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8008 Users Manual V4

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Mics:8 Microcomputer Set intel NOVEMBER 1973 8008 pee 8 Bit Parallel Central Processor Unit USERS MANUAL -_ A PULL TT) (ee INTEL SUPPORT MAKES SYSTEM BUILDING EASY. The MCS-8™ parallel 8-bit microcomputer set is de- signed for efficient handling of large volumes of data. It has interrupt capability, operates synchronously or asynchronously with external memory, and executes subroutines nested up to seven levels. The 8008 CPU, heart of the MCS-8, replaces 125 TTL packs. With it you can easily address up to 16k 8-bit words of ROM, RAM or shift registers. Using bank switching techniques, you can extend its memory indefinitely. The PL/M™ High Level Language is an easy-to-learn, systems oriented language derived from IBM's PL/I by Intel for programming the MCS-8 and future 8-bit micro- computers. It gives the microcomputer programmer the ‘same high level language advantages currently available in mini and large computers. By actual tests, PL/M pro- gramming and debugging requires less than 10% of the time needed for assembly language. The PL/M compiler is written in Fortran IV for time-share, and needs little or no alteration for most general purpose computers. Intellec™8 Development Systems provide flexible, inex- pensive, and simplified methods for OEM product de- velopment. They use RAM for program storage instead ‘of ROM, making program loading and modification easier. The Intellec features are: © Display and Control Console © Standard DMA channel © Standard software package ‘© Expandable memory and 1/0 © TTY interface © PROM programming capability The Intellec contro! panel is used for system monitoring and debugging. These features and the many standard Intellec modules add up to faster turn around and re- duced costs for your product development. And, There’s More. Intel's Microcomputer Systems Group continues to de- velop new design aids that make microcomputer system- building easier. They will provide assistance in every phase of your program development. For additional inform: Microcomputer Systems Group INTEL Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, California 95051 Phone (408) 246-7501 8008 8 Bit Parallel Central Processor Unit ‘The 8008 is a complete computer system central processor unit which may be interfaced with memories having capacities up to 16K bytes. The processor communicates over an 8-bit data and address bus and uses two leads for internal control and four leads for external control, The CPU contains an 8-bit parallel arithmetic unit, a dynamic RAM (seven 8-bit data registers and an 8x14 stack), and complete instruction decoding and control logic. Features Single Chi = 48 Instructions, Data Oriented = Complete Instruction Decoding and Control Included = Instruction Cycle Time— 12.5 1s with 8008-1 or 20 ys with 8008 TTL Compatible (Inputs, Outputs and Clocks) Can be used with any type or speed semiconductor memory in any combination ™ Directly addresses 16K x 8 bits of memory (RAM, ROM, or S.R.) = Memory capacity can be indefinitely expanded through bank switching using 1/0 instructions ™ Address stack contains eight 14-bit registers (including program counter) which permit nesting of subroutines up to seven levels ™ Contains seven 8-bit registers = Interrupt Capability = Packaged in 18-Pin DIP BLOCK DIAGRAM Recisvens, paoG. PIN CONFIGURATION aus intelléc ANEW, EASY AND INEXPENSIVE WAY TO DEVELOP MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS From Intel, the people who invented the microcom- puter, comes a'new, inexpensive and easy way 10 Gevelop OEM microcomputer systems. The wade- ‘Spread usage of low cost mcrosomputers is made possible by Intels MCS-4 four bi. and MCS-8 eight Bt, merocomputer sets. To make it easier to use these microcomputer sels Intel now offers complete Abit and & bt modular microcomputer development ‘systems called intellec 4 and intellec 8. The intellec modular microcomputers are self-contained expand: able systems complete with central processor, memory. 