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Matrubhoomi May 09

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E{` ]b g_mO` VX^md{ g Xw]b:, V_mV E{` mgpV XT amQ> Y_m ohVofm:!

efJeveecetue F-ceeefmeke
14 q 2009 uzZ M. 5, zM 1931

Debke - 5

H$r K{Vb{ Z dV h{ Amhr AYV{Z{,

bYH$mm BoVhmg oZgm _mZ{,
O{ oX` XmhH$ hmm{oZ Agmd`mM{,
gmW lr_X^mdVmrVm! ]w`mMr
MrZYmoO`m amQ>Xm{hr _`marZ{ AX_mZmVyZ [wgb{`m,
[m H$m{Q>r H$m{Q>r ohXy_ZmV gXd H$m{ab{`m `mM `m oX`[Vr...

The Golden Moment in the History!


The Hindustan during A.D 1200 -1600 was ruled ruthlessly by the Mughals, the Turks,
the Afagans, the Jihadi attackers. Due to the oppression Hindu society was going
towards annihilation.
It was Chatrapati Shivaji raje Bhosale, who became the only hope for independence
from foreign rulers, successfully protected Hindus, Hindu Dharma and Hindustan. He
defeated the Jihadi attackers to bring hope to the depressed Hindus that they CAN win
and they MUST win and be the rules of their homeland,matrubhoomi.He proved
oppressed Hindus by self example and exhibiting great bravery and valor.
He elevated himself to the king by the ceremony of coronation the Rajyabhisheka in
ancient Hindu traditional way on On the 13th day (shuddha trayodashi) of the first
fortnight of the month of 'Jyeshtha' in the year 1596, which had not been performed to
any of Hindu king since 4 centuries of Muslim rulers. He was undoubtedly the king in
people's mind but to give recognition to the "Hindavi Swarajya" the Rajyabhiskeka was
carried out.
He will always be remembered for ending the oppression and putting foundation stone
for the Hindu kingdom again.
Even after 333 years every Hindu heart salutes him and feels proud of their own King.

xuiic ai
erxii qWlqas | zuxmS zpS |
xuii paui | iuqW rzri uS ||k||
Uc cilr qi i , li xmSc
xuii paui | qi U i irc
mUuzicr lpi ic AMz Wz
xuii paui | cSh cqcq sZsZz ||
asuUcr Mxq Mu Mxqcr as
xuii paui | ic e usxix ss
i xrc ie ESkc aprW ic ||
xuii paui | Alrj aWh l ic ||
q q W ifc m isc uSi
xuii paui | rael mUo uSi
e e Eq ES Ei qWlqkU i i
xuii paui | xu iu xWcU Wi ||
W Akq U Uei | xel-mei | xuii
iexP qUh i ell
ieuh ell i qUh
ie xMs cUcU zUh
pUipqs SRsal Mk Szs uUS
xuii paui | iuqW rzri uS ||
Wqsrcr Wqxkc sp zMUs
Q ij MUhrc M is uO As
Wr AUx AmxUxl xUx MUhrs
xkkus elWuxi i M a iu ires ||
xuii | xuhpqi Mqi Mr is
MWlUc mwm Ue b ie uhs
W xMs--xri Aqc qi pUi Axi
M iu RMsl Sks
muc qqi xUs
mUYrc Sx fs
eu iVqV, M i ires EU c S
xuii paui | iuqW rzri uS ||
erxii qWlqas | zuxmS zpS |
xuii paui | iuqW rzri uS ||


xuiic ai
qS pauSai
Yr MD qxsq Mp xYrsU W xMi W
xuUMUcr QtrxqUs qxsq xqe
Nmi zue qWUe eulq
xu. u. S. xuUMU - eulq
ucu Ax MW : mxiM mUcr
xS Si aUzZU
xu.xuUMUc ZQi aess EQ
okMj : An Interesting Conversation
Kashmir belongs to whom
WSl uc Ah uxl e !
The Prince of The Lost World

xuiruU u. S. xuUMU
mP 6
xUz cmVhMU
xUp zqUe
xUe qWel
Aziw mOhMU
ulrM osmU
Apei omO

xUp uzmrl
Santosh Dengale
Chirag Patki
ulS aU
Chaitanya Gotkhindikar 45

Cxuxl 1896-97 qkr mhri msal
kqMV bis Wi. irWmr kqMV
Caecr AircUl bis Wi.MxUi
OVMl sWs,"Aqcr Su Ah orMuU
Wi OMhrmri qes as. AqcrxUZ lqS mjucr mPuU xmQhU
lWi.........UQi Mr ? AQSQl MrS zMu !" irl mOl EPl cTMU
okl UQ r Cae AkM-rc Wir Ms.iros irl Tz fs.ircr
osSluU LM 14 uw urcr qsl e A RVs i xTOM Wi.cTMUc
Mr q rmR M csu lr ? ir qsc lu Wi "paU, e.lzM" rj 28 q
1183 Ue elqs Ass xuiruU ulrM SqSU xuUMU.


xu. xuUMUxP Ax LMW luWi M ej irl WSxjlis AxZrcr

euls , WSrs xmz Ms lW.xuUMUc uhl LM xuirxll qWhl MUu
M LM xWirMU qWhl M LM jU xqexkUM qWhl ! xuis xl
1900qkr qqV W xbOl xjml ircc mR miU 'Aplu pUi '
xbOlqkr Ml icrU oOzcr esq UeuO uUk LM AaV iMr
Ep MUhU xll qWhl ixc ASqli Mtr mhrc z pahU
,Euupwi AxlW LM xqlr alWaUmqh Ms ARhrcW z
pahU LM qipqc l:xxq p qWhl xulc irc AVZ AW.xui
pUicr xkrcr Ukuez xkqr AxhU iUa kue W qSq Mq
rcrxoi mjq xuUMUl xOOaO rj TQMus. iruU sWs Wi 'uSqiUq'.
ircoUoU ircr qlis LM xWirM , LM WVuU qlc Mu xii ea
Wi.'Mqs' xUZ qWMur irl MVzl MUaWcr piuU sWs.mjq
piuU sWl i qZi MUi Ah mxl mlW mRc pa sWi Axi. ush
iu, Mza oqi,qipqc eeusr Apql,xbOl Mzsr,Mu ,
xqexkUM Ah irW mR eFl LM ucUui Az AVZ irl eai
WSc xZroVc WSc Ah WSxjlis sMzWc Uh M zMs W irc
kUh Wi.ueaw, uluS Ah upuzs AZQ WSU uWu W irc

EiMO CcN Wi.xZroVs i iMi qli Axi MUh eU xZroV bOi as
iU sMxZrc is RVl WSeul mic Axiiuc kYri rDs. ixc
kqiUhc kM r Szcr xxMiM ucUkUc xok iQl OMl Sx-r
psirc xxMiz irc lV eQs ruU irc lUizr ux Wi. qWhlc i
qWhi M kqiUh qWhec UiUh.
LM S ucUui qWhl irl uVuV Sss CzU Ae SSul ZU Wil Sxi
AWi.irc ucUc mcx Wi.
1)UeMUhc WSMUh :
Wss ers WOVl WSiu uS qWhii ! Arc a qWhe qxsql Mh
qxsquS qWhi lWi Mu Zl kq qlh-rl Mh ZluS qWhi
lWi mh WSl q WSiuuS qWhl Whus ei. qWhlc i qli M WSc
UO UeMUhi lqh fsrzur Szis sMzWs oVMO mmi WhU lW.
2)WSc xlMMUh :
eal Sl qWr mWs Wi ,kqcr AkUuU lbss xQx W Alpus
Wi. qWhlc r W MiW ulzMU Axs iU mmi mUxjiqkr i AOV
Axi Ah Axiiucr sRDs AiruzrM PUi Az irc kUh Wi. xui
WSxjlcr CiWxiW mMxil,oasSz Ah cl rl uUcuU Wc
Axiiuc sRD r SzuU sSs AW.irqV xlriW UuS pul SRqs
fsrzur luuV uMxcr amml MWc Aj UWhU lW Ax irc qi Wi.
xu.xuUMU 1957 cr Sss rjs pwhi qWhii , " uMx Ah xqcr
rel Auzr olusr mWei mUi Wc xq zs xsi Axi,Eei MUi
Axi , Wssrs mUi MUi Axi.mYYr xQM oluil rc xQMul zW
Ams UhaQ ulxrx AhhU AW rc pl Mrq Pus mWe. qWhlc
xUh Ah ir xPc xlMMUh Ax kUhW AuzrM PUi."

