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Physics Form 5 Chapter 5

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No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. Title 10.1 Nucleus of an Atom 10.2 Analysing Radioactive Decay 10.3 Used of Radioisotopes 10.4 Understanding Nuclear Energy 10.5 Proper Management of Radioactive Substances Page Pg 1 Pg 2 10 Pg 11- 12 Pg 13 17 Pg 18 20


10.1 Nucleus of an Atom:

1. Composition of the Nucleus.

Neutron s


Electron - negatively

Nucleus Proton - positively cahrged

Neutron - nuetral

Orbit A helium atom

2. Proton Number and Nucleon Number:

Proton Number the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Represented by letter Z. Proton Number also represents the number of electrons in the orbit. Proton + Neutron = Nucleons Nucleon Number total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Represented by letter A.

3. Nuclide Notation:
The nuclide of an atom is referred to the nucleon number of the atom, e.g. lithium-6 and carbon-12. Each atom has a symbol, e.g. H is the symbol of hydrogen. An atom can be represented by a nuclide notation. e.g. the symbol of an element X:

4. Isotopes:
Isotopes: atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Same Proton Number, Z but a different Nucleon Number, A. Same chemical properties but different physical properties. E.g., lithium has two isotopes: one has 3 protons and 3 neutrons and the other one has 3 protons and 4 neutrons.

10.2 Analysing Radioactive Decay:

1. The spontaneous disintegration of the nucleus of an unstable atom accompanied by radioactive emissions is known as radioactivity. 2. Types of radioactive emissions that can be emitted by the nucleus of unstable atoms are: (a) alpha particles (b) beta particles (c) gamma rays 3. The nucleus of unstable atoms can emit one or more types of radioactive emissions. 4. Radioactive elements will continue to emit radioactive emissions until its atoms become stable.

Detectors for Radioactive Emissions:

Photographic Detectors: 1. The effect of radiation on photographic films is used today by radiation workers to monitor their level of exposure to radiation in the course of their work. Radiation workers are required to wear a sealed badge containing a photographic film. The film is replaced and developed at regular intervals of time and the amount of blackening of the film indicated the level of exposure. If the level is too high, the working area must be checked for leakage of radiation and the workers must go for a medical check-up. The disadvantage of this type of monitoring is in the case of an accidental large exposure where the individual would not know the extent of the exposure until the film is replaced and developed.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Geiger-Muller Tube (G-M Tube): 1. The G-M tube has two electrodes across which a voltage of about 400 V is applied. 2. A central wire acts as the anode while the cylindrical metal wall of the tube forms the cathode. 3. The tube is filled with argon gas at low pressure. It has a thin mica window at one end through which radiation can enter. When radiation enters the tube, it produces argon ions and electrons. These are accelerated towards the respective electrodes, causing more ionisation by colliding with other argon atoms. 4. On reaching the electrodes, the ions produce a current pulse that is amplified and fed either to a scaler or to a rate meter. 5. A scaler counts the pulses and shows the total number of pulses or counts received in a certain time. Diffusion Cloud Chamber: 1. A cloud chamber enables the tracks of nuclear radiation to be seen. 2. A felt ring inside the top of the chamber is soaked with alcohol. 3. The vapour from the alcohol is cooled by the dry ice as it diffuses downwards below the metal base of the camber. 4. The condensed alcohol droplets reflect light and can be seen as a white track above the black metal base of the chamber. 5. The different radiations are identified as follows: a) alpha particles produce straight, thick tracks which are of about the same length b) beta particles produce thinner and twisted tracks c) gamma rays produce thin, short and irregular tracks

