Retail MGT
Retail MGT
Retail MGT
1. Define retailing
According to Philip kotler, “Retailing includes all the activities involved in selling goods
or services to the final consumes, for personal, non-business use. A retailer or retail store is any
business enterprise wholesales volume comes primarily from retailing.
2. What do you mean by retailer?
Any organization selling to final consumers whether it is a manufacturer, wholesaler or
retailer is doing retailer.
3. Mention the functions of the retailer?
1. Providing an assortment.
2. Breaking the bulk.
3. Holding inventory.
4. Providing services
4. Define breaking the bulk?
To reduce transportation cost manufactures and wholesales shift cases of frozen dinner or
cartoons to retailers. Retailers when offer the product in smaller quantities tailor up to individual
consumers and households consumption patterns. This is called breaking the bulk.
5. Mention the roles of a retailer?
• Sells products and services to the customers.
• Attempt to satisfy consumer needs by having the right merchandise at the right place,
right price, when the consumer wants it.
• Providing markets for plats for sell their merchandise.
6. What are the opportunities offered by retailing?
1. Management opportunities.
2. Entrepreneurial opportunities.
Management opportunities:
The high competitive and challenging environment retailers are hiring and promoting
people with the wide range of skills and interest.
Entrepreneurial opportunities:
Retailing provides opportunities for people wishing to start their own business.
7. Mention the benefits of foreign investment in retailing?
1. Faster take up of modem retail formats.
2. Improved productivity and efficiency of the retail sector.
3. To improve quality of employment.
4. Investment in supply chain.
5. Reduced number of intermediaries.
6. Loyal prize for consumers.
7. Improved product quality and services for consumers.
8. What do you mean by holding inventory?
Holding inventory means the consumers can keep a small inventory of products at home
by maintaining an inventory retailer provides the benefits to consumers.
9. What are the services offered by the retailer?
The retailer serves the consumer by functioning as a marketing intermediary and creating
time, place and ownership utility for the consumer.
10. What are the challenges faced by global retailer?
o Emergence of new markets.
o Empowered customers.
o Technology enabled efficiencies.
o Rise of e age.
11. Define Haats, Melas and Mandis.
Haats are periodic markets that form a major part of the rural market system in India.
This is a location which witnesses a public gathering of buyers and sellers at fixed times and at
fixed location.
Melas are fairs, and they can range from commodity fairs to religious fairs. Virtually
every state in India has melas for which it is known; it is estimated that more than 25,000 melas
are held annually in the country. It is also estimated that the average outlets in every mela would
be more than 800 and the average sale per mela would be Rs.143 lakh.
Mandis are markets set up by the state government for the sale of agricultural produce
directly from the farmers. Close to 6,800 mandis exist in India and are believed to cater to a
population of 1.36 lakh.
12. Mention the rivers of retail change in India?
o Changing income profits.
o Diminishing difference bulk rural and urban India.
o Changes in consumption patterns.
o The emergence of young earning India.
13. Mention the evolution of retail in India?
a. Traditional formats
b. Established formats
c. Emerging formats
Unit - II
1. Define organized Retailing
Organized Retailing comprises mainly of modern retailing with busy lishopping malls,
multistoried malls and huge complexes that offer a large variety of products in terms of quality
value for many and makes shopping a memorable experience.
2. Mention the Evolution of Retail formats
1. The industrial Revolution.
2. The emergence of self – service.
3. The development of supermarkets and convenience stores.
4. Specialist stores, malls and other formats.
5. The rise of the web.
3. What are the fundamental principles of modern selling?
They fixed product prices before sale and that customers bought at the set prices.
The prices were determined on the basis of stock turns and the amount of profit that
would be generated from the product.
They departmentalized the products. Accounting systems were devised to determine the
contribution of various departments and this enabled them to drop unprofitable goods.
4. Classify the theories of Retail Development?
1. Environmental Theory
2. Cyclical Theory
3. Conflict Theory
5. What do you mean by environmental theory?
Retail institutions are economic entries and retailers confront an environment which is
made up of customers, competitors and changing technology. This environment can alter the
profitability of a single retail store as well as of cluster and centers.
