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Organic Compounds Inorganic Compounds

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Abietic acid - C20H30O2 Aluminium antimonide – AlSb

Acenaphthene - C12H10 Aluminium arsenide – AlAs
Acenaphthoquinone - C12H6O2 Aluminium nitride – AlN
Acenaphthylene - C12H8 Aluminium oxide – Al2O3
Acepromazine - C19H22N2OS Aluminium phosphide – AlP
Acetaldehyde - C2H4O Aluminium chloride – AlCl3
Acetamide - C2H5NO Aluminium fluoride – AlF3
Acetaminophen — C8H9NO2 Aluminium hydroxide – Al(OH)3
Acetaminosalol - C15H13NO4 Aluminium nitrate – Al(NO3)3
Acetamiprid - C10H11ClN4 Aluminium sulfate – Al2(SO4)3
Acetanilide - C6H5NH(COCH3) Ammonia – NH3
Acetic acid - CH3COOH Ammonium bicarbonate – NH4HCO3
Acetoguanamine - C4H7N5 Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate – (NH4)2Ce(N
Acetone — CH3COCH3, or (CH3)2CO Ammonium chloride – NH4Cl
Acetonitrile - C2H3N Ammonium hydroxide – NH4OH
Acetophenone - C8H8O Ammonium nitrate – NH4NO3
Acetylcholine – (CH3)3N+CH2CH2OCOCH3. Ammonium sulfate – (NH4)2SO4
Acetylene — C2H2 Ammonium tetrathiocyanatodiamminechrom
N-Acetylglutamate - C7H11NO5 Antimony hydride – SbH3
Acetylsalicylic Acid- C9H8O4 (also known as Aspirin) Antimony pentachloride – SbCl5
Acid fuchsin Antimony pentafluoride – SbF5
Acridine — C13H9N Antimony trioxide – Sb2O3
Acridine orange - C17H19N3 Arsine – AsH3
Acrolein Arsenic trioxide (Arsenic(III) oxide) – As2O3
Acrylamide — C3H5NO
Acrylic acid — C3H4O2 [edit] B
Acrylonitrile - C3H3N
Acryloyl chloride - C3H3ClO Barium chloride – BaCl2
Acyclovir - C8H11N5O3 Barium chromate – BaCrO4
Adamantane - C10H16 Baking soda – NaHCO3
Adenosine - C10H13N5O4 Barium hydroxide – Ba(OH)2
Adipamide - C6H12N2O2 Barium iodide – BaI2
Adipic acid - C6H10O4 Barium nitrate – Ba(NO3)2
Adiponitrile - C6H8N2 Barium sulfate – BaSO4
Adipoyl dichloride - C6H8Cl2O2 Barium titanate – BaTiO3
Adonitol - C5H12O5 Beryllium bromide – BeBr2
Adrenochrome - C9H9NO3 Beryllium carbonate – BeCO3
Epinephrine(adrenaline) - C9H13NO3 Beryllium chloride – BeCl2
Aflatoxin Beryllium fluoride – BeF2
Alanine - C3H7NO2 Beryllium hydride – BeH2
Albumins Beryllium hydroxide – Be(OH)2
Alcian blue - C56H58Cl14CuN16S4 Beryllium iodide – BeI2
Aldosterone - C21H28O5 Beryllium nitrate – Be(NO3)2
Aldrin - C12H8Cl6 Beryllium nitride – Be3N2
Aliquat 336 - C25H54ClN Beryllium oxide – BeO
Alizarin - C14H8O4 Beryllium sulfate – BeSO4
Allantoic acid - C4H8N4O4 Beryllium sulfite – BeSO3
Allantoin - C4H6N4O3 Beryllium borohydride – Be(BH4)2
Allethrin Beryllium telluride – BeTe
Allyl propyl disulfide - C6H12S2 Bismuth(III) oxide – Bi2O3
Allylamine - C3H7N Bismuth(III) telluride – Bi2Te3
Allyl chloride - C3H5Cl Borane – Diborane: B2H6, Pentaborane: B5
Amido black 10b - C22H14N6Na2O9S2 Borax – Na2B4O7·10H2O
p-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) - C7H7NO2 Boric acid – H3BO3
Aminodiacetic acid - C4H7NO4 Boron carbide – B4C
Aminoethylpiperazine - C6H15N3 Boron nitride – BN
5-Amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid - C7H7NO3 Boron oxide – B2O3
Aminophylline - C16H24N10O4 Boron suboxide – B6O
5-Aminosalicylic acid Boron trichloride – BCl3
Aminothiazole - C3H4N2S Boron trifluoride – BF3
Amiodarone - C25H29I2NO3 Bromine pentafluoride – BrF5
Amiton - C10H24NO3PS Bromine trifluoride – BrF3
Amobarbital - C11H18N2O3
Amoxicillin — C16H19N3O5S.3H2O [edit] C
Amphetamine - C9H13N
Amyl nitrate - C5H11NO3 Cacodylic acid – (CH3)2AsO2H
Amyl nitrite — C5H11NO2 Cadmium arsenide – Cd3As2
Anethole - C10H12O Cadmium bromide – CdBr2
Angelic acid - C5H8O2 Cadmium chloride – CdCl2
Anilazine - C9H5Cl3N4 Cadmium fluoride – CdF2
Aniline — C6H5-NH2/C6H7N Cadmium iodide – CdI2
Aniline hydrochloride - C6H8ClN Cadmium nitrate – Cd(NO3)2
Anisole - C6H5OCH2 Cadmium selenide – CdSe (of quantum dot
Anisoyl chloride - C8H7ClO2 Cadmium sulfate – CdSO4
Anthanthrene - C22H12 Cadmium telluride – CdTe
Anthracene – (C6H4CH)2 Caesium bicarbonate – CsHCO3
Anthramine - C14H11N Caesium carbonate – Cs2CO3
Anthranilic acid - C7H7NO2 Caesium chromate – Cs2CrO4
Anthraquinone - C14H8O2 Caesium chloride – CsCl
Anthrone - C14H10O Caesium fluoride – CsF
Antipyrine - C11H12N2O Caesium hydride – CsH
Aprotinin - C284H432N84O79S7 Calcium carbide – CaC2
Arabinose - C5O10H5 Calcium chlorate – Ca(ClO3)2
Arginine - C6H14N4O2 Calcium chloride – CaCl2
Aroclor (polychlorinated biphenyls) - C12H10-xClx, where x > 1 Calcium chromate – CaCrO4
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - C6H8O6 Calcium cyanamide – CaCN2
Asparagine - C4H8N2O3 Calcium fluoride – CaF2
Asparagusic acid - C4H6O2S2 Calcium hydride – CaH2
Aspartame - C14H18N2O5 Calcium hydroxide – Ca(OH)2
Aspartic acid - C4H7NO4 Calcium sulfate (Gypsum) – CaSO
Asphidophytidine - C17H22ClN3 Carbon dioxide – CO2
Astrablue Carbon disulfide – CS2
Atrazine - C8H14ClN5 Carbon monoxide – CO
Auramine o - C8H14ClN5 Carbonic acid – H2CO3
Aureine - C18H25NO5 Carbon tetrabromide – CBr4
Avobenzone - C20H22O3 Carbon tetrachloride – CCl4
Azadirachtin A — C35H44O16 Carbon tetraiodide – CI4
Azathioprine - C9H7N7O2S Carbonyl fluoride – COF2
Azelaic acid - C9H16O4 Carbonyl sulfide – COS
Azinphos-methyl - C10H12N3O3PS2 Carboplatin – C6H12N2O4Pt
Aziridine - C2H5N carborundum SiC
Azithromycin - C38H72N2O12 Cerium(III) chloride – CeCl3
Azo violet - C12H9N3O4 Cerium(III) bromide – CeBr3
Azobenzene - C12H10N2 Cerium(IV) sulfate – Ce(SO4)2
Azulene - C10H8 Cerium magnesium – CeMg
Azure A - C14H14ClN3S Cerium aluminium – CeAl
Cerium zinc – CeZn
[edit] B Cerium silver – CeAg
Cerium cadmium – CeCd
For substances with a B- or β- prefix such as β-Pinene, please see the parent p Cerium mercury – CeHg
Cerium thallium – CeTl
Bacillomycin - C45H68N10O15 Chromic acid – CrO3
