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BREASTED, James H. - Ancient Records of Egypt - Vol. 2 - The Eighteenth Dynasty

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-2 -
!2 +- C
j.-'ij7 1906
Published Mamh 1906

Compared snd Printad BY

The University of Chicago Prws
Chimp, Illinoie, U.S. A.

CHRONOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Predynastic Kings . . . . . . . .
I1 First Dynasty . . . . . . . . .
I11. Second Dynasty . . . . . . . .
IV Third Dynasty . . . . . . . . .
V Fourth Dynasty . . . . . . . .
V I . Fifth Dynasty . . . . . . . . .
THETHIRD DYNASTY . . . . . . . .
Reign of Snefru . . . . . . . . .
. .
Sinai Inscriptions . . . . . . .
Biography of Methen . . . . . . .
TEE FOURTHDYNASTY . . . . . . . .
Reign of Khufu . . . . . . . . .
Sinai Inscriptions . . . . . . . . .
Inventory Stela . . . . . . . . .
Examples of Dedication Inscriptions by Sons . .
Reign of Khafre . . . . . . . . .
Stela of Mertitybtes . . . . . . . .
Will of Prince Nekure. Son of King Khafre . . .
Testamentary Enactment of an Unknown Official.
Establishing the Endowment of His Tomb by the
Pyramid of Khafre . . . . . . . .
Reign of Menkure . . . . . . . . .
Debhen's Inscription. Recounting King Menkure's Erec-
tion of a Tomb for Him . . . . . . .
THEFIFTH DYNASTY. . . . . . . . .
Reign of Userkaf . . . . . . . . .

5 3 \ \2

Testamentary Enactment of Nekonekh . . . .

I The Priesthood of Hathor . . . . .
I1. The Mortuary Priesthood of Khenuka- . .
I11. Nekonekh's Will . . . . . . .
IV Nekonekh's Mortuary Priesthood . . .
V Nekonekh's Mortuary Statue . . . . .
Testamentary Enactment of Senuonekh. Regulating
His Mortuary Priesthood . . . . . . .
Reign of Sahure . . . . . . . . .
Sinai Inscriptions . . . . . . . . .
Tomb Stela of Nenekhsekhmet . . . . . .
Tomb Inscription of Persen . . . . . . .
Reign of Neferirkere . . . . . . . .
Tomb Inscriptions of the Vizier. Chief Judge. and Chief
Architect Weshptah . . . . . . . .
Reign of Nuserre . . . . . . . . .
Sinai Inscription . . . . . . . . .
Tomb Inscriptions of Hotephiryakhet . . . .
Inscription of Ptahshepses . . . . . . .
Reign of Menkuhor . . . . . . . . .
Sinai Inscription . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Dedkere-Isesi . . . . . . . .
Sinai Inscriptions . . . . . . . . .
Tomb Inscriptions of Senezemib. Chief Judge. Vizier.
and Chief Architect . . . . . . . .
Mortuary Inscription of Nezemib . . . . .
Tomb Inscription of the Nomarch Henku . . .
THE SIXTH DYNASTY . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Teti . . . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Sabu. Also Called Ibebi . . . .
Inscription of Sabu. Also Called Thety . . . .
Inscription of an Unknown Builder . . . . .
Inscription of Uni . . . . . . . . . .
I Career under Teti (1. I) . . . . .
I1 Career under Pepi I (11. 2-32) . . . .
I11 Career under Mernere (11. 32-50) . . . .
Reign of Pepi I . . . . . . . . . .
Hammamat Inscriptions . . . . . . .

I. The King's Inscriptions . . . . .

I1. The Expedition's Inscription . . . .
I11. Chief Architect's Inscription . . . . .
IV. Inscription of the Treasurer of the God Ikhi .
Sinai Inscription . . . . . . . . .
Inscription in the Hatnub Quarry . . . . .
Inscription of Uni: I1 Career under Pepi I . . .
Reign of Mernere . . . . . . . . .
InscriptionsattheFirstCataract . . . . .
I. Northern Inscription . . . . . .
I1. Southern Inscription . . . . . .
Inscription of Uni: I11 Career under Mernere . .
Inscriptions of Harkhuf . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Harkhuf (continued) . . . . .
Reign of Pepi I1 . . . . . . . . .
Conveyance of Land by Idu, Called Also Seneni . .
Sinai Inscription . . . . . . . . .
Stela of the Two Queens. Enekhnes-Merire . . .
Inscriptions of Harkhuf (continued from 8 336) . .
Letter of Pepi I1 . . . . . . . .
I. Dates and Introduction . . . . .
II . Acknowledgment of Harkhuf's Letter. .
I11. Harkhuf's Rewards . . . . . .
IV .'s Instructions . . . . . .
InscriptionsofPepi-Nakht . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Khui . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Sebni . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Ibi . . . . . . . . .
Inscription of Zau . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Ity . . . . . . . . . .
Hammamat Inscription . . . . . . .
Reign of Imhotep . . . . . . . . . .
DYNASTIES . . . . .
Inscriptions of Siut . . . . . . . . .
I. Inscription of Tefibi . . . . . . .
I1. Inscription of Kheti I . . . . . .
I11. Inscription of Kheti I1 . . . . . .

DYNASTY . . . . . .
The Nomarch. Intef . . . . . . .
Mortuary Stela . . . . . . . .
Reign of Horus-Wahenekh-Intef I . . . .
Royal Tomb Stela . . . . . . . .
Reign of Horus-Nakhtneb-Tepnefer-Intef I1 . .
Stela of Thethi . . . . . . . .
Reign of Nibhotep-Mentuhotep I . . . . .
Temple Fragments from Gebelen . . . .
Reigns of Intef I11 and Nibkhrure-Mentuhotep I1 .
Relief near Assuan . . . . . . .
Reign of Senekhkere-MentuhotepI11 . . . .
Hammamat Inscription of Henu . . . .
Reign of Nibtowere-Mentuhotep IV . . . .
HammamatInscriptions . . . . . .
I. The First Wonder . . . . . .
I1 The Official Tablet . . . . .
I11. The Commander's Tablet . . . .
IV The Second Wonder . . . . .
V. Completion of the Work . . . .
Stela of Eti . . . . . . . . .
THETWELFTH . . . . . . .
Chronology of Twelfth Dynasty . . . . . .
Reign of Amenemhet I . . . . . . . .
Inscription of Khnumhotep I . . . . . .
Hammamat Inscription of Intef . . . . . .
Inscription of Nessumontu . . . . . . .
Inscription of Korusko . . . . . . . .
The Teaching of Amenemhet . . . . . .
Dedication Inscription . . . . . . . .
The Tale of Sinuhe . . . . . . . .
Reign of Sesostris I . . . . . . . . .
The Building Inscription of the Temple of Heliopolis .
Inscription of Meri . . . . . . . .
Wadi Halfa Inscription of Mentuhotep . . . .
Inscription of Amenemhet (Ameni) . . . . .
Stela of Ikudidi . . . . . . . . .
Inscription of Intefyoker . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Mentuhotep . . . . . . 530-534
TheContractsofHepzefi . . . . . . 535-538
I. First Contract . . . . . . . . 539-543
I1. Second Contract . . . . . . . . 544-548
I11. Third Contract . . . . . . 549-553
IV . Fourth Contract . . . . . . + 554-558
V . Fifth Contract . . . . . . . 559-567
VI Sixth Contract . . . . . . . . 568-571
VII . Seventh Contract . . . . . . 572-575
VIII . Eighth Contract . . . . . . 576-581
I X . Ninth Contract . . . . . . . 582-588
X . Tenth Contract . . . . . . . 589-593
Reign of Amenemhet I1 . 594-613
Inscription of Simontu . . . . . . . . 594-598
Inscription of Sihathor . . . . . . . . 599-605
Sinai Inscription . . . . . . . . . 606
Stela of Khentemsemeti . 607-613
Reign of Sesostris I1 . . . . . . . . . 614-639
Inscription of Hapu . . . . . . . . 614-618
Inscription of Khnumhotep I1 . . . . . 619-639
Reign of Sesostris I11 . . . . . . . . 640-748
The Conquest of Nubia . 640-672
I. The Canal Inscriptions . 642-649
I. First Inscription . . . . . . . 643-645
I1. Second Inscription . . . . . . 646-645
I1. The Elephantine Inscription . . . . . 649-650
I11. The First Semneh Stela . . . . . . 651-652
IV The Second Semneh Stela . . . . . . 653-660
V . Inscription of Ikhernofret . . 661-670
VI Inscription of Sisatet . . . . . . . 671-673
See also . . .676 ff . and 687
HammamatInscription . . . . . . . 674-675
Stela of Sebek-Khu, called Zaa . 676-687
Inscriptions of Thuthotep . . . . . . . 688-706
Hammamat Inscriptions . 707-7 I 2
Inscriptions of Sinai . . . . . . . 713-738
I. Wadi Maghara . . . . . . . 713-723
I. Inscriptions of Khenemsu . . . . . 714-716

I1 Inscription of Harnakht . . .
I11 Inscription of Sebekdidi . . .
IV. Inscription of Ameni . . . .
I1. Sarbiitel-Khadem . . . . .
I. Inscription of Sebek-hir-hab . .
I1. Inscription of Ptahwer . . .
I11. Inscription of Amenemhet . . .
IV. Inscription of Harurre . . . .
Turra Inscription . . . . . . .
Inscription of Sehetepibre . . . . .
Reign of Amenemhet IV . . . . . .
KummehInscription . . . . . .
Sinai Inscriptions . . . . . . .
Reign of Sekhemre-Khutowe . . . . .
Records of Nile-Levels . . . . . .
Reign of Neferhotep . . . . . . .
Great Abydos Stela . . . . . .
Boundary Stela . . . . . . .
Reign of Nubkheprure-Intef . . . . . .
Coptos Decree . . . . . . .
Reign of Khenzer . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Ameniseneb . . . . .

Reign of Ahmose I . .
Biography of Ahmose. Son of Ebana . .
I. Career under Ahmose I (11.1-24) . .
I1. Career under Amenhotep I (11. 24-29) .
I11. Career under Thutmose I (11. 29-39) .
Biography of Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet . . .
I. Ahmose's Campaigns [Continued 8 401 .
I1 Ahmose's Rewards . . . . .
I11. Ahmose's Summary . . . . .

Quarry Inscription . . . . . . .
Karnak Stela . . . . . . . . .
Building Inscription . . . . . . .
Reign of Amenhotep I . . . . . . .
Biography of Ahmose. Son of Ebana . . .
I1. Career under Amenhotep I (11. 24-29) . .
Biography of Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet . . . .
Career under Amenhotep I . . . . .
Biography of Ineni . . . . . . .
I. Career under Amenhotep I . : . .
I1. Career under Thutmose I . . . .
111. Career under Thutmose I1 . . . .
IV . Career under Thutmose 111and Hatshepsut
Stela of Harmini . . . . . . . .
Stela of Keres . . . . . . . .
Reign of Thutmose I . . . . . . .
Coronation Decree . . . . . . .
Biographical Inscription of Thure . . . .
Tombos Stela . . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions at the First Cataract . . . .
I. Sehel Inscription . . . . . .
I1. Sehel Inscription . . . . . .
I11. Assuan Inscription . . . . . .
Inscription of Ahmose. Son of Ebana . . .
I11. Career under Thutmose I (11. 29-39) . .
Biography of Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet . . . .
Career under Thutmose I . . . . .
Karnak Obelisks . . . . . . . .
Abydos Stela . . . . . . . . .
Biography of Ineni . . . . . . .
I1. Career under Thutmose I (11. 4-14) . .
Stela of Yuf . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Thutmose I1 . . . . . . .
Biography of Ineni . . . . . . .
111. Career under Thutmose I1 . . . .
Assuan Inscription . . . . . . .
Biography of Ahmose-Pen-Nekbet . . . .
IV. Career under Thutmose I1 . . . .

Campaign in Syria . . . . . . . .
The Ebony Shrine of Der el-Bahri . . . . .
Reign of Thutmose I11 and Hatshepsut . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . .
Inscription of the Coronation; Buildings and Offerings
Semneh Temple Inscriptions . . . . . .
I. Renewal of Sesostris 111's List of Offerings .
I1. Dedication to Dedun and Sesostris I11 . .
Biography of Nebwawi . . . . . . .
I. The Statue Inscription . . . . . .
I1. Abydos Stela . . . . . . . .
The Birth of Queen Hatshepsut . . . . .
I. The Council of the Gods . . . . .
I1. Inteniews Between Amon and Thoth . . .
I11. Amon with Queen Ahmose . . . . .
IV. Interview Between Amon and Khnum . .
V. Khnum Fashions the Child . . . . .
VI . Interview Between Thoth and Queen Ahmose
VII . Queen Ahmose is Led to Confinement . .
VIII . The Birth . . . . . . . . .
IX . Presentation of the Child to Amon . . .
X . Council of Amon and Hathor . . . .
X I . The Nursing of the Child . . . . .
XI1. Second Interview of Amon and Thoth . .
XI11. The Final Scene . . . . . . .
Statue of Enebni . . . . . . . . .
Vase Inscription . . . . . . . . .
The Coronation of Queen Hatshepsut . . . .
I. The Purification . . . . . . .
I1. Amon presents the Child to All the Gods . .
I11. The Northern Journey . . . . . .
IV. Coronation by Atum . . . . . .
V. Reception of the Crowns and the Names . .
. VI . Proclamation as King before Amon . . .
VII . Coronation before the Court . . . . .
VIII . Second Purification . . . . . . .
IX . Concluding Ceremonies . . . . . .
Southern Pylon Inscription at Karnak . . . .

The Punt Reliefs . . . . . . . . .

I. Departure of the Fleet . . . . . .
I1 Reception in Punt . . . . . . .
I11. The Traffic . . . . . . . .
IV. Loading the Vessels . . . . . . .
V. The Return Voyage . . . . . . .
VI . Presentation of the Tribute to the Queen by the
Chiefs of Punt, Irem and Nemyew . . .
VII . The Queen Oflers the Gifts to Arnon . . .
VIII . Weighing and Measuring the Gifts to Amon .
IX . Formal Announcement of the Success of the
Expedition before Amon . . . . . .
X Formal Announcement of the Success of the
Expedition to the Court . . . . . .
Inscription of the Speos Artemidos . . . . .
The Karnak Obelisks . . . . . . . .
I. Shaft Inscriptions; Middle Columns . . .
I1. Shaft Inscriptions; Side Columns . . . .
I11. Base Inscription . . . . . . .
Reliefs of Transportation of Obelisks . . . .
I. Transport . . . . . . . . .
I1. Reception in Thebes . . . . . .
I11. Dedication of the Obelisks . . . . .
Rock Inscription in Wadi Maghara . . . . .
Building Inscription of Western Thebes . . . .
Biography of Ineni . . . . . . . .
IV Career under Thutmose 111and Hatshepsut .
BiographyofAhmose-Pen-Nekhbet . . . . .
Conclusion of Summary . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Senmut . . . . . . . .
I. Inscriptions on the Karnak Statue . . .
I1. Assuan Inscription . . . . . . .
I11. Inscriptions on the Berlin Statue . . . .
Inscription of Thutiy . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Puemre . . . . . . . .
I. Statue of Inscription . . . . . .
I1. Tomb Inscriptions . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Hapuseneb . . . . . . .

Reign of Thutmose I11 . . . . . . . .

The Annals . . . . . . . . . .
TheAnnals: ConspectusofCampaigns . . . .
I. Introduction . . . . . . . .
I1 First Campaign (Year 23) . . . . .
Wadi Halfa Inscription . . . . . .
Fragment on the Siege of Megiddo . . . .
I11 Second Campaign (Year 24) . . . . .
IV . Third Campaign (Year 25) . . . . .
V Fourth Campaign . . . . . . .
VI . Fifth Campaign (Year 29) . . . . .
VII. Sixth Campaign (Year 30) . . . . .
VIII Seventh Campaign (Year 31) . . . . .
IX Eighth Campaign (Year 33) . . . . .
X Ninth Campaign (Year 34) . . . . .
XI TenthCampaign(Yearg5) . . . . .
XI1. Eleventh Campaign (Year 36) . . . .
XI11 Twelfth Campaign (Year 37) . . . .
XIV Thirteenth Campaign (Year 38) . . . .
XV Fourteenth Campaign (Year 39) . . . .
XVI. Fifteenth Campaign . . . . . . .
XVII . Sixteenth Campaign . . . . . . .
XVIII Seventeenth Campaign . . . . . .
XIX Conclusion . . . . . . . . .
Feasts and Offerings from the Conquests . . .
Biography of Amenemhab . . . . . . .
Fragments of Karnak Pylon VII . . . . .
Great Karnak Building Inscription . . . . .
Building Inscription of the Karnak Ptah-Temple . .
Obelisks . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Karnak Obelisks . . . . . . .
I1 Lateran Obelisks . . . . . . .
I11 Constantinople Obelisk . . . . . .
IV London Obelisk . . . . . . .
V New York Obelisk . . . . . . .
Medinet Habu Building Inscriptions . . . .
Heliopolis Building Inscriptions . . . . .
Nubian Wars . . . . . . . . . .

.I Canal Inscription . . . . . . .
I1. Inscriptions of Nehi. Viceroy of Kush . . .
I11 Offerings from the South Countries . . .
Hymn of Victory . . . . . . . .
Tomb of Rekhmire . . . . . . . .
I. Appointment of Rekhmire as Vizier . . .
I1. Duties of the Vizier . . . . . . .
I11. The Sitting of the Vizier . . . . .
IV Reception of Petitions . . . . . .
V . Inspection of Taxes of Upper Egypt . . .
A Above Thebes . . . . . . .
B Below Thebes . . . . . . .
VI Reception of Dues to the Amon-Temple . .
VII Inspection of Daily Offerings and of Monuments
VIII . Inspection of Craftsmen . . . . . .
IX Inspection of Sculptors and Builders . . .
X Reception of Foreign Tribute . . . .
X I . Accession of Amenhotep I1 . . . . .
Stela of Intef the Herald . . . . . . .
Tomb of Menkheperreseneb . . . . . .
Stela of Nibamon . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Amenhotep I1 . . . . . . . .
Asiatic Campaign . . . . . . . . .
I Karnak Stela . . . . . . . .
I1. Amiida and Elephantine Stelc . . . .
I11. Karnak Chapel . . . . . . . .
Turra Inscription . . . . . . . . .
Tomb of Amenken . . . . . . . .
KarnakBuildingInscription . . . . . .
Biography of Amenemhab . . . . . . .
Reign of Thutmose IV . . . . . . . .
Sphinx Stela . . . . . . . . . .
Asiatic Campaign . . . . . . . . .
Konosso Inscription . . . . . . . .
Lateran Obelisk . . . . . . . . .
Stela of Pe'aoke . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Amenhotep I11 . . . . . . . .
Birth and Coronation . . . . . . . .
Nubian War . . . . . . . . . 842-855
I. Stela at First Cataract . . . . . . 843-844
I1. Stela of Konosso . . . . . . . 845
I11. Bubastis Inscription . . . . . . . 846-850
IV. Semneh Inscription . . . . . . . 851-855
Tablet of Victory . . . . . . . 856-859
The Commemorative Scarabs . 860-869
I. Marriage with Tiy . . . . . . . 861-862
I1. Wild Cattle Hunt . . . . . . . 863-864
I11. Ten Years Lion-Hunting . . . . . 865
IV. Marriage with Kirgipa . . . . . . 866-867
V. Construction of a Pleasure Lake . . 868-869
Jubilee Celebrations . . . . . . . . 870-874
Quarry and Mine Inscriptions . . . . . 875-877
Building Inscription . . . . . . . . 878-892
I. Introduction (11. 1-2) . . . . . . 882
I1. Temple of the (Memnon) Colossi (11. 2-10) . . 883-885
111. Luxor Temple and Connected Buildings . . 886-887
IV. Sacred Barge of Amon (11.16-20) . . . . 888
V Third Pylon of Karnak (11. 2-23) . . . 889
VI . Temple of Soleb (11. 23-26) . . . . . 890
VII. Hymn of Amon to the King (11. 26-31) . . 891-892
Building Inscriptions of the Soleb Temple . . . 893-898
Great Inscription of the Third Karnak Pylon . . . 899-903
Dedication Stela . . . . . . . . . 904-910
I. Speech of the King (11. 1-13) . . . . . 905-908
I1. Speech of Amon (11. 14-20) . . . . . 909
I11. Speech of the Divine Ennead (11. 20-24) . . 910
Inscriptions of Amenhotep, Son of Hapi . . . 911-927
I. Statue Inscription . . . . . . 913-920
11. Mortuary Temple Edict . . . . . 921-927
Statue of Nebnefer . . . . . . . 928-931
Reign of Ikhnaton . . . . . . . . . 932-1018
Quarry Inscription at Silsileh . . . . . 932-935
Tomb of the Vizier Ramose . . . . . . 936-948
The Tell El-Amarna Landmarks . . . . . 949-972
Assuan Tablet of the Architect Bek . . . . . 973-976
The Tell El-Arnarna Tombs . . . . . . 977-1018
Tomb of Merire I1 . . . . . . . 981
Tomb of Merire I . . . . . . . . 982-988
Tomb of Eye . . . . . . . .
Tomb of Mai . . . . . . . .
Tomb of Ahmose . . . . . . .
Tomb of Tutu . . . . . . . .
Tomb of Huy . . . . . . . .
Reign of Tutenkhamon . . . . . . .
Tomb of Huy . . . . . . . . .
I. Investiture of the Viceroy of Kush . .
I1. Tribute of the North . . . . .
I11. Tribute of the South . . . . .
Reign of Eye . . . . . . . . .
Plan of Punt Reliefs . . . . . . . . . 1 0 5

Reign of Harmhab . . . . .
Tomb of Harmhab . . . .
I. Leyden Fragments . . .
I Stela with Adoration Scene
I1. Reward of Gold . . .
I1. Vienna Fragment . . .
I11. Alexandria Fragments . .
IV. British Museum Fragments .
I Doorposts . . . .
I1. Stela with Three Hymns .
V. Cairo Fragments . . .
Coronation Inscription . . . .
Graffiti in the Theban Necropolis .
The Wars of Harmhab . . . .
I. In the North . . . .
I1. In the South . . .
Edict of Harmhab . . . . .

I. Introduction (11. 1-10) . . . . . .

11. Introduction: The King's Zeal for the Relief of
the People (11. 10-14) . . . . . .
111. Enactment Against Robbing the Poor of Dues
for the Royal Breweries and Kitchens (ll. 14-17)
IV. Enactment Against Robbing the Poor of Wood
Due the Pharaoh (11. 17-18) . . . . .
V. Enactment Against Exacting Dues from a Poor
Man Thus Robbed (11. 18-20) . . . .
VI. Against Robbing the Poor of Dues for the Harem
or the Gods by the Soldiers (11. 20-24) . .
VII. Enactments Against Unlawful Appropriation of
Slave Service (11. 22-24) . . . . . .
VIII. Enactment Against Stealing of Hides by the
Soldiers (11. 25-28) . . . . . . .
IX. Against Connivance of Dishonest Inspectors with
Thievish Tax-Collectors, for a Share of the Booty
(11. 28-32) . . . . . . . . .
X. Enactment Against Stealing Vegetables Under
Pretense of Collecting Taxes (11. 32-35) . .
XI. Enactments too Fragmentary for Analysis (11. 35-
39) and Right Side (11. I , 2) . . . . .
XII. Narrative of the King's Reforms, Containing
Also an Enactment Against Corrupt Judges
(11. 3-7) . . . . . . . . .
XIII. Narrative of the King's Monthly Audiences and
Largesses (11. 7-10) . . . . . . .
XIV. Laudation of the King, and Conclusion (Left
Side) . . . . . . . . . .
Tomb of Neferhotep . . . . . . . .
Reign of Ramses I . . . . . . . . .
Wadi Halfa Stela . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Seti I . . . . . . . . . .
Karnak Reliefs . . . . . . . . .
Scene I. March through Southern Palestine . .
Scene 2. Battle with the Shasu . . . . .
Scene 3. Capture of Pekanan. . . . . .
Scene 4. Capture of Yenoam. . . . . .

Scene 5 . Submission of the Chiefs of Lebanon . .

Scenes 6 and 7. Binding and Carrying Away Prisoners
Scene 8. Reception in Egypt . . . . . .
Scene g . Presentation of Shasu Prisoners and Precious
Vessels to Amon . . . . . . . .
Scene 10. Presentation of Syrian Prisoners and
Precious Vessels to Amon . . . . . .
Scene 11. Slaying Prisoners Before Amon . . .
Scene 1 2. First Battle with the Libyans . . .
Scene 13 . Second Battle with the Libyans . . .
Scene 14. Return from Libyan War . . . .
Scene 15. Presentation of Libyan Prisoners and Spoil
to Amon . . . . . . . . . .
Scene 16. Capture of Kadesh . . . . .
Scene 17. Battle with the Hittites . . . . . .
Scene 18 Carrying off Hittite Prisoners . . .
Scene 19. Presentation of Hittite Spoil and Prisoners
to Amon . . . . . . . . . .
Scene 2 0. Slaying Prisoners before Amon . . .
Wadi Halfa Stela . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of Redesiyeh . . . . .
I. First Inscription . . . . . . .
I1. Second Inscription . . . . . . .
I11. Third Inscription . . . . . . .
Building Inscriptions . . . . . . . .
I. FirstCataractInscription . . . . .
I . Assuan Inscription . . . . . .
2 . Elephantine Stela . . . . . .
I1. Silsileh Quarry Stela . . . . . .
111. Gebelh Quarry Inscription . . . . .
IV . Mortuary Temple at Thebes (Kurna) . . .
V. Temple of Karnak . . . . . . .
VI. Mortuary Temple at Abydos . . . . .
VII . Temple Model of Heliopolis . . . . .
W I. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . .
Reign of Rarnses I1 . . . . . . . . .
Great Abydos Inscription . . . . . . .
Kubban Stela . . . . . . . . . .
-- ---

The Asiatic War . . . . . . . . . 294-391
I. Beginning of the Hittite War . . . 296-351
I First Campaign . . . . . . . 297
I1 Second Campaign: The Battle of Kadesh . 298-351
a . Poem of the Battle of M e s h . . . 305-315
b . Official Record of the Battle of Kadesh 316-327
c. The Reliefs of the Battle of Kadesh . . 328
.I The Council of War . . . 329-330
11. The Camp . . . . . . 331-332
I11. Ramses'Messengers . . . . 333-334
IV. The Battle . . . . . . 335-338
V The Defense of the Camp . . . 339-340
VI . After the Battle . . . . . 341-347
VII . Presentation of Captives to Amon . 348-351
I11. Palestinian Revolt . . . . . . . 352-362
I Reconquest of Southern Palestine . . . 353-355
I1 Reconquest of Northern Palestine . . . 356-362
IV . Campaign in Naharin . . . . . 363-391
I. Conquest of Naharin . . . . . 364-366
I1 Treaty with the Hittites . . . . 367-391
Relations of Egypt with the Hittites after the War . 392-491
I. The Blessing of Ptah . . . . . . 394-414
I1. Marriage Stela . . . . . . . . 415-424
I11. Message of the Chief of Kheta to the Chief of
Kode . . . . . . . . . . 425-426
IV Coptos Stela . . . . . . . . 427-428
V. Bentresh Stela . . . . . . . . 429-447
Nubian Wars and References to Northern Wars . . 448-491
I. Abu Simbel Temple . . . . . . 449-457
I1. Bet el-Walli Temple . . . . . . 458-477
I11. Assuan Stela . . . . . . . . 478-479
IV. Luxor Temple . . . . . . . . 480-484
V. Abydos Temple . . 485-486
VI. Tanis Stelae . . . . . . . . 487-491
Building Inscriptions . . . . . . . . 492-537
I. Great Temple of Abu Simbel. . . . . 495-499
I1. Small Temple of Abu Simbel . . . . . 500-501
I11. Temple of Serreh . . . . . . . 502
TV. Temple of Derr . . . . . . . 503
V. Temple of SebQCa . . . . . . . 504
VI . Temple of el Kab . . . . . . . 505
VII . Temple of Luxor . . . . . . . 506-508
VIII . Temple of Karnak . . . . . . . 509-5'3
IX . The Ramesseum . . . . . . . 514-515
X. Temple of Kurna . . . . . . . 516-522
XI . Seti 1's Temple at Abydos and Great Abydos
Inscription . . . . . . . . .
XI1. Ramses 11's Temple at Abydos . . . .
XI11. Memphis Temples . . . . . . .
I . Great Abydos Inscription (1. 22) . . .
2 . Blessing of Ptah (11. 32, 35) . . . .
XIV . City of Tanis (Blessing of Ptah (11. 16-18) .
Stela of the Year 400 . . . . . . . .
Royal Jubilee Inscriptions . . . . . . .
I. First Gebel Silsileh Inscription . . . .
I1. Bigeh Inscription . . . . . . .
I11. Second Gebel Silsileh Inscription . . . .
IV . Third Gebel Silsileh Inscription . . . .
V. Fourth Gebel Silsileh Inscription . . . .
VI . Sehel Inscription . . . . . . .
VII . El Kab Inscription . . . . . . .
VIII . Fifth Gebel Silsileh Inscription . . . .
IX. Sixth Gebel Silsileh Inscription . . . .
Inscription of Beknekhonsu . . . . . . .
Reign of Merneptah . . . . . . . . .
The Invasion of Libyans and Mediterranean Peoples .
I. The Great Karnak Inscription . . . .
I1. The Cairo Column . . . . . . .
I11. The Athribis Stela . . . . . . .
IV. The Hymn of Victory . . . . . .
Inscriptions of the High Priest of Amon, Roy . .
Daybook of a Frontier Official . . . . . .
Letter of a Frontier Official . . . . . .
Reign of Siptah . . . . . . . . . .
Nubian Graffiti . . . . . . . . .

Fig . r . Plan of the Reliefs of Seti I. on the North Wall of the
Great Hall of Karnak . . . . . . . .
Fig . 2 . Seti I on the Route through Southern Palestine
(Scene I) . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig . 3 . Showing Two Superimposed Figures . . . . .
Fig. 4. Inserted Figure of "First King's-Son" . . . .
Fig . 5 . An Unknown Prince Following the Chariot of Seti I
(Scene 14) . . . . . . . . . .
Fig . 6. Figure of an Unknown Prince Inserted in a ~ r a ~ m e n -
tary Scene (5 130) . . . . . . . .
Fig . 7 . Map of the Orontes Valley in the Vicinity of
Kadesh . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig . 8. March to Kadesh: First Positions . . . . .
Fig. g . Battle of Kadesh: Second Positions . . . . .
Fig . 10. Battle of Kadesh: Third Positions . . . . .
Fig. 11. Battle of Kadesh: Fourth Positions . . . .
Fig . 12. Battle of Kadesh: Fifth Positions . . . . .
Fig . 13. The Modem Mound of Kadesh . . . . .

Reign of Ramses I11 . . . . . . . .
Medinet Habu Temple . . . . . . . .
Building and Dedication Inscriptions . . . .
Historical Inscriptions . . . . . . .
I. Treasury of Medinet Habu Temple . . .
I1. First Libyan War. Year 5 . . . . .
I . Great Inscription in the Second Court
(Year 5) . . . . . . . .
I11. Northern War. Year 8 . . . . . .
I . Great Inscription on the Second Pylon.
Year 8 . . . . . . . . .
2 . Relief Scenes Outside North Wall and in
Second Court. Year 8 . . . . .
N . Second Libyan War . . . . . .

I . Great Inscription on the First Pylon (Medi-

net Habu) . . . . . . .
2. Poem on Second Libyan War . . .
3. Relief Scenes on First Pylon and Outside
North Wall (Medinet Habu) . . .
4. Papyrus Harris . . . . . .
V. The Syrian War . . . . . . .
VI . The Nubian War . . . . . .
Medinet Habu Temple Calendar . . . . .
Act of Endowment of the Temples of Khnum . .
Papyrus Harris . . . . . . . . .
Discussion of . . . . . . . . .
Content :
I. Introduction . . . . . . . .
I1. Theban Section . . . . . . .
I11. Heliopolitan Section . . . . . .
IV. Memphite Section . . . . . . .
V. General Section (Small Temples) . . .
VI . Summary . . . . . . . .
VII . Historical Section . . . . . . .
Record of the Royal Jubilee . . . . . .
Records of the Harem Conspiracy . . . . .
I . Appointment of the Court . . . . .
I1. The Condemned of the First Prosecution . .
I11. The Condemned of the Second Prosecution .
IV. The Condemned of the Third Prosecution . .
V. The Condemned of the Fourth Prosecution .
VI . The Acquitted . . . . . . . .
VII . The Practicers of Magic . . . . .
Reign of Ramses IV . . . . . . . .
Hammamat Stela . . . . . . . . .
I. The First Stela . . . . . . . .
I1. The Second Stela . . . . . . .
Abydos Stela . . . . . . . . . .
Building Inscription of the Khonsu Temple . . .
Reign of Ramses V . . . . . . . . .
Tomb Dedication . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Ramses VI . . . . . . . . .

Tomb of Penno . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Ramses VII . . . . . . . .
Stela of Hori . . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Ramses IX . . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of the High Priest of Amon. Amenhotep
I. Building Inscriptions . . . . . .
I1. Records of Rewards . . . . . .
* The Records of the Royal Tomb-Robberies . . .
I. Papyrus Abbott . . . . . . . .
I1. Papyrus Amherst . . . . . . .
I11. Turin Fragment . . . . . . .
IV . Mayer Papyri . . . . . . . .
Reign of Ramses XI1 . . . . . . . .
The Report of Wenamon . . . . . . .
Records of the Restoration of the Royal Mummies .
Letter to the Viceroy of Kush . . . . . .
Building Inscriptions in the Temple of Khonsu . .
The Twenty-First Dynasty . . . . . . .
Reign of Hrihor . . . . . . . . .
Inscriptions of the Temple of Khonsu . . . .
Reign of Nesubenebded . . . . . . .
GebelCn Inscription . . . . . . . .
Reign of the High Priest and King Paynozem I . .
I. Paynozem I as High Priest . . . . .
BuildingInscriptions . . . . . .
Records on the Royal Mummies . . . .
I1. Paynozem I as King . . . . . .
Records on the Royal Mumpies . . . .
BuildingInscriptions . . . . . .
High Priesthood of Menkheperre . . . . .
Stela of the Banishment . . . . . . .
Record of Restoration . . . . . . .
Karnak Graffito . . . . . . . . .
Records on the Royal Mummies . . . . .
High Priesthood of Paynozem I1 . . . . .
Records on the Priestly Mummies . . . . .
Records on the Royal Mummies . . . . .

Record of Paynozem 11's Burial . . . . .

Stela of the "Great Chief of Me. " Sheshonk . .
High Priesthood of Pesibkhenno . . . . .
Records on Mummy-Wrappings . . . . .
Burial of Nesikhonsu . . . . . . .
Records on the Royal Mummies . . . . .
Records of Nile-Levels at Karnak . . . . .
Reign of Sheshonk I . . . . . . . .
Records on Mummy-Bandages of Zeptahefonekh . .
Building Inscription . . . . . . . .
Great Karnak Relief . . . . . . . .
Presentation of Tribute . . . . . . .
Karnak Stela . . . . . . . . . .
Dakhel Stela . . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Osorkon I . . . . . . . . .
Record of Temple Gifts . . . . . . .
Reign of Takelot I . . . . . . . . .
Statue of the Nile-God Dedicated by the High Priest.
Sheshonk . . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Osorkon I1. . . . . . . . .
Flood Inscription . . . . . . . . .
* Statue Inscription . . . . . . . . .
Jubilee Inscriptions . . . . . . . .
Reign of Takelot I1 . . . . . . . . .
Graffito of Harsiese . . . . . . . .
Stela of Kerome . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Sheshonk 111 . . . . . . . .
Annals of the High Priest of Amon. Osorkon . . .
I. East of Door . . . . . . . .
I1. West of Door . . . . . . . .
FirstSerapeumStelaofPediese . . . . . .
Record of Installation . . . . . . . .
Reign of Pemou . . . . . . . . . .
Second Serapeum Stela of Pediese . . . . .
Reign of Sheshonk IV . . . . . . . .
Stela of Weshtehet . . . . . . . .
Serapeurn Stela of Harpeson . . . . . 785-792
THETWENTY.THIRDDYNASTY . . . . . . 793-883
Records of Nile-Levels at Karnak . . . . 793-794
Reign of Osorkon I11 . . . . . . . . 795
Will of Yewelot . . . . . . . . . 795
Reign of Piankhi . . . . . . . . . 796-883
The Piankhi Stela . . . 796-883
DYNASTY . . . . . . 884
Reign of Bocchoris . . . . . . . . . 884
Serapeurn Stela: . . . . . . . . . 884
DYNASTY . . . . . .
Records of the Nile-Levels at Karnak . . . .
Reign of Shabaka . . . . . . . . .
Building Inscription . . . . . . . .
Reign of Taharka . . . . . . . . .
Tanis Stela . . . . . . . . . .
Building Inscription in Large Cliff-Temple of Napata
Inscription of Menternhet . . . . . . .
Serapeurn Stela . . . . . . . . .
Reign of Tanutamon . . . . . . . .
Stela of Tanutarnon . . . . . . . .
Reign of Psarntik I . . . . . . .
Adoption Stela of Nitocris . . . . .
Statue Inscription of the Chief Steward. Ibe .
First Serapeurn Stela . . . . . .
Second Serapeurn Stela . . . . .
Statue Inscription of Hor . . . . .
Reign of Necho . . . . . . . .
Serapeum Stela . . . . . . .
BuildingInscription . . . . . .
Reign of Psamtik I1 . . . . . . .
Statue Inscription of Neferibre-Nofer . .
Reign of Apries . . . . . . . .
'Serapeum Stela . . . . . . .
Stela of the Divine Consort Enekhnesneferibre
Inscription of Nesuhor . . . . .

Reign of Arnasis (Ahmose 11). . . . .

Elephantine Stela . . . . . . .
Serapeum Stela . . . . . . .
Statue Inscription of the General Ahmose .
Statue Inscription of Pefnefdineit . .
Mortuary Stelre of the Priest Psamtik . .
Plan of Scenes and Inscriptions in Medinet Habu Temple . . 5
I. The introductions to the documents are in twelve-
point type, like these lines.
2. All of the translations are in ten-point type, like this line.
3. In the footnotes and introductions all quotations from
the documents in the original words of the translation are
in italics, inclosed in quotation marks. Italics are not
employed in the text of the volumes for any other purpose
except for titles.
4. The lines of the original document are indicated in
the translation by superior numbers.
5. The loss of a word in the original is indicated by
-, two words by - -, three words by - - -, four
words by - - - -, five words by - - - - --, and
more than five by . A word in the original is
estimated at a "square7' as known to Egyptologists, and
the estimate can be but a very rough one.
6. When any of the dashes, like those of No. 5 , are in-
closed in half-brackets, the dashes so inclosed indicate not
lost, but uncertain words. Thus r-1 represents one un-
certain word, r- -1 two uncertain words, and r 1
more than five uncertain words.
7. When a word or group of words are inclosed in half-
brackets, the words so inclosed are uncertain in meaning;
that is, the translation is not above question.
8. Roman numerals I, 11, 111, and IV, not preceded by
the title of any book or journal, refer to these four volumes
of Historical Documents. The Arabic numerals following
such Romans refer to the numbered paragraphs of these
volumes. All paragraph marks (Q and $0, without a
oma an) refer to paragraphs of the same volume.
g. For signs used in transliteration, see Vol. I, p. xv.
I. This inscription" contains the biography of a naval
officer, Ahmose, a nobleman of El Kab, who served with
distinction under three successive kings: Ahmose I, Amen-
hotep I, and Thutmose I, his father having served under
the predecessor of Ahmose I, Sekenenre. It is especially
important, because it is our only contemp3rary source for
the expulsion of the Hyksos, and forms, with the biography
of Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet (Q B I 7 ff.), our only source for the
warsof the early Eighteenth Dynasty; for the royal records
of this critical period have totally perished. The family of
nomarchs at El Kabb were strong supporters of the rising
dynasty, and it is clear that such loyalty was liberally re-
warded with the gifts of slaves and land,' of which both
the El Kab Ahmoses boast. I t was by thus cementing a
firm friendship with such local nobility that the first kings

aOn the wall of Ahmose's cliff-tomb at El Kab; in two parts: the first,
of 31 lines on the right-hand wall, and the second, of 8 lines, on the door-wall at
the left of door. Text: Champollion, Notices descriptives, I, 655-57, only 26
lines, and very inaccurate; first completely published by Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 1 2 ,
a and d; thence inaccurately copied by Rheinisch, Chrestomathie, P1. 6, omitting
d; and equally incorrectly, Lemm, Lesestucke, 67; Bunsen, Egypt's Place, zd ed.,
V, 732, 733 (beginning only). I have collated the excellent Berlin squeezc (Nc.
172), which mostly sustains Lepsius, Denkmaler, but furnishes some important
corrections. Valuable discussion of difficult passages by Piehl, Proceedings of the
Socieby of Biblical Archeology, XV, 256-58, and Sphinx, 111, 7-12.
bThe family is far older than the Empire, and already under the Thirteenth
Dynasty enjoyed the favor of the king (Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 14, b ) ; but it is
impossible to trace the line back of Ahmose, son of Ebana's grandmother.
cA boundary stone marking one limit of such a gift by Thutmose I was acquired
hy the Berlin Museum in 1899. I t reads: "Southern boundary of the fields given
as a favor of the royal presence, to the orderly (snn) of his majesty, Nekri ( N k r y ) ;
150 stat," See a similar tablet in Mariette, Monuments divers, 47A, under Thut-
mose N.

of the Eighteenth Dynasty maintained themselves during

their long and exhausting wars. The royal children were
even intrusted to these El Kab princes, to be reared under
their chargeja and they finally ruled from El Kab to
2. The ten campaigns in which Ahmose took part are
treated in the respective reigns under which they fall, as
I. Career under Ahmose I, 11. 1-24 (19 4 ff.).
11. Career under Amenhotep I, 11. 24-29 (Q 1 38 f.).
111. Career under Thutmose I, 11. 29-39 ($1 78 ff.).
3. The immediate authorship of the inscription is estab-
lished by the neighboring relief. Ahmose is represented as
standing at the left, and before him is his grandson, Pahri
(P '-Fry), accompanied by the following words:
By the son of his daughter the conductor of the works in this tomb,
perpetuating the name of the father of his mother, the draughtsmanC
of Amon, Pahri,d triumphant.

The long inscription was therefore executed by Ahmose's

grandson, Pahri, who was a draughtsman.


[Ll. 1-24; continued f $ 3 8 ff.]

After an introduction and a few .words about his

youth and parentage, Ahmose plunges directly into his first

aSee Tomb of Pahri, "Eleventh Memoir," Egyptian Exploration Fund, and

Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 10, b and 11, b.
bPahri, grandson of Ahmose, son of Ebana, was "prince of Esneh ( Y n y . t ) ,
governor of the soulhern lands h't), satisfying the excellent heart of his lord from
the House of Hathor to El Kab." Tylor, Tomb of Pahri, P1. 111.
cSee Goodwin, Zeitschrift far iigyptische Sprache, 1872, 2 1 .
dHis tomb is the most interesting one at El Kab; see The Tomb of Pahri ef
Kab, b y Griffith and Tylor, "Eleventh Memoir," of Egyptian Exploration Fund.

campaign, with an account of a siege of the city of Hatwaret

(ht-w r't). This can be no other than the city called
Avaris by Manetho (Josephus, Contra Apion, I, ~ q ) where,
according to him, the Hyksos make their last stand in
Egypt. a I t is also mentioned as the residence of the Asiatics
(C 'mw, 8 303,l. 37) by Hatshepsut, and by a papyrus of the
late Nineteenth D ~ n a s t yas
, ~ the residence of an Apophis;
so that there is no doubt about the identification with
Avaris. The siege, which must have lasted many years, was
interrupted by the rebellion of some disaffected noble in
Upper Egypt; but the city was finally captured, and the
Hyksos, fleeing into Asia, were pursued to the city of Sharuhen
(Josh. 19:6). Here they were besieged for six years by
Ahmose I, and this stronghold was also captured. I t was
probably at the conclusion of this siege that Ahmose I
pushed northward and invaded Syria, as narrated by
Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet (5 zo), probably still in pursuit of the
last remnants of the Hyksos.
5 . The king now returned, and carried his army to the
other extreme of his domain, invading Nubia. He was
recalled from a successful campaign there, to quell two
successive rebellions, the last of the internal dissensions
which had distracted the country since the fall of the Middle
Kingdom. At this point the wars, and probably the reign,
of Ahmose I closed, Ahmose, son of Ebana, having gained
distinction in all his campaigns.

aAccording to Egypt Exploration F u d Archreo2ogical Report (~goc-1901,IS),

there is in Cairo a stela containing a reference to this war with the Hyksos, but I
have been unable to gain any information concerning it. I t is probably $30.
bSallier I, 1-3; it contains a folk-tale narrating the cause of the war between
a Hyksos king, Apophis in Avaris, and a Sekenenre, who was ruler (hk 3 in Thebes.
Unfortunately, only the beginning is preserved. Most of the current translations
and interpretations of this document are largely the products of a vivid irnagina-

Introductory Address
6 . 'Chief of the sailors, Ahmose ( Y h-ms), son of Ebana C- b3-n'),
triumphant; =he says: "I will tell you, 0 all ye people; I will cause
you to know the honors which came to me. I was presented with gold
seven timesa in the presence 30f the whole land; male and female slaves
likewise. I was endowed with very many fields." The fame of one
valiant in his achievements shall not perish 4in this land f0rever.b

H i s Youth
7. He speaks as follows: "I spent my youth in the city of NekhebC
(Nbb), my father being an officer of the king of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Sekenenre (Sknyn R -), triumphant, Baba (B 'b '), %on of
Royenet, (R3-yn't), was his name. Then I served as an officer in his
stead, in the ship 'The Offering' in the time of the Lord of the Two
Lands, Nebpehtire (Nb-phty-R C, Ahmose I), triumphant, 6while I was
(still) young, not having taken a wife,d and while I was still sleeping in
the r-1 garment.e Then after I set up a household, I was trans-
ferred 'to the northern fleet, because of my valor. I followed the king
on footf when he rode abroad in his %hariot.

Campaign against the Hyksos; Siege of Avaris

8. One besieged the city of Avaris (Ht-w r' t) ; I showed valor on
footf before his majesty; then I was appointed sto (the ship) 'Shining-

aAhmose has recorded elsewhere in his tomb (Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 12, c)
a list of the gifts he received, making a total of 9 men and 10women; the total of
land is lost. This does not agree with 'his narrative, which does not summarize,
but in different gifts mentions in all 9 men and 7 women received from the king,
and 8 men and 7 women captured.
bThis last statement is probably a proverbial phrase; see Spiegelberg, Recueil,
XXVI, 41, 42.
cEl Kab. dSee Miiller, Liebespoesie, 3.
eThis is, of course, some garment worn by a youth; cf. the girdle of Uni's
youth (I, 294, 1. I ) .
fLit., "on my two feet;" this is emphasized as land service, Ahmose being a
naval officer.
gReward after the first battle at Avaris.

Second Battle of Avaris

g. One fought on the water in the canal: Pezedku (P3-@kw) of
Avaris. Then I fought hand to hand, I0I brought away a hand.a I t
was reported to the royal herald. One gave to me the gold of valor.b

Third Battle of Avaris

10. Then there was again fighting in this place; I again fought
hand to hand "there; I brought away a hand. One gave to me the
gold of braverv in the second place.

First Rebellion, Interrupting Siege of Avaris

I I. One fought in this south of this city; lathen I brought
away a living captive, a man; I descended into the water; behold, he
was broughte as a seizure upon the road of this I S ~ i t y ('although')
,~ I
crossed with him over the water. I t was announced to the royal herald.
Then one presentedf me with gold in double measure.g

Capture of Avaris
12. One '4captured Avaris; I took captive there one man and three
women, total four heads, his majesty gave them to me for s l a ~ e s . ~

aCut off as a trophy, from a slain enemy.

bReward after the second battle. CReward after the third battle.
dThere can be no doubt that the word (km't) means here, as always elsewhere,
"Egypt;" "this city" is then El Kab, for the word "south" is an adjective femi-
nine agreeing with "Egypt." The phrase can only be translated into a language
like Greek or German, thus: "in diesem siidlich von dieser Stadt befindlichen
Aegypten." The siege of Avaris is therefore interrupted by a rebellion in upper
Egypt, similar to the two later ones (85 IS, 16), and for this reason the narrative
particularly specifies "this Egypt, sozllh,'etc." See also $ 13, 1. IS.
eContrast with this the two men "captured as a seizure upon the ship of the
enemy" (1. 2 1 ) . There is no ground for the fanciful rendering, indicating that he
lost his way! Ahmose means that, although obliged to descend to and cross over
the water (of some canal) with his prisoner, he brought him away as safely as one
seized upon the road of the city.
*Read hr for myk (confusion from hieratic ?), as in 1. 28.
gReward after the fourth battle.
hReward after the fifth battle; apparently Avaris was captured on the fourth
assault; but these brief references to fighting may each one indicate a whole season
of the siege, which would then have lasted four years, as that of Sharuhen lasted
six. See 3 13.

Siege of Shuruhen
13. ISOne besieged Sharuhena (S>-r>-h>-n') for 6 years,b (and)
his majesty took it. Then I took captive there two women and one
hand. 'bone gave me the gold of bravery, 'besides1 giving me the
captives for slaves.
Campaign against Nub&
14. Now, after his majesty had slain the Asiatics (Mntyw SB), 17he
ascended the river to Khenthennofer (gnt-hn-nfr), to destroy the
Nubian Troglod~tes;~ his majesty made a great slaughter among them.
then I took captive there, two living men, and three hands. One
presented me with gold in double measure, rbesidesl giving to me two
female slavesd '9His majesty sailed down-stream, his heart joyous
with the might of victory, (for) he had seized Southerners and North-
Second Rebellion
15. '"There came an enemy of the South; his fate, his destruction
approached; the gods of the South seized him, and his majesty found
him in Tintto-emu (Tynt-t J-C m ~ ) .His ~ majesty camed him off "a
living prisoner, and all his people carried captive. I carried away two

aCf. Josh. 1g:6.

blepsius, Denkmiiler, has "5," which has been generally accepted; Cham-
pollion's text and Brugsch's translation have "6." I repeatedly examined the
squeeze for this point with especial care; it has a clear "6." The correctness of
the rendering "for 6 years" rather than " i n the year 6" has been clearly demon-
strated by Piehl (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, XV, 258).
Another proof is that m,the preposition here, is used all through the Beknekhonsu
inscription (Munich) for "during" or "for" a period of years. This throws a new
light on the whole Asiatic campaign, for the stubbornness of the besieged and the
persistence of Ahmose are almost certainly an indication that the siege is an exten-
sion of the campaign against the Hyksos, who, having retreated to Shamhen, are
here making their last stand. We may suppose, therefore, that the siege of Avaris
itself also lasted many years, allowing opportunity for a rebellion in Upper Egypt.
See 5 11, 1. 11.
cCf. Miiller, Asien und Europa, 2 1 .
dThese slaves being women, are not the two captives just taken, as the trans-
lations of Renouf and Petrie indicate.
eLit., "She of the land of the water-suppb" (Cmw, "water-supply," occurs
at Siut, I, 407, 1. 6, and in Rekhmire, $698, 1. 25); possibly the district of the
first cataract is meant, as the rebellion was in the South. The name is elsewhere

archersa as a seizure in the ship of the enemy;b one 22gaveto me five

heads besides pieces of land (amounting to) five stat (st in my city.d
It was done to all the sailors likewise.

Third Rebellion
16. Then came that fallen one,e "whose name was Teti-en ( T ~ Yrc)- ~$
he had gathered to himself rebe1s.g His majesty slew him and his
servants: annihilatingi them. There were given %o me three heads,
and fields (amounting to) five statj in my city.
[Continued §§ 38 ff.]

17. This El Kab nobleman, like Ahmose, son of Ebana
(09 1-16), served under the first kings of the Eighteenth
Dynasty, but he lived to a greater age. Beginning his
career under Ahmose I, he continued under Amenhotep I,
Thutmose I , 11, and 111, and died enjoying the favor of
Thutmose I11 and Hatshepsut. He has separated his

aThis hitherto uncertain word ( m y g 3 is rendered tolerably certain by a

scene in the tomb of Harmhab (Mimires de la mission fran~aiseau Caire, V , P1.
111, foll. p. 434; see also 420)~where it bears the determinative of shooting, and
stands over a man with a bow, with the title "chief archer (myg >) of his majesty."
bThe determinative indicates an enemy, not a proper name, but the meaning
of the word p > t >)is unknown. The rendering "Mvreux" from Chabas is based
on an impossible etymology. See Piehl, Sphinx, 111, 11.
cA land measure containing about seven-tenths acres, here in apposition with
"pieces of land."
dEl Kab. eTerm of contempt for a foe.
f There is no reason for supposing that this is not the rebel's real name. On
the contrary, this very name was especially common at this period; see the ushebtis
published by Borchardt (Zeitschrift far agyptische Sprache, 32, pp. 1 1 3 f.).
&it., "the wicked of heart."
hWritten feminine(!) in the text.
iLit., "as that which exists not."
iA land measure containing about seven-tenths of an acre, here in apposition
with "pieces of land."

biography into three parts: his campaigns,a his rewards,

and a summary.

[Continued 5 401
18. He enumerates his campaigns and his captures under
Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I and 11.
I. Career under Ahmose I
19. His meager reference to a campaign of Ahmose I in
Zahi is our sole source of knowledge for that event. It
probably followed the capture of Sharuhen.
Campaign in Syria
20. 'Hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal,e chief
treasurer, herald 'of his Lord: -1, a gAhmose, called Pen-Nekhbet
(Pn-Nw't), triumphant; he says: "I followed King Nebpehtire (Nb-
phty-R C, Ahmose I), triumphant. 31 captured for him in Zahi (D '-hy)
a living prisoner and a hand."
[Continued Q 401

Campaigns, three originals: (I) statue-base belonging to Mr. Finlay, Zed-

s c h r t fiir agyptische Spruche, 1883, 77, 78; (2) statue-base in the Louvre, Lepsius,
Auswahl & wichtigsten Urkun&n, XIV A; Prisse, Monuments igyptiens, IV;
(3)' Ahmose's tomb-wall at El Kab, Lepsius, D e n k d e r , 111, 43, a (lower left-
hand corner), and Sethe, Utz&rszuhungen, I, 85. All sources have been collated.
bRewards, two originals: (I) statue-base belonging to Mr. Finlay, Zeitschrift
fiir dgyptische Sprache, 1883, 78; (2) statue-bas: in the Louvre, Lepsius, Auswahl
& wichtigsten U r k u h , XIV B ; Prisse, Monumeds igyptiens, IV.
CSummary, Ahmose's tomb-wall in El Kab, Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 43, a ,
11. 10-20; Sethe, Unterszuhungen, I, 85, corrected and revised; and partially,
Lepsius, Denkmiiler, Text, IV, 46.
dThe translation of the campaigns is distributed under the different reigns,
under which he lived, because they furnish very important historical events, but
his rewards and the summary, being more purely personal, are given in this reign.
eAll except the Finlay text insert other titles here, but, except the first, "sole
companion," they are illegible.
f All the other texts have whm kf c, which would mean "repeating captures."

This unusual title was also in the rewards (1. 4).

gLines numbered from the Finlay statue text.

2 I . I. . . . . a. . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 4. . .a Ahmose, called Pen-Nekhbet ;
he says: "By the ssovereign, who lives forever! I was not separated
from the king upon the battlefield, from (the time of) 6King Neb-
pehtire (Ahmose I), triumphant, to King Okhepernere (Thutmose II),
triumphant; I was in the favor 7of the king's presence, until King
Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), living f ~ r e v e r . ~
22. King Zeserkere (Amenhotep I), triumphant, gave to me, S ~ f
gold: two bracelets, two necklaces, an armlet, a dagger, a headdress,
a fan, and a mekhtebet.
23. 9King Okheperkere (Thutmose I), triumphant, gave to me,
of gold: two bracelets, four necklaces, one armlet, six flies,c ~othree
lions ;d two golden axes.
24. King Okhepernere (Thutmose II),e triumphant, gave to me
of gold: three bracelets, six necklaces, three armlets, a mekhtebet;
a silver axe."

25. I0gHe says, "I followed the Kings I1of Upper and Lower
agypt, the gods; I was with '*their majesties when they went to the
South and North country, in every place where they went; [from] IsKing
Nebpehtire (Ahmose I), triumphant, King Zeserkere (Amenhotep I)
[triumphant], King '40kheperkere (Thutmose I), triumphant, King

aunimportant titles of Ahmose (see 5 20, 1. I) very fragmentary; lines are

numbered according to text in Lepsius, Aumahl der wichtigsten Urkunden.
bThis phrase shows that Thutmose I11 is still alive at this time, but Ahmose
is now too old to be "upon the battlejkld," under him.
CThese are golden flies, like those among Ahhotep's jewelry at Cairo. They
were a decoration of honor. The word has been mistranslated "helmets." See
Breasted, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaology, 1900, pp. 94, 95.
dCf. inscription of Amenemhab, $585.
eFinlay text, according to Maspero's copy, has Thutmose I; corrected by Mas-
pero, Struggle of the Nations, 239, n. I , as above.
fAhmosels tomb-wall in El Kab; published by Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111,
43, a, 11. 10-20; ibid., Text, IV, 46; Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 85, corrected and
revised, most of the lacunae restored from Lepsius' papers and his squeeze.
gThe summary does not begin until 1. 10; 11. I and 2 contain an adoration of
Re by Ahmose, and his titles occupy 11. 3-9. These 9 lines lack half their

Okhepernere (Thutmose 11), triumphant, until this Good God, King

Menkheperre (Thutmose 111) 'swho is given life forever.=
I have attained a good old age, having had a lifeb of royal favor,
having hadb honor under their majesties and the love of me having
been in the court."
[Concluded in 5 3441

26. The inscription records the work of Neferperet, an
official of Ahmose I, who, in the latter's twenty-second year,
took out stone from the Ma Sara quarry, for the temples of
Ptah and of Amon. The inscription is important, because
it is the last dated document of Ahmose I, because it records
the first resumption of building after the expulsion of the
Hyksos, and for its reference to the Fenkhu, whose cattle
were captured on some Asiatic campaign.
Above, in a position of significant prominence in the
queen's case, are the names and titles of Ahmose I, and
his queen, Ahmose-Nefretiri (Y h-mS, nfr .t-yry).
27. 'Year 22under the majesty of the king, Son of Re, Ahmose,
who is given life. 'The quarry-chambers were opened a[ne]w; good
limestone 30f Ayan (C nw) was taken out for his temples of myriads of
year^],^ the temple of Ptah, the temple of Amon in southern Opet
( Y p.t, Luxor), and all the monuments which his majesty made rfor himl.

aThis phrase after Thutmose 111's name shows that he was living at the time
of this inscription; all the others were at this time "trimphant" (deceased).
Hence Ahmose, now an old man, died under Thutrnose 111.
- bLit., "having been i n a life," and "having been i n h o w . "
con the wall of the limestone quarry of Mac Sara, just southeast of Cairo.
Published by Vyse, Operations, 111, 99; Young, Hieroglyphics, 88; Lepsius,
Denkmder, 111, 3, a = Champollion, Notices descriptives, 11, 488 =Rosellini, Monu-
menfi Stmici, I, IS; and Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 3, b; the text of the last is the
same as the preceding, but it represents a second inscription. Both are badly
broken, but they supplement each other, so that practically nothing is lost.
dA conventional phrase applied to all temples, and refemng, of course, to
their durability.

The stone was dragged with oxena which his m[ajesty] captured
[in his] victories [amonglb the Fenkhu (Fnbw).
28. The assistant, the hereditary prince , rvigilantlc one
of the Lord of the Two Lands in restoring the monuments of e[rternityl,
greatly [satisfying] the heart of the Good God; the wearer of the royal
seal, sole companion, chief treasurer, Neferperet (Nfr-pr .t).

29. Among Ahmose's pious works for the temples was
the restoration of the furniture, utensils, and the like, be-
longing to the ritual of the Karnak temple of Amon. He
recorded this work upon a splendid stela, containing thirty-
two lines of inscription, of which only the last six are devoted
to the record of his benefactions, while the other twenty-six
contain only conventional eulogy of himself. I n the course
of this tedious succession of phrases, there is a vague refer-
ence to his wars:
30. The Asiatics approach with fearful step together, standing at
his judgment-hall; his sword is in Khenthennofer, his terror is in the
Fenkhu-lands, the fear of his majesty is in this land like Min (1. 12).

31. He was thus as much feared in Egypt as in Nubia or

Asia. The introduction closes with the names of Ahmose I
and the queen Ahhotep, after which follows the record of
the work in Karnak (U. 27-32):

aIt is not the Fenkhu themselves who are employed in the quarry (as some-
times stated, e. g., Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 93; also Petrie, History of
Egypt, 11, 36), but only the oxen captured.
bThe horizontal lines in Lepsius, Denkmdler, 111, a, 1. 5, indicate an m =
. or "among;" indeed, the entire phrase, "whuh his majesty captured in his
6' zn,"

victories i n -," is so common that the restorations are probable.

~ [ R q d ~ lit.,
d : "of watchfd head."
dA white limestone stela over 73 feet high and nearly 34 feet wide; found by
Legrain by Pylon VII at Karnak. It was below the pavement of Thutmose 111,
and had been buried before Ikhnaton's time. Published in Annuks, IV, 27-29.

32. Now, his majesty commanded to make monuments for his

father Amon-Re, being: great chaplets of gold with rosettes of genuine
lapis lazuli; sealsa of gold; large vases (hs.t) of gold; jars (fims.t)
and vases (hs .t) of silver; tables (wdh .w) of gold, offering-tables (dbh .t
htp) of gold and silver; necklaces of gold and silver combined with
lapis lazuli and malachite; a drinking-vessel for the ka, of gold, its
standard of silver; a drinking-vessel for the ka, of silver rimmed with
gold, its standard of silver; a flat dish (tnyw) of gold; jars (nms .t) of
pink granite, filed with ointment; great pails ( ~ S m wof) silver
~ rimmed
with gold, the [rhandlesl] thereon of silver; a harp of ebony,c of gold
and silver; sphinxes of silver; a '-Id with gold; a barge of the "Begin-
ning-of-the-River" called "U~erhetamon,"~ of new cedar of the best of
the terraces, in order to make his voyage [rthereinl. I erected columns
of rcedar - -1 likewise; I gave

33. This document discloses to us the name of the mother

of Ahmose 1's father and mother. She was a queen Teti-
sheri, and although she is called a " kitzg's-mother atzd great
king's-wife," she is not designated as king's daughter.
She was doubtless the wife of the last Sekenenre, and her
daughter Ahmose 1's mother, was, of course, the famous
Queen Ahhotep. The latter's brother-husband, the father
of Ahmose I, was probably Kemose.

aOr: "seal rings."

bThese are the ceremonial pails with bucket handles, swelling or bulbous
below, with more or less pointed bottom. Schaefer calls my attention to the
example on the Ethiopian stela in the Louvre, 1. I I (Zeitschrift fur agyptische
Spmche, 1895, P1. V ) . There are many examples in bronze in the museums.
cI suspect that a word has been omitted at this point, as the repetition of the
preposition indicates.
d$t, Schaefer suggests the spd which appears in the Mentuhotep coffinat Berlin.
eMeaning "mighty i s the front of Amon." This is the usual name of the
sacred barge of Amon.
f Stela about 64 feet high and 3 feet wide, found by Petrie at Abydos; pub-

lished by him in Abydos, 111, P1. LII.


The inscription is so picturesque, and unconventional in

form, as to be unique. In content it records the king's
determination to erect further mortuary buildings for his
grandmother, Queen Tetisheri.

34. 'Now, it came to pass that his majesty sat in the audience-hall,
(even) the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nebpehtire, Son of Re,
Ahmose (I), given life; Zwhile the hereditary princess, great in favor,
great in amiability, king's-daughter, king's-sister, divine consort, great
king's-wife, Ahmose-Nefretiri, who liveth, was with his majesty.

Tlze Conversation
35. One spoke 3with the other, seeking benefactions fora the departed
(dead), to present libations of water, to offer upon the altar, YO enrich
the offering-tablet at the first of every season, at the monthly feast of
the first of the month, the feast of the coming forth of the sem, sthe
feast of the night-offerings on the fifth of the month, the feast of the sixth
of the month, the feast of Hakrob (H 'k-r '), the feast of Wag (W 'g),
the feast of Thoth, and at the first 6of every season of heaven, and of
earth. His sister spake and answered him: "Wherefore has this been
remembered? 7And why has this word been spoken? What has
come into thy heart ?"
A hmose's Purpose
36. The king himself spake to her: "I, is, who have remembered
the mother of my mother, and the mother of my father, great king's-
wife and king's-mother, Tetisheri (Tty-Sry), triumphant. p(A1though)
she already has a tomb (yS) and a mortuary chapelC (m h C ' t )on the
soil of Thebes and Abydos, I have said this to thee, in that I%y majesty
has desired to have made for her (also) a pyramid and a house (h.t) in

=The negative n is to be read as the preposition n; see the converse confusion

in 1. 14.
bThe r has been overlooked in the publication ?
lit., "Her tomb and her chapel are at this moment ( m t y (sic!) D t) on the soil,
etc." I can only understand this clause as concessive, and that the new buildings
planned by Ahmose are in addition to the ones in 1. g.

Tazeser, as a monumental donation of my majesty. Its lake shall be

dug, its trees shall be planted, "its offerings shall be founded, equipped
with people, endowed with lands, presented Iswith herds, mortuary
priests and ritual priests having their duties, every man knowing his
37. '3Lo, his majesty spake this word, while this was in process of
construction. His majesty did '4this because he so greatly loved her,
beyond everything. Never did former kings the like of it for Istheir
mothers. Lo, his majesty extended his arm, and bent his hand;a he
pronounced for her a mortuary prayer. ... ...
. b

aA posture of prayer.
bHere follow three fragmentary lines, giving the names of the gods appealed
to, and the usual objects in such an offering.
[Ll. 24-29, continued from 5 16; concluded $5 78 ff.]

38. Under this king Ahmose commands the royal trans-

ports in a campaign against Kush. The enemy is defeated,
Ahmose fighting at the head of the Egyptian troops. He
brings the king back to Egypt in two days, and is given
"the gold," and a title of honor: "TVarrior of the Ruler."
The campaign extended to the Middle Kingdom frontier,
for a rock inscription of Amenhotep's eighth year has been
found on the island of Uronarti, just below Semneh.
39. I sailed the King Zeserkere (Pfr-k3-RC, Amenhotep I), tri-
umphant, when he ascended the river to Kush (KS),in order to extend
asthe borders of Egypt. His majesty captured that Nubian Troglodyte
in the midst of his army, who were brought
away as prisoners, none of them missing. r- -1 thrust 26aside~
like those who are annihilated. Meanwhile I was at the head of ourd
army; I fought incredibly;" his majesty beheld my bravery. I
brought off two hands, ''and took (them) to his majesty. One
pursued his people and his cattle. Then I brought off a living prisoner,
and took (him) to his majesty. I brought his majesty in two days to

aBibliography, etc., p. 3, n. a.
bsteindorff, Berichte &r PhiZoZogisch-historischen Classe der Koniglichen
S4chsischen Gesellsch.a]t akr Wissenschaft, Leipzig, Sitzung vom 18. Juni, 1900,
P- 233.
Game phrase, Tombos Inscription ( $ 7 1 , 1. 7).
dThis and 5 81 are the only places in all the historical texts of Egypt, where
"our troops" are spoken of. It is a real touch of patriotism.
eLit., ' $ If0ugh.t more than what is true."

Egypt 18from the upper well;a one presented me with gold. Then I
brought away two female slaves, in addition to those which I had taken
. l9to his majesty. One appointed me 'Warrior of the Ruler.'

[Continued from 5 2 0 ; continued $5 83 ff., and 3441


40. Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet accompanied the king on two

campaigns: one against the Nubians, of which we have a
fuller account in the biography of Ahmose, son of Ebana
(5 39); and the other against the Libyans; this biography
being our only source for this war of Amenhotep I in Libya.
For his valor on these occasions he was rewarded by the
Campaign in Kush
41. I
4followed King Zeserkere (DSr-k '-RC, Amenhotep I), tri-
umphant; I captured for him sin Kush, a living prisoner.

Campaign in Libya
42. Again I served for King Zeserkere, triumphant; 61 captured
for him on the north of Imukehek ( Y ' mw-khk), three hands.
[Continued 55 83 ff., and 344]

43. This official served under four kings: Amenhotep I ,
Thutmose I, ~ h u t m o s c11, and Thutmose 111,reigning with
aIn view of Amenhotep 1's inscription at the second cataract, we are probably
correct in concluding that the second cataract is meant here.
bBibliography on p. 10, n. a.
CFrom a Theban tomb at Abd el-Kurna, first noted by Champollion (Notices
descriptives, I, 49294), and then by Bmgsch, who published some fragments
(Recueil de monuments, I , 36, 1-3, tree list, etc., and Pi. 65, 4-5); also Piehl.
Inscriptions, I, Pls. 129 Q-130 and pp. 105, 106. The long text is found in Recueil,

Hatshepsut. He evidently died under this joint reign; his

biography was composed at this time, and is the most impor-
tant of all sources for the history of the succession of the
Thutmosids. Ineni was:
Hereditary prince, count, chief of all works in Karnak; the double
silver-house was under his charge; the double gold-house was on his
seal; sealer of all contracts in the House of Amon; excellency, over-
seer of the double granary of A m ~ n . ~
These offices brought him the superintendence of many of
the most important works executed in Thebes by the kings
whom he served. His career is divided as follows:
I. Career under Amenhotep I (0 0 44-46).
11. Career under Thutmose I ($0 99-108).
111. Career under Thutmose I1 (0 0 I I 5-18).
IV. Career under Thutmose TI1 and Hatshepsut (QQ 340-
4.The beginning, containing the name of the king, is
lost, and the narrative begins in the middle of the account
of a building probably Amenhotep 1's gate on the south of
the Karnak temple, found below the later pavement, of which
the two dedications read :
I. "Amenhotep I ; he made (it) as his monument for his father Amon,
lord of Thebes (ns'wt-t ' wy), erecting for him a great gate of 20 cubits
(in height) at the double f a ~ a d eof the temple, of fine limestone of Ayan,
which the Son of Re, Amenhotep, living forever, made for him."

XII, 106, 107, where it is inaccurately published by Bouriant. (See also, ibid.,
XIV, 73, 74.) The first " 7 or 8 lines" are wanting, according to Bouriant, and
also the ends of the first 14 remaining lines; following these are 6 complete lines.
The wall scenes and plans of the tomb (also the long inscription) have been pub-
lished by an architect, H. Boussac (MBmoires & la mission fran~aiseau Caire,
XVIII). T o the Egyptologist the publication is little more than worthless, and the
work must be done again. But the long inscription has now disappeared.
aOne of Boussac's plates; he has not numbered them!
blegrain, Annules, IV, 15 ff.

2. [Amenhotep I]; . . . . . . .a bqilding his house, establishing his

temple, erecting the southern gate, made high, even 20 cubits, of fine
white limestone
I t is important to note that this gate was erected in cele-
bration of the king's first Sed Jubilee. Turning again to
Ineni, his inscription begins :

45. 'Hatnub (Ht-nb), its doors were erected of copper

made in one sheet; the parts thereof were of electrum. I inspected
that which his majesty made =bronze, Asiatic copper, collars,
vessels, necklaces. I was foreman of every work, all offices were
under my command. sat the feasts of the beginning of the
seasons; likewise for his father Amon, lord of Thebes; they were
under my control. Inspection was made for me, I was the reckoner.
Death of Amenhotep I
46. His majesty having spent life in happiness and the years in
peace, went forth to heaven; he joined the sun, he associated (with
him) and went forth
[Continued $5 99-1083

47. Harmini (hr-myny) prefixes no other title to his
name "than "scribe," but he was no less a man than the
chief magistrate of Nekhen-Hieraconpolis. This impor-

aAs in the first, as far as "Thebes."

bPossibly also the mortuary temple of Amenhotep I, found by Spiegelberg in
1896 at Drah abu-'n-Neggah on the west side at Thebes (see Spiegelberg, Zwei
Beitriige zur Geschichie und Topographk der thebanischew Nekropolis im Neuen
Reich (Strassburg, 1898; and Sethe, Gotting'sche Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1902, No. I,
z9-31). The temple is referred to as ''House of Zeserkere (Awzenhotep I ) on the
west of Thebes" (Lepsius, Denkmaler, Text, 111, 238). See also Sethe, loc. cit., 30.
mortuary stela of unknown provenience (probably Abydos), now in the
Florence Museum, No. 1567; published in Catalogue, 288-90; Piehl, Recueil, 11,
122-24. I had also my own photograph of the original.

tant post on the original Nubian frontier either resulted in

his promotion to the governorship of Wawat in lower Nubia,
or his Nekhen appointment involved-jurisdiction in Wawat,
in view of the fact that earlier Nubia began in the vicinity of
Nekhen. In any case, he had charge of the "tribute" from
Wawat, which was later in the hands of the " king's-son of
Kush" (Q Q 1034 ff.). Although the inscription mentions no
king, it clearly belongs to the Eighteenth Dynasty before the
first appointment of a "governor of the south countries, and
king's-son of Kush," by Thutmose I (0 Q 61 ff.). Hence we
are not far wrong in placing it under Amenhotep I, though
Harmini must of course have served under Ahmose I, also.
48. After the usual mortuary prayer, the inscription
continues, in Harmini's own words:
I passed many years as mayor (h'ty-? of Nekhen (Hieraconpolis).
I brought in its tribute to the Lord of the Two Lands; I was praised,
and no occasion was found against me. I attained old age in Wawat,
being a favorite of my lord. I went north with its tribute for t h e z n g ,
each year; I came forth thence justified; there was not found a balance
against me.

49. Keres, like his contemporary, Yuf (80 109 ff.), was in
the service of one of the queen-mothers. The question arises
here whether the " king's-mother Ahhotep," whom Keres
served, was Ahhotep (II), wife of Amenhotep I, in whose
tenth year her command was issued, or Ahhotep (I), mother
of King Ahmose. As Ahhotep I1 was never the mother of
a king, it must have been -4hhotep I, who had a tomb

"Limestone stela, 0.82 m. high, from Drah abu-'n-Neggah, now in Cairo, without
a number. Published by Bouriant, Recueil, IX, 94 f., No. 74 (his text is excessively
incorrect); much better by Piehl, Zeitschrift far agyptische Sprache, 1888, 1 1 7 f.
I am also indebted to Schaefer for a carefully collated copy made from the original.

erected at Abydos for Keres. We thus see this queen, from

whom the Eighteenth Dynasty sprang, still living in the
tenth year of the second king of the dynasty.
50. Keres, who was her herald, has not only preserved
for us the old queen's command, honoring him with a tomb
and a statue at Abpdos, but has also added a loose enumera-
tion of his duties as her herald, which resembles that of the
herald, Intef (0 0 763-71).
51. 'Year 10,first month of the third season (ninth month), first
day, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Zeser-
kere, Son of Re, of his body: Amenhotep (I), beloved of Oxns, given
52. Tommand of the king's-mother to the hereditary prince, count,
wearer of the royal seal, sole companion, overseer of the gold-house,
overseer of the silver-house, chief steward of the king's-mother,
SAhhotep, who liveth ; the herald (whm. w), Keres (K > rs). The king's-
mother has commanded to have made for thee a tomb 4at the stairway
of the great god, lord of Abydos, confirming thy every office and every
favor. There shall be made for thee thy sstatues, abiding in the temple,
among the followers of a their virtues in writing 6in - - -.a
There shall be made for thee mortuary offerings (htp dy Stny), as the
king's-wife does for the one whom she has loved, for the hereditary
prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, the steward, the herald, Keres
(Krs), only favorite united 7with the limbs of Sekhmet, following his
queen (hnw.t) at her going. He r-1 before the people, the real rconfi-
dantl of his queen, to whom secret things are told, "experiencedl in the
plans of his queen, transmitting affairs to the palace, finding %elutions,
making agreeable unpleasant matters, one upon whose word his queen
depends, approaching the truth, knowing the affairs of the mind,
profitable in speech to his queen, '"great in respect in the house of the
king's-mother, weighty in affairs, excellent in speech, secretive in mind,
administering the palace, "sealing (his) mouth concerning that which he
hears, official who solves knotty problems, chief steward, Keres (Krs),
vigilant administrator for the king's-mother, lanot more laxb by night
than by day, the herald, Keres (Krs).

aCut out. bRead wsf.


53. He says: "0 ye mayors, scribes, ritual priests, Isattendants,

citizens (C n&w) of the army, as your city-gods favor you, and love you,
as ye would bequeath your office(s) to your children 'dafter old age,,
verily so shall ye say: 'An offering which the king gives; 1a

king, of the two lofty plumes, lord of life, giver of that which is desired,
15lord of burial after old age. May he give bread, beer, oxen, geese,
everything good and pure, that comes forth upon the table of 16the
All Lord, for the kjL of . . . . .b Keres, a man of truth, before the TWO
Lands, really honest, free Ilfrom lying, '-1 in deciding matters, pro-
tecting the weak, defending him who is without 18him (sic!), sending
forth two men, reconciled by the utterance of his mouth, accurate like
a pair of balances, Isthe like [rof Thothy in r-1 the name, inclining the
heart to hear matters, the likeness of a god in his hour, real rconfidantr
loof his queen, whom the queen of the Two Lands has advanced. . . .

aName of Amon cut out in time of Ikhnaton.

bHis titles.
54. This unique document is a royal decree issued on the
king's coronation day to the viceroy of Nubia, Thure, in-
forming him of the king's accession, fixing the full titulary,
the royal name to be used in offering oblations, and the
royal name to be used in the oath. Thure's official residence
was doubtless Elephantine, for he is charged to offer obla-
tions to the gods of that city, and it was he who put up the
records of Thutmose 1's return from his Nubian campaign,
at the first cataract (5 5 74 ff .). He then caused the decree
to be cut on stelze and set up in Wadi Halfa," KubbAn, and
probably also Elephantine.
55. RoyalCcommand to the king's-son, the governor of the south
countries, Thure (Tw-r3 triumphant.
dnnouncement of Accession
Behold, there is brought to thee this [commandId of thed king in
order to inform thee that my majesty has appearede as King of Upper

8In two copies: (I)a sandstone ( ?) stela, 72 by 84 cm., found at Wadi Halfa,
now in Cairo, published from a copy of Brugsch by Erman (Zeitschrift fiir &gyp-
tiscke Sprache, 29, I I 7 = E m a n , Aegyptische Grammatik, 37*-@*) ; (2) a sand-
stone stela, 67 by 76 cm.,found by Borchardt at Kubbttn (Zeitschrift fur agyptische
Sprache, 36, 26, n. I), now in Berlin (No. 13725, A1csfuhrliches Verzeichniss &s
Beriner Museums, I~I), unpublished. The beginning is lost on the Cairo stela,
and the end on the Berlin stela; the two thus furnish a practically complete text.
The relief at the top is lost on both. I used my own copy of the Berlin text.
bNot Elephantine, as stated (Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 29, 117).
See ibid., 36, 3, n. I.
cSee the similar introduction to Pepi 11's letter to Harkhuf (I, 351,1. 2).
dSupplied from the Story of Sinuhe, 180, 181.
eLit., "dawned;" the same word is used for the rising sun, and is transferred
without change to the king. I t is regularly used also of his appearance in public.

and Lower Egypt upon the Horus-throne of the living, without his
like forever.
56. Make my titulary as follows:
H o r u ~ :"Mighty
~ Bull, Beloved of Mat;"
~ z o r i t of
e the Two Goddesses? "Shining in the Serpent-diadem,
Great in Strength;"
Golden H o r u ~ :"Goodly
~ in Years, Making Hearts Live;"
King of Upper and Lower Egypt:a "Okheperkere;"
Son of Re? "[Thutmose], Living forever, and ever."

Name to be Used in the Cultus

57. Cause thou oblations to be offered to the gods of Elephantine
of the S ~ u t has
, ~f o l l ~ w s :"Performance
~ of the pleasing ceremoniesd
on behalf of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere, who
is given life."

Name to be Used i n the Oath

58. Cause thou that the oath be established in the name of my
majesty, born of the king's-mother, Seniseneb, who is in health.

59. This is a communication to inform thee of it; and of the fact
that the royal house is well and prosperous - -.

60. Year I, third month of the second season (seventh month)
twenty-first day; the day of the feast of coronation.

aThese five titles are common to all Middle Kingdom and Empire kings; only
the names following each title are individual.
bCf. Erman (Zeitschrifl fur agyptische Sprache, 29, 117).
cThis preposition (m) introduces the title or designation of the ceremony of
presenting oblations by the priest on the king's behalf.
dLit., "doing of t h pleasing things."


61. In this inscription the name of the author is lost.
He served under Ahmose, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, by
whom he was appointed viceroy of Kush (1.6), Thutmose 11,
and Thutmose I11 (1. 14, note). He is supposed by Brugsch
(Egypt under the Phraohs, 135), and by Maspero (Struggle
of the Nations, 230, n. 2) to be the same as Nehi, the
viceroy of Kush, who also served under Thutmose 111,
and has also placed his inscription on the f a ~ a d eof the
Semneh temple ($$651 ff .).
Now, Nehi was still in office in Thutmose 111's fifty-second
year, and if he began his official career under Ahmose, he
would have been over 117 years oldb at that time! The
identity with Nehi, which was at best an assumption, is
therefore impossible. Another identification is, however,
certain. This unknown was appointed viceroy of Kush by
Thutmose I , at whose accession he was in his prime. He
is therefore the same as the viceroy, Thure, whom we find
at Elephantine in Thutmose 1's first year ($55), being the
earliest viceroy of Kush whom we know. That he survived
into Thutmose 111's reign is shown by a tomb at Silsileh,
where he is mentioned under Hatshepsut."
Service urtder Ahmose I
62. under the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-
pehtire (Ahmose I); he made me overseer of the - = of very
good character in his heart, not careless in - 3 his court.

aInscribed on the south wall (fa~ade)of Thutmose 111's Semneh temple;

text: Young, Hieroglyphus, 91; Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 47, c. The upper half
of all the lines has been cut away for a later relief of Thutmose 111. I am indebted
to Steindorff for the use of his collation of the original.
bIf he was 25 at Ahmose 1's death, we must then add 10 for Amenhotep I,
30 for Thutrnose I, and 51 for Thutmose 111-a total of 117 years.
cGrii3ith, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology, XII, 104. See
also note on 1. 14 in the translation, infra.

Senlice under Amenhotep I

63. Favor was repeated by his son, King of Upper and Lower Egypt
[Zeserkelre (Amenhotep I) 4 the granary of Amon, to conduct
the works in Karnak - - 5 [rI did'] for him the excellent
things of (his)a heart; he favored me for doing hisa truth --

Service under Thutmose I

64. The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere (Thut-
mose I); he appointed me to be k i e n of [Kush] - - - 7
of gold; an armlet the second time - - - - - gave me
of gold : a vase, two bracelets - - - - 9 he - me more
than the magnates of the palace, he recognized the excellence of - -
- - 10 r lb I I in the place of satisfying the
heart. He attained old age - - -

Service under Thutmose 11

65. The first of the repetition of the favor of the King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Okhepernere (Thutmose 11) ; he made [rmel]
13 with a royal message, recording ~L.C

Service under Thutmose III

66. [King Thutmose 1111; he magnified me in the midst

67. Three important facts are preserved to us in this in-
scription :
=Both these pronouns refer to Amon; the same thought occurs in Suti and
Hor's tablet (British Museum, 826), 11. 16, 17.
bThe portion preserved is hopelessly obscure.
CHere are the remains of a royal oval, which certainly contained the name of
Thutrnose 111; in this king's second year, a viceroy of Kush is mentioned in this
same temple ($ 170,l. z ) , but the name is unfortunately broken out. He is doubtless
the same as our viceroy.
dEngraved on the rocks on the island of Tombos, just above the third cataract
of the Nile; published by Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 5, a, and thence Piehl, Petites
Wudes igyptologipues. The Berlin squeeze (No. 284) permitted some important
corrections, but the publication (Lepsius, Denkmaer) is a brilliant example of cor-
rectness in the form of the signs, as drawn by M. Weidenbach.

I.In the second year Thutmose I defeated the Nubians

and conquered the country as far as the third cataracta (cf.
11. 6 and 7, and the location of the inscription);
2. He then built a fortified station for his troops at
Tombos, remains of which still survive, and thus estab-
lished his southern frontier at this point (cf. 1. I O ) . ~
3. His empire extended from this point on the south to
the Euphrates on the north (cf. 1. 13); the Asiatic peoples
are already subdued (cf. 11. 3, 4, and 16), but his Asiatic
campaign did not take place until after this Nubian expe-
dition (see Q 81, l. 35). Hence we must suppose, either that
he had already made an Asiatic campaign of which no
account has survived; or that his predecessors had already
made the conquest of the country as far as Euphrates, and
thus he could refer to it as in his domain. The latter is the
more probable supposition.
68. Other interesting data are the fact that the oath, even
in the foreign provinces, is made in the name of the king
(1. 14), according to the instructions in his coronation
announcement (cf. 9 58); and the curious reference to the
Euphrates as " t h t inverted water which goes dozvrz-stream
in going up-stream" (cf. 1. 13, note).
Unfortunately, this important inscription offers no sober
narrative of the events which it commemorates, but is written
in that fulsome style so often found in victorious hymns of
the Pharaohs. This is a style so overloaded with far-fetched
figures and unfamiliar words that it is often quite unintel-

aAn unpublished inscription of his, on the Island of Arko (Wilkinson, Thebes,

472, note) shows that he pushed some forty miles south of the third cataract.
bThis expedition left another inscription at TangQr, about seventy-five miles
above the second cataract, but we possess only a partial copy by a layman, from
which it is impossible to make out much. It is dated " Year 2, first moMh of third
season," which shows that it was made on the way out (Sethe, Untersuhungen, I,
qx), about five months before the Tombos inscription.

ligible.a I t is at its worst in 11. 5-9, where some phrases

containing only exaggerated epithets applied to the king
have necessarily been left untranslated.
69. 'Year 2, second month of the first season, fifteenth day, under
the majesty of Horus: Mighty Bull, Beloved of Mat (M 'C ' t) ; Favorite
of the T z Goddesses: Shining in the Serpent-diadem, Mightyb in
Strength; Golden Horus: Goodly in Years, Making hearts live; King
of Upper and Lower Egypt: Okheperkere, who is given life; Son of
Re: Thutmose (I, living) forever, eternally."

H y m n of Victory
70. r- -1 of his induction 'his coronation as Lord (hry-d'd ') of
the Two Lands, to rule the circuit of the sun; South and North land as
ruler of the portions of Horus and S,et,d the Uniter of the Two Lands.
He has seated himself uion the throne of Keb, wearing 3the radiance
of the double crown, the staff of his majesty; he hath taken his inheri-
tance, he hath assumed the seat of Horus, in order to extend the bound-
aries of Thebes and the territory of Khaftet-hir-nebe~;~ so that the
Sand-dwellers and the barbarians shall labor for her.g 4rAn abomina-
tion' of the god are the Haunebu; bound are the Ekbet (' kb.t); the
Southerners come downh-river,the Northerners come uph-river, and all
lands are together bringing their tribute sto the Good God, the primor-
dial, Okheperkere (Thutmose I), who liveth forever, the mighty one,

aThere is a good example on the second Semneh stela (I, 6j7).

bThe coronation letter has "great i n strength," the usual form.
CCf. the titulary given by the king himself in the coronation letter (5 56).
dThe myth of Horus and Set states that they divided the Nile country between
them; over both these domains the Pharaoh rules, and hence follow the words:
"uniter, etc.," It is possible that " H m u s and Set" should be translated only "the
two lords;" see Piehl, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology, X X , 199,
eFor the same phrase applied to a successor, see I, 692.
fThe goddess of western Thebes.
gThe pronoun refers to Thebes; the foreign captives are to be employed on
her buildings.
hTo Thebes, the royal residence.
Horus, Lord of the Two Lands, r- - -1. The [Sand]-dwellers,
chiefs of their tribes '-1 to him, bowing down; the rinteriorla peoplesb
%end to his majesty, doing obeisance to that which is on his front.c

Victory in Nu&
71. He hath overthrown the chief of the rNubians1; the Negro is
rhelpless, defenseless' in his grasp. He hath united the boundaries 'of
his twod sides, there is not a remnant among the Cuf;l~-Hake$e who
come to attack him; there is not a single survivor among them. The
Nubian Troglodytes fall by the sword, and are thrust aside in their
lands; %heir foulness, it floods their valleys; the r-1 of their mouths
is like a violent flood. The fragments cut from them are too much
for the birds: carrying off the prey to another place. 9g. . . . . the . .
sole staff of Amon; Keb, divine begetter, whose name is hidden,
'Oreproducer, Bull of the divine ,en?eag, chosen emanation of the
divine members who doeth the pleasure of the Spirits of Heliopolis.

Tombos Fortress Built

72. The lords of the palace have made a fortress for his army,
(called) "None-Faces-Him-xxAmong-the-Nine-Bows-Together;"h like
a young panther among the fleeing cattle; the fame of his majesty
blinded them.
Universal Triumph
73. (He) brought the ends of the earth into his domain; (he) trod
its two extremities "with his mighty sword, seeking battle; (but) he

agnwtyw, with a hide as the first determinative.

bThe interior peoples of the neighboring lands.
cThis means the sacred uraeus serpent on his forehead, as the determinative
dSee I, 311,1. 14.
eAn epithet for the Negro, used also by Amenhotep I1 (Lepsius, D e n k d e r ,
111, 61), by Seti I (111, 155, 1. 4); and again in the Nineteenth Dynasty, Recueil,
XXII, 107,ll. 7,s. See Piehl, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archreology, XV,
261 f., and Sphinx, VI, 19 f.
*Determinativeis an eagle.
gThe first half of line 9 is a series of obscure epithets of praise applied to the
hIt is doubtful whether this is the name of the fortress. It is probably the same
fortress which is referred to by Thutrnose I1 in his Assuan inscription (5 121,1. 7).

found no one who faced him.a (He) penetrated valleys which 'sthe
(royal) ancestors knew not, which the wearers of the double diadem
had not seen. His southern boundary is as far as the frontier of this
land,b (his) northern as far as that inverted waterCwhich goes down-
stream in going up-~tream.~I4The like has not happened to other
kings; his name has reached as far as the circuit of heaven, it has
penetrated the Two Lands as far as the nether world;e the oath is
takenf by it (viz., his name) in all lands, because of the greatness of the
fame of his majesty. '$They (viz., the lands) were not seen in the
archives of the ancestors since the Worshipers of Horus,g who gives his
breath to the one that follows him, his offerings to' G o n e that treads
16his way. His majesty is Horus, assuming his (Horus's) kingdom of
myriads of years, rsubjectl to him are the isles of the Great Circle (Sn[w]-
wr, Okeanos), the entire earth is under his two feet; IZbodily son of Re,
his beloved, Thutmose (I), living forever and ever. Amon-Re, king of
gods is his father, the creator of his beauty, 18beloved of the gods of
Thebes, who is given life, stability, satisfaction, health, joy of his heart
upon the throne of Horus, 'leading1 all the living like Re, forever.


74. Some eight months after the preceding expedition
passed Tangur, about seventy-five miles above the second
cataract, on the way out, they had reached Assuan on the
return-a fact which was recorded by Thure, the viceroy of
Rush, in two inscriptions on the island of Sehel and one at

bNubia. cThe Euphrates.

dFor the Egyptian on the Nile north was "down-stream," and south was "up-
stream." I t seemed very curious to him that in another country as here on the
Euphrates, one went south in going downstream; hence the anomaly of the text,
which becomes clear, if we substitute "south" for "up-stream." See also IV, 407.
eHeaven, earth, and the nether world, include the entire Egyptian universe.
f I n the coronation announcement the form of the king's title to be used in
the oath is given (see $58).
gThe pre-dynastic kings, now mythical demigods.


75. On arriving at the first cataract, the king found the

canal of Sesostris I11 (see I, 642 ff .) stopped up. He cleared
it, and the viceroy made the following records:
Year 3, first month of the third season, day 22, under the majesty
of the King of'upper and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere (Thutmose I), who
is given life. His majesty commanded to dig this canal, after he found
it [stopped up] with stones, (so that) no [ship sailed upon it]. He
[sailled [down-stream]upon it, his heart [glad, having slain his enemies1.b
The king's-son, [Thure]."

76. Above are the Horus-, throne- and personal-names of

Thutmose I; and below, the following:
Year 3, first month of the third season, day 22. His majesty sailed
this canal in victory and in power, at his return from overthrowing the
wretched Kush.
The king's-son, Thure.


77. On the same day the king arrived at Assuan, where
he left a similar record:
Year 3, first month of the third season, day 22, under the majesty
of Thutmose (I).' His majesty amved from Kush, having overthrown
the enemy.

aDe Morgan, Catdogzu des monuments, 85, No. 13.

bThe preceding restorations are from Thutmose 111's copy of this inscription
(see 88 649 f.).
restored from the following inscription. Thure, also Q 55.
dDiscovered by Wilbour, and published in Recueil, XIII, 202; better, de Mor-
gan, Catalogue &s monuments, 85, No. 19.
eDe Morgan, Catalogue des monuments, 41, No. 185.
f Full titulary.


[Ll. 29-39; concluded from $391
78. Ahmose's career under Thutmose I is still one of
active service in campaigning. He first sails the royal
transport in the campaign against Nubia (Q80), resulting in
his appointment to the head of the naval forces. They
returned in triumph with the Nubian foe hanged head
downward at the bow of the royal barge.
79. It was not until after this Nubian campaign that the
famous expedition to Naharin set out. Our only sources
for this event are the biographies of the two El Kab Ahmoses.
Thutmose I11 states that he set up his boundary tablet be-
side that of his father (Q478),and it must have been on this
campaign that this first boundary tablet was set up by
Thutmose I.b For it is always supposed that this cam-
paign was the only Asiatic expedition of Thutmose I ; but
as the Tombos inscription (85 67 ff.) speaks of the conquest
of Asia as far as the Euphrates, before the Asiatic campaign
narrated by the two Ahmoses, we must suppose either that
Thutmose I had already made a still earlier campaign in
Syria; or that his predecessors, Ahmose I and Amenhotep I,
had achieved greater conquests in Asia than our scanty
sources for their reigns would indicate.
Campaign against Nubia
80. I sailed the King Okheperkere (Thutmose I), triumphant, when
he ascended the river to Khenthennofer (gnt-hn-njr),3% order to cast

aFor bibliography, see p. 3, note a.

bThe inscription of Hatshepsut's childhood (5 225,l. 11) mentions her father's
(Thutmose 1's) survivals among the chiefs of Retenu, meaning those he had

out violence in the highlands, in order to suppress the raidinga of the

hill region. I showed bravery in his presence in the bad water, in the
rpassagel of s1the ship by the bend. One appointed me chief of the
sailors. His majesty was b
3'H.i~ majesty was furious thereat, like a pant he^;^ his majesty
cast his first lance, which remained in the body of that fallen one.d
This was - - - -e 33-'1 powerless before his hrning uraeus,f made
rsol in an instant of destruction; their people were brought off as living
prisoners. 34His majesty sailed down-river, with all countries in his
grasp, that wretched Ngbian Troglodyte being hanged head downward
at the [prowlg of the ba[rge] o m a j e s t y , and landed 35at Karnak.

Asiatic Campaign
81. After these thingsh one journeyed to Retenu (Rinw) to 'wash
his heart among the foreign countries.
His majesty arrived at Naharin (N '-h '-ry-n ') s6his majesty found
that foe when he was 'planning1 destruction; his majesty made a
great slaughterj among them. 37Numberless were the living prisoners,
which his majesty brought off from his victories. Meanwhile I was at
- -

aThe flying raids into the valley of the Nile made by the barbarians inhabiting
the desert behind the hills on either side of the valley. The account of the battle
is very obscure, but the weakness of the enemy makes the result certain.
bThe text ends here in the middle of a sentence, and proceeds around the
corner of the wall with what seems to be the account of another incident in the
same Nubian campaign.
CThis is precisely what is said of Thutmose I1 in his Nubian war (Assuan
Inscription, 1. 9, 11, 121) when the announcement of revolt was brought to him,
hence a similar incident probably should precede here.
dCf. Sinuhe's weapon which "remained i n his (his foe's) neck."
eIt is possible that there is no lacuna here, as the squeeze shows not a trace of
a sign in the last 9 inches of the line.
f The sacred serpent which crowns the royal forehead.

gThe restoration is from the AmBda tablet of Amenhotep 11, 11, 797, 1. 17,
where the same phrase occurs.
hThis phrase shows clearly that the Nubian campaign took place before the
Asiatic campaign. The same order is observed in the biography of Ahmose-Pen-
Nekhbet ($5 84, 85). The usual supposition that the Asiatic preceded the Nubian
campaign is based on a false conclusion from the Tombos inscription (s$ 67 ff.).
i An idiom for taking revenge or obtaining satisfaction.
i From the squeeze; cf. also 1. 17.

the head of our troop^,^ and his majesty beheld my bravery. 381 brought
off a chariot, its horses, and him who was upon it as a living prisoner,
and took them to bhis m a j e ~ t y . ~One presented me with gold in double
H i s Old Age
82. 3gWhen I grew old, and had attained old age, my honors were as
at their beginning.c a tomb, which I myself made.

[Continued from Q 42; concluded QQ 123-4,3441
83. In this reign Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet took part in the
campaign in Nubia; and also accompanied the Asiatic
campaign to Naharin, of which Ahmose, son of Ebana,
furnishes a fuller account ($81). He was then richly re-
warded for his valor by the king.
Campaign in Kush
84. I 7followed the King Okheperkere (Thutmose I), triumphant;
I captured for him Kush, two living prisoners, beside three living
prisoners, whom I brought off gin Kush, without counting them.£
Campaign in Naharin
85. Againg I served 'Ofor King Okheperkere (Thutmose I), trium-
phant; I captured for him in the country of Naharin (N '-h-ry-n2),
"21 hands, one horse, and one chariot.

=See note on 1. 26, Q 39.

bFrom the squeeze; cf. also 1. 27.
CHe continued to receive rewards as at the beginning.
dNearly one-third line is lacking.
eBibliography, p. 10, note a.
f Perhaps meaning that they were not included in the official count.

gShowing clearly that the Asiatic campaign took place after the Nubian cam-

86. This pair stood before the pylon (IV) of Thutmose I
in the great Karnak temple; the northern obelisk, which
Pococke saw still standing, has since fallen. Their erection
by Thutmose I is narrated by the chief architect in charge,
Ineni (see 8 105). Both Ineni and the standing obelisk
refer to "two great obelisks," so that there can be no doubt
that Thutmose I erected both.b The work must have been
done just before his demission of the crown-an event
which left the northern obelisk still uninscribed. I t is cer-
tainly very significant that it was later inscribed by Thut-
mose I I I ! If he did not reach the throne until after the
reigns of Thutmose I1 and Hatshepsut, the northern obe-
lisk remained uninscribed for some twenty-three years at
least! This is improbable, and the fact that the northern
obelisk was not usurped by Thutmose I1 or Hatshepsut
would indicate that they had no opportunity to do so, be-
cause Thutmose 111, having succeeded Thutmose I for a
few years, had already taken possession of it himself (see
Sethe, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 36, 39 f.).
Only the middle columns of the standing obelisk
are the inscriptions of Thutmose I ; the side columns
are later~additionsby Ramses IV and Ramses VI of
the Twentieth Dynasty. The middle columns of the
north and south sides contain only the elaborate titu-
lary of Thutmose I ; those of the east and west, his
dedication, as follows :
aText: Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 6; Champollion, Notices Lscriptives, 11,
127 f.; Champollion, Monuments, IV, 312-313 ; RougC, Album photographique, 50,
53, 54, 68. See also Pococke, Description of the East, I , 95; and Brugsch, Reise-
berichte, 159.
bSee Breasted, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical A r c h d o g y , XXII, 90.
The two additional bases noted in Baedeker (1902, 253) probably belong to some
other king, perhaps Amenhotep 111, who mentions obelisks ($ 903, 1. 57); or to
Thutmose 111.

87. aHorus: Mighty bull, beloved of Truth; King of Upper and

Lower Egypt; Favorite of the Two Goddesses: Shining with the Ser-
pent-diadem, great in strength; Okheperkere, Setepnere; Golden Horus:
Beautiful in years, who makes hearts live; Bodily Son of Re, Thutmose
(I), Shining-in-Beauty.
He made (it), as his monument for his father Amon, Lord of Thebes,
Presider over Karnak, that he might be given life like Re, forever.
88. bHorus: Mighty bull, beloved of Truth, King of Upper and
Lower Egypt: Okheperkere, Setep-Amon (Thutmose I).
He made (it) as his monument for his father Amon-Re, chief of the
Two Lands, erecting for himCtwo great obelisksCat the double fasade
of the temple. The pyramidions were of d

89. A fragment of an obelisk" on the island of Elephan-

tine also refers to Thutmose 1's jubilee. I t still bears the
words :
Thutmose (I) ; Shining-in-Beauty; he made (it) as his
monument to his father, Khnum; making for him two obelisks of
granite. First occurrence.' That he may be given life forever.

go. This stela recorded the king's works in the Abydos
temple of Osiris. In the lost introduction he has appar-
ently held an audience and declared his intention of exe-

aMiddle column, east side.

bMiddle column, west side.
S e e Ineni, 11. 9-11, $105.
dAbout one-third of the line is flaked off; the material of the pyramidions
crowning the obelisks was usually copper or bronze.
eBrugsch, Thesaurus, V, 1220. The epithet, "Shiningin-Beauty," is found
on Thutmose 1's Karnak obelisk, and is not used by other Thutmosids. Hence
the obelisk certainly belongs to Thutmose I.
'Referring, of course, to the royal jubilee.
gsandstone stela from Abydos, now in Cairo; published by Mariette (Abydos,
11, 31) and by de RougC (Inscriptions hitroglyphiques, 19-22). Only the lower
portion is preserved, the relief above being broken off, and probably a consider-
able fraction of the text.

cuting certain works for the god; whereupon the pr,iests

reply in the words with which the preserved portion begins.
The chief treasurer is then instructed to execute the said
works, which, he states, he did. On their completion the
king delivers an address to the priests like that of Thutmose
111 (§§ 571 ff.).
Address of the Priests
91. a-a "How pleasant is this in the hearts of the people! How
beautiful is this in the sight of the gods ! Thou makest a monument
for Osiris, thou beautifiest the First of the Westerners, the great god of
the beginning, whose place Atum advanced, whom he magnified before
3his - - his heart, for whom kings have labored since this land was
founded. As for thee, thou wast born to him; he made thee in the
uprightness of his heart, to do that which he did in the earth, to restore
"the sanctuaries of the gods, [to] - their temples. Thou art gold,
thine is the silver, Kebb has opened for thee that which is in him,
TatenenChas given to thee his things. All the countries labor for thee,
all the lands are under thy rule. SEvery costly stone is rcollectedl -
in thy house; rif there is1 a wish in thee, it must be done; it is that which
thy ka desires which happens.
Royal I?zstructwns to the Chief Treasurer
92. His majesty commanded the chief treasurer: "Conduct the work,
causing to come 6- - - - - every prepared one of his workmen,
the best of his lay priests, who knows the directions and is skilful in
that which hk knows, who does not transgress what was commanded
him, 7rto erect11 the monument of his father [Osiris], to equip his ever-
lasting statue. Execute the very secret things, ,no one seeing, no one
beholding, no one knowing his body. Make for him the portable
chapel-barque (wts-nfr' w) of silver, gold, lapis lazuli, black copper,
8every splendid costly stone."
Words of the Chief Treasurer
93. I executed for him the offering-tables, - (sbm-) sistrums and
(by. t-) sistrums, necklace-rattles (mny wt), censers, 'a flat dish1 (tnyza),

*The number of lines lost before this point is uncertain.

bThe earth-god. ~Ptah.

a great oblation there. I did not [remove] them. I did not discon-
tinue them.
The Sacred Barge
94. I builta 9the august [barge] of new cedar of the best of the
terraces; its bow and its stern being of electrum, making festive the
lake;b to make his voyage therein at his feast of the "District of
Peker " (Pky).
Statues of the Gods
95. Furthermore, 10[his majesty] commanded to shapeC (statues
of) the great ennead of gods dwelling in Abydos; (each) one of them is
mentioned by his name; Khnum, lord of Hirur, dwelling in Abydos;
Khnum, lord of the cataract, dwelling in Abydos; Thoth, leader of the
great gods, ITpresider over Hesret; Horus, presider over Letopolis;
Harendotes; Upwawet of the South, and Upwawet of the North; mys-
terious and splendid were their bodies. The standardsd thereof were
of lzelectrum, more excellent than their predecessors; more splendid
were they than that which is in heaven; more secret were they than the
fashion of the nether world; more - were they than the dwellers in
Words of the King
96. "My majesty did these things for my father Osiris, because I .
loved him so much more than all gods, in order that my name might
abide and my monuments endure in the house of my father, Osiris,
First of the Westerners, '4lord of Abydos, forever and ever.

