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2.1.10 and Prior AIA Complaint Against RCMP

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February 1 2010 Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
The Ministerial Correspondence Unit Keswick, On
Minister of Justice and L4P 2P8
Attorney General of Canada Canada

Also to: GLIST

Response from all required

Re: Government Organized Crime

Their Laws inconsistent with the Constitution and are of no force or effect
Section 52.(1) of the Charter

Evidence filed November 8 2007 with Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for refusing
to investigate government organized crime.

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B MacAdam assigned to investigate

Evidence provided while RCMP investigating
Original Compilation of evidence
Compiled and on going evidence

Accountability Act, 2006

Enacted to cover up their deliberate neglect of responsibility to structure a political/legal
system consistent with the Constitution with due process to ensure their personnel are
unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable consistent with the Rule of Law to
ensure they are in, of and with “the Spirit of the Law” … the personification of the
Constitution with fortitude and conviction to materialize “the Spirit of the Law”
throughout Canada whereas consistent due punishment attentive to deterrence is the only
viable means to equally protect every individual prior to being victimized as every
individual including the Constitution: Establishment personnel is equally governed,
protected and benefitted in all matters before and under the law as per section 15. (1) of
the Charter granted in Perpetual Possessory Title.
The Law Society of Upper Canada propagates are all Criminal Frauds establishing a
commercial industry infesting the political/legal system infesting and investing the
corporate world and them in the political/legal system create their own necessity destined
to flourish as well as poverty enacting illegitimate laws embedding deliberate ambiguities
and inconsistencies with the Constitution to be debatable by their private sector partners
in crime that extort exorbitant fees from them that can afford them, while taxing from the
80% majority that cannot to fund the illegitimate Legal Aid system that funds the 10%
defence of the impoverished which they create and expand their illegitimate industry.

The Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General published on the Ontario
government web site clearly states he is the “guardian of the public interest” responsible
to protect and benefit every individual equally through a legitimate legal system adept to
the guarantee, but he refuses to do so.

This is evidenced by the preponderance of evidence published on the web site and over 160 affiliates addressing the various
issues that has allowed for the organized crime to persist to luxurious success ransacking
the 90% majority in a democracy no less.

The private sector lawyer systemically creates a two system illegitimate system and its
existence is self attesting.

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility in
conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent
the public interest - which includes not only the community as a whole and the
victim, but also the accused. The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the
court to present all the credible evidence available.

As the evidence clearly shows I was victimized June 30 2005 in a court of law
administered by the Attorney General witnessed documented and recorded by the
judicator that refused to commence or cause to commence proceedings against the
accused, not only on behalf of the victim, me but society as a whole.

The Police, York Regional Police, OPP and RCMP played MONKEY IF THE MIDDLE
with me as is their MO conducive to their conspiracy stating my preponderance of
irrefutable evidence did not meet their “Threshold” which they have refused to respond to
me as to the meaning and how my irrefutable evidence did not meet it.

It is obviously their word for 2 TIER that is illegal and the people would call them on it it
if they knew.

York Region Police and Ontario Provincial Police

From the moment I filed with the York Region Police the far more than reasonable
evidence they were required to investigate unobstructed to collect all pertinent evidence
unbiased, competent, responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to
every individuals equally guaranteed Charter rights of protection and benefits and thus
society as a whole

Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

PoliceServicesAct.doc Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the

following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the
communities they serve.
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.

This evidence was prerequisite to the responsibility of the Crown Attorney and thus the
Attorney General
The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible
evidence available.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination
and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Clearly every individual is equal entitled to a fair trial and is presumed innocent until
proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt … impossible by unreasonable persons
propagated by the 14Money24Show Law Society of Upper Canada that we are prepared
to see them Go

The courts are presumed legitimate as are all who enter the courts presumed innocent, but
obviously they refuse to prosecute on behalf of the victim

R & R of the AG
An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's
-Responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the
responsibility to represent the public interest - which includes not only the community
as a whole and the victim but also the accused.

The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible
evidence available.

Hell …. They will obstruct the victim and the police in every which they can thus
preventing the evidence even getting to court

A legitimate court must have a legitimate judge or judge and jury, a legitimate Prosecutor
and legitimate Defender financed by the taxpayer and are presumed innocent consistent
with “the Spirit of the Law” as are the victim and accused all presumed to be of the status
of the presumption of the of innocence and thus all are of the status of “ALLEGED”.

Alleged legitimate court, alleged legitimate judge or judge and jury, alleged legitimate
Prosecutor, alleged legitimate Defender, alleged victim and alleged accused with priority
one for the police to be unobstructed, unbiased, competent, responsible and
irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to the sanctity of “the Spirit of the Law”
prerequisite to collect all pertinent evidence to determine the truth, which they must
provide equally and fairly to both the alleged legitimate Prosecutor and the alleged
legitimate Defender that must be competently prepared at the commencement of the trial
to let the games begin with all actions recorded as a matter of public record with no
backroom nefarious deals.

That is THE LAW consistent with “the Spirit of the Law” that is the Spirit of
Democracy” consistent with “the Spirit of Humanism” that is “the Spirit of the Golden
Rule” that is the epitome of simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in the wind well
understood by us all at 5 prior to the first day of school that is simply incomprehensible
that a sane individual would not know what is and what is not receptive to a fellow
individual while simultaneously alert to the concept of “Cause and Effect” and the
necessity of consistent stringent enforcement by all persons involved in the political/legal
system in continuity able to demonstrate due diligence to the certainty every individual is
unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable where due process must include a
failsafe system to prosecute every individual of the system that reasonable evidence has
been provided to any persons involved in the political/legal system that must take the
issues to their department heads that must take the issues to the Attorney General that
advises them who must deal with them appropriately.

R & R of the AG
Ultimately the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the
Legislature, for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only
occur, of course, once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been
made not to prosecute. The sub judicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the
courts that is likely to influence the matter. The sub judicae rule strictly prohibits the
Attorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. Given the
stature of the Attorney General's position, any public comment coming from the office
would be seen as an attempt to influence the case.

Their entire initiative is not to be seen by the public being the only sane thing to do when
you are organized crime

Unequivocally the prodigious amount of evidence published on the web site irrefutable proves the decision has been made
not to prosecute Don Wilson of the original crimes of Criminal Fraud over $140,000
committed June 30 2005 in a court of law administered and advised by the Attorney
General who is obviously negligent of his responsibility to uphold the law even in the
God damn courts of illegitimate administration as a PUPPET of the Ontario Government
Premier that appoints him and his Cabinet and Legislature who are all people’s elected
representatives presumed to be of the status of the presumption of innocence in absence
of reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise.

The York Regional Police were provided all the pertinent evidence that irrefutably proves
Don Wilson committed Criminal Fraud June 30 2005 in a court of law administered by
the PUPPET Attorney General that refused to deal with the issues consistent with the
Constitution and he was supported by the entire legal system personnel that have all been
provided the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence. (See GLIST federal, provincial,
media and others)

York Region Police and Ontario Provincial Police
R & R of the AG
The Attorney General does not, however, direct or cause charges to be laid. While the
Attorney General and the Attorney General's agents may provide legal advice to the
police, the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. Once the
charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed, and in what
manner, is for the Attorney General and the Crown Attorney.

The police are taught by the conspirators, advised and are controlled by budget restraints
that the police learn early in their careers that the law has nothing to do with common
sense and must give up their sanity to advance to the higher esteemed positions of salary,
benefits and decent pensions funded by the taxpayer that are led to believe they are there
to protect them not aware of the conspiracy due their magnificent training as charlatans of
deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration of illegitimate laws and the
befuddling of the minds of the people with all controversial issues referred back to the
Attorney General to cover them up.

The Attorney General surely would have no interest in charging himself or anyone
consistent with the conspiracy that of course includes his PUPPETEERS.

But not the criminal element or the BOTTOM FEEDER PIRANAH that somewhat like
the Law Society propagates of the private sector that extort exorbitant fees to commence
court proceedings for them that can afford it and ultimately the taxpayer of the 80%
majority picks up the entire tab of the illegitimate legal system with the enormity of the
number of cases being debated by illegitimate persons from both sides where money is
the truth catalyst of their 14Money24Show scam

The BOTTOM FEEDER PIRANAH have no more interest in exposing the root of the
problem that is the conspiracy as they all thrive to luxurious lifestyle off the woes of
society they create or allow addressing the symptoms that ransack the taxpayer, and of
course is absolutely 180 degrees adverse to the prerequisite system demanded of the
Constitution: Document with absolutely everything the Law Society propagates do is
consistent to ransack the 90% majority as all of reality attests as they have infested the
political/legal system infesting and investing the corporate world with Brian Mulroney a
Prime example putting on the façade as a legitimate government consistent with the
Constitution, with the Constitution: Document the irony of it all as they wrote it ceding to
the supremacy of God that unequivocally is “the Spirit of the Golden Rule” that is the
Spirit of the Law” thereby thrusting themselves upon their own pens leaving an indelible
trail they can not erase or cover up and far too late to protect them by eradicating and
covering up me, however does not prevent the inevitable inherent to their nefarious

Constitution Act, 1982: Document

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of
The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should
observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

Principles: main beliefs, values, philosophy, ideology, morality, ethics, doctrine,

Supremacy: pre-eminence, ascendancy, primacy, superiority, domination,
incomparability, dominance
Charter: contract, licence, deed, agreement, bond, hire, rent, employ
Democracy: social equality, equality, egalitarianism
Egalitarianism: parity, fairness, equal opportunity, impartiality
Spirit: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, Force, fortitude
Justice: fairness, impartiality, righteousness, even- handedness, fair dealing, honesty,
Consistency: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity

R & R of the AG
It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorney General
must carry out the Minister's criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of
Cabinet and of any partisan political pressures. The Attorney General's responsibility
for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken - and seen to be undertaken - on
strictly objective and legal criteria, free of any political considerations. Whether to
initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy. This
responsibility has been characterized as a matter of the Attorney General acting as the
Queen's Attorney - not as a Minister of the government of the day.

This systemically contravenes the concept of Conflict of Interest all being elected
representatives of the people who are led to believe they are legitimate presumed to be of
the status of the presumption of innocence as are we all absent of reasonable evidence to
suggest otherwise and the Force has provided a prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence
that negates the suggestion that they are otherwise and in fact is the irrefutable evidence
not debatable having supremacy over any decision of an illegitimate court where TRUTH
and SANITY prevails.

Of course to maintain consistency with the Constitution we will file the prodigious
amount of evidence that they already have with the courts and allow each person the
freedom to demonstrate their cooperation with the conspiracy that will be a voluntary
submission vulnerable to the SUING MACHINE that is 1 LIFE “1 Litigation Initiative
For Equity” 1 after another as they are creatures of habit and quite frankly do not know
any better than to glut themselves to the humongous detriment of the society they are
obliged to equally protect and benefit.
The entire system is consistent with the MO of the Law Society of Upper Canada that
refuses to hold their members accountable that the PUPPET Minister of Justice and
Attorney General Law Society bencher has precedence and the PUPPET Ontario
Attorney General runner-up who administers the Act as a bencher appoints the Chair and
4 others and selects 5 more from a list provided by the illegitimate Law Society.

The Law Society Act enacted by the government with their PUPPET Attorney General
administering it clearly states he is not accountable to reprimand by the Law Society, but
ultimately is accountable to the people through the legislature, however the prodigious
amount of evidence clearly shows they do not feel obliged to be accountable having not
structured a legitimate system consistent with the rule of law.

The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law.
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that
governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly
disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps
that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of
law commonly include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of
legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law.
The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule
of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

publicly disclosed laws

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.
In these communications over a period of months with the Law Society over an entirely
different matter that began as personal but rapidly became pertinent to the ultimate issues
of government organized crime as they adamantly state or imply that their members are
not required to give a damn about every individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights
stating in response that their only obligation is to vigorously advance the interests of their
Their clients that can afford them either through the Legal Aid system the taxpayer of the
80% ransacked majority funds or the wealthy that gained their wealth in cooperation with
the illegitimate legal system, being possessors of the proceeds of crime.

They go on to arrogantly and adamantly state that they are not required to look at
evidence when it is against their member citing their mandate that allowed them to find
their member innocent, but as always in the interest of drumming up business suggested I
get a lawyer and venture the futility.
Canlaw publishes on the front page of their web site that the Law
Society cannot be trusted as they protect their members from the consumer not the
consumer from their members and of course this is okay with the PUPPET Attorney
General and the PUPPETEERS prerequisite to their conspiracy as they maintain due
diligence to the consistency that provides their luxurious success.
With the aid of the media all having been provided the irrefutable evidence, but confident
it will never reach the public demonstrate how they go about filling the coffers of the
illegitimate Legal Aid kitty … obviously illegal contrary to as to the aforementioned

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination
and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

R & R of the AG
An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's
-Responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the
responsibility to represent the public interest - which includes not only the community
as a whole and the victim but also the accused.
The persons they Commission to report on the system inform them gently that they are
crooks, which the deal with by promotions.

After exhausting efforts to bring the Ontario Government on side with “the Spirit of the
Law” simultaneously e-mailing the persons on the AAAAAALIST that has been
populated since in the GLIST I turned my attention to the federal government although
the RCMP had been provided the evidence all the way that I had addressed them first on
the auspices of the Canada Business Corporation Act that of course is illegitimate in the
manner they enforce it passing the responsibility to the victim, but I had only attempted
to address the issues in this manner having already attempted to get the Ontario
Government prominent personnel of the political/legal system to charge Don Wilson for
Criminal Fraud committed right in their courts that they condone for as the Law Society
states or implies they are not required to give a damn about every individual’s equally
guaranteed Charter rights …. Only those people that can afford them obvious of the
illegitimate 2 TIER they will directly deny.


The Ministerial Correspondence Unit

Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada
DOJ cannot intervene with Constitution non-compliant Ontario Government!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Prime Minister/Premier ministre []
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 9:29 AM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would

like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence
regarding your personal affairs.

While careful consideration has been given to your

description of the difficulties you have experienced, I
trust you will understand that this office is unable to
intervene in any way or provide you with direct assistance
in this matter.

I regret that my response could not be more favourable.

M. Bredeson
Executive Correspondence Officer
for the Prime Minister's Office
Agent de correspondance
de la haute direction pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre

>>> From : Frank Gallagher Received : 19 Jul 2007
05:59:27 PM >>>

July 19, 2007

Dear Prime Minister

I have written you about certain issues which surely must

be of your concern and I think it incomprehensible and
unethical that you have not responded to me and at the very
least I would expect acknowledgement as to receipt.

I have attached a file for your personal attention which

should draw your personal attention to all that I have
previously written you including copies of my 15 Lawyer
Files which you have declined to act upon let alone
acknowledge which leaves me in disrespect for you equally
as you have held me in disrespect as you do equally the
majority of individuals who have elected you in trust that
you would represent them fairly in respect of the
Constitution which governs us all including you.

I request you acknowledge receipt of this and other

documents I previously sent and state your intentions.

I have requested you forward the documentation on to the

Commissioner of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Mary
Elizabeth Dawson and I would like to know if you have done

I expect you to oversee the proceedings to ensure they are

carried out in the spirit intended.

The conclusion of these proceedings will reveal the truth

as to the intended spirit, deceit or in the spirit of the

Respectfully to the Spirit of the Constitution

Frank Gallagher
Former Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day
Benevolence, Righteousness and Morality Spiel admits accountable to the and Parliament
for RCMP
Note the date Oct. 2 g 2007 that was actually November 2 2007 as he states he is
responding to my July 19 2007 but actually was encouraged to write because of the
October 9 2007 that he ignores as he has all the others since June 30 2005.

In this e-mail he admits that he is accountable to the people and Parliament for the RCMP
as he evades the issues as he must do with his BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS

He explained how the Task Force was the better approach when the DOJ was linked to
the RCMP pension fund scandal that warranted a PUBLIC INQUIRY but he did the most
horrendous thing ordering the Standing Committee on Public Accounts to SIT.

The Task Force was provided my evidence and Brown highly recommended that the
RCMP Mulroney stole from the people be returned by December 31 2009, but I have not
heard anything from the media, however have not really searched expecting that would
be a HEAD LINER ha ha with all the pertinent truths.

Zack took the heat on this too as they had to get rid of him since September 13 2000
when the North Shore News published he was no Political Patsy having reported on
organized crime infesting the government, not aware that they have always been
organized crime.

I wonder why former Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day was not held accountable
for the actions of the RCMP obviously responsible for the RCMP self admitted and
ultimately the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada advises him and is
accountable to Parliament and the Prime Minister of course who appointed him .

That was Vic Toews at the time who conspired with Prime Minister Stephen Harper on
the enactment of the Accountability Act now heading the Treasury Board Secretariat

On November 6 2007 Ministerial Correspondence Unit

MCU@JUSTICE.GC.CA for the Minister of Justice and Attorney
General of Canada responded also referring to the July 19
2007 ignoring the October 9 2007 and many others as did
many others.

November 6 2007

Ministerial Correspondence Unit


-----Original Message-----
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:51 AM
Subject: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - RCMP
pension funds

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

The Ministerial Correspondence Unit for the Minister of

Justice and Attorney General of Canada has received your e-
mail of July 19, 2007 from the office of the Honourable
Stockwell Day.

Due to the high volume and sensitivity of the

correspondence that this office receives we are unable to
respond by e-mail at the present time. In order to receive
a reply to your concerns please forward your postal mailing

Thank you,

Correspondence Analyst/Analyste de la correspondance

Department of Justice/Ministère de la Justice
Ministerial Correspondence Unit/Unité de la correspondance

On November 8 2007 I Frank Gallagher Director/Operations Charter Democracy Force

began the process to eradicate the government of Organized Crime filing with the
Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for refusing to investigate
government organized crime well aware the Commission had to be seriously involved as
all federal government departments, agencies and RCMP are mandated by the
government with the MOJ their PUPPET an elected representative appointed by the
Prime Minister.
Note added February 1 2010

He attempts to make it appear as if I am not being

I had written many e-mails attempting to get a copy
of the 30 day interim report mentioning to Bob on
the phone December 21 2007 (Page 17) having
already received the 45 day (See pg 13)
acknowledgement the RCMP were in receipt of my
complaint on November 16 2007 ( See page 15)

Now attempting to cover up the fact they were

reluctant to deal with the issues that finally Pierre
Leduc Executive Assistant to the Commissioner
responded to my 2008.1.2 e-mail that they are
always selective as to which to respond and

It turns out that he lied stating the 30 day interim

report had already gone out speaking to Sgt
Dimopoulos the afternoon of the 7th (Page 19) but it
was still on Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s desk when I
phoned him later who said it was on its way.
Governor General Michaelle
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Minister of Justice and Attorney General Robert Nicholson
Minister of Public Safety Peter Van Loan My MP
Deputy Minister RCMP Commissioner
Commissioner Conflict of Interest Mary Elizabeth Dawson
June 30 2009

To: Minister of Justice and

Attorney General of Canada
Robert Nicholson
Department of Justice Canada
284 Wellington Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1A 0H8

Re: June 25 2009 e-mail to you published on my Scribd site as
by- Legal-Means Re: Prime Minister involvement with Government Organized Crime
Government modus operandi 180 degrees adverse to the Constitution obviously

Dear Minister Robert Nicholson

As you are aware I have been persistently informing you of the government organized
crime which of course you are well aware of along with your cohorts of the hierarchy of
the political, legal and corporate world personnel that has been a humongous burden on
the people of the Lower Tier as you simply do not give a damn about them frenzied with
the opportunities you provide yourselves to ransack us of the Lower Tier you assert does
not exist, because that would be illegal.