Spark Counter: 1. A spark counter can be used to detect alpha particles. It consists of wire gauze with a fine wire mounted 2 mm below it. 2. A high voltage is applied between the gauze and the wire until sparks occur. The voltage is then reduced until the sparks just stop (usually about 4.5 kV). 3. When a radium source is held with a forceps 1 or 2 cm above the gauze, sparks are seen and heard at irregular intervals. This is due to the radiation ionise the air between the gauze and the wire. 4. If a sheet of paper is inserted between the source and the gauze, the sparks stop. This shows that alpha particles cannot penetrate paper. Gold Leaf Electroscope: 1. A charged gold leaf electroscope can be used to detect alpha particles. 2. The gold leaf of the electroscope falls when a radium source is brought near the cap. 3. The ionisation effect of the alpha particles causes the air to be ionised into positive and negative ions. 4. Positive ions in the air are attracted to the cap if it is negatively charged, causing the gold leaf to fail. (Negative ions in the air are attracted to the cap if it is positively charged). 5. The gold leaf electroscope is not suitable for detecting beta particles and gamma rays as these radiations cause weak ionisation of the air.

Characteristics of Radioactive Emissions:

Nature: 1. The alpha () particle is a helium nucleus (42 He). A -particle is positively charged. 2. The beta () particle is a very high-energy electron (-10e). A -particle is negatively charged. 3. The gamma () ray is an electromagnetic wave of very high energy and frequency. The -ray is neutral. Ionising Effect: 1. Radioactive emissions can ionize gases into positive and negative ions as they pass through them. 2. The diffusion cloud chamber allows us to compare the ionizing power of the emission most easily because the thickness of the tracks indicates the ionizing power of the emission. 3. Alpha particles have the strongest ionizing power, as can be seen by the straight thick tracks they leave in the cloud chamber. 4. The ionizing power of beta particles is much less than that of the alpha particles. 5. Gamma rays have very low ionizing power that is very much less than even beta particles. Penetrating Power: 1. -rays have the greatest penetrating power while -particles have the least penetrating power.

Deflection in An Electric Field: 1. (a) -particles are deflected towards the negative plate, (b) -particles are deflected towards the positive plate, (c) rays are not deflected at all. 2. This indicates that (a) -particles are positively charged, (b) -particles are negatively charged, (c) rays are neutral and have no mass. 3. Besides, this also (a) -particles are only slightly deflected in the electric field because they have large mass. (b) -particles are easily deflected in the electric field because they have small mass.

Deflection in a Magnetic Field:

Radioactive Decay: 1. The process in which unstable nuclei emit -particles, -particles and rays in order to form stable nuclei is known as radioactive decay. 2. Radioactive decay is spontaneous and cannot be controlled. It is random and cannot b stopped or slowed down. 3. The emission of particles results in changes in the number of protons and neutrons in the nuclide. This change causes the original nuclide to become the nuclide of another element. 4. The nuclide that decays is called the parent nuclide and the new nucleus formed because of the decay is called the daughter nuclide. Alpha Decay: 1. A -particle is a helium nucleus having 2 protons and 2 neutrons. 2. When an atom decays by -emission, its nucleon number decreases by 4 and its proton number decreases by 2. 3. The change in the nucleon and proton numbers of the nucleus can be represented by the following equation: Parent nuclide daughter nuclide particle

Beta Decay: 1. When an atom decays by emission, its nucleon number remains the same but its proton number increases by 1. 2. The change in the nucleon and proton numbers of the nucleus can be represented by the following equation:

3. 4. 5. 6.

Parent nuclide daughter nuclide particle During beta decay, a neutron changes to a proton and an electron. The proton remains in the nucleus and thus causes the proton number of the daughter nuclide to increase by 1. The nucleon number remains the same, as the total number of protons and neutrons does not change. The electron is expelled from the nucleus and is emitted as a high-energy -particle.

Gamma Emission: 1. When an unstable atom decays through the emission of or particles, the atom is sometimes left with excess energy. This excess energy is emitted as frequency electromagnetic waves known as rays. 2. The emission of rays has no effect on either the nucleon or the proton number of the atom.

Radioactive Series: 1. The full decay process of a uranium-238 nuclide, until the formation of a stable lead-206 nuclide, is known as a radioactive series.