Barbital - C8H12N2O3 Chromium(III) chloride – CrCl3
Barbituric acid - C4H4N2O3 Chromium(II) chloride – CrCl2 (also chromou
Behenic acid - C22H44O2 Chromium(III) oxide – Cr2O3
Benomyl - C14H18N4O3 Chromium(IV) oxide – CrO2
Benzaldehyde - C7H6O Chromium trioxide (Chromic acid) – CrO
Benzalkonium chloride - C22H40ClN Chromyl chloride – CrO2Cl2
Benzamide - C7H7NO Cisplatin (cis-platinum(II) chloride diammine]
Benzanthrone - C17H10O Cobalt(II) bromide – CoBr2
Benzene — C6H6 Cobalt(II) chloride – CoCl2
Benzethonium chloride - C27H42ClNO2 Cobalt(II) carbonate – CoCO3
Benzidine - C12H12N2 Cobalt(II) sulfate – CoSO4
Benzil - C14H10O2 Columbite – Fe2+Nb2O6
Benzilic acid - C14H12O3 Copper(II) carbonate – CuCO3
Benzimidazole - C7H6N2 Copper(I) chloride – CuCl
Benzisothiazolinone - C7H5NOS Copper(II) chloride – CuCl2
Benzisoxazole - C7H5NO Copper(II) hydroxide – Cu(OH)2
Benzo[a]anthracene - C18H12 Copper(II) nitrate – Cu(NO3)2
Benzo[c]cinnoline - C12H8N2 Copper(I) oxide – Cu2O
Benzo[a]pyrene - C20H12 Copper(II) oxide – CuO
benzo[c]phenanthrene - C18H12 Copper(II) sulfate – CuSO4
Benzo[e]fluoranthene - C20H12 Copper(I) sulfide – Cu2S
Benzo[e]pyrene - C20H12 Copper(II) sulfide – CuS
Benzo[ghi]perylene - C22H12 Cyanogen – (CN)2
Benzo[j]fluoranthene - C20H12 Cyanogen chloride – CNCl
Benzo[k]fluoranthene - C20H12 Cyanuric chloride – C3Cl3N3
Benzo[c]thiophene - C8H6S Chrome-alum; K2SO4Cr2(SO4)3.24H2O
Benzocaine - C9H11O2
Benzofuran - C8H6O [edit] D
Benzoic acid - C7H6O2
Benzoin - C14H12O2 Decaborane (Diborane) – B10H14
Benzothiazole - C7H5NS Di-Ammonium Phosphate – (NH4)2HPO4
Benzothiophene - C8H6S Diborane – B2H6
Benzotriazole - C6H5N3 Dichlorosilane – SiH2Cl2
Benzoxazole - C7H5NO Digallane – Ga2H6
Benzoylmethylecgonine - C17H21NO4 Dinitrogen pentoxide (nitronium nitrate) – N2
Benzoyl chloride - C7H5ClO Disilane – Si2H6
Benzyl alcohol - C7H8O Dysprosium(III) chloride – DyCl3
Benzyl chloroformate - C8H7ClO2
Benzylamine - C7H9N [edit] E
Benzyldimethylamine - C9H13N
Benzylidene acetone - C10H10O Erbium(III) chloride – ErCl3
Betaine Europium(III) chloride – EuCl3
Betulin - C30H50O2 Erbium-copper – ErCu
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) – C15H24O Erbium-gold – ErAu
Biotin (Vitamin H) - C10H16N2O3S Erbium-silver – ErAg
Biphenyl - C12H10 Erbium-Iridium – ErIr
2,2'-Bipyridine(2,2'-Bipyridyl) - C10H8N2
1,8-Bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene (Proton-sponge, Aldrich trademark name)[edit] - C14H18N2
Bis(chloromethyl) ether - C2H4Cl2O
Bismarck brown Y - C21H24N8 Fluorosulfuric acid – FSO2(OH)
Bisphenol A - C15H16O2
Biuret - C2H5N3O2 [edit] G
Borneol - C10H18O
Brassinolide Gadolinium(III) chloride – GdCl3
Brilliant cresyl blue Gadolinium(III) oxide – Gd2O3
Bromacil - C9H13BrN2O2 Gallium antimonide – GaSb
Bromoacetic acid - C2H3BrO2 Gallium arsenide – GaAs
Bromobenzene - C6H5Br Gallium trichloride – GaCl3
Bromobimane - C10H11BrN2O2 Gallium nitride – GaN
2-Bromo-1-chloropropane - C3H6BrCl Gallium phosphide – GaP
Bromocresol purple - C21H16Br2O5S Germanium(IV) hydride (Germane)– GeH4
Bromocyclohexane - C6H12Br Germanium(III) hydride – Ge2H6
Bromoform - CHBr3 Germanium(II) fluoride – GeF2
Bromomethane - BrCH3 Germanium(IV) fluoride – GeF4
Bromophenol blue - C19H10Br4O5S Germanium(II) chloride – GeCl2
2-Bromopropane - C3H7Br Germanium(IV) chloride – GeCl4
Bromothymol blue - C27H28Br2O5S Germanium(II) bromide – GeBr2
Bromotrifluoromethane - CBrF3 Germanium(IV) bromide – GeBr4
Brucine - C23H26N2O4 Germanium(II) iodide – GeI2
Buckminsterfullerene - C60 Germanium(IV) iodide – GeI4
Buspirone - C21H31N5O2 Germanium(II) oxide – GeO
1,3-Butadiene - C4H6 Germanium(IV) oxide – GeO2
Butadiene resin - C4H8 Germanium(II) sulfide – GeS
Butane - C4H10 Germanium(IV) sulfide – GeS2
Butene - C4H8 Germanium(II) selenide – GeSe
2-Butoxyethanol - C6H14O2 Germanium(IV) selenide – GeSe2
n-Butylamine(Butylamine) - C4H11N Germanium telluride – GeTe
Butyllithium - C4H9Li Germanium (IV) nitride – Ge3N4
2-Butyne-1,4-diol - C4H6O2 Gold(I) chloride – AuCl
Butyraldehyde - C4H8O Gold(III) chloride – AuCl3
Butyrophenone - C10H12O Gold(I,III) chloride – Au4Cl8
Butyryl chloride - C4H7ClO Gold(III) chloride – (AuCl3)2
Gold(III) fluoride – AuF3
[edit] C Gold(V) fluoride – AuF5
Gold(I) bromide – AuBr
For substances with an c- or cis- prefix such as cis-3-hexenal, you may find these Gold(III)
listed under
the parent
– (AuBr3)2
name letter (in this c
Gold(I) iodide – AuI
C60 fullerene - C60 Gold(III) iodide – AuI3
Cacodylic acid - C2H7AsO2 Gold(III) oxide – Au2O3
Cacotheline - C21H21N3O7 Gold(I) sulfide – Au2S
Cadaverine — C5H14N2 Gold(III) sulfide – Au2S3
Cadinene - C15H24 Gold(III) selenide – AuSe
Cafestol - C20H28O3 Gold(III) selenide – Au2Se3
Caffeine - C8H10N4O2 Gold ditelluride – AuTe2
Calcein - C30H26N2O13
Calciferol (Vitamin D) [edit] H
Calmodulin Hafnium fluoride
Calreticulin Hafnium tetrachloride – HfCl4
Camphene - C10H16 Hexadecacarbonylhexarhodium – Rh6CO16
Camphor - C10H16O Hydrazine – N2H4
Cannabinol - C21H26O2 Hydrazoic acid – HN3
Caprolactam - C6H11NO Hydrobromic acid – HBr
Caprolactone - C6H10O2 Hydrochloric acid – HCl
Capsaicin - C18H27NO3 Hydroiodic acid – HI
Captan - C9H8Cl3NO2S Hydrogen bromide – HBr
Captopril - C9H15NO3S Hydrogen chloride – HCl
Carbazole - C12H9N Hydrogen fluoride – HF
Carbazol-9-yl-methanol (N-(Hydroxymethyl)carbazole) Hydrogen peroxide – H2O2
Carbofuran - C12H15NO3 Hydrogen selenide – H2Se
carbohydrates Hydrogen sulfide – H2S
Carbon Dioxide Hydrogen telluride – H2Te
Carbon Nanotube Hydroxylamine – NH2OH
Carbon nanobud Hypochlorous acid – HClO
Carbonyl fluoride - COF2 Hypophosphorous acid – H3PO2
Carboplatin - C6H14N2O4Pt
Carboxypolymethylene - C3H4O2 [edit] I