The evidence clearly shows you are greedy frauds whose success depends on deceiving
the people creating the needy that you thrive on dealing with the symptoms instead of
eradicating the root of the problems consistent with the Constitution.

The evidence clearly shows the people can expect no help from you people, who
deliberately create the problems and are the problems behind the struggle of humankind.

My difficulty as you know has been to get the evidence out to the people of the Lower
Tier though they certainly are aware of the corruption, but not how it works and how it
can and must be stopped via legal means consistent with the Constitution..

You have been informed of the Dawson Creek murders covered up by the RCMP who
are working with the Hells Angels in the drug trade with reports Harper is linked to the
Hells Angels.

The very fact they are allowed to exist, and you allow racism in the OPP as indicated in
the following document is indicative of the deliberate incompetence and irresponsible
illegitimate legal system you administer for the luxury of the members of the law

Clearly there is no separation of power nor any consistency with the rule of law as you
people are humongously insane driven by wealth and power and the advantages they
allow when you have the trust and the money of the people.

You are aware of the e-mail to BC Attorney General Wally Oppal May 11 2009 who has
been informed of the outrageous behaviour of the RCMP in Dawson Creek as it is
enclosed with the registered letter to Harper who I would presume he consulted with you.
You are aware that legally you are responsible to administer and enforce the laws
consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights
of equal protection and benefit without interference from political sources and yet the
RCMP is under control of political forces whereas even if you were legitimate, who
would make the charges as only you or your agents, Crown Attorneys can advise them,
but ultimately it is up to the police to make the charges, but then it is up to you whether
or not to proceed with prosecution.

It is all just a pile of deception and prevarication evidence where ultimately you are
responsible to the people as is the Minister of Public Safety, but both of you have, and in
fact all government personnel under your advisement suggest I should get a lawyer
sending me down a garden path, that you are obviously aware of as well as the entire
conspiracy under your control.

I have provided you pertinent evidence to the support of Dolores Smith as I did to all on
the GLIST and legal Aid lawyer Keith Jones who has not only withheld the evidence
from the courts along with other evidence of the RCMP harassed and threatened Dolores
including covering up the murders in court while informing Dolores that he was aware
that they were murders that resulted in the arrest of Dolores Smith to cover up the fact
that they were murders with the RCMP seriously implicated and obviously habitual liars.

Obviously a Public Inquiry is the obvious way to go addressing all the evidence
published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites that includes the names of at least 3
witnesses to the murders and at least one who can link Harper to the Hells Angels..

You have a responsibility to present all the evidence to determine the truth consistent
with the Constitution and having been provided the evidence of government organized
crime that the RCMP studied and provided the September 3 2008 Final Letter of
Disposition that clearly states they ignored the hundreds of pages of documents to find
themselves innocent of refusing to investigate government organized crime while signing
the document that clearly shows they ignored the evidence consistent with the ideology
of the Law Society of which you have precedence as a bencher and your obvious link to
the RCMP you are seriously implicated in their absurd response refusing to investigate
government organized crime while finding themselves innocent.

If you ignore the evidence published on our sites in support of Dolores Smith and allow
the Dawson Creek court to convict her you will have slammed the last nail in your coffin
as you cannot blame it on political interference and politicians have no legal right but to
act consistent with the Constitution in support of every individual’s guaranteed Charter
rights of equal protection and benefits where there simply is no evidence to suggest that
you all are anything other than organized crime.

To suggest that you have no right to intervene is absolutely absurd where as that is
precisely your job to see that consistency with the Constitution is maintained and is your
responsibility as advisor of all federal government departments, agencies and police that
includes Cabinet Ministers, obviously the Minister of Public Safety who is responsible
for the actions of the RCMP.

Of course common sense is a waste of time with the conspirators but it is necessary to
document the issues and publish it in simplistic manner so that the people can clearly see
that it is not debatable … You are a major player in the government organized crime and
when this evidence is not presented and dealt with at Dolores’ trial having been provided
it and well informed as has BC Attorney General Wally Oppal then all that is left is the
formalities where any attempt to drag out your case as they are doing with obviously
guilty Mulroney of corporate corruption and tax evasion that obviously goes on all the
time as you allow corporate lobbyists being as obvious as you allow Hells’ Angels and
racism within the OPP as per the preceding link to a document.

I will now register this with Canada Post and you should have it by Friday being
irrefutable evidence that you are aware of the irrefutable evidence published on the
Charter Democracy Force web sites.

Minister of Justice and Attorney General Robert Nicholson June 30 2009
By Registered Mail signed for July 6 2009 by S Hendricks (See page 39)
This document June 27 2009 explains the Dawson Creek Murders

See and Access to Information Act attempting to get Dawson Creek
records of the sentencing of Dolores Smith

It is a matter of Public Record and the people need to know
If the Government was legitimate RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam would have
determined that in his 9 month study of the evidence provided by me and published on
the site and others referenced thereon.
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2009/06/30 20:16 KESWICK
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Signature Required
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: January-30-10 12:45 PM
To: ''; ''; '';
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Subject: RE: Get off the Pot then Shit or get off the Pot

January 30 2010

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

Re: Government Organized Crime

Re: Request for copy
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Re: Follow up my response to you January 28 2010 Copy following commentary

Re: Charges to be laid against RCMP for refusing to cooperate under the Access to Information
and Privacy Act.

As expected of the conspirators taught in the (Learned and Honourable) manner of

the Law Society charlatans specifically trained in deception, prevarication, manipulation
and orchestration with the entire government involved, need not worry about reprisals as
they Dick and Jane their way through these most serious issues of Government
Organized Crime that quite possibly you are not aware of … but the evidence looks
rather bad for you by far more than association as your e-mail suggests cooperating with
them most likely, however perhaps you have been befuddled by them and being used to
inane routines of paper work there is a wee chance that you simply overlooked the

They are Government Organized Crime personified, however not at all intelligent as the
evidence is lucidly clear obviously not being demanded of them, just cooperate and
when controversial issues come up see the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot, a
Deputy Minister since Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister, who the Minister of Public
Safety Peter Van Loan my MP who has refused to respond to the irrefutable evidence as
has his advisor and all government department and agency heads Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada Robert Nicholson and the Prime Minister that appoints
him Stephen Harper that enacted the Accountability Act, 2006 façade all thoroughly
documented that need only get to the public which has been spreading for a few years

You have the opportunity now to see your oversight as I explain clearly and provide the
evidence that they have had the information they requested since at least November 12
2009 and obviously refuse to continue with my original request November 6 2009 which
RCMP Sgt Kent Swim or someone signed over his name acknowledging the November
6 2009 requests and receipt of $5 for Access to Information under the Act namely the
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report, Investigation of Government Organized Crime,
File # 2007 – 1355445 (THE REPORT) as the RCMP opened File # GA-3952-3-05-
203/09 … did their inherent charlatan routine claiming after their attempt to shuffle it off
to their cooperative Commission for Public Complaints with former Chair Paul Kennedy
irrefutably in on the conspiracy with RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis doing what any
good loyal conspirator would do coming to the aid of the party… no reference to any
political party because they are all irrefutably in on the conspiracy with the 10% wealthy
minority well documented on the site

Dear Mr Eric Murphy

On January 28 2010 I responded by e-mail to your January 27 2010 responding to my 2 e-mails

of January 14 2010 all being published on my Scribd site that you have had difficulty downloading
and printing out requesting I forward you PDF copies that I do so now which you will find attached
that includes the one immediately above “Freedom of information Request Registered Mail”.
The January 28 2010 e-mail was also published on my Scribd site which I have downloaded a
copy in PDF format and attached as I have the rest, something you were not able to do due the
limitations and ineptness of the government personnel to deal with the reality that ultimately is the
consequences of their governance whereas they are financed, extremely well by the taxpayer
who has limited funds left to do the jobs that you are paid to do.

With the humongous seriousness of the issues regarding the obvious government organized
crime you were able to deduce from all the evidence that I had already paid $5 in my original
Access to Information application for a copy of RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report,
Investigation of Government Organized Crime, File # 2007 – 1355445 dated November 6 2009 that
RCMP Sgt Kent Swim had acknowledged in his November 16 2009 requesting more information
which I responded to by e-mail using the address he provided to do so in his November 16 2009,
which he refused to acknowledge as he did many subsequent e-mails that led me to registering
the December 12 2009 delivered by Canada Post that Taylor acknowledged receipt December 16
2009 responded to the

absurdity of the RCMP recorded in their December 21 2009 as did the
respond to the absurdity in yours of December 27 2009 that is consistent with and indicative of
the entire government modus operandi thoroughly documented and published on the Charter
Democracy Force site and over 160 affiliates.

So anyway you were able to deal with the $5 thing in sane manner, perhaps a demonstration of
legitimate sanity for the public as you continue to inform the same information I have provided
you was sent to the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP by the RCMP referring
to it as an administration error when in fact they were applying their charlatans ways of deception,
prevarication, manipulation and orchestration MO in reaction to my e-mail of have January 2 2010 calling them on
their attempt to delay the issues with the absurdity that will no longer work yet you feel the
imbecilic substitute for a legitimate government is still the flavour of the day wilfully providing the
evidence that assuredly will have you dismissed for having the mind dwarfed by a toad when the
conspirators are forced to hit the road.

So my letter of January 2 2010 Save Your Life Today and Mine caused them to conspire a new
direction noted in their January 11, 2010 starting over again with a new File #, obvious with no
intention to actually permit the evidence that will expunge them to reach the public.

With each move they support the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence I already have with
the coffin already in place, which of course they are not so ready to lie down and you seem to
want to accompany them.

You inform in your January 27 2010

With respect to the third request, I have contacted the RCMP to determine the status of your
request. The RCMP requested additional clarification regarding your request on November 16,
2009. Although you responded on November 19, the RCMP has no record of receiving your
response. Unfortunately, through an administrative error, your request was transferred to CPC-
RCMP on December 21. This was corrected and your request was returned to the RCMP.

You acknowledge that I responded on November 19 2009 that the GLIST was also provided a
copy that includes ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '' Yves is who I originally applied to under the Act November 4 2009
that responded to on the 5th and I sent the $5 and form under the
Act as he instructed on the 6th and RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim acknowledge on the 16th and I
responded to on the 19th yet with them all receiving, the RCMP did not receive even though the
complaint was sent to the RCMP and Sgt Kent Swim requested the information that I had already
provided in the prodigious amount of evidence already sent, which they are all assuredly aware of
the seriousness of the issues being why they are fumbling all over the place due the fact I have
left them no open doors as the truth is out and the jig is up.
A copy of RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim December 19 2009 on page 11 states the Commission for
Public Complaints has greater interests in the records requested (THE REPORT), ….. blah blah
blah and further communications should be with them which the linked document responds to his
crap stating I was not buying it. (Not even sure who signed it, being different signature than the
November 16 2009. Probably a set up from then as they ignored all my e-mails responding to the
November 16 2009 probably or quite possibly planning to call me on default of the 30 day notice
provided by Sgt. Kent Swim in his November 16 2009, but R. Taylor signed receipt of the
registered mail December 16 2009 so they attempted to cover it up with an administration
incident having the file sent back to them as I insisted, but truth does not work when you are in on
the conspiracy, eh eric?
Below the following copy of RCMP Cpl Mel Abramovich November 6 2009 is a copy of the e-mail
I sent to Yves J. Martineau November 6 2009 which RCMP Cpl Abramovich was responding

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: November-06-09 3:26 PM
To: 'Mel Abramovitch'
Subject: RE: Re question S/Sgt R.B MacAdams report

Thanks Mel

Will do


-----Original Message-----
From: Mel Abramovitch []
Sent: November-06-09 2:03 PM
Subject: Re question S/Sgt R.B MacAdams report

Good Day

Received your enquiry and you are required to make a formal request
under the Access to Information Act. refer to The Treasury Board Canada
and go to forms . The form you require is TBC 350-57. Fill out the form
stating what information you require and where the information is
located if possible . A fee of $5.00 is required payable to the
Receiver General Of Canada. Send the original request to:

Access to Information and Privacy

1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa Ontario
K1A 0R2

If any further assistance is required, Please contact the undersigned

Mel Abramovitch Cpl

Access to Information and Privacy

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November-06-09 12:10 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Yves Marineau
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-5162
Facsimile: 613-993-5080

Dear Yves Marineau

I have been hot on the trail of a report by RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s (now NCO) for about 3 weeks and
it has been suggested that you can help me.

Please see the particulars below as I would appreciate your attention to this matter.
I would also appreciate you keep me up to speed on your progress.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On
L4P 2P8

From: []

Sent: November-05-09 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Mr. Gallagher – should you wish to make an official Access to Information request to the Treasury
Board Secretariat, please advise on which documents you believe may be in this department’s
possession. If your request is for personal information about yourself, a request under the Privacy
Act may be more appropriate.

Your request as you stated: “Request for copy RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445 Referred to following

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime PC – 2007- 2316 PC – 2007- 2317…”

should be redirected to the Access to Information and Privacy Office of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police. They can be reached at the following:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Yves Marineau
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-5162
Facsimile: 613-993-5080

Thank you.

Denise Brennan
Access to Information and Privacy Director | Directrice, Programme d'accès à l'information et de
protection des renseignements personnels
Ministerial Services | Services ministériels
Strategic Communications and Ministerial Affairs | Communications stratégiques et affaires
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0G5
Telephone | Téléphone 613-957-7154 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-946-6256 / Teletypewriter |
Téléimprimeur 613-957-9090 /
Toll Free | Sans frais 1 (866) 312-1511
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November 4, 2009 5:24 PM
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09

November 4 2009

Michel Gervais
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP
Bag Service 1722, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B3

Telephone: 613-946-5213
Facsimile: 613-952-8045

Also to

Treasury Board Secretariate

Re: Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Dear Michel Gervais

I am Frank Gallagher Director/Operations of Charter Democracy Force

Justice Inc. documenting the deliberate incompetence and refusal of
the government/legal system Law Society of Upper Canada to
propagate “Learned and Honourable” persons to administer the laws of
Ontario with the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
having precedence with the Law Society who also advises the federal
government departments, agencies and the RCMP and therefore is
responsible along with the Prime Minister who appoints him to see that
the legal system is adept to administer and enforce the laws consistent
with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s equally
guaranteed rights of equal protection and equal benefits before and
under the law.

The preponderance of irrefutable evidence published on the Charter

Democracy Force and affiliate sites
referenced thereon clearly shows they have not the slightest idea of
the concept yet know what the people want to hear and read and
trained as charlatans of deception, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration operate under the ideology of the Law Society that are of
the belief that their members are not required to give a damn about
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and evidence against their
members is irrelevant.

The following makes clear what I request of you and is forwarded to you by direction of
Eric Murphy, Client Liaison Officer in response to my request for information to The
Information Commissioner of Canada dated October 29 2009

Eric Murphy also directed me to the Treasury Board

Where I came across the following

Request Government Information

Access to information and privacy (ATIP) requests are made to the institution that the
requester believes controls the information they are seeking. A list of ATIP
Coordinators by institution is available.

To file an ATIP request with Treasury Board Secretariat only: please send an email
to or call 613 957 7154.
As I only have 1 LIFE to expedite matters I am also forwarding my
request to the Treasury Board Secretariat, a venture into futility certain
if Vic Toews is still the man there.

In any case despite their beliefs evidence is pertinent, which I am

particularly attentive to.

He is a major player in the conspiracy having already been provided

the evidence when he was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of
Canada appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper who got together
to deal with the cover up of the issues with the Accountability Act,

Since the Act I tested them and their Commissions to the certainty that
they are habitual bull shitters prerequisite to their esteemed positions
in the conspiracy

Please be advised that Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. is

federally incorporated to “Solicit Victims of Crime for Class Action Law
Suits against Government Personnel” and I expect ultimate
cooperation from you consistent with the Constitution conducive to
every individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and equal benefits before and under the law.

Please be particularly attentive to section 52. (1), that has precedence

over your mandate

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the
provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Please acknowledge receipt of this document immediately and be coherent to the urgency and the necessity
of your response to my request ASAP

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.


From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November-04-09 4:10 PM
To: 'General'
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Hi Eric
I thank you very much for your effort and pertinent information
When they refuse to cooperate as they must do what options are available to me then?


From: General []

Sent: November-04-09 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Our reference: 124287

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of October 15,

2009, requesting access to a copy of Staff Sgt R.B. MacAdam’s report.

The Office of the Information Commissioner deals with complaints from

persons who believe their rights were denied under the Access to
Information Act (the Act). Initial requests for information under this Act
should be sent directly to the institution concerned.

The procedure consists of forwarding a written request to the Access to

Information Coordinator of the institution concerned. The request
should include complete contact information for the requester (name,
address and telephone number), and details regarding the information
sought. It should also specify that you are requesting information
“under the Access to Information Act.” Finally, the request must be
accompanied by a $5 cheque or money order payable to the Receiver
General for Canada to cover the mandatory application fee. An Access
to Information Request Form is available to assist in making a request.
Forms can be downloaded from the Treasury Board of Canada’s
website on Access to Information and Privacy – http://www.tbs-

In your case, the request and fee should be submitted to the following

Michel Gervais
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP
Bag Service 1722, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B3

Telephone: 613-946-5213
Facsimile: 613-952-8045
Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the Access
to Information Act, please do not hesitate to contact our office again.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: October 29, 2009 8:47 PM
To: General
Subject: Re: Information request 10/15/09
Note added January 30 2010
October 29 2009 On pages 27 and 28 of the link highlighted below
that appears several times provides a copy of
The Information Commissioner of Canada RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District
Commander of the GTA “Final Letter of
Re: Request for information by registered mail Disposition” being what this exercise is all about
Dated October 15 2009 that provides his address on page 27 in case the
Received by B Wright October 20 2009 RCMP did not know how to find the RCMP
Referred to following document District Commander of the GTA Office address

Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime
PC – 2007- 2316
PC – 2007- 2317

Dear Information Commissioner

On October 15 2009 I sent a request for information referenced above by registered mail and on
October 20 2009 7:38 AM B Wright signed for it copy of receipt in following document
I would appreciate acknowledgement by e-mail and a brief to bring me up to speed as to your
progress and ETA

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.
All of the preceding was included with the e-mail FW to Yves J Marineau November 6 09 that
began 10/15/10
following instructions as above
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: November-06-09 12:10 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09
The following is copies of pages 197 and 198 of the link above.
See PDF attachment for same document
As we can see we began with the Information Commissioner by registered mail October 15 2009 and you
Eric Murphy responded November 29 2009 putting me in the cycle, which I had no doubt would come back
to you even asking what happens when the RCMP refuse to provide a copy of THE REPORT of the
investigation of government organized crime done by RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report File # 2007 –
1355445 purportedly over a 9 month period that RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis provided the Final
Letter of Disposition finding the RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate government organized crime while
he admits he refused to look at the evidence.
Hardly do they want the evidence to get out and all their correspondence with me has been organized crap
as they struggle to find a way out without killing me.

In my November 19 2009 response to RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim that the RCMP claim they never got states
they already had the information provided in the November 6 2009 and I do not knowingly lie like the RCMP
have very well proven to us as they must do in an attempt to keep the conspiracy alive, but undoubtedly
collapses further every move they make with you obviously cooperating as you must do to keep your
pension and on like that.

