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Datasheet Daemon Primarchs

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By: Matt Plonski 1/13/2009

Angron POINTS: 750

Angron was one of the super-human Space Marine Primarchs created by the Emperor of mankind in an effort to battle against the tide
of Chaos. From Angron’s genetic material the Emperor created the World Eaters Space Marines. Angron fought innumerable campaigns
alongside Horus and deeply respected his ability as a great military tactician and his sense of honor and pride as a warrior.
Angron was the first Primarch to join Horus in revolt against the Emperor, for Angron knew Horus as a brother and supported the
Warmaster in demanding a new order of discipline and martial virtue as the only way to save mankind from destruction. Once the rebellion
turned into full-scale civil war Angron and the World Eaters were drawn into bloodier and bloodier conflicts. He realized too late that instead of
saving the Imperium they were destroying it, but his pride prevented him withdrawing from the war and his good intentions became his downfall
as he was drawn into the embrace of Chaos.
The World Eaters has always been the most savage and warlike Space Marines and Angron led them in the worship of Khorne, god of
war and bloodshed. Though Angron’s loyalty to the Imperium was once exemplary, Khorne appealed to his honor and martial pride more than
the Emperor ever could. As a Champion of Khorne Angron led the World Eaters through some of the greatest and bloodiest battles of the Horus
Heresy, including the assault on the Imperial palace. When the heresy failed and Horus was slain, Angron and his World Eaters battled halfway
across the galaxy to reach the Eye of Terror and the Daemon World Khorne had prepared for them.
Khorne has wrought many changes in Angron during the Primarch’s service. Angron is now a hulking, muscular giant with skin the
color of spilt blood. His face is a bestial and fang filled, his eyes milky white without iris or pupil. Angron fights with a mighty Chaos blade of
black glowing iron etched with runes of doom and destruction. His voice is a mighty storm and mortals quail at his approach.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Angron 750 9 0 10 8 7 6 6 10 2+/4+
Unit Type: Angron is a Monstrous Creature. a Barbed Tail. He has Daemonic Wings, Blessing of the Blood
Number/Squad: Unique God (2+ save vs. psychic powers) and Chaos Armour (providing a
Daemonic Gifts: Angron has been highly rewarded by his patron, 2+ armour save).
Khorne. He comes to the battle wielding Angron’s Sword. He has

Daemon, Monstrous Creature, Offensive & Defensive Grenades, in close combat with him as if he were a Gargantuan Creature
Fearless, Hit & Run. performing a Stomp attack.
Angron’s Chosen: As a Daemon Primarch, Angron is entitled to a Angron’s Roar: During the shooting phase instead of shooting a
retinue of Khorne’s finest warriors. He may be accompanied into weapon, the Daemon Primarch may single-out a single enemy unit,
combat by a unit of Bloodthirsters, chosen as normal from Codex: model, or even Independent Character anywhere on the battlefield.
Chaos Daemons. The entire retinue may enter the battlefield via Angron then bellows, a deafening roar filling the ears and minds of
Deep Strike. The retinue forms a single unit, and therefore none of the target with the terror of Khorne’s wrath. The target must
the models may be singled out by enemy shooting. immediately test to avoid being Pinned. If failed, the target may
Angron’s Sword: Khorne has gifted his champion with a massive choose to Fall Back instead. If passed, Angron’s intimidation still
black rune sword, with a blade nearly 8 meters long! It is a throws his foe off balance, allowing him to hit the opponent on a
Daemon Weapon, providing him with +D6 additional attacks. Any 2+ in close combat. Once per game Angron may use the
to-hit rolls of a 6 are resolved as Destroyer hits including the Bloodthirst of Khorne strategic asset, centered on him.
modifier to the vehicle damage table. Primarch: The presence of a Daemon Primarch on the battlefield
Barbed Tail: Angron has a large, broad, spiny tail. It functions as is an inspiring sight to all of Khorne’s warriors. He is a Chaos
an additional close combat weapon. Alternately, he can use it to Icon for the daemons of the chaos god Khorne and makes all
clear the area around him when things are getting too tight. friendly models with the Mark of Khorne within 24” Fearless. If
Instead of attacking with his sword he swings his tail around killed, the Primarch’s corpse is always a Trophy Kill (counts as an
generating a single attack on every enemy model engaged in close objective).
By: Matt Plonski 1/13/2009

