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Democracy Watch October 292008

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October 29 2008

I see you have been on the watch since 1993 making Canada one of the leading Democracies.
We do not resemble a democracy at all within the definitions and in fact are a Capitalist Pigs Democracy…
Oxymoron, as the evidence irrefutably attests on the Charter Democracy Force web site and
affiliate sites referenced thereon

Principles: main beliefs, values, philosophy, ideology, morality, ethics, doctrine, principle
Supremacy: pre-eminence, ascendancy, primacy, superiority, domination, incomparability,
Democracy: Social equality, equality, egalitarianism.....Egalitarianism:
Parity, fairness, equal opportunity, impartiality
Justice: Fairness, impartiality, righteousness, even-handedness, fair dealing, honesty, integrity

Your information in Law Suit #2 supports the fact that money talks with Lobbyist influencing the
government’s decisions as the rich continue to get richer and the poor continue to get poorer.

Law Suit # 3: The Mulroney/Schreiber scandal is a good example of this type of thing that goes on all
the time where seldom are they caught but even when they do they come out smelling like roses
because the system is fixed to protect the members of the Law Societies and government as did the
Ethics and Conflict of Interest Commissioner Mary Elizabeth Dawson which I will get back to.
I am not up on the details how Mulroney managed to sue us innocent taxpayers for $2,000,000 but I
understand he never claimed $300,000 from Schreiber on his taxes for 8 years until it appeared it was
going to catch up to him. I think the figure later changed to $225,000 but what are you going to believe
with all the corruption and orchestrating of the legal system to protect these criminals.

If a person from the public sector was caught they would be up for tax evasion.
That is how they got Al Capone I believe.
The difference is desire to take the criminals out of action in the public sector but protect them in the
government organized crime personified, and meanwhile it is taxpayers money they are using to do so.

The “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” published on the Ontario web site today was
obviously published prior to the 1982 enactment of the Constitution as there is no reference to the
It does state the Attorney General is responsible for all constitutional matters, the legitimacy of laws
enacted through the Cabinet and is responsible as “guardian of the public interest” and “guardian of the
rule of law”
He advises all the Ministers, government departments and so called independent agencies such as the
Ombudsman but they publish on the Ombudsman web site they are there to deal with government
improprieties but the Ombudsman document and lawyer File # 4 published on the original Charter
Democracy Force web site tells a different story.

Truly incompetent with limited authority and obviously protects the government and the Attorney
General as he is their advisor.

I reiterate the entire government is set up that way as the 2 part Law society of Upper Canada
document demonstrates where the Society adamantly admit, either stated or implied that their members
are not required to give a damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and their only
obligation is to vigorously advance the interests of their clients.
They go further to state that evidence is irrelevant when against one of their members and this is
indicative throughout the entire government, well documented.

The Ontario Attorney General administers the Law society Act and is a member but he is not
accountable to them under disciplinary measures.

He refused to deal with the Law Society on this matter and I suspect he advised them on those
particular issues of the complaint I made against their member.

The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is
legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with
established procedural steps that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly include a
clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of legitimate expectation and equality of all before the

The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule of law has become
meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

Note: principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly disclosed
laws, which means the Constitution and all laws must be consistent with it or they are of no force or effect as to
their inconsistencies.

The “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” refers to that most elusive concept-the rule of law- a
well established legal principle, but hard to easily define that protects the individual and society as a whole.

So we can see that they admit it is a long established legal principle but they find it an elusive concept and hard
to easily define, which is absurd if the professionals cannot get a handle on it. The ambiguity is deliberately
At any time the Attorney General could have cleared that up but that would not be conducive to the luxurious
lifestyle they have come to enjoy with long dragged out cases costing the taxpayer humongous amounts of
money simply because they allow ambiguities to exist in the interpretations permitting them to go which ever
direction they like with justice impossible whereas the lawyers fees cut into what the victim is entitled which gets
into another kettle of fish dealing with insurance companies.

There policies should be standardized with no small print where this absurdity only provides work for the
members of the legal profession, which is how the entire system is designed for profit by the legal profession
absolutely indifferent to the public interest and justice, which is not obtainable administered by the profession
whose only concerns are for money, devoid of democratic principles.