Address to the Priests

97. [I say to] you, divine fatherse of this temple, priests (w b'w),
ritual priests, dwellers in the place of the hand: Isall the lay priests of
the temple; offer ye to my tomb, present ye to my oblation-tablet;
maintain ye the monuments of my majesty; mention ye my name;

aRead: 9 kh as in Ineni (Q 105,1. 10).

bMeaning it was reflected in the water; see same idea more clearly ( 8 888,l. 20).
cMs, "to shape,'' with a following name of a god, is not uncommon (cf. I, 672).
dThese are the standards upon which the statues were borne.
ePriestly title.
fAn order of priests of whom we know nothing.

remember ye my titulary; give ye praises to my likeness; praise ye

the statue of my majesty; set my name in the mouth of your servants,
my memory among your children. For I7I am a king excellent because
of what he has done; the unique in might through the (mere) mention
of his name r- -la which I made in this land, till ye know it. There is
no lie before you, nor exaggeration Istherein. I have made monuments
for the gods; I have beautified their sanctuaries for the future; I have
maintained their temples, I have restored that which was ruinous, I
have surpassed Isthat which was done before. I have informed the
priests (w b'w) of their duties, I have led the ignorant to that which
he did not know. I have increased the work of others, the kings 2%ho
have been before me; the gods had joy in my time, their temples were
in festivity.
Universal Triumph
98. I made the boundaries of Egypt (t '-mry) as far as that which
the sun encircles. I made 21strong those who were in fear; I repelled
the evil from them. I made Egypt the superior of every land r- - -
--1 favorite of Amon, "Son of Re, of his body, his beloved Thut-
mose (I), Shining like Re, beloved of Osiris, First of the Westerners;
Great God, lord of Abydos, ruler of eternity; given life, stability, satis-
faction, and health, while shinin5 as King upon the Horus-throne of the
living; and joy of his heart, toge%er with his ka, like Re, forever.

[Continued from § 46; continued § I 151


99. The career of Ineni, which began under Amenhotep
I, continues here under Thutmose I. The king's name and
the narrative of his accession unfortunately fall in the
lacunz at the ends of the lines (probably 1. 4). The biog-
raphy then narrates the wide dominion of the king, and
the rich tribute therefrom (Q 101); Ineni's advancement to

aRead r d " t . bBibliography on p. 18,note c.


superintendence of the king's building projects (Q102)

especially the construction of the Karnak pylons of Thut-
mose I, and the erection before them of his two obelisks,
one of which still stailds ($8 103-5); also the excavation of
the king's cliff-tomb and improvements in the necropolis
of Thebes (§ 106); Ineni's rewards in serfs and treasury
dues (8 107); and the death of the king (8 108).
100. The Karnak hall, which Ineni constructed, is of
great historic interest, as it was the first hall on entering the
building, and served as the chief hypostyle, or colonnaded
hall, of the temple throughout the reign of Thutmose I. I t
was in this hall that Thutmose I11 was proclaimed king by
the priests of Amon ($0 131 ff.), thus putting aside either its
builder, Thutmose I, or the weakling Thutmose 11, and in
this hall Hatshepsut erected her two great obelisks. The
description of the erection of the hall itself is unfortunately
lost in the lacuna at the end of 1. 7, and 1. 8 begins with a
reference to the "great pylons on its either side," the erection
of which follows. But Thutmose I11 informs us of the inter-
esting fact that he replaced with stone columns the cedar
columns erected by Thutmose I in this hall (8 601). Indeed,
Thutmose I himself was obliged to replace the northernmost
two of his cedar columns by stone ones before the end of his
reign. a The fact is recorded by him on one of the new col-.
umns (see Piehl, Actes du 6"" congrhs des orientalistes h Leide,
1883, IVm" partie, section 3, 203-19). This inscription is
unfortunately now only a series of disconnected fragments,
of which little is intelligible. The dedication on one of the
columns is as follows: " Thutmose I, he made (it) as his
monument for his father Amon-Re, chief of the T-zo Lands,

aThis is a hint as to the length of his reign; he must have reigned long enough
for the wooden colonnade to begin to decay.

making for him an august colonnade, which adorns the Two

Lands with its beauty." (Brugsch, Thesaurus,VI, I 3 I I, and
Roug6, Inscriptims hi&roglyphiques,163.) On the further
career of this historic hall, only begun here, see 8 4 599 ff. ;
803 ff.
Accession and Power of Thutmose I
101. sthe Good God, who smites the Nubians, lord of
might, who overthrows the Asiatics. He made his boundary as far as
the aHorns of the Earth,a and the marshes in Kebeh (Kbh)
6r- -1 Elephantine. The Sand-dwellers bore their tribute like the
impost of the South and the North; his majesty forwarded them to
Thebes, for his father Amon, each year. Everything was made to
prosperb for me under
Ineni's Promotion
102. 'He filed his heart with me,c I was brought to be a dignitary,
overseer of the granary; the fields of divine offerings were under my
authority; alld the excellent works together were under my administra-
Karnuk Pylons
103. I inspected the great monumentse which he made
Sgreat pylons on its either side of fine limestone of Ayan (C nw); august
flagstaves were erected at the double f a ~ a d eof the temple of new
cedar of the best of the terrace^;^ their tops were of e1ectrum.g I
inspected %ought with electrum.

aThe same phrase occurs in Assuan inscription of Thutmose I1 (5 120,l. 4),

where it refers to the south; the marshes above must therefore be those of the
Euphrates in the north, also used by Thutrnose 11, lac. cit.
bSuch a passive is often a respectful circumlocution to indicate an act of the
cAn idiom signifying favor with the king.
dRead: nb.t.
eThe following is the description of the erection and adornment by Ineni of
the hall and two pylons of Thutmose I at Karnak (IV and V), and the two obelisks
before them, of which one still stands.
fMeaning the slopes of Lebanon; cf. the "Myrrh-tewuces."
sFour such flagstaves, set in channels cut for them in the faces of the pylons,
usually adorned the temple fapde.

Karnak Portal
104. I inspected the erection of the great doorway (named) : "Amon-
Mighty-in-Wea1th;"a its huge door was of Asiatic copper whereon was
the Divine ShadowJb inlaid with gold.
Karnak Obelisks
105.I inspected the erection of twoc obelisks l*built the
august boatd of 120 cubits in its length, 40 cubits in its widthJein order
to transport these obelisks. (They) came in peace, safetyf and pros-
perity, and landed at Karnak I1of the city. Its rtrackJ was
laid with every pleasant wood.

Thutmose I's Cliff-tomb

106. I inspected the excavation of the cliff-tomb of his majesty,
alone, no one seeing, no one hearing.g I sought out the excellent
hthings upon "[--I '1 was vigilanti in seeking that which is
excellent. I made fields of clay, in order to plaster their tombs of the
necropolis; it was a work such as the ancestors had not done which I
was obliged to do there r- - -1 '31 sought out for those

PThe name is not among the ten gates given by Mariette, Karnak, 38.
bExplained Q 889, note.
CHence Petrie, depending on Mariette's plan ( K a r m k , 2) is under misappre-
hension in attributing one of these obelisks to Thutmose I11 (Petrie, History of
Egypt, 11, 67). The standing obelisk of this pair distinctly refers to the erection
of "two gred obelisks" (8 88); hence Thutmose I11 must have appropriated the
now fallen obelisk after it was up, and before the inscriptions were cut.
dThe same words are used of the transport of Hatshepsut's obelisks; see
5 326, note.
eEgypt Exploration Fund Archmlogical Report, 1895-96, 9 and 10, where
Naville gives the equivalents of the above dimensions rather inaccurately. One
hundred and twenty royal cubits =206.6 feet, and 40 royal cubits =68.86 feet.
f Read-&tp, 4,wd a.

gThe same phrase: "no one seeing, no one kearing," occurs on the statue of
Sennefer, British Museum, 48. See also Q 92. This remarkable statement indi-
cates the secrecy with which the vast rock-cut tombs of the Emperors were exca-
vated, in order to avoid the tomb-robberies, which finally forced the removal of the
royal mummies to Der el-Bahri. Another officer, Hapuseneb (8 389, 11. 7, 8), also
states that he worked on the king's "cliff-tomb" ( h r - t ) , see Piehl, Zeitsckrift fii+
agyptiscke Spracke, 23, 59. See Breasted, Proceedings of tke Society of Biblical
Arckreology, XXII, 90-94. The construction of such a tomb is described in the last
twelve lines of Sinuhe; see Goodwin, Zeitschrift fur agyptiscke Sprache, 1872,21 ff.
hThe various supplies for the tomb. i Lit., "My had was watchful."

who should be after me. I t was a work of my heart, my virtue was

wisdom; there was not given to me a command by an elder. I shall
be praised because of my wisdom after years, by those who shall imitate
that which I have done, -14whileI was chief (r '-hry) of all works.

Ineni's Rewards
107. My praise endured in the palace, my love among the court.
His majesty endowed mea with peasant-serfs, and my income was from
the granary of the king's estate on each day.

Death of Thutmose I
108. The king rested from life, going forth to heaven, having com-
pleted his years in gladness of heart.
[Continued $$ I 15-18]

109. This official served under Queen Ahhotep, the
mother of King Ahmose I, and administered her property in
Edfu. He also repaired for her there a ruined tomb belong-
ing to her ancestor, the queen Sebekemsaf, who was the
wife of one of the Thirteenth Dynasty Intefs." He says
nothing of any subsequent connection with the royal house
under the following reign of Amenhotep I, but he was later
in the service of Queen Ahmose, the favorite wife of Thut-
mose I, and mother of Hatshepsut. His career therefore
extended through at least part of four generations of the
royal house.

aThe same rare phrase in Ahmose, son of Ebana (5 6, 1. 3).

bsandstone stela, 0.62 m. high, from Edfu, now in Cairo, old No. 238; pub-
lished by Bouriant, Recueil, IX, 92, 93, No. 72. I had also a carefully revised
copy, kindly loaned me by Schaefer.
cSee Newberry, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archreology, X X I V ,
285-89. Maspero supposed (Momies royales, 625-28) that Sebekemsaf was a
deceased daughter of Ahhotep, but Newberry has clearly shown that she was an
ancestor of Ahhotep.
Q 1131 STELA OF YUF 45

110. In the middle is an offering-table,before which on the
left are two women sitting, and on the right a man, standing,
accompanied by his son. Before the first woman are the
words: "Divine consort, great king's-wife, Ahhotep, tri-
umphant; before the second: "King's-wife, king's-sister
[Sebeklemsafa -. "
Before the first man is a mortuary prayer for "thy (few.)
ha," but his name is illegible; before the son: "His son,
prophet of the dues (3 'w), Harhotep, triumphant." Below
is the following inscription :
il4ortuary Prayer
11I. 'An offering which the king gives; Horus of Edfu, Osiris and
Isis; may they give bread, beer, oxen, geese, everything good and pure
for the ka of the great king's-wife, Zthe king's-mother, Ahhotep, tri-
umphant; and her son Nebpehtire (Ahmose I), triumphant.

Restoration of Sebekemsaf's Tomb

112. She gave to me.b The rsecondlc prophet of the dues (S'w)
of the altar, 3the door-keeper of the temple, the priest, Yuf ( Y w .f ) ,
son of Iritset (Yry.t-s't), he says: "I repaired this tomb (ysy) of 4the
king's-daughter, Sebekemsaf, after finding it beginning to go to ruin."

Favor under Queen Ahhotep

113. Then this priest said: " 5 0 ye who pass by this stela, I will
tell you, and I will cause you to hear my favor with the great king's-
wife, Ahhotep. She appointed 6me to offer to her; she intrusted me
with the statue of her majesty. She gave to me bread: 71m (byat-)
loaves, and 10persen loaves; 2 (ds-) jars of beer, and a joint (pnm)
from every ox. I was endowedd [with] %pland, and with lowland.

aOf course, Sebekemsas is meant.

bThe connecti6n of this phrase is not clear; the following list of titles ter-
minating with the name of the owner of the stela can hardly be connected with
the preceding. Perhaps the stela is the gift meant.
~ T w ostrokes, perhaps misunderstood from hieratic determinative for a man.
d S 9 h' kwy,as in Ahmose, $ 6, 1. 3.

She repeated to me another favor, she gave to me all her property in

Edfu, 9to administera it for her majesty.

Favor under Queen Ahmose

114. Another favor of the great king's-wife, Ahmose, triumphant,
whom king IOOkheperkere (Thutmose I), triumphant, loves. She
appointed me to be scribe of the assistant treasurer. She intrusted me
with "the statue of her majesty, she gave to me IOO loaves of bread,
2 (ds-) jars of beer, and a joint (70 was endowed
b' t) from every ox. 121
with upland, and with lowland.
Field-scribeb of Horus of Edfu, Denereg (Dnrg).

a g r p ; hence we may possibly render: "to present it (the income?) lo her

bEvidently the subscript of the scribe who made the document.
[Continued from 108; concluded $8 340 ff .]

1x5. According to this biography, Thutmose I1 succeeded

directly at the death of Thutmose I ; b under the new reign,
Ineni enjoyed the greatest favor, until the death of Thut-
mose 11.
Succession of Thutmose I1
116. The HawkCin the nestC[appeared asId the IsKing of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Okhepernere (C'-bpr-n-RC, Thutmose 11), he became
king of the Black Lande and ruler of the Red Land,e having taken
possession of the Two Regions in triumph.

Ineni's Favor
117. I was a favorite of the kingf in his every p!ace; greater was
that which he did for me thang those who preceded (me). I attained
the old age of the revered, I possessed the favor of his majesty every day.
I was supplied from the table of the king 16with bread of oblations for

aBibliography on p. 18,note c.
bThis seems unfavorable to Sethe's theory that Thutmose 111 succeeded
Thutrnose I and reigned for a short time before the accession of Thutmose 11.
But Sethe offers very cogent arguments in explanation of Ineni's silence on this
point. See Sethe, Unlersuchungen, I, 19,8 29, and 39, 8 52; and Zcitschrift fur
agyptische Spache, 36.
cThis is a poetical designation of the crown prince as Horus, who also sue-
ceeded his father, Osiris.
dErman7s restoration. Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 40, n. I.
eThe cultivable land and the desert.
f Lit., "one who Fled the heart of tlw king."

gSupply of course: "than t h d which he did for those who, etc.;" or "than
that which those did who, etc.," meaning he received greater favor than from preced-
ing kings.

the king, beer likewise, meat, fat-meat, vegetables, various fruits, honey,
cakes, wine, oil. My necessities were apportioned in health and life,
as his majesty himself said, for love of me.

Death of Thutmose II
118. (He) went forth to heaven, having mingled with the gods.8
[Concluded $5 340-431

119. This inscription narrates: (I) the arrival of a mes-
senger who announces to his majesty a rebellion in Kush,
and mentions a frontier fortress of the king's father, Thut-
mose I (see Q 72) (11. 5-9) ; (2) the anger of the king (11.9-11) ;
(3) his dispatch of an army thither (11. I I, I 2) ; (4) the over-
throw of Kush, and the capture of one of the chief's children
with some other prisoners (11. 12-15); (4) the complete
pacification of the country (11. 15-17). The inscription is
dated on the day of the king's accession, and, according to
1. 7, his father, Thutmose I, was living at the time, thus
proving the coregency of the two.
120. =Year I, second month of the first season, day 8, coronation
dayc under the majesty of Horus: Mighty Bull, Powerful in Strength;
Favorite of the Two Goddesses: Divine in kingship; Golden Horus:
Powerful in Being; 2King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Okhepernere,
Son of Re: Thutmose (11), Beautiful in diadems, upon the Horus-

aSee also Senmut's reference to his death (5 368, 11. 7, 8).

bCut into the rock on the road from Assuan to Philse; text in Lepsius, Denk-
miiler, 111, 16, a; de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments, I , 3, 4, and RougC, Znscrip-
tions hihoglyphiques, 250, 251; but the best text is revised from a squeeze by Sethe,
Unterswhungen, I, 81; translation, 38.
cThe "appearance" (lit., darning) of a king is his coronation; it is to be
construed with "upon, etc.," after the names of the king. As this is the king's
first year, the coronation is not an anniversary, but the very first day of the reign.

throne of the living; his father, Re, is his protection, and Amon, lord
of Thebes; sthey smite for him his enemies. Lo, his majesty is in
the palace, (rbutl) his fame is mighty; the fear of him is in the land,
[his] terror in the lands of the Haunebu; 4the two divisions of Horus
and Seta are under his charge; the Nine Bows together are beneath
his feet. The Asiatics come to him bearing tribute, and the Nubian
Troglodytes bearing baskets. His southern boundary is as far as the
Horns of the Earthb (his) snorthern as far as the ends; Cthemarshes of
AsiaCare the dominion of his majesty, the arm of his messenger is not
repulsed among the lands of the Fe[n]khu.

Announcement of Rebellion
121. One came to informd his majesty as follows: " The wretched
Kush 6has begun to rebel, those who were under the dominion of the '
Lord of the Two Lands purpose hostility, beginning to smite him.
The inhabitants of Egypt are about to bring away the cattle behind
this 7fortresse which thy father built in his campaigns, the King of
Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere (Thutmose I), living forever;
in order to repulse the rebellious barbarians, the Nubian Troglodytes
of Khenthennofer, for those who are %here on the north of the wretched
Kush r- - -lg with the two Nubian Troglodytes among the children
of the chief of the wretched Kush who r-1 before the Lord of the Two
Lands 9- r-1." His majesty was furious thereat, like a panther,
when he loheard it. Said his majesty, "I swear,h as Re loves me, as
my father, lord of gods, Amon, lord of Thebes, favors me, I will not
let live anyone among their males r-1 "among them."

aCf. $ 70, 1. 2.
bCf. $101, 1. 5 ; and Index lr.
Gee Index V, s. v.
dLit., "to ntake prosperous the heart of his majesty," which is the conventional
form for introducing a matter to a superior in letter-writing.
=These are the cattle of Egyptians who have settled in Nubia beyond the
frontier military station, and are thus in danger of being pillaged by the rebellious-
f This epithet indicates that Thutmose I is still living.

&?Sethe:"neigen zum Biindniss ?"

hCompare the same royal oath in the obelisk inscription of Hatshepsut (Q318,
1. 2, north side) and in the Megiddo campaign of Thutmose I11 (5 422, 1. 40).

The Campaign
122. Then his majesty dispatched a numerous army into Nubia
(T'-pd't) on his first occasion of a campaign, in order to overthrow all
those who were rebellious against his majesty or hostile to the Lord of
the Two Lands. IaThen this army of his majesty arrived at wretched
Kush '.a This army '30f his majesty overthrew those bar-
barians; they did [notlb let live anyone among their males, according
to all the command of his majesty, except one of those children of the
I4chief of wretched Kush, who was taken away alive as a living prisoner
with their people toChis majesty. They were placed under the feet of
the Good God; for his majesty had appeared upon his throne when
Isthe living prisoners were brought in, which this army of his majesty
had captured. This land was made a subject of his majesty as formerly,
the people '%ejoiced, the chiefs were joyful; they gave praise to the
Lord of the Two Lands, they lauded this god, excellent in examples of
his divinity. It came to pass on account of the fame of his majesty,
17because his father Amon loved him so much more than any king who
has been since the beginning. The King of Upper and Lower Egypt:
Okhepernere, Son of Re: Thutmose (11)) Beautiful in Diadems, given
life, stability, satisfaction, like Re, forever.

[Concluded from § 85; see also § 3441
123. The conclusion of the long military career of this
officer, at least in so far as he has recorded it, was a cam-
paign of Thutmose I1 against the Shasu-Bedwin, of which
this is our only record. I t is probable that this defeat of
the Shasu was only an incident in the northward march

aPartially broken away.

bThe negative is broken out in the text, but may certainly be supplied from 1.10.
C L i t . , "to a pktce under his majesty" = the place where his majesty was.
dBibliography on p. 10, note a.

against Niy (9 1 2 5 ) . ~ This last campaign also brought its

reward of valor from the king ( $ 2 4 ) .
Cawtpaign against the Shusu
124. I followed King Okhepernereb (Thutmose 11), triumphant;
there were brought off for me in Shasu (S3-m)very many living
prisoners; I did not count them.
[See also $3441

125. The great importance of this fragment has been
overlooked in all the histories, and was first noticed by
Sethe.d I t records a campaign of Thutmose I1 in "Retenu,
the Upper" and as far probably as Niy.
Ie[Gifts which were brought tole the fame of the king, Okhepernere
(Thutmose II)£ [from his ~ic]~tories selephant[s]g
dhorse[s] [Retenu] sthe Upper [the land] 6of Niy
7kings %is majesty in 9[when] he came
out of

=The reign of Thutmose I1 was so short that we can hardly suppose that he made
more than one campaign into Asia, in addition to his Nubian campaign ( Q Q119--22).
bpublished by Maspero (Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 1883, 78) as
"Thutmose I;" corrected as above, Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 239, n. I .
fragment from the Der el-Bahri temple, middle colonnade, toward the right
end of the Punt reliefs (Q 272). Only the extreme tops of nine lines are preserved.
Text: Mariette, Deir-el-Bahari, 7; Diimichen, Historische Inschriflen, 11, 17;
Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 102 and 40. Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 80. Besides
this inscription, there is a short building inscription of Thutmose I1 in the Der el-
Bahri temple, giving the usual dedication of a doorway which he erected there
(Bmgsch, Recueil de monuments, 69, I ) .
dSethe, Untersuchungen, I, 40.
eAs the inscription accompanies a relief representing gifts, the beginning is
undoubtedly to be restored according to numerous analogies, as Sethe has done,
Untersuchungen, I, 40.
f In Naville's text the end of the name is lost; hence Naville, not having col-

lated the old publications, is unable to identify the name, but says "it seems to be
that of Thothmes I" (Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 17). Both Mariette and Diim-
ichen give Thutmose 11.
sCf. the elephant hunt in the same region here mentioned, in Amenemhab
(ll. 22-25, $ 588) under Thutmose 111.


126. The left side-panel of an ebony shrine, unearthed
by Naville in the temple of Der el-Bahri, contains the follow-
ing dedication written thrice on the outside. I t is in the
name of Thutmose I and 11, but the feminine pronoun
occurs thrice, and the feminine verbal ending four times;b
hence Hatshepsut was certainly the author of the monument.
Moreover, one of Hatshepsut's partisans, Thutiy, states that
he made just such an ebony shrine in her time (5 375, I. 24).
I t was therefore later usurped by the two Thutmoses, show-
ing that Hatshepsut reigned for a time before them.
127. The Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, lord of offering,
lord of diadems, who hath taken the crown of the Two Lands, King
of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okhepernere, Bodily Son of Re, Thut-
mose (II)C; he made (it) as his monument for hisd father, Amon-Re,
making for him an august shrine of ebony of the best of the highlands,
that shee might live and abidef rfor himw like Re, forever.

bThe feminine occurs continually in the other inscriptions on the shrine also,
as Sethe has shown (Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische Sprahe, 8, 9).
right-hand column has Thutmose I!
dThe column on the edge has "her l"
eNaville has not noted this feminine, which occurs in two of the three texts;
he offers an impossible masculine in his translation.
f"Live" and "abide" are both feminine forms. They are ignored by Naville;
Pl. XXVII is very inaccurate in reproducing the alterations 'evident in the original.
8Or: " t h r o ~ g hhim."
128. The close of Thutmose 1’s independent reign was
followed by years of conflict and strife among the Thut-
mosids, in which the parties of Thutmose I (not yet deceased),
Thutmose 11,Thutmose 111,and Hatshepsut were all push-
ing the claims of their respective candidates for the throne
at the same time. As they all succeeded for longer or shorter
periods, there is the greatest confusion of royal names on
the monuments dating from this period. I t seems to the
author that Sethe’s explanation of the problem is the first
correctly to solve the difficulty. It is the first, and thus far
the only, scientific study of the problem employing and
reckoning with all the materials. Sethe maintains the fol-
lowing propositions:
I . The instigator of the insertion of a royal name over
another royal name is the king bearing the inserted name;
2. The systematic insertion of the names of Thutmose I
and Thutmose I1 together, over the name of Hatshepsut on
buildings erected by her together with Thutmose 111, shows
that Thutmose I and I1reigned €ora short time together, after
the joint reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose I11 had begun.
3. The earliest monuments of Thutmose I11 show that
he at first reigned alone, Hatshepsut being called merely
“ great Kirtg’s-wife,” until she later became king coregent

with him.
129. The real succession on the first fall of Thutmose I
was therefore probably thus:
I. Thutmose I11 reigns for a time alone.

2. Hatshepsut’s party forces her upon Thutmose I11 as

coregent .
3. About year 6 of Thutmose 111, Thutmose I and I1
together gain the throne, for a brief coregency, but are not
able to suppress Thutmose 111, who, on the disappearance
(probably death) of Thutmose I, regains the throne, and
rules as coregent with Thutmose 11, till the latter’s death,a
which followed shortly, about year 8 of Thutmose 111’s
reign (numbered from his first accession).
4. Thutmose 111, with Hatshepsut now associated with
him permanently, holds the throne, and they rule together
at least twelve years more, till the death of the queen, when
Thutmose I11 finally holds undivided possession. He
numbered his years from his first accession, ruling at least
thirty-four years more, till the year ~ 4 . ~
130. I t will be seen that in this readjustment of the reigns
practically all of the reign of Thutmose I falls before, and
the bulk of Thutmose 111’s reign after, the period of the
family conflict; while the reign of Thutmose I1 falls in the
midst of this period of conflict that lies between. Hence
the old numbering of these three kings need not be changed,
and for this reason also their inscriptions are taken up in the
old order. I t should be noted that a number of difficulties

aFragments of a statue from the temple of Wazmose at Thebes, as published

by Daressy (Annules a h service, I, 99) bear the date: year 18 of Thutmose II!
In view of Daressy’s numerous errors in publishing the short inscription, this is
not to be accepted without examination of the original which, according to Bor-
chardt, is stated by Daressy to be missing at Cairo. The date is probably year 18
of Thutmose I.
bIt is impossible here to discuss the large mass of evidence which favors the
above conclusions. Some of it will be found in the following translations. For
the rest, the student is referred to Sethe’s first treatise (Untersuchungen, I), his
discussion with Naville (Zeitschrift fur iigyptische Spruche, 35, 36, and 37), and
Breasted, A New Chapter in the Life of Thutnzose III (Leipzig, 1900, or Unter-
suchungen, 11). For year 20 of Hatshepsut, see Petrie, CutaZogne .. . .Sinai, p. 19.

beset any theory of the Thutmosid struggle. The above

reconstruction, in view of recent discoveries, is perhaps not
to be regarded as finally demonstrated, but it at least deals
with and attempts to solve the otherwise insuperable diffi-
culties of the current traditional theory.


131. This inscription contains historical material of the
highest importance, which has been overlooked in all the
histories. On the occasion of the completion of one of his
numerous additions to the Karnak temple, sometime be-
tween the years 15 and 2 2 (1. 17), Thutmose I11 held an
audience and addressed his court, informing them that he
owed his crown to Amon, and that he had shown his grati-
tude by great buildings and sumptuous offerings (11. 1-22).
The court replied, acknowledging his divine call to the
throne (11. 22-24). All this is now recorded as an intro-

aIn the Karnak temple of Amon, on the exterior of the south wall of the cham-
bers south of the sanctuary; three fragments were first published in 1863 by Brugsch
(Recueil de Monuments, I, P1. XXVI), then entire by Mariette (Karnak, 14-16) in
1875, with lines numbered backward and incorrect arrangement of fragments;
then more accurately, but less completely and without the fragments, by de Rouge
(Inscriptions hihglypkiques, 165-74) in 1879, with lines numbered correctly;
then much better than either, with correct arrangement of fragments, by Brugsch
(Thesaurus, 1281-90); finally I published the coronation portion alone, based on
the old publications (New Chapter, b). But I have since secured much
better materials, especially a careful copy of the original by my friend, Mr. Alan
Gardiner, which he kindly placed at my disposal; also, through the kindness of
Mr. Newberry, two large photographs made by Dr. Page May; and finally two
more, which I owe to the thoughtfulness of Borchardt. These materials add
much to the publications, and show that Brugsch made numerous restorations in
the lacunae, without indication that the added signs were not found on the original.
The inscription is in forty-nine vertical lines, and as the upper courses of masonry
have perished, the upper half of all the lines has been lost, except 11. 36-49, where
fragments with the tops of these lines have survived, though with lacuna: below

duction to a three-fold list of the king’s benefactions to the

god: first, his buildings (ll. 25-36); second, his offerings of
the field, and the herds, besides gifts of lands (11. 36-41);
third, temple utensils and the like (11. 42-48). A short
peroration concludes the record (11. 48-49).
132. The introductory speech of the king begins with
an account of his youth and of how he was named king. In
the course of these reminiscences, the king in one phrase
only (1. 3) compares himself to the youthful Horus in the
Delta marshes. This very common comparison of the king
with Horusa in the Delta, together with the following con-
text,b was misunderstood by Brugsch as literal.“ This
error was exposed by Masperod in 1880,and since then
the inscription was left for twenty years untouched, as if
its significance and content had been finally settled. This
conclusion, however, is hardly to be justified if we notice
that the inscription as used in all the histories now current,
is translated backward !e
133. Translating the king’s speech in the proper direction,
it becomes coherent in spite of the loss of the first half of
each line, and tells a remarkable story. The king states,
with protestations of his truthfulness, that he was a lad in
the temple of Amon, before he had received his appoint-
ment as priest (&-ntr, “ p r ~ p h e t , ”1.~2); and that he later

%See, for example, the identical statement with reference to Amenmeses, 111,
642, note (Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 201, c ) .
bIt was the following context which misled Brugsch, for he remarks that such
comparisons were an “oft wiederkehrende Redensart junger Konige” (365).
CGeschiche, 36j, and 288, 289; for the same error recently repeated, see Pro-
ceedings of the Society of Biblical Archmlogy, 1904,37.
dRevue critique, 1880,I, 107, n. I ; and Zeilschrifl fur agyptische Spwhe,
1882, 133.
eBrugsch, the entire inscription, beginning with the last line, and ending with
the first. As far back as 1879 the publication of the admirable de Rouge had
added the proper numbering to the lines; Brugsch has it in his Thesaurus (1891).
fOf course, this appointment must have followed later.

occupied the priestly office of “Pillar of his Mother” (1. 3).

On the occasion of a great feast the young priest was stationed
by the god in the northern hypostyle (1. 3). The splendid
procession of the god appeared (l. 4), with the then king
(who is unfortunately not named) offering incense and con-
ducting the ceremonies (1. s). The procession passed
around the hall where the young priest was, while the god”
sought for him (1. 6). As he stopped before the young
priest the latter fell down before him in adoration, but was
raised up and placed before the god (1. 7).
134. Then followed the oracleb of the god, proclaiming
him king; it is unfortunately lost in the lacuna, but immedi-
ately following is a reference to the “secrets in the hearts of
the gods” now revealed, namely, their intention to make
him king (1. S).’ At this juncture in their coronation by
the gods, Hatshepsut and Amenhotep I11 proceed to Heliopo-
lis to be crowned by the sun;gqd, as was the immemorial
custom (cf. $ 9 221 ff.). But the young priest, Thutmose, is
more highly favored; for him the gates of heaven are opened,
he flies thither to be received by the sun-god (1. 9), who
then crowned him (11. IO, 11), and fixed his four royal
namesd (in addition to the fifth, Thutmose, which he al-
ready bore), in accordance with divinely conferred qualities
01. 12-14). Thus he is installed in the kingship, and his
authority established at home and abroad (11. 15, 16), in

aOr possibly the then king.

bThis oracle is referred to by the court in their reply (1. 23), and by Thutmose
I11 himself in his inscription of year 23 at Halfa: “ H e (the god) hath assigned to
him his inheritance as a body which he begat; he uttered an macle concerning him
(tu$) r 3 hr.A that his coronation might be established for him (as) king upon the
Hwus-throne of the living” (11. 3, 4, from a photograph by Steindorff).
Compare the designation of Hatshepsut and Amenhotep I11 as king by the
gods before their coronation (0 231).
dHarmhab’s names are declared at his divine coronation at precisely the
same juncture (111, 29, 1. 19).

order that he may offer the wealth of the earth to Amon

(11. 16, 17), erect him buildings, and present him offerings
like the present ones (11. 17-22).
135. This remarkable narrative, under a cloak of alleged
divine interposition, like that in the life of Harmhab (111,
2 2 ff.), records the elevation of Thutmose I11 from a posi-
tion of humble rank in the priesthood of the Karnak temple
of Amon to the throne of Egypt. This is unquestionable
fact. The only difference between this elevation of Thut-
mose I11 and that of Harmhab is that Harmhab reached it
after a long official career, culminating in great political
power, while Thutmose I11 rose to it directly from his
priestly rank in the temple. Any attempt to explain this
is to pass distinctly from fact to theory. Suppose that
Thutmose I11 was the oldest son of Thutmose I, born before
the latter’s accession; his mother being, as we know, a
lady not of royal blood, named I+ This would explain
why we find him as a priest in the Amon temple. When
his father, Thutmose I, after marrying the royal princess
Ahmose, gained the throne, and Hatshepsut, his daughter
by her, grew up, she (Hatshepsut) was given in marriage
to the king’s eldest son, still a priest in the temple. Thus
was the young priest immediately invested with a future
claim upon the throne-a claim which a young man of the
ability which we know he possessed, would surely make
effective. Queen Ahmose dies, and with her perishes
Thutmose 1’sright to the throne. The young priest imme-
diately claims his right to reign, through his wife, precisely
as his father, Thutmose I, had d0ne.a And now we pass
from theory to fact again.

aHarmhab also gained his right to the throne through his wife, a royal princess,
who is referred to in his coronation inscription (111, 28, 1. IS).

136. On the occasion of a great feast, when the god

appears in procession, the future Thutmose I11 has all ar-
ranged so that the god shall stop before him as he stands in
his place among the ranks of priests in the colonnaded hall,
and shall indicate him as the future king. The plan is
carried out successfully, and a superb stroke of imagination
adds also the visit to the celestial realm there to be crowned
and ‘named by Re, the sun-god himself. Thus Thutmose
I11 succeeded his father; and of his wife, the royal heiress,
Hatshepsut, in whose right he ruled, we hear not a word in
the whole transacti0n.a The later buildings and gifts are
also all in his own name.
137. The inscription refers to offerings of the fifteenth
year; it is important to note that already at this time, be-
tween this date and the beginning of his great campaigns
(year 2 2 ) , Thutmose I11 possessed forest domains in Syria
(1. 34), from which he drew cedar for his temple doors.
He was also receiving captives and the children of native
princes from Syria at this time. These facts indicate that
he was still holding his father’s conquests, at least as far north
as Lebanon;b and it was to suppressa widespread and per-
sistent revolt that he began his campaigns in Syria at the close
of the year 2 2 .
Birth and Youth of Thutmose 111
138. I my - is he; I am hise son, whom he commanded
that I should be upon his throne, while I was one dwelling in his

=Thiscoincides with Sethe’sconclusion that Thutmose I11 succeeded Thutmose I

for a time alone, before the legitimists forced Hatshepsut upon him as coregent.
Where his forest domains of cedar must have been located.
CFor a full exposition of the historical and other data in this remarkable inscrip-
tion, see the author’s A N e w Chapter in the Life of Thtdmose 111 (in Sethe’s
Untersuchungen), Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1900.
dThe king in the relief is represented enthroned at the left, holding audience.
There is little doubt that 1. I began “year x , month x , day z,occurred the sitting
(&pr .Itms’t”), as, e. g., at Der el-Bahri (5 292). The audience now begins with a
speech from the throne.
T h e god’s; see “his temple” (1. 2).

nest ;* he begat me in uprightness of heart a there is no lie therein;

since my majesty was a stripling, while I was a youth in his temple,
before occurred my installation to be prophet 3 my majesty.
I was in the capacityb of the “Pillar of his Mother,”C like the youth
Horus in Khemmis. I was standing in the northern hypostyled .-4

The Feast
139. the splendors of his He made festive
heaven and earth with his beauty; he received the great marvels;‘
his rays were in the eyes of the people like the “Coming forth of
Harakhte.” The people, they gave to him s[praise] the raltarl
of his temple. His majesty placed for him incense upon the fire, and
offered to him a great oblation consisting of oxen, calves, mountain
Search and Discovery
140. [the godlg made the circuit of the hypostyleh on
both sides‘ of it, the heart of those who were in front did not compre-
hend his actions, while searching for my majesty in every place. On
recognizing me, lo, he halted 7 [I threw myself on] the pave-

aA common figure for the young king, conceived as the young Horus-hawk;
see Q 116.
W r : “r&e.”
CA title of the god Horus, and then of a priest; (see New Chapter, 1 2 and 30)
as it was an office which could be held by a high priest (ibid., 30), this indicates
promotion of Prince Thutmose from the rank of “p.ophet.”
dThis is the northern half of the colonnaded hall built by Thutmose I in the
Karnak temple between his two Pylons (IV and V, see $99 and my New Chapter,
12-14, 30, 31). As it was later dismantled by Hatshepsut for the erection of her
obelisks in it, we have here also a terminus ad quem for the date of Thutmose 111’s
coup d‘ttat. On the later history of the hall, see $5 600,601,and 803 ff.
eA common poetic designation for the temple of a god; to or from the temple
at this juncture the sacred procession is moving, as the following three sentences
show. I n the lacuna opening the next line, he reaches “his tem$Ze,” these being
the first words of the line which are preserved.
f Doubtless the things offered to him.

gOr the procession.

Where Prince Thutmose has already been stationed by the god (1. 3).
i Meaning the colonnades on either side of the central aisle; Prince Thutmose
is standing in the left, or “northern,” colonnade.

ment, I prostrated myself in his presence. He set me before his majesty;a

I was stationed a t the “Station of the King.”b He was astonished at
me 8 without untruth. Then they [revealed’ before the peop!e
the secrets in the hearts of the gods, who know these his -; there was
none who knew them, there was none who revealed them P[rbeside himl].

Ascent to Heaven
141.FHe opened Ifor] me the doors of heaven; he opened the portals
of the horizon of Re. I flew to heavenC as a divine hawk, beholdingd
his form in heaven; I adored his majesty lo feast. I saw the
glorious forms of the Horizon-God upon his mysterious ways in heaven.

Coronation in Heaven
142.Re himself established me, I was dignified with the diadems
which [welre upon his head, his serpent-diadem, rested upon “[my
forehead] [he satisfied] me with all his glories; I was sated
with the counselse of the gods, like Horus, when he counted his body
at the house of my father, Amon-Re. I was FpresentJIed with the
dignities of a god, with I * my diadems.

Fixing Titulary f

143. His own titulary was affixed for me.

aProbably “his majesty”-“himself;” viz., he raised me up and set me before

bThe “Station of the King’’ is the place in the holy of holies where the king
stood in the performance of the prescribed state ritual. One is known in AmSlda,
in Elephantine, in Thebes (temple of Memnon colossi), and, as above, at Karnak.
(See Spiegelberg, Recueil, XX, 50, and my New Chepter, 16, 17.) I have since
found another at Memphis (111, 532). The placing of Prince Thutmose at this
official “Station of the King” is a public recognition of him as king.
CThe usual meaning of this phrase applied to a king is that he died, but this
is clearly not its meaning here, where the king on the throne uses the phrase him-
self in addressing his courtiers.
dSo Brugsch, but Gardiner and photographs have only a lacuna for “beholding.”
eS’r’t,” see Piehl, Zeitschrift fur ugyptische Sprache, 24, 83-85; it occurs
also in Harmhab’s coronation, ll. 3 and I I .
f Compare the Iixing of the titulary by the gods in the coronation of Hatshepsut
and that of Amenhotep I11 ($8 230, 239).

First Name
He fixed my Horus upon the standard;a he made me mighty as a
mighty bull. He caused that I should shine in the midst of Thebes
‘3[in this my name, Horus: “Mighty Bull, Shining in the be^"].^

Second Name
I#. [He made my kingship enduring, like Re in heaven, inIc this
my [name], Favorite of the Two Goddesses: “Enduring in Kingship,
like Re in Heaven.”
Third Name
145. He formed me as a Horus-hawk of gold, he gave to me his
might and his strength and I was splendid with these his diadems, in
this my name, ’$Golden Horus: “Mighty in Strength, Splendid in
Diadems ”1.
Fourth Name
146. [in this my name], King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands: “Menkheperre” (the being of Re abides).

Fifth Name
147. I am his‘ son who came forth from him, a likeness fashioned
like the presider over Hesret;d he beautified all my forms, in this my
name, Son of Re: “Thutmose, Beautiful of Form,” living forever and
Recognitwvz of H i s Authority
148. I.5 my -; he caused that [the princes of] all [counl-
tries [should come], doing obeisance because ofe the fame of my majesty;
my terror was in the hearts of the Nine Bows; all lands were under
my sandals. He gave victory by my arms, in order to widen 16[the
boundaries of Egypt] because - so much - - - him. He

aThis is the Horus-hawk which surmounts the so-called standard or banner

(really the fasade of a building) containing the Horus-name of the king.
bRestored from the name of the king, as it occurs elsewhere.
this restoration is not literally certain, but something similar must have
occupied the lacuna.
dThat is, Thoth, with whose name “Thutmose” (or Thothmose) is compounded.
eOr: “to.”

rejoiced in me, more than (in) any king who had been in the earth
since it was loosened.a

Purpose of His Choice

149. I am his son, beloved of his majesty, whom his double desires
rto cause1 that I should present this land at the place, where he is. I
cause to encompass --?I which he established, to make a monu-
ment abiding in Karnak. I requited his beauty with something
greater than it by magnifying him more than the gods. The recom-
pense of him who does excellent things is a reward for him of things
more excellent than they. I have built his house as an eternal work.
18 my [rfatherJ caused that I should be divine, that I might
extend the throne of him who made me; that I might supply with food
his altars upon earth; that I might make to flourish for him the sacred
slaughtering-block with great slaughters in his temple, consisting of
oxen and calves without limit. I9 descending rfor3 things,
of those which were paid anew, - the dues therefor. I filled for him
his granaries with barley and spelt without limit. I increased for him
the divine offerings, I gave to him increase, for this temple
of my father Amon, at all feasts; bof the sixth day (of the month)b satis-
fied with that which he desired should be. I know that it is forever;
that Thebes is eternal. Amon, Lord of Karnak, Re of Heliopolis of
the South (Hermonthis), his glorious eye which is in this land ar---.

Erection of This Monument

150. I made my monument, I recorded my commands at the stair-
way of the lord of Karnak, of the fashioner of all that is or exists.
Everything shall remain forever, that is therein r 3 22

a libation, together with the things of his gods, when the god is satis-
fied with his things. The monument is a work in the temple for a
memorial of my beauty in his house, and I shall endure in the mouthC

'That is, loosened (w& c) and separated from the heavens at the beginning,
as in the Pyramid Texts.
bSo Brugsch; it is not now visible on the wall.
cOf the people.

Reply of the Court

151. These companions, they said: W ‘ this [word] which
has been spoken to us; which we have heard in the court, L. P. H.
May thy nostrils be rejuvenated with satisfying life; may thy majesfy
endure upon the great throne. The oracle of the god himself,a is like
the word of Re at .the first beginning. Thoth is he who makes the
dirliting speak,b a4 rejoicing. His kingship is assigned to thee;
established is thy coronation upon the Horus-throne, and recorded are
thy annals as King of Upper and Lower Egypt. He has united for thee
the Two Lands in peace, all countries in subjection.”

A New Chapelc
152. 0 5 anew, together with a “Divine Abode,” a monu-
ment of fine white sandstone. The king himself performed with his
two hands the stretching of the cord and the extension of the line, putting
(it) upon the ground, and furnishing on this monument the exaction of
work, according to the command of a6 enduring work of their
A Holy of Holies
153. Behold, my majesty erected for him an august Holy of Holies:
the favorite place of Amon (named) : “His-Great-Seat-is-Like-the-
Horizon-of-Heaven,” of sandstone of the Red M ~ u n t a i n . ~Its interior
was wrought with electrum ‘7

Three Portals
154. I [erected] the 6rst portal, (named:) “ Menkheperre-is-Splendid-
in-the-Opulence-of-Amon;” the second portal, (named :) “Menkhe-

=Evidentlya reference to the oracle which decreed Thutmose I11 king. Com-
pare the ‘‘wade of the god himself” in the Punt reliefs (0 285, 1. 5 ) .
bSee Papyrus Ebers, I, 8.
=Here the audience of the court seems to have been concluded, and the list of
buildings and offerings begins.
dThe form of the determinative is like the shrine of Saft-el-Henneh.
=Near Cairo (cf. Baedeker’s Egypt, 1902,77; wrongly stated to be near Syene
in Egypt under tlte Pharaohs, 176),about two miles east of the city. I t yields a
reddish, sandy conglomerate called “gritstone.” This passage shows the elastic
character of the word rendered “sandstone” ( m d ‘ t ) ; it indicated only gritty, hard
stone, and usually sandstone. See also Erman, Life in A n c k 4 Egypl, 478, n. I.

perre-is-Abiding-in-Favor-with-Amon;" [the third" portal, (named:)

"Menkheperre,]b-is-the-Great-One-of-the-Souls-of-Amon ;" wrought
with real electrum, through which MatC enters for him
making festive the monument. He rejoiced in his praise, he did that
which he desired, he united his (sic) majesty with satisfying life, and
joy of heart forever.
Pylon VI
155. My majesty [erectled an august pylond of the interior in front
of a v t h e holy of holies1 --I erected for him a great door, fash-
ioned of new cedar, wrought with gold, mounted with real black copper,
- with copper. The great name upon it was of electrum, doubly
rrefinedl gold and black copper so the r-1 thereof were of
doubly rrefinedl gold made in the likeness of the horizon of heaven.
I t was more beautiful than [ranythingl] that has (ever) been.
My majesty further made for him these three portalse

Shrines and Statues

156. the northern -; shrines of stone, (with) doors of
new cedar thereto; fthe statues off [my majesty] belonging thereto,
and the statuesg of my fathers, the kings 32[0f Egypt who were
before me].

BMariette found six gates bearing the name of Thutmose I11 in Karnak; but
of the three above named he could only find the last (see Mariette, Karnak, Textes,
58, and Brugsch, Thesaurus, VI, r311, 1312, 1315. The first was found by Legrain
in 1901(Annales du service, 11, 227); the second has never been found.
bInserted by Brugsch, but no longer visible on original.
CGoddess of truth.
dThis pylon of the interior is, of course, the pylon (VI) of Thutmose 111,
behind the two pylons (IV and V) of his father, Thutmose I, and just in front of
the holy of holies. The back of this pylon is occupied by the conclusion of the
Annals and the record of feasts and offerings ($5 541 ff.), and the front by Nubian
eApparently a further reference to the three portals mentioned before
(! 154).
*So Brugsch, but it is probably one of his tacit restorations, as there is no
trace of it on the wall.
gThese statues were those of his ancestors mentioned in the list in one of the
rear chambers of the Karnak temple and now in Paris (see 84 604 f.).

A Restoratwna
157. [for] my father Amon-Re in Karnak, by making for
him a monument anew, - upon - the ancestors, by beautifying for
him his temple which builtb for him 33[my majesty] . Behold,
my majesty found this (made) of brick,= very ruinous, of the work of
the ancestors. My majesty himself wrought with his two hands, at
the feast of “Stretching-the-Cord,” upon this monument 3 4
Its beautiful name which my majesty made was: “Menkheperre-
(Thutmose -111)-Adored -of -the -People -is - Great -in - the - Strength -of -
Amon.” Its great door was of cedar of the royal domain: wrought
with [copper; the great name upon it]. was of electrum. 35

Conclusion of Buildings
158.He [rdidl] more than any king who has been since the beginning.
There was none beyond his majesty in knowledge of everything in every
handicraft, exacting r- - - - -1 s6 rwhenl there was an “Appear-

ance ”g at of very great monuments, excellent in work according

to the desire of his majesty concerning them, because he so much loved
his father Amon pord of Thebesr].

aIt is impossible to identify this structure, but it must have been a considerable
building, as a special ceremony of laying out the plan was held. I t may have been
the chambers attributed to Hatshepsut, on the south wall of which the inscription
stands. As this is the last building in the list, its conclusion or dedication is
doubtless the occasion of the audience of the court and the introductory speech of
the king.
bEgyptisn order preserved, to indicate division of lines.
=In contrast with his restoration of it in stone (which here falls into the follow-
ing lacuna); cf. Thutmose 111’sPtah-temple at Karnak, which bears the inscription:
“ H i s majesty found this temple of brick - - he made this temple of sandstone”
(Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, 1188).
dThis domain must have been in Syria, for cedar did not grow in Egypt.
This indicates that Thutmose I11 maintained his authority there before the begin-
ning of his great campaigns (see my New Chapter, 28, 2 9 ) .
eSo Brugsch; evidently another tacit restoration.
f At this point begins a part of the lost upper portions of the lines, preserved

on two blocks at the top of the wall. They have been set on wrong by Mariette,
and should be shifted two lines to the right. From here to the end, the average
loss is from one-quarter to one-half line.
gOf the god, in procession.

New Offerings
159. The king himself commanded to make divine offerings, 37anew
for his father Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, 30 jars of -, 100
bundles of vegetables, 3 ( jars of wine, (&-C ’-) fowl, fruit, white
loaves, BI & of h-) herb and I & of dates.8

Live Offerings
160.My majesty furthermore commanded 3%o present an offering,
consistirig of oxen, calves, of bulls, of gazelles,

Vegetable Garden and Lands

161.My majesty made for him a garden anew, in order to present
to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers. My majesty furthermore
gave lands, 392800 statb to be fields of divine offerings; many lands in
South and North, -c rstatl.

Foreign Slaves
162. supplied with people. I filled it with [captives] from
the south and north countries, being children 4°[of] the chiefs of Retenud
and children [of the chiefs] of Khenthennofer, according as my father
[Amon] commanded milk therein, each day for these vesselse
(m[hr]w)of silver, gold, and bronze, which my majesty made for him
Another N e w Offering
163. Year 15, first (month) of the third season, day 27; my majesty
commanded to found a great divine offering anew [Fin the
yearYf for the sake of the life, prosperity, and health of my majesty,
in order that the altars of my father Amon may be supplied for all

*See same two items together in feasts and offerings (Q 571, 1. 30, and note).
bSee Griffith, Proceedings of tL Society of Biblical Arcltaobgy, XIV, 412.
CNumeral is lost.
Gee New Chapter, 28.
=They are mentioned $om 1. 42 on, 5 164.
fSo Brugsch, but there is now no trace of it.
Small Monuments,a Utensils, Etc.
164.@My majesty furthermore presented to him [very manylb
monuments: a great vase (hs.t) of electrum, of 7 cubitsC --of
silver, gold, bronze, and copper, they shone over the (sacred) lake;
the Two Lands were flooded with their brightness, 43like the stars in the
body of Nut, while my statue followed. Offering-tables of electrum of
real -, which my majesty exacted anew. I made it for him
out of the conceptions of my heart,d by the guidance of the god himself,
44being the work of the hands of “Him-Who-is-South-of-His-Wall.”e
Never was made the like in this land since the time of the an[cestors]
beyond everything! My majesty furthermore presented to
him 2 great (hbn’t-) jars, as the first of this great oblation, 45which my
majesty founded anew, for my father Amon, lord of Thebes,
at all his feasts forever. My majesty furthermore [made] many rcham-
bersl wrought with electrum and black copper,g erecting an renclosurel,
a seat 46
A Harp, Etc.
165. [My majesty madeIh a splendid harp wrought with silver,
gold, lapis lazuli, malachite, and every splendid costly stone, 4’for the
praise of the beauty of his majesty’ at his appearances in the names
gold, bronze, and every costly stone, a hall as in the beginning;
(mnh-t-) linen, made anew, supplied with all that belongs thereto;
@two chambers (yhy) containing splendid ointment for rmy father
Amonl] [rwhichl I [rexactled for it.

166.My majesty did this for my father Amon, riord [of Thebesl, as
recompense for the permanence of 49the statues of my majesty which
are in [this] temple the limbs, as an everlasting work, to make
his voyage therein, at his great feasts of the New Year.

aThe Egyptian uses the word “munume&” also for smaller works, vessels,
utensils, etc., of which a list begins here.
bSo Brugsch, but Gardiner has the mh-sign and a lacuna.
cIf this refers to the height, as seems certain, it was of the astonishing height
of twelve feet!
dThe same phrase (km >-n-yb) occurs in Papyrus Harris (IV, 308, 1. 4).
eAn epithet of Ptah, patron of handicrafts. *Sbb’t.
Gee Building InscriptionofAmenhotepIII,11.3,I I , and 2 2 (si 883,886,and 8%).
hSo Brugsch; no trace on original. iThe god.


167. The temple of Semneh was rebuilt of stone from the
ground up, by Thutmose 111, with the pious intention of re-
storing the brick sanctuary of his great ancestor (at least
officially so), Sesostris 111, in whose fortress of Semneh the
temple stands. Of Sesostris 111’s original temple nothing
has ever been found, unless the “Second Semneh Tablet”
(I, 653-60) was a part of it. This tablet Thutmose I11
piously set up in the wall of his new temple; and also had
recorded on the new walls the old list of feasts and offerings
which he found among the inscriptions of Sesostris 111.
More than this the old temple was sacred to Khnum and
Dedun; but Thutmose I11 adds to them Sesostris 111, now
apotheosized as the hero who conquered Nubiab (see I,
640 ff.). There is here a noble regard for the greatest king
of the Middle Kingdom, which contrasts very strikingly
with the shameful desecration of which the Nineteenth
Dynasty was guilty.
Thutmose I11 completed his new temple early in his
second year, and the original sculptures show not a trace of
Queen Hatshepsut’s regnancy.
168. On the right Sesostris I11 is enthroned under a
baldachin. Before him at the extreme left stands Thutmose
alepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 47, a-56, b; Young, Hieroglyphics, 91-95. Stein-
dorff’s collation of Lepsius with the original shows that the latter’s plates are very
bThis apotheosis of Sesostris I11 doubtless took place earlier than this, but
we have no earlier evidence.
=Onlater traces of her in the reliefs, see Sethe, Zeitschrift fiir dgyptisck S p r a c k ,
36, 59-63, and Pls. VI-X.
dOn the east wall, outside (Lepsius, Denknziiler, 111, 55, a-b).

169. ‘Year 2, second month of the ’third season (tenth month),
day 7 under the majesty of . . . . . . .a ‘Thutmose (111), given life.

Decree of Renewal
170. That which was spoken byb the majesty of the Court, L. P. H.,
to the wearer of the royal seal, sole companion, king’s-son, governor of
the southern countries - c : 3“Cause that there be engraved the divine
offerings, which the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two
Lands, Lord of Offering, Khekure (Sesostris III)d . . . . . . made- --
din the temple of his father Dedun, presider over Nubia, the avenging
son; that he might do excellent things for his fathers who begat him;
and the festal offerings, that Phis name might be mentioned in the house
ofIe his father] SKhnum, binder of the (Nine) Bows, smiter of the Shasu
(ss 3. w ) ; while the king, Khekure (Sesostris 111) was among the living,
while he lived %he gods; causing that there be offered divine
offerings to the gods and the mortuary offering to the dead by his majesty.
Divine offerings were made anew -- - - tin the house of his
father Dedun, that his name might be mentioned in the house of his
father Khnum, binder of the (Nine) Bows, smiter of the Shasu.

Sesostris III’s List

171. There shall be given: southern grain and speltf for them,
and the water of Wawat - - - - - 8for his father Dedun, pre-
sider over Nubia, a festal offering of the beginning of the seasons: of
southern grain, 15 heket; g for his father Dedun, presider over Nubia:
of southern grain, 645 heket; of spelt, 20; - - - - [for his father],
Khnum, binder of the (Nine) Bows: a festal offering of the beginning
of the seasons: southern grain, 50 heket; southern grain, 425 heket;
of spelt, 2 0 ; each year for his father Khnum, binder of the (Nine)
Bows: a bull of the herd for the New Year ( w p - r p . t ) ; for his father

aFull titulary. bLit., “from” (m).

CThe name of the official is lost, but it is almost certainly the viceroy of Rush,
who was appointed by Thutmose I (is 61 ff.), whose name was probably Thure.
dHis Horns-name follows. eRestored after 1. 7.
f See Griffith (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical -Archmlogy, XIV, 430).

eThe offerings are separated by a semicolon.


Dedun: a bull - - - - - loa bull of the herd for the feast, (named:)
“ Repulse-of-the-Troglodytes,”a which occurs in the fourth month of the

second season, on the twenty-first day, ba festal offeringof the beginning

of the seasons;b southern grain, 50 heket; southern grain, 2 0 2 ~heket;
of spelt, 15 ;each year at (the feast) “Repulse-of-the-Troglodytes:” royal
linen, 8 - - - - - [for] I1the feast, which occurs in the first of the
third seasond (ninth month) : a bull of the herd; for his father Khnum,
binder of the (Nine) Bows, smiter of the Shasu: southern grain, 26 heket;
each year for the king’s-wife : , 12southerngrain, 26 heket; each
year for the great king’s-wife, Merseger (Mr-sgr), at (the feast) “Bind-
ing-of-the-Barbarians:”esouthern grain, 135 heket; of spelt, I O ; each
year for the king, Khekure (Sesostris 111):
172. I3His majesty enjoined them upon the chiefs, and governors
of the fortresses of Elephantine of the South, as dues of each year to
abide and to endure:


173. Sacred barque, containing a shrine with statue of
Sesostris 111; behind this Thutmose I11 and Dedun stand-
ing, the god embracing the king.

Words of Dedun
174. My beloved son, Menkheperre, how beautiful is this beautiful
monument, which thou hast made for my beloved son, King of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Khekure (Sesostris 111). Thou hast perpetuated
his name forever, that thou mayest live.

aSee I, 654.
bThe season feast and the feast of victory seem to have fallen together.
CThere is a small lacuna after the units; the number is probably 205.
dProbably Thutmose 111’s coronation feast, which occurred on the fourth of
this month.
eThere is no doubt that this is another feast introduced by I, “at, ” as in 1. IO.
fInside, on the west wall (Lepsius, Denkmah, 111, 48, b-49, e). There is a
similar sane on the newer portion of the same wall, farther north.

175. On the opposite wall in a similar scene a Dedun adds :

Thou hast renewed his birthb a second time in a monument in
memoriam.C Thou hast presented to him many offering-tables of silver
and gold, bronze, and Asiatic copper. The reward thereof for thee is
satisfying life, like Re, forever.
176. The dedication inscription in full is as follows:d
‘The Good God, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111). He made (it) as
his monument for his father Dedun, presider over Nubia (T’-pd-t), and
for the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khekure (Sesostris 111);
making for them a temple *of fine white stone of Nubia (T’-pd.t)
although my majesty found (it) of ruinous brick; as a son does, raccord-
ing to1 the desire which his father desired, 3wh0 assigned to him the Two
Regions, who brought him up to be Horus, lord of this land. I have
set it in my divine heart that I should make his monument; that I should
make him mighty according as he gave --; that I should perpetuate
his hOuse forever, according as he has become greater than any god.
He hath given to me all life, stability and satisfaction like Re, forever.

177. This official enjoyed a long career, beginning early
in the reign of Thutmose I11 and continuing under Amen-
b t e p 11. The narrative of his career was evidently distrib-
uted upon a number of monuments,e some of which are
lost, so that we now possess only the story of his earliest and
latest years, the former on a statue, the latter on a stela,
both of which were gifts from the king.

aLepsius, D e n k m a r , 111, 50, b.

bLit., “repeated birth for him.”
CLit., “ a monument of putting the heart,” that is, of putting in mind, remind-
ing. Compare Hebrew, 3) D’D.
d o n the outside of the west wall; Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 5 2 , b; see also
Young, Hieroglyphics, 93.
ePerhaps four (see Spiegelberg, RecueiZ, X I X , 99).


178. This text narrates the career of Nebwawi during

the first nine years of Thutmose I11; during which he rises
to be High Priest of Osiris at Abydos. , I t is significant that
Hatshepsut is not referred to until the ninth year, and even
then not by name.
At this point the narrative is abruptly concluded, as if to
be continued on another monument.
179. ‘Given as a favor of the king, the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), living forever, to the High Priest
of Osiris, Nebwawi (Nb-wc ‘ w y ) . He saith: “I was a servant, useful
to his lord, zealously servingb him who favored him.

First Period
180. I Bled the first office in the house of my father, Osiris; I was
made chief in the - of the temple. A royal command came before me
every day in the secret of the lord of Abydos. I C

This period was until the year r31.d My lord, the King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), praised me for it.

Second Period
181. I was appointed to be High Priest of my father Osiris; every
office of this house was placed under the authority of the king’s-servant.
Another time it was commanded me, that I should go, to ebring forth
in processione his father, Harendotes, in the house of Min, lord of

aOn a statue in the hands of a native dealer in Luxor; seen and copied by
Spiegelberg and published, Recueil, XIX, 97, 98; thence by R&villout, Revzce
igyptologique, VIII, 132. Unfortunately, the dealer allowed Spiegelberg only a
few moments to copy it, and he was unable to secure a reliable text. See the trans-
lation and full discussion by Sethe, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 36, 7 1 ff.
bLit., “pressing (i.e., following) the way of, etc.”
C A nentire line is lost; its length is not given as published.
dIt is almost certain that Spiegelberg’s I O is to be read 2 ; giving 3.
eLit., “ t o cause to dawn.”

Panopplis, at all his feasts in Panopolis, I being there as chief of the

prophets and all the workmen of the entire temple. This period was
until the year 6. I t was the occasion - - - - - in the Thinite
nome. The majesty of my lord praised me.

Third Period
182. I was appointed to be chief in the - - of his father, the King
of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nebpehtire (Ahmose I); his treasuries
were upon my seals; I came forth therefrom, safe aDd prosperous, until
the year 9.
183. I conducted the work on the ship.a I repulsed him that
rebelled against her majestyb (fern.).


This monument takes up the life of Nebwawi after

a long interruption at the close of Thutmose 111’s reign, after
the coregency of Amenhotep I1 had begun, for it carries
the narrative into the reign of Amenhotep 11, although the
monument is a gift of Thutmose III.d This conclusion is
corroborated by the epithet “living forever’’ after the name
of Thutmose 111, in the reign of Amenhotep 11. Nebwawi
was called to the court, and probably died there during the
coregency .

aThis is the sacred barge used in the drama of the Osiris-myth; see the same
connection in the inscription of Pefnefdineit (IV, 1023).
bRead “his majesty;” the feminine was doubtless inserted by Spiegelberg as
consistent with the rest of the inscription. Osiris is referred to.
CStela found at Abydos, now in Cairo; Mariette, Abydos, LT, 33,=Birch,
Zeitschrift fur agyptische Spruche, 1876, 5 , 6 (very bad) = RougC, Album photo-
gruphique, No. 151. I have not Seen the last, but used Berlin squeeze (A 1628).
Translated by Spiegelberg, Recueil, XIX, 99.
d o n the coregency, see Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 55. It must have begun late
in the year 53, or early in 54, for we find Thutmose 111still alone in year 5 2 (Lepsius,
Denkmiiler, 111, 45, e ; Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 23, n. I), and Amenhotep I1
already alone in his third year. As the campaign in Asia was already over by
Amenhotep 11’s third year, and it was certainly made necessary by Thutmose 111’s
death, it is clear that Amenhotep I1 reigned his first year with Thutmose 111, fought
out his war in Asia in his second year, and went to Nubia in his third ( O B 780 f.).

Reign of Thutmose I I I
185. IGiven as a favor of the king’s presence, the King Menkhe-
perre, living forever, “to the High Priest of Osiris, Nebwawi.
He saith: “I conducted many works in sthe house of my father
Osiris, of silver, gold, lapis lazuli, malachite, and every splendid cdstly
stone. 4All these were upon my seal, (for) he knew that I was excellent
of heart stoward him. I administered the raffairsq of my lord, as pro-
tector of the house of my father. 61attained reverencea under the
favor of the king’s presence. I was’summoned 7to his house of gold,
and my place was made among his princes. %fy feet strode in the
splendid place;b I was anointed with the best ointment, sa wreath
(w’h)was at my throat, as the king does to him whom he has favored.
Reign of Amenhotep II
186. His son repeated to me favor, IOthe King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Okheprure (Amenhotep II), living forever. He gave to me a
statue of his father, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, ”Menkhe-
perre (Thutmose 111), living forever; his likeness of millions of years
in the house of his father Osiris; divine offerings; r21andsof the royal
domain. Every writing remained fin force’ for the L. P. H. of the Son
of Re, his beloved ‘JAmenhotep (11), beloved of Osiris, First of the
Westerners, lord of Abydos, given life, like Re, forever.”C


187. Beginning with the Fourth Dynasty, every Egyp-
tian king might bear the title, “Son of Re,” the sun-god.
I t is not an-accident therefore, that the interesting folk-
tale preserved to us in the Papyrus Westcar narrates

s o l d age.
bThe halls of the palace.
CHere follow seven lines containing the usual mortuary prayer.
dA series of reliefs and inscriptions in the Der el-Bahri temple, occupying the
north half of the middle colonnade (corresponding to the Punt reliefs on the south
half, QQ 246 ff.). They were uncovered by the excavations of the Egypt Explora-
tion Fund under Naville, which began excavating the temple in 1894. Published in
Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 11, 46-55.

that the three children of a priest’s wife, begotten by Re,

and born among astonishing prodigies, became the first
three kings of the Fifth Dynasty.a The rise of the title,
“Sm of Re,” on the Fifth Dynasty monuments thus corre-
sponds remarkably with the legendary tale current a thou-,
sand years later among the common peop1e.b As Re
had once ruled as king of Egypt, lineal descent from him
through intervening kings was claimed by all Pharaohs
from this time on, and was sufficient to justify the assump-
tion of the title; but in its strictest sense the title indicated
that the king was immediately and physically the offspring
of the god and a mortal mother. I t is probable that this
interpretation was pressed at first only by kings whose
claims to the throne through their mortal parents were ques-
tionable. Naturally, there gradually grew up around so
fruitful a theme a literary version of the story, as well as
pictures of the various incidents in the drama. These finally
took stereotyped form, and the pictures, accompanied by
explanatory text, made up of fragmentary quotations from
the story in poetic form, have been preserved to us by
Hatshepsut at Der el-Bahri and by Amenhotep I11 at Luxor.
188. The Papyrus Westcar,b dating from the rise of the
Eighteenth Dynasty, has preserved to us the charming

aSee Petrie, History of Egypt, I, 69 f.

bThe Papyrus Westcar (see Erman, Die Miirchen des Papyrus Westcar, Berlin,
1890; Erman, Life in Ancient Egypt, 373 ff., and Aus den Papyrus des konigZichn
Museums zu Berlin, 38, 39) is from 700 to 1,000 years later than the birth of the
three kings which it narrates.
CThat these pictures are composed of conventionally current scenes is shown
by the fact ( I ) that both Hatshepsut and Amenhotep I11 used almost identically
the same scenes in their birth reliefs; (2) that the sculptor of Hatshepsut’s scenes,
copied his traditional models in every detail, including the sex of the child (of
course, a boy! This was not to conceal the child’s sex, for all the pronouns in
the accompanying texts are feminine!); had he been sketching something new,
prompted by this particular occasion, his sketches would have been made to suit
the occasion.

folk-tale in which the state fiction found expression and

circulated among the common people. The explanatory
texts, accompanying the reliefs of Hatshepsut and Amen-
hotep 111, unfortunately furnish us only the merest frag-
ments of the fine poem in which the court and the higher
classes heard the story of the monarch’s divine paternity.
The meagerness of the surviving fragments of the court
poem makes a comparison with the folk-tale a very brief
matter, but enough of the former is preserved to show that
one quotes from the other, or both quote from a common
source in traditional stock phrases long orally current. For
the same gods figure at the birth in both, and at least in
two incidents the same words are employed by both.
189. Later every king claimed Amon (successor of Re)
as his physical father, and in Ptolemaic times the incidents
in the divine birth of the king were regularly depicted in
the temple reliefsa The most notable example in late
times, Alexander the Great, who journeyed to the Oasis of
Amon that he might be recognized as the god’s son, was
therefore merely acting in harmony with a state fiction as
old as the Fifth Dynasty. He thus became the legitimate
king of Egypt by the only possible means.
190. I n the case of Hatshepsut, it was, of course, a violent
wrenching of the traditional details to apply the fiction to
a woman, for the entire legend was fitted only to a man.
The result was in some cases startling inconsistency (e. g.,
202). Undoubtedly, this tale of Hatshepsut’s divine

aFor example, Lepsius, Denkmaler, 11, 59-61; Champollion, Monuments, 11,

145 sext. ff.; these late representations have not been collected and published;
to put them all, early and late, together would be a very useful piece of work. Much
material, especially with reference to Alexander the Great, has been collected by
Maspero (Comment Alexandre devint dieu en Egypte, Ecole des h a t e s &des,
annuaire 1897).
bSee Mahaffy, The Ptolemic Dynasty, 15, 16.

paternity, designing her before her birth for the throne,

was intended by her supporters to enforce her claims to the
kingship. The whole was therefore sculptured in a series
of magnificent reliefs at Der el-Bahri, which have suffered
sadly from a twofold attack: by the triumphant Thutmose
111, who erased the figure and inscriptions of the queen;
and by the Amon-hating Amenhotep IV, who did likewise
for those of Amon. Hence it has been necessary to employ
also the duplicate by Amenhotep I11 in Luxor.a
191. The reliefs begin at the south end of the colonnade,
proceed northward (lower row) without interruption, and
conclude at the north end.
192. Amon enthroned at the right, before twelve gods“ in
two rows at the left.
The long inscription of probably twenty-one linesd be-
tween Amon and the gods contained the words of the gods
(three lines at the left) and those of Amon (all the rest) in
which he has evidently prophesied the birth of Hatshepsut
and promises her great power; for we can still read:
I will unite for her the Two Lands in peace. . . . . . . . . I will give
to her all lands, all countries.@

aSee $8 841 ff. I have arranged the Der el-Bahri and Luxor texts in parallel
columns, and find that they largely supplement each other. They are practically
bNaville, Deir-eZ-Bukri, 11, 46 (Luxor, Gayet, 73 (66), fig. 189).
COsiris, Isis, Harsiese, Nephthys, Anubis, Hathor, Montu, Tum, Shu, Tefnut,
Keb, and Nut.
dIncIuding two lines behind Amon; all have been carefully hacked away,
and only the tops of the lines have escaped destruction. In front of Amon is
Ramses 11’s clumsy note: “Restwation of the wnzcmed which King Usermarc-
Setepnere (Ramses ZZ) made, for his father A w n . ” The note has been cut directly
over the old inscription!
e h e n h o t e p I11 has Thoth before this council of gods at Luxor.

My soul is hers, my bounty1 is hers, my crown ris hers? that she may
rule the Two Landsla that she may lead all the living b


199. Amon now calls in the aid of the god Khnum, who
created man.
Amon stands on the left before Khnum on the right. The
following inscriptions accompany them :
Instructions of Amend
200. Utterance of Amon, presider over Karnak: “G O , to make her,
together with her ka, from these limbs which are in me; go, to fashion
her better than all gods; rshape for me,le this my daughter, whom I
have begotten. I have given to her all life and satisfaction, all stability,
all joy of heart from me, all offerings, and all bread, like Re, forever.”
Reply of Khnum
201. “I will form this [thy] daughter [Makere] (Hatshepsut); for
life, prosperity and health; for offerings for love of the beau-
tiful mistress. Her form shall be more exalted than the gods, in her
great dignity of King of Upper and Lower Egypt.”
2 0 2 . Khnum is seated before a potter’s wheel, upon which
he is fashioning two male (!) childreqh the first being
aLuxor adds: “like Re, forever” and ends here.
bNearly two lines of conventional promises, in a very fragmentary state, follow
CNaville, Deir-el-Buhari, 11, 48 (=Luxor, 63 (71), Fig. 203).
dThey have all disappeared but one line. The rendering is partially from
Luxor, with corresponding changes of gender. I n fashioning the child (at Der el-
Bahri, P1. 48), Khnum repeats the instructicns he has received from Amon, which
can thus be reconstructed from this source, also. I have arranged the three sources
in parallel columns, and employed all.
eRead twt n y ?
‘Luxor adds: “together with all his (Amenhotep I l l ’ s ) ka’s.”
ZNaville, Deir-el-Bakuri, 11, 48 (=Luxor, 63 ( 7 1 ) , Fig. 202).
hThis would indicate that the reliefs were made according to old and tradi-
tional sketches in which, of course, a female child had no place. All the pronouns
used by Khnum in addressing the child are feminine!


193. Amon stands at the left before Thoth on the right.

The words of Amon are almost totally illegible, the record
of Ramses II’s restoration being placed over the lower half.
Without them, it is difficult to discern the exact purpose of
the interview. The words of Thoth are better preserved:
Words of Thothd
194. thoue maiden whom thou hast mentioned. Lo,
r- -1 an old man.f Ahmose is her name, the beneficent, mistress of
- in this whole land, She is the wife of the king [Olkheperkere
(Thutmose I), given life forever. While his majesty is in r-1, go thou
to her.
Amon and Thoth are now seeng proceeding to the queen.
19s. Amon and Queen Ahmose are seated facing each
other; the god extends to her the symbols of life. They

aNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 11, 47 (Luxor, Gayet, 62 ( 7 2 ) .

bThe Luxor scene shows one feature omitted in Der cl-Bahri, viz., the queen
and Hathor standing between Amon and Thoth. Hathor embraces the queen,
and the fragmcntary inscription would indicate that the goddess is informing the
queen of what is to befall her.
CBetween and over the gods.
dBy combining Der el-Bahri and Luxor.
eEnd of an optative imperative ?
‘Possibly a reference to the fact that the king is old as a reason that Amon
should become the father of Hatshepsut ?
gOn the right of the preceding scene (Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 11, 47; Luxor,
63 (71).
hNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 11, 47, Luxor, Gayet, 63 (71); a much better text
than Gayet’s, although with impossible conjectures in the lacunie, is by Bouriant,
Recueil, IX, 84, 85.

are sitting upon the heavens,a symbolic of the exalted char-

acter of the interview, supported by two female divinities
who are seated upon a couch.b The inscriptions are as
follows :
The Interviewc
196. Utterance of Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak.d
He made his form like the majesty of this husband, the King Okheper-
kere (Thutmose I). He found her as she slept in the beauty of her
palace. She waked at the fragrance of the god, which she smelled in
the presence of his majesty. He went to her immediately, coivit cum
ea, he imposed his desire upon her, he caused that she should see him
in his form of a god. When he came before her, she rejoiced at the
sight of his beauty, his love passed into her limbs, which the fragrancc
of the god flooded; all his odors were from Punt.

Words of the Queene

197. Utterance by the king’s-wife and king’s-mother Ahmose, in
the presence of the majesty of this august god, Amon, Lord of Thebes:
“How great is thy fame!f I t is splendid to see thy front; thou hast
united my majesty (fern.) with thy favors,f thy dew is in all my limbs.”
After this, the majesty of this god did all that he desired with her.

Words of Among
198. Utterance of Amon, Lord of the Two Lands, before her:
‘‘Khnemet-Amon-Hatshepsut shall be the name of this my daughter,

whom I have placedh in thy body, this saying which comes out of thy
mouth.’ She shall exercise the excellent kingship in this whole 1and.j

aplainer in Luxor. bUpon which the interview really took place.

CText behind Amon. dThe following is not really the words of Amon.
el3ehind the queen.
fLuxor has a different text here: ‘ I - - - - the plans which thou hast
made; thy [heart] is satisfied with my majesty’’ (feminine).
ENext to the right; four lines. hRead wd-ny.
iThe connection is not clear.
jThis announcement of the god to Hatshepsut’s mother is strikingly like the
announcement of Re to Rcdedct, the mortal mother o f his three unborn children
in Papyrus Westcar (IX, IO, 11): “ H e (Re) hath said to her: ‘ They shall exercise
this excellent ofice in this whole land.’ ”

My soul is hers, my bounty1 is hers, my crown ris hers? that she may
rule the Two Landsla that she may lead all the living b


199. Amon now calls in the aid of the god Khnum, who
created man.
Amon stands on the left before Khnum on the right. The
following inscriptions accompany them :
Instructions of Amend
200. Utterance of Amon, presider over Karnak: “G O , to make her,
together with her ka, from these limbs which are in me; go, to fashion
her better than all gods; rshape for me,le this my daughter, whom I
have begotten. I have given to her all life and satisfaction, all stability,
all joy of heart from me, all offerings, and all bread, like Re, forever.”
Reply of Khnum
201. “I will form this [thy] daughter [Makere] (Hatshepsut); for
life, prosperity and health; for offerings for love of the beau-
tiful mistress. Her form shall be more exalted than the gods, in her
great dignity of King of Upper and Lower Egypt.”
2 0 2 . Khnum is seated before a potter’s wheel, upon which
he is fashioning two male (!) childreqh the first being
aLuxor adds: “like Re, forever” and ends here.
bNearly two lines of conventional promises, in a very fragmentary state, follow
CNaville, Deir-el-Buhari, 11, 48 (=Luxor, 63 (71), Fig. 203).
dThey have all disappeared but one line. The rendering is partially from
Luxor, with corresponding changes of gender. I n fashioning the child (at Der el-
Bahri, P1. 48), Khnum repeats the instructicns he has received from Amon, which
can thus be reconstructed from this source, also. I have arranged the three sources
in parallel columns, and employed all.
eRead twt n y ?
‘Luxor adds: “together with all his (Amenhotep I l l ’ s ) ka’s.”
ZNaville, Deir-el-Bakuri, 11, 48 (=Luxor, 63 ( 7 1 ) , Fig. 202).
hThis would indicate that the reliefs were made according to old and tradi-
tional sketches in which, of course, a female child had no place. All the pronouns
used by Khnum in addressing the child are feminine!

Hatshepsut and the second her ka. The frog-headed

goddess Heket, a kneeling on the right, extends the symbol of
life to the two children.
203. Khnum repeats the instructions he has received from
Amon, putting them now in the first person.
Utterance of Khnurn, the potter, lord of Hirur (Hr-wr): “I have
formed thee of these limbs of Arnon, presider over Karnak. I have come
to thee (fern.), to fashion thee better than all gods.b I have given to thee
(fern.) all life and satisfaction, all stability, all joy of heart with me;
I have given to thee (fern.) Callhealth, all lands; I have given to thee
(fern.) all countries, all people;c I have given to thee (fern.) all offerings,
all food; I have given to thee (fern.) to appear upon the throne of Horns
like Re, forever; I have given to thee (fern.) to be before the
ka’s of all the living, while thou (fern.) shinest as King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, of South and North, according as thy (fern.) father who
loves thee (fern.) has commanded.


204. Queen Ahmose standing on the right is saluted by
Thoth, who stands with outstretched arm at the left.
They unfortunately contain only titles and epithets of
praise, so that the purpose of the interview is not clear.
Khnum and Heket appear on each side of the queen
leading her by either hand. Before them nine divinities in
three rows of three. All are led by Amon.
=At Luxor it is Hathor.
bIn Papyrus Westcar (X, 14) Khnum “makes sound his limbs.”
CUnimportant variants in Luxor. dTwo short lines lost.
eNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, II,48 ( =Luxor, 64 (6g), Fig. 197).
fNaville, Deir-el-BaM, 11, 49 (=Luxor 64 (6g), Fig. 198).

They again offer only titles and epithets of praise; the
inscription of Heket, a however, did contain some references
to the scene; we can discern: Thou didst conceive imme-

diately after this, thou r-1 a child [rGol] with

himb to the court, to ;”but the bulk of her speech
is hacked out or covered by Ramses II’s renewals. Before
Amon a long inscription of thirteen lines, now completely
hacked out, doubtless contained the description of the
206. The queend sits enthroned in the middle of the
upper row, holding the child; before her are four female
divinities, acting as midwives and extending their arms for
the child.“ Behind her are five goddesses;f the foremost,
extending to the queen the sign of life. The entire row
rests upon a couch. I n the middle row, which also rests
upon a couch, we see directly under the queen two genii of
myriads of years; and on either side of them the genii of
the east and west.g The bottom row shows: on the left,
the genii of the north and south; on the right, Bes and

*Her titles are also interesting: “ Heket, mistress 01 Hirur, White One of Nekhen,
deliverer” (at births), in which she is identified with Eileithuia because of similar
bKhnum or Amon ?
CNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 11, 51 ( =Luxor, 65 (70), Fig. 199).
S h e bears the name of Hatshepsut ! But in Luxor the corresponding position
is occupied by the mother of the child, and there can be no doubt of the identity
eIn Luxor, one of these midwives is passing the child to the next.
fAmong them Isis and Nephthys; these two, together with Khnum and Heket
who led in the queen, and Meskhenet, who sits at the right, are the same five divinities
who figure at the birth of the children of Re in Papyrus Westcar (IX, 23).
gNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 11, 16.

Teweret, with a blank space which contained an inscription

now totally g0ne.a At the extreme right sits Meskhenet,
the goddess of births, directing the midwives.
207. The divinities on the right in the upper row and
Meskhenet all utter the conventional promises, as in the
speech of Khnumb (0 203).


208. The child is now presented to her father by Hathor.

Hathor, enthroned on the right, extends the child to
Amon, who is standing on the left.
2 . The brief words of Hathor have almost disappeared;
one can still read: “she extelzds her arm before his majesty.”
Words of Amon
3. Utterance of [Amon]. . . . . . .d to see his daughter,
his beloved, the king, Makere (Hatshepsut), living, after she was born,
ewhile his heart was exceedingly happy.e
Utterance of [Amon to] his bodily daughter [Hatshepsut]: “Glori-

ous part which has come forth from me; king, taking the Two Lands,
upon the Horus-throne forever.”

aIt is better preserved at Luxor, but I can see no connection with chap. 137
of the Book ofthe Dead, to which Naville finds a resemblance (Deir-el-Bahuri, II,16).
bIn Papyrus Westcar (X, 13, 14). Meskhenet says: “ A King, who shall exer-
cise the kingship in this whuk land.”
CNaville, Deir-eLBahari, 11, 5 2 (=Luxor, 65 (70), Fig. zoo).
dThe usual promises.
=Exactly the same phrase (&m yb) is used by the divinities in Papyrus Westcar
(XI, s), as they announce the birth of his children to Rawoser, saying: “Let thy
heart be happy, Rawoser; behold three children are born to thee.”
f Under his extended arm.


209.Amon is enthroned at the left holding the child
before Hathor, enthroned at the right. Behind the latter
is the goddess Serek,a who is perhaps summoning the child
to its nourishment in the following scene.
They are unfortunately so defaced that little more than
the conventional promises can be made out.


210. On a couch at the left (above) sits Queen Ahmose,
supported by a goddess, and before her the child and its
ka are nursed by two cow-headed Hathors. Below the
couch are two Hathor cows, suckling the child and its
ka.d On the right are the ka’s, twelve in number, which
have already been suckled and are being passed on to the
Nile-god and an obscure deity named Heku (bk’w), who
present them to three enthroned divinities.
It has almost all been hacked out, but we can discern
the words: “Nursing her majesty (fern.) together with all
her ka’s.”

*She is lacking at Luxor.

%uxor is no better.
CNaville, Deir-el-Bahuri, 11, 53 (-Luxor, 66 (67), Figs. 192 and 193, and
67 (68), Fig. 194).
dThe children have been hacked out, but they are clear in Luxor. There is a
splendid granite statue of such a Hathor cow in Florence, suckling the infant King
- - ~

Amon and Thoth stand facing each other, and hold
between them the childa and its ka.”
Inscriptions I

Only the conventional promises; the purpose of the

interview is perhaps the arrangement of the child’s future.


212.At the left Khnum and Anubis advance, the latter
rolling a large disk before him. Before them two female
divinities in the upper row present the child and its ka to
a kneeling god (the Nile-god?), and in the lower row the
same scene appears before another unknown divinity. Be-
hind (at the right) stands Sefkhet, keeping record, accom-
panied by an attendant god.
Only the conventional promises; it is therefore impos-
sible to explain the purpose of this scene. The child is
now launched upon its career.

213. A statue upon which the nobleman Enebni refers to
Thutmose I11 as “ her (Hatshepsut’s) brother.”

aHacked out.
bNaville, Deir-eZ-Bahari, 11, 55 (=Luxor, 67 (68), Fig. 195,and 64 ($),
Fig. 196.
=Statue in the British Museum. Inscription: Lepsius, Auswahl der wkhtig-
sten Urkunden, I T ; Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 123, e, and cf. also 6, 7, and 51;
also Maspero, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaology, XIV, 170 ff.

Made as a favora of the Good Goddess, Mistress of the Two Lands,

Makere (Hatshepsut), living and abiding like Re, and her brother the
Good God, Lord of Offering, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), who is
given life like Re, forever.
An “offering-which-the-king-gives” b for the ka of the only
excellent one, the favored of his god, the beloved of his lord, because
of his excellence; the follower of his lord on his journeys in the South
country and the North country,C the king’s-son, chief of the archers,
master of the royal weapons, Enebni ( k b i z y ) , triumphant before the
great ennead of gods.

214. A small jar, presented by Hatshepsut to her mother,
Ahmose, bears the words:
Divine Consort, Great King’s-Wife,e Hatshepsut; she made (it) for
her mother, Great King’s-Wife, Ahmose, triumphant before Osiris.


215. The scenes and inscriptions in this series are in
uninterrupted continuation of the birth series ($0 187-212).

aThe usual formula has: “Civen as a favor, etc.,” see, e . g., Senmut statue
bThe usual formulary-in the name of Amon, Osiris, and Anubis-is omitted.
CThis suggests unknown campaigns of Thutmose 111, while he was still ham-
pered by the association with Hatshepsut.
dIn Gizeh; text in Mariette, Monuments divers, 48, d I ; Maspero, Momies
roynles, 633, n. 4; Brugsch, Recued de monuments, I, P1. 36, 4, and p. 49; Sethe,
Untersmhungen, I, 122, 6, 20.
eShowing clearly that the queen for a time after her accession bore the usual
titles of the king’s legitimate wife, with no pretense of being king herself. See
Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, $ 3 1 and Q 36, where another vase inscription shows the
same fact.
*Reliefs and inscriptions on the wall of the northern half of the middle colon-
nade in the Der el-Bahri temple; they begin on the south end-wall (directly over
the first scene of the birth series, which they continue), proceed northward along
the west wall, and conclude on the north end-wall (directly over the last scene of
the birth series). They were uncovered by the Fund excavations under Naville,
and published by Naville, Deir-d-Bahari, 111, 56-64.

They represent the child consecrated to the kingship by the

gods; then grown to maidenhood and crowned by them;
and finally crowned by her father, Thutmose I, before the
assembled court. This is followed by some concluding
ceremonies by the gods. The birth series of Amenhotep
I11 at Luxor continues to furnish a parallel as far as the
turn (111) and the reception of names and
crowns (IV).b+ T e entire series has been more or less defaced
and systematically hacked out by the queen’s political
enemies. The historical value of the different sections is
discussed as they are taken up.
216. The childb stands between Amon on the right and
Khonsu on the left, who are pouring water over her head.
Both the gods utter the following words:C
Thou art pure, together with thy ka, [for] thy great dignity of King
of Upper and Lower Egypt, living.


217. Amon, enthroned at the left, fondles the child upon
his knees; before him stand six figures: three (above) rep-
resenting (‘uil the gods of the South,” and three (below)
representing “all tk gods of th North.’’

aMiddle terrace, northern half, on the south end-wall, upper row, over the
fist scene in the birth series; published by Naville, De+-el-Bahari, 111, 56 ( =Luxor,
75 (64)7 Fig. 186).
bThe figure has totally disappeared at Der el-Bahri, but is preserved at Luxor.
CSame in Luxor.
dNaville, De&-eZ-Bahari, 111, 56 ( =Luxor 73 (66), Fig. 190).

218.They have as usual been hacked out and further
obscured by the barbarous restorations of Amon’s name
where it did not belong, by Ramses 11.
Words of Amon
219. Utterance of Amon-Re, lord of apeaven to] the gods:” “Be-
hold ye, my daughter [Hatshepsutlb living; be ye loving toward her,
and be ye satisfied with her.”
He showsCher to all the gods of South and North, who come to look
upon her, rdoing obeisance before her’.
Words of the Gods
220. ‘Utterance of all the gods, [to] Amon-[Re]: “This thy daughter
[Hatshepsut], who liveth, we are satisfied with her in life and peace.
‘She is now thy daughter of thy form, whom thou hast begotten, prepared.
Thou hast given to her thy soul, thy r-1, thy rbounty’, the magic
powers of the diadem.d 3While she was in the body of her that bare
her, the lands were hers, the countries were hers;“ all that the heavens
cover, all that the sea encircles. Thou hast now done 4this with her,
for thou knowest the two aeons.’ Thou hast given to her the share of
Horus in life, the years of Set in satisfaction. We have given to
herg . . . . . . .
221. With this incident in the queen’s childhood we pass
out of pure fiction into a narrative which possibly contains

aRamSes 11’s restoration renders this uncertain.

bIn the blank where the name of the queen had been cut out, Ramses I1 has
inserted “ Amon.”
CLit., “he causes t k m to see her.”
dSee the same statement by Amon himself in the birth scenes ( 8 198).
eRead b’s’t (or Itl) and ns ymy=“belonging to.”
fPeriods of 60 years.
8Ramses I1 has again put in a restoration of Amon in the wrong place. After
that follow the conventional promises of life, satisfaction, etc.
hText first published by Naville, Recueil, 18,P1. I, and corrections, ibid., 19,
log-11. Later and much more correctly Naville, Deir-eZ-Bahari, 111, 5 7 .

a kernel of fact. Having actually, during her father’s life-

time, made a journey with him to the north, she now slightly
warps its purpose (of which we really know nothing) and
represents the journey as the occasion of an acknowledg-
ment of her coming kingship by all the gods of Egypt as
she proceeds to Heliopolis to be crowned by Atum. Ac-
cording to the date of her jubilee (year IS), she must have
spent fifteen years as crown prince (being nominated thirty
years before the jubilee).a After references to her godlike
appearance and blooming beauty, having grown from child-
hood to maidenhood, the journey is barely mentioned, but
it is stated that all the gods came to her as she journeyed
northward. Following this, over half of the inscription
(11. 8-15) is occupied with the splendid promises of the gods
regarding the greatness of her future kingdom. That this
journey northward is represented as primarily in order to
visit Heliopolis, and there be acknowledged and crowned
by Atum, is shown by the accompanying scene, in which
she is crowned in his presence.
222. The same incident occurs in the coronation of Amen-
hotep 111. This was undoubtedly an old custom, for Atum
was the solar deity, who was always associated with the
kingship; and, as we noticed in the preceding birth series,
Atum’s successor at Heliopolis, Re, became the father of
all mortal kings of Egypt. In accordance with this old
custom, Amenhotep I11 also visited Atum, and was crowned
by him, before his accession. The visit of Piankhi (IV,
871) was due to the same custom, and Thutmose III’s
ascension to heaven (9 141)to be crowned and receive his
royal names is but a splendid variation of the customary

aSee Sethe, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 36, 65.


The Queen’s Growth and Beauty

. 223. IHer majesty saw all this thinga herself, which she told to the
people, who heard, falling down for terror among them. 2Her majesty
grew beyond everything; to look upon her was more beautiful than
anything; her r-1 was like a god, her form was like a god, she did
Jeverything as a god, her splendor was like a god; her majesty (fern.)
was a maiden, beautiful, blooming, Buto in her time. 4She made her
divine form to flourish, a rfavor of1 him that fashioned her.
The Journey
224. Her majesty (fern.) journeyed 5to the North country after her
father, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere, who liveth
forever. There cameb her mother, Hathor, patroness of Thebes; Buto,
mistress of Dep; Amon, lord of Thebes; 6Atum, lord of Heliopolis;
Montu, lord of Thebes; Khnum, lord of the Cataract; all the gods
that are in Thebes, all the gods of the South and North, and approached
‘her. They traversed for her, pleasant ways, (they) came, and they
brought all life and satisfaction with them, they exerted their protection
behind her; one proceeded %fter another of them, they passed on
behind her every day.
Promises of the Gods
225. They said, “Welcome, daughter of Amon-Re; thou hast seen
thy administration in the land, thou shall set sit in order, thou shalt
restore that which has gone to its ruin,c thou shalt make thy monuments
in this house, thou shalt victual the offering-tables of him who begat
thee, thou shalt pass through the landd and thou shalt embrace xomany
countries. Thou shalt strike among the Tehenu, thou shalt smite with
the mace the Troglodytes; thou shalt cut off the heads of the soldiers,
thou shalt seize ‘Ithe chiefs of Retenu, bearing the sword, the survivalse

aWhat thing is meant is not clear; possibly it refers to the preceding presenta-
tion to the gods, which she narrates now to the people. Then follow her growth
into youth and beauty, and the journey.
bYw.&r is a
C T h i s is a clear reference to the queen’s restoration of the temples recorded at
Benihasan ($9 296 ff.), and plainly indicates the late date of the coronation reliefs,
which are thus evidently later than the temple restorations.
dRead bm.s’i t 3 (t for two land-signs).
eMeaning those whom her father Thutmose I had left; hence this is further
evidence of his Asiatic campaign.

of thy father. Thy tribute is myriads of men, the captives of thy valor;
thy rrewardl is r2thousands of men for the temples of the rTwo Lands!
Thou givest offerings in Thebes, the steps of the king, Amon-Re, lord
of Thebes. '3The gods have [endowed] thee with years, they rpresentl
thee with life and satisfaction, they praise thee, for their heart hath
given understanding to the egga which 'Tthey] have fashioned. They
shall set thy boundary as far as the breadth of heaven, as far as the
limits of the twelfth hour of the night; the Two Lands shall be Wed
with children --)thy numerous children Isare (as) the number of thy
grain, rwhichl thou r-1 in the hearts of thy people; it is the daughter
of the bull of his mother,b - beloved.


The queen on the left is led by Hathord into the
presence of Atum standing on the right. In Luxor, after
being led in by Sekhmet, the king (corresponding to the
queen in Der el-Bahri) kneels before Atum enthroned."
Before them stands Thoth, of whose inscription only the fol-
lowing has survived :
Words of Thoth
227. Set his diadem upon his head; put ----- titulary
---- before the gods. . . . . . . .f
228. The coronation before Atum is followed by a similar
ceremony before Amon.h
aMeaning the queen. bAmon-kame phis
CNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 57, 58 (=Luxor, 73 (66), Fig. 191, and 74
(65), Fig. 188).
dThere is another divinity before the queen, and there were others behind
Hathor, but all have disappeared.
eIt is probable that this scene was also in the Der el-Bahri series in the
erased space immediately following the above introduction to Atum.
fThe conventional phrases.
gNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 4, where only an account of the scene is given
with a few sentences of text, as the whole is almost completely hacked ont. At
Luxor the scene of the clowns is well preserved (Gayet, 75 (64), Fig. 184 incom-
plete; better Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 7 5 , c), but the scene of names is omitted.
hThis is of course a later custom, as Amon himself is a later god.

The queen,8 standing, is embraced by Amon, enthroned
at the left; from the right approach two goddesses,b one
bearing the crown of Upper and the other the crown of
Lower Egypt, and behind them are the genii of the cardinal
229. Presented to thee is this red crown, which is upon the head of
Re; thou shalt wear the double crown, and thou shalt take the Two
Lands by this its name
Presented to thee is this white crown, mighty upon thy head; thou
shalt take the lands by its diadem, by this its name.
Reception of Names
230. There was here a scene (wanting in Luxor), repre-
senting the reception by the queen of her new royal names,
conferred by the gods." The scene is totally destroyed,
with the exception of the figuresd of Sefkhet and Thoth ( ?)
on the right accompanied by the words:
Writing the name, Golden Horus: Divine of Diadems. Writing
the name, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Makere.


The queen, in king's costume, with the double
crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, stands before Amon,
enthroned on the left. Behind the queen are the genii of
the cardinal points, and behind these again Sefkhet and
Thoth are keeping record.
=From Luxor, where, of course, it is the king.
bFrom the Der el-Bahri inscription it is evident that they are Nekhbet and
Buto, the goddesses of South and North, as we should expect.
CSee the conferring of names upon Thutmose I11 (Hi 143 ff.) by the gods.
Later, when the queen's names are really conferred by the officials, it is naively
explained that they have been revealed to the officials by the god ($239).
dNaville, Deir-el-Bahri, 111, 59. eNaville, Deir-el-Bahari; 111, 59, 60.

The accompanying inscriptions are either destroyed or,
where preserved, show only conventional phrases. That
the coronation before the gods is complete is seen from the
fragmentary words of Thoth: “Thou hust set these thy
diadems [upon thy head].”


232. We now reach the alleged real coronation of the
queen, which is represented as taking place before the
court, at the command of Thutmose I, who retires from’the
throne in Hatshepsut’s favor. As she bore the title “great
King’s-w’fe,” for some time after her accession,b it is clear
that she did not immediately succeed her father in the
kingship as here represented.
233. This fact alone shakes one’s confidence in the truth
of the coronation inscription; but to this fact we must add
another still more decisive. The date of the coronation is
given as the first of Thoth, New Year’s Day, of itself a
remarkable coincidence. The selection of this date is ex-
plained as intentional on the part of Thutmose I in a passage,
which states :

aFirst published by Naville in Recueil, IS, P1. 111; corrections, ibid., 19,211,
212; finally, much better (but not without errors) in Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111,
bSee Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, $ 3 1 and 8 36, and Zeitschrift fur agyptische
Sprache, 36, 67.
CNaville’s rendering is as follows: “at (r) the festival day (&disk) of her
coronation; when the first day of the year and the beginning of the seasons should
be united, etc.” (Naville, Deir-eZ-Bahari, 111, 7,l. 33). The &disk cannot be read
as the sun-disk ( “ d a y ” ) , for it lacks the stroke, never lacking with the sundisk
in this inscription (e. g., in the neighboring lines twice, 1. 27 and 1. 29). We must
read r&-f, “he k m , recognized.” Nfrfollows in the usual construction with n.
There is not a shadow of doubt as to the correct rendering. Later: Naville’s
later altered rendering, in a recent number of Sphinx, is grammatically im-

"He (Thutmose I) recognized the auspiciousness of a coronation

ona New Year's Day as the beginning of the peaceful years and of the
spending of myriads (of years) of very many jubilee^."^

Thutmose I therefore ostensibly selected New Year's

Day as the most auspicious day for his daughter's corona-
tion. But if we examine her obelisk inscription ($318, l. 8),
we find that, as she actually reckoned, the beginning of her
regnal year fell somewhere between the first of the sixth and
the thirtieth of the twelfth month, and not on New Year's
Day. Finally, this account of the coronation in the Der el-
Bahri temple, is taken verbatim from the account of the
coronation of Amenemhet I11 in the Middle Kingdom
temple at Arsinoe,' and deserves no more credence than the
geographical lists of Ramses I11 at Medinet Habu, which
have been copied from the lists of the Eighteenth and Nine-
teenth Dynasties. I t is clear that this entire coronation of
Hatshepsut, like the supernatural birth, is an artificial
creation, a fiction of later origin, prompted by political
necessity. As such it is closely paralleled by the similar
representations of Ramses I1 in his great Abydos inscrip-
tion (111, 251-SI), with the sole difference that his father is
stated to have remained as coregent on the throne.


234. Thutmose I is enthroned at the left, with his daughter

standing before him; in their presence three rows of court-
iers standing on the right.

aLit., "o)," making the phrase, "New Year's coronation."

b$ 239, 11. 33, 34.
CFragments in Berlin (Nos. 15801-4; see Acgyptische InschriJten aus den
Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin, Heft 111,138). I owe the knowledge of the character
of these fragments to my friend, hlr. Alan Gardiner, who kindly called my attention
to them.

They furnish the only surviving account of such a corona-

tion, in the presence of the superseded monarch and the
Thutmose I Summons His Daughter to be Crowed
235. 'There saw herb the majesty of her father, this H o r u ~ how ;~
divine is her great fashioner ! Her heart is glad, (for) great is her crown;
'she advocates her cause rinl truth, rexalterl of her royal dignity, and
of that which her ka does. dThe living were set before herd sin his
palacee of r-1. Said his majesty to her: "Come, glorious one: I
have placed (thee) before me; that 4thou mayest see thy adrninistrationg
in the palace, and the excellent deeds of thy ka'sh that thou mayest
assume thy royal dignity, glorious sin thy magic, mighty in thy strength.
Thou shalt be powerful in the Two Lands; thou shalt seize the rebel-
lious; %hou shalt appear in the palace, thy forehead shall be adorned
with the double diadem, resting upon the head of the heiress of Horus,
whom I begat, 7daughter of the white crown, beloved of Buto. The
diadems are given to thee by him who presides over the thrones of the
Thutmose I Summons the Court
236. 8My majesty caused that there be brought to him the digni-
taries of the king, the nobles, the companions, sthe officers of the court,'
and the chief of the people,j that they may do homage: to set the maj-

aThey are in vertical lines, divided into three groups by the king's throne
and the group of courtiers. The language is in many respects unusual, the whole
is difficult and sometimes uncertain.
meaning King Thutmose I, to whom all the following epithets are applied.
d ~ e f e r k nto~the court spectators.
eOf course, read: c h c-f-n9s.t as in 1. 10.
fAddressed to his daughter, the queen.
gShe has already seen it in the land at large on the northern journey (Q 224,
1. 8).
hThat which the ka does, is to reign; the phrase is not uncommon.
iOf course, correct to 5ny.t.
j l b y ' t , a class of people not yet closely defined. x


esty of IOthedaughter of this Horusa before him in his palace of r-I.b

There was a sittingc of the king himself, "in the audience-hall of the
right of the rcourtl, while these people prostrated themselvesd in the
Thutmose I's Address to the Court
237. Saide his majesty before them: "This my daughter, Khnemet-
Amon, Hatshepsut, who liveth, I have appointed [her] - -; she is
my successorf IJupon my throne, she it assuredly is who shall sit upon
my wonderful seat.I4 She shall command the peopleg in every place
of the palace; she it is who shall lead you; Isye shall proclaim her word,
ye shall be united at her command. He who shall do her homage shall
live, he who shall speak evil in is blasphemy of her majesty shall die.
Whosoever proclaims with unanimity the name of her majesty (fern.),
=%hallenter immediately into the royal chamber, just as it was done by
the name of this Horus (viz., by my name).h For 18thou art divine, 0
daughter of a god, for whom even the gods fight; behind whom they
exert their protection every day according to the command of her
father, the lord of the gods.'

The Court and People Acknowledge the New Queen

238. I9The dignitaries of the king, the nobles and the chief of the
peoplej hear =Othis command for the advancement of the dignity of

OMeaning the king, Thutmose I.

bSee 1. 3 (note). Possibly referring to the tomb-temple of Der el - Bahri,
where the scene is engraved. In this case, the events narrated took place in the
Der el-Bahri temple itself.
S e e sitting of year 9, Punt relief ( $ 2 9 2 , 1. I).
dLit., "were upon tkeir bellies."
eAt this point the inscription is interrupted by the scene representing the king
seated in a pavilion, etc.
fThis word (ys'ty) is very important; for it indicates, not association as core-
gent, but accession as successor. It is used in the same sense, precisely, by the
nomarch Key (I, 692).
gLit., "She shall command matters to tke People (rby't)."
hThat is, the name of the new queen is to be as effective in securing entrance
as had been that of the king, her father.
iHere the text is interrupted by the bas-relief of the three rows of officials
named in 11. 8, 9.
jSee 8 236, 1. 9 , n. f.

his daughter, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Makere (Hatshepsut)
living forever. They kissed the earth at his feet, when the "royal
word fell among them; they praised all the gods for the King of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere (Thutmose I), living forever. They
went forth, their mouths '*rejoiced, they published his proclamation
[to] them. All the peoplea of all the dwellings 230f the court heard;
they came, their mouths rejoicing, they proclaimed (it) beyond every-
thing, dwelling on dwelling 24therein was announcing (it) in his name;
soldiers on soldiers r-1,b they leaped and they danced lsfor the double
joy of their hearts. They rproclaimedl, they rproclaimedlc the name of
her majesty (fern.) as king; while her majesty (fern.) was a youth,
while the great god was 2mturningltheir hearts to his daughter, Makere
(Hatshepsut), lbiving forever, when they recognized that it was the
fa[ther] of the divine daughter, and 27thus they were excellent in her
great soul beyond everything. As for any man who shall love her
in his heart, and shall do her homage every day, shall shine,
and he shall flourish exceedingly; [but] as for any man who shall
speak against the name of her majesty, the god shall determine his
death immediately, 29even by the gods who exercise protection behind
her every day. The majesty of this her father hath published this,
all the peopled have united upon sothe name of this his daughter
for king. While her majesty was a youth, the heart of his majesty
inclined to [her] exceedingly.

Proclamation of the Queeds Names

239. slHis majesty commanded that the ritual priests be brought
to rproclaiml her great names that beIonged to the assumption of the
dignities of her royal crown and for insertion in (every) work and every
seal of the s2Favorite of the Two Goddesses, who makes the circuit
north of the wal1,e who clothes all the gods of the Favorite of the Two
Goddesses. 33He has recognized the auspiciousness of the coronation on
New Year's Day as the beginning of the peaceful years and of the

=See 8 236, 1. 9, n. f.
bA verb of shouting is lacking, as it is construed with hr.
written twice, cf. note a.
dSee 5 236, n.
eSome ceremony unknown to us. The whole line refers to ceremonies in
which the official name of the monarch must be used (see 5 j7).

spending of myriads (of years) of 34very many jubilees. They pro-

claimed her royal names, for 3sthe god caused that it should be in their
hearts to make her names according to the form with which he had
made them b e f ~ r e : ~
S6Her great name, Horus: [Wosretkew (wsr. t-k 'w ) ] , ~forever;
37Her great name, Favorite of the Two Goddesses: "Fresh in
year^,"^ good goddess, mistress of offering;
38Her great name, Golden Horus: " Divine of diadem^;"^
39Her great name of King of Upper and Lower Egypt: "Makere,
who liveth forever.lye
It is her real name which the god made beforehand.


