Songbook 2010
Songbook 2010
Songbook 2010
Dedicated to the
of blessed memory
The founder of
Camp Gan Israel
Table of Contents
Camp Song.............................................. 1 I’m Big Gedalia Goomber .................... 11
Hashem Is Here ....................................... 1 Just One Shabbos (1) ........................... 13
Oh Why We Jews All Cry......................... 1 I Have A Mezuzah................................. 14
Old Folks, Young Folks........................... 2 ‘Cause I’m A Jew................................... 14
Who Knows One?.................................... 3 First There Was Reb Yisroel................. 15
In A Small College Town ........................ 3 Listen Every Jew................................... 15
With A Tehillim ....................................... 4 It’s A Camp Of Laughter ...................... 16
It’s Gonna Be The Little Kinderlach....... 4 Shake It Up Zaidy ................................. 16
Ooh, Lelle ................................................ 5 Tie Me Yetzer Horo Down.................... 16
We’re In The Army .................................. 5 Hey Rebbe, Rebbe................................ 17
Zeidy........................................................ 6 Oh, Dovid.............................................. 18
In A Village Near Our Home................... 6 From Camp We Go ............................... 19
Daddy Dear ............................................. 7 My Counselor’s Care For Me................ 19
Am Yisroel ............................................... 8 Alone As A Camper .............................. 20
Wake Up Yidden ..................................... 8 If All The Raindrops.............................. 20
The Little Bird ......................................... 8 The Other Day ...................................... 20
Don’t Walk In Front Of Me ..................... 9 Mm, Mm ................................................ 21
To Love A Fellow Jew ............................. 9 Way Up High......................................... 21
Modeh Ani............................................... 9 I Said A Boom Chika Boom .................. 21
Yankle Strudel ........................................ 9 Waiting For So Long Now.................... 22
Popeye...................................................10 We’ve Existed So Long......................... 22
Shabbos Is Coming...............................10 Gan Yisroel ........................................... 23
Shabbos Angles ....................................10 CGI Camp Cheer ................................... 23
Shabbos Is Going Away........................10 Just One Shabbos (2) .......................... 23
A Young Boy Holds...............................10 All The Animals .................................... 23
If I Would Have The Might ...................11 Have you got the spirit ........................ 23
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
Camp Song
For Gan Yisroel come along this So come on let’s get to it,
way, We know that we can do it.
First learning then Davening is It’s up to me and you,
how we start the day. And others will join too.
With a Chayus and a Bren in
everything we do, Hashem Is Here
When you see it, you’ll enjoy it, Hashem is here, Hashem is
so come and join us too. there
Hashem is truly everywhere.
Plain Davening and learning Hashem is here, Hashem is
Is really not enough, there
Its gotta be with Chyaus Hashem is truly everywhere.
It’s really not so tough.
Up, up, down, down
From Israel the the US, Right, left, and all around
From Africa to Budapest, Here, there, and everywhere,
Gan Yisroel Manchester That’s where He can be found.
Is sure to be the best.
Up, up, down, down
Cause’… Right, left, and all around
Torah and Mitzvos, we do all we Here, there, and everywhere,
can, That’s where He can be found.
It’s exciting, it’s rewarding, its
Hashem’s plan . Oh Why We Jews All Cry
“Yerushoh Hi Lonu Oh why, we Jews all cry
Mei’Avoseinu” Are things so tough, we’ve had
It’s Hashem’s gift to every Jew. enough.
We’ve worked and slaved all
When with Chayus we will learn, through these years
And with Achdus we will play, Oh, when will Hashem wipe
The Geulah will be here right away our tears.
Then together we will dance, Oh, when will we walk hand in
And together we will sing. hand
Our joy will know no bounds, With Moshiach to the Promised
For we’ll be with our king. Land.
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
Ooh le lay
Chorus: Moshiach is coming
The little boy who wears his talis And he’s coming to stay.
And kisses his tzitzis It’s in the air
When he says the shema It’s everywhere
He’ll make him come. Moshaich is coming
Let’s brake out in cheer.
The little girl who davens each
morning Ooh le…
And gives her allowance
Away for tzedka So clap your hands
She’ll make him come. And tap your feet
When you hear the news
Chorus: Your heart will beat.
The little boy who stays in shul
And stands with his father It’s everywhere
To listen to the Torah It’s on the billboard signs
He’ll make him come. I read about Moshiach
In the New York Times.
The little girl who goes every
Shabbos Ooh le..
To visit the sick
And the lonely old people We’re In The Army
She’ll make him come. We’re in the army we’re ready to
Ooh Lelle Our camps are protected day
Please join and along and night
Sing my song By doing the Mitzvoswe’ll win
Moshiach is coming this war
And it won’t be long. And there won’t be Golus
So clap your hands
And tap your feet So Yetzer Hora listen to me
Moshiach is coming Don’t waste your time bothering
You’ll be dancing in the street. me
We’re marching on to victory
Ooh le le With Moshiach speedily.
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
make us free.
My Zeidy
My Zeide lived with us in my And as winter went by
parents’ home Then summer came along
He used to laugh he put me on I went to camp to run and play
his knee And when I came back home
He spoke about his life in they said "Zeide’s gone"
Poland And all his books were packed
He spoke but with a bitter and stored away.