Half-life: 1. The half-life of a radioactive nuclide is the time take for half of the nuclei present in any given sample to decay or change into a new nuclide. 2. The half-life of a radioactive nuclide can also be defined as the time taken for the activity of any given sample to reduce to half of its original value. 3. The rate of decay is unaffected by temperature but a radioactive nuclide has its own definite half-life. Half-lives vary greatly from a few thousand years to a fraction of a second. 4. The activity or decay rate of a radioactive nuclide can be determined using a G-M tube and a counter.

5. The results of an experiment to determine the half-life of the radioactive nuclide are shown in a graph.

6. The half-life of a particular radioactive sample is always constant and does not depend on the amount of the sample left after the decay.

10.3 Uses of Radioisotopes:

Radioisotopes: Isotopes that are not stable and undergo radioactive decay. 1. Radioisotopes exist naturally. 2. Artificial radioisotopes are manufactured mainly by irradiating substances with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. 3. They can also be manufactured by bombarding a stable nucleus with high-energy particles such as protons or neutrons. 4. Radioisotopes have many practical uses. Uses of Radioisotopes:

Uses of Radioisotopes
Agriculture Medicine - as a tracer - radiotheraphy - sterilisation - as a teacer - as a preservation agent - as a mutating agent - as a sterilising agent Archaeology - carbon dating Industries - thickness control - examining the contents of canned substances - tracking leakage in ipes

Radiotherapy: 1. Gamma rays emitted by cobalt-60 can be used to kill the cancer cells in a malignant tumour of a cancer patient. 2. In order to prevent healthy cells from being destroyed, the cobalt-60 source is rotated in a circle with the cancer cells positioned at the centre of the circle so that they can receive the maximum amount of radiation. 3. The healthy cells will only receive a minimum amount of radiation and thus prevent them from being destroyed.

As a preservation Agent: 1. Fruit and foodstuff are radiated to increase their shelf life. 2. Potatoes treated with low doses of radiation can be prevented from sprouting.

Carbon Dating: 1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contains two isotopes: his common, stable carbon-12 and the rare radioactive carbon-14. 2. Living plants absorb and give out carbon dioxide. This causes the percentage of carbon-14 present in the plant tissues to remain constant. 3. When a plant dies, the carbon-14 trapped in it decays by beta emission with a half-life of 5730 years. 4. By measuring the activity of carbon-14 in archaeological samples and comparing it to the activity of living organism, the age of the sample can be determined precisely. 5. This method is called carbon dating and is used by archaeologists to determine the age of ancient remains such as fossils.

10.4 Understanding Nuclear Energy:

Atomic Mass Unit (a.m.u.): 1. The mass of an atom is measured in a unit called the atomic mass unit (a.m.u.) 2. The a.m.u. is defined as one twelve of the mass of a carbon-12 atom. Nuclear Fission: 1. Nuclear fission is a process where the nucleus of a heavy atom split into two due to the bombardment by a slow moving neutron.

2. Being uncharged, a neutron is not repelled on approaching the nucleus. This enables the neutron to hit the nucleus, causing it to split. 3. When a slow moving neutron hits the nucleus of uranium-235, it splits into two nearly equal radioactive nuclei, often barium and krypton, together with the emission of two or three neutrons and a tremendous amount of energy. 4. The energy released by the fission of every uranium-235 atom is enormous. It is about 500 million times greater than that obtained from the burning of carbon.

Chain Reaction: 1. Neutrons emitted during fission can carry on splitting other nuclei. 2. Each of the neutrons produced during fission will hit another nucleus. At the same time, more neutrons are produced. 3. The continuous splitting of nuclei will result in a chain reaction, causing a tremendous amount of energy to be released in a very short period.

4. In practice, many fission neutrons are lost as they escape from the surface of the uranium without causing further fission. 5. The ratio of neutrons escaping to those causing fission decreases as the mass of uranium increases. 6. For a chain reaction to occur, the mass of the uranium-235 has to exceed a certain value, called the critical mass.

