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Lesson One

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HPE2203 Jan 2016




Chloe Vince 20150996

(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Year Level: Year 6/7

Students Prior Knowledge:

This lesson will be the first content lesson of the touch
rugby program. This lesson will focus on establishing prior
knowledge and skills developed by individual students and
familiarise students with the sport of touch rugby. Students
will participate in throwing, catching and team based

Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Date: 28/04/2016
Learning Area:
Health & Physical Education
Movement and Physical Activity (MPA)

Focus Area:
Game and Sports (GS)

Moving Our Body (MOB)
Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in
different movement situations (ACPMP061)

Rhythmic and Expressive Movement Activities (RE)

Challenge and Adventure Activities (CA)
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)
Lifelong Physical Activities (LLPA)

Design and perform a variety of movement sequences


Relationships and Sexuality (RS)

Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies

Learning Through Movement (LM)
Participate positively in groups and teams by
encouraging others and negotiating roles and
responsibilities (ACPMP067)
Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns
with the rules when participating in a range of physical
activities (ACPMP069)
Content Descriptor:
At the completion of the lesson students will be able to;
Understand the basic skills involved in touch rugby
Demonstrate delivery of a touch rugby pass to a
Developed a basic understanding of touch rugby
game play
Gain understanding of game play, rules, and
positions on the field

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Ensure availability of field prior to lesson
Set up playing area of lesson
Make sure equipment is available to use during the
Be sure of lesson format and intentions
Equipment List
16 Markers
16 Bibs (1 or 2 sets)
16 Rugby Balls
3 Umpiring Whistles

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)



ICT Competence

Critical and
creative thinking


Personal and Social



Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


HPE2203 Jan 2016

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of basic touch rugby skills

Demonstrate understanding of correct passing technique and rules related to passing
Demonstrate understanding of KTPs for passing (top and bottom, follow through)
Perform a rugby pass to a team mate successfully
Develop a sense of touch rugby game play

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement:
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:



Motivation and Introduction:

Students with be called in and gathered in front of the teacher for initial introduction to the lesson
The objectives and content of the lesson will be discussed
Introduce touch rugby and give brief description of the game and rules
Outline behavioural and safety expectations when handling equipment
Explain the intentions of todays lesson and warm up activity
Using students, organise a playing area of 15x15m
Allocate 2 teams, bibs and non-bibs
An explanation and demonstration of the warm up game will then follow, once students are organised
on the perimeter of the playing area and teams in the centre of the area
Student Organisation

Lesson Content

(Individual task structure, differentiation)

(Content & KTP)

Keepy Off
The objective is to maintain possession
of the ball without interference or
interception and aim to reach 10
consistent passes within the team
Divide two teams into four teams and
organise a second playing area in
which a bibs team plays against a nonbibs team
Rotate through playing teams so teams
play each other
Teacher should facilitate one game and
allocate a responsible student to
facilitate the other
This encourages maximum
participation and ensures everyone
gets a touch

1. Starting in one
grid, the whole
class is involved
in the same game
2. Class is divided
into two even
teams, bibs and
non-bibs, and one
team is distributed
3. One team starts
with possession of
the ball
4. Objective is to
possession of the
ball without
interference or
interception and
aim to reach 10
consistent passes
within the team
5. When interception
occurs possession
of the ball is
turned over to the
other team
1. Divide two teams
into four teams
and organise a

Class Organisation
(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class,

One playing area is set up, 15x15, for

the entire class activity and then
extends out to two playing areas,
smaller 10x10 areas.
Teacher should oversee the whole
class activity and then allocate a
responsible student to oversee one of
the two games being played in the
16 Markers
Set of coloured bibs (16)
2 Rugby balls

HPE2203 Jan 2016


second playing
area in which a
bibs team plays
against a non-bibs
2. Rotate through
playing teams so
teams play each
3. Teacher should
facilitate one
game and allocate
a responsible
student to
facilitate the other
Two hands create
a W with thumbs
Spread fingers
Eyes on the ball
Cup the ball
Eyes on the target
Step forward to
the target
Swing arms
across the body
Follow through
towards target



Bridging organization

Instruct students to return all equipment to the equipment area

Students should be partnered by the teacher numbering off 1-16 on the bibs team and 1-16 on the non-bibs

Students are to find their partners and should be instructed to grab one marker and one ball between two

Students with the marker should stand in line with the teacher and space themselves evenly apart in the line
from the people next to them and place down their marker

The other partner should be standing opposite their partner approximately 5m away

Teacher is to demonstrate the drill and students to commence once understanding is clear

Skill Practice- Passing

The aim of this drill is for students to
practice their touch rugby pass.
Students may practice the three
identified techniques and establish a
technique that works best for them
Students should practice with their
preferred and non-preferred hands
practicing the skill and preparing for
game scenarios.


Once students have made progression

and demonstrate confidence in rugby
passing teacher may instruct students
to change hands and use less

1. Students are put

in partners and
face each other
with one ball
between the pair
2. In partners
students are to
practice passing a
rugby ball to one
3. Everyone faces
the same direction
to begin (side on)
4. Continuous
passing from this
position until the
teacher instructs
students to stop
and face the
opposite way

In pairs students will stand opposite

each other approximately 5m apart.
Teacher should walk around offering
feedback, advice and encouragement
to assist students skill development
and progression.
Transition from passing with preferred
to non-preferred hand
Equipment List
16 Markers
16 Rugby Balls

HPE2203 Jan 2016

dominant or non-preferred hand


Once students are confident passing
with both hands, left and right, students
may be instructed to continue passing
with their preferred hand, however each
time a successful pass is made one
partner is to take a step backwards.
Objective is to continue passing and
practice over further distances. Once
confident passing long distances with
their preferred hands, students may
also attempt throwing over further
distances with non-preferred hand.