After the public coronation, further ceremonies of
the gods follow.
First Scene
The queen is led away by the god Kheseti. G . c . X .

gThe first (day) of the first season, New Year's Day, the first of the
peaceful years of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Favorite of
the Two Goddesses, who makes the circuit north of the wall, the Feast
of Sned . . . . . . .h
'The leading away to enter the "Great House" (rbyl) the "Pillar of
his Mother,"j of the "Great House" ('for the') purification of the
"Great House."

aThey were inspired to announce the same names which the god had already
conferred upon her before ( j 230). This is to explain how the officials knew the
same names already conferred by the god.
b"Mighty of doubles."
CW2 d ' t r p ' w t . dNtr't-Q w.
eThe complete titulary should contain five names of which the last is here lack-
ing. This last fifth name was her personal name, Hatshepsut, which she had
already received in childhood.
fNaville, Deir-eEBahari, 111, 63.
over the queen. i Over the god.
hCf. I, 150. Titulary of the queen. jA priestly title.

Second Scene
241. The god Kheseti, standing at the right, holds over
the queen, who stands at the left, a vessel in the form of the
sign of life.
Over the queen, merely her name with epitheta; over
the god, the following:
I have purified thee with these waters of all satisfying life, all stability,
all health, all joy of heart, to celebrate very many jubilees, like Re, for-


The queen is now led away by Horus, and several
ceremonies follow, which are too nearly destroyed to be
clear, but one of them was the "making of the circuit north
of the wall," in accordance with the title of the queen used
ab0ve.b The coronation is now regarded as complete, for
Horus says: "Thou hust established thy dignity as king,
and appeared upon the Horus-throne."


243. There is a distinct tendency on the part of Hatshepsut
to show especial respect to her father, Thutmose I. The
evident purpose of the following inscription is to make
clear that her father recognizes her right to rule as king. It
represents him shortly after her accession, as praying for

aNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 63, 64.

bIn 8 240, and elsewhere.
c o n the north side of the third southern pylon, left wing, below; text: Lepsius,
Denkmaler, 111, 18; Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 113, 114; translated by de RougC,
M6langes d'arch6ologie kgyptienne, I, 46 f.; Sethe, {bid, I, 27, 28 (cf. also p. I).
The inscription is very mutilated, and some omissions have been necessary.

the blessing and favor of the gods upon her reign,a and the
entire document is of course, the work of the queen herself.
244. The accompanying scene shows Thutmose I stand-
ing on the right before Amon, Mut, and Khonsu, the Theban
triad on the left; the inscription of twenty lines occupies
the space between. Over half of it is occupied with the
names, titles, and fulsome epithets of Thutmose I, and the
translation omits these, beginning in the middle of 1. 11,
with the king's address to the three divinities.
.. ..
245. I T . . . . . I come to thee, lord of gods; I do obeisanceb
[before] thee, in return for this that [thou hast putIC 12theBlack and the
Red Landd under (the dominion of) my daughter, the King of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Makeree (Hatshepsut), who lives forever, just as thou
didst put (it) under (the dominion of) my majesty . . . . . . . . . . '3. . . .
Thou hast given to me the kingdom of every land in the presence of the
Two Lands, exalting my beauty while I was a youth . . . . [the Black
Land] Idand the Red Land are under my dominion. I am satisfied with
victories, thou hast placed every rebellious land under my sandals which
thy serpent-diadem has bound, bearing their gifts; thou hast strength-
ened the fear [of me] Istheir limbs tremble, I have seized
them in victory according to thy command; they are made my subjects;
[they come to me] doing obeisance, and all countries with bowed head.
Tribute 16. .. . ..
. . .f 17. . . the heart of my majesty is glad
. .
because of her . . . . . l8Pthe petitionll concerning my daughter
Wosretkew,g King of Upper and Lower Eg~ipt,of whom thou hast
desired, that she be associated with [theeIh - rthatl thou mightest

aSethe has shown (Untersuchungen, I, 28) that it does not record the installa-
tion of Hatshepsut as coregent.
bLit., "smell the ground."
=Sethe's emendation, Untersuchungen, I, 113.
dThe black land of the valley and the red of the desert hills.
eThe name has been changed to that of Thutmose 11, but the queen's name
can still be read.
fThe conventional praise of the king; in the following lines which are very
fragmentary, only the references to the queen are translated.
gHorus-name of Hatshepsut.
hApparently a play on her name, "Associate of Amon" (Khnemet-Amon).

assign [this] land [to] her grasp. Make her prosperous as King
'9mayest thou rgrantl for me the prayer of the first time, my petitions
concerning [my] beloved (fern.) 20. . . . . . . . under her
majesty (fern.).


246. These are undoubtedly the most interesting series
of reliefs in Egypt, and form almost our only early source of
information for the land of Punt. They are as beautiful
in execution as they are important in content. They record
an important expedition of the queen thither, which was
successfully concluded just before her ninth year (8 292,l. I).
247. The only earlier evidences of intercourse with
Punt are as follows: In the Fourth Dynasty a Puntite negro
appears as the slave of one of the sons of King K h ~ f u ;in~
the Fifth, King Sahure sent an expedition thither (I, 161, 8),

aIn the Der el-Bahri temple, occupying the south half of the middle terrace
(corresponding to the Birth and Youth on the north half, Q$ 187 ff.). See accom-
panying plan (p. 105). First copied by Dumichen and published by Diimichen,
Histmische Inschriften, 11, 8-20, and Fleet, 1-3, and 18, a ; then by Mariette,
Deir - el - Bahari, 5-10. The excavations of the Egypt Exploration Fund since
1894 have for the first time uncovered all the Punt reliefs, and they have all
now appeared in the superb publication of the Egypt Exploration Fund (Navilfe,
The Temple of Deir-el-Bahari, Introductory Memoir, Pls. 7-10, and Vol. 111,
Pls. 69-86). Unfortunately, the old publications have not been collated and the por-
tions'since lost, added. I t is therefore still necessary to collate Mariette and
Dumichen; I have placed all copies in parallel columns as a basis for the present
translation. The inscriptions and reliefs have suffered, not merely from the hand
of time and modern vandalism, but the inscriptions and figures of Hatshepsut were
hacked out by ber political enemies.after her fall, and the figure and neighboring
inscriptions of Amon, wherever occumng, were later erased by Amenhotep IV.
The faint traces remaining on the wall are difficult to read; hence the numerous
errors in the old publications. The most useful treatments are Erman (Life i n
Ancient Egypt, 505 ff.), Maspero (Struggk of the Nations, 247-53, with very full
citation of the older bibliography); and for Punt especially see Miiller (Mittheil-
ungen der Vwokrasiatischen Gesellschaft, 111, 42; also Orientalistische Litteratur-
zeitung, 11, 416) and K r d (Reitrage zur Geschichde der Blemyer und Nubier,
"Denkschriften der Wiener Akademie," Philologisch-historische Classe, Vol.
XLVI, 4te Abhandlung) to which is added an excursus on Punt).
blepsius, Denkmder, 11, 23; see Erman, Aegypten, 670.

and King Isesi sent another, which brought back a dancing

dwarf (I, 351); in the Sixth, an officer of Pepi 11,named
Enenkhet, was killed by the Sand-dwellerson the coast, while
building a ship for the Punt voyage (I, 360), and another expe-
dition thither under the same king was led by the assist-
ant treasurer, Thethy (I, 361); in the Eleventh Dynasty,
Henu, chief treasurer of King Senekhkere-Mentuhotep 111,
dispatched an expedition to Punt, which he accompanied
only to the coast of the Red Sea (I, 430); in the Twelfth
Dynasty, an officer of Amenemhet 11, named Khentkhetwer,
records his safe return from Punt (I, 604-6);a and finally
there was also an expedition under Sesostris I1 (I, 618).
None of these sources contains more than the meagerest ref-
erence to the fact of the expedition.
248. The reliefs illustrating her expedition, which Hat-
shepsut had carved in her beautiful Der el-Bahri temple, are
therefore, as stated, the first and only full source for a study
of ancient Punt and the voyage thither. The expedition, like
those of Henub and of Khentkhetwer, may have left the Nile
at Koptos, and proceeded by caravan to Wadi Gasfis on the
Red Sea, where the ships may have been built." But as no
shift of cargo is mentioned, and the same ships depicted as
sailing the Red Sea are afterward shown on the Nile, it is
possible that the canal through the Wadi TumilAt connect-
ing the Nile and the Red Sea had existed from the Twelfth
Dynasty, having been made by one of the Seso~trises.~
The question of the location of Punt is too large for dis-

aA fairy-tale in a St. Petersburg papyrus of the Middle Kingdom, in possession

of M. GolCnischeff, narrates the adventures of a shipwrecked sailor on a voyage to
bAs Henu returned by way of Hammamat, he must have sent his expedition
from the Red Sea terminus of the Koptos-Hammamat road.
CCf. the ship of Enenkhet (1, 360).
dStrabo, XVII, I, 26.

cussion here, but it was certainly in Africa, and probably

was the Somali coast. I

249. The successive scenes and the accompanying in-

scriptions tell the story of the expedition so clearly that no
introductory outline is necessary.
250. Historically, it is important to note that Thutmose
I11 appears only once in the Punt reliefs, and that in a sub-
ordinate position, so that, as far as this source is concerned,
the queen is the author of the expedition, which she under-
takes in accordance with an oracle of Amon (§284).
251. The arrangement of the reliefs on the wall is inter-
esting; Punt is at the extreme south (left) on the end wall
of the colonnade (see plan), and the fleet bound thither is
placed by the artist with prows literally toward the south,
while the returning fleet is correspondingly represented with
stern toward Punt in the south and bows to the north. The
successive scenes then proceed northward (to the right) and
conclude on the north end-wall.


252. Five vessels, two of which are still moored, the rest
already under sail. The last vessel bearing over its stem
the pilot's command, "Steerb to port." A small boat lashed
to a tree has above it the words: ('(Atz oflerirtg) for the life,
prosperity, and health of her majesty (fern.), to Hathor,
mistress of Punt r 1 that she may bring wind;"

aFirst scene on the west wall, lower row; Mariette, Deir-el-Baltari, 6 below;
Mariette, Voyage dans la haute Egypte, 11, 63; Diimichen, Historische Inschriften,
11, 11; Diimichen, Fleet of an EgyPtian Queen, I ; Naville, Dcir-el-Balzari, 111,
72, 73.
%it., "make:"
West Wall West Wall
VI Presenlatton of Tribute


They begin at the left w:th Scene I, and the vessels face southward, as they should
for the voyage out. On the return voyage, however (Scene V), they have bows to the
north, that is, toward Egypt. The scenes are numbered with Roman numerals, corre-
sponding to the Roman numerals in the text (pp. 104 ff.); the Arabic numerals indicate
the plates of the Egypt Exploration Fund Publication.

showing that a propitiatory offering is being made ashore

as they leave. a
253. 'Sailing in the sea, zbeginningb the goodly way toward God's-
Land, journeying sin peace to the land of Punt, by 4the army of
the Lord of the Two Lands, according to the commandC5of the Lord
of Gods, Amon, lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak, 6in order to
bring for him the marvels of ?every country, because he so much loves
*the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, [Makere (Hat~hepsut)],~ sfor
his father Amon-Re, lord of heaven, lord of earth, '"more than the
other kings "who have been "in this land 'sforever.


The voyage has been safely made, and the expedition
has landed.
On the right the "king's-messenger" advances at the
head of his soldiers. A pile of necklaces, hatchets, daggers,
etc., before him, ostensibly an offering to Hathor,' are for
trade with the Puntites, whose chief, "Perehu," advances
from the left to meet the Egyptians. Behind him follow his
abnormally fleshy wife,g "Eti," their children -two sonsg

aCf. Erman, Aegypten, 675. Henu in the Eleventh Dynasty made a similar
offering as he dispatched his Punt expedition (I, 432; see also 111, 423).
blit., "taking the head of the way."
S e e Oracle, 5 285.
dThe queen's name has been cut out; later Ramses I1 inserted his name over
the old erasure; the following clause, to the word ."earth," is also due to him;
hence "his father" and the entire loss of connection with 1. 10.
eon the south wall, lowest two rows; Mariette, Deir-el-Bahari, 5 ; Diimichen,
Historisch Imchriften, 11, 8 and 10; Naville, Dear-el-Bahari, 111, 69. As Naville
has unfortunately not added the now lacking portions contained in the old pnbli-
cations, it is necessary here to employ them also.
f Lowest row.

sOnly in the old publications, as this block has been stolen from the w d ;
see Diimichen, Resdtate, LVII; photograph in Mariette, Voyuge dnns la h u t s
Egypte, 11, 62.

and a daughters-and three Puntitesa driving the "ass

which bears his wife." Behind these is a landscape in
Punt, showing among the trees the houses of the Puntites
set on poles (Pfalzlbauten). Below the whole is a line of
water, showing that the scene is near the sea or the haven
in which the Egyptians have landed. The inscriptions are
these :
Over the Egyptians
255. [The arrival] of the king's-messenger in God's-Land, together
with the army which is behind him, before the chiefs of Punt; dis-
patched with every good thing from the court, L. P. H., for Hathor,
mistress of Punt; for the sake of the life, prosperity, and health of her
Before the Puntites
256. The coming ofb the chiefs of Punt, doing obeisance, with
bowed head, to receive this army of the king; they give praise to the
lord of gods, Amon-Re c

Over the Puntites

257. They say, as they pray for peace: "Why have ye come thitherd
unto this land, which the peoplee know not? Did ye come down
upon the ways of heaven, or did ye sail upon the waters, upon the sea
of God's-Land? Have ye trodden (rthe way 0f1)~R e ? Lo, as for
the King of Egypt, is there no way to his majesty, that we may live by
the breath which he gives?
Before the Leader of tlze Puntites
258. The chief of Punt, Perehu ( P '-r '-hw).

=Only in the old publications. bEgyptian "by."

=Hereevidently the name of the queen originally stood; it was then erased by
Thutmose 111, and in the time of Ramses I1 the blank was mistaken for an erasure
of Amon's name by Amenhotep IV, which name was then inserted. Traces of
the old inscription are visible at the end.
dLit., "Why huve ye reached this?"
=The people of Egypt (rml). See the oracle, 5 285, 1. 10.
*The text has "Re" as the direct object of "trodden;" something must h

Before His Wife

His wife, Eti ( ' t ~ ) . ~
Over the Ass
The ass which bears his wife.

259. At the right is the tent of the "king's-messenger,"

who stands before it. Before him are the products of Punt,
and approaching from the left is a long line of Puntites,
bearing similar products; at their head, as before, the chief
and his enormous wife. At the extreme left the Puntite
landscape, as in 11.
In the Tent
260. Pitching the tent of the king's-messenger and his army, in the
myrrh-terraces of Punt on the sided of the sea, in order to receive the
chiefs of this country. There are offered to them bread, beer, wine,
meat, fruit, everything found in Egypt, according to that which was
commanded in the court, L. P. H.
Before the Egyptian
261. Reception of the tribute of the chief of Punt, by the king's-
Before the Puntites
262. The coming ofe the chief of Punt bearing tribute at the side
of fthe sea before the king's-[messenger]f

=Before the two sons who follow her: " H i s son;" before the daughter: " H i s
bSouth wall; references as for XI. second row from below.
dThe Egyptian has a dual, "on the two sides of," from which Dumichen
(Geschichte, 120) would locate Punt on both sides of the Red Sea, but this dual is
a common idiom, meaning no more than a singular. See 5 262, where it is absurd
to suppose that the chief of Punt is bringing his gifts "at both sides of the seal"
Dumichen's translation "von beiden Seiten" is, moreover, impossible, for the text
has "upon," not "von."
=Egyptian "by."
fThese words extend over the Puntites; it is uncertain how much has been
lost at the end.
9 2651 T H E PUNT RELIEFS 109


Two vessels heavily laden with myrrh trees, sacks
of myrrh, ivory, woods, apes; on shoreb and ascending the
gang-planks, men carrying sacks and trees.

Over Men with Trees on Shore

264. ('Look t01)~your feet, ye people! Behold! the load is very
heavy !
dProsperity %el with rus? for the sake of the myrrh tree in the midst
of God's-Land, for the house of Amon; there is the place rwherel it
shall be made to grow for Makere, in his temple, according to com-
Over the Vessels
265. 'The loading of the ships very heavily with marvels of 'the
country of Punt; all goodly fragrant woods of God's-Land, heaps
of Jmyrrh-resin, with fresh myrrh trees, 4with ebonye and pure ivory,
with green gold 50f Emu, (C mw), with cinnamon wood, 6khesyt wood:
with ihmut-incense, 7sonter-incense, eye-cosmetic, Swith apes, smonkeys,
IOdogs, ='and lawith skins 13of the southern panther, '4with natives
and Istheir children. Never was brought "%he like of this for any king
who has been since the beginning.

aSouth wall, uppermost row; first scene on the west wall, upper row; Mariette,
Deir-el-Bahari, 5 and 6; Dumichen, Historische Inschriften, 11, 9 and 12;
Fleet of an Egyptian Queen, 2; Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 69 above, and 74
bAt the left, over the scene of the traffic.
cA guess; the words are broken away, and some similar exclamation on the
part of the men carrying the trees is to be expected. Note the Puntites represented
as speaking Egyptian!
dWords of a second man.
=Fragments of the Punt wall show the felling of the ebony trees, with the
inscription: "Cutting the ebony i n great quantities" (Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111,
fSweet wood, used in making incense.

266. Three vessels under full sail, with the cargo enu-
merated in $265.
InscriptionsC over the Vessel
Sailing, arriving in peace, journeying to Thebesd with joy of heart, by
the army of the Lord of the Two Lands, with the chiefs of this countrye
behind them. They have brought that, the like of which was not
brought for other kings, being marvels of Punt, because of the great-
ness of the fame of this frevered god, Amon-Re, Lord of the be^.^



267. At the right the cartouches of the queen, badly

defaced; approaching from the left, two lines of men with
gifts, led by four lines of kneeling chiefs, being the chiefs of
Punt (two lower lines), "the chiefs of Irem" ' (upper middle
line) and "the chiefs of Nemyew " ' (Nm' p, upper line,
negroes). Behind them approach Egyptians and Puntites
with myrrh trees and other products of Punt.

aMariette, Deir-eEBahari, 6; Voyage duns la haute Egypte, 11, 63; Dumichen,

Histmische Inschriften, 13; Fleet of an Egyptian Queen, 3; Naville, Deir-el-
Bahari, 111, 75.
bAt the right of the vessels loading. beginning at the right.
dThis scene is therefore upon the Nile, not upon the Red Sea.

fRestored by Ramses 11, supposing that the name of Amon had been here
erased by Amenhotep IV. In reality, it was the name of Hatshepsut which had
been erased.
gMariette, Deir-el-Bahari, 6 ; Dumichen, Historische Inschriften, 14, 15;
Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 74 and 76.
hover the loading of the ships and the return voyage.
iThe location of these two countries is uncertain; Nemyewis entirely unknown,
and it is a question whether Irem is one of the inland Nubian countries or on the
Red Sea coast north of Punt.

268. [Kislsing the earth to Wosretkewb (Hatshepsut) by
the chiefs of Punt -=- the Nubian Troglodytes of Khenthen-
nofer, every country - of 3 doing obeisance with bowed
head, bearing their tribute to the place where her majesty (fern.) is
.i ways not trodden by others 5 every country is
dominion of her majesty and counted lord of Thebes, as
tribute each year tCwhich her father Amon pappointed11 for her, dwho
hath set all the lands beneath her sandals, living forever.
Over the Chiefs of Punte
269. They say as they pray for peace from her majesty (fern.):
"Hail to thee, king (sic) of Egypt, Re (fern.): who shines like the
sun, your sovereign, mistress of heaven . Thy name reaches
as far as the circuit of heaven, the fame of [Makere (Hatshepsut)]g
encircles the rseaJ1

270. The queen stands at the left; before her the products
of Punt and Irem (lower row), brought back by the expedi-
tion, mingled with those of Nubia (upper row).
Before the Queen
271. The King himself, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Ma-
kere (Hatshepsut); presentationi of the marvels of Punt, the treasures

aBy the queen's cartouches.

bThe queen's Horus-name: "Migltty k ka's."
CMore probably a short lacuna here. dReferring to Amon.
=The remains of a similar inscription are visible over the chiefs of Nemyew.
fFeminine; cf. the similar "female Hmus" (obelisk-base, south, 1. I, Q 314;
Senmut statue, $354; etc.).
gTraces of the cartouche in Naville, (Pl. 74); the determinative for "sea" is
also probable, and suits the context admirably.
hMariette, Deir-el-Bakari, 7, 8; Diimichen, Histmiscke Insckriften, 11, 16,
17; Naville, Deir-eZ-Bahari, 111, 77, 78, and 80.
iAn absolute infinitive used as the title of the scene, the preceding royal name
being the date.

of God's-Land, together with the gifts of the countries of the South,

with the impost of the wretched Kushla the baskets of the Negro-land,
tob Amon, lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak, for the sake of the
life, prosperity, and health of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Makere (Hatshepsut), that she may live, abide, and her heart be joyful;
that she may rule the Two Lands like Re, forever.
By the Treesc
272. Thirty-one fresh myrrh trees, brought as marvels of Punt for
the majesty of this god, Amon, lord of Thebes; never was seen the
like since the beginning.
Under t h TreesC
Electrum; eye-cosmetic; throw-sticks of the Puntites ; ebony;
ivory, rshellsl (k 'S).
With Pantherd
A southern panther alive, capturede for her majesty (fern.) in the
[south] countries.
Miscellaneous Objects
Electrum;' many panther-skins; 3,300 (small cattle).g

273.This scene is closely connected with the preceding

presentation scene, of which it forms the unbroken continua-
tion. I t is accompanied by the following descriptive text:'

aBy an evident emendation. "Lower row.

bconstrue with "presentation." dUpper row.
eLit., "ZwoughfJJcynyy); it is regularly used of prisoners and apparently also
of wild beasts, e. g., also the lions captured by Amenhotep I11 (8 865). Two
more panthers show fragments of a similar inscription.
*With four chests, probably made by Thutiy (Q 376, 1. 31).
gOver a gap among these offerings is the inscription recording the Asiatic
campaign of Thutmose I1 (6 125).
, hOn the right of the preceding scene in two rows; Mariette, Deir-el-Baltari,
8; Diimichen, Historische Znschriften, 11, 18, 19; Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111,
79, 81, 82.
iAt the extreme right in five columns, behind the figure of Thutmose 111
offering incense (Naville, Deir-el-Behari, 111, 82).

274. 'The king himself, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Makere (Hat~hepsut).~Taking the measure (hk't) of the electrum,
laying the hand on the r-1 of the heaps, first instance of doing the good
things. Measuring of the fresh myrrh unto Amon, lord of Thebes,
lord of heaven, the first of the harvest '- - - of the marvels of the
countries of Punt. The lord of Khmunu (Thoth) records them in writ-
ing; Sefkhet counts the numbers. Herb majesty (fern.) sherself, is acting
with her two hands, the best of myrrh is upon all her limbs, her fra-
grance is divine dew, her odor is mingled with Punt, her skin is gildedC
with electrum, bhining as do the starsd ;n the midst of the festival-hall,
before the whole land. There is rejoicing by all the people; they give
praise to the lord of gods, sthey laud Makere (Hatshepsut) in her
divine qualities, because of the greatness of the marvels which have
happened for her. Never did the like happen under any godse who
were before, since the beginning. May she be given life, like Re, forever.

Measuring Scenef
275. Two huge heaps of myrrh are being scooped into
measures by four men; a fifth, whose figure has been care-
fully erased, is Hatshepsut's favorite, "the scribe and steward,
Tlzutiy" ($$369 ff.), who is keeping record of the measure
for the queen; while the god Thoth at the extreme right
performs a similar office for Amon.
Over the Myrrh Heaps
276. Heaps of myrrh in great quantities.
Over the Men Measuring
277. Measuring the fresh myrrh, in great quantities, for Amon,
lord of Thebes; marvels of the countries of Punt, treasures of God's-
Land, for the sake of the life, prosperity and health g

aThe date. bRead -s for -1.

cA bold figure referring to the yellow hue of the women of ancient Egypt.
dYellow stars painted on a blue field form a common ceiling decoration. For
comparison of the king with a star, not so common as with the sun, see I, 510 ff.,
1. 2.
eThat is, "kings." fI.,ower row (Nadle, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 79).
gThe queen's name has been erased.

Before Thoth
278. Recording in writing, reckoning the numbers, summing up
in millions, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands and
hundreds; reception of the marvels of Punt, afar Amon-Re, lord of
Thebes, lord of h e a ~ e n . ~
Weighing Sceneb
279. A huge pair of balances piled on one side with com-
mercial gold in large rings, against weights in the form of

cows on the other side, is presided over by the gods Horus
and Dedun of Nubia," standing at the left. At the right is
Sefkhet, the goddess of letters, keeping record. Round and
COW "weights," and quantities of "electrum" in bars and
rings, are piled up beside the balances.
Over the Balances
280. The balances, accurate and true, of Thoth, which the King of
Upper and Lower Egypt, [Makelre (Hatshepsut), made for her father,
Amon, lord of Thebes, in order to weigh the silver, gold, lapis lazuli,
malachite, and every splendid costly stone, for the sake of the life, pros-
perity, and health of her majesty (fern.) d

Under the Balances

281.Weighing the gold and electrum, - the impost of the south-
ern countries, for Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, , presider over
Karnak d

Before Sefkhet
282. Recording in writing, reckoning the numbers, summing up in
millions, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands, and
hundreds. Reception of the marvels of the South countries, for Amon,
lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak.

aAmon is here not properly restored by Ramses 11; see end of 9.

bUpper row (Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 81).
CBecause the gold comes from Nubia.
dT,he name of the queen has been erased.



283. The queen stands at the extreme left, staff in hand,
before Amon, enthroned at the extreme right. Behind the
queen is the sacred barque of Amon borne by priests,b
before which Thutmose IIIc offers "of the best of fresh
This long text in vertical lines between the queen
and Amon falls into two parts. The first contains the titulary
and encomium of the queen (11. I-4), followed by the oracle
of amon (11. 4-6), in accordance with which the expedition
was made. I t is here repeated, in order to enforce the
statement that all that was commanded has been done (1. 6).
T o this favorable statement Amon replies with praise (11.
7-9), and reverts to a description of former times when the
"myrrh-terraces" were not visited by Egyptians, but their
products were obtained only through intermediaries (11.
1-12). The success of future expeditions is promised, and
his guidance of the expedition just successfully carried out
is mentioned. The inscription closes with further praise of
the queen, which gradually becomes too mutilated for trans-

aAt the extreme right; Mariette, Deir-el-Bahuri, 10; Dumichen, Historische

Znschriften, 11, 20; through some confusion in Diimichen's papers his 1. 10 and
1. 1 1 have exchanged places, and Mariette has the same mistake! It is clear,
therefore, that Mariette's text is drawn from Dumichen, an astonishing number of
errors having crept in during the process. From these sources Sethe constructed a
skilfully emended text (Sethe, Ulztersuchungen, I, 103, 104)~ which is sustained in
almost all cases by the last and best text (Naville, Deir-el-Bahuri, 111, 84), which
is undoubtedly very nearly correct. The entire inscription has been carefully
hacked away; hence the numerous errors in the old publications, a collation of
which demonstrates the superiority of Naville's texts.
bNaville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 83. ~Zbid.,82.

Titles and Encomium of Hatshepsut

285. alHorus: Mighty in Ka's; Favorite of the Two Goddesses:
Fresh in Years; Golden Horus: Divine in Diadems; King of Upper
and Lower Egypt: Makere (Hatshepsut), - of Amon, whom he loves,
who is upon his throne, for whom he has made to flourish the inheritance
of the Two Lands, the kingdom of the South and North, 'to whom he
hath given that which the sun encompasses, that which Keb and Nut
inclose. She hath no enemies among the Southerns, she hath no foes
among the Northerns; the heavens and every country which the god
hath created, they all labor for her. JThey come to her with fearful
heart, their chiefs with bowed head, their gifts upon their back. They
present to her their children that there may beb 4given to them the
breath of life, because of the greatness of the fame of her father, Amon,
who hath set all lands beneath her sandals.
The Oracle
The king himself, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Makere
(Hatshepsut). The majesty of the court made supplication at the
stepsc of the slord of [gods]; a command was heard from the great
throne, an oracle of the god himself, that the ways to Punt should be
searched out, that the highways to the Myrrh-terraces should be pene-
trated: 6"Idwill lead the army on water and on land, to bring marvels
from God's-Land for this god, for the fashioner of her beauty." I t
was done, according to all that the majesty of this revered god com-
manded, according to the desire of her majesty (fern.), in order that
she might be given life, stability, and satisfaction, like Re, forever.
Promises of Amon
286. 7Utterance of Amon-Re, lord of Thebes: "Welcome!e my
sweet daughter, my favorite, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,

aThe first line at the left before the queen. This fust part comprises six lines.
bRead [m] yswt 1 Compare Q 804, 1. 3.
the steps leading up to his throne, which have been hacked away in the
relief, but are shown to have existed by the lower ends of the lines of text which
shorten by steps in front of the throne (Naville, Deir-el-Baltari, 111, 84).
dThe first person in the same sentence where the god occurs in the third person
is of course very strange.
eLit., " Come! Come! in peace."
% d8

Makere (Hatshepsut), who makes my beautiful monuments, who puri-

fies the seat of the great ennead of gods for my dwelling, as a memorial
of her love. 8Thou art the king, taking possession of the Two Lands,
Khnemet-Amon, Hatshepsut, great in oblations, pure in food-offerings.
Thou satisfiest my heart at all times; I have given thee all life and
satisfaction from me, all stability from me, all health from me, all joy
sfrom me, I have given to thee all lands and all countries, wherein thy
heart is glad. I have long intended them for thee, and the aeons shall
behold them until those myriads of years rof usefulness which I have
thought to spend'. 1°1 have given to thee all Punt as far as the lands
of the gods of God's-Land."
Punt in Former Time
287. "No one trod the Myrrh-terraces, which the people (rmt) knew
not; it was heard of from mouth to mouth "by hearsay of the ancestors
-. The marvels brought thence under thy fathers, the Kings of
Lower Egypt, were brought from one to another, and since the time
of "the ancestors of the Kings of Upper Egypt, who were of old, as a
return for many payment^;^ none reaching themb except thy carriers."

Pz~ntunder the Queen

288. "But I will cause thy army to tread them,b '31 have led the11.1
on water and on land, to exploreCthe waters of inaccessible channels,
and I have reached the Myrrh-terraces."
" I t is a glorious region of God's-Land; it is indeed my place of
delight. I have made it for myself, in order tod rdivertl I4my heart,
together with Mut, EIathor, Wereret, mistress of Punt, the mistress,
' Great in S ~ r c e r y , mistress
'~ of all gods. Theyf took myrrh as they
wished, they loaded the vessels to their hearts' content, Iswith fresh
myrrh trees, every good gift of this country, Puntites whom the people
(rrnt) know not, Southerns of God's-Land. I conciliated them byg love

aMeaning that in going from hand to hand many successive prices were paid.
bThe Myrrh-terraces.
cThis is the word ( w b ') used long before of exploring unknown cocntries in
the Old Kingdom by Harkhuf (I, 333, 334) and employed again by the queen in
her speech ($294, 1. 11).
dRead r for yr. f Hatshepsut's people,

eIsis. gLit., "because of."


that they might give l6to thee praise, because thou art a god, because
of thy fame in the countries. I know rtheml, I am their wise lord,
r-1 I am the begetter, Amon-Re; my daughter, who binds the lords,
is the king [Makere] (Hatshepsut). I have begotten her for myself.
I am thy father, who sets thy fear I'among the Nine Bows, while they
come in peace to all gods. They have brought all the marvels, every
beautiful thing of God's-Land, for which thy majestya sent them: heaps
of Isgum of myrrh, and enduring trees bearing fresh myrrh, united
in the festival-hall, to be seen of the lord of the gods. May thy majesty
cause them to grow.b my temple, Isin order to delight my
heart among them. My name is before the gods, thy nameCis before
all the living, forever. Heaven and earth are flooded with incense;
odors are in the Great House. Mayest thou offer them to me, pure
aoand cleansed, in order to express the ointment for the divine limbs,
to offer myrrh, to make ointment, to make festive my statue with neck-
laces, while I am making 211ibationsfor thee. My heart is glad because
of seeing thee." . . . . . . . .d



289. The queen is enthroned at the left in a splendid
kiosk, and before her are the figures of three noblemen
(see $348). All the figures have been hacked out.

aFeminine! The t of the second feminine singular suffix is visible under the
scourge; the t of "majesty" (hn't) should be over the scourge, as in 1. 18.
bThe verb is s'rwd'k 3 with nominal subject (sdm'k3 form, Sethe, Verbum, 11,
0 434).
cRead: rn't pw. That this is the proper emendation is shown by the Semneh
inscription of Thutmose 111 (Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 52, h, line before goddess).
dThc remainder, consisting of four short and two long lines, is very fragmentary
and contains only the conventional promises of the gods.
e o n the south side of the causeway which ascends through the center of the
middle terrace. The date and a few random words were published by Diimichen
(Fleet of an Egyptian Queen, 18,a ) ; but the &st complete text by Naville (Recueil,
18, P1. 111, corrections, ibid., 19,212, 213; much better, Naville, Deir-el-Bahari,
111, 85, 86.

290. The texts with the noblemen are as follows:
With the First Man
Behold, it was commanded, as follows: "They shall give the
L. P. H., to the hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, sole
companion, chief treasurer, N e h ~ i to
, ~dispatch the army [to] Punt."

Tlrith the Two Other Men

Over both are the words: "The king's-dignitaries, the
companions of the court, L. P . H.," and over the man in
the middle: "Steward of Amon, Senmut," the well-known
favorite of the queen (see § § 345 ff.). The third man bears
no individual inscription.' A11 three figures have been
hacked out by political enemies after the triumph of Thut-
nose 111.
The Long Inscriptiond
291. This is perhaps the most interesting inscription in the
Punt series. I t furnishes the date ("year 9") when the
expedition had already safely returned. The queen, having
publicly exhibited the results of the expedition (VIII), and
having announced its success to Amon himself (IX), now
holds ceremonious court, to announce in a speech from the

aThe meaning of the phrase is not clear, but it seems as if "court" were here
used for "decree of the court."
bThis man has therefore been identified as "the king'smessenger" ($5 260,261)
who commanded the Punt expedition. But this conclusion does not follow; the
word "dispatch" (sby) does not mean to conduct, as we may see in the exactly
parallel case of Henu (I, 427 ff.; especially 0 432, U. 13, 14), who conducted the
expedition only to the sea and then dispatched (sby) it to Punt, returning then,
not from Punt, but merely "from the sea." Hence we have no evidence that Nehsi
did more than accompany the expedition to the sea, and the "king's-messenger"
is probably a different man.
CHe is supposed by Spiegelberg (Recwil, 22,115-25) to be Thutiy (53 369 ff.).
dIn 22 columns before the queen; it has all been more or less hacked out, the
last six lines (excluding one phrase) and the upper fourth of lines 6-16 completely

throne to her nobles the unprecedented success of the

expedition. She glorifies herself as having made a Punt for
Amon in Egypta 01. 14 and 16), and exhorts them to main-
tain in the future the increased offerings which she has
established (ll. 8 and 15). This last was apparently the
practical purpose of the session.
292. 'Year 9, occurred the sitting in the audience-hall,b the king's-
appearance with the etef-crown, upon the great throne of electrum, in
the midst of the splendors of hisC palace. The grandees, the com-
panions of the court, came to hear; a command was brought, a =royal
edict to hisCdignitaries, the divine fathers, the companions of the king,
the grandees :
Queen's Speech
293. " I shine forever in your faces through that which my father
hath desired.d Truly, it was greatly my desire in doing, that I should
make 3great him that begat me; and in assigning to my father, that I
should make splendid for him all his offerings; that which my fathers,
the ancestors knew not, I am doing as the Great Onee (did) 4to the
Lord of Eternity; I am adding increase to that which was formerly
done. I will cause it to be said to posterity: 'How beautiful is she,

*In the weighing and measuring scene the trees, of which there were three,
appear planted in tubs; and again they appear planted in the ground, and thus
a "Punt" was made for the god. I t is possible that not only the trees, but also
the terraces of the temple are a part of this "Punt," and that the terraced structure
of the temple planted with myrrh trees thus reproduced the "myrrh-ferraces."
This could not be better described in the text than by calling it " a Punt." The
fact that the temple is a reproduction of the small terraced temple of Mentuhotep
I11 does not prohibit us from supposing that the queen was conscious of the resem-
blance above noted. The service and equipment of the temple receive some light
from the mention of its High Priest, with twelve subordinate priests in four orders
(see note, Q 679).
bSee 1, 239, and note.
these masculine pronouns simply represent the word "king" here, (c h c-
stny and Sps'w-stny is what is meant), and do not refer personally to the queen.
d " I shine as king, because my father Amon willed it so."
el'Great One" is feminine and means Isis, referring to that which Isis did for
the deceased Osiris, "the Lord of Eternity."

through whom this has happened,' because I have been so very excellent
to him, and the hearta sof my hearta has been replete with that which
is due to him. I am his splendor ron high, and in the nether world'. I
have entered into the qualities of the august god, he hath opened
6 . He hath recognized my excellence, that I speak a great
thing rwhichl I set among you; it shall shine for you upon the land of
the living 7 ye may grasp my virtues. I am the god, the
beginning of being, nothing fails that goes out of my mouth, beloved
8 that which he desired. Ye shall fulfil according to that
which I have exacted. Your lifetime is the life rthat is1 in my mouthb
r- I 9 for the future. I have given a command of my majesty
that the offerings of him who begat me should be made splendid, that
the ointment should be increased I0 of prime ointment of the
pure ox, in order to supply with offerings I1 y'

Punt Expedition Commanded

294. " pa decree of1 my majesty commanding to send to
the Myrrh-terraces, to explore his ways 'for him,? to learn his circuit,
to open his highways, according to the command of my father, Amon.
I Z - for choice ointment, in order to express ointment for the
divine limbs, which I owed to the lord of gods, in order to establish
the laws of his house. Trees were taken up in God's-Land, and set
in the ground in I3[EgyptIC for the king of the gods. They
were broughtd bearing myrrh therein for expressing ointment for the
divine limbs, which I owed to the lord of Gods."
P w t in Egypt
295. Said my majesty (fern.) : "I will cause you to know that which
is commanded me, I have hearkened to my father I4- that
which he hath - commanding me to establish for him a Punt in his

TWO different words in Egyptian, but the distinction between them, if any,
is not clear; see the thirtieth chapter of the "Book of the Dead." One expects
"for his heart."
bMy words control your lives?
cThe pits in which certain trees had been planted were found by the Fund
excavations before the lower terrace at the inner end of the dromos. They con-
tained earth and tree stumps which proved to be of the Mimusops, that is, the
Persea (Naville, Zeitschrift far agyptisck Splache, 37, 5 2 ) .

house, to plant the trees of God's-Land beside his temple in his garden,
according as he commanded. It was done, in order to endow the 3
offeringswhich1 owed. Is I was [not] neglectful of that which he
needed. Ye shall fulfil according to my regulations without transgression
of that which my mouth hath given. He hath desired me as his favorite;
I know all that he loveth; he is a god l6 his desire and that
which he loveth r-1. I have made for him a Punt in his garden, just
as he commanded me, for Thebes. It is large for him, he walks abroad
in it."a 17 . . . . . . . 22 Hathor, mistress of myrrh;
she hath opened to thee (fern.) her two arms with resin - - - - -.


296. In this remarkable document the energetic queen
has left a record of her systematic restorations in the temples
which had been desolated by the barbarities of the Hyksos,
and had remained so down to her reign. There is a refer-
ence to the Punt expedition (1. IS), SO that the inscription
dates from some time after the ninth year. Its references
to the Hyksos coincide remarkably with the account of their
treatment of the temples as recorded by Manetho. The
Hyksos are called "Asiatics" (C' mw), and their city is
"Avaris (h. t-w 'r t) of the Northland." The building of

the cliff-temple of Pakht, on whose front the inscription is

cut, is mentioned only incidentally with the queen's other
pious works. The language is often unusual, and the whole
is so badly preserved that there are necessarily many omis-
sions in the translation.

aLit., "unde~it," referring to the trees.

bL1. 17-21 are so completely hacked out that not a sign can be read.
C u t high up on the front of the cliff-temple of Pakht, excavated at Benihasan
by Hatshepsut and Thutmose 111, called Speos Artemidos by the Greeks, Stab1
Antar by the modern natives. The inscription was discovered and published by
Gol6nischeff (Recmil, VI, 20; see also ibid., 111, 1-7). It is in a bad state of prcs-
ervation, and the copy is evidently a hurried one.

The Queen's Power

297. I. .. . . . . . .
. 'He hath established her great name like the
heavens. She hath made excellent the rrecordsl of her might over the
Red Land of the Goddess of the Mountaina as far as the rising 3r- --
-I set his flame behind the two hill-countries.

Restoration of the Temples

298. The altars are opened, the sanctuaries 4are enlarged - the
desire of all gods; every one is in possession of the dwelling which
he has loved, his ka rests upon his throne . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . their
colonnades . . . . . . . 6 . . . . .b Every [statue] is overlaid on its body
with electrum of Emu.C Their feasts are permanent at the division of
the time, 7the festival offering [ris madel at its time by the rauthorityl
of the command of myd maker; the regulations of the commandant
are perpetuated, which he made in this 8- -. My divine heart
searches for the sake of the future; [my] heart - that which it had not
known forever, because of the command which the hidden persea tree,
lord of myriads (of years), communicates.

The Queen's Piety and Power

299. 91 have made bright the truth which he loved, [I] know that
he liveth by it (the truth) ;e it is my bread, I eat of its brightness: I
am I0a likeness from [his] limbs, one with him. He hath begotten me,
to make strong his might in this land. - rlord' - Atum I1in -;
Khepri doing that which Re exacted at the foundation (of the world).
The lands together are under my authority, the Black and the Red are
under my authority. 'SMy fame makes the great ones of the countries
to bow down, while the uraeus upon my forehead -aall lands. The

aSee Sinuhe, I, 493, 1.15.

bThe passage refers to rebuilding the temples.
Written here c m mw; cf. Miiller, Asien und Europa, 119.
ageginning with 1. 7, the first person appears and continues to the end of the
inscription, the queen being the speaker.
eIn the sun-hymn of Sute and Hor (British Museum, 826, 1. 16), Sute says to
the sun-god, "I acted as an effective leader among thy monuments, performing the
truh of thy heart, I know thou restest i n truth."
fAn extraordinary idea, but clearly in the text.
gDoubtless a verb of subjugating or the l i e .

land of '3Reshua and the land of Yulb they cannot rhidel from my maj-
esty; Punt is mine, and the fields of Ibycamore bearing fresh myrrh,
the highways which were closed up, and the two ways. IsMy soldiers
smote that which was r- - -1 since my appearance as king.

Restoration of the Temple of Cusae

300. The temple of the Mistress of CusaeC which had begun to
fall to ruin, the ground had swallowed up its august sanctuary, so that
the children played upon its house; '7the serpent,d it caused no fear;
the poor counted the r-1 in the rcovering1,e 18no processions rmarchedl.
I adorned it, having been built anew, I overlaid its image with gold;
=Pinorder to protect its city . . . . . . . . . .
Building of the Temple of Pakht
301. Pakht the great, who traverses the valleys in the midst of the
eastland, lowhose ways are rstorm-beaten1 . . . . . . . . . . I made her
temple with that which was due llto her ennead of gods. The doors
were of acacia wood, fitted with: bronze. 22at the seasons.
The priests knew this; her city r- - -1 l3I made divine
their temples, furnished with that which comes forth r-1
... ' 4 . . . . . the offering-table [rwas wrought71 with 25silver,
and gold, chests of linen, every vessel that abides in the place. . . . . . .

Restoration of an Unknown Templeg

302. . . . . . 26. . . . . . in whose house there was no understanding;
the divine fathers . . . . . . . . '7. . . . . . . He gave readiness to the
arms of the god.h I built his great temple of limestone of Ayan, its
r-1 were l80f alabaster of Hatnub, the doors were of copper, the r-1

2 w probably for R 2-5 ~ 4 y ;see Miiller, Asien und Europa, 133.

PR a-5
CFourteenth nome of Upper Egypt, whose goddess was a local Hathor.
dPerhaps referring to the serpent of the goddess.
ePossibly: "The poor counted the breaches in the wall;" but this is a mere
f Nearly one-half line.

gThe paragraph deals with another divinity and his temple; it is not dear
who he may be.
hThis must refer to the queen herself.

thereon were of electrum, splendid with LLHim-of-the-Two-Lofty-

feather^."^ r- -1 --- . I [honorled 'sthe majesty of this god
with feasts r- -1 the feast of Thoth; I added to him [rofferingsl]anew
30. . . . . . . I doubled for him the offerings, an S1increase upon that
which had been previously; as I did for the Eight, for Khnum in [all]
his forms, for Heket, Renenet and s2Meskhenet together, in order to
build [Nehlemewi and Nehebkew, . . . . . . . . 33. . . . . . . . . .
great in 34walls, and in foundation. I equipped it; I made it festive,
I gave houses to the lord . . . . . . . . . . 3swhom Amon has made to
appear as king himself upon the throne of Horus.

Restoration of the Desolatiolt of the Hyksos

303. Hear ye, all persons! ye people as many as ye are! I have
done this according to the design of my 36heart.b . . . . . . . I have
restored that which was ruins, I have raised up that which was unfin-
ishedC stsince the Asiatics (CJ mw) were in the midst of Avaris of the
Northland, and the barbariansd were in the midst of them, 38overthrow-

aLit., "the lofty of two feathers," a title of Min, a figure of whom was there-
fore on the door. The "shadow," which was o w on the door, has the deter-
minative of Min's figure; hence there is no doubt that it is such a "shadmu,"
which is meant here.
bThis rare phrase ( m k[>% yb-y) occurs also on the statue of Senmut (Lepsius,
Denkmdler, 111, 25, i, correct nb to k), and in a clear passage over vases "of costly
stone, which his majesty made according to the design (k > ' t ) of his own heart"
(Brugsch, Thesaurus, V , 1187) among offerings of Thutmose 111. See Breasted,
Proceedings of the Biblical Society of drchceology, May, 1901, 237.
&tp-h 3 ty-C,lit., "begun;" cf. use of stp in beginning a journey.
dThe same term is applied by Thutmose 111 to his foes in Lebanon (11, 548).
W. M. Miiller (Mittheilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft, 1898, Heft 3, p. 7 ) ,
would recognize in this term (Sm > mw or S > mw) a class or nationality different from
the Hyksos; but if the word means simply strangers (Coptic "shemmo"), as Miiller
thinks, it indicates no distinction at all, for the Hyksos were also "strangers." The
construction of the whole context shows that it is one of those poetic passages com-
mon in such inscriptions, the parallelism is evident:
" I have restored that which was ruins,
I have raised u p that which was unfinished,
Since the Asiatics were i n the midst of Avaris of the Northland,
And the barbarians were i n the midst of them."
"Them" is therefore parallel with the "Northland," and does not refer to the
"Asiatics." That a land or a part of it should be resumed by a plural pronoun
is very common in the inscriptions of Egypt.
ing that which was made, while they ruled in ignorancea of Re. Heb
did not do according to the divine command until my majesty (fern.).
When I was 39iirm upon the throne of Re, I was ennobled until the
two periods of yearsC f- - -5 I came as Hor-watitd 4°&ming
against my enemies. I removed the abomination of the great god, [I]
captured the land of their sandals? I t is a regulation of the @fathers
. . . .. ..I have commanded that my [titulary] abide like the moun-
tains; when the sun 4'shines, (its) rays are bright upon the titulary of
my majesty; my Horus is high upon the standard r-1 forever.

304. Of the queen's four obelisks at Karnak, one pair
has entirely disappeared from the temple; their position is
unknown, and only the summit of one is now preserved in
Cairo (8 320 and Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Spache, 30,
P1. 11); of the surviving pair one still stands behind the
great Nineteenth Dynasty hypostyle hall, and the summit of
its fallen companion lies near by.
Standing Obelisk
The standing survivor is now the largest obelisk in Egypt,
being 974 feet high.8 The history of these two important
monuments can be followed for a long period. Work upon
them was begun on the first of Mechir (sixth month) in the

aM bm, or it may mean ''without."

bA sudden change of number; the individual ruler of the Hyksos is meant.
=Each sixty years long.
dMeaning: "the only Horus," and of the feminine gender.
eThe land which they trod.
f Inscriptions on standing obelisk: Lepsius, Denkmdler, 111, 22-24, d; Cham-

pollion, Monuments, IV, 314; Notices descriptives, 11, I 33 ff.; Rosellini, Monu-
menti Storici, I, 31 ff. Fallen obelisk: Lepsius, Denkmaler, In, 24, a-c; Recueil,
X, 142; 23, 195 f.; Champollion, Notices descriptives, 11, 136.
gPetrie, History of Egypt, 11, 131 (Naville's statement that they are the largest
known (Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 37, 52) is an error; the obelisk of Thut-
mose 111, before the Lateran in Rome, is the highest known; see Q 626).

queen's fifteenth yeara by Senmut, the queen's favorite

(Q $345 ff.). The quarry work of clearing the enormous
shafts from the granite at Assuan was completed on the
last of Mesore (twelfth month) of the queen's sixteenth
year, seven months after beginning. Transported to
Thebes on a huge barge, drawn by a large fleet of galleys
(see $ $ 322 ff .), they were destined for erection, not before a
temple, as is customary, but in the historic hall built between
his two Karnak pylon^,^ by the queen's father, Thutmose I,
the hall where, fifteen years before, her father had been sup-
planted by Thutmose 111. Whether this fact influenced her
in the following procedure is, of course, purely conjectural,
but in order to introduce her obelisks into this hall, she
broke away the southern wall, removed all the cedar col-
umns of Thutmose I on the southern side and four on the
northern, of course unroofing all but the northern quarter
of the hall," and thus totally dismantling the place, which
could no longer be employed for religious ceremonial.
305. A reliefd on a few fragmentary blocks at Karnak
shows the queen presenting two obelisks to Amon of Karnak;
these may be the pair with which we are now dealing.
Before the queen is the following inscription:
The king h i m ~ e l f ; ~
erection of two great obelisks for her (sic!)
father, Amon-Re, in front of the august colonnade, wrought with exceed-
ingly plentiful electrum. Their height pierces to heaven, illuminating
the Two Lands like the sun-disk. Never was done the like since the
beginning; that she might be given life.

aBase, north side, Q 318, 1. 8. bIV and V. See 8 317, 11. 7-8.
CThutmose I11 restored the northern half ($9 600-z), and Amenhotep 11, the
southern ($5 803 ff.).
dFound by Legrain, and reported by Naville at the Congress at Rome (see
Revue tgyptologique, I X , 108-10); partially published by Naville (Zeitschrift fur
agyptische Sprache, 37, 5 3 ) and fully by Naville and Legrain (Annules du Musie
Guimet, XXX, PI. XII, A).
=The relation of this phrase to the following is difficult.

306. On erection, the obelisks were supplied with the

usual single, central column of inscription on each face.
Later, side columns were added. Some time before the
completion of the side-column inscriptions, the obelisks
were surrounded by masonry up to the fifth scene from the
top, and the inscriptions never were finished (see Sethe,
Untersuchungen, I , 54, 55). During the extermination of
the Amon cult by Amenhotep IV, he had the name of Amon
erased from them,a and two or three generations afterward
the name of the dishonored god was recut by Seti 1.b
307. The inscriptions on the shaft will be clear from the
translation below; those of the base are of unusual interest.
They furnish the date of the obelisks, viz., the end of the
fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth year of the
queen's reign. Their erection celebrates "the first occur-
rence" of the queen's jubilee, a feast marking the thirtieth
anniversary of the sovereign's appointment as crown prince.
This would place the queen's appointment fifteen years
before her accession to the throne.


South Side
308. Horus: Wosretkew, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of
the Two Lands, Makere, brilliant emanation of Amon, whom he has
caused to appear as king upon the throne of Horus before the splendorsC
of the Great House, whom the great ennead of gods have brought up to
be mistress of the circuit of the sun. They have united her with life,
satisfaction, and joy of heart before the living; Son of Re, Khnemet-
Amon, Hatshepsut, beloved of Amon-Re, king of gods, who is given life,
like Re, forever.

aOnly down to the surrounding masonry on the standing obelisk (see Lepsius,
Denkmaler, Text, 111, 2 1 f.).
bSide columns of the shaft inscriptions, south and west sides ($312).
CThe meaning of this phrase is clear from the last scene in the Punt reliefs
($ 292, 1. 1).

West Side
309. Horus: Wosretkew; Favorite of the Two Goddesses; Fresh in
Years; Golden Horus; Divine of Diadems; King of Upper and Lower
Egypt: Lord of the Two Lands, Makere. She made (ita) as her monu-
ment for her father Arnon, lord of Thebes, erecting for him two great
obelisks at the august gate (named) : "Amon - is - Great - i n - T e r r ~ r , " ~
wrought with very much electrum; which illuminate the Two Lands
like the sun; never was the like made since the beginning. May the
Son of Re, Khnemet-Amon, Hatshepsut, be given life through him, like
Re, forever.
North Side
310. Like the west side as far as Makere, then:
Her father Amon hath established her great name; Makere upon
the august Ished tree; her annals are myriads of years, possessing life,
stability, and satisfaction. Son of Re, Khnemet-Amon, Hatshepsut,
beloved of Amon-Re, king of gods- - - - -. ("When') she cele-
brated pforl] him the first occurrence of the royal jubilee, in order that
she may be given life forever.

East Side
311. Like the south side as far as Makere, then:
Beloved of Amon. Her majesty (fern.) made the name of her
father established upon this monument, and abiding, when favor was
shown to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Lord of the Two
Lands, Okheperkere (Thutmose I), by the majesty of this god,c when
the two great obelisks were erected by her majesty (fern.) on the first
occurrence? the lord of the gods said: "Thy father, King of Upper
and Lower Egypt, gave command to erect obelisks,e and thy majesty
(fern.) will repeatf the monuments, in order that thou mayest live

=The obelisk. bThis is the gate of Pylon V.

cThe "favor" shown to her father consisted in the honor paid him in that
the following oracle of Amon came to the queen regarding her father.
dOf the jubilee.
eThese are the two obelisks before the Karnak pylon of Thutmose I (see
5 5 86 ff.).
f That is, she will build obelisks as her father had done.


312. These represent thirty-two oblation scenes, eight on

each side of the shaft; of each eight (beginning at the top),
the second and seventh represent Thutmose 111, the fourth
Thutmose I, and the rest-the queen, all offering to Amon,.
with the exception that on the west and south sides Seti I
has cut out the queen's name in the fifth scene and inserted
the inscription : "Son of Re, Seti-Merneptah, who restored the
monz~mentof his father Amon-Re, lord of heaven."b
313. The pyramidion at the top contains a fourfold rep-
resentation of Amon blessing and crowning the queen."
Titulary and Encomium of the Queen
3'14. dlLive the female Horus . . . . . . . . e daughter of Amon-Re,
his favorite, 2his only one, who exists by him, the splendid part of the
All-Lord, whose beauty the spirits of Heliopolis fashioned; who hath
taken the land like Irsu,f whom he hath created to wear his diadem,
3wh0 exists like Kheprig (@pry), who shines with crowns like "Him-
of-the-~orizon,"the pure egg, the excellent seed, whom the two Sor-
ceressesh reared, whom Amon himself caused to appear 4upon his

aThese are later additions.

bThis is on the south side; the west side has: "Renewal of the monument, w h u h
t h Zord of diadems, Seti-Merne?tah, made." This is the restoration by Seti I of the
name of Amon, erased by Amenhotep IV. This erasure is found only in the five
upper scenes, showing that the obelisk was surrounded by masonry up to that
point; cf. Sethe, Uwtersuchungen,I, 54, 5 5 . Cf. similar restoration by Seti I, Q 878.
CSee Sethe's plate (Zeitschrift fur iigyptische Sprache, 36, P1. 11).
dSouth side.
eHere follows the full titulary of the queen; cf. coronation inscription (Q 239).
fA god's name, lit., " H e who made him" (yr-sw), a common term for "his
father." See also $ $35.
gGod of continued existence; this and the following phrase show threefold
paronomasia: bp7.t bprw my bpry, b c .t & c w my y b'wty.
hA divine name, lit., "two great in sorcery," here referring to Isis and Neph-
thys; it is more often applied to Isis alone; the reference is to their similar rearing
of Horus in the mythology.

throne in Hermonthis, whom he chose to protect Egypt, to rdefendl the

people; the female Horus, avengeress of her father, the oldest ( d a ~ g h t e r ) ~
of the "Bull-of-his-M~ther,"~ swhom Rec begat to make for himself
excellent seed upon earth for the well-being of the people; his living
portrait, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Makere (Hatshepsut),
the electrum of kings.d
Queen's Dedication
315. 6She made (them)e as her monument for her father, Amon,
lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak, making for him two great obelisks
of enduring granite of the South: (their) sumrnit[s] being of electrum
7of the best of every country, which are seen on both rsidesl of the river.
Their rays flood the Two Lands when the sun rises between them,g as
he dawns in the horizon of heaven.

Speech of the Queen

316. h"'1 have done this from a loving hearti for my father Amon;
I have entered upon his 'project1 of the first occurrence,j I was wise by
his excellent spirit, I did not forget anything of that which he exacted.
kxMy majesty (fern.) knoweth that he is divine. I did (it) under his
command, he it was who led me; I conceived not any works without
his doring', =he it was who gave the directions. I slept not because of
his temple, I erred not from that which he commanded, my heart was

aSethe, Untersuchungen, I, 46.

bAn old title of the self-begetting sun-god, Kamephis.
CThese are old conventional phrases; of course, Amon is the father of the
queen (see HQ 187 ff.), but he has gradually been identified with Re.
Gee a similar epithet applied to the queen in the Punt reliefs (s 274, 1. 3).
The long list of epitheta is here ended, and the real matter now begins.
eThe obelisks; this is the usual form of dedication in which the object dedi-
cated is not represented by a pronoun, being regarded as a matter of course; cf.
f The quarries at Assuan.

gThis simply shows that the obelisks stood in a general north-and-south line.
hThe queen herself begins to speak, and continues to 1. 4, west side.
iSee similar phrase in Speos Artemidos inscription (Q303, 1. 35).
jThe first occurrence of the jubilee; or the beginning of time, the primeval
kWest side begins.

wisea before my father, I entered 3uponb the affairs of his heart, I did
not turn my back upon the city of the All-Lord, but turned to it the face.
I know that Karnak is the horizonCon earth, 4the August Ascent of the
beginning, the sacred eye of the All-Lord, the place of his heart, which
wears his b e a ~ t y and
, ~ encompasses those who follow him."
Origin of the Obelisks
317. The king himself, he saith, s"1 set (it) before the people, who
shall be rafter1 two aeons,e those whose heart shall considerf this monu-
ment, and that which I have made for my father, "hose who shall speak
r-1 and who shall look to the future3 I sat in the palace, I remembered
him who fashioned me, 7my heart led me to make for him two obelisks
of electrum, whose point[sIh mingled with heaven, in the august colon-
nade between 8the two great pylonsi of the king, the mighty bull, the
King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheperkere (Thutmose I), the
deceased Horus. Now, my heart took - - - - - - - words."
Oath to Posterity
318. " 0 ye people, jlwho shall see my monument after years, those
who shall speak of that which I have made, beware (lest) ye say, 'I
know not, I know not Zwhythis was made, (and) a mountain fashioned
entirely from gold like anything 'which happens1.k I swear1 as Re

aLit., " m y heart was the god Esye ( S y >);" a divinity whose name means the
"wise one."
bSame construction as in 5 316, 1. 8.
cThe word ( y 3 bw-t) usually translated "hmizon" is not yet fully understood.
It indicates the abiding-place of the solar gods, a region of light or something
dThis phrase, "Bearer of his beauty" (wts't-nfnuf),is usually the appellation
of the sacred barque, in which the image of the god was borne.
eTwo periods of sixty years each are meant.
f Lit., "whose heart shall be behind this monument."

gRather the opposite, the past is to be expected here.

hThe word indicates the pyramidal top of the shaft, the pyramidion.
iThese are Pylons IV and V, between the ruins of which the obelisk stands,
surrounded by the fallen columns of the colonnade.
j North side begins.
kAs if it were an everyday occurrence.
'Compare the same royal oath in the Assuan inscription of Thutmose I1
(8 12I, 1. 10), or Megiddo campaign of Thutmose I11 (Q 422, 1. 40).

loves me, as 3my father Amon favors me, as my nostrils are filled with
satisfying life, as I wear the white crown, as I appear in the red crown,
as Horusa and Set have united for me 4their halves, as I rule this land
like the son of Isislb as I have become strong like the son of Nut,C as
Re sets in the evening-barque, as he risesd in sthe morning-barque, as
he joins his two motherse in the divine barque, as heaven abides, as that
which he hath made endures, as I shall be unto eternity like an 'Imper-
' ~ I shall go down 6in the west like Atum,g h(so surely) these
i ~ h a b l e ,as
two great obelisks which my majesty hath wrought with electrum for
my father, Amon, in order that 7my name may abide, enduring in this
temple forever and ever, (so surely) they are of one block of enduring
granite without seam or 8joining r-1. My majesty exacted worki
thereon from the year IS, the first of Mechir (sixth month), untilj the
year 16, the last of Mesore (twelfth month) making seven months of
exaction in the mountain.

319. klii I did (it) for himinrfidelitylof heart, rasl a king to every god.
It was my desire to make them for him, gilded with electrum; I laid
stheir side upon their r-1; I thought how the people would say my
mouth was excellent by reason of that which issued fromit, (for) I did
not turn back from that which I had said. 3Hear ye! I gave for them
of the finest electrum, which I had measured by the heketl like sacks
(of grain). My majesty appointed the numbersm more than 4the entire
Two Lands had (ever) seen. The ignorant like the wise knoweth it."

aThe text has two HONS birds; the reference is explained in the note on 1. a
of the Tombos inscription of Thutmose I ($ 70, 1. 2 ) .
bHorus. ~Osiris.
dLit., "visit or approach" ( s . w >h ) . See Papyrus Prisse, 9, 7.
eIsis and Nephthys, by a confusion and mingling of the solar and Osirian
fName of a star. gSun-god.
hHere the long introduction to the oath closes and the real asseveration begins.
iSee Breasted, Procsedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, XXII, 92.
jMeaning it continued "until," etc. kEast side begins.
'A grain measure (nearly 5 liters); this is literally true, for Thutiy records
the measurement of electrum by the heket under his supervision, and gives the
total between 13 and 14 bushels! (5 377, 1. 38).
mThe quantity of precious metals, but cf. Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 48.

"Let not him who shall hear this say it is a lie which I have said,
sbut say, 'How like her it is! 'who is1 truthrful] in the sight of her
father!' The god knew it in me,a Amon, lord of Thebes; he caused
that I should reign over %he Black and the Red Land as a requital
therefor. I have no enemy in any land, all countries are my subjects,
he has made my boundary 7to the extremities of heaven, the circuit of
the sun has labored for me, which he has given to the one who is with
himb (for) he knew that I would offer it to him. I am his daughter
gof a truth, who glorifies him, - that which he exacted; my r-1 is with
my father; life, stability, and satisfaction, upon the Horus-throne of
all the living, like Re, forever.
320. The shaft of the fallen obelisk, of which only the
uppermost section has survived,' bears only fragments of
the queen's t i t ~ l a r y which
,~ has been altered into that of
Thutmose 111. The base, however, carried an interesting
inscription, of which the following fragmentse are still
visible :
321. excellent -, beloved of his majesty.g He hath
made my kingdom, the Black Land, and the Red Lands are united
under my feet. My southern boundary is as far as the lands of Punt,
Zand ; my eastern boundary is as far as the marshes of Asia,
and the Asiatics are in my grasp; my western boundary is as far as the
mountain of Manu, and I rule 3- - -; [my northern boundary
is as far as -1, and my fame is among the Sand-dwellers alt~gether.~

aViz., knew that I would erect these obelisks.

'-'Meaning the queen herself.
CA fragment has been found at Abutig (Recueil, X, 142; see Zeitschrift fiir
iigyptische Sprache, 30, P1. 11).
dlepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 24, a-c; Recueil, X, 142; Champollion, Notices
descriptives, 11, 136.
eRecueil, 23, 195 f.
fThe amount of loss at the beginning of each line varies from one-fifth to
one-eighth of the total length of the line, increasing gradually from beginning to
gAmon ?
hIt looks as if the scribe had here confused the northern and eastern bound-

The myrrh of Punt has been brought to me r- - -1 4 all

the luxurious marvels of this country were brought to my palace in one
co!lection, which the Asiatics presented 5 malachite in the
country of Reshet. They have brought to me the choicest products
of r-la consisting of cedar, of juniper, and of meru wood.
all the good sweet woods of God's-Land. I brought the tribute of
Tehenu, consisting of ivory and 700 tusks 'which were there'. 7
numerous panther-skins of 5 cubits along the back and 4 cubits in his
girthlb of the southern panther; besides all the tribute of this country
8 ....... C


322. The queen had reliefs representing the transporta-
tion and dedication of two obelisks carved on the wall
of the lower colonnade; and, as in the Punt reliefs, the
vessels of the transport are actually represented with bows
to the north, as they should be in sailing from Assuan;
while farther northward is the dedication in Thebes. The
identity of these obelisks is uncertain; Wilkinsone says that
he saw the bases of two obelisks at the termination of the
long avenue of sphinxes leading to the temple door, and
one would think that the representation in Der el-Bahri

aA country.
bLit., circumference=the girth of the beast before the skin was removed?
fThe usual wishes for the monarch's welfare follow, with all pronouns and
endings in the feminine.
dScenes and inscriptions in the Der el-Bahri temple on the west wall of the
lower colonnade, in the south half; the transportation published by Naville (in
Egypt Exploration Fund Arch~ologicalReport, 1895-96,P1. and pp. 6-13).
eThebes and General View, 90, published in 1831. Naville denies the exist-
ence of obelisks at Der el-Bahri; but he once unreservedly accepted their existence.
(Deir-el-Bahari, Introductory Memoir, 10)on Wilkinson's testimony. It is difficult
to suppose that so good an observer as Wilkinson mistook the pits in which trees
were planted for obelisk-bases, as Naville states (Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache,
37, 5 2 ) . I t is possible that they have either been broken up since Wilkinson's
day, or that Naville's search has missed them. The map of the French expedition
in the Description shows a block of granite on the very spot where the right-hand
obelisk would have stood.

would concern the obelisks of that temple. But Naville's

excavations on the spot failed to turn up the bases seen by
Wilkinson; and the transport inscriptions speak of landing
on the east side ( 5 329). This last datum would indicate
Karnak as the destination of the transports, and in this
case it is impossible to say which of the queen's two pairs
in Karnak is meant (0 0 304 ff .).a

323. A large tow-boat with the obelisksc lying trussed

upon it, is being towed by three rows of oared barges'd nine
in a row; each row headed by a pilot-boat. The tow-boat
is accompanied by an escort of three boats, in which reli-
gious ceremonies are being performed.
324. The following is the long text in the upper row; it
contains :
a) Titulary and encomium of the queen (11. I-?).
b) The command to gather material and build the vessel
needed in the transport (three lines).
c) The command to muster men and troops for the trans-
port (four lines).
d) The transport (ten lines).
aIt is difficult to understand how Naville can maintain that the queen erected
only two obelisks at Karnak (Zeitschrift fur agyptisck Sprache, 37, 52), when three
obelisk-summits of hers are still in existence.
bThe whole scene is very frdgmentary, and as it was put together from squeezes,
there is no doubt that some blocks are put together in questionable places.
COnly one can be seen, but the inscription refers to two.
dOf these three rows of barges the lowest is still in situ (cf. Mariette, Deir-el-
Bahari, 11, Diimichen, Fleet of an Egyptian Queen, IV); below this in one long
row are the marines (on the right) and the offering scene (on the left), with priests
and officials approaching ($8 333-35).
=The texts are badly mutilated.

Titulary and Encomium of Queen

325. [Live] the Horus: Wosretkew; Favorite of the Two Goddesses;
Fresh in Years; Golden Horus: Divine of Diadems; *splendid part
of [her] father, Amon-Re, lord of [heaven], who has not been far
removed from the father of all gods, Sshining in brightness like "The-
Horizon-God " (Y' bwty) ; Rayet ( R y. t )a she illuminates 4like the
sun, vivifying the hearts of the people, who is exalted in name (so that)
it hath reached sheaven. Her fame has encompassed the 'Great
Circle ' (Okeanos) b6their tribute presented to the palace
tchief C

Building the Tow-Boat

326. Give ye / sycamores from the whole land I
the work of building a very great boat,d finished

Muster of Mene and Troops

327. --- I orders the whole army before I , in order
to load the two obelisks in Elephantinef I the people in
Aphroditopolis and the entire Two Lands were gathered in [one] place
( in every way; the young men were mustered
T h e Transport
328. I sailed down-stream with gladness of heart I
took the rtow-rope', rejoicing I rrejoicedl the marines and the
cxew I - - jubilee, the Two Lands -I in peace.

aFeminine of Re, the sun-god. bHalf a line is lost.

cAn uncertain number of lines is now lacking, and numbering is impossible
from this point. Lines are separated by I, the second half of each line being gone.
dThe wanting end of the line is not long enough for the dimensions of the boat;
but we find Ineni 105) giving the size of the boat on which he moved the Karnak
obelisks of Thutmose I. His boat was 206.6 feet long and 68.86 feet wide for an
obelisk about 75 feet (Murray) high; hence the boat of the queen (if these are the
large Karnak pair) on the same proportion would have been about 2683 feet long
and 894 feet wide. The proportion between width and length is I to 3. See
Egypt Exploration Fund ArcheoLogical Report, 1895-96, 9, 10.
Confer the muster of men for the el-Bersheh colossus (I, 697 ff.).
f Referring to the embarkation of the obelisks at the granite quarries of Assuan.

They were dragged on board the barges on sledges. The sledge is still under the
obelisk on the barge-a fact which has been overlooked in the explanation of the
reliefs (ibid.).

The king himself, he took the leada I Amon-Re with praise,

Khnum. 1 of Amon 1 in this monument, which they
have establishedb I they have increased years at the jubilee
of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt 1 ...... .
Over the Pilot-BoatsC
329. Landing in peace at "Victorious the be^,"^ heaven is in
festival, earth in rejoicing; - rtheyl receive joy of heart (when) they
behold this monument which [Makere] has established for her father


330. On shore appear the marines and the recruits (on
the right), mustered to unload the obelisks. At the opposite
end (the left) is an offering scene in celebration of the arrival
of the obelisks, with priests and officials approaching.

aThis may also be "the bow-rope," but the determinative is broken off.
bpossibly: "[Her name i s establisheq, i n this monument, and fixed; which she
has given to thee." Cf. east side, middle line (8 3x1).
cThe lowermost boat; the other two bore similar inscriptions, but they have
now perished.
dThebes on the east bank.
eOver the three escort-boats in the lower right-hand corner is a fragment of
text, mentioning the bow and stern cables (as in Ineni, 1. 17, $ 3 4 1 ) and "sailing
from Elephantine to - ." Other fragments of interest are: over the three
men in the bow of the obelisk-barge, three names: "Steward of the King's-Wife,
the scribe, Tetem-Re (Tty-m-R c); crverseer of the granary, Minmose ( M n m s ) ;
count of Thinis ( T n y ) , Sitepeh ( S J-tp-yh)." The last person, Sitepeh, is known
on a tablet of Abydos, where he appears with the same titles; cf. Mariette, Catalogue
ginirat d'Abydos, 393. These names are not original, but are cut over others now
illegible. The original names are very likely to have been those of Senmut, the
queen's favorite, in charge of the obelisks (85 345 ff.), and the other two partisans of
the queen, Thutiy and Nehsi, who already appear in Der el-Bahri ($5 275, 289),
and have been erased in the Punt reliefs.
f In one long row immediately below the transport scene; published by Mariette,
Deir-el-Bahari, 1 1 ; Diimichen, Historische Znschriften, 11, 21, and Fleet of an
Egyptian Queen, 4, 7, 8 ; see also Sethe, U&ersuchungen, I, 104, 103, where both
the texts are combined.

331. They record the rejoicing of the troops mustered

from the North, South, and Upper Nubia, to assist in the
work of the obelisk^.^ I t is important to note that their
acclamations also mention Thutmose 111, but after the queen.
Rejoicing of Marines and Recruits
332. The rejoicing by the royal marines of the ship of the king
"They say, "Hark the acclamation! Heaven is in Boy, the earth]
hath rejoicing. [Amon] dincreased the years of his daughter who maketli
his monuments, upon the Horus-throne of the living, like Re, forever.<'
eThe acclamation by the recruits of the South and North, the young
men of Thebes, the youths of Khenthennofer (Hnt-hn-nfr), for the
sake of the life, prosperity and health of the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt ,f (and) for the sake of the life, prosperity and health
of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111),
who giveth life; that their heart may be glad, like Re, forever."
With the Offering
333. An offering for thy ka, 0 lord of gods, that thou mayest
make healthy at this (feast) of "Myriad-of-Yearsnh of her
who liveth f ~ r e v e r . ~

aSee the mustering at Elephantine, to load the obelisks (Q 327).

bcartouche cut out; undoubtedly that of the queen.
cover the troops marching toward the left.
dThe same phrase occurs on the Berlin block (No. 1636, Lepsius, Denkmiiler,
111, 17, a; Diimichen, Historische Znschriften, 11, 2 1 ; and Fleet of an Egyptian
Queen, IV, top row). Its inscriptions are as follows: (over the forward ship)
"Landing at ' T h e West' with joy of heart, the whole land i s i n rejoicing at this
beautiful feast of h i s god; they acclaim, they give praise, they celebrate the king,
the Lord of the Two Lands." The titles have been inserted in place of the queen's
name. Then follows: "Rejoicing by the marines of the ship of the king, Okltepernere
(Thutmose ZZ), 'Star-of-the-Two-Lands;' they say : ' T I L ~beautiful s feast of -
(queen's cartouche cut out) whreon Amon appears, increasing the years of his
son, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose ZZZ), upon the Horus-
throne of the living, like Re, forv~er.'" I t is possible that all this belongs to the same
feast, at the landing of the obelisks. The block was found on the upper terrace.
eOver the soldiers marching toward the right.
fcartouche of the queen cut out.
gA name is cut out, undoubtedly that of Hatshepsut.
hName of royal jubilee or feast.
;Words of two other priests in the same place are too mutilated for translation.

Rejoicing of the Priests

334. That which the priests of Karnak say: " 0 king, beautifula of
monuments -. As she is, so they are for eternity."

Rejoicing of the Court

335. The companions, the dignitaries, the officials, the soldiers of
the whole land, say: "Happy is thy heart thy heart; this thy
desire, it has come to pass."

336. "On the corresponding wall of the northeast sidec

two obelisks are dedicated to Amunre, by the monarch who
founded this building and who erected the great obelisks of
Karnak; but from the following translation of the little that
remains of their hieroglyphics, it is evident they differ
widely from those of the great temple of Diospolisd and will
probably have stood on the pedestals of the dromos above
alluded to." The inscription after the name of Pharaoh
Amunneitgorif continues: "-She has made (this) her
work for her father Amunre, lord of the regions, (and)
erected to him two fine obelisks of granite . . . . . she did
this (who is) the giver of life, like the sun."
a s h o d d be feminine to suit the context.
bNot yet published, and probably partially lost since seen by Wilkinson.
Hence I can only offer Wilkinson's remarks (Thebes and General View, 9 2 ) .
cThe right-hand end of the colonnade on the northeast (practically north)
side of the ascent to the next terrace.
aThe Karnak temple. So good an observer as Wilkinson is to be trusted in
a remark like this; there must have been some striking difference in the inscription,
distinguishing it from those of Hatshepsut's standing obelisk at Karnak; it is there-
fore improbable that these obelisk reliefs refer to the said Karnak pair.
"The obelisk-pedestals which he saw before the temple portal.
*This is Khnemet-Amon, Hatshepsut; Wilkinson adds the following note:
"I am uncertain as to the precise reading of this name, but cannot adopt the Amen-
the of M. Champollion. I suppose her to have been a queen." This was written
seventy-five years ago.
gThis old translation is without a flaw, except in the last sentence, which
should be "that slze may be given lire, etc.," and even this change, with the exception
of the "final" construction, was suspected by Wilkinson (p. 94, n. I).


337. Above is a bas-rclicf in which Thutmose I11 worships
Hathor, and Hatshepsut worships Soped; over this is the
inscription: " Year 16 under tlzc majesty of," which is to be
connected with the names in the relief. Below is a much-
mutilated inscription of three short lines:
[Camelb the king's[-messenger] at the head of his army, to traverse
the [inaccessiblec] valley[s,] [to pleased] Horus who is in the palace, by
bringing that which exists to his majesty ," living again, revered.

338. Above is a relief showing Hatshepsut worshiping

before Amon-Re, with Thutmose I11 standing behind her.
An inscription of five lines below records repairs in the
fortress of the necropolis by Hatshepsut. Hence the god-
dess of western Thebes, Khaftet-hir-nebes, stands behind
339. 'Live the Horus: Wosretkew; Favorite of the Two Goddesses:
Fresh in Years; Golden Horus: Divine of Diadems, Ruler of South
and North; King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Makere; =Son of/Re, of
his body, his beloved Khnemet-Amon, Hatshepsut. She made (it) as
her monument for her father, Amon, lord of Thebes; erecting for him
3the fortress of Khaftet-hir-nebes anew as a work for eternity. Its

ahpsius, Denkmder, 111, 28, 2; Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 122; Bmgsch,

Thesaurus, VI, 1491; Laborde, Voyage de Z'drabie Pttrte, P1. 8, No. 4; Laval, La
Pininsule Arabique, PI. 2, No. 4,; Weill, Sinai, 152.
bRestored from Senmut's Assuan inscription, see $362.
CRestored from I, 728.
dCf. Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 122 and 51.
eFragments, among them the determinative belonging to the lost name of the
£Stela in the Vatican (No. 130); published by Champollion, Notices descrip-
, 700, 701; Piehl, Recueil, 11, 129; Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 110. I had
t i v e ~11,
also my own copy of the original, a collation of which furnished some corrections

r-la was rbuiltl 4of beautiful stone of Ayan (C T Z W ) . ~It was according
to the ancient plan; never was done the like since the beginning. sHer
majesty (fern.) did this, because she loved her father Amon so much
more than all gods, in order that she might be givenlife, like Re, forever.

[Concluded from 5 I 181

340.After outliving three kings, Ineni himself dies under

the joint reign of Thutmose I11 and Hatshepsut. His
account of their accession upon the death of Thutmose I1
unfortunately does not refer to Thutmose I11 by name,
although there can be no doubt that he is meant by " h i s
son" (1. 16). The position of Hatshepsut is described in
such a way as to give the impression that she is really the
ruling power, and " h i s son" merely a figurehead.
Accession of Thutmose 111 and Hatslzepsut
341. Hisd son stood in his place as king of the Two Lands, having
become ruler upon the throne of the one who begat him. 17His sister
the Divine Consort, Hatshepsut, settled the raffairsle of the Two Lands
by reason of her plans. Egypt was made to labor with bowed head for

aoriginal has c &m.t, with wedge determinative of land, a rare word occumng
also in similar connection in Piehl, Inscriptions, I, cxxix, Q B; it doubtless desig-
nates some inclosure or wall.
bThe original shows ynr nfr n c nw (heretofore misread), though it is very faint
and confused with the paint of a modern incorrect restoration.
CBibliography on p. 18, note c.
dThutmose 11's son; this passage would prove that Thutmose I11 was the
son (and not the brother) of Thutmose 11, but see Sethe, Untersuchungen, I , 7ff.
Cf.also Maspero, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology, XIV, 178, and
Petrie, History of Egypt, 11, 78,and Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 42, 43.
eLit., "made the land-affairs (m&r) oof the Two Lands." This rare phrase
occurs in the Annals on the eve before the battle of Megiddo: "the affairs (mbr-w)
of the chiefs were settled (yr-tw)." (5 429, 1. 2). The "m&r.w of the Two Lands"
is also found in Rekhmire's tomb (Newberry, PI. VII, 1. 13)applied to Thutmose
111. Rarnses I1 also "made the mbr of the land" (Blessing of Ptah, 111,411,l.31).

her, the excellent seed of the god, which came forth from him. The
bow-ropea of the South, the mooring-stake of the Southerners; the
excellent stern-ropea of the Northland is she; the mistress of command,
whose plans are excellent, who satisfies the Two Regions, when she
Ineni's Favor and Rewards
342. Her majesty praised me, she loved me, she recognized my
worth at the court, she presented me with things, she magnified me,
she filled my house with silver and gold, with all beautiful stuffs of the
royal house.
Ineni's Good Character
343. I (can) not tell (it), I increased beyond everything, I will tell
you, ye people; hear ye, do ye the good that I did; I9do ye likewise.
I continued powerful in peace, I met no misfortunelb my years were
(passed) in gladness of heart, I showed no treachery, I did not inform
against, I did no evil, I did no wrong. I was the foreman of the fore-
men, I did not fail; an excellent one for the heart of his lord, devoid of
hesitancy, I was one who hearkened to that which his superior said.
My heart was not deceitful toward the great ones in the palace. I did
that which the god of the city loved. I was devoid of blasphemy toward
sacred things. As for the one who rpassesj the years as a favorite, hiis
soul shall live rwithl the All-Lord, his good name shall be in the mouth
of the living, his memory and his excellence shall be forever. The
revered dignitary, the overseer of the granary of Amon, the scribe,
Ineni ( Y nn(y), triumphant.

[Concluded from 5 251
Conclusion of Summary
344. IsThe Divine Consort, the Great King's-Wife, Makere
( M C. t-k '-R Hatshepsut), triumphant, repeated honors to me. I9I

=These strange epithets will be quite clear to one who has seen a Nile boat,
moored at bow and stern, with a fierce current holding both ropes taut. The ship
is of course the state, of which the queen is the mooring-lines. Note that the vessel
faces southward, the usual position in determining directions.
bLit., "my misfortune was not;" all the following negative clauses show the
same construction.
CBibliography on p. 10, note c.

reared her eldest daughter, the Royal Daughter, Nefrure (Nfmu-R=),

triumphant, while she was a '"child upon the breast. . . . . . . . .a

345. Senmut was the most powerful noble among the
group of influential state officials who supported Hatshepsut.
He was her architect in Karnak, Luxor, Der el-Bahri, and
Hermonthis; and in Karnakb and Der el-Bahri statues of
him have been found. I n the latter temple, also, he appears
in an adoration scene on the wall of the Southern Speoslc
with the inscription: "Giving praise to Hathor, for the sake
of the life, prosperity, and health of Makere (Hatshepszbt), by
the steward of Amon, S e n r n ~ t . " This
~ is a remarkable evi-
dence of his power. Among his works in Karnak he erected
the queen's great obelisks (§Q 304 ff.), the largest now in
Egypt, and went personally to the granite quarries at Assuan
to secure the two vast blocks, leaving on the rocks a record
of his visit there (8 359 ff.).
346. He was prominent in the Punt expedition; being
overseer of the storehouse of Amon, he would naturally have
much to do with the products of that expedition, which were

aThe remainder of the line, and of several lines now broken away, contained
titles of Ahmose, $ 25, note.
bThe base of a black granite statue, as yet unpublished (Naville, Deir-el-
Bahari, "Preliminary Report," 19).
CBenson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut b Asher, 310. The building
inscriptions or dedications of this temple have not survived. The fragmentary end
of such an inscription was seen by Brugsch (Recueil de monuments, 69, 6), which
is as follows: "------of fine white (1ime)stone of Ayan; its splendid seat of the
first time, which Cformer) kings knew not - Still another, where the
name of Thutmose I1 has been inserted over that of the queen, is preserved toward
the end: "--- making fm him a great temple of myriads of years (named)
'House-of-Amon-Most-Splendid;' of fine white limestom of Ayan, i n his seat, etc.,"
Sethe, Untersuchungen, I , 93.
dDiimichen, Historische Znsclzriften, 11, 34 =Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 109.

for the most part devoted to Amon. He therefore appears

with Nehsi (O 289), the commander of the expedition in the
presence of the queen, praising her on the success of the
347. He was selected by the queen to rear her daughter
and heiress to the throne, the princess, Nefrure, sharing this
honor with Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet (§ 344). His statue, now
in Berlin, shows him with the infant princess ($0 363 ff.).
348. Judging from the titles on the Karnak statue
($8 349 ff.), he controlled many of the functions of the vizier
himself, and all but held that office. There is no doubt that
the queen's remarkable career as king in opposition to
Thutmose I11 was in some measure due to him, and in great
measure to the coterie of legitimists, of which he was the
most powerful member. It is only on this supposition that
we can explain the fact that both he and they were exposed to
the same persecution suffered by their queen. On Senmut's
Berlin statue, on his Karnak statue, in his tomb,a on his
tomb~tone,~ and in the Punt reliefs, his name is everywhere
chiseled out. In the Punt relief his entire figure, and those
of his two companions, Nehsi and Thutiy ( ? see § 289),
likewise ardent supporters of the queen, are chiseled out.
The same persistent persecution is evident in the tomb of
Thutiy ($5 369 ff.), who was hardly second in power to Sen-
mut; in that of Senmen,' Senmut's brother; in that of an
unknown man," next to the tomb of Senmut; and in that of
a "chief steward "d of the queen at Silsileh. I n all these the
aDiscovered by Steindorff and Newberry at Thebes (Benson and Gourlay,
The Temple of Mut in Asher, 310).
bNow in Berlin (No. 2066; Ausfiihrli~hesVerzeichniss des Berliner Museums,
160); published by Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 25 bis a; see also Sethe, Unter-
suhungen, I, I I I.
Gethe, Untersuchungen, I, 128 f.
d l b i d . , 84, $11, e. His name cannot be read.

name of the owner is chiseled out, and this common perse-

cution is quite sufficient to show that these men formed the
queen's party of legitimists opposed to Thutmose 111, who
has therefore treated their monuments and their memory as
he did hersa

349.This statue was presented to Senmut by Hatshepsut

and Thutmose I11 ($350) as a token of honor, for the
special purpose of being set up in the temple of Mut at
Karnak. The inscriptions contain chiefly his many titles,
and epithets of honor, showing clearly that he was little, if
any, below the vizier himself in power.
Statue was Presented by Queenc
350. '[Given as a favlor of the king's-presence, the King of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Makere (Hatshepsut), who is given [life, to 'the
hereditary prince, count], wearer of the royal seal, sole companion,
steward of Amon, Senmut, triumphant; in order to be in the templed
of s[I]shru; in order to receive the plenty that comes forth from before
the presence of this great goddess.
4[Given] as a favor of the king's-presence, extending the period of
life to eternity, with a goodly memory among sthe people after the
years that shall come; toe the prince and count, overseer of the granary
of Amon, Senmut, triumphant.

asmall objects from Senmut's tomb, see Spiegelberg, Recueil, 19, 91; and
Newbeny, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaology, X X I I , 63, 64; full
list by Newberry, Benson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut i n Asher, 310.
bDiscovered by Misses Benson and Gourlay in 1896 in the Temple of Mut at
Karnak (M. 852). The inscriptions are published by Benson and Gourlay in
The Temple of Mut in Asher (London, 1899), 299-309. I had also an excellent
copy made for the Berlin Lexicon by Borchardt, the corrections and additions
from this copy are inserted without remark in the translation below.
con the back, Benson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut i n Asher, 301-3.
dThe statue was found in this temple, and its purpose is here noted. The
lacuna in Borchardt's copy is not large enough for "Mut, mistress of," which we
would expect.
Construe with " given."

His Duties as Architect

351. 6PIt wasla the chief steward, Senmut, who conducted all the
works of the king: in Karnak, in Hermonthis, [in] 7Der el-Bahri,
of Amon, in the temple of Mut, in Ishru, in southern Opet of Amon
(Luxor), in [the presence] 8of this august god, while maintaining the
monuments of the Lord of the Two Lands, enlarging, restoring -
9works, without deafness, (but) according to all that was commanded
at the court, L. P. H. It was commanded him that ['he]] should be
- lobecause he was so excellent for the heart (of the king). I t came
to pass in every r e ~ p e c tas
, ~ was commanded by doing according to the
desire of his majesty concerning it. "His true servant, without his
like;c strong-hearted, not lax concerning the monuments of the lord
of gods; wearer of the royal seal, prophet of Amon, 12[Se]nmut.

His Praise of Himself; His Offices

352. He says: "I was the greatest of the great in the whole land;
one who heard the hearing alone in the privy council, steward of [Amon],
ISenmut, triumphant."
"I was the real favorite of the king, acting as one praised of his lord
every day, the overseer of the cattle of Amon, Senmut."
"I was '4- of truth, not showing partiality; with whose injunctions
the Lord of the Two Lands was satisfied; attached to Nekhen, prophet
of Mat, Senmut."
"I was one who entered in [love], Isand came forth in favor, making
glad the heart of the king every day, the companion, and master of .the
palace, Senmut."
"I commanded I6in the storehouse of divine offerings of Amon
every tenth day; the overseer of the storehouse of Amon, Senmut."
"I conducted - 1 7 - ~ of the gods every day, for the sake of the life,
prosperity, and health of the king; overseer of the r-'of Amon, Senmut."
"I was a foreman of foremen, superior of the great, I8[overseer] of
all [works] of the house of silver, conductor of every handicraft, chief of
the prophets of Montu in Hermonthis, Senmut."

aRead yn (Sethe).
bLit., "very, very much" ( w r w mnb).
=Lit., "without one possessed of his qualities."
dThe first word shox-rs traces of the sign for "feast.

"I was one I9t0 whom the affairs of the Two Lands were [reporlted;
that which South and North contributed was on my seal, the labor of
all countries 20was[under] my charge."
"I was one, whose steps were known in the palace; a real confidant
of the king, his beloved: overseer of the gardens of Amon, Senmut."

Address to the Living, and Prayer

353. f l u 0 ye living upon earth, lay priests of the temple,a who shall
, ~ I may be remem-
see my statue, which I have formed as a l i k e n e ~ s"that
bered in the nether world; may your great goddess (Mut) praise you,
because ye say: 'A royal offering, which Mut of I[shru] gives! C23May
she give the going in and out in the nether world rin1 the following of
the just; for the ka of Senmut,* who repeats the utterance of the
king to the "companions;" the one useful to the king, "'4faithful to
the god, without his rblemishl before the people; steward of Amon,
Senmut. May he (Amon) grant to come forth 2sas a living soul; to
breathe the sweet north wind, to the [ka of] the steward of Amon,
[Senmut]; ~ 6 t oreceive loaves (slz' w) from the table of Amon, at every
feast of heaven and earth, f27for the ka of the citizen, mighty in his
arm; who followed the king in the South, North, East, and West
countries, r- - - -1,g to whom was given the gold of praise, h28-
Senmut. May he come forth as a living soul; may he follow the god,
lord of gods; may he be presented with the two regions of Horus;
may his name not perish forever; breath for the mouth, splendor for
the dead; this is not a thing under which one should rbe lax'."

aThe temple of Mut, in which the statue was set up.

bLit., "which I have likened."
CNewbeny begins a new numbering here (Benson and Gourlay, The Tempk
of Mut i n Asher, 309) as the inscription proceeds at this point to the left side of the
top of the base, but there is no break.
dTitle omitted.
eGoes to the front of the top of the base (Benson and Gourlay, The Temple
of Mut in Asher, 308).
f Goes to the right side of the top of the base (Benson and Gourlay, The Temple

of Mut in Asher, 309).

gUPure of limb between the two bows" (?), Sethe.
hGoes to the front and sides of the base (Benson and Gourlay, The Temple
of Mut i n Asher, 309). I

"I was a noble, to whom one hearkened; moreover, I had access to

all the writings of the prophets; there was nothing which I did not
know of that which had happened since the beginning.a r 1.

Statue was Presented by Queen and King

354. bl[Given] as a favor of the king's-presence [to] the hereditary
prince, count, steward of Amon, Sen[mut], triumphant, zsteward of the
female Horus : Wo~retkew,~ favorite of Horus : "Shining-in-the be^,"^
when maintaining their monuments sforever, firm in favor with them
every day.
40verseer of the fields of Amon, Senmut, triumphant.
SOverseer of the gardens of Amon, Senmut.
60verseer of the cattle of 'Amon, Senmut, triumphant.
*Chief steward of sAmon, Senmut, triumphant.
lochief steward of the king, Senmut, triumphant.
"Chief of the peasant-serfs of Amon, Senmut, triumphant.

Prayers for Food -Offerings

355. exTheoblations in the South for the ka of the magnate of the
South and North, Senmut. May she (Mut) give athe food-offerings in
the Northland to the ka of the greatest of the great, the noblest of the
noble, s[Se]nmut. May she (Mut) give all that comes forth from her
table in Karnak, 4[in] the temples of the gods of the South and North,
to the ka of the master of secret things in the temple, ~Senmut.

Prayers for Food -Offerings

356. May she (Mut) give the mortuary offering of bread, beer,
oxen, geese; and to drink 6water at the living stream; to the ka of the

aIn this connection it is interesting to note that on his tombstone Senmut

placed an archaic text long forgotten, and no longer used in his day (Ausfuhrliches
Verzeichniss des Berliner Museums, 160).
bAbove the knees and arms on the sistrum; Benson and Gourlay, The Temple
of Mut i n Asher, 300.
~Horus-nameof Hatshepsut (read H r ' t , not t 3, as published).
dHorus-name of Thutmose 111(read & C, not t, as published). This important
correction is due to Sethe, who made it in Borchardt's manuscript (containing
the same mistake), and it was afterward verified by Borchardt from the original.
eLeft side of sistrum (Benson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut in Asher, 305 f.);
it is evidently to be connected with one of the verbs "to give" in the other texts.

chief steward of Amon, 7[Se]nmut, triumphant; goveneer of the cattle

of QAmon,Senmut ; IOfillingthe magazines, I Irsupplying' the storehouses,
Iaoverseer of the storehouse of IsAmon, IdSenmut, Istriumphant;
I60verseer of the gardens of Amon, Senmut, triumphant.

H e Carries the Goddess in Processions

357. alPMasterl] of all people, chief of the whole land, steward of
Amon, Senmut, triumphant, 2chief [steward] of the king, Senmut ; revered
by the great god. When he carries Hathor, asovereign of Thebes, and
Mut, mistress of Ishru, he causes her to appear,b 4he bears her beauty,
for the life, prosperity, and health of the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Makere (Hatshepsut), living forever.

Pruyer for Goodly Burial

358. SMay he (Osiris) give: goodly burial in the western highland,
6[as one revereld by the great god; to the ka of the privy councilor
of the right hand, Senmut; 7splendor in heaven, 8power on earth; 9to
the ka of the overseer of the rtemplesJ(h-wt) IOof Neit, Senmut,
I1begotten of Ramose, "born of 13Henofer (H '-ah).


359. Engraved on the rocks at Assuan by Senmut, to

commemorate his commission by Queen Hatshepsut to cut
out the two Karnak obelisks erected by her (5 8 304 ff .).
He appears in relief doing reverence to the queen, with the
following inscriptions:
Titles Accompanying the Queen
360. Hereditary princess, great in favor and kindness, great in love
-- Re, the kingdom of heaven, who is true in the midst of the divine
ennead, the King's-Daughter, the King's-Sister, the Divine Consort, the

aRight side of the sistrum (Benson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut i n A s k ,
bThe idiom for "bring out in procession."
CText: Lepsius, Denkmabr, 111, 25 bis q; better, Lepsius, Denkmdler, Text,
IV, 116; de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments, I, 41, No. 181 bis (copied from
Lepsius, Denkm*, with all mistakes!); corrected by Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 82.

Great King'~-Wife,~Hatshepsut, who liveth, the beloved of Satet,

mistress of Elephantine, the beloved of Khnum, lord of the
Accompanying Senmut
361. Ascription of Fonor] to the Divine Consort, Sovereign of the
entire Two Lands, by the wearer of the royal seal, companion, great in
love, chief steward, Senmut (Sn-Mw.t ) .

Record beneath the Two Figuresb

362. Came the hereditary p r i n ~ e count,
,~ who [greatly] satisfies the
heart of the Divine Consort, who pleases the Mistress of the Two Lands
by his injunction, chief steward of the Princess, Nefrure (Nfm-Rc), who
liveth, Senmut, in order to 'conduct1 the work of two great obelisksd of
a e" Myriad-(of- year^").^ I t took place according to that which was
commanded; everything was done; it took place because of the fame
of her majesty (fern.).


363. This statue, like the Karnak statue, was a royal

gift (8 350, 1. 2). I t represents Senmut in a squatting pos-
ture, holding between his knees the daughter and heir of
the queen, the infant princess Nefrure, whom he reared.
The inscriptions contain a most important reference to the
death of Thutmose I1 (8 368, 11. 7, 8).

.The same titles on an alabaster vase in Alnwick Castle, Birch catalogue 176,
corrected by Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 122 and 25.
bWith corrections from M. Weidenbach's copy as given by Sethe, Untersuch-
ungen, I , 82.
CLit., "The coming by the hereditary prince, etc."
dIt is not entirely certain that these are the two Karnak obelisks, between
Pylons I V and V.
eThe name of a feast, see above, 5 333.
f Certainly from Thebes, but probably not from his tomb; now in Berlin

(No. 2296, Ausfuhrliches Verzeichniss des Berliner Museums, 137-39); published

by Sharpe (Egyptian Inscriptions, 11, 107) and Lepsius (Denkmiiler, 111, 25);
corrections by Sethe (Untersuchungen, I, I I I) ; partial translation (ibid.,
Senmut, Tutor of the Princess
364. %enmut, triumphant, not found ramong the writings] of the
ancestor^,^ great father-tator of the king's-daughter, Sovereign of the
Two Lands, Divine Consort, N e f r ~ r e ,r-~ -3 which I did according
to the thoughtd of my heart r- - -3.

Mortuary Prayer
365. elA royal offering, which Amon-Re and the King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Makere, give; may theyf grant the mortuary oblation of
bread, beer, oxen, geese, linen, incense, ointment.

A Royal Gift
366. 'Given as a favor of the king's-presence [to] the hereditary
prince, count, companion, great in love, steward of Amon, Senmut.

Mortuary Prayer
367. 3A royal offering which Osiris, lord of Abydos gives; may he
grant all that cometh forth from his table every day 4for the ka of the
hereditary prince - r-1, who greatly satisfies the heart of the Lord of
the Two Lands, the favorite of the Good God, the overseer of the
granary of Amon, Senmut.

Senmut's Favor with King and Queen

368. 5He says, "I was a noble, beloved of his lord, who enteredg
upon the wonderful plans of the Mistress of the Two Lands. Heh
exalted me before the Two Lands, he appointed me be chief of his

aBeside the princess.

bThis very ambiguous phrase has been rendered: "[whose] ancestors were
not found in writing," a rendering not at all certain; possibly the word "like"
has been omitted, and we should translate: "Whose like was not found among, etc.,"
more nearly parallel to the common statement.
cThe daughter of the queen, whom Senmut is holding between his knees.
dSee Speos Artemidos Inscription, 1.35, Q 303 and note.
e o n the front. *Corrected from my own copy.
gAn idiom meaning "to support, be>n sympathy with;'' d. obelisk of Hatshep-
sut, base, south, $316, 1. 8.
hAccording to Sethe, the masculine pronoun refers to Thutmose 111. Cf.
Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 50; this supposition is rendered very probable by the
Karnak statue (is 349 ff.).

estate rthroughoutl the entire land. I was the superior of superiors,

the chief of tchiefs of works. I was in this land under his command
since the occurrence of the death of his 8predecessor.a I was in life
under the Mistress of the Two Lands, King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Makere (Hatshepsut), who liveth forever."b

369. Thutiy was a loyal supporter of Queen Hatshepsut
(see 5 348), and hence throughout his tomb his name and
that of the queen have been entirely erased. He was the
successor of Ineni ($5340 ff.) as "overseer of the double
gold- and silver-houses," and this brought him many monu-
mental enterprises, for which he furnished the metals, at
the same time having the construction of a large number of
such monuments under his charge. He was probably the
builder of the queen's ebony shrine (1. 24 and 5 126 ff.) ;
he furnished the metal-work on two great obelisks (1. 28),
superintended many other monuments, and was charged with
the measuring of the splendid returns in precious metal from
the queen's southern expeditions, particularly the famous one
to Punt (11. 33-38). That Thutiy is strictly veracious in
this statement is most strikingly shown by the scene of
weighing and measuring in the Punt reliefs ($275), where
the traces of his figure, busily engaged in taking his notes, is
identifiable by means of his name and title, "Scribe and

aThis probably refers to the death of Thutmose 11, the predecessor of Thut-
mose 111 and Hatshepsut. See Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 50.
bOn the feet are engraved the titles of Senrnut, and the two sides contain the
one hundred and sixth and iifty-fourth chapters of the "Book of the Dead."
CStela on the fapde of Thutiy's tomb, in the southern part of Drah-abu-'n-
Neggah on the west shore at Thebes. First seen by Lepsius, who published two
lines (Denkmaler, 111, 27, 10); later lost and rediscovered by the Marquis of North-
ampton, Newberry, and Spiegelberg, in 1898; published by Spiegelberg in Recueil,
22, 115-25, with translation.

steward, Thutiy," which accompany his f i g ~ r e . ~

figure and inscription have been carefully obliterated as in
the tomb.
Prayer for th Kilzg and Queen
370. 'Giving praise to Amon-[Re, king of] gods; adoring his
majesty every day at his rising in the eastern heavens, for the sake of the
life, prosperity, and health of King Makere (Hatshepsut), given life
forever, and King Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), given life, stability,
satisfaction, health, l i k e - ~ e forever.

Titles of Thutiy
371. 'Hereditary prince, count, overseer of the double silver-house,
overseer of the double gold-house, great favorite of the Lord of the
Two Lands, Thutiy.
3Hereditary prince, count, chief of prophets in Hermopolis, Thutiy.
4Hereditary prince, count, sealing the treasures in the king's-house,
Thutiy .
SHereditary prince, count, who gives instruction tob the craftsmen
how to work, Thutiy.
6Hereditary prince, count, who reveals [top him who is skilled in
work, Thutiy.
7[Hereditary prince, count] - - who gives regulations, Thutiy.
8Wereditary prince, count], - - the head in indolence, Thutiy.
9Hereditary prince, count, Tvigilaritl when] commissions are com-
manded him, Thutiy.
Iopereditary prince, count], executing the plans that are com-
manded him, Thutiy.
"[Hereditary prince, count], not forgetful of that which is com-
manded him, Thutiy.

bSpiegelberg "anleitet;" lit., " who opens the face to, etc.''
cThe parallelism clearly demands "to" ( n ) , thus:
.. .. .
(1. 5 ) . . s b ~ h r n w b 3 ' w yr't
(1. 6) wn [hr n] sS > m y7w.t
Spiegelberg has supplied the hr face") in the lacuna, but overlooks the n ("to"),
necessarily common to both lines: "who opens the face to (two different words for
" open," sb and wn). Compare wb >-yb on Lateran obelisk (side lines, 0 836).

''Hereditary prince, count, knowing the useful things that are estab-
lished forever, Thutiy.
hereditary prince, count, favorite of Horus, lord of the palace,
'*Hereditary prince, count, of sweeping stepa in the court, Thutiy.
IsHereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, overseer of every
handicraft of the king, Thutiy.
I6Hereditary prince, count, great companion of the Lord of the Two
Lands, the excellent scribe, active with his hands, Thutiy.
List of Works
372. 17He says: "I acted as chief (r '-hr), giving the directions; I
led the craftsmen to work inb the works, in:c
Second Nile-Barge
373. Isthe great barge of the " Beginning-of-the-River " (named) :
"Userhet-Am~n,"~wrought with gold of the best of the highlands; it
illuminated the Two Lands with its rays.
Unknown Shrine
374. '9a shrine, the horizon of the god, his great seat, of electrum
of the best of the highlands, in work established for eternity.
20Seret-mate (s r' t-m ' ' t) ; its august fasade of electrum, great
-- [Amon].

aLit., "far of foot."

bThat this is the proper rendering is shown by the words of Amenhotep, son
of Hapi ($g17,1.38). Spiegelberg's rendering: "nach dem Vorbild der Arbeiten,"
demands a word ("Vorbild") not in the original, and makes Thutiy represent
himself as merely working after the patterns of someone else.
CThis line (17) is vertical, extending along the ends of 11. 18-32 like an embrac-
ing bracket, thus:

" Q 1. 18

-I 1. 32
Before each of the fifteen works enumerated in 11. 18-32 we are to understand t
last sentence of 1. 17: "I led the craftsmen to work,etc., on" -. The preposition
"on" must be changed to "in" according as a small monument or a temple follows,
a difference not necessary in Egyptian.
G e e 9 32.
eLit., ''sending up (exhibiting) truth," probably the name of a shrine.