3)qipS qimOU ur MUh :
1952 xs 'Aplu pUi' W xbOl oUZxi MUil i qWhii,"xui
WSxjli Wxs ea lW Ah xu qipS W qimOcr qkrqilc ur Ms
as mWei.
Szi 'bOl' , oWU 'i'
Szi 'AMz' , oWU 'isuU'
Szi 'zi', oWU 'r' (mir,UeliM,AjM)"
W lul iiu irl xui pUis Ss.Szis xkrcr ubOlMU cVuVcr
kYrcr mpquU irc W xSz oUc MW xal ei.
4)Szp :
mirM pUirs r pUip c p Axh Airi aUec AW.pUirl uSz
Aqhc pi u mspsl oV mQi Mq lr.
Axkxk mrli rxr pUi-pqM |
mip: mhrpu xu WSUi xqi: ||
5) ulli :
ulcr AkUuU eiq LMxk xqec Szs SRi , AZQi Ah upu
mmi Ml SDs ruU irc SR ux Wi.
WS xbOl W xu.xuUMUc Aiq Wi , irxP irl Ams Ep Arwr
xqjr AW cVuVc | e e MUs irc |
mUi ij pauic | Akl mWe ||
r UqSx xuqcr Aul iexu Mr Ms Ax i qli.
mUi ememr , mUh , xirlUrh rxUZr MqMQl irl xii uUk
Ms.MUh , orosis lqe , Ue, x, Zxi rcrqVc Su mu zMi r
SurlW irl Ts PUus. MUhis qipeM iiuqVc ArMUM uer

qVi as Ax xuic c mRs MVi euW aU-qxsqlW cVuVc
qWiu ehs iuW ZO mQs Ah aU-qxsqlW rUmi Ah CiU iiMc
ArMUM uer qVi as.WSxjliW xl 1600 mri WSc kuu EQuhr Zl miae Ah iM,ATah,qbs qxsql rc qimeM WSl
xbOlis zxi , iQT AhsruU xl 1600 mxl mR 1800 mri Uhi cml
MRs. qWhlc cVuVs AuzrM i xqjr , piM xklc
eVueVu,MPUis S MUQ, Wiiis isuU iZO , psrc mi OMSU
Ah fMss ublZ ehuW WSl Aiqxi Ms iuW rc qU Zh-r
WSl qipeMl mirM Uhi cml MRs Ax i qWhi.
WScr iiMsl rliqks M Su SZuil xu.xuUMU qWhii, "
WScr po MVi mh as iU WS W aDuU Wi EaUhU lW r
AWxc SwmUhq mWurx qVs.AqM qxsq xlr Amsr uruWmR
aDc MVm xQl csl ri Ah Wios WS xlr l sRic qbU bi Ax.
qsiluU moV WS xlr csl ric ijs uZri u mu xrqSU mQl OM
Az kqM Sh-rl eU Ax mirU Ss as Axi M ' mQ i xrqSU mh
qscN xqel b M W WS xl mUi l ei i qsil xQul bFl jO
Mos mri eiM qWhl qzS Sxs icruU aRuc laU TUusr zur
xQhU lW Ah Moscr zW qzScr zVuUc qsilc xrqSU oks
eDs !"
xu.xuUMUcr qi Ax eU WSMQl mirU As Axi iU WSc W Sluh
mUxji As lxi.
irc mqh AhZ LM bOl xail i qWhii ,'qsWUUu WVMUl
WSmSmizWc qMOqh Axh-r MzuU Nm bsl i q M mWic
Arkrcr lool kM bis M SuV mQ , ij oOu , oh ql OM.
irxUz ijs WSl EsO qsWUUu mRc Si ucMs, zmj bisr M Mz
qxsqlMQc UW u ! '
mUi eU ic mirUs Axi M ' mQ i SFV ! AUaeol ir uUc Ak
SFV mQl qzS olusc AW, i EUss mQ. Mm qPpU ohc zU mh
si Pu if aP Sss Wsul OMh-r qUz AW. Mzcr SuVc

xQ bhrxP qWUi iU qzS E ShU lW. UeMr si kqxjl l
Auqlhrc Aqcr WSc uWuO AW mh eU iqW i iQs iU WSW is
PMl Sis."
xZroVc qWiu ehhU xu.xuUMU qWhi "LM LM Aljsr W LMM
Aqk rCiM mhrmS AW". Ah SSul Alr kqrlc ircr r xssrc
msl Mss Sxi.
qWhlc mirqhc iiul qQh-r xu.xuUMUc ucU qWhe Aecr
sMzWcr MVz xxai Ax eai fss eipS uUWi WSxqe LM
rFl Sou aOU,qimOU xui:c Axiiu mxsr ehrmxl jmu zMi.
xu.xuUMU W r qipqc, pUipc l:xxq p Wi ri zM lW.ircr
mu xqis W ASUes.

qS pauSai (mP : irkrr: xZrra )

Wi u mmxrx xua eiu u prx qWq |
ixqS Mlir rr Milr: ||
paul Mwh Aels xaii "ri qsx iU xua qVs , Mu uer fsx iU
mjuc Uer pazs. qWhl W Ael , rc lr Ml EP || "

Yr MD qxsq Mp xYrsU W xMi W ?
-- . xUz cmVhMU -eqi-L-Cxsq M xxjmM qsl qSS MWi W M MUl M
AlxU u S pa q oO WA W, LM uW e AssW M iUT W AU
SxU e zil M iUT W | SzM xqA M SZlM CxsqM
leUr MWi W M uq Ms qsMU xT S Zq W , mWs SUEs-Cxsq (rl qxsq U zxi) AU SU-Es-Wo (rl
"lxiM" U zxi)| ElM laW q lxiM M Aj W e AssW
M lW qli, YrM u M Mx p kq M paul M u qlri W
lW Si W |
Cxsq xT LM kq W lW W, Axs q Cxsq LM memi i W W,
sMl Exx p oRMU rW LM xqc "uruxj" M m q qeS UWi W
Cxsq M MD zZL ex kqM, lrrM , UeliM,xqeM,AU
xlM Wi W | Cl xp zZA q xox EmU , xox mqZ AU xp
M sr oklMUM Wi W kqM zZ, exM xsW r lSz (osM
ASz) xp kqusqor M qll okrMU Wi W | Mx p Sz ,
mSz r M "CxsqMUh" MUl M LM mr Wi W |
eo p Mx Sz q qxsq elxZr LM uzw Almi x erS W
ei W io uW CxsqM ASsl z Wi W | zui q Ex Sz
uzw M UeliM uruxj xWwh AU oW-xxMiMuS olMU
qxsqlM Aml kq qll , mcU MUl M Alqi S Si W | ExM
oS Cxsq M "Alr zZr " Ex uruxj q Aml Oa AQl sai
W | Cx xqfl M sr Wq MD Sz M ESWUh SZa |
ADr SZi W M rW xU "Zs" Mx Wi W eoiM qxsq M elxZr Mx Sz/mSz/ q sapa 2% M

Axmx Wi W , io u LMSq zimr Lu MllmxS AsmxZrM
olMU UWi W AU Mx M uzw zMri M qM lW Si , ex AqUM - qxsq 0.6%
BxOsr -qxsq 1.5%
MlQ -qxsq 1.9%
cl -qxsq 1.8%
COs - qxsq 1.5 %
lu - qxsq 1.8%
eo qxsq elxZr 2% x 5% M oc iM mWc ei W,io u Alr
kqusor q Aml "kqmcU" z MU Si W , elq AYxU xqe
M lcs ioM AU Alr kqx Axi WL sa Wi W , ex M QlqM - qxsq 2%
eql -qxsq 3.7%
oOl -qxsq 2.7%
xml - qxsq 4%
jDshQ -qxsq 4.6 %
qxsq elxZr M 5% x FmU W el mU u Aml Almi M Wxo
x Alr kqusqor mU Sou oRl sai W AU Aml "mpu" eql
M Mzz MUl sai W | ESWUh M sr u xUMU Lu zma qs
mU "Wss" M qx UZl M Sou oll sai W | u MWi W M
"Wss" M qx l Zl x ElM kqM qlri mpui Wi W | Cx
MSq x MD mq Szq "Z uxiA " M oeU q qxsq M
iaQ mP ol | ElWl MD Sz M xmUqMO M qsM M Sou
QsMU Aml rW "Wss" M qx UZl mU okr Mr | SMlSU p
"klk" M SZi WL ElM MW ql si W (AkM elxZr Wl M