The following was sent to them by registered mail, which you will find the Canada Post receipts in one of the
attachments, but if you can’t find it please let me know and if you do not know the way home I will see what I
can do for you … just let me know
Brought forward from page 188
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: October 29, 2009 8:47 PM
To: General
Subject: Re: Information request 10/15/09

October 29 2009

The Information Commissioner of Canada

Re: Request for information by registered mail

Dated October 15 2009
Received by B Wright October 20 2009
Referred to following document

Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime
PC – 2007- 2316
PC – 2007- 2317

Dear Information Commissioner

On October 15 2009 I sent a request for information referenced above by registered mail and on
October 20 2009 7:38 AM B Wright signed for it copy of receipt in following document

I would appreciate acknowledgement by e-mail and a brief to bring me up to speed as to your

progress and ETA

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

RCMP NCO Staff Sgt. Bob MacAdam
Perhaps you could e-mail me a copy!!!!
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience
and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including
freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful
assembly; and (d) freedom of association.
and Freedom of Information, that includes the right to finance and trust a
government to assemble to administer and enforce it and if you have enough money left you can
do it all again and again on the chance one will feel obligated to make them administer and
enforce it. Perhaps that is the way to go as assuredly they will go after the money and maybe
even annihilate themselves. Sure the majority of us will be lost in the ruckus, but hell we aren’t
worth anything anyway by the time they are through with us.


The preceding was sent by Registered mail on November 7 2009 with R. Taylor signing for it
November 12 2009.
I decided to provide the receipt that follows having no faith in you

We found

Tracking Number


Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our
telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.

Track Status

Product Type: Lettermail

Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
Item successfully
2009/11/12 08:09 OTTAWA R TAYLOR

Track History
Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
2009/11/12 08:09 OTTAWA Item successfully delivered R TAYLOR
Signature image recorded
08:09 R TAYLOR
for Online viewing
07:46 OTTAWA Out for delivery
Item accepted at the Post
2009/11/07 13:50 KESWICK
Shipping Options and Features for this Item
Signature Required
So what we have here is a serious situation DONTCHA KNOW

Who gives a God damn if they want to play the “Didn’t get my November 19 2009” and the others
Yves and Mel of the same office that I had also provided along with you Eric Murphy with the rest
of the gang on the GLIST explaining their ASSHOLEISM in the January 2 2010 document

It doesn’t stop so I explained it all again January 14 2010 to you Eric by E-mail wanting them
charged and published on my Scribd site in response to the RCMP January 11 2010 starting
another game that you cooperate with that I refuse to play so they can play with themselves all
the doo da day until we get them out and replaced with legitimate people.

Obviously you are aware that they refuse to deal with the original complaint I filed
November 6 2009 that RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim acknowledged receipt of my request for a
copy of RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report, File # 2007 – 1355445 THE REPORT in his
response November 16 2009 File # GA-3952-3-05-203/09 that as aforementioned
contained the link that provides him the address and Final Letter of Disposition dated
September 3 2008 signed by RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of
the GTA who has a copy of THE REPORT
Re: Request for information by registered mail
Dated October 15 2009
Received by B Wright October 20 2009
Referred to following document

(See pages 27 and 28)

So Sgt. Kent Swim has had the information since at least November 12 2009 when R
Taylor signed for the registered letter. Who knows who actually signed that letter over
the Sgt. Kent Swim Name?
You will see on page 6 of this document link that he had refused to acknowledge receipt of my
November 19 2009 providing the information he had requested although he already had the
RCMP Superintendent address and his September Final Letter of Disposition at least since
November 12 2009 as aforementioned who obviously has a copy of THE REPORT I have been
I wrote a few times with no acknowledgement from RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim and so sent him a
register mail December 12 2009 … copy on page 6 and 7 of the above document link which I
have attached as a PDF

R. Taylor signs again December 16 2009 acknowledging receipt of the registered mail referenced
above sent December 12 2009.

We found

Tracking Number

Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our
telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.

Track Status

Product Type: Lettermail

Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
Item successfully
2009/12/16 09:20 OTTAWA

Track History
Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
2009/12/16 09:20 OTTAWA Item successfully delivered
Signature image recorded
09:20 R TAYLOR
for Online viewing
07:46 OTTAWA Out for delivery
Item accepted at the Post
2009/12/12 10:28 KESWICK
Shipping Options and Features for this Item
Signature Required

So the RCMP have had the information and have wasted my time since at least
November 12 2009 requesting it again November 16 2009 and again January 11 2010
opening a new file to start again as you mention Eric Murphy

With respect to the third request, I have contacted the RCMP to determine the status of your
request. The RCMP requested additional clarification regarding your request on November 16,
2009. Although you responded on November 19, the RCMP has no record of receiving your
response. Unfortunately, through an administrative error, your request was transferred to CPC-
RCMP on December 21. This was corrected and your request was returned to the RCMP.

This was corrected?

They made a deliberate error in tune with the conspiracy and I must start over again, of
course … What else can conspirators do? … Even if it was not deliberate, but we know
certain it is … Why should I do the suffering and the answer is always that is “How it is”
….. HOW IT USED TO BE …. They are done.
I am thinking “How it is” is precisely the irrefutable evidence to Cinderella it to a pumpkin
and maybe bake a pie

So you go onto state

For administrative reasons, your request re-opened under a new file number (GA-3951-3-
00160/10) and a new request for clarification, that included a request for a new $5 application
fee, was mailed to you on January 11, 2010. I brought to the RCMP's attention the fact that you
had already paid the application fee on November 6, 2009. Consequently, the RCMP have
dropped the requirement for a new fee. However, they still require clarification with respect to
your request, namely the specific location (city/detachment) to search for a copy of the requested
report. Our office is satisfied that without this information the RCMP cannot process your
request. The RCMP have confirmed that the addresses for Staff Sgt. MacAdam and
Superintendent Robert Davis that you included in your November 19 e-mail will suffice. Once
you provide them with that information they will immediately continue processing your request.
To avoid unnecessary delays and given the past difficulties experienced with e-mail
communications, I would suggest that you provide it by phone or fax.

They would not want to be accused as crooks for a mere 5$ … It has always been the big
money 1 4 Money 2 4 Show and around and around we Go
They have had the RCMP Superintendent Address and Final Letter of Disposition since
at least November 12 2009 aforementioned.

Your office is satisfied that without this information the RCMP cannot process your request.

Of course that is why they are denying they have it!!!!

The RCMP have confirmed that the addresses for Staff Sgt. MacAdam and Superintendent
Robert Davis that you included in your November e-mail will suffice.

And yet neither you nor the RCMP has it?

So who the Hell is R.Taylor?

Different person or persons signing over the Sgt. Kent Swim name and R. Taylor
has signed for the December 12 2009 registered mail with YVES and Mel at the
same office having been e-mailed the same along with the GLIST

Once you provide them with that information they will immediately continue processing your
One only has so long before they move on … and perhaps they know precisely when my time is

I have provided you the following documents in PDF format (See Attachments)

Should you require more documents in PDF format please do not hesitate for urgency is of the
(November 4 2009) (December
7 2009)
Document-Declaration-Disclosure-Government (January 10 2010)
Complaint-1-14-2010 (January 27 2010)

I hope that the above information addresses your concerns; however you still have the right to file
a formal complaint against the RCMP, either because of the lateness of their response or for any
other issue regarding the processing of your request. If you decide to do so, please complete the
attached form and mail or fax it back to us along with a copy of your original request and the
January 11 letter from the RCMP. Please note that we currently do not accept complaints via e-

As you know I already filed a complaint in the two January 14 2010 e-mails I sent you that you
have diverted the issues consistent with the conspiracy.

I hereby file a formal compliant not just due their lateness, but their lateness is due the conspiracy
they are obviously attempting to cover up being a venture into futility as the preponderance of
irrefutable evidence published on the and 160 plus affiliate sites

I would appreciate your cooperation in overlooking the e-mail ban annoyance.

Considering the humongous seriousness of the issues I would expect appreciation for all my
help and full cooperation consistent with the Spirit of the Law that has supremacy over any
obstructions that stand between the certainty of every individuals equal rights to be equally
governed in, of and with the Spirit of the Law that equally protects and benefits us all only
when all persons involved in the political, legal system are unbiased, competent, responsible
and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to the sanctity of the Constitution that
equally governs, protects and benefits us all as they are trusted and financed to do.

The Constitution Establishment must be the personification of the Constitution Document

in, of and with the Spirit of the Law installing the fear of due punishment with exemplary
attentiveness to deterrence being the only viable means of present knowledge to equally
protect and benefit evey individual as guaranteed.


I am still requesting a copy of the RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report, Investigation of
Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445

Full cooperation is expected …. That would be now please!!!

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

Keswick Ontario L4P 2P8

905 476-8959

Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive

RCMP Access to Information Act

Request November 6 2009 and RCMP Sgt Kent Swim acknowledged November 19 2009

File # GA-3952-3-05-203/09
1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2 X
By E-Mail to Eric Murphy Liaison Officer Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada

$5 Fee acknowledged November 16 2009 Wants to start all over again because they deliberately screwed up (January 11 2010)

The entire government provincial and Federal is Organized Crime Personified (OCP)
On November 8/07 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
for refusing to investigate the obvious Government Organized Crime - on September 3/08
RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of the GTA signed the
Final Letter of Disposition September 3 2008 admitting he refused to look at the evidence finding the
RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate Government Organized Crime


January 30 2010
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: January-28-10 8:43 PM
To: ''; ''; '';
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''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';

Subject: Get off the Pot then Shit or get off the Pot

January 28 2010

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

Re: Government Organized Crime

Re: Request for copy
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Dear Mr Eric Murphy

I thank you for your e-mail of January 27 2010 responding to my e-mails and publications January
14 2010 incited to do so by my-email and publication of January 27 2010.
I also thank you for demonstrating your participation in the conspiracy as you knew you would
and must to keep the conspiracy alive, however by doing so at this stage you people are lucky if
you find another place to bang nail in your heavily nail laden coffin.

So though you people have all been provided the same evidence since October 15 2009 that
shows I originally requested the RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report Investigation of Government
Organized Crime File # 2007 – 1355445 (THE REPORT) September 23 2008 that a legitimate efficient
effective unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable government with fortitude and conviction
would not have been requested as there simply would not have been the need for THE REPORT that Staff
Sgt. R.B. MacAdam now NCO i/c was assigned to investigate by the office of the RCMP Commissioner
that he purportedly spent 9 months investigating. my complaint filed
November 8 2007 with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for refusing to
investigate government organized crime.

The preponderance of evidence that irrefutably proves the government organized crime was
acknowledged September 3 2008 by RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of
the GTA signing the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition stating though I had provided hundreds of
pages of documents he chose to ignore them … being what any good person in on the
conspiracy would do due to the utmost seriousness of the issues that a legitimate unbiased
competent responsible and irreproachable RCMP officer would have thanked me very much and
took over from there uncovering it all instead of doing what the conspirator charlatans of
deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration do and must do to keep their conspiracy

Cover it up of course with a tangled web of deception that is abundantly clear when you look at
through the eyes of the Constitution: Document of which unequivocally the RCMP must be the
personification of the Constitution ultimately the responsibility of the Minister of Public Safety
formerly Stockwell day and now my MP Peter Van Loan who has not responded in the 4 ½ years
I have been providing him the evidence and of course the reason for his refusal to respond is as
obtrusive as the perquisite charlatan traits of deception, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration required of the political/legal system hierarchy in public trust financed by the people
to equally govern, protect and benefit every individual that has never been their intention to back
the façade, but only consistently maintain it in the only way they know and can that leaves an
indelible trail impossible to cover up or erase as this exercise has been a fine example as is
Mulroney a fine example of the legal profession infesting the political/legal system that the people
finance and trust the personnel are all in of and with “the Spirit of the Law” as must we all that
unequivocally is their responsibility to ensure it, but obviously not something the government
organized criminals can subscribe to without farting against the wind of their conspiracy.
(November 4 2009) (December
7 2009)
Document-Declaration-Disclosure-Government (January 10 2010)
Complaint-1-14-2010 (January 27 2010)

Now let’s see what evidence you provide for us today getting worse and worse against you
people being trapped in a corner with no way out, being as vicious as hell should one approach
too near especially just one individual that has surrounded them.

I of course need to get the message out to the people to come to my aid and take advantage of
this humongous opportunity to finish them off in their own courts that will be the people’s when
they are amassed and scrutinizing it.

I make commentary within your e-mail of January 27 2010 immediately following.

From: Eric Murphy []

Sent: January-27-10 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: Hare today

Mr. Gallagher,

I apologize for the delay in responding. Please note that I am still having difficulty retrieving the
documents from the Scribd site. I can browse them online, however the printouts are a mess,
and downloading them as PDFs requires a Login account, which I do not have. Could you please
e-mail me PDF copies for our files.

You have been kind enough to provide me with information as to how things work in your world of
sense in common and I shall reciprocate in kind how it is out in the real world of the majority that
endeavour to cling to common sense

When you do not have a Login Account you do not use it as an excuse not to deal with the issues
and we out here can not afford the humongous time to legislate a procedure consistent with the
Constitution and in fact consider that if the thing is in of and with “the Spirit of the Law” we can

So here is what you do Register with Scribd in the appropriate place providing your e-mail
address and password … then you should be okay for another day and if your nose is running
wipe and blow or blow and wipe into a tissue and carefully dispose of it so as not to infringe on
another individual’s rights.

As always or at least for now if there is anything else I can help you with please contact me by e-
mail at but if an emergency dial 911.
That would be on your telephone or cell phone and if neither are handy ask any persons around
you for help and then get back to getting me the God damned
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 –
1355445 (THE REPORT)

Yeah really That is really what this exercise is all about. Ya I agree. It can get quite mind boggling.

That said, I have reviewed the material online, and have determined that you have made three
requests for information - a request to the Dawson Creek Courthouse on November 2, 2009, an
informal request to the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP (CPC-RCMP) on
November 4, 2009, and a request under the Access to Information Act (the Act) to the RCMP on
November 6, 2009.
Regarding your request for assistance with the first request (your Priority 4), please note that the
Act only covers a specifically defined set of federal government institutions. The Dawson Creek
Court is not subject to the Act, therefore our office is unable to assist you with this request. As
they are a provincial court, they may be subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act of BC. To confirm this and to obtain further details re: that Act, you may wish to
contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for BC

All laws must be consistent with the Constitution in which “the Spirit of the Law” equally governs,
protects and benefits us all only when the Constitution: Establishment hierarchy are the
personification of the Constitution that decidedly are not willingly providing the documentation of
their inadequacies where priority one is the safety and well being of every individual is
guaranteed in Perpetual Possessory Title that no inconsistencies deliberately or otherwise placed
can obstruct the certainty demanded by law.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination
and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law
that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of
the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should
observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in
respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating
to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and
government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the
legislature of each province.

Nothing stands between the people and their guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits other than the deliberate incompetence of the political/legal
system hierarchy that refuse the responsibility the people trust and are led to believe
they are financing, being an obvious façade of the CRIMINAL FRAUD necessary to
ransack the 90% majority to their ultimate success having convincingly befuddled
the minds of the people and thus the insanity with the 10% wealthy minority and the
10% impoverished a prime example of the effectiveness of their scam that seemingly
goes unnoticed by the 80% majority sandwiched in between … the MONKEYS in the

We must always remember a legitimate responsible irreproachable government

would have nothing to hide and a competent one would have found the information I
requested in my hands immediately following my request, but ultimately no such
requests would be required f they were the personification of the Constitution as
demanded that unequivocally demands they all be consistently in, of and with “the
Spirit of the Law” and able to demonstrate due diligence.

Regarding the second request, as mentioned in my earlier e-mail, institutions have full discretion
with respect to processing requests outside the Act and you have no recourse if you are
unsatisfied with the treatment of your informal request. Instead, you may wish to resubmit your
request to the CPC-RCMP as a formal request pursuant to the Act.

Utter bullshit as stated above as you will soon know.

With respect to the third request, I have contacted the RCMP to determine the status of your
request. The RCMP requested additional clarification regarding your request on November 16,
2009. Although you responded on November 19, the RCMP has no record of receiving your
response. Unfortunately, through an administrative error, your request was transferred to CPC-
RCMP on December 21. This was corrected and your request was returned to the RCMP. For
administrative reasons, your request re-opened under a new file number (GA-3951-3-00160/10)
and a new request for clarification, that included a request for a new $5 application fee, was
mailed to you on January 11, 2010. I brought to the RCMP's attention the fact that you had
already paid the application fee on November 6, 2009. Consequently, the RCMP have dropped
the requirement for a new fee. However, they still require clarification with respect to your
request, namely the specific location (city/detachment) to search for a copy of the requested
report. Our office is satisfied that without this information the RCMP cannot process your
request. The RCMP have confirmed that the addresses for Staff Sgt. MacAdam and
Superintendent Robert Davis that you included in your November 19 e-mail will suffice. Once you
provide them with that information they will immediately continue processing your request. To
avoid unnecessary delays and given the past difficulties experienced with e-mail communications,
I would suggest that you provide it by phone or fax.

I am well aware how you people work and you had best begin to understand how I work, for at
this point I have now irrefutably proven the certainty of your involvement in the conspiracy Eric ,
but after all you are under the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada PUPPET of
Parliament and Prime Minister Stephen Harper already irrefutably documented and the MOJ
administers the Access to information Act and is the adviser of all government departments,
agencies and police that includes the former Chair of the Reviews Commission Paul Kennedy. .
On Sept 23 2008 I filed for a Review with the Commission for Public Complaints against the
RCMP for refusing to investigate government organized crime that was originally filed November
8 2007 the evidence already showed the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot was a major player
in the conspiracy, but I figured you cannot have enough evidence and so here we are. (See pg 14
– 22)

The new file number (GA-3951-3-00160/10) referenced above is proceeded with their admitted
deliberate incompetence all demonstrating their modus operandi with their charlatan skills no
longer a weapon once exposed that leaves them absolutely vulnerable to the prerequisite
consistent due punishment guaranteed to every individual that refuses to be equally governed by
the supreme law of Canada that equally governs, protects and benefits us all with exemplary
attentiveness to deterrence being the only viable means to equally protect every individual prior to
being victimized.

As you refer to their January 11 2010 letter attempting to start the process over until they can get
rid of me was addressed in my e-mails provided you and others on the GLIST and published as
which you have ignored until incited to do so when I e-mailed and published (January 27 2010)

You all have a copy of the November 19 2009 providing the information RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim
requested in his November 16 2009 that he had already been provided in the original request
November 6 2009 published in the
Mine-Please-1-2-10 document (See page 21) which you were all e-mailed.
On page 13 of that document shows I sent RCMP Sgt Kent Swim a registered letter December 12
2009 that was received by R. Taylor December 16 2009 meeting the 30 day deadline provided by
Sgt. Kent in his November 16 2009 that I sent after many attempts to e-mail him requesting he
respond acknowledging he had received the e-mail at the address he had provided in the
November 16 2009 that page 13 includes a link

In my e-mails of January 14 2010 I filed a complaint with the Information Commissioner

Att’n Eric Murphy (You) requesting you to commence appropriate action citing the
Access to Information Act as you had previously provided me still addressing the original
complaint filed with the RCMP # GA-3952-3-05-203/09 to which I have intention to continue
in the venture to futility playing their game necessary to their continued success of government
organized crime because that is obviously adverse to my legitimate intention to expose them with
that most adequately accomplished it is simply a matter of reeling them in.