Works in Der el-Bahri

375. "I" Most Splendid "a the temple of myriads of years; its great
doors fashioned of black copper,b the inlaid figures of electrum.
a2Khikhet,cthe great seat of Amon, his horizon in the west; all its
doors of real cedar, wrought with bronze.
asthe housed of Amon, his enduring horizon of eternity; its floor
wrought with gold and silver; its beauty was like the horizon of heaven.
*4a great shrinee of ebony of Nubia (T ' - p d . t ) ; the stairs beneath it,
high and wide, of pure alabaster of Hatnub.
'5a palacef of the god, wrought with gold and rsilverl; it illuminated
the faces (of people) with its brightness.
Works in Karmk
376. ~ ~ g r edoors,
at high and wide in Karnak; wrought with copper
and bronze; the inlaid figuresg of electrum.
~Ymagnificentnecklaces, large amulets of the great seat, of electrum
and every costly stone.
astwo great obelisk^;^ their height was 108cubits; wrought through-
out with electrum; which filled the Two Lands with their brightness.
29an august gate (named) : "Terror-of-Amon,"' fashioned of copper
in one sheet; its likenesses likewise.

aName of Der el-Bahri temple.

bThe making of metal doors may be seen in the tomb of Rekhmire, ed. New-
berry, P1. XVIII.
CMeaning "Shining of the horizon" (a C -y bwt). According to Spiegelberg,
this is another name for Der el-Bahri; it is, however, strange that the doors of this
temple should be mentioned twice. Possibly the "great doors" of 1. 2 1 are the
huge entrance doors, and those of 1. 2 2 the inner doors.
dPossibly some part of the Der el-Bahri temple.
eThis is very probably the ebony shrine found in the Der el-Bahri temple (see
f A structure not met with elsewhere in the inscriptions. Its purpose and
character are unknown.
gRead: &*.
hThere is no doubt that these obelisks were in Karnak, hut the height given
f x exceeds that of Hatshepsut's surviving obelisk in Karnak. The theory that
the height of the pair has been combined in one datum receives some confirmation
from the discovery that the two obelisks on the harge in Hatshepsut's relief lie end
to end; but the total is 10 feet less than twice the height of the Karnak obelisk.
iThere is a Karnak gate called " Amon-Great-in-Terror " (Mariette, Karnak,
38, a, 8 ) ; but none is known of the above name.

x0many offering-tables of Amon in Karnak, of electrum without

limit; of every costly stone -.
J1magnificent c h e ~ t s wrought
,~ with copper and electrum; every
vessel; linen; of every precious stone of the divine member^.^
3'a great seat, a shrine, built of granite; its durability is like the pillars
of heaven; its work is a thing of eternity.

Measuring of the Punt Tribute, Etc.

377. 33Behold, all the marvels and all the tribute of all countries,
the best of the marvels of Punt, were offeredCto Amon, lord of Karnak
[for the sake of the life, prosperity, and health of the King Makere
(Hatshepsut), rgiven life, stability, health.11 He (Amon) hath given the
Two Lands, 34(for) he knew that he (the king) would offer them to him.
Now, I was the one who counted them, because I was so excellent in
his heart; my praise was - with him; - - - - me more than his
suite 35- my rintegrityl of heart for him. He recognized me, as one
doing that which is spoken, concealing my speech concerning the
affairs of his palace. He appointed me to be leader of the palace,
knowing that I was instructed in work. 36- - - the double silver-
house; every splendid costly stone in the temple of Amon in Karnak,
filled with his tribute to their roof. The like has not happened since
the time of the ancestors. His majesty commanded to make 3 7 u d of
electrum of the best of the highlands, in the midst of the festival-hall;
measurede by the heket for Amon in the presence of the whole land.

aA number of such chests are shown in the Punt reliefs (Naville, Deir-el-
B a h r i , 111, 80).
bThe line has been cut wrong, was filled with stucco, and cut again; the
stucco has fallen out, revealing the old mistakes and producing confusion.
cThis is the offering scene in the Punt reliefs (Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 77),
in which the inscription (8 289) agrees strikingly with this. The official offering
is "for the sake of the life, prosperity, and health of the king," and is usually con-
ducted by someone else (see 8 57); hence the impersonal passive here.
dIt is possible that the word "balance" should be supplied here, for the inscrip-
tion over the balance in the scene of the weighing in the Punt reliefs (Q 280, although
it does not mention electrum particularly) would indicate that the balance had
been made especially for the purpose. I n Papyrus Harris (IV, 256) the balance
is also of electrum. Spiegelberg conjectures "eine grosse Haufe," but it is only
the myrrh which appears in "hea9sf' in the Punt reliefs.
eOne of the frequent pseudo-participles in building and similar inscriptions,
referring back to nouns mentioned long before; it refers here to the tribute in 1. 33.

Statement thereof: of electrum 883 heket,a making: 38- ( x + ) 573

deben; for the life, prosperity, and health of the king [Makere (Hat-
shepsut), who is given] life forever.

378. I received (snw-) loaves from that which comes forth before
Arnon, lord of Karnak. All these things happened in truth; no deceitful
utterance [came from my mouth]. 391 - them; I was vigilant, my
heart was excellent for my lord; that I might rest in the highland of
the blessed who are in the necropolis; that my memory might abide on
earth; that my soul might live with the lord of eternity; that heb may
not be repelled 40[by] the porters who guard the gates of the nether
world; that he may come forth at the cry of the offererc in my tomb of
the necropolis; that he may raboundl in bread; that he may overflow
with beer, that he may drink at the living water of the river. 4'May
I go in and out like the glorious ones, who do that which their gods
praise; may my name be goodly among the people who shall comed
after years; may they give to me praise at the two seasons with the
praise r- -3.

379. One of the important architects under Hatshepsut,
and later under Thutmose 111, was Puemre, who has left
some references to his building activity, in his tomb inscrip-
tions and on his statue.

Construction of Ebony Shrine

380. I inspected the erection of a great shrine of ebony, wrought
with electrum, by the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Makere (Hat-
shepsut), for her mother Mut, mistress of Ishru.

UEleven four-fifths bushels. cLit., "the one who places the thi~tgs."
bHis soul. dRead: yuf'ty'sn.
e o n a statue discovered in the temple of Mut, at Karnak; published by
Benson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut i n Asher, 315, 316.

Uncertain Building
381. I inspected the erection of a -a of fine white (lime)stone of
Ayan b y . . . . . . b .
Relief Scene
382. I. At the left sits Puemre receiving reports from six
"overseers of workrnefi," behind whom are two obelisks
(see 5 624). The inscriptions are as follows:
Over Puemre
383. 2. Inspection of the great and excellent monuments, which
the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Men-
kheperre (Thutmose 111) made for his father Amon, in Karnak,d of
silver, gold, and every splendid, costly stone; by the hereditary prince,
count, divine father, Puem[re].
Before the Overseers
384. 3. The approach of the officials, the chiefs of works; they
say before this official, "Thy heart is glad because all the works have
reached their positions for thee."
12 the Obeliske

4. . . . . . .f
Thutmose (111); [he] made (it) [as] his monument for
his father, Amon-Re, that he might be given life forever.
Relief Sceneg
385. 5. Puemre stands at the left, staff and baton in
hand, receiving three lines of chiefs bringing tribute, which
three scribes are recording.
aPossibly a doorway. bcontinued as in preceding paragraph.
CFrom his tomb at Abd el-Kurna; partially published by Lepsius, Denk-
maler, 111, 39, c, and Denkmaler, Text, 111, 243, 244. It is stated by Newberry
(Benson and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut in Asher, 315, note) to be a peculiarly
fine tomb, and he promises its full publication, which has not yet appeared.
dThis shows that the obelisks were erected in Karnak.
eOnly the base of the second obelisk has survived, and its inscription is of
course lost.
f Horus-, throne-, and S 3-R c-names.

gOn the left wall; published by Diimichen, Die Oasen der Libyschen Wuste,
P1. I ; see also pp. 22 f.

Inscription before Puemre

6. Reception of the tribute of the rproductsJ of the marshes of Asia,
of Watet-Hora and the tribute of the southern and northern oases;
presentation for the king, to the temple - - - - - by the hereditary
prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, sole companion
Puemre, triumphant.
Upper Row
386. 7. u-1 the tribute of the ends of Asia.
Middle Row
8. bRecording the tribute of Watet-Hor.
9. CThe chief of the vineyards of this god, Amon -.
Lower Row
10. bRecording the tribute of the oasis-region.
11. CThechiefs of the southern and northern oases.

387. 12. Inspection of the weighing of great heaps of myrrh

,e ivory, ebony, electrum of Emu (C m 3w ) , all sweet woods
living captives, which his majesty brought from his victories
Menkheperre (Thutmose 111).

388. Hapuseneb, vizier under Hatshepsut, was architect
of a royal tomb, probably that of Hatshep~ut,~and super-
aW >-tt-Hr,"wayof Hwus" (in Sinuhe, it is written w 3'wt Hr, "waysof Hwus,"
but other texts write as above; read W 3 ty't ?). As used in Sinuhe it must be on
or near the Asiatic frontier of the Delta; but as it sends tribute, it must be in Asia.
There was an Egyptian governor there in the Eighteenth Dynasty. His title was
ymy-r ys't m TV 3 'tt-Hr (Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions, I, 56, statue of D nbny).
W i t h the scribe. cWith the man (lower row, men) before the scribe.
dAccompanying a weighing scene not given by Diimichen.
eUnknown amount lost.
f Statue in the Louvre, published by Newbexy (Proceedings of the Society of

Biblical Archceology, XXII, 31-36). I had also my own copy of the original, which
added a few readings. Another statue, with unimportant inscriptions, Benson
and Gourlay, The Temple of Mut i n Asher, 312-15. A further record of his semices
on a statue in Bologna has been hacked out by Hapuseneb's enemies. I was
unable to secure any important data from a study of the original.
gAgainst my own former opinion (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archa-
ology, XXII, 94)-

vised the construction of other royal monuments. His works

are .recorded on his Louvre statue, but the inscriptions are
in a sadly fragmentary state, and the name of Thutmose I1
has been inserted over that of Hatshepsut, as the feminine
endings show. a
Hapuseneb was the most powerful man in Hatshepsut's
party, being not merely vizier, but also "High Priest of
Amtwt, and chief of the prophets of South and N ~ r t h , "be-
sides a number of positions which he held in the treasury.
He thus united in his person all the power of the adminis-
trative government with that of the strong sacerdotal party.
The formation of the priesthood of the whole land into a
coherent organization, with a single individual at its head,
appears here for the first time. This new and great organi-
zation was thus through Hapuseneb enlisted on the side of
Hatshepsu t .
389. 'Made as a favor of the king's presence, the King of Upper
and Lower Egypt [Okhepernelre -- (Thutmose 11), beloved of
Amon-Re, king of all gods.
'The majesty (fern.!) of the King Okhepernere, given life, com-
manded sandstone and with every splendid costly stone,
3.. .... for the hereditary prince, count, 4great lord in the
South, (sm-) priest of rHeliopolis~,governor of the city, vizier, overseer
of the tem[ples]. sLo, his majesty was in his palace r- - -a of the
king's-house, [whom] 6her (sic!) majesty - before millions;
whorn she magnified among the people, because of the greatness of the
excellence of - over
Cliff -Tomb
7Re saith: "The good god, King Okhepernere, praised me r-1 in
the temple. [He appointed me] 8to conduct the work upon his cliff-

=I found the cartouches also sunken, showing the effect of cutting out the
first name.
bLouvre statue. CDown the front of the legs.
dHere the name of Hapuseneb, of course, occurred, to which belong the follow-
ing two relative clauses.

tomb (hr.t), because of the great excellence of my plans. [My' lord

appointed me, - 9King Okhepernere, and I was made chief (Hry) in
, ~ gold. .
Karnak, in the house af A m ~ nin, ~every r-I of A r n ~ nIoof . .. .
rI made' I1the mortuary offerings of Amon-Re, king of gods, before his
temple in Karnak, in Hermonthis 12- - - ...... He
commanded that I should be 13 should be appointed
at the going out of
Various Works
390. b14By the majesty (fern.) of the king, the Lord of the Two
Lands, Okhepernere, the living.' Lo, I was leader (&rp) of the works
[on] I5 [in Karlnak, wrought with gold; 6' chief, of
silver, gold, and black copper; '7- - -d wrought of rcopperl, the
great name upon it was of electrum;"
18- [a shrine] of -2and ebony, wrought with gold; '9- a rchamber
for1 everything and that which is in its inclosure; many offering-
tables of gold, silver, and lapis lazuli, vessels, and necklaces; althe
making of two doors of copper, of a single stone; the great name upon
them being of electrum; "the erection of a temple of fine limestone
of Ayan (named) : "Thutmose 11-is-Divine-of-Monurdents;" - ---B
of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, malachite, every splendid, costly stone, and
every sweet wood.h

aAmon has been restored, and perhaps where it does not belong.
bRight side; the arrangement of this and the following lines is the same as in
the stela of Thutiy (g 372, 11.17 ff.; see note); 1.14 above is numbered 26 in the
publication, and is to be understood before all the works enumerated, one in each
of the following lines.
feminine participle ! eNot silver, as in the publication.
dThis monument is a door. fA kind of wood is broken out.
gThe last three words are lost.
hL1. 24 and 25 are broken off, and possibly still a third line.
391. This document, containing no less than 2 2 3 lines,
is the longest and most important historical inscription in
Egypt, and forms the most complete account of the military
achievements of any Egyptian king. I t demonstrates the
injustice of the criticism that the Egyptians
were incapable

of giving a clear and succinct account of a military campaign,

for it shows plainly that at least in this reign careful, system-
atic records were made and preserved in the royal archives,

aThey occupy the inside of the walls inclosing the corridor which surrounds
the granite holy of holies of the great Karnak temple of Amon. These walls were
built by Thutmose 111, forming a large sandstone chamber (into which the granite
holy of holies was finally inserted by Phillip Arrhidieus) about 25 meters in length
from east to west, and 1 2 meters wide. The east end was left bare. The Annals,
beginning at the northeast corner, read westward along the north wall, and south-
ward along the west wall, terminating at the door in the center of this wall. At
the other side of this door terminate also the presentation scenes and inscriptions
($5 541 ff.) which read from east to west along the south wall, and northward along
the west wall to the said door. Or, as Mariette says: I' . . . . . apres avoir enjambt
sur kt paroi dans laquelle se trouve la porte d'entrte (in middle of east wall) vont
se rejoindre en se terminant aux deux scenes d'adoration qui forment l'encadrement
de cette porte" (in middle of west wall; scene, Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 30, a.
See Mariette, Revue arche'ologique, 18602, I, N . S., 30). Of the Annals walls, he
further says: "Elle se dtcompose en trois parties qui sont les suivantes:
" IO. Un texte de 19 lignes qui se termine par: comme le soleil b toujours, ce
qui prouve que l'inscription n'allait pas plus loin. (voy. Lepsius, Delzkmaler, 111,
31, b; M. Lepsius n'a connu que I I lignes; voy. aussi Birch, The Annals of Thothmes
111, dans les Archaeologia, Vol. XXXV, 121).
"zO. Un seconde chapitre de I I O lignes qu'une porte lattrale (la porte nom-
m& Ra-men-Kheper Amen (ouer biou) coupe en deux en laissant 67 lignes d'un
cBtt (voy. Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 31, 6, b; . . . . .), et 43 de l'autre c6tt (M.
. .
Lepsius n'en donne que 39; voy. ibid., 32; . . . .).
"3O. Un troisieme chapitre de 94 lignes, dont 74 occupent la moitiC ouest de
la paroi,nord B la suite des I I O lignes prtctdentes, et les 20 dernsres sont gravks
sur la paroi B gauche de la porte d'entree. Ces 20 lignes sont publites dans Lepsius,
Abth, 111, B1. 30, a. . . . . Quant aux 74 premieres lignes, elles se dCcomposent
en 54 lignes qui sont B Paris et qui commencent le chapitre (Lepsius, Auswahl,
taf. XII; . ... .), en 6 lignes qui suivent celles-ci et qui sont perdues, et en& en

giving a detailed account of each invasion in language indi-

cating the strategic operations of the army in each of its
many campaigns.
392. The existence of such records is indicated in the
account of the first campaign (11. 11, 12, 8 433):
Now, all that his majesty did to this city, to that wretched foe and
his wretched army, was recorded each day by its (the day's) name under
the title of: r-1 recorded upon a roll of leathera in the
temple of Amon to this day.
Elsewhere the king also speaks of "recording for the future"
(8 568, 1. 22). We even know the official, named Thaneni,
who kept these records. His tomb, on the west shore at
Thebes, first noticed by Champollion, contains, among
others, biographical inscriptions in which he state^:^
14 autres lignes que M. Lepsius a publiks imparfaitement (Lepsius, Denkm*
111, 31, a; . . . . .)."
Mariette then appends
.. the following table summarizing the above:
~ e chapitre:
r 19 lignes . . . -. . Lepsius, ~enkmaler,111, 31, b
67 lignes . . . Lepsius, Denkmiiler, III,31, 6, b
2' chapitre: 1 x 0 lignes{
43 lignes . . . Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 32
6 lignes perdues

Total :
3' chapitre: 94 lignes 14 lignes .
223 lignes
20 lignes
. . Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111,31, a
. . . Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 30, a
Mariette gives 233 as the total, but refers to 223 (loc. cit., 32).
They are in a very bad state of preservation, the upper courses having mostly
disappeared, and with them the upper parts of the vertical lines of the inscription.
The translation begins at the extreme northeast corner on the north wall and
proceeds to the left.
The complete text of the Annals has never been edited together; being scattered
through several publications (see conspectus below) none of which is accurate
except Bissing. These texts must be supplemented and corrected by fragments
in Champollion, Notices descriptives, 11, 154-58; Young, Hieroglyphics, 41-44;
Description de Z'Egypte, P1. 38 (No. 26, 27, 29); Bmgsch, Recueil de monumeds,
PI. 56, Nos. 5-7; de RougC, Revue arch.5ologique, N. S., 11, P1. 16; Griffith,
Corrections from an early copy (about 1825) by James Burton, Zeitschrift fur
agyptische Sprache, XXXIII, 125.
aOn the use of leather, which was very common, see Birch, Zeitschrifl fur
agyptische Sprache, 1871, 104 and 117; and Pktschmann, Leder und Holz d s
Schreibmaterialien bei den Aegyptern (from Beitrage zur Theorie und Praxis &s
Bwh- und Biblwtlzekmesens, Heft 2 ) .
bSee Champollion, Notices descriftives, I, 487, 831, 832; Brugsch, Thesaurus*
V, 1151.
8 3931 T H E ANNALS 165
"I followed "the Good God, Sovereign of Truth, King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111); I beheld the victories of
the king which he won in every country. He brought the chiefs of
Zahi as living prisoners to Egypt; he captured all their cities; he cut
down their groves; no country remained - - -. I recorded the
vici:ories which he won in every land, putting (them) into writing accord-
ing to the facts.
There is no doubt that we have here the author of some of
the ephemerides referred to in the Annals. a
393. The character of these ephemerides space will not
permit us to discuss here, further than to note that in the
account of the first, or Megiddo, campaign ($8 408 ff.) we
have a somewhat full excerpt from them, in which the stra-
tegic details, like the line of march, the dispositions in battle,
etc., are given with such clearness that it is possible to draw
a plan of the field of battle. Unfortunately, this fulness in
excerpting is confined to the Megiddo campaign, and even
toward its end the abbreviation and omissionb already
begin. That the excerpts are much abbreviated is distinctly
stated in the account of the seventh expedition (1.13, Q 472),
with reference to the supplies furnished to the "harbors:"

aA comparison of the phrases and words used by Thaneni, above, with those of
the accounts in the Annals makes this certain. This is evident even in the English.
I t is a question whether Thaneni could have been the author of the earliest cam-
paign records, for he is still in active service under Thutmose IV (see Recueil, IV,
130)~so that, supposing he began with the Megiddo campaign at twenty-five years
of age, he would have been over eighty years old at the accession of Thutmose IV,
under whom he completed a census of the people and live-stock in all Egypt (see
Champollion, Notices descriptives, I, 487), which is recorded as follows: "Mustering
of the whole land before his majesty, making an inspection of everybody, knowing
the soldiers, priests, rroyal serfs', and all the craftsmen of the whole land, all the
cattle, fowl, and small cattle, by the military scribe, beloved of his lord, Thaneni."
On his wide powers, see also the inscription in Brugsch, Recueil de monuments,
66, 2 , a. On his tomb, see Bouriant, Recueil, XI, 1 5 6 5 9 ; Champollion, ibid.,
I, 484-87, 831, 832; further inscriptions also by Piehl, Zascriptions, I, CVII, D-
CVI-11, E.
bThe omission in the later campaigns, evident anyway, may be clearly seen
by a comparison with the narrative of Amenemhab ($9 574 ff.).

"They (the supplies) remain in the daily register of the palace, the
statemen of them not being given in this inscription, in order not to
multiply w0rds.a

394. The excerpting scribe, being a priest, is more mter-

ested in the booty than the strategic operations which led
to its capture, because this booty was largely given to his
temples; hence he pares down his extracts to the meagerest
statement of the king's whereabouts, adding a tolerably full
summary of the booty and tribute. Indeed, it may be said
that, although the king did command that this permanent
record of his campaigns should be made on the temple wall,
yet the entire record which we call the Annals serves as
little more than an introduction to the list of feasts and offer-
ings (§§ 541 ff.) by which the Annals are continued. They
merely explain whence came the magnificent offerings to
Am0n.b I t is therefore frequently impossible to distinguish
between a serious campaignc like that of Megiddo and
mere expeditions for inspection.
395. The conquests recorded in the Annals involved the
most serious military projects undertaken by any Egyptian
king-projects so successfully carried out by Thutmose I11
that he is to be regarded as unquestionably the greatest
military leader of ancient Egypt. Thutmose I had been
able to march to the Euphrates without meeting any serious

PThis register of daily supplies is, of course, not the ephemerides of Thaneni;
but the fact of excerption is equally clear, nevertheless. This interesting statement
finds a parallel in the tomb of Hui, where it is said concerning his praises: "One
mentions them (one) time (each) by its mme, (for)they are too numerous to put them
i n writing" (Lepsius, DenkmaZer, 111, I I 7 = DenkmaZer, Text, 111, 302).
bThere is on this same wall a relief showing Thutmose I11 presenting to Amon
a magnificent array of costly gifts in gold and silver. Many of the objects men-
tioned in the Annals may be seen here (Champollion, Monuments, IV, 316, 317;
and Brugsch, Thsaurus, V, 1185 f.). The whole scene is of the greatest interest
(f J 543 ff.); it also contains the two obelisks of 5 624.
cThe word regularly used (wdy.1) really means ''expedition."
8 3971 THE ANNALS 167

coalition of his foes?so far as we know. The results of his

conquest had not been permanent; that is, they could not
endure indefinitely without further campaigning, especially
in the extreme north. This Hatshepsut had not done,
although the Lebanon or a part of it was still held in the
year IS. Then the kingdom and city of Kadesh, on the
upper Orontes, quietly organized a formidable revolt,
which united all Egypt's Asiatic enemies from Sharuhen on
the south to the Euphrates on the north. I t is clear also
that the powerful kingdom of Mitanni assisted this general
revolt with men and means. For the Mitannian king natur-
ally feared to see the armies of the Pharaoh in Naharin at
his very threshold. Early in the year 23, Thutmose I11 met
and overthrew the allied Syrians at Megiddo, which he
besieged and captured, and although he marched northward
to the southern end of Lebanon, he was far from able to
reach and punish Kadesh. But he established a fortress in
the southern Lebanon, to prevent another southward ad-
vance by the king of Kadesh, and then returned home.
396. Of the next eighteen years the summers of sixteen
were spent campaigning in Syria, making a total of seven-
teen campaigns. The next three campaigns (2, 3, and 4)
are meagerly recordedlb but in the year 29, on the fifth
campaign, we find the king plainly making preparations for
the conquest of Kadesh, by first securing the coast and
getting possession of the harbors of Phenicia. He then
returned to Egypt for the first time by water, and hereafter
the army is regularly transported to Syria by the fleet.
397. The next year, therefore, the king disembarked his

aThe decree of Harmhab incidentally shows that Thutrnose I11 was back in
Egypt each year by the time of the feast of Opet (I, 58,ll. 29-31), early in October.
See Breasted, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 39, 60, 6 1 .
bThe record of the fourth is lost.

army in some Phcenician harbor, and marched upon Kadesh,

which he captured and chastised, returning then to the coast
at Simyra, and going north to punish Arvad again. The
foothold in north Syria necessary for an advance into the
Euphrates country had now been gained, and Kadesh, the
dangerous enemy who would have threatened his rear on
such a march, had been subdued. The next year (31) was
therefore spent in equipping the Phcenician harbors with
supplies and quelling any smouldering embers of rebellion
398. I t was not until the second year (33) after these
preparations that the great king landed in Phcenicia for his
march into the heart of Naharin. Already in the year 24,
as a result of the great Megiddo victory, the king of Assur
had sent presents, but now the Egyptians were again to
plunder the Euphrates countries---a feat which had not been
repeated since Thutmose I. The long and arduous marcha
was successfully made, the king of Mitanni, who had, with
Kadesh, been the heart and soul of the Syrian resistance, was
totally defeated, Carchemishb was reached and taken, the
Euphrates was crossed, and at last Thutmose 111 sets up
his boundary tablet, marking the northern limits of his
empire, beside that of his father, Thutmose I. Before he
has left the region the envoys from the king of Babylon and
the king of the Hittites, having doubtless started at the news
of his invasion, appear with their gifts. On his return to
the coast the king arranges that the princes of Lebanon shall
keep the harbors supplied with all provisions.
399. The conquest of all Syria has consumed exactly ten

aOn the arrangements of Thutrnose 111's herald Intef, to provide the king
with a dwelling, supplies, etc., on such marches, see the Stela of Intef ( $ 8 771, 11.
bAmenemhab, $ 583.
0 4011 THE ANNALS 169

years, but revolt has still to be reckoned with. Only a voyage

of inspection along the Phcenician coast was required in
the next year (34), but the revolt of the king of Mitanni
called Thutmose into Naharin in the following year, and
after a decisive defeat the people of Naharin were again
brought under the Egyptian yoke. The records of the
next two years (36 and 37) are lost, but in the year 38 we
find the king punishing the princes of the southern Lebanon
region, in order to protect the road north between the Leba-
nons. On this occasion, for the first time, he receives gifts
from the prince of Cyprus, and also Arrapachitis, the later
Assyrian province.
400. The punishment of the raiding Bedwin of southern
Palestine forms a preliminary to the usual journey of inspec-
tion in the next year (39), and the record of the next two
yea,rs (39 and 40) is too fragmentary to show more than that
the tribute was paid as usual.
401. Finally, the long series of revolts in Syria culminates
in a last desperate rebellion, in which Thutmose's arch-
enemy, the source of most of his trouble in Syria, Kadesh,
is the leader. Naharin sends allies, and Tunip likewise,
so that the whole of north Syria, at least inland, is again
combined against Thutmose. I n the year 42 he proceeded
first against Tunip, and after its subjugation besieged
Kadesh, which was finally captured. Thus the nearly
twenty years of Syrian campaigning was concluded, as it had
begun, by the humiliation of Kadesh, which during all that
time had been Egypt's thorn in the flesh. This last down-
fall was final; Kadesh no longer stirred revolt in Syriala
and Thutmose I11 could relax his ceaseless efforts continued
during seventeen campaigns.
'When the campaigns of the Nineteenth Dynasty begin in northern Syria, it
is Tunip, the old ally of Kadesh, that plays the leading r6le.

402. The extent of these campaigns is further indicated

by two lists of conquered Asiatic cities left by Thutmose I11
in the great Karnak temple. Those belonging to the first
campaign, preserved in triplicate, a are I 19 in number, and
embrace, in general, the region from the northern limits of
Palestine southward an uncertain distance into Judea
(southern Judea being at that time already under Egyptian
control; cf. Miiller, Asien und Europa, 144, 154, 155), as
well as Damascus and its district. Many Old Testament
names have been recognized in it. I t is introduced by the
superscription :
List of the countries of Upper Retenu which his majesty shut up
in the city of Megiddo (My-k-ty) the wretched, whose children his
majesty brought as living prisoners to the city of Suhen-ern-O~et,~
his Grst victorious campaign, according to the command of his father
Amon, who led him to excellent ways.
The third copy of the list (Mariette, Karnak, 19) has the
same superscription, with the variant:
to the city of Thebes, in order to fill the storehouseCof his father Amon,
[presider over] Karnak, on his first, etc.
The second copy of the list has a different superscription:

Whe first copy is on the west side of the Pylon VI, north end; the other two
are, one on the north side and the other on the south side of the Pylon VIII,
Baedeker's Karnak, or the VIIth, Mariette, Karnak). Text: ibid., 17-20; impor-
tant corrections by Golenischeff, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, XX, Pls. V and
VI, and more fully by Maspero, Recueil, VII, 94-97. Treatments by Maspero,
Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, XXIX, 119-31,and Miiller, Asien und Europa,
156-64, 144,and 154f.; less critical Tomkins, Transactions of the Society of Bib-
lical Archreology, IX, 257--80(with text).
bSwhn m Y p . t means "Casfle (or Prison) i n Thebes." a place of confinement
or dwelling for the foreign princes residing in Thebes as hostages. In the sixth
campaign (Q 467) the purpose of thus keeping them is given.
cIt is not infrequently distinctly stated that such disposal was made of these
children; cf. Building Stela of Amenhotep 111, front, 11.6, 7 (Q 884), and Papyrus
of Capture of Joppa, 111, ll. 11,12,where, after the fall of the city, Thutiy says
to Thutmose 111: "Let people come, to take them as captives; fill thou the house
of thy father Amon-Re, . . . . .. &h male and female slaves."
Q 4051

All inaccessible lands of the marshes of Asia,a which his majesty

brought as living captives - - - they had never been trodden by the
other kings, beside his majesty -,
a title which would indicate that some of the places belong
farther north than the limits above indicated.
403. The second listb embraced 248 names (of which
many are lost) of cities in northern Syria and also perhaps
as far east as the Chaboras River," but our geographical
knowledge of this region is too meager as yet to identify any
number of the places included.
404. I n addition to these materials the great list of "Feasts
and Offerings from the Conquests" ($$ 547 ff .), the Build-
ing Inscription of the Karnak Ptah-Temple ($Q 609 ff .), the
king's obelisks (QQ 629 ff .), and his "Hymn of Victory"
($Q655 ff.), furnish important references to the campaigns.
The great portal of Pylon VII at Karnak also bore a long
recital of his wars, of which only scanty fragments have
survived (8 Q 593 ff .).
405. The tombs of the contemporary officials in the
Theban cemetery also contain very valuable supplementary
material. The career of Amenemhab, the most important
of these, is translated below (0 9 5 74 ff .). Next to these are
the representations in the tomb of Rekhmire (51 760 ff.),
which show many of the objects mentioned in the tribute
lists of the Annals, besides a reference to Thutmose 111's
campaigns ($755). The tomb of Menkheperreseneb shows
aSee also the "Hymn of Victory" ($8 655 ff.).
bOn the Pylon VIII at Karnak as an appendix to the third copy of the first
list (Baedeker's Karnak; seventh in Mariette, Karnak; cf. B, 252, Mariette).
Text: Mariette, Karnuk, 20, 21; Tomkins, Transactions of the Society of Biblical
Archeology, I X , Pls. 111, IV; the best treatment, Miiller, Asien und Europa, 286-
92; Tomkins, ibid., IX, 227-54, depends too much on modern names for his identi-
cSee Miiller, Asien und Europa, 287.

the tribute of Asia ($0 772 ff.). The tomb of Puemere con-
tains a relief showing the reception of tribute from " the ends
of Asia" (Q385), and that of Imnezeha ( Y 'm-ndh) a similar
scene of tribute from "Retenu the wretched." Finally,
among the most interesting of these contemporaries is the
court herald, Intef, who tells how he preceded Thutmose
I11 on the march and prepared the Syrian palaces for his
reception (QQ 771, 11. 24-27).

406. FIRST CAMPAIGN, YEARS 22 AND 23 (iQ408-43, 593 ff.,
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 31, b, 11. 1-67; ibid., 111, 32, 11. I-32=
Rrugsch, Thesaurz4s, 1153-66~11.1-79?and 1-21 ; Bissing's unpublished
Battle of Megiddo ; captured : Megiddo, Yenoam, Nuges,
Herenkeru; built fort in Lebanon; tribute and booty of
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 32,ll. 32-39 =Brugsch, Thesaurus, I 166-
68, 11. 21-28; Bissing's unpublished collation.)
Tribute of Assur and Retenu.
(Mariette, Karnuk, Pls. 28 and 31.)
Plants of Retenu.
[FOURTH YEARS 26-28] (5 453)
aM6moires de la mission fran~aiseau Caire, V , 356 f.
bThis is incorporated in the Berlin Dictionary, and I owe to von Bissing my
sincere thanks for permission to use it.

YEAR 29 (5 $454-62)
(lLepsius, .4uswahl der zoichtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11. 1-7; Mariette,
Karnak, 13, 11. 1 - 6 s Brugsch, Thesaurus, I 168-70, 11. 1-7 =Bissing,
Stat,istisch,e Tafel, 11. I -7.)
Second caption; campaign in Zahi; capture of "W'
r--1"; sacrifice to Amon; spoil of city; capture of Arvad;
list of tribute received "ort this expedition;" sailed home.
YEAR 30 ($0 463-67)
(I,epsius, Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11. 7-9; Mariette,
Karnuk, 13, 11. 7, S=Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1170, 1171, 11. 7-=Bissing,
Staristische Tafel, 11. 7-9.)
Capture of Kadesh; tribute of Retenu; punishment of
(Lepsius, Azuwahl der wichtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11.9-17 ; Mariette,
Karnak, 13, 11. 9-16= Brugsch, Thesaurzcs, I I 71-73, 11. 9-17 =Bissing,
Statistische Tafel, 11. 9-1 7.)
Capture of Ullaza; tribute of Retenu ; supplies for the
harbors; harvest of Retenu; tribute of Genebteyew; impost
of PVawat.
[EIGHTH CAMPAIGN], YEAR 33 ($$476-87)
(Lepsius, Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11. 17-29; Mari-
ette, Karnak, 13, 11. 17-28=Brugsch, Thesaurus, I 173-75, 11. 17-29=
Bissing, Statistische Tafel, 11. 17-29.)
Conquest of Naharin; battle in Naharin; the booty
(capture of Carchemish) ; crossing of Euphrates; boundary
tablets; tribute of Naharin, supplies for the harbors; tribute
of Babylon ; tribute of Hittites ; Punt expedition ; impost
of Wawat.
[NINTHCAMPAIGN],YEAR 34 ($§ 488-95)
(Lepsius, Auswahl der zoichtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11. 29-37;
Mariette, Karnak, 13, 11. 29-35=Brugsch, Tltesaurus, 1175-77, 11.
29-37 =Bissing, Statistische Tajel, 11. 29-37 .)

Surrender of Zahi towns; tribute of Retenu ; supplies for

the harbors; tribute of Cyprus; impost of Kush and Wawat.
YEAR 35 (Q Q 496-503)
(Lepsius, Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden, XII, 11. 37-41; Lep-
sius, Denkmaler, 111, 31, a, 11. I-3=Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1177, 1178,
11. 37-44, and 1. a=Bissing, Statistische Tafel, 11. 37-44.)
Revolt of Naharin; battle in Naharin, king's booty;
army's booty; impost of Kush and Wawat.
CAMPAIGN, YEAR 361 (0 504)
CAMPAIGN, YEAR 381 (4 0 506-15)
(Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 31, a, 11. 3-~o=Rrugsch, Thesaurus,
1178-81, 11. 2-9.)
Capture of Nuges; booty of same; tribute of Syria;
harbor supplies; tribute of Cyprus and Arrapakhitis; prod-
ucts of Punt; impost of Kush and Wawat.
YEAR 39 (Q
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 31, a, 11. 10-14=Brugsch, Thesaurus,
1181-1182, 11. 9-13.)
Defeat of Shasu; Syrian tribute; harbor supplies.
[FIFTEENTH CAMPAIGN, YEAR 401 (4 $! 520--23)
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 30, a, 11. I-4=Brugsch, Thesaurus,
1182, 11. 1-4; photograph by Borchardt.)
Tribute of Cyprus; impost of Kush and Wawat.
[SIXTEENTH CAMPAIGN, YEAR 411 (5 4 524-27)
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111,30, a, 11.4-~o=Brugsch, Tlzesaurus, 1182,
1183, 11. 4-10; photograph by Borchardt.)
Tribute of Retenu; tribute of Hittites; impost of Kush
and Wawat.

(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 30, a, 11. 10-zo=Brugsch, Thesaurus,

1183-85, 11. 10-20; photograph by Borchardt.)
Campaign against Kadesh; overthrow of Erkatu, Tunip,
Kadesh; booty of these; harbor supplies; tribute of un-
known country; of Tinay; impost of Kush and Wawat.

407. IHorus: "Mighty Bull, Shining in Thebes;
zKing of Upper and Lower Egypt, aLord of the the Two land^:^
Menkheperre; Son of Re: [Thutmose (111)] .b 3His majesty
commanded to cause to be recorded p i s victories which his father,
Amon, gave to him, uponC] 4a tabletd in the temple which his majesty
made for [his father, Amon, rsetting forth eachJe sexpedition by its
name, together with the plunder which p i s majestyIf carried away
[therein. It was done according to]£ 6all [rthe commandr] which his
father, Re, gave to him.


408. This, the most important of Thutmose 111's cam-

paigns in Asia, is fortunately the most fully recorded. The

aOmitted by Brugsch's text.

bThe lacking portion of the conventional fivefold titulary may be found passim.
=Restored from Lepsius, AuswahJ &r wichtigsten Urkunden, XII, second
horizontal line (Q 455).
dReally temple wall; more often this word ( w g means a stela or slab of stone
set up by itself.
eThis line is unfortunately also broken away in Lepsius, Auswahl der wich-
tigsten Urkunukn, XII; the restoration is probable, but conjectured.
*Restorid from Lepsius, Auswahl &r wiclztigsten Urkunden, XII, second
horizontal line.
gseventy-nine short and 21 long vertical lines, beginning at the northeast
corner of the passage. Text: Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 31, b, 11. 167, and ibid.,
111, 32,ll. 1-32 =Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1153-166, 11. 1-79 and 1-21. The short
lines being next the base have almost all lost a portion of the lower ends, while a
large part of the long lines lacks the upper ends and frequently the lower ends,

occasion of the campaign was a general revolt among his

father's Syrian conquests from Sharuhen to the Euphrates.
Fighting had already developed in Sharuhen, which was, of
course, too near the Egyptian frontier to venture to make
common cause with the revolters; and hence conflict re-
sulted there. We are taken with the king and clearly shown
his operations day by day till he overthrows a coalition of
practically all Syria at Megiddo, headed by the king of
Kadesh. He then besieges and captures Megiddo, but from
the surrender of Megiddo on, the record degenerates, as in
all the other campaigns, to little more than a list of spoils.
Fortunately, this latter part of the campaign is supplemented
and really continued by the introduction to the list of feasts
and offeringsa established on the king's return to Thebes from
this campaign. The close of the campaign is there narrated,
mentioning a fortress established in the Lebanon, whither the
king had marched after the fall of Megiddo, capturing there
the three cities at the seaward bend of the Litany River,
which we may call the Lebanon T r i p ~ l i s : Yenoam,
Nuges, and Herenkeru, commanding the thoroughfare
northward between the Lebanons. All this serves merely
as an introduction to the splendid feasts of victory cele-
brated by the king, as is distinctly stated "on his return
from the first victorious campaign." The date of these
celebrations is preserved, and enables us for the first and
only time to determine the length of an Egyptian campaign
in Syria.
409. The entire calendar of the campaign, as far as can
be determined, is as follows:

541 ff-
bOnly the spoil of these cities is enumerated in the Annals, the march thither
being entirely ignored. The record of feasts and offerings only mentions them
later to say that they were given to Amon.
/ I
(English Mites) yearof Caien-
dm D.,, A~"~imate
Month Date

In Gaza; Feast of Coronation ...

Departure from Gaza.. .........
In E'ehem. .................. \
In h n a ................... f .
Departure from Aruna .........
InTharu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, 90
16th May 10
Arrival before Megiddo. ........
Battle of Megiddo.. ............
} 20th

Beginning of siege of Megiddo. . . ~1st " 15
Capture of Megiddo . . . . . . . . . . . at least 75 ? ?
March to Lebanon .............
Capture of Yenuam, Nuges,
1 ?
? ? ?

Herenkeru .................. ? ? ?
Con!rtruction of fort in Lebanon.. ? ? ?
over goo O C ~11
Return to Thebes, not later than 1+th

410. In less than 148 days, roughly five months, Thut-

mose I11 fought the Battle of Megiddo, completely invested
with a wall the powerful fortress of Megiddo itself, and
captured it; marched northward seventy-five miles to the
Lebanon region, captured three cities, and built a fortress
there; completed the return to the Delta coast and the
voyage up-river to Thebes; and celebrated his first feast of
victory there. The entire campaign from the departure
from Tharu to the arrival in Thebes lasted a maximum of
175 days; that is, in five months and twenty-five days from
the day on which he left Tharu he was celebrating his great
Feast of Amon at Thebes. Fortunately, we are able to
locate this period approximately in the astronomical calendar
and tell in what month he went and returned. a (See $409,

aFor this purpose we have first the Elephantine calendar fragment, which
gives the heliacal rising of Sothis in the reign of Thutmose 111as the 28th of Epiphi
(Young, Hieroglyfhus, 59 =Bmgsch, Thesaurus, 11, 363=Lepsius, DenkmiiZer,
111, 43, e=de Morgan, Catalogue des Monuments, I, 121). Doubt has been cast
upon this date, but I have examined the Berlin squeezes, and there is not a shadow
of doubt that it belongs to the series of blocks from the reign of Thutmose 111. In

last column). I t is thus evident that the campaign falls

exactly within the limits of the dry season in Palestine. a
411. Beside the celebration in Thebes, the victory was
celebrated and recorded in a poetic inscription by the
viceroy of Kush, Nehi ($0 412, 413), at Wadi Ha1fa.b I t
refers to the first campaign, as follows:
412. who (a god) stationed lohis majesty at the Horns of
the Earth, in order to overthrow the Asiatics (Mnt.w-Slt). I am the
Mighty Bull, Shining in Thebes, Son of Atum, beloved of Montu,
"fighting for his army himself, that the Two Lands may see it; it is
no lie. I came forth from the house of my father, the king of gods,
Arnon, who decrees me victory.
413. '"The king himself, he led the way of his army, mighty at its
head, like a flame of fire, the king who wrought with his sword. He
went forth, none Islike him, slaying the barbarians, smiting Retenu
(Rtnw't, sic!), bringing their princes as living captives, their chariots
wrought Iswith gold, bound to their horses. The countries of Tehenu
do obeisance because of the fame of his majesty, with their tribute upon

width of column and height of corresponding signs it is identical with a block

bearing the name of Thutmose 111. Erman, with whom I examined it, was of the
same opinion. Unfortunately, the regnal year is not given; but since my attempt
to determine the season of the campaign (Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 37,
127 f.) on the basis of the Sothis date, the new moon dates have been &ally estab-
lished by Meyer, which modify my series of dates by two days, but corroborate
entirely the season as I established it (Meyer, Abhandlzcngen der Berliner Akademie,
1904, Aegyptische Chronologie, 49 f.).
aAlso shown by the fact that the army reaped the grain harvest about Megiddo,
after having foraged upon it. From the king's Karnak building inscription (8 608)
we see that he was at home in February after the campaign of the year 24; and
the Harrnhab decree (111, 58) shows that Thutmose I11 was accustomed to be at
home each year at the feast of Opet early in October after the summer's campaign-
ing. The campaign of the year 31 also began in April ($469, 1. 9); the Syrian
campaign of Amenhotep I1 (Q8 780 ff.) and the Kadesh campaign of Ramses I1
(111, 298 ff.) also fell in the dry season (see Zeitschrift fur agyptische Spache,
37, 129)-
bOn a pillar of the Empire temple. It is dated "year 23.'' I am indsbted
for it to a photograph, kindly loaned me by Professor Steindorff, as it is still
unpublished. There is in Cairo a fragment of a stela (unpublished, no number)
recording the erection of this temple by Thutmose 111 ("building for him a &m+
of white sandstone"), and its endowment with offerings; but only the extreme ends
of eight lines are preserved. 1am indebted to Schaefer for a copy of it.

their backs, '5- - as do the dogs, that there might he given to them
the breath of life.
414. Tnere is here further reference to the king's personal
leading of his army through the mountains and in the
Megiddo battle. Furthermore, we see that Libyans came
with tribute on the king's return from the campaign. The
Annals narrate the campaign as follows:
At the Frontier in Tharu
415.Year 2 2 , fourth month of the second season (eighth month),
on the twenty-fiftha day [his majesty was in] 7Tharu (T '-w)on the first
victorious expedition to [extend] %he boundaries of Egypt with might

Revolt in Asia
416.9Now, (at) that periodb [[the Asiatics had fallen into] '~dis-
agreement,' each man [fightingc] against Phis neighbor1
"Now, it happened rthat the tribes1 - - the people, who were there
12inthe city of Sharuhen (S)-r3-h3-n) ; behold, from Yerazad (Y-r)-d3)
'3to the marshes of the earthyd(they) had begun to revolt against his
Arrival in Gaza, Feast of Coronation
417. Year 23, first (month) of the third season (ninth month), on
the fourth day,e the day of the feast of the king's coronation, (he arrived)
'4at the city, fthe possession of the ruler: Gazag (G '-d 3-tw).

=The day is lacking in Lepsius and Brugsch, but is preserved by Champollion's

early copy (Champollion, Notices hscriptives, 11, 154).
bOr : " N o w , at the time of these 'events, during years'; " there are traces of the
last two words (m r n p w t ) at the end, before the lacuna.
cRestored from the determinative.
dThat is, from northwestern Judea to beyond the Euphrates.
eMaspero (Recueil, 11, 50, and Struggle of the Nations, 255 f.) has third day,
but the text of Brugsch has fourth; moreover, the table of feasts on the south wall
at Karnak (Mariette, Karnak, P1. 14, b; RougC, Inscriptions hiiroglyphiques, 164)
has (1. 7): "The first month of thethird season, fourth day, the feast of the coronation
of tlze king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose III)." Pylon VII
(8 594) gives the same date.
f This is possibly a proper name, made up of a verb (in relative form) and a

noun, meaning: "Which the ruler seized" ( m h . n p h k > ?).


gAbout 125 miles from the starting-point in nine days.


Departure from Gum

418,p e a r 231 Isfirst month of the third season (ninth month), on
the fifth day; departure from this place in might, - - 16inpower, and
in triumph, to overthrow that wretched foe," to extend I7the boundaries
of Egypt, according as his father, -4mon-Re, b a d commanded - -1
that he seize.
Arrival at Yehem
419. Year 23, first month of the third season (ninth month), on the
sixteenth day, (he arrived) at the city of Yehem (Y-hm).
Council of War
420. [His majesty] ordered I9a consultation with his valiant troops,
saying as follows: "That [wretched] enemy, [the chief] loof Kadesh
(pd-Sw), has come and entered into Megiddo (My-k-ty) ; he pis there9
a1at this moment. He has gathered to himself the chiefs of [all] the
countries [which are] laon the water of Egypt,b and as far as Naharin
(N-h-ry-n), consisting of [the countries] of l3the Kharu (8 '-no),the
Kode (Kdw), their horses, their troops, 2 4 t h ~he~ speaks, 'I
have arisen to Pfight against his majesty1 lsin Megiddo (My-k-ty).'
Tell ye me 1,C

Advice of the Oficers

421.They spoke in the presence of his majesty, "How is it, that
[we] should go upon this road, Z7whichthreatens to be narrow ? While
they pcome'] laand say that the enemy is there waiting, [rholdJling the
l9way against a multitude. Will not horse come behind [horsed and
man behinde] soman likewise? Shall our ["advance-guardq 31be
fighting while our rrear-guardJIf is yet standing yonder 3% Aruna
(C'-nu-%') not having fought? There are yet two (other) roads:
33one road, behold, it [will] - us, for it comes forth at 34Taanach

aThe king of Kadesh.

bAn idiom for "dependent upon" or "subject to."
CThe king's demand upon his officers is for information concerning the road,
as the subsequent developments show.
dSee H 424~1.5s.
eThe end is the restoration of Maspero (Recueil, XI, 52) suggested probably
by that of Brugsch (Egypt un&r the Pharaohs, 155).
fMaspero, Recueil, 11, 5 2 ; the determinative of men is still preserved after

(T '-c '-n'-k '), the other, Peholld, it will [bring us upon] 3sthe way
north of Zefti (Qf-ty), so that we shall come out to the north of Megiddo
(My-k-ty). 36Let our victorious lord proceed upon [the road] he desires;
(but) cause us not to go by a difficulta road."

Decision of the King

422. Then -b 38rmessengerslconcerning [this] design 39which they
had uttered, in view of what had been said rby1 the majesty of the
Court, L. P. H.: "I [swear], as Re loves me, as my father Amon, favors
me, as my [nostrils] are rejuvenated with satisfying life, my majesty
will proceed upon this road of 42Ar~na(C '-rw-n 9. Let him who will
among you, go upon those 43roads ye have mentioned, and let him who
will 44among you, come in the following of my majesty. Shall they
think among those 45enemies whom Re detests: 'Does his majesty pro-
ceed upon 46another road ? He begins to be fearful of us,' so will they
Submission of the Officers
423. 47They spoke before his majesty: "May thy father Amon,
lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak, rgrant thee life! @Behold, we
are the following of thy majesty in every place, whither [thy majesty]
proceedeth; 49as the servant is behind [his] master."

Departure from Yehem

424. SOPThenhis majesty9 commanded the entire army Pto march1
-- [upon] slthat roadc which threatened to be [ n a r r ~ w . ~His
ma.jesty] S2swore, saying: "None shall go forth pin the wayl ssbefore
my majesty, in ." 54He went forth at the head of his army
himself, rshowing [the way9 ssby his (own) footsteps;" horse behindf
[horse], p i s majestylg being S6at the head of his army.

=The same word (St ') is applied to the road upon which the great block for
the el-Bersheh colossus (I, 696, 1. I) was brought. It means "inaccessible" or
"dificdl;" it is also used by Thutmose I11 of the celestial road of the sun ( 8 141).
bVerb lost.
CText has an Amon wrongly restored here.
dCf. 1. 2 7 , above.
eLit., "steps of marching."
*The army here enters the mountain pass.
g0r pos~ibly:'~[rthe vangzrard~]being of the best of his army."

Arrival at Arum
425. Year 23, first month of the third season (ninth month), on the
nineteenth day; the watch in [safetyIa s7in the royal tent was at the
city of Aruna (CJ -m-n3).b s8"My majesty proceeded northward
under (the protection of my) father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, [who
went] sgbefore me, while Harakhte [strengthened my armsIc
60(my) father, -4mon-Re, lord of Thebes, victorious of the sword
6 1 ~ ~my
e rmajesty."
Battle in the Mountains
426. [The enemy] went forth 6ainnumerous battle array
. 63The southern wing was in Taa[nach] (T ' [-n ak 'I),
%he northern wing was on the ground south of .d 6SHis
majesty cried out to them before 66they fell; behold, that
wretched foee 67 68 of [the city of]£ 69Aruna
(C '-rw-n ') .

aPerhaps we should supply: "life, prosperity, and health," as in Ramses 11's

march to Kadesh (1. I); but above, the said phrase is used after "tent," to express
the adjective "royal," and would hardly appear twice in the same phrase.
bThree days after the arrival at Yehem, Aruna, lying in the midst of the moun-
tains, is reached. Here they spent the night of the nineteenth and marched on the
twentieth (1. 58).
CRestored from 8 430, 1. 3.
dMaspcro (Recwil, 11, 56) following Brugsch, supplies Megiddo here. This
is quite possible, but only on a different supposition from that of Maspero and
Brugsch, viz., that the position described here is that of the Asiatic forces, not of
the Egyptians, for the latter do not arrive "sozlth of Megiddo" until long after
this (Q 428). Furthermore, it is quite impossible for the Egyptians to have had
their southern wing at Taanach, while defiling through the Megiddo road. This
seems to have been the view in the translation in Petrie's H i s t m y (11, lob), but no
mention is made of an encounter with the enemy in the mountains in the summary,
p. 101. The passage is important, for it decisively determines (even without
supplying hlegiddo above) the location of Megiddo against Conder's identification
with Mujeddac. An Asiatic army which, we know, fought bciore Megiddo, bas
its southern wing at Taanach, which is known to be Tannuk of today; it must
follow that Megiddo is northward from Tannuk. See Breasted, Proceedings of
the Society of Biblical Archeology, 22, 96.
eThere was some encounter with the enemy here in the mountains, and this
moves the officers to urge calling in the straggling rear as soon as possible. This
encounter has escaped all the historians except Meyer (Geschickte, 239); cf. Mas-
pero, Struggle of the Nations, 257: Wiedemann, Aegyptische Geschichte, 347;
Petrie, History of Egypt, 11, 101; etc.
fThere is a loss of five lines here, before 1. 69, but it is not indicated in the

Danger of the Rear

427. Now, the rear of the victorious army of his majesty was at the
city of toAruna (C3-m-n'), the front was going forth to the valley of
-;a I1they filled the opening of this valley. Then [they] said in the
presence of his majesty, L. P. H.: 7ZLLBehold, his majesty goeth forth
with his victorious army, and it has filled 73the hollow of the valley;
let our victorious lord hearken to us this timeb and 74let our lord protect
for us the rear of his army and his people. 7sLet the rear of this army
come forth to us behind; then shall they (also) fight against 7'jthese
barbarians; then we shall not (need to) take thought for the rear of our
77army.l' His majesty halted outside and waited lathere, protecting
the rear of his victorious army.
Exit from the Mozrntains
428. Behold, when the front had reached the exit upon this road,
the shadow had t ~ r n e d and
, ~ when dxhismajesty arrived at the south
of Megiddo (My-k-ty) one the bank of the brook of Kina (Ky-n3), the
seventh hourf was turning, (measured) by the sun.
Camp in Plain of Megiddo
429. Then was set up the camp of his majesty, and command was
given to the whole army, saying: "Equip yourselves! Prepare your
weapons! for weg shall advance to fight with that wretched foe in the
morning." rTherefore1 the king 2rested in the royal tent, the raffairslh
of the chiefs were arranged, and the provisions of the attendants. The
watch of the army went about, saying, "Steady of heart! Steady of
heart! Watchful! Watchful!' Watch for life at the tent of the king."
One came to say to his majesty, "The land is well, and the infantry of
the South and North likewise."

'Proper name ending in n.

bPetrie, History of Egypt, 11, 106. cIt was past midday.
dA new enumeration of twenty-eight longer lines begins here.
eThe army here emerges in safety upon the plain in the afternoon of the
twentieth, and camps unmolested that night, to go forth to battle in the morning of
the twenty-first.
f About one o'clock P. M. gThe text has the impersonal "one."
hSee $341, 1. 17, for the same rare phrase.
iLit., "Watchful of heaa," meaning "to be vigilant," e. g., of the king (Amen-
hotep 111) on the architrave at Luxor: "tlze Good God who is very vigilant (lit.,
watchfuZ of head) over the house of his father, Amon" (Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111,
73, b; -again ibid., e); and often of the vigilance of a faithful official.

Battle of Megiddo
430. Year 23, first (month) of the third season (ninth month), on
the twenty-first day, the day of the feast of the new moon, rcorresponding
to3 the royal coronation, early in the morning, behold, command was
given to the entire army to move - -. 3His majesty went forth in a
chariot of electrum, arrayed in his weapons of war, like Horus, the
Smiter, lord of power; like Montu of Thebes, while his father, Amon,
strengthened his arms. The southern wing of this army of his majesty
was on a hill south of the [brook ofla Kina (Ky-n3), the northern wing
was at the northwest of Megiddo (My-k-t~),~ while his majesty was in
their center, with Amon as the protection of his members, r-1 the valor
- 40f his limbs. Then his majesty prevailed against them at the head
of his army, and when they saw his majesty prevailing against them
they fled headlong to Megiddo (-My-k-ty) in fear,c abandoning their
horses and their chariots of gold and silver. The peopled hauled them
(up), pulling (them) by their clothing, into this city; the people of this
city having closed (it) against them [and rloweredq sclothing to pull
them up into this city. Now, if only the army of his majesty had not
given their heart to plundering the things of the enemy, they would have
[captured] Megiddo (My-k-ty) at this moment, when the wretched foe
of (Kd-J) Kadesh and the wretched foe of this citye were hauled up in
haste to bring them into this city.e The fear of his majesty had entered
6Ptheir heartsl, their arms were powerless, his serpent diadem was
~victoriouslamong them.
The Spoil
431. Then were captured their horses, their chariots of gold and
silver were made spoil: their champions lay stretched out like fishes

aRestored from 8 428, 1. I.

bThis shows that Thutmose has gone around Megiddo toward the west and,
having his army partially on the north of the city, has intercepted the enemy's
northern line of retreat; at the same time probably securing his own line of retreat
along the Zefti road (see Q 421,1. 35). This position corroborates the position of
the Asiatics with their southern wing at Taanach on the day before the battle
(see 8 426, especially note). This move must have been made by Thutmose in
the afternoon or during the night before the battle.
CLit., "with or in the faces of fear." dLit., "me."
eMegiddo. The two kings of Kadesh and Megiddo are meant.
fRead m ys-h k (Sethe, Verbum, 11, 5 7w), and compare the same phrase
year 31, 1. 10 (Q 470).

on the ground. The victorious army of his majesty went around count-
ing their portions. Behold, there was captured the tent of that wretched
foe [in] which was [his] son - - 7 .a The whole army made
jubilee, giving praise to Amon for the victory which he had granted to
his son on [rthis day, bgiving praisebl to his majesty, exalting his victories.
They brought up the booty which they had taken, consisting of hands,c
of living prisoners, of horses, chariots of gold and silver, of - -3

The Rebuke
432. [Then spake his majesty ron hearing' the words of his army,
saying: "Had ye captured [this city] afterward, behold, I would have
given Re this day; because every chief of every country that
has revolted is within it; and because it is the capture of a thousand
cities, this capture of Megiddo (My-k-ty). Capture ye rmightily,
mightilyN - -a9 7)

Siege of Megiddo
433. ['His majesty commanded11 the rofficersl of the troops to go
--, [rassigning toll each his place. They measured this city, psur-
rounding itq with an inclosure, walled about with green timber of all
their pleasant trees.h His majesty himself was upon the fortification
east of this city, rinspect1ing-l ~O.I--
It was [wallled about with a thick wall - - -j with its thick wall.k
Its name was made : " Menkheperre (Thutmose 111)-is-the-Surrounder-

aAbout a quarter of 1. 7 is lacking.

hOr: "the - of his majesty were exalting, etc."
C u t off from the slain.
dAbout one-fourth of 1. 8 is lacking.
=Three or four words are lacking, probably: "[very many offerings to] Re this
&y9" or something similar.
'The lacuna doubtless contained the exhortation to begin the siege.
gL1. 9-19 generally lack about one-third their length at the beginning.
hThutrnose I11 describes the trees in his own garden of Amon, in the same
way (5 567). Possibly fruit trees are meant, as the word rendered "pleasan#"
(bnr) literally means "sweet."
'About one-third line lacking.
jFive or six words are lacking.
kThe same thick wall is also referred to in the building inscription of the Ptah-
temple (5 616, 1. 1 1 ) and the fragment on this campaign (5 596, 1. 7 ) .

of-the-Asiatics." People were stationed to watch over the tent of his

majesty; to whom it was said: "Steady of heart! Watch ,,a

His majesty I1[commanded, saying: "Let not bon]e among them

[come forth] outside, beyond this wall, except to come out in order to
rknockl at the door of their fortifi~ation."~
Now, all that his majesty did to this city, to that wretched foe%nd
his wretched army, was recorded on (each) day by its (the day's) name,
under the title of: "r-1- - -e " IZ .f Then it was recorded
upon a roll of leather in the temple of Amon this day.g

Surrender of Megiddo
434. Behold, the chiefs of this country came to render their portions,
to do obeisanceh to the fame of his majesty, to crave breath for their
nostrils, because of the greatness of his power, because of the might of
the fame of his majesty - - 13thecountryi came to his fame,
bearing their gifts, consisting of silver, gold, lapis lazuli, malachite;
bringing clean grain, wine, large cattle, and small cattle - for the army
of his majesty. "ach of the Kodel (Sd-(w)j among them bore the
tribute southward. Behold, his majesty appointed the chiefs anew for
14 k

.Cf. $429, 1. 2; but there is not room here to restore as there indicated. So
Maspero, Recueil, 11, 145.
bThe lacuna is slightly longer than this.
CProbably meaning to offer themselves as prisoners (Petrie, History of Egypt,
11, 108).
aThe king of Kadesh.
OThe first word without the following connection seems doubtful; it means
"to sail, travel" and possibly refers to the fact that the king sailed each year to Syria
in the later campaigns; hence the title may have been: " Voyages, etc." The whole
reminds one of the statement concluding the reign of each king in the Book of
Kings (e. g., I Rings 15:23).
fAlmost one-third line lacking.
sThe royal secretary Thaneni was apparently the one who kept this record
(see B 392).
hLit., "to smell tlte earth."
iAImost one-third line lacking.
jCf. 1. 23, $ 420. The sentence is uncertain in the original, both as to text
and meaning. As the Kode are coast-people, it may possibly refer to their shipping
the spoil to Egypt for the soldiers.
kAlmost one-third line lacking.
Spoil of Megiddo
435. a 340 living prisoners; 83 hands; 2,041 mares;b 191
foals; 6 stallions; - young -; a chariot, wrought with gold, (its) 'pole1
of gold, belonging to that foe;c a beautiful chariot, wrought with gold,
belonging to the chief of ~s[Megiddo];~ 892 chariot[s] of his
wretched army; total, 924f (chariots) ; a beautiful rsuitl of bronze armor,
belonging to that foe;g a beautiful rsuitl of bronze armor, belonging to
the chief of Megiddo (M-k-ty); --, 2 0 0 suits of armor, belonging
to his wretched army; 502 bows; 7 poles of (mry) wood, wrought with
silver, belonging to the tent of that foe. Behold, the army of Chis
majesty ]took 16 ,' 297 -, 1,929 large cattle, 2,000 small
cattle,j 20,500 white small ~ a t t l e . ~

Plunder of the Lebanon Tripolis, Megiddo, Etc.

436. List of that which was afterward taken by the king, of the
household goods of that foe who was in pthe city ofq Yenoam (Y-nw-
C ~ m w )in, Nuges (Yn-p-g-s3), and in Herenkeru (gw-r-n-k'-nu),'
aThe determinative sign of a foreign country is the first sign at the end of the
lacuna before the list.
bThis word (ssmw't) I have elsewhere translated "horses" for what seem to
me suscient reasons, but in this context we have a clear distinction between mares
and stallions.
CThe king of Kadesh. dRestored from the list of armor following.
=About one-third line lacking.
fThere must be 30 chariots therefore, mentioned in the lacuna, which would
probably be those of the officers or other chiefs.
gThe king of Kadesh.
hHere followed the armor of the officers, as in the case of the chariots above.,
iAlmost one-third line lacking.

'These three cities lay close together at the southern end of Lebanon. That
Thutmose I11 marched to Lebanon after the fall of Megiddo is shown by the
fact that he built a fortress there (§ 548,l. I) just before returning to Thebes. The
three cities formed a political whole under a single ruler ("that foe"), and were given
as a whole to Amon by Thutmose I11 ($557). The location of these cities in the
plain of Megiddo (Petrie, Syria and Egypt, 14) is plainly due to overlooking the
other evidence (see Miiller, Asien und Europa, zoo--3); though Petrie is undoubtedly
right in denying the identity of Nuges and Nukhasse, already opposed by Mdler
(ibid., 394). If " t k d foe" refers to the king of Kadesh here, as it does elsewhere
throughout this inscription, we have an important indication of the extent south-
ward of the territory of that king.
- [$437

together with all the goods of those cities which submitted themselves,
which were brought to '@is majesty: 4741 -;a 38b lords ([m-r '-y-In ')
of theirs, 87 children of that foe and of the chiefs who were with him,
5 lords of theirs, 1,796 male and female slaves with their children, non-
combatants who surrendered because of famine with that foe, 103 men;
total, 2,503.' Besides flat dishes of costly stone and gold, various vessels,
18 ,d a large (two-handled) vasee ('-k'-n ') of the work of
Kharu (Y'-rw), (- b-) vases, flat dishes, (bntw-) dishes, various drink-
ing-vessels, 3 large kettles (rhd.t), [8]7 knives: amounting to 784 deben.8
Gold in rings found in the hands of the artificers, and silver in many
rings, 966 deben and I kidet.h A silver statue in beaten work '9-----
the head of gold, the staff with human faces; 6 chairsj of that foe, of
ivory, ebony and carob wood, wrought with gold; 6 footstoolsk belong-
ing to them; 6 large tables of ivory and carob wood, a staff of carob
wood, wrought with gold and all costly stones in the fashion of a scepter,
belonging to that foe, all of it wrought with gold; Iaoa statue of that
foe, of ebony wrought with gold, the head of which rwas inlaid9 with
lapis lazuli ;* vessels of bronze, much clothing of that foe. -,

Harvest of the Plain of Megiddo

437. Behold, the cultivable land was divided into fields, which the
inspectors of the royal house, L. P. H., calculated, in order to reap their

aAbout one-third line lacking.

bBrugsch, 39.
cThe prisoners enumerated foot up to 2,029; hence 474 must have been
mentioned in the lacuna at the head of 1. 17. These must have included "that
foe and the chiefs who were with him," and probably others whom we cannot
dAbout one-third line lacking; the numeral belonging to the preceding objects
is lost in this lacuna.
eHebrew, 188 .
fRestored from the 87 in 1. 17.
g191.1 pounds, total of gold in the preceding list of articles
h235 -46 pounds.
iAbout one-thud line lacking.
jIn Egyptian the word (hy) often means a kind of open sedan chair.
kHdmw, Hebrew, D'Tq.
'From this point on, four lines are again nearly complete.
mAbout one-fifth of the line is lacking.

harvest. Statement of the harvest which was brought to his majesty

from the fields of Megiddo (My-k 4) : z08,2oo(+x)~fourfold heket of
grain, "besides that which was cut as forage by the army of his majesty


438. The inscription to which this fragment belonged

contained an account of the first campaign and apparently
no more, so that it was doubtless recorded at the close of
this campaign before the others took place. I t is probably
therefore, the oldest of Thutmose 111's war records, and
introduces an offering-list.

The Insurrection
439- ' Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, at the overthrowd of
Retenu, the wretched a anew for my father, Amon
3- the lands of the Fenkhu, who had begun to invade my bound-
aries. 4rarrayed, in1 hatred of my majesty. They fell upon
their faces oi Megiddo.

'The possible uncertainty is not more than 200 more. This makes about
112,632 imperial bushels (of 2,218.19 cubic inches). I t is impossible to say how
much an acre would yield at this time, but at twenty bushels to the acre, this harvest
covered a territory of nearly nine square miles. (Mr. Petrie's reckoning of 150,ooo
bushels is based on an error in the original number of fourfold heket; he has
280,500 (History of Egypt, 11, IIZ), while the text gives only 208,200, or possibly
bAbout one-fifth line lacking. For the continuation of the campaign, see the
record of "Feasts and Offerings," 5 8 541 ff.
CSouth (?) wall in the Eighteenth Dynasty Karnak temple. I t has been
partially published by Bmgsch (Recueil de monuments, I, XXVII, and again,
Thesaurus, V, 1187), and more fully by Dumichen (Historische Znschriften, 11, 38).
I had also a photograph by Borchardt. The inscription is in vertical lines, which
have been numbered backward by Dumichen and Bmgsch (in Brugsch, Recz~il
de ,monuments; Thesaurus, without numbers). An unknown amount is lost at
the top, 11. 17-21 are entirely lost, and only a few words are preserved at the bottoms
of 11. 13-16 and 22-24.
dThis dates the offering to Amon as occurring after the defeat of Retenu, and
as the following shows, on the first campaign.
eThis is the insurrection referred to in Q 416. The battle of Megiddo is then
rapidly passed over, and 1. 5 begins the siege of Megiddo.

Siege of Megiddo
440. Then my majesty surrounded it with a wall, made thick
6 they tasted not the breath of life, surrounded in front of
their rwalll --7 the Asiatics of all countries came with bowed
head, doing obeisance to the fame of my majesty. 8
Surrender of Megiddo
441. These Asiatics who were in the wretched Megiddo 9
pcame forth1 to the fame of Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), [tgiven life,
sayingl: "Give us a ~ h a n c ethat
, ~ we may present to thy majesty [our]
impost." I0 all that my majesty did in this land forever.
The Inhabitants Shown Mercy
442. Then my majesty commanded to give to them the breath of
life all their goods, bearing I2
Further March

443 - ITyre%1s
led me to a goodly way '3
c 16 these I7
inclosed in
d a-z
with every fragrant wood 23 I did this l-3 . I was
2s victorious in all lands, shining upon the Horus-throne of
the living - like Re, forever.


444. This campaign seems to have been only a circuitous
march through Palestine and southern Syria (1. 25), to re-
ceive the submission and tribute of the dynasts. Far-off
Assyria also, which had now heard of the great victory of
the preceding year, sent gifts, which the scribe calls "tribute"
(ynw) like that of Syria.

aLit., "Give our occasion."

bThe line is broken just above this word; hence, although it spells Tyre
(D >-r>), it may be the end of a longer word terminating in d >-r5 like S n d 3-r a
(Amenemhab, 1. I I, $584). But see Mdller, Asien und Europa, 185.
cEnd shows determinative of foreigners.
dL1. 17-21 are entirely lost.
eLepsius, Denkmder, 111, 32, 11. 32-39=Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1166-68, ll.

445. [List of the tribute of Assur and of] the chiefs of Retenu in the
Tribute of Assur
4 6 . The tributeb of the chief of Assur (Ys-sw-r >): genuine lapis
lazuli, a large block, making 2 0 deben, 9 kidet; genuine lapis lazuli,
2 bl.ocks; total, 3;C and pieces, [making] 30 deben; total, 50 deben and
9 kidet;d fine lapis lazuli from Babylon (Bb-r >); vessels of Assur (ys-
, ~ - .- - 22verymany.
SW-r3)of (hrtt-) stone in ~ o l o r s-

Tribute of Retenu
447. The tribute of the chiefs of Retenu: the daughter of a chief,
(with) ornaments of - gold, lapis lazuli of t[his] country;* 30 [rslavesJ]
belonging [rto herJ1; 65g male and female slaves of his tribute; 103
horses; 5 chariots, wrought with gold, (with) rpoles] of gold; 5 chariots,
wrought with electrum, (with) rpoles] of g.t; total, 10;45 bullocksh
(rand3 calves; 749 bulls; 5,703 small cattle; flat dishes of goldi 23which
could not be weighed; flat dishes of silver, and fragments, (making) 104
deben, 5 kidet;j a gold born] (mk-r XJy-n3), inlaid with lapis lazuli; a
bronze corselet (b3-n-m), inlaid with gold, rornamentedx k
many - of silver - in battle k- %23 (mn-) jars of incense;
1,718 (mn-) jars of honeyed wine;' r-1 and much two-colored

aBngsch (with sic!), Champollion, Lepsius, and Bissing, all have 40, in which
4 units have unquestionably been miswritten by the ancient copyist, for 2 tens-
an easy error. Gri5th does not give Burton's reading. The emendation to 24 is
certain from 1. 25, dated year 24.
bThese are, of course, only gifts, but the text uses the same word as in the case
of the chiefs of Retenu. It is at the head of the list, for it reached him early as
a result of the Megiddo victory in the preceding year.
CThis total of ''blocks" is thrust in between as a parenthesis.
d12.40 pounds.
eSo the texts of Champollion and Bissing.
f o r : "of tk foreigners" (b3 5tyw).
gThese 65 slaves are not among the tribute of Assur, as Miiller indicates,
being misled by Champollion Notices descriftives, 158 (Miiller, Asien und Eurofla,
hSo Lepsius, Champollion, and Bissing; Brugsch, 55.
'There is possibly a lost word or even two at the end of the line (22).
j25.47 pounds. 'Or: "wine and honey."
kAbout one-third of the line. mTwo sorts of c g.t.

g t , a ivory, carob wood, mrw wood,b psgw wood, many bundled of

fire wood, all the luxuries of this country lsto every place of
his majesty's circuit, (where) the tent was p i t ~ h e d . ~

A ppendix
448. YEAR24. List of the tribute brought to the fame of his majesty
in the country of Retenu.
Second Tribute of Assur
449. Tribute of the chief of Assur (Ys-sw-r ') : hrorsesq c
26A r-lf of skim of the M-b >-H as the rprotectionl of a chariot, of the
finesth of - wood; 190(+x) wagons 17- wood, nhb 'wood,
343 pieces; carob wood, 50 pieces; mrw wood, 190 pieces; lcby and
k nk wood, 206 pieces; folive woodl, e a8 .j

450. The Annals contain no account of the third cam-

paign, which was evidently a peaceful tour of inspection.
The record of its results required more room than the wall
of the Annals afforded, hence it was transferred to a chamber
in the rear of the temple, and recorded in a long series of
reliefs representing the flora and fauna of Syria, brought

TWO sorts of 0g.t.

bSame as "mmy wood."
cL1. 24-28 lack considerably over half their length below.
dThe statement undoubtedly was that the tribute was brought to the king
wherever he was in his circuit.
eOver half the line is wanting.
fMSwy, perhaps the leathern front of a chariot. See also Miikr, Asien ~ n d
Europa, 278, n. 3.
gAn unknown animal.
hOr : "rwithl heads of - wood."
iSo Lepsius; Brugsch, meheb; unknown.
iA few numerals and fragments of words are visible, in which "3,000 v a r w w
rtreesl" (or objects of wood) appear.
kReliefs and inscriptions on the walls of the first chamber north of the second
(rear) sanctuary of Karnak (marked Y' on Mariette's plan, P1. 5 ) ; published by
Mariette, Karnuk, 28-31.

back from this campaign. They are accompanied by the

following inscriptions :a
451. YEAR 25, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), living, forever. Plants which his
majesty found in the land of Retenu.
CtAllplants that rgrow', all flowers that are in God's-Landd [which
were found by] 'his majesty when his majesty proceeded to Upper
Retenu, to subdue rallr] the countrie[s,] Jaccording to the command of
his father, Amon, who put them beneath his sandals, from Pthe year 19
4t0 myriads of years.
452. His majesty said: "I swear, as Re [loves me] 5as my father,
Arnon, favors me, all these things happened in truth -. 6 1 have not
written fiction as that which really happened to my majesty;e I have
rengravedl the excellent [deeds] 7r-1. My majesty hath done this from
desire to put them 8before my father Amon, in this great temple of
Amon, (as) a memorial forever and ever."


453. The account of this campaign, if any existed, is

lost; it was not recorded on the wall of the Annals, and
may have been put elsewhere, like thc third.
aThe only other inscription of year 25 is a stela cut on the rocks of the SarbQt
el-Khadem, and dated in the "year 25." Above is a relief showing Thutmose I11
offering a libation to "Hathor, mistress of malachite;" behind the king stands the
"chief treasurer, Ray" ( R 2y), who conducted the expedition hither. An inscrip-
tion of eight horizontal lines contains only titulary and praise of Thutmose 111.
Below stands Ray again with an inscription in eight vertical lines, which has almost
whol1.y disappeared. The following may be discerned: " H e appointed him at
the h a d of his army, to bring that which his majesty desired, of prodwts of the lands
of the gods, malachite without number, . . . . he exceeded that which was commanded
.. .
him, and thut which was exacted. . . A reference to "the sea" ( w 4-wr) at the
end doubtless indicates the way in which the journey was made.
bvertical line on the east wall; text, Mariette, Karnak, 31.
eight vertical lines on the north wall, left of the door; numbered from right
to left; text, Mariette, Karnak, 28.
Showing that T a-nlr ("God's-Land") is sometimes applied to Asia; same in
inscription of Thaneni ($ 820), and in $888.
CText has: "the souls of my majesty."

454. The first campaign extended no farther northward

than the Tripolis of the southern Lebanon, and this was
inland. The second and third campaigns were not aggres-
sive, and apparently did not push far north; the record of
the fourth campaign is lost, and it is not until the fifth, in
the year 29, that we have certain information of an advance
beyond the northern limits of the first campaign, and along
the coast. This fifth campaign begins with a new caption,
as if a new period of the wars had begun here, and it is
clear that the revolt suppressed in the south in the year 23
was after six years not yet subdued in the cities of Zahi,
which the king had not yet visited. The wars in the Annals
are thus divided into two great groups, the first group being
in the south, and the second group, beginning in the year
29, being the wars in the north. '
After the capture of a city the name of which is lost
(W '---), which was supported by troops from Tunip,
contained a sanctuary of Amon, and yielded rich plunder,
the king proceeded southward and captured Arvad. The
rich gardens and fields, now in the season of fruitage, were
plundered, and the army spent the days in rioting and
feasting. The king seized some Phoenician ships, and the
expedition returned by water. This had perhaps been done
by earlier expeditions, but the fifth is the first in which it is

aThe text here returns to the main sanctuary, where the annals are resumed,
beginning at the jog in the north wall (see Mariette, Karnak, P1. 13). Only
the lower ends of the lines are still in situ, the rest having been barbarously
quarried out by Salt; this section is now in the Louvre. Text of Louvre
section and part of lines in situ, Lepsius, Auswahl der WicIztigsten Urkunden,
X I I , 11. 1-7; lower ends of same lines, Mariette, Karnak, 13, 11. 1-6; both,
Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, I 168-70, U. 1-7 =Bissing, Statistisclte Tafel, xxvii f.,
u. 1-7.
455. "His majesty commanded to cause that the victories which his
father [Amon] had given him should be recorded upon the stone wall in
the temple which his majesty made anew Pfor his father Amon, setting
forth each1 expeditionIb by its name,c together with the plunder which
his majesty brought therefrom. It was done according to [all the com-
mand which his father, Re, gave to himd]

Campaign in Zahi
456. 'YEAR29. Behold, [his] majesty was [in Zalhi subduing the
countries revolting against him, on the fifth victorious campaign.

Capture of Unknown City

457. Behold, his majesty captured the city of Wa -(W -')e
-- . This army offered acclamations to his majesty! giving
praise to '[Amon] for the victories which [he gave to] his son. They
were pleasing to the heart of his majesty above everything.

Sacrifices to Amon
458. After this his majesty proceeded to the storehouse of offer-
inds], to give a sacrifice to Amon and to Harakhteg consisting of oxen,
calves, fowl, ['for the life, prosperity, and health ofh'] Menkheperre
(Thutmose 111), who giveth life forever.

aHorizonta1 line at the top; cf. same beginning in the introduction to the
Megiddo campaign, 8 407, 1. 3 (=Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 31, b, 3 ff.).
bExcepting the word "expedition," this part is also broken out in the Intro-
duction (1. 5, 8 407).
apparently this means by its number, for from now on the expeditions are
numbered: see year 29.
dRestored from fj 407, 1. 6 (=Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 3 1 , b, 1. 6).
eYoung shows that the name ended in t . About five or six words are lacking.
fAs after the battle of Megiddo.
gBissing (Stetistisch Tafel, XV) makes the obvious comparison with the men-
tion of the presence of the gods of E g y p w u n i p " (Amarna Letters, ed. Winckler,
41, 9, 10) in the Amarna letters. "'

%even or eight words are lacking.

spoil of the City
459. List of the plunder taken out of this city, from sthe infantry of
that foe of Tunip (Tw-np), the chief of this city, I ; ( T - ~ - Y warriors,
329; silver, 100deben? gold, 100deben;b lapis lazuli, malachite, vessels
of bronze and copper.
The Return Voyage
460. Behold, ships were taken - - laden with' everything, with
slaves, male and female; copper, lead, remeryl, (and) 4everything good.
Afterward his majesty proceeded southwardC to Egypt, to his father.
Amon-Re, with joy of heart.

Capture of Aruad
461.Behold, his majesty overthrew the city of Arvad ('-r '-ty-wt),
with its grain, cutting down all its pleasant trees.d Behold, there were
found Pthe productsl of all Zahi. Their gardens were filled with their
fruit, stheir wines were found remaining in their presses as water flows,e
their grain on the terraced rupon -1; it was more plentiful than the
sand of the shore. The army were overwhelmed with their portions.

Tribute on This Expedition

462. List of the tribute brought to his majesty on this expedition:
51 slaves, male and female; 30 horses; 10flat dishes of silver; 6incense,
oil, 470 (mn-) jars of honey, 6,428 (mn-) jars of wine, copper, lead, lapis
lazuli, green felspar, 616large cattle, 3,636 small cattle, loaves, various

aText has only "- hr;" I am indebted for the restoration to Erman; see also
Miiller (Asien und Europa, 360, n. 5).
b24.37 pounds.
cThe return of the king is here prematurely narrated. I t was, of course, by
water, as the preceding context shows that Phcenician ships were seized for the
dSee 5 433 (Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 32, 1. 20) where the same was done for
=Cf. Bissing, Stutistisch Tafel, 16 ff., who makes the passage too difficult;
and Piehl, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, 1889-90, 376, whose
emendation is not necessary. Precisely the same figure, with the same gram-
matical construction occurs in Papyrus Harris (IV, 213 and 216= 7, 11 and 8, 6).
£The sloping fields of the mountain side.

(%Irat-) loaves, clean grain in kernel and ground - -.

All good fruit
of this country. Behold, the army of his majesty was drunk and
anointed with oil 'every day as at a feast in Egypt.

463. This year the expedition went by water and landed

at Simyra," the most convenient port for reaching Kadesh.
This city had been the leader in the great coalition of re-
volters, defeated at Megiddo in the first campaign seven
years before. I t was doubtless also constantly supporting
revolt in the Phcenician coast cities, as Tunip had done in the
preceding year (29), causing the king to direct his forces
thither in that year. Finally in the year 30 the king succeeded
in reaching the source of the disturbance, capturing and
severely punishing Kadesh," a feat in which Amenemhab
assisted. He returned to his fleet at Simyra, proceeded to
Arvad and punished it as in the preceding year. On his
return to Egypt he took with him the children of the native
princes to be educated in friendship toward Egypt, that they
might be sent back gradually to replace the old hostile genera-
tion of Syrian princes.
464. YEAR30. Behold, his majesty was in the land of Retenu on
the sixth victorious expeditiond of his majesty.

alepsius, Auswalzl &r w'chtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11. 7-9, and Mariette,

Karnuk, 13, 11. 7, 8; Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1170, 1171,ll. 7-9; Bissing, Statistisch
Tafel, 11. 7 3 .
bThis is not stated in the Annals, but as he returned to the coast at Simyra,
and as Simyra was the port nearest Kadesh, the objective of his campaign, there
can be little doubt about the place of landing.
although it still remained the center of Syrian rebellion and revolted
again in year 42 ($5 531, 532). Amenemhab refers to both conquests (5 585 and
Q B 589 f.).
dThe word is in this case determined with a ship indicating the manner in
which the king proceeded to Syria (cf. Wiedemann, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 3 2 , 128; also Bissing, Statistische TafeZ, 19).

Punishment oj Kadesh and Arvad

465. (He) arrived at the city of Kadesh (Fd-Sw), overthrew it,a
cut down its groves, harvested its grain. (He) came to the land of
,$-y--zut,b arrived at the city of Simyra (D3-my-r3), amved at the
city of Arvad ('-r3-t-wt), doing likewiseCto it.

466. List of the tribute 8brought to the souls of his majesty by the
chiefs of Retenu in this year.

Capture of Children of Chiefs

467. Behold, the children of the chiefs (and) their brothers were
brought to be in strongholds in E g ~ p t . Now,
~ whosoever died among
these chiefs, his majesty would cause his son to stand in his place. List
of the children of chiefs brought in this year: ( x + ) z e persons; 181
slaves, male and female; 188 horses; 40 chariots, Pwrought with gold
and silver (and) painted.

468. The king again directs his attention to the coast

cities of Phmnicia, and it is clear that he proceeds thither by
water, first capturing Ullaza, a coast city in the vicinity of
Simyra, when he receives the tribute and homage of the
submissive Syrian kinglets. He then sailed along the coast
from harbor to harbor, forcing submission, and laying up

aThe language does not unequivocally state the capture of the city, but its
capture is clearly stated by Amenemhab (g 585, 11. 13, 14).
bThis fragmentary name must indicate the country north of Kadesh, for,
according to Amenemhab (5 584), Thutmose went to Senzar on this Kadesh cam-
CAShe had done to Kadesh.
dThey were kept in a special place of confinement or dwelling at Thebes,
explained in 402; cf. also Miiller, Asien und Europa, 268.
=The &st part of the number is broken out.
flepsius, Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden, X I I , 11. 9-17, and Mariette,
Karnak, 13, 11. 9-16 =Brugsch, Thesaurus, I 171-73,11. 9-17 =Bissing, Statistische
Tafel, 11. 9-17.

in each the necessary supplies for his garrisons and his

future operations. After receiving reports on the harvest
of Retenu, he returned to Egypt, where he found messengers
bringing tribute from the southern tribe of the Genebteyew.
The record here appends the annual taxes of the Nubian
469. YEAR31, first (month) of the third season, day 3. List of
that which his majesty captured in this year.

Capture of Ullaza
470. Booty brought from the city of Ullaza ('n-r '-tw), which is
upon the shore of Zeren (rQlr-n'),a 490 living captives; [3] r-lb of
the son of that foe of Tunip (r7%-7t[p]) ; chief of the r-1, who was there,
I ; total, 494 persons. Twenty-six horses; 13 chariots, '"and their equip-
ment of all the weapons of war. Verily, his majesty captured this city
in a short hour, and all its property was spoil.c

Tribute of Submissive Princes

471. Tribute of the princes of Retenu, who came to do obeisance
to the [souls] of his majesty in this year: - dslaves, male and female;
72 - - - of this country; silver, 761 deben, 2 kidet ;e 19 chariots,

with 6-1:
wrought with silver; "the equipment of their weapons of war; 104 oxen
with bullock^;^ 172 calves and cows; total, 276; 4,622 small cattle;
native copper, 40 blocks; lead, 41 golden bracelets, figured
together with all their produce and all the fine fragrant
1 2 ~ o oofd ~this country.

aAs corrected by Bissing, Statistische Tafel, 22. It has the determinative of

a body of water.
CCompare a similar phrase in year 23, 1. 6 (Q 431)~ and "Hymn of Victory,"
1. 9 ( 8 657); the identical phrase in Ahmosesi-Ebana, 1. 21 ($15). Cf. Sethe,
Verbum, 11, 5 70.
dNurnera1 lost.
e185.5 pounds.

fCf. Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 32, 1. 33.

gNot more than five words lacking, and about the same in 1. 12.

The Harbors
472. Now, every harbora at which his majesty arrived was supplied
with (nfr-) loaves and with assorted loaves, with oil, incense, wine,
honey, f[ruit] - - - - abundant were they beyond everything,
beyond the knowledge of his majesty's army; (it) is no fiction, Isthey
remain in the daily registerb of the palace, L. P. H., the list of them not
being given in this inscription, in order not to multiply words, and
in order to furnish 'their circumstances~in this placeC d

Harvest of Retenu
473. The harvest of the land of Retenu was reported, consisting of
much clean grain, '4grain in the kernelye barley, incense, green oil,
wine, fruit, every pleasing thing of the country; they shallf apportion
it to the treasury, according as the impost of the - is counted
33 various -, together with green rstone? every costly stone of
this country, and many stones '5of rsparkle1;g [all the] good [things] of
this country.

"That these are the harbors on the Phoenician coast, there is no doubt. The
word is a feminine noun (mny. wt) from mny, "to land," and sometimes has a ship
as determinative (Papyrus Anast., IV, IS, 4). Some of the supplies with which
these mny' wt were equipped were ships and spars ($492). These cannot apply to
inland stations! When we notice that it is always Lebanon chiefs who furnish
the supplies, the conclusion is clear. A new meaning is thus given the words of
Abdkhiba of Jerusalem: "As long as ships were upon the sea, the strong arm of
the king occupied Nahrima (Naharin) and Kas" (Babylonia) (Amama Letters, ed.
Winckler, 182, 32 f.). This observation throws a flood of light on Thutmose 111's
campaigns, and shows that his military operations were later regularly conducted
from some harbor as a base. He therefore employed his navy in these campaigns
to a far greater extent than we had supposed, regularly transporting his army to
Syria by water, and even probably conducting the above campaign by water,
sailing from harbor to harbor. See note, § 483, 1. 24.
b H m y ' t . The word is rare, but occurs also in the Decree of Harmhab
(111, 63, 1. 4), indicating a writing containing laws.
CMeaning, perhaps, that there is room on the wall only for offering the cir-
cumstances under which the spoil was taken, without enumerating the same.
dOver one-third of the line is broken out, and this is the case with each line as
far as 1. 35.
eNot ground.
fThe tense shows that we have here the very words of the government scribe's
the word has the fire determinative; same word in forty-second year, 1. 14,
§ 533; and Papyrus Harris three times (not four, as given in Piehl's Dictionnuire, 21,
22), each time referring to costly stones. Hence Bissing's conjecture that it means a
founder's mould of stone is impossible (Bissing, Statistzsche Tafel, 28).

Tribute of tlze Genebteyew

474. When his majesty arrived in Egypt, the messengers of the
Genebteyew (Gnbtyw) came bearing their tribute, consisting of myrrh,
rguml 6 -; 10male negroes for attendants; 113 oxen '6(and)
calves; 230 bulls; total, 343; besides vessels laden with ivory, ebony,
skin:; of the panther, products
Impost of Wawat
475. [List of the impost of Wawat (W '-w '. t ) ] : 5 - of Wawat; 31
oxen and calves; 6 1 bulls; total, 92; '7besides vessels laden with all
things of this country; the harvest of Wawat, likewise.

476. I n this year the king carries out the greatest cam-
paigp of his Asiatic wars, viz., the conquest of the Euphrates
country. He has been long preparing for it, in the preceding
campaigns, overthrowing Kadesh in the Orontes valley,
subduing the coast cities, and filling them with provisions
for his garrisons and his future operations. The story is
unfortunately briefly told, and not always chronological.
The voyage to S i m ~ r a and
, ~ the long march thence down
the Orontes and to the Euphrates, are entirely omitted.
The crowning act of the campaign, the erection of his
boundary tablet east of the Euphrates, and another in the
vicinity beside that of his father, Thutmose I, is immedi-
ately narrated. The operations which led to this culmination
are .then recorded in the meagerest words. While marching
northward, plundering as he went, probably not far from
the Euphrates, he meets the king of Mitanni, defeats and

alepsius, Auswahl der m'chtigsten Urkuden,,XII, 11.17-29; Mariette, Karnak,

13, 11.. 17-28=Brugsch, Thesaurus, I 173-75.11. 17-29 =Bissing, Statistische Tafel,
u. 17-29.
bHe must have landed at Simyra, for, according to the fragment of Pylon VII
(5 598) he conquered Ketne on this campaign. Ketne was in the Orontes valley
behind Simyra (Meyer, Aegyptiaca. 68; Petrie's location of it by Damascus seems
to me impossible. See Syria and Egypt, F. v.).

drives him in flight, capturing a great booty on the battle-

field. Amenemhab mentions three battles on this campaign,
of which the last, that at Carchemish, is probably, the one
here mentioned in the Annals. Probably Carchemish marks
the northern limit of the advance in this campaign, and the
two other battles mentioned by Amenemhab occurred on
the march thither ($5 581,582). The king then crossed the
Euphrates, set up his boundary tablets, and, as he marched
southward to Niy on his return, he was met by the subor-
dinate princes, who immediately submitted and brought
their tribute. Even far-off Babylon sends gifts, which, of
course, the king calls tribute, and also the Hittites, who here
make their first appearance in history. It is now arranged
that the Lebanon princes shall keep the king's harbors sup-
plied with provisions a
On the king's return, an expedition of his to Punt arrives
with magnificent returns from "God's-Land." The impost
of Wawat is paid as usual.
477. YEAR33. Behold, his majesty was in the land of Retenu;
[he] arrived

Boundary Tablet on the Euphrates

478. [He set up a tablet] east of this water;b he set up another beside
the tablet of his father, =stheking of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheper-
kere (Thutmose I).
Battle in Naharin
479. Behold, his majesty went northCcapturing the towns and laying
waste the settlements of that foed of wretched Naharin (N-h-ry-n')

aThis is narrated out of its place before the tribute of Babylon and the
bThis is the Euphrates; see also note on pursuit, 11. 18, 19.
CSee Amenemhab, 5 583, ll. 8, 9.
dThe king of Mitanni.

he [rpursuled after them an iter ( ~ t r of) ~sailing; not one

looked Igbehind him, but (they) fled, bforsooth,b like a rherdl of moun-
tain goats; yea, the horses fled

The Booty
480. PList of the booty taken? among the whole army, consisting
of: princes, 3; 20their wives, 30; men taken, 80; 606 slaves, male and
female, with their children; those who surrendered (and) their wives,
-- (he) harvested their grain.
Arrival at N i y
481. His majesty arrived at the city alof Niy (Nyy), going south-
ward, when his majesty returned, having set up his tablet in Naharin
(N-h-ry-n >) :extending the boundaries of E g y ~ t . ~
Tribute of Nahurin
482. [List] of the tribute brought to his majesty by the chiefs of
this country: 2 2 5 ~ slaves,
3 male and female; 260 horses; gold, 45
dehen, kidet;e silver vessels of the workmanship of Zahi (D >-hy)
[chariots] with all their weapons of war; 28 oxen, 23calves,
and bullocks; 564 bulls; 5,323 small cattle; incense, 828 (mn-) jars;
sweet oil and [green oil] every pleasing [thing] of this country;
all fruits in quantity.

aIn view of the parallel passage in the Semneh stela of Amenhotep 111, where
the words, " ytr of sailing," are followed by a numeral, the word must be the linear
measure, ytr, and not the word ytr, "river." Hence the rendering of Miiller
(A,sien und Europa, 254): "er (iiberschritt) den Fluss des Rundfahrens ( ?)" must
be given up. There is no statement of a crossing of the Euphrates here, but that
Thutmose I11 really crossed this river is stated on his Constantinople obelisk
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 60, W , ) : "Thutmose (Ill) w b crossed the G e a t B e d
of Nahurin (N-h-r-n) with might and with victory at the head of his army" (Q 631).
That this crossing of the river was on this campaign is not to be doubted, and the
second tablet of 1. 17 was therefore set up on the "east" of the Euphrates. A
further striking corroboration of the crossing is in the "Hymn of Victory" (5 656,
11. 7, 8).
bA rare New Egyptian particle, mdwn; cf. Erman, NeGgyptische Gram-
matik (Q 94, 2).
cAs above narrated.
dThe remainder of the campaign must have been very brief, as it occupied only
the lacuna (about one-third of the line).
eNearly eleven pounds, troy.

The Harbors
483. Behold, "4these harbors were supplied with everything accord-
ing to their dues, according to their contract of each year, together with
the impost of Lebanona (R2-mn-n) according to their contract of each
year with the chiefs of Lebanon (R3-mn-n) 2 unknown rbirdsl;

4 wild fowl asof this country, which r-1 every day.

Tribute of Babylon
484. The tribute of the chief of Shinar ( S ' - n - g - ~ ~ ) real
; ~ lapis
lazuli, 4 ( + x ) deben; artificial lapis lazuli, 24 deben; lapis lazuli of
Babylon (B-b-r ') of real lapis lazuli; a ram's headC of real
lapis lazuli; a 6 ~ 5kidet; and vessels

Tribute of the Hittites

485. The tribute of Kheta (H-t ') the Great, in this year: 8 silver
rings, making 401 deben;d of white precious stone, a great block;
(txgw-) wood FreturningJ to Egypt, at his coming from
'7Naharin (N-h-ry-n '), extending the boundaries of E o p t .

Products of Punt
486. Marvels brought to his majesty ine the land of Punt in this
year: dried myrrh, 1,685 heket;f gold gold, 155 deben, 2 kidet ;
134 slaves, male and female; 114 oxen, asand calves; 305 bulls; total,
419cattle; beside vessels laden with ivory, ebony, (skins) of the panther;
every good thing of [this] country

aThe harbors lying at the foot of the Lebanon along the P h ~ n i c i a ncoast would
naturally be supplied by the Lebanon princes. It is to be noted that these supplies
were collected as "impost" (not "tribute"), and probably by an Egyptian officer,
as was the "impost" of Nubia.
bIdentified long ago by Bmgsch (Gr. Oase, 91) with the biblical Shinar (Snc I),
an identification which was overlooked in favor of Meyer's identification w ~ t h
Singara. Meyer (Aegyptiaca, 63) now sees in SJ-n-g-rs the Sanhar of the Amarna
letters (Amarna Letters, ed. Winckler, 25, 49), which also leads him to recognize
Shinar in both, although Bmgsch's identification of S 3-n-g-r with Shinar seems
not to have been noticed.
text really has "face," but the wall paintings show complete heads in such
d97 74 pounds.
eOr possibly "from" (hr); it is noticeable that in the year 38 (8 513) the
preposition is m, "from." Hence perhaps an expedition here; but see $ 616, 1.9.
f About 223) bushels.
-- --. -.-

Impost of Wawat
487. [Impost of Wawat] : 13 male [negro] slaves; total,
2 0 ; ~44 oxen and calves; 2960 bulls; total, 104; beside vessels laden
with every good thing of this country; the harvest of this place likewise.

488. The king confines himself this year to little more

than a voyage of inspection to Zahi, receiving the surrender
of submissive towns, and the tribute of Retenu, and Cyprus.
The harbors are stocked with supplies as usual, including a
fleet of foreign vessels laden with timber.
The annual impost of Kush and Wawat is recorded as
489. YEAR34. Behold, his majesty was in the land of Zahi
Szwender of Zahi Towns
490. he surrendered fully to his majesty with rfearl.
List of sothe towns captured in this year: 2 towns, (and) a town which
surrendered in the district of Nuges (' n-yw-g-s ') ; total, 3. Captives
brought to his majesty taken captive go, those who surren-
dered, their wives sland their children ;C 40 horses; 15 chariots,

wrought with silver and gold; golden vessels and gold in rings, sod
deben, 8 kidet? rsilverl vessels of this country and rings, 153 deben;e
copper ;f 326 heifers; 40 white goats; 50 small goats; 70
asses; a quantity of (4Xgw-) wood; 32rmanylg chairs of black wood
(and) carob wood; together with 6 tent-poles, wrought with bronze and
set with costly stones; together with every fine wood of this country.

%even other persons therefore were mentioned in the lacuna.

blepsius, Auswalzl &r wichtigsten Urklcnden, X I I , 29-37; Mariette, Karnak,
13, 11. 29-35 -Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1175-77, 11. 29-27 =Bissing, Statistische Tafel,
11. 29-37.
only the number is lost; von Bissing gives no lacuna.
~IAbouttwelve and one-quarter pounds, troy.
'!About thirty-seven and three-tenths pounds.
fThe fragment marked 11. 55-62 (in Lepsius, Auswahl &r wichtigsten Urkun-
den, X I I ) nearly 611s out completely the gap between Lepsius' text and Mariettc's
(see Mariette, Karnak, 13).
possibly "many" belongs here, which might then give ''many tree-trunks."

Tribute of Retenu
491. Tribute of the chiefs of Retenu in this year: -a horses; 31
(+x) [chariots,] wrought with silver and gold, and painted; 70['+31]
slaves, male and female; gold, 55 deben, 8 kidet; various silver vessels
330f the workmanship of the country, - deben, 6 kidet; gold and silver;
(mnw-) stone; vessels of every costly stone; native copper, 80 blocks;
lead, 11 blocks; colors, IOO deben; dry myrrh,rfeldsparl; green rstonel
r-1- 13 oxen and calves; 530 bulls; 84 asses; bronze --; a quantity'
of wood; numerous vessels of copper; incense, 693 (mn-) jars; 34sweet
oil and green oil, 2,080 (mn-) jars; wine, 608 (mn-) jars; 3b chariots of
(1 '-gw-) wood, carob wood, rlogsl of every wood of this country.
The Harbors Supplied
492. Behold, all the harbors of his majesty were supplied with every
good thing of that rwhichl [his] majesty received [in] Zahi (p'-hy),
consisting of Keftyew ships, Byblos ships, and Sektu (Sk-tw) shipsc of
cedar laden with poles, and masts, together 3swith great trees for the
r-ld of his majesty.
Tribute of Cyprus
493. Tribute of the chief of Isy (Ysy) in [this year]: 108 blocks of
pure copper (or) 2,040 deben;e 5(+x) blocks of lead; 1,200 rpigslf of
lead; lapis lazuli, I I O deben; ivory, I tusk; 2 staves of - wood.

Impost of Kush
494. Impost of Kush the wretched: gold, 300 (+x) deben; 60
negroes;g the sonh of the chief of Irem (Yrm) i- - 3%otal, 64; oxen,

aOnly the number is lacking.

bThe three strokes may, of course, be the plural strokes.
cW. M. Miiller (Asien und Europe, 339) inserts a lacuna between the initial
S of this word and the end; but a glance at the neighboring lines (Lepsius, Aus-
wahl der wichtigsten Urkunden, XII; and Mariette, Karnak, I S ) , especially 56
( = 3 2 ) , will show that there is room for only the sk-sign in the lacuna. The place
is unknown. See also Bissing, Statistische Tafel, 1. 34.
dSome construction of wood. f N w s ; see Papyrus Harris, passim.
eAbout 408 pounds. ZPersons of some sort.
hMaspero has daughter (Struggle of the Nations, 267; so also Petrie, History
of Egypt, 11, 118).
iThree persons must have been mentioned in this lacuna; but Bissing, Sta-
tistische Tafel, has no lacuna.

[95; calves,] 180; total, 275; besides [vessels] laden with ivory, ebony
and all products of this country; the harvest of Kush likewise.
Impost of Wawat
495. The [impost] of Wawat; gold, 2 ~ deben;
4 ~ 10 negro slaves,
ma.le and female; - oxen, and calves [besides vessels laden with]
37every good thing of [this country].

496. It was now the second year since the invasion of

Naharin, and the kings of that region had revolted. Thut-
mose marched thither from the Phcenician coast, defeated
the rebels who had united under some prince who is called
the " f o e of Naharin." This may have been the king of
Aleppo. The allies were defeated in a battle at Araina,
possibly in the land of Tikhsi, as mentioned by Amenemhab
(i 587, 1. ~ g ) and
, Thutmose took great spoil. The tribute
of the Syrian princes is not mentioned; it was doubtless paid
as usual; the impost of Kush and Wawat are noted.
497. YEAR35. Behold, his majesty was in the land of Zahi (D3-hy)
on the tenth victorious expedition.
Revolt in Xaharin
498. When his majesty arrived at the city of Araina ('-r '-y 3-n '),C
behold, that wretched foe [of Naharlin ([N-h-rly-n') had collected
horses and people; pis] majesty - - - - S80f the endsd of the
earth. They were numerous - - they were about to fight with his

aThe numeral may have contained more hundreds; as it is, it amounts to

61.91 pounds.
%psius, Auswaltl a h urichtigsten Urkunden, XII, 11. 37-41; Denkmiiler, 111,
31, a, 11. 1-3 =Bmgsch, Thesaurus, 1177-79,11. 37-44, and 1. 2 =Bissing, Statistischc
Tafel, 11. 37-44.
cNot Aruna, as sometimes supposed; it is an unidentified city, but was per-
haps situated in the land of Tikhsi, where Amenemhab ($587) mentions a
dLit., "hinder parts;" see Thutmose 111's "Hymn of Victoryo' (Q 661, 1. 20).

Battle in Naharin
499. Then his majesty advanced [to fightla with them; then the
army of his majesty furnished an example of a t t a ~ kin
, ~the matterC of
seizing and taking.b Then his majesty prevailed against [these] bar-
barians by the souls of pis] f[ather] A[mon] 390f Naharin
(N-h-r-n >). They fled headlong, falling one over another, before his
Booty of the King
500. List of booty which his majesty himself brought away from these
barbarians of Naharin (N-h-ry-n '-) : 2 psuits o f o r m o r ;
bronze ad deben -.
Booty of the Army
501. List of booty which the army of his majesty brought away
from [these foreignerls: 10 living prisoners; 180 horses; 6 0 chariots;
41 13 inlaid corselets; 13 bronze rsuitsl of armor -;
5 bronze helmets for the head; 5 bows of Kharu (Palestine); captures
made in other [rcountriesl] e4a-------f 226 -; a chariot,
wrought with gold; 2 o ( + x ) chariots, wrought with gold and silver,
together with 43 21 (mn-) jars 9

sweet oil, 9;4[+x] (mn-) jars 44 work of -.g

h1 gold 14ingsl, bracelets, (ybht' y-) stone, eye
cosmetic - wild goats, fire wood.

Impost of Kush
502. Impost of the wretched Kush: gold, 70 deben, I kidet; slaves,
male and female, - - - - - oxen, calves, [besides vesseIs

aThis seems to have been omitted here. Cf. the Megiddo battle (1. I, $429).
bPiehl suggests: "pendant une suspension du pillage" (Sphinx, 11, 109).
c g n as in En-n-mdw.t.
dNumeral lost.
eThe block containing the tops of 11.42-54 in Lepsius, Auswahl der wichtigsten
Urkun&n, XII, should be pushed to the left at least the width of three lines. This
is evident from the text in Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 31, a, and Brugsch, Thesaurus,
1178-84, with which we begin a new numbering of the above block.
fAfter the transfer of above block as above noted, the tops of ll. 42-44 are of
course wanting.
gProbably several lines are wanting here.
hNumbered according to Lpsius, Denkmaler, 111, 31, a.

laden] Jwith ebony, ivory, all the good products of this country, together
with the harvest of [Kush, likewi~e].~

Impost of Wawat
503. [Impost of Wawat] 34 negro slaves, male and female;
94 oxen, calves, and bulls; besides ships laden with every good thing;
the harvest of Wawat, [likewise].