"TYOU" rWx qeoi Wl z W ei W ), Lx el Sz q W cM
uW W Tx - qxsq 8%
xuQl - qxsq 5.5%
xuOeUshQ - qxsq 5.3%
lSUshQ - qxsq 5.8%
lSS AU Ooa - qxsq 6%
Cx olS mU AMU "qxsq" xUMU mU rW Sou oll sai W M ElW
ElM "" q zUri Mll (CxsqM Mll) M qioM csl Sr
er (YrM ElM Aliq sr i rW W M xqc u "zUri"
Mll M Wxo x cs)|
eo qxsq elxZr 10% x AkM W ei W io u Ex
Sz/mSz/Uer/ uzw q Mll-uruxj M sr mUzl mS MUl
z MU Si W, zMri MUl z MU Si W , ElM AjM mUxji
M Ul seU oP ei W , NO-NO oiM xWwhi x sl M oer
Sa , iQTQ AS mU EiU Ai W | cW uW Tx M Sa W r ,
QlqM M MOl uuS W , r TU LqxOUQq q MU M esl W ,
WUM uuS M xqfof, oici x Ziq MUl M oer ZqZuW AU
W aWU olr ei W , ex M arl - qxsq 10%
pUi - qxsq 15%
Mlr - qxsq 11%
CxUrs - qxsq 16%
x - qxsq 15 % (cclr - qxsq AoS 70%)

eo qxsq elxZr 20 % x EmU W ei W io up "xlM
zZr" eWS M lU sal sai W, AxWwhi AU kqM WirA M
SU z W ei W , ex CjAmr - qxsq 32.8%
elxZr M 40 % M xiU x EmU mWc el mU oQ xZr q xqWM
WirL , AiMuS MUuDr AS csl sai W , ex oxlr - qxsq 40 %
NQ - qxsq 54.2 %
soll - qxsq 59 %
eo qxsq elxZr 60 % x FmU cs ei W io Alr
kqusorM " eir xTr " z Mr ei W (ESWUh pUi M
MzqU ) | eoUr qxsql oll, Alr kq M kqM xjs iQl ,
eer ex MD Alr MU uxsl AS Mr ei W , ex Asolr - qxsq 70%
qszr - qxsq 62%
MiU - qxsq 78 %
xSl - qxsq 75 %
elxZr M 80 % x EmU W el M oS i x/ zxl mrei
eir xTD M ei W | Alr kq M AsmxZrM M ElM qs
laUM AkMUx p uci MU Sr ei W | xp mMU M
WjMhQ/WjrU AmlMU elxZr 100% iM s el M sr UZ
ei W , ex -

oasSz - qxsq 83%
qx - qxsq 90%
ae m - qxsq 98 %
DUl -qxsq 98%
DUM - qxsq 97%
eQl -qxsq 93%
qU - qxsq 98%
mMxil - qxsq 97%
xUr - qxsq 90%
xr AUo AqUi - qxsq 96%
oli Mzz mU 100 % elxZr qxsq W el mU , rl SU-EsCxsq Wl M xji q uW xT qSUx Wi W AU MUl mRD ei W
AU Ex W Aliq xir ql ei W , ex ATalxil - qxsq 100%
xFS AUo - qxsq 100%
xqsr - qxsq 100%
rql - qxsq 100%
Spar x 100% qxsq elxZr Wl M oueS p El Szq
ijMji "zi" lW W mi |
rW rW EssZlr W M el Sz q qxsq elxZr 8-10 % W
cM Wi W , El Sz q iW ioM Aml Zx "qWss" q UWl z
MU Si W , LM "am" olMU uzw Mslr r ol sr ei W ,
El q Abwi m x "zUri Mll" sa MU Sr ei W | Ex Sz
M msx r Mll-uruxj El q Mq lW MU mi W | rW iM
M Sz M lrrsrl Mll ij xqlr xUMU xMs p El Zx

CsM q cs lW mi (Lx pUi M MD es M MD q ZsAq
SZ e xMi W | MD mzxlM AkMU p So eol x Cx xuMU
MUi W , sMl "xYrsU-SzSWr" M MUh MD MN lW osi)|
Ae M xjiq qxsq M elxZr 22-24% W , sMl DxDr,
WSA,AU rWSr M qMos ElM elqSU M SZi WL MW e
xMi W M Cx zioS M Ali x mWs W qxsq elxZr 50% W
eLa (rS io iM kUi oc i )........
pUi q Ms qxsq elxZr 15% M Axmx ql ei W , eoM
WMMi rW W M EUmSz , oWU , mq oas AU MUs M MD
es q rW AMQ 40 % x 50 % iM mWc cM W ..........
Ao Sz q Aa csMU mUxjir ola rW MD p ("xYrsU"
M NQMU) Axl x xc-xqf xMi W .........
(xp xlSp AU AMQ : Q. mOU WqhQ M mxiM "xsuU, OUUeq
AhQ Cxsq - S WxOUMs Ox LhQ MhOqmUU jO ij srl rUx
- "S We" , x xpU)
rS Cxsq M kqM qlriA M AlxU SZ, i MD qxsq xW
Aj q "xYrsU" W W lW xMi , YrM u "LMUuS" W, ElM
sr AssW W xox oQ AU LMq xD W AU maqoU qWqqS M
xSz mijU M sMU | u SxU kq M SuiA M Axiiu lW qli,
osM SxU qimeM M u MTU qli W , Lxq ps u xYrsU Mx
W xMi W ?
eo MD WlS, Aml kq r Su-SuiA mU xus EPi W i WlS Ex
mU oWx MUa , Ex ur M Ascl MUa , ExM oiM Mq x
Mq LM oU i xla AU ExM oueS Ex ur M os p oM lW

Wa | eoM qxsql Aml W kq M ZsT osl M Wqqi eO
lW mi, AU xsql UzS r ixsq lxUl ex MN sa rS xqe
q urmi Mx oUD M e MU i ElM ZsT Tiu eU Wi W ,
ElW el x qUl M kqMr qsi W, ElW Aml Sz x W pal
mQi W |

xWwhi AU AxWwhi :
WlSA AU qxsq q rW qZr AliU W , xWwhi AU AxWwhi M
| WlSA M SxU kq AU ElM me mir x MD Am lW Wi,
eoM Cxsq q SxU kq M xql m x Ci Sl i SU ,ElM sr
MD eaW NQl p sapa alW ql sr ei W, io Lx q ps
Mx MD qxsq "xYrsU" W xMi W ? ul x q mNl cWi W
M "xYrsU" M ElM mUpw Yr W ? AU Ex mUpw M Zc q
qxsq kqusqo Mx xYrsU MWs xMi W ? CxM SxU Aj rW
p lMsi W M MD ur r i "xYrsU"
W xMi W r TU "x qxsql" ! Sl LM xj lW W xMi |
AU e AMQ ij up Sz M mUxjir FmU S aD W, Exx LM
xus AU p ZQ Wi W M AZU qxsq oWs Sz q sMil Yr
lW mlmi ?

xuUMUcr QtrxqUs qxsq xqe
-- . xUp zqUe -pUiqis mQss LM xlU xuml qWhe xuiruU ulrM
SqSU xuUMU.xuirsqcr mmixP Amsr Arwrc Wq Mssr
r qWmwl Amsr Arwrc EUk UMroUoUc xqexkUhcr
mu Ah Aizr qWiucr Mrs Zc Ms.Ak,lUjM
MqMQ,Axmzri rxUZr auU irl Amsr sZhil MPU mWU
Ms.LuuUc l joi "os ix cs"r ElxU i Mr xqjmh
Ah rzxumh W csus x. ZUiU W Mr qVilc
AprxhrxUZ AW.
jQYri WlSUuS xuUMUcr xumlis pUir xqe W ouS
Ah ull Wi.Ah r maiM xqei qxsql xjl Wi.WS
Ah qxsql W LMc WS Uc u pUir xqec bOM AxsrqV
WSmqhc qxsq xqesW ull oluh,ircri xqexkUh
bQul Ahh xuUMUl AuzrM uOs.Uis LMc bOMc xkUh
Msrl xmh Uc xkUh Ah mai Mkc Wi lxi r
Msoki xirc xuUMUl mh ehu Wi qWhlc irl
qaxssr qxsq xqec xqeM mokl MUhrc AaWl Ah
iVqVl mr Ms.irl Mss W mr Aizr mqhM Ah
qsaq Wi.

pUir qxsq xqel mUaq olu :

pUir qxsq xqel mUaq olu,Ak xQl u,ull
olu,maimjuU eu Ah AkM xq uWu Wc
"WSiul"xuUMUc AM Wi.i AM irl MuV qli Pus
lW iU mMOmh,AaWl Ah xiirl qQs Wi. xmc xarc

fs iU xqemoklc xuUMUc ucU MuV WSxqemUi qrSi
luWi iU irs xmh Umoklc Akl Wi.ircrc zoSi "Amsr
Us (iri qxsq Asc) kqM iqrail Aecr mRUssr
ulrai Ahl xQh W Ams mu Ax Miur AW Ah Wc LM
ZU kq AW."xqexkUhcr SMlil xu kqc ucU MUhU
xuUMU W LMqu xkUM PUii.
. zwUu qU qWhii irmqh xuUMU qxsq xkUhc il Sl
ucU MUii.
1)qxsql eU ull ols iU iri ircc Wi AW lMxl
lWc.ircr Wicr Sl irl ull olsc mWe.qkrral
Msmlc ira Ms mWe.
2)WSxqecr xkUhcr Ah UWicr SlW ucU MUi qxsq
xkUh Wh AuzrM AW.
3)qxsq mjl xQl CWuS, ull olis iU LMUriucr
Sl i EmMUMc PUs Ah irc kquQ xms.LMS M W kqki
xms M WS- qxsq Sasc MUh EUhU lW.
Az mMU uUs il mitrul xuUMU qxsq moklc ucU
qQii u r ilW Sl qxsql ull olh Mx AuzrM AW
W mOul Sii.