That is what I have requested you to do under the Act that provides your mandate and I have
requested you to provide me the limit of time under the Act that they had since November 6 2009
when they received my request to provide me the God damned RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s
Report Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 – 1355445 (THE REPORT)
that you have not yet responded to.

The registered mail shows they have had the information and now you provide an example of
their charlatan ways that you all subscribe to.

I stand pat with my original request with the authority of the Constitution and it would be
a venture into futility for you to continue in the manner you have aiding and abetting their
flight from justice and you have this one opportunity to claim that you finally understand
with the information perfectly clear now that you adapted to the ways of the individual’s
of the 90% majority that must deal with all the realities of happenstance whereas any
sane individual with a computer knows how to follow instructions as to how to register
and log in that appears to have befuddled you who is required to be competent and
responsible in your position as an equal link in the chain of Constitution: Establishment
personnel responsible to demonstrate continuity throughout the entire political/legal
system with the equivalent strength of “the Spirit of the Law” an invisible and invincible
entity untouchable by humankind that when any individual is compared as to their
consistency with it clearly defines their coherency being the epitome of simplicity and
sanity that has forever blown in the wind well understood by us all at 5 prior to the first
day of school that is incomprehensible that any sane individual would not know what is
and what is not receptive to a fellow human being with a prodigious amount of evidence
that includes that of this exercise that irrefutably identifies the ASSHOLES that simply
requires one to not be an ASSHOLE when the ASSHOLES will be clearly visible to

So with that I ask you the same as I did Prime Minister Stephen Harper … “ASSHOLE or
STUPID ASS” and now realizing will take all appropriate action necessary to get that
God damned report to me
The God damned RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report, Investigation of Government
Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445

That of course requires you to expose the Government Organized Crime having
assigned you the task of investing why The God damned RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s
Report, Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445 that is self

This document is published on my Scribd site as “Constitution

the Authority the Establishment the ASSHOLE 1.28.10”

All recipients have an inherent responsibility to respond asking “HOW CAN I HELP”
Charter Democracy Force for it is not your responsibility alone.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force



The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law.
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that
governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly
disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps
that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of
law commonly include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of
legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law.
The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule
of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

publicly disclosed laws

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

"The Letter of the Law" in the first statement of Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms clearly cedes to the supremacy of God and Jesus of world renown summarized
the aspirations attributed to God as "The Golden Rule" obviously "The Spirit of the

Where there is conflict between "The Spirit of the Law" and "The Letter of the Law"
"The Spirit of the Law" has superiority clearly stated in "The Letter of the Law", where
sane moral thought and reason is either stated or implied giving credence to that which is
least apt to be mistaken by humankind whereas to be human is to err, there can be no
mistaking the meaning and intention of The Golden Rule as words put to paper by people
can be unintentionally ambiguous, adverse to "The Spirit of the Law" inconsistent with
the Constitution, either erroneously or deliberately placed for nefarious intent or
deliberately interpreted inconsistent with the Constitution, but of no force or effect

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


Consistency in "The Spirit of the Law"= “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” is obviously
mandatory to meet the terms of the Charter, in particular s. 15.(1) and s.52.(1)

To meet the terms of the "Letter of the Law" consistency is mandatory where "The Letter
of the Law" clearly recognizes the supremacy of God . "The Spirit of the Law" has
priority over "The Letter of the Law" and where there is perceived to be conflict "The
Spirit of the Law" must prevail throughout to maintain legal certainty of justice and
equal protection and benefits of the law the legal system personnel , namely the
members of the Law Societies, government and private sector must be competent,
responsible and irreproachable in continuity with fortitude and conviction to the support
of every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits. Clearly
The Golden Rule is "The Spirit of the Law" consistent with democracy, justice,
principles, and the rule of law and a sane person of moral legitimate thought and reason
could not possibly find the Golden Rule any fairer or simpler to comprehend where
credence must be to that, which is least apt to be mistaken by humankind where all
persons in matters of law are presumed human and sane who should have no
misunderstanding as to what is receptive and non receptive to each other.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set
out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be
demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the
press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d)
freedom of association.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular,
without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age
or mental or physical disability.
24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.
31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect
of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the
Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of
each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency,
of no force or effect.

It is irrelevant whether or not God exists or whether or not one believes he exists as
obviously it does not matter what one believes as long as they are CONSISTENTLY in,
of and with "The Spirit of the Law"

A person's safety and wellbeing is the most valuable possession every individual has and
must be treated with the respect they are entitled to as equals guaranteed by law. It is
every individual's responsibility to abide by the law that ultimately protects every
individual and it is the responsibility of the federal and provincial governments who
signed the Constitution to consistently demonstrate due diligence to every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights ensuring every individual abides by the law.
We are all human requiring the same necessities of life and would have to be insane not
to know what is receptive and non-receptive of others

Sanity must CONSISTENTLY prevail in "The Spirit of the Law"

Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC born to poverty rose to dine with kings experiencing all
walks of life gave us the Golden Rule "Do not impose on others what you would not
wish for yourself" and "Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness
with kindness" Jesus confirmed the Golden Rule in paraphrase as the summary of the
aspirations attributed to God

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

The purpose of Law and Order is to define the law and enforce it. In the case of the
Constitution priority one is to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits

It cannot be over emphasized that competent responsible irreproachable people of sane

moral thought and reason in continuity with fortitude and conviction to every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights is mandatory of the administers and enforcers of the laws to be
consistent with the Constitution.

Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

PoliceServicesAct.doc Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the

following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the
communities they serve.
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.

The law is particularly clear CONSISTENT with sane moral thought and reason and due
punishment applies to every individual who strays from the law and in positions of trust
where tremendous amounts of money are involved with extraordinary temptation and
opportunity extreme measures must be taken to eradicate the temptation and opportunity
by extreme punishment particularly attentive to deterrence, the only viable means of
present knowledge to apply due diligence to the protection of every individual as
In order to maintain equality of protection and benefits consistent with the Constitution
justice must be the personification of "The Spirit of the Law" free to victims on the
presentation of reasonable evidence that they have been victimized as defined in the
provisions of the Charter in s.24 (1) are guaranteed the right to apply to a court of
competent jurisdiction to be recompensed by the perpetrator in due course unobstructed.

It is extortion to charge victims for their guaranteed Charter rights that only exasperates
the already humongous burden on the taxpayers who are made to finance the entire legal
system to deal with the amorally inclined. It is the amoral who should be made to finance
the operating costs of the system with the taxpayer having already been deprived to pay
for the infrastructure and to get the system up and running. It must be done in efficient
and effective manner for the sole purpose to determine one's innocence or guilt, and when
proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt made to recompense his or her victim to the status
he or she was in prior to the act that brought the perpetrator before the courts. The
convicted must also recompense the taxpayer for all court costs. The taxpayer is deprived
every court case and every time a perpetrator is allowed to go free when a victim is
deprived of his or her right to bring the perpetrator to justice.

I reiterate they who deprive them of the right do so illegally without the authority of the
Constitution and without the financial backing of the taxpayer.

When a victim is obstructed in any way from the justice entitled to him or her under the
Constitution his or her guaranteed Charter rights have been severely compromised and in
fact denied and may apply to the courts for recompense consistent with sane moral
thought and reason, consistent with s.24(1) of the Charter. Not only are the victims rights
severely compromised, but every individual’s rights are also with their safety and
wellbeing at stake as the amoral inclined are allowed to pursue their immoral inclinations
unencumbered flourishing like weeds as do the legal profession, administers and
enforcers, one and the same as they nourish and water the weeds protecting them from
the justice of the people as mothers whose children are never guilty, nor are they of
protecting their kids rearing them to be criminals.

Weed Syndrome

The government members of the Law profession, DOJ-federal and the
office of the Attorney General -provincial, politicians, their affluent and influential
friends have manufactured the "Weed Syndrome" completely 180 degrees adverse to the
Constitution, without a trace the Constitution exists in their modus operandi which reality
attests, as the rich continue to get richer and the poor continue to get poorer as Stats
Canada attests.

The reason is obvious ...the government members of the legal profession and politicians
are Government Organized Crime personified creating the problems of society to address
them for luxurious profit. enticed by their affluent and influential friends of the corporate
world who have their hands into everything, manipulating the stock markets,
orchestrating the entire legal system against the people while protecting them from the
people, creating Ombudsman's, Commissions, Task Forces, Human Rights
Tribunals, ....The Law Society of Upper Canada is a particularly good example as to
the obvious intention of these unscrupulous people of nefarious bent. as they have the
nerve to blatantly admit, either stated or implied that their members are not required to
give a damn about every individual's guaranteed Charter rights and they go on to clearly
admit that evidence is irrelevant to them when it is against their members and
demonstrated that in the manner they dealt with my complaint against one of their
members. See

CanLaw an international lawyer referral service states on the first page of their web site that the Law Society can not be trusted as they protect their
members from the consumer, not the consumer from their members

The evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites irrefutably proves
the entire system is designed to protect the members of the Law Society, politicians and
their affluent and influential friends.

The system is designed to ransack society in every which way, the insurance companies
the legal professionals ravage that the consumer pays the tab, the long drawn out court
cases due the fact the laws are a tangled web of deceit, that most elusive concept –the
rule of law- but hard to easily define by design, not consistent with the Constitution
conducive to every individual's Charter rights infested with ambiguity, loopholes and
inconsistencies with the Constitution that they do not give a damn about, and the
taxpayer pays the tab

The members of the legal profession have infested the corporate world, all adhering to
the illegitimate laws which they all hold as legitimate, where the more affluent and
influentially backed wins the case rather than justice and society. They help themselves to
taxes as to whatever they feel the people can afford, and still survive to a healthy
existence to do the work that makes the people of the Upper Tier healthy and wise, while
the people of the Lower Tier hardly have a chance to catch their breathe. They allow the
banks and credit card companies to gouge the people, just another way to make the
people of the Upper Tier rich, and the Lower Tier poorer and poorer.

Trickle up effect

For the economy to grow the people need money to spend. Though never tried
before if the government and friends stopped stealing the people's money they
would give it to them by spending where it more than likely to more than trickles up
to them.
The "Weed Syndrome" continues to grow and difficult to bring any one of them to
justice because they all live in glass houses and one stone could ricochet shattering them
all to the ground.

All the people with the authority or influence to deal with the issues, including the media,
charities, Democracy Watch and others akin, Church, United Nations, Transparency
International, name them....a few of them documented by the Charter Democracy
Force and published on their web site are all involved
one way or another. The Church thrives by befuddling the peoples minds with myths and
fiction setting them up for the Fiction of the Attorney General as defined by University of
British Columbia University history professor in his book making reference to
the compelling book by Edmund Morgan "Inventing the people: The Popular rise of
Sovereignty in England and America" that asserts the success of any form of government
is dependent on deceiving the people and in a democracy it is necessary for the people to
believe they have a voice or...the representatives are the people.

Corruption is not just inherent to the is embedded into the system particularly
designed to ransack society, creating poverty, starvation, inhumanities, hopelessness and
despair that instigates crime with wars inevitable of apposing political parties who incite
their people to civil unrest and wars as they are all in a frenzy over the money that is
readily available to them from the people who unfortunately finance and trust they act on
their behalf. The ramifications of the "Weed Syndrome" upon the world is
unfathomable, worse than one can imagine of the unscrupulous running wild having done
over and over again, and much worse with the worst yet to come.

Amidst the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence published on this site and the
Charter Democracy Force web sites is also a prodigious amount of commentary in simple
layman's terms with the intent to wake the people from their spell so they can see reality
and the nefarious bent for what they really are, smiles and hand shakes that you had best
remember to check your rings and watches are still there after the encounter.

Up until June 30 2005 I was as naive about the deliberately, entirely corrupt government
organized conspiracy as the next guy and if wasn't for the fact of so many coincidences
being precisely compatible to my life’s experience I would not have the irrefutable proof
to provide to the people and the relatively simple matter to eradicate the "Weed
Syndrome" before the world is smothered with the weeds with nowhere for flowers and
food crops to grow
Please have a thorough understanding of "The Spirit of the Law" before
attempting to read on

I believe that it would be fair to say that it would be insane not to be sane if
we could

I hope that the above information addresses your concerns, however you still have the right to file
a formal complaint against the RCMP, either because of the lateness of their response or for any
other issue regarding the processing of your request. If you decide to do so, please complete the
attached form and mail or fax it back to us along with a copy of your original request and the
January 11 letter from the RCMP. Please note that we currently do not accept complaints via e-

Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the Access to Information Act, please
do not hesitate to contact our office again.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: January 22, 2010 8:51 PM
To: Eric Murphy
Subject: RE: Hare today

Eric Murphy

On January 14 2010 I responded in the following documents but you have not yet
responded or acknowledged
Please do so now

From: Eric Murphy []

Sent: January-14-10 3:23 PM
Subject: RE: Hare today

Mr. Gallagher,

I am having some difficulty retrieving this document.

Could you please provide me with a printed version or e-mail me a PDF version.

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: January 14, 2010 2:22 AM
To: Eric Murphy;;;;; atip.aiprp@tbs-;; General;;;
Subject: Hare today


Be assured that there is plenty more evidence where this came from published on the
Charter Democracy Force web sites

There is still a preponderance more to support and prove anything at all about the
government organized crime personified with Brian Mulroney a major player already in
the Spotlight a Prime example of the legal profession infesting the political/legal system
infesting and investing the corporate world as the UPIG (Ultimate Personal Interest
Group) gaining their power and wealth as Criminal Frauds

First we Re: Invent the minds of the charlatans of deception, prevarication, manipulation
and orchestration of illegitimate laws conducive to their thriving organized crime to the
humongous detriment of the whole as due punishment is consistently administered and
enforced in the newly structured system by persons that know well the fear of serious
punishment for them who dare to mess with the sanctity of the Constitution that equally
governs, protects and benefits us all.
They know well of CDF1.CA and assuredly fear it, but hardly as much as they will when
the 80% majority grasp and comes to terms with the power of truth in the minds of
persons in, of and with “the Spirit of the Law”

Them that are sitting on the fence to see if the illegitimate government is going down and
true legitimate democracy consistent with the Constitution is going to happen best wait
no longer lest we come to push them off and stomp them into poverty.

Yes there will be a humongous amount of acting going on to have us believe they have
been in “the Spirit of the Law” that in innumerable situations we are prepared to accept if
they immediately come forward now stating due to the preponderance of irrefutable
evidence provided them by the Charter Democracy Force they now demand a PUBLIC
INQUIRY and all media that publish the story will be as if they finally understood having
been as befuddled as the people, the police and me prior to June 30 2005 when I began to
document the government organized crime from Top to Bottom with Corporate
Conglomerate Moguls yet to be revealed although the Mulroney/Schreiber scandal has
provided some names.


Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On
L4P 2P8 Canada
Charter Democracy Force

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:45 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: RCMP R.B.MacAdam Report

November 19 2009

To: RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim

Access to Freedom of Information and Privacy Branch
1200 Vanier Parkway,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R2

Re: Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. Adam’s report
Investigation of Government organized crime
Corruption and conspiracy
File # 2007 – 1355445
Referred to following document

Re: Your File GA - 3952 – 3 – 05203/09

Dear Sgt. Kent Swim

Response to your letter dated November 16 2009 copy attached.

Please note that you cite RCMP file # incorrectly as # 2007-2316 & 2007-2317 which are
the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP file numbers.
The RCMP File # is as above # 2007 - 1355445
You will find a copy of my request to you November 6 2009 pages 196 and 197 that
provides the information that I have been requesting under the Freedom of Information
and Privacy Act since October 15 2009 namely as per Re: above
In the published documents is all the information you now request

RCMP Staff Sgt R.B. MacAdam’s address is

345 Harry Walker Parkway S.,
Newmarket, Ontario
L3y 8P6
This is also the address of RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of
the GTA who should have a copy of RCMP Staff. Sgt. R.B. Macadam’s report who
purportedly had a copy, but admitted that he chose to ignore the hundreds of pages of
irrefutable evidence of government organized crime I filed with the Commission to find
the RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate the government organized crime.

I am interested if he also ignored Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report or did Staff Sgt. R.B.
MacAdam spend 9 months ignoring the hundreds of pages of evidence too.
I am informed that the RCMP Commissioner William Nicholson has also been informed
and perhaps he has a copy of the requested information presuming you have his address.

If not let me know and I will look it up for you.

Sgt. Costa Demopoulos

The Professional Standards Unit
Central Region, Toronto
255 Attwell Drive
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9W 7G2

Page 143 of aforementioned document could also have a copy

Sgt. Karen Delorey also of Central region office could also have copy (See pg. 50)

Should you require the Commission for Complaints address who also has a copy of Staff
Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report their address is on page 151 and page 62 of the
aforementioned “Now if I Find a Stamp document”

I hope this will aid you in your search for RCMP information as per request.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, Ontario
L4P 2P8


Please acknowledge receipt of information by e-mail

The original complaint filed with the RCMP November 6 2009 acknowledged by Sgt Kent Swim
November 16 2009
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: November-06-09 3:26 PM
To: 'Mel Abramovitch'
Subject: RE: Re question S/Sgt R.B MacAdams report

Thanks Mel

Will do


-----Original Message-----
From: Mel Abramovitch []
Sent: November-06-09 2:03 PM
Subject: Re question S/Sgt R.B MacAdams report

Good Day

Received your enquiry and you are required to make a formal request
under the Access to Information Act. refer to The Treasury Board Canada
and go to forms . The form you require is TBC 350-57. Fill out the form
stating what information you require and where the information is
located if possible . A fee of $5.00 is required payable to the
Receiver General Of Canada. Send the original request to:

Access to Information and Privacy

1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa Ontario
K1A 0R2

If any further assistance is required, Please contact the undersigned

Mel Abramovitch Cpl

Access to Information and Privacy
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 12:10 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Yves Marineau
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-5162
Facsimile: 613-993-5080

Dear Yves Marineau

I have been hot on the trail of a report by RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s (now NCO) for about 3 weeks and
it has been suggested that you can help me.

Please see the particulars below as I would appreciate your attention to this matter.
I would also appreciate you keep me up to speed on your progress.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On
L4P 2P8

From: []

Sent: November-05-09 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Mr. Gallagher – should you wish to make an official Access to Information request to the Treasury
Board Secretariat, please advise on which documents you believe may be in this department’s
possession. If your request is for personal information about yourself, a request under the Privacy
Act may be more appropriate.

Your request as you stated: “Request for copy RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445 Referred to following

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime PC – 2007- 2316 PC – 2007- 2317…”
should be redirected to the Access to Information and Privacy Office of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police. They can be reached at the following:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Yves Marineau
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-5162
Facsimile: 613-993-5080

Thank you.

Denise Brennan
Access to Information and Privacy Director | Directrice, Programme d'accès à l'information et de
protection des renseignements personnels
Ministerial Services | Services ministériels
Strategic Communications and Ministerial Affairs | Communications stratégiques et affaires
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0G5
Telephone | Téléphone 613-957-7154 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-946-6256 / Teletypewriter |
Téléimprimeur 613-957-9090 /
Toll Free | Sans frais 1 (866) 312-1511
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November 4, 2009 5:24 PM
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09

November 4 2009

Michel Gervais
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP
Bag Service 1722, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B3

Telephone: 613-946-5213
Facsimile: 613-952-8045
Also to
Treasury Board Secretariate

Re: Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Dear Michel Gervais

I am Frank Gallagher Director/Operations of Charter Democracy Force

Justice Inc. documenting the deliberate incompetence and refusal of
the government/legal system Law Society of Upper Canada to
propagate “Learned and Honourable” persons to administer the laws of
Ontario with the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
having precedence with the Law Society who also advises the federal
government departments, agencies and the RCMP and therefore is
responsible along with the Prime Minister who appoints him to see that
the legal system is adept to administer and enforce the laws consistent
with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s equally
guaranteed rights of equal protection and equal benefits before and
under the law.