506. The king directs his attention to the southern

Lebanon region of Nuges again, where he is obliged to sub-
jugate the local princes, who controlled the road northward
between the two Lebanons at the seaward bend of the
L i t b y River. The regular Syrian tribute and the supply-
ing of the harbors are mentioned, as usual; followed for the
first time by the tribute of Cyprus and Arrapachitis, later
known as an Assyrian province. The products of Punt are
then followed by the usual .impost of Kush and Wawat.
507. [YEAR38. Behold, his majesty was in ] 4on the thir-
teenth victorious expedition. Behold, his majesty was overthrowing
[in] the district of Nuges ('a-yzu-g-s ').
Booty of N z ~ g e sDistrict
508. List of booty which the army of his majesty brought away
froin the district of Nuges: 50 living captives; - horses; - 3 chariots;
--- with [their weapons] 5 0 f war; - people who surrendered of
the region of Nuges - - - -.

aBrugsch's restoration (Thesaurus, 1179) to Wawat is an error, as the harvest

of Wawat is mentioned in the next paragraph.
blepsius, Denkmaler, III,31, a, 11. 3-10 = Brugsch, Tltesaurus, I I 78-81,ll. 2 9 .
=Nearly one-quarter line lacking.

Syrian Tribute
509. Tribute which was brought to the fame of his majesty in this
yea?: 328 horses; 522 slaves, male and female; 9 chariots, wrought
with silver and gold; 61 painted (chariots); total, 70; a necklace of real
lapis lazuli - - - - - a (two-handled ' - k J - R ' - ) - vase; 3 flat
dishes; headsa of goats, head of a lion, vessels of all the work of Zahi
copper, 2,821 [deben], 33 kidet; of crude copper, 276 blocks;
lead, 26 blocks; incense, 656 (hbn.t)-jars; sweet oil and green oil,
(sf't-) oil, 1,752 (ma-) jars; wine, 156 (jars);b 12 oxen; - - - 46
asses; 5 heads of 7tooth ivory; tables of ivory (and) of carob wood;
white (mnw-) stone, 68 deben - - - - bronze spears, shields, bows,
- all weapons of war; sweet wood of this country, all the good
product(s) of this country.
The Harbors Supplied
510. Behold, every harbor was supplied with every good thing
according to their agreement of each year, in going [northward or]C
southward; the impost of Lebanon (R '-mn-n)d 8likewise; the harvest
of Zahi, consisting of clean grain, green oil, incense, [winle.
Tribute of Cyprus
51I. Tribute of the prince of Isy (Ysy) : crude copper -; horses.=
Tribute of Arrapachitis
512. Tribute of the country of Arrapachitis ('-r'-rb)f in this year:
slaves, male and female; crude copper, 2 blocks; carob trees, 65 logs;
and all sweet woods of his country.
Product of P u t
513. [Marvels] broughtg to the fame of his majesty from Punt:
9dried myrrh, 240 heket.

aThe word hnn (written out phonetically at end of 1. 6) means "head," not
"face," as the graphic writing might indicate.
bText has omitted the word.
restored from 1. 13, fourteenth expedition.
dFrom which the harbors we15 supplied. eLit., "spans."
Vrobably 9-r 3-r-p-b =Arrapachitis, is meant. See Miiller, Asim und Europa,
gIn the year 33 the gifts of Punt are introduced by the words: "Marvels
brought to his majesty, etc., (see Q 486); hence restoration. There is no expedition
this time, as the preposition is "from," not "in," as in Q 486.

Impost of Kush
514. Impost of the wretched Kush: gold, IOO [+x]a deben, 6 kidet;
36 negro slaves, male and female; 111 oxen, and calves; 185 bulls;
total, 306 ( ~ i c ! ) besides
,~ vessels laden with ivory, ebony, all the good
products of this country, together with the harvest of this country.
Impost of Wawat
515. Impost of Wawat: [gold], 2,844 [deben, - kidet]; 16 negro
slaves, male and female; 1°77 oxen and calves; besides [vessels] laden
with every good product of this country.


516. This campaign was introduced by an excursion
to punish the raiding Bedwin on the northeastern frontier of
Egypt, also referred to by Amenemhab (fj 580), after which
the king proceeded northward, to receive the usual Syrian
tribute and ensure supplies for the harbors.
Defeat of Shasu
517. YEAR39. Behold, his majesty was in the land of Retenu on
the.fourteenthvictorious expedition, after [his] going [to defeat] the fallen
ones of Shasu (3'-sw).
Syrian Tribute
518. List of [the tribute of] - - - - 197slaves, male and female;
=I229 horses; 2 flat dishes of gold; together with rings (of gold), 12
deben, I kidet; - real lapis lazuli, 30 deben; a flat dish of silver; a
(two-handled) vase ('-k '-n ') of silver; a vessel with the head of an ox;
325 various vessels (of silver): together with silver in rings, making
1,405 deben, I kidet;d a chariot made [with] 12white costly
stone, white (mnw-) stone; natron, (mnzo-) stone, all the various costly
stones of [this] country; incense, sweet oil, green oil, (sf.t-) oil, honey
264e [+x jars]; wine, 1,405 (mn-) jars; 84 bulls; 1,183 small catt1e;f

aThere is room for several hundreds more.

bThe total should be 296, the scribe has made an error of 10.
clepsius, Denkmder, 31, a, 11. IO-14-Bmgsch, Tlusaurus, 1181,1182,11.g-13.
d364.43 pounds. eThe hundreds may be increased indefinitely.
*So Lepsius; Bmgsch, I 193.

bronze ;a '%he pleasant - and the perfume of this country,

together with all good products of this country.
The Harbors
519. Behold, every harbor was supplied with every good thing
according to their agreement of each [year];b in going northward
[or ~ou]th[ward]~ - - likewise; the harvest of [Lebanonld a
[the harvest] I40f &hi, consisting of clean grain, incense, oil, - w[ine]


520. The fragments of the wall at this place show only
the tribute-list of Cyprus and the impost of Kush and

Tribute of Cyprus
521. [Tribute of the chief] of Isy ( Y s y ) : ivory, 2 tusks; copper,
40 bricks; lead, I brick.

aNearly half a line is wanting.

bThe scribe has omitted the word "year;" restored from 1. 7, p. 210.
CRestored from 1. 7, thirteenth expedition.
dLebanon and Zahi are regularly mentioned together in connection with the
eAll the rest (about nine-tenths) of the line is wanting; it is the last line on
the north wall, and the inscription here turns to the left, to follow the west wall (the
back of Pylon VI) southward to the door. It doubtless concluded with the impost
of Kush and Wawat, which could not have occupied more than the rest of this line.
fThe Annals are now continued on the back of Pylon VI. The visitor on the
spot will notice that only the lower third (or less) of these twenty vertical lines on
the pylon (north of door) is preserved; hence the first date is lost, and unfortunately
also all the others on this wall section. The text in Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 30, a
=Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, 1182-85. The fragment certainly contains data from
three different expeditions; it must remain somewhat uncertain whether the &st
of the three is the conclusion of the fourteenth expedition in year 39 or part of a
fifteenth in year 40. I t seems probable that the long lacuna (nearly the whole 1. I,
west wall) contains the conclusion of the fourteenth expedition, which must other-
wistt have occupied more spac- than either of the campaigns before or after it.
Line I of the west wall, therefore, begins the fifteenth expedition. Miiller (Asien
und Europa, 54) sees difficulties in this arrangzment, which are not apparent to
me. See further notes on text.
gcontained the tribute of some unknown country, probably Retenu; the
restored date is almost certain.

Impost of Kush
522. Tribute of .* [Impost of the wretched Kush in]
this year: gold, 144 deben, 3 kidet; IOI negro slaves, male and female;
oxen 3 b

Impost of Wawat
523. [Impost of Wawat] : 35 calves; 54 bulls; total, 89;
besides vessels laden 4[with ebony, ivory, and all the good products of
this countryc] b


524. The record contains only tribute-lists.

[YEAR4 1 . ~ Tribute of] -- z e rings.

Tribute of Retenu
525. List of the tribute of the chiefs of Retenu, brought to the fame
of his majesty in s[this year]f ~ o [ + x ] blocks a sword
of rflinta, bronze spears - b6.-
[Tribute of - in] this [yealr: ivory, 189 tusks; carob wood, 242
logs; 184 large cattle; - small cattle 7-b hincense likewise.

Tribute of th Hittites
Tribute of the chief of Kheta (H-1') the Great, in this year: gold
- -8-

acontained the tribute of some unknown country followed by the impost of

Kush, for "tribute of" at end of 1. I cannot refer to Kush, for which b k ' w , "impost,"
is always used. Kush is certain from the negroes in the list.
bSee note f, p. 212.
cAt least this is the usual continuation. Possibly, the tribute of some other
country intervenes in the following lacuna.
dAs the impost of Kush and Wawat usually concludes the year's list, it is evi-
dent that we should begin another year at this point, as usual, with Retenu; prob-
ably year 41.
=So Lepsius; Bmgsch has "second time."
f B ~ g s c h ' srestoration, "this land," is not according to the parallels.
SO Lepsius; Brugsch, 26.
hProbably thc tribute of another country, also, is lost in the lacuna.

526. [Impost of Kusha the wretched in this year; gold, x + ] 94b

deben, 2 liidet; 8 negro slaves, male and female; 13 male (negroes),
brought for f o l l o ~ i n g ;total,
~ 21; oxen, 9 d

Impost of Wazvat
527. [Impost of W a ~ a t ] : gold,
~ 3,144~deben, 3 kidet; 35 oxen
and calves; 79 bulls; total, 114; besides vessels laden with ivory
I0 d


The last campaign, which happened not later than
the year 42, shows the old king, now probably over seventy
years of age, suppressing a revolt of Tunip and Kadesh,
who are supported by auxiliaries from Naharin. He
marched from the northern coast of Syria, after capturing
the coast city of E r k a t ~directly
,~ against Tunip. Having
subjugated it, he then marched up the Orontes against his
old enemy, Kadesh, whose prince led the allied forces, which
Thutmose I11 had routed at Megiddo on the first campaign,
nearly twenty years before. There was a stubborn defense,
but, according to the narrative of Amencmhab, the walls
of the city were breached, and it was taken by storm (§590).
From it and surrounding towns great plunder was secured,
among which were the Naharin auxiliaries and their horses.

aRestored from the character of the tribute.

blepsius, 83. Brugsch, 86; the photograph indicates 94 as probable.
eAs pedessequii. eRestored after 8 539.
Gee note f, p. 212. f766.35 pounds.
glepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 30, a, 11. 10-ao=Bmgsch, Thesaurus, 1183-85, 11.

hErkatu (c-7-ka-tw) must have been on the coast somewhere between the
mouth of the Orontes and the Nahr el-Kebir. As it is the same as Irkata of the
A m a m Letters (see $ 529, note), it was not far from Simyra. Thutmose may
have landed at Simyra, as be had evidently often done before, and hence he marched
upon the "coast road" against Erkatu.
Long tribute-lists, the harbor supplies, and the impost of
Kush and Wawat conclude the Annals.
Overthrow of Erkatu
529. [YEAR the Fenkhu ([FJnb.w ) . B e h ~ l d his
majesty was upon the coast road, in order to overthrow the city of
ErkatuC(< r-k '-tw) and the cities of ' l d Kana ( K '-n ') -----;
this city was overthrown, together with its districts.

Overthrow of Tunip
530. (Hismajesty) arrived at Tunip (Tw-npe),overthrew that city,
harvested its grain, and cut down its groves I a the citizens of
the army.
Overthrow of Cities of Kadesh District
531. Behold, (he) came in safety, arrived at the district of Kadesh
captured the citiesg therein.

Booty of Kadesh District

532. List of the booty brought from there - 13-----(~ of the
wretched Naharin (N-h-ry-n') who were as auxiliaries among them,

aHere a new year should begin for the same reason as in 1. 4; see note. That
its number should be 42 is clear from the date in the last line of this section; see
note, $ 540.
bRead yst instead of "Amon," incorrectly restored by Harmhah.
cThis important name is given by Lepsius as C r-k >-n-tw,inserting an n before
tw; in this he is followed by Brugsch, who evidently published (Thesaurus, V,
1183)an old copy of his made from Lepsius; for the original (in the photo-
graph) shows no trace of n and no room for if. The signs are perfectly preserved,
and the feet of the eagle in k' practically touch the head of the w-bird in tw,
leaving absolutely no room for n in the vertical column between k3 and tw.
Neither is there any trace on the back of the eagle of n (horizontal). This
makes the identity of our word, with Irkata oi the Amarna Letters a certainty.
See also Eduard Meyer, Festschrift fur Georg Ebers, 69, n. 2; and compare above
Q 528, note.
G e e note f, p. 212.
eTo strike Tunip on turning inland, Erkatu must have heen well to the north
of ~lrvad,unless, of course, Thutmose's northward march is lost in the lacuna.
f H e is therefore marching up the Orontes.
~Including,of course, Kadesh itself.

together with their horses; 691 p e ~ p l e ; ~

29 hands;b 44 horses;=
1 4-.d

Tribute of Unknown Cou%ry

533. [List of the tribute of -1 in this year: 295 slaves, male and
female;e 68 horses; 3 golden flat dishes;f 3 silver &it d i ~ h e s ;(two-
handled '-k'-n'-) vases, 3;f rsparklingl stonesf together with silver
15 d

Tribute of Tunip 1
534. [List of the tribute (or booty) of rTuniplh]: lead, 47
bricks; lead, 1,100deben; colors, remeryl, all beautiful costly stones of
this country; bronze rsuitsl of armor; weapons of war I6 i
[all the] pleasant [things] of this country.

The Harbors Supplied

535. Behold, every harbor was supplied with every good thing
according to their agreement of each year; the harvest of this country
17[likewise] P-.~
Tribute of Unknown Country ,
536. [The tribute of -1 together with flat dishes, heads
of bulls,i making 341 deben, 2 kidet; genuine lapis lazuli, I block,
making 33k kidet, a fine (t'-gw-) wood staff, native copper

aSo Lepsius; Bmgsch, 90;photograph, 691.

5Of the slain, as usual.
cSo Lepsius; ' Brugsch, 48; photo shows room for a much larger number.

=So Lepsius; Brugsch, 195.

f I t is possible that t h ~ s eare simply plurals without numerals.
gSame word (&h) in 8 473, 1. 15, q. v. and note.
hAbove (1. 1 2 ) some captives were taken from Tunip, but the spoil of
Tunip is perhaps not yet enumerated. Among the following list the rare emery
occurs, which is found in the spoil taken from the Tunip auxiliaries in the
unknown city of " Wa------ " (year 29, 461); hence this list may here belong
to Tunip.
iPossibly another nation has been introduced in the lacuna; see note f,
p. 212.
jMeaning that the bulls' heaas were a decoration upon the vessels, as depicted
in the reliefs.
kLepsius, 41; Rmgsch, 33; he is sustained by the photograph.

Tribute of Tinay
537. [The tribute of the chief] of Tinay (Ty-n'-y) :a a silver (S xw '-
b-ly)b vessel of the work of Keftyew (Kf-tyw), together with vessels of
iron," 4 hands of silver, making 56 deben, I kidet;
Impost of Kush
538. [The impost of the wretched Kush in this year]:
[besides vessels laden] with every good thing of this country; the harvest
of the wretched Kush, likewise.
Impost of Wawat
539. The impost of Wawatd in this year: gold, 2,374 debenle I kidet,
10.- [the harvest of Walwat.

540. Behold, his majesty commanded to record the victories which
he won from the year 238 until the year 42, when this inscription was
recorded upon this ~ a n c t u a r y ;that
~ he might be given life forever.

aSo Lepsius; Bmgsch, Ty-n-my.

bSee Bissing, Zeitschrijt fur agyptischc Sprache, 34, 166, who identifies this
vessel with the suibdu (of stone) mentioned in an Amarna letter (Winckler,
Arnarna Letters, 393, 1. 61).
c R y 3. eOver 578 pounds.
done tua has been omitted in Lepsius' text. f See note f, p. 212.

g 0 f course, 22 or 23 is to be read, the reading is based on: (I) our knowledge

of the date when the campaigns began; (2) the fact that 22 is clear and there is only
room in the possible lacuna for one unit more; (3) the fact that the list of offerings
from the Asiatic wars ($5 541 ff.) also begins in the year 23. This date, as well as
the. terminal date "year 42" (for which both Lepsius and Bmgsch give 32), has
been the subject of much discussion. The following remarks of Mariette in a
letter to de Rouge which have been mostly overlooked, should settle the question
(Revue archtologique, 18602, N . S., I, 32):
"La prem3re de ces deux dates, B la vtritt, est un peu dttruite; mais la
pla.nche de M. Lepsius rapporte fidelement l'arrangement des chiffres, et vous
. . ..
voyez qu'il n'y a place 18 que pour l'an 22, ou l'an 23; . . Quant B la
date donnk pour la dern3re de ces campagnes, eUe est celle de la quarante-deuxi-
Bme ann& du rtgne de Thouthm'es. Comme cela arrive frtquemment pour les
textes gravts en relief trts-mince sur le g r b , l'un des chiffres dix a presque disparu
par une sorte de dissolution spontank de la pierre et il est evident que si M. Lepsius
a f,ait sa publication sur un estampage, il a dii lire 32. Mais le c w r e qui tend B
s'eihcer est encore parfaitement clair, et c'est sans contredit l'an 42 qu'il faut
voir. . . . . ." These statements are confirmed by the photograph, although the
space for the fourth ten (in 42) is absolutely smooth.
hSh-ntr, with masculine demonstrative.


541. In this inscription Thutmose I11 records the new
feasts and additional offerings which he established during
the period of his splendid conquests in Asia. The record,
therefore, begins with his return from the first campaign in
the year 23, and continues till the year 42, when his cam-
paigning ~ e a s e d . In
~ order to connect the record with the
occurrence of the first campaign, it goes back to the march
to Lebanon after the fall of Megiddo, refers to a fortress
which he built there, and proceeds then to his return and
landing at Thebes. All this leads up to the establishment
of three great "Feasts of Victory," for which it furnishes
the motive. After fixing the calendar of these three feasts,
with the lists of oblations to be offered at their celebration,
the king proceeds to the gifts which he made to Amon at the
feast of his voyage to southern Opet, which are exceedingly
rich and numerous, including the three cities just captured
in the Lebanon, fields and gardens, slaves, precious metals
and stones, and the doubling of some of the old offerings
(11. 5-14). I t would seem as if this feast was the first cele-
brated by the king after his return from the first campaign,
for it is among its gifts that the acquisitions of that campaign

aWall inscription im the Karnak temple on the back of the south half of Pylon
VI (Baedeker, plan opp. p. 239). I t therefore by its position (as well as by its con-
tent) shows that it is really a continuation of the Annals, which are concluded a t
the door on the back of the north half of the same pylon. I t is in vertical lines, and
as a considerable amount of the pylon is lost at the top clear across, the tops of all
the lines are lacking. Published by Lepsius, (Denkmaler, 111, 30, b) and Brugsch
(Recueil des monuments, I, 43, 44; last five lines omitted). Lepsius offers a more
accurate text, but not so full in indistinct places. I collated the Berlin squeeze for
the important historical portion (11. 1-6)and a photograph by Borchardt for the
bThe date of the beginning is clearly shown in several places; that of the end
by the list of Asiatic and Nubian slaves, which continues "till the recording of this
tablet," which is stated at the end of the Annals ($540) to be "year 42."
-- 219

The other offerings due to Amon, now richly in-

creased, are then successively enumerated (11. 14-25), and
the long inscription closes with the king's exhortation to
the priests, like that to the priests of Abydos ($0 97 ff.) to
be true to their duties and to offer the mortuary oblations
due him, a list of which follows.
543. A splendid array of these gifts is depicted in a wall
reliefa in the corridor of the Annals. Chief among them
are the two Karnalc obelisks, one of which is now at Con-
sta.ntinople ($$ 629 ff.),b and two pairs of flagstaves for the
temple fasade, of course of cedar, tipped with electrum.
But the relief shows the widest range of temple furniture:
chests, a varied array of exquisite vessels; altars, and
temple doors; besides ornaments for the divine statue,
chiefly elaborate necklaces; the whole series being of gold,
silver, bronze, and costly stones, especially lapis lazuli.
The vessels bear the general inscription:
Very numerous; from the yearly dues (htr).
544. The purpose of the gifts is indicated by such accom-
panying inscriptions as the following:
Over a jar:
(Of) alabaster; filled with pure ointment of the divine things.
By rich necklaces:
Ornaments of the "Appearance Festival; " c amulets upon the divine

=On the south wall of the passage south of the sanctuary; published by
Champollion, Monuments, IV, 316, 317; partially by Rosellini, Monumenti, Text,
111, I, plate opp. p. 125; and Rosellini, Monumenti Civili, 57; partially by
Burton, Excerpta hieroglyphica, 29; and Bmgsch, Thesaurus, V, 1185 ff.; and
see Birch, Archczologia, XXXV, 155.
bIn the relief, this obelisk bears the complete dedication, of which only the
first half is preserved on the original in Constantinople. See Breasted, Zeitschrift
fur agyptische Sprache, 39, 55 ff., and infra, $630, where the entire dedication will
be found.
CWhen the god appears in procession.

545.The source of the gifts also appears thus:

Over armlet, necklace, etc. :
(Of) gold, and much costly stone; ornaments of his majesty.
Over a vase:
(Of) costly stone, which his majesty made according to the design
of his own heart.a
546. Before these gifts, on the right, Amon sits enthroned,
receiving them from Thutmose I11 on the left, before whom
are the words:
Presentation of monuments by the king - - -, that he may be
given life like Re, f ~ r e v e r . ~
547. I t is clear from this and the following document
that the beginning of Thutmose 111's conquests in Asia
marks a sudden and profound change in the cultus of Amon,
occasioned by the enormous and entirely disproportionate
wealth which from now on is poured into his treasury. We
see here the beginning of that power and wealth to which
the most remarkable witness is the Papyrus Harris (IV,
Fortress zn Lebanon
548. I in the land of Retenu (Rlnw) as a fortress which
hisCmajesty buiit in his victoriesd among the chiefs of Lebanon (R-mn-n),
the name of which is: "Menkheperre (Thutmose 111)-is-the-Binder-of-

=The making of these vessels is depicted in the tomb of Menkheperreseneb,

accompanied by the same remark ( 8 775), showing that they were really designed
by Thutmose I11 himself, and that the fact was thought worthy of remark there as
well as here. He says the same thing in $164~1.43.
bThere are other such short inscriptions of a singlp word or more, but they arc
as yet inadequately published. One is of especial interest. Over an offering-
table made of four htp-signs, precisely like the great alabaster altar recently found
at Abusir, are the words: ''(0))fshiningl alabaster of Hatnub."
cThe text has "my."
dThese victories in the Lebanon must have been won on first the expedition
after the Megiddo victory, for they are here referred to as preceding the king's
return to Egypt from that expedition (1. 2). The three cities which he capturcd
in the Lebanon are enumerated in the First Campaign, 1. 16 ($ 436). Of the
historians only Brugsch (Geschichte, 328) and Meyer (240) have noted this march
to Lebanon.

Arrival i n Thebes
549. Behold, he landed at the be^,^ his father, Amon, being
-2 . My majesty established for him a "Feast of Victory ' l b for the
first time, when my majesty arrived from the first victorious e x p e d i t i ~ n , ~
overthrowing wretched Retenu (Rlnw) and widening the borders of
Egypt in the year 23,d by the victories which hee decreed to me, lead-
ing - 3
First Feast of Victory
550. [The first "Feast of Victory" was celebrated at (the feast)
1- the first feast of Amon, in order to make it of five days' dura-
Second Feast of Victory
551. The second "Feast of Victory" was celebrated at (the feast):
"Day-of-Bringing-in-the-God,"h the second feast of Amon, in order to
ma'ke it of five days' duration.

Third Feast of Victory

552. The third "Feast of Victory" was celebrated at the fifth feast
of Amon in (the temple): "Gift-of-Life,"' the day of j- 4
[in order to make it of rfive days'l duration].

DSqueeze and photograph.

AS the next line shows, there were three "Feasts of Victwy;" but the first is
hen: referred to as celebrated on his arrival. On these feasts, see Breasted, Z d -
schrift fur agyptische Sprache, 37, 123 ff.
~ $ 1 4 0 ff.
8 dBrugsch has "22," which is, of course, an error.
fThe restoration is certain from the other feasts; only the name of the Feast
of Arnon, with which the first feast of victory coincided, being unknown.
&it., "in order to cause that it take place during (m) 5 days."
hThis is the feast mentioned by Piankhi (IV, 836, 1. 26), who gives the date
as the second of Hathor, which thus determines the date of the second Feast of
;This is the name (hnk-t-c nb) of the mortuary temple (Memnonium) of
Thiltmose 111 on the west shore at Thebes (cf. Recueil, XIX, 86-89). I t stood at
the northeast end of the line of temples (see Baedeker, "Necropolis of Thebes,"
opp. p. 254); as the earliest known reference to this building, it is particularly inter-
esting, because it shows that already in his twenty-third year, Thutmose 111's
mortuary temple was complete and in use (see also Lepsius, Denkmder, Text,
111, 139)-
jThe name of the Amon Feast here followed, the order being different from
that in the &st two feasts.

Offerings for the Feasts of Vutory

553. [Mya majesty established] a great oblation for the "Feast of
Victory," which my majesty made for the first time, consisting of bread,
beer, bull-calves, bulls, fowl, antelopes, gazelles, ibexes, incense, wine,
fruit, white bread, offerings of everything good 5
Amon's Voyage to Luxor
554. [Year 23, secondb month] of the first season, (day) 14,when
the majesty of this august god proceeded, to make his voyageC in his
southern Opet (Luxor) ; my majesty established for him a great oblation
for this day at the entrance into Luxor, consisting of bread, bull-calves,
bulls, fowl, incense, wine, from the first of the victories which
he (Amon) gave me, in order to fill his storehouse, r-1 peasant-serfs, in
order to make for him royal linen (Ss), white (pk't-) linen, (Shr'w-)
linen, (zum't-) linen; - peasants performed the work of the fields, in
order to make the harvest, to fill the storehouse of my father [Amon]
7 to the goodly way.
Gifts of Slaves
555. Statement of the Asiatics, male and female, the negroes and
negresses, which my majesty gave to my father Amon, from the year 23
until the recording of this tablet upon this ~ a n c t u a r y : ~1,578 Syrians
(H '-rw)

aHaving enumerated the three feasts, with their dates, he now proceeds to the
celebration and the oblations to be offered.
bThe numeral is partially broken out; but it can be clearly proven to he two.
See Breasted, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 37,125 f. This date is very impor-
tant, as it shows a t what time Thutmose I11 was already in Thebes on his return
from the first campaign, the length of which is thus determined. See the calendar
of the campaign in 5 409.
=This is the beautiful ceremony of the god's voyage in his sacred barge, called
a t Thebes "Userhetamon" (for a description of the barge made for this purpose
by Ramses 111,see IV, 209). I t was probably on the above occasion that the officer
Arnenemhab officiated (see his inscription, 5 809, 11. 33, 34). I t was on the day
of the return to Karnak from this voyage, called the "Day-of-Bringing-in-the-God,"
that the Second "Feast of Victory" began. I t therefore continued for five days
after the return, during which the Second Amon Feast also continued (see Zeit-
sckriit fiir iigyptische Sprache, 37, 126).
dThe "[spmqfrom the first, etc.," was probably mentioned as part of the oblation.
eThe concluding words of the annals are: "from the year X X I [ I I ] until the
year [ X I X X X I I , when this tablet was recorded upon this sanctuary;" hence the year
42 was probably also the year when the feast inscription was recorded.
Gifts of Cattle
556. of the south and north: 3 loan-cows of the mttle of
Zahi; I loan-cow of the cattle of Kush; total, 4 loan-cows; in order to
draw the milk thereof into jars of electrum each day, and to cause (it)
to be offered [to] my father g[Amon].
Gift of Three Cities
557. My majesty gave to hima three cities in Retenu the Upper:
Nuges (' n-yzo-g-s ') was the name of one, Yenoam (Y-gzw- '-mw)
was the name of another, Herenkeru (Hw-r-n-k '-rw) was the name of
another. The dues consisting of the bimpost of the fiscal year,b the
divine offerings, [of] my father .Amon --.
Gifts of Precious Metals and Stones
558. all [rthingsl] of silver, gold, lapis lazuli, malachite.
My majesty presented to him gold, silver, lapis lazuli, malachite, copper,
bronze, lead, colors, remery? in great quantity, in order to make every
monument of my father, Amon. - "-------.

Gifts of Poultry
559. My majesty formed for him flocks of geese to fill the (sacred)
pool, for the offerings of every day. Behold, my majesty gave to him
z C fattened geese each day, as fixed dues forever, for my father, Amon.
I* [rthe former offering to Amon consisted] of various
loaves, I ,000.
Anciertt Offerings Increased
560. My majesty commanded to multiply this offering of 1,-
various loaves after the arrival of my majesty from smiting Retenu on
the first victorious expedition, in order to gain favofi in the great house
(called) : "Menkheperree (Thutmose 111)-is-Glorious-in-Monuments."
13- various -; 632 - from the daily income of every day, as
an increase of that which was formerly.

bLit., "the work (impost)of the affairs of the year."
~Brugsch,3 ; photograph, z.
dOf the god.
eThis is the name of Thutmose 111's Karnak halls; see 5 599, note, and IV,
754, note.

Gfts of Lands
561. I took for him numerous fields, gardens, and plowed lands,
of the choicest of the South and North,a to make fields, in order to offer
him clean grainb - '4
Furtlzer Offerings
562. yearly; consisting of loaves, bull-calves, bulls, fowl,
incense, wine, fruit, every good thing of the dues of each year. My
majesty established divine offerings, in order to gain the favor of (my)
father, Harakhte, when he rises '5 my majesty [established
for] him a divine offering of barley, in order to perform the ceremonies
therewith, at the feast of the new moon, at the feast of the sixth day (of
the month); and as a daily (income) of each day, according to that
which was done in Heliopolis. Behold, my majesty found it very good
to plow the barley in - - 16
Offerings for Obelisks
563 divine offerings for four great obelisksC which my
majesty made for the first time, for my father [Amon], consisting of
various loaves, and 4 (ds-) jars of beer, which were for each one of these
obelisks; 25 (loaves) of bread, I (ds-) jar of beer.
Offerings for Statues
564. My majesty added divine offeringsfor the statuesd of -7'
the openinge of this portal.
Evening Offering
565. My majesty founded for him an evening offering of bread,
beer, fowl, incense, wine, loaves, white loaves, offerings of every good
thing each day. My majesty added for him increase of things in

aSinuhe's land in Palestine is described in the same words (I, 496, 1. 80).
bThe gifts connected with the Southern Opet festival continue to this point.
The gifts of slaves (11. 7 , 8 ) are brought down to the end of the campaigns (year 42))
but he gms back again after that to the return from the first campaign, mentioning
the three cities in Lebanon captured on that campaign (1. 9) and mentioning the
return (I. 12).
cSee $ 5 623 ff.; also Legrain, Annales, V, which arrived too late for use here.
dIn 1. 27 it is written phonetically. These are the statuesof the older Pharaohs,
preserved in the temple (see 604).

Feast of Peret-Min
566. My majesty founded an offering for the feast of the "Going-
Forth-of-Min" consisting of oxen, fowl, incense, wine, loaves, every-
thing good; 120 "heapsa of offerings supplied with everything;" for the
sake of the life, prosperity, and health of my majesty. I commanded
the addition of 6 great jars (khn.t) of wine '9 peachl] year as
an increase of that which was formerly.

A N m Garden
567. My majesty made for him a garden for the first time, planted
with every pleasant tree, in order to offer vegetables therefrom for divine
offerings of every day, which my majesty founded anew as increase of
that which was formerly a0 with maidensb of the whole land.

Wise Administration
568. Behold, my majesty made every monument, every law, (and)
every regulation which I made, for my father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes,
presider over Karnak, because I so well knew his fame. I was wise in
his excellence, resting in the midst of the body;" while I knew 21
that which he commanded to do, of the things which he desired should
be, of all things which his ka desired that I do them for him, according
as he commanded. My heart led me, my hand performed (it) for my
father, who fashioned me, performing every excellent thing for my
father 22[Amon] . My majesty found all excellent things,
while enlarging monuments, as a record for the future; by enactment^,^
by purifying, by regulations, by supplying with offerings this house of
my father, Amon, lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak; rwhen' passing
by 23 his desire every day.

Feasts of the Seasons

569. Behold, my majesty supplied with offerings the feasts of the
beginning of the seasons yearly, and of the appearance (of the god)

aThese are the heaps so often seen in the reliefs. See I, 785 and note h.
b'Lit., "beauties" (nfr ' w t ) .
c-Meaningwhere the most secret affairs of the god were, as it is frequently said
of the king, "he knows the bodies," or that which is in the bodies of men, that is,
their .thoughts.
dOr possibly: " b y recording for the future in documents."
therein in the midst of the house of my father, Amon, presider over
Karnak, aftera my majesty found that offerings were made there, con-
sisting of libation, incense, '4 the dues of each year.

Truth of the Record

570. I have not uttered exaggeration, in order to boast of that which
I did, saying: "I have done something," although my majesty had not
done it. I have not done (anything) to people, against which contradic-
tion might be uttered. I have done this for my father 2s[Amon]
saying something which was not done; because heb knoweth heaven,
and knoweth earth, he seeth the whole earth hourly. I swearCas Re
loves me, as my father [Amon] praises me, as my nostrils are filled with
satisfying life, I have done this - 26

Instructions to Priests
571. -- Be ye vigilant concerning your duty, be ye not
careless concerning any of your rules; be ye pure, be ye clean concern-
ing divine things, hake heed' concerning matters of transgression,
guard your heart lest your speech r-1, every man [looking to his own
steps thereinl. 27 to my statues, for the [well-.being] of the
monuments which I have made. Bring ye up for me that which came
forthe before, for I made festive his house; put on the garments of my
statues, consisting of (Ss-) linen, for I filled the mortuary oblations of
(pk.t-) linen - offer ye to me of all fruit, for I consecrated
a garden anew; give ye me - shoulders of beef, for I endowed the begin-
ning of the seasons with bulls; fill ye for me the altar with milk, let
incense be tables of silver and gold -; give ye to my statues
according as I supplied those who were before me;f bring forth my
statues on the day when your hands row,g giving praise [to] my father.

*In addition to that which he found already being offered.

bThis must be Amon, who, says the king, sees and knows everything and
would detect a lie.
compare the oath on Hatshepsut's obelisk ($318).
Compare similar instructions to the priests of Abydos ($197 ff.). The lists
which follow are the mortuary offerings for the king, to which he exhorts the priests.
eThe offerings.
fThe statues of the earlier kings, set up in the temple.
aIn the periodic voyage of the god upon the Nile or sacred lake.

He will count it for the cwell-being' of that which I have made in -a

30-- anew daily as an increase of that which was before: 3,305b
various loaves of the divine offering; 132 (ds-) jars of beer; of grain,
two white loaves; 2 Jc of (' h-) herb; 2 nd J C of dates; - fattened
(ht-(:>-)fowl 3 I manyd fowl; 5 vesselfuls of incense;
2 (mm-) jars of wine; 4 (pg-) vessels of honey; 2 (mn-) jars of r-1; I
(C h -) jar of beer; 2 white loaves of dk, 15 white loaves in oblations;

- roasts of fresh fat; 32 2 -; 6 ibexes; 9 gazelles; 125

fattened (bt-<'-) fowl; 1,100 rmatedl (bt-c -) fowl; 258 flocks of (id-)
birds; 5,237 flocks of 'mated1 birds; 1,440 (jars) of wine; incense.

Offerings for Four Obelisks

572. (For the) four obelisks: incense, 318 white loaves; - incense
33-- 104 heket of [inlcense, making 334 pd't of incense; 21
(mn-) jars of green incense; 5 heket of myrrh; 236 bull-cakes; 258
dressed-geese cakes; 24 obelisk-cakes;" 562 white-loaf cakes; 34-.
573. Restorationf which the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Zeserkheperure, Setepnere (Harmhab) made, for his father, Amon-Re,
lord of Thebes, that he might be granted life through him like Re, forever.

574. This inscription is an account of the services and
adventures of an officer named Amenemhab on the Asiatic

aBrugschls text stops here.

bThese lists contain many uncertain things which require special investigation;
the B~llowingversion is merely given for the sake of completeness.
CApparently an unknown measure of bulk (see also 5 159, 1. 37).
dThere is a "two" after "fowl'' which is not clear, possibly "pairs."
eThese are cakes in the shape of the top of a n obelisk; in the Berlin Kahun
papyri occur pyramidion (bnbn) loaves of white bread. The other two varieties
were doubtless also made in the shape indicated by the name.
[This refers to the re-insertion of Arnon's name throughout the inscription by
Harmhab, after its erasure by Amenhotep IV.
gEngraved upon the walls of his tomb in the necropolis of Thebes, which was
noted by Champollion (Notices descriptives, I, 505, Tomb 12; hence not "dis-
covered" by Ebers, as he stated (Zeitschrift der Deutschen ~l~orgenlandischen
Geser?scha)t, 30, p. 391). Ebers, however, did discover and publish the tcxt:
fist in Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1873, 3-9 (corrections by Ebers and

campaigns of Thutmose I11 (11. 3-32), and his subsequent

favor and service under Amenhotep I1 ($8 807 ff., 11. 32-46).
It forms a very important supplement to the Annals of
Thutmose 111, but unfortunately does not insert the dates
of the campaigns nor follow a chronological order.
The old soldier seems to have narrated to some scribe,
who recorded them, the more important incidents and ad-
ventures of his career as they occurred to him, without
attempt at order, beyond the involuntary association of
events that belong to the same campaign. This narrative
he had engraved beside his own figure on the wall of
his tomb, as he is represented standing in the presence of
Amenhotep 11, to whom this recital of his life is evidently
575. Beginning with a battle in the Negeb (year 39),
he proceeds to three battles in Naharin, and the capture
of Senzar (year 33), followed by the capture of Kadesh
(year 30). The name of the next country ( h') is
mutilated, and this is followed by a battle in Tikhsi (prob-
ably year 35), and the elephant hunt at Niy (year 33);
while the whole series concludes, as it should, with the siege
of Kadesh on the last campaign of Thutmose I11 in the
year 42. Arranged in chronological order, Amenemhab
records the following campaigns :
Capture of Kadesh (8 585).
Stern, ibid., 63, 64); again by Chabas, Mdlanges €gyptologiqws, 111, Pls. XVI-
XVII (from Zeitschrift far agyptische Spraclte, corrections by Stern, ibid., 1875,
174). Again by Ebers more accurately in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Mwgen-
landischen Gesellschaft, 30, 391-416 and 3 plates; ibid., 31, 439 ff.; very incor-
rectly also by Virey, "Sept tombeaux Thebains de la XVIIIe dynastie," in Mkmoires
de la mission fran~aiseau Caire, V , 238-40; corrections by Sjoberg, Sphinx, I, I &
20. See also Piehl, Inscriptions, I, CIX, F-CXIII, G, and Pls. CXXV,
0-CXXVII, P and pp. 87-92. 1 am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Newberry
for a careful scale copy of the inscription, which adds some new readings.

Capture of Senzar; three battles in Naharin ($8 581-
84, and 588), and elephant hunt at Niy (Q 588).
Battle in Tikhsi (8 587).
Battle in the Negeb (Q 580).
Siege of Kadesh (8 589).
Following the campaigning is a feast at Thebes, possibly
that of the fourteenth of Pakhons, on Thutmose 111's return
from his first campaign (9 550). The death of the old king
is then narrated with the date, from which we may compute
the: exact length of his reign-fifty-three years? ten months,
and twenty-six days.
576. This biography affords us fleeting glimpses of the
arduous tasks which beset, the remarkable campaigns of
Thutmose 111,of which the Annals offer us little or nothing.
The first campaign in Naharin (year 33) brought three suc-
cessive battles in which Amenemhab distinguished himself;
of these the Annals mention only one, without referring to
the place where it occurred.
577. These adventures of Amenemhab are, of course,
typical of a host of others, which fell to the lot of the Egyp-
tian soldier in Syria. Some of them found place in folk-
tales, and one has survived in the story of the capture of
Joppa by Thutiy, one of Thutmose III's general^,^ whose

apart of the reverse (the first three pages) of the British Museum papyrus,
known as Harris 500. Text first published by Maspero, Bzcdes t?gyptologiqws, I,
Pls. 1-111, with transliteration and notes, pp. 53-66; it had already been translated
by Goodwin, Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archeology, 111, 340-48; then
by Maspero, ibid., I, 53-66; paraphrase based on Maspero by Petrie, Egyptian
Tales, 11. 1-7.

reality is vouched for by his tomb and other contempora-

neous monuments of his.a The manuscript of the story is
about 200 years later.
578. Besides his biography, Amenemhab's tomb con-
tained a series of scenes showing him in the exercise of
certain of his functions as a deputy of the army, especially
introducing the officers of the commissariat to the king to
report (?)on the maintenance of the army.b His tomb also
contains other references to his career, like those inserted
among his titles:
Attendant of his lord on his expeditions in the countries of the
south and north, not separated from the Lord of the Two Lands on
the battlefield in the hour of repelling millions of men.c
He was evidently a favorite of Thutmose 111, and may
have owed his favor to his wife, who was the royal nurse,
possibly of Thutmose I11 himself.

579. The officer, Amenemhab; he says:

'"1 was the very faithful one of the sovereign, L. P. H., the wise-
hearted of the King of Upper Egypt, the excellent-hearted of the King
of Lower Egypt. I followed 'my lord on his expeditions in the northern
and the southern country. He desired that I should be the companion
of his feet, while he was supon the battlefieldd of his victories, while his
valor fortified the heart."

aA list of them in Maspero, Fdudes igyptologiques, I, 68 f. See also Dev6ria,

BibliotUque 6gyptologiqw, IV, 35 ff. The tomb is now unknown, but must have
been known to the natives early in the last century, when it was plundered.
bThis scene is repeated in the tomb of Pehsukher, whose office was similar to
that of Amenemhab ( M i m i r e s de la mission francaise au Caire, V , 289).
cM6muires & b mission frantaise au Caire, V , 245.
dRestored from text in Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische Sprache, 1876, loo, 1. 2.
Piehl has preceded me in this restoration, ibid., 1885, 61, where the particle ty,
"while," introducing a nominal clause, was not yet understood (it has nothing to
do with mn, "remain").

Battle in Negeb
580. "I fought hand to hand in the land of 4Negeb (N-g-b3).a
I brought off three men, Asiatics, as living prisoners."

Battle in Nalzarin
581. "When his majesty came to Naharin ( N - h - ~ - n5 )1 ~brought
off three men from the fight there; I set them before thy majesty as
living prisoners."
Battle in Wan
582. @'Again I fought hand to hand (on) that expedition in the
land of 'The-Height-of-Wan ' (W- -n) on the west of Aleppo (H -
r '-bw). I brought off 713 Asiatics as living prisoners, 13 men; 7 0
living asses; 13 bronze r ~ p e a r s l ;the
~ bronze was wrought with gold
- 13-."
Battle of Carchemish
583. "Again I fought (on) that expedition in the land of Carchemish
(K -ry-k -my- -5 ')." I brought off - 9- as living prisoners. I

aThis is clearly the Hebrew Negeb="south country;" the fourteenth cam-

paign of the Annals was against the Bedwin (Shasu) of this region.
bThe following three battles all took place on a campaign in Naharin, probably
that of year 33 ($8 476-87), as he later mentions another in Naharin, which would
correspond with that of year 35.
identified by Miiller (Asien und Europa, 259 f.), with the heights (Mons
Casius) on the south shore of the seaward stretch of the Orontes by Antioch. But
fs't ~("heigltt") does not mean "Ufer," and Mons Casius could have been much
more easily identified by the scribe by mentioning the Orontes, rather than the
distant Aleppo. Evidently some height not far from Aleppo is meant, for which
Gebcl Sim can (2,700 feet high) answers admirably. I t is but slightly north of west
of Aleppo, but the Egyptian did not carry a compass, and any traveler of today
would speak of it as west of Aleppo, and refer to his table of bearings for the exact
direction. But there is a ruin by Dana directly west of Aleppo, on a height of nearly
1,100 feet, which will do equally well.

dThe rendering of Brugsch (Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1873, 144):

"13 Wurfspiesse von Eisen und mit Gold ausgelegt," is entirely unjustifiable.
The material (hmzn) precedes as usual; then follows the object made of it, viz.,
ynb, which is some article of which each of the thirteen captured men camed one.
Bronze helmets are mentioned in Annals (year 35, 1. 41), and perhaps it is not a n
accident that " I 3 inlaid corselets and 13 bronw suits of armor" are also mentioned
in the Naharin campaign of year 35, 1. 41 (Q 501).
laThis was on the northern march described in the Annals (Q 479, 1. 18).

crossed over the water af Naharin (N-h-r-n), while they were in my

hand, to a- 'O-. , I [set] them before my lord. He rewarded me with
~ "--."
a great reward; list t h e r e ~ f :-

Battle in Senzar
584. "I beheld the royal victories of the King Menkheperre (Thut-
mose 111), given life, in the country of Senzar (Sn-d -r J),C when he
made a [great] sxaughter] "[among] them. I fought hand to hand
before the king, I brought off a hand there. He gave to me the gold of
honor; list thereof: - '3- two silver rings."

Capture of Kadesh
585. "Again I beheld his bravery, while I was among his followers.
[He] captured [the city of] I4Kadesh (Kd-Jw);d I was not absent from
the place where he was; I brought off two men,e lords (m-r '-y-n '),
as [living prisoners; I set them] Isbefore the king, the Lord of the Two
Lands, Thutmose (111), living forever. He gave to me gold because of
bravery, before the whole people - - --; 161ist thereof: . of the finest
gold: a lion; 2 necklaces, 2 flies: 4 arm rings."

Campaign in Unknown Country

586. "I saw my lord in - - - I7- - - in all his forms
in the country of the end+ of Pthe earthy - - - IsHa - (y'-).
Then I was raised to be the --r-- -1 of the army, like - -."

aAhmose, son of Ebana, had a similar adventure, see 5 11.

bRestored from 1. 16.
CZinzar of the Amarna Letters, it is the modern Kalcat Seidjar on the Orontes
below Hamath; see Meyer (Festschrift fiir Georg Ebers, 71), Miiller (Arien und
Europa, 185, n. 3), and Maspro (Struggle of the Nations, 264). It was taken in
the year 33, on the Naharin campaign.
dThis occurred in the year 30 (see Annals, ) 465).
eApposition with "lords."
f See Breasted, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archzology, March, 1900,

7 f. Ebers' corrected text (in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesell-

schaft, 30, Taf. 11, 1. 16) has C df, an error for c ff, as in 1. 21.
gSee Annals, year 35, 1. 38 (8 498), and "Hymn of Victory" (Q 661,1. 20).
This was probably on the march from the coast to Naharin, on the second campaign
against that country.

Battle i n Tikhsi
587. '9"Again I beheld his victory in the country of Tikhsi (Ty-
It-sy) the wretched, in the city of Mero- ( M r - p -). aOIfought
hand to hand therein before the king. I brought off Asiatics, 3 men, as
living prisoners. alThen my lord gave to me the gold of honor; list
thereof: 2 golden necklaces, 4 arm rings, 2 flies, a lion, a female slave,
and a male slave."
Elephant Hunt in Niy
588. 12"Again [rI beheld1 another excellent deed which the Lord
of the Two Lands did in Niy (Nyy). He hunted 120 elephants, for
the sake of their tusks and r-1. '31 engaged the largest which was
among them, which fought against his majesty; I cut off his handa
while he was alive a4[before] his majesty, while I stood in the water
between two rocks.b Then my lord rewarded me with gold; 2s[he]
gave - - - and 3 changes of clothing."

Siege of Kadcslz
589. "The prince of Kadeshc sent forth a mared before [rthe
armyl]; in order to - rthem,l she entered among the army. I pursued
after her '7on foot, with my sword, and I ripped open her belly; I cut
off her tail, I set z8it beforee the king; while there was thanksgiving to
god for it! He gave (me) joy, it filled my body, (rwithl) rejoicing, he
endu.ed my limbs."
Assault on Kadesh
590. 29"His majesty sent forth every valiant man of his army, in
order to pierce the wall for the first time, which Kadesh had made.

aDoubtless the trunk is meant.

bHe was perhaps pursued by the wounded elephant, and took refuge between
the rocks.
c o n the last campaign of Thutmose 111 in ye= 42 (3 531) and the last men-
tioned by Amenemhab.
dFor the purpose of exciting the stallions of the Egyptian chariotry and thus
confusing their line of battle; but Amenemhab leaps down from his chariot, and,
pursuing her "on foot," slays her. See Borchardt, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache,
31, 62 f.
T h e preposition is incomplete.
fThe phrase occurs not infrequently, denoting the thanks of a king for the
faithfulness of a servant; e. g., Amenemhet (I, 520, 1. 14) The impersonal form
merely indicates that it was the king who gave thanks.
I sowas the one who pierced it, being the first of all the valiant; no
other before me did (it). I went forth, I brought off 3'2 men,a (m-r' -
y-n') lords, as living prisoners. Again my lord rewarded me because
of it, with SZeverygood thing for satisfying the heart, of the king's-
Feast at Thebes
591. "I made this capture while [I]was an officer of the navy -
331 was the commander of r-1 p i s vessel1 - I was the chief of his
associates 34on the voyage - - - at his beautiful Feastb of Opet,
when all the land was in acclamation."
Death of Thutmose 111
592. 35" LO, the king completed his lifetime of many years, splendid
in valor, in [mighlt, s6and in triumph; from year I to year 54, third month
of the second season, the last dayc (of the month) under [the majesty
of] 37King Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), triumphant. He mounted to
heaven, [he] djoined the sun; the divine limbs mingling with him who
begat him."
rconcluded $8 807-8091


593. From the data thus far given by Legrain, it is im-
possible to put together all the fragments heretofore found;
bThis is perhaps the celebration of the Feast of Southern 0 G t on the fourteenth
of Paophi, after the return from the first campaign (Q 550)~which Amenemhab
here relates after the campaigns exactly as the inscription of Feasts and Offerings
continues the Annals.
cThat is the thirtieth of the seventh month (Phamenoth); as he was crowned
on the fourth of the ninth month (Pakhons), he lacked one month and four days
of concluding his fifty-fourth year, dying on the seventeenth of March, while his
fifty-fourth year would have been completed on the nineteenth of the following
April (his coronation day coming over thirteen days earlier than when he was
crowned fifty-four years earlier). If born before his father's accession, as seems
probable, he was at least eighty-four years old at his death.
dThis phrase is rendered by Brugsch (Zeitschrifi fdr agypfische Sprmhe, 1873,
134): "es ging unter die Sonnenscheibe," for which he gives excellent reasons;
but in Ineni (Q46, 1. 4), the pronoun "he" is expressed, rendering R's translation
impossible. See also IV,988 E and 988 G.
eFragments of a great granite doorway some forty feet high through the center
of Pylon VII (Baedeker's plan), the northernmost of the southern pylons, were

but even from the fragments the great historical value of the
monument is evident. I t contained a record of Thutmose
111's military career as an explanation of the sources of the
costly materials used on this pylon and other good works in
the Karnak temple. I t begins with his coronation, passes
to the reign of Thutmose 11, and furnishes our most impor-
tant proof of Thurmose 111's coregency with Thutmose 11,a
whiom, as his predecessor, he officially calls his "father," as
was customary on the monuments in referring to deceased
Pharaohs. The record then proceeds to the first campaign,
the battle of hfegiddo, the siege of Megiddo, its capture,
the prisoners, and the disposal of the prisoners and plunder
in Karnak. Whether the succeeding campaigns were now
taken up is uncertain. In any case, the record now included
some account of the important eighth campaign, of the year
33, when Thutmose I11first conquered the Euphrates country.
With some omissions of mutilated portions, necessitated
by the exceedingly frsgmei~tarycharacter of some of the
material, the fragments are as follows:
First Fragmentb
594. Year I, first month of the third season (ninth month), the
fourth day,c occurred the coronation of the king's-son
Second Fragmentd
595. Ibefore me into the -. There was assigned to me
the sovereignty of the Two Lands upon the throne of Keb, the office

found by Legrain in September-October, 1901, and published by him in the

Annales du Service, 11, 272-79, IV,P1. 111. The inscription is in vertical lines, of
which there were at least fourteen, computed by Legrain to have had a combined
length (if set end to end) of 2m meters. Of all this the surviving fragments con-
tain but a small fraction.
PA lintel block, found by Petrie at Abydos in 1902 (Abydos, I, PI.LXI,2; LXIV,
and p. 30), shows their two names together, a s having been coregent during work
on the Eighteenth Dynasty Abydos temple.
blegrain's E. 279. cSee Annals, 5 417.
dlegrain's combination of several fragments, 276, 277.

of Khepri by the side of my father, the Good God, King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Okhepernere (Thutmose 11), given life forever . . . . . ..
4. ... . . . .
Spoil of First Campaign
596. His majesty commanded to build stone 5- it with
electrum. The divine shadow was the likeness of a ram, whose name
was made: " Menkheperre - - Monuments." I t is the favorite
place of the lord of the gods. . . . . . . . All its vessels were of electrum,
gold, [every] costly stone, pcaptured when his majesty went
to'] Retenu, to repel the northern countries, on his &st victorious cam-
paign, which Amon decreed to him. . . . . . . . . . . 7 put in
front of their wall, surrounding it with a firm rampart. My majesty
besieged ita like a terrible lion. As for him who rcamelupon it by night,
8 . Lo, my majesty carried off the wives of that van-
quished one, together with [Pnisl children, and the wives of the chiefs
who were [there, together with their] children. My majesty placed these
women --9 the name of another. Their impost was
brought into the temple of my father, Amon, as the dues of Retenu
----- these wives of the vanquished chief of Kadesh --
10- -of Egypt, extending the boundaries, forever. - - - MY
majesty made this equipment to overlay - - [a barge] of the "Begin-
ning-of-the-River " (named) : "U ~ e r h e t , " hewn
~ [of cedar]
==. . . . . . . . 1 2 with all [products] of the northern countries,
when my majesty returned from these countries.

Third FragmentC
597- their horses the great chiefs of this country
who came to fight their - into the temple of Amon. Then
my majesty commanded my [father] Amon dues as yearly
impost. Lo, Lo, my majesty furnished an example of might,

BMeaning, of course, Megiddo; the preceding being a reference to his siege

works; compare Annals, 8 433, 11. 9-11.
bFor " Userhetamon." Of course, we are to read h 3 t instead of Legrain's
c t; see Lateran Obelisk (88 838).

legr rain's, I, 274. According to Legrain, these sections of seven lines belong
to 11.8-14, presumably refemng to his numbering of the second fragment; but they
are too far separated from that fragment to be here placed in connection with it.
They evidently refer to the king's prowess in some battle.
with my own sword, in the midst of -- Bekhu (Bhw).= None
stood before [me] anew for my father, Amon.
Fourth Fragmentb
598. of Ketne (Kd-n') on the eighth victorious campaign,
to repel c


,599.This inscription contained the record of Thutmose
111's buildings, erected after the beginning of his wars.e In
particular; it recounts the erection of one of his extensive
additions to the east end of the great Karnak temple. The
inscription is unfortunately badly mutilated, only the intro-
ductory lines being preserved, but we see that it recorded
the erection of Thutmose 111's splendid colonnaded halls
and sanctuary, which form the eastern extension of the
Karnak temple;' for it was a building so extensive that an
old shrine of Nun had to be removed farther eastward.
600. There was a reason, hitherto overlooked, for the
erection of these eastern halls by Thutmose 111, which

aWith a foreign determinative.

bhgrain's G, 279.
cThere are two more lines, of which the first seems to contain some reference
to making bows.
dA large granite stela, found by Mariette in the great Karnak temple, now in
Cairo; fragments of only seventeen lines are preserved; text: Mariette, Karnak, 12.
eThe record of his Theban buildings before his wars is contained in the g r ~ a t
coronation inscription ($5 131 ff.). Of his buildings elsewhere, he has left but
slight record: a fragmentary dedication at El Kab (Lepsius, Denkmiiler, Text,
IV, 37); a similar fragment a t Erment (ibid., IV, I); and a record of his share in
the I'asht speos at Benihasan (RougC, Inscriptions hie'rop-lyphiques,149)~which is
chietly of religious character. Further building records also in $5 609-22; 637-43
fAccording to an altar found at Karnak, this building was called: "Men-
kheperre-is-Glmious-in--IMonuments"(Zeitschrijt fur iigyptische Sprache, I 879, I 37).
An altar with the same inscription was reported at Salonichi (ibid., 1868, 78 ff.),
and is possibly identical with the first. See also $560 for the only other occurrence
of the name in Thutmose 111's time. This name of Thutmose 111's sanctuary
was still in use in the reign of Takelot 11, 650 years later (IV, 753).

must be noted here. The colonnaded hall built by Thut-

mose I between his two pylons (IV and V) formed the
entrance-hall to the Karnak temple, and at this time was
the largest hall in the building, the only one sufficiently
large for a procession of the god, such as that which took
place there when Thutmose I11 was installed as king by the
priests. Now, this hall had been rendered unfit for use by
Hatshepsut's strange insertion of her obelisks there (8 304) ;
it now stood roofless, with a small group of six columns at
its northern end. Of these, four were the original cedar
columns of Thutmose I , which Thutmose I11 now renews,
recording the renewal on one of them, as follow^:^
601. 'He (Thutmose 111) made (it) as his monument for his father,
Amon-Re, erecting for him [4 columns] of sandstone set upb [in] the
hypostyle, as Fa renewal of that which1 his [rfather had madel, the
Good God, Lord of Offering (viz., Thutmose I), shaped of cedar.c
My majesty paddedld 4 columns to the two columnse in the north side,
together 6; wrought with -, established with - - =and that which
was brought because of the fame of my majesty, being impost of all
countries, which my father, Amon-Re, assigned to me, shapedf of sand-
stone. The height thereof was made 30 cubits,g on both sides of the
great august portal? - - throughout. They illuminated Karnak

*Published by Piehl, Actes du 6mCcongr2s international &s orientalistes tenu

en 1883 h Le*, ZVmc partie, section 3, pp. 203-19. The text is badly broken,
and unessential fragments have been omitted.
bRead: smn.
cThis reference is the first mention of wooden columns in an Egyptian temple,
and shows that Thutmose I built his hall with cedar columns. (See my N e w Chap-
ter, 31, note b).
dPie hl.
=That is, the two columns of stone already inserted by Thutmose I (5 IOO
and note).
fThree passive participles agree with " 4 columns," viz., "wought," "estab
Iished," and "shaped." This mention of the material is in contrast with lCshaped
of cedar" (1. I), referring to the wooden predecessors of the four new stone-columns.
BOver fifty-one feet.
hNorthern portal; see plan, New Chapter, 13.

like - - - of sandstone, painted with figures of my father Amon,

together with figures of my majesty, and figures of my father, the Good
Gold (viz., Thutmose I). Behold, as for that which was founda going
to ruin among them, my majesty established it with sandstone, in order
tha.t this temple might be established -- 3- like the heavens, abiding
upon their four pillars, as a monument, great, excellent and useful for
the lord of eternity; of granite, ivory, of sandstone, - - - silver,
of the Beautiful-faced (Ptah). I swear as [Re] loves me, [as my father,
Amon, favors me,b I made it] anew in the north side, being an increase
of that which my father had made.
602. Thus the north end of the hall, the end where
Thutmose I11 had been stationed when he was proclaimed
king, was repaired by him, but the south end was still without
columns and roofless., and the obelisk-bases had usurped
the room of eight columns, over a third of the entire colon-
nade. The hall could not be made fit for great ceremonials,
with the obelisks preventing the replacement of over a
third of the roof. Thutmose 111 therefore built a masonry
sheathing around each of the obelisks, covering the inscrip-
tions of Hatshepsut, and desistedc from any further attempt
to restore the hall where he had been raised to the throne.
But as such a great ceremonial hypostyle was of course in-
dispensable, he built the splendid colonnaded halls still
standing at the other or east end of the temple. On his
return from the secondd campaign, in the year 24, the build-
ing was begun, and on the thirtieth of Mekhir, that is, in
the latter part of February, some two months before his
departure for Syria on the third campaign, the brilliant

aRead: gmy't ?
bRestored from the common form of royal oath, e. g., HatshepsuYs obelisk
inscription, 5 318, 1. 2.
CThis is clear from the fact that his son Amenhotep 11, erected the columns of
the south end ($805).
dNot the first campaign, as I have incorrectly stated in Zeitschrift far agyp-
tische Sprache, 39, 61.

celebration of the foundation ceremonies took place. On

his return from the third campaign, in the year 25, the
building was sufficiently far advanced to record on the
walls of one of its chambers, the plants and flowers which
he brought from Syriaa in that year (5s 450 f.).
603. The architraves of the building bear the following
dedications :b
CHe made (it) as his monument for his father, Amon-Re, lord of
Thebes, erecting for him an august central hypostyled anew, of fine
white sandstone (variant, fine limestone of Ayan).
Another form of this dedication is an epitheton attached
to Thutmose 111's name:
Establishing the house of his father, Amon-Re, of fine white limestone
of Ayan.
604. Another dedication designates the halle in the
temple which was set apart by Thutmose I11 for the mor-
tuary service of his ancestors. It is as follows:
f.. . . . :. making for them a great dwelling of myriads of years;
anewg of fine limestone of Ayan, shining like the horizon of heaven,
established as an eternal work. His majesty commanded to record the
names of his fathers, to increase their offerings, and to fashion statues
r- -1h to establish for them divine offerings anew, as increase of [what
was formerly].
605.In one of the chambers to which this hall gave
access, Thutmose had recorded on the walls a listi of the

*This is the earliest extract from his annals; the extracts around the sanctuary
were, of course, made after the conclusion of his campaigns.
%psius, Denkmaler, Text, 111, 31; Champollion, Notices descriptives, 11,
159 f., 162; and Brugsch, Thesaurus, VI, 1313.
preceded by the titulary of Thutmose 111.
dHry. t-yb. e Z in Mariette's Plan (Karnak, P1. V).
fBmgsch, Thesaurus, VI, 1313; Champollion, Notices descriptives, 11, 168;
Mariette, Karnak, 32, h; titulary and usual introduction are omitted.
gOr: "for the first time." h“Of their bodies? "
iRemoved by Prisse to Paris, where it now is, in the Bibliothkque Nationale.
This is the famous Karnak list of kings. See I, p. 197, note a.

Pharaohs, his ancestors who were worshiped in this temple,

and whose statues were set up in it. I t is to this list that
the dedication inscription refers.
This ancestral character of the temple is also referred to
in another inscriptions of Thutmose 111, which designates
the temple as " a monument for his father, the king of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Thz~tmoseI , and a wzonument of lzis
fathers, the kings of Upper and Lower Egypt."
The architect in charge of these great additions was the
first prophet of Amon, Menkheperreseneb, who briefly re-
counts his connection with them in his tomb inscriptions
(§§ 772 ff.).
The great building inscription on our granite stela is as
follows :
The Oracle
606. I . .. ..
. .b The king himself commanded to put in lwriting,
according to the statement of the o r a ~ l e to
, ~ execute monuments before
those who are on earth -. 1My majesty desired to make a monument
to my father, Amon-Re, in Karnak, erecting a dwelling, beautifying the
horizon, adorning for him Khaftet-hir-nebes, the favorite place of my
father 3from the beginning, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes. I made it for
him upon this block of enduring stone,d exalting and magnifying greatly,
since - - - water to the shrinee of Nun, on arriving at his seasons.

Old Buildings Removed

607. I built it for him according to (his) desire, I satisfied him by
that which I made for him (as) at first, building 4a shrine at the east of

aBmgsch, Thesaurus, VI, 13x5.

bThe usual titulary of Thutmose I11 complete.
cThis is doubtless the same as the oracle in the Punt inscriptions (Q 285,I. 5,
t$' t-r '.) commanding the expedition. So also Thutmose 111 is building in response
to an oracle.
dMariette states that this tablet is of "granite gris" (Mariette, Karnak, Texte,
47); so that m d ' t cannot mean "sandstone" here.
eAs Bmgsch has supposed (Egypt under tlte Pharaohs, p. 180), this temple, or
shrine of Nun, was in the way of enlarging the Amon-temple. I t seems, therefore,
to have been taken down and rebuilt farther eastward.

this temple. Behold, my majesty found the encircling wall of mud

brick, - - [rI removed the wall ofl mud [brick,] in order to extend
athis temple.a I cleansed it, I overthrewits ruinous (parts), and removed
the inclosure, which was by its side, which went up srtol the house.
I built this place where the encircling wall was, in order to erect this
monument upon it - - - - Karnak. I made (it) anew,h I fulfilled
that which was prescribed, I did not appropriate the monument of
another. My majesty spake this in truth for the information of 6every
one, my great abomination is to speak lies, there is no fiction in
----- really. I know that he is pleased t h e r e ~ i t h . ~
Foundation Ceremonies
608. My majesty ordered that the dfoundation ceremonyd should
be prepared rat the approach ofJ the day of the Feast of the New Moon,"
7to extend the measuring-line upon this monument. I n the year 24,
second month of the second season, the last day (of the month), on the
day of the tenth feast of Amon in- the god rested (ronl) his great
throne. After this, I proceeded rafter] (my) father, 8Amon; the god pro-
ceeded at his going to celebrate this his beautiful feast. The majesty of
this god marveled ;g this god [rassumled the station rforl the
extension of the [measuring-line]. He set his majesty before him at
this monument, which his majesty had exacted. 9The majesty of this
god rejoiced in this monument [the majesty] of this god pro-
ceeded; the beautiful feast was celebrated rforl my lord. Then I went
to do the extending of the measuring-line upon that which h
Iobefore him. He led 'r- - -1' the first feast of extending the line.
Behold, the majesty of this revered god desired to do the extending of
the line himself " j r lk 12 all that he made.

aBy a slight emendation of the text.

bOr: "for the first time." ~Viz.,with the truth; a common idea.
dLit., "the line extension," as in 1. 7, following.
eSee Brugsch (Thesaurus, VI, 1290 f.).
fAbout one-third line. less than o6e-third line.
hover one-half line. The remaining short ends of &ght lines still have to do
with this building, but offer nothing decisive by which to identify it.
ipartially broken. jNearly two-thirds line.
kSee Bmgsch (Thesaurus, VI, 1291);I do not understand the passage, and his
explanation does not seem to me probable.

His majesty rejoiced exceedingly when he saw the great marvels which
his father [Amon] had performed for him. '3 a My heart
dila.ted at every beautiful approach to begin this monument, enduring
14 b all the names of the great gods who are in Karnak and of
the gods and goddesses I s a All the people made jubilee.

After this l6 electrum, which [my majesty] made for him

1 7 . d


609. This inscription records how Thutmose I11 found
the Ptah-temple, just north of the great hypostyle in Karnak,
built of brick, with wooden columns and doorposts, falling
to ruin. The occasion of rebuilding, or at least of new
offerings, was the return from the first campaign, and the
inscription contains interesting references (5 616) to the in-
vestment and capture of Megiddo on that campaign. From
the plunder thus obtained the temple was also newly and
richly furnished. As this temple was one of the stopping-
places of Amon, when his processions moved out from the
Karnak temple, on all feast days, offerings are provided for
Arnlon on such occasions (9 0 615, 617). At such times also
the lay priesthood was to receive an offering, as well as the
royal statue which was carried in procession (8 618) ; and
the usual daily offering was made to Ptah (9 619), increased
by certain new offerings now established for the first time

aOver two-thirds line.

b.4bout three-fourths line. CAbout four-fifth line.
dThe remainder of the tablet must have contained at least as many more lines
as the above.
eLarge granite stela 1.50 m. high, 0.74 m. wide, and 0.32 m. thick, found in
the Ptah-temple at Thebes; now in Cairo, thus far without number. It was pub-
lishetd and translated by Maspero, Comptes rendus de l'acadtmie des inscriptions
et belles-lettres, 1900,Tome I, 113-23,with facsimile plate; and again by Legrain,
Annales, 111, 107-11. I had also a copy of the original, kindly loaned me by

( 5 620). These were further increased on the king's return

from a subsequent campaign late in September ($621).
With offerings for Mut-Hathor ($622), the inscription closes.
These offerings are all "for the sake of life, prosperity,
and health" of the Pharaoh; that is, they are the official
sacrifices in his behalf, which were begun as soon as a king
was crowned (cf. $ 57).
610. The stela was badly defaced, when the persecution
of Ikhnaton caused the chiseling out of the entire relief
and every occurrence of the names of other gods. This
defacement is important as showing that the persecution of
Ikhnaton was not confined to Amon. The restorers of
Seti I at Thebes were so accustomed to inserting the name
of Amon that they have here inserted it where the titles
clearly show that Ptah was original.
611. The dedication inscription on the wall of the Ptah-
temple also attributes the building to Thutmose 111, of
whom it says:a
[He made (it) as his monumentIb for his father, Ptah, the beautiful of
face, lord of "Life of the Two Lands." presiding over the great seat;
erecting for him the house of Ptah anew [of] fine white sandstone, doors
of new cedar of the best of the terraces. I t is more beautiful than it
was before. Lo, my majesty found this house of brick - - - of the
ancestors. His majesty commanded to make for him this temple of
sandstone, established as an eternal work, made to flourish, an abiding
monument - -," which the Son of Re, Thutmose (111), makes for him.
612. Our stela inscription is surmounted by a r ~ l i e f , ~
down the middle of which is the following record of Seti 1's
restoration :
aBrugsch, Thesaurus, V, I 188=Lepsius, Denkmder, Text, 111, 7 = Legrain,
Annales, 111, 98, 99.
bThe restoration in Lepsius, Denkmaler, Text, is not correct; and that of
Legrain is impossible.
CName of Ptah erased by Ikhnaton; see Lepsius, Denkmder, Text, 111, 8.
dThis entire relief was chiseled out by Ikhnaton.
Restoration of the monument, which King Menmare (Seti I) made,
in the house of his father, Ptah.
On the right, Thutmose I11 offers wine to Ptah. Behind
the king is the divine wife (hm . t .ntr) Sityoh (S "t y h),a
offering ointment. On the left, before the same god, Thut-
mose 111, offering a libation of water, is followed by the
same princess, again offering ointment.
The inscription below the relief is as follows:
613. 'Live Horus . . . . . . . Thutmose 111, beloved of Ptah-South-
of-'His-Wall, in Thebes, given life forever.
Building the Near Temple
6x4. 'MyC majesty commands that there be built the temple of
Ptah-South-of-His-Wall, in Thebes, which is a station (w ' hy. t) of my
father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, wherein he [-Id on the day of "Bring-
ing-in-the-God," and all his feasts sduring the year, when he proceeds to
the treasury of the south (tp my). LO,my majksty found this temple built
of brick and wooden column^,^ and its doorway of wood, beginning to
go to ruin. 4My majesty commands to stretch the cord upon this
temple anew, erected of fine white sandstone, and the walls around itf
of brick, as a work enduring for eternity. sMy majesty erected for it
doors of new cedar of the best of the terraces, mounted with Asiatic
copper, rcorresponding to1 (hjt) the house of Ptah anew, in the name of
my majesty. 6Never was done for him the like, before my majesty.
New Equipment of the Temple
615. MI majesty made him rich, and I made him greater than
before. I overlaid for him his great seat with electrum of the best of

aThe name is perhaps wrongly restored, and Maspero a h s he has seen

traces of the name Merytre; but of this Schaefer saw nothing.
bHer name is here original.
cThe text has a Horus-hawk on the standard, used for the first person when
the king speaks, in the rest of the inscription.
dWe expect some verb like "rests" or "turns aside," but the text shows only
the verb "give" and a very small lacuna.
e o n wooden columns in a temple, see 8 100.
f That is, the walls of the temple inclosun:.

the countries. 7All ves&ls were of gold and silver, and every splendid,
costly stone, clothing of fine linen, white linen, ointments of divine
ingredients, to perform his pleasing ceremonies at the feasts of 8the
beginnings of the seasons, which occur in this temple, when my majesty
caused him to proceed, to assume his throne.

Offerings on Return from First Campaign

616. I filled his temple with every good thing, with oxen, geese,
incense, wine, offerings of gall sorts of fruit, at the return of my majesty
from (hr) the country of Retenu (Rlnw), on the first victorious campaign,
whicha my father, Amon, gave to me, when he gave to me all the allied
countries of Zahib (D' -hy), '"shut up in one city. The fear of my
majesty entered their hearts, (they) fell,c (they) slunk back; when I
reached them, there was not one left "who stirred (wtwt) among them.
I snared them in one city, I built around them with a rampart of thick
wall, to -d their nostrils of the breath of life, by the fame of lamy father,
Amon, who guides me into a prosperous way by all his good designs,
which he has wrought for my majesty. He has made great the victories
of my majesty above (those of) any king who has been before.

New Offerings for Amon

617. '3My majesty commanded that his altar should be supplied
with every good thing. My majesty commanded that offerings be added
anew for my father, Amon, in Karnak, I4when he rested there: 12 e"heaps
of offeringse supplied with everything," for the day of "Bringing-in-the-
God" and every feast of Amon, beingf an increase of what was before,
for the sake of the life, prosperity, and health of my majesty -.g

aThis relative clause (rdyn ny yt ' y) is common. Maspero's rendering, "Je 6s

en effet ces dons & mon pbre, etc.," is possible only by overlooking one of the n's.
bThis shows the wide extent of Zahi, evidentlyfar beyond the limits of Phcenicia.
cThe text has been restored here, and may be corrupt; "]ell" (Er) may be
the particle "then, so."
dSome verb like "deprive."
T h i s is a cultus term for a kind of oblation. See 5 566.
f Emend after 1.19.

sAmon is here wrongly restored in an erasure extending over from the next
line. The ancient restoration "nzy majesty" (hn-y) is quite right, as is shoun by
1. 19; Maspero (Comptes rendus, 1900, I , 1 1 5 ) corrects the restoration, and appeals
to 1. 19 as supporting his correction; but his quotation of 1. 19 overlooks hn.

Offerings for the Priesthood and Royal Statue

618.Now, Iswhen the majesty of this august god is satisfied with
his offering ( y b ' t ) , let one cause a "heap of offerings, supplied with
everything" to be issued to the lay priests of the temple of my father,
Amon, in Karnak; 16and 6 "heaps of offerings, supplied with every-
thing"a and with bread ofb the " Coming Forth" (to be issued) before
the statue of millions of years of my majesty, which follows to this temple,
which is in the domain of the majesty of Itthis august god, for the sake
of this offering, Cthena'me of which is: " Menkheperre-is-Great-in-Offer-
Offerijzgs for Ptah
619.Now, when this statue is satisfied with this offering, there shall
be issued for the temple of IaPtah, lord of truth, South-of-His-Wall, in
Thebes, according to the measure of the customaryd offering, which is
in this temple.
N m Offerirzgs jor Ptah
620. My majesty has moreover commanded to found divine offer-
ings anew for my father, 19ePtah-South-of-His-Wall in Thebes, con-
sisting of 60 various loaves, 2 jars (ds) of beer, - - vegetables, bread
of the daily offering of every day, as an increase of that which was before,
for the sake of the life, prosperity, and health of my majesty.
aoNow, when the god is satisfied with his offerings, let this rofferingl
be placed before [this] statue of my majesty, when the lay priesthood of
the temple of Ptah-South-of-His-Wall, in Thebes, go forth. My majesty
[rcommandsJf O1to have executed every contract of the court, for his
father, Ptah-South-of-His-Wall, in Thebes Amon in Karnak.

aThis is interpreting the loaf as determinative of the whole group; it is possible

to separate it, as Maspero does, and read "six loaves from the bread of, etc."
bOr: "for the Coming Forth;" in which case the parenthesis must be inserted
after "bread," thus: ". .. . . bread (to be issued) for the Coming Forth, etc."
CThis relative clause, as the gender shows, does not belong to "offering," but
to "temple!" The order of words above is as in the original, which is very con-
fused. Such royal statues are depicted in reliefs "foMowing" in procession to the
dFor another example of this use of this word (mtl), see 5 798; and the Treaty,
111, B 377, 1. 14.
T h e restorer has absurdly inserted Amon here before Ptah!
'[The restoration has probably omitted this word.

Further Addition to Ptah's Offerings

621. First (month) of the first season (first month), twenty-sixth
day.a My majesty hath founded for him: 12abull, -b jars (mnw) of
wine, 2 geese, 4 great r-1, 5 measures (dny-t) of fruit, grain for 6 white
loaves, 2 [bundles of vegetable^],^ 20 (t'b-) jars and 10 (ds-) jars of
beer, 5 table fowl, 23200 various loaves of the divine offerings from the
house (p)of Amon, 4 measures of incense, - cakes, 2 0 white loaves,
dfor the sake ofd the life, prosperity, and health of Pharaoh, fixed as
annual dues, burned in the presence of this god 24every day.

Offerings for Mut-Hathor

622. My [majesty commands] to have executed every contract of
the court for Mut-Hathor, mistress of Thebes, on the day of the "Altar-of-
the-Feast," which takes placee on the last day of the third month of the
third season (eleventh month). ls[My majesty] has [founded 'divine
offerings o f l - jars of wine, I goose, 2 great r-1, 4 measures (dny.t)
of fruit, grain for four white loaves, 2 bundles of vegetables, 2 ( t b-)jars
of beer. a 6 5 table-fowl, 25 [various loaves of the divineIf offerings, '-1
of the garden, and every plant, hurnedg in the presence of this goddess,
every day.
l7[It is] my [majesty] who does all the things to be done in this house
in this good hour rexactlyl, in which is the burning. I t is my majesty
who makes anew

aThis is about the twenty-third of September and was, of course, the time of
the king's return with the plunder from some campaign of the preceding summer
(see 5 5 409 g.).
bThe numeral has been corrupted in the restoration.
cTo be restored from 1. 25.
dMaspero restores: nw = "of;" but the context demands the usual connection,
viz., "for the sake of (hr-d d '), etc.," which Schaefer read; and this is shown by the
photograph to be correct.
eMaspero has "f6te de faire &re;" but the phrase "cause to be" is usual for
the taking place of a feast. See Zeitschrift flir dgyptische Sprache, 37, 124f.,
where it occurs three times, and the Elephantine appendix to the Amgda stela,
8 798.
f Restored from 1. 23.

8.4 participle referring to the entire preceding series of offerings; the same
above in 1. 23.
Q 6241 OBELISKS 249
- --

623. In celebration of the usual jubilee on the thirtieth
anniversary of his being proclaimed crown prince, and on
recurrencesa of the same feast, Thutmose I11 erected a
series of at least sevenb obelisks, of which five were in
Thebes and two in Heliopolis. The first of these feasts
must have taken place in his thirtieth year as king, because
his proclamation as crown prince was coincident with his
coronation. He had no prospect of succeeding until he
was crowned. These obelisks are chronologically impor-
tant, and bear inscriptions, some of which possess great
historical value.

624. If we exclude those of Hatshepsut, there are now

no obelisks erected by Thutmose I11 remaining in Karnak;
for that of Thutmose I which he appropriated was not
erected by Thutmose I11 (see $$1o5,86 ff.), but only in-
scribed by him. In the year 42, however, he had already
erected in Karnak four obelisks, for which he decreed offer-
ings ($$563, 572). Whether he later erected more, we cannot
tell, but it can hardly be an accident that other sources also
refer to four at Karnak, two being recorded by the king
aA record of the celebration of a jubilee on the second of Pauni in year 33 is
found in a tablet at el-Bersheh (Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions, 11, 47; again less
accurately, 11, 33). The monument is now destroyed.
bThat is: Mentioned in texts at Karnak . . , . 4
(Includes Constantinople obelisk)
Lateranobelisk . I
Heliopolisobelisks . . . . . . z -
Total . . . . . . . . 7
The Lateran obelisk was, of course, not completed by Thutmose 111. There
is a small obelisk of his at Sion house; see Birch, History, 102. A new obelisk of
"Thotmes" (not stated which one) is mentioned in Egypt Fsploration Fund
Archeological Repwt, 98, 99, 2 2 . See Breasted, "The Obelisks of Thutmose 111
and His Building Season in Egypt" (Zedschrift fur agyptische Spraclze, 39, 55-61).
Legrain's recent discoveries at Karnak (Anneles, V) arrived too late for use here.

himself and two mentioned in the tomb of Puemre (5 5 382 ff.)

The former two are represented
- in a reliefa where Thutmose
I11 is presenting to Amon a magnificent array of costly gifts
in gold and silver and the like. Among these appear two
obelisks each inscribed with titles, etc., of Thutmose 111,
followed on the one by the words:
He made (it) as his monument [for his father, Amon, lord of Thebes]?
erecting for him two great and mighty obelisks of granite; the pyra-
midions (being) of e l e c t r ~ m ;at
~ the double fasade of the temple.
As the inscription is different from that upon the obelisks
in the tomb of Puemre, they must be a different p a k d
The inscriptions in the tomb of Menkheperreseneb also
refer to "many obelisks and flagstaves"" erected by him for
Thutmose I11 at Thebes.
625. A ~ c a r a b ,issued
~ in celebration of the erection of
obelisks in Karnak, bears the words:
Thutmose 111,whose obelisks abide in the house of Amon.
In addition to these four, for which we have chiefly in-
scriptional evidence, Thutmose I11 had at least one more

aIn the corridor of the Annals in the great Karnak temple; published by
Champollion, Monumeltts, IV, 316,317; partially by Rosellini, Monumenti Stwici,
Text, 111, I , plate opposite p. 125; partially by Burton, Zhcerpta hieroglyphics, 29,
and Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, I 185 ff.
bBrugsch and Rosellini represent this as erased, but Champollion has it in
full, having doubtless inserted it from similar dedications.
S e e Ineni (8 103,l. 8); Lepsius says of the obelisk in tomb of Puemre: "das
pyramidion ist gelb gemalt," of course representing electrum (Lepsius, Denkmiiler,
Text, 111, 244). On the other obelisk the same inscription with the variant "obe-
lisks" (for the dual).
dNone of these can be the Lateran obelisk, for it was not one of a pair; but the
Constantinople obelisk is one of the first pair above mentioned, for the position,
of the representations and the wording of the inscriptions tally exactly (the only
difference is the omission of dsr-bc w in the Golden Horns name in the Karnak
relief). See Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische Sprache, 39, Tafel 111, I and 2 (opp. p. 56),
and P. 57,
eVirey, Mimoires de la mission francaise au Caire, V, 209, 1. 15.
f Berlin, No 3530, Ausfiihrliches Verzeichniss des BerZimr Museums, 417.
5 6:26] OBELISKS 2.51

obelisk in Karnak, which has itself survived, though far

from its original site, viz., the Lateran Obelisk.


626. This obelisk has had an interesting history. I t was

intended by Thutmose I11 probably for the forecourt before
his southern pylon (VIII) in Karnak.b But he apparently
died after it had reached its site, but before it was erected
or inscribed. There it lay for thirty-five years in "the hands
of thecraftsmen" until it was piously erected and properly
inscribed with Thutmose 111's dedication, etc., by his grand-
son, Thutmose IV, who adds also his own inscription with
an account of the monument's history thus far. I t is herein
distinctly stated that this is the first time that a single obelisk
was erected.' The next date of its history is that of its
erection by Constantius in the Circus Maximus at Rome in
357 A. D. I n 1587 it was discovered there broken into
three pieces, and was set up on its present site in the next
year by Pope Sixtus V.
The inscriptions of Thutmose I11 occupy the middle

aIn the piazza of the Lateran in Rome; published in Interpretatio Obeliscorum

Urbis . . . digesta per A . M . Ungarellium, Romz, MDCCCXLII, Tab. I ;
Birch, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, zd ser., 11, 228; de Horrack,
Revue Arche'ologique, N. S., 1864, IX, 45 (incomplete); Marucchi, Gli obelischi
egiziani ai Roma, Tav. I and 11.
bThutmose I11 says it was set " i n the forecourt of the temple over against
Karnak;" Thutmose IV refers three times to its location: ( I ) when found it was
lying "on the south side of Karnak;" (2) it was erected " i n Karnak;" ( 3 ) it was
erected "at the upper portal of Karnak." Taken altogether, these data show that
in No. 3 the southern entrance through Pylon VIII is meant, and there the obelisk
stood. There is a reference to the same portal in the inscription of Beknekhonsu
(111, 567, 1. s), where it is also called the "upper portal." In both cases the same
word (hr) is used for "zbpper." I t is unusual in this sense, viz., referring to the
river, but occurs twice in the same way in the inscription of 7 ~ s e r(Sehel, 11. 16
and 30).
hence it was not paired with the Constantinople obflisk, as Wiedemann states
(Aegyptische Geschichte, 365).

lines, those of Thutmose IV the side lines. a All have suffered

much from restoration by the papal architect at the last
Dedication (South Side)
627. . . . . . . . . . .b Thutmose (111). He made (it) as his monu-
ment for his father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, erecting for him a single
obelisk in the forecourt (wb ') of the temple over against (r-h'w )
Karnak, as the first beginning of erecting a single obelisk in Thebes;
that he might be given life.
North Side
. .
. . . . . . . (Thutmose 111), son of Amon, of his body, whom Mut
bore to him in Ishru, of the same limbs as he who fashioned him, Son of
Re, Thutmose, Beautiful of Form, beloved of Amon-Re, lord of Thebes,
given life, like Re.
East Side
. ..
628. . . . . (Thutmose 111), rich in monuments in the house of
Amon; making his monuments greater than that which the ancestors
made, who were before; exceeding that which ever was, not resembling
the likeness of anything that was made in the house of his father, Amon,
that the son of Re, Thutmose, Ruler of Heliopolis, may be given life
through him (M.
West Side
.. . . . . . (Thutmose 111), who praises Amon, when he rises in
Karnak. He sends Amon to rest in the house, "Bearer-of-Diadems,"
while his (Amon's) heart is glad at the monuments of his beloved son,
"Enduring in King~hip."~Cause him to endure and to repeat for thee
the celebration of this million of jubilees; Son of Re, Thutmose,
Beautiful of Form, given life.

629. This obelisk was removed by the emperor Theodo-

sius from Egypt to Constantinople." I t originally stood
aThese latter will be found under his reign (is830 ff.).
bFull five-name titulary, as in B$ 143 ff.
~Secondname of Thutmose 111.
aIn Constantinople, published by Lepsius, Denhaler, 111, 60; Sharpe,
Egyptian Inscriptions, 11, 65. Only the upper portion is preserved.
ewiedemann, Aegyptische Geschichte, 365.
9 63x1 OBELISKS 2 53

somewhere in Karnak,= and is shown with its fellow in a

relief there, in which the king offers the pair to Amon.
The exact location of these obelisks, or of the pair erected
by Puemre, is doubtless indicated by an inscription on a
fragment of a sphinx found near Thutmose 111's southern
pylon (VII) at Karnak, which reads: " H e presented two
obelisks of stone, one on each side of it" (Annales, IV, g),
evidently meaning the door of the pylon. The inscriptions
on the Constantinople obeliskb are as follows:
Dedication (Sozrth Side)
.. .
630. . . . . c(Thutmose 111); he made (it) as his monument for
his father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes; erecting d[for him very great
obelisks of red granite, the pyramidions of electrum; that he may be
given life, like Re, forever].
North Side
. . . . . (Thutmose 111), whom Atum reared as a child, in the arms
of Neit, Divine Mother, to be king; who has taken all lands, the
extent of time; lord of jubilees (hb-sd)
East Side
631. . . . . . (Thutmose 111), lord of victory, binder of every
land, who makes his boundary as far as the Horns of the Earth, the
marshes as far as Naharin (N-h-r-n) ------.
West S d e
. . . . . . (Thutmose 111), who crossed the "Great Bend" of
Naharin (N-h-r-n)e with might and with victory at the head of his army,
making a great slaughter [among them]
aSee 5 624 and note.
bPetrie (History of Egypt, 11, 131 ff.) has shown that this obelisk must have
been very high. He would for this reason identify it with the great obelisks of
Thutiy's inscription (Q 376), but those obelisks belonged to Hatshepsut, and, as
we have seen, the Constantinople obelisk is certainly one of those shown in the
Karnak relief (8 624 and note).
cFull titulary except last fifth name.
dThe Karnak relief ($543) furnishes the lost conclusion of this dedication.
eThis is the campaign of the thirty-third year. See Q Q 477 ff.


632. This obelisk, with its fellow, now in New York,

stood in the temple of Heliopolis. Removed to Alexandria,
they were erected before the temple of the Caesars there, in
13-12 B. C.,b by the Romanc (?) architect Pontius, while
Barbarus was prefect. The London obelisk, which had
fallen early in the fourteenth century, was removedd thither
in 1877 and landed in England in January, 1878. I t is
683 feet high (Petrie, History of Egypt, 11, 127).
633. Its inscriptionse are not of great historical impor-
tance; the dedication is as follows:
. . . . . . . Thutmose (111); he made (it) as his monument for his
father, Harakhte, erecting for him two great obelisks; with pyramidion
of electrum, at the fourthf occurrence of the jubilee (hb-sd), because he
so much loved 'his father.' May the Son of Re, Thutmose (111), be
[given life] through him ( n f ) .

aStands on the Thames embankment in London; published in Description,

Amtiquitis, V, 32,33 (partially and badly); Champollion, Monuments, IV, 455,446;
Burton, Excerpta Izieroglyphica, 51; phototype, Gorringe, Egyptian Obelisks;
Brugsch, Thesaurus, V , 11, 30 (dedication only); King, Cleopatra's Needle (Lon-
don, 1886).
bThe current date, 2 2 B. C., is an error, to be corrected from the revised
text of Merriam (The Greek and Latin Inscriptions on the Obelisk-Crab, by A. C.
Merriam, New York, 1883) on the bronze crabs which were inserted under the
obelisks at their re-erection. Those under the fallen London obelisk had, of course,
disappeared; on a claw found under the other (New York) obelisk, and now in the
Metropolitan Museum (New York), both the Greek and Latin versions are pre-
served. Merriam's copy reads:
(Ligatures and missing portions of broken letters I have not indicated).
cIf he be the same as the "Pontios" of the fountain in the garden of Mrecenas
(Merriam, Obelisk-Crab, 47), he was an Athenian.
Gee Gorringe.
eThe middle lines are by Thutmose 111; the side lines by Ramses 11.
f O n the Thames embankment, in 1901, I could see only three strokes of the
numeral; nor (uith an opera-glass) could I discern room for a fourth; but Brugsch
read it when it was prostrate (Thesaurus, V, 1130) as four.
f 6361 OBELISKS 255


634. I t was removed to New Yorkb with admirable skill
and success by Lieutenant-Commander Gorringe,' landing
in July, 1880. Unfortunately, the dedication inscriptiond is
illegible, and the others contain only the conventional praise
of the king. They are as follows:
East Side
635. Horus: Mighty Bull, Shining in Thebes; Favorite of the Two
Goddesses; Enduring in Kingship like Re in Heaven; eBorn of Atum,
Lord of Heliopolis, Son of his body, whom Thoth fashioned;e whom
they fashioned in the Great House in the beauty of their limbs, knowing
that he would exercise a kingship enduring forever, King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), beloved of Atum, the
grea.t god, and the divine ennead; given life, stability, and satisfaction,
likc Re, forever.
North Side
636. Horus: rTakingl the white crown; King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Menkheperre; Golden Horus: satisfied in smiting the rulers
of the countries Fapproachingl him, according as his father, Re, has
decreed for him victoryf against every land, and might of the sword by
his arms, in order to widen the boundaries of Egypt; Son of Re, Thut-
mose (111) - -.

PCentral Park, New York. See introduction to London Obelisk; published

in Description, Antipuss, V, 32, 33 (incomplete); Champollion, Monuments, IV,
444; Burton, Excerpta hieroglyphics, 52; Gorringe, Egyptian Obelisks; Moldenke,
The New York Obelisk (New York, 1891).
bFor its earlier history, see 5 632.
cSee his excellent account of the achievement in Egypian Obelisks, by H .
Goninge (New York, 1882). It contains useful descriptions of the transport of
the London, Paris, and other obelisks.
dThe inscriptions of Thutmose I11 occupy the middle lines; the side lines
are by Ramses 11, as in London.
eThis is all in one cartouche, and the words ms and Thoth, appearing together
below, are perhaps intended to be joined as "Thutmose," although they belong to
. . ..
the two separate lines, "Born . . fashioned," above.
f See Lateran Obelisk, north side, right line (Q 831).


637. The small Eighteenth Dynasty temple of Medinet
Habu, on the west shore at Thebes, is so shut in by the
larger buildings later erected around it that it is little noticed
by the modern visitor. It was begun by Thutmose I. Al-
though Hatshepsut certainly had a share in it, the dedication
inscriptions attribute its erection to Thutmose 111, but refer
to an earlier temple on the spot, meaning the work of Thut-
mose I. They are as follows:
638. b. . . . . . . . . . He made (it) as his monument for his father,
Amon-Re,= king of gods, making for him a great temple upon the C-1
district of the West of Thutmose I11 (called): "Splendid-is-the-Seat-of-
A r n ~ n ; " of
~ fine white sandstone; that he might therefore be given
life, forever.
639. . . . . . . . . . He made (it) as his monument for his father,
Arnon, lord of Thebes, presider over " Splendor-of-the-West," erecting
for him a splendid adytum of fine white sandstone, (Cinl) his accustomed
place of the first beginning. My majesty established it anew, that he
might therefore be given life forever.
640. ". . . . . . . . . erecting for him his splendid seat of the first
beginning, establishing it as an eternal work, his majesty having found
it beginning to fall to ruin; that he might be given life like Re, forever.
641.f . . . . . . . . . . making for him " Splendor-of-the-West," to shel-
.. . .
ter its lord and these lords of the district of Thamut (T '-mwSt ) . . . .

aSee Brugsch, Thesaurus, VI, 1304-6.

bThe following three texts are from Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 38, c, and d . I
have omitted in all the full fivefold titulary of Thutrnose 111.
CChiseled out and restored.
*Or: "Amm4sSplendid-in-Thrme" (as to his throne), Ymndsr-ys't. It is
abbreviated as dw-ys-t, and probably also as Ymndsr on a set of foundation
deposit tools (Brugsch, Thesaurms, VI, 1298, 1299). Another name of the temple
or district is "Splendor-off he-West."
eTitulary and introduction are omitted. On this form see Lepsius, Denk-
miiler, Text, 111, 156, as Lepsius, DenkmdJer, 111, 38, d , is wrongly reconskucted.
f Roug6, Inscriptions hiiroglyphiques, 130, and Diimichen, Historische Inschrif-

ten, 11, xxxvi; titulary and introduction omitted as above. The other two are also
from the same sources.
5 6441 NUBIAN WARS 257

He made "Chamber-of-the-Cemetery" for his fathers, the lords of

the splendid region. .........
He made "Possessed-of-Eternityy' for his father Ptah-Tatenen of
" Lord-of-Life ". . . . . . . . .a


642. A round-topped stelab bears in the upper two-thirds
a relief showing Thutmose 111, offering an oblation to
Harakhte. Below the relief is the following inscription:
Year 47, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt:
Menkheperre; Son of Re: Thutmose (111), [living] forever.
His majesty commanded to encircle this temple with a thick wall
of stone-work, for' his father Re-Harakhte forever, when he cleansed
Heliopolis, the house of Re - - - - --."
643. A doorpostd in Cairo bears a dedication of Thut-
muse 111, as follows:
He made (it) as his monument for his father Atum, lord of Heliopolis,
making for him a doorway of benut (btzw' t ) stone, (called) : "Pure-are-

644. The records of Thutmose 111's conquests in Nubia
are very meager; although he had evidently been early active
there, as is shown by his building of the Semneh temple
(Hi 167 ff.), yet the first mention of a Nubian campaign is
in his fiftieth year, when in passing through the canal at
the first cataract he was obliged to clear it of stones, as
recorded in his inscription, cut there at the time ($0 649 ff.).
aTwo others add: "for the father of his fathers, all the gods of the splendid
region;" and "for his father, Amon-Re."
bStela found by Lepsius at Heliopolis; limestone, 96 cm. high, now in Berlin,
No. 1634. Published by Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 29, b; I had also my own
photograph of the original, and the copy for the Berlin dictionary.
cone line, and perhaps more, lacking.
dSharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions, 11, 34.

645. Besides this, the king commemorated his victories

in Nubia by having engraved upon the front of each tower of
one of his pylonsa at Karnak a listb of seventeen names of
towns and districts captured there. Over one list is a
relief," now in a very fragmentary state, representing the
king sacrificing his Nubian foes before Amon. The scene
is accompanied .by the words:
%ringing] the living prisoners to Egypt, all their herds
being led to Egypt. He has filled the storehouse of his father, the lord
of gods with - - - of the chiefs rwhoml he has rconqueredl. The
kings have not done it (before) in this land. His name shall abide for-
ever and ever.
Over the other list was a similar inscription, now too
fragmentary for translation.
646. A further and much fuller list was placed by the
king in duplicate, one on each of the two towers of the sixth
Karnak pylon, a list which contains no less than 1 1 5 d
names of the towns and districts of the Nubian regions con-
quered." One of these lists was surmounted by a relief
showing the Nubian god Dedun leading and presenting to
Thutmose I11 the towns, etc., enumerated in the list. Over
both the lists is the following inscription:
List of these southf countries, the Nubian Troglodytes of Khenthen-
nofer, whom his majesty overthrew, making a greatg slaughter among
them, (whose) number is unknown, and carrying away all their subjects
as living captives to Thebes, in order to fill the storehouse of his father,

aRouriant does not indicate clearly which pylon is meant, but says it is in front
of the sanctuary.
bDaressy, Recueil, XI, 154,155.
south of door. dMariette's 1 1 6 is an error.
eMariette, Karnak, 22, 23; Maspero, Recueil, VII, 99, 100; GolCnischeff,
Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1982, 145-48, and Taf. VI; Diimichen, His-
torische Inschriftetz, 11, 37; Brugsch, Thesaurus, VI, 1544-53.
f T h e duplicate has "south and north!" but as the two lists are duplicates, and
the Nubian god Dedun presents them to the king, "north" is certainly an error.
gl'Great" is from the duplicate.
H 6491 NUBIAN WARS 259

Amon-Re, lord of Thebes. Lo, all lands are the subjects of his majesty,
according as his father, Amon, has commanded.
647.Finally, on his southern pylon (VII) at Karnak, the
king recorded a table of nearly, and possibly more than,
400 names of towns, districts, countries, etc., conquered in
N ~ b i a . It
~ was accompanied by the same inscription as
that over the lists on Pylon VI. The geography of Nubia
is too little known to determine the limits of the territory in-
cluded in these lists, and it is uncertain how far up the Nile
Thutmose 111's conquests extended. As his son Amenhotep
I1 reached the extreme southern limit at Napata, it is prob-
able that Thutmose 111's wars at least prepared the way
thither, if they did not include Napata.
648. A short inscriptionb in the tomb of Ineni refers to
captives and spoil from Nubia:
among the negroes, given from chiefs and living captives,
r-1 for divine offerings of Amon, when Rush, the wretched, mas over-
thrown; together with the tribute of all countries, which his majesty
gave to the temple of Amon as yearly dues, for the sake of the life, pros-
perity, and health of King Thutmose III.C
The above document is corroborated by a record of such
offerings placed by the king in the Karnak temple (00 541 ff.).
649. On this expedition into Nubia, the king found the
old Middle Kingdom canal of Sesostris I11 (I, 642 ff.)
aMariette, Karnak, 24-26; Maspcro, Recueil, VII, 97-99; ColCnischeff,
Z~itsclzriftfur agyptische Sprache, 1882, 145-48, and Taf. VI; Brugsch, Thesaurus,
VI, 1544-53 (where material from this list is combined with others, especially the
115 'names of Pylon VI).
bpiehl, Inscriptions, I, 129, Q-130, and p. 105.
CPiehl's copy has g p r - k 3 - R C, which would be Sesostris I ; hut mn of Mn-
&pr-K 3-R C has certainly fallen out, as offerings "for the sake of the life, etc.," were
mad:: only for living kings.
dCut on the rock of the island of Sehel, at the first cataract. It was discovered
by Mr. E. C. Wilbour in 1889, and published in Recueil, XIII, 2 0 2 f.; again,
inaccurately, in de Morgan, Catalogue des monaments, 85, No. 18.

stopped up, although it had been cleared by his father,

Thutmose I ( f f 74 ff.). He ordered it cleared, and was
able to sail through without trouble on his return. He put
up a record of the clearance, beside that of his father and
in the identical 1anguage;a he also made the fishermen of
Elephantine responsible for the yearly clearance of the pas-
sage in the future.
650. Year 50, first (month) of the third season (ninth month), day
22, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Men-
kheperre (Thutmose 111), given life.
His majesty commanded to dig this canal, after he had found itb
stopped up with stones, (so that) no ship sailed upon it. He sailed
down-stream upon it, his heart glad, having slain his enemies.
The name of this canal is: " Opening-of-This-Way-in-the-BeautyC-of-
Menkheperre-Living-Forever." The fishermen of Elephantine shall
clear this canal each year.


651.Nehi held the office of "King's-son, " or viceroy of

Kush, in the second half of the reign of Thutmose I11 (see
§ 61), beginning not later than the year 23, when he erected
Thutmose 111's record of victory at Wadi Halfa (f 5 41 I ff .).
He was evidently in charge of the alterations in the Semneh
temple, later undertaken by Thutmose 111. A mutilated
inscriptiond of his in this temple speaks of "bringilzg stone
. . . . . . . . . . in restoring the monument - of eternity -
=This probably indicates that we are not to understand literally the identical
statements made by his father as to his actually sailing on the canal. Thutmose I11
was now an old man of eighty years at least, and it is impossible that he should
have accompanied the expedition himself.
bLit., "after his finding (infinitive) it."
cIt is, of course, the same as the Middle Kingdom canal, hut is given a new
name by each king.
doutside, south wall, Lepsius, DenKmBler, 111, 47, a, below, at the right of
the door; the "governor of the south couniries," whose name is lost on the left of
the door, belongs to the Ramsessid period, as he is adoring Ramses 111.
6531 NUBIAN WARS 261

- - [Governor of the] south [countries], Nehi (Nhy)."

Another recorda of his on the latest portion of the building,
the northern addition,b is too fragmentary for translation.
652. The grotto at Ellesiyehc dates from the fifty-second
yeard of Thutmose 111, and contains the following inscrip-
tion-f Nehi :
Bringingf the tribute of the south countries, consisting of gold, ivory,
ancl ebony, [by] the hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal,
sole companion, satisfying the heart of the king at the Horns of the
Eal-th,g having access to the king, pleasant to the divine limbs; com-
pardon, approaching the mighty sovereign, vigilant for the lord of the
palace, king's-son, governor of the south countries, Nehi.
He saith: "I am a servant useful to his lord, filling his house with
gold, giving tribute to --, consisting of the impost of the south countries;
rwhosel praise comes forth in the presence of his lord;h the king's-son,
governor of the south countries, Nehi.lyi
Another inscription j of Nehi, containing only his name
and titles, is on the island of Sai, one hundred miles above

653. A relief shows Amon enthroned, and receiving from

Thutmose 111,who stands before him, a great array of offer-

alepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 56,a.

bSee Sethe, Untersuchungen, I, 21 f.
CLepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 45, e.
Gee .%the, Untersuchungen, I, 23, n. I.
ehpsius, DenRmaler, 111, 46,c = Champollion, Notices descriftives, I, 80.
f The inscription of course accompanied a representation of the Nubians bring-

ing the tribute before Nehi.

gSee Index. hRead: nb').
iThis inscription has been understood by Wiedemann as belonging to the
tomb of Nehi; for he refers (Aegyptische Geschichte, 362) to this inscription to
prove the statement that the Tomb of Nehi was at Silsileh (confusion with Elle-
siyeh?). The tomb of Nehi is unknown, as far as I have been able to find.
jlepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 59, b.
kA relief with inscription in one of the rear rooms in Thutrnose 111's portion
of t:he Karnak temple; Champollion, Notices descriptives, 11, 165 f.

ings, including cattle, fowl, flowers, bread, all sorts of fruit,

together with metal libation-vessels, necklaces, amulets, and
pendants. The whole is accompanied by the following
inscription :
654. Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Menkheperre; he made (it) as his monument for his
father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, [making] for him divine possessions,
presenting to him all divine offerings, and very great feasts, which his
majesty made for the first time as an increasq of that which was before:
giving an oblation of vessels of very plentiful rfullnessl; necklaces,
amulets, and pendants of reala electrum, brought to his majesty from
the south countries as their yearly impost; that he may live forever.

