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10 Herbal Plants Approved by DOH

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10 Herbal Plants Approved by DOH

1. Lagundi (Vitex negudo)

- For cough, asthma, fever
- Decoction- boil raw fruits or leaves in 2 glasses of water in 15 min.
- Herbal Benefits of Lagundi: Relief of asthma & pharyngitis
Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils,diarrhea
Treatment of cough, colds, feverand flu and otherbronchopulmonary
disorders Alleviate symptoms of ChickenPox Removal of worms,
and boilsPreparation & Use: Boil half cup of chopped fresh ordried
leaves in 2 cups of water for10 to 15 minutes. Drink half cupthree
times a day. For skin diseases or disorders,apply the decoction of
leaves androots directly on skin. The root is specially good
fortreating dyspepsia, worms, boils,colic and rheumatism.A
decoction (boiling in water) of the roots and leaves of Lagundi are
appliedto wounds, and used as aromatic baths for skin diseases.
Boiled seeds areeaten in order to prevent the spreading of toxins
and venom from bites of poisonous animals. Juice extracted from
the flowers of lagundi is taken in asan aid for disorders like fever,
diarrhea, liver disorders, and even cholera.While a decoction of the
plant leaves is suggested to be taken by individualsto help increase
the flow and production of milk, as well as to inducemenstruation.
2. Yerba (Hierba) Buena (Mentha cordifelia)
- For: muscle pain, arthritis, rheumatism, cough, headache
- Crush the fresh leaves and squeeze sap. Massage sap on painful
parts with eucalyptus
- Yerba Buena may be used to treat: Arthritis Head aches Tooth
aches Mouth wash Relief of intestinal gas Stomach aches
Indigestion Drink as tea for general goodhealth.Preparation & Use:
Wash fresh Yerba Buena leavesin running water. Chop to size
fordried leaves, crush) and boil 2teaspoons of leaves in a glass of
water. Boil in medium heat for 15to 20 minutes. As analgesic, take
a cupful every3 hours.
- For tooth aches, pound the freshleaves, squeeze juice out and
applyon a cotton ball then bite on to theaching tooth. Yerba buena
leaves may beheated over fire and placed overthe forehead for
headaches.Stems of Yerba Buena may be crushed and applied
directly to bruises.Folkloric use include poultice preparation and the
oil extracts from its stemsare suggested to be a remedy for
cancerous tumors. Caution should beobserved in taking this herbal
medicine as it can be toxic in large doses.
3. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)
- Uses: anti-edema, diuretic, anti-urolithiasis

Boil chopped leaves in a glass of water until glassful remains. Divide

concoction into 3 parts, drink one part, 3 times a day.
- Health Benefits of Sambong: Good as a diuretic agent Effective in
the dissolving kidneystones Aids in treating hypertension
&rheumatism Treatment of colds & fever Anti-diarrheic
properties Anti-gastralgic properties Helps remove worms, boils
Relief of stomach pains Treats dysentery, sore throatPreparation &
Use: A decoction (boil in water) of Sambong leaves as like tea
anddrink a glass 3 or 4 times a day. The leaves can also be
crushedor pounded and mixed withcoconut oil. For headaches,
apply crushedand pounded leaves on foreheadand temples.
Decoction of leaves is used assponge bath. Decoction of the roots,
on theother hand, is to be taken in ascure for fever.
4. Tsaang Gubat ( Carmona retusa)
- Uses and preparation:
- Diarrhea- boil chopped leaves into 2 glasses of water for 15
minutes. Divide concoction into 4 parts. Drin 1 part every 3 hours.
- Stomachache- boil chopped leaves 1 glass of water for 15 minutes.
Cool and strain.
- Health Benefits of Tsaang Gubat: Stomach pains Gastroenteritis
Intestinal motility Dysentery Diarrhea or Loose BowelMovement
(LBM) Mouth gargle Body cleanser/washPreparation & Use:
Thoroughly wash the leaves of tsaang gubat in running water.Chop
to a desirable size and boil 1cup of chopped leaves in 2 cups of
water. Boil in low heat for 15 to 20minutes and drain. Take a cupful
every 4 hours fordiarrhea, gastroenteritis andstomach pains.
Gargle for stronger teeth andprevent cavities. Drink as tea daily for
generalgood health.
- 9. Ulasimang Bato (Peperomiapellucida)
- also known aspansit-pansitan it is effective infighting arthritis
and gout. Theleaves can be eaten fresh (about acupful) as salad or
like tea. For thedecoction, boil a cup of cleanchopped leaves in 2
cups of water.Boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain, letcool and drink a
cup after meals (3times day).
5. Niyog-niyogan ( Quisqualis indica L.)
- Uses and preparation:
- Antii-helmentic: the seeds are taken 2 hours after supper. If no
worms are expelled, the dose may be repeated after one week.
- (caution: not to be given below 4 y/o)
6. Bayabas (Psidium guajava L.)
- Uses and Preparation:
- For washing wounds- may be used twice a day
- Diarrhea- may be taken 3-4 times a day
- As gargle and for toothache- warm decoction is used for gargle.
Freshly pounded leaves are used for toothache. Boil chopped leaves