xuWixP CWuS,ull u AklM SMh :

qxsqll Mql xuWixP iU CWuS,ull u AklM
olu,kqki xQl moV uWu Ax 'WSUuS' xuUMUl
uO.MPsrW kqlUmic Op qUuhr url Ax ucU qQsrc
Amsrs SxhU lW.qxsqll EmSz MUil xuUMU
qWhii"WSxjl Uc Ae AmUWr Ema Axssr qxsq
xqexW Aqc Wc xah AW M iqc xqeW er kquQcr

UlO xqeil l U AcUl oeoess AW, i EmSu AcU l
U kquQ zYr iiYr suMU xQh iqcr Wic AW.WSuU EmMU
qWhl luW Mu i iqcr kquQx pii qWhl luW iU i iqcr
qhxMxc LM o AW qWhl Ah LM uz elO Ah
qaxssr xxMisc b okl iqW AQu mQs iU ulcr
OcZs lzMmh cUQs es qWhl iqW ull ol".qxsql
ircrc Wic EmSz MUhU SxU xkUM asr zpU uwi iU
WSqkr elqs AW Mr?(Q. AoQMU uaVi)."qxsql Arui
olsrucl irc xuicW lz WhU AW qWhl Ai ull
ol"Ax ZUqUi EmSz MUhU LMO xuUMUc!!MVc mus W
Wmqh Axii qWhl MVcr AfrZs SohrLue MVlxU
qxsql oSss mWe Ax xuUMUl uOi Ah ic xir AW.

mjlqV fss qxsqc Wl :

r moklc mWs AxQ mQi i MUhmqhruU! MUh
W DUlqi aj l qli qlwrMi ql W irc mWs ZhZhi
EmSz Wi.Ah qWhlc MUhc rar i xlql UZi mh iris
lok Msoki l qli qlwr eicr Wix Ae e Emr AWi
i AcUhrc mu xuMU Ax xuUMU qWhii.MUhcr mqhrc
oQ iQl OMsrzur i xqe MVcr muWi OM zMhU lW
Ax xuUMUc qi Wi Ah Ae r qic Z mOi.xu kqajqkr
e e ozlr Axs i xT xQu Ax mUZQ ouS EmSz i
MUii.Wc EmSz irl Amsr Mj MSorqklW Mss
Sxi("qs Mr irc?") rc mjlqV fss qxsqc Wl
xail xuUMU rUmr moklc Ah xqeruxiUc SZs
Sii.euW moklc oVMQ qVssr rUmz W mjl qxsq
pQs iuW irc ShSh EQs.ZUiU W LWMi Ah kqki ris
xbw Wi eri LWMi uer fs.qWhlc r eacr xmki eU

qxsql OMrc Axs iU irl AklMic Mx kUsc
mWe,ull ols mWe Ax xuUMU qWhii.
qxsqqks AlM kqk RuU xuUMUl MPU OM Ms
AW.q r micr Eaquwr i ASU UZl i OM MUii W qyiuc
AW.oUZrc cs MiW MUh Axs iU Ae iU i
oUxOss,uSm, AQaVc,AQh R AW W i mOul Sii.iM,CUh
rl oUZ lwks AW.i qxsq eU W R irai Axis iU Amh
M MuOVl oxrc Ax xus i MUii.Ah oUZ mic iO rc
i mR uhl MUii. WSmqhc qxsqcr uiuMsruUW xuUMU OM
MUii.qxsqcr UeruU i OM MUii.rc AWiMUM mUhq
xail i sRDc ESWUh Sii.Uercr Suxi Mr sRD Emz
xlMl sRurc M ? Ax mzl i qxsq okul ucUii.
Uercr Suxi Mq Mx MUrc,zMurc Mx, M Mx MUrc W
xk mzlW xuUMU ucUii.rqV ur,xqe Ah U rc
Mrqi bOi Ah
Uc uMx ZOi W xk iMzx xuUMU qQii.MPsrW xeh
qlwrs mOis Axc ucU AWi.qxsq moklxP irl "ioic
a" Ah "AaUZrs qhx oiuhU zm" r Sl Mj sWsr
AWi r SlW Mjc lwMw Wc lbi M"LWM eamUi ZU kq
qWhe LWM ul Wc Wr".
qxsqcr xqeM mzlc xuUMUl oUMDl Aprx Ms
Wi. irl sZlU W Aprx qxsq WixPc qQs Wi.irc
pqM ircrc zoSi mWr "qms Mr,qxsql Mr,Zl Mr
MhcW eic ei AqW S qli lW.i iU qhxc
AWi.ircriW Srzs,xiuzs u Srqr mw xr AWic M!AqW
MhirW eiis sMl Mssr Mirc e lwk MUi i ir Mir
MUhrc Axl ircr eic Mu kqc Ax lxic!" rqV
xuUMUl Cxsqc w Mss SxhU lW.
xuUMU qxsql Mqs mz r AiiMc ASz Purs

xaii.Mqs mzl iMxils Aui Ah ull olus qWhlc
i U AqM rUmxqU OM zMs.xuUMU qWhii " eU Mqs,eU
xsilxUZ Mu ZsTxUZ MUhic aUTOl UWi iU Ae ex
WS qxsql ix i iMW rUmc mr cOi mQs Axi!Ajic eU
WS qxsqlx iMxUZ mai uWurc Axs iU irlW WeU
uwmucr UlO kquQx xQl ulc Mx kUu"xuUMUcr r
EmSzic irl Apmi Axssr qxsq xqec c xm Wi.pUir
qxsql MhmR aQb OMhrc Mu Mhc mr cOhrc uV rF
lr W xuUMUc CcN Aizr osM AW.ZU Up Axc
xqec ucU MUi.MUh qxsq Ax moV fs iU UW moV WDs
Ax irl uOi Wi.Mqs mzl e ol Uer xjml Ms rqVc
xuUMUl ircruwr ASU uOi.irl AUo xxMic EOl Ml
LM mexM,mUaq Uer iMxil qkr xjml Ms.irl Mssr
xqeM ic Aj Aizr urmM Wi.xuUMUl Apmi
xYrsUfq Mqs mzl AaMUs.Mqs mzl mUaq Ah MPU
Mrc mpu Aqsoeuh x Ms Ah ZsTi iMxil LM
xupq u mai U ols.WS qxsql rmxl ok bru Ax
xuUMUl uOi.qxsq moklxP xuUMU LM qxsq Uec
ESWUh Sii W qWiuc AW.r Mqs mzmxl MWiU zM,zMs
iU maimjuU es,r eacr xmki eui UWs Ax xuUMU r
Amsr Uokl oeuii.qxsqcrc moV Ah ull Uerc
ASz ircrxqU Puii W EssZlr AW.W Mqs mzc
iMxilis AklM qxsq xqe Wc xuUMUcr krrxis
xqe Wi.Ah irc ull xqelqixP xuUMUl Mqsc
mr Ms.i mr Mi qsaq Ah iMUM AWi i uUs
uuclul xmc Wi.

qxsq xqemokl MUhU LMqu xkUM - xu.xuUMU

xuirmuc xqexkUhc CiWx mWs iU xu.xuUMU W

qxsq xqemokl MUhU LMqu xkUM PUii.(Q.AoQMUc
AmuS).qxsq Allr Ah WiUhc pqM bhr Mlaxl qxsq
xqemokls Wi bs lr W qP SWM uxixji AW.Mlaxl
qxsq WiUhc ucU moklcr SMlil qQs lW W r Uc
SSu qWhu sas.irWm qxsq mjl Ah mUmUuS emxhrc
Mq Mlaxl cZmh Ms Ah irl qkrrai sOs. W UeMr
AUm lW iU W uxixji AW.mUaqiuc Op qUuhr MqrlxO
Ah xqeuS ml Ams mUaq Ah kqlUm W miq
emhrxP r moklcr uwrs Mk WiW sus lW.MUh qxsq
mokl qWhe qxsql SZuh Ax AOV xqMUh AW.uWOoM
emhrxP qxsq qiSU SZul Mx css? r ascN UeMUhqV
qxsq uMx fs SSul xuUMUcr r iMUM ucUc
Mh Aprx Msc lW.l ircr Alrrl l uUkMl! W ucU
MaSuUc UWs.
W qxsq moklc ucU sWlmhmxl qxsqqkr pls iU Mzs
WCs isol ?Mzs WDs mlW 1947 c Sas ?
"mh si Mh bi".Ai qxsq xkUhxP xuUMUc ucU mR
bFl ehU liiu qxsq xqeilc lqh Wh AuzrM
AW.qxsql lur eac Aiqpl ShU liiu Wu AW.WqS
SsuD,qAnTU Wxl , Ufr mOs r MW qxsq lirl r moklc
mr xuirU MVi Ms.Ae Azc AhZ mrc aUe
AW.WSiul xuUMUcr xumlis moV,ull, UuS qxsq
xqe pUis Wu AW.
qxsq xqe r xu ucUMQ QVxmh obs Wc Am
xu.xuUMUcr 126ur ericr lql uOi.