655. At the top, occupying over one-fourth of the stela,
are two scenes of worship, in each of which Thutmose 111,
accompanied by the goddess of the Theban necropolis,
Khaftet-hir-nebes (Ecft.t-hr-nbs', offers to Amon, with the
usual superscriptions.
The hymn itself in twenty-five lines occupying the re-
mainder of the stela, is the best specimen of its class, and
was later partly copied by scribes of Seti I for the wall of
the great Karnak templed in which this tablet was set up.
The hymn is of sufficient historical importance to be included
here; although due allowance must be made for its rhetorical
style, it is a very helpful supplement to the Annals.
aText has m 3, "new."
bA black granite tablet 180cm. in height, discovered by Mariette in a chamber
northwest of the main sanctuary room of Karnak, now in Cairo. Text: Rouge,
from a copy by Deveria, Revue arcltbologique, N. S., IV, 18611,opposite p. 196; Mari-
ette, Album photographique, P1. 3 2 ; Mariette, Karnak, P1. 11. Mariette's text is
very incorrect and must be compared with the photograph.
cThe whole of both scenes was hammered out by Amenhotep IV, and has then
been restored.
Copied by Champollion, Notices descrtptives, 11, 96, republished by Maspero,
Du genre ipistolaire, 90, and Guieysse, Recueil, XI, 64, 65. See 111, 117.
6561 HYMN O F VIC:TORI' 263

656. 'Utterance of Amon-Re, lord of Thebes:

Thou comest to me, thou exultest, seeing my beauty,
0 my son, my avenger, Menkheperre, living forever.
'[ shine for love of thee,
:My heart =is glad at thy beautiful comings into my temple;
(My) two hands furnish thy limbs with protection and life.
How pleasing is thy pleasantness toward my b0dy.a
:C have established thee in my dwelling,
:C have worked a marvel for thee;
I have given to thee might and victory against all countries,
I have set thy fame (even) the fear of thee in all lands.
'Thy terror as far as the 4four pillars of heaven;
[I have magnified the dread of thee in all bodies,
1 have put the roaring of thy majesty among the Nine Bows.
The chiefs of all countries are gathered in thy grasp,
$1myself have stretched out my two hands,
I[ have bound them for thee.
1 have bound together the Nubian Troglodytes by tens of thousands
and thousandk,
The Northerners by hundreds of thousands as captives.
6I have felled thine enemies beneath thy sandals,
Thou hast smitten the hordes1 of rebels according as I commanded
thee .
The earth in its length and breadth, Westerners and Easterners are
subjectb to thee,
7Thou tramplest all countries, thy heart glad;
None presents himselfC before thy majesty,
While I am thy leader, so that thou mayest reach them.
Thou hast crossed the water of the Great Bendd of 8Naharin (N-h-
r-n) with victory, with might.

aReferring to the king's adornment of the divine image as prescribed by the

'SLit., "are under the place of thy face," an idiom for "subject."
'CExactly the same phrase i s found in Seti 1's Syrian campaign (Recueil, XI,
59), 111, 86; it is explained by the Tombos tablet, 11. 11, 12, 8 73.
&Euphrates. On the obelisk of Thutmose 111 in Constantinople the same
phrase is applied to him: "who crossed the Great Bend of Naharin (N-h-r-n) with
might and .with victory" ( 5 631). This statement is therefore not merely poetic
hyperbole, and coincides with the Annals, 58 477 ff.

657. I have decreed for thee that they hear thy roarings and enter
into caves;
I have deprived their nostrils of the breath of life.
9I.have set the terrors of thy majesty in their hearts,
My serpent-diadem upon thy brow, it consumes them,
It makesa captive by the hairb the Kode-folk,
'"It devours those who are in their marshes with its flame.
Cut down are the heads of the Asiatics (C mw), there is not a rem-
nant of them;c
Fallen are the children of their mighty ones.
"I have caused thy victories to circulate among all lands,
My serpent-diadem gives light to thy dominion.
There is no rebel of thine as far as the circuit of heaven;
They come, bearing tribute upon their backs,
"Bowing down to thy majesty according to my command.
I have made powerless the invaders who came before thee;
Their hearts burned, their limbs trembling.
658. '31 have come, causing thee to smite the princes of Zahi (Q h) ;
I have hurled them beneath thy feet among their highlands.
I have caused them to see thy majesty as lord of radiance,
So that thou hast shone in their faces like my image.
'41 have come, causing thee to smite the A ~ i a t i c s , ~
Thou hast made captive the heads of the Asiaticse of Ketenu.
I have caused them to see thy majesty equipped with thy adornment,
When thou takest the weapons of war in the chariot.
'51 have come, causing thee to smite the eastern land,
Thou hast trampled those who are in the districts of God's-Land.
I have caused them to see thy majesty like a circling star:
When it scatters its flame in fire, and gives forth its dew.
659. 161 have come, causing thee to smite the western land,
Keftyew (Kf-tyw) and Cyprus (Ysy) are in terror.
I have caused them to see thy majesty as a young bull,

aThis phrase is explained in Annals, year 31, 1. 10, $ 470, note; for ys-h'k,
see Sethe, Verbum, 11, $700.
bC'Hair" is without determinative; it occurs with determinative on Tombos
tablet,ll. 6, 7, O 7 1 , q . v .
lit., "their renznant i s not."
dYmyw-st?. ec D mw. fSee I, SIT,1. 2.
!6611 HYMN O F V1C:TORY -

Firm of heart,a ready-horned, irresistible.

'71 have come, causing thee to smite those who are in their marshes,
The lands of Mitanni (My-(-n) tremble under fear of thee.
I have caused them to see thy majesty as a crocodile,
Lord of fear in the water, unapproachable.
660. '81 have come, causing thee to smite those who are in the isles;
Those who are in the midst of the Great Green (Sea) hearb thy roar-
I have caused them to see thy majesty as an avenger (nd.ty)
1Nho rises upon the back of his slain victim.
I 9 I have come, causing thee to smite the Tehenu (Libyans),

The isles of the UtentyewCare (rsubjectl) to the might of thy prowess.

I have caused them to see thy majesty as a fierce-eyed lion,
Thou makest them corpses in their valleys.
661. ' O I have come, causing thee to smite the uttermost ends of the
The circuitd of the Great Circle (Okeanos) is inclosed in thy grasp.
I have caused them to see thy majesty as a lord of the wing,e
Who seizeth upon that which he seeth, as much as he desires.
"1 have come, causing thee to smite those who are in frontf of their
Thou hast smitten the Sand-dwellers as living captives.
I have caused them to see thy majesty as a southern jackal,
Lord of running, stealthy-going, who roves the Two Lands.
' 2 1 have come, causing thee to smite the Nubian Troglodytes,

As far as r-lg (they) are in thy grasp.

'.See a bead of Amenhotep 11, bearing a bull, with the words: "Firm of heart"
(Petrie, Historical Scarabs, XVIII, No. 1119); not uncommon.
hLit., "are under thy roarings."
c Wtntyw; unknown.

dLit., "That which the Great Circle encircles."

eA designation of the hawk.
fThis is in contrast with the "back-lands" of 1. 20; Maspero's rendering,
"duars"= protected inclosures, is a conjecture which ignores the word "land,"
written here with a single stroke, very easily to be overlooked. The text thus con-
trasts the nearest and the remotest Asiatic enemies of Egypt. Chabas (Etudes sur
Z'antiquitB historiqzle, 183) emends to read the same as the word for river- and
harbor-mouths ( h wt) under Ramses 111.
g.$ >.t, name of an uncertain Nubian country.

I have caused them to see thy majesty as thy two brother^,^

I have united their two arms for thee in rv[ictoryJ
662. 23Thy two s i ~ t e r sI, ~have set them as protection behind thee,
The arms of my majesty are above, warding off evil.
I have caused thee to reign, my beloved son,
Horus, Mighty Bull, Shining in Thebes, whom I have begotten, in
[uprightness of heartIc.
z4Thutmose, living forever, who hast done for me all that my ka
desired ;
Thou hast erected my dwelling as an everlasting work,
Enlarging and extending (it) more than the past which had been.
The great doorway - - -.
zsThou hast feted the beauty of Amon-Re,
Thy monuments are greater than (those of) any king who has been.
When I commanded thee to do it, I was satisfied therewith;
I established thee upon the Horus-throne of millions of years;
Thou shalt continue life - - -.

663. This tomb is the most important private monument
of the Empire. The scenes and inscriptions on its walls
depict and narrate the career of Rekhmire, who was prime
minister, or vizier, of Egypt and governor of the residence
aHorus and Set. %is and Nephthys. cSee Q 138, 1. I.
dA cliff-tomb in the hill of Shekh Abd el-Kurna, on the west shore at Thebes;
it attracted attention as early as 1819, when some scenes were copied by Cailliaud,
and later published in "Recherches sur les arts et mktiers, les usages de la vie civile
et domestique &s anciens peuples de I'Egypte, de la Nubie et de I'EtMopie," par F .
C-diaud (Paris, 1831-37). Later various scenes were published by Wilkinson,
Manners, I, PI. IV, etc.; Champollion, Monuments, 161, 164 ff.; Rosellini, Monu-
menti Civil;, 52-54; Hoskins, Travels i n Ethiopia (London, 1835), 328; Lepsius,
Denkmaler, 111, 40, 41, and Text, 111, 270 f.; Prisse, Histmre de Cart 6gyptiea,
1863 (plates not numbered) ; Piehl, Inscriptions hGroglyphipues, I 13, I 14, pp.
92,93. The first attempt to publish the entire tomb was made by M. Ph. Virey.
I t was published by him in 1889 (Me'nzoires de la mission fran~aise au Caire,
V , "Le Tombeau de Rekhmara"), but his work is so incomplete and incorrect, both
in the drawings and the texts, that it is unusable; indeed, Virey himself trans-
lated from it the great inscription on the duties of the vizier backward! Thus this
priceless monument steadily deteriorated during the last century, without a serious
effort being made to preserve it in its entirety, until it was finally rescued by Mr.

during the latter half of the reign of Thutmose 111, the

period of Egypt's greatest power. He came of eminent
family, having succeeded his uncle Woser in the vizierate,a
and as his career brought him the highest post in the state
during the most stirring years of Thutmose 111's great con-
quests, he has put much of it in his tomb. We find in it
the fullest known source for the study of the constitution of
the state and the administration of the Pharaoh's govern-
ment under the Empire, beside the best known representa-
tions in color of the peoples and products of Punt, Keftyew,
Retenu, and Nubia.
664. Incidentally, Rekhmire also throws light upon the
character of Thutmose 111. After modestly remarking
of himself that "there was nothing of which he was ignorant
ifz heaz~en,in earth, (or) in any quarter of the nether wor1d;"b
and again: " I was a noble, second to the king;" he says of
the king: "Lo, his majesty knew that which occurred; there
was nothing which he did not know -, he was Thoth in
everything, there was no affair which he did not complete."

665. The following inscription narrates Rekhmire's

appointment to the highest office in the kingdom. The
Newberry, who published the fist instalment of his complete copies in 1900 (The
Life af Rekhmra, by Percy E. Newberry, London, 1900). From this careful work,
for which we are much indebted, the following translations have been made; the
plate numbers referred to are always those of Newberry's work.
aFor a full account of his life, see Newbeny, 13-20.
bHe is, of course, referring to the &airs of his office,and to political matters.
These extracts are all taken from a long inscription, too fragmentary for full trans-
lation (Pls. VII and VIII).
cPls. I X and X. I had also the fragmentary copies of the same text in the
tombs of Woser and Amenhotep (Newbeny, 34), for which I am indebted to the
kindness of Mr. Alan H. Gardiner. They fill up some lacunae and furnish some
corrections, cited as "Dupl.," but I have not added this remark merely to indicate
thr filling up of a lacuna. [Later: Mr. Gardiner has now published the text
and duplicates, with an excellent rendering and commentary (Rccueil, XXVI),
from which I have incorporated a number of valuable points in the above.]

relief shows Thutmose I11 enthroned, before whom, in

accordance with the statement of the inscription, Rekhmire
appears for appointment. a The king then gives him instruc-
tions regarding the administration of his office. Unfor-
tunately, these instructions, which occupy twenty long lines,
are very fragmentary, and at the same time extremely
obscure. The following version omits a number of passages
which may not be safely rendered, and even so translates
much more than can be understood, without a longer com-
mentary than it is possible to offer here. I t will be seen
that the vizier is exhorted : to legal (1. 8), just (1. 8), and
impartial (1. I 5 ) decisions; not to be excessively forbidding,
but still to keep himself aloof from the people 01. 18, 19);
finally, that his office is really to be administered according
to the instructions given (1. 22). The instructions are
remarkably humane in temper and show a surprisingly high
appreciation of justice. As they present the fundamentals
of Egyptian government, it is greatly to be regretted that
they are so fragmentary and difficult. These were appar-
ently the conventional instructions customarily delivered at
the appointment of every vizier, for they were delivered
to Woser, the uncle of Rekhmire, at his appointment, and
also to Hapu, vizier under Thutmose IV.b
666. 'Regulation laid upon the vizier, Rekhmire. "The officials
were brought to the audience-hall, Phis majestyq commanded that sthe
vizier, Rekhmire,c be presented [rforl] appointment for the first time.
4His majesty spake before him: [rd'Take heed3 to thyself for the
hall of the vizier; sbe watchful over all that is done therein. Behold,
it is a supportd of the whole land; behold, as for the vizier, behold, he is
not sweet, behold, bitterd is he, when he addresses -- 6of copper is

aHis figure has been intentionally erased.

bNewberry, Rehhmara, p. 34.
CName intentionally erased from the wall.
dSee Gardiner.
6 6631 TOMB O F REKT-IMIRE 269

he, a wall of gold for the house of his -. Behold, he is not one setting
his face toward the officials and councilors, neither one making [brethren]
of all the people. Behold, - - - 7a man is in the dwelling of his lord,
he [does] good for him; behold [he] does not - - for another.
667. Behold, the petitioner of the South, [the North] and the whole
land, shall come, supplied - - - - -- . 8Mayest thou see to it for
thyselfla to do everything after that which is in accordance with law;
to do everything according to the right thereof. Do not - - - that
he may be just. Behold, as for an official, when he has reported 9water
and wind of all his doings, behold, his deeds shall not be unknown
- - - C- - -I - - -. , he is not brought in because of the speech
of t:he responsible officer, [rbutl it is known loby the speech of his mes-
sengerb as the one stating it;b he is by the side of the responsible officer
as tlhe speaker; he is not one lifting up the voice, a messenger petitioning
I1or an official. Then one shall not be ignorant of his
deeds; lo, it is the safetyCof an official to do things according to the
regulation, by doing that which is spoken by the petitioner. . . . . . .. .
668. IsIt is an abomination of the god to show partiality. This is
the teaching: thou shalt do the like, shalt regard him who is known
to thee like him who is unknown to thee, and him who is near to -
like him who is far 16anofficial who does like this, then shall
he flourish greatly in the place. Do not ravoidj a petitioner, nor nod
thy head when he speaks. As for him who draws near, who will
approach to thee, do not - - - - "the things which he saith in
speaking. Thou shalt punish him when thou hast let him hear that on
account of which thou punishest him. Lo, they will say, the petitioner
loves him who nods the head r- - -3 - -.
669. 18Benot enraged toward a man unjustly, but be thou enraged
concerning that about which one should be enraged; show forth the
fear of thee; let one be afraid of thee, (for) a prince is a prince of whom
one is afraid. Lo, the true dread of a prince is to do I9justice. Behold,
if a man show forth the fear of him a myriad of times, there is some-

aAn ethical dative which might be omitted in the translation. Dupl. has
m'k nk.
bOr : " Tell it not, (for) he is, etc." CLit., "refuge."
dIn 1. 13 there is a reference to an unjust vizier Khety, but in what connection
is uncertain.
eFor a similar antithesis of tkn, "be near," and w 'y, "be far," see Hierd.
Papyrus aus den kiiniglichen Museen zu Berlin, 11, 36, 1. 8.

thing of violence in him. Be not known to the people; and they shall
not say: "He is (only) a man."a
670. ""He who speaks a lie shall go forth according to his docket,b
Lo, r-n thou shalt do thy office, as thou doest justice. Lo, one shall
. . .
desire to do justice . . . . . . .
. . . . Lo, one shall say of the

chief scribe of the vizier: "A scribe of justice," shall one say of him.
Now, as for the hall, wherein thou holdest hearings there shall be a
broad-hall therein . [THe who dispenses] "justice before all
the people, he is the vizier. Behold, a man shall be in his office, (as
long as) he shall do things according to that which is given to him.
Lo, a man is r-1 when he shall act according to that which has been
told him. Do not - thy - in - - *sthat thou knowest the law
thereof. Lo, let one r-1 to the proud-hearted;c the king loves the
fearful more than the proud-hearted. Do thou according to rthat which
is given1 to thee; lo, -- 24. . . . . . . . .-

671. This, the most important inscription known on the

organization of the state under the Eighteenth Dynasty, is
unfortunately incomplete. Two duplicates " found by
Newberry fill out many of the lacunz, but the last fifth of the
text is very fragmentary. This is especially unfortunate,
as the latter part of the inscription is by far the most intelli-
gible and deals with functions easily understood.
672. The inscription is an outline of the duties of the
vizier, of the greatest interest. After prescribing the external
arrangements for the vizier's daily sitting in his "hall," as
his office is termed, the document proceeds to the daily
conference of the vizier with the king, and, immediately

aThis is the same advice given by Amenemhet I to his son Sesostris I (I, 479,
11. 3-5).
bSee Duties of Vizier, 5 683, 1. 14.
CLit., "mighty-hearted." dPls. I1 knd 111.
eFrom the tomb of Woser, belonging to the early part of Thutmose 111's
reign; and the tomb of Amenemopet, belonging to Amenhotep 11's reign (see New-
berry, 25 f.).

subsequent to this, the daily reports of the chief treasurer

and the vizier to each other, and of the chief officials to the
vizier. These daily duties are now followed by a long list
of exceedingly varied functions to be discharged by the
vizier, making in all at least thirty. There seems to be
no logical order in the enumeration, and the varied character
of the list will be evident from a reading of the marginal
heads, which may serve in lieu of a table of content here.
It will be seen that the vizier is grand steward of all Egypt,
aind that all the activities of the state are under his control.
He has general oversight of the treasury, and the chief
treasurer reports to him; he is chief justice, or head of the
judiciary; he is chief of police, both for the residence city
and the kingdom; he is minister of war, both for army
and navy; he is secretary of the interior and of agriculture,
while all general executive functions of state, with many
that may not be classified, are incumbent upon him. There
is, indeed, no prime function of the state which does not
operate through his office. He is a veritable Joseph, and
it must be this office which the Hebrew writer has in mind
in the story of Joseph. The only person other than the king
to whom he owes any respect is the chief treasurer, to whom
he seems to offer a daily statement that all is well with the
royal possessions. Such power is, of course, possible only
in a highly centralized state, and Egypt is shown by this
inscription to be in the Empire simply a vast estate of the
Pharaoh, of which the vizier is chief steward. The vizier's
functions are distributed promiscuously throughout the
d~ocument,as follows :
I. Judiciary (§§ 675, 681, 685-6, 688-91, 700, 704, 705).
. 11. Treasury (9 9 676, 680, 706, 708).
111. War JArmy ($1693-95, 702).
'\Navy ( $ 5 710, 687).

IV. Interior (8Q677,687, 697, 707).

V. Agriculture (0 0 698, 699).
VI. General Executive (88 692, 701, 703).
VII. Advisory and Unclassified (88 678, 679, 682, 684,
696, 709,711).
673. It is impossible to discuss this inscription without
raising the question of its origin and exact character. The
fact that it is known to exist in two other tombs also, would
suggest that it was not an informal enumeration of the
vizier's duties drawn up by himself especially for his tomb,
but a close examination of the document itself shows that
it could not possibly have been a state document to the
decrees of which the vizier was amenable. I t was evidently
no more than we have suggested, viz., a list of the vizier's
duties, compiled by himself, for recording in his tomb. I t
must, of course, have been based upon the existent laws,
from which it may, in places, contain extracts. In any
case, it contains the purport of certain of the laws in .force
at the time, some of which, like those regulating the criminal
docket, are very interesting and important. The only
other surviving example of the laws of Egypt are in the
Decree of Harmhab (111, 45 ff .), for of the "40 skins, "
undoubtedly rolls containing "Utis law which is in his hand"
mentioned by our inscription, nothing has ever been found.
Such law was, of course, the codified fiat of the Pharaoh,
as is evident in the Decree of Harmhab.
674. The language of the document is very dacult,
and demonstrates how helpless our incomplete knowledge
of the Egpytian dictionary leaves us as soon as we pass
from the conventional language of the few classes of monu-
ments familiar to us, to some untrodden path. Especially
the legal enactments of the first half of' the inscription
abound in technical terms, most of which are totally unknown
9 6,761 TOMB O F REKHMIRE 273

to us. These render a final translation impossible, in

many places.
External Arrangement of the Sitting
675. 'Arrangement of the sittinga of the governor of the (residence)
city, and vizier of the Southern City, (and) of the court, in the hall of the
vizier. As for every actb of this official, the vizier while hearing in the
hall of the vizier, he shall sit upon a chair,= with a rug upon the floor,
and a dais upon it, a cushiond under his back, a cushion under his feet,
a -upon it, zand. a baton at his hand; the 40 skinse shall be open before
him. Then the magnates of the Southf (shall stand) in the two aisles
before him, while the master of the privy chamber is on his right, the
rreceiver of income] on his left, the scribes of the vizier at his (either)
hand; oneg rcorresponding' to another, with each man at his proper
place. One shall be heard after another, without allowing one who is
behind to be heard before 3one who is in front. If one in front says:
"There is none being heard at my hand," then he shall be taken by the
messenger of the ~ i z i e r . ~
Intercourse of Palace with Outside World
676. There shall be reported to him the sealing of the sealed cham-
bers up to (that) hour and the opening of them up to (that) hour. There
shall be reported to him the affairs of the fortresses of the South and

aThis is not the title of the entire document, but refers only to the opening
bLit., "every doing" (inf. !).
evidently a particular kind of chair called @w, a word not occurring else-
dErman; original has id, " a skin," evidently meaning a leathern cushion so
com.mon on Egyptian furniture. "Back" is, of course, a euphemism.
eThis word (Ssm)is new; it has the determinative of leather. The 40 Ssm
are depicted in the accompanying scene lying on the floor before the vizier (Q 712).
Erman suggests they may have been the leather cases in which the rolls of the
papyrus were preserved; but such state documents were written on leather, e. g.,
the records of Thutmose 111 (Q 433).
fOnly the magnates of the South, as the vizier with whom we are dealing is
the southern vizier.
g"One" refers to the entire company before him; each shall occupy his proper
place with reference to the other.
hMeaning that as soon as a petitioner in front sees no one before him ("at
his hand"), he may say so, and be taken to the vizier by his messenger.
North. The going out of all that goes out 4of the king's-house shall
be reported to him; and the coming in of all that comes into the king's-
house shall be reported to him.a Now, as for everything going in (and)
everything going out on the floor of the court, they shall go out (and)
they shall go in through his messenger, who shall cause (them) to go in
(and) go out.
Reports of Overseers
677. The overseers of hundreds and the overseers of r-Jb shall
report to him their affairs.
Daily Report to Pharaoh
678. SFurthermore, he shall go in to take counsel on the affairs of
the king, L. P. H., and there shall be reported to him the affairs of the
Two Lands in his house every day. He shall go in to Pharaoh, before
the chief treasurer; hec shall wait at the northern flagstaff. Then the
vizier shall come, proceeding from the gate of the great double fa~ade.
Report of Treasurer and Vizier to Each Other
679. Then 6the chief treasurer, he shall come to meet him (the
vizier) and shall report to him, saying: "All thy affairs are sound and
prosperous; every responsible incumbent has reported to me, saying:
'All thy affairs are sound and prosperous, the king's-house is sound and
prosperow.'" Then the vizier, he shall report to the chief treasurer,
saying: '''All thy affairs are sound and prosperous; every seat of the
court is sound and prosper~us.~There have been reported to me

aThe "king's-house" is a whole, of which the "court" is but one part, in which
the king lived. Entrance to the "king's-house" was only reported to the vizier,
while entrance to the "court" could be gained only under conduct of his "messenger."
cThe chief treasurer; the front of the palace was decorated, like the temple
fapdes, with flagstaves, and near one of these the treasurer is to wait.
don a fragment in the Louvre (without a number) is a relief showing a line
of twelve priests: three of the "first order," three of the "second order," three of the
"third order," and three of the "fourth order." Over their heads are fragments of
two lines, as follows: "------i n the temple of Amon, i n ' Most-Splendid-of-Splen-
dors' (name of Der el-Bahri temple), by the High Priest of Amon in 'Most-Splendid-
of-Splendors,' Senu (Snw), triumphant --- of Amon and of Hathor, Mistress
of Thebes. They praise thee, they love thee, for all thy affairs are sound and pros-
perous i n this temple." The High Priest of Hatshepsut's temple of Der el-Bahri
is thus eulogized in the formal terms for a faithful officer's report. See the same
words in the report of the lay priests at Illahun, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache,
37, 97.

the sealing of the sealed chambers to this hour (and) the opening of them
to (this) hour, by every responsible in~umbent."~

Daily Opening of the King's-House

680. Now, after each has reported to the other, of the two officials,
then the vizier shall send 8to open every gate of the king's-house, to
cause to go in all that goes in, (and) r t o go outJb all that goes out like-
wise, by his messenger, who shall cause it to be put in writing.

Irregularities among the Princes

681. Let not any official be empowered to judge ragainst a superior1
in his hall. If there be any assailantCagainst 9any of these officials in
his hall, then he shall cause that hed be brought to the judgment-hall.
I t is the vizier who shall punish him, in order to expiate his fault.
Let not any official have power to punish in his hall. There shall be
reported Ptol] him every judgment which is against the hall, [when he
repairs thereto.'
Duties and Treatfnent o j the Vizier's Messengers
682. As for every messenger IOwhomthe vizier sends with a message
for an official, from the first official to the last, let him not be rswervedl,
and let him not be conducted; the official shall repeat his vizierial message
while he@stands before "the official, repeating his message and going
forth to wait for him. His messenger shall seize the mayors and village
sheiks for the judgment-hall; his messenger shall give the [rregulationT]
-- his messenger gives answer, saying: "I have been sent lawith
a message for the official so and so; he caused that I be conducted, and

aIt will be seen that the vizier reports on the "court," while the treasurer
reports on the "king's-house." Now, the vizier possesses the reports concerning
the "king's-house" (mentioned in 11. 3 and 4), by which he is enabled to control
the report of the treasurer on the " king's-house." Similarly, if we possessed a list
of the treasurer's duties, we should doubtless find that he received daily reports
on the matters of the "court," by means of which he was enabled to control the
vizier's report on the "court," which the vizier conducted directly by means of his
bThe publication shows no lacuna, but the sense demands the inserted phrase.
dThe confusion of pronouns is also in the original.
T h e messenger.

he caused that something be entrusted to me.a Hear rthe affair1 of this

official expiate those things, about which there has been liti-
gation by the vizier in Ishis hall, in every CcrirneJ, with greaterb punish-
ment than by cutting off a limb.
683. Now, as for every act of the vizier, while hearing in his hall;
and as for every one who shall - -- - - p l e shall record9 every-
thing concerning which he hears him. He who has not disproved
the chargeC at '4his hearing, which takes place r-1, then it shall be
entered in the criminal docket. He who is in the great prison: not
able to disprove the charge of his" messenger, likewise; when their
case comes on another time, then one shalkreport and determine whether
it is in the criminal docket, Isand there shall be rexecutedx the things
concerning which entry was made, in order to expiate their offense.
Loan of Vizier's Records
684. As for any writing sent ['by the vizier' to] any hall, being those
which are not confidential! it shall be taken to himg together with the
documents of the keepers I6thereof under seal of the (sdm.w-) officers,
and the scribes thereof after them; then he shall open it; then after he
has seen it, it shall return to its place, sealed with the seal of the vizier.
(But) if he furthermore ask for I7a confidential writing, then let it not
be taken by the keepers thereof.
Summons of Petitioner
685. Now? as for every messenger whom the vizier sends on account
of any petitioner, he shall cause that he go to him.

aLit., "put upon my neck." This message evidently furnishes the formula
to be used by the messenger in reporting the replies of the officials to whom he
has been sent.
bErman; lit., ".with an increase upon punishment by, etc."
cLit., "warded off the evil."
don our scanty knowledge of the prisons, see Spiegelberg, Strdien, 64 ff.
eOf the vizier.
f Lit., "wrapped up."

gThe official desiring to consult the document.

hOn this and the following paragraph, see Gardiner, Inscription of Mes.
37, 38-

Real Estate Cases

686. Now, as for every petitioner to the vizier concerning lands, he
shall dispatch him (the messenger) to him, in addition to a hearing of
Isthe land-overseer and the local councila of the rdistrict.ab He shall
decree a stay for him of two months for his lands in the South or North.
As for his lands, however, which are near to the Southern City and to
the court, he shall decree a stay for him of three days, being Isthat
which is according to law; (for) he shallChear every petitioner accord-
ing to this law which is in his hand.
Reports of District Officials
687. It is he who brings in the officials of the district; it is he
who sends them out; they report [to] him the affairs of their districts.
Wills, Etc.
688. Every property-listqs brought to him; it is he who seals it.
Settlement of Registered Boundaries
689. *"It is he who administers the rgiftl-landse in all regions. As
for every petitioner who shall say: "Our boundary is unsettled;" one
shall examine whether it is under the seal of the official thereof; then
he shall seize the seizuresf of the local council who unsettled it.
Treatment of Unregistered Boundaries
690. Now, as for every remarkable case,g and everything pertaining
thereto; do not look "at anything therein.

a P > d l ' t . Whether this is a hearing hefore the vizier or a local hearing
under the charge of "messen~ger,"is not clear.
brm 3
cThe verbal form (sdmtf) seems to be incorrect.
dSuch a property-list is frequently a will. A will, with the registration docket
of the vizier's office upon it, is preserved to us; it reads: "(Date); Done i n thc
ofice (lit., holl)'of the vizier i n the presence of the governor of the city a d vizier Khety,
by tlw seal-scribe of the people's-bureau, Amenemhet-Ameny." A remark, probably
indicating the payment of the tax on the transfer, follows (Gristh, Kahun Papyri,
PI. X I I I , 11. 9-12). The document is from the Middle Kingdom.
These lands (Sd) are thought by Moret to be the divisible lands held by
tenantry as distinguished from indivisible tracts held by nobles (Zeitschrift fbr
dgyptische Sprachc, 39, 36).
f Meaning 7

gunregistered land ? Erman.


Manner of Petition
691. One shall put every petitiona in writing, not permitting that he
petition orally.b Every petitioner to the king shall be reported to him,c
after he puts (it) in writing.
Intercoz4rse between Court and Local Autlzorities
692. I t is he who dispatches every messenger of the king's-house,
L. P. H., who is sent to the mayors and village sheiks. It is he who
dispatches *"every circuit messenger, every expedition of the king's-
house. It is he who acts as the one who - - [in] the South and North,
the Southern Frontier (tp rsy) and Abydos (T ' -wr). They shall report
to him all that happens among them, on the first day of every four-
month season; they shall bring to him the writing thereof, in their hands,
together with their local council.
Mustering King's Escort
693. '3It is he who gathers the troops, moving in attendance upon
the king, in journeying northward or southward.
Garrison of Residence City
694. I t is he who stations the rest who remain in the Southern City,
(and) in the court, according to the decision in the king's-house, L. P. H.
General Army Orders
695. The commandant of the ruler's tabled is brought to him, to
his hall, together with "4the council of the army, in order to give to them
the regulation of the army.
Advisory Fzcnctions
696. Let every office, from first to lastyeproceedf to the hall of the
vizier, to take counsel with him.
Felling Timber
697. I t is he who dispatches to cut down trees according to the
decision in the king's-house.

aLit., ''petitioner,'' strange as it seems; hence "he" in the next clause.

bEgyptian : " by hearing." cThe vizier.
dA district commandant who delivered game and supplies for the prince's
table. In the Middle Kingdom the nomarchs also had such officers.
eLit., "every first ofice to every last ofice."
f Only the determination of a verb of motion occupies the place where the verb

should bc.
698. I t is he who dispatches zsthe official staff, to attend to the
water-supplya in the whole land. a

Annual Plowing
699. I t is he who dispatches the mayors and village sheiks to plow
for harvest time.
Overseers of Labor ?
700. I t is he who rappoints1 the overseers of hundreds in the hall of
the king's-house.
Audience for Town Authorities
701. I t is he who rarrangesj the hearing of the mayors and village
sheiks who go forth in his name, of South and North.
Administration of Fortresses
702. every matter is reported to him; there are reported to him
the affairs of the southern fortress; and every arrest which is for seizing

Nome Administration, Bozcndaries, Etc.

703. I t is he who makes the r-1 of every nome; it is he who "hears"
it. I t is he who dispatches the rdistrictl soldiers and scribes to carry
out the radministrationl of the king. "'The records of the nome are in
his hall. I t is he who hears concerning all lands. I t is he who makes
the boundary of every nome, the field r-1, all divine offeringsb and
every contract.
Record of Depositions, Etc.
'704.I t is he who takes every deposition; it is he who hears the
rejoinder when a man comes for argument with his ~ p p o n e n t . ~
Appointment of Courts for Special Cases, Etc.
705. I t is he who appoints every appointee 28tothe hall of judgment,
when any litigant comes to him from the king's-house.d It is he who
hears every edict.

aSee I, 407, 1. 6. bTemple income.

cLit., "comes to words with his second." This evidently refers to argument
of plaintiff and defendant before the vizier. See Gardiner, Inscription 01 Mes,
36, 37.
dHe appoints members of special courts for cases where a member of the
king;'s household is concerned.

Sacred and Royal Revenues in Residence City and Court

706. It is he who hears concerning the "Great Beauty" of every
divine offering. It is hea who levies all taxes of the income, and who
gives it to him r-1 -- every - in the Southern City, (and) in
the court. It is he who seals 'sit under his seal. I t is he who hears
every matter; it is he who makes the distribution of the tribute to the
crown possessions. The great council shall report to him their dues
every - that is brought to 30the judgment-hall, and every
offering to the judgment-hall, he shall hear concerning it. I t is he who
opens the gold-house, together with the chief treasurer. I t is he who
inspects the tribute of [all] landsb J1chief steward, together
with the great council (d ' d ' . t wr-t). I t is he who makes the rlists of1
all bulls, rofl which a rlist' is made.
Canal Inspection ( 1 ) in Residence City
707. It is he who inspects the rwater-supply' (swr.t)=on the first of
every ten-day period r-1 concerning every matter of the
Revenues from Local Atdhrities
708. The mayors, village sheiks, and every man shall report to him,
all their tribute. Every district supervisor, and every poverseer ofl
hundreds, they shall report to him every litigation r-1 33they
shall report to him furthermore, nlonthly, in order to control the tribute.
The treasurers and the (kf ' yb-) officials shall
Observation of Sirius and High Nile
709. the rising of Sirius, and the -'1 of the Nile. There
shall be reported to him the high (Nile)d r- - - -1 34-
Administration of Navy
710. It is he who exacts the ships for every requisition made upon
him. It is he who dispatches every messenger of the king's-house to
When the king is with the army, it is he who makes report
aRead: ntj.
bThis function of the vizier is depicted with great detail in a splendid series
of wall scenes in this tomb ($! 760 ff.).
CSee Florence Stela, No. 1774.
dSimilar duties are referred to in the tomb of Min (Mgmoires & la m'issim fran-
~ a i s eau Caire, V , 3 6 9 , but the context is unfortunately broken. The following is
visible : "--- concerning the affairs of the king's-house, conducting the work
--- oj the high Nile."
0 7141

-- . 3sReport is made to him by all the officials of the head of

the navy, from the highest to the lowest. I t is hea who seals the edicts
-- r-i of the keeper of r-1 who is dispatched with a message of
the king's-house.
Method of Reporting to Vizier
711. Every report shall be reported to him by s6the doorkeeper of
the judgment-hall, who reports ron his part1 all that he (the vizier) does
while hearing in the hall of the vizier.

712. The vizier sits enthroned at one end of the hall;
before him are the "Magnates of the South" and the "scribes
of the vizier," in two rows on each side of the central aisle;
in this aisle, directly in front of the vizier, are the forty rolls
of the law (see 8 675, 1. 2). Two deputies are leading
petitioners down the aisle, and outside are other deputies
or door-keepers receiving the petitioners as they arrive.
713. Sitting, in order to hear the petitioners, in the hall of the vizier;
by the hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, sole companion,
(my't-ntr-) priest, chief of the six courts of justice, a mouth giving satis-
faction in the whole land; (sm-) priest, rmaster of every wardrobel,
judging justly, not showing partiality, sending two men forth satisfied,
judging the weak and the powerful, not 'bringing sorrow] to the one who
petitioned him; satisfying the heart of the king before the Two Lands,
prince before the people, companion approaching the sovereign, favorite
of him who is in the palace.
714. The following scene has unfortunately almost
ent:irely disappeared; it portrayed the reception of petitions,
from the people, regulated in the "Duties of the Vizier"
(90685 and 691).
aText has nf; I emend to ntf.
bP1. IV. See the description of the sitting in the first three lines of the pre-
ceding inscription (8 675).
cP1. xv.

Rekhmire stands leaning upon his staff, while scribes
pass out among the people, where they receive and register
complaints and petitions. Over Rekhmire is the following:

715. Going forth over the land every morning to do the daily favors,
to hear the matters of the people, the petitions of the South and the
North; not preferring the great above the humble, rewarding the
oppressed r- -1, bringing the evil to him who committed it; by -
716. These important scenes,a representing the only tax-
lists we possess, show the local officials of Upper Egypt
paying their dues (yp'w) to the vizier. Just what part of
the total revenues of Upper Egypt these dues formed,
it is impossible to state; but that they were only a part is
certain. For the inscription clearly indicates that they are
only the dues exacted from the local officials (as a tax upon
their offices), and not the taxes paid by the people, for
which we find a different designation (bk'w), from that
employed here. This tax (yp'w) upon the officials is the
one remitted by Harmhab (111, 63). I t was collected by
the vizier, while the tax (bk'w) upon the people was, of
course, collected by the chief treasurer. It is noticeable
that the vizier has charge of these revenues (yp-w) only
in Upper Egypt, showing clearly the extent of his fiscal
jurisdiction. There was, of course, another vizier for Lower
Egypt from below Assiut to the sea.b
Owing to the loss of a large portion of the lower rows,
it is impossible to summarize and determine the total income
aPls. V and VI. They are published for the first time by Newberry, having
been passed over by all previous students of the tomb. We are therefore much
indebted to him for their rescue.
bA relief at Berlin, for example, shows the two viziers (No. 12411); see addi-
tional references, Newberry, 17, n. 3, and a full statement, Gardiner, Inscription
of Mes, 33. It is probable that the officewas not divided before the Empire, and
probably not before Thutmose 111.
- - --

of the crown from this source in Upper Egypt. Gold,

silver, cattle, and linen form the most valuable items; of
the others many are uncertain, and have therefore only
been transliterated. The list begins with the fortresses of
Bigeh and Elephantine at the first cataract, and extends
as far north as Assiut. Some of the place-names are un-
known, and have been merely transliterated below. The
list. is divided into two parts: the first from the cataract
to Thebes, and the second from 'I'hebes to Assiut; that is,
the first above, the second below Thebes.
717. Rekhmire, at the right, receives the local officials,
who advance in four lines, bringing their dues: Over
their heads are inscribed their titles, the names of the towns or
localities to which they belong, and the amounts of their dues.
Over Rekhmire
Inspection of the taxes (yp.w) counted tob (the credit of) the hall of
the vizier of the Southern City, and counted against the mayors, the
town-rulers, the district officials, the recorders of the districts, their
scribes, and their field-scribes, who are in the South (Tp-rSy); beginning
withElephantine and the fortress of Bigeh; made according to the writings
of ancient time, by the hereditary prince. . . . . . . . . C [Rekhmire].

20 deben of gold
Commandant of the for- 5 good hides
tress of Bigeh (Src-mw't) apes; 10bows
20 large staves of [cedar1 wood

aThere are thirty-one officials still preserved; of five of these the inscriptions
with names and dues are lost. Besides this, at least three more, with their inscrip-
tions, have been lost in the lower row; that is, nearly one-fourth of the officials
witlo their dues are lost. How many names of localities are lost is uncertain.
bThe two prepositions "to" or "for" (n) and "against" (7) are correlative,
and antithetic, the first being the preposition of advantage, the second of disad-
vantage. This is precisely as in Arabic, where ZZ and Ui(y) have the same rela-
tion; thus: ZZ diyniin = " A debt is (owing) to me " (lit., "to me is a debt ") is
op~osedto: C U y y d ddyniin = " I owe a debt" (lit., "against me is a debt"),
See Uni, 1. 36 (I, 320) for the same use of yp 12, "count to."
omitted titles.


719. Commandant of the for- 40 deben of gold, tribute weight

tress of Elephantine { I chest of (mt-) linen
6 deben of gold, in tribute weight
Scribe of the recorder of
Elephantine a pdet of raiment
a large rboltl
2 deben of gold; 2 pedet of rai-
Kenbeti of Elephantine ment ; a large rboltl; I chest of
Scribe of Elephantine I deben of gold ; 2 oxen (ng '. w )

720. Recorder of Ombos 2 deben of gold;

Scribe of the Recorder of deben of gold, in tribute weight
Ombos { I
3 large bolts;
-deben of silver,in tribute weight
Kenbeti of Ombos 4 deben of gold, in tribute weight
I ox; I two-year-old

721. 8 deben of gold, tribute weight

Mayor of Edfu
a great rboltl
His scribe
gold (amount ?)
Recorder of Edfu

Town-Ru1er Pr-mr-Y'Wa{ I
deben of gold
chest of (mt-) linen; 2 oxen

722. 4 deben of gold

3 deben of silver
Mayor of Nekhen
I two-year-old
3 deben of gold, in tribute weight
I bead necklace [rofl gold]
Kenbeti of Nekhen 2 oxen
I chest of (mt-) linen; I chest of
(aW - ) linen

Garments, 2 (pdt-) bolts

(Name lost, top row) (Linen) I great (sm ' t-) 'bolt1
gold (amount ?)

( I (urn-dw-) ox, 2 yearlings

(Name lost, top row)
1 Gold, linen

aAn uncertain town.


- of silver
Town-Ruler of Esneh

Scribe of the Islands of

1 8 of gold
2 oxen; grain, linen
2 deben of gold
3 deben of silver
Esneh I bead necklace bfl gold
I (urn-dw-) ox, I yearling; linen
(d w-) linen
2 chests of (mt-) linen
Kenbeti of Esneha grain
2 calves, 2 oxen (s ' )
724. 1 Recorder of Gebelen '
I I deben of gold; 4 deben of silver
725. Gold, bead necklace, linen, year-
Scribe of the District of r- lings; two-year-olds; (num-
bers lost)
-' -
726. 2 deben of gold
Scribe of the Islands 30 pigeons
which are in the South nb-im '. t
(tP-r-fy) 2 oxen, 5 yearlings
I chest of (mt-) linen

Recorder of Hermonthis

Scribe of the Recorder of

Hermon this
Ii 3 deben of gold
I chest of (mt-) linen
Gold (amount lost)
(d w-) linen
2 deben of gold
I chest of (mt-) linen
Scribe of - the District 40 pigeons
of Hermonthis 5 firstlings of the year
2 oxen, 5 yearlings
Grain, honey
4 deben FOPgold
I deben of silver
Kenbeti of the District
I bead necklace rofs gold
of Hermonthis
I chest of (mt-) linen
(d >' w-) linen
- -~ --

728. 1 Recorder of House of

- I Hathor (Pr-Hthr)
aOnly the end of the name is preserved. In the second row next to Esneh
there is another Kenbeti, whose place-name is lost. He brings gold (amount?),
I chest of (mt-) linen, 2 heket of grain, and I heket of grain (sic!).


729. The scene is the same as bef0re.a

Over Rekhmire
Inspection of the taxes (yp.w ) counted to (the credit of) the hall of
the vizier of the Southern City (and) counted against the mayors, the
town-rulers, the district officials, the recorders of the districts, their
scribes and the - of their fields, from above Koptos to below S[iut], by
the hereditary prince .. . . .. . . . . .


- in the midst of the I I deben of silver

3 deben of gold
I chest of (mt) linen
City (Thebes)
1 2 two-year-olds
3 yearlings

I chest of (mt-)linen
3 heket of grain
Scribe of the District of yearlings
Rs-nj.t 3 two-year-olds
2 full-grown (oxen)
, gold (amount lost) ;bead necklace

3 deben of gold
I bead necklace rofl gbld

- deben of gold
- deben of silver

aThe two lower rows have mostly disappeared; twenty-four figures of officials
are visible, and the tribute of two more is partially preserved. Of these twenty-six,
the ducs of one are totally lost, while five more figures (at least) with their dues
h a w also disappeared; thus the dues of about one-fifth of the officials have been
lost; the number of place-names lost (if any) is uncertain.

I deben of silver
3 deben of gold

Kenbeti of the District of
of Coptos 10 measures of (y h-) grain
I heket of grain
I (hbn. t-) jar of honey; calves
I deben of gold
-. - of silver

(y h-) grain
Kenbeti of the District 10heket of grain
of Dendera I (hbn' t-) jar of honey
5 calves
-. two-year-olds

5 deben of gold
I deben of silver, tribute weight
2 0 0 (kw-)loaves
I ,000(sbt-) loaves
-3 wdn
Mayor of Haturt-Amen-
10sacks of '-1
emhet (Ht-wr' t-Ymn-
m-ha' t ) 3 tm'
5 calves
3 yearlings
3 two-year-olds
2 (full-grown) oxen
500 pigeons

3 deben of gold
Recorder of W ' h-ys' t

Scribe of the Recorder of

i I
chest of (mt-) linen
(hbn. t) jar of honey
bolt of (d ' -w-) linen
W' k-ys' t cattle
5 deben of gold
I heket of (tb-) grain
(3 -) grain
Recorder of Diospolis I measure of (y h-) grain
Pama (Ht-sbm) I measure of (sw. t-) grain
3 measures of southern grain
I measure of southern grain
pigeons, linen (many items lost)
Scribe of the Recorder of
Diospolis Parva 3 deben of gold


738. I deben of gold

(mt-) linen
Recorder of Abydos (d 'w-) linen
I (hbn.t-) jar of honey
I two-year-old

I deben of gold
His scribe 3 two-year-olds
I deben of gold
Scribeof the District of I bead necklace rofl gold
of Abydos I heket of grain
2 heket of southern grain
Kenbeti of Abydos
( oxen
739. 6 deben of gold
3 deben of silver
(y h-) bread, 2 0 (kw-) loaves
10sacks of r-3
2 heket of grain
Mayor of Thinis 50 heket
10heket of grain
I (hbn' I - ) jar of honey
5 calves
6 yearlings
3 two-year-olds
, 2 (full-grown) oxen

740. 2 deben of gold

I deben of silver
2 bead necklaces [of' [gold]
Scribea of the District of
the city of Min (Akh-

741. 3 heket of southern grain

Recorder of Itfit I measure of grain
His scribe I (hbn t) jar of honey
2 (full-grown) oxen '

Mayor of Pr-Hr

I I heket of southern grain

10measures of (sw' t-) grain
I ( m - d w ) ox
I two-year-old
(Sw-) rolls

agehind him was a figure now lost, with considerable tribute of grain, bread
and cattle; the gold, if any, is lost. This may also belong to Akhmim.

743. I ,000 (s&) loaves
(sw t-) grain

3 measures of grain
southern grain
2 heket of grain
Mayor -
10(h-) loaves
I (hbn't-) jar of honey
tm '.t
I yearling
I (full-grown) ox

744. 5 deben of gold

Scribe of the District of

1 2 heket of grain
I chest of (mt-)

- [deben] of gold
I chest of (4 ' w-)linen

I chest of (mt-)
I chest of (d 'w-)linen
745. Scribe of the Recorder of Grain
Siuta { I ( O nt-)jar of honey
Kenbeti of Siut
746. I n this scene is represented the reception of the
products of the field, including honey, due to the temple
of Amon. The products of a Punt expedition and the
annual tribute of North and South, so often recorded in the
Annals, are mentioned.
747. Rekhmire, with his suite behind him, is enthroned
at the right. Before him, in three registers, are officials
and servants, presenting, storing, recording, and preparing

PThere are two scribes, the name occurring with each.

bPls. XII-XIV.

for use the products of Egypt and her tributary countries.

~ h r o u ~ h o u t - t hscene
i s are distributed the following inscrip-
tions :
Over Rekhmire
748. Reception of grain (yCh) and honey in the White House of
the temple; sealing of all treasures in the [temple of Amon], by virtue
of his office of master of secret things; by the hereditary prince, . . . . . .
the vizier, Rekhmire.
Over Grain Scene
749. Reception of grain (y h) in the [temple of Amon].
Over Trituration of Grain
Pounding grain (y h) in the White House of the [temple of Amon],
in order to make an oblation [at] every feast, which his majesty estab-
lished anew.
Over Flour-Sifting
Servants of the date-storeroom. "Haste thee every matter .....
thou shalt cause that we be praised."
Over Bakers
Making Iloavesl for the oblation of the divine offerings. Doing
safely and well the baking of the cake.
Over Men Doing Reverence
750. Speech of the fleet-captains: "According to the desire of thy
heart, 0 prince! [Thy1 every matter is very good; the treasuries are
overflowing with the tribute of all countries: oil, incense, wine, . . . . .
everything, all the products of Punt; bags and sacks bearing every good
thing - - -in a myriad of hundred thousands, for King Menkheperre
(Thutmose 111), given life. May thy favor with his ka be every day.
Over Men Carrying Tribute
751. Introduction of wine into the storehouses (wd ') by the vizier,
Rekhmire. Reception of the tribute of the South country, together with
the tribute of the Northland before . . . . . . Rekhmire.
On the Storehouses
Gold-houses of the temple. Storehouse (wd) of the temple. Double


752. Rekhmire, (figure erased) stands inspecting two
lines of men with food-offerings, and two rows of statues
of the king, behind which are weapons, temple furniture,
and utensils.
Inscription over Rekhmire
Inspection of food of the divine offerings of every day; inspection of
his --, and the beautiful monuments, which he executed for the Sover-
eign, the Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, Menkheperre (Thut-
mose 111), given life forever, for the temple of Amon, and the temples
which are in his -; by . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Rekhmire].

753. We here see Rekhmire inspecting the artificers,

who are making for the temple of Amon various vessels,
doors, furniture, etc., from the precious metals and other
costly materials captured in Thutmose 111's wars in Asia.
Rekhmire stands leaning on his staff; behind him are
his suite, and before him are long lines of craftsmen in
leather, wood, stone, and various metals, busily engaged
at their work. Over them are the following inscriptions:
Over Rekhmire
754. Inspection of every craft -- , in order to cause every
man to know his duty according to the stipulation of every affair, by the
hereditary prince, count, who gives the regulation to the prophets, who
directs the priests to their duty, governor of the (residence) city, chief
of the six courts of justice, Rekhrnire.

,aPl. XXII. bPls. XVI-XVIII.

CThe lacuna here and at the beginning of the following inscription would
indicate that the name of Amon had been erased in both places.

Over Gold Weighing

rReckoning1of the gold ,in order to fulfil all business of the
daily stipulation. Their number is myriads of hundred-thousands;
.. . .
before the vizier . . . Rekhmire.

Over Goldsmiths and Silversmiths

Making all vessels for the divine limbs; multiplying vases of gold
and silver in every (style of) workmanship that endures forever.

Over Coppersmiths
755. Bringing the Asiatic copper which his majesty captured in the
victories in Retenu, in order to rcast] the [two doorsa] of the temple of
Amon in Karnak. Its pavement was overlaid with gold likeb the horizon
of heaven; by the governor of the (residence) city, and vizier.
They say: "The king, beautiful in monuments, Menkheperre (Thut-
mose 111), given life forever; (as) he is (so) they are forever. . . . . ...
He repeats monuments in the house of his father."

Making chests of ivory, ebony, carob wood, meru wood, and of cedar
of the best of the terraces; by this official who gives the regulation, guid-
ing the hands of his craftsmen.


756. The heavier works of the Amon-temple are here
under inspection by Rekhmire. Of particular interest are
the Semitic foreigners, who appear among the brickmakers ,
of the "captivity which his majesty brought for the works
of the temple of Amon." This is, of course, precisely what
was afterward exacted of the Hebrews.

PThese words are in Virey's copy (MLmmres de la mission fran~aiseau Caire,

V, P1. XV), but had been lost before Newbeny's was made.
bLit., " i n likeness to" ( m sn't r), a circumlocution not uncommonly used
for the simple "like" (my).
cPls. X X and XXI.

'Rekhmire stands leaning on his staff, his suite behind
him; and before him, at work, are stonecutters, sculptors,
brickmakers, and builders. The inscriptions are as follows:
Over Rekhmire
1757. Inspection of all works of divine offerings of Amon in Karnak;
caulsing every man to know his way, by virtue of his office as chief of
works; by the hereditary prince, count, who establishes laws in the
temples of the gods of the South and North. . . . . [Rekhmire].

758. The layer of brick who brings the field,b the very numerous
r-1; building with ready fingers, skilledCin his duty, causing vigilance
among the r~onqueredl,~ who hear the sayings of this official, skilfule in
bui[lding] of works, giving regulation to their chiefs. rThey say9: "He
[rsuppliesl us with bread, beer, and every good sort; he leads us, with
a loving heart for the king, amiable - - - King Menkheperre (Thut-
mose 111), who builds the sanctuary of Pthe gods']; may they grant to
him a reward therefor with myriads of years.
'The taskmaster! he says to the builders: "The rod is in my hand;
be not idle."
By Brickmakersg
1759. Captivity which his majesty brought, for the works of the
temple of Amon.
By Bricklayer
Laying the brick, in order to build the storehouseanew, [in the temple
of Amon] of Karnak.

aPl. XX. The beginning of the inscription is very difficult and a little doubtful.
bA similar reference to a "clay-@ld" in Ineni ($106, 1. 12).
cWn-$I, wb 2-hr, and Ss2-$7 are not uncommon, meaning "experienced,
instructed, skilful."
dThe captives of war shown in the same scene ?
eThe adjectives now refer to the prince.
fDy-rs-d2 g?> = lit., "he who causes to be vigilant!'
gSome of these are clearly Semitic foreigners.

By Builders
Let your hands build, ye people. Let us do the pleasure of this official
in restoring the monuments of his lord in the house of his father Amon.
His name is upon them, abiding, permanent, for both m n s of years.
The overseer of works, he saith to those bringing stone: "Strengthen
your hands, ye people. Let us lay [rthe foundation'l of stone, of work
r-il - - '7


760. This is one of the most important scenes preserved

in ancient Egypt. Similar scenes will be found in other
Theban tombs, but none contains so elaborate, detailed,
and extensive representations of the wealth of the Asiatic
peoples, which was now flowing as tribute into the treasury
of the Pharaohs. The pride of the Egyptian vizier, which
led him to depict these official incidents in his career, has
thus been the means of preserving to us much of the early
civilization of Asia, which on its native soil has perished
761. At the right stands Rekhmire, while the foreigners,
carrying their tribute, approach in five long lines from the
left. At the head of each line is a scribe, who records their
tribute as it is deposited in splendid profusion before him.

Reception of the tribute of the south country, besides the tribute
of Punt, the tribute of Retenu (Rtnw), the tribute of Keftyew, besides
the booty of all countries which the fame of his majesty, King

UThis scene has not yet been published by Newberry; I had only Champollion,
Notices descripfives,I, 505-10; Brugsch, Tlzesaurus, V, I I 10-1 13 (whose description
is taken bodily from Champollion); and the two plates in Wilkinson, Manners
and C*stonw, I, P1. I I A and I1 B.
5 7631 STELA O F I N T E F T H E HERALD 295

Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), brought; by the hereditary prince

. . . . . .a Rekhmire.b
.A weighing scenec shows the reckoning of "this great
heap of electrum, which is (measured) by the heket, making

762. This scene is not yet published, but Newberry

describes it (op. cit., 20) as showing Rekhmire after having
sailed down-river to Hatsekhem to meet his new sovereign,
presenting to him "the royal insignia."

763. This splendid stela was erected by the "royal
hennld" of Thutmose 111, whose important offices were the
Hereditary prince and count, companion, great in love, count of
Thinis of the Thinite nome, lord of the entire oasis region, great herald
of the king.

=Titles, etc., of Rekhmire.

bAn inscription over each of the five rows begins in each case: "Arrival in
peactr, of the chiefs of X" (Punt, Retenu, etc., as the case may be). T o Keftyew is
added "and of the isles in the midst of the sea," and to Retenu: "all the northern
countries of the ends of tke earth." This introductory formula is followed by the
conventional acclamations of the foreigners; but these inscriptions are not readable
in Illilkinson's plates. Champollion gives only the introductory formula of each
row, and Newberry's second volume containing these scenes has not yet appeared.
clepsius, Denkmdler, 111, 39, d. dAbout 8,943 pounds (troy).
=Now in the Louvre (C. 26), being doubtless the finest stela in that great
collection. I t is nearly 6 feet high by nearly 4 feet in width, and of the finest
workmanship (see de Roug6, Notices des monuments, 84-89). I t was published
by Gayet, Stales de la X I I C dynastic, P1. XIX, and the long inscription (partially)
by Ilmgsch (Thesaurus, VI, 1479-85). Owing simply to the name of its owner,
"Intef," it has always been attributed to the early Middle Kingdom. It has long
been evident, both from its language and content, however, that it belongs to the
Eighteenth Dynasty. The discovery of Intef's tomb at Thebes by Newberry shows
that this conclusion is correct, and that Intef lived in the reign of Thutmose 111.
The important conclusions regarding the oases in the Middle Kingdom, often
drawn from this inscription (e. g., Maspero, Dawn, 432, n. 3, and ibid., 459, n. 3),
are therefore to be given up.

Or again :
Hereditary prince and count, wearer of the royal seal, sole compan-
ion, favorite of the Good God, excellent scribe of computation, first
herald of the king.
Again :
First herald of the judgment-hall (C rry.t).a

I t would thus appear that the Oases, at least those of

the Theban region, were dependents of the Thinite princes,b
who have survived into the Eighteenth Dynasty and taken
office at the court of the Pharaoh.
764. The stela contains, in a less formal list than the
"Duties of the Vizier" (!$675 ff.), a similar statement of
the duties of the "royal herald" (whm-Stnyc = lit., "royal
reporter or repeater"). This statement, far from being an
extract from the government archives, is but a random
rehearsal, in a boastful style, of the powers of the court
herald. I t is evident that his office is only partially expressed
by our word herald, for the duties of the Egyptian herald
show him to have been of ministerial power and importance;
they were the following:
I. The management of the formalities and ceremonies
of court and palace (11. 4-7, only part of 1. 5).
2. Communication of the messages of the people and
affairs of the land to the kingd (1. 5).

aAll the above titles are from the head of the stela; others will be found in
the following translation.
bFor another Thinite prince, who was also lord of the oasis, see Recueil,
X, 141.
CSo in Ahmose-pen-Nekhbet (11. 10 and IS), but in Intef's inscription "whm-
aHere he seems to cover the same ground as the vizier (Duties, 4, 1. 5 ) ; but
the vizier evidently reported larger affairs of state, while the herald communicated
personal matters, of which we have an example in the brave deeds of Ahmose,
which are regularly reported to the king by the "royal herald" ($a g ff.).

3. Messenger of the judgment-hall (C r y . t ) , or general

administrative office of the Pharaoh (1. 6).
4. The communication to the people of all commissions
laid on them by the Pharaoh (1. 7).
5 . The communication, both to Egyptians and foreign
countries, of the amount of their taxes, and verification of
same (1. 8, and 1. 27 end). This is but a specialization of 4.
ti. T o be in general the mouthpiece of the palace (l. 9).
7. T o exercise a kind of police control, wherever the
Pharaoh proceeded (11. 10-1 2).
765. This unsystematic list of powers is followed by an
enumeration of Intef's good qualities (11. 13-20), to which
is added, after an asseveration of its truth 01. 20--22), a
remarkable statement of the source of his success (11. 22-24).
Finally, a rapid statement of the herald's duties abroad
while accompanying the Pharaoh on his Syrian campaigns,
completes the inscription (11. 24-27). As the Pharaoh, in
this instance, was Thutmose 111, these brief references
are of the greatest interest, showing the herald, as they do,
preceding the great commander from town to town, and
preparing his residence in the palaces of the Syrian princes.
Intef's Address to Passers-by
766. 'He says: " 0 ye that live upon earth, all people (rhy- t), every
priest, every scribe, every ritual priest, who shall enter into this tomb of
the necropolis; if ye love life, and think not on death, if your native
gods shall favor you, if ye would not taste the fear of another land, 3if
ye would be buried in your tombs, if ye would bequeath your offices to
your children; whether (ye be) one that readeth these words upon this
stela, being a scribe; or one that heareth them, so shall ye say: 'An
offering which the king gives, etc. . . . . . . . . .1 9 ,
Intef's Duties
767. 4For the ka of the hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal
seal, sole companion, favorite of the king, as leader of his army, who levies

the official staffs and the soldiers, who counts the companions, who con-
ducts the nobles, who makes the ki~ig's-confidantsapproach their places,
leader of leaders, sguide of millions of men, superior of advanced offices,
advanced in place, excellent in the (royal) presence, who sends up the
words of the people (r&y.t), who reports the affairs of the Two Lands,
who discourses concerning matters in the secret place, who enters with
good things and comes out with favor, (jwho places every man upon his
father's seat, who makes glad the heart and favors the favorites, at whose
words the great arise, who does the errands of the judgment-hall (C r y t),
who originates the regulations in the palace, L. P. H., who makes every
man to know his duties, who gives the administration in the -, [rgreatl]
tin power in the great seat (i. e., the palace), who silences the voice, and
originates honors, who guards the foot from the place of silence, the
counterpoise of the balances of the Good God, who conducts the people
to that which they do, who says: "Let it be done,"and it isdone on
[the instant], that which comes out of the mouth of a god; who
lays commands on the people (&nmm.t), to number their work (impost)
for the king, who fixes the rreckoningl of every country, who furnishes
the rsuppliesl of their princes, great in affairs at the counting of the
numbers, prepared - 9- - - to do, knowing that which is in the
heart of the king, L. P. H., the speaking tongue of him who is in
the palace (i. e., the king), the eyes of the king, the heart of the lord of
the palace, the instruction of the whole land, who binds the rebellious,
who quiets the -, 1°- -from the hostile, strong-armed toward robbers,
applying violence to -them that apply violence, mighty-hearted against
the mighty-hearted, who brings down the arm l1of him whose - is
high, who rshortensl the hour of the rcruel-heartedl, who causes the evil-
hearted to perform the regulation of the laws, although his heart is
unwilling, great in terror among criminals, lord of fear among rebellious-
=*hearted,who binds the adversary, and repels the violent, the safety of
the palace, the establisher of its laws, who quiets the multitude for their
lord, the chief herald of the judgment-hall, count of Thinis of the Thinite
nome, chief of all the oasis country, excellent scribe, solving writings,
Tntef, triumphant.
Irttef's Qualities
768. '3The only wise, equipped with knowledge, the really safe one,
distinguishing the simple from the wise, exalting the craftsman, turning
his back upon the ignorant, nJ in mind, very rcompletel in mind, giving
attention to hear the man of truth, I4void of deceit, useful to his lords,

accurate-minded, with no lie in him, experienced in every way, protector

of the seemly, hearer of his prayer, gentle toward the cold-hot one, inter-
ceding for him, who does according to his plans, not - 'sthe truthful,
understanding the heart,a knowing the thoughts, when nothing has
come forth from the lips, speaking to wit: according to his thought;
there is none, whom he hath not known, turning his face to him that
speaks the truth, disregarding him that speaketh lies, who does -'1
to - - ,*'hot mild toward the ~loquaciousl,but opposing him by doing
the truth, content with giving satisfaction, not exalting him that knew
not above him that knew, going about after the truth, giving attention to
hear petitions, judging - I7for him who is without offense and for the
liar, free from partiality, justifying the just, chastising the guilty for his
guilt, servant of the poor, father of the fatherless, - - l8of the orphan,
mother of the fearful, 'dungeon] of the turbulent, protector of the weak,
advocate of him who has been deprived of his possessions by one stronger
than he, husband of the widow, shelter of the orphan [rmakingl the
weeIr9per rejoice, r- - -1, who is praised on account of his character,
for whom the worthy thank god, because of the greatness of his worth,
for whom health and life are besought by all people (rky.t), great
herald of the judgment-hall, 20chief steward, overseer of the double
granary, leader of all works of the king's L. P. H. estate, to whom all
offices report, who counts the impost of the leaders, the mayors and the
village sheiks of the South and the North excellent scribe, Intef, tri-
Intef's Asseveration
769. He says: "Those were my qualities, of which 'I1 have testified;
there is no deceit therein; these were my excellencies in very truth,
there is no exception therein. Nor was there any likening of words to for myself with lies, but that was my color, aawhich I showed;
that was my office in the king's L. H. P. estate, that was my service at
the court L. P. H., that was my rduty' in the judgment-hall.

Intef's Explanation of H i s Success

770. bIt was my heart which caused that I should do it, by its lead-
ing of my affairs; it is - b a 3 a n excellent witness, I did not violate its

=On this passage, cf. my article, Zeilschrift fur agyptische Sprachc, 39, 47.
bOn this remarkable passage, see my article, Zeitschrijt fur agyptisch Sprache,
399 47.

speech, I feared to transgress its leading; I prospered on account of it

exceedingly. I was excellent by reason of that which it caused that I
should do, I was valuable by reason of its leading. 'Lo, - - -,'
'%aid the people, 'it is an oracle of the gods, which is in every body.
He is a counsellor, whom it has led to the goodly way of achievement.'
Lo, thus I was.
Intef's Duties Abroad
771. I followed the King of the Two Lands, I struck into his tracks
in the countries, - - ' 5 - the earth, I arrived at its end, being at the
heels of his majesty, L. P. H., my valor was like the lords of strength,
and I captured like his brave ones. Every palace in a country - -
26- - before the troops, at the head of the army. When my lord
arrived in safety where I was, I had preparqd it (the palace), I had
equipped it with everything that is desired in a foreign country, made
better than the palaces of Egypt, 'rpurified, cleansed, set apart, their
mansions adorned, (each) chamber for its proper purpose, I made the
king's heart satisfied with that which I did, - - -. I numbered the
tribute of the rulers dwelling in every country, consisting of silver, gold,
oil, incense, wine."

772. This tomb is one of the most interesting and impor-
tant at Thebes. Menkheperreseneb, besides being High
Priestb of Amon under Thutmose 111, was also "overseer
of the gold-house and overseer of the silver-house," as
well as chief architect in the temple of Amon, and "chief
of the overseers of craftsmen." As treasurer, he is depicted
in his tomb receiving the tribute of Asia, and the treasure
from the mines of Africa; while as architect and chief of
the master-craftsmen, we find him in charge of Thutmose
aIn the cliff of Shekh Abdel-Kurna at Thebes, published by Piehl, Inscrip-
tions, I, P1. 127 P-129 and 102-5; Virey, Mkmoires de la mission frangaise au
Caire, V, 197 ff. I had also a copy of the building inscription, kindly furnished
me by Mr. Newberry.
bSee his statue (Annales, IV, 8, 9) found at Karnak, according to which he
was a son of Rekhmire.
111's great works in the Karnak temple, recounted in this
king's building inscriptions (0 0 599 ff .).
Scene of Asiatic Tribute
773. Two lines of Asiatics bring forward splendid and
richly chased vessels of gold, silver, etc. The Asiatics are
designated as " t h e chief of Keftyew, the chief of Kheta, the
chief of Tunip ( T n p w ) , the chief of Kadesh." Before them
is an inscription :
Giving praise to the Lord of the Two Lands, obeisance to the Good
God, by the chiefs of every land. They acclaim the victories of his
majesty; their tribute is upon their backs, being every [product] of
God's-Land: silver, gold, lapis lazuli, malachite, every splendid, costly
stone . . . . .
A line of superscription contains the acclamations of
the Asiatics; the bulk of it is lost:
-. the sea; thy fear is in all lands. Thou hast overthrown
the lands of Mitanni (My-in -); thou hast hacked up their cities, their
chiefs are in caves - -.
Reception of Gold
774. Another scene shows the deceased receiving ship-
ments of gold, from the "captain of the gendarmes of
cqptos " and the "governor of the gold-country of Coptos: "
Reception of gold of the highland of Coptos, besides gold of Kush
the wretched, being the yearly dues - -; by Menkheperreseneb.
Inspection of Workmen
775. Again we see the deceased inspecting the work of
the craftsmen, accompanied by the words:
Viewing the workshop of the temple of [Amon], the work of the
craftsmen, in real lapis lazuli, and in real malachite, which his majesty
made after the design of his heart,a to be rmonumentsJ for his father,

=These very works are shown in the great relief depicting the presentation
of monuments to Amon by Thutmose I11 at Karnak ($545), accompanied by the
same words, showing that Thutrnose I11 himself furnished the design to the crafts-

Amon, in [rthe house of Amonl, abiding, flourishing as eternal works;

by the hereditary prince, count, pleasing the king as the establisher of
his monuments, chief of the overseers of craftsmen, chief of works in
the [rhouse of'] Amon, first prophet of [Amon], Menkheperreseneb. He
says :
A Shrine
"I inspected when the lord, King Thutmose 111,erected [a shrine,]
called 'Thutmose-III-is-the-Wearer-of-the-Diadem-of-Amon,~ of endur-
ing granite, in one block,a upon the rcannll bwrought with
electrum, the hall' being of sandstone, wrought with gold of the best of
the hills wrought with gold."

A Second Shrine
776. " I inspected, when his majesty erected a greatC shrine of
electrum (called) : 'Thutmose-111-is-Great -in-love-in- the-House-of -
Amon.' "
"I inspected when his majesty made a great colonnade,"wrought]
with electrum - - -. 3 ,
Obelisks and Flagstaves
"I inspected when his majesty erected obelisks and numerous flag-
staves for his father, Amon. I pleased his majesty while conducting
the work on his monuments. I did these things, without being unpleas-
ant to the heart of --. 7,

777. This official lived at Thebes under the early Thut-
mosids, and finally became steward of Nebetu, one of

aA monolithic chapel of granite, such as still exists, for example, at Edfu.

bThe following is either a different building, the account of which began in
the preceding lacuna, or the hall in which the shrine stood.
cSo Piehl; Newberry, "beautiful."
*This is doubtless the building at the east end of the Karnak temple; but
may be the attempted restoration of the hall dismantled for Hatshepsut's obelisks.
eStela in his tomb in the hill of Drah-abu-'n-Neggah, at Thebes; published
by Bouriant, Recueil, IX, 95-97.

Thutmose 111's wives, and chief captain of the king's fleet.

His tomb stela is chiefly devoted to the usual mortuary
prayers, in the midst of which he refers to his favor under
the first three Thutmosids. The name of Thutmose I
is evidently lost in one of the numerous lacunae; but Nibamon
seems to have received gifts of land and cattle from this
king. He then says:
Favor under Thutmose 11
778. '7My lord, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okhepernere
(Thutmose 11), triumphant, repeated favors to me; he appointed me
overseer of the hall (&') of the king.

Favor under Thzctmose IZZ

779. My lord, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkheperre
(Thutmose 111), given life, repeated favors to me; he magnified lame
until I was at the front; he appointed me as steward of the king's-wife,
Nebetu ( N bt-w), triumphant. My lord, the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Menkheperre, Isgiven life, repeated favors to me; he appointed
me to be captain of all the ships of the king. There happened no over-
sight of mine, nor was there found any neglect of mine. I b a s not
associated with loevil, but I attained a revered old age, being in the
favor of the king's presence.
Then follows a final prayer, addressed to the living.
780. Syria, of course, revolted on the death of Thut-
mose 111, and already in his second year we find his ener-
getic son, Amenhotep 11, on the march into northern Syria
to quell the rebellion. Doubtless the harbor cities had also
rebelled, and hence the young king is forced to proceed
by land. Leaving Egypt in April, as his father had done
on the first campaign thirty-three years before, he had
already in early May won a battle at Shemesh-Edom in
northern Palestine. On the twelfth of May he crossed the
Orontes, and gained a skirmish near the river. He cele-
brated a feast of thanksgiving to Amon there, and fourteen
days later (May 26) he arrived at Niy, which opened its
gates to him and received him with acclamation. June 5
he reached and punished the rebellious city of Ikathi,
which was plotting against its Egyptian garrison. Some-
where in Naharin he set up his tablet of victory, a as his father
and grandfather had done before him. Here the sources fail,
and the further course of the campaign is unknown until the
king's return to Egypt; but it is clear that the coalition
against Egypt was crushed in Tikhsi, probably at the battle
on the Orontes, for on his return in the autumn the king
brought back with him to Thebes "the seven princes who
were in the district of Tikhsi," and sacrificed them himself
before Amon. Early in the following July we find the
king in Nubia, arranging the completion of his father's
temples at Elephantine and Amilda. In both he set up a

aTurra inscription of Minhotep ( 8 800).


tablet bearing the same inscription, recording the building

and mentioning the seven princes, six of whom he says he
hanged on the walls of Thebes, and the seventh on the walls
of Napata. At Napata or above it he set up a tablet
marking his southern boundary (§800). It is perhaps on
his return from this last errand that he stops at AmAda
for the foundation ceremonies of the temple.
The said AmAda and Elephantine stela, another at
Karnak, and a Karnak chapel are the only sources for this
campaign. a
781. Above is a relief in two parts, each showing the
king offering to Amon-Re. Between the two parts is a
vertical line of text recording the restoration of the monu-
ment by Seti I, just as on the Building Inscription' of
Am.enhotep 111.
Date and Introduction
782. 'PYear 2TC under the majesty of:
~LHorus: Mighty Bull, Great of Strength; Part of Atum;

aAn inscription from a tomb at Shekh Abd-el-Kurna probably refers to his

campaigns in calling the deceased " a follower of the king on his journeys on water,
on land, and i n every country; to whom has been given favors of the king's-presence,
consisting of rings of electrum " (Piehl, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1883,135).
bA pink granite stela, found by Champollion against the second of the southern
pylons at Karnak, in a deplorably fragmentary condition. Text: Champollion,
Notices descriptives, 11, 185, 186 (only 11. 1-10; 1. 9 is not omitted as indicated);
Maspero, Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische Sprache, XVII, 56, 57 (only 11. 3-10, copying
Champollion); Rougt, Inscriptions hiiroglyphiques, 175, 176; Bouriant, Recueil,
XIII, 160, 161; Wiedemann, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology,
XI, 422, 423; a new fragment by Legrain, Annules, IV. The text is corrupt,
being full of errors, like the omission of the determinative (important emendations
by Erman, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1889, 39-41). The reason for these
errors is the careless restoration of the text after its erasure by the emissaries of
Ikhnaton. See Legrain, Annales, IV.
cThe tablet of AmLda below ($5 791 ff.), dated in year 3, speaks of an Asiatic
campaign already completed; it can hardly refer to any other than this campaign
to Niy. Hence the latter would have taken place in the year I or 2, more prob-
ably .the latter. The lacuna at the beginning of each line is four or five words long.
dThe complete titulary of Amenhotep 11.

Favorite of the Two Goddesses: Mighty in Opulence, Who is

Crowned in Thebes;
Golden Horus: Who Seizes by His Might in all Lands;
'[King of Upper and Lower Egypt] Opet : Okheperure,
Lord - of the Sword, Who Binds the Nine Bows;
Son of Re, of his Body, Lord of A11 Countries: Amenhotep (11),
Divine Ruler of Heliopolis, Giver of Life, Forever, like Re.=
Battle of Shemesh-Edom
783. 3[His majesty was] in the city of Shemesh-Edom (S-m-~w-~-
t w - ~ y )his
; ~ majesty furnished an example of bravery there; his majesty
himself fought hand to hand. Behold, he was like a fierce-eyed lion,
smiting the countries of Lebanon ([R-mj-n-n)c4r- -1 -- -s-&wd
was his name.
List of that which his majesty himself captured on this day: Asiatics,
r8 living persons; 16 horse^.^
Battle on the Orontes
784. First month of the third season (ninth month), day 26.; his
majesty crossed over the ford of the Oronted on this day, caused to
cross 5r I r- - -1 like the might of Montu of
Thebes. His majesty raised his arm, in order to see the end of the

PThe complete titulary of Amenhotep 11.

bA town of northern Palestine, which occurs in the first of Thutmose 111's
town-lists as: 3 , m y - 1 -y-t > m y (No. 51).

cThe undoubtedly correct restoration of Erman, Zeitschrift filr iigyptische

Sprache, 1889, 39. Wiedemann's variants only show the decay of the stone since
dRemnant of the name of a chief or a country.
eAll the texts but de Rouge have "oxen," but "horses" is certainly con-
firmed by the context.
fTexts all have y-r J-s-t, but Brugsch read "Arinath," hence the wavy-lined
n, which is straight in hieratic, has been transferred to the stone straight; it has
been read as an s by all modem copyists but Brugsch. There is no question,
therefore, concerning the emendation to n first made by Maspero. Geographically,
the emendation is also convincing. From a northern Palestinian city the king
marches northward to Lebanon; this course continued would bring him to the
Orontes. Moreover, the identical phrase, "crossed over the channel of the Orontes,"
with the same rare word ( T d ' t ) for "channel" (or "ford?") occurs in Ramses
11's Kadesh campaign (111, 308, 1. 12). The objections of Bissink (Statistiscke
T a w , 34) are not convincing. Petrie's identification with Harosheth on the
- - -- ---.
-. .

earth;a his majesty descried a few Asiatics (Sttp) coming on horses

6r--l coming at a rgallopl (rkrk). Behold, his majesty was equipped
with his weapons of battle, his majesty conquered withb the might rof
Set1 in his hour. They retreated when his majesty looked at one YofC
them. Thcn his majesty himself overthrew their r-Id, with his spear
r- - - -1 . Behold, he carried away this Asiatic r-1, shis horses,e
his chariot, and all his weapons of battle. His majesty returned with
joy of heart [toIf his father, Amon; he (his majesty) gave to him a
feast -'1.
785. List of that which his majesty captured on this day:g 9his
horses, 2 ; chariots, I ; a coat of mail; 2 bows; a quiver, full of arrows;
a corselet; and r-I.h
Arrival at Niy
786. Second month of the third seasoni (tenth month), day 10;
passing losouthward toward Egypt, his majesty proceeded by hoke to

Rishon (Petrie, History of Egypt, 11, 155) is impossible, for the king is already
in the Lebanon, and has left the Kishon far behind. The route by which Amenhotep
advanced northward from Shemesh-Edom is not certain, but the crossing of the
Orontes is doubtless the last one as he turned toward the Euphrates. This would
be most naturally at Senzar. He would then march by way of Aleppo to Niy,
which was about 175 miles from Senzar. That he reached Senzar is shown by
his list in Q 798A. This suits his marching speed also, as he would have made
about 1 2 4 miles a day from Senzar to Niy.
aThere may be a reference here to the common designation of this remote
region as the "end of the earth," but it more probably refers merely to the king's
shading his eyes that he might scan the horizon.
bLit., "behind."
clegrain's lacuna of 24 cm. is of course impossible; it is improbable also at
the head of the next two lines.
dhntw. eLit., "his span" (htryj.
fRestore n, "to," according to Amgda tablet, 11. 16, 17 ($ 797).
eThere is no line omitted here, as Champollion indicates.
hThe same word (shntw) applied to the corselet (It n ~ is) found in Thutmose
111's first campaign, 1. 23 (shnw-ty 7).
iThe texts of de RougB, Bouriant, Wiedemann, and Brugsch's translations
show "month II," not 111, as usually read from Champollion. That Shemu
(not 'akhet) is to be read here is clear from the determinative and the other dates
(11. 4 and 13; note, 1. 13). Maspero now accepts this (Maspero, Struggle o) the
Nations, 291), although he formerly read 'akhet. Petrie's date (Petrie, History
of Egypt, 11, 155) is therefore about five months too late; for had this date been
in another year, the year must have been added. The arrival at Niy is therefore
fourteen days after the crossing of the Orontes.

the city of Niy. Behold, these Asiatics of this city, men as well as women,
were upon their walls praising his majesty, "- - - to the Good God.

Revolt of Ikathi
787. Behold, his majesty heard saying, that some of those Asiatics
(St' tyu) who were in the city of Ikathi (Y-k'-gy)had rplottedJ (ngmgm)
to make a plan for casting out the infantrya of his majesty lZ[rwho
were1 in the city, in order to overturn - - - - who were loyal to his
majesty. Then [his] majesty put them in r- - - - -1 in this city
'3- - he -b them immediately, and he pacified [this] city
against the entire country -.C Second monthd of the third season
(tenth m ~ n t h )day
, ~ 2 0 ( + x ) . '4- r 1, made the city of Ikathi
[Y-k 'I-! ' 15 16

788. The remainder as far as 1. 29 shows but a few

scattered traces, of which the following are significant:
"of his children. Statement of that which [his majesty]
captured" (1. 21) ; " chariot" 0. 26) ; "list of captives"
(1. 27); " [weccpon]~of war without number" (I.28); " h i s
majesty was adorned &th [his] regalia" (1. 29). The record
then becomes more connected:
Overthrow of Khatithnu
789. 30 His majesty -e the tribe of Khatithana (g -ty-
1 '-n ') united Sr- -.Rehold, the chief - - - - - the city, for
fear of his majesty. His chiefs, his wives, his children were carried
captive, 3zand all his people likewise. Statement of that which his
majesty himself captured - - - - his horses.

aProbably the Egyptian garrison of the town.

CPossibly the name of the country, containing kh.
dThis date is very important, showing (I) that we must read Shemu (the third
season, not b't, the first season) in 1. 10 above, and (2) that we must read second
month (in 1. 10) with all the copies (except Champollion).
*The position of the introductory words (before the lacuna$ in ll. 31 and 32
is not certain.
-- 309

Return to Egypt
790. 33- - day 27; his majesty went forth from the house of the
Beautiful-of-Face (Ptah)a and proceded [to] -,Memphis, bearing the
plunder which he had taken in the country of Retenu. List of that
which was taken:
Nobles (my-r '-y-n ') alive 34550 (+XI
Their [wivles 240
Wessels wrought] of gold 6,500b deben
Copper 5oo,oooCdehen

Horses 210
Chariots 300
The whole land beheld the victories of his majesty.
35By the Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, Lord of Offerings
----,d beloved of .Amon, protector of him who is in Thehes,
celebrator of the feasts of the house of Amon, lord of Thebes, r- -1,
Son of Re, Thutmose ('IVl),e given life [forever] and ever.

791. Both are dedication tablets, the upper half of which

is occupied by an oblation scene: at Amfida, Amenhotep I1
offering wine to Harakhte and Amon-Re, all in a sacred
boat; at Elephantine, the king once with Amon and

aOr: "the beautiful house, proceeding" (kr wd D), etc.

b1,657f pounds, troy. Nearly roo,ooo pounds.
dRoyal name is lost.
eIf this is correct, the stela was erected by Thutmose IV, son of Amenhotep 11.
fOn the interior of the back wall of the sanctuary of the temple of AmAda.
Text: Champollion, Notices descriptives, I, 105-7 (very imperfectly and incorrectly
copied); Lepsius, Denknaiiler, 111, 65, a; Bmgsch, Thesaurus, 1280 (only 11. 12-20).
I had also the Berlin lexicon copy, collated by Erman with the squeeze of Lepsius,
and a collation of the original by Steindorff.
sFrom a similar position in the Elephantine temple (now perished) ; the upper
part with the relief and parts of thirteen lines of text is in Vienna (No. 141); the
lower portion is in Cairo (No. 158). I had: my own photograph and von Berg-
mann's publication (Recueil, IV, 33 ff.) of the Vienna fragment; two copies of the
Cairo fragment, one by Steindorff and one by Schaefer, which they kindly loaned
me; and a photograph by Borchardt.
Anuket and once before Khnum, receiving "life and sta-
bility." Both tablets were intended to mark the "station
of the king," both record similar buildings in the year 3
(material at Elephantine is better), and the same facts
regarding the Asiatic princes. The differences in wording
are almost nil. The Elephantine stela has an interesting
addition from the year 4.
Date and Introduction
792. 'Year 3, third month of the third season (eleventh month),
day 1 5 , under
~ the majesty of .. .
. . . . . . .b AmenhotepC(II), beloved
of Harakhte and Amon, lord of Thebes, 'Good God, creation of Re,
sovereign who came forth from the body, mighty; likeness of Horus
upon the throne of his father; great in strength, whose like does not
exist; of whom a second is not found. He is a king very weighty of
arm; there is not one who can draw his bowd among his army 3among
the hill-country sheiks (or) among the princes of Retenu, because his
strength is so much greater than (that of) any king who has ever existed;
raging like a panther, when he courses through the battlefield; there is
none fighting before him; an archer mighty in smiting; 4a wall protect-
ing Egypt; firm of heart, -'1 in the hour of rconfictl; trampling down
those who rebel against him; rinstantlyl prevailing against all the bar-
barians with people and horse^,^ when they came with myriads of men,
while they knew not that Amon-Re was shis ally, (nor) that he would
be seen to [approach1 instantly, strength in his limbs;f likeness of Min

aThe date of the Elephantine tablet is lost; but it was earlier than the "year
4," in which an addition was made to it.
bFull five-name titulary.
chiseled away and reinserted (Steindorff).
dThis is the basis for the well-known legend of Herodotus (111, ZI), which
represents Cambyses as unable to draw the bow of the king of Ethiopia (Schaefer,
Zeitschrift fur iigyptische Sflache, 38, 66 f.). I t is a not uncommon statement.
Curiously enough, the bow of Amenhotep I1 was found in his tomb; it bears an
inscription designating him as "smiter of the Troglodytes, overthrower of Kush,
. .
hacking up [their] cities . . . . . the great wall of Egypt, protector of his soldiers"
(Cairo, Catalogue, 24120).
eThis is not a generality, but doubtless specifically refers to a battle with the
Asiatics in the campaign of the previous year.
fThe god's strength in the king's limbs.

in the year of terror. There is not one that saves himself from him;
he makes a rslaughterl among his enemies, the Nine Bows likewise. All
lands and all rebellious countries pay him impost, 6for he is a king
r 1. There is not one who makes a boundary with him;a (but)
they live by his breath. King of kings, ruler of rulers, who captures
the boundaries 7of r- -1; the only mighty one, whose fame is exaltedb
until Re in heaven knows it, (rand) the one who faces him1 in the day
of smiting. There is no boundary made for him toward all countries
united, (or) toward all lands together; (but) they fall instantly because
of his flaming crest, like 8 . There is none among
them that escapes from the overthrow, like the foes of Bastet on the
road of I r - A m ~ n . ~I t is a happy chance for all those who know that
he is his real son, who came forth from (his) limbs, one 9with him, in
orcler to rule that which the sun encircles, all the lands, and countries
which he knew, that he might seize them immediately with victory and
Buildings and Offerings
793. He is a king with heart favorable to the buildings of all gods,
being one who builds their temples (and) fashions their statues. The
divine offerings *"are established for the fiist time, loaves and beer in
plenty and (bt- ') fowl in multitude as a daily offering every day,
forever; large cattle and small cattle at their seasons, without 1-1.d
He gave the house to its lord, supplied with everything, with oxen,"
calves, young cattle, fowl [without] limit, this temple being supplied
throughout with loaves and wine. He established rrevenuesl for the
first time [for] (his) fathers, the gods,e to be seen of the people, I2to
be known of all.
Completion of Temple
794. Behold, his majesty beautifiedf the temple which his father,
King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111), had

aIt is all his own matter where a boundary shall be.

bLit., "of exalting his fame."
cLit., "begotten of Amon" =the king (Erman).
dSee long Khnumhotep inscription (I, 637, 1. 201).
eElephantine: "Khnum." -
f "Beautified" means here (as on the Lateran and Popolo obeIisks) "to supply

with inscriptions," the monument having been left uninscribed by Thutmose 111.

made for (his) fathers, all the gods,a built of stone as an everlasting
work. The walls around it are of brick,b the doors of [cedar of the bestc]
'30f the Terraces; the doorways are of sandstone? in order that the
great name of his father, the Son of Re, Thutmose (111), may remain in
this temple forever end ever.
Foundation Ceremony
795. The majesty of this Good God, King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Okheprure (Amenhotep 11) extended
the line and loosened the r-1 for all the father^,^ [the gods] l*making
for ite a great pylon of sandstone oppositef the hall of the rsacred cham-
ber] in the august dwe1ling;g surrounded by columns of sandstone as an
everlasting work; many tablesh with vessels of silver and bronze, obla-
tion-standards, Isaltars, fire-pans, roblation-vesselsl, oblation-tablets,r-1.
Erection of the Tablet
796. Then his majesty caused that this tablet should be made and set
up in this temple in the place of the Station of the King,' and engraved
with the great name of the Lord of the Two Lands, the Son of Re,
Amenhotep (11), Divine Ruler of Heliopolis in the house of the fathers,
the gods,j after the returnk of his majesty from Retenu the Upper,
having overthrown all his enemies, extending the boundaries of Egypt,
on the first victorious campaign.

aElephantine: "Khnum, lord of the cataract, his mother, Satet, nzistress of

Bephantine, and Anuket, presider over Nubia ( T >pd-t)."
bElephantine: "the doors of cedar, wrought wiWz copper, the portals of enduring
restored from Ineni, 1. 8. ( 8 103).
dElephantine: "Khnum." =The temple.
fElephantine: gft-br. The first pylon and the colonnaded hall behind it are
referred to; but these, with the exception of the back row of columns, were all
inscribed by Thutmose IV, and must have been left unfinished by Amenhotep 11.
gElephantine: " i n the august colmnade."
hThe account merges into a list of temple furniture given by the king without
any syntactical connection with the preceding.
iHis ceremonial position. See $140, 1. 7, and note.
jElephantine: "Khnum, lord of the cataract."
kIf he arrived at about the time of Thutmose 111's return from the first cam-
paign ($409), the Amlda stela is then dated about nine and a half months later
than his arrival; for it is impossible to suppose that this Shemu of the Asiatic
campaign is the same as the Shemu of the Amlda stela, which would then be only
twenty-five days later than the last date readable in the Asiatic campaign.
-- 313

Sacrifice of Asiatic Princes

797. When his majesty returned "with joy of heart to his father,
Amon, he slew with his own weapon the seven princes,a who had been
in the district of Tikhsi (Ty-b-sy), and had been placed head down-
ward at the prow of his majesty's barge, the name of which was:
"Okheprure (Amenhotep II)-18is-the-Establisher-of-the-Two-Lands."
One hanged the six men of those fallen ones, before the wall of Thebes;
those hands likewise. Then the other fallen one was taken up-river to
Nubia and hanged ron' the wall of I9Napata (Npt),in order to cause to
be manifest the victories of his majesty, forever and ever in all lands
and countries of the land of the Negro; since he had taken the South-
erners and bound the Northerners, the back-lands of 'Othe whole earth,
upon which Re shines; that he might make his boundary as far as he
desired, none opposing his hands, according to the command of his
father Re, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes; in order that the Son of Re, of
his body, his beloved, Amenhotepb (11), divine ruler of Heliopolis,
might be given life, stability, satisfaction, joy of heart, through him,
like Re, forever and ever.
798. The Elephantine stela here adds enactments for
the sacred feasts there, as follows:
'Year 4. His majesty commanded to have the sailsd made for the
voyages of these gods dwelling in Elephantine; large sails, each one of
10 cubits, while they were (formerly) small sails of 3 cubits.
His majesty commanded to add one day for his mother, Anuket, to
her feast of Nubia (Pd'tt), at her voyage of the "Beginning-of-the-
River." The supplies are: bread, beer, oxen, geese, wine, incense,
fruit, every good and pure thing, as dues each year, as an increase upon

aThese unfortunate kings were sacrificed by the Pharaoh himself before the
god, as so often represented in the temple reliefs.
1)Chiseledaway and reinserted (Steindorff).
CAn obelisk of Arnenhotep I1 was also found at Elephantine; it is now in the
collection at Alnwick Castle, England. It bears the inscription: "Amenhotep IZ;
he made (it) as his monument for his ffalher Khnum, making for him two obelisks
of the altar of Re; that he might be given life forever." The pyramidion shows the
king worshiping before "Khnum, residing in Elephantine" (Birch, Catalogue
Alnwick, 345; Bonomi, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, New Ser.,
1843, 1, 170).
dThe usual sign for linen fabric is used, so that anything of linen may be meant.

the 3 days of her customarya feast, in order to make her great feast of
the first (month) of the third season (ninth month) of 4 days'b duration,
to abide and to endure; that he may be given life forever.


798A. This monument, of which only a few fragments

have survived, bears a relief showing Amenhotep I1 leading
seventy Asiatic prisoners to Amon. They are accompanied
by the words:
List of those countries which his majesty smote in their valleys,
overthrown in [their] blood that he might be given life forever.
Twenty-four prisoners in two rows bear the names of the
countries they represent. The following are still legible:
I.Retenu [the Upper]; 2. Retenu [the Lowler; 3. Kharu; 12.
Kadesh; 13. Aleppo; 14. Niy; IS. Sezard (S -4 -r>); 16. Thenew
(Tnw); 17. Ketne.

799. Above is a relief showing the king before two rows
of divinities, thirteen in number, for whose buildings the
quarry-chambers have been opened. A dedication at the
left side is as follows:
He made (it) as his monument for the gods and goddesses, for whose
temples of a [million of years] the quarry-chamber was opened, in order
to quarry fine limestone of Ayan.

aFor a similar use of this rather rare word (mty), see Q 619, 1. 18, and 111,
377, note.
bThat is, one day has been added. Cf. the same formula in the feasts of
victory (68 550-52).
CFound by Legrain near Pylon V at Karnak; published by him, Annahs, V,
34, 35.
dThe same as Senzar of 6 584; see Q 784, note, where it is shown that Senzar
was a natural point of departure from the Orontes for Niy.
eCut in the rock walls of the limestone quarry of Turra, south of Cairo. Pub-
lished by Vyse, Pyramids, 111, 95; less fully by Lepsius, Dmkmaler, Text, I, 20.

800. Below the relief is the following record:

*Year 4, under the majesty of the king, Okheprure, Son of Re
[Arnenhotep 111, given life.
His majesty commanded [to open] the quarry-chambers anew, 'in
order to quarry fine limestone of Ayan, in order to build his temples
of a million of years; after his majesty found [the quarry-chambers
which are in Trojala sbeginning to go to ruin since the times that were
before. I t was my majesty who made (them) anew, that he might be
given satisfying life, like Re, forever.
4Made under the hand of the hereditary prince, count, satisfying
the king by maintaining his monuments; vigilant for the temples; who
erected tablets sin the land of Naharin (N-h-r-n)band in the land of
Karoy (K ' - r ' - ~ ) overseer
,~ of works in the temples of the gods of the '
South and North, king's-scribe, Min[rhotepl.

801. The tomb of Amenken," a treasurer of Amen-

hotep 11, whose name is everywhere erased, shows a remark-

able scene representing the production before the king of
the New Year's gifts intended for his favorites.' He sits
enthroned at the right, and the gifts are brought before him
in magnificent array for his inspection.

aRestored from the inscription of Amenhotep I11 (g 875).

bThis was on the Asiatic campaign ($5 780 ff.); and makes at least four such
tablets in Naharin, one of Thutmose I, two of Thutmose 111, and one of Amen-
hotep 11.
CRegion around Napata; see Q 1020.
*Relief scenes and inscriptions in a Theban tomb, at Shekh Abd-el-Kurna;
published, Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 63,64,and Text, 111, 274; Champollion, No-
tices descriptives, I, 500 f.; Rosellini, Monumenti C h i l i , 121; Mond, Annaks,V, 97 ff.
T h e name is not found in Lepsius, Denkmiiler, but is given by Newberry,
Benrjon and Gourlay, The Temple of MMut i n Asher, 328,and Mond, Annales, V, 97ff.
fThey are not presents from the noblemen to the king, as Erman supposed
(Aegypten, 177); one of the statues bears the words: "Given as a favor of the
king's-$resence," the usual formula upon gifts from the king, e. g., Nebwawi (5 186,
1. 10) received as a gift from this same king, Amenhotep 11, a statue of the king's
father, Thutmose 111, it being customary for the king to present such royal statues
to his favorites.

Inscription before the King

'First occasion of doing the pleasant deed in the great palace - -.
'Production of the New Year's gifts: Jchariots of silver 4and gold;
statues of ivory sand ebony; necklaces of every costly stone; weapons
6of warfare, works of all craftsmen . . . . . 9. . . . . . . .a
802 The following are the gifts ranged before the king:
13 statues of the king;b 7 sphinx portraits of the king; I
standing statue of his mother, Hatshepsut-Meretre; 8 neck-
laces; 7 shields, over the last three are the words: "Leather
of r-1 680;" 10quivers, the last three bearing the words:
"Leather - - 230;" 6 battle axes, 2 coats scale armor;
6 (w-) swords, bearing the words: "360 bronze (FypS-)
swords;" "140 bronze daggers;" 3 ebony staves tipped with
silver and gold, marked: "30 staves;" 6 whips, hearing
the words: "220 gold, ivory, and ebony whips;" 7 elaborate
chests; sun shades, chairs, vases, and numerous small
objects. Except in the case of the statues, it is not the
number of times that an object is represented that is sig-
nificant, but the accompanying numeral. Refore the
accompanying inscriptions the name of Amenhotep I1


803. After interesting references in the introduction to
his conquests in Asia, particularly Mitanni, the king narrates
the erection of the columns in the southern half of the

*Titles of the noblemen.

bone marked "Thutmosc I;" eight standing, two sitting, three kneeling;
for description, see Lepsius, Denkmder, Text, 111, 276 f.
clepsius, Denkmder, Text, 111, 277.
don a column in the hypostyle of Thutmose I between pylons IV and V at
b n a k ; published Roagb, Inscriptions hikroglyphiques, 157, 158; Piehl, Actes
du CongrPs b Ley&, 1883, IVmepartie, section 3, 203-19; and Diimichen, His-
torischc Znschriftcn, 11, 38.

hypostyle of Thutmose I, pulled down by his mother Hatshep-

sut to introduce her obelisks ($304). The northern
colonnade had already been restored by Thutmose I11
(5 5 600 ff.). A description of the king's wealth from his
wars follows. a
Universal Sway .
804. Live the Horus: Mighty Bull, Great in Strength; Favorite of
the Two Goddesses: Mighty in Opulence; Made to Shine in Thebes;
Golden Horus: Seizing by his Might in all Lands, Good God, Likeness
of Re, Splendid Emanation of Atum, Son, whom he begat, whom

he made to shine in Karnak. He appointed him to be king of the

living, to do that which his ka did; his avenger, seeking excellent
things; great in marvels, 'creative in knowledge, wise in execution,
skilful-hearted like Ptah; king of kings, ruler of rulers, valiant, without
his equal, lord of terror among the southern lands, great in fear at the
end of the north. Every land comes to him bowing down; their chiefs
hearing their offerings; King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Okheprure
(Amenhotep 11), given life; victorious lord, who takes every land, whom
rHorus3 has magnified because of his strength. The chiefs of Mitanni
(My-tn) come to him, their tribute supon their backs, to beseech his
majesty that there may [be given to themIc his sweet breath of life. A
mighty occurrence, it has never been heard since the times of the gods.
This country which knew not Egypt beseeches the Good God. d" I t is
my father Re who commands that I do it; rheJ is the fashioner of my
beauty. He appointed me to be protector of this land, (for) he knew
that I would offer it to him. He assigned to me that which is with him,
which the eye of his uraeus illuminates, 4all lands, all countries, every
circuit, the Great Circle (Okeanos); they come to me in submission
like every subject of my majesty; Son of Re, Amenhotep (11), Divine
Ruler of Thebes, living forever, only vigilant one, begotten of the gods."
=Of his other buildings the king has left us no narrative. His small temple
between the two southernmost pylons at Karnak is without building inscription.
His mortuary temple on the west shore at Thebes was just north of the Ramesseum
and alongside that of his father, Thutmose I11 (see Baedeker, Map, 260), but it has
utterly perished. See Spiegelberg, Recueil, XVI, 30, and XIX, 88, 89; also Petrie,
Six Temples.
bProbably the name of Arnon is cut out here.
CRestored after Naville, Deir-el-Bahari, 111, 84, 11. 3, 4 ; infra, $ 285, 11. 3, 4.
dThe king speaks.

805. He made (it) as his monument for his father [Amon], making
for him the august columns of the southern hypostyle, wrought with
electrurn very plentifully, as an eternal work. I made for him a monu-
ment in sr-1. It was more beautiful than that which had been; I
increased that which was before; I surpassed that which the ancestors
made. He appointed me to bea lord of the people (rbyt), while I was
a youth in the nest; he gave to me the two halves; he caused that my
majesty should assume the throne, as one does a useful thing for his
father. I rested upon his throne; he gave to me the land r- -1. I
have no enemies 6in all lands.

Temple Equipment
806. I made for him an adytum (sbm) of gold; its floor was of silver.
I made for him many vessels; they were more beautiful than the bodies
of the stars. His silver-house, it inclosed treasures of the tribute of
every country. His granaries were bursting with clean grain, rising
upon the walls. I founded for him divine offerings. I restored the
things of him that begat me, that the Son of Re [Amenhotep 111,Divine
Ruler of Heliopolis, might be given life, stability, satisfaction, like Re,

[Concluded from $ 5 9 2 1
807. A sceneb in the tomb shows Amenhotep I1 standing
before the deceased Thutmose I11 enthroned as Osiris.
This is in accord with the copy of the "Book of the Dead"
found with Thutmose 111's body, which also testifies to
Amenhotep's piety; for it bears the title : c "Amenhotep 11,
he made (it) as his monument for his father, Thutmose
making for him a book of glorifying the soul." Behind

aRead: dhn.n.1 w y r nb.

bMLrnoires & la mission frawaise au Caire, V, 245.
~Maspero,Monties roydcs, 548.
dDouble name.

Amenhotep I1 appear Amenemhab and his wife bearing

flowers and food. The biography continues, after the
death of Thutmose 111, as follows:
Accession of Amenhotep I1
$08. "When the morning brightened, s8the sun arose, and the
heavens shone, King Okheprure, Son of Re, Amenhotep (11), given life,
3~wasestablished upon the throne of his father, he assumed the royal
titulary. He c- -1 all, he mingled with [-la in -, 4Othe Red Land;
he cut off the heads of their chiefs.b Diademed as Horus, son of Isis,
[he] took 41 r-lc the Kenemetyew (Knm.t p ) , every
land, bowed down because of his fame; with their tribute upon their
backs, 4=[that he might grant] to them the breath of life."