Mortarion POINTS: 650

During the Horus Heresy the Death Guard Space Marines joined the rebel Warmaster Horus and took part in many battles against
forces loyal to the Emperor. Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard, turned to the worship of Nurgle, Lord of Decay, after the entire Legion
became trapped in the warp and was ravaged by plague. Mortarion’s fevered ravings were answered by Nurgle who saved the Death Guard and
made Mortarion his Champion. Subsequently Mortarion led his Space Marines on a merry dance of destruction over a score of planets.
Following the death of Horus and the effective end of the Heresy, Mortarion fled with the rotting remnants of his Space Marines into the Eye of
Terror. There he received Nurgle’s ultimate reward and ruled the Plague Planet as the Daemon Prince Mortarion.
Mortarion is a cowled, skeletal figure wrapped in tattered robes which flap in an ethereal, pestilent breeze. He bears a daemon-
etched scythe to reap the souls of the living.

The Daemon Primarch of the

Death Guard, Mortarion, is a
massive figure, fighting on with
exposed bone, decaying daemon-
tail, large skinless wings, and a
ragged, torn cloak pulled low over
his empty eye sockets. He
continues to wear portions of his
once-immaculate artificer armour;
the fact that pieces of it have
disintegrated or fallen away is
either unnoticed or unimportant to
the plans of Nurgle’s chosen.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Mortarion 650 6 6 7 8 6 5 5 10 2+/4+
Nurgling Swarm 12 2 0 3 3 3 2 3 10 -/5+
Unit Type: Mortarion is a Monstrous Creature. Sorcerer: Mortarion is an expert of the application of death and
Number/Squad: Unique decay, and uses sorcery to further that end. He has the psychic
Daemonic Gifts: Nurgle favors Mortarion as his champion. He powers Plague Wind and The Touch of Death (see below). He
wields the Death Scythe and is infested with a Nurgling Swarm and automatically passes all psychic tests.
the Plague Rot. He has Daemonic Flight, Chaos Armor (providing
a 2+ armour save), and a gigantic Skeletal Frame.

Daemon, Monstrous Creature, Offensive & Defensive Grenades, then place a second Hellstorm Template such that any part of it is
Fearless, Hit & Run. touching the first template. Any model touched by either template
Death Scythe: The gigantic rusted and decaying scythe carried by suffers a wound on a 4+ as if affected by Breath of Chaos.
Mortarion functions as a Plaguebringer (see Codex: Chaos Space The Touch of Death: Instead of making normal close combat
Marines) although it is more intensely poisoned. It wounds all attacks, Mortarion may apply The Touch of Death. He slowly
enemy models on a 3+ at worst. The Death Scythe is a Chaos reaches out and places his skeletal hand on his victim. Upon
Icon. contact, the sum total of Papa Nurgle’s maladies flow into the
Nurgling Swarm: Mortarion is infested with a veritable horde of victim’s body, turning it into a rotted carcass in a matter of
Nurglings, with 3 to 10 swarm bases forming a unit with him (at seconds. Mortarion may use this psychic power in the assault
the normal cost). They crawl all over his skeletal body and phase as a single close combat attack at Initiative 1. If the hit is
underneath his cloak. The Nurglings follow along with their successful, the victim suffers a Destroyer hit with no saves allowed
master, and may move as he does (Daemonic Flight or Slow and (including Invulnerable Saves).
Purposeful). Although the Nurglings may be targeted as normal, Skeletal Frame: Mortarion is a huge walking skeleton, any flesh
any shot directed at Mortarion is just as likely to hit a tiny daemon. long ago having rotted away, and he covers himself with a filthy
Any successful hit targeted at the Primarch hits one of the and diseased hooded cloak. The bones of his skeleton have
Nurgling bases instead on a D6 roll of 4 or more. This rule only hardened to a supernatural firmness, however, granting him the
applies while there are any Nurgling bases alive and to shooting Feel No Pain special rule. As Mortarion has a special affinity with
attacks, as the Nurglings will fight as normal in close combat. the diseases and corruptions designed by his patron god, he may
Mortarion and his Nurgling Swarm may enter the field using the not be wounded by any daemon of Nurgle or any model with the
Deep Strike rules if they are in effect. Both Mortarion and his Mark of Nurgle. When not moving by his wings (i.e. in the
Nurglings may make Hit and Run attacks, as a Primarch may pick- Assault Phase) Mortarion is Slow and Purposeful.
and-choose his opponents in close combat. Primarch: The presence of a Daemon Primarch on the battlefield
Plague Rot: The Aura of Decay exuded by Mortarion and the is an inspiring sight to all of Nurgle’s warriors. He makes all
clouds of disease that he leaves in his wake has a range of 12”, and friendly models with the Mark of Nurgle within 24” Fearless.
has a strength of 5. Plague Marines and Plaguebearers within this 24” range have their
Plague Wind: This psychic power is used in the shooting phase initiatives increased to 5. If killed, the Primarch’s corpse is always
instead of shooting another weapon. Place one Hellstorm a Trophy Kill (counts as an objective).
Template so that any part of it is touching Mortarion’s base, and
By: Matt Plonski 1/13/2009