Carminic acid - C22H20O13
Carnauba wax Indium antimonide – InSb
Carnitine - C7H15NO3 Indium arsenide – InAs
Cartap - C7H16ClN3O2S2 Indium(I) chloride
Carvacrol - C10H14O Indium nitride – InN
Carvone - C10H14O Indium phosphide – InP
Castor oil - C6H6O2 Iodic acid – HIO3
Catechol Iodine heptafluoride – IF7
Cedar wood oil Iodine pentafluoride – IF5
Cefazolin - C14H14N8O4S3 Iodine monochloride – ICl
Cefotaxime - C16H17N5O7S2 Iridium(IV) chloride
Ceftriaxone - C18H18N8O7S3 Iron(II) chloride – FeCl2 including hydrate
Cellulose - (C6H10O5)x Iron(III) chloride – FeCl3
Cellulose acetate Iron(II) oxide – FeO
Cetrimide Iron(III) nitrate – Fe(NO3)3(H2O)9
Cedrol Iron(II,III) oxide – Fe3O4
Cetyl alcohol - C16H34O Iron(III) oxide – Fe2O3
Chloracetyl chloride - C2H2Cl2O Iron-sulfur cluster
Chloral - C2HCl3O Iron(III) thiocyanate
Chloral hydrate - C2H2Cl3O2
Chlorambucil - C14H19Cl2NO2 [edit] K
Chloramine-T - C7H7ClNO2S·Na(3H2O)
Chloramphenicol - C11H12Cl2N2O5 Krypton difluoride - KrF2
Chloranilic acid - C6H2Cl2O4
Chlordane - C10H6Cl8 [edit] L
Chlorhexidine gluconate - C22H30Cl2N10
Chloro-m-cresol - C7H7ClO Lanthanum carbonate – La2(CO3)3
Chloroacetic acid - C2H3ClO2 Lanthanum magnesium – LaMg
4-Chloroaniline (p-Chloroaniline) - C6H6ClN Lanthanum aluminium – LaAl
Chlorobenzene - C6H5Cl Lanthanum zinc – LaZn
2-Chlorobenzoic acid (o-Chlorobenzoic acid) - C7H5ClO2 Lanthanum silver – LaAg
Chlorodifluoromethane - CHClF2 Lanthanum cadmium – LaCd
Chloroethene - C2H3Cl Lanthanum mercury – LaHg
Chlorofluoromethane - CH2ClF Lanthanum tallium – LaTl
Chloroform - CHCl3 Lead(II) carbonate – Pb(CO3)
Chloromethane - CH3Cl Lead(II) chloride – PbCl2
2-Chloro-2-methylpropane (tert butyl chloride) - C4H9Cl Lead(II) iodide – PbI2
Chloronitroaniline Lead(II) nitrate – Pb(NO3)2
Chloropentafluoroethane - C2ClF5 Lead(II) oxide – PbO
meta-Chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mCPBA) - C7H5ClO3 Lead(IV) oxide – PbO2
Chloropicrin - CCl3NO2 Lead(II) phosphate – Pb3(PO4)2
Chloroprene - C4H5Cl Lead(II) sulfate – Pb(SO4)
Chloroquine - C18H26ClN3 Lead(II) selenide – PbSe
Chlorostyrene - C8H7Cl Lead(II) sulfide – PbS
Chlorothiazide - C7H6ClN3O4S2 Lead(II) telluride – PbTe
Chlorotrifluoromethane - CClF3 Lead zirconate titanate – Pb[Tix
Chlorotrimethylsilane - C3H9SiCl Lithium aluminium hydride – LiAlH4
Chloroxuron - C15H15ClN2O2 Lithium bromide – LiBr
Chlorpyrifos - C9H11Cl3NO3PS Lithium carbonate (Lithium salt) – Li
Chlorthiamide - C7H5Cl2NS Lithium chloride – LiCl
Cholesterol - C27H46O Lithium hydride – LiH
Choline - C5H14NO Lithium hydroxide – LiOH
Chromotropic acid - C10H8O8S2 Lithium iodide – LiI
Cilostazol - C20H27N5O2 Lithium nitrate – LiNO3
Cinchonine - C19H22N2O Lithium sulfate – Li2SO4
Cinnamaldehyde - C9H8O
Cinnamic acid - C9H8O2 [edit] M
Cinnamyl alcohol - C9H10O
Cinnoline - C4H4N2 Magnesium antimonide – MgSb
cis-2-butene - C4H8 Magnesium carbonate – MgCO3
cis-3-Hexenal - C6H10O Magnesium chloride – MgCl2
cis-3-Hexen-1-ol - C6H12O Magnesium oxide – MgO
Citral - C10H16O Magnesium phosphate – Mg3(PO4)2
Citric acid - C6H8O7 Magnesium sulfate – MgSO4
Citronella oil Manganese(IV) oxide (manganese dioxide) –
Citronellal - C10H18O Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate – MnSO
Citrulline - C6H13N3O3 Manganese(II) chloride – MnCl2
Clobetasone - C22H26ClFO4 Manganese(III) chloride – MnCl3
Clopidol - C7H7Cl2NO Manganese(IV) fluoride – MnF4
Cloxacillin - C19H18ClN3O5S Manganese(II) phosphate – Mn3(PO4)2
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) - C63H88CoN14O14P Mercury(I) chloride – Hg2Cl2
Cocamidopropyl - C19H38N2O3 Mercury(II) chloride – HgCl2
Colchicine - C22H25NO6 Mercury fulminate – Hg(ONC)2
Collagen Mercury(II) selenide – HgSe
Collodion Mercury(I) sulfate – Hg2SO4
Congo red - C32H22N6Na2O6S2 Mercury(II) sulfate – HgSO4
Coniine - C8H17N Mercury(II) sulfide – HgS
Coomassie blue - C47H50N3O7S2 Mercury(II) telluride – HgTe
Coronene - C24H12 Metaphosphoric acid – HPO3
Coumarin - C9H6O2 Molybdate orange
Creatine - C4H9N3O2 Molybdenum trioxide – MoO3
Cresol - C7H8O Molybdenum disulfide – MoS2
Cresyl violet - C19H18ClN3O Molybdenum hexacarbonyl – C6O6Mo
Crotonaldehyde - C4H6O Molybdic acid – H2MoO4
18-Crown-6 - C12H24O6
Crystal violet - C24H28N3Cl [edit] N
Cubane - C8H8
Cumene - C9H12 Neodymium(III) chloride – NdCl3
Cuneane - C8H8 Nessler's reagent – K2[HgI4]
Cupferron - C6H9N3O2 Nickel(II) carbonate – NiCO3
Cuscohygrine - C13H24N2O Nickel(II) chloride – NiCl2 and hexahydrate
Cyanogen - C2N2 Nickel(II) hydroxide – Ni(OH)2
Cyanogen chloride - CNCl Nickel(II) nitrate – Ni(NO3)2
Cyanoguanidine - C2H4N4 Nickel(II) oxide – NiO
Cyanuric acid - C3H3N3O3 Niobium oxychloride – NbOCl3
Cyanuric chloride - C3Cl3N3 Niobium pentachloride – NbCl5
Cyclodecane - C10H20 Nitric acid – HNO3
α-Cyclodextrin Nitrogen monoxide – NO
Cyclododecane - C12H24 Nitrogen dioxide – NO2
Cycloheptatriene - C7H8 Nitrosylsulfuric acid – NOHSO4
1,3-Cyclohexadiene - C6H8
1,4-Cyclohexadiene - C6H8 [edit] O
Cyclohexane - C6H12
Cyclohexanol - C6H12O Osmium tetroxide (osmium(VIII) oxide) – Os
Cyclohexanone - C6H10O Osmium trioxide (osmium(VI) oxide) – OsO3
Cyclohexene - C6H10 Oxybis(tributyltin) – C24H54OSn2
Cyclonite - C3H6N6O6 Oxygen difluoride – OF2
Cyclooctatetraene - C8H8 Ozone – O3
Cyclopentadiene -C5H6
Cyclopentane - C5H10 [edit] P
Cyclopentanol - C5H10O
Cyclopentanone - C5H8O Palladium(II) chloride – PdCl2
Cyclopentene - C5H8 Palladium(II) nitrate – Pd(NO3)2
Cypermethrin - C22H19Cl2NO3 Pentaborane – B5H9
Cysteamine - C2H7NS Pentasulfide antimony – Sb2S5
Cysteine - C3H7NO2S Perchloric acid – HClO4
Cystine - C6H12N2O4S2 Perchloryl fluoride – ClFO3
Cytosine - C4H5N3O Persulfuric acid (Caro's acid) – H2SO5
Perxenic acid – H4XeO6