The preponderance of irrefutable evidence published on the Charter

Democracy Force and affiliate sites
referenced thereon clearly shows they have not the slightest idea of
the concept yet know what the people want to hear and read and
trained as charlatans of deception, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration operate under the ideology of the Law Society that are of
the belief that their members are not required to give a damn about
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and evidence against their
members is irrelevant.

The following makes clear what I request of you and is forwarded to you by direction of
Eric Murphy, Client Liaison Officer in response to my request for information to The
Information Commissioner of Canada dated October 29 2009

Eric Murphy also directed me to the Treasury Board

Where I came across the following
Request Government Information
Access to information and privacy (ATIP) requests are made to the institution that the
requester believes controls the information they are seeking. A list of ATIP
Coordinators by institution is available.

To file an ATIP request with Treasury Board Secretariat only: please send an email
to or call 613 957 7154.

As I only have 1 LIFE to expedite matters I am also forwarding my

request to the Treasury Board Secretariat, a venture into futility certain
if Vic Toews is still the man there.

In any case despite their beliefs evidence is pertinent, which I am

particularly attentive to.

He is a major player in the conspiracy having already been provided

the evidence when he was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of
Canada appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper who got together
to deal with the cover up of the issues with the Accountability Act,

Since the Act I tested them and their Commissions to the certainty that
they are habitual bull shitters prerequisite to their esteemed positions
in the conspiracy

Please be advised that Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. is

federally incorporated to “Solicit Victims of Crime for Class Action Law
Suits against Government Personnel” and I expect ultimate
cooperation from you consistent with the Constitution conducive to
every individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and equal benefits before and under the law.

Please be particularly attentive to section 52. (1), that has precedence

over your mandate

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the
provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Please acknowledge receipt of this document immediately and be coherent to the urgency and the necessity
of your response to my request ASAP

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November-04-09 4:10 PM
To: 'General'
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Hi Eric

I thank you very much for your effort and pertinent information
When they refuse to cooperate as they must do what options are available to me then?


From: General []

Sent: November-04-09 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Our reference: 124287

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of October 15,

2009, requesting access to a copy of Staff Sgt R.B. MacAdam’s report.

The Office of the Information Commissioner deals with complaints from

persons who believe their rights were denied under the Access to
Information Act (the Act). Initial requests for information under this Act
should be sent directly to the institution concerned.

The procedure consists of forwarding a written request to the Access to

Information Coordinator of the institution concerned. The request
should include complete contact information for the requester (name,
address and telephone number), and details regarding the information
sought. It should also specify that you are requesting information
“under the Access to Information Act.” Finally, the request must be
accompanied by a $5 cheque or money order payable to the Receiver
General for Canada to cover the mandatory application fee. An Access
to Information Request Form is available to assist in making a request.
Forms can be downloaded from the Treasury Board of Canada’s
website on Access to Information and Privacy – http://www.tbs-

In your case, the request and fee should be submitted to the following
Michel Gervais
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP
Bag Service 1722, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B3

Telephone: 613-946-5213
Facsimile: 613-952-8045
Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the Access
to Information Act, please do not hesitate to contact our office again.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: October 29, 2009 8:47 PM
To: General
Subject: Re: Information request 10/15/09

October 29 2009

The Information Commissioner of Canada

Re: Request for information by registered mail

Dated October 15 2009
Received by B Wright October 20 2009
Referred to following document

Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime
PC – 2007- 2316
PC – 2007- 2317

Dear Information Commissioner

On October 15 2009 I sent a request for information referenced above by registered mail and on
October 20 2009 7:38 AM B Wright signed for it copy of receipt in following document
I would appreciate acknowledgement by e-mail and a brief to bring me up to speed as to your
progress and ETA

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:45 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: RCMP R.B.MacAdam Report

November 19 2009

To: RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim

Access to Freedom of Information and Privacy Branch
1200 Vanier Parkway,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R2

Re: Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. Adam’s report
Investigation of Government organized crime
Corruption and conspiracy
File # 2007 – 1355445
Referred to following document

Re: Your File GA - 3952 – 3 – 05203/09

Dear Sgt. Kent Swim

Response to your letter dated November 16 2009 copy attached.

Please note that you cite RCMP file # incorrectly as # 2007-2316 & 2007-2317 which are
the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP file numbers.
The RCMP File # is as above # 2007 - 1355445
You will find a copy of my request to you November 6 2009 pages 196 and 197 that
provides the information that I have been requesting under the Freedom of Information
and Privacy Act since October 15 2009 namely as per Re: above
In the published documents is all the information you now request

RCMP Staff Sgt R.B. MacAdam’s address is

345 Harry Walker Parkway S.,
Newmarket, Ontario
L3y 8P6

This is also the address of RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of
the GTA who should have a copy of RCMP Staff. Sgt. R.B. Macadam’s report who
purportedly had a copy, but admitted that he chose to ignore the hundreds of pages of
irrefutable evidence of government organized crime I filed with the Commission to find
the RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate the government organized crime.

I am interested if he also ignored Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report or did Staff Sgt. R.B.
MacAdam spend 9 months ignoring the hundreds of pages of evidence too.
I am informed that the RCMP Commissioner William Nicholson has also been informed
and perhaps he has a copy of the requested information presuming you have his address.

If not let me know and I will look it up for you.

Sgt. Costa Demopoulos

The Professional Standards Unit
Central Region, Toronto
255 Attwell Drive
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9W 7G2

Page 143 of aforementioned document could also have a copy

Sgt. Karen Delorey also of Central region office could also have copy (See pg. 50)

Should you require the Commission for Complaints address who also has a copy of Staff
Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report their address is on page 151 and page 62 of the
aforementioned “Now if I Find a Stamp document”

I hope this will aid you in your search for RCMP information as per request.
Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, Ontario
L4P 2P8


Please acknowledge receipt of information by e-mail

34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick Ontario L4P 2P8

906 476-8959

RCMP Access to Information Act

Request November 6 2009 and RCMP Sgt Kent Swim acknowledged November 19 2009
File # GA-3952-3-05-203/09
1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2

By E-Mail to Eric Murphy Liaison Officer Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada

$5 Fee acknowledged November 16 2009 Wants to start all over again because they deliberately screwed up (January 11 2010)

The entire government provincial and Federal is Organized Crime Personified (OCP)
On November 8/07 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
for refusing to investigate the obvious Government Organized Crime - on September 3/08
RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of the GTA signed the
Final Letter of Disposition September 3 2008 admitting he refused to look at the evidence finding the
RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate Government Organized Crime

January 30 2010
From: General []
Sent: November-09-09 9:55 AM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09
Mr. Gallagher,
If you have concerns with respect to the institution’s treatment of your request under
the Act, you have the right to file a complaint with our office.
To make a complaint in accordance with the Act, please submit the following:
• Signed complaint letter detailing your concerns
• Proof of access to information request by providing us with a copy of your access
request, if possible
• Proof that the complaint is made within the 60-day time limit as required by section
31 of the Act by providing us with a copy of the institution’s response
Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the Access to Information
Act, please do not hesitate to contact our office again.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

There was no mention here that you are not accepting by e-mail at this time Eric Murphy
Charlatan’s Intelligence Collectively Dwarfed by a Single Toad

What can you say about the populace?

The Media Moguls like Conrad Black are responsible for that

The Charter Democracy Force set out 4 1/2 years

ago as a result of occurrences June 30 2005 to collect the irrefutable evidence of
government organized crime that was accomplished before the New Year 2006
was rung.
No great achievement as it is documented in everything they do and I simply
gave them more and more rope for the many to be hung as their fine words of
BENVOLENCE consistently strung of song and dance they persistently sung as
their silver tongues spun with the peoples purses well wrung, that have not only
ignored the evidence brung, but could not help but furnish more, as it is their way
causing many to pray and others to decay believing they have a say turning grey
along the way to where they lay as reality finally set in just a wee bit too late and
were we to hear what they say there would be silence as days of yore, but not
today as we know their way … Certainly … out the door with the Constitution
they enacted ceding supremacy to God abrogating the Spirit of the Roman
Empire that is theirs thrusting themselves on their own pens that are
unfortunately not mightier than the pen leaving the people to finish them off..


Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262
Your File # 124287

Re: Government Organized Crime

Re: Request for copy
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s Report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document


RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim

Office of the Departmental Privacy
and ATI Coordinator
Access to information
and Privacy Branch
1200 Vanier Parkway,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R2

Re: Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document
Re: Your File # GA-3952-3-05-203/09

Dear Eric Murphy, RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim and them akin

As you are both aware as are we all of every individual’s inherent bias consistent with
one’s responsibility to provide for self and the progressive nature of thought and reason
with truth the catalyst to advance one’s knowledge and quality of life I present to you the
truth that would be observed by God irrelevant whether or not He exists or whether or not
one believes He exists for it is the thought that counts and collectively you are batting

Eric Murphy

Contained in your recent correspondence is your admittance that you are aware the
RCMP Office of the Departmental Privacy and ATI Coordinator Access to Information
have acknowledged receipt of my request for information under the Access to
Information and Privacy Act November 6 2009, namely THE REPORT as identified in
the following

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report

Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

On November 16 2009 someone signing over the RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim name acknowledged
receipt of my request and the $5 administering fee that could perhaps be a challenge to amass
for one of our impoverished citizens and therefore you have demonstrated that the significance of
the humongously serious issues of government organized crime to the Canadian citizens is not
as serious to you … and in fact if $5 is not deposited with you our rights to a legitimate efficient
effective unbiased responsible competent irreproachable Constitution: Establishment personnel
has no significant at all to you.
Of course that is well documented by me that has cost humongously more out of personal pocket
and 4 ½ years 20/7 to irrefutably document the modus operandi of the government political/legal
personnel elected by the people that due diligence must be applied with due regard to every
individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights prerequisite to the sanctity of the Constitution:
Document that equally governs, protects and benefits us all whereas all laws must be consistent
with the Constitution adept to the certainty that you people have admitted in every
communications that they are not being specifically set up to direct victims in circles exasperating
their situation that is ultimately the direct result of the Constitution: Establishment hierarchy’s
refusal to put a legitimate unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable system in place
staffed by unbiased responsible competent and irreproachable personnel

On October 15 2009 I set out on this trek to document the Access to Information Act
modus operandi after requesting a copy of THE REPORT from the Commission of
Public Complaints against the RCMP September 23 2008 when I requested a REVIEW
of the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition which they have persistently ignored my
subsequent requests well documented.

If they were all legitimate they would have no reason not to provide me a copy of the
report, after all the taxpayer paid for it and of course we all have a vested interest in our
individual safety and wellbeing needing to know that we can trust the persons financed
and assigned to guard us equally Without Discrimination consistent with democracy as
per definition to be coherent to the concept that is the Spirit of Golden Rule” that is “the
Spirit of the Law” the epitome of simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in the wind
well understood by us all at 5 prior to the first day of school.

In the private sector of innumerable industries a client puts in a call to an office

requesting their service and that is it with the rest left up to the inner workings of the
business to fulfill the request and ultimately get paid for the quality job expected of them
of the profession skills they offer to the public where efficiency and effectiveness is

For example in the legal Survey sector which I worked when a person placed a call I
would take all information necessary to determine the property location and the services
required and thank the person for the job, and tend to all the issues to provide what they
requested and needed for the purpose they defined that invariably comes with a limitation
of time as often the person calling wasn’t aware they needed a survey until seemingly the
last minute.

So mission gets accomplished with 1 phone call by the person in need.

In that respect where there is no such thing in the political/legal system infested by the
Law Society propagates that have infested the corporate world with Brian Mulroney a
PRIME example where they believe if they legalize BRIBERY referencing it as
LOBBYISM, legalize 2 TIER system by referencing it with a median they refer to as
“Threshold” and blatantly state that their members … Officers of the Law that equally
governs, protects and benefits us all are not required to give a damn about every
individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits, as they
are only interested in extorting money for our guaranteed rights that is ultimately the
responsibility of the Attorney General who is responsible as the “guardian of the public
interest” to not only represent the victim but the accused fundamental to the well being of
society as a whole whereas we are all presumed to be in, of and with “the Spirit of the
Law” absent of reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise and when reasonable evidence
to suggest that one is otherwise and when such reasonable evidence is provided to the
police it is prerequisite that they collect all pertinent evidence without bias, without
discrimination competently responsibly beyond reproach unobstructed to provide to both
a Crown Attorney Prosecutor and a Crown Attorney Defender as priority 1 is to
determine the truth if their was a crime committed and punish with due regard to
deterrence being the only viable means to protect every individual equally and society as
a whole.

We are all presumed to be of the status of the presumption of innocence that assuredly
includes all persons employed in the political/legal system who unequivocally have the
responsibility to structure a legitimate system consistent with the Constitution attentive to
the certainty of the sanctity of the Constitution that equally governs, protects and benefits
us all capable of determining the truth as would be observed by God whether or not He
exists or whether or not one believes He exists that assuredly means it is prerequisite that
the propagates of the Law Society give a damn, not set up an organized crime syndicate
with a private and government sector to debate what is guaranteed by the political/legal
system hierarchy being their responsibility alone financed by the taxpayer that is also
their responsibility to ensure that revenues are collected fairly as well as the
administration of the courts, as every individual that includes the alleged victim, the
alleged accused and the alleged legitimate political/legal system personnel are all of the
presumption of innocence in, of and with “the Spirit of the Law” until found guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt with all pertinent evidence prerequisite to collect that
assuredly includes evidence of organized crime infesting the political/ legal system
infesting and investing the corporate world that gives them a vested interest to side with
the corporate world and assuredly they do.

Well reiteration upon reiteration as is the following.

From the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” published on the
Ontario government web site.

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility in
conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to
represent the public interest - which includes not only the community
as a whole and the victim, but also the accused. The Crown has a
distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence

That is not what the propagates of the Law Society subscribe to having further admitted
that they are not required to look at evidence when it is against their members, that
obviously includes all persons that they advise and of course their clients as they state
their only obligation is to vigorously advance the interests of their clients that is assuredly
good business practice, but their business is illegal and of course are not going to present
evidence against their clients or their illegitimate industry would be non existent and thus
consistent with “the Spirit of the Law” that is the epitome of simplicity and sanity that
must exist within us all and the responsibility of the political/legal system personnel to
create the aura in the environment we all inhabit.

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should
observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

Throughout the preponderance of evidence published on the and affiliate sites are documents signed by the
innumerable government personnel involved in the political/legal system as are you Eric
and Kent that cite laws that obstruct the immediate attention to the serious nature of the
issues claiming no authority to do otherwise whereas the consistency of equal protection
and benefit guaranteed in the provisions of the Charter are granted in Perpetual
Possessory Title not debatable or reversible by any law that is not consistent with the

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law
that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

To say that you do not have the authority to address these issues of the utmost seriousness
to the safety and well being of the 90% majority that are being ransacked since time
began is indicative of the entire systems ineptness to protect and benefit every individual
as guaranteed since the 1982 enactment of the Constitution Act, the supreme law of
Canada that provides the authority and the obligation of every person in the political/legal
system to address all inconsistencies with the Constitution that obstructs the certainty of
the sanctity of the Constitution that equally governs, protects and benefits us all
demanding the Law Society, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada,
Parliament, Senators, Ontario Attorney General and the Legislature personnel that have
been provided the irrefutable evidence that they are organized crime personified
immediately dismiss them selves of their positions and commence legal action
themselves, that of course they are reluctant to do having well demonstrated the fact and
of course why every effort is being made to prevent THE REPORT from getting out
rather than making every effort to get it out, and more importantly deal with the most
serious issues I have confronted them with.
So you see it is their modus operandi as charlatans of deception, prevarication,
manipulation and orchestration with all cooperatives of the conspiracy including the
media that obviously plays a major role that inherently must attempt to cover up or
eradicate with stalling part of their MO until they can manipulate and orchestrate a viable
plan to make it all disappear, which I am quite aware of the precarious position that puts
me in with an Armed Forces helicopter that hovered over the river in my back yard for a
minute or two immediately after I halted the sentencing of Dolores Smith May 11 2009
who was up on trumped up charges by the RCMP that covered up the murders of her two
friends as accidents in Dawson Creek where drugs, Hells Angels and the RCMP have the
people in fear.

That is another serious matter among the innumerable woes of society the illegitimate
political/legal system hierarchy refuse to address and why marijuana will never be
legalized because the hierarchy of the government are involved in the drug trade, just one
of the perks like Lobbyism they provide for themselves with at least 3 witnesses
identified of the murders in Dawson Creek and the 1 that told Dolores that her friends
were murdered was also murdered.

No doubt they did not want my evidence entered in defense of Dolores Smith May 11
2009 and postponed her sentencing until they could manipulate and orchestrate their way
out, continuance set for September 16 2009 and on or about November 2 2009 I sent the
Dawson Creek court house a registered letter (see requesting information
on her sentencing as she had abruptly stopped communicating with me about a month
prior quite adamant that she no longer wanted my help with a high probability they
settled with her and dropped the charges being a damn good reason to see the courts
records of that day that if there was one legitimate unbiased responsible competent
irreproachable person on the GLIST would without hesitation retrieve that information
and of course THE REPORT and see that the issues were appropriately dealt with which
of course would be made public through the media if they were not controlled by
corporate conglomerates like that of mogul Conrad Black infested and invested by the
propagates of the Law Society like Brian Mulroney.

My issues began with the infamous Michael Bryant and I heard the other day from an
extremely unreliable source that the Commissioner of Conflict of Interests and Ethics
Mary Elizabeth Dawson made the news in matters of personal corruption involvement,
but regardless she is seriously implicated in the enormity of the corruption and
conspiracy that is unequivocally the government organized crime personified.

So Eric on February 2 2010 RCMP Sgt Kent Swim I believe signed his name to the
following letter that I received in the mail yesterday 2/12/10 following my e-mails of
2/1/10 and 1/30/10 and you have yet to acknowledge my complaint filed with you against
the RCMP that you are well aware the RCMP have refused to carry on with their File #
GA-3952-3-05-203/09 and in fact you admitted that they are in breach of the time
limitation provisions of the Access to Information Act for them to provide THE REPORT
to me as well as you are familiar with the serious nature of the issues that humongously
compromises the sanctity of the Constitution having been provided the evidence as well
as the GLIST, but feel it is not your responsibility any more than the GLIST personnel to
deal with the issues unless I toss 5 bucks into the kitty and provide you a formal request
via means other than e-mail

That is akin to a victim of the Lower Tier delineated by the “Threshold” sliding scale that
is not 2 TIER they proclaim to whom one may ask? We of the Lower Tier must address
the issues in civil court without the benefit of police investigation the taxpayer finances to
enforce to the certainty of the sanctity of the Constitution, that we cannot afford and do
not need to consistent with equality rights yet they have admitted and published in the
Star that cooperate with them and even the reports they commission financed by the
taxpayer to fill the Legal Aid kitty informs them as I have so many times that the entire
system that the Law Society propagates have expanded their industry in the poverty
sector is obviously inconsistent with every individual’s guaranteed equality rights and the
R & R of the AG clearly states he is responsible to represent the VICTIM and the
ACCUSED being the only legitimate and sane thing to do and it is the Law for God’s

YRP Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge having examined the evidence states it is clearly an
issue to take up with the Legislature that assuredly is, but that was 3 years ago as it
appears that he felt he had done his job directing me to where the problem lie that I had
informed him and he acknowledged and now he awaits the crooks to alter his policies so
that he can do the job he is hired to do … ARREST THEM OF COURSE … but that
might infuriate them and he is not having any of that.

