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Guru Rinpoche Warning Letter

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The State of the World Today

Theodoor Richard

Guru Rinpoche, or Padmasambhava, was a Buddhist Saint who lived at the end of the
first milennium. He was born in India, but traveled to Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet, where he
spent many years to introduce Tantric Buddhism to the people of Tibet. He did so upon
the invitation of the Dharma King Trisong Deutsen, who wanted to re-establish
Buddhism as Tibet's national spiritual heirdom.

Guru Rinpoche was a great Tantric master. By many, mostly the Tibetan Buddhist
schools of the Nyingma and Kagyu, he is considered to personalize the second
emanation on this Earth of the Buddha of our time, Buddha Shakyamuni.

Many masters in Buddhism of our modern days, consider the teachings of Guru
Rinpoche of the highest order and importance especially for the times that we live in,
when the Dharma of the truth of our reality, is difficult to find and people live mostly
with bad circumstances, sickness and wars.

From his kindness and compassionate heart, Guru Rinpoche decided to send a Warning
Letter in his Earthly lifetime, to the people of Tibet to explain very clearly to them, the
laws of Karma, or the workings of cause and effect. This especially, with respect to the
effects of negative behaviour that people very commonly engaged in then, and still do.

As the times of this world are seemingly getting harder and harder and good advice is
getting scarcer and scarcer, I feel it is very good to attempt a modest translation of this
letter and publish it here for you to read and contemplate.

It reads as follows:
This is the World Prediction Warning Letter, Sent from the South West Land of

By the power of the blessings of all the Buddhas,

we can have this temporarily peaceful time today.

But those who are supposed to be our spiritual leaders,

travel all around and cheat sentient beings.

They please people with flatteries, just to get their money and resources;
while they are collecting personal possessions, they do not give Dharma as

Monks are not reciting the Sutras, but indulging in singing, dancing and
entertainment; while not doing accumulation of merit, nor practicing generosity,
they seek money from all directions. Not wearing the monks' robes, they change
into casual clothes.

Nuns break their vows and do not uphold discipline, without shame; they lie and
only pretend to keep up the discipline. Not accumulating merit, they seek only
outer beauty.

Women talk divisively to break happy marriages.

Rebelling against their parents, the daughters chase them out off their homes.

They cause brothers to have fights and make mistakes without regrets.
Close relatives violate the sexual morality and engage in unclean behaviour.

While doing all non-virtuous things, people lead demons into their bodies;
They borrow power from gods or demons to do gambling.

Addicted to smoking, people invite the demons or gods into the smoke.
Indulging in drinking alcohol, they force the guardian gods out off the door.

Because of all this, demons are flourishing in Tibet in the Earth Tiger year;
Everywhere, demonic forces, obstacles and disasters will appear.

The teaching of the Dharma is reaching the time of decline and will whither;
Buddha statues, Sutras and Dharma instruments will be sold in the marketplace.

All this bad behaviour will create suffering and will cause many sicknesses to
arise. Precious treasures inherited from long ago are traded off and sold.

The power of the blessings from the Buddha will gradually reduce, so that the
occurrence of floodings and disasters of the land can no longer be prevented.

If people disturb the local deities by violently digging out water from hidden
sources, the lands will be pestered by hailstorms and thunder storms will wreak

If people will cut down forests, they will bring forth years of starvation.
People will become hungry beggars, as they rob and steal others all around.

If people surrender themselves to gambling, they will lose all their good luck.
And by smoking into addiction, people will chase the Dharma Protectors away.

By drinking too much alcohol, people will shorten their lifespan and will incur a
lot of suffering from illnesses.

This I Padmasambhava, reveal to the sentient beings of the degeneration times,

sothat in these present times of short and temporary joys, people can deeply
remember that Karma and the laws of cause and effect, are connected.

Do not forget do do your daily spiritual practice and do all virtuous things.

If ghosts and demons approach you with their harmful intent, pray with one mind
to me, Padmasambhava and after the demons are born into Tiber in the Tiger year,
remember to chant my 12 syllable mantra day and night.

In the year of Iron Dragon, floodings and earthquakes will trouble human lives, as
demons will enter the waters.

In the year of the Iron Snake, demons will enter the winds, causing thunderstorms,
hail and frosts.

All this will hurt sentient beings and cause difficulties, sufferings and obstacles.

The Water Goat year will bring epidemics.

People who drink and eat too much, will die from brain strokes;
People who indulge in gambling, will die from stomach problems;
People who tell lies and engage in divisive talk, will die from throat sickness;
People who smoke too much, will die from lung sickness;
People who eat eggs and garlic, will suffer from nightmares and die from them;
People who hunt and kill animals, will die from liver and bowel sickness.

In short, people who create all kinds of negative Karma, will bring onto them the
various related sufferings and sicknesses.

Then, in the Wood Chicken year, Buddhism will go down to the point of almost
disappearing; ghosts and demons will easily inflict harms.

In the Earth Ox year, wars will arise all over the world; a lot of people will die
because of all this warfare.

Be aware that all the above mentioned samsaric occurrences cannot be perceived
very clearly.

So, if you wish to transform this difficult world into a pure land, you should at all
times remember to pray to me, Padmasambhava, and to recite my 12 syllable
mantra day and night.

However, if you do not believe in all the said Karma occurrences and the principle
of cause and effect, then you must listen first to the teaching of Padmasambhava.

Do not suffer negative Karma and engage in generosity;

Make a strong wish to abandon lies and non-virtuous actions.

This writing I send to you people and you must believe it to be true.

If anybody practices these writings, this troubled world of wars and epidemics
will be exhausted and you can calmly live in a world of happiness and bliss.

And if anybody takes this letter, copies it and recites it only once, all disasters,
sicknesses and wars will be extinguished and he or she will make a pure land
appear, which is the Oddiyana land of the Heart Teaching of Padmasambhava.

Merely by listening to this teaching, you will gain the power to banish all ghosts
and demons of obstacles and your lifespan and merit will both increase.

If you wear this letter on your body, your power of speech and good luck will both
increase and ghosts and demons cannot harm you.

If you put this letter inside your home, all troubles or disharmonies caused by the
four elements and your enemies will all disappear.; then you will create a pure
world where demonic forces and ghosts cannot remain.

If only one household will cherish and practice the teaching of this letter, the
entire neighbourhood will benefit.

If one town or county will cherish and practice the teachings of this letter, the
whole nation will benefit.

If someone will cherish and practice the teaching of this letter, he or she will not
be separated from Padmasambhava. Padmasambhava, will reside over the crown
of his or her head in protection, until Maitreya Buddha will be born.

If you spread this letter to ten people, you will always overcome your demons in
this lifetime and in the future, you will be reborn in Padmasambhava's pure land
on the Copper Coloured Mountain.

If on the other hand, you have negative thoughts or ideas about this letter, this
lifetime you will suffer from disasters, sickness and wars and next lifetime, you
will be reborn in the deepest of hells to continue your sufferings.

OGYEN PADMASAMBHAVA sent this Letter in the Year of Tiger on 6 June, 10th
day, from the South West land of Losar to Tibet.

The teachings by Guru Rinpoche then, seem as true as ever.

So I ask of you, if you feel this letter is in any way touching on the truth of our world
today, to please forward this letter to as many people as you know.

Also, please recite Guru Rinpoche's mantra as much as you can. His mantra goes as

And then do not forget to dedicate any merit you may create by doing all this, to the
benefit of all sentient beings.

May it be virtuous!

Copyright 2010,

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