Fulgrim POINTS: 725

The Emperor’s Children Space Marine Legion was dispatched to pacify the rebel Warmaster Horus at the start of the Heresy, before
the Emperor knew the full scale of Horus’ abomination. At first Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor’s Children, tried to negotiate with the
Warmaster and dissuade him from his rebellion. While they parleyed Fulgrim was corrupted by the Warmaster. A tendril of power from the
Chaos God Slaanesh insinuated itself in to Fulgrim’s mind and began to slowly bend him to the will of the Lord of Pleasure. Fulgrim resisted
staunchly at first but little by little his fortitude was eroded away as his enhanced senses were stimulated beyond endurance and whispered
promises awoke unspoken desires. Eventually Fulgrim’s mighty will was broken and he joined Horus, surrendering to the hedonistic pleasures of
Slaanesh. As Fulgrim delved deeper into depravity the Emperor’s Children followed him into heresy.
In the was against the Imperium Fulgrim led the Emperor’s Children in an orgy of destruction against the undefended civilian
populations of a dozen systems, slaughtering and enslaving millions in pursuit of their pleasures. When the Warmaster was slain by the Emperor
Fulgrim fled to the Eye of Terror with the remaining Emperor’s Children.
Centuries of worship have changed Fulgrim beyond all recognition. Serpent bodied and many armed, Fulgrim has been twisted into a
monstrous daemonic creature. Despite his monstrous appearance, Fulgrim radiates a strange beauty and physical attraction, captivating and
colored soporific musk billow around Fulgrim wherever he goes, weakening the will and awakening disturbing desires in those who breathe the
heady musk.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Fulgrim 725 10 5 8 8 5 6 5+3 10 2+/4+
Unit Type: Fulgrim is a Monstrous Creature. Body, Daemonic Wings, and Chaos Armour (providing a 2+
Number/Squad: Unique armour save).
Daemonic Gifts: His patron, Slaanesh, has deliciously rewarded Sorcerer: Fulgrim is a master sorcerer with a direct connection to
Fulgrim. He brandishes a Lash of Agony and the Many Swords of the Warp. He has the daemonic powers Boon of Mutation,
Fulgrim, and injects himself with Combat Drugs. He exudes Daemonic Gaze, and Lash of Submission. He automatically passes
Soporific Musk and the Allure of Fulgrim. He has a Serpentine all psychic tests.