So back to the February 2 2010 Sgt Kent Swim letter that seems to have changed his tune
after my e-mails published on my Scribd sites, and clearly they know THE REPORT is
out in London that could be faxed, e-mailed or sent by courier and of course they no
longer stand on their determination that I must send another $5 and inform them formally
of what I had already formally done November 6 2009 that they have been refusing to
acknowledge even in the November 16th requesting what I had provided them and are
now starting all over again, but assuredly without me hardly needing to play “Silly
Bugger” with these ASSHOLES anymore, and once again RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim I
inform you gotta be the dumbest to believe the shit is not going to hit the fan with you
well aware of what is UP and the fact all there is between there and DOWN is ignorant
people keeping them there that will inevitably walk away when the truth reaches them
and KABOOM to the Ground beginning with guys like you that they gathered around
telling you what to write, but will not be there when you need them anymore than they
are for victims for we all exist in the reality of the 2 TIER they proclaim does not exist.

Eric you have vital information to the safety and well being of every individual as equally
guaranteed, being financed by the taxpayer and trusted by all as is the entire gang of
venomous fang that assuredly is your responsibility in application of your mandate to
determine if it is consistent with the Constitution conducive to the certainty of every
individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights and where it is found to be adverse it is
prerequisite that you make every effort to amend documenting your every move for soon
the SUING MACHINE that is 1 LIFE will be all over you and of course you Kent and the
rest of the nefarious bent with not a thing you can offer in defense for your trial is being
held today.

The success of the conspiracy is dependent on each and every one of you remaining silent
and assuredly we hear the DEAFENING SILENCE, the LEGAL MURDERS and
and POWER inciting the INHERENT BIAS BEAST with them that benefit supporters
and cooperatives that will debate the evidence never seen, for they know the party that
scratches their back assuredly does the right thing for all is assuredly fair when they come
out ahead.

Once again Eric I inform you have all the information required of you to demand a
PUBLIC INQUIRY as do all of you and to state that you refused to act, because this
individual refused to travel the their yellow brick road any longer with no end in sight …
of the road I mean and should you refuse to deal with the issues now under RCMP File #
GA-3952-3-05-203/09 we will assuredly catch up with you having been able to
convince the RCMP to waive the $5 duplicate charge and now they seem to have found
there way to London where THE REPORT apparently is that I had no way of knowing
and of course has always been within the RCMP environment that an individual of the
private sector hasn’t a clue and yet they pass the buck to the victim not at all consistent
with # 4.of the Police Services Act as we of the sane majority would understand it, and
assuredly they are not aware that the RCMP subscribe to the do not give a dam ideology
of the Law Society propagates headed by the MOJ and Ontario Attorney General that not
only condone it, but demand it prerequisite to the continued success of their conspiracy
where as they are all Honorable being Learned in the concept of covering up, obstructing
and eradicating any evidence that would suggest otherwise.

Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

PoliceServicesAct.doc Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the

following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the
communities they serve.
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their
Certainly they understand the needs of victims that with the progressive nature of thought
and reason enabled them to design a system to protect them from them

Once again an excerpt from the R & R of the AG

In addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct civil litigation on behalf of the
Government and its agencies (s. 5(h)), the Attorney General has broader litigation
responsibilities flowing from the historical powers of the Attorney General referred to in
s. 5(d) of the Act. These powers are based on the Crown's parens patriae (parental)
authority. The Attorney General's authority, therefore, is not only to conduct litigation in
cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases where
there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake.

This has been characterized as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the

public interest is well and independently represented. It may involve interventions in
private litigation or Charter challenges to legislation, even if the arguments conclude that
the legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights.

So Attorney General Chris Bentley with the cooperation of the media goes on a campaign
to fill the Legal Aid kitty by the 80% majority that cannot afford a lawyer for themselves. being precisely “HOW IT IS” as a law firm conglomerate
attested active in all 50 states and 4 Canadian provinces, but no more as the Force caused
their site to be quickly shut down.

The TRUTH is assuredly known to them as it is to their innumerable clients that found
there way to them, but assuredly it has either not donned on them or it has with no
apparent legitimate recourse.

Has anybody seen their TV commercials straining at the bit for an opportunity to take a
slice from the insurance companies that clearly shows the insurance companies are
uncontrolled and it is the victims that left holding the bag that the lawyers are so sure the
insurance companies will pay up with pressure that the lawyers offer to take the case for
free on the victim’s behalf and sure enough their share behalf if not more and the
consumer picks up the tab in policy costs.

Assuredly it is the responsibility of the legal system to control and monitor them for the
victim has enough to do to recover to the status they existed prior to the instant they were
victimized and guaranteed not to be whereas an automobile company understands the
concept of a guarantee with many purchasing on that basis alone.

Well I leave you with this Eric and Kent … Where the hell is THE REPORT God
damned it?

Where is your response to my e-mailing you the request for complaint that you in fact
identified yourself and feel it necessary for me to provide you another 5 bucks and send it
by means of pony express when you already have it you stupid bastard along with all the
evidence, yet cooperate with them under their GA – 3951 – 3 – 00160/10 façade
orchestrated from the top.

The trial is over with THE REPORT not in my hands within the time limit and all
refusing to cooperate in, of and with “the Spirit of the Law” citing illegitimate laws
attempting to pass the onus onto the victim to penetrate the fixed system decidedly
designed to provide them an abundance of victims and criminals for their fishing pond
with them of the Upper Tier provided full service, police investigate, file charges and
provide the pertinent evidence to convict them that dare mess with their affluent and
influential friends that assuredly includes themselves as they scratch each others backs to
ascend the up escalator to wealth and power that provides them the leverage to go for
more in the ever ending story with the majority attempting to go up the down escalator
specifically provided for them where an interruption of income finds them with the 10%
impoverished replacing them that leave for the better world in the hereafter assuredly
better even when there is no such thing as the minds can perceive yet life goes on and
they will be apart of the future as much as a they are a part of the past.

We are ¾ water that must evaporate into the air mingling with all others of similar state
that will ride with the wind that has forever blown until appropriate conditions causes
them to rain upon EARTH again our creator and provider … possessor of all knowledge
that through the natural progression of thought and reason the scholars of earth will know
the entity that created EARTH and in continuance in perpetuity know what entity created
the entity that created EARTH and on like that and we will all rise again as integral parts
of innumerable individuals as we are part of the food we eat nourished by the rain that
falls that we become part of as the fish of the seas we consume and in the air we breath
that is nature in all its mysterious that beg to be explored, but not by the likes of the
people that hold God to be true and the creators of the perception that comfort the poor
with a minute portion of that which they steal from the populace an equation of inert
mind believers and charlatans that neither can exist without the other as poverty would
not exist without the charlatan propagates of the Law society which society would do
well with out either that only requires eliminating one whereas the impoverished have
substantial reason to steal to survive and the insatiable must go the way of the dinosaur.

Just a wee diversion, but now I am back to address the reality that can and will be dealt

So we look at the five bucks and a form to be filled out that you will use as an excuse not
to deal with these most serious issues, but the modus operandi has been irrefutably
documented through and through seemingly like a bullet that vanishes without a trace
being the obvious of conspirators that consistency must be maintained and thus all such
instances are referred to the DOJ- Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada or
the office of the Ontario Attorney General that are assured to advise other than to arrest
them to a proportionate certainty.

It is “the Spirit of the Law” the epitome of simplicity and sanity that we all understand at
5 prior to the first day of school … a user friendly concept that the Constitution:
Establishment must be the personification of to blend in orchestrated harmony with the
$5 and form to fill out presumably to deter trivial, frivolous or vexatious complaints that
hardly is the case that RCMP Staff Sgt. R. B. MacAdam purportedly investigated for nine
months with a promotion to NCO i/c just prior to his wrapping up the investigation.

Is there a form for a victim lay bleeding in the street that must be signed before being
attended to and is anyone allowed to help in one way or another as to what they are adept
to or must they step around if no medical degree.?

The point to be made is that THE REPORT is rather minute in the significance of the
thing as Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam was requested to provide me a copy and he refused to
respond and given the serious nature of the issues he simply took the promotion and fell
into line leaving the victim to fend for him self as have all the rest that assuredly does not
make it right as we remember back when we were kids and told our parents we did a
foolish thing because the rest did it and they would say would you jump off a cliff akin to
lemmings … well something like that and if it was about smoking and you say but you do
it and they immediate retort do as I say not as I do akin to the ornery critters minding the

It is the consistency with which they dodge the bullets that hit so many innocent
bystanders that they are not even aware of what ails them as they exist in hopelessness
and despair with no way out and no help forthcoming from them of the do not give a
damn spirit 14Money24Show that we have now set the stage set to go.

It takes only one here and one there to comprehend and sway the many that surround
them having seen it done so many times before with me the one that knew the score that
they were followers like whales ashore with no explanation being just “How it is” and
only them studied in the thing have the opportunity to change to “How it was”

It seems to me Eric Murphy you know certain I am serious with serious evidence to
support and you are front and centre privy to it all with only 2 options, aid and abet the
conspirators flight from justice having accepted stolen property to buy your cooperation
or do that which is demanded of you in, of and with “the Spirit of the Law” to serve and
protect the people equally WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION and WITHOUT
ADVISEMENT from the CROOKS as we must all exist without the benefit of crooked
lawyers as assuredly you must know for certain that there is a humongous difference
between being unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and
conviction to the certainty of the sanctity of the Constitution that equally governs,
protects and benefits us all and the do not give a damn ideology of the Law Society

Formally I provide the evidence that you have been well informed of the evidence and
what is expected of you reminding you once again

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should
observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

Words to the infinitive would be inane impossible to put to paper or read in its entirety
that assuredly is irrelevant with “the Spirit of the Law” surrounding as an invisible
invincible entity that cannot be touched by humankind prone to err with fungous among
us as reality attests being the purpose of Law and Order the people are led to believe and
to that my dear Eric Murphy I trust you will make believers of us all … one way or the

Acknowledge upon receipt please.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

Justice cannot and will not be denied

Can you believe?

Of course this will be posted on my Scribd site and the Charter Democracy Force web
site under menu tab Access to Information where truly
it is free.
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 6:00 PM
To: 'MCU@JUSTICE.GC.CA'; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; 'Mel.Abramovitch@rcmp-'; ''; '';
''; ''; 'robert.macadam@rcmp-'; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''
Subject: Ignorance of the law provides no defense

You have all been provided a prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence of government organized

I highly suggest you document your efforts to bring the issues forward to your superiors recording
their comments

Them who fail to cooperate are obviously in on the conspiracy

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 12:45 PM
To: ''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; 'michel.gervais@cpc-'; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''
Subject: RE: Get off the Pot then Shit or get off the Pot

January 30 2010

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

Re: Government Organized Crime

Re: Request for copy
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Re: Follow up my response to you January 28 2010 Copy following commentary

Re: Charges to be laid against RCMP for refusing to cooperate under the Access to Information
and Privacy Act.

As expected of the conspirators taught in the (Learned and Honourable) manner of

the Law Society charlatans specifically trained in deception, prevarication, manipulation
and orchestration with the entire government involved, need not worry about reprisals as
they Dick and Jane their way through these most serious issues of Government
Organized Crime that quite possibly you are not aware of … but the evidence looks
rather bad for you by far more than association as your e-mail suggests cooperating with
them most likely, however perhaps you have been befuddled by them and being used to
inane routines of paper work there is a wee chance that you simply overlooked the

They are Government Organized Crime personified, however not at all intelligent as the
evidence is lucidly clear obviously not being demanded of them, just cooperate and
when controversial issues come up see the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot, a
Deputy Minister since Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister, who the Minister of Public
Safety Peter Van Loan my MP who has refused to respond to the irrefutable evidence as
has his advisor and all government department and agency heads Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada Robert Nicholson and the Prime Minister that appoints
him Stephen Harper that enacted the Accountability Act, 2006 façade all thoroughly
documented that need only get to the public which has been spreading for a few years

You have the opportunity now to see your oversight as I explain clearly and provide the
evidence that they have had the information they requested since at least November 12
2009 and obviously refuse to continue with my original request November 6 2009 which
RCMP Sgt Kent Swim or someone signed over his name acknowledging the November
6 2009 requests and receipt of $5 for Access to Information under the Act namely the
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report, Investigation of Government Organized Crime,
File # 2007 – 1355445 (THE REPORT) as the RCMP opened File # GA-3952-3-05-
203/09 … did their inherent charlatan routine claiming after their attempt to shuffle it off
to their cooperative Commission for Public Complaints with former Chair Paul Kennedy
irrefutably in on the conspiracy with RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis doing what any
good loyal conspirator would do coming to the aid of the party… no reference to any
political party because they are all irrefutably in on the conspiracy with the 10% wealthy
minority well documented on the site
Dear Mr Eric Murphy

On January 28 2010 I responded by e-mail to your January 27 2010 responding to my 2 e-mails

of January 14 2010 all being published on my Scribd site that you have had difficulty downloading
and printing out requesting I forward you PDF copies that I do so now which you will find attached
that includes the one immediately above “Freedom of information Request Registered Mail”.
The January 28 2010 e-mail was also published on my Scribd site which I have downloaded a
copy in PDF format and attached as I have the rest, something you were not able to do due the
limitations and ineptness of the government personnel to deal with the reality that ultimately is the
consequences of their governance whereas they are financed, extremely well by the taxpayer
who has limited funds left to do the jobs that you are paid to do.

With the humongous seriousness of the issues regarding the obvious government organized
crime you were able to deduce from all the evidence that I had already paid $5 in my original
Access to Information application for a copy of RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report,
Investigation of Government Organized Crime, File # 2007 – 1355445 dated November 6 2009 that
RCMP Sgt Kent Swim had acknowledged in his November 16 2009 requesting more information
which I responded to by e-mail using the address he provided to do so in his November 16 2009,
which he refused to acknowledge as he did many subsequent e-mails that led me to registering
the December 12 2009 delivered by Canada Post that Taylor acknowledged receipt December 16
2009 responded to the

absurdity of the RCMP recorded in their December 21 2009 as did the
respond to the absurdity in yours of December 27 2009 that is consistent with and indicative of
the entire government modus operandi thoroughly documented and published on the Charter
Democracy Force site and over 160 affiliates.

So anyway you were able to deal with the $5 thing in sane manner, perhaps a demonstration of
legitimate sanity for the public as you continue to inform the same information I have provided
you was sent to the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP by the RCMP referring
to it as an administration error when in fact they were applying their charlatans ways of deception,
prevarication, manipulation and orchestration MO in reaction to my e-mail of have January 2 2010 calling them on
their attempt to delay the issues with the absurdity that will no longer work yet you feel the
imbecilic substitute for a legitimate government is still the flavour of the day wilfully providing the
evidence that assuredly will have you dismissed for having the mind dwarfed by a toad when the
conspirators are forced to hit the road.

So my letter of January 2 2010 Save Your Life Today and Mine caused them to conspire a new
direction noted in their January 11, 2010 starting over again with a new File #, obvious with no
intention to actually permit the evidence that will expunge them to reach the public.
With each move they support the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence I already have with
the coffin already in place, which of course they are not so ready to lie down and you seem to
want to accompany them.

You inform in your January 27 2010

With respect to the third request, I have contacted the RCMP to determine the status of your
request. The RCMP requested additional clarification regarding your request on November 16,
2009. Although you responded on November 19, the RCMP has no record of receiving your
response. Unfortunately, through an administrative error, your request was transferred to CPC-
RCMP on December 21. This was corrected and your request was returned to the RCMP.

You acknowledge that I responded on November 19 2009 that the GLIST was also provided a
copy that includes ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '' Yves is who I originally applied to under the Act November 4 2009
that responded to on the 5th and I sent the $5 and form under the
Act as he instructed on the 6th and RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim acknowledge on the 16th and I
responded to on the 19th yet with them all receiving, the RCMP did not receive even though the
complaint was sent to the RCMP and Sgt Kent Swim requested the information that I had already
provided in the prodigious amount of evidence already sent, which they are all assuredly aware of
the seriousness of the issues being why they are fumbling all over the place due the fact I have
left them no open doors as the truth is out and the jig is up.
A copy of RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim December 19 2009 on page 11 states the Commission for
Public Complaints has greater interests in the records requested (THE REPORT), ….. blah blah
blah and further communications should be with them which the linked document responds to his
crap stating I was not buying it. (Not even sure who signed it, being different signature than the
November 16 2009. Probably a set up from then as they ignored all my e-mails responding to the
November 16 2009 probably or quite possibly planning to call me on default of the 30 day notice
provided by Sgt. Kent Swim in his November 16 2009, but R. Taylor signed receipt of the
registered mail December 16 2009 so they attempted to cover it up with an administration
incident having the file sent back to them as I insisted, but truth does not work when you are in on
the conspiracy, eh eric?

Below the following copy of RCMP Cpl Mel Abramovich November 6 2009 is a copy of the e-mail
I sent to Yves J. Martineau November 6 2009 which RCMP Cpl Abramovich was responding

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: November-06-09 3:26 PM
To: 'Mel Abramovitch'
Subject: RE: Re question S/Sgt R.B MacAdams report

Thanks Mel

Will do

-----Original Message-----
From: Mel Abramovitch []
Sent: November-06-09 2:03 PM
Subject: Re question S/Sgt R.B MacAdams report

Good Day

Received your enquiry and you are required to make a formal request
under the Access to Information Act. refer to The Treasury Board Canada
and go to forms . The form you require is TBC 350-57. Fill out the form
stating what information you require and where the information is
located if possible . A fee of $5.00 is required payable to the
Receiver General Of Canada. Send the original request to:

Access to Information and Privacy

1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa Ontario
K1A 0R2

If any further assistance is required, Please contact the undersigned

Mel Abramovitch Cpl

Access to Information and Privacy

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November-06-09 12:10 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Yves Marineau
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-5162
Facsimile: 613-993-5080

Dear Yves Marineau

I have been hot on the trail of a report by RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s (now NCO) for about 3 weeks and
it has been suggested that you can help me.

Please see the particulars below as I would appreciate your attention to this matter.
I would also appreciate you keep me up to speed on your progress.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On
L4P 2P8

From: []

Sent: November-05-09 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Mr. Gallagher – should you wish to make an official Access to Information request to the Treasury
Board Secretariat, please advise on which documents you believe may be in this department’s
possession. If your request is for personal information about yourself, a request under the Privacy
Act may be more appropriate.

Your request as you stated: “Request for copy RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445 Referred to following

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime PC – 2007- 2316 PC – 2007- 2317…”

should be redirected to the Access to Information and Privacy Office of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police. They can be reached at the following:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Yves Marineau
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-5162
Facsimile: 613-993-5080

Thank you.