Immediately we can see they fit into the ideological abuse category with the rule of law meaningless under their

I have presumed it is Parliament of Canada who authored and authorized the “Roles and Responsibilities of the
Attorney General” as a letter dated January 22 2007 from the DOJ responding to the evidence I provided them of
the Ontario Attorney General’s failure to put a modus operandi in place consistent with the Constitution
conducive to the support of every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits.
Brisbois I believe off hand was the fellow who signed it on behalf of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General
of Canada informing me that Parliament enacts federal laws (Constitution) but it is the responsibility of the
provinces to administer them.

Of course that has been my complaint that the Ontario Attorney General refuses to support the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits and this was publicly confirmed in the Saturday
Toronto Star July 26 2008 where Attorney General Chris Bentley along with prominent judges stated that there is
a serious problem with the legal system as the Middle Class cannot afford to access the system.
Nothing has changed since the introduction of the Legal Aid Act in 1967 where the same problem was evident
then being obviously not democratic and never attended to.
The only thing democratic that I have observed is the right to vote, but of what use is that when all parties are not
I have provided them all the evidence with no response.

It is prudent to mention that I have been providing the Toronto Star, the office of the Ontario Attorney General,
the DOJ, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada including a prodigious number of other prominent
government personnel the irrefutable evidence that the governments were illegitimate and inconsistent with the
Constitution, not conducive to the support of every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and
benefits since long before Stephen Harper was first elected into power as Prime Minister.

The July 26 2008 Toronto Star item on Legal Aid demonstrates how the media and the government, Attorney
General Chris Bentley befuddle the populous suggesting they have done nothing illegal, but they have just come
to realize the Middle Class are not being protected and they are addressing the problem.
Of course that will require more tax money as the lawyers will need a raise, and the people will remain

I suspect the evidence had a significant influence in Harper’s enactment of the federal Accountability Act, 2006,
which is just an attempt to cover up the deliberate refusal of the governments to apply due diligence to the
support of every individual’s Charter rights where the evidence shows their modus operandi is precisely adverse
to their constitutional responsibilities allowing the criminal element to flourish and thus the business of they in the
legal profession both private and public sector.

So I have to wonder just what Democracy you are watching as it was Democracy in name only that has always
catered to the affluent and influential who scratch each other’s backs in an attempt to satiate their insatiable lust
for wealth and power.

With the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982 Canada became officially a Charter Democracy requiring the
government to restructure the legal system with competent responsible irreproachable government personnel
with fortitude and conviction to exemplary support of every individual’s guaranteed democratic Charter rights of
equal protection and benefit but obviously they had no intention as the evidence is abundantly clear.

These people are charlatans specifically trained in the art of deception and prevarication and the best make it to
the top where I have no idea as to what pressured them into the inclusion of the guaranteed Charter rights into
the Constitution, but the fact is they are there and the governments have been exposed for the unscrupulous
persons they are of nefarious bent.

The Golden Rule for Society- Gold for Law Society web site
documents the province of Ontario involvement in the conspiracy

The original RCMP Final Letter Of Disposition web site documents the federal government involvement

Of course all the evidence on the Charter Democracy Force web site and affiliate sites is
germane to the government conspiracy explaining how their conspiracy has been successful under the watchful
eyes of the police, media and Democracy Watch.
The crooks design the system conducive to their protection and financial wellbeing that cannot be beaten by
playing their game which is illegitimate and 180 degrees adverse to democracy and the Constitution and any
initiatives against them that puts enough pressure only causes them to create agencies, commissions, task
forces…whatever that operate on the same ideology as the Law Society of Upper Canada as documented.

CanLaw a national Lawyer referral service makes mention on their front page that the Law Societies can not be
trusted as they are there to protect their members from the consumer, not the consumer from their members and
I reiterate the entire system is the same.

They have the same to say for the judges.

Duff Conacher

Once again I attempt to get you to address the true problem of government organized crime personified and use
all your evidence to support the charges I have made on the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition web site

The Accountability Act, 2006 was just a cover up of the DOJ, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
deliberate irresponsible government’s refusal to support every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits.

The members of the Law Societies, legal professionals business thrives off the victims they deliberately refuse to
support as guaranteed

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or
physical disability.

Then when a person becomes victim due their negligence they have the nerve to charge them excessive costs,
extortion money if they care to pursue the matter in the courts.

That is unconstitutional.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or
denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court
considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.