[edit] D Phenylarsine oxide – (C6H5)AsO
Phenylphosphine – C6H7P
For substances with a d- or D- prefix such as D-alanine or DL-alanine, please seePhosgene
the parent–page
COCl2(in this case alanine).
Phosphine – PH3
DABCO - C6H12N2 Phosphite – HPO32-
DDT - C14H9Cl5 Phosphomolybdic acid – HMoNiO6P-4
Decaborane - B10H14 Phosphoric acid – H3PO4
Decabromodiphenyl ether - C12Br10O Phosphorous acid (Phosphoric(III) acid) – H3
Decahydronaphthalene - C10H18 Phosphorus pentabromide – PBr5
Decane — C10H22 Phosphorus pentafluoride – PF5
Dehydroacetic acid -C8H8O4 Phosphorus pentasulfide – P4S10
Dehydrocholic acid - C24H34O5 Phosphorus pentoxide – P2O5
Deltamethrin - C22H19Br2NO3 Phosphorus sesquisulfide – P4S3
Demeton - C8H19O3PS2 Phosphorus tribromide – PBr3
Denatonium - C28H34N2O3 Phosphorus trichloride – PCl3
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Phosphorus trifluoride – PF3
Dexamethazone - C22H29FO5 Phosphorus triiodide – PI3
Dextran - H(C6H10O5)xOH Phosphotungstic acid – H3PW12O40
Dextrin - (C6H10O5)n Platinum(II) chloride – PtCl2
3,3'-Diaminobenzidine - C12H14N4 Platinum(IV) chloride – PtCl4
Di-t-butyl peroxide - C8H18O2 Plutonium(III) chloride – PuCl3
Diacetylene - C4H2 Plutonium dioxide (Plutonium(IV) oxide) – Pu
Diazinon - C12H21N2O3PS Potash Alum– K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3·24H2O
Diazomethane - CH2N2 Potassium Aluminium Fluoride – KAlF4
1,2-Dibromoethane - C2H4Br2 Potassium borate – K2B4O7•4H2O
Dibucaine hydrochloride - C20H29N3O2 Potassium bromide – KBr
Dichloroacetic acid - C2H2Cl2O2 Potassium carbonate – K2CO3
p-Dichlorobenzene - C6H4Cl2 Potassium chlorate – KClO3
Dichlorobutane - C4H8Cl2 Potassium chloride – KCl
Dichlorodifluoromethane - CCl2F2 Potassium ferrioxalate – K3[Fe(C2O4)3]
Dichlorodimethylsilane - C2H6Cl2Si Potassium hydrogencarbonate – KHCO3
1,2-Dichloroethane - C2H4Cl2 Potassium hydrogen fluoride – HF2K
Dichlorofluoromethane - CHCl2F Potassium hydroxide – KOH
Dichlorophen - C13H10Cl2O2 Potassium iodide – KI
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - C8H6Cl2O3 Potassium monopersulfate – K2SO4·KHSO4
Dichlorotrifluoroethane - C2HCl2F3 Potassium nitrate – KNO3
Dichlorvos - C4H7Cl2O4P Potassium perbromate – KBrO4
Diclofenac sodium - C14H11Cl2NO2 Potassium perchlorate – KClO4
Dicofol - C14H9Cl5O Potassium permanganate – KMnO4
Dicrotophos - C8H16NO5P Potassium sulfate – K2SO4
Dicyclopentadiene - C10H12 Potassium sulfide – K2S
Dieldrin - C12H8Cl6O Potassium titanyl phosphate – KTiOPO4
Diethanolamine - C4H11NO2 Potassium vanadate – KVO3
Diethion - C9H22O4P2S4 Praseodymium(III) chloride – PrCl3
Diethyl aluminium chloride - C4H10AlCl Protonated molecular hydrogen – H3+
Diethylamine - C4H11N Prussian blue (Iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II))
Diethylene glycol - C4H10O3 Pyrosulfuric acid – H2S2O7
Diethylenetriamine - C4H13N3
Diethyl ether - C4H10O [edit] Q
Difluoromethane - CH2F2
Digitonin - C56H92O29 Quartz-SiO2
Dihydrocortisone - C21H30O5
Diisoheptyl phthalate - C22H34O4 [edit] R
Diisopropyl ether - C6H14O
Diketene - C4H4O2 Radium chloride – RaCl2
Dimethicone - (C2H6OSi)x Radon difluoride – RnF2
Dimethylamine - C2H7O Rhodium(III) chloride – RhCl3
N,N-Dimethylacetamide - C4H9NO Rubidium bromide – RbBr
N,N-Dimethylaniline - C8H11N Rubidium chloride – RbCl
1,2-Dimethylbenzene (o-Xylene) - C8H10 Rubidium fluoride – RbF
1,3-Dimethylbenzene (m-Xylene) - C8H10 Rubidium hydroxide – RbOH
1,4-Dimethylbenzene (p-Xylene) - C8H10 Rubidium iodide – RbI
Dimethyl ether (DME) - CH3OCH3 Rubidium nitrate – RbNO3
N,N-dimethylformamide - C3H7NO Rubidium oxide – Rb2O
Dimethyldiethoxysilane - C6H16O2Si Rubidium telluride – Rb2Te
Dimethylglyoxime - C4H8N2O2 Ruthenium(VIII) oxide – RuO4
Dimethylmercury - C2H6Hg
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) - C2H6OS [edit] S
Dinoseb - C10H12N2O5
Dioctyl phthalate - C24H38O4 Samarium(II) iodide – SmI2
Dioxane - C4H8O2 Samarium(III) chloride – SmCl3
Dioxathion - C12H26O6P2S4 Scandium(III) triflate – Sc(OSO2CF3)3
Dioxin - C4H4O2 Scandium(III) chloride – ScCl3 and hydrate
Diphenylacetylene (Tolane) - C14H10 Scandium(III) fluoride – ScF3
Diphenylmethanol (Benzhydrol) - C13H12O Scandium(III) nitrate – Sc(NO3)3
Diquat - C12H12Br2N2 Scandium(III) oxide – Sc2O3
Direct Blue 1 - C34H28N6O16S4 Selenic acid – H2SeO4
Disulfiram - C10H20N2S4 Selenious acid – H2SeO3
Disulfoton - C8H19O2PS3 Selenium trioxide – SeO3
Dithranol - C14H10O3 Selenium dioxide – SeO2
2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol - C11H13O Silane – SiH4
2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol - C15H24O Silica gel – SiO2·nH2O
2,6-Di-tert-butylpyridine - C13H21N Silicic acid – [SiOx(OH)4-2x]n
Diuron - C9H10Cl2N2O Silicochloroform – Cl3HSi
Divinylbenzene - C10H10 Silicofluoric acid – H2SiF6
Docosane Silicon dioxide – SiO2
Dodecane - C12H26 Silver chloride – AgCl
Dodecylbenzene - C18H30 Silver(I) fluoride – AgF
Domperidone - C22H24ClN5O2 Silver(II) fluoride – AgF2
Dopamine - C8H11NO2 Silver iodide – AgI
Doxylamine succinate - C17H22N2O Silver nitrate – AgNO3
Silver sulfide – Ag2S
[edit] E
Soda lime –
EDTA (Ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid) - C10H16N2O8 Sodamide – NaNH2
Eicosane - C20H42 Sodium borohydride – NaBH4
Endosulfan - C9H6Cl6O3S Sodium bromide – NaBr
Endrin - C12H8Cl6O Sodium bromate – NaBrO3
Eosin - C20H8Br4O5(Eosin Y) / C20H8Br2N2O9(Eosin B) Sodium carbonate – Na2CO3
Ephedrine - C10H15NO Sodium chloride – NaCl
Epibromohydrin Sodium chlorate – NaClO3
Epinephrine - C9H13NO3 Sodium cyanide – NaCN
Erucic acid - C22H42O Sodium ferrocyanide – Na4Fe(CN)6
Erythritol - C4H10O4 Sodium hydride – NaH
Estradiol - C18H24O2 Sodium hydrogen carbonate (Sodium bicarb