Nmi zue qWUe , LM eulq :
-- gyaO _hmOZ -1630

UrUU rj xuUer xjmlc zmj,
iUh Mss Wxiai
mUSU rj TZlc mUpu
euVcr cSUu qU mUmir
ATesZl uk Ah mimaQc sRD
mlWtrWl xOM
zWxiZlc Aqh mUiul sus
xUiuU mWs Wss
qfUe erxWoUoU mUSUc iW
xui: 85 asoi bFl MUuUuU Wss, mjqc luM
xqjrc mSzl
AapO Ah AUaeocr leUMSil xOM
AUaeol Ue W Mio Ss Ah iW Ms
xUiuU SxU xuU
McloU rj qbs xUSU SFSZlc
Eb qSli mUpu
xsWU Mss eMs Ah qbs xc SUU
mhmh lWx fs.
1674 i 1680 Sh Sauer
MiozWz qc iW
UraQ rj mUi

xuiruU u. S. xuUMU rc eulq
--. Aziw mOhMU -28 q 1883
1 eluU 1900
qc 1901
q 1904
10 q 1907
2 q 1908
q 1909
13 qc 1910
8 es 1910
Qx 1910
4 es 1911
6 el 1924
16 luW 1930
22 To 1931
10 q 1937
30 Qx 1937
15 Lms 1938
1 To 1939
5 luW 1943
15 BaxO 1947
10 To
q 1952
1 BaxO 1964
1 To 1966
26 To 1966
27 To 1966

elq , paU au(e.lzM)

SumR xzx ic zmj
qqV xbOlc xjml
Aplu pUi r AiUUr ixlc xjml
uSz Mmc WV
sQl rj 1857cr xuirrc xuhqWixu xeU
sQlqkr mjq zueri Eixu
WsQ rj 1857 c xuirxqU mMzi Ms
oUxOU c mU Eh mh mSux lMU
mUxWl sQls ril AOM
qxsx oSUi xqSi EQ
2 elqPmc z
ASqlcr MUuxx mUp
MVmhrWl xOM u UaUi xjlo
UaUi xmzrxmzrc xWpel
miimul qSU
xjloiil xOM
WSqWxpcr 19ur A.p.Akuzlc Akr
qWU-xWirxqqslc Akr
leq uUki palaUc l:zx miMU
AZs qWU l-xqqsl Akr
S:Zqi AlS , bUuU paukue Ah Ukue EpUs.
1949ak Wir Aprail lSw qi
Aplu pUi xxjc xai xqUp
qirm Ms
A Ah Awk ue Ml mrmuzls xui
qWri U.xu.xbc xlM qluSl liU AalxxMU....

ucu Ax MW : mxiM mUcr
--. ulrM osmU -1)WS xupqlc xuhq m - sZM : . aUz mph.
eqq MzqU W Uer xui pUicr xuimxlc LM Axuxj Uer
UWss AW.eqq -MzqU Uercr lqii qWUe WUxW , m. lW ,
o.el Ah zZ AoSssW rc mqZ pqM UWss AW. r
qSc Mz uVuV WVxQ fs,UeMr mUmYuicr ApuqV
xui pUic LM mi Mx Mrq AxjU UWs rc Cirpi CiWxc
Szl . aUz mph rl bQus AW.LMMQ xUSU mOscr
liiuZs oWiM xu xxjl pUii kQkQ usl Wi as iU
MzqUcc AxhU m.lW WiVi Axssr xxjlc LM Apimu
Mrq xum mzl Mx lqh fs rc Eq uucl sZMl Ms
AW.i sWii ....
"mirM h qWiuc Wi MUh mMxill Morscr mi xlr
MzqUi bxus Wi.r Morsc AircU WSuU WF sas Wi.xu
ASkS qes Wi.qWUe WUxW pUir xlr MuW qSixP ri
rc AiUil uO mWi Wi.
CMQ Sssi mimkl lW MWc LMrs irU luWi. qWUcS qWel
iuUi xlr mPu qWhi Wi.lWc AO Wi, mjq x AoSscr
iori . qac xlr rDs....................22 BYOoU s Morsc xl
MzqUqkr bxs Wi.irl oUqss bis.ual Umi MUi Otr
WSc xm sOi , xrc AmWUh MUi ,qSU iQi , MzqU qkr
bxi Axil cU Sux lWl AQsimh uV MRs.AZU 26
BYOoU s xlr mPurc lhr fs imri Morscr Wii Ak
MzqU as Wi.Ah lWcr AaWl zZ AoSss MzqUc mimkl
ols Wi...........zxxk l MUi pUir xlrl i ppa mUi

qVurs Wu Wi mh zZ AoSsscr xssrl W xqxr
xQuhrxP xUSU mOs u Alr pUir lirc uUk AxilW "
rl " MQ ls.Ah rll roSc AaW kUs Ah "Ls A x "
Axiiui As."
uaV Se, uaV lzh, uaV bOl Ah mimkl mS AxhU eqq
MzqU Axiiui As.
sMxZr Ah TV SmmO AxilW WS oWs eqqs lWq Srrq
xjl qVi as. 42 sZ sMxZrcr eqq pas 37 uklxp
ea iU qxsq oWs MzqUs 40 sZ sMxZrxP q 46
uklxp ea SFl uklxpi lWq eqqm MzqUcc ucxu
UWs W mWs as.
irliUc mRc MirM uw eqq MzqU qks WS elil mzu
AircUc pass iQu mxiM ml sMxqU qQhri sZM
rzxu fs AWi.

q Alrr qMl xxh-r eqq MzqU qkr lMirc fssr

AqUlj Dl oQs eql SFl liU i ulMUh mUi bisrc lq
fs Ah xqec kakai cilr xaV AuUh TQl mcQ
ExVlz oWU As. MzqU qkr mxOx suhri As Wi , bwh
Ssr ei Wir ....
"MzqU ola ei , WS AUiM xj...
WS qSM ol......."
"rW Yr csa , leq qxiT ......
leq qxiT ......."

60 uw AircU pSpu xWl MUh-r, LUu aasar uOh-r ,
Ur xqecr Aamirrai irl cUuer zc SSmrql xcU
bQus Ah Ep UWs LM 90 Suxc cMOl Ah Mqscr
iuwl sRus ass oo AqUljxP sRus ass Apimu ASsl,
erqV Ep MzqUc luW iU xmi lSxiuxji mWQss WS xqe
ZQoQl ea fs. qWhlc r ASsls pUicr luijlc
aMss xokhri As AW. sZMl mir ASslMUcr
qsZil Aizr eui Mss W pUicr AirklM CiWxis
kQ leMcr MVi ASz PUs Ax xlU ml AW.
qWhlc eU ucu Ax W mxiM
" WS xupqlc xuhq m - AqUlj xbw r"
sZM - . aUz mph.
m : 152
: . 50/pux pul
1214 / 1215 xSzu mP ,
maO pu WrxMs mUxU,
mh - 411 030
SUpw : 020-24487225

2)xuUMU LM Aplu Szl : U: Aplu lqh mil
xuiruU ulrM SqSU xuUMU rc m , sZ , qirm rl
lOss mxiM W .ApUq Si rcr Aplu lqh mill
mMzi Mss AW.
"Wiiq ASqli qs M lWi "
oOzc AO qlr Ml xuUMU xOs mh ircruU uUkMMQl
mcQ OM MUhri r zulic uhl xuUMUl xui: Ms
AW. ATesZlxqU zuUr Wi eQl Ep Wi mUi erWii
ublZ Wi i Wi eQl ! ircmqh AUaeocr Wii Aa rj
xmQs Axil zue qWUelW lqYr rc lic Auso MUi
MirM Ae Ms Wi .mh iai mQs qWhl ijc ql ehrc
Aiqbi irl Mkc Ms lW. mxa Wi eQl uV lpul ls i
AUaeocr WiuU iU SFl lxOl eFl ircrc NiuU
WSmSmizWcr xWxlc mr UuhrxPc.
"qf qirm "
ASqlc , Mtr mhrc 50 uw CiM z xlusruU W qirm
xuUMUl Amsr uWls sWs AW.mRcr ml qipqs Mr
rc rc eqZcc ri xuUMUl qQs AW. LM eUoS fssr
mh qipquUc Ams mq,l MciW Mq l fss WSr Wsul
OMhU Ax LM jU xllc ucU, AsMQcr mRs qaSzM
PUis Ax.
eimicr uU EPl Aub WSxjl LM WhrxP eic EcNSl W
qa xu.xuUMUl xais AW. ris "pOzW Mz xmuu" Mu
"Mz rj pUss qMQxqqsl Ah pMQ xqqsl " rU irl
WSqks eipSpScr muqV xqec mrrl Szc Mx lMxl
Wi rc Eq EWmW. mUxji oSs W zoSc xqel l bi MuV