Daemon, Monstrous Creature, Offensive & Defensive Grenades, experience or capabilities. The Daemon Primarch Fulgrim has
Fearless, Hit & Run. distilled the warp essence of a hundred Eldar warriors into a potent
Fulgrim’s Chosen: As a Daemon Primarch, Fulgrim is entitled to cocktail that enables him to push his reaction time to the limit of
a retinue of Slaanesh’s finest warriors. He may be accompanied his being. At the start of any assault phase, Fulgrim may activate
into combat by a unit of Chosen or Terminator Chaos Space his Combat Drug injector and take a Leadership test. If he passes
Marines (equipped as in the Emperor’s Children Warband his test, Fulgrim may double his base number of attacks. If he
Legendary Formation), Noise Marines, or a unit of any Slaaneshi fails, he takes a wound with no saves allowed.
daemon. One model in Fulgrim’s retinue of Chaos Space Marines Allure of Fulgrim: Fulgrim uses the daemonic power Lash of
may be a Chaos Lord and one model may be upgraded to a Chaos Submission with a range of 36”.
Sorcerer (all at normal point costs with normal equipment Soporific Musk: At the start of his movement phase, if Fulgrim is
limitations). Due to his duplicitous nature, Fulgrim and his Chaos not locked in close combat he may activate his Soporific Musk.
Space Marine retinue may Infiltrate, while the daemons Deep While this power is active, all enemy models are overwhelmed by
Strike as normal. feelings of great affection toward the Daemon Primarch. No
Lash of Agony: A long barbed lash seeped in the blood of six enemy model may launch an assault with Fulgrim as the target
hundred and sixty six of Slaanesh’s faithful; Fulgrim’s whip unit. The power lasts until the start of Fulgrim’s next movement
reduces the number of attacks of all enemy models locked in phase and is canceled if Fulgrim elects to shoot or assault an
combat with him by 1, to a minimum of 1. Alternately, he may enemy model.
choose one model in base contact with him and lower its attacks by Serpentine Body: The lower portion of Fulgrim’s body has been
D6 to a minimum of 0. transformed into that of a large serpent of Slaanesh, granting him
Many Swords of Fulgrim: Slaanesh has gifted Fulgrim with the ability to move as Cavalry. He has also been gifted with huge,
several additional arms, each of which carries a beautiful and silken Daemonic Wings as well. As such he may move as Jump
deadly sword. He attacks with all of these weapons in an intricate Infantry in the movement phase, and may assault 12” in the assault
martial display, as dazzling as it is potent. The Many Swords are phase. If he chooses to move more than 6” in both the movement
poisoned (never requiring worse than a 4+ to wound) and count as and assault phases, roll a D6. On a result of a 1, Fulgrim will take
three additional close combat weapons (bonuses included in a wound as if passing through Dangerous Terrain.
profile). Any to-hit roll of 6 generates another attack for the Primarch: The presence of a Daemon Primarch on the battlefield
Primarch, resolved immediately. Any to-wound roll of 6 ignores is an inspiring sight to all of Slannesh’s warriors. He is a Living
Invulnerable Saves. Icon for the chaos god Slaanesh and makes all friendly models
Combat Drugs: The Emperor’s Children Chaos Space Marine with the Mark of Slaanesh within 24” Fearless. If killed, the
Legion, since their fall, have been free experimenters with any Primarch’s corpse is always a Trophy Kill (counts as an objective).
process or drug that they may use to improve their battlefield
By: Matt Plonski 1/13/2009

Magnus the Red POINTS: 720

Even before the Horus Heresy the Thousand Sons became involved with the arcane lore and the practice of sorcery. Despite warnings
from the Emperor their Primarch, known as Magnus the Red or Cyclopean Magnus for his flaming red hair and single eye, continued to delve
deeper into the mysteries of the warp. Magnus remained loyal, however, even attempting to warn the Emperor about Horus through his arcane
powers. But the Emperor, mistrustful of anything tinged by the warp and Chaos, sent Leman Russ and the Space Wolves to destroy the Thousand
Sons’ homeworld. Once driven into war, Magnus had little choice but to ally himself with Tzeentch, the greatest magician of the Chaos Gods, to
avoid total destruction. Magnus escaped the aftermath of the Horus Heresy by using his sorcerous powers to open a Warp interface through
which the ships of the Thousand Sons could flee to the Eye of Terror. There, Tzeentch granted Magnus the Planet of Sorcerers to rule as his own.
Over the centuries Cyclopean Magnus has become a sorcerer of the most consummate power. His single eye blazes with mystic
energy and his limbs constantly burn with blue-white witchfire


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Magnus the Red 720 8 6 9 8 6 6 5 10 2+/4+
Unit Type: Magnus is a Monstrous Creature. Sorcerer: Magnus is the ultimate sorcerer. Even before his
Number/Squad: Unique godhood, the universe knew no parallel. He possesses the psychic
Daemonic Gifts: Magnus has been embraced by the master of powers Bolt of Change, Warptime, Doom Bolt, Gift of Chaos, Wind
magic, and rewarded to the level of one befitting his status as of Chaos, and Power Storm. He automatically passes all psychic
Daemon Primarch. He carries the Red Scepter. He sees with the tests.
All Seeing Eye and is a Warp Conduit. He has Chaos Armour
(providing a 2+ armour save) and Daemonic Wings.