Ethacridine lactate Sodium hydrosulfide – NaSH
Ethane - C2H6 Sodium hydroxide – NaOH
1,2-Ethanedithiol -C2H6S2 Sodium iodide – NaI
Ethanol - C2H6O Sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP) – Na2P
Ethene - C2H4 Sodium nitrate – NaNO3
Ethenone - C2H2O Sodium nitrite – NaNO2
Ethidium bromide - C21H20BrN3 Sodium percarbonate – 2Na2CO3.3H2O2
Ethyl acetate - C4H8O2 Sodium phosphate; see Trisodium phosphat
Ethylamine - C2H7N Sodium silicate – Na2SiO3
Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (Ethyl p-aminobenzoate) - C9H11NO2 Sodium sulfate – Na2SO4
Ethylbenzene - C8H10 Sodium sulfide – Na2S
Ethyl chloride - C2H5Cl Sodium sulfite – Na2SO3
Ethylene glycol — C2H6O2 Sodium tellurite – Na2TeO3
Ethylene oxide - C2H4O Stannous chloride (tin(II) chloride) – SnCl2
Ethyl formate - C3H6O2 Stibine – SbH3
2-Ethyl-1-hexanol - C8H18O Strontium chloride – SrCl2
Ethynol - C2H2O Strontium nitrate – Sr(NO3)2
Eugenol - C10H12O2 Strontium titanate – SrTiO3
Sulfamic acid – H3NO3S
[edit] F Sulfane – H2S
Sulfur dioxide – SO2
Farnesol - C15H26O Sulfuric acid – H2SO4
Ferrocene - C10H10Fe Sulfurous acid – H2SO3
Fipronil - C12H4Cl2F6N4OS Sulfuryl chloride – SO2Cl2
Flunixin - C14H11F3N2O2 Sodium persulfate – Na2S2O8
Fluoranthene - C16H10
Fluorene - C13H10 [edit] T
9-Fluorenone - C13H8O
Fluorescein - C20H12O5 Tantalum carbide – TaC
Fluorobenzene - C6H5F Tantalum(V) oxide – Ta2O5
Fluoroethylene - C2H3F Telluric acid – H6TeO6
Fluoxetine - C17H18F3NO Tellurium dioxide – TeO2
Folic acid (Vitamin M) - C19H19N7O6 Tellurium tetrachloride – TeCl4
Fonofos Tellurous acid – H2TeO3
Formaldehyde - CH2O Terbium(III) chloride – TbCl3
Formamide - CH3NO Tetraborane(10) – B4H10
Formanilide Tetrachloroauric acid – AuCl3
Formic acid - CH2O2 Tetrafluorohydrazine – N2F4
Formoterol - C19H24N2O4 Tetramminecopper(II) sulfate – [Cu(NH3)4]S
Fructose - C6H12O6 Tetrasulfur tetranitride – S4N4
Fumaric acid - C4H4O4 Thallium(I) carbonate – Tl2CO3
Furan (furane) - C4H4O Thallium(I) fluoride – TlF
Furfural - C5H4O2 Thallium(III) oxide Tl2O3
Furfuryl alcohol - C5H6O2 Thallium(III) sulfate
Furfurylamine - C5H7NO Thionyl chloride – SOCl2
Furylfuramide - C11H8N2O5 Thiophosgene – CSCl2
Thiophosphoryl chloride – Cl3PS
[edit] G Thorium dioxide – ThO2
Thortveitite – (Sc,Y)2Si2O7
Gadopentetate (Magnevist) - C28H54GdN5O20 Thulium(III) chloride – TmCl3
Galantamine - C17H21NO3 Tin(II) chloride – SnCl2
Galactose - C6H12O6 Tin(II) fluoride – SnF2
Gamma-aminobutyric acid - C4H9NO2 Tin(IV) chloride – SnCl4
Gamma-butyrolactone - C4H6O2 Titanium boride – TiB2
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) - C4H8O3 Titanium carbide – TiC
Geraniol - C10H18O Titanium dioxide (titanium(IV) oxide) – TiO2
Gibberellic acid - C19H22O6 Titanium dioxide (B) (titanium(IV) oxide) – Ti
Gluconic acid - C6H12O7 Titanium nitride – TiN
Glucose - C6H12O6 Titanium(IV) bromide (titanium tetrabromide)
Glutamic acid (glutamate) - C5H9NO4 Titanium(IV) chloride (titanium tetrachloride)
Glutamine - C5H10N2O3 Titanium(III) chloride – TiCl3
Glutaraldehyde - C5H8O2 Titanium(II) chloride – TiCl2
Glutaric acid - C5H8O4 Titanium(IV) iodide (titanium tetraiodide) – T
Glutathione - C10H17N3O6S Trifluoromethylisocyanide – C2NF3
Glyburide - C23H28ClN3O5S Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid – CF3SO3H
Glycerin (glycerol) - C3H8O Trimethylphosphine – C3H9P
Glycerophosphoric acid - C3H6O2 Trioxidane – H2O3
Glycidol - C3H6O2 Tripotassium phosphate – K3PO4
Glycine - C2H5NO2 Trisodium phosphate – Na3PO4
Glycogen Triuranium octaoxide (pitchblende or yellowc
Glycolic acid - C2H4O3 Tungsten carbide – WC
Glyoxal - C2H2O2 Tungsten(VI) chloride – WCl6
Guaiacol - C7H8O2 Tungsten(VI) Fluoride – WF6
Guanidine - CH5N3 Tungstic acid – H2WO4
Guanine - C5H5N5O Tungsten hexacarbonyl – W(CO)6
Guanosine - C10H13N5O5
[edit] U
[edit] H
Uranium hexafluoride – UF6
Halothane - C2HBrClF3 Uranium pentafluoride – UF5
Hematoxylin - C16H14O6 Uranium tetrachloride – UCl4
Heme a - C49H56O6N4Fe Uranium tetrafluoride – UF4
Heme b - C34H32O4N4Fe Uranyl carbonate – UO2CO3
Heme c - C34H36O4N4S2Fe Uranyl chloride – UO2Cl2
Heme o - C49H58O5N4Fe Uranyl fluoride – UO2F2
HEPES - C8H18N2O4S Uranyl hydroxide – UO2(OH)2
Heptadecane - C17H36 Uranyl hydroxide – (UO2)2(OH)4
Heptane - C7H16 Uranyl nitrate – UO2(NO3)2
Hexabromocyclododecane - C12H18Br6 Uranyl sulfate – UO2SO4
Hexadecane - C16H34 [edit] V
Hexafluoro-2-propanol - C3H2F6O
Hexafluoro-2-propanone - C3F6O Vanadium carbide – VC
Hexafluoroethane - C2F6 Vanadium oxytrichloride (Vanadium(V) oxide
Hexafluoropropylene - C3F6 Vanadium(IV) chloride – VCl4
Hexamethyldewarbenzene Vanadium(II) chloride – VCl2
Hexamethyldisilazane - C6H19NSi2 Vanadium(II) oxide – VO
Hexamethylenimine Vanadium(III) nitride – VN
Hexamethylolmelamine Vanadium(III) bromide – VBr3
Hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) - [(CH3)2N]3PO Vanadium(III) chloride – VCl3
Hexamine – C6H12N4 Vanadium(III) fluoride – VF3
Hexane - C6H14 Vanadium(IV) fluoride – VF4
Hexanitrodiphenylamine - C12H5N7O12 Vanadium(III) oxide – V2O3
Hexanoic acid - C6H12O2 Vanadium(IV) oxide – VO2
cis-3-Hexanal - C6H10O Vanadium(IV) sulfate – VOSO4
cis-3-Hexen-1-ol - C6H12O Vanadium(V) oxide – V2O5
Hippuric acid - C9H9NO3
Histidine - C6H9N3O2 [edit] W
Histamine - C5H9N3
Homoarginine Water – H2O
Homocysteine - C4H9NO2S
Homocystine - C4H9NO2S [edit] X
Homotaurine - C3H9NO3S
Hydrochlorothiazide - C7H8ClN3O4S2 Xenon difluoride – XeF2
Hydrocinnamic acid Xenon hexafluoroplatinate – Xe[PtF6]
Hydroquinone - C6H6O Xenon tetrafluoride – XeF4
5-Hydroxymethylcytosine - C5H7N3O2 Xenon tetroxide – XeO4
Hydroxyproline - C5H9NO3 Xenic acid – H2XeO4
5-Hydroxytryptamine - C10H12N2O
Hygrine - C8H15NO [edit] Y