Their attentiveness to ransack society absolutely indifferent to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights has
them charging for their guaranteed Charter rights and have gotten so carried away that the majority of the Middle
Class who are burdened with the taxes to finance such a pathetic system cannot afford it yet finance the Legal
Aid system and obviously the majority of the criminal elements defence where the members of the Law Societies
extend to them rights they are not entitled to while refusing to support the Charter rights of the moral majority
who are presumed innocence without evidence against them to suggest otherwise.

The ramifications of this ideology…idiotology allows the criminal element…the amoral to go free when the
victims cannot access the system where they leave many victims in their wake before they are finally brought
before the courts for punishment on a first offense.

The only viable method of protecting every individual is to punish every criminal as soon as possible, nipping it in
the bud before they gain experience, confidence and get set in their criminal ways.

There idiotology allows them to flourish and eventually hit the big times that then catches the interest of lawyers
into the big money.
The entire illegitimate legal system is inconsistent with the Constitution and of no force or effect as to its

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The evidence shows once again that you are dealing with the symptoms guaranteed to persist as the system is
designed by the members of the Law Societies.

Instead of using your evidence to perhaps close one door that will only open another to the humongous waste of
taxpayers money as more police or whatever will never do the job until the Government personnel are
competent responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to do the job consistent with the
Constitution in exemplary fashion of efficiency and cost effectiveness to the diligent support of every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights, use it along with all evidence you have to back the charges published on the Charter
Democracy Force web sites attacking at the root of the major portion of societies problems.

A Public Inquiry is the only viable means to finally clean up the government.

It s a laugh to expect they will clean it up by a barrage of requests to do so that will only cause them to create
more agencies or commissions and I reiterate that I have tested many of them since the enactment of the
Accountability Act, including the Conflict of Interest initiative only to prove the Commissioner Mary Elizabeth
Dawson is no different than any other puppet organization created to appear as if they are sincere but invariably
are their to diffuse the pressure and ultimately protect the members of the Law Societies, the DOJ, Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Ontario Attorney General who advise them all in the first place
causing the conflict and when complaints are filed against them the DOJ and Attorney Generals advise the
Commissions….whatever that they were in the right…all adverse to the Constitution but consistent with the

I request you once again ponder the wisdom of playing their game or actually taking affirmative action to finally
clean up the governments.

The governments of other countries are all the same and once initiatives begin here in Canada they will pick up
around the world.

All consumer products are highly inflated due the taxes embedded in them because of the unscrupulous world
Persistent poverty, starvation and the struggle of humankind are inevitable until their attitudes are made to

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

This document “DemocracyWatchOctober292008” is published on the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition web site under heading Democracy Watch

From: []

On Behalf Of Action Alert listserve
Sent: October 28, 2008 2:24 PM
Subject: ACTION Alert: Please support 3 key government lawsuits, and goodgovernment

PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON to everyone you know in Canada, and if you have any questions
about this email, contact Democracy Watch by email at: <>

Dear Friend of Democracy,

Your help is needed right now to support the campaigns to close the 90 loopholes in the federal
government's accountability system, and also to support three key government ethics lawsuits to stop
snap election calls by the Prime Minister and provincial premiers, to stop lobbyists from doing favours
for politicians they are lobbying, and to stop politicians and government officials from controlling
investigations of themselves and their friends when they face accusations of wrongdoing.
PLEASE DONATE NOW to help Democracy Watch pay the more than $30,000 cost of the 3 key
government accountability lawsuits it has filed challenging:
- Prime Minister Harper for violating his own fixed election date law by calling the recent snap federal
- the federal Registrar of Lobbyists for ruling that it is ethical for a lobbyist to raise more than $70,000
for a Cabinet minister at the same time the lobbyist is lobbying the minister's department, and;
- the federal Ethics Commissioner for ruling that Prime Minister Harper and his Cabinet have not been
in a conflict of interest when dealing with the Brian Mulroney-Karlheinz Schreiber affair.

support Democracy Watch's good government campaigns.
SEE DETAILS BELOW (including a link to a sample letter to send to federal political party leaders)
and please donate now at:

Thank you in advance to all of you who donate and/or send a letter to federal political party leaders in
support of Democracy Watch's lawsuits and good government campaigns (and thank you to everyone
who has donated or sent a letter in the past year).