Daemon, Monstrous Creature, Offensive & Defensive Grenades, Warp Conduit: One of Tzeentch’s gifts to the sorcerer Magnus
Fearless, Hit & Run. was an intimate connection to the power of the Warp. As such, it
Chosen of the Red: Magnus felt betrayed by the cabal of is easy for the Primarch to redirect any hostile Warp energy
Ahriman and the Rubic that cost him his mortal followers. He harmlessly into the infinite power well from whence it came.
therefore isolates himself from the less faithful of his disciples. • Magnus’s Warp Conduit acts as if he has a Psychic
When in battle, Magnus brings a retinue of the most powerful Hood. Additionally, if a Psychic power is directed at
sorcerers of Tzeentch: the Greater Daemons. He may be Magnus or any unit that he has joined, the Primarch is
accompanied into combat by a unit of Lords of Change chosen as more likely to defeat it. After it is determined that the
normal from Codex: Chaos Daemons. The entire retinue may power was successfully cast, roll a D6. On a roll of 2
enter play via Deep Strike. The retinue forms a single unit, and or more the power has no effect.
therefore none of the models may be singled out by enemy • Once per turn, at the start of Magnus’ movement phase,
shooting. Magnus may choose to terminate any one Psychic
The Red Scepter: The rod that Magnus carries is capped off with power within 24” that is currently active.
a brilliant red gem, the exact color as the hair on the Primarch’s • Once per game, at the start of Magnus’ movement
head. The scepter functions as a Deathscreamer and a Force phase, the Daemon Primarch may choose to cause a
Weapon. It allows Magnus to use more than one psychic power Warp Drain, removing all Warp or Psychic energy
per turn. He may use the first one as normal. On a 4+, he may use from the surrounding area. All Psychic powers within
a second one. After that, he may continue to attempt to use 24” are automatically removed from play, and no other
additional psychic powers, succeeding on a D6 roll of 4+. If he Psychic or Psychic-like powers may be activated within
ever fails this roll, the Primarch may cast no other psychic abilities 24” until the start of Magnus’ next movement phase.
for the rest of the turn. Magnus may use the same power more Any model with the Soulless special rule takes an
than once per turn. automatic S6 hit. Wraithguard, all models with the
All Seeing Eye: The key to Magnus’ power is his one, cyclopean Slow and Purposeful special rule, and every vehicle
eye. By glancing across the battlefield, he may cause an enemy with the Daemonic Possession upgrade trapped within
model within line of sight to re-roll one successful die roll (armour range of the Warp Drain may not move or fight back in
save, to-hit, or to-wound roll) of Magnus’ choosing per turn. The close combat. Any model with psychic abilities must
results of the second roll must be accepted in every case. take a psychic test or suffer the Perils of the Warp.
Power Storm: This psychic power is used in the shooting phase • At the beginning of Magnus’ movement phase in the
instead of shooting a weapon. Magnus the Red calls down a rain turn following a Warp Drain, the Cyclopean Magnus
of pure warp energy upon his foes, melting armour and mutating and any friendly models within the 24” range may be
flesh. The Power Storm has the following profile: Range: 24” S8 removed from play. They count as destroyed, but
AP1 Apocalypse Barrage (3). opponents only receive half victory points. If any
Primarch: The presence of a Daemon Primarch on the battlefield friendly models are removed, Magnus must accompany
is an inspiring sight to all of Tzeentch’s warriors. He is a Chaos them, but not all friendly models must be removed or,
Icon for daemons of the chaos god Tzeentch and makes all friendly indeed, any.
models with the Mark of Tzeentch within 24” Fearless. If killed,
the Primarch’s corpse is always a Trophy Kill (counts as an
By: Matt Plonski 1/13/2009