[edit] I Ytterbium(III) chloride – YbCl3

Ytterbium(III) oxide – Yb2O3
Ibuprofen - C13H18O2 Yttrium(III) antimonide – YSb
Imazapyr Yttrium(III) arsenide – YAs
Imidazole - C3H4N2 Yttrium(III) bromide – YBr3
Imiquimod - C14H16N4 Yttrium aluminium garnet – Y3Al5O12
Indazole - C7H6N2 Yttrium barium copper oxide – YBa2Cu3O7
Indene - C9H8 Yttrium(III) fluoride – YF3
Indigo dye - C16H10N2O2 Yttrium iron garnet – Y3Fe5O12
Indole - C8H7N Yttrium(III) oxide – Y2O3
Indoline - C8H9N Yttrium(III) sulfide – Y2S3
Indole-3-acetic acid - C10H9NO2 Yttrium copper – YCu
Inositol - C6H12O6 Yttrium silver – YAg
Iodoform - CHI3 Yttrium gold – YAu
Iodoxybenzene Yttrium rhodium – YRh
Ionone - C13H20O Yttrium iridium – YIr
Ipratropium bromide - C20H30NO3 Yttrium zinc – YZn
Isatin - C8H5NO2 Yttrium cadmium – YCd
Isoamyl isobutyrate Yttrium magnesium – YMg
Isobenzofuran - C8H6O
Isoborneol - C10H18O [edit] Z
Isobornyl acetate
Isoflurane - C3H2ClF5O Zinc bromide – ZnBr2
Isoindole - C8H7N Zinc carbonate – ZnCO3
Isoleucine - C6H13NO2 Zinc chloride – ZnCl2
Isomelamine Zinc cyanide – Zn(CN)2
Isooctanol - C8H18O Zinc fluoride – ZnF2
Isophthalic acid - C8H4O2 Zinc iodide – ZnI2
Isopropanol – C3H8O Zinc oxide – ZnO
Isoquinoline - C9H7N Zinc selenide – ZnSe
Isoxazole - C3H3NO Zinc sulfate – ZnSO4
Itraconazole - C35H38Cl2N8O4 Zinc sulfide – ZnS
Zinc telluride – ZnTe
[edit] J Zirconia hydrate – ZrO2.nH2O
Zirconium carbide – ZrC
Jasmone - C11H16O Zirconium(IV) chloride – ZrCl4
Jenner's stain Zirconium nitride – ZrN
Zirconium hydroxide – Zr(OH)4
[edit] K Zirconium(IV) oxide – ZrO2
Zirconium orthosilicate – ZrSiO4
Kanamycin - C18H36N4O11 Zirconium tetrahydroxide – H4O4Zr
Kepone alcohol Zirconium tungstate – ZrW2O8
Kojic acid - C6H6O4

[edit] L

For substances with an l- or L- prefix such as L-alanine or DL-alanine, please see the parent page (in this case alanine).

Lactic acid — C3H6O3

Lactose - C12H22O11
Lauric acid - C12H24O2
Lauryl alcohol - C12H26O
LDA (Lithium diisopropylamide) - C6H14LiN
Leucine - C6H13NO2
Levulinic acid - C5H8O3
Limonene - C10H16
Linalool - C10H18O
Linoleic acid - C18H32O2
Linolenic acid - C18H30O2
Lipoamide - C8H15NOS2
Loratadine - C22H23ClN2O2
LSD - C20H25N3O
Luminol - C8H7N3O2
2,6-Lutidine - C7H9N
Lycopene - C40H56
Lysine - C6H14N2O2

[edit] M

For substances with an m- or meta- prefix such as m-cresol, meta-cresol or metacresol that are not listed below, please look fo

Malachite green - C23H25ClN2

Malathion - C10H19O6PS2
Maleic anhydride - C4H2O3
Malic acid - C4H6O5
Maltose - C12H22O11
Mandelonitrile - C8H7NO
Mannide monooleate
Mannose - C6H12O6
Mauveine - C26H23N4
MDMA - C11H15NO2
Mecoprop - C10H11ClO3
Melatonin - C13H16N2O2
Meldola's blue
Meloxicam - C14H13N3O4S2
Menthol - C10H20O
2-Mercaptoethanol - C2H6OS
Merocyanine - C26H32N3NaO7S
Mesityl oxide - C6H10O
Mesitylene – C9H12
Mesotartaric acid - C4H6O6
Metaldehyde - C8H16O4
Metamizole (dipyrone) - C13H16N3NaO4S
Methane - CH4
Methanesulfonic acid - CH4O3S
Methanol - CH4O
Methionine - C5H11NO2S
Methomyl - C5H10N2O2S
4-Methoxybenzaldehyde (anisaldehyde) - C8H8O2
Methoxychlor - C16H15Cl3O2
Methoxyflurane - C3H4Cl2F2O
Methyl acetate - C3H6O2
Methyl cyanoacrylate - C5H5NO2
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) - C6H12O
Methyl isocyanate - C2H3NO
Methyl methacrylate - C5H8O2
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) - C5H12O
Methylal - C3H8O2
Methylamine - CH5N
2-Methylbenzoic acid (o-Toluic acid) - C8H8O2
4-Methylbenzoic acid (p-Toluic acid) - C8H8O2
Methyl chloroformate
Methylcyclohexane - C7H14
Methylene blue - C16H18ClN3S
Methylmercury - CH3Hg
2-Methylpropene (isobutylene) - C4H8
N-Methylpyrrolidone - C5H9NO
Metoprolol - C15H25NO3
Metronidazole - C6H9N3O3
Michler's ketone - C17H20N2O
Milrinone - C12H9N3O
Monocrotophos - C7H14NO5P
Monosodium glutamate - C5H8NNaO4
Mordant red 19 - C16H13ClN4O5S
Morpholine - C4H9NO
Murexide - C8H8N6O6
Mustard gas - C4H8Cl2S
Myrcene - C10H16

[edit] N

For substances with an n- or normal- prefix such as n-pentane that are not listed below, please see the parent page (in this ca

For substances with an N- prefix (meaning on nitrogen) such as N,N-dimethylformamide, if these are not listed below please s

Naphthalene - C10H8
Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K) - C10H6O2
2-Naphthylamine - C10H9N
Neomycin - C23H46N6O13
Niacin (Vitamin B3) - C6H5NO2
Nicotine - C10H14N2
Niflumic acid - C13H9F3N2O2
Nile red - C20H18N2O2
Nimesulide - C13H12N2O5S
Nitrilotriacetic acid - C6H9NO6
Nitrobenzene - C6H5NO2
Nitroethane - C2H5NO2
Nitrofurantoin - C8H6N4O5
Nitroglycerine - C3H5N3O9
Nitromethane - CH3NO2
Nitrosobenzene - C6H5NO
N-Nitroso-N-methylurea - C2H5N3O2
Nonacosane - C29H60
Nonane - C9H20
Noradrenaline - C8H11NO3
Norcarane - C7H12

[edit] O

For substances with an o- or ortho- prefix such as o-cresol, ortho-cresol or orthocresol that are not listed below, please look fo