Duff Conacher, Coordinator
Democracy Watch


The federal government and the B.C., Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador provincial
governments have all passed laws fixing the date of elections, and preventing the Prime Minister or
premiers from calling snap elections when it is best for their political party.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper ignored the law when he called a snap federal election on September
7th. Democracy Watch believes the election call was illegal, and is challenging the Prime Minister in
Federal Court.
This is the only action in Canada that has a chance of holding Prime Minister Harper accountable for
his unfair, illegal election call. Democracy Watch tried to have the case heard before election day, but
the Federal Court ruled that there was not enough time to consider the important issues raised by the
case, and so the case will be heard in court in about 6 to 8 months.
You can see details about the court case at:

Democracy Watch is challenging the federal Registrar of Lobbyists Michael Nelson in court because he
ruled that no ethics rules were broken when a lobbyist organized and held a fundraising event that
raised $70,000 for a Cabinet minister at the same time the lobbyist was lobbying the minister's
If Democracy Watch wins, lobbyists will finally be stopped from doing favours for Cabinet ministers
they are lobbying.
In an extraordinary ruling, a Federal Court of Appeal Justice ordered Democracy Watch to $10,000 in
costs in advance just to have the case heard by the court!
You can see details about the court case at:



Democracy Watch is challenging the federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson in court because she
ruled that Prime Minister Harper and his Cabinet ministers can control the investigation into their
actions and the actions of former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney (even though Mulroney
was an advisor to Harper until last November).
If Democracy Watch wins, federal politicians and government officials will finally be stopped from
controlling investigations about their and their friends' actions.
You can see details about the court case at:



Did you know that, because of loopholes in federal laws (even after the passage of the so-called
"Federal Accountability Act"), Karlheinz Schreiber and Brian Mulroney could still be corporate
lobbyists in secret today, and Schreiber could still give unlimited amounts of money in secret to all
federal politicians after they left office, either as a donation or as payment for lobbying?
Did you know that, because of more than 90 loopholes in the federal government's accountability
system, it is legal:
- to be dishonest in politics;
- to make secret unlimited donations to all types of political candidates;
- for MPs, riding associations and political parties to have secret trust funds;
- to lobby in secret;
- to do secret polling with the public paying;
- for MPs to switch parties in-between elections just to further their career ambitions;
- for the Prime Minister to appoint more than 2,000 law enforcement officers without any public review
or hearings (including public inquiry commissioners), and;
- for federal politicians, their staff and senior government officials to be involved in policy-making
processes in which they have a direct financial interest, and to become lobbyists soon after they leave

Did you know that the Accountability Act doesn't even protect all federal government employees who
blow the whistle on government wrongdoing (and doesn't protect any other whistleblowers at all)?
With a new Parliament opening soon, and a minority government (which means the opposition parties
can pass bills they introduce, even if the government doesn't support the bill) now is a key time to push
all federal parties to make strong pledges to close all the loopholes, and strengthen the enforcement and
penalties, in the federal government's accountability system.
Powerful lobbyists are always pushing to weaken the accountability system, and politicians are
reluctant to increase their own accountability, so the federal political party leaders need to hear from
you or they won't do anything to ensure honest, ethical, open, representative and waste-preventing
PLEASE GO TO the following Democracy Watch webpage and use the sample letter to send a letter to
all federal political party leaders telling them to clean up the federal government's accountability
system, finally:
AND click on the "Good Government Action Alert" link.

To see background information on 16 situations in the past 15 years of federal politics that have
revealed the 90 loopholes in the federal government's accountability system, go to:


PLEASE ALSO DONATE NOW to help stop dishonest, unethical, secretive, unrepresentative and
wasteful politics in Canada at:
Democracy Watch does not accept money from governments or large corporations -- without your
ongoing support Democracy Watch will have to shut down its good government campaigns (the only
such campaigns in Canada)


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for sending your letters, and for your ongoing support
of Democracy Watch's good government court cases and campaigns.

Duff Conacher, Coordinator
Democracy Watch
P.O. Box 821, Stn. B
Ottawa, Canada
K1P 5P9
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Fax: (613) 241-4758

Since 1993, cleaning up and making governments and corporations more responsible and accountable
to you, and making Canada the world's leading democracy -- please donate now at:

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