I don’t know how or why it came
And he spoke about the soldiers to be
who would beat him It happened slowly over many
They laughed at him they tore years
his long black coat We just stopped being Jewish
And he spoke about a like my Zeide was
synagogue And no one cared enough to
That they burned down shed a tear.
And the crying that was heard
beneath the smoke. Many winters went by many
summers came along
But Zeide made us laugh Zeide And now my children sit in front
make us sing of me
And Zeide made a kiddush And who will be the Zeide of my
Friday nights children?
And Zeide oh my Zeide how I Who will be the Zeide if not me?
loved him so Who will be the Zeide of our
And Zeide used to teach me children?
wrong from right. Who will be the Zeide if not we?
there’s one thing they don’t And I’ve heard that Hashem
know keeps it close near by
His thoughts’ so far away while And He fills it with his tears each
waiting for that special day. time that He cries.
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
It’s a great camp, after all Put Tefillin on your head, Fred
We will miss you in the fall Put Tefillin on you head
It’s a great camp, after all So he grabbed those straps of
Machaneinu Gan Yisroel. hide, Clyde
An’ that’s him, moving ahead.
Shake It Up Zaidy
Shake it up, Zaidy! Put a Mezuzah on your gate,
Shake it up, Zaidy! mate
Put a Mezuzah on your gate
You look so cool, when you This Mitzvah ain’t no joke, Bloke
daven in shul… It’ll save ya from a dangerous
You look so hip, when in the
mikva you dip… Light candles like a good Jewish
girl, Shirl
You look so weird, when you Light candles like a good Jewish
shave your beard… girl
So she grabbed those sticks of
You look so divine, when you wax, Max
make Kiddush on wine… This Mitzvah’s really a pearl.
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
I met a bear. (2x) frog one day, Mm, mm, went the
Up in the woods, (2x) little green frog. Mm, mm, went
Away up there. (2x) the little green frog one day, And
He looked at me, (2x) his eyes went
I looked at him. (2x) mm, mm, mm.. All the other
He sighed at me, (2x) frogs went ... Frodo, dioh, dioh,
I sighed at him. (2x) frodo, dioh, dioh, Frodo, dioh,
He said to me, (2x) dioh.
Why don't you run? (2x)
I see you ain't (2x) Way Up High
Got any gun. (2x) Way up high, in the sky
And so I ran, (2x) There's a building still unfinished
Away from there, (2x) Way up high, in the sky
But right behind me, (2x) The Mikdash Hashlishi
Was that bear. (2x) And for every Mitzvah that we
Ahead of me, (2x) do so carefully
There was a tree. (2x) Hashem will add a brick to the
The biggest tree, (2x) Mikdash Hashlishi
That you ever did see. (2x) And for every Mitzvah that we
The nearest branch, (2x) do so carefully
Was ten feet up. (2x) Hashem will add a brick to the
I'd have to jump, (2x) Mikdash Hashlishi.
And trust my luck. (2x)
And so I jumped, (2x) I Said A Boom Chika
Into the air, (2x)
But I missed that branch, (2x)
I said a boom chicka boom
Away up there. (2x)
I said a boom chicka rocka
But don't you fret, (2x)
chicka rocka chicka boom
And don't you frown, (2x)
I said an oh yes,
'Cause I caught that branch, (2x)
I said an alright
On the way back down. (2x)
I said a daddy style
That's all there is, (2x)
I said an English style
There ain't no more, (2x)
I said a squeaky style
Unless I meet, (2x)
I said a Gan Izzy style!!!!
That bear once more. (2x)
I said a N.Y. style I said a
Grandma style I said a Baby
Mm, Mm, style.
Mm, mm, went the little green
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
How m
Gan Yisroel any Fathers, one, two, three.
Gan Yisroel our heart and soul How many Mothers, four.
Gan Yisroel (X2) How many children, you and me
And many millions more.
To bring Moshiach is our goal
Gan Yisroel (x2) All The Animals
All the animals that we eat,
(wave hands in air) Ooooohhh Must chew their cud and have
oooooohhh Ooooooohhh split feet,
oooooohhhh ‘Cause Kosher food just can’t be
Gan Yisroel (clap clap) Gan I eat only kosher.
Yisroel (clap clap) Gan
Yisroeeeeel. So throw away that ham and
CGI Camp Cheer I won’t eat it, your’e mistaken,
We’re on the march coming thru, ‘Cause I’m a Jew and I’m not
Hashem’s army yes it’s true. fakin’
If you don’t hear us – still in I want Kosher food.
doubt, I’ll tell you what we’re all
about. So every time you’re in the
Camp Gan Izzy rocking fun, Only buy food with a Kosher
Where Jewish kids are number sign on it,
one. It’s good for me and it’s good for
Raise your voices reach the sky, you,
This summer we are flying high. And what do you know, Hashem
loves it too.
Just One Shabbos (2)
Just one Shabbos Have you got the spirit
Just one Torah Have you got that spirit?
Just one Hashem, Who can’t be Yeah! Yeah!
seen Have you got that spirit? Yeah!
Commandments, He Let's hear it in your hands (clap
commanded us Six hundred and clap clap clap clap)
thirteen. Have you got that spirit?
CGI Manchester Songbook 2010
Yeah! Yeah!
Have you got that spirit? Yeah!
Let's hear it in your feet (stamp
stamp stamp stamp stamp)
Have you got that spirit? Yeah!
Have you got that spirit? Yeah!
Let's hear it in your voices I love
Camp Gan Israelllllllllll