mjli mVh-ruU OM.Axmzric R W Airi Alrrr Ah
AiqbiM AxsrqV qZri: MuV qhxMxP qWhlc ic lSsl
Ms mWe , rc mPmUu Alr sZMU xu.xuUMUl Ms AW.
xu.xuUMUcr xWirc mlmMzl Ml ircr ucUc ZUZU
Aplu Szl bQuhU Aizr uclr Ax LM mxiM.
"xuUMU - LM Aplu Szl "
mMzM : Aplu lqh mil
m : 113
Mqi : 100/xmM :
.UWs SUMU (9881122277)
.AMU (9970395650)

xS Si aUzZU -- zuzWis SaSzl
--. Apei omO -Nmi zue qWUel er aQMOcr,Mssrcr AkUl WSu
xuUerc , WSmSmizWc qWiqR Uus Ax Mss oOzcr
MVi LM LM Ml ZQWU olus as eh Ml mlW ir aUuzs
uUxc AVZW mxs eu.mUi qWUisc luW iU Epr
WSxjlis aUmq , AprxM r MssruU uUuU eFl ir Eeus
mUmUs EeV Si Axii.Azr aUmqxP qWUis MssruU Mx
eu rc qWi Shrc LM Asm mr.
qWUi Ae LMh cU mMUc 378 aQMO Mss ARVii.
1)aUSa 2)esSa 3)pSa 4)qSa .
iris MW mRs mqh.

1)Sa - WSSaUe UraQ (aUSa)

mrjrc au
euVc PMh
euVc Sa
ehrc qa

: mcQ, UraQuQ
: qWQ
: UraQ
: 2881 TO
: sah, MMhSu
:UraQ esis 'qWQ' r isYrcr
PMhmxl UraQ 24 Mq AiUuU AW.
: zuUrc Uekl

2)Sa - MMhSu (aUSa)

mrjrc au
euVc PMh

: bV,xSz
: UraQ
: mh / UraQ

euVc Sa
: sah , UraQ
ehrc qa
: UraQcr OMqM OMul xqU leU
OMsrx LM Ec QaU Sxi irsc MMhSu qWhii.ircr Qur
oex bOuO AW.irx 'Mutr bO' qWhl AVZs ei.UraQuQil
MVlS AsQl 'xSz' au aPl ijl Mutr bO cRl qa '
bV' aui ru.ijl MMhSuruU ehrx uO AW.
UraQ mW W Ec PMh.Mutr bOuU mW-rc PMh Wi.

3)Sa - xsWU , xsO (aUSa)

mrjrc au
euVc PMh


xsWU (5140 TO)

ehrc qa
: lzMWl 65 Mq AiUuU uh, xmia
qa MVuh W isYrc PMh AW. MVuhWl qsWU, iWUoSs
eh-r oxl xsWU au xkUh 1 ixi mWci ri.Mu xOh
oxc xr AW.xsWU auil Sa QuMQ Pui QoU
Uxirl cs sau.Slc qlOi LM mruO xsWUMQ ei.
xsWU W qWUis xui Ec Sa Ah Sx-r qMc zZU
AW.xsO W xsWUc eQSa AW.r SW qks ZQil Qur oel
xsWU aui iU Eeur oel ubo aui EiUi ri.

4)Sa - qsWU , qU Ah WUaQ (aUSa)
mrjrc au
euVc PMh


MVuh , xOh
qsWU (4284 TO) ,
WUaQ (4460 TO )
ehrc qa
: MVuh Mu xOhrWl iWUoS Ah ijl
qsWU au 9 Mq AiUuU AW.ijl WUaQ,qsWU MQ ei ri.

: qU W qsWUc SxU osMss AW.

5)Sa - qa-ia , UilaQ ET lWu (aUSa)

mrjrc au
euVc PMh

: psuQ
: iWUoS
: lzM
: qa-ia (3136 TO) ,
UilaQ ( 4110 TO)
euVc Sa
: qsWU, qU Ah WUaQ
ehrc qa
: lzMWl MVuh ( 55 Mq ) r
isYrcr au ru.ijl xOhqa iWUoSs eil "Sxus" rau
EiUu.Sxus Wl uQml Mu LM
ixcr mr cshrliU
psuQ au aPu.
psuQs kqzVi UWrc xr Wi. psuQWl euVc uQZs r
au ru.ijl UilaQs ehrc qa AW.UilaQul qsWU-WUaQ u
ircr Eeur oex SUuU xsWU-xsO Sxii.

: psuQ euVcr qa-ia r xVYrl

ircr mOis sh mWi
mSh bsi ri.

6)Sa - aVh , MV (aUSa)

Ah qsau (pDMO)
mrjrc au
: aVh
euVc PMh
: kV , qsau
: lzM / kV
: aVh (1968 TO), MV(2476 TO)
ehrc qa
: lzM-kV qWqauU lzMWl ASe 100
Mq AiUuU qsau W isYrc PMh AW.ijl xkUh 30 Mq uU
aVh W au AW. aVhris
ljmjrcr Aq u qSUcr
Eeur oel aVh aQMQ ehU SaQ,TUxoS uO AW. AeW
ircr mrjrmxl qjrmri iOoe iMl AWi.ircr mux sVa u
lGirx MV AW.Mtrx eil uWlc TU aUxr
AW.qsauWl QaUV u aVhrx eh-r oxl 'MUeauWhs'
EiUu. ijl em PUul u mr 7-8 Mq uUs Mtrx ei
ri.W QaU "aQ" AW W r mUxUis sMlW TUx qWi lW.

7)Sa - UuV , euV (aUSa)

mrjrc au
: iuU uxi
euVc PMh
: uh, MVuh
: lzM
: UuV (4131 TO) , euV ( 4056 TO)
euVc Sa
: qMQ, xmia
ehrc qa
UuV - euV W eQMss qMQ aQs .ZOl Ep AWi.qMQ W

xmias sal AW.qMQ u UuV rqk T LM ZQ AW.lzM,
uh, MVuh Lx.O. qa r ZQil ei. uuM uVhc W Uxi
muxtri oWS oS Axi.ZQi sWlx qSU AW.rjl QuMQ
qMQ Sa iU EeuMQ UuV-euVMQ bFl ehU mruO AW.
rZQi ' iuU uxi ' luc sWlz uxi AW.

8)Sa - Uqxe , SWUaQ / pUaQ (aUSa)

mrjrc au
euVc PMh


AzuQ (Uqxe)
3273 TO

ehrc qa
lzMWl Uqxe 15 Mq AiUuU Axl oxc cas xr
AW.Uqxe cr mux lzM-mP Uxircr msMQ SWUaQ AW.Uqxe
ul SWU u irc xVM rc xm Szl Wi.
Uq uluxi Axil irc UqxeuU qq fs Axu.irqVc r
QaUc AVZ "Uqc zrr / Uqxe" Az AW.SWUaQ xkr pUir
xlrcr iori Axl ruU UQU rh Axsrl aQuU rhrx Alqi
qVi lW.

9)Sa - oMaQ / roMU / oaU (aUSa)

mrjrc au

: roMU

euVc PMh
euVc Sa
ehrc qa
lzMmxl 18 Mq

: lzM
: lzM
: 4248 TO
: AelU
AiUuU Axl oxxu cas Emsok AW.


: W oU erisamM LM mu PMh AW.

10)Sa - iUmU u QWh (qSa)

euVc PMh
: QWh
: Ph
ehrc qa
Ph esis iUmU r PMh rhrxP oDxU,msbU u QWh r
PMh Wl oxxc xr AW. QWh UsuxjlMul QWh SauU
ehrxP uO AW.
qWUmUi ucU MUi QWh W xqSMl-ruUs xui EUMQs
aQ AW.