Favor Shown Amenemhub

809. 4'"His majesty noticed me rowing won[derfully] with him in
43[his] vessel; 'Khammat' was its name. I was rowing CwithJ both
hands at his beautiful feast of Luxor, likewise to the splendors 44
I was brought to the midst of the palace, one caused that I should stand
before [the king, O&hepru[re] (Amenhotep 11), - 45- r-J. I bowed
down immediately before his majesty; he said to me, 'I know thy
character; I was abiding in the nest, while thou wert in 4%he following
of my father. I commission thee with office that thou shalt be deputy
of the army as I have said, watch thou the Clite troopsd of the king.'
The deputy, Mahu, executed (all) that his lord said."e

a K > ' t , with plural strokes and determinative of a prisoner or enemy. It is not
Kehek with whom it was identified as formerly restored (Maspero, Struggle of the
Nations, 290).
S e e Piehl, Zeitschrift fur iigyptische Sprache, 1888, 115, n. 3. Amenemhab
doubtless refers to the sacrifice of the seven kings of Tikhsi.
crpln d y w , Newberry; he also has nb instead of k, as the first sign of the
following word.
dThe a t e troops as in 1. 29; k is to be corrected to nb in Eber's copy, as in 1. 29.
eSo, after Newberry's copy, which unfortunately does not support Piehl's
excellent suggestion (Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1885, 61, 62).
. .
810. This remarkable document purports to be a votive
stela of Thutmose IV, recording how he had been raised
to the throne by Harrnakhis, the Sphinx, in recognition of
his clearance of the great image from the encumbering
sands, in response to the god's appeal to him as a young
prince, to whom he appeared in a vision as the youth, weary
with the chase, slept at noonday in his shadow. The form
'and content of the document are strikingly unlike the official
or royal records of the Pharaohs. I t is besides filled with
errors and striking irregularities in orthography, and exhibits
a number of suspicious peculiarities not to be expected
in a monument of this class. I t is therefore to be regarded
as a late re~toration,~ and it is a great question to what
extent it reproduces the content of the monument of which

aA huge red granite tablet, standing between the paws of the Great Sphinx,
made from one of the architraves of the neighboring (so-called) Temple of the Sphinx.
It is 11 feet 10 inches high, and 7 feet 2 inches wide. The lower thjrd of the face
has flaked off, so that over half the inscription is lost. I t was uncovered by Caviglia
in 1818, copied by Salt in 1820; his manuscript text is in the British Museum,
Memoirs on the Pyramids and the Great Sphinx, fol. 1820; it was published from
this manuscript in Young's Hieroglyphics (London, 1823), PI. 80; again from the
same manuscript inaccurately in Vyse Appendix to Operations Carried on at the
Pyramids of Gizelt (London, 1842), 111, 115; more accurately than any of these,
but with further lacunae, in Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 68; repeated partially by
Brugsch, Zeitschrift fur iigyptische Sprache, 1876, 89-92. Finally a collation of
all texts by Erman, Sitzungsberichte Kiiniglichen Akademie, Berlin, V I , 428-37. I
had collated all old publications and Berlin squeeze, and my readings have now
been confirmed by Erman's text.
bErman has now put together the reasons for the same concldsion, which he
also has reached. He would date the document between the Twenty-first and
Twenty-second Dynasty and Saitic times. Spiegelberg's objectionsto this conclusion
(Orientalistische Litteraturndung, 1904) would explain the mistakes and peculiar-
ities in the orthography as due to the erasure of the inscription under Ikhnaton

it is a restoration. Some such current incident during the

youth of Thutmose IV may possibly have prompted it;
but the form of the narrative as now on the monument
is that of a folk-tale.
811.Moreover, a similar incident was narrated of a
prince named Amenmose, son of Thutmose I. I t was on
a monumenta by the Sphinx, of which the following frag-
ments are preserved :
Year 4, under the majesty of Thutmose I, beloved of Harmakhisb
[given life] like Re, forever.
There went forth the eldest king's-son, commander in
chief of the army of his father, Amenmose, living forever, to take a
pleasure walkd
Exidently the priests were striving by such tales as these
to enhance the reputation of the Sphinx.
The upper third of the Sphinx stela is occupied by an
adoration scene in which Thutmose IV offers to Harmakhis
in form of a sphinx. Below is the inscription, as follows:

812. IYear I, third month of the first season, day 19, under the
majesty of Horus: Mighty - Bull - rBegetting1- Radiance ; Favorite of
the Two Goddesses: Enduring - in - Kingship - like - Atum; Golden
Horus : Mighty-of-Sword, Repelling- the- Nine- Rows; King of Upper
and Lower Egypt; Menkheprure ( M n - Epr[w]- R C ) , Son of Re:
[Thutmose IV, Shining] in Diadems; beloved of -, given life, stability,
satisfaction, like Re, forever. *Live the Good God, son of Atum, Pro-

and the subsequent careless restoration, as in the Theban stela: (e. g., $ 5 878 ff.).
That this objection cannot hold is evident; for the Sphinx is a sun-god, and the
monurnents of the sun-gods, especially of the Horuses, were respected by Ikhnaton,
and not erased. I t is impossible to conceive that Ikhnaton would erase the inscrip-
tion to a god called "Harmakhis-Khepri-Re-Atum" (1. 9) in said inscription.
&A stone vessel in the Louvre, of which only a fragment, inscribed on two
faces, survives. From my own copy of the original. See Erman, Oid., 1063.
bThe Sphinx. COther face.
dR fwtwt hr fcj hr, as on Sphinx stela.

tector of Harakhte, living image of the All-Lord; sovereign, begotten of

Re; excellent heir of Khepri; beautiful of face likea his father; who
came forth r-1 equipped with the form of Horus upon him;b a king
who - the gods; who - favor with the ennead of gods; who purifies
Heliopolis, 3who satisfies Re; who beautifies Memphis; who presents
truth to Atum, who offers it to Him-Who-is-South-of-His-Wall (Rtah);
who makes a monument by daily offeringto Horus; who does all things,
seeking benefits for the gods of South and North; who builds their
houses of limestone; who endows all their offerings; son of Atum, of
his body, Thutmose (IV), Shining in Diadems, like Re;C 4heir of
Horus upon his throne, Menkheprure, given life.c
Youth of Thz~tmose
813. When his majesty was a stripling like Horus, the youth in
Khemmis, his beauty was like the dprotector of his fatherrd he seemede
likz the god himself. The army rejoiced because of love for him, the
king's-children and all the nobles. Then his strength overflowed him,
and he srepeated the circuit of his might like the son of NuLf
Hunting Expedition
Behold, he did a thing that gave him pleasureg upqn the high-
lands of the Memphite nome, upon its southern and northern road?
shooting at a target with copperi bolts, hunting lions and wild goats,
coursing in his chariot, his horses being swifter %ban the wind; together
with two of his followers, while not a soul knew it.
Midday Rest
814. Now, when his hour came on for giving rest to his followers,
(it was always) at the rshoulder1 of Harmakhis, beside Sokar in Rosta,

aRead my for my hk J.
bHe was born with the royal insignia upon him, as in Papyrus Westcar.
cThe usual predicate is here cut in two, with half of it after each name; the
two names are in inverted order also. This could only have happened from the
scribe's use of an original in which the two names were in two vertical lines, with
the predicate under them (Erman).
dHarendotes, a title of Horus.
epassive of "see;" cf. vide&. fSo also Erman.
gSd occurs also in the hunting inscription of Imunzeh (M6moires & l a mission

fran~aise au Caire, V , 355).

her: ‘I&." iNot bronze, as in all the versions.

Renutet in r- -la in heaven, Mut - - of the northern - the mistress

of the Wall of the South, Sekhmet tpresider (fern.) over Khas (a's)
c- -1 the splendid place of the bbeginning of time, over against the
lords of Khereha (Hr- ), the sacred road of the gods to the necropo-
lisC west of On (Heliopolis). Now, the very great statued of Khepri,
rests in this place;e the great in prowess, the splendid in strength; upon
which the shadow of Re tarries. The quarters of Memphis and all the
~ hands for him in
cities which are by him come to him, ( r a i ~ i n g )their
praise to his face, 8bearing great oblations for his ka.

The Vision
815. One of those daysg it came to pass that the king's-son, Thut-
mose, came, coursing at the time of midday, and he rested in the shadow
of this great god.h A rvisionJ of sleep seized him at the hour (when) the
sun was in the zenith, sand he found the majesty of this revered god
speaking with his own mouth, as a father speaks with his son, saying:
"Behold thou me! See thou me! my son Thutmose. I am thy father,
Harmakhis-Khepri-Re-Atum, who will give to thee my kingdom loon
earth at the head of the living.' Thou shalt wear the white crown and
the red crown upon the throne of Keb, the hereditary prince. The land
shall be thine in its length and breadth, that which the eye of the All-
Lord shines upon. The food of the Two Lands shall be thine, the great
tribute of all countries, the duration of a long period of years. My
face is thine, my desire is toward thee. Thou shalt be to me a pro-
tector I1(for) my manner is as I were ailing in all my limbs r-l The
sand of this desert upon which I am, has reached me; turn to me, to

=The first two words indicate grains, a meaning which suits Renutet, a har-
vest goddess. T '-mwt is also the name of a Theban region (Djeme); it occurs
e. g., Lepsius, Denkmaler, Text, I, 11, I).
bLit., "the first time."
CLit., "horizon." If Giseh was the necropolis of Heliopolis, it is probable that
the Fourth Dynasty kings may have actually resided in Heliopolis.
dThe Great Sphinx.
eThis is a resumption of the object, which preceded in the foregoing clauses.
*Lit., "give."
gIt would seem that the preceding lines narrate the hunting expedition(s?)
as customary, and on "one of those days" the following incident of the dream
hThe Sphinx. iYoung: tp t 3 &nt c n b ' w .

have that done which I have desired, knowing that thou art my son,
my protector; rcome hither', behold, I am with thee, I am Izathyleader."

When he had finished this speech, this king's-son rawokel hearing thisa
_., he understood the words of this god, and he kept silent in his
heart. bHe said:b "Come, let us hasten to our house in the city; theyC
shall protect the oblations for this god lSdwhich we bring for him:
oxen 1-1 and all young vegetables; and we shall give praise [to] Wen-
~ - - Khaf[re],e the statue made for Atum-Harmakhis
n ~ f e r ,-
14 f

816. The records of Thutmose IV's Asiatic war or wars
are scanty and scattered. It is clear, however, that he
still maintained the empire at its former northern limits.
Naharin paid tribute, although a campaign thither had
been necessary.
817. The king left a record referring to the first war in
Asia in a list of offerings from his victories, which he had
made in Karnak,g in which nothing more concerning the
campaign can be seen than that there were among these
offerings, things "which his majesty captured in Naharinh
(--------n3) the wretched, on his first victorious campaign."

aAll from Young. bBrugsch's text.

. .
cOr: "we?" "thut we may protect . . and that we may bring" (so Ennan).
dAll from Young.
eThis mention of King Khafre has been understood to indicate that the Sphinx
was the work of this king-a conclusion which does not follow; Young has no
trace of a cartouche.
*Young shows two fragments, each bearing a few words (from the middle of
11. 16 and 17 and 11. 18 and 19)which probably refer to further offerings.
gFragmentary lower ends of ten vertical lines east side of the wall surrounding
Hatshepsut's obelisk; published Mariette, Karnak, 33 -Roug6, Inscriptions
hiiroglyphiques, 164; photograph by Borchardt.
hMariette read only the final '(aleph), but Rouge read n' at the end. This
reading is also perfectly clear on the photograph. Bmgsch's " Kheta" (GeschicMe,
393) must therefore be given up. See also Miiller, Asien und Europa, 321, n. 2.

818. This is corroborated by the inscription of Amenhotep,

a bodyguardsman of Thutmose IV, whose tomb stelaa calls
him :
.Attendant of the king on his expeditions in the south and north
countries; going from Naharin (N-h-ry-1s) to Karoy ( K D-r-y) behind
his majesty, while he was upon the battlefield; companion of the feet
of the Lord of the Two Lands, chief of the stable of his majesty, high
priest of Onouris, Amenhotep, triumphant.
819. In harmony with these data, we find depicted on
the two following monuments the tribute of Naharin and
Retenu; the first is in the tomb of Khamhet,b who was
a powerful noble, and served as chief treasurer under
Thutmose IV and Amenhotep 111." His tomb contains
three scenes of historical importance, of which oned belongs
to the reign of Thutmose IV. I t shows the king seated in
a "' naos" at the left; before him are magnificent vessels of
Asiatic workmanship in gold and silver, and quantities of
these metals in large rings. Behind these are Asiatic princes
bowing to the earth, over whom is the inscription:"
Bringing in the tribute of Naharin (N-h-ry-n') by the princes of
this country, in order to crave that the breath of life be granted to them.
Obeisance to the great Lord of the Two Lands, when they come, bearing
their tribute to the I ~ r of
d the Two Lands, (saying:) "Grant us breath,

which thou givest, 0 mighty king.?'

PSharpe, Inscriptions, I, 93.

bIn the cliff of Abd el-Kurna (No. 120) at Thebes; published entire by Loret,
MCmoires de la mission fran~aise au Caire, I, 113-32; partially, Prisse, Histoire
& L'Art; Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 76, 77; Champollion, Monuments, 160, I;
Champollion, Notices descriptives, 498 f., 839 f. The entire tomb is now being
broken up by natives, part of the reliefs having reached Berlin (1899). A useful
summary in Baedeker's Egypt, 1902,282, where the tomb is inadvertently placed
in the reign of Amenhotep IV.
CSee 55 870 f f .
dchampollion, Monuments, 160,I; Champollion, Notices descriptives, 498 f.,
839 f. It has been incorrectly attributed to Amenhotep I11 by Wiedemann
(Aegyptiscltc Geschicke, 381).
eChampollion, Monuments, 160, I ; the remainder from Champollion, Noticrs
descriplivcs, I, 839 f.

820. A similar scene in the tomb of Thaneni is accom-

panied by the following inscription :a
Bringing in the tribute of Retenu, presentation of the northern
countries; silver, gold, malachite, every costly stone of God's-Land;
by the princes of all countries. They come, to [rmake giftsr] to the
Good God, to ask for breath for their nostrils; by the real king's-scribe,
his beloved, commander of troops, scribe of recruits, Thaneni.
821. A tabletb of the king, erected in his mortuary temple
at Thebes, records the settlement of Syrians in the temple
inclosure :
Settlement of the "Fortress of Menkheprure," with Syrians (Y -m),
which his majesty captured in the city of K J-d ' - (rGezer1).
Finally, on the Lateran Obelisk (§838), the king
refers to the cedar which he cut in the land of Retenu;
and on the stela of Semen ( S r n ) in the Louvre (C 2 0 2 ) ~ ~
he is twice called the "conqueror of Syria" (sksk b ' m ) , a
title which must have been won in successful Syrian wars.

823. This inscription contained perhaps the most inter-
esting record of all the many Nubian wars, and its content
has never been historically employed; but it is so incorrectly
published that it is difficult to follow. While engaged in
the ceremonies of the Theban temple, on the second of
Phamenoth, in the year 8, Thutmose IV receives a message

aScheil, Me'moires de la mission frawaise au Caire, V, 601.

bpetrie, Six Temples, I, 7.
cDe Roug6, Notice des monuments, 153; and text, Bmgsch, Thesaurus, VI,
1461, No. 113.
dCut on the rocks of the peninsula (high-water island) of Konosso by Philae.
It was &st very incorrectly published by Bouriant (Recueil, XV, 178, 179);
again, still worse, in de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments, 66, 67. The inscription
contained 40 lines, of which the latter portion is much destroyed; only 23 lines
are published.

reporting a revolt in Wawat. The next morning the king

solemnly proceeds to the temple to consult the god, and
is granted an oracle promising success. The expedition
now embarks and moves southward, stopping on the way
at all the great temples, where the divinities come forth
to meet the king, and gird him for battle.a The result of
the battle,b fought
- doubtless somewhere in Wawat, is of
course a foregone conclusion, and the enumeration of the
spoil begins, as the published portion comes to an end.
824. The prisoners whom the king brought back on his
return were settled in his mortuary temple at Thebes,
and the quarter was marked with a tabletc bearing the
Colony of Kush the wretched, which his majesty brought back
frorn his victories.
The Konosso inscription is as follows:
825. 'Live Horus: . . . . . . . . .d the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt: Menkhperure (Thutmose IV), who is given life, forever. 'Year
8, third month of the second season, day 2.
Announcement of Nubian Rebellion
826. Behold, his majesty was in the Southern City, at the town of
Karnak. His two hands were pure with the puritye of 3a king, and he

*A tablet (Lepsius, Deakmder, 111, 69 e = Champollion, Notices akscriptives,

I, 164) on Konosso, dated year 7, on the eighth of the same month, shows the king
before the god Dedun, smiting his enemies.
bThere is a reference to the victory in the king's architrave inscription at
Amttda (Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 69, f. s), and campaigning in Nubia (Karoy)
is mentioned by the king's bodyguardsman, Amenhotep (8 818).
CFound by Petrie in the temple inclosure; it is now in Haskell Oriental
Museum, of the University of Chicago (Six Temples, I).
dFull titulary, lacking only s 3 -Rc -name.
=He was ceremonially pure, for carrying out the temple ritual; the emendation
is certain, cf. " H i s majesty was pure with the purity of a god;" on the construc-
tion, see Sethe, Verbum, IT, 9 725.

performed the pleasing ceremonies of his father Amon, because he had

given to [himla eternity as king, everlastingness while abiding upon the
Horus-throne. One came to say to his majesty: "The Negro descends
4from above Wawat; he hath planned revolt against Egypt. He
gathers to himself $all the barbarians and the revolters of other
Oracle of Amon
827. The king proceeded in peace to the temple at the time 6of morn-
ing, to cause that a great oblation be offered to his father, the fashioner
of his beauty. rBehold,j his majesty, he himself petitioned in the presence
of ?the ruler of the gods (Amon), that he might counsel him concerning
the raffair of his going1 - and inform concerning that which should
happen to him; leading for him upon a goodly road 8to do that which
his ka desired, as a father speaks to his son,b 1- - -1. He went
forth from him, his heart srejoicing r- -1 - - - (for) he sent him
with might and victory.
Voyage Southfvard
828. After these things his majesty IOproceededto overthrow the
rNegro1 in Nubia (T' -pd' t); mighty in his barge of r-1 like Re when
he shows himselfC in the celestial barque ". . . . . . . . .d His army
Iaof his victories, was with (him) on both banks, while the recruits
were upon its (one) shore, and the ship was equipped with his attend-
a n t ~ '3as
, ~ the king proceeded up-stream like rOrion.8 He illuminated
the South with his beauty; men shouted because of his kindness, '4women

aOf course omitted by the copyist.

bThe same phrase is used of the god's speaking to Thutmose IV, on the Sphinx
Stela (1. 9, Q 815).
cA common phrase of the sun-hymns, e. g., Berlin Stela, No. 7316, Ausfiihr-
liches Verzeichniss des BerIimr Museuzs, 108.
dAbout one-half line mere fragments. The other half is very uncertain.
The subject is the embarkation, with the same obscure phrases used in the trans-
portation of the el-Bersheh colossus ( 8 698, 11. 7, 8), but "hmses" appear here
in the place of "the youth" there.
eApparently we have here the disposition of troops as the king embarked;
the veterans ("of his victories") on either bank, the young recruits on one bank,
and the bodyguard in the royal barge.
fCompare the southward advance of Sesostris I (I, 511, 1. 2), also compared
with a star in the same way.
danced at the message. Montua was in Erment as the protection of
[his] every limb; Irerti (Yrrty)" led before; every god of the South
Isbore the -'1 before him; Nekbet, the White, of El Kab, sheCfastened
the adornments of my majesty," her two hands were behind rmel, she
bound for me the Nine Bows together 16. . . . . . . . . ." I stopped in
the city of Edfu, the beautiful god come forthf like Montu in all his
forms, 17girded with his arms and weapons, rraginglg like Set of Kom
Ombo . . . . . . . . . . l a . . . . . . . . . .

. The Battle
829. His army came to him, *Qnumerous- with his mighty sword.
The fear of him entered into every body; Re put the fear of him among
the lands, like Sekhmet in the year of '"the dew. .......... He
coursed through the eastern highland, he traversed the ways like "a
jackal . . . . . . . . . He found all [rhisy foes rscatteredl in inaccessible
valleys. . . . . . . . . . . .
'I'he remainder is published too badly for translation;
one can make out a reference to "their cattle [[their tribute']
upow their backs."

830. Although this obelisk belongs to Thutmose I11
(§§ 626 ff.), the inscriptions added by Thutmose IV as side
columns are more interesting and important than the
dedication in Thutmose 111's name. They state that after

aThere is no doubt of the emendation. The advance up-river is marked by

references to the gods of the larger places passed. Hermonthis (Erment) is the
first place south of Thebes; then follow El Kab, Edfu, and Kom Ombo in the
proper order.
bApparently a goddess. dAn abrupt change to the first person.
=Read smn'n-s. eA reference to some feast.
fTo meet the king; cf. the same occurrence at Abydos (I, 763).
read nSn P
"Of course, some such word is omitted in the publication.
iFor bibliography, see 5 626.

lying neglected and unfinished for thirty-five" years, the

obelisk was found by Thutmose IV, erected and inscribed
by him.
North Right
831.. . . . . . . . .b (Thutmose IV) who seizes by his might, like
the lord of Thebes; great in strength, like Montu; whom his father,
Amon, has made victorious against all countries; to whom unknown
lands come, his fear being in their bodies; Son of Re, Thutmose (IV),
Shining in Diadems, beloved of Amon, Kamephis, given life.
North Left
832. King of Upper and Lower Egypt, beloved of the gods; whose
excellence the ennead of gods praise; who sends Re to rest in the even-
ing-barque; who praises Atum in the morning-barque; Lord of the
Two Lands, Menkheprure (Thutmose IV), who beautifies Thebes,
forever; who makes monuments in Karnak. The ennead of gods of
the house of Amon is satisfied with that which he has done; Son of
Atum, of his body, his heir upon his throne, Thutmose (IV), Shining in
Diadems, beloved of Amon-Re.
South Left
833. . . . . . . . Thutmose (IV), Begotten of Re, beloved of Amon.
I t was his majesty who beautifiedCthe single, very great obelisk, being
one which his father: the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menkhe-
perre (Thutmose 111) had brought, after his majesty had found this
obelisk, it having spent 35 years lying upon its side in the hands of the
craftsmen, on the south side of Karnak. My father commanded that
I should erect it for him, I, his son, his savior.
South Right
834. Son of Re, Thutmose (IV), Shining of Diadems. He erected it
in Karnak, making its pyramidion of electrum, (so that) its beauty illu-

aAccepting Thutmose 111's death as the probable cause of the unfinished

condition of the monument, we should have an important chronological datum, if
only Thutmose IV had given us the year of his own reign in which he found it.
But as it is, the datum indicates only that Arnenhotep I1 and Thutmose IV
together reigned at least thirty-five years.
bFuU titulary except last name, which comes at the end of this line.
cThat is, finished and inscribed it.
dReally his grandfather, but any ancestor of a king may be called his father.

minated' Thebes. It was graven with the name of his father, the Good
God, Menkheperre (Thutmose 111). The King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Menkheprure (Thutmose IV), Beloved
of Re, did this, in order to cause that the name of his father might abide
and endure in the house of Amon-Re, that the Son of Re, Thutmose (IV),
Shining in Diadems. may be given life through him (n)).

West Right
835. . . . . . . . . (Thutmose IV), whom Amon has chosen before
the people [whom Mut] bore [to him], [whom] he [loves] more than any
king, to see whose beauty he rejoices, because he has so fully set him in
his heart; under whose authority he has placed the Southerners and
the Northerners, doing obeisance to his fame. He made (it) as his
monument for his father, Amon-Re, erecting for him a very great
obelisk at the upper portala of Karnak, over against Thebes, that the
Son of Re, his beloved Thutmose (IV), Shining of Diadems, may be
given life through him (nf).
West Left
836. . . . . . . . Menkheprure, eldest son, useful to him who begat him;
doing that which satisfies the lord of gods; (since) he knows the excellence
of his plans. It is he who has led him to pleasant ways, and who hath
bound for him the Nine Bows beneath his feet. Behold, his majesty
wa.s vigilant in beautifying the monument of his father. The king
himself was the one who gave direction, being skilfully-minded like
"Him-Who-is-South-of-His-Wall" (Ptah). He erected it rat the com-
pletion of time1 He rejoiced the heart of the one who fashioned him;
Son of Re, Thutmose (IV), Shining in Diadems, - -.

East Right
837. Good God, Mighty in Strength, Sovereign, seizing by his
victories, who sets his terror among the Asiatics, and his roaring among
the Nubian Troglodytes, whom his father, Amon, reared to exercise
an enduring kingship, while the princes of all countries do obeisance to
the fame of his majesty; who spoke with his mouth and executed with

aThe entrance to the Karnak temenos on the south side, to which the four
southern pylons lead. It is mentioned on the statue of Beknekhonsu (LIT, 567,l. s),
where it is also called "upper portal" (sb >-hry).

his hands. All that he commanded happened; King of Upper and

Lower Egypt, Menkheprure (Thutmose IV), of abiding name in Kar-
nak, given life.
East Left
838. . ... . . Menkheprure, who multiplied monuments in Karnak,
of gold, lapis lazuli, malachite, every splendid costly stone; the great
barge of the "Beginning-of - the-River "a (named) : Userhet-Amon,
shaped of new cedar, which his majesty cutb in the land of Retenu,
wrought with gold throughout; all its adornments were fashioned for
the first time, to receive the beauty of his father, Amon, on his voyage
of the "Beginning-of-the-River." May the Son of Re, Thutrnose (IV),
Shining in Diadems, be given life through him.

839. The mortuary stela of the standard-bearer (_t '-sr ' t)
of the royal barge, Pe'aoke (P'-C'-c k), after the usual
prayers, records the arrival of a royal messenger at Abydos,
to attend to the conveyance to Osiris of certain property
of the people. The nature of these payments is not at all
clear, and the purpose of their record is only incidental,
being doubtless to explain the occasion on which Pe'aoke
visited Abydos and executed his stela there. His reference
to Ahmose shows that Thutmose IV increased his ancestor's
mortuary endowment. A stela in the British Museumd
mentions a "palace ( h a t ) of Thutmose I V , given life, in
Abydos," which would indicate that he occasionally resided

aThe same in Thutiy (1. 18, Q 373). It was some feast on the river, perhaps
that of the fourteenth of Paophi.
bThe same statement by Amenhotep 111 ( 8 888, 11. 16,17).
Stela in the Louvre, C 53; see de Rouge, Notices des monuments, 100. . I
had my own copy of the original.
dNo. 148; it is the mortuary stela of Neferhet (Nfr-hD't), the chief of works
in the palace (from my own copy of the original).
0 s401 STELA OF PE'AOKE 333

there, and Pe'aoke's record of the gifts of cattle and lands

would indicate great interest in Abydos on the part of
Thutmose IV.
840. There came a royal messenger of King Menkheprure (Thut-
mose IV), who is given life, to his father, Osiris, lord of Abydos, to give
to him all his property which was with all the people (rbyt), being
bulls, oxen, wild cattle, fowl, and all his rpropertyl which was therein.
.Again one came to give the lands of Osiris to him,a which were
[with] all the people (?by. t ) ; the stat (st " t ) being 1,200.
.Again came the like for the Good God, Nebpehtire (Ahmose I),b in
order to give [to] him all the lands r- -1.

aThe order of words is unusual; the dative should precede the direct object.
bReferring to a mortuary endowment; but the form of expression is unusual
for this idea.
841. The scenes and inscriptions representing Amen-
hotep I117s supernatural birth and his coronation by the
gods, which he had placed upon the walls in one of the
chambers of his Amon-temple at Luxor, are taken from the
same sources as those of Hatshepsut, and have already
been treated under her reign ($$187-212, 215-42). For
Ahmose, the mother of Hatshepsut there, one must here
substitute Mutemuya, the mother of Amenhotep 111; and
for Hatshepsu t, Amenhotep 111.

842. In his fifth and sixth years, Amenhotep I11 found
it necessary to invade Nubia as far as K a r ~ y the
, ~ district
conquered by his grandfather, Amenhotep I1 ($9 797),
and his great-grandfather, Thutmose 111, and probably
much farther. He has left us a list of the Nubian regions

aIn the Luxor temple of Amon in the first chamber on the east of the holy
of holies, on the west wall. Partially published by Champollion, Monuments,
IV, 339, No. 2-341); Rosellini (Monumnti Storici, 38-41), and Lepsius (Denk-
miiler, 111, 74,~-75). First completely by Gayet, Mtmoires & la mission pan~aise
au Caire, XV, P1. 62-68 and 75. Besides errors innumerable in the texts, every
plate bears two numbers, and on these plates every figure bears two numbers;
in each case only one is correct! The errors in the texts, evident everywhere,
can be demonstrated easily by a comparison with the texts of the queen's
interview with Amon, which have also been published by Bounant (Recueil, IX,
84, 85).
bKaroy is not mentioned in the records of the campaign, but is referred to,
as reached on the first campaign, in the building inscription ($ 889, 1. 23).
Q 8441 NUBIAN WAR 335

subjugated, presumably on this campaign, on a colossal

granite statue, now in the Louvrca

843. The upper third of the stela is occupied with a

scene showing the king trampling down an Asiatic and
smiting two Negroes; before him are Amon and Khnum;
behind him, Ptah. The inscription of twelve lines is very
fragmentary (having been mutilated by Amenhotep IV in
erasing the name of Amon, which has afterward been re-
stored), but shows clearly that, owing to a revolt in Nubia,
A~nenhotepI11 was obliged to invade the country, and
crush the rebels in his fifth year.=
844. 'Year 5, third month of the first season (third month), day 2,
the coronation (day)d under the majesty of
Horus: Mighty Bull, Shining in Truth;
Favorite of the Two Goddesses: Establisher of Laws, 'Quieter of
the Two Lands;
Golden Horus: Great in Strength, Srniter of the Asiatics, Good God,
Ruler of Thebes, Lord of Strength, Mighty of Valor;
3King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Nibmare (Nb-m ' ' t-R

EThis statue (A 18) was usurped by Amenhotep 111; it belonged perhaps

to a king of the Twelfth Dynasty. See Maspero, Daum, 491,n. 6. I have verified
this usurpation on the original. The list is published by Sharpe (Inscriptions,
11, 26).
bCut in the rock on the road from Assuan to Philae. Text: Lepsius, Denk-
maler, 111, 81,g; de Rouge, Inscriptions hi8roglyphiques, 254; de Morgan, Cata-
logue des monumenls, I , 4.
cA second stela in the same locality, also relating to this war, is too fragmentary
for translation (Lepsius, Denkmdler, 111, 81,h; de Morgan, Catalogue &s m u -
m & & 1, 5).
dBased on an ostracon in London (No. 5637,Birch, Inscriptions in the Hieretic
and Demotic Character, P1. 15). His coronation is usually dated on the thirteenth
of the eleventh month, see Brugsch, Egypt under the Pharaohs, 213. Sethe, how-
ever, has shown (Untersuchungen, I, 12, n. I) that this ostracon does not specify
which Amenhotep is meant, and rightly refers it to some one of the three other

Son of Re: Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes; beloved of Amon-

Re, King of Gods, and Khnum, Lord of the Cataract (Kbh), who giveth
4One camea to tell his majesty: "The foe of Kush the wretched,
%as planned] rebellion in his heart."
SHis majesty led on unto his victory, he completed it on his first
victorious ~ a m p a i g n . ~His majesty went forth 6- like - Horus,
like Montu (Mntw) r- - -1 - r 1 7 . . . . . ." 9He knew
not this lion which was before him; Nibmare (Amenhotep 111) was a
lofierce-eyed lion, he seized c-1 Kush. rAll1 the chiefs were overthrown
1% their valleys, cast down in their blood, one upon another - ". . . . d .

A scene above shows Amon presenting four southern

regions to Amenhotep 111. The inscription commemorates
the same Nubian campaign as the preceding stela.
I. . . .g 5Year 5; his majesty returned, having triumphed on his

k s t victorious campaign in the land 6of Kush the wretched; having

made his boundary as far as he desired, as far as the four pillars which
bear the heaven. He set up 'a tablet of victory as far as "Pool of
Horus" (Kbhw-Hr); there was no king of Egypt 8who did the like
beside his majesty, the mighty, satisfied with victory, Nibmare (Nb-
m 'C' t-R C, Amenhotep 111) is he. . .. . .
. .9. . . .I4. . . . .h
PCompare a similar announcement of a revolt in Nubia, to Thutmose I1 on
the Assuan stela ($121, 11.9-rr), and to Thutmose IV on the Konosso stela ( i 826).
bA rock inscription near Assuan shows an official doing homage to the names
of Amenhotep 111, and dates the event as occumng "on his first victorious cam-
pmgn i n Kush" (Lepsius, Denkmaler, Text, IV, 119; de Morgan, Catalogue des
monuments, I, 28, No. 8).
CThese two lines are very obscure and fragmentary, but refer to the king's
valor and the overthrow of Kush.
dTitles and usual epitheta of the king.
=Cut on the rocks of the little island of Konosso at the north end of Philie;
text: Lepsius, Denkmiiler, III,82, a; Champollion, Notices descriptives, I, 164, 165;
Bmgsch, Thesaurus, V, 1218, 1219; de Morgan, Catalogue dcs monuments, I,
67, 68.
*These are: Kush (Kt), Irem (Yr-m), Wrm (I) and rk.
gFull titulary of Amenhotep 11.
hcontains only the usual conventional epithets; 11. 10-11 have: " H e (Amon)
hath given to him the south Ilas well as north, west, and east."
5 8461 NUBIAN WAR 33 7


846. The fragment preserved to us belonged to an

historical inscription of unusual interest, containing the
account of an advance into Nubia, with descriptions of
the battles and the stages of the advance in the same style
as that of the Annals of Thutmose 111. Indeed, it is not
unlikely that the walls of the Bubastis temple contained
annals of the wars of the Empire in Nubia, like those of
the conquest of Syria on the walls of Karnak.
The fragment unfortunately contains no royal name,
and has been conjecturally assigned to Sesostris 1II.b This
is impossible, for the orthographyc shows beyond doubt
that the inscription dates from the Empire. Moreover,
its content indicates a time when the Egyptian conquest
extended far into the upper regions of Nubia, that is, from
Amenhotep I1 on. A hitherto unnoticed reference to the
coronation anniversary is here of great service. It is men-
tioned (1. 6) as occurring just after the first battle and before
the advance to "the height of Hun" began. They reached
this point in the third month of the first season (1. 11);
the coronation anniversary therefore occurred not long before.
Now, the coronation of Amenhotep I11 occurred in the
third month of the first season on the second day; and the
above inscriptions (6 6 844 ff .) show that he also celebrated
a coronation festival on his Nubian campaign.d I t is

aOn a block of granite found at Bubastis; published by Naville (Bubastis,

XXXIV, A). The block is from the middle of an inscription in vertical lines;
not merely the beginning and end of the inscription are lost, but also the upper
and lower portions of the lines, of which this block bears the middle portions.
bBy Naville (Bubastis, 9).
CIt contains the horizontal m which never occurs before the Eighteenth Dynasty;
see Calice, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 35, 170.
dThutmose I1 also mentions a coronation festival in an inscription narrating
his Nubian campaign, but this merely datcs the arrival of the news of the revolt,

extremely probable, therefore, that this Bubastis fragment

belongs to Amenhotep 111, and describes the advance into
Karoy, or the distant country beyond.
847. The expedition is very difficult to follow in the
scanty fragment preserved to us, but its course was probably
as follows:
Early in October, when the river is high, the army is
already far up in Nubia. Before a battle the king makes
a speech to his troops, after which the battle occurs, the
king personally taking part in it (ll. 1-5). The expedition
then started southward for the "height of Hua" on the
coronation anniversary; reference is made to the first
camp (1. 6). The king commanded that people (Nubians ?)
furnish certain things for the expeditions 0. 7), and reference
is made to former troops; his majesty held a council (1. 8).
A branch expedition of 124 men was sent out from the
river to a certain well (1. 9 ) ; whether to destroy the well
or attack the villages which would naturally be found near
a wellb is uncertain, but it was evidently the customary
procedure to go out to these outlying wells, for in his expedi-
tion of the sixteenth year, Sesostris I11 "went fmth to their
wells"b (I, 658, 1. 15) ; here also the purpose is not stated.
The expedition then proceeded southward for "the height of
Hua" (l. IO), taking captives and spoil on\the way (1. I I).
They were favored by a high north wind, and not more
than a month after the coronation feast the desired "height
whereas Amenhotep I11 apparently actually celebrated the feast in Nubia (Q844,
1. 5). The question arises whether the cataract stela ($5 843 ff.) represents the
party as having actually arrived at the &st cataract on the return from the campaign,
on coronation day. If so, we then have two different expeditions of Amenhotep 111.
In attributing both inscriptions to the same expedition, I am assuming that the
cataract inscription gives the date of the battle, which is coronation day in both.
acornpare the muster of Nubian troops by the viceroy Mermose (Q852, U. 1-4).
bMany villages in Nubia are unreached by the water of the Nile, and are
supported by wells.
0 8491 NUBIAN WAR 339

of H u a . . . . came jmth," that is, rose from the horizon

(1 12). They passed to the southward of "the height of
Hua," and, having reached the land of Uneshek (rW
nSk), they rested in a camp there (1. 13).
848. I t would be of great importance to identify the
countries mentioned and determine the southern limit
of this expedition. Both Hua (hwC)and the land of
Khesekhet (b'sb. t) occur close together in the lists of
the regions of Khenthennofor, placed on the Karnak walls
by Thutmose 111 (see § $645 ff) ;a the occurrence of Punt
along with these names, and the narrative of the expedition,
would indicate that they denote localities in the extreme
south beyond Karoy on the Nile (above the Atbara ?).
849. ' Negroes 2
this army, while their
hearts were reagerl to fight quickly, beyond anything - came
3 Ye pseel nothing has been done to you. Now, behold, as
for your affair rwhich my majesty mentions] A r-1
of the Negroes who fell, in order that my [majestylb might know, because
ye do rthid 5 it was not commanded for them. His
majesty smote them himself with the baton which was in [his] hand
6 the height of Hua (Hw =)on the coronation day of
the king, behind western Khesekhet.= Behold, the army was made
to camp 7 all - very numerous beyond anything.
His, majesty issued a command to these people, to make them.d They

arWkSlk (1.13) I have not found in any of the lists. H w c occurs in the Karnak
list as H w c't (Mariette, Karnak, P1. 22, NO. 89); @ 3 sh.1 (ibid., NO. 95). HWc . t
also occurs with Punt in the list of Ramses I11 (Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 209).
bThat which Naville has read as t with a lacuna over it is possibly the sign
for hn, "majesty;" but the book-roll ?
cThe preceding last context perhaps contained some statement like: "[The
army departed for] the heiglzt of Hwl," etc. I t cannot be the arrival, for that does
not occur until 1. 1 2 . The unknown land of Khesekhet (@ s&.t) occurs in the

southern lists of Thutmose I11 (Mariette, Karnak, P1. 22, No. 95, and PI. 25,
No. 95), and is usually rendered simply "barbarians." I t is however a proper
name, having nothing to do with b > j ' t y ,"barbarian."
dLit., " a command of making them." Such a use of the genitive is common,
especially in Papyrus Ebers receipts.

gave pra[ise rto his majestyr] --8 infantry of the army

which was of old, cwhenj they were brought up from the court. His
majesty took counsel, 9 [the place] in which they
were, doing everything.
850. His majesty commanded, that 1 2 4 ~ men of the army be dis-
patched, going forth to the well which is inb 10 c
southward to see the height of Hua, to make known the ways of sailing
living captives which they found among them:
negroes, 1 1 3 cattle,
~ male and female; 11 asses, male and female. Third
month of the first season 12 the north wind, was very
high for the coming forth of the height of Hua; the coming forth of this
height was in safety, sailing 13 Uneshek (rVnSk)e
was its name, south of the height of Hua, resting in the camp made there


851. The date of this inscription is lost, but it doubtless
refers to the campaign in Nubia. A revolt having occurred
in Ibhet, the viceroy, Mermose, levies an army in lower
Nubia, marches into Ibhet, and quells the rebellion. The
beginning of the inscription is lacking, but it apparently
contained the announcement of the revolt.

aThe rendering (Bubastis, 10) " 123'' is incorrect.

bThe name of some land followed. See 5 847.
CThis lacuna probably contained some further remark that the expedition
advanced "sozcthward," etc. Evidently "the height of Hua" is the point by which
the course of the ship was governed! The "coming forth" of the height indicates
its rise into view on the horizon. The whole description sounds so much like
a sea-voyage that, were it not for the mention of "western Khesekhet" 0.6), one
might see in it a voyage along the Red Sea coast to Punt.
dNaville's "203" (ibid.) is incorrect.
eHas the determinative of a foreign country, and of course indicates some
region visited.
fStela in British Museum, published by Birch, Archceologie, XXXIV,
facing p. 388; see also Archceological Journal, VIII, 399. I collated Birch's
text with the Berlin squeeze (No. 1og7), and afterward with the original
in the British Museum, and found a number of important corrections were
9 8541 NUBIAN WAR 341

Muster of the Army

852. a 2- - - occurred the reaping of the harvests of
the Efoe1 of Ibhet (Ybh't). Every man rreported* and one mustered
span army ofl Pharaoh, L. P. H., which was under command of this
king's-son. He made troops, commanded by commanders, each man
withe his village; 4from the fortress of Beki ( B K Y ) ~to the fortress of
Talroy (T -r '-y), making 52 iters (ytr' w) of sailing.
Defeat of Ibhet
853. SThe might of Nibmare took them in one day, in one hour,
ma'king a great slaughter %heir cattle; not one of them
escaped; each one of them was brought -
- - - fear. The might
of .Amenhotep took them; 'the barbarians among them, male as well
as female, were not separated; by the plan of Horus, Lord of the Two
Lands, King Nibmare, mighty bull, strong in might. Ibhet had been
haughty,e 8great things were in their hearts, (Cbutl) the fierce-eyed lion,
this; ruler: he slew them by command of Amon-Atum, his august
father; it was he who led him Pin might and victory.
List of Prisoners und Killed
854. List of the captivity which his majesty took in the land of
Ibbet, the wretched:
Living negroes I 50 heads
Archers (mygy) I 10 heads
Negresses 250 heads
1OServants (sdrn- 3) of the negroes 55 heads
Their children 175 heads
Total 740 living heads
Hands thereof 312
United "with the living heads 1,052

aA few fragmentary words and signs can be discerned. Several lines before
thir; have probably been lost.
bLit., " w e d down to his opposite, or opposite him," which, in view of the
connection, is perhaps a technical term for "report for duly."
lit., L'oppositehis village," as above in preceding note.
dNear Rubban; Taroy is uncertain. See Griffith, Proceedings of the Society
of BibluaZ Archeology, X I V , 408 f.; but accepting an iter as about 1.4 miles, the
distance, some 75 miles, would put Taroy in the vicinity of Ibrim.
eLit., "was high-voiced." *In a cartouche.

Words of the Viceroy

855. The king's-son, vigilant for his lord, favorite of the Good God,
governor of the entire land of Kush, king's-scribe, Mermose. He
saith: "Praise to thee! IZO Good God! Great is thy might against
him that frontsa thee; thou causest them that are rebellious against
thee to say: 'The fire that we have made rages against us.' Thou
hast slain all thy enemies, overthrown beneath thy feet."

856. This tablet was set up by Amenhotep I11 in his
mortuary temple at Thebes, to commemorate his victories
in the north and south. Above is a relief twice showing
Amenhotep 111 before Amon. Both figures of Amon were
cut out by Ikhnaton and restored by Seti I, with the usual
legend :
Restoration of the monument, which the Son of Re, Seti-Merneptah,
made for his father, Amon.
857. Below is a second relief, in which Amenhotep I11
appears twice in his chariot. On the right he drives over
the fallen of Kush, with the chiefs bound upon his horses,
over which is the legend:
The Good God lord of the sword, mighty in dragging
them (at his chariot), annihilating the heir of the wretched Kush, bring-
ing their princes as living prisoners.
858. In the same way he drives over the Syrians on the
left; above the princes bound on the horses, are the words:
The Good God, Golden [Horus], Shining in the ~ h a r i o t ,like
~ the

aLit., "reaches thee," meaning in battle.

bLimestone stela discovered by Petrie in the mortuary temple of Merneptah
at Thebes, whither it had been carried by this king from the mortuary temple of
Amenhotep 111; text: Petrie, Six Temples, X.
CTraces of the cartouche.
dText seems to show chariot and horses; possibly only horses!

rising of the sun; great in strength, strong in might, mighty-hearted

like him who dwells in Thebes (Montu) ; smiting Naharin (N-h-r-ny,
sic!) with his mighty sword.
A line of inscription runs across the bottom, as follows:
[every] country, all people (rbyt ' ) , all populations
(bnmm.t), Naharin (N-h-r-ny, sic!), the wretched Kush, Retenu the
Upper and Retenu the Lower are at the feet of this Good ~ o d , ' l i k eRe,
859. A scarab published by Frazer (Proceedings of the
Society of Biblical Archeology, XXI, P1. 111, facing p. ISS),
gives to Amenhotep I11 the epithet: "Captor of Shirtar"
( S - r ) . The Amarna Letters show that no signifi-
cance is to be attached to this epithet. The decorations
on the columns at Soleb show captive figures represent-
ing Shinar, Naharin, Hittites, Kadesh, Tunip, Ugarit,
K~eftyew,Carchemish, Asur, and Arrapachitis. a But such
decorations are far from showing that Amenhotep I11 had
conquered or maintained his conquest in these far-off


860. On five different occasions, in commemoration of
events in his personal history, Amenhotep rV_kued a series
of scarabs inscribed on the under side, recording the fol-
lowing matters:
I. Marriage with Tiy ;
11. Wild Cattle Hunt;
111. Ten Years7 Lion-Hunting ;
IV. Marriage with Kirgipa;
V. Construction of Pleasure Lake.
ULepsius, Denkmder, 111, 88. The above are all that can safely be identified.
See also fragment of a list at Karnak (Lepsius, Denkmiiler, Text, 111, g), containing
also Naharin ( ?) and Shinar.

As far as we know, he was the only king who did this,

although small scarabs referring in two or three words to
great events were issued by other kings; e. g., Thutmoie I11
thus refers to the erection of obelisks (8 625) and the capture
of Kadesh.
861.This marriage took place before the year when 2
Tiy is already queen (see next scarab). The origin of the
powerful Tiy is obscure; Maspero thinks her a native
E g ~ p t i a nand
, ~ this is the most probable conclusion, but the
persistent publication of the names of her untitled parentsc on
these and other scarabs is in that case remarkable, although
paralleled by scarabs of the Thirteenth Dynasty. This
difficulty is, however, not relieved by supposing her of
foreign birth. It is incredible that anyone could identify
her with K i r g i ~ a ,on
~ whose marriage scarab she already
appears in the titulary as queen. She is the first queen
who is thus recognized by the regular insertion of her name
in the titulary. The innovation was continued by Amen-
hotep IV, who inserted his queen's name in the same way.
His ephemeral successors show the same inclination, and
the whole period from the time of Arnenhotep I11 to the
close of the Eighteenth Dynasty is characterized by the

aAt least twelve of these scarabs are in the different collections of Europe;
see list, Wiedemann, Aegyptische Geschicltte, 393, n. 6; text: Mariette, Album &
Bouleq, PI. 36; Rosellini, Monumenti Storici, 44; Budge, The Mummy, 242,
234; Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 315; translated from the last three.
bMaspero, Struggle of the Nations, 315, n. 1, where full bibliography is given.
=The tomb of these two people, Yuya and Thuya, was discovered this year
(1905) in the Valley of the Kings' Tombs at Thebes by Mr. Theodore M. Davis
of Newport. It was filled with the most magnificent mortuary furniture, and still
contained the bodies of Yuya and Thuya.
dThe absurd story of the king's meeting and falling in love with Tiy on a
hunting expedition in Mesopotamia, which has been added to the English edition
of Brugsch's Egypt under the Pharaohs (zrq), it is hardly necessary to say is totally
without documentary foundation.
-- -

mention and prominent representation of the queens on

all state occasions, in such a manner as is never found
862. Live . . . . .a King Amenhotep (111), who is given life, (and)
the Great King's-Wife Tiy (Tyy), who liveth. The name of her father
is Yuya (Ywy '), the name of her mother is Thuya (Twy '). She is
the wife of a mighty king whose southern boundary is as far as Karoy
(K -r -y) (and) northern as far as Naharin (N-h-ry-n ').
863. This scarab records the first hunting achievements
of the chase-loving Amenhotep 111. Unfortunately, the
regionc where the hunt took place cannot be identified with
certainty, but as it was reached in a night's voyage on the
king's Nile barge, it was not some remote district like the
scene of Thutmose II17s elephant hunt in Naharin. As
the voyage was northward, it is likely to have been some
district in the Delta which could be reached in a night from
Memphis. The method of hunting consisted in surrounding
and driving the wild cattle into a huge encircling inc1osure.d
They thus inclosed 170 animals, of which the king killed
not less than 75 on two different days.
864. Year 2 under the majesty of King Amenhotep (1II)e given life,
and the great king's-wife Tiy, living like Re.

aFull titulary.
bOnly one specimen of this scarab is published; it is in the collection of Mr.
G . W. Frazer, and was published by him (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical
Archozology, XXI, P1. 111, opp. p. 155)~with a good translation by Mr. Gri5th
(ibid., 156); and again, A Catalogue of the Scarabs Belonging to George Frazer
(London, goo), frontispiece, P1. XVI, and p. 56. Another specimen is said to
be in the collection of Rev. W. MacGregor of Tamworth.
cIt may be read either Stp or St >. The first determinative indicates a body of
water, and the second the desert highlands. This would suit some spot in the
Delta with its network of canals, near the margin of the desert.
dSuch an inclosure, made with a net, may be seen at Benihasan (Newbemy,
Beni Hasan).
eFull titulary.

Marvel which happened to his majesty. One came to say to his

majesty: "There are wild cattle upon the highlands, as far as the
regiona of [Shetal (rst >I)." His majesty sailed down-stream in the
royal barge, Khammat ( g -m-m ' t ) at the time of evening, begin-
ning the goodly way, and arriving in safety at the region of rSheta1
(TSt 3) at the time of morning.
His majesty appeared uponb a horse, his whole army being behind
him. The commanders and the citizensCof all the army in its entirety
and the children wit[h rthem were commanded7 to keep watch over
the wild cattle. Behold, his majesty commanded to cause that these
wild cattle be surroundedd by a wall with an inclo~ure.~His majesty
commanded to counte all these wild cattle. Statement thereof: 170
wild cattle. Statement of [that which] his majesty [capturedIf in the
hunt on this day: 56 wild cattle.
His majesty tarried 4 days - - to give firen to his horses. His
majesty appeared upon a horse [Ca second timel. Statement] of these
wild cattle, which he captured in the hunt: 2 0 ( + x ) wild cattle.
[TotalIh 75 ( + x ) wild cattle.

865. In his tenth year, the king issued a large number

of these scarabs, to commemorate his success in lion-hunting.

aRead r w n, as in 1.7; the t probably belongs to the sm't in the preceding line.
bThis is the strange preposition used when the king is in his chariot, for he
did not ride horseback. See the Amarna Landmark Stelae (5 960, 11. 5-6). The
hunting reliefs at Medinet Habu show that wild cattle were hunted from the chariot.
cSee I, 681, ll. 3, 4, and note.
dThe same words for "surround " (ynh), "wall" (sbty), and " inclosurew
(3dy) are used together in the same way in Thutmose 111's description of the investi-
ture of Megiddo (5 433).
eRead hsb instead of r, which has customarily been read heretofore.
fRestored from lion-hunt scarab.
gThis is literal; it perhaps means "spirit," as Griffith has rendered.
hThis is the total from the two hunts; the sum of the two days is not less
than 75, nor more than 85.
iAt least thirty of these scarabs are in European museums, and three in the
Art Institute of Chidago; they have been often published; e. g., Maspero, Struggle
of the Nations, 298; Biblical World, June, 1896, 449 (with translation), Pierret,
Recueil d'lnscriptions, 1,88; a list of them is in Wiedemann, Aegyptische Geschich,
381, n. 6. The above translation is based on a comparison of several originals.

Live . . . . . . . . . .a Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes, Given life,

(and) the Great King's-Wife: Tiy, who liveth.
Statement of lions which his majesty brought down with his own
arrows from year I to year 10: fierce lions, 1 0 2 . ~


866. This scarab records the marriage of the princess
Kirgipa, daughter of Satirna, a king of Naharin, to Amen-
hotep 111. When Brugsch published this scarab for the
first time, in 1880, he expressed the hoped that the cuneiform
literature might some time be able to throw some light on
the origin of this ptincess. Curiously enough, the discovery
of the Amarna correspondence in 1887 has done so." In a
letter' from Dushratta, king of Mitanni, she appears as
his sister Gilukhipa; their fathelg was Shuttarna, king of
MitannLh A mistranslation of Birch (Records of the Past,

aFull titulary.
bSome have I I O (e. g., Louvre, No. 580), an easy error for 102; Maspero's
I 12 (Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 298) is not corroborated by his accompany-
ing text.
cThe specimens are in private hands. Mr. Frazer (Proceedings of t k Society
of Biblical Archeology, XXI, 155) speaks of "two or three;" &st published by
Brugsch, Zeitschrtrift fur agyptische Sprack, 1880,81-87; then by Maspero, Reclceil,
XV, zoo; finally Bmgsch, Thesaurus, VI, 1413; another specimen, Recueil, XVI, 62.
dzeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1880, 86.
eErman, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1890, I 12 ; Evetts, ibid., I 13;
Jensen and Winckler, ibid., 114.
fwinckler, Amurna Letters, 16, 5, and 41, 42. glbid., 21, 18, 19.
hThe marriages between this Asiatic family and the Pharaohs, as shown in
the Amarna letters, are as follows:
Kings of Mitanni. Princesses. Kings of Egypt.
Shuttarna Mutemuya +Thutmose IV
Dushratta ~ i l u l h i ~ aAmenhotep
; I11
Tadukhipa+ Amenhotep IV
See Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 281.

1st Series, XII, 39) has resulted in confusing Kirgipa with

Tiy, who is quite another person (see 5 861).
867. 'Year 10 under the majesty of .. .. .
. 5. . athe Son of
Re, Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes, who is granted life; (and) the
Great King's-Wife, Tiy, who liveth; the name of whose father was
Yuya (Ywy >), the name of whose mother was Thuya (Twy >).
Marvels brought to his majesty, L. P. H.:b Kirgipa (Ky-r-gy-pJ),
the daughter of the chief of Naharin (N-h-r-n 1 ' , Satirna (S>-ty-r-n>);
(and) the chief of her harem-ladies, (viz.,) 3 I 7 persons.


868. This scarab records the construction of a pleasure

lake by Amenhotep 111, for his queen Tiy, in a town or a
city quarter (dmy), called Zerukha (d r-w&'), otherwise
unknown. I t is not.unlikely that this is the lake of which
the remains, called Birket Habu, are clearly visible south of
Medinet Habu, beside the palace of Amenhotep III,d
an exceedingly probable situation. But this lake varies
considerably in dimensions from those given on the scarab.
The opening of the lake was doubtless in connection
with the coronation anniversary, which fell on the next daye
after orders for constructing the lake were given.

aThe usual full titulary.

bThis heads the list; we should expect the usual word "statement," as, e. g.,
in the lion-hunt scarabs.
four copies of this scarab are known: (I) in the Vatican (Rosellini, Monu-
menti Stmui, 44, No. 2 =Stern, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 1877, 87, n. 2
=Marucchi, Bessarwne, 1899, 122); (2) private collection of W. Golbnischeff
(privately distributed photographs); (3) collection in Alnwick Castle (Birch,
Catalogue, No. 1030, 137); (4) fragment in University College, London (not pub-
lished). The &st three of the above were collated and published by Steindorff
(Zeitschrifl fur agyptische Sprache, 1901, 63).
dCf. SteindorE, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 1901, 64.
e s 844, 1. I ; Lieblein (Sphinx, VI, 113 ff.) has calculated the date of this
opening in terms of our calendar as September 26, Julian, or November 5,

869. Year 11, third month of the first season, day I, under the
majesty of . . . . . . . .a Amenhotep 111, given life; and the Great
King's-Wife, Tiy, who liveth.
His majesty commanded to make a lake for the Great King's-Wife,
Tiy, in her city of Zerukha (D r-wb J).b Its length is 3,700 cubits;
its width, 7mCcubits. His majesty celebrated the feast of the opening
of the rlakeJ, in the third month of the first season, day 1 6 ,when
~ his
majesty sailed thereon in the royal barge: "Aton-Gleams."e

870. Amenhotep I11 celebrated at least three royal
jubilees: the first in the year 30; the second, although not
recorded, probably like that of Ramses 11, in the year 34;
and the third in the year 36. The celebration of the first
jubilee is recorded in the tomb of Kharnhet,' in two remark-
able reliefs.
871. The first shows the king enthroned in state at the
right; before him is the inscription:

aFull fivefold titulary.

bThis name was long misread "Zaru," with which it has nothing to do (cf.
Steindorff, Zeitschrift fiir agyptisch Sprache, 1901, 64; and Breasted, ibid., 65, 66).
The statements regarding the presentation of "Zaru" to Tiy, current in the histories,
are all to be rejected.
CVatican copy has 600, the others 700. Steindorff reads here "upper arms"
(rmn) instead of "cubits" (mhy). This distinction, although evident on the sur-
viving cubit rods, is not carried through on the monuments. At Benihasan, the
rmn-sign occurs in door dimensions, where it is clear that the cubit is meant;
see my remarks (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology, March, 1900,
dThus the lake must have been completed in fifteen days!
eCf. further examples by Spiegelberg (Rechnungen, Text, 81-86), who has
compiled a very useful list of these barges, also Breasted, Zeitschrift fiir agyptische
Sprache, 1901, 66.
flepsius, . Denkmder, 111, 76, 77, and Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1121-23; for
full bibliography, see 5 819, where also the inscriptions under the reign of Thut-
mose I V are given. For a scarab referring to the jubilees, see Brugsch (Thesaurus,
VI, 1456).
gAmong his titles both inscriptions add that of: "Lord of the Jubilee."

Appearance of the king upon the great throne, to receive the report
of the harvest of the South and North.
Before the king stands Khamhet reading to him a docu-
ment; over Khamhet's head the following inscription in five
vertical lines :
Communication of the reiort of the harvest of the year soa in the
presence of the king, consisting of the harvest of the great inundation
of the jubilee [rwhichl his majesty [rcelebratedl; byb the stewards of
the restateslc of Pharaoh, L. P. H., together with the chiefs of the South
and North, from this land of Rush the wretched, as far as the boundary
of Naharin (N-h-ry-n).
Under the document are the words : "Total: 33,333,300."~
872. As a consequence of this favorable report, the
treasury officials are now rewarded, as shown in the fol-
lowing scene."
The king is seated in state in a splendid pavilion at the
left ; before him, the inscription :
Appearance of the king upon the great throne, to reward the chiefs
of the South and North.
Before the king stands Kharnhet with the inscription:
Hereditary prince, count, who satisfies the heart of the king in the
whole land, the two eyes of the king in the cities of the South, his two
ears in the nomes of the Northland, king's-scribe (named),

aSo Brugsch, but Lepsius has a lacuna.

bTo be connected with "communication."
cOr possibly better "income;" see Spiegelberg, Studien, $5 and note 227,
who, however, does not refer to our passage.
dThese are probably only plurals of the numeral signs.

*His titles are written more fully in Champollion, Notices dzscriptives, I, 840;
"Hereditary prince, count, who fills the heart of his lord, favorite of the Good God, to
whom are told all the affairsof the rpalace - -1 companion of the feet of the Lord
of the Two Lands i n every place which he treads, chief of the arclzers of the Good God
-. 1,

Behind Khamhet are three lines of officials praising the

king; the upper line is receiving rich gifts; inscription:
Reward of the stewards of the restated of Pharaoh, L. P. H., together
with the chiefs of the South and the North after the statementa of the
overseer of the granary concerning them: "They have increased the
harvest of year 30."
873. The records of the second Jubilee have perished,
but the third is mentioned in the tomb of Kheruf,b in the
following heading :
"Year 36. Conducting the companions for presentation in the
(royal) presence at the third (hb-sd) jubilee of his rnaje~ty.~
874. The ceremony of erecting the symbol of Osiris,
the curious column, which is also the symbol of stability,
was performed on the morning of the traditional royal
jubilee feast day (first of Tybi). Amenhotep I11 is shown
personally erecting this column on the morning of one of
his jubilee days, in the reliefs in a Theban t0mb.d


875. New chambers in the Turra quarry were opened
by the king in his first year,e and recorded in an inscriptionf
identical in content with anothelg recording similar work

aRead & with Bmgsch; not fd as in Lepsius, Denkmaler.

bBrugsch, Thesaurus, I 120.
CThat this is Amenhotep I11 is shown by the mention of Queen Tiy in the
dBrugsch, Thesaurus, V, I 190-96.
eThe quarries at el-Bersheh were also opened in the "year I," as recorded
there in a mutilated inscription (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archmlogy,
IX, 195); much better, Spiegelberg, Recueil, 26, 151,152). I t records the erection
of a monument of uncertain character in the Thoth temple at Hermopolis.
f Cut on the walls of the limestone quarry at Turra; published Lepsius, Denk-

mder, 111, 71, a-d, and Vyse, Pyramids, 111, 96, Nos. 3 and 4.
ZThis second inscription of the same content, Lepsius, Denkmaler, 71, b.
Compare the similar inscription of Ahmose in the same quarry ($9 26-28).

in the second year. The latter is surmounted by an offering

scene, and is as follows:
. . .
'Year 2, under the majesty of. . . . .a Amenhotep (111) . . . . .;
his majesty commanded to open the quarry-chambers anew, in order
to quarry fine limestone of Ayan (C n), in order to build his temples
30f a million of years, after his majesty found the quarry-chambers
which are in Troja (R ' - 'wy), beginning to be very ruinous since the
stirnos which were before. I t was my majesty who made (them) anew,
in order that he might be given life, stability, satisfaction, health, like
Re. forever.

876. The granite quarry at Assuan was visited by an

official of this king, for the purpose of cutting out a colossal
statue of his lord. This officer has had carved in reliefb
on the rock his own figure standing in homage before the
names of Amenhotep 111. Below are the words:
pomage] to the Good God, when was made the great statue of
his majesty (called) : " Sun-of-Rulers."

Near by is an overturned, unfinished, colossal statue, to

which the inscription doubtless refers.
877. A stelaCof the year 36 in SarbQt-el-Khademin Sinai,
records an expedition thither in that year, in which the
commanding official refers to the "sea (the Great Green)"
in a connectiond which would indicate that he crossed to
Sinai by the sea route, but the inscription is too fragmentary
for translation.

aThe full titulary, but omitting the Golden Horns-name.

bSharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions, 11, 39; de Morgan, Catalogue &s nronu-
mmtts, I , 63.
CLepsius, Denkmder, 111, 71, c-Ordnance Survey, 111, P1. 14.
dThe connection is broken by an interfering fragment of rock which the
photographer of the Ordnance Survey failed to remove. Another stela of the
year 36 shows Amenhotep I11 offering to Amon and Hathor (Lepsius, Denk-
mder, 111, 7 1 , d; not in Ordnance Survey).
- -- 3 53

878. This monument has had an interesting career.

Erected by Amenhotep I11 in his temple behind the Memnon
colossi, to record his buildings in honor of Amon, its inscrip
tion was almost totally obliterated by the reforming zeal
of his son, Amenhotep IV.b It was restored by Seti I , who
recorded his restoration thus: "Restoration of the monu.ment
whkh the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, itfenmare
(Seti I),made for his father Amon-Re, King of all Gods."
I n restoring the monument, the sculptor of Seti found the
old lines sufficiently traceable to be recut with tolerable
certainty, not without some glaring errors, which cannot
always be corrected. Four or five generations later, Mer-
neptah demolished the splendid temple of Amenhotep 111,
containing this stela, and used the material, including the
stelad in a building of his own, where it fell down and
remained until taken out by Petrie in February, 1896.
879. The upper third is occupied by a scene twice showing
Amenhotep I11 with the usual legends, offering a libation
to Amon. The inscription of thirty-one lines records Amen-
aniscovered by Petrie in February, 1896, on a black granite stela lying in the
ruins of the Theban mortuary temple of Merneptah; this stela is 10 feet 3 inches
by 5 feet 4 inches, and 13 inches thick. See Contemporary Review, May, 1896,
619; Century Magazine, August, 1896, 501 (view of stela in situ). Text: Photo-
graphic reproduction and transcription with translation and excellent commentary
by Spiegelberg, Recueil, XX, 37-54; finally in Petrie, Sir Temples, PI. XI, XII.
I have used a photograph, kindly sent me by E. Brugsch-Bey shortly after the
discovery of the monument, at which time I made the translation; later notes
drawn from Spiegelberg I have carefully credited to him. Important suggestions
in Orientalistische Littemturzeitung, 1898, No. 5, 156, 157.
bone can clearly see in the photograph that the inscription has been hammered
out, as far as the end of 1. 22, including also parts of lines 23-28, leaving the last
three lines untouched (see, e. g., pfiotographs in Recueil, XX, and Century Maga-
dm,August, 1896, 501). Excepting the two figures of the king, the scene at the
top was also erased.
cCut between the two figures of Amon at the top of the monument; similar
restorations by Seti often, e. g., on the obelisk of Hatshepsut.
dHe cut on the back of it the hymn of victory, mentioninn Israel: see 111,602 ff.

hotep 111's chief buildings and other pious works in honor of

Amon :
I. Introduction, 11. 1-2 ($882).
2. Temple of the (Mernnon) Colossi, 11.2-10 ($5 883-85).
3. Luxor Temple and Connected Buildings ($$ 886,887).
4. Sacred Barge of Amon, 11. 16-20 (§ 888).
5. Third Pylon of Karnak, 11. 2-23 ($889).
6. Temple of Soleb, 11. 23-26 (§ 890).
7. Hymn of Amon to the King, 11. 26-31 (Q $891, 892).
880. The architectural data given by the scribe are very
important, but are as usual, very general and vague, show-
ing great, if not total, lack of technical knowledge of the
subject. The treatment of temple floors with silver (11.
3, 11, and 22) and the walls with gold or electrum (11. 3, II),
although very vaguely described, is important. The settle-
ment of Syrians around the temple of the (Memnon) Colossi
is historically of importance also. The king's selection of
his Soleb temple in Nubia, to be mentioned in preference
to his Egyptian temples outside of the be^,^ shows his
strong interest in the region above the second cataract,
where he was so active, and where he caused himself to be
worshiped. I t is furthermore noticeable that the king
makes no reference to his other Theban buildings, the
temple of Mut and the temple at the northern gate of the
Karnak inclosure, of either of which very little now remains.
aThus he omits all reference to his Memphis temple, where he was evidently
worshiped, for he appears with Ptah as one of the gods of Memphis (Papyrus
Sallier, IV; Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, 961, No. 23); and his temple there was called
"House of Nibmare" (Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, 963). A cultus statuette which he
dedicated to himself as a god in this Memphis temple is in Alnwick collection; it
bears the dedication: " Nibmare (Amenhotep ZII); he made it as his monument for
his living image i n 'The House of Nibmare"' (Birch, Cetalogue Alnwick Castle,
5658). The El Kab temple, which he is often stated to have built, was erected
by Thutmose IV, his father, for whom he only decorated it, as the inscription
states: "Lo,the majesty of King Nibmare decorated this monument of his father,
Thlltmose IV, forever and ever" (Lepsius, Denhmaler, 111, 80, b = J. J. Tylor, The
Temple of Amenhotep I l l , PI. 10; again P1. 8 =Lepsius, Denkmaler, Text, IV, 43).
bThis is to be explained by the fact that the stela records only buildings of Arnon.

Part cf the dedicatory inscription of the latter is still pre-

served, and contains data of importance. I t is introduced
by the k;ng7s titulary, to which is appended:
881. WLo raises a monument in Karnak, a marvelous thing, unlim-
ited in - of gold, plentiful in gold, unlimited in malachite and lazuli;
a place of rest for the lord of gods, made like his throne that is in heaven,
that he (the k ng) might be thereby given satisfying life like Re forever.
b an inclosure made to flourish with monuments, made to
shine with all flowers, filled with ,slaves (mr't) due from the (hsb-)
officials, being 5ildren of the chiefs of all countries, coming in obeisance
to his fame. The Son of Re, Arnenhotep, ruler of Thebes, made it
for the chosen o' Re, because he loved his father, Amon, lord of Thebes,
so much more ihan all the gods. He has been given life, stability,
satisfaction, like Re, forever.
Of all this the great building stela makes no mention.
I t is as follows:
882. 'Live . .... . .
Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes; beloved

of Amon, lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak; given life, joy of his
heart, that he may rule the Two Lands like Re, forever; Zthe Good God,
possessor of joy, who is very vigilant for him that begat him, Amon,
king of gods; who hath made great his (Amon's) house,d who hath
satisfied his beautyd by doing that which his ka desires.

Temple of the Memnon Colossie

883. Behold, the heart of his majesty was satisfied with making a
very greatf monument; never has happened the like since the beginning.

apublished by Bouriant, Recueil, XIII, 171-73.

bT11is section is covered by a Roman wall.
CFull five-name titulary.
dNot in Spiegelberg's transcription, Recueil, XX, 40.
eThe colossi known as the Memnon colossi (cf. 11. 4, 5 ) still stand, but the
temple, the entrance of which they flanked, has disappeared; see above, $878.
I t was the mortuary temple of Amenhotep 111, of which there is a further account
inscribed on a huge stela now lying in the scanty ruins behind the colossi (5s 904 .!f
For an account of the excavation around this temple, see Petrie, Six Temples zn
Thebes; the temple itself has never been excavated. View of the colossi, Mariette,
Voyage duns la haute Egypte, 11, 57, or my Egypt through the Stereoscope, No. 64.
f Although the adjective is plural, I translate singular, for in 1.4 it is also plural

where it clearly should be singular.


He made (it) as 3his monument for his father, Amon, lord of Thebes,
making for him an august templea on the west of Thebes, an eternal, ever-
lasting fortressb of fine white sandstone, wrought with gold tPioughout;
its floor is adorned with silver, 4all its portals with e l e c t r ~ m ;it~is made
very wide and large, and established forever; and adorned with this very
great m ~ n u m e n t . ~I t is numerous in royal statues, of Elephantine
granite, of costly gritstone, of every splendid costly stone, sestab-
lished as everlasting w0rks.e Their stature shines more than the
heavens, their rays are in the faces (of men) like the sun, when he shines
early in the morning. It is supplied with a "Station c f the King,"f
wrought with gold and many costly stones. 6Flagstavesg are set up
before it, wrought with electrum; it resembles the horizon in heaven
when Re rises therein. Its lake is filled with the greit Nile, lord of
fish and fowl, pure in r-1
Its Wealth
884. Its storehouse is filled with male and feraale slaves, ?with
children of the princes of all the countries of the captivity of his majesty.

aCalled "House-of-Amn-on-the-West-of-Thebes' in the inscription on a black

granite statue of Amenhotep I11 at Erment, published by Daressy, Recwil, XIX,
14, and Spiegelberg, Recwil, XX, 49.
bThe temple regarded a s a stronghold; cf. remarks of Spiegelberg, Recueil,
XX, 48.
cJust how the metals were used on floor, walls, and doorways is not clear from
these vague data, but they materially augment our ideas of the splendor of the
Egyptian temple.
dProbably the stela on which this text is cut.
%piegelberg (Rec&l, XX, 49) calls attention to the fact that the French expedi-
tion found eighteen of these statues on the west shore still in situ, some of which
are now in the museums: in the British Museum one of black granite (Amndale
and Bonomi, Gallery, P1. 35); two heads (ibid., 107); also a black granite statue
at Erment, first published by Daressy (Recwil, XIX, 14). Spiegelberg thinks it
strange that the two Memnon colossi are not given separate mention, but they
are clearly mentioned in the reference to "costly gritstone," which is the material
of the colossi. Moreover, they are distinctly mentioned in the Dedication Inscrip-
tion (1. 4, 5 906). In further corroboration of the inscription, note the statement:
"there were many of these statues which stood fronting the great colossi in the
intervals of the front columns of the propylon" (.4rundale and Bonomi, Gallery,
107)~noted by Spiegelberg.
fThe enormous stela lying overthrown behind the Memnon colossi (Q 904 ff.).
The word "station" is here determined with a stela, showing that, as at Am%da
(Q 796, 1. IS), the ''station of the king" was marked by the stela against the back
wall of the holy of holies.
gCf. similar staves in the inscription of Ineni, 8 103.

Its storehouses contain all good things, whose number is not known.
I t is surrounded with settlements of Syrians (H ' -nu),colonized with
children of princes, its cattle 8are like the sand of the shore, they make
up millions.
Western Pylon
885. The bow-rope of the Southland rin it1 and the stern-rope of
the Northland,a even his majesty revealedb himself like Ptah, was
skilful-minded like Him-South-of-His-Wall (Ptah), searching out excel-
lent things for his father, Amon-Re, King of Gods, making for him
9a very great pylonC over against Amon. Its beautiful name which
his majesty made was: 'LAmon-Has-Received-His-Divine-Barque,''d
a place of rest for the lord of the gods at his " Feast of the Valley" on
the western voyage of Amon to behold the western gods, in order that
he may endow lohis majesty with satisfying life.
Luxor Templee
886. King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands:
Nibmare, Heir of Re; Son of Re, Lord of Diadems: Amenhotep (111),
Ruler of Thebes, is satisfied with a building for his father Amon-Re,

BInscription of Ineni (1. 17, 8 341) has: "the bow-rope of the S o u t h . . . .
the stern-rope of the North i s she," as epithets of Hatshepsut. It seems to me
that Spiegelberg (Recud, XX, 50) has overlooked the determinative (a rope) in
his rendering "Bug" and "Spiegel," "bow" and "stern." (Cf. Sethe, Unter-
suchungen, I, 52). In view of the Ineni passage, his rejection of the genitive signs
seems to me impossible.
hLit., "opened himself;" cf. wb ' s w , a synonymous phrase (Lepsius, Denk-
miiler, 111, 18, 1. 3), which Miiller renders "sich zeigen" (Recueil, IX, 162).
cThis is probably the pylon which flanked the Memnon Colossi, but is now
entirely gone.
dThe literal meaning of the phrase used for the barque is: "Bearer of his
beauty;" it was a portable shrine.
eThe well-known temple at modern Luxor, of which the southern portion
is due to Amenhotep 111. The architrave inscriptions (Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111,
73, andText, III,8o, 81) offer a short account of the building: " H e m a d e (it)as his
monument for h i s father, Amon-Re, king of gods, again erecting for h i m Luxor anew,
of fine white sandstone, made very, very high and wide, adwned with electrum
tlzroughout, and all splendid, costly stones; a rest for Amon, a place of rest fm the
lord of gods, ma& like unto his hmizon ivc heaven. That he might be given life."
Statements like: " w h o built temples - - sculptured their statues; that which
was of brick was (re)built of stone;" or: " w h o again erected Luxor anew," of course
refer to the older Middle Empire temple which Amenhotep 111 enlarged or rebuilt.
On the entire history of the Luxor temple, see Borchardt, Zcitschrift fur agyptisch
Sprache, 1896, 122.-38.

lord of Thebes, in Southern Opet (Luxor), of fine white sandstone,

made very wide and large "and its beauty increased. Its walls are of
electrum, its floora is of silver, all the portals are wrought with r-3, its
towers reachb heaven. and mingle with the stars. When the people see
it, "they give praise to his majesty.
I t is the king Nibmare who hath satisfiedc the heart of his father,
Amon, lord of Thebes, who hath assigned to him every country, the
Son of Re, Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes, Brilliance 'of Re r-1

Buildings Near Luxor

887. His majesty made another monument, for his father, Amon;
making for him an rinclosure~as a divine offering over against Southern
Opet; I3a salubrious place for myd father at his beautiful feast. I
erected a great templee in its midstf like Re when he rises in the horizon.
I t is planted with all flowers; how beautiful is Nun in his pool at
every season; '4more is its wineg than water, like a full Nile, born of
the lord of eternity. Many are the goods of the place, the impost of
all countries is received, numerous tribute is brought before my father,
being the offerings of all lands. He hath assigned to me the princes
of the south countries; Isthe Southerners are like the Northerners, and
each one ish like his neighbor; their silver, their gold, their cattle, every
splendid costly stone of their countries, by millions, hundred thousands,
ten thousands, and thousands. I have done (it) for the one who begat
me, in the uprightnessi of my heart, according as he appointed me
to be the sun of the Nine Bows.

acorrrcted from 1.3, at the end. lit., "washed."

bRestored from 1. 22. dA sudden change to the first person.
eThe only "great tempk" of Amenhotep 111 which is "over against" Luxor
is the temple of Mut, which could hardly be referred to here without saxe reference
to the goddess. Hence there may be some undiscovered building of Arnenhotep I11
in the unexplored ground between Luxor and Karnak, to which reference is here
fspiegelberg, p. 41, n. 6.
gLit., "more to it is wine," a common phrase; text is corrupt, read: "wt
nf yrp."
hBy an emendation drawn from a repetition of the very same phrase on the
Luxor architrave (Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 73, d, 1. 3). This renders invalid the
objections of Spiegelberg to the emendation (Rec-7, XX, 51).
iLit., "correctness;" Erman has treated the phrase (Gespriich eines Lebens-
miiden, 62).
Sacred Barge of Amonb
888. King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Nibmare, Part of Re; Son
of Re: Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes. I made another monu-
ment for him who begat me, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, who estab-
lished 'me1 upon his throne, making for him a great bargea for the
" Beginning-of-the-River" (named) : "Amon-Re-in-the-Sacred-Barge,"b
of new cedar I7which his majesty cut in the countriesC of God's-Land.
It was dragged over the mountains of Retenu (1Ptnw) by the princes of
all countries. I t was made very wide and large, there is no instance of
doing the like. Its 1" is adorned with silver, wrought lawith gold
throughout, the great shrine is of electrum so that it fills the land with
its rbrightne~sl;~its bows,e they repeat the rbrightnessl; they bear
great crowns, whose serpents twine along its two sides; rthey exercise
protection behind them.1 I9Flagstaves are set up hefore itf wrought
with electrum, two great obelisks are between them; it is beautiful
everywhere. The gods of Pe make jubilee to it; the gods of Nekhen
praise it; the two Nile-gods of the South and the North, '"they embrace
its beauty, its bowse make Nun to shineg as when the sun rises in
heaven, to make his beautiful voyage at his feast of Opet on his western
voyage of a million of millions of years.
Third Karqtak Pylonh
889. King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Nibmare, Son of Re: Amen-
hotep (111), Ruler of Thebes, "who is vigilant to seek that which is

=A similar barge with details of measurements in the Harris Papyrus (infra,

IV, 209).
bEgyptian Userhet, "wsr-h 3 - t . "
cThe same statement by Thutrnose IV on Lateran obelisk (Q 838).
dAs it stands, the text is certainly corrupt; the rendering of Spiegelberg ("die
ganze Erde") seems impossible, in view of the m for r. This m indicates the above
rendering, which is a common idea in respect of monuments of electrum; cf. e. g.,
obelisk of Hatshepsut, base inscription, south side, 1. 7 (5 315). Since making the
above remark, I find the same suggestion (by Muller ?) in Orientalistisch Littera-
turzeitung, May, 1898, 158, n. 2, where I also find a good suggestion for the con-
clusion of the phrase.
ePlural, as often in English.
fThe shrine, which was set up amidships; it is here regarded as a temple,
and equipped therefore with flagstaves and obelisks.
g ~ e f e r r i nto~ the reflection in the water, here called Nun, as above in 1. 13;
the same in the Abydos Stela of Thutmose I (g 94) and Papyrus Harris (IV, $189,
PI. 4, 1. 3).
hThis is the ruined pylon behind the great hall of columns, known as Pylon 111.

useful, the king, who has erected another monument for Amon, making
for him a very great portal over against Amon-Re, lord of Thebes,
wrought with gold throughout. The Divine S h a d ~ w as , ~ a ram, is
inlaid with real lazuli wrought with gold and many costly stones; there
is no instance of doing the like. "'Its floor is adorned with silver;
rtowersl (sbb.t) are over against it. S t e k of lazuli are set up, one on
each side. Its pylons reach heaven like the four pillars of heaven; its
flagstaves shine more than the heavens, wrought aswith electrum. His
majesty brought gold for it in the land of Karoy (K' -r' -y) on the
first victorious ~ a m p a i g n ,slayingC
~ the wretched K u ~ h . ~

Temple of Soleb
890. King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Nibmare, beloved of Amon-
Re; Son of Re: Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes. I made other
monuments for Amon, "4whose like hath not been. I built for thee
thye house of millions of years in the r-If of Amon-Re, lord of Thebes
(named) : Khammat (H -tn-rn 'C' t),g august in electrum,. a resting-
place for my father at all his feasts. I t is finished with fine white sand-
stone; it is wrought "swith gold throughout; its door i~ adorned with

aThe immaterial or intangible part of a god conceived as a shadow, a common

conception both for gods and men (see Birch, Transactions of the Society of Biblical
Archreology, VIII, 386-97; Maspero, Dawn of C:iviisation, 108). The hieroglyph
and symbol for this shadow is a sunshade, often figured in mortuary vignettes; it
is this which is thus referred to in Ineni (8 104, 1. 9): "its huge door was of Asiatic
bronze, whereon was the Divine Shadow (det. with ithyphallic Min) inlaid with
gold." I n the above it is also connected with a door, but seems to be in the form
of a ram; cf. also Spiegelberg, Recueil, XX, 53. Another similar reference to the
"shadow" of the god is on one of the Soleb rams (Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 89, e),
but the context is broken off. A similar reference to the divine figure in con-
nection with the door is found on the shrine of Saft: "The doors upon it (the
shrine) are of black copper, inlaid with gold, the image upon it is of -"(Naville,
The Shrine of Saft-el-Henneh, PI. 6, 1. I).
bSee the two stelae of the Nubian War, $8 844,845,l. 5 in each; and scarab of
marriage with Tiy, 862.
CLit., "campaign . . . . of slaying."
dText has Kny, which is, of course, an error.
eEmendcd. fSame word (s> h) in I, 8 503, 1. 16.
this is the name of the Soleb temple in Nubia; it means: "Shining (or
rising) in (or as) Trulh," which is also one of Amenhotep 111's names, either
in the full titulary, or alone, e. g., "which his son Khanzmat made for him" [east
side of south tower, third pylon, Karnak (Mariette, Karnak, 34, 1. 29)].

silver, all its portals are of gold. Two great obelisksa are erected, one
on each side. When my father rises between them, I among his
following. I have offered 16to him thousands of oxen, rlimbsl for the
choicest of hind quarters.
Hymn of Amon
891. Utterance of Amon, king of gods:
My son, of my body, my beloved, Nibmare,
.My living image, whom my limbs created,
Whom Mut, mistress of Ishru in Thebes, bore to me,
Mistress of the Nine Bows who brought thee up '?as sole lord of the
My heart greatly rejoices when I see thy beauty,
I work a wonder for thy majesty, and thou renewest youth,
According as I have set thee as the Sun of the Two Lands.

When I turn my face to the south, I work a wonder for thee

I cause ~ ~ t chiefs
h e of Kush, the wretched, to turn to thee,
Rearing all their tribute upon their backs.
When I turn my face to the north, I work a wonder for thee;
I cause the countries of the ends of Asia to come to thee,
Bearing all their tribute upon their backs.
They present themselves to thee '9with their children,
In order that thou mayest give to them the breath of life.

892. When I turn my face to the west, I work a wonder for thee;
I cause thee to seize the Tehenu (Tyhnw), (so that) there is no
remnant of them.
(rThey1) are buildingc in this fortress in the name of somy majesty;
Surrounded with a great wall reaching to heaven,
Settled with children of the chiefs of the Nubian Troglodytes.

When I turn my face to the ~ r i e n t I, ~work a wonder for thee;

I cause to come to thee the countries of Punt,

aThese obelisks are not shown on Lepsius' plan (Lepsius, Denkmaler, I, I I ~ ) ,

but they are also mentioned in the ram inscriptions, $894.
bThe particle ty, introducing a nominal sentence; cf. Sethe, Zeitschrift far
agyptisch S p r a c h , 36, p. 71, n. 3.
cAs slaves ?
dThe usual word for east is not employed, but a term meaning "sunrise."

Bearing all the pleasant sweet woods 31of their countries,

To crave peace with him (sic!), and breath of thy giving.
King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Ruler of the Nine Bows, Lord of
the Two Lands, Nibmare, Son of Re, his beloved Amenhotep (111),
Ruler of Thebes, with whose monuments the heart of the gods is satis-
fied; that he may be given life, stability, satisfaction, health; that his
heart may be joyful, like Re, forever.


893. This Nubian temple, dedicated by Amenhotep I11
to the worship of himself, as well as of Amon, contains a
number of building records. Among other things, they
preserve the interesting name of the temple, which is not
found in the account of the building given by the king
in his great Theban building inscription ($890). The '

architrave dedications are not preserved, but only those

upon the sculptures adorning the temple, the rams lining
the avenue of approach, and the famous lions in the British
894. The inscriptions on the ramsa are these:
bLive the Good God, Nibmare, Son of Re, Amenhotep (111).
p e made] (it) as his monument for his image,c Nibmare, Lord of Nubia
( T 3-pd't), great god, lord of heaven; making for him an excellent
fortress, surrounded with a great wall, whose battlements shine more
than the heavens, like the great obelisks, which the king, Amenhotep
(111), Ruler of Thebes, made for a million of million of years, forever
and ever. Live the Good God . . . . . .d He made (it) as his monu-
ment for his father, Amon, lord of Thebes; making for him an august
temple, made very wide and large, and its beauty increased. Its pylons
reach heaven, and the flagstaves, the stars of heaven; it is seen (on)
both sides of the river, illuminating the Two Lands.

=One now in Berlin (Aus]tdhrliches Verzeichniss des Berliner Museums, 23,

24). They were found by Lepsius at Gebel Barkal, whither they had been removed
from Soleb by the Ethiopians; published, Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 89, go.
blepsius, Denkmdler, 111, 89, a.
=See below. dcontinued as above.

895. On another ram,a the temple is said to be "in the

fortress Khammat (b -m-' t),"" and is dedicated to Amon

(as in the great Building Inscription, $8go), and the king's

ka. Another ram inscriptionc thus describes the building:
Making for him an august temple of fine white sandstone; all its
portals are of electrum, their radiance is in the faces (of men), the
Divine Shadow - - - - - ."
896. The famous 1ions"ontribute important historical
data, from the state of their inscriptions. The dedications
of Amenhotep I11 were cut out during the religious revolution
of Ikhnaton, showing that the persecution of that king
extended as far south as Soleb, and included even his own
father as a god. They were restored by Tutenkhamon,
who prefixed to the restored dedications a record of the
restoration thus:
rest the gods, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of
the Two Lands, Lord of Offering [Nebkheprure],e Son of Re, Lord of
Diadems, Tutenkhamon, restorer of the monument of his father, the
King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Nibmare,
Son of Re, Amenhotep (111), Ruler of Thebes. He made (it) as his

alepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 89, c.

bOn this name, see note, 5 8go. (Great Building Inscription, 1. 24).

dThese two magnificent animal figures were later carried away from Soleb
and erectect in Gebel Barkal (Napata) by the Ethiopians. That there should
ever have been any doubt about this, especially in the minds of the British Museum
authorities, (see Budge, History, TV, 112; VI, 100) is, to say the least, surprising.
Not only do the above dedications show that the lions were originally erected at
Soleb (Khammat), but the breast of one bears the inscription of the Ethiopian,
stating that he removed it, as follows: "Good God, Lion of Rulers, fierce-eyed Lion
when he spies his foes treading his path - (cartouche, name lost), who brought it."
Below this, is the double name: "King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Enekhneferibre
(C nb-nfr-yb-R c), Son of Re, Amenisru (Ymn-ys-r-w ').'I (Published Lepsius, Aus-
waltl der wiclttigsten Urkunden, XIII; I had also my own copies of the originals.)
See a similar removal record, IV, 649.
Cartouche with name erased. The name has been inserted by Lepsius
(Aumahl der wz'clttigsten Urkunden, XIII), but is not discernible on the

monument for his father, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, Atum, lord of

Heliopolis, and Yoha ( Y h), that he might be given life, like Re,
897. On the other lion, the original inscription of Amen-
hotep I11 is better p r e s e r ~ e d ,as
~ only the name of the
king (containing Amon) has been expunged, and later
incorrectly restored, thus :
Horus, Mighty Bull Nibmare, Son of Re, NibmareC (sic !).
He made (it) as his monument for " His Living Image on Earth, Nib-
mare, Lord of Nubia in the Fortress of Khammat."d
898. Finally, a doorpost of the temple bears the following
dedication :"
He made (it) as his monument for " His Iiving Image upon Earth,
Nibmare, Lord of [rKhenthenIn~fer;"~making for him temples of fine
white sandstone. All its portals are of electrum - - - - - -.


899. This pylon, now the rear wall of the great Karnak
hypostyle, was erected by Amenhotep I11 before the obelisks
of Thutmose I as the front of the temple, which it continued
to be until the famous hypostyle hall was built in front of
it by the Nineteenth Dynasty kings. I t is referred to in

aThoth, the moon-god.

bThe inscription occurs twice on this lion, once in front and again behind.
In front (facing the avenue) it has been completely hacked out, but behind the
iconoclasts of Ikhnaton have hastily cut out only the royal names.
CIncorrect restoration by Tutenkhamon; it should be, of course, "Amenhotep."
dCultus-name of the deified Amenhotep 111. elepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 87, a.
f On the east face of the southern tower of the third pylon, in 71 vertical lines,

of which only the lower ends have survived, the ends of the last 23 lines containing
but two or three words each. It was seen and excerpted by Champollion (Notices
descriptives, 11, 126). The text was published by Mariette (Karnak, 34, 35)
and by Diimichen (Historische Inschriften, 11, 39); both number the lines back-
ward, and are also excessively inaccurate; Diimichen even mixes up the lines,
and evidently his papers were in confusion. I had excellent photographs of the
original by Borchardt.

Amenhotep 111's Building Inscription (Q889), and its south-

ern tower still bears the remnant of a long and magnifi-
cently cut inscription referring to the erection of the pylon.
This inscription has the following content:
I. Laudation of the king (Q900, 11. 1-24);
2. Offerings to Amon (Q901, 11. 24-34).
3. Presents and Buildings (Q902, 11. 24-39).
4. Third Pylon and Connected Monuments ($903,
11. 39-71).
The inscription is so fragmentary that much of it is
unintelligible, but enough remains to show that the third
pylon must have been a monument of the greatest richness
and beauty.
Laudation of the King
900. l a luxuries and benefactions of the lord of eternity
which he levied in God's-Land, abiding like the heavens, shining
r-J 2 . . . . . . .b Amenhotep I11 3 in his beauty like
him who created him; the hearts rejoice in the bodies at beholding
him. 4 their - with one raccordJ. He whom he hath chosen
is prepared, exalted above millions to lead on the people forever.
-5- His eye is the sun, making brightness for all men. How
prosperous is he who beholds him, his sun, rising of the sun
forever. His two hands holdC might, his word bears victory, in order
to present to him (Amon) the whole earth, with the impost thereof
7 whose path rsends away', whose name repels, whose rwordl
cretited him, r-1 with his form to be the Sole Lord, whose doing
hath led satisfied with victory, the leader of his soldiers,
the first of millions. He is one who taketh thought, who maketh wise
with knowledge-9 his stride is swift, a star of electrum when he
circles upon his horse, a victorious archer, shooting the rtargetl lo
--living captives, without his like, the good shepherd, vigilant

aThis is 1. 71 in Mariette's publication, as he numbered the lines backward,

and this translation proceeds from 1. 71 to 1. I, as numbered in his publication.
bFull titulary of Arnenhotep 111.
lit., "are in might."

for all people, whom the maker thereof has placed under his authority,
lord of plenty, " beholding benefactions is his satisfaction,
rdoing that which occurs is1his thriving forever; loving examples of truth,
rejoicing in plans I a searching bodies, knowing that which is in
the heart, whose fame apprehends the 'evil3 -, protector of the fearful,
whose decree is the breath of life, prosperity, and health ' 3 d - 1
in his body all his rbrightnessl to the form of the majesty of Re; his
divine and beautiful emanation which he made for - '4 like
Thoth, who gives the Two Lands to the ba1ances.a There are no rebels,
(for) his strength is like the might of the son of Nut; there are no
millions - ' 5 protecting them, in order to do all that their ka's
desire and to make Egypt flourish as in the beginning, by the plans of
Truth, because she does I~-- adorning the splendid Great House
of him who begat him, with monuments of beauty and splendor forever,
which he decreed for his son '7 the wealth of Ptah,bgreat in his
form. He created him as his son, endowed with his beauty '8
He gave to him the thought of every day as a benefaction, in rmagnify-
ing1 the wonders of - - He rejoices in remembering ' 9 joy
of heart. He created me before him, while I was a youth therein. How
beautiful is the r-1 before the throne lo it in the beginning. His
accustomed splendid seat, wherein he alighted r-1" him in his
form in Thebes, they made rejoicing for love of him 2 2 r- -3.
I am his first born son r- -1 I - under his authority, I
was endowed with his might, I was endued with his power
rbringingl aU works [from1 his temple.

Offerings to Amon
901.My majesty founded for him (Amon) very great divine
offerings anew in the land, true and pure in the (divine)
presence in the great seat, which I have supplied with food 26
that he might multiply my years in joy of heart. . I produced fulness
of food and provision from my presence a 7 my subjects under
my feet by the might and victory which he decreed for me 2 8
food in thy house filled with supplies, which the r-1 established in the
horizon, the vessels of him who made the things that are to
him to be mighty in gifts to him, [assigning1 them to him; the king,

aTo be weighed as tribute. bRead rsy ynb' f.


the unique one of the godsa so that they are satisfied every day
true, pure and flourishing with divine offerings of every day, abiding
and fixed in his house forever. 3' with millions, as a fierce-
eyed lion, sated in the place '-1 of the morning, taking captive 3*------
My face works terror - - 'when it fronts1 those who rebel against me,
every time that occurs in 33 r- - -1 my grasp. I reported
my message to him that sent me; I presented it in the presence of my
august father 34 him that begat him.

Presents and Buildings

902. He is divine in my heart at all times, that I may present flowers
35 according as he creates them, I bring to him silver, gold,
genuine lapis lazuli, malachite S-6- every costly stone, every
splendid vessel of electrum without limit of number. 37 in
his seat of truth. He hath made for himself splendid things which the
maker made. He made me s8 his - in every august land,
the good things of every land and the impost thereof together, that I
may present 39

Third Pylon and Connected Monuments

903. in the splendid place, in which he loves to be,
wrought of sandstone 4 O all flowers which he gathered, all
food at all times. If there be the like 4' all - in cpleasingl
him, restored and established as he desires it. The weight of this
monument :

Malachite : 4,820 deben.

1-' (@Ic 3,623 deben.

flourishing and established, which his son, Khammat

(Amenhotep 111) made for him. The number of these things is:
44 flourishing in every garden, sweet in fragrance of all flowers,
C- - -1 45 a great [pylon] over against the temple, [its door]
made high and wide, of cedar of 46 it illuminates this whole

aThe word "gods" was chiseled out in the time of Ikhnaton.

bHere follows a statement of the weight of some monument, above mentioned.
CThis unknown substance appears as a basket of red kernels in the tomb of
Rekhmire (Brugsch, Thesaurus, V, 1111, and Wilkinson, Manners, I, P1. IIA).

land, its beauty seems like the horizon of heaven 47 . He

rmadey wide for him its extent, an august judgment-hall of 48
an august - for this portal [of the maker of his majesty as my father1
49 desires them - - - monument for him who raised
50 real lapis lazuli, 3,000 ( + x ) deben sf 3,6313 -
52 chiefs of all countries, monuments 53 great door-
way of electrum 54 of the land that sees it, every land r- -1
55 as leader of them in s6 of new cedar of the royal
domain 57 august - of electrum, obelisk[sIa s8
. . . . . . . . . . . .b
904. This stela contained the dedication of the mortuary
temple of Amenhotep 111, which stood behind the (Memnon)
Colossi at Thebes. It stood in the usual place, the "Station
of the King," which it marked, being erected, like the
similar stelze of Amenhotep I1 at Elephantine and AmAda
(9 791 ff.), against 'the inside of the rear wall of the holy
of h01ies.~ Here it proclaimed the king's gift of the temple
to the god, on the spot where the king stood in officially
absolving the ceremonies of the ritual.
The upper third of the stela is occupied by two con-
ventional scenes, showing the king, Amenhotep 111, and his

aThese obelisks probably stood in front of this pylon (111); they must have
been removed to build the great hypostyle; the only obelisks of Amenhotep I11
now known at Karnak are in the northern temple, but only fragments have sur-
vived (Lepsius, Denkmder, Text, 111, 2). Perhaps they stood on the two bases
referred to in Baedeker's Egypt, 1902, 253.
bL1. 59-71 contain only an incoherent word or two at the end; indeed, 11. 62
and 69-71 are entirely gone.
cAn enormous sandstone stela about 30 feet high and 14 feet wide, still lying
a few hundred feet behind the colossi of Amenhotep I11 at Thebes; text, Lepsius,
Denkmaler, 111, 72.
dThe stela is directly referred to in another building inscription of Amen-
hotep I11 in this same temple ($ 883, 1. s), where it is called " a station of the king,
wrought with gold and man.y costly stones." The word "station" is here deter-
mined with a stela, and the text would indicate that it was overlaid and

queen, Tiy, before "Sokar-Osiris " (on the left) and "Amow
Re '' (on the right).
The text of twenty-four lines represents: (I) the king
delivering the temple which stood behind the Colossi to
Amon in a presentation addressa (11. 2-13); (2) Amon
accepting it with words of praise to the king (11. 14-20);
(3) the "Divine Ennead" calling upon the god to enter his
temple, while they praise him and the king (11. 20-24).b
The text is badly broken and certainly corrupt in a number
of places.
905. 'Live . . . . . . . . C King Amenhotep (111). 2Hesaith: "Come
thou, Amon-Re, lord of Thebes, presider over Karnak; thou hast seen
thy house which I have made for thee in dthe west of Thebesd Its
beauty mingles with Manu (M ' -nw), when thou sailest over the heavens
to set therein. 3When thou risest in the horizon of heaven, it shinese
with the gold of thy face, (for) its face is toward the east r 1f
thou shinest in the morning every day; thy beauty is in its midst without
ceasing. I made it 4in excellent work, of fine white sandstone.

Colossal Statues
906. My majesty filled it with monuments, with my [rstatuesT]g
from the mountain of gritstone. When they are seen (rinl) their place,

aThe erection of the same temple is recorded in 11. 2-10 in the preceding build-
ing inscription, $$883, 884.
"It is therefore not merely a dialogue between the god and the king, as stated
by Brugsch, Egypt under the Pharaohs, 207.
':The usual full titulary.
dys't wr.t 7tt W > s ' t probably designates "the west of Thdbes," found in 1. 3 of
the preceding building inscription (ymy-wr't nt w 9 s ' t ) .
eThough causative, this verb may be used intransitively, e. g., 1. 24 below.
fThe parallelism of "because thou risest" and "because thou seltest" is all that
can he made of this phrase.
$:This restoration is probable, for the (Memnon) colossi before this temple
are of gritstone.

there is great rejoicing because of their sizea I made slikewise a

r-Ib upon the stone; it is of alabaster, pink and black granite; my
majesty made a double pylon,c seeking excellent things for my father;
statues coming forth r- -1 they were shaped, 6- throughout. Great
was that which I made, of gold, stone, and every splendid costly stone
without end. I gave to them the directions to do that which pleases
thy ka, c-1 satisfied withd an august dwelling like 7- - - -.
907. I made for theme offerings - - - - -. My majesty hath
don& these things for millions (of years), and I know that they will
abide in the earth for my father --all that was due him; I made
for thee a shadowg for thy voyage across the heavens as Atum, coming
forth with all the [gods], while the divine ennead who are behind thee
and the Sacred Apes praise thy rising and thy appearing in 9- the
horizon. The divine ennead rejoice, they give exaltation to Khepri;
the Sacred Apes give praise to theeh when thou settest in Enekhi in
the west.
908. I made 10obelisks there r- - -1. Thou hast shown favor
for3 all that my majesty made there in the likeness of a chapel of thy
majesty r "Again I made for thee monuments on the

aThe so-called Memnon colossi are about 58 feet high (Lepsius, Denkmiiler,
Text, 111,141 ff.), but this height is reduced nearly 5 feet by the accumulated Nile
mud. They bear, or at least the southern statue bears, the dedication (Lepsius,
DenkmUer, Text, 111, I 44) : " H e made (it) as his monument for his father Amon;
. . . . . .. . .
making for him a great statue of costly gritstone . . ." There is among
the titles of the king also a reference to the monument as "brought from Northern
Heliopolis to Southern Heliopolis." The quarry of red gritstone, whence the
statues were taken, is at the Gebel el-Ahmar near Cairo (see 1,493, 1. IS, note)
and Heliopolis; Southern Heliopolis is modern Erment, south of Thebes.
bRead ky, "form;" the b as determinative ? dOr : "resting in."
CTranslated from the determinative only. =For the statues.
fThere is a superfluous personal ending here.
gThis is probably not the "Divine Shadow," but a sunshade to protect the
god on festival processions, or, as the text has it, when he crosses the heavens.
hLit., "to thy face," or before thee.
iMeaning "lifc," a euphemism for the place of the dead.
jLit., "of." kA little over one-third line.

west of the Great [rSea]tl;a I exacted all works r 3b in order

to furnish my impost by the Fandl] of my army. I rejoiced lawhen
I had done (it) for my father.
I [founlded for thee offerings every day at the beginning of the sea-
sons and oblations at their times, q u e s forr] thy temple; its prophets, its
priests from the greatest and choicest of 13the whole land. . . . . . . . .
Accept that which I have made, revered father, Amon, of the beginning
of the world."

909. I4Utterance by Amon-Re, . . . . . .:" "Come, my son Amen-

hotep,d *sI hear what thou sayest; I have seen thy monument, I am
thy [fathler, creator of thy beauty. . . . . . . . *O. . . .e I accept the
[monument] which thou hast made for me."


910. Utterance by the Divine Ennead: f . . . . . . . .': ""Come
- - A into thy eternal temple. I t is Nibmare, thy son, who has
done this for thee.g .......... '3. .. .g Thou art in heaven, ldthou
shinest for the earth; he (the king) is on earth, administering thy
kingdom g. . . . . .g


This famous official, who lived under Amenhotep
111, was a descendant of an old noble family, the ancient
nomarchs of Athribis, and still maintained the office of chief
of the prophets of the temple at that place, which went
with his ancient rank. He acquired a great reputation for

aThe name of this temple was " House-of-Amon-on-the-West-of-Thebes;" see

5 883, note.
bFive or six words. cHalf a line of titles. dBoth names.
eAbout one-fourth of the omitted portion is broken out, the remainder contains
only the conventional praise of the king by the god.
f One-third line.

KMUC broken,
~ and contains only the conventional phrases of praise to Amon
or the king.

wisdom. On the temple of Der el-Medineh at Thebes

an inscription says of him: " H i s name shall abide forever, sayings shall not perish." These sayings were thought
to be referred to in the papyrus of Heter at G i ~ e h but,~
this has been clearly shown to be an error.b The attribution
of a mortuary papyrusc to him is also very q~estionable.~
The only wisdom unquestionably assigned to him, though
it is probably a pseudepigraphon, is found in an eighteen-
line Greek scrawl of the third century B. C., on a limestone
ostracon belonging to the Egypt Exploration Fund." I t
contains nine fragmentary sayings, of which Wilcken has
found three also among the "Proverbs of the Seven Wise
Men."f Amenhotep was long supposed to have built
the original temple on the site of the present Der el-Medineh
temp1e;B Sethe has shown the error of this supposition."
He was long ago pointed out by Brugsch, on the basis of
his statue inscription, as the architecti of the Memnon
colossi on the Theban plain-an error which a careful
translation of the inscription immediately exposes.'
912. He lived to be at least eighty years old, when the
king granted him a statuek in the Karnak temple of Amon
with the following dedication:

aBy Maspero, Mimoire sur qmZqms papyri du Louvre, 23.

bBy Sethe, Festschrift fiir Georg Ebers, I 13,I 14.
CMariette, Papyri de Boulaq, No. j. agethe, i b d .
ePublished by Wilcken, Festschrift fiir Georg Ebers, 142-46. For other
material which may be his, see Daressy, Anmles, 111, 43,61,62,where he appears
as a god in the Ptah-temple of Karnak in the time of Tiberius.
f Wilcken, Festschrift fiir Georg Ebers, 144,145.

gRy Brugsch (Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische Sprache, 187j, 125-27) on the basis
of the Mortuary Temple Edict below, 5s 921 ff.
hFestschrift fiir Georg Ebers, I 10-12.
izeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache, 1876, 96 ff. S e e 8 917.
k+4nmles,IT, 2 7 2 , 281-84; IV, P1. V, IV. The long inscription has nothing
of historical value. See another Karnak statue of him, Recue2, 19, 13, 14.

[Given as a favolr of the king's-presence to the temple of Amon in

Karnak, for the hereditary prince, count, sole companion, fan-bearer on
the king's right hand, chief of the king's works even all the great monu-
ments which are brought, of every excellent costly stone; steward of
the king's-daughter of the king's-wife, Sitamon, who liveth; overseer
of the cattle of Amon in the South and North, chief of the prophets of
Horus, lord of Athribis, festival leader of Amon, Amenhotep, son of
Hapi, born of the lady Yatu ( Y ' tw), triumphant.
Having thus attained the age of eighty years, he prays
(on this statue) for the usual IIO years. In later ages
he gradually gained recognition as a god, for the first time
probably under Ptolemy Euergetes II;a so that already
in Manetho's time, this historian could say of him that he
seemed to partake of the divine n a t ~ r e . ~


913. This inscription is very difficult and obscure. The

introduction (11. 1-26) consists solely of eulogistic epithets
and phrases applied to the deceased, and of mortuary texts,
of no historical value. The remainder (11. 26-43) contains
his official career through three promotions, as follows:
Introduction, 8 914, 11. 26-27.
First Promotion, to be Inferior Royal Scribe, § 915, 11.
Second Promotion, to be Superior Royal Scribe, 8 916, 11.
29-3 7-
Third Promotion, to be Minister of all Public Works,

aSethe, Festschrift fi4r Georg Ebws, 116.

bJosephus, Contra Apion, I, 26.
cThe third statue of Amenhotep at Karnak; discovered there by Mariette.
Published by Mariette, Karnak, 36,37; Rouge, Inscriptions hi6rogZyphiqucs, XXIII-
XXVIII; Brugsch, Thesaurus, VI, 1292-98. I had also a copy of the original
by Borchardt for the Berlin dictionary.

. .. ..
914. a6. . . The king's-scribe, Amenhotep, triumphant; he
saith: "I was great, at the head of the great, skilful in the divine
wordsa in '7the ccouncill of understanding, following the plans of the
king; one whose ka the sovereign, L. P. H., advanced.