Denise Brennan
Access to Information and Privacy Director | Directrice, Programme d'accès à l'information et de
protection des renseignements personnels
Ministerial Services | Services ministériels
Strategic Communications and Ministerial Affairs | Communications stratégiques et affaires
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0G5
Telephone | Téléphone 613-957-7154 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-946-6256 / Teletypewriter |
Téléimprimeur 613-957-9090 /
Toll Free | Sans frais 1 (866) 312-1511
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: November 4, 2009 5:24 PM
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09

November 4 2009

Michel Gervais
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP
Bag Service 1722, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B3

Telephone: 613-946-5213
Facsimile: 613-952-8045

Also to

Treasury Board Secretariate

Re: Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Dear Michel Gervais

I am Frank Gallagher Director/Operations of Charter Democracy Force

Justice Inc. documenting the deliberate incompetence and refusal of
the government/legal system Law Society of Upper Canada to
propagate “Learned and Honourable” persons to administer the laws of
Ontario with the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
having precedence with the Law Society who also advises the federal
government departments, agencies and the RCMP and therefore is
responsible along with the Prime Minister who appoints him to see that
the legal system is adept to administer and enforce the laws consistent
with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s equally
guaranteed rights of equal protection and equal benefits before and
under the law.

The preponderance of irrefutable evidence published on the Charter

Democracy Force and affiliate sites
referenced thereon clearly shows they have not the slightest idea of
the concept yet know what the people want to hear and read and
trained as charlatans of deception, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration operate under the ideology of the Law Society that are of
the belief that their members are not required to give a damn about
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and evidence against their
members is irrelevant.

The following makes clear what I request of you and is forwarded to you by direction of
Eric Murphy, Client Liaison Officer in response to my request for information to The
Information Commissioner of Canada dated October 29 2009

Eric Murphy also directed me to the Treasury Board

Where I came across the following

Request Government Information

Access to information and privacy (ATIP) requests are made to the institution that the
requester believes controls the information they are seeking. A list of ATIP
Coordinators by institution is available.

To file an ATIP request with Treasury Board Secretariat only: please send an email
to or call 613 957 7154.

As I only have 1 LIFE to expedite matters I am also forwarding my

request to the Treasury Board Secretariat, a venture into futility certain
if Vic Toews is still the man there.

In any case despite their beliefs evidence is pertinent, which I am

particularly attentive to.

He is a major player in the conspiracy having already been provided

the evidence when he was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of
Canada appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper who got together
to deal with the cover up of the issues with the Accountability Act,

Since the Act I tested them and their Commissions to the certainty that
they are habitual bull shitters prerequisite to their esteemed positions
in the conspiracy
Please be advised that Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. is
federally incorporated to “Solicit Victims of Crime for Class Action Law
Suits against Government Personnel” and I expect ultimate
cooperation from you consistent with the Constitution conducive to
every individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and equal benefits before and under the law.

Please be particularly attentive to section 52. (1), that has precedence

over your mandate

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the
provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Please acknowledge receipt of this document immediately and be coherent to the urgency and the necessity
of your response to my request ASAP

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.


From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: November-04-09 4:10 PM
To: 'General'
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Hi Eric

I thank you very much for your effort and pertinent information
When they refuse to cooperate as they must do what options are available to me then?


From: General []

Sent: November-04-09 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: Information request 10/15/09

Our reference: 124287

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of October 15,

2009, requesting access to a copy of Staff Sgt R.B. MacAdam’s report.
The Office of the Information Commissioner deals with complaints from
persons who believe their rights were denied under the Access to
Information Act (the Act). Initial requests for information under this Act
should be sent directly to the institution concerned.

The procedure consists of forwarding a written request to the Access to

Information Coordinator of the institution concerned. The request
should include complete contact information for the requester (name,
address and telephone number), and details regarding the information
sought. It should also specify that you are requesting information
“under the Access to Information Act.” Finally, the request must be
accompanied by a $5 cheque or money order payable to the Receiver
General for Canada to cover the mandatory application fee. An Access
to Information Request Form is available to assist in making a request.
Forms can be downloaded from the Treasury Board of Canada’s
website on Access to Information and Privacy – http://www.tbs-

In your case, the request and fee should be submitted to the following

Michel Gervais
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP
Bag Service 1722, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0B3

Telephone: 613-946-5213
Facsimile: 613-952-8045
Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the Access
to Information Act, please do not hesitate to contact our office again.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: October 29, 2009 8:47 PM
To: General
Subject: Re: Information request 10/15/09
Note added January 30 2010
October 29 2009 On pages 27 and 28 of the link highlighted below
that appears several times provides a copy of
The Information Commissioner of Canada RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District
Commander of the GTA “Final Letter of
Re: Request for information by registered mail Disposition” being what this exercise is all about
Dated October 15 2009 that provides his address on page 27 in case the
Received by B Wright October 20 2009 RCMP did not know how to find the RCMP
Referred to following document District Commander of the GTA Office address

Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime
PC – 2007- 2316
PC – 2007- 2317

Dear Information Commissioner

On October 15 2009 I sent a request for information referenced above by registered mail and on
October 20 2009 7:38 AM B Wright signed for it copy of receipt in following document

I would appreciate acknowledgement by e-mail and a brief to bring me up to speed as to your

progress and ETA

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.
All of the preceding was included with the e-mail FW to Yves J Marineau November 6 09 that
began 10/15/10
following instructions as above
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: November-06-09 12:10 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Information request 10/15/09
The following is copies of pages 197 and 198 of the link above.
See PDF attachment for same document
As we can see we began with the Information Commissioner by registered mail October 15
2009 and you Eric Murphy responded November 29 2009 putting me in the cycle, which I had no
doubt would come back to you even asking what happens when the RCMP refuse to provide a
copy of THE REPORT of the investigation of government organized crime done by RCMP Staff
Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report File # 2007 – 1355445 purportedly over a 9 month period that RCMP
Superintendent Robert Davis provided the Final Letter of Disposition finding the RCMP innocent
of refusing to investigate government organized crime while he admits he refused to look at the
Hardly do they want the evidence to get out and all their correspondence with me has been
organized crap as they struggle to find a way out without killing me.

In my November 19 2009 response to RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim that the RCMP claim they never got
states they already had the information provided in the November 6 2009 and I do not knowingly
lie like the RCMP have very well proven to us as they must do in an attempt to keep the
conspiracy alive, but undoubtedly collapses further every move they make with you obviously
cooperating as you must do to keep your pension and on like that.

The following was sent to them by registered mail, which you will find the Canada Post receipts in
one of the attachments, but if you can’t find it please let me know and if you do not know the way
home I will see what I can do for you … just let me know
Brought forward from page 188
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: October 29, 2009 8:47 PM
To: General
Subject: Re: Information request 10/15/09

October 29 2009

The Information Commissioner of Canada

Re: Request for information by registered mail

Dated October 15 2009
Received by B Wright October 20 2009
Referred to following document

Request for copy

RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP have ignored my request for a copy of
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report of his 8-9 month investigation of my irrefutable evidence
of Government Organized Crime
PC – 2007- 2316
PC – 2007- 2317

Dear Information Commissioner

On October 15 2009 I sent a request for information referenced above by registered mail and on
October 20 2009 7:38 AM B Wright signed for it copy of receipt in following document

I would appreciate acknowledgement by e-mail and a brief to bring me up to speed as to your

progress and ETA

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.

RCMP NCO Staff Sgt. Bob MacAdam
Perhaps you could e-mail me a copy!!!!
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience
and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including
freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful
assembly; and (d) freedom of association.
and Freedom of Information, that includes the right to finance and trust a
government to assemble to administer and enforce it and if you have enough money left you can
do it all again and again on the chance one will feel obligated to make them administer and
enforce it. Perhaps that is the way to go as assuredly they will go after the money and maybe
even annihilate themselves. Sure the majority of us will be lost in the ruckus, but hell we aren’t
worth anything anyway by the time they are through with us.


The preceding was sent by Registered mail on November 7 2009 with R. Taylor signing for it
November 12 2009.
I decided to provide the receipt that follows having no faith in you

We found

Tracking Number


Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our
telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.

Track Status

Product Type: Lettermail

Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
Item successfully
2009/11/12 08:09 OTTAWA R TAYLOR

Track History
Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
2009/11/12 08:09 OTTAWA Item successfully delivered R TAYLOR
Signature image recorded
08:09 R TAYLOR
for Online viewing
07:46 OTTAWA Out for delivery
Item accepted at the Post
2009/11/07 13:50 KESWICK
Shipping Options and Features for this Item
Signature Required

So what we have here is a serious situation DONTCHA KNOW

Who gives a God damn if they want to play the “Didn’t get my November 19 2009” and the others
Yves and Mel of the same office that I had also provided along with you Eric Murphy with the rest
of the gang on the GLIST explaining their ASSHOLEISM in the January 2 2010 document

It doesn’t stop so I explained it all again January 14 2010 to you Eric by E-mail wanting them
charged and published on my Scribd site in response to the RCMP January 11 2010 starting
another game that you cooperate with that I refuse to play so they can play with themselves all
the doo da day until we get them out and replaced with legitimate people.

Obviously you are aware that they refuse to deal with the original complaint I filed
November 6 2009 that RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim acknowledged receipt of my request for a
copy of RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s report, File # 2007 – 1355445 THE REPORT in his
response November 16 2009 File # GA-3952-3-05-203/09 that as aforementioned
contained the link that provides him the address and Final Letter of Disposition dated
September 3 2008 signed by RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of
the GTA who has a copy of THE REPORT
Re: Request for information by registered mail
Dated October 15 2009
Received by B Wright October 20 2009
Referred to following document

(See pages 27 and 28)

So Sgt. Kent Swim has had the information since at least November 12 2009 when R
Taylor signed for the registered letter. Who knows who actually signed that letter over
the Sgt. Kent Swim Name?
You will see on page 6 of this document link that he had refused to acknowledge receipt of my
November 19 2009 providing the information he had requested although he already had the
RCMP Superintendent address and his September Final Letter of Disposition at least since
November 12 2009 as aforementioned who obviously has a copy of THE REPORT I have been
I wrote a few times with no acknowledgement from RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim and so sent him a
register mail December 12 2009 … copy on page 6 and 7 of the above document link which I
have attached as a PDF

R. Taylor signs again December 16 2009 acknowledging receipt of the registered mail referenced
above sent December 12 2009.

We found

Tracking Number

Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our
telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.

Track Status

Product Type: Lettermail

Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
Item successfully
2009/12/16 09:20 OTTAWA

Track History
Retail Signatory
Date Time Location Description
Location Name
2009/12/16 09:20 OTTAWA Item successfully delivered
Signature image recorded
09:20 R TAYLOR
for Online viewing
07:46 OTTAWA Out for delivery
Item accepted at the Post
2009/12/12 10:28 KESWICK
Shipping Options and Features for this Item
Signature Required

So the RCMP have had the information and have wasted my time since at least
November 12 2009 requesting it again November 16 2009 and again January 11 2010
opening a new file to start again as you mention Eric Murphy

With respect to the third request, I have contacted the RCMP to determine the status of your
request. The RCMP requested additional clarification regarding your request on November 16,
2009. Although you responded on November 19, the RCMP has no record of receiving your
response. Unfortunately, through an administrative error, your request was transferred to CPC-
RCMP on December 21. This was corrected and your request was returned to the RCMP.

This was corrected?

They made a deliberate error in tune with the conspiracy and I must start over again, of
course … What else can conspirators do? … Even if it was not deliberate, but we know
certain it is … Why should I do the suffering and the answer is always that is “How it is”
….. HOW IT USED TO BE …. They are done.
I am thinking “How it is” is precisely the irrefutable evidence to Cinderella it to a pumpkin
and maybe bake a pie

So you go onto state

For administrative reasons, your request re-opened under a new file number (GA-3951-3-
00160/10) and a new request for clarification, that included a request for a new $5 application
fee, was mailed to you on January 11, 2010. I brought to the RCMP's attention the fact that you
had already paid the application fee on November 6, 2009. Consequently, the RCMP have
dropped the requirement for a new fee. However, they still require clarification with respect to
your request, namely the specific location (city/detachment) to search for a copy of the requested
report. Our office is satisfied that without this information the RCMP cannot process your
request. The RCMP have confirmed that the addresses for Staff Sgt. MacAdam and
Superintendent Robert Davis that you included in your November 19 e-mail will suffice. Once
you provide them with that information they will immediately continue processing your request.
To avoid unnecessary delays and given the past difficulties experienced with e-mail
communications, I would suggest that you provide it by phone or fax.

They would not want to be accused as crooks for a mere 5$ … It has always been the big
money 1 4 Money 2 4 Show and around and around we Go
They have had the RCMP Superintendent Address and Final Letter of Disposition since
at least November 12 2009 aforementioned.

Your office is satisfied that without this information the RCMP cannot process your request.

Of course that is why they are denying they have it!!!!

The RCMP have confirmed that the addresses for Staff Sgt. MacAdam and Superintendent
Robert Davis that you included in your November e-mail will suffice.

And yet neither you nor the RCMP has it?

So who the Hell is R.Taylor?

Different person or persons signing over the Sgt. Kent Swim name and R. Taylor
has signed for the December 12 2009 registered mail with YVES and Mel at the
same office having been e-mailed the same along with the GLIST

Once you provide them with that information they will immediately continue processing your
One only has so long before they move on … and perhaps they know precisely when my time is

I have provided you the following documents in PDF format (See Attachments)

Should you require more documents in PDF format please do not hesitate for urgency is of the
(November 4 2009) (December
7 2009)
Document-Declaration-Disclosure-Government (January 10 2010)
Complaint-1-14-2010 (January 27 2010)

I hope that the above information addresses your concerns; however you still have the right to file
a formal complaint against the RCMP, either because of the lateness of their response or for any
other issue regarding the processing of your request. If you decide to do so, please complete the
attached form and mail or fax it back to us along with a copy of your original request and the
January 11 letter from the RCMP. Please note that we currently do not accept complaints via e-

As you know I already filed a complaint in the two January 14 2010 e-mails I sent you that you
have diverted the issues consistent with the conspiracy.

I hereby file a formal compliant not just due their lateness, but their lateness is due the conspiracy
they are obviously attempting to cover up being a venture into futility as the preponderance of
irrefutable evidence published on the and 160 plus affiliate sites

I would appreciate your cooperation in overlooking the e-mail ban annoyance.

Considering the humongous seriousness of the issues I would expect appreciation for all my
help and full cooperation consistent with the Spirit of the Law that has supremacy over any
obstructions that stand between the certainty of every individuals equal rights to be equally
governed in, of and with the Spirit of the Law that equally protects and benefits us all only
when all persons involved in the political, legal system are unbiased, competent, responsible
and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to the sanctity of the Constitution that
equally governs, protects and benefits us all as they are trusted and financed to do.

The Constitution Establishment must be the personification of the Constitution Document

in, of and with the Spirit of the Law installing the fear of due punishment with exemplary
attentiveness to deterrence being the only viable means of present knowledge to equally
protect and benefit evey individual as guaranteed.


I am still requesting a copy of the RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report, Investigation of
Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445

Full cooperation is expected …. That would be now please!!!

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.
Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick Ontario L4P 2P8

907 476-8959


RCMP Access to Information Act

Request November 6 2009 and RCMP Sgt Kent Swim acknowledged November 19 2009
File # GA-3952-3-05-203/09
1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2

By E-Mail to Eric Murphy Liaison Officer Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada

$5 Fee acknowledged November 16 2009 Wants to start all over again because they deliberately screwed up (January 11 2010)

The entire government provincial and Federal is Organized Crime Personified (OCP)
On November 8/07 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
for refusing to investigate the obvious Government Organized Crime - on September 3/08
RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of the GTA signed the
Final Letter of Disposition September 3 2008 admitting he refused to look at the evidence finding the
RCMP innocent of refusing to investigate Government Organized Crime


January 30 2010
From: Frank Gallagher []
Sent: January-28-10 8:43 PM
To: ''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; 'michel.gervais@cpc-'; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; ''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';
''; '';

Subject: Get off the Pot then Shit or get off the Pot

January 28 2010

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

Re: Government Organized Crime

Re: Request for copy
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report
Investigation of Government Organized Crime
File # 2007 - 1355445
Referred to following document

Dear Mr Eric Murphy

I thank you for your e-mail of January 27 2010 responding to my e-mails and publications January
14 2010 incited to do so by my-email and publication of January 27 2010.
I also thank you for demonstrating your participation in the conspiracy as you knew you would
and must to keep the conspiracy alive, however by doing so at this stage you people are lucky if
you find another place to bang nail in your heavily nail laden coffin.

So though you people have all been provided the same evidence since October 15 2009 that
shows I originally requested the RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report Investigation of Government
Organized Crime File # 2007 – 1355445 (THE REPORT) September 23 2008 that a legitimate efficient
effective unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable government with fortitude and conviction
would not have been requested as there simply would not have been the need for THE REPORT that Staff
Sgt. R.B. MacAdam now NCO i/c was assigned to investigate by the office of the RCMP Commissioner
that he purportedly spent 9 months investigating. my complaint filed
November 8 2007 with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for refusing to
investigate government organized crime.

The preponderance of evidence that irrefutably proves the government organized crime was
acknowledged September 3 2008 by RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of
the GTA signing the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition stating though I had provided hundreds of
pages of documents he chose to ignore them … being what any good person in on the
conspiracy would do due to the utmost seriousness of the issues that a legitimate unbiased
competent responsible and irreproachable RCMP officer would have thanked me very much and
took over from there uncovering it all instead of doing what the conspirator charlatans of
deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration do and must do to keep their conspiracy

Cover it up of course with a tangled web of deception that is abundantly clear when you look at
through the eyes of the Constitution: Document of which unequivocally the RCMP must be the
personification of the Constitution ultimately the responsibility of the Minister of Public Safety
formerly Stockwell day and now my MP Peter Van Loan who has not responded in the 4 ½ years
I have been providing him the evidence and of course the reason for his refusal to respond is as
obtrusive as the perquisite charlatan traits of deception, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration required of the political/legal system hierarchy in public trust financed by the people
to equally govern, protect and benefit every individual that has never been their intention to back
the façade, but only consistently maintain it in the only way they know and can that leaves an
indelible trail impossible to cover up or erase as this exercise has been a fine example as is
Mulroney a fine example of the legal profession infesting the political/legal system that the people
finance and trust the personnel are all in of and with “the Spirit of the Law” as must we all that
unequivocally is their responsibility to ensure it, but obviously not something the government
organized criminals can subscribe to without farting against the wind of their conspiracy.
(November 4 2009) (December
7 2009)
Document-Declaration-Disclosure-Government (January 10 2010)
Complaint-1-14-2010 (January 27 2010)

Now let’s see what evidence you provide for us today getting worse and worse against you
people being trapped in a corner with no way out, being as vicious as hell should one approach
too near especially just one individual that has surrounded them.

I of course need to get the message out to the people to come to my aid and take advantage of
this humongous opportunity to finish them off in their own courts that will be the people’s when
they are amassed and scrutinizing it.

I make commentary within your e-mail of January 27 2010 immediately following.

From: Eric Murphy []

Sent: January-27-10 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: Hare today

Mr. Gallagher,

I apologize for the delay in responding. Please note that I am still having difficulty retrieving the
documents from the Scribd site. I can browse them online, however the printouts are a mess,
and downloading them as PDFs requires a Login account, which I do not have. Could you please
e-mail me PDF copies for our files.

You have been kind enough to provide me with information as to how things work in your world of
sense in common and I shall reciprocate in kind how it is out in the real world of the majority that
endeavour to cling to common sense

When you do not have a Login Account you do not use it as an excuse not to deal with the issues
and we out here can not afford the humongous time to legislate a procedure consistent with the
Constitution and in fact consider that if the thing is in of and with “the Spirit of the Law” we can

So here is what you do Register with Scribd in the appropriate place providing your e-mail
address and password … then you should be okay for another day and if your nose is running
wipe and blow or blow and wipe into a tissue and carefully dispose of it so as not to infringe on
another individual’s rights.