4. Define shopping centre and mention the basic configuration of shopping centre?
It is a group of retail and other commercial establishments that is planned, developed,
owned and managed as a single property. The basic configuration of a shopping centre is a mall
and a strip centre.
7. Define Compatibility?
Compatibility: It refers to the location of the retail store which would enable a potential
customer to have a look at it.
19. Define Space planning and how it helps to determine the space availability?
Space planning helps a retailer to determine the amount of space available for selling and
for storage. It also helps to determine
The location of the various departments.
The location of the various products within the department
The pros/cons of specific locations
The relationship of space to profitability.
20. Define Aesthetics?
It takes it to consideration as the factors like:
Actual size
The colors
Textures Within the store to create particular look and feel of the store.
Fixtures are used for storing and displaying merchandise. They may be floor
fixtures or wall fixtures and are manufactured in various materials like wood, glass, steel and
Ex: fixtures include tables, racks, shelves, bins and other materials.
Flooring and Ceilings:
Floorings, ceilings and the walls work together in creating an image. Ceilings are
important because they house the air-conditioning and the lighting. Right lighting is necessary
for the merchandise to be seeing in its true color and form.a store may use different types of
flooring depending on the image that it strives to create. For example, a high priced jewellery
showroom may use carpets, while a supermarket would use flooring which is easy to maintain.
Lighting is a key factor of retail design. The lighting scheme to be adopted for the
store has to be decided upon keeping in mind the kind of products being sold in the store and
the target audience. Effective lighting is key to the sale of merchandise and it also helps create a
favourable first impression of the merchandise and its surroundings.
22. Define Graphics & signages and mention the classification present in it?
Graphics and signages inform the customers about the products, merchandise,
price and special offers and they also direct customers. Sign ages and graphics when used in the
store window, can compel customers to enter the store. It is common for many retailers to use
posters, photo enlargements and other graphics in the windows. When merchandise is placed
near such photos and sign ages, the look is enhanced.
Theme graphics
Campaign graphics
Promotional graphics
26. What do you mean by vendor managed inventory, CPFR, Cross docking?
Vendor managed inventory (VMI):
Wal-Mart & other retailers are counting on key suppliers to actively participate in
their inventory management programs. Procter & Gamble even has its own employee stationed
at the headquarters of Wal-Mart to manage the inventory replenishment of Procter & Gamble
products. Inventory wide, this practice is known as vendor managed inventory.
. CPFR: (collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment:
Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment, or CPFR, is one of the
hottest buzzwords in the chin context. By aligning the forecasts of a retailer and vendor. CPFR
offers the opportunity to increase in-stock positions, gross margins and sales, while reducing
inventory investments and stock-outs.
Cross Docking:
Cross docking is the function of warehouse or distribution centres, which was
introduced by Wal-Mart. Cross docking is a system in which the vendors ship merchandise to a
distribution centre, pre packed in quantities required by each store.
27. Define logistics?
Logistics as that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and
controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and
related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet
customers’ requirements.
Customer service is a task, other than pro active selling that involves interactions
with customer in person or by telecommunications, mail or automated process. It is designed,
performed and communicated with two goals in mind: operational productivity and customer
Customer satisfaction: It is how the customers measure externally, the service performance of a
firm. An important key to customer satisfaction is obtaining customer feedback. The aim of
customer satisfaction is to identify the gap between the customer’s perception of service and
actual service.
30. Explain the three ways of increasing value through benefits?
Value improvement
Value extension
Value extension
31. Define service gap, knowledge gap, standard gap, delivery gap, communication gap?
Service Gap: The service gap is the gap between customers expectation of service and their
perceptions of the service actually delivered.
Knowledge gap: It is the difference between what consumers expect of a service and what the
management believes the consumers expect.
Standard gap: It is the difference between what the management perceives the customers to
expect and the quality specifications set for service delivery.
