigor? Are they manageable: not too demanding of time or resources? Are they suitable to the target students ages, interests, and abilities?

Stage 2 Assessment Are they directly linked to standards through clearly stated criteria? Do they provide for multiple sources of evidence to document student progress/attainment of standards? Products and Performances Do they provide enough evidence of learning or attainment of the standard(s)? Do they accommodate a range of multiple intelligences and learning styles? Do they permit choices? Do they demonstrate conceptual understanding, and content and skill acquisition? Do they emerge naturally from the instructional activities? Do they provide for individual or group work?

Stage 3 Instructional Activities Do they address one or more specific standards? Do they involve significant content and processes from the standards? Do they lead to products and performances that can be used to assess student learning? Do they promote active learning? Do the introductory activities engage and motivate students? Do the enabling activities ensure student progress toward the attainment of the standards? Are these sufficient? Do the culminating activities encompass the identified standards? Do they require students to demonstrate their learning in relation to the standards?

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