Perturabo POINTS: 740

Perturabo was a mighty warrior with a keen tactical mind when the Emperor discovered him on Olympia and gave him charge of the
Iron Warriors Space Marine legion. He led his troops on many successful campaigns; finding victory with strategy and tactics if possible or with
ruthless ferocity when deemed necessary. After squelching a rebellion on his home planet through the use of excessive force and brutal
bloodshed, the Iron Warriors knew they could never return to the Emperor’s light. They rebelled alongside the Alpha Legion and Night Lords at
Istaan V.
It was Perturabo that organized the siege of the Emperor’s palace on Terra. Only Horus’ impatience at the rate of progress caused
the Warmaster to challenge the Emperor, as Perturabo insisted that the siege was well in-hand. Denied of his victory, Perturabo took his Iron
Warriors to Sebastus IV where they designed the perfect trap to foil their pursuers, Rogal Dorn’s Imperial Fists. Although unable to engineer the
death of the loyal Primarch at the Eternal Fortress, Perturabo was elevated to Daemonhood through the sacrifice of the gene seed from over four
hundred murdered Space Marines.
Perturabo has taken the fortress-world Medrengard within the Eye of Terror and rules over it absolutely, paying attention to the
slightest detail, ever watchful for Imperial spies or traitors within his ranks. He sits on a massive throne, as much machine as he is daemon, and
pours over tactical displays. His red eyes burn from deep within his archetypical helmet as billions of Obliterator nanites skitter over his
armour, hardening it and preparing his body for the next inevitable campaign.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Perturabo 740 7 6 6/10 6 7 5 5 10 2+/4+
Unit Type: Perturabo is a Monstrous Creature. body bears the Obliteration and he brings the Warsmith’s
Number/Squad: Unique Teleporter. He Chaos Armour (providing a 2+ armour save). He
Daemonic Gifts/Equipment: Perturabo has been rewarded by a uses the Like a Steel Trap, Prolonged Slaughter, and Legendary
host of chaos powers for his many nefarious deeds over the Paranoia special rules.
centuries. He carries Forgebreaker, and The Iron Cannon. His