Nuclear Fusion: 1. Nuclear fusion is the process where two light nuclei are united into a heavier nucleus with the release of an enormous amount of energy. 2. Nuclear fusion occurs when the nuclei of deuterium (hydrogen-2) and tritium (hydrogen-3) are united to form a nucleus of helium and a neutron.

3. For fusion to occur, the two hydrogen nuclei have to approach each other at very high speed in order to overcome the electrical force of repulsion between them. This can be achieved by raising the temperature of the hydrogen gas to 10 million C. 4. Man-made uncontrolled fusion has resulted in the hydrogen bomb. 5. The initial temperature required is obtained using uncontrolled fission (as in an atomic bomb) to trigger off the fusion. 6. Research is being done to find a method of producing controlled fusion but this has not been successful. If controlled fusion ever becomes a reality, it would be very abundant and safe source energy.

Release of Energy in Nuclear Reactions: 1. 2. 3. In a nuclear reaction, the masses of the fragments produced are always slightly less than the mass of the original nucleus. The loss in mass, known as the mass defect, is converted into energy. In 1905, Einstein showed that the relationship between mass and energy is given by the equation: E = mc2, where E is the energy released in joules, m is the mass defect in kilograms and c is the speed of light in metre per second. The mass defect in some nuclear reactions is quite significant. Such reactions are usually accompanied by the release of a tremendous amount of energy. The energy released in nuclear reactions is known as nuclear energy. Nuclear energy can also be measured in electron volt (eV). The electron volt is defined as the energy acquired by an electron (or a proton) moving through a potential difference of 1 volt. 1 eV = 1.60 x 10^-19 J


5. 6.

Generation of Electricity from Nuclear Fission: 1. In a nuclear power plant, fission in a nuclear reactor provides energy to generate steam to drive a turbine. The turbine in turn drives a generator to produce electricity. The chain reaction that takes place in a nuclear reactor is controlled to release energy at a steady rate.



The fuel for most nuclear reactors consists of pellets of ceramic uranium dioxide enriched with a little uranium-235. 4. Graphite is used as a moderator to slow down the fission neutrons so that a chain reaction is maintained. 5. Control rods in the reactor are made of cadmium or boron. Control rods absorb neutrons and are thus able to control the number of neutrons that causes fission. 6. The chain reaction, and hence the temperature of the reactor, can be changed by raising or lowering the rods. In an emergency, all the rods are lowered to shut down the reactor. 7. A substantial amount of heat is generated in a nuclear reactor. Coolants normally used in a nuclear reactor are either carbon dioxide gas or heavy water. 8. The heated coolant flows into a heat exchanger where cold water is converted into steam at very high pressure. 9. The steam generated is then used to drive a turbine that in turn drives a generator to produce electricity. 10. Nuclear reactors are enclosed in thick concrete walls that are covered with a layer of lead to ensure safety. 11. Until a disposal or long-term storage facility is operational, most spent fuel is stored in water pools at the reactor site where it was produced. The water removes leftover heat generated by the spent fuel and serves as a radiation shield to protect workers at the site.

10.5 Proper Management of Radioactive Substances:

Management of Nuclear Waste: 1. Radioactive waste is waste resulting from the mining of radioactive ore, the production of reactor fuel materials, reactor operations and the use of radioactive materials in research, industry, and medicine. 2. Radioactive waste is normally classified as low-level, medium-level or high-level waste, according to the amount and types of radioactivity in them. 3. Since its radioactivity presents a series health hazard, disposing of such material is a great problem. Low-level Waste: 1. Low-level waste is generated from hospitals, laboratories and industries. 2. It comprises papers, rags, tools, clothing, filters and other objects that contain small amounts of mostly short-lived radioactivity. 3. Such waste is not dangerous to handle but must be disposed of more carefully than normal garbage. 4. It is usually buried in shallow landfill sites. To reduce its volume, it is often compacted or incinerated in a closed container before disposal. Intermediate-level Waste: 1. Intermediate-level waste contains higher amount of radioactive and may required special shielding. 2. It typically comprises resins, chemical sludge, and reactor components as well as contaminated materials from reactor decommissioning. 3. Such waste may be solidified in concrete encased containers and dump in the ocean or buried deep underground. High-level Waste: 1. High-level wastes refer to highly radioactive waste permanent isolation from mans environment that arises as a by-product of nuclear power generation. 2. High-level waste accounts for over 95% of the total radioactivity produce in a process of nuclear electricity generation.