Octabromodiphenyl ether - C12H2Br8O

Octane - C8H18
Octanoic acid - C8H16O2
Oleic acid - C18H34O2
Orcin - C7H8O2
Orcinol - C7H8O2
Ornithine - C5H12N2O2
Orotic acid - C5H4N2O4
Oseltamivir -C16H28N2O4
Oxalic acid - C2H2O4
Oxalyl Chloride - C2O2Cl2
Oxamide - C2H4N2O2
Oxazole - C3H3NO
Oxolinic acid - C13H11NO5
Oxymetholone - C21H32O3

[edit] P

For substances with an p- or para- prefix such as p-cresol, para-cresol or paracresol that are not listed below, please look for a

p-nitro benzal dehyde

Paclitaxel - C47H51NO14
Palmitic acid - C16H32O2
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) - C9H17NO5
Para red - C16H11N3O3
Parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX) - C8H9ClO
Paraformaldehyde - (CH2O)x (x = 8 - 100)
Parathion - C10H14NO5PS
Pelargonic acid - C9H18O2
Pentabromodiphenyl ether - C12H5Br5O
Pentachlorobiphenyl - C12H10-xClx (x = 1-10)
Pentachlorophenol - C6HCl5O
Pentadecane - C15H32
Pentaerythritol - C4H10O3
Pentaethylene glycol
Pentafluoroethane - C2HF5
Pentane - C5H12
Pentetic acid - C14H23N3O10
Permethrin - C21H20Cl2O3
Peroxyacetic acid - C2H4O3
Perylene - C20H12
Phenacetin - C10H13NO2
Phenacyl bromide - C8H7BrO
Phenanthrene - C14H10
Phencyclidine - C17H25N
Phenethylamine - C8H11N
Phenobarbital - C12H12N2O3
Phenol - C6H6O
Phenol red - C19H14O5S
Phenolphthalein - C20H14O4
Phenothiazine - C12H9NS
Phenylacetic acid - C8H8O2
Phenylacetylene - C8H6
Phenylalanine - C9H11NO2
p-Phenylenediamine - C6H8N2
Phenylhydrazine - C6H8N2
Phenylhydroxylamine - C6H7NO
4-Phenyl-4-(1-piperidinyl)cyclohexanol (PPC) - C17H25NO
Phenylthiocarbamide — C7H8N2S
Phloroglucinol - C6H6O3
Phorate - C8H4O3
Phthalic anhydride - C8H6O2
Phthalic acid - C8H6O2
Phytic acid - C6H18O24P6
4-Picoline - C6H7N
Picric acid - C6H3N3O7
Pimelic acid - C7H12O4
Pinacol - C6H14O2
Piperazine - C4H10N2
Piperidine - C5H11N
Piperonal - C8H6O3
Piperylene - C5H8
Pivaloyl chloride
Polyamide 6 (Nylon 6)
Polybenzimidazole fiber
Polyethylenimine - (C4H8)x
Polypropylene - (C3H6)x
Polypropylene glycol
Polyvinyl acetate - (C4H6O2)x
Polyvinyl alcohol - (C2H4O)x
Polyvinyl chloride
Polyvinyl pyridine
Polyvinylidene chloride - (C2H2Cl2)x
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) - (C2H2F)x
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) - (C6H9NO)x
Potassium clavulanate - C8H8KNO5
Potassium 2-ethyl hexanoate - C8H15KO2
Prednisone - C21H26O5
Primaquine - C15H21N3O
Procaine - C13H20N2O2
Progesterone - C21H30O2
Prolactin (PRL)
Proline - C5H9NO2
Propane - C3H8
2-Propanone - C3H6O
Propargyl alcohol - C3H4O
Propiconazole - C15H17Cl2N3O2
Propiolic acid - C3H2O2
Propionaldehyde - C3H6O
Propionic acid - C3H6O2
Propionitrile - C3H5N
Propoxur - C11H15NO3
Proton-sponge (Aldrich trademark name) - C14H18N2
Purine - C5H4N4
Putrescine - C4H12N2
Pyrazine - C4H12N2
Pyrazole - C3H4N2
Pyrene - C16H10
Pyridazine - C4H4N2
Pyridine - C5H5N
Pyridinium tribromide
2-Pyridone - C5H5NO
Pyridoxal - C8H9NO3
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - C8H11NO3
Pyrilamine - C17H23N3O
Pyrimethamine - C12H13ClN4
Pyrimidine - C4H4N2
Pyrocatechol - C12H13ClN4
Pyroglutamic acid - C5H7NO3
Pyrrole - C4H5N
Pyrrolidine - C4H9N
Pyruvic acid - C3H4O3

[edit] Q

Quinaldine - C10H9N
Quinazoline - C8H6N2
Quinine - C20H24N2O2
Quinoline - C9H7N
Quinoxaline - C8H6N2

[edit] R

Raffinose - C18H32O16
Resorcinol - C6H6O2
Retinol (Vitamin A) - C20H30O
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - C17H20N4O6
Ribose - C5H10O5
Rosolic acid - C19H14O3
Rotenone - C23H22O6

[edit] S

For substances with an s- or secondary- prefix such as s-butyllithium or sec-butyllithium that are not listed below, please see th

Saccharin - C7H5NO3S
Safrole - C10H10O2
Salicin - C13H18O7
Salicylaldehyde - C7H6O2
Salicylic acid - C7H6O3
Salvinorin A - C23H28O8
Sarin - C4H10FO2P
Sebacic acid - C10H18O4
Sebacoyl chloride - C10H16Cl2O2
Selacholeic acid
Selenocysteine - C3H7NO2Se
Selenomethionine - C5H11NO2Se
Serine - C5H11NO2Se
Serine kinase
Serotonin - C10H12N2O
Shikimic acid - C7H10O5
Sildenafil (Viagra) - C22H30N6O4S
Skatole - C9H9N
Snakeroot oil
Sorbic acid C6H8O2
Sotolone - C6H8O2
Spermidine - C6H8O3
Squalene - C30H50
Stearic acid - C18H36O2
Strychnine - C21H22N2O2
Styrene - C8H8
Succinic anhydride - C4H4O3
Sucrose (Sugar) - C12H22O11
Sulfanilamide - C6H8N2O2S
Sulfanilic acid - C6H7NO3S
Sulforhodamine B - C27H30N2O7S2
Suxamethonium chloride - C14H30N2O4
Siamenoside - C54H92O24

[edit] T

For substances with an t- or tertiary- prefix such as t-butyllithium or tert-butyllithium that are not listed below, please see the pa

Tabun - C5H11N2O2P
Tannic acid - C76H52O46
Tartaric acid - C4H6O6
Tartrazine - C16H9N4Na3O9S2
Taurine - C2H7NO3S
Terephthalic acid - C8H6O4
α-Terpineol - C10H18O
Testosterone - C19H28O2
Tetrachloroethylene - C2Cl4
Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride) – CCl4
Tetraethylene glycol - C4H10O3
Tetrafluoroethene - C2F4
Tetrahedrane - C4H4
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) - C4H8O
Tetrahydronaphthalene - C10H12
Tetramethrin - C19H25NO4
Tetramethylsilane (TMS, standard for NMR) - C4H12Si
Tetranitromethane - CN4O8
Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) - C6H4S4
Tetrazine - C2H2N4
Tetrodotoxin - C11H17N3O8
Tetryl - C7H5N5O8
Thalidomide - C13H10N2O4
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) – C12H17N4OS
Thiazole - C3H3NS
Thiolactic acid
Thiophene - C4H4S
Thiophosgene - CCl2S
Thiourea - CH4N2S
Thiram - C6H12N2S4
Thorin - C16H11AsN2O10S2
Threonine - C4H9NO3
Thymidine - C10H14N2O5
Thymine - C5H6N2O2
Thymol - C10H14O
Thymolphthalein - C28H30O4
Thyroxine (T4) - C15H11I4NO4
Tiglic acid - C5H8O2
Tinidazole - C8H13N3O4S
Tocopherol (Vitamin E) - C29H50O2
Toluene - C7H8
Toluene diisocyanate - C9H6N2O2
p-Toluenesulfonic acid - C7H8O3S
o-Toluic acid - C8H8O2
p-Toluic acid - C8H8O2
Triazole - C2H3N3
Tributyl phosphate - C12H27O4P
Tributylphosphine - C12H27P
Trichloroacetic acid - C2HCl3O2
1,1,1-Trichloroethane - C2H3Cl3
Trichloroethylene - C2HCl3
Trichlorofluoromethane - CCl3F
2,4,6-Trichloroanisole - C7H5Cl3O
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol - C6H3Cl3O
Tris - C4H11NO3
Tricine - C6H13NO5
Triclabendazole - C14H9Cl3N2OS
Triclosan - C12H7Cl3O2
Tridecane - C13H28
Tridecanoic acid
Triethylaluminium - C6H15Al
Triethylamine - C6H15N
Triethylamine hydrochloride - C6H16ClN
Triethylene glycol - C6H14O4
Triethylenediamine - C6H12N2
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) - C2HF3O2
1,1,1-Trifluoroethane - C2H3F3
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol - C2H3F3O
Trifluoromethane - CHF3
Trimellitic anhydride
Trimethoxyamphetamine - C12H19NO3
Trimethyl phosphite - C3H9O3P
Trimethylamine - C3H9N
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (isooctane) - C8H18
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) – C7H5N3O6
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate - C21H21O4P
Triphenyl phosphate - C18H15O4P
Triphenylamine - C18H15N
Triphenylantimony - C18H15Sb
Triphenylene - C18H12
Triphenylmethane - C19H16
Triphenylmethanol - C19H16O
Triphenylphosphine - C18H15P
Tropane - C8H15N
Tropinone - C8H13NO
Trypan blue - C34H28N6O14S4
Tryptophan - C11H12N2O2
Tuataric acid - C8H12O2
Tyrosine — C9H11NO3