Daemon, Monstrous Creature, Offensive & Defensive Grenades, detachment containing Perturabo may use the Ambush, Careful
Fearless, Hit & Run, Tank Hunter, Night Vision Planning, and Flank March strategic assets. The detachment may
Forgebreaker: Presented to the Primarch by the Warmaster also use one Battlefield Asset, chosen as normal.
Horus, Perturabo's hammer is a master-crafted Thunderhammer. Prolonged Slaughter: Perturabo has conditioned his marines to
At the start of any round of close combat, if the Primarch rolls less harden themselves against any long combat, growing more resolute
than his initiative on a D6, he may attack with Forgebreaker at his the longer the melee continues. In any round of combat, a single
normal initiative. After his elevation to Daemon Prince, friendly infantry unit within Perturabo’s line of sight may make a
Forgebreaker became a symbol of Pertuabo’s resolve, and makes leadership test before the Morale test at the end of the assault
all friendly models within 24” and Line of Sight of the Daemon phase. For every point they beat the leadership test by, they may
Primarch Fearless. add one to the total number of wounds inflicted by their side for
Obliteration: The Primarch of the Iron Warriors has allowed the computation of assault results. If the leadership test is failed,
himself to become infected with the Obliterator Virus in an effort there is no effect.
to control the mutation of the disease. His entire torso and a large Warsmith’s Teleporter: The Warsmith has removed a
portion of his left arm have been taken over by the warp-powered teleportation mechanism from his battle barge and had it fastened
nanites, enabling him to manifest a vast variety of weapons and to his demonically modified tactical dreadnought armour. On the
instruments. He has the Obliterator Weapons special rule from battlefield, it allows him unsurpassed flexibility in movement. It
Codex: Chaos Space Marines and is Slow and Purposeful. enables him and his squad of Obliterators to Deep Strike.
Perturabo's Obliteration also grants him a form of regeneration, The Siegemaster can trigger a short ranged teleportation to
allowing him to recover a lost wound at the end of his turn increase his normal movement rate. When rolling for Slow and
(provided he is still alive) on a D6 roll of 5+. Roll once per lost Purposeful movement, declare that he is using the teleporter and
wound. As a carrier, Perturabo can spread an air born version of add both dice together instead of taking the highest. The total is
the virus at nearby friendly units. Instead of shooting a weapon, the maximum number of inches that the Warsmith and his retinue
the Daemon Primarch can cast a cloud of the virus on any friendly may move in that phase. It may be used for regular movement and
infantry unit within 18”. On a D6 roll of 6, the mutation is for assault moves (roll for each phase). As it is short-ranged
ineffective. On any other roll, the unit gains +1 Toughness and the teleportation, the movement ignores Difficult Terrain but instead
Feel No Pain special rule until the start of Perturabo’s next turn. causes Dangerous Terrain tests when necessary. The device is
The Iron Cannon: The great siegemaster lost his left hand during malevolent, however, and the daemonic engines that power it exact
a prolonged battle with an Eldar daemon-Avatar during the assault a toll. If the result of the movement dice or Deep Strike scatter
of the Crystal Towers of Daestreon. He returned to the battle lines distance roll was a double, one Obliterator is removed as a
a few short hours later having replaced his hand with a massive casualty. This will never injure the Daemon Primarch. The
barreled weapon of his own forging and proceeded to bombard the Warsmith’s Teleporter functions as a teleport homer. If not with
beautiful alien city until it was dust beneath his feet. The Iron his retinue, Perturabo may Hit and Run in close combat.
Cannon is a Hellhammer Cannon with an integrated master-crafted Legendary Paranoia: Famously distrustful and full of
Servo Arm. The Iron Cannon cannot be fired in any turn in which resentment, the Daemon Primarch does not lend his advice or
Perturabo or his unit moves. assistance easily. In any game with multiple detachments, the term
Chosen of Perturabo: Originally members of the Iron Warriors “friendly model” only applies to models in Perturabo’s own
First Company, the Daemon Primarch’s retinue is made up of any detachment, as any others (even if they are Iron Warriors) can’t be
number of Obliterators. He and his retinue form a single unit, and completely trusted. If killed, the Primarch’s corpse is always a
no model may be singled-out for shooting purposes. Trophy Kill (counts as an objective).
Like a Steel Trap: A master of strategy, Perturabo knows how to
organize supply lines and reinforcements better than anyone. A
By: Matt Plonski 1/13/2009

Lorgar POINTS: 725

Found on Colchis by the Emperor and the Primarch Magnus the Red, Lorgar had already become the spiritual and political leader of
the planet as much through his powerful oratory as through force of arms. He recognized the Emperor from his prophetic visions and
immediately swore loyalty to the Imperium.
Under his command the Word Bearers Space Marine Legion became a force throughout the galaxy, instructing all conquered worlds
in the worshipping of the Emperor through the building of temples and tributes. Lorgar was criticized by the Emperor and his fellow Primarchs
for taking too long in the pacification of conquered planets, so he and his lieutenants turned instead to the chaos powers, beings grateful to have
such worshippers. After the traitor Horus revealed his allegiance to the dark powers as well, the Word Bearers quickly joined the Warmaster’s
The Primarch Lorgar has been transformed into a hulking daemonic beast; a grey-skinned satyr, clad in an aura of everlasting fire
and whose black armour hangs off of his body like dragon scales. Horns protrude from his bald head and pointed jaw, and his bent wings are
kept folded near his body like a hooded cloak. The only human aspects that remain in the body of the Primarch are his piercing blue eyes and his
masterful voice.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Lorgar 725 6 6 7 7 5 6 5 10 2+/3+
Unit Type: Lorgar is a Monstrous Creature. one hand while holding the Grimoire Divine in the other. He has
Number/Squad: Unique Bound Daemons tied to his material presence and may unleash
Daemonic Gifts /Equipment: The gifts bestowed upon the Cleansing Fire or a Stirring Oratory upon his enemies. Lorgar has
Primarch at his ascension to Daemonhood are many and powerful. the Counter Attack special ability and Daemonic Wings.
He is encircled with a Burning Aura, wields the Flaming Sword in