Technique One
Fingers to ground
Step to target
Elephant swing
Follow through to
Technique Two
Side on to target
Aim at the target
Hold each side of
the ball
Share the
Elbow high
Follow through
towards target
Technique Three
One hand high,
one hand low on
the ball (one on
top, one on
Swing arms
straight across the
Point at the target
Follow through
towards the target
Two hands create
a W with thumbs
Spread fingers
Eyes on the ball
Cup the ball

Bridging organization

Students will be instructed to move their equipment from the playing area back to the equipment area

Pairs should partner up with another pair to form a group of 4

Within the groups students need 1 ball

While students move into groups of 4, teacher is to set up two playing areas, with 4 markers diagonally
spaced as starting positions for the first group and other groups to line up behind

Once in groups of 4 and possession of 1 ball between groups, students should evenly distribute themselves
between the two playing areas

Teacher is to demonstrate the drill and students to commence once understanding is clear

Skill Progression- Passing on the

The objective of this activity is to extend
the passing technique to passing on the

1. Students in their
partners will pair
up with another
pair to form a line
of four players

Students in their already established

pairs will pair up again with the group
closest to them and form a line of 4.

2. One ball between

the group of four
will start on the
left side

Moving down the field or designated

playing area students will practice
passing in a game like scenario
focusing on their preferred technique,
passing backwards and not dropping
the ball.

3. Player 1 moves
forward and
passes the ball
backwards to
player 2
4. Player 2 moves
forward and
passes the ball to

Students line up in lines of 4 behind

one another.
Markers will be set out to distinguish
the positions students should be
starting at and finishing in.
Teacher should be walking around
perimeter of the playing area offering
feedback, advice and encouragement
to students.
Equipment List
16 Markers
8 Rugby Balls

HPE2203 Jan 2016

player 3
5. Player 3 moves
forward and
passes the ball to
player 4

Progression from a walking pace to a
slow jog, to a sprinting pace.
Each time the ball makes it from one
end to the other rotate the direction the
ball travels by starting the ball on the
same side, so students practice
throwing on the run with their left and
right hands.

6. When moving
back from
perimeter to
perimeter the ball
will start at the
same side to allow
students to
practice passing
with both hands
7. Rotate through
positions so each
player gets to
experience each
Two hands create
a W with thumbs
Spread fingers
Eyes on the ball
Cup the ball
Students can use
whichever technique
is most comfortable
for them


Ball must be

Do not drop the

Step in direction
of the throw

Follow through
towards the target

Bridging organization

Instruct students to move markers from their position to mark out a 20x30 playing area and return all rugby
balls except 1 to the equipment area

Students move back into their original teams, bibs and non-bibs

Attacking and defending teams are decided and students move to positions on the field, 10 students on the
field, 1 umpire from each team and 5 subs to rotate through play

Teacher is to demonstrate the drill and students to commence once understanding is clear


Modified Game- Set of 6


The objective of this drill is for students

to develop experience in a touch rugby
game scenario. Students will put into
practice passing, catching and running
tactics involved in touch rugby.
The objective is for teams to score as

1. Divide class into

even teams, even
split of genders
and abilities, bibs
and non-bibs
2. Allocate offensive
and defensive
3. Offensive side

Students will be evenly divided into

teams and distributed bibs.
Students will be organised into
positions on the field, one field umpire
and two line umpires will coordinate
Teacher will oversee game and
HPE2203 Jan 2016

many tries within the 4 attempts they

are given and defensively stop the
attacking team from scoring a tri.

starts with
possession of the
4. Team has 4
attempts to get a
5. 6 Touches before
the end of one
attempt (4sets of
6 attempts)
6. After each attempt
rotate subs
through both
offensive and
defensive sides
7. After 4 attempts
teams swap
positions- offence
to defence,
defence to offence
Touch the
offensive player
Realign 5m from
If touched
offensive player
Acting Half
Scoop up the ball
Accelerate quickly
Pass before being
Move the ball
Only pass
Dodge and weave


Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)


Organise students to bring all equipment into the designated area


enforce rules and feedback to

students to improve their play and
experience in their first game like
Set of bibs (16)
12 Markers
1 Rugby Ball
3 Umpire Whistles

Markers stacked, bibs put away, balls in the bag

Recap objectives of this lesson (passing KTPS, specific offensive plays, rules)
Demonstrate understanding of basic touch rugby skills
Demonstrate understanding of correct passing technique and rules related to passing
Demonstrate understanding of KTPs for passing (top and bottom, follow through)
Perform a rugby pass to a team mate successfully
Develop a sense of touch rugby game play
Did they have fun? What was the most fun?
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
Preparation for the second content lesson of touch rugby.
Students will be required to bring a hat, water bottle, and sports attire and be ready to play.

HPE2203 Jan 2016

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Debrief and recap of objectives, rules and acquired knowledge from todays lesson.
Observational assessment of involvement, participation and skill level.
Sportplan. (2016). Sportplan. Retrieved from
Piggot, B. (2016). Tutorial notes. [Verbal Communication]

HPE2203 Jan 2016

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