LM luSl :
SUuw mqh rSW "pUU arUWh xxj,qoD " W lUuU oe mp
SzmQ rcr 349ur mhrij lq "mlWVaQ-mulZQ-uzVaQ
" W mSpqh qWq 5 es i 9 es 2009 r Msuki Arei
MUi AW.ri xWpa WF CcNh-rl Mmr rj xmM xk :
1)Elqw eku-9819292373 2)qSU ZQMU-9869378036
3)EQVMU-9869176070 4)Azw aU-9702623589

xu.xuUMUc ZQi aess EQ
--.xUp uzmrl-(xuar qsS aQaV rcr pwhul mUi)
xu.xuUMU xl 1910 cr el qWlrcr zuO sQl qkr
mUis.xuxjr Ah xU r SlW MUhl i zrqe Mwh uq Ah
qSq Mq rxUZr AxqoUoU Tlxqkr MW MV Wi.q
xui:cr luc AOM uUO lbs AW W qWi Axil W xuUMU
sQls mUis.oOz msxl irl AOM Ml ircruU pUil lEl
ZOs pUrc PUus. 1 es Ue irl 'qUA' r oOuU cRuhri
As. 7 es Ue oO Tlx cr qxsx oSUeuV laUs Axil
xuUMUl kQx lhr bis.eWecr mOWsqkl q Ml
xui:c zUU oWU MRs Ah ir TxVh-r xqSi EQ
qUs.ircr mPmP zMU mP zMU M kuui ix oOz msx
xOs.xuUMUl MW xqSi mWrc xUu luWi.xuUMU ex-ex
kYYrmri mWc sas ix-ix sOcr miMUl qa WO
sas.mPqal msx aVoUW MUi Wi.Ul qZss zUU,xqScr
Z-r mhrqV Aac sW sW Wi AxilW,mPl rh-r aVuU
Ams lu Ax zMi c Msml AxilW W lk Nic
iMUM euuUc kQmQ MUi Wi.AZU xuUMUl qxsxc k
aPs.xqSi mWl Sq sass Axil irl zWUcr Ais pai
ku bis.oOz msxW Ml-ruU mWcs Wi.irl xuUMUc
mPsa Ms.xuUMUl Tc msx Sxic irl xui:s AOM MUul
bhrc mr Ms, q i mri EzU fs Wi.ij mWcssr oOz
msxl Tlxcr msxuU cU Sq TMsr Ah xuUMUl
Amsr iori bis.xuUMUl qUfQ MUi mUi oOuU ls.oOl
MlU xQs Ah qa qSq Mq Ah zrqe uq ij mWcs.eU
i jQuV Ak mWcs Axi iU MSci uaV CiWx sWs as
Axi.q lril xuUMUcr lzoi SSul MV mh sWs Wi.

mR bOi CiWxmqh xuUMUl Sl elqPmc ,50 uw
Mtrmhrc z fs.q xuUMUl qxsx s e EQ qUs
irqV er UeMr bOl bQi asr irc uhl " SqSqs miV EPs
mizoS " Axc MUu sas. MUh mUSzl iU xuUMUcr AOMuU
Am bisc iri Ar lW mh 'S qs ' , 'qla mxO', 'Qs lre'
xUZr oOz uml SZs OMc qWV EPus.AlM lqui
url rc SZs bhr CiM lwk Ms.
xuUMUl AOM Ml qoDi Ahs.iruV xU ee YsM W qoDc
auWlU Wi.iruV oOzc pUiq q.qs Wi.qs W lrrc cQ
Axss qhx Wi.xuUMUl z qV lr qWh Mu i Mq uWu
qWhl qs rl TU mr Ms. 1 es i 30 BaxO r MVi irl
ee YsM rl 7 iU mPusr.q YsM rc pUir iMUMuU
Si Wi qWhl irl iruVc oOz mimkl q Wl Arul rl
uli Ml 30 BaxO Ue qs rc EcsoaQ MUus.q qs
Mccr ac cs luWi.r Sl qWlri irl xUMUMQl LM Ae qeU
Ml bis " UeMr NVmO MhuUW mUxmU ZOs p lri irxP
xUMU c qlri u AuzrM mUu euV Axh eUc AW." irqV
xuUMUuUs ZOs sohuU mQs , q 30 BaxO Ue qs eii
l eii ic 31 BaxO Ue xuUMUuU qoD E lrrsri ZOs
SZs fs.
Cael xuUMUuU ZOs pUus ZU q xuUMUcr EQl irmhri
EPss iUa xUMUc xWxl WSUurs mUx PUs.uU xaisr mqh
o-rc uml r oiqs mklr Ss.

xuUMUl oOz uml Sss mPo :

1)qla mxO : " xuUMUcr mzl ooi oOll Aqlw mh Ms AW.

2)Qs lre : "oOz msxl AiUUr alW Ms AW , xuUMUl
mUi Tlx cr iori u.
r Qs lre c xmSM q.UoO sQ rcruwr AkM xarc qWhe
.qSlss ka rc qirm "csle (AuWl)" e irl xu
pUirl xSU Ms i qirm CiU Mh Nmrs irU lxil ir
mis pw , iVqV u kakai Szp mWl rc UoO sQ rl
ircr "Qs lre" cr AMi Nms . Aji irl xuUMUos ASU
Axh xupuM Wi.

Tlxc uUk :
ruV Tlxqkr SZs r bOll uSV EPs Wi. iruV Tlx qkr
"UuWsrzl T mx" W luess mM Wi. ri Sz Szcr
iMUMc ucU Nms ei.r mMl sWs, " Ae mirM Tc
qhxc ql zUql fMss AW.xuUMUl ucuh W Ams A
Miur AW imri ui lW."
s-qiq W oQ Tc sZM sWi , " eU xuUMUl mUi Ahs
lW iU Tlxs eai iQ SZurs ea EUhU lW. "

xuUMUl eapUil qVss mPo :

ruV eqls oOluU izU ARhrc xkc qVs.eql xxSl
(UDzxOa) qWhs "W bOl oOzc lrrc Ra oUZ TQrs
mUz AW." COsi "s-UmosM" r mc li q.LT.Lq.flUl
rl COscr xUMUMQ qah Ms - "COsl oOluU Sou OMu
eh Ml xuUMUc xOM WCs." rxP flUl rl xp
bis.COscrc UoO xusAl r sZMl 1910 mric xuUMU
cUSZs sWs.r sZMl "sa BT ql UDOx " xqU W mzl
qQs. iruVc qxsx zWUcr qWmUl mimkl oAl rcrMQ ,

xuUMUc io br , Ax sMQ sus.

rUmis uimr Ah UeMUh RuVl lbs :

r mMUqV SuxSux mMUh apU Wi as.oOl qks soUs mc
li q.Wsql rl exOx r mMil MW sZ sWs.xuUMUc
xOM uWu qWhl oOl qks COsrl Ah Tc MqaUl 1
Suxc xm Ms. W xu ucl j uWrs Wi M, Mhr LM
pUirxP xuxqlr rUmrl sMl Amsmh SZuu ? ir
xqSis EQl rUm mOl EPu , Ax M uWu ? MUh xuUMUl
sQlqkr T mxis Ah oqoc olus lWi iU AlM oOz,
Uzrl, Tc Ah eql iMUMz mqc-xWSc xok mxjmi
Ms Wi.eml-AqUM xUZr Szi Ams eV mxUus Wi.AqWs
Zi LMc AW M er uUs xmh ea mPo Si Axil AqW q
"AWxcr UeMUhmr" xuUMUc xii Emc Ms.xU Wl MOl
rl iruVcr luuwcr xqUpi .omlcS ms rcrMQ osil
qWhs " xuUMUcr Szmqos zM bh qZmhc PUs , Amh
xul ircr xOMxP sQl u sR Ss mWe." r uYruU
AlM oOzl oOlcr Uexu ehrc pw MUh-rs z
uWu qWhl lwTV mr SZs Ms. xuOfsQ qkr iruV "xuxulQQ" Ax LM mM Wi.mR W ZOs xm mri AlM oiqr ri
Nmsr.oserq qks LM uml sWs " r bOl qV rUm mUi
LM mFs qa As AW.r bOls LM AkU MlU AW." suSqU
sll r Uzrl mMUl sWs " LM xuirrkrs Ax NVs eh
W xWlzsicr msMQc AW.Ms qYx c li sWi "r xu
bOl S:ZSrM AWi."eml qks qr r o lirl oOzl
xuUMUc xOM MUu Az qah Ms.r xui MVx qWhe
xml,mias Ah mUau r pUiz TUzr xok lxssr Szl x
Amsr UeSiMUu oOzl m mPus irc Azr Ax Wi M "

xuUMUcr ooii oOll Aqlwmh Ms AW W qlr Ml eWU
qT qau,CiMc luW iU Tlx cr xahrmqh W ZOs AiUUr
lrrsri qQu Ah zYr iuW iuUl xuUMUl Tlxcr iori

Uzrcr fUc alWaU WxiiUhc lu MrS Axiiui As

Uzrcr fU l iU LMh UeMr mUxji mWl "Uzr MhirW
alWaUc WxiiUh MUhU lW Ah Uzrl alWaUc WxiiUh MUuhU
lW Ax MrSc Ms.MUh iruV Uzrl eli icr EoUuU
Wi.l eh LZS Uzrl xuUMU lbrc W kxM fU l bis
Axu.(mR mWsr qWrcr uV Uzri i fs Ah fUc
MuV qs SZs Uzrl iMUMl Mml MRs).

Wacr lrrsris mmi :

W xaV UaUa obl CasQc mUUq LQuQ a Ah Tlx c UeSi
ms alo rl LM rEl W mzl Wa cr AiUUr lrrsri
qQs.ri 6 ee luQui u lrr MUu Ax PUs.ris 3 eh Tlx
luQs Ah 3 eh oOl luQs Ax PUs.q iruV rUmis xji
obQs Axsrl Tlx s oOlz q Puh aUec Wi qWhl 6 eh
iqWc luQ, AqW qlri SzM xW M Ax UeMUh iruV
Tlxl ZVs.oOll Ajic irc mmi Axss Ah eruU eU
MUi rCs Azr Sotr Szc milk ee qWhl oxus.Aji lhr
oOlcr oel sas.
r CiYr xatr qWpUii xui qWiuc a Az AW M
xu.ulrM SqSU xuUMU W mWs pUir ur PUs M ecr xP
LuWQ AOmO Ml AiUUr lrrsri ZOs pUs as.