Daemon, Monstrous Creature, Offensive & Defensive Grenades, close combat morale test and then to automatically be caught and
Fearless, Hit & Run. destroyed in a Sweeping Advance even if the enemy would
Chosen of Lorgar: Lorgar may be accompanied into battle by a otherwise be unable to destroy the unit. This does not count as a
retinue consisting of any number of Chaos Lords, Chaos Sorcerers, Massacre result, and the victory points for destroying the unit are
or Daemon Princes chosen from Codex: Chaos Space Marines. He awarded to Lorgar’s side, as the Primarch casts the destroyed unit
and his retinue form a single unit, and no model may be singled- as martyrs amongst his followers.
out for shooting purposes, even if they are not all Monstrous The Flaming Sword: The Primarch’s gleaming adamantium
Creatures. If all members of the retinue have Wings or Jump sword was encased in righteous flame even before his embrace of
Packs, they may Deep Strike. All members of the retinue have the the chaos gods, and now the flames serve as punctuation during his
Counter Attack ability. speeches. It is a Master-Crafted Force Weapon and uses the
Bound Daemons: The Daemon Primarch counts as a Chaos Icon Rending special rule.
with a special unit of daemons bound to him. This unit is a Troop Cleansing Fire: The Daemon Primarch can send out a burst of
choice and is made up of 5 to 30 of any combination of lesser flame which he uses to cleanse the unfaithful. Place the Hellstorm
daemon types (chosen from the Troops section of Codex: Chaos template such that at least part of it is within range and so it covers
Daemons or Codex: Chaos Space Marines), mixing the various as many models in the target unit as possible. Roll to hit using
powers together as Lorgar sees fit. Lorgar’s ballistic skill. If a hit is scored, all models at least
Burning Aura: Lorgar is perpetually surrounded by a raging partially under the template are automatically hit. If it misses, all
inferno, an aura of flames constantly burning his skin and warping models are hit on a 4+. Half range, for use with the Melta rule, is
his armour. While the Primarch can vary the intensity to some measured from the Daemon Primarch’s base, which may include
degree, it never goes away completely, and he often uses it as an only part of the template. All hits ignore both cover and
allegory to the tradition of burning heretics. Either reward or Invulnerable Saves. The Cleansing Fire is a psychic power, and
punishment, the burning aura provides some significant benefits. uses the following profile: Range: 24”, S9, AP3, Assault 1
It increases his Daemonic Aura invulnerable save to a 3+ and Hellstorm, Melta, Pinning.
makes him only wounded by Melta weapons on a 6+ at best. Stirring Oratory: Although a physically intimidating monster,
Flamers, Heavy Flamers, and Inferno Cannons cannot wound him Lorgar’s true power lies in his voice and charisma and in his ability
at all. Any weapon with the “Get Hot!” special rule used within to sow doubt in some while bolstering others. During any turn in
18” of the Daemon Primarch automatically gets hot without regard which Lorgar does not move in the Movement Phase he may
to the to-hit die rolls. launch into a sermon during the Shooting Phase, booming his
The Grimoire Divine: This massive tome contains the “proper” voice across the battlefield. All enemy units on the battlefield
rites of worship of all major and minor chaos powers, taken must make a leadership test or fight with an Initiative of 1 and be
directly from the beasts’ wills and transcribed by Lorgar himself. affected by the Night Fight special rule until the start of Lorgar’s
The paper is a combination of reclaimed Inquisitional next Shooting Phase. Fearless units test at -2 to their leadership, as
proclamations, Imperial scriptures, and pages from any document the very basis of their beliefs are challenged. The Stirring Oratory
consecrated by the worshippers of the Emperor. The binding is is not a psychic power, and may be used in the same turn as the
made from Lorgar’s own flesh. It probably would not exist outside Cleansing Fire and/or Lorgar launching an assault.
of the burning aura, as it is as much of a warp entity as any Primarch: If killed, the Primarch’s corpse is always a Trophy Kill
daemon. All friendly non-daemonic units within 24” of Lorgar are (counts as an objective).
able to use the Iron Will special rule (including Lorgar himself).
Once per game Lorgar may direct a single friendly unit to fail a

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