1/0. orystal clock, TTY Interface. power Suppes standard sottware, anda controland display console The Intellec microcomputer development systems feature: it and &-bit parallel processor systems + Program development using RAMS for easier loading and modtication + Standard OMA channel + Standard software package * Grystal controled clocks + Expandable memory and VO + Gonitolpaneltor system monitoring and program sebugaing PROM programming capabilty * Less time and cost for microcomputer systems development ‘The Intellec Bis an eight bit modular microcomputer development system with 5K Byles of memory, ex intel pandable to 18K bytes. At the heart ofthis system is the Intel 8008 CPU chip which has a repertoire of 48 instructions, seven working registers, an eight level address stack, interruptcapabilly and direct address ‘capability to 16K bytes of memory. The Intellec 4 is a four-it modular microcomputer development system with 5K bytes of program Memory. Atthe heart ofthis system isthe Intel 4004 CPU chip with a repertoire of 45 instructions, sixteen workingregsters. afourlevel address stack’ and the Capability of directly addressing over 43K bits, ‘of memory. ‘Standard Microcomputer Modules. The individual ‘modules used to develop the 4-bit and B:bit micro: ‘computer systems are also avaiable as oft the-shell ‘microcomputer uiding blocks. These include 4-bt 4nd 8:bit CPU modules, 1/0 Modules, PROM Programmer Modules, Data Storage Modules, Control Modules. aUniversal OEM Module and other Standard modules for expanding the Intellec systems ‘or developing pre-production systems. ‘With these modules you can tailor the components, toyour Spectiomicrocomouter needs, buying as Ite (oF as much as you need to do the job, Write for complete details on the Inteles modular microcomputer development systems. They will be Available n 120 days, but plan now. Intel Corporatio, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, California 96051 (408) 246-7501, delivers. ‘Ad Reprint, June 1973, See Appendix VI 1. Introduction... cee Me Procestor Timing A.State Control Coding 8. Timing ©. Gyele Coniral Coding ‘Satie Functional Blocks ‘A estavetion Register and Gootrat B. Momery ©, Arithmetic/Logi Ui . V0 Buter 1Y, aie intructon Set 1A Date tnd Instrtion Formats 1. Summary of Proceso Instructions . Compete Functional Detntion D. Internal Processor Operation V. Procter Control Signals VL. Electric! Specifications ‘ADC and Operating Chracteies : 8, AC Choroctersice . Timing Diagram 1. Typical OC Chorsctereice —— Typical AC Characteristics VILL The SIMB.O1 — An MCS-8 Micro Computer. A'SINGO1 Specifications 8, SIMB.O1 Schematic, : C. System Deserintion 1, Normal Operation E. SIM.01 Pin Desription MCS. PROM Programming Syitem ‘A. Genera Systm Desription and Operating Insctlons 18, MP7.03 PROM Programmer . . Progamming System Interconnection | PX Micro Computer Program Development ALMCS8 Software Library «= 7 8B. Development of a Microcomputer System . Exocution of Programs trom RAM on SIM@01 Using “Memory Loser Contol Programs + X.__NCBS-10 Microcomputer Interconnect and Contol Module XL Appendices eee SIMS Hardware Assembler an 1, MoS Software Package ~ Assembler ‘A Assembler Specifications verses cscs B, Tyrshare User Guide for Assembly ©. Ganeral Electric Users Gide for Azer ©. Sample Program Assembly IL MCS Software Package ~ Simulator” ‘A Introduction B. Basic Elements : GL INTERPYB Commande 20200222121 . VO Formatting Commands E Error Messages vsvressccvessesvose F. Examples IV, Teletype Medications fr SiMe 1 'V. Programming Exemples, ‘A. Sample Program to Seach String of Characters - 8 Teletype and Tape Reader Contra! Program C. Memory Chip Select Decodes and Output Test Programm 1D. RAM Test Program... E, Bootstrap Loader Program Vi, Intlec 8, Bare Bones 8, and Microcomputer Modules XU, Ordering Information noes ASiles Offices sores 7 B.Distrbutor «2 . Ordering Information/Packagng Information ? ere sects BSBRR a NOTICE: The cies conuind heen ne spent pocaton ony. Int Corporation makes no wares watever wih renee he om Pirenom, aczsecy. poo” coi satu or apa of te tues area Sip en rat Th fre cur a sm em Sorel he ow i

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