for 15 minutes at low fire. Do not cover and then let it cool and

Health Benefits of Bawang-Garlic: Good for the heart Helps lower

bad cholesterollevels (LDL) Aids in lowering blood pressure
Remedy for arteriosclerosis May help prevent certain types of
cancer Boosts immune system to fightinfection With antioxidant
properties Cough and cold remedy Relives sore throat, toothache
Aids in the treatment of tuberculosis Helps relieve rheumatism
pain With anticoagulant propertiesPreparation of Bawang-Garlic:
For disinfecting wound, crush and juice the garlic bulb and apply.
Youmay cover the afflicted area with agauze and bandage. For sore
throat and toothache,peal the skin and chew. Swallowthe juice.
Cloves of garlic may be crushedand applied to affected areas
toreduce the pain caused by arthritis,toothache, headache,
andrheumatism. Decoction of the bawang bulbsand leaves are
used as treatmentfor fever. For nasal congestion, steam andinhale:
vinegar, chopped garlic,and water.
4.Bayabas(Psidium guajava)
guava in English. It is primarilyused as an antiseptic, to
disinfectwounds. Also, it can be used as amouth wash to treat tooth
decayand gum infection.Uses of Bayabas : Antiseptic, astringent
&anthelminthic Kills bacteria, fungi and ameba Used to treat
diarrhea,nosebleeding For Hypertension, diabetes andAsthma
Promotes menstruation The fresh leaves are used tofacilitate the
healing of wounds andcuts. A decoction (boiling in water)or infusion
of fresh leaves can beused for wound cleaning to preventinfection.
Bayabas is also effectivefor toothaches. Note: Bayabas can

cause constipation when consumedin excess.Preparation: Boil one

cup of Bayabas leaves inthree cups of water for 8 to 10minutes. Let
cool. Use decoction as mouthwash,gargle. Use as wound
disinfectant - washaffected areas with the decoctionof leaves 2 to 3
times a day. Freshleaves may be applied to thewound directly for
faster healing. For toothaches, chew the leavesin your mouth. For
diarrhea, boil the choppedleaves for 15 minutes in water, andstrain.
Let cool, and drink a cupevery three to four hours. To stop
nosebleed, densely rollBayabas leaves, then place in thenostril
7. Akapulko ( Cassia, alata L.)
- For: scabies, anti-fungal and athletes foot, tinea flave, ringworm
- Fresh, matured leaves are pounded. Apply soap to the affected area
1-2 times a day
- External Use: Treatment of skin diseases: Tinea infections, insect
bites,ringworms, eczema, scabies anditchiness.