First Promotion
915. The Good God, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nibmare
(Amenhotep 111), firstborn son of Harakhte, praised me. I was
appointed to be inferior king'~-~scribe;281was introduced into the
divine book, I beheld the excellent things of Thoth; I was equipped
with their secrets; I openedCall their KpassagesJ; one took counsel with
me 290n all their matters.
Second Promotion
916.My lord again showed favor to me; the King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Nibmare, he put all the people subject to me, and the
listing of their number under my control, as superior king's-scribed
over recruits. 3 O I levied the (military) classes of my lord, my pen
reckoned the numbers of millions; I put them in rclassesl in the place
of their relders]; the staff of old agee as his beloved son. 3 I I taxed the
houses with the numbers belonging thereto, I divided the troops (of
workmen) and their houses, I filled out the subjectsf with the best of
the captivity, which his majesty had captured 3lon the battlefield. I
appointed all their troops ((set), I levied - -- I placed troops at
the heads of the way(s) to turn back the foreigners in their places. 33The
two regions were surroundedg with a watch scouting for the Sand-
rangers. I did likewise at the heads of the river-mouths: which were

aTerm for hieroglyphics. bSf-ftny-Ery4 2 J.

cThe same phrase ( p g 2 ny) for opening sacred books in Neferhotep (I, 758).
d.9-ftny-hry-d d
J J.

eSame phrase, I, 692. There is a reference here to the replacement of old

by new levies, but the technical terms are not yet fully understood.
fThe native-born Egyptians.
8Or: "which surrounded the T w o Lends."
hLit., "at the head(s) of the shore of the fro& mouths;" the mouths of the
Nile are indicated. The meaning "rivermouths" or "harbor-mouths" is clearly
determined by the use of the word (r 8-4 n e w t ) in the wars of Rarnses I11 (year 5,

closed under 34my troops except to the troops of royal marines. I

was the guide of their ways, they depended upon my command.
I was the chief at the head of Jsthe mighty men, to smite the Nubians
rand the Asiatics1,a the plans of my lord were a refuge behind me; rwhen
I wanderedl his command surrounded me; his plans embraced all
lands 36and all foreigners who were by his side. I reckoned up the
captivesb of the victories of his majesty, being in charge of them. I did
according to that which he (the king) said, I followed according to the
things which he commanded 37me, I found them excellent things for
the future.
Third Promotwlz
917. My lord a third time showed favorCto me; Son of Re, Amen-
hotep.(III), Ruler of Thebes, the sun-god is he, to whom hath been given
an eternity of his jubilees without end. S8My lord made me chief of
all works. I established the name of the king forever, I did not imitate
that which had been done before. I fashioned for him a mountain of
gritstone, for he is the heir of A t ~ m . 391
~ did according to my desire,
executing his likeness in this his great housePe with every precious
stone, enduring like the heavens; there was not onef who had done it
(the like) since the time of the founding of his Two Lands. 4 0 1 con-

1. 53, IV, 44; year 8, 1. 20, IV, 65). Maspero's "custom-houses erected at the
mouths of the Nile" (Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 299), while hardly derivable
from this passage alone, are amply corroborated by the Amarna Letters, which
show that there were custom-houses on the coast of the Delta (Amama Ldters,
2 9 ; 32 and 33).
UPossibly "the Nubllbians of the cataract region."
~ Y s - h3 k-t. text has "my favor."
G e e note on 1. 40, where the mountain is again connected with Atum, in
whose district it was.
c:The temple of Karnak where our nobleman's statue was found; hence the
statue of the king here referred to must be in this temple, and cannot have been
one of the Memnon colossi, as Piehl thinks possible (Petites e'tudes, 37). [Later:
Since making the above note, I notice that Sethe has published fhe same remark
(Festsch~iflfiZr Gemg Ebws, I O ~ ) . ] I t is therefore clear that Brugsch is wrong in
concluding from this inscription that Amenhotep, the son of Hapi, necessarily
erected the Mtmnon colossi; as the passage refers clearly to a statue in the Kar-
nak temple, where there actually still is a statue of Amenhotep 111 of the stone
of Gebel el-Ahmar (cf. Sethe, ibid., 109).
fThe rendering, "there was not a king, etc.," of Brugsch (Zei#sch~i,ft fur agypt-
ischc Sprache, 1876, 98) and Piehl (Petites 6 t A s , 371, is due to the misreading of
the particle Swt as Stn(y), "king;" cf. Erman, Aegyptische Gamntatik, 5 320.

ducted the work of his ~ t a t u eimmense

,~ in width, taller than his column,
its beauty marred the pylon. Its length was 40b cubits in the august
mountainC of gritstone at the side of Re-Atum. 4 I I built an eight-
vessel, I brought it (the statue) up-river;d it was set up in [this] great
house, enduring as heaven. My witnesses are ye, ye who shall come
4"after us; the entire army was as one under my control, they wrought
with joy, their hearts were glad, rejoicing and praising the Good God;
43they landed at Thebes with rejoicing, the monuments rested in their
places forever e

Service with the King

918.3f I [saw] himg fighting hand to hand upon the
battlefield, while he was like Min in the year of r-1. I recorded the
rnumberd of his rcaptivesl as subjects of the temples 4

while I was apportioner of ointment. I was versed in her art r- - -1

and she knew (it), while I was in front with my lord, and I was great
before him. I did that which men loved and gods praised
Benefits for Athribis
919.Behold ye, I did excellent things; do (so) to me, and it shall
be done (likewise) to you; for I am an heir who furnished his city, and
expelled its r-1 (tw ') from every place. My lordg did benefactions for
my godh r-1 6 .My lord [rdugl] his southern lake

aText has plural, but the singular pronouns show the error.
hA statue of Amenhotep I11 of the Gebel el-Ahmar stone before Hannhab's
pylon at Karnak was about 15 meters high, and is probably the one referred to;
for it is not stated that the statue was 40 cubits high, but the block in the quarry
was 40 cubits "long." A similar reference to the block in the mountain in I, 698,
1. 6.
cThe same as the "Red Mounlain" of Mariette, Kantak, 15, 24 (I, 493, 1. 15,
note) near Cairo, and still called Red Mountain (Gebel el .Ahmar) cf. Baedeker's
Egypt, 1902, 74. The phrase "at the side of Re-Alum" refers to its location
near the Heliopolis sanctuary of Re. Sethe notes similar phrases on the Sphinx
tablet, 11. 6 and 7 (8 814).
dFrom the quarry near Cairo to Thebes. =About one-half line.
*Another, shorter inscription on the same statue, Mariette, Karnak, 37, b.
L1. I and 2 have almost entirely disappeared.
gThe king.
hThe god of his city, Athribis. He calls on the people of the place to pray for
him because he had used his influence with the king, to secure royal benefits for
the local god and temple of Athribis.

and his northern lake, brightened with flowers upon their shores. I
- their -, and led them, because I was one r- -1 his city. He made
the house of my god, and my rcityl. How beautiful is -7

because of his daily offerings. My lord magnified my city greatly, and

my family r- -1 on earth.
Royal Favor
920. I buried my father, doing again that which "The-Son-Whom-
He-Loves" did. I interred my mother 8 . My lord-
my necessities, causing me to receive bread rafter1 the feasts. Men said
to me : "r-1 it hath come to thee through the Lord of the Two Lands.
There is no citizen (Sw ') to whom the like has been done." I executed
truth o
. . . . . . . . .a

921. This document legally establishes in perpetuity an

endowment for the maintenance of Amenhotep's mortuary
cult. I t was publicly read in his mortuary temple at Thebes
to the more important officers of state assembled there in
the king's presence, who are adjured to respect it, or suffer
under the most dreadful curses. The surviving original
is a late copy of the original of Amenhotep's day.
922.'Year 3 1 , fourth
~ month of the first season, sixth day, under
the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Lord of the
Two Lands, Nibmare, L. P. H.; Son of Re, of his body, Lord of
Diadems, Amenhotep (111), L. P. H.

aTwo lines of self-praise.

bHieratic text, being a copy of very late date, on a limestone stela in the British
Museum, No. 138, published in transliteration by Birch (Chabas, Milanges igyp-
tologiques, I1 ser., 324-43); again by the same author in facsimile (Inscriptions
i n the Hieratic and Demotic Character, XXIX). I collated the original exhaus-
tively and found the latter publication very inaccurate. It was translated by
Brugsch, Zeitschrijt jar dgyptische Spache, 1875, 125-27; Errnan, Life i n Ancient
Egypt, 148 (Aegypten, 214, 21s); the present translation is much indebted to
Erma.n's version.
cNot 11, as Bmgsch has it; even 41 is possible.
The Assembly
923. On this day, one (=the king) was in the ka-chapela 2of the
hereditary prince, count, king's-scribe, Amenhotep. There were brought
in: the governor of the city, and vizier, Amenhotep; the overseer of
the treasury, Meriptah, and the king's-scribes of the army.
Establishment of Chafe1
924. One said to them in the presence of Jhis majesty, L. P. H.:
"Hear the command which is given, to furnish the ka-chapel of the
hereditary prince, the royal scribe, Amenhotep, called Huy, Son of Hapu,
whose excellence is re~tolledl,~ 4in order to perpetuate his ka-chapel
with slaves, male and female, forever; son to son, heir to heir; in order
that none trespass upon it forever. It is commended to Amon-Re,
king of gods, as long as it is upon earth; she is the king of eternity, he is
the protector of the dead.
Curses on Violators
925. As for the general and scribe of the army who shall follow after
me and shall find the ka-chapel beginning to decay, together with
male and female slaves who are cultivating (the field) for my endow-
ment, and shall take away a man therefrom in order to put him (rtol)
any business of Pharaoh, L. P. H., or any commission, may his body be
raccursedlec ?Then if another trespasses upon them, and does not
answer in their behalf, he shall suffer the destruction of Amon, lord of
Thebes, he (the god) shall not permit them to be satisfied with the
office of king's-scribe of the army, which they have received for mel
8He (Amon) shall deliver them into the flaming wrath of the king on
the day of his anger; his serpent-diadem shall spit fire upon their heads,
shall consume their limbs, shall devour their bodies, they shall become
like Apophis on the morning of New Year's Day. They shall be
engulfed in the sea, pit shall hide their corpses. They shall not receive
the mortuary ceremonies of the righteous; they shall not eat the food of
them that dwell in Keret; the waters by the flood of the river shall not
be poured out for them. Their sons shall not be put into their places,

aNot the "temple of Kak," as usually rendered; see Sethe, Festschrift filr
Gewg Ebers, I I I .
bBrugsch: "dessen Tugenden wohlbekannt sind;" but this is very doubtful.
cIt is possible that this is the case of those who do respect the endowment;
while the case of those who do not respect it begins with 1. 7.

'"their wives shall be violated while their eyes see it. The nobles shall
not set foot in their houses as long as they are upon earth; the leaders of
the two sides* shall not introduce them, nor shall they hear the words
of the king in the hour of gladness. "They shall belong to the sword
on the day of destruction, they shall be called enemies; when their
bodies be consumed, they shall hunger, without bread, and their bodies
shall die. If the vizier, overseer of the treasury, chief overseer of the
estate, superintendent of the granary, "high priests, divine fathers, and
priests of Amon, to whom has been read this edict, issued for the ka-
chapel of the hereditary prince, the king's-scribe, Amenhotep, son of
Hapu, shall not show solicitude 13for his ka-chapel, the edict shall
touch them, and them especially.
Blessings on Preservers of Chapel
926. But if they shall show solicitude for the ka-chapel, with the
male and female slaves who are cultivating (the field) for my I4endow-
ment, then all favor shall be shown them. Amon-Re, king of gods,
shall reward themb with prosperous life.= The king of your day, shall
rrewardl you Isas he rrewardsl -.d There shall be doubled for you
office upon office, ye shall receive from son to son and heir to heir. They
shall be sent on as messengers, and the king of their day will reward
them. rTheir1 bodies shall (rest) I6in the West after (a life of) IIO years,
doubled to you shall be the mortuary oblations likewise.
Warning to Gendarmes
927. As for the officers of the gendarmes, rbelonging to1 the district
of the mayor of the west side, in Khaft(et)-hir-nebes, who ''shall not
protect my endowment each day, and on my feast-days on the first of
the month, the edict shall touch them, and their bodies shall not rescape3.
I8But if they shall hear all the edict, issued as a command, and they shall
obey and shall not forsake it, good shall happen to them as (to) the
just. 19They shall rest in the cemetery after years of old age.
Codicil. The mayor of the west side is he who r-1 my servants
during a single day.

aThe people on the two sides of the central aisle in formal assemblies; the
leaders ( d m ' w ) or ushers of such assemblies were the heralds (whm'w).
boriginal shows a correction from "you" to "them."
cThere is no lacuna here nor in the next line, as indicated in the publication.
dThe text has omitted the object.

928. This statue was probably dedicated in the chapel
of Prince Wazmose; at least, there is a reference to this
prince among the inscriptions which it bears. On the
back, however, there is an historical inscription apparently
recording the promotion of Nebnefer and the appointmedt
of one Hui to his old place. The promotion was by special
message of the king, which Nebnefer himself brought,
and it was confirmed by a special formulary pronounced
by the High Priest and witnessed by all four "prophets"
for the temple, and one witness for the incumbent beside
himself. The document thus furnishes us with interesting
and important procedure in such temple appointments,
which are as yet unknown in any other source.
929. =Year 20, second month of the first season, under the majesty
of King Amenhotep 111, beloved of Amon a. ..
. . . .b
Royal Message
On this day, behold [his majesty 3was in the temple]= of Ptah-
South-of-His-Wall, lord of Life-of-the-Two-Lands. Message, con-
cerning which the king's-scribe, the steward, Khampet, came to the
chief treasurer, the High Priest of Amon, 4[MeriptahId from
the Pharaoh, L. P. H., (saying) : " 1 ~ the
t chief measurer of the store-
house of divine offerings be rbrought -1 before his fathers; s
Hui being put into hi place in the storehouse of divine offerings of

aFragment of limestone sitting statue, now in the Museum of Brussels; pub-

lished by Capart and Spiegelberg in Anndes & la Soci6tb d'drchiologic & Bruxelles,
Tome XVII, I= et zmCliv., 1903, 19-28.
bDouble name of the king and conventional epithets.
cThis was probably not Memphis, but the temple of Ptah at Karnak, which
bore the same names as the Ptah-temple at Memphis.
asupplied from 1. 8; the middle three lines evidently extended higher up the
plinth than the others, and were an uncertain amount longer.

930. Then it was done according to [all] that p i s majesty] said
6 [the High Priest of Amoln, Meriptah, triumphant, to the
king's-scribe, the steward Khampet: a"As for that which is done of
thy father Amon, lord of Thebes, 7in all his commands, as heaven
endures,b so shall that which he does endure, enduring and permanent
93I. Done in the presence of the chief treasurer, the High Priest of
8.4mon, Meriptah ; the second prophet, Enen (C nn) ; the third prophet,
Amenemhet ; the fourth prophet; Simut ; the king's -scribe, Kham-
pet ; the steward, Sebeknakht.

+The following is evidently the formularyof confirmation in o&e, pronounced

by the High Priest to the incumbent.
bThe phrase is common; hence the remark of the authors, " Le passage semble
&re fautif," is strange.
EThe four prophets (the High Priest's title really reads "@st prophet'') repre-
sent the temple, and for the incumbent there are only himself and one more.
932. This inscription is among the earliest surviving docu-
ments of the great revolution under Ikhnaton. I t records
the opening of quarry-chambers at Silsileh to obtain stone
for the king's first templeb to his new god, whose cult already
seems to be in full development. Although Amon is not
yet banished, Aton has his formal name, but not yet in the
cartouches, in which it later always appears. The king is
however, "High Priest" of his new god, whose sanctuary
he is about to erect. Of this temple not one stone was
left upon another by the king's enemies at his death. The
materials have been found at Thebes, but scattered in
various structures from Karnak to Erment, chiefly, how-
ever, in the Karnak pylons of Harmhab." The name of
this temple was : "Aton-ris-Foundl-in-the-House-of-Aton,"

aTablet fourteen feet high, cut on the quarry wall at Silsileh; published by
Lepsius, Denkmar, 111, 110, i; Legrain, Annales, 111, 263.
bOn the Aton-temples at Akhetaton (Amarna), see tomb of Hui ($3 1016 ff.);
and on the ones at Heliopolis, Hermonthis, and elsewhere, ibid. On the Aton-
temples in general, see my remarks in Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprachc, 40,
110 ff.

Gee Nestor l'HBte, Papiers inidits, 111, 80, 96, 97, 101, 104, 105 (not seen);
Prisse, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 2d Ser., I., 76-92, and again
Prisse, Monuments igyptiens, V and XI; following Prisse, J. S. Perring, Trans-
actions of the Royal Society of Literature, 2d Ser., I , 140 ff.; Brugsch, Rccueil dc
monuments, P1. 57, 2, a-k; Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 110, c and g ; Bouriant,
Recueil, VI, 51 ff.; and a letter by Piehl (Zeitschrift fur iigyptische Sprache, 1884,
41), which also refers to the names of Tutenkhamon and Eye as occurring in blocks
rebuilt into this pylon. Blocks reused in repairs on the temple of Amenhotep I1
(Lepsius, Denkmiiler, Text, 111, 50); in Karnak (;bid., 52); in town of Luxor
( a i d . , 89).
*See tomb of Ramose, Q 941, note.

and it must have been a large and imposing s a n c t ~ a r y . ~

It was erected early in the Aton schism, for the surviving
fragments show a reference to Horus and Set. The name
of Aton occurs without the cartouches,b and the king still
bears his old name." This last fact shows that the temple
was built before the sixth year. I t is also referred to in
the tomb of Hatey (h't-y'y) at Thebes (Kurna), who was
"scribe, overseer of the granary in the house (bet) of the A t o ~ , " ~
at a time when the Amon cult was still unrepressed. Thebes
as a whole was now apparently called "City (nw.t)-of-the-
Brightness-of-Aton," and the temple quarter was known as
933. 'The quarry inscription informs us that the highest
officials of the court served in superintending the work of tran-
sportation. The date of the inscription must be very early
in the king's reign, because the materials taken from the
quarry were built into the temple, completed, and inscribed
before the sixth year. The work in the quarry was therefore
probably done in the first or second over the inscrip

aIn the heart of Harmhab's pylon I found blocks of Ikhnaton's masonry of

considerable dimensions; one cornice was 32 inches high. The king's leg, in a
fragmentary relief, was 2 0 inches across at the lower edge of the apron; the k-
vessel was 13 inches long; the dy-loaf was IZ inches high. The names of Aton
and the king had been expunged before the destruction of the building.
bFrom my own copies of blocks deep in Harmhab's pylon. I found there also
a date which might have settled this question, but unfortunately the year is lost,
and only the season and the day remain. [Later: This date is now published in
Lepsius, Denkmder, Text, 111, 52.1
clepsius, Denkmder, 111, 110, d. The old name, " Amenhtep," continued
until the fifth year of his reign (Grifith, Kahun Papyri, PI. 38 and pp. 91 and 92).
In the sixth year we find the new name, "Zkhnaton," on the boundary stelre at
Amarna ($a 949 ti.). The Theban temple must, therefore, have been built and
sculptured before the sixth year.
dDaressy, Annales, 11, 2-4; Legrain, ibid., 111, 265
=On Canopics published by Legrain (Annales, IV, 17-19).
flegrain's arguments for dating the temple, or a temple of Aton at Thebes,
before Ikhnaton's reign are inconclusive (Annales, 111, 265). .
tion was a relief* showing the king worshiping before
Amon, but it has been erased, probably by Ikhnaton himself.
The inscription below is as follows:
934. 'Live the Horus: Mighty Bull, Lofty of Plumes; Favorite of
the Two Goddesses; Great in Kingship in [Karnak];b Golden Horus:
Wearer of Diadems 'in the Southern Heliopolis; King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, High Priest of Harakhte-Rejoicing-in-the-Horizon, in
His Name: "Heat-Which-is-in-Aton: " Neferkheprurec-Wanre; 3Son
of Re [Amenh~tep,~ Divine Ruler of Thebes], great in his duration,
living forever and ever; [ A m ~ n l -Re,
~ lord of heaven, ruler of eternity!
935. First occurrence of his majesty's giving command to - -
4---t o muster all the workmeng from Elephantine to'$amhudeth
(Sm -Hw&'t),and the leaders of the army, sin order to make a great
breach for cutting out sandstone, in order to make the great sanctuary
(bdn)' of Harakhte in his name: "Heat-Which-is-in-6Aton,"in Karnak.

aNot shown on Lepsius' plate, but given by him in his notes (Lepsius, Dmk-
mder, Text, IV, 96, 97).
bLepsius has incorrectly restored Akhetaton in this lacuna. This mention of
the city in the first or second year had caused me much difficulty; but the publi-
cation of this stela by Legrain ( A n d e s , 111, 263) shows that "Akhetaton" is an
error. We should restore "Karnak" as in the contemporaneous Zernik stela
(ibid., 260 f.). This fragmentary stela recorded similar quarry-work in the cliffs
opposite and above Esneh. The king bears his old name, and the god's name
also is as in the Silsileh stela; it is undated, but is clearly from the same time as the
Silsileh stela, and the expedition recorded was carried out by Eye, afterward king.
There is another stela beside Eye's, showing the "chief of q w r y m e n , Neferronpet,;
worshiping Amon (i4~id.,261 f.).
CThis is the Napkhurtya of the Amarna Letters; it means: "Beautiful i s
the Being of Re." Wanre, the second part of the name, meaqs, " Unique Om
of Re."
dThis old form of the king's name has been erased because it contained the
name of Amon.
'The connection of the god's name is uncertain, but probably "beloved of"
has been omitted before it (after it in original).
gThe text has "works," but Brugsch has a similar example (Hieroglyphisch-
demotisches Wiirterbzcch, S u p p l e ~ W ,1337), with "the people" as object of the
verb, showing dearly what is meact here.
hLike the Hebrew "from Dan to Beersheba." On Samhudet, see Brugsch,
Dictionnuire gzographique, 704-6. Elephantine was, of course, at the &st cataract,
and Sarnhudet was in the Delta.
iDetermined with an obelisk.

Behold, the officials, the companions, and the chiefs of the fan-
bearers, were the chiefs of the quarry-~ervice,~
for the transportation of


936. This tomb contains reliefs and inscriptions which
are among the most important documents of this reign,
because among other facts they furnish contemporary and
conclusive evidence of the identity of Amenhotep IV and
Ikhnaton, the great religious revol-utionary.
Ramose, the owner of the tomb, was an official high in
the favor of the king and of exalted rank. He was:
" Governor of the (residence) city, vizier; " "hereditary prince,
count of Horus in his house; a doer of truth, a hater of
deceit, wearer of the royal seal, chief of works among the great
monuments, chief of prophets of North and South, vizier, just judge;
sole companion, approaching his lord, whom the Lord of the Two
Lands loved because of his remarkable traits, who enters the palace,
and comes forth with favor, with the utterances of whose mouth one
(= the king) is satisfied;" "(mr't-ntr-) priest, the mouth that makes
content in the whole land, (sm-) priest, master of all wardrobes, enter-
ing into the secrets of heaven, of earth [and of the nether world];"
"master of secret things of the palace;" "attached to Nekhen, prophet
of Mat, chief justice."'
=!See Hammamat Stela of Ramses IV, 1. 14 (IV, 466); also Brugsch fAcgyp-
hlogie, 216 f., note). In Papyrus Hood there is a "chief of t L quarry-service of
t h whulc land" (p. 216).
b.4 cliff-tomb in the hill of Shekh Abd-el-Kurna on the west shore at Thebes,
known as Stuart's Tomb, No. 108. I t was discovered by one "Mustapha Noak"
in 1860, and opened successively by Ebers in 1872 and Villiers Stuart in 1879
(see Wiedemann, Recueil, XVII, 9). It was inadequately published by Stuart in
The Funeral Tent of an Egyptian Queen, 89 ff.; and Egypt after the War, PI. 27,
and pp. 386-88. Bouriant has some notes on the tomb in Revue archiologique,
1882, N . S., XXIII, 279-84. and Recueil, VI, 55, 56. Nearly all the inscriptions
were published by Piehl with great accuracy in Zeaschrift fur agyptische Sprache,
1883, 127-30; 1887,37-39. I excavated the unpublished inscriptions and recopied
the whole in December, 1894. Some signs had been lost since Piehl made his
copies. The accompanying translations are based upon a collation with Piehl,
and upon my own copies alone, where Piehl had not copied.
these are all the titles in the tomb, as found in my copies.

937. Ramose, as head of the religious, judicial, and

administrative organization, must have been the most
powerful official at the court of Ikhnaton. He had been
vizier under the king's father, Amenhotep III;° he was
early won over to the Aton faith, and the particular value
of his tomb lies in the fact that we may trace in it this con-
version of Ramose at a time when -1khnaton still called
himself Amenhotep, and still permitted references to Amon
and "the gods." This last term, as well as the name of
Amon, haibeen expungedb at a later date. The materials in
the tomb are as follows:
Relief Scenec
938. A king sits enthroned on the right, his face and
figure executed in the usual conventional style; behind him
the goddess Mat; before him, with upraised arms, Ramose.
aIt must be the same Ramose who, in an inscription on the island of Sehel,
is called: "Hereditary Qrince, the two eyes of the king in the whole land, governor
of the (residence) city and vizier, Ramose" (Brugsch, Thesaurus, V , 1216, gg=
de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments, I, 90, No. 79). See also Wiedemann,
Recueil, 17, 9; Mariette, Monuments divers, 70, No. 21; ibid., 72, No. 50; and
Petrie, Season i n Egypt, 13, No. 334.
bThis expungement is very significant; for it is not the name of a particular
god, but the word "gods," which is expunged. I have found this same erasure of
the word "gods" at Karnak in the long offering inscription of Amenhotep I11 on
Pylon 111, and in the Coronation Inscription of Thutmose 111; also on a number
of Eighteenth Dynasty monuments in European museums. With this fact com-
pare the erasure of the gods' names at Karnak as noted by Lepsius: "Auch hier
[Temple of Ptah, northern Karnak] waren die Namen des Ptah und Amon wie
auch der Hathor und ihre Figuren alle ausgekratzt; so auch auf dem Architrav
der Thiire die Namen des Ptah. Ebenso sind shmtliche Gotter im Tempe1
zu Med. Habu und in dem hinteren Theile des grossen Tempels von Karnak
ausgekratzt; die Gotterverfolgung muss also nicht nur dem Amon gegolten haben,
sondern vie1 allgemeiner gewesen sein."--Lepsius (Denkmiiler, Text, 111,8 ; read
also end of section), and see ibid., 31. By comparing Leyden Stela, V, 26, and
Vienna Stela, 53, it will be seen that the wife of a certain "overseer of the cattle of
Amon" was a "musician of Upwawet;" but when her husband became "arerseer
of the cattle of the house of Aton," she was obliged to drop her title (see Baillet,
Notice sw la collection igyptienne de 1'Abbi Desnuyers, 40, and Recueil, 23, 144;
also Bergmann, Recueil, IX, 42). The persecution therefore included all the gods.
See Breasted, Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache, 40, 108-10.
CInner wall. first chamber, left of door.

939. The accompanying inscriptions are:

Over the Kinga
King of Upper and I ~ w e rEgypt, Lord of the Two Lands, - re,
giver1 life, Son of Re, his beloved, Amenhotep, God, Ruler of Thebes,
great: in his duration.
Over Mat
Mat, daughter of Re, presider over the palace, mistress of heaven,
ruler of the gods. She gives myriads of years.

Over Ramoseb
940. Utterance of the governor of the (residence) city, the vizier,
Ramose, triumphant, for the benefit of thy ka: "An adjuration to thy
father, ' Harakhte-Rejoicing-in-the-Horizon,in his name: Heat-Which-
is-[in]-At~n,'~that he may praise thee, that he may love thee, that he
may establish thee, that he may give to thee myriads of years (so that)
thy annals may be jubilees; that all lands may be under thy feet, that
he may fell thy foes, dead or alive; that all joy may be with thee, all
health with thee, all life with thee, and that thou mayest abide upon
the throne of Re forever."
Relief S c d
941. Under the radiating sun-disk stand a king ande
queen, worshiping, all in the peculiar Amarna style. They
are in a building, doubtless a part of the Theban Aton-
temple. Outside are groups of bowing officials.
942. The inscriptions are these:

aIn two lines; a third mutilated line is omitted above. Over the king's head
is also the winged sundisk, with its usual inscription: "The Edfmn ( H o r w )
great god, etc." This disappears entirely during the later Aton movement.
b"I'his entire speech of Rainose to the king appears twice over his head, with
slight variants.
cThis and the mention in the Silsileh inscription are the earliest occurrences
of Aton's name; it is not yet in the cartouche.
%ner wall, first chamber, right of door.
T h e r e are no children present as usual in such scenes so common at
Amarna. This is perhaps another indication of the early date of this tomb in the
By the Sun-Disk
a6'Harakhte-Rejoicing-in-the-Horizon;in his name: Heat-Which-
is-in-Aton," residing in "AtonJis-Found~-in-the-House-of-Aton.~~b
By the King
Lord of the Two Lands, Nefer[khepru]re- -, given life, Lord of
Diadems, Amenhotep, God, Ruler of Thebes, great in his duration.
Over the Queen
Great King's-wife, his beloved, Mistress of the Two Lands, - -
living, flourishing.
943. These two reliefs show, first: that the Aton faith
was in full swing under an Amenhotep whose prenomen
begins like that of Ikhnaton; second, a king with the
unmistakable features of Ikhnaton, worshiping the latter's
peculiar god, appearing in public with his queen, as only
Ikhnaton did, bears the name "Amenhotep." This .is
proof positive of the identity of Ikhnaton and Amenhotep
944. The remaining reliefs illustrate the high favor of
Ramose with the king.
The king stands at the left holding audience;! before
him in successive moments appears Ramose, kissing the
earth, kneeling, standing decorated with gold, departing
with servants bearing the gold collars just received from

*The god's two names are here in cartouches.

bThis is the name of the Aton-temple at Thebes, in which the reliefs represent
the king and queen as standing. The phrase "red image of Aton" (Bouriant, Lc
Tombeau ak R a m & ct Chgkh-abd+l-Gourmh, p. 7) is due to reading the bird here
as the "red" bird (dfr),but even then the translation is impossible, for the word
"image" is lacking. "Gem-Aton" is of uncertain meaning, but the name was also
applied by Ikhnaton to a new city founded by him for the Aton-worship in Nubia,
in the central cataract region. This Nubian city survived a thousand years under
the name "Gem-Aton," and is mentioned several times on the Nastesen Stela
(see my remarks, Zeitschrijt fiis agyptisch Sprache, 40, 106 ff.).

the king, and finally issuing from the palace, when he is

met by congratulating friends, rejoicing and carrying
945. The inscriptions were very brief, and are now mostly
too fragmentary for translation, but the speech of the king
to Ramose contains interesting references to the origin
of the Aton faith, unfortunately much broken. I t is as
follows :
" &Thewords of Re are before thee, of my august father,
who taught me their hessencea, - - them to me. All that is, his -
since he equipped the land in order to rexaltl me since the
time of the god. I t was known in my heart, opened to my face, I under-
stood - - - -." .

946. The king is evidently referring to the revelation of

the Aton faith directly to himself. To this Ramose makes
the following remarkable reply:
'"Thy monuments shall endure like the heavens, for thy duration
is like Aton therein. The existence of thy monuments is like the exist-
ence of the heavens; thou art the Only One of [Aton], in possession of
his designs. Thou hast led the mountains; their secret chambers,
the terror of thee is in the midst of them, as the terror of thee is in the
hearts of the people; they hearken to thee as the people hearken."b
947. An inscription in the doorway might indicate that
Rarnose was later buried in this tomb; it runs thus:
"I have arrived in peace at my tomb, possessed of the favor of the
Good God. I did the pleasure of the king in my time; I did not dis-
regard a regulation which he commanded, I practiced no deceit against
the people, in order that I might gain my tomb (hr't), upon the great
West of Thebes."
aThese accompanying inscriptions are directly below the upper row, depicting
the decoration, and belong with a lower band connected with the same incident.
They are only in ink and very faded; I believe my copy of them is the first made.
They have never been published.
"ee similar idea, Rubban Stela, 1. 6 (111, 285).

But doubtless this language is only conventional, for

the tomb was never finished, and there is at Amarna the
tomba of a Ramose, perhaps the same man who has followed
his king to the new capital.
948. This tomb at Thebes is in arrangement, style, and
subject of reliefs exactly like those of Amarna, for which
it doubtless served as a model. The rich gifts to Ramose
which it depicts show how Ikhnaton gained his officials
to his cause, while similar scenes upon the walls of almost
every Amarna tomb show how he kept them faithful.


949. Having finally broken with the Theban priesthood
of Amon, Ikhnaton abandoned Thebes as capital and
royal residence, and determined to found a new city devoted
exclusively to the service of Aton, the new solar god. The site
selected for the new residence and holy city was about one hun-
dred and sixty miles above modern Cairo, on the east bank of

aNo. 1 1 in Daressy's list (Recueil, XV, 50); I copied the inscriptions in the
tomb (doorway, thickness, right hand), and they give this Ramose the titles:
"Commander of the army of the Lord of the Two Lands, roverseer of the White House1
of Amenhotep 111," which do not correspond with those of the Theban Ramose;
but the rapid and sudden changes of the time may have transferred him to the
head of the army. See also Wiedemann (Recueil, XVII, 9 , 10) who opposes the
bThese fourteen landmarks are huge stelie varying in size from K, which "is
5 feet wide and 8 feet 3 inches high," to U, which is " 144 feet wide and about 26
feet high." They are cut into the limestone cliffs, and the quality of the stone is
such that they have suffered extremely from wind and weather. No one stela
contains a completely preserved text, but by combining all those thus far published,
a complete text of the second class of stelae (the original six) was obtained. Pro-
fessor Petrie has lettered all these stelae on his map (Tell el-Amarna, P1. XXXIV),
and furnished the first complete account of them. I have followed his lettering.
Of the fourteen stelae (one more discovered since Petrie's map was made) I was
able to secure copies of eight, as follows:
I . A (northwest corner); Prisse, Monuments &gyptiens,XIV, 11. 20--2 j (end);
Daressy, RecueiZ, XV, 6 1 .
2. B (middle, west side, Gebel T h e ) ; Lepsius, DenknzdZer, III,gr, a-f (only

the Nile, at a point where the cliffs, suddenly retreating some

three miles from the river, and as suddenly approaching it
again, over five miles lower down, thus with the river inclose
a roughly semicircular plain about, three miles wide by five
miles long. I n this plain he built his new city," called
Akhetaton, "Horizon of Atort," but it was his design from
the first to consecrate and devote to the city and its god's
service a large domain around it.
950. For this purpose he established, above and below
the two points where the cliffs leave the river, a northern
and southern boundary line, the two being about eight miles
apart, and running from cliff to cliff clear across the Nile
valley, which here varies from twelve to seventeen and a
half miles in width. The boundaries were then marked
by fourteen splendid stelae cut into the cliffs, some of them
being as high as twenty-six feet. As the cliffs formed a
natural boundary on the east and west, the northern and
southern lines were of chief importance; hence the east
and west ends of these two lines, where they struck the
cliffs, were marked by four large stelae cut in the rocks.
But., probably owing to the irregularity of the cliff lines,
another pair were placed opposite each other in the eastern
and western cliffs, midway between the northern and south-

reliefs and accompanying names, date, etc.); Champollion, Notices descriptives,

11, 3 2 1 f.
3. F (southwest corner); hand copy by Petrie.
4. J (southernmost on river front, east side); hand copy by Petrie.
5. K (just north of J); Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 110, b.
6. S (southeast corner); best preserved of all; photograph and copy by
Daressy, Recueil, XV, 52; Prisse, Monuments dgyptiens, XIII.
7. U (middle east side); Prisse, ibid., XII, and hand copy by Petrie.
8,. X (close by Shekh Sac fd, matching K on the south); recently discovered
by Mr. N. de G . Davies, to whose kindness I am indebted for a squeeze.
I'rofessor Petrie kindly placed his copies of F, J, and U at my disposal.
PThe modern name, "Tell el-Amarna," now universally applied to the locality,
is a corruption of "El Amarieh; " see Petrie, Tell el-Amurna, 2 .

ern linesa (U and B). Finally, the irregularity of the cliffs

forced the erection of no less than eight more, all on the east
side, chiefly where the cliffs are broken by incoming valleys,
across which the new stelae carry the line (total, fourteen).
It is not improbable that there are others yet undiscovered.
951. In form these stelae are practically all of one design,
showing at the top a relief scene in which appear the king,
queen, and either two or three daughters, standing before
an altar and adoring Aton, whose rays, terminating in hands,
extend to them the symbol of life. All, including the god,
are accompanied by their names in cartouches, and their
titles. The inscription, beginning in the relief-field with a
few vertical lines, continues below in horizontal lines.
On either side of the stelae were often altars with statues
of the king and his family.
The stelae (called "landmarks" in the translation) fall,
according to content, into two classes.
952. The first class is represented by two stelqb contain-
ing a detailed endowment of the god, probably not confined
to the gift of Akhetaton. They were of great length, con-
taining nearly eighty lines each, but are so fragmentary
that only a few detached phrases in the first half can be
953. After the date," the introduction, the account of
the king's first visit to Akhetaton, and the oblation, all being
identical with the beginning of the stela of the second class

aSee conclusion of Stela A ($971),which is different from that of the others,

and clearly defines the position of the original six stelae.
bThese two stelae (K and X) occupy important positions: one at the north
and the other at the south end of the semicircle, where the cliffs approach to the
river-bank above and below the city on the east bank.
cThe date is lost on X; in K, Lepsius, Denkmiiler, has "year 4," with signs
of weathering; but the month, which is the same as on all the second class of stelae
(which are all of year 4), shows that Lepsius, Denkmder, has misread 6 as 4.

(QO 959 ff.), these two stela proceed with a glorification of

the king :
All [lands], all countries, the Haunebu [come to him] bearing their
impost, their tribute upon their backs, [for] him who makes their life.
954. Then follows apparently the king's solemn assev-
eration, in which he proclaims the gift of Akhetaton to Aton :
His majesty raised his hand to heaven, to him who made him, even
Aton~,[rsaying: "This is my testimonyq, forever, and this is my witness
forever, this landmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I have made Akheta-
ton for my father as a dwelling.for -. I have [rdemarkedl Akhetaton
on it:s south, on its north, on its west, on its east. I shall not pass beyond
the southern landmark of Akhetaton toward the south, nor shall I
pass beyond the northern landmark of [Akhetaton toward the north1.a
. . . . . . . . . . . . .He has made its circuit for his own -; he hath made
his rialtar1 in its midst, whereon I make offering to him; this is it."
955. Then follows the statement that Akhetaton shall
be it new capital, where he will hold audience for all the
lancl (cf. 111, 63, Harmhab):
"The whole land [rshall come hither1 for the beautiful seat of -4khe-
tatorr shall be another seat, and I will give them audience,b whether
they be north, or south, or west, or east. . . . . . . . . .7,
956.After a short break, the text proceeds with the
building of the temple:
"I have made Akhetaton in this [place] - - - - - that he may
be satisfied therewith, forever and ever. I have made a temple of
Aton for Aton, my father, in Akhetaton in this [place]. I have made
- -- [for Aton], my father, in Akhetaton in this place. I have made
the 'Shadow-of-Re,' [for Aton, my father, in Akhetaton in this place]
............. 77-2

&Theonly two stela: bearing this text stand at the extreme north and south.
t~Lit.," hearing."
[Still another of these phrases follows here, but the object made is lost; pos-
sibly each refers to a different temple at Akhetaton, of which there were at least
three called ''Shadmu of Re" (see Q Q 1017 ff.).

957. From here on the text is in such fragmentary con-

dition that little can be made out. I t is probable that these
thirty-seven lines contained the decree endowing Aton
with lands and revenues outside of Akhetaton. This is
practically certain in the following fragment:
"As for my rground] in every town (rdmyl) of the north, of the south,
of the west, or of the east, it is my - -; it shall be brought - my
- for Akhetaton."
In 1. 45 "Kush" is mentioned, and it may be that the
decree here passes from the gift of lands in &t to those
in Kush.
958. The second class of stelae, of which there are twelve, a
are not so long, but to them belong the original six, three
on each side of the river, which were later increased to
twelve. After the date and titulary they record the king's
presence in Akhetaton on that day, on his first visit there
(11. I-4), his exploration of the city, and oblation to Aton
(11. 5-8) in celebration of the foundation of the city, exactly
as in the first class of stela ($8 952 ff .). The king then
proceeds to the southeastern stela (S), where, after a few
words in praise of his queen and the princesses, his daughters,
he declares the boundaries of his new city, marked by six
stelae, four at the eastern and western ends of the northern
and southern boundary lines (§962 and 8 964), and two
more (§963), one in the eastern and one in the western
cliffs, midway between the northern and southern boundary
lines. The size of the inclosure is then indicated (0 965),
aThey occupy both sides of the river, three on the west and nine on the east
bank. The three on the west are the three original stelae, matching three ,original
stelre on the east side, which were later increased to nine on the east side. The
northernmost of the original eastern three has never been found; X, at present
the northernmost on the east side, belongs to the first class, and not to the second
class, to which the original six belong. The six are: (I) on the west side: A, B,
and F; (2) on the east side: S, U, and the northeast stela still undiscovered. A
differs in its conclusion from the others (see B$g70-72).

and the whole is solemnly conveyed as a permanent gift

to Aton (8 966), the other landmarks being appealed to as
containing a similar record ($967), which will in all cases
be renewed in case it has suffered defacement or erasure
from any cause ($968). A later note ($969) in conclusion
records an inspection by the king in the year 8.

959. Year 6, fourth month of the second season, thirteenth day.

'Live the Good God, satisfied with truth, lord of heaven, lord of
Aton; live the great one who illuminates the Two Lands; live my
father; live "Harakhte-Rejoicing-in-the-Horizon,in his name: Heat-
Which-is-in-Aton," who is given life forever and ever.
:Live Horus: Mighty-Bull, Beloved-of-Aton; Favorite of the Two
Goddesses? Great-in-Kingship-in-Akhetaton;Golden Horus: Bearer-
of-the-Name-of-Aton; King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Living in
Truth, Lord of the Two Lands: [Neferkheprulre-Wanre;b Son of Re,
Living in Truth, Lord of Diadems: Ikhnaton ( Y > &-n-Ytn), great in
duration, agiven life forever and ever; Good God - whose beauty
Aton created, the really good-hearted toward I r s q C satisfying him
with that which pleases his ka, doing that which is useful for him that
begat him; Joffering the earth to him that placed him upon his throne,
supplying his eternal house with millions and hundred-thousands of
things, exalter of Aton, magnifier of his name; who causes that the
earth should belong to Irsu, 4Ikhnat0n.~

aIn Egyptian one word nb'ty, a feminine dual noun, with an adjectival ending,
so that the whole means "he who belongs to, or i s prot6g6 of, the two goddesses,"
but the word for the latter is not as prominent as in English; hence Ikhnaton
retained the old royal titulary without change, even including this somewhat com-
promising title, to preserve the old titulary complete. This is one of the few com-
promises with a traditional form by Ikhnaton. That he no longer retained a belief
in the two goddesses is shown by the fact that the vulture, which regularly appears
with wings outspread in protection over the heads of the other kings, is never
found with Ikhnaton, but it is replaced by the sun-disk enveloping Ikhnaton in its
bThe &st part is the Napkhurva of the Amarna Letters; the whole means:
"Beautiful i s the Being of Re; the Unique One of Re."
c Yr-sw = " H e that made"

dLast two names of the titulary are repeated in iull, as in 1. I.


Hereditary princess, great in the palace, lovely of face, beautiful in

the double plume, lady of joy, abounding in favor, at the sound of
whose voice there is r e j ~ i c i n g the
; ~ Great King's-Wife, his beloved, the
Mistress of the Two Lands, Nefernefruaton-Nofretete.
Founding of the City
960. Son this day one was in Akhetaton in the pavilion of rwoven
stum which his majesty, L. P. H., made in Akhetaton, the name of
which is: "Aton-is-Satisfied." His majesty, L. P. H., appeared upon
a great chariotb 6of electrum, like Aton, when he rises in the horizon;
he filled the Two Lands with his loveliness. On beginning the goodly
way to Akhetaton, at the first exploration of itc which his majesty, L. P.
H., made, in order to found it as a monument to Aton, according to the
command ?of his father A t ~ n who, ~ is given life forever and ever; in
order to make for him a monument in its midst. One caused that a
great oblation should be offered, consisting of bread, beer, oxen, calves,
cattle, fowl, wine, rgoldl, incense, all beautiful flowers. On this day
8was founded Akhetaton for the living Aton, that favor and love might
be received, on behalf of King I k h n a t ~ n . ~
King Goes to Southeastern Landmark
961. As one proceeded ssouthward, his majesty halted in his chariot
in the presence of his father Aton, upon the southeasternf mountain of
Akhetaton, while the rays of IOAtonwere upon him in satisfying life,
making youthful his limbs every day. Vivatg which the king, Ikhnaton,

acornpare the description of Mutemuya (British Museum Boat, No. 43),

"Filling the hall with the fragrance of h r h."See also Q 995.
bS has: "upon a span of horses (and) upon a chariot, etc."
cLit., "at the first time of finding it."
dThe full double name is used here and later.
eUnder the orthodox r6gime offerings were officially made " o n behalf of"
(hr d , d - ) the king (see Q 57). We see here that their specific object was " f a v m
and love;" of course, those of the god. It is this which is referred to in the stereo-
typed form of the royal oath: "As Re loves me, as Amon favors me." Cf. IV, 958D.
fThis stela (S), from which this translation is made, is at the southeast corner.
The other stelae vary the text to suit their respective locations.
-his rendering of the word C n b here is made certain by the introduction to
the second date (1. 25): "Repetition of the vivat (c nb)," followed by the date. The
full vivat is the 6 nb, followed by the entire titulary of the god, as we have it at the
beginning of the inscription; but to save space the second date is introduced merely
by the words: "Repetition of the vivat," which are thus a kind of abbreviation of
the full introduction.

spake: "Live my father, IIAton, who is given life forever! My heart

is joyous over the king's-wife and over her children, who bring long
life fora the Great King's-Wife, Nofretete, living forever and ever, lawith
the myriad of years. She is under the hand of the Pharaoh, L. P. H.,
who brings long life; the king's-daughter, Meretaton; the king's-
daughter, Meketaton, her children, being under the hand of the King's-
Wife, IJtheir mother, forever and ever. I t is my oath by the truth,
(namely), that which my heart shall speak; (and) that which I do not
speak is falsity; forever and ever.b
East and West Ends of Southern Boundary Lines

962. I4As for the tsouthern landmark, which is upon the eastern
mountain of Akhetaton, it is the landmark of Akhetaton, as far as which
I make a stand;c I shall not pass beyond it toward the south, forever
and ever.d IsThe southwestern landmark is made over against it,
upon the [western] mountain of Akhetaton, opposite.
Middle of Eastern and Western,Boundary Lines
963. As for the middle landmark which is upon the eastern moun-
tain of Akhetaton, it is the landmark of Akhetaton, far as which I
make a stand,c upon the eastern mountain of Akhetaton; I shall not
pass beyond it toward the east, forever and ever. The middle land-
mark which is upon the western mountain of Akhetaton is made over
against it, opposite.
East and West Ends of Northern Boundary Line
964. As for the northeastern landmark of Akhetaton, as far as which
I make a stand;c it is the northern landmark 'of A k h e t a t ~ n ;I~shall
not pass beyond it toward the north, forever and ever. The northern
landmark, which is upon the western mountain of Akhetaton is over
against it, opposite.

=Lit., "who cause that the great king's-w'fe N . should grow old," in a good
sense, meaning attain old age.
bThe divergent conclusion of Stela A begins here (see 5 970).
COr a "halt."
dThis formula, repeated on all the stelz of the second class (except A), may
be either a traditional one taken from the legal form used in establishingboundaries;
or it may be an extraordinary statement peculiar to this remarkable king, asserting
that he will never pass beyond the boundaries of Akhetaton, but remain within his
god's domain all his life.
=The order of phrases differs slightly from that in the preceding two clauses.

Area Contained
965. 18Now,as for Akhetaton, from the southern landmarks to the
northern landmarks measured between landmark and landmark upon
the eastern mountain of Akhetaton, it makes 6 iter, '91 khet, I half-
khet, I quarter-khet,a and 4 cubits. Likewise, from the southwestern
landmark of Akhetaton to the [nnrthlwestern landmark upon the west-
ern mountain of Akhetaton, it makes 6 iter, I khet, I half-khet, I quarter-
khet, and 4 cubits; being the same on both sides.
Deed of Gift to Aton
966. 1°Now, as for the area within the four landmarks, from the
[eastern] mountain [to the western mountain ofb] Akhetaton opposite,
it belongs to my father, Aton, who is given life, forever and and ever;
whether mountains, llor cliffs, or marshes, or '-1" or uplands, or
fields, or waters, or towns, or shores, or people, or cattle, or trees, or
anything 22whichAton, my father, has made, . ... . . .
. . I have made
it for Aton, my father, forever and ever.
Citation of the Other Landmarks
967. Moreover, l3it is recorded upon the landmark of stone, at the
southeastern limit, and at the northeastern limit of Akhetaton likewise.
I t is recorded upon the western landmark of stone, at the southwestern
limit likewise - - "of A k h e t a t ~ n . ~

aThe khet (&) contained roo cubits, but the iter varies in different localities;
here it can be computed, for it is clear that these measurements concern only the
original six stela:, the only ones known to the maker of this text. There is no doubt
regarding which stela: are meant, as some have averred. The discovery of the
northeastern stela, high above the river at Shekh Sac fd, by Mr. Davies, gives
us the northern terminus on the east side for the first time. Previous calcula-
tions, starting at the next stela southward (V),have been based on too short a
total measurement. The discovery of the Shekh Sacfd stela makes the east and
west sides of Akhetaton of about the same length as the stela states they were,
viz., some 45,830 feet, roughly, over 8b miles. This makes the iter here used
equal some 4,400cubits, or 7,587feet =roughly, IZmiles. This is longer than the
iter as given by Gri5th (Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology, X V I
3034, and Sethe (Untersuthungen, 11, 3 , 11) could now strike out his minimum
of I ) km. But these calculations antedate the discovery of the northeast stela,
which was also unknown to Levy, Recud, XVI, 162-72. See also Loret, Sphinx,
VII, and Sethe, Zei$schri!t fur agyptische Sprache, 41, 58-60.
bThe word "opposite" renders the restoration practically certain.
cM wt, a kind of land.
dFor some reason, perhaps by oversight, the northwestern corner is omitted.

Permanence of the Record

968. I t shall not be erased, it shall not be washed out, it shall not
be abraded, it shall not be encumbered with detritus, [it] shall not be
- If it should disappear, if it should wear away, if asthe stela upon
which it is, should fall, I will restore it again anew in this place in
which it is.
Inspection Tzoo Years Later
969. Repetition of the ~ i v a t . I~n the year 8, in the first month of
the second season, the eighth day, a60ne (i. e., his majesty) was in
Akhetaton; the Pharaoh, L. P. H., halted, shining in the great chariot
of electrum, while inspecting these landmarks of Aton, which are in
the eastern mountain, at the southeastern limit of Akhetaton, estab-
lished forever and ever for the living Aton.
970. The stela at the northwest corner (A) follows the
conventional text of all the other stelze of the second class
for thirteen lines,a but then proceeds with the position of
the stelae, the demarcation, etc., in a form quite different
from all the others of the second class. I t runs thus:
Landmarks and Boundaries
971.Said the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, [Neferkheprure-
Wanre], Son of Re, living in truth, Ikhnaton, great in his duration,
when setting up these landmarks 21- - - (cartouche) given life,
forever and ever: "As for these [6" landmarks] which I have set up at
the boundaries of Akhetaton, the 3 landmarks upon the eastern moun-
tain of Akhetaton, together with the 3 landmarks opposite them: aa[the
southern landmark which is upon the eastern mountain ofId Akhetaton
as far as the [landmark upon] the western [mountain] of Akhetaton
shall he for the southern boundary of Akhetaton; the northern land-

aSee above note on 1. 10, Q 961.

AS numbered on Stela S.
cThe numeral is broken away, except two strokes.
dThe restoration is clear from the word "likewise" at the end of the definition
of the northern boundary (1. 23); Daressy has not left room for it in his publication,
but the length of other lines (like 24) shows that enough is lost for this restoration.
The northernmost and southernmost eastern and western stelae form the eastern
and western termini of the northern and southern boundaries.

mark which is upon the eastern mountain of Akhetaton, 'sgoing to the

landmark [upon] the western [mountain] of Akhetaton, shall be the
northern boundary of Akhetaton likewise; the middle landmark which
is upon the eastern mountain of Akhetaton, likewise the middle land-
mark which is opposite it upon the western mountain of Akhetaton."a
Deed to Aton
972. "Now, as for the width of Akhetaton, mountain to mountain
'4frorn its eastern horizon to its western horizon, it shall belong to my
father, A t ~ n given
, ~ life, forever and ever; whether its mountains, or
its cliffs, - - -, or its -, or ail its people, or all its cattle, or anything
which Aton causes to exist, upon which his rays shine, asor anything
--- of Akhetaton, they shall belong to my father, the living Aton,
for the temple of Aton in Akhetaton, forever and ever. They shall be
offered to his ka, the beautiful rays receiving them 9,


973. The presence of Ikhnaton's architect and master-
sculptor at Assuan is, of course, to be explained by the fact
of the quarries there, from which he was taking stone for
the temples at A k h e t a t ~ n . ~It therefore bears the same
relation to the Amarna temple as the Silsileh quarry inscrip-
tion bears to the Theban Aton-temple. The expungement
of Ikhnaton's figure from the relief shows that the persecu-
tion of his memory was extended as far south as the cata-
ract," and the fragments found at Memphis,' Heliopoli~,~ and

aThis list gives the position of all the six stelae and the limits thus marked;
the territory thus inclosed is then taken up.
bOnly the god's double cartouche is preserved.
C u t on the rocks at Assuan; published by Mariette, Monuments divers, 26, u
-de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments, I, 40, No. 174. Neither is accurate,
and the relief faces opposite directions in the two publications.
dSee tomb of Hui, $8 1016 ff. ?See also $896.
fSee "On Some Remains of the Disk Worshippers Discovered at Memphis,"
by Sir Charles Nicholson, Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature (Read,
May 20, 1868); and ibid., VIII, 308; also Bouriant, Recueit, VI, 52, 5 3 .
g~ouriant,Recueil, VI, 53.
the Delta cities, show the northern limit of the persecution.
The temple for which his Amarna architect labored has
been razed to the ground, like all of Ikhnaton's buildings
at Amarna, as well as elsewhere. The tablet is as follows:
Relief Scene
974. Before an altar, embraced by the hands terminating
the rays of the sun which is above it, stands Bek at the right
in gala costume, with a large bouquet of flowers. The space
before Bek, on the left of the altar, contained the figure of
Ikhnaton, as the inscription over Bek shows; but this
figure has been obliterateda by the king's enemies. The
scene is accompanied by the following inscriptions:
On Each Side of the Sun
975.--b Living, great Aton, celebrator of jubilees, lord of
heaven, lord of earth, lord of every circuit of Aton, lord of the house of
Aton in Akhetaton.
Over Bek
Giving praise to the Lord of the Two Lands, obeisance to Wanre
(Ikhnaton), by the chief of works in the Red M ~ u n t a i n the
, ~ assistant
(br- 9 whom his majesty himself taught, chief of sculptors on the great
and mighty monuments of the king, in the house of Aton in Akhetaton,
Bek (Bk), son of the chief of sculptors, Men (Mn), born of the matron,
Royenet (R -yn' t).
976. Beside this relief appears Bek's father, "Men, chief
of works irt the Red Mountain, chief of sculptors on the great
and mighty monuments of the king," presenting a food-
offering to a statue of Amenhotep III,d under whom he, of

aThe left half of the relief, which doubtless contained more inscriptions, and
another figure is weathered off.
bTwo cartouches, with content erased. They, of course, contained the god's
two names
CSee I, 493, 1. 15, note.
dThis is not necessarily an apotheosis of Amenhotep 111, as has been supposed,
and is therefore not in conflict with the Aton cult.

course, held the offices which his son inherited. T o the

titles of these offices, when inherited by Bek, he added the
necessary phrases to make them fit the new regime of
Like all ancient Egyptian cities, the life of Akhetaton,
so much of it as has survived, must be sought - rather in the
city of the dead than in the city of the living; and far more
of Akhetaton has survived in its cemetery than in its streets.
The tombs are themselves the product of the king's bounty,
and we find frequent statement of this in such iemarks as
this of a relative of the deceased official: "We see the good
things which the Good Ruler hath done for his table-scribe
(Ani), commanding for him goodly burial in ,4khetaton."b
The tombs are themselves therefore tangible evidence of
the royal favor in claiming which, each of the owners of
these tombs has used so much space on their walls.
aThese tombs are cut into the limestone cliffs surrounding the plain of Amarna
on the east side of the river. They are twenty-five in number, and fall into two
groups, a northern (six) and a southern (nineteen). See Petrie's map, Tell el-Amarna,
P1. XXXV; and excellent description, Baedeker's Egypt, 1902,19599. The hymns
here translated are usually engraved on the thickness or edge of the doorway (see
Mariette, Voyage dans la haute Egypte, I , P1. V ) ; Davies, Amarna, I, 47, 48).
The relief scenes occupy the walls of the chambers. Neither scenes nor inscrip-
tions have ever been completely published. Lepsius published twenty-one plates
of selected material (Denkmder, 111, 91-111), the first basis for study of Amenho-
tep IV's reign. The French Mission Archhlogique au Caire spent a few days there
and published some new material (Bouriant, Mtmoires de la mission frawaise au
Caire, I , I ff.), but it is not reliable. Finally Daressy has furnished a useful
sketch of the tombs with some new material (Recueil, XV, 3650). Many scenes
have also appeared in the old publications (see list in Davies, Amarna, I, 3 ff.).
On the basis of the above publications I published a study of the hymns: De
Hymnis i n Solem sub Rege Amenophide I V Conceptis (Berlin, 1894). For the
following translations, I had also my own copies of all the hymns at Amarna, made
in the winter of 189495. A full and accurate publication of all the tombs has
been begun by N. de G. Davies, for the Egyptian Exploration Fund, and two
volumes have appeared.
bTomb of Ani (RecueiZ,XV, 45). Such a practice is very old (see e. g. I, 242 5.),
but is nowhere so frequently mentioned as at Amarna.

978. But the walls also carry graphic evidence of that

favor. Of the inscribed tombs at Amarna many show the
owner standing before Ikhnaton and receiving rich decora-
tions and gifts of gold. I t is clear that Ikhnaton was hold-
ing all his great officials faithful to his reform, only by such
means. These tombs contain, besides these scenes, many
pictures from the life of the town, as illustrated in the func-
tions of this or that official: the houses and gardens, the
palaces and temples, even such a scene as that of the chief
of the gendarmes bringing in prisoners. a All such scenes
have been studied, and their inscriptions as far as possible,
or useful, translated below.
979. The long inscriptions contain all that we know
of the Aton faith, in the form of hymns. These hymns
are of two classes: (I) those recited by the king; (2) those
recited by his officials. The hymns of the first class are
of chiefly religious interest, and contain almost exclusively
praise of Aton. Those of the second class, besides praise
of Aton, contain also encomiums of the king and queen,
mingled with an account of the reciter's faithfulness and
favor with the king, prayers for the king, as well as for
prosperity and "goodly burial" for the reciter himself.
Facts of historical importance are thus brought out. These
hymns, therefore, have been included herein as historical
documents; but the hymns of the first class, although they
contain the religious ideas which characterized a great
historical movement, have not been translated here.b
980. The following six hymns of the second class include
all such hymns not too fragmentary for translation. Nu-
aTomb of Mahu.
bThe longer will be found in the author's De Hymnis i n Solem sub Reg8
Amenophide ZV Cortceplis, with Latin translation, and thence translated by Grif-
fith in Petrie, History of Egypt, 11, 215-18, and in the author's History of Egypt
(New York, 1905); and also in the section devoted to religion, which will later
appear in this series.

merous short and mutilated hymns, not included here, have

been studied and employed wherever applicable or useful.
The relief scenes, wherever accompanied by historically im-
portant inscriptions, have likewise been employed.
Tomb of Merire II
981. One of the most important scenesaat Amarna, unac-
companied by inscriptions, is in the tomb of Merire 11.
I t shows Ikhnaton, his queen, and six daughters, in a kiosk,
or covered dais. The king and queen enthroned side by
side have just stepped from their sedan chairs, which are
set down before the dais. With trumpet sounding, Egyp-
tian troops defile before them, and on either side of the
military appear foreign embassies with their tribute: Nubi-
ans, Syrians, Libyans, and especially Hittites, who are here
depicted for the first time on an Egyptian monument. They
bear elaborately decorated vessels, undoubtedly of gold and

982. The reliefs and inscriptions in this tomb are of
unusual interest. The king, proceeding to the temple of
Aton, is shown riding in his chariot, accompanied by four
daughters, by soldiers and officials.' Before its door are
the priests, who greet him with cries of "Welcome!" and one

aIn tomb No. 2 (northern group), belonging to a certain Merire (not to be

confused with Merire of tomb No. 4, who is earlier: Davies, Amarm, I), whom
we call Merire 11. Published from a sketch by Nestor l'HGte, in AmBineau, His-
toile de la sipulture, P1. XCVI; and in Davies, Amarna, 11,Pls. XXXVII-LX, 38-42.
bA cliff-tomb (No. 4) in the northern group of Amarna (Lepsius, No. 3); par-
tially published by Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 92-97,d; superb sketches by Nestor
l'HBte, in Amglineau's Histoire de la sipulture, 11, P1. 85, 92.; plans, also Prisse,
Histoire de Part tgyptien, and often, e. g., Erman, Life in Ancient Egypt. The
entire tomb has been published by Davies, Rock Tombs of El .4mrnu, Part I,
"Tomb of Meryra" (London, 1903) I had also my own copies.
Davies, Amarnu, I, Pls. X-XX.
b 9841 -

may distinguish a reference to "the first impost of Aton

in the Aton-temple in Akhetaton." The occasion is, therefore,
the celebration of the reception of the first dues of the god
in the new capital; hence the templea shows a richly crowded
altar in the court and many chambers filled with food and
drink. Such scenes are naturally depicted in the tomb
of Merire, who was "High Priest" or "great seer" (wr-m'),
of Aton-a title adopted from the sun-temple of Heliopolis.
His appointment to this exalted office is recorded in the
tomb. The king, with the queen and daughters, is shown
upon the balconyb of his palace before which appear Merire
and his friends, acclaiming the praise of the king and queen:
983. "He trainsC the youth and the generation^;^ the good ruler!
As surely as the Aton rises, he shall be forever."
The "great seer" of the Aton in the Aton-temple in Akhetaton,
Merire, triumphant, says: "How numerous are the things which the
Aton is able to give, satisfying his heart."
984. A lady of the household of Merire, named Tenr,
doubtless his wife?sings praise of Aton and the royal family:'
"Thy rising is beautiful, 0 f'Living-Sun, Horizon-Ruler, Rejoicing-
in-the-Horizon: gin his name: Heat-Which-is-in-Aton,'g who is given
life, forever and ever. 0 living Aton, beside whom there is no other,
who heals the eyes with his rays, the maker of all things that are. When

aFor an account of these representations of the Aton-tem~le,see especially

Erman, Life i n Ancient Egypt, 285 ff.
blepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 97, b; only the edge of the balcony is shown in
Lepsius, Denkmaler, without the royal pair. T h e complete scene is published by
Davies, Amarna, I, Pls. VI-VIII.
cS'&r, see 111, 565. dOr : " classes" (d mw) ; see IV, 402.
eLepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 97, a; Davies, Amama, I, xxxvi: she does not
belong to the company before the king, but her words well suit the occasion, espe-
cially her reference to the queen's presence beside the king. Her hymn or song
was common property, for much of it appears also verbatim on the tomb doorposts
of Ahmose ($9 1004 ff.),and assists in correcting the errors in this tomb of Merire.
I had also my own copy, but the inscription has been much mutilated since Lepsiu$
fFirst cartouche. gSecond cartouche.

thou risest in the eastern horizon of heaven, to make live all that thou
hast made, even men, cattle, them that fly and them that (only) flutter,
and all reptiles that are in the earth, they live when they see thee, they
sleep when thou settest. Grant thou thy beloved son, living in truth,
Lord of the Two Lands, Neferkheprure-Wanre (Ikhnaton) that he
may live with thee forever, that the Great King's-Wife, his beloved,
Mistress of the Two Lands, Nefernefruaton-Nofretete, living forever
and ever, may be by his side, doing that which pleases thy heart, seeing
all that thou hast made every day. May he rejoice at the sight of thy
beauty; grant to him eternity as king of the Two Lands."
The great favorite of the Mistress of the Two Lands, Tenr (Ty-n-r'),
triumphant; she says: "Praise to thee, 0 pfashionerl of years, creator
of months, maker of days, reckoner of hours, lord of duration, by
[whom] reckoning is made. [Grant] thou thy duration as Aton, to thy
son, Wanre (Ikhnaton)."
985. The king proclaims from the balcony his appoint-
ment of Merire as High Priest ("great seer") of Aton thus:
King's Speech
*Said the king, living in truth, Lord of the Two Lands: Neferkhep-
rure-Wanre, to the "great seer" of the Aton, Merire: "Behold, I am
appointing thee for myself, to be 'great seer' of the Aton in the temple
of Aton in Akhetaton, rIrsu of thy belovedlb, saying: " O my hearer of
the call ($dm S), who hears the teaching. As for any commission,with
which thou art charged, my heart is satisfied therewith; I give to thee
the office, saying: 'Thou shalt eat the food of Pharaoh, L. P. H., thy
.lord in the house of Aton."'
986. In another scenec the reliefs depict further honors
received from the king by Merire. Leaning on his staff as
he stands before one of the richly filled magazines of the
temple, and accompanied by the queen and his daughters,

alepsius, Denkmder, 111, 97, b; Davies, Amarna, I , VIII.

b"1rsu" (Yr-SW),or "he that made him," is a circumlocution for fath he^,"
often applied to a god; "thy beloved" is the king himself. The whole is therefore
probably an epithet of the god meaning "father of the king." "Doing it for lovs
of thee" is an attractive rendering, but forbidden by the grammar.
clepsius, Denkmiiler, 97, e; Davies, Amamnu, I, xxv, xxix-xxxiii.
Q 9891 T H E T E L L E L - AMARNA TOMBS 407

the king commands that Merire be decorated with gold.

The fortunate official stands in'the royal presence with
arms upraised in praise, while attendants hang golden
collars upon his neck, and four scribes record the gifts.
The inscriptions furnish us with the wordsa of the king and
his favorite :
Words of the King
987. bSpeech of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, living in
truth, Lord of the Two Lands, Neferkheprure-Wanre, [to] the overseer of
the silver-house, [concerning] the officer (w ''w), "great seer " of the
Aton in Akhetaton, Merire: "Put gold at his throat and at his back, and
gold on his legs, because of his hearing the teaching of Pharaoh, L. P. H.,
concerning every saying inc these beautiful seats which Pharaoh has
made in the sanctuaryd in the Aton-house of Aton in Akhetaton, filled
with every good thing, with much corn and southern grain, the Atone-
offerings of the Aton."
Merire's Reply
988. "Great seer" of the .\ton in the Aton-temple in Akhetaton,
fan-bearer on the right of the king, favorite of the Lord of the Two Lands,
Merire; he says: "Health -, the beautiful youthfulness of the Aton;
grant that he may attain this age: set him forever and ever.

989. Eye, who afterward became king, has left a fine
scene in his tomb, showing the royal family on the palace

alepsius, Denkmaler, ibid.; Davies, ibid., xxx.

blepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 97, e; Davies, Amarna, I, xxx.
possibly "concerning" (hr). dH't-bnbn.
eThe old word, "god" (ntr), is evidently avoided here, for in the old term,
"divine offerings" (htp-ntr), we have ntr replaced by Aton, thus: htp-Ytn. There
was thus an evident attempt to introduce the word Aton in place of the old word
for "god" and "divine;" this accounts also for the term, "Aton-house (pr-Ytn)
of the Aton," where the old texts have Ht-ntr ("god's-house"=temple).
fLit., "make this age," viz., the age of the god; that is, may he live as long a
life as the god.
Cliff-tomb (No. 25) at Amarna (No. I) in the southern group; published by
Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 103-6, a, and 107, a-109. (These scenes [IO~, d-1091 are

balcony, throwing down collars and vessels of gold to Eye

and his wife Tiy. Unfortunately, the inscriptions such as
we find in a similar scene in Merire's tomb ($1982 ff.) are
here wanting. Only the comments of Eye's servants in
the rear of his house have been recorded. a Eye had received
a similar honor before his marriage with Tiy, and this is
likewise depicted in his tomb, but without inscriptions.
He was not an official of high rank, being only "Fan-bearer
on the right of the king, master of all the horses of his majesty,
his truly beloved scribe, the divine father, Eye ('y)." His
favor was doubtless due to his zeal in the new faith and his
marriage with Tiy, the "great nurse, nourisher of the god,
adorner of the king," that is, she had been Ikhnaton's nurse
in his childhood.
990. Further indications of his favorb are thus recorded:
I was one favored of his lord every day, great in favor from year to
year, because of the exceeding greatness of my excellence in his opinion.
He doubled for me my favors like the number of the sand; I was the
&st of the officials at the head of the people . . .. .
. . . . . . . I am a
rtruel witness, devoid of evil; my name has penetrated into the palace,
because of my usefulness to the king, because of my hearing his teaching.
0 everyone that liveth upon earth, every generation that is to be,
I will tell you the way of life. I bear you witness that I was praised
for what I said, I was rcontentl by reason of what I did; I was truthful
upon earth, making praise to the living Aton.

given by Lepsius as from a second tomb [No. 31 of the same man; this is an error
which has been perpetuated in the modern histories. Eye had but one tomb
at Amarna; it contains all the material given by Lepsius as from two tombs. See
Breasted, The Dial, Chicago, May I , 1897, 283.) The two long hymns were pub-
lished by Bouriant, Mtmoires de la mission fran~aiseat6 Caire, I, 2-5, and Daressy,
Recueil, XV, 46, 47; both are excessively incorrect. The following translation
(of Daressy's hymn) is based on my own copy of the original. Unfortunately, I
had not yet made these copies when I published my De Hymnis i n Solem sub
Rege Amenophide ZV Conceptis.
aErman gives an excellent description of the whole scene, Life i n Ancient
Egypt, I 19-2 I.
bLepsius, Denkmder, 111, 107, d.
8 9921 T H E T E L L E L - AMARNA TOMBS 409

Hymn to Aton and the King

991. lapraise to thee! When thou risest in the horizon, 0 living
Aton, lord of eternity. Obeisance to thy rising in heaven, to illuminate
every land, with thy beauty. Thy rays are upon thy beloved son.
Thy hand 3has a myriad of jubilees for the King of Upper and Lower
Egypt, Neferkheprure-Wanre, thy child who came forth from thy rays.
Thou assignest to him thy lifetime and thy years. Thou hearest 4for
him that which is in his heart. He is thy beloved, thou makest him
like Aton. When thou risest, eternity is given him; when thou settest,
thou givest him everlastingness. Thou begettest him in the morning
like thine own forms; thou formest him as thy emanation, slike Aton,
ruler of truth, who came forth from eternity, son of Re, wearing his
beauty, who offers to him the product of his rays; King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, living in truth, Lord of the Two Lands, Neferkheprure-
Wanre; the Great King's-Wife, Nefernefruaton-Nofretete; living for-
ever and ever.
Hymn to Aton and the King
992. 6The divine father, favorite of the Good God, fan-bearer at the
right of the king, master of all the horses of his majesty, truly beloved
scribe of the king, Eye. He saith: "Praise to thee! 0 living Aton,
rising in heaven. He inundates the hearts, and all lands are in festivity
because of his rising; their hearts 'are happy with the joy of their lord,
Irsub who shineth upon them. Thy beloved son presents truth before
thy beautiful face; thou rejoicest when thou seest him, (for) he came
forth from thee; son of eternity, who came forth from 8Aton, spirit of
his spirit, gratifying the heart of Aton. When he rises in heaven, he
rejoices in his son; he embraces him with his rays; he gives to him
eternity as king, like the 9Aton; Neferkheprure-Wanre, this god, who
made me, who caused my ka to be. Grant that I may be satisfied with
seeing thee without ceasing; this lord who forms like Aton; rich in
possessions IOa full Nile every day, making Egypt live. Silver and
gold are like the sand of the shore; the land awakens to mighty rejoicing
in his ka, the offspring of the Aton. Thou art eternal, Neferkheprure-
Wanre; living and sound art thou, for he begat thee."

SL.I contains the usual title: "Praise of Aton, the king and the queen," indi-
cating the content of the hymn.
bsee '8 9 8 5

993. "The divine father, etc., Eye; he saith: "I am the truthful one
of the king whom he created, the upright one of the Lord of the Two
Lands, useful to his lord, following the ka of his majesty, like his favorite,
who sees "his beauty when he 'appears' in his palace. I am at the
head of the princes, the companions of the king, the first of all the
followers of his majesty. He put truth in my body, and my abomina-
tion is lying. I know that Wame rejoices in it (truth), this lord, Iswise
like Aton, knowing the truth. He doubles to me my favors in silver
and gold; I am first of the officials, at the head of the people (rEyat).
t 1 I4the lord '-1 me. I have carried out his teaching."

Prayer for Self

994. "May I live praising his ka, may I be satisfied following
him; (for) my breath of life is in him, this north wind, this myriad of
high Niles every day, Neferkheprure-Wanre. IsGrant me long life in
thy favor. How prosperous is thy favorite, 0 son of the Aton! All
that he does endures and prospers, and the ka of the Lord of the Two
Lands is with him forever, so that he is satisfied with liie, when he
reaches 1601d age. 0 lord, who forms the people, and creates duration,
who performs the pleasant obligation to his favorite, (whose) heart is
satisfied with truth, whose abomination is lying. How prosperous is
he who hears thy teaching of liie, of life; he is satisfied with seeing thee
without ceasing, Itand his two eyes see Aton every day. Grant to me
a good old age like thy favorite; grant to me goodly burial by thy
command in my house, wherein thou commandest me to rest, in the
mountain of Akhetaton, the place of the favorite. May I hear thy
sweet voice 'gin the sanctuarya when thou performest the pleasant cere-
moniesb of thy father, the living Aton."
Prayer for King and Queen
995. "May he set thee forever and ever; may he endow thee'with
jubilees like the numbers of the shore, when measured with an ipet-rod;
like reckoning the sea when measured with I9zawets, (or) a statement
of the numbering of the mountains when weighed in balances; (or)
the feathers of the birds, *O(or) the leaves of the trees, in jubilees for the
king, Wanre (Ikhnaton), forever and ever as king; and *Ifor the Great

aH't-bnbn. bLit., "doest the pleasing things."


King's-Wife, his beloved, abounding in her beauty ;a her who sends the
Aton to restb with "*a sweet voice, and with her two beautiful hands,
bearing '3two sistrums, the Mistress of the Two Lands, Nefernefruaton-
Nofretete, living forever and ever. May she be by the side of *4Wanre
(Ikhnaton) forever and ever as the heavens abide *sunder that which
is in them. Thy father Aton rises in heaven, to protect thee every
day, for he begat thee."
Prayer for Self
996. Grant me to kiss the pure ground, to come forth in thy presence
with a7offerings for thy father, Aton, of that which thy ka gives. Grant
that '8my mortuary priest may abide and flourish for me, (as) for one
who is on earth following thy ka, '9rwho has been exalted1 for rmyl
name's sake, to the place of the favorites, wherein thou makest one to
rest. My mouth 3Ois full of truth, my name is mentioned because of it,
for thou hast commanded that I be like thy every favorite who follows
thy ka. May I go on, enjoying thy favor after old age.
For the ka of EyeCthe revered, who lives again.

997. Mai was one of the most powerful officials at the
Amarna court, as is shown by his titles:
Hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, sole companion,
-. - his Two Lands, commander of the army of the Lord of the Two
Lands, overseer of the "House-of-Sending-Aton-to-Rest;" king's-
attendant in his august barge, master of the suite behind the Lord of
the Two Lands, chief of all works of the king.
a& O 959, 1. 4.
bThere was a "house for sending Aton to rest," at Amarna, of which Mai was
overseer (mr). Here doubtless the vesper service in the daily ritual was held at
cHis titles, as usual in the original, are omitted above.
dCliff-tomb (No. 14) in the southern group at Amarna (not numbered by
Lepsius); published by Daressy, Recueil, XV, 38-41, where the name of the owner
of the tomb is stated to be illegible. I found his name twice; it is certainly Mai
( M c y). Daresky's copy is inaccurate; I have used my own for the translation.
The tomb is unfinished, but it contains, besides the above hymn (left doorpost), an
address by Mai (right doorpost), beginning: "Hear ye my speech, all ye people,"
in five columns, very faint, and still unpublished; and two prayers published by
Daressy, from which some of above titles of Mai are taken.

998. He has left a long hymn, containing some of the

most interesting references to the king and his "&"
which have survived to us.
Hymn to Aton
999. SaThy rising is beautiful in the horizon of heaven, 0 living
Aton, beginning of life. When thou risest in the horizon, thou fillest
the earth with thy beauty. Thou art beautiful, great, brilliant, high
over every hand. Thy rays 4embrace the lands, even all that thou hast
made. Thou art Re, and thou takest them all captive; thou bindest
them for thy beloved son.
Praise of the King and Akhetaton
1000.Thy rays are upon thy glorious emanation, the ruler of truth,
who came forth from eternity. 5Thou grantest to him thy lifetime and
thy years; thou hearest for him that which is in his heart. He is thy
beloved; thou makest himb like Aton; thy child, who came forth
from thy rays, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neferkheprure-Wanre,
who hath made for thee the mighty Akhetaton, 6great in loveliness,
mistress of pleasant ceremonies, rich in possessions, the offerings to
Re in her midst; at the sight of her beauty there is rejoicing. She is
lovely and beautiful; when one sees her, it is like a glimpse at heaven;
her number cannot be calculated. When the Aton rises in her, he fills
her with his rays, 'and he embraces his beloved son, son of eternity
who came forth from Aton, and offers the earth to him who placed him
on his throne, causing the earth to belong to I r ~ u . ~

Praise of Aton and King

1001.Every land is festive at his rising; they assemble, making
oblations to his ka, to Aton, rising in the horizon every early morning.
8Thyd son presents truth to thy beautiful face; thou rejoicest when thou
seest him, (for) he came forth from thee. Thou settest himy as king
like the Aton, Neferkheprure-Wanre, living and sound, like the Aton.

aL1. I and 2 contain the usual title ("Praise of Aton, the King and queen"),
which characterizes the content; although this does not contain any praise of the
queen, as in Eye (!a 989 ff.).
bRead sw, as in Eye, 8 991, 1. 4.
cSee 5 985, note. dOriginal has "his."

1002. Hereditary prince, count, wearer of the royal seal, sole com-
panion, 9- - his Two Lands, commander of the army of the Lord of
the Two Lands, overseer of the house of sending [the Aton] to rest, [Mai
(M y)] ; he saith:
"I am his servant, whom he created; upright for the Lord of the
Two Lands, one useful to his lord, who put truth in my body; (my)
abomination is lying. 1°1 know that the son of the Aton, Neferkhep-
rure-Wanre, rejoices because of it, (for) he hath doubled to me my
favors like the numbers of the sand. I am the head of the officials at
the head of the people (rby. t). "My lord has advanced me, (because)
I have carried out his teaching, and I hear his word without ceasing.
My eyes behold thy beauty every day."
Prayer for Self
1003. "0 my lord, wise like Aton, satisfied with truth. How pros-
perous is "he who hears thy teaching of life! May he be satisfied with
seeing thee, when he reaches old age. Grant me goodly burial, of that
which thy ka gives, in the house wherein thou commandest me to rest,
[in] the mountain of Akhetaton, lathe place of the favorites. 0 thou
Myriad of full Niles every day, Neferkheprure-Wanre, god, that madest
me, through whose ka rI1 live; grant that I may be satisfied with fol-
lowing thee without ceasing, 0 14child of the Aton. Thou art for eter-
nity, 0 thou Myriad of - - beseeching Wanre (Ikhnaton). How
prosperous is he Iswho follows thee! Grant him, that all that he does
may abide forever. May his lord give him burial, (for) his mouth was
full of truth."

1004. Ahmose was "real king's-scribe, his beloved, fan-
bearer on the right of the king, master of the judgment-hall.
steward of the estate of Neferkhepfzcre-Wanre (Ikhnaton)."

Cliff-tomb (No. 3) at Arnarna, northern group (Lepsius, No. 4); the hymns
are on the doorposts: left-hand, Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions, P1. VII (very bad),
and my own copy. I found this doorpost much mutilated since Sharpe's time,
and could not check all he copied. Right-hand: Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 98, a;
this doorpost is now so mutilated that I made no attempt to copy, in view of the
short time at my disposal.

He has left the usual composite hymn upon the doorposts

of his tomb.
1005. The two portions of this hymn, one introduced
by praise to the rising, the other by praise to the setting, sun,
form really one hymn, of the usual character above described
(8979). The introductory praise of the god, the king,
and the queen, is verbatim identical with the hymn of
Tenr (Q984), to which the reader is referred for the trans-
lation. Ahmose's hymn then proceeds with a tribute to
the universality of the king's power, as follows:
Praise of the King
1006. - - - rthe praise' of all that thou hast encircled.
presenting them to thy ka. sThy child whom thou thyself didst beget
----. The south, as well as the north, the west and the east,
[and the isles] in the midst of the sea 'jare in jubilation to his ka. His
southern boundary is as far as the wind, and (his) northern as far as
the shining of Aton. All their princes make supplication, whom his
fame has cowed 7through his beautiful ka, who makes festive the Two
Lands, who supplies the needs of the whole land. Place him witha
thyself forever, according as he has loved to behold thee. 8Grant him
very many jubilees of peaceful years. Grant him the love of thy
heart, like the sands of the shore, like the scales of the 9fish in the
river, (or) the hair I0of the cattle. . . . . . . . . May I be a follower of
the Good God until he assigns the burial which he gives.

Hymn to Aton
1007. bThy setting is beautiful, 0 living Aton, lord of lords, ruler of
the Two Lands, - - - in the peace of the Two Lands. The people
are in rejoicing before thee, giving praise to him who formed them,
doing obeisance [rto him who createdl them, r-1 to thy beloved son,
the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, living in truth, Neferkheprure-

bThe second portion (Lepsius, Denkmder, 111, 98, a, right doorpost) begins
here. It is clearly the second half of one hymn, the Grst half containing the praise
of god, king, and queen; the second chiefly the prayer of the deceased as usual.
g xoro] T H E T E L L EL- AMARNA TOMBS 415

Wanre (Ikhnaton). The whole land, every country in thy every circuit,,
at thy appearance shall make jubilee to thy rising and to thy setting
likewise, 0 god, living in truth before the eyes. Thou art the maker
of that which is not, the maker of all these things that come forth from
thy mouth.
Prayer for Self
1008. Grant to me advancement before the king every day, without
ceasing; goodly burial after old age, on the highland of Akhetaton,
when I have finished life in prosperity. May I be a follower of the
Good God, when he treads any place he desires; may I be the com-
panion of his two feet, for he trained me, when I was a child, until
[I] attained revered age in peace and joy, a follower of the ruler, when
he was at the feast, every day.

1009. Tutu (Tw-tw)was an imi-khentit (ynzy-bnty-t)in
Akhetaton. He was decorated with gold, like most of his
colleagues, and has recorded some remarkable statements
concerning his king in the following hymn:
Hymn to Aton and the King
1010.I- - - -b 0 Aton, given life forever and ever. As for
thy son, the king, living in truth, Lord of the Two Lands [Neferkhep-
rure-Walnre, thy child, who came forth from thy rays, thou establish-
est him in thy office of King of Upper and Lower Egypt, as ruler of the
circuit of Aton. Thou givest him eternity, as thou hast made thyself,
(for) thy son is thy emanation; spending for rtheel thy lifetime; Son of
Re, great in duration; Great King's-Wife [Nefernefrulaton-[Nofretete],
living forever. - - forever, Lord of the Two Lands. Thy rays

Cliff-tomb (No. 8) in the southern group at Amarna (Lepsius, No. a);

Lepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 107, a; Lepsius' squeeze of the same text; and my own
copies of the original. The tomb contains, besides the above hymn, also a long
and magnificent text (too long to be copied in the time at my disposal) and the
short form of the great hymn.
bThis beginning is apparently not a title, as in the other hymns, but a direct

are upon thy beloved son; thy hand carries satisfying life. Thy love
is great, immense, r-1, by thy august skin, when thou floodest heaven
and earth with thy beauty. (Then) thy son, who came forth from thy
limbs, adores thee, thou hearest for him that which is in his heart, (and)
thou doest according to that which comes forth from hls mouth. He
is thy beloved, thou makest him like Aton. Although thou art in heaven,
thy rays are upon [earth].a 3As thou begettest thyself every day without
ceasing, (so) thou hast formed him out of thine own rays to spend the
lifetime of Aton. When thou sailest the heavens, his eye [sees] thy
beauty, rejoicing with joy at beholding thee, 0 living Aton, (for) he is
thy favorite. Those who are under the heavens, even all that see thy
rays, - - -, for thou hast made them, that he might satisfy thy heart
therewith. 4- - - - great in duration.

Hymn to Aton
1011. I come with praise to Aton, the living, the only god, lord of
radiance, who makes light when he rises in heaven, who illuminates
the Two Lands. When he made to eve all that he created, he drove
away the darkness. When he sends out his rays, every land is filled
with his love. The herbage and the trees start up before thee; the
denizens of the water spring up at thy shining; all people arise in their
places. (When) [their limbsjb are washed [they takelb their clothing,
[they dolb all work, they make their products. Thou hast awakened
the Two Lands, when thou risest in thy form of living Aton. Their
mouths are lilled with that which thou givest. All small cattle rest
upon their herbage; thou expellest evil and hast given health. Every
one lifts himself up because thou risest: they have seen their lord (when)
he appears
Praise of the King
1012. As for thine only son who came forth from thy body, thou
embracest him with thy beautiful rays. 6- - - - - - in thy form
of Aton, every land trips to thy rising. Thy rays bear a myriad of
jubilees for thy son, living in truth, King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Neferkheprure-Wanre, my god, my fashioner, and my creator.

aRestored from Eye's great hymn (see my De Hymnis in Solem sub Rege
Amenophide ZV Conceptis, 19, v. 11).
bZbid., 34 and 36.
!10x41 T H E T E L L E L - AMARNA TOMBS 417
Prayer and Self-Praise
1013. Grant me that my eye may see him, that [my] hands may
adore him, that my ear may hear his voice, that his ka may be before
me without ceasing. I am the favorite servant, who p e a r s 1 his teach-
ing, and his marvelous things are in my body without ceasing. I will
speak truth to his majesty, (for) I know that he lives therein . . . . . .
. . . . . .I do not that which his majesty hates, (for) my abomination
is lying in my body, r- - -1. I have sent up truth to his majesty,
(for) I know that he lives therein. Thou art Re, begetter of truth;
thou hast given 9 . My voice was not [lifted up] in the king's
house, nor was my step too broad in the palace. I took not the reward
of lying, nor expelled the truth for the violent; but it was the truth
[which] I executed by his (the king's) might before me; I was mighty
through the ka of Wanre, I was honored with reward - - 1°- -
. . . . . . . I set not lying in my body ....... He glorified my teach-
ableness every day, because I so fully carried out his teaching, not
transgressing by any evil thing ". . . . . . . May I be one who may adore
his majesty; may I be his follower. Grant that I may be satisfied
with seeing thee . . . . and assign to me - burial "after old age - -
in the mountain of Akhetaton. . . . . . . . . .a

1014. InHuy we have the usual favorite of Ikhnaton.
His offices were responsible and important ones; for he
was " Overseer of the royal harem, overseer of the White
House, steward in the house of the '-1,' great king's-wife,
Tiy (Tyy)." The events depicted in his tomb are naturally
those connected with his offices. As "overseer of the White
House" he had charge of incoming tribute. A scened in
the tomb shows the king on a splendid throne-chair, borne
aL1. 12-15 are mere fragments, showing that the prayers usual in these hymns
form the conclusion.
Wliff-tomb (No. I) at Amarna, in the northern group (No. 7); published by
Lepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 100-102; sketches by Nestor 1'HGte in Amelineau,
Histoire de la sipulture, Pls. 100-103; and my own copies.
CSee 5 1017. dlepsius, Denkmaler, 111, 100, b.

on the shoulders of eighteen soldiers, and accompanied by

fan- and shade-bearers. The fragmentary inscription shows
that he is going to inspect the incoming foreign tribute of
the twelfth year.
1015. Year 12, second month of the second season, day 8. Live
my father, [ A t ~ n ]given
, ~ life forever and ever; [live] the Ihng of Upper
and Lower Egypt, Pkhnaton] and the Great King's-Wife, Nefernefruaton-
Nofretete, living forever, at the arrival - - - - the tribute of Kharu
( g 2-rw) and Kush, the west and east - - united in one head, the
isles [in the midst] of the sea - on the side -, the tribute - - - the
great storehouse of Akhetaton for receiving the impost of -, [that he
may give to] them the breath of life.
1016. As steward of the queen-mother Tiy, we see him
in charge of a feast,b doubtless in her house, at which she
entertains the king, his queen, and three daughters. On
another occasion Huy stands in the door of a temple ushering
into it the king, who is leading the queen-mother Tiy,
followed by the princess Bekateton and the court. Before
them are the words:
Conducting the great king's-wife, r-1, Tiy, to show to her her
" Shadow-of -Re."
1017. This sanctuary, called here "Shadow-~f-Re,"~is
the queen-mother's temple ; for besides being called " hers "
above, the titles of Aton in the same temple have twice
appended to them the words:d "ilz the 'Shadow-of-Re7 of
r-1,. the G~reatKing's-Wife, Tiy." I t is perhaps the smaller
of the two templesf found by Petrie at Amarna. As the
relief shows, it was magnifiqently equipped with colonnades,
statues, and cultus materials. Another temple of Aton,
erected by the king's-daughter Meretaton, is similarly
aTwo cartouches, contents erased. blepsius, Denkmder, 111, 100, c.
cSee Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, XV, 213,214.
alepsius, Denkmiiler, 111, 102.
euncertain title of the queen, also in the preceding inscription and in 5 1014.
fPetrie, Amarna, 7 and P1. XXXV.
referred to on an altar (?) blocka dedicated by the princess.
I t refers to Aton "in the 'Shadow-of-Re' of the king's-
daughter . . . . . . . IlIeretaton . . . . . . . . in the chamber
(called): 'Rejoicing-of-the-Aton' in the Aton-temple in Akhe-
1018.What was probably another sanctuary is referred
to in an unpublished hymnb from the tomb of Merire:
The singers and musicians are rejoicing with joy in the broad-hall
(wsb.t ) of the house:" Shadow-of-Re," thy temple in Akhetaton, the
place wherein thou art pleased.
This is probably the king's own official sanctuary, and
"Shadow-of-Revc is thus not a proper name, but a designa-
tion of any Aton-temple.d The temple of Aton at Heliopolis
was called "Exaltation -of - Re-in- Heliopolis."" This was
perhaps the first of the Aton-temples. Another Aton-temple
erected at Hermonthis,' was called : "Horizon - of -Aton-
(y 'bw ' t-n-ytn) -in - Hermonthis (,wwSm )." Still another,
in Memphis, was called simply: " The-House-of-the-Aton."g
aBritish Museum, 1000; from my own copy; published by Sharpe, Egyptian
Inscriptions, 11, 48; a!so Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 2d Ser.,
I , P1. 11; and Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaology, XV, 209-1 I.
bMy own copy; this passage is also found in the tomb of .4py, which fact enabled
me to correct the Merire passage, which is corrupt. The Apy passage uses "h't-
bnbn" in place of "Shadow-of-Re," as given in Merire's tomb. (Piehl, Inscriptions,
1st Ser., P1. CXCI =Bouriant, Me'moires de la mission franp-aise au Caire, I, 11, 12,
11. 6 and 7.) These passages show clearly that "Shadow-of-Re" is the name of the
Akhetaton temple, and not of the god's statue, as supposed by some.
CTemples called "Shadow-of-Re" were found in the sacred districts of all the
divinities of Egypt in the Twentieth Dynasty ( I V , 363). Such a temple is known
under Ramses I1 and also in the Twenty-first Dynasty; see Spiegelberg (Recueil,
17, 159, I&), who thinks these later ones were in the necropolis.
d o n the Aton-temples at Amarna and elsewhere, see my article in Zeitschrift
fiir agyptische Sprache, 40, 106 ff. [Later-too late for insertion above, I have
received the discussion of Davies (Amarna, 11, 20--28) on the Amarna temples.]
eTs-R c -m-Ynw, possibly also " Re-is -Exalted -in -Heliopolis" (Recueil, XVI,
123, CIX).
fRecueil, 23, 62.
gfjpiegelberg, Rechnungen, Taf. XVI, 1. 4; Mariette, Monuments divers, 56-
RougE, Inscriptions hie'roglyphiques, 54; fragments of inscriptions from this
temple are in Mariette, ihid., 34, e.
10x9. So little is known of the immediate successors of
Ikhnaton that the tomb of Huy, viceroy of Kush under
Tutenkhamon, is of the greatest importance. We know
that this king marked the transition from the Aton faith
back to Amon, having changed his name from Tutenkhatm
to Tutenkhamon;b but on returning to Thebes he extended
the temple of Aton." Nevertheless, he was forced by the
priestly party to begin the restoration of the monuments
defaced by Ikhnaton, and to recut the inscriptions and
dedications to Amon, which they b0re.d We might infer
that the Egyptian power in Asia was not wholly broken by
Ikhnaton's reform, in view of the rich tribute of Syria shown
in the following document; but see the remarks below.
That of Nubia naturally continued without interruption," as
the scenes in this tomb likewise indicate. These scenes
fall into three series:
I. Investiture of the Viceroy of Kush.
11. Tribute of the North.
111. Tribute of the South.
aHewn into the cliff of Kurnet-Murrai on the west side at Thebes; published
partially by Champollion, Notices descriptives, I, 477-80; by Lepsius, Denkmiiler,
111, 115-18; Lepsius, Denkmaler, Text, 111, 301-6; Bmgsch, Thesaurus, V,
1133-41; and Piehl, Inscriptions, Pls. 144, A-145; a good account of the scenes,
Baedeker, Egypt, 288,289. These scenes are among the most gorgeous and elabo-
rate of the Empire.
bThe old form, Tutenkhaton, occurs on a Berlin stela, No. 14197 (Ausfiihr-
Ziches Verzeichniss des B e r l i w Museums, 128); see Erman, Zeitschrift fur agyp-
tische Sprache, 38, 112.
fragments of his extension are now rebuilt in the pylon of Harmhab at Kar-
nak, Lepsius, D e n k d e r , 111, a-b; Bouriant, Recueil, VI, 51 ff.; and Piehl, Zeif-
schrift fur agyptische Sprache, 1884, 41. The name of Eye is found on similar
reused blocks also.
Gee 11, 896. eSee also XI, 896.
$10231 TOMB OF HUY 42 I


1020. The interesting and important ceremony depicted

in this series of scenes throws light on a number of obscure
points in the administration of Kush by the Pharaohs.
We here learn its limits, viz., from El Kab on the north to
Napata on the south. For Napata appears (Q 1025) the
important variant Karoy, thus locating this otherwise
unknown region, designated by the Eighteenth Dynasty
kings as their southern houndary.
1021. King Tutenkhamon is enthroned at the left in a
kiosk; before him are two lines of men in groups, repre-
senting successive incidents in the ceremony:
Reception of Huy
1022. An officer standing with back to the king receives
Huy as he advances, accompanied by several courtiers.
Tlle inscriptions are these :
Over the Ofier
The overseer of the White House; he says: "This is the sealCfrom
the Pharaoh, L. P. H., who assigns to thee (the territory) from Nekhen
to Napata."
Over Huy
1023. King's-son of Kush

Words of Courtiers
"Thou art the Son of Amon -;d he causes that the chiefs of
all countries come to thee, bearing every good and choice thing of their

PScenes and inscriptions copied by Erman, and published from his notes by
Brugsch (Thesaurus, V, I 133-41).
bThis had been already noticed by Erman (Aegypten, 666), and was not new, as
I supposed when I called attention to it in Zeitschrifl fur iigyptische Sprache, 40,108.
CReading the my-sign as the usual determinative of &m, ''seal;" see Piehl
(Inscriptions, I, 112,n. 5 ) .
Wartouche with name illegible.
Investiture of Hliy
1024. Huy stands before an officer who holds a small
object, perhaps an Ctui containing the seal, which is to be
delivered to Huy. No inscriptions. Immediately beside
this scene appears an official who extends to Huy the seal
of office. The inscriptions are:
Over Otficial
1025. PTakel the seal of office, 0 king's-son of [Rush].
Over Hzry
The office is assigned to the king's-son of Kush, Huy, from Nekhen
to Karoy.
1026. Another scene shows Huy's reception by his family
and officials (among whom are the "inspectms" (nudew ) ) ,
as he issues from the palace.
Over Huy
The coming forth, favored, from the court, having been appointed
in the presence of the Good God to be king's-.son and governor of the
southern countries, Huy. He accounts Khenthennofer, included under
his authority, to offer it to the Lord of the Two Lands, like every sub-
ject of his majesty.


1027. It is evident in this series that the administration

of Kush now requires two viceroys, for Huy's brother,
Amenhotep, here appears as "King's-son of Kush." For
reasons not evident in the inscriptions, these two viceroys
of the South appear presenting to the king the tribute of
the North. This circumstance looks suspicious. What
should the viceroy of Kush have to do with the tribute of
the North ? Moreover, we know from the Amarna Letters
that Egyptian power in Asia was at an end under Ikhnaton.
One might be inclined to think, therefore, that the frequent
8 10301 TOMB O F HUY 423

representation of the tribute of the South and North in

earlier Theban tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty induced
H~xyto add the tribute of the North as a pendant to the
tribute of the South which he actually collected. But it
should not be forgotten that one of Ikhnaton's successors
carried on war in Asia (111, 20), and this can hardly have
been any other than Tutenkhamon. He may thus have
been able to collect some northern tribute.
1028. King Tutenkhamon is enthroned at the left under
a splendid kiosk. Before him bows the viceroy of Kush,
Huy, behind whom comes a second viceroy of Kush, Huy's
brother, Amenhotep, bearing gifts. These two officials are
introducing four lines of Asiatics who bring a magnificent
array of tribute, chiefly gold and silver vessels, costly stones,
and horses.
1029. The following inscriptions accompany the scene :

Over Huy
King's-son of Kush, governor of the south countries, fan-bearer at
the right of the king, Huy ( H w y ) , triumphant; he says: "May thy
father, Amon, protect thee during rn-yriadsof jubilees (hb-$4. May he
give to thee eternity as king of the Two Lands, everlastingness as ruler
of the Nine Bows. Thou art Re, and thy emanation is his emanation.
Thou art h e a ~ e n abiding
,~ like its four pillars, the earth sits beneath
thee, because of thy permanence, 0 good ruler."

With A menlwtep
1030. Bringing in all the tribute to the Lord of the Two Lands,
the presents of Retenu (Rtnw) the wretched; by the king's-messenger
to every country, the king's-son of Kush, governor of the southern
countries, Amenhotep, triumphant.

aMeaning, as enduring as heaven.


With Vessels
1031.Vessels of all the choicest of the best of their countries, in
silver, gold, lapis lazuli, malachite, every splendid costly stone.

With an Ofiial Receiving Asiatics

1032. All the chiefs of the rnorthl countries r- -1; they say:
"How great is thy fame, 0 Good God! how mighty thy strength! there
is none living in ignorance of thee."
The chiefs of [all countries] that knew not Egypt since the time of
the god, are craving peace from his majesty that it may not be. "Give
to us the breath which thou givest, etc., (as below)."

Over Asiatics
1033. The chiefs of Retenu (Rtnw) the Upper, who knew not Egypt
since the time of the god, are craving peace from his majesty. They
say: "Give to us the breath which thou givest, 0 rlordl. Tell usa thy
victories; and there shall be no revolters in thy time; but every land
shall be in peace."

1034. In this series the two viceroys present to the king

the tribute of the lands under them. This ceremony took
pIace in the temple, from which Huy then goes forth to
embark for Nubia, and is received on his dahabiyeh by his
local officials, who have accompanied him to Thebes.
1035. King Tutenkhamon is enthroned as in the previous
scene, with Huy before him. In the king's presence a
magnificent array of tribute; chiefly commercial gold and
silver, gold and silver vessels, a charht, shields, and furniture.

aThe two n's (dative 2) are probably an error for one, viz., "thud we may tell,
bSee Lepsius, Denkmiiler, Text, 111, 301-6; where the inscriptions are much
more accurate than in the folio of Lepsius.
Q 10381 TOMB OF HUY 425

A second part of the scene shows Huy receiving three

lines of Negroes, and a line of Egyptians below. In the top
line of Negroes are children of the Kushite chiefs, among
them a princess in a . chariot drawn by oxen. The negro
chiefs wear Egyptian ~ l o t h i n gthey
; ~ bring similar tribute, and
also curiously decorated cattle. Behind all, we see six Nile
boats landing. With the exception of the king's names,
the inscriptions are confined to the second part of the scene.
Before H u y
1036. The arrival in peace - from the house of the hereditary
prince, count, (mry-ntr-) priest, king's-son of Kush, Huy paving
received1 the favor of the Lord of the Two Lands, [rwho ordered1 gold
[to be put] upon his neck and his arms. [How many are the3 examplesb
of thy favor, 0 Nebkheprure (Tutenkhamon)! One mentions them
(one) time (each) by its name; they are too numerous to put them into
Over the Upper Line of Negroes
1037. The chief of MiamC (My m), good ruler.d The chiefs of
Wayet (w y't).e The children of the chiefs of all countries.

Over the Middle Line of Negroes

The chiefs of Kush, they say: "Hail to thee, 0 king of Egypt, Sun
of the Nine Bows! Give to us the breath which thou givest. Men
live by thy love."£
Ovm the Egyptians
1038. The coming forth of the people of the king's-son, to receive
him, when he received the favor of the Lord of the Two Lands; (rfromJ)

aUnder Thutmose 111 they still wore native costume; see tomb of Rekhmire.
bLit., "Evamples upon very many examples, and great is thy favor, etc."
Country around Ibrim; see tomb of Penno (IV, 474).
dThe presence of these chiefs shows that the country was still under its native
rulers, and that the Egyptian administrative officers were not in sole control.
eAs in Champollion (Notices descriptives, I, 478).
fVery much the same inscription is over the lower row of Negroes (Lepsius,
Denkmiiler, Text, 111, 303).

the housea of the king's-son of Kush, king's-scribe, Amenhotep - -

living again.
They say: "0 ruler, L. P. H., good, mighty in creation, for whom the
sun rises; many are the things [rwhichl rhis two hands] [raccomplishJ."

Over the Boats

Arrival from Kush bearing this good tribute of all the choicest of
the best of the south countries. Landing at the city of the South
(Thebes) by the king's-son of Kush, Huy.

1039. Huy leans on his staff; behind him are the members
of his family; before him a richly decorated dahabiyeh with
sail spread, and another with sail furled, bearing a chariot
and horses. On the boats approaching Huy, are four
rows of offi'cials under Huy, followed by sailors and women
with tambourines. The inscriptions show that the presenta-
tion ceremonies depicted above have just been completed
in the temple, and Huy is now doubtless embarking for his
post. The inscriptions are these:

Over Huy
1040. The coming from the temple of Amon after the pleasing
ceremonies before him, to offer this land to thee? by the hereditary
prince, count, sole companion, great in @is office], great [in his ralnk,
great -, - king's-scribe, Amenhotep - -.

Over Huy's Family

The inscriptions are nearly vanished, but the words:
" H i s son " (twice); "his mother," and "his sister," may be

aThe door of the house from which they come is seen behind them; on it are
the cartouches of Tutenkhamon.
bThe change of person is difficult.
Q 1w:l TOMB OF HUY 427
Over Officials
1041. I. Deputy of Kush. 2. Mayor of Khammat (Soleb) 3.
Overseer of cattle. 4. . 5. Deputy of the fortres: (called):
"Nebprhepr]urea-Satisfier-of-the-G~ds,"~'Penno. 6. Mayor of "Satis-
fier-of-the-Gods." 7. His brother, [prophet' of -C Pin7 the fortress;
"Sa.tisfier-of-the-Gods," Mermose; 8. Priest of -,C residing in the
fortress: " Satisfier-of-the-Gods." 9.

aTutenkhamon's throne-name.
bS'htp-ntr ' w .
1041. Documents of this king are rare. This stela shows
the king, in relief at the top, offering flowers to " H a t h r ,
mistress of Hotep." The exclusive worship of Aton had
therefore been abandoned by him at this date, year 3. The
inscription records a gift of land by the king to one of his
officials, whose name is no longer visible, and to the latter's
wife, Mutnezmet.
1043. Year 3, third month of the third season (eleventh month),
first day, of King Eye,b given life, while he was in Memphis.
His majesty commanded to endow him with lands, a reward for the
king's- -, -,C and for his wife, Mutnezmet. I t was laid out in the
district called: "Field'-of-the-Kheta," in the fields of the "House-of-
Okheperkere (Thutmose I) " and the "House-of-Menkheprure (Thut-
mose IV)," a field of 154 stat.
The south is the " House-of-Men~heprure (Thutmose IV) ;" the
north is the "House-of-Ptah" and the "House-of-Okheperkere (Thut-
mose I)," between his '-1; the west is [rthe "House-of-Okheperkere
(Thutmose I)l"];* the east is the "House-of-Menkheprure (Thutmose
IV)" between his r-1.
There camee the chief king's-scribe, the steward, Ramose; the scribe,
Merire; - Thay. Command was given to the - attendant, Re, to
transfer it.f

aStela now in Cairo; found by the Great Pyramid, in the chapel of Pesib-
khenno; published by Daressy ( R e c u d , 16, 123) and from Daressy by Spiegelberg
(Rechnungen, 36).
bFull fivefold titulary is used in the original.
cThe lacuna contained the remainder of a royal official's title, and his name,
which latter ended in nf.
dThe land, as already stated, lay in the fields of the House-af-Thutmose I and
the House-of-Thutmose IV; the southern and eastern boundaries were formed by
the House-of-Thutmose IV,and the northern boundary by the Housed-Thutmose I.
Hence it is probable that the western boundary was also formed by the House-of-
Thutmose I, and that Daressy has overlooked it in his copy, owing to its identity
with the preceding boundary.
eAs witnesses? Spiegelberg renders "those who came," but the nt which he
renders as the relative pronoun occurs above, with the first, "his t 1 (nwy)," and
must therefore belong to nwy here.
*The land.
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