3. Such waste is highly radioactive and it generates a considerable amount of heat. It also requires cooling as well as special shielding during handling and transform. 4. If the waste is reprocessed, the separated waste is solidified by incorporating it into borosilicate (Pyrex) glass, which is sealed inside stainless steel canisters for eventual disposal deep underground. Hazards of Radiation: 1. Radioactive emissions are potentially very hazardous as they can damage or even kill living cells. 2. Exposure to high levels of emissions can be fatal. 3. Lower level of exposure may cause radiation burns that can be very painful and lead to sores and blisters. 4. Continuous exposure to radioactive emissions may cause serious delayed effects such as cancer and cell mutations, which may be passed on to future generations. 5. Gamma rays are the most dangerous as they can penetrate deep into the body. Alpha particles are stopped by our skin but can become hazardous if alpha-emitting substances are taken into our body. 6. A nuclear explosion or an accident at a nuclear power plant could cause a serious danger of radiation hazard. 7. The effects of an accident may reach a wide area if a high number of radioactive gaseous substances and radioactive particles are released into the air. 8. Radiation hazard situations can be caused by accidents that occur during the transportation of radioactive substances. 9. An unprotected person in the accident place may, in a short time, receive such a great radiation dose that it has an immediate effect on the persons health. 10. A massive dose of radiation destroys many cells and can be the cause of radiation illness. 11. In the event of a nuclear explosion, people can get symptoms of a radiation illness even at a distance of a few hundred kilometres from the location of the nuclear explosions.

Safety Precautions: 1. All radioactive substances have to be kept in lead containers with walls of a few centimetres thick. Such containers must be labelled Radioactive Source together with the presence of the international radiation symbol. 2. Weak radioactive sources can be picked up using tweezers. 3. Strong and dangerous sources have to be handled using remote control equipment through a lead-glass screen. 4. Thick lead shields should be installed between strong radioactive sources in use and the radiation workers. 5. Radiation workers have to wear special protective clothing and gloves. They also have to wear film badges to keep track of the radiation dosage they have received. 6. Great care has to be taken in disposal of nuclear waste, especially highlevel waste, as it contains the highly radioactive fission product and some heavy elements with long-lived radioactivity.

Using Nuclear Energy as An Alternative Form of Energy: 1. Modern society relies heavily on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal for its energy supplies. 2. As the above sources are non-renewable, they are likely to run out in a matter of time, probably by the end of the next century or even earlier. 3. Existing alternative sources of energy such as hydroelectric power, solar energy, wind and tidal power will not be sufficiently developed to be of widespread use. 4. It appears that the solution to the worlds future energy shortage lies with nuclear power because reserves of uranium will last for hundreds or even thousands of years. 5. The problem with nuclear power is the potential hazard to the safety and health of the public because nuclear radiation might leak during an accident. 6. Supporters of nuclear power contend that it is the only solution to the worlds future energy shortage and argue that there are adequate safety features built into all nuclear reactors to contain any accidents that may occur. 7. The opponents of nuclear power say that nuclear power constitutes an unacceptable hazard to the public. They maintain that nuclear power is unnecessary and that all future energy needs could e met by an increasing use of alternative energy sources and by conservation.

8. From the rising price of crude oil that is hovering around USD130.00, it looks as if the supporters of nuclear power may have the last say.

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