Msrcr oklil Amsr qip- mhrp-Mqpq Ah opul
ucurs Mwhs QWi EQ qUuc sas. W CiWxc lrqc
AW.Amsr SSuqV mR Azr bOl bQsr M xuUMU AlM okli
AQMs as Alrj LM uaVc CiWx fs Axi, pUirc W
Ah CaecW !
q Caec kS EiUurc MqaU xuUMUl rilc Ms.
Azr qWqlus Aqc MO MO mhq !!!

mJeeleb$eJeerj meeJejkej, Meecepeer ke=<Ce Jecee& DeeefCe ce@[ce efYekeepeer keecee eeveer
mgiee& esLes He[keJeuesuee mJeleb$e efnbogmleeveee Heefnuee je<^OJepe

AlS q
Ali q
Aukr q

An iteresting Conversation
- Contributed by Shri. Santosh Dengale
An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem
science has with God, The Almighty.
He asks one of his new students to stand and.....
Prof: So you believe in Brahmaa , Vishnu or Shiva ?
Student: Absolutely, sir.
Prof: Is your God good?
Student: Sure.
Prof: Is your God all-powerful?
Student: Yes
Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to Bhagavaan
Shiva and Vishnu, to heal him.
Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But Bhagavan Shiva
or Vishnu didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm?
Student: (Student is silent.)
Prof: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella. Is God
Student: Yes.
Prof: Is Satan good?
Student: No.
Prof: Where does Satan come from?
Student: From...God...
Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student: Yes.
Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct?
Student: Yes.
Prof: So who created evil?
Student: (Student does not answer.)
Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible

things exist in the world, don't they?
Student: Yes, sir.
Prof: So, who created them?
Student: (Student has no answer.)
Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe
the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: No , sir.
Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God?
Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student: Yes.
Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science
says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.
Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.
Student: And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.
Student: No sir. There isn't. (The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with
this turn of events.)
Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat,
mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have
anything called cold.We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no
heat, but we can't go any further after that.
There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe

the absence of heat.
We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of
heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)
Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something.
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light....But if
you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called darkness,
isn't it?
In reality, darkness isn't. If it were, you would be able to make darkness
darker, wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?
Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there
is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are
viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can
Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and
magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either
one.To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that
death cannot exist as a substantive thing.Death is not the opposite of
life ! just the absence of it.
Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved
from a monkey?
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of
course, I do.
Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
Prof: (The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize
where the argument is going.)
Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at
work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going
endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir?
Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

Prof: (The class is in uproar.)
Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's
Prof: (The class breaks out into laughter.)
Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain,
felt it, touched or smelt it?.....No one appears to have done so.
So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable
protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect,
sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face
Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student: That is it sir.. The link between man & God is FAITH. That is all
that keeps things moving & alive.
NB: I believe you have enjoyed the conversation...and if'll
probably want your friends/colleagues to enjoy the same...won't
you ?

Kashmir belongs to whom ?

-Contributed by Shri.Chirag Patki
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the
United Nations Assembly that made the world community smile.
A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to
tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir
is named.
When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a
good opportunity to have a bath.' He removed his clothes, put them
aside on the
rock and entered the water. When he got out, his clothes had vanished.
A Pakistani had stolen them.
The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, "What
are you talking about? The Pakistani's weren't there then."
The Indian representative smiled and said, "And now that we have made
that clear, I will begin my speech. ' And they say Kasmir belongs to
them............................. "

WSl uc Ah uxl e !
--. ulS aU-1)eqq-MzqU qkr asr 20 uwi xqU 50 WeU sMc Wir fs, 8
WeUuU eul zWS fs....i W MhiW r x lxil ! eulcr r
WirMQs qxsq AiUMc eooSU AWi l ?
20 WeUuU MzqU WS qxsq AiUYrcr atrl oV mQs, irc Mr
cM Wi ? r MzqU WSc A Mk xui:s kqlUm qWhul bh-r
UeMr mrl mxs AWi M ?
2)MzqU Z-ril asr 20 uwqkr 5 sZWl AkM WS Ah MzqU
mQil qxsqll WMsl Ss , irc xm oVMus , ih qs
3)asr 20 uwi qWUi qxsql 500 cr uU eir Sas bQusr,
WSc WirMQ bQus. ri WSc Sw Mr Wi ?
4)"isM" mQi zWols mOa Shrc xmq MOc lhr xR
Mlax l LMa qxsq qixP TUus.bOli Sxi Ml qxsq
qWsl mOac W lMUs.qxsqxP xmq MOc lhr mrSV
iQuhU Mlax m WSl q Uq qSU mMUh MO SDs i lhr qlr
MU Ax xss Si, MUs qlr ? eU lhr WScr oel sas iU
Mzrul qxsq sascsl mr Mlax i qlr MUs ? ATes a
xxSuU Wss MUh-rs xmq MOl Tzc z xlus AxilW
irc Aqsoeuh as 4 uw WF zMi lW AW W irc Eq ESWUh
5) WSl mWs m eui Axil SxU sal MUhrx Mrl oS AW ,
W oS rarc AW. mUi qxsqlxP W MrS M sa Wi lW ? eU
zUri Mri i iUiS AW iU zUri MrS mhmh (cU os Wi iQh,
urpcUos SaQl Pcl qUh uaU ) M sa Wi lW ?
r Szc i laUM AWi iU irl Szc MrS M sa Wi lW ?
6)sMzW WSxjli xql laU MrS M Axiiui lW ? uuk
xqel kqcr AkUuU M uauaV MrS AWi ? xu laUMl xql
MrS M lW ?

7)qoD lux Axss xqeuS mOc ZxSU Ao Afq rl xxSi
qah Ms AW M " Szis AsmxZr xqe (Aji qxsql) q
xZrl Axssr 50 zWUmM qoD LM AW.rjs 50% sM ES osii
Mu irl ES casr mMU xqei. qoDis Usu xjlMc lu ESiW
sWs eui. Usu qsrl ix lSz ui."
W qah es 2004 qks AW. W qah qlr Ms as mWe M ?
8)Ac MW Suxmu aeUj Sasooi mlW LMS MOi ZOs cs
MUhrc lhr bhri As AW. iros MW ---

WS qic qs Mi?
Cxsq Ui WS qhxc Mqi Mr W mWrs Wu. xS AUorcc
ESWUh bis iU ijs MrlxU xQssr Uc Mqi alWaUx
cMuu sai.LZ url Mhc Wir Ms Mu LZcr qirx i
MUhpi PUs iU irx qssrx lMxl pUmD qWhl PUuM Uq pUu
sai i Az .....
1)qxsq mw qs Axs iU 1 sZ SUWq pUmD u sas.
2)qxsq qWsxP 50,000 SUWq
3)Zl urxP 50,000 SUWq
4)Zl qWsxP 25,000 SUWq
5)WS urxP 6,666 SUWq
6)WS qWs xP 3,333 SUWq
rcc Aj Ax M Cxsq Ui qxsq urc Mqi WS qWsm 33
mOl exi AW. akris WS qiooi Aeoi Aue EPus ei lW
mh qxsqxP q xu ijMji lkq u ouS LM fs.
qa WScr euc qs Mr Axs mWe ?

The Prince of the lost world
-- Shri. Chaitanya Gotkhindikar
a long long ago,
there was a prince had no fear, no ego
he was loyal, brilliant and honest
many were brave but he was bravest
surrounded by people with their soul sold,
he was alone the prince of the lost world
his dream was big and vision was clear
he fought for it, his efforts were pure
he doesn't wanted chair or power
he only wished independent motherland forever
history proved "there is no freedom without gun and war"
he built army, he was revolutionary star
my people,
let's come together to complete his dream
let's build hindurashtra and let flow Hindu stream
let's come! join every Hindu
let's bring back the holy Sindhu
don't think how will it complete, don't have doubts and fear
it is task of lord, we will accomplish! the prince was sure
--at holy feet of Bharatmata
--at holy feet of Vir Savarkar

WS kqM :

zlU eri
a WUauSxW eri
lxW eri

24 q
7 el
8 el
7 q

pUir sMzW / ra mw :

qWUh mim eri, a AelSu zWS Sl

xuiruU xuUMU eri
zuUerpwM Sl ,zuUe zM 336 mUp
MoU eri

27 q.
28 q
5 el
7 el

ucMxP xcl :

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Special Thanks :

g[mXH$ : odH$_moX`
_wI[R> d _mS>mr : AmmwVm{f [mQ>mH$a
odm{f ghH$m` : Am{H$ma Hw$bH$mr, gyaO _hmOZ
gH$[Zm : AmoX` ^m{gb{, _mV^y_r g{dm MoaQ{>]b Q>Q>
AH$mV og b{Immr g[mXH$ gh_V AgVrbM Ag{ Zmhr.

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