[edit] U

Umbelliferone - C9H6O3
Undecanol - C11H24O
Uracil - C4H4N2O2
Urea - CH4N2O
Uric acid - C5H4N4O3
Uridine - C9H12N2O6
Usnic acid - C18H16O7

[edit] V

Valine - C5H11NO2
Valium - C16H13ClN2O
Valproic acid - C8H16O2
Vanillin - C8H8O3
Venlafaxine - C17H27NO2
Vinyl acetate - C4H6O2
Vinyl fluoride - C2H3F
Vinylidene chloride - C2H2Cl2
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin B1 - C12H17N4OS+Cl-.HCl
Vitamin B2 - C17H20N4O6
Vitamin B3 - C6H5NO2
Vitamin B4 - C5H5N5
Vitamin B5 - C9H17NO5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12 - C63H88CoN14O14P
Vitamin C - C6H8O6
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin F
Vitamin H - C10H16N2O3S
Vitamin K
Vitamin M - C19H19N7O6
Vitamin P
Vitamin S - C7H6O3

[edit] W

Warfarin - C19H16O4

[edit] X

Xanthan gum
Xanthone - C13H8O2
Xylene - C8H10
Xylene cyanol - C25H27N2NaO6S2
Xylenol orange - C31H28N2Na4O13S
Xylose - C5H10O5
Xylyl bromide

[edit] Y

Yohimbine hydrochloride - C21H26N2O3

Yohimbinic acid monohydrate

[edit] Z

Zingiberene - C15H24
de – Al(OH)3

– Al2(SO4)3

onate – NH4HCO3
(IV) nitrate – (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6

ide – NH4OH

– (NH4)2SO4
ocyanatodiamminechromate(III) – NH4[Cr(SCN)4(NH3)2]

oride – SbCl5
oride – SbF5

senic(III) oxide) – As2O3 easily confused with arsenous acid As(OH)3

e – Be(OH)2

ide – Be(BH4)2
: B2H6, Pentaborane: B5H9 Decaborane: B10H14


– CdSe (of quantum dot fame)

ate – CsHCO3

– Cs2CrO4

ypsum) – CaSO4
– Ce(SO4)2

ide – CrCl2 (also chromous chloride)

(Chromic acid) – CrO3

um(II) chloride diammine]] – PtCl2(NH3)2

te – CuCO3

de – Cu(OH)2


ane) – B10H14
sphate – (NH4)2HPO4

de (nitronium nitrate) – N2O5

oride – DyCl3
– FSO2(OH)

oride – GdCl3

dride (Germane)– GeH4

dride – Ge2H6

oride – GeF4
oride – GeCl2
oride – GeCl4
mide – GeBr2
omide – GeBr4

fide – GeS2
enide – GeSe
enide – GeSe2

ride – Ge3N4
hexarhodium – Rh6CO16

acid – H3PO2

eCl2 including hydrate

ate – La2(CO3)3
sium – LaMg

– Pb3(PO4)2

nate – Pb[TixZr1-x]O3 (e.g., x = 0.52 is Lead zirconium titanate)

hydride – LiAlH4

(Lithium salt) – Li2CO3

nide – MgSb
nate – MgCO3

hate – Mg3(PO4)2

de (manganese dioxide) – MnO2

ate monohydrate – MnSO4.H2O
oride – MnCl2
oride – MnCl3
oride – MnF4
sphate – Mn3(PO4)2
– Hg(ONC)2

carbonyl – C6O6Mo

oride – NdCl3

– NiCl2 and hexahydrate

e – NbOCl3
ride – NbCl5

d – NOHSO4

osmium(VIII) oxide) – OsO4

smium(VI) oxide) – OsO3
– C24H54OSn2

e – Pd(NO3)2

ony – Sb2S5

aro's acid) – H2SO5

– (C6H5)AsO
acid – HMoNiO6P-4

(Phosphoric(III) acid) – H3PO3

bromide – PBr5
luoride – PF5
sulfide – P4S10
xide – P2O5
isulfide – P4S3

cid – H3PW12O40

(Plutonium(IV) oxide) – PuO2

um Fluoride – KAlF4
– K2B4O7•4H2O

ate – K2CO3

late – K3[Fe(C2O4)3]
encarbonate – KHCO3
en fluoride – HF2K

ersulfate – K2SO4·KHSO4·2KHSO5

mate – KBrO4
rate – KClO4
ganate – KMnO4

hosphate – KTiOPO4

chloride – PrCl3
lar hydrogen – H3+
(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)) – Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3
ride – SmCl3
e – Sc(OSO2CF3)3
ide – ScCl3 and hydrate

e – Sc(NO3)3

de – Na4Fe(CN)6
carbonate (Sodium bicarbonate) – NaHCO3

ophosphate (MFP) – Na2PFO3

ate – 2Na2CO3.3H2O2
; see Trisodium phosphate – Na3PO4

(tin(II) chloride) – SnCl2

ride – TeCl4

(II) sulfate – [Cu(NH3)4]SO4

ate – Tl2CO3

oride – Cl3PS
tanium(IV) oxide) – TiO2
B) (titanium(IV) oxide) – TiO2

de (titanium tetrabromide) – TiBr4

de (titanium tetrachloride) – TiCl4

(titanium tetraiodide) – TiI4

yanide – C2NF3
ulfonic acid – CF3SO3H

phate – K3PO4
ate – Na3PO4
de (pitchblende or yellowcake) – U3O8

bonyl – W(CO)6


oride (Vanadium(V) oxide trichloride) – VOCl3

ate – VOSO4

latinate – Xe[PtF6]

garnet – Y3Al5O12
per oxide – YBa2Cu3O7

– Y3Fe5O12
e – Zr(OH)4

cate – ZrSiO4
roxide – H4O4Zr
e – ZrW2O8

n this case alanine).

sted below, please look for a more generic page (in this case cresol). For substances with a meso- prefix such as meso-tartaric acid or mes
he parent page (in this case pentane).

not listed below please see the parent page (in this case dimethylformamide).

sted below, please look for a more generic page (in this case cresol).
ed below, please look for a more generic page (in this case cresol).
isted below, please see the parent page (in this case under B, butyllithium).

below, please see the parent page (in this case under B, butyllithium). For substances with an t- or trans- prefix such as *trans-2-Butene, y
meso-tartaric acid or mesotartaric acid that are not listed below, please see the parent page (in this case tartaric acid).
such as *trans-2-Butene, you may find these listed under the parent name letter (in this case "B"), as is the norm in chemical catalogues.
n chemical catalogues.

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