o Mouthwash in stomatitis
- Internal use: Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnea
o Alleviation of asthma symptoms
- Used as diuretic and purgative
- For cough & fever
- As a laxative to expel intestinal parasites and other stomach
- Note: A strong decoction of Akapulko leaves is an abortifacient.
Pregnant women should not take decoction of the leaves or any part
of this plant.
- Preparation & Use:
- For external use, pound the leaves of the Akapulko plant, squeeze
the juice and apply on affected areas.
- As the expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnea, drink decoction
(soak and boil for 10 to 15 minutes) of Akapulko leaves. The same
preparation may be used as a mouthwash, stringent, and wash for
- As laxative, cut the plant parts (roots, flowers, and the leaves) into a
manageable size then prepare a decoction
- Note: The decoction loses its potency if not used for a long time.
Dispose leftovers afterone day.
- The pounded leaves of Akapulko have purgative functions,
specifically against ringworms. It should be noted that the pounded
leaves of this plant maybe applied thinly on the affected part twice
a day. Mark improvement may be expected after two to three weeks
of continuous application to the affected area(s) where the prepared
Akapulko leaves were applied.
8. Ulasimang bto ( Peperonica pellucida)
- Uses- lowers uric acid, gout and rheumatism
- One and a half cup leaves are boiled in two glass of water over low
fire. Do not cover pot. Divide into 3 parts and drink one part 3 times
a day
9. Bawang (Allium sativum)
- Uses and preparation:
- Hypertension: maybe fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30
minutes, or blanched in boiled water for 15 miutes. Take 2 pieces
and 3 times a day after meas.
- Toothache- pound a small piece and apply to affected area
- Health Benefits of Bawang-Garlic: Good for the heart Helps lower
bad cholesterollevels (LDL) Aids in lowering blood pressure
Remedy for arteriosclerosis May help prevent certain types of
cancer Boosts immune system to fightinfection With antioxidant
properties Cough and cold remedy Relives sore throat, toothache
Aids in the treatment of tuberculosis Helps relieve rheumatism
pain With anticoagulant propertiesPreparation of Bawang-Garlic:


For disinfecting wound, crush and juice the garlic bulb and apply.
Youmay cover the afflicted area with agauze and bandage. For sore
throat and toothache,peal the skin and chew. Swallowthe juice.
Cloves of garlic may be crushedand applied to affected areas
toreduce the pain caused by arthritis,toothache, headache,
andrheumatism. Decoction of the bawang bulbsand leaves are
used as treatmentfor fever. For nasal congestion, steam andinhale:
vinegar, chopped garlic,and water
Uses and Preparation:
Diabetes mellitus (Mild non-insulin dependent ) - chop leaves then
boil in a glass of water for 15 minutes. Do not cover. Cool and strain.
Tale 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.
Cough, burns and scalds,
Note: In large dozes, pure Ampalaya juice can be a purgative
andabortifacient.Herbal Benefits of Ampalaya: Good for
rheumatism and gout And diseases of the spleen andliver Aids in
lowering blood sugarlevels Helps in lowering blood pressure
Relives headaches Disinfects and heals wounds &burns Can be
used as a cough & feverremedy Treatment of intestinal
worms,diarrhea Helps prevent some types of cancer Enhances
immune system tofight infection For treatment of hemorrhoids Is
an antioxidant and parasiticide Is antibacterial and
antipyreticPreparation & Use of Ampalaya: For coughs, fever,
worms,diarrhea, diabetes, juice Ampalayaleaves and drink a
spoonful daily. For other ailments, the fruit andleaves can both be
juiced andtaken orally. For headaches wounds, burnsand skin
diseases, apply warmedleaves to afflicted area. Powdered leaves,
and the rootdecoction, may be used asstringent and applied to
treathemorrhoids. Internal parasites are proven tobe expelled
when the ampalaya juice, made from its leaves, isextracted. The
ampalaya juice, andgrounded seeds is to be taken onespoonful
thrice a day, which alsotreats diarrhea, dysentery, andchronic

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