As always or at least for now if there is anything else I can help you with please contact me by e-
mail at but if an emergency dial 911.
That would be on your telephone or cell phone and if neither are handy ask any persons around
you for help and then get back to getting me the God damned
RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 –
1355445 (THE REPORT)
Yeah really That is really what this exercise is all about. Ya I agree. It can get quite mind boggling.

That said, I have reviewed the material online, and have determined that you have made three
requests for information - a request to the Dawson Creek Courthouse on November 2, 2009, an
informal request to the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP (CPC-RCMP) on
November 4, 2009, and a request under the Access to Information Act (the Act) to the RCMP on
November 6, 2009.

Regarding your request for assistance with the first request (your Priority 4), please note that the
Act only covers a specifically defined set of federal government institutions. The Dawson Creek
Court is not subject to the Act, therefore our office is unable to assist you with this request. As
they are a provincial court, they may be subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act of BC. To confirm this and to obtain further details re: that Act, you may wish to
contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for BC

All laws must be consistent with the Constitution in which “the Spirit of the Law” equally governs,
protects and benefits us all only when the Constitution: Establishment hierarchy are the
personification of the Constitution that decidedly are not willingly providing the documentation of
their inadequacies where priority one is the safety and well being of every individual is
guaranteed in Perpetual Possessory Title that no inconsistencies deliberately or otherwise placed
can obstruct the certainty demanded by law.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination
and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law
that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of
the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should
observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in
respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating
to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and
government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the
legislature of each province.

Nothing stands between the people and their guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits other than the deliberate incompetence of the political/legal
system hierarchy that refuse the responsibility the people trust and are led to believe
they are financing, being an obvious façade of the CRIMINAL FRAUD necessary to
ransack the 90% majority to their ultimate success having convincingly befuddled
the minds of the people and thus the insanity with the 10% wealthy minority and the
10% impoverished a prime example of the effectiveness of their scam that seemingly
goes unnoticed by the 80% majority sandwiched in between … the MONKEYS in the

We must always remember a legitimate responsible irreproachable government

would have nothing to hide and a competent one would have found the information I
requested in my hands immediately following my request, but ultimately no such
requests would be required f they were the personification of the Constitution as
demanded that unequivocally demands they all be consistently in, of and with “the
Spirit of the Law” and able to demonstrate due diligence.

Regarding the second request, as mentioned in my earlier e-mail, institutions have full discretion
with respect to processing requests outside the Act and you have no recourse if you are
unsatisfied with the treatment of your informal request. Instead, you may wish to resubmit your
request to the CPC-RCMP as a formal request pursuant to the Act.

Utter bullshit as stated above as you will soon know.

With respect to the third request, I have contacted the RCMP to determine the status of your
request. The RCMP requested additional clarification regarding your request on November 16,
2009. Although you responded on November 19, the RCMP has no record of receiving your
response. Unfortunately, through an administrative error, your request was transferred to CPC-
RCMP on December 21. This was corrected and your request was returned to the RCMP. For
administrative reasons, your request re-opened under a new file number (GA-3951-3-00160/10)
and a new request for clarification, that included a request for a new $5 application fee, was
mailed to you on January 11, 2010. I brought to the RCMP's attention the fact that you had
already paid the application fee on November 6, 2009. Consequently, the RCMP have dropped
the requirement for a new fee. However, they still require clarification with respect to your
request, namely the specific location (city/detachment) to search for a copy of the requested
report. Our office is satisfied that without this information the RCMP cannot process your
request. The RCMP have confirmed that the addresses for Staff Sgt. MacAdam and
Superintendent Robert Davis that you included in your November 19 e-mail will suffice. Once you
provide them with that information they will immediately continue processing your request. To
avoid unnecessary delays and given the past difficulties experienced with e-mail communications,
I would suggest that you provide it by phone or fax.

I am well aware how you people work and you had best begin to understand how I work, for at
this point I have now irrefutably proven the certainty of your involvement in the conspiracy Eric ,
but after all you are under the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada PUPPET of
Parliament and Prime Minister Stephen Harper already irrefutably documented and the MOJ
administers the Access to information Act and is the adviser of all government departments,
agencies and police that includes the former Chair of the Reviews Commission Paul Kennedy. .
On Sept 23 2008 I filed for a Review with the Commission for Public Complaints against the
RCMP for refusing to investigate government organized crime that was originally filed November
8 2007 the evidence already showed the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot was a major player
in the conspiracy, but I figured you cannot have enough evidence and so here we are. (See pg 14
– 22)

The new file number (GA-3951-3-00160/10) referenced above is proceeded with their admitted
deliberate incompetence all demonstrating their modus operandi with their charlatan skills no
longer a weapon once exposed that leaves them absolutely vulnerable to the prerequisite
consistent due punishment guaranteed to every individual that refuses to be equally governed by
the supreme law of Canada that equally governs, protects and benefits us all with exemplary
attentiveness to deterrence being the only viable means to equally protect every individual prior to
being victimized.

As you refer to their January 11 2010 letter attempting to start the process over until they can get
rid of me was addressed in my e-mails provided you and others on the GLIST and published as
which you have ignored until incited to do so when I e-mailed and published (January 27 2010)

You all have a copy of the November 19 2009 providing the information RCMP Sgt. Kent Swim
requested in his November 16 2009 that he had already been provided in the original request
November 6 2009 published in the
Mine-Please-1-2-10 document (See page 21) which you were all e-mailed.
On page 13 of that document shows I sent RCMP Sgt Kent Swim a registered letter December 12
2009 that was received by R. Taylor December 16 2009 meeting the 30 day deadline provided by
Sgt. Kent in his November 16 2009 that I sent after many attempts to e-mail him requesting he
respond acknowledging he had received the e-mail at the address he had provided in the
November 16 2009 that page 13 includes a link

In my e-mails of January 14 2010 I filed a complaint with the Information Commissioner

Att’n Eric Murphy (You) requesting you to commence appropriate action citing the
Access to Information Act as you had previously provided me still addressing the original
complaint filed with the RCMP # GA-3952-3-05-203/09 to which I have intention to continue
in the venture to futility playing their game necessary to their continued success of government
organized crime because that is obviously adverse to my legitimate intention to expose them with
that most adequately accomplished it is simply a matter of reeling them in.

That is what I have requested you to do under the Act that provides your mandate and I have
requested you to provide me the limit of time under the Act that they had since November 6 2009
when they received my request to provide me the God damned RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s
Report Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 – 1355445 (THE REPORT)
that you have not yet responded to.

The registered mail shows they have had the information and now you provide an example of
their charlatan ways that you all subscribe to.

I stand pat with my original request with the authority of the Constitution and it would be
a venture into futility for you to continue in the manner you have aiding and abetting their
flight from justice and you have this one opportunity to claim that you finally understand
with the information perfectly clear now that you adapted to the ways of the individual’s
of the 90% majority that must deal with all the realities of happenstance whereas any
sane individual with a computer knows how to follow instructions as to how to register
and log in that appears to have befuddled you who is required to be competent and
responsible in your position as an equal link in the chain of Constitution: Establishment
personnel responsible to demonstrate continuity throughout the entire political/legal
system with the equivalent strength of “the Spirit of the Law” an invisible and invincible
entity untouchable by humankind that when any individual is compared as to their
consistency with it clearly defines their coherency being the epitome of simplicity and
sanity that has forever blown in the wind well understood by us all at 5 prior to the first
day of school that is incomprehensible that any sane individual would not know what is
and what is not receptive to a fellow human being with a prodigious amount of evidence
that includes that of this exercise that irrefutably identifies the ASSHOLES that simply
requires one to not be an ASSHOLE when the ASSHOLES will be clearly visible to

So with that I ask you the same as I did Prime Minister Stephen Harper … “ASSHOLE or
STUPID ASS” and now realizing will take all appropriate action necessary to get that
God damned report to me

The God damned RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s Report, Investigation of Government
Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445

That of course requires you to expose the Government Organized Crime having
assigned you the task of investing why The God damned RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.MacAdam’s
Report, Investigation of Government Organized Crime File # 2007 - 1355445 that is self

This document is published on my Scribd site as “Constitution

the Authority the Establishment the ASSHOLE 1.28.10”

All recipients have an inherent responsibility to respond asking “HOW CAN I HELP”
Charter Democracy Force for it is not your responsibility alone.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force



The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law.
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that
governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly
disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps
that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of
law commonly include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of
legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law.
The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule
of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

publicly disclosed laws

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

"The Letter of the Law" in the first statement of Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms clearly cedes to the supremacy of God and Jesus of world renown summarized
the aspirations attributed to God as "The Golden Rule" obviously "The Spirit of the

Where there is conflict between "The Spirit of the Law" and "The Letter of the Law"
"The Spirit of the Law" has superiority clearly stated in "The Letter of the Law", where
sane moral thought and reason is either stated or implied giving credence to that which is
least apt to be mistaken by humankind whereas to be human is to err, there can be no
mistaking the meaning and intention of The Golden Rule as words put to paper by people
can be unintentionally ambiguous, adverse to "The Spirit of the Law" inconsistent with
the Constitution, either erroneously or deliberately placed for nefarious intent or
deliberately interpreted inconsistent with the Constitution, but of no force or effect

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


Consistency in "The Spirit of the Law"= “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” is obviously
mandatory to meet the terms of the Charter, in particular s. 15.(1) and s.52.(1)

To meet the terms of the "Letter of the Law" consistency is mandatory where "The Letter
of the Law" clearly recognizes the supremacy of God . "The Spirit of the Law" has
priority over "The Letter of the Law" and where there is perceived to be conflict "The
Spirit of the Law" must prevail throughout to maintain legal certainty of justice and
equal protection and benefits of the law the legal system personnel , namely the
members of the Law Societies, government and private sector must be competent,
responsible and irreproachable in continuity with fortitude and conviction to the support
of every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits. Clearly
The Golden Rule is "The Spirit of the Law" consistent with democracy, justice,
principles, and the rule of law and a sane person of moral legitimate thought and reason
could not possibly find the Golden Rule any fairer or simpler to comprehend where
credence must be to that, which is least apt to be mistaken by humankind where all
persons in matters of law are presumed human and sane who should have no
misunderstanding as to what is receptive and non receptive to each other.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set
out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be
demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the
press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d)
freedom of association.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular,
without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age
or mental or physical disability.
24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.
31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect
of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the
Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of
each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency,
of no force or effect.

It is irrelevant whether or not God exists or whether or not one believes he exists as
obviously it does not matter what one believes as long as they are CONSISTENTLY in,
of and with "The Spirit of the Law"
A person's safety and wellbeing is the most valuable possession every individual has and
must be treated with the respect they are entitled to as equals guaranteed by law. It is
every individual's responsibility to abide by the law that ultimately protects every
individual and it is the responsibility of the federal and provincial governments who
signed the Constitution to consistently demonstrate due diligence to every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights ensuring every individual abides by the law.

We are all human requiring the same necessities of life and would have to be insane not
to know what is receptive and non-receptive of others

Sanity must CONSISTENTLY prevail in "The Spirit of the Law"

Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC born to poverty rose to dine with kings experiencing all
walks of life gave us the Golden Rule "Do not impose on others what you would not
wish for yourself" and "Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness
with kindness" Jesus confirmed the Golden Rule in paraphrase as the summary of the
aspirations attributed to God

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

The purpose of Law and Order is to define the law and enforce it. In the case of the
Constitution priority one is to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits

It cannot be over emphasized that competent responsible irreproachable people of sane

moral thought and reason in continuity with fortitude and conviction to every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights is mandatory of the administers and enforcers of the laws to be
consistent with the Constitution.

Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

PoliceServicesAct.doc Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the

following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the
communities they serve.
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.
The law is particularly clear CONSISTENT with sane moral thought and reason and due
punishment applies to every individual who strays from the law and in positions of trust
where tremendous amounts of money are involved with extraordinary temptation and
opportunity extreme measures must be taken to eradicate the temptation and opportunity
by extreme punishment particularly attentive to deterrence, the only viable means of
present knowledge to apply due diligence to the protection of every individual as

In order to maintain equality of protection and benefits consistent with the Constitution
justice must be the personification of "The Spirit of the Law" free to victims on the
presentation of reasonable evidence that they have been victimized as defined in the
provisions of the Charter in s.24 (1) are guaranteed the right to apply to a court of
competent jurisdiction to be recompensed by the perpetrator in due course unobstructed.

It is extortion to charge victims for their guaranteed Charter rights that only exasperates
the already humongous burden on the taxpayers who are made to finance the entire legal
system to deal with the amorally inclined. It is the amoral who should be made to finance
the operating costs of the system with the taxpayer having already been deprived to pay
for the infrastructure and to get the system up and running. It must be done in efficient
and effective manner for the sole purpose to determine one's innocence or guilt, and when
proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt made to recompense his or her victim to the status
he or she was in prior to the act that brought the perpetrator before the courts. The
convicted must also recompense the taxpayer for all court costs. The taxpayer is deprived
every court case and every time a perpetrator is allowed to go free when a victim is
deprived of his or her right to bring the perpetrator to justice.

I reiterate they who deprive them of the right do so illegally without the authority of the
Constitution and without the financial backing of the taxpayer.

When a victim is obstructed in any way from the justice entitled to him or her under the
Constitution his or her guaranteed Charter rights have been severely compromised and in
fact denied and may apply to the courts for recompense consistent with sane moral
thought and reason, consistent with s.24(1) of the Charter. Not only are the victims rights
severely compromised, but every individual’s rights are also with their safety and
wellbeing at stake as the amoral inclined are allowed to pursue their immoral inclinations
unencumbered flourishing like weeds as do the legal profession, administers and
enforcers, one and the same as they nourish and water the weeds protecting them from
the justice of the people as mothers whose children are never guilty, nor are they of
protecting their kids rearing them to be criminals.

Weed Syndrome

The government members of the Law profession, DOJ-federal and the
office of the Attorney General -provincial, politicians, their affluent and influential
friends have manufactured the "Weed Syndrome" completely 180 degrees adverse to the
Constitution, without a trace the Constitution exists in their modus operandi which reality
attests, as the rich continue to get richer and the poor continue to get poorer as Stats
Canada attests.

The reason is obvious ...the government members of the legal profession and politicians
are Government Organized Crime personified creating the problems of society to address
them for luxurious profit. enticed by their affluent and influential friends of the corporate
world who have their hands into everything, manipulating the stock markets,
orchestrating the entire legal system against the people while protecting them from the
people, creating Ombudsman's, Commissions, Task Forces, Human Rights
Tribunals, ....The Law Society of Upper Canada is a particularly good example as to
the obvious intention of these unscrupulous people of nefarious bent. as they have the
nerve to blatantly admit, either stated or implied that their members are not required to
give a damn about every individual's guaranteed Charter rights and they go on to clearly
admit that evidence is irrelevant to them when it is against their members and
demonstrated that in the manner they dealt with my complaint against one of their
members. See

CanLaw an international lawyer referral service states on the first page of their web site that the Law Society can not be trusted as they protect their
members from the consumer, not the consumer from their members

The evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites irrefutably proves
the entire system is designed to protect the members of the Law Society, politicians and
their affluent and influential friends.

The system is designed to ransack society in every which way, the insurance companies
the legal professionals ravage that the consumer pays the tab, the long drawn out court
cases due the fact the laws are a tangled web of deceit, that most elusive concept –the
rule of law- but hard to easily define by design, not consistent with the Constitution
conducive to every individual's Charter rights infested with ambiguity, loopholes and
inconsistencies with the Constitution that they do not give a damn about, and the
taxpayer pays the tab

The members of the legal profession have infested the corporate world, all adhering to
the illegitimate laws which they all hold as legitimate, where the more affluent and
influentially backed wins the case rather than justice and society. They help themselves to
taxes as to whatever they feel the people can afford, and still survive to a healthy
existence to do the work that makes the people of the Upper Tier healthy and wise, while
the people of the Lower Tier hardly have a chance to catch their breathe. They allow the
banks and credit card companies to gouge the people, just another way to make the
people of the Upper Tier rich, and the Lower Tier poorer and poorer.
Trickle up effect

For the economy to grow the people need money to spend. Though never tried
before if the government and friends stopped stealing the people's money they
would give it to them by spending where it more than likely to more than trickles up
to them.

The "Weed Syndrome" continues to grow and difficult to bring any one of them to
justice because they all live in glass houses and one stone could ricochet shattering them
all to the ground.

All the people with the authority or influence to deal with the issues, including the media,
charities, Democracy Watch and others akin, Church, United Nations, Transparency
International, name them....a few of them documented by the Charter Democracy
Force and published on their web site are all involved
one way or another. The Church thrives by befuddling the peoples minds with myths and
fiction setting them up for the Fiction of the Attorney General as defined by University of
British Columbia University history professor in his book making reference to
the compelling book by Edmund Morgan "Inventing the people: The Popular rise of
Sovereignty in England and America" that asserts the success of any form of government
is dependent on deceiving the people and in a democracy it is necessary for the people to
believe they have a voice or...the representatives are the people.

Corruption is not just inherent to the is embedded into the system particularly
designed to ransack society, creating poverty, starvation, inhumanities, hopelessness and
despair that instigates crime with wars inevitable of apposing political parties who incite
their people to civil unrest and wars as they are all in a frenzy over the money that is
readily available to them from the people who unfortunately finance and trust they act on
their behalf. The ramifications of the "Weed Syndrome" upon the world is
unfathomable, worse than one can imagine of the unscrupulous running wild having done
over and over again, and much worse with the worst yet to come.

Amidst the prodigious amount of irrefutable evidence published on this site and the
Charter Democracy Force web sites is also a prodigious amount of commentary in simple
layman's terms with the intent to wake the people from their spell so they can see reality
and the nefarious bent for what they really are, smiles and hand shakes that you had best
remember to check your rings and watches are still there after the encounter.

Up until June 30 2005 I was as naive about the deliberately, entirely corrupt government
organized conspiracy as the next guy and if wasn't for the fact of so many coincidences
being precisely compatible to my life’s experience I would not have the irrefutable proof
to provide to the people and the relatively simple matter to eradicate the "Weed
Syndrome" before the world is smothered with the weeds with nowhere for flowers and
food crops to grow
Please have a thorough understanding of "The Spirit of the Law" before
attempting to read on

I believe that it would be fair to say that it would be insane not to be sane if
we could

I hope that the above information addresses your concerns, however you still have the right to file
a formal complaint against the RCMP, either because of the lateness of their response or for any
other issue regarding the processing of your request. If you decide to do so, please complete the
attached form and mail or fax it back to us along with a copy of your original request and the
January 11 letter from the RCMP. Please note that we currently do not accept complaints via e-

Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the Access to Information Act, please
do not hesitate to contact our office again.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: January 22, 2010 8:51 PM
To: Eric Murphy
Subject: RE: Hare today

Eric Murphy

On January 14 2010 I responded in the following documents but you have not yet
responded or acknowledged
Please do so now
From: Eric Murphy []
Sent: January-14-10 3:23 PM
Subject: RE: Hare today

Mr. Gallagher,

I am having some difficulty retrieving this document.

Could you please provide me with a printed version or e-mail me a PDF version.

Eric Murphy
Client Liaison Officer
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
ph. 613-992-8262

From: Frank Gallagher []

Sent: January 14, 2010 2:22 AM
To: Eric Murphy;;;;; atip.aiprp@tbs-;; General;;;
Subject: Hare today

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