Delivery gap: It is the difference between the quality specifications set for service delivery and
the actual quality of service delivered.
Communications gap: It is the difference between the service that the firm promises it will
deliver through its external communications and the service that it actually delivers.
33. Define the Purchaser- purveyor matrix and mention the loyalty marketing strategy?
Price is an integral part of the retail marketing mix. It is the factor which is the
source of revenue for the retailer also the price of the merchandise communicated the image of
the retail store to the customers.
The markup price is the difference between the cost of the product and the final
selling price. The markup can be in rupee terms or can be in terms of a percentage.
Cost-oriented pricing, a basic markup is added to the merchandise to arrive at the price.
Retail price = cost + markup
Cost = Retail price – Markup
Markup = Retail Price – Cost
Demand oriented pricing focuses on the quantities that the customers would by at various
prices. It largely depends on the perceived values attached to the products by the customers.
Competition oriented pricing, when the prices adopted by the competitors play a key role in
determining the price of the product, it is said that Competition oriented pricing.
1. Retail inventory management: (RIM)
It is acquire and maintain a proper merchandise assortment while ordering,
shipping, storing, displaying, and selling costs are kept in check.
Inventory levels
Merchandise security
Reverse logistic
Inventory analysis.
Employee theft
Customer shoplifting
6. Reverse logistics:
It encompasses flows that go from the retailer through the supply channel. It
typically involves items returned because of damages or defects, or less-than-anticipated retail
7. Inventory analysis:
Inventory status and performance must be analyzed regularly to gauge the success
of inventory management. Recent advances in computer software have made this action more
accurate and timely.
The main demerit of the retail method is the bookkeeping burden of recording a lot of
cost and price data.
Cost complement is an average figure based on the total cost of merchandise available for
sales and its total retail value.
6) Reporting to management
• It can also help in repositioning the store carrying nationally advertised brands
Incremental method
18. Define sales promotion and how it is aimed at consumers:
Sales promotion can be defined as a paid non personal form of communication, that
incentives customer to visit a store and/or purchase merchandise during a specific period of time.
It helps to the retailer by way of attracting customer traffic and enables quick result to be
It aimed at consumers:
• To stimulate trial purchase
Personal selling:
It is a paid form of personal advertising where salespeople assist customers in satisfying
their needs through a person-to-person exchange of information. It is a process of learning the
needs and wants of the buyer and striving to satisfy them with the required product/service.
Point of Purchase (POP) Displays:
It defines Point-of-Purchase communication as the promotional signs and interior
displays, often located at the point of sale or alongside displays of merchandise. It has integral to
retail today. They help reinforce in store product branding, enhance retail sales floor
communication & provide information to the customers.
21. UPC:
Universal Product Code or the bar code is basically a product identifier, made up of
series of bars and spaces, which represent alphanumeric information.
22. EDI:
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is defined as the exchange of business information,
through standard interfaces, by using computers. It can also be interpreted as transmission of
business data between organizations in a computerized format that does not require the re-keying
Radio Frequency Identification is fast transformation the way business is being
conducted & monitored across the supply chain. RFID can be described as a wireless bar code
which provides wireless communication between objects & readers.
Location Convenience
Time to travel
4. What do you mean by competitive forces and point out the forces?
Competitive forces mean the factors that influence the competitive position of a firm in a
industry or market. Five competitive forces are
1. Entry of competitors
2. Threat of substitutes
Overcoming resistance
Suggestive selling
11. How does the social class influence the purchase decision?
Social class is a result of the interaction of education,occupation and income.individuals
may have high incomes without the benefit of education or occupational prestige,social class
tend to determine these class brings a number of expectations for what is considered
appropriate behaviour and consumption pattern.
12. What is the role of family and household influence in purchase decision?
Family unit is a very important consideration when examining consumer behaviour.
Many products that are purchased for consumption by some or all the family members. Other
members of the family may heavily influence the buying decision of one family member.
Using CRM a retailer can create products and services to suit the needs of the consumer.