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The key takeaways are about unpacking standards and designing curriculum and assessments based on the standards.

The main ideas discussed in the document are about unpacking standards to understand what students should know, understand and be able to do. It also discusses designing assessments and learning experiences aligned to the standards.

Some examples of unpacking standards provided are for mathematics practices and writing standards.

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Working with Standards using UbD

What Standard(s) will the unit focus on?
Given your reasons for teaching the unit,
which Standard(s) are most relevant?
What big ideas and transfer
goals are embedded in this

What should students eventually be

able to do on their own if they can
meet the Standard?

Stage 1 Desired Results

What should students come

to understand if they really
learn this content well?
What factual knowledge
must students acquire to
meet the Standard?
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

What real-world tasks

will reveal students understanding and proficiency?
What transfer performances should students be able
to do well if they have met
this standard?
Stage 3 Learning Plan

What important questions are raised by this

What essential questions will guide inquiry
into it?
What specific skills are
stated or implied in
the Standard?
What proficiencies
must students attain to
meet the Standard?
What evidence of
learning is called for
by the standard (and
its indicators)?
What assessments are

What instruction is needed to equip students to meet

this standard?
What learning experiences will help learners acquire
the knowldge and skills, make meaning of the important ideas and equip them to transfer their learning?
Wiggins & McTighe 2012

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012

They can analyze those relationships mathematically to draw

conclusions. They routinely interpret their mathematical results in
the context of the situation and
reflect on whether the results
make sense, possibly improving
the model if it has not served its

Mathematically proficient students

who can apply what they know are
comfortable making assumptions
and approximations to simplify
a complicated situation, realizing that these may need revision
later. They are able to identify
important quantities in a practical
situation and map their relationships...

Mathematical Practices #4
Model with mathematics
Mathematically proficient
students can apply the
mathematics they know to solve
problems arising in everyday
life, society, and the workplace.
In early grades, this might be
as simple as writing an addition
equation to describe a situation.
In middle grades, a student might
apply proportional reasoning to
plan a school event or analyze a
problem in the community....

Core State Standards

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...


Students will be skilled at...

simplifiying a complicated situation
creating & critiquing mathematical models
analyzing relationships mathematically


Other Evidence


1. How can I simplify this complexity without

distorting it?
2. How do I know if my model is a good one
(for this particular situation)?
3. What are the limits of mathematical

1. Mathematical models simplify and connect

phenomena so that we might better understand them.
2. Mathematical models must be viewed critically so that they do not mislead us into thinking that reality is that simple.

Students will know...

Students will keep considering...

Students will understand that...




apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in

everyday life, society, and the workplace.


Unpacking Standards Sideways Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

page 2

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

8. Use feedback from others

to improve a skill by focusing
on critical elements of the

2. Identify the critical

elements of more advanced
movement skills.

Performance Indicators:
1. Demonstrate the correct
use of skills in simplified
versions of a variety of physical activities.

Maine Learning Results

H/PE Motor Skills 1, 2, 7, 8

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

Students will know...

Students will be skilled at...

Teacher and peer observations during practice drills and competition.

Students watch a videotape of their performance and check off

the skill areas where they see themselves performing consistently
well and identify the skills on which they need to work. They practice based on feedback from teacher, peers, and the flight of the
Other Evidence

observations of
skill weaknesses
full muscle
complete follow


executing swing with full range of motion

and follow through
making adjustments to swing/movement
based on feedback



rules of the game (e.g., baseball, golf, tennis)

factors affecting force production and control

proper mechanics for grip, stance and swing


How can I improve my performance?

How can I hit with the greatest power

without losing control?

Students will keep considering...

Students will understand that...

A muscle that contracts through its full range of
motion will generate greater force.
Follow-through provides greater momentum on
impact or release and helps to improve accuracy.
Self-directed learners analyze performance and
make adjustments on the basis of feedback to
improve their performance.



maximize force production and accuracy in all physical activities involving striking
(e.g., tennis), throwing (baseball), and kicking (e.g., soccer).
effectively seek and use feedback to improve their performance.


Unpacking Standards Sideways Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Mathematical Practices
1. Make sense of problems and
persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and
3. Construct viable arguments
and critique the reasoning of

Rewrite rational expressions

6.Rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms.

Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems

3.Choose and produce an
equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain
properties of the quantity
represented by the expression.

Interpret the structure of

1. Interpret expressions that
represent a quantity in terms
of its context.

Core State Standards

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

Students will know...


Students will be skilled at...

1. Write expressions in equivalent forms.
2. Rewrite rational expressions in different forms.
3. Identify equivalence that results from properties
and equivalence that is the result of computation.
4. Justify steps in a simplification or computation.


Other Evidence


1. the commutative, associative and distributive

properties and to which operation each applies
2. the "order of operations" mathematicians use and
why is it needed
3. What it means to simplify an expression via
equivalent forms


1. What important rules and conventions are

required to make algebra work? (What does
work mean?)
2. Why and how do we best simplify algebraic

Students will keep considering...

Students will understand that...

1. In mathematics, we accept certain truths as necessary to permit us to solve problems with logical
certainty (e.g., the properties of real numbers), while
other rules are conventions that we assume just for
effective communication.
2. We can use the commutative, associative and
distributive properties properties to turn complex and
unfamiliar expressions into simpler ones.



Solve non-routine problems by persevering: simplify them, interpret expressions, and use equivalent forms based on the properties of real numbers and the
order of operations.


Unpacking Standards Sideways Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Standard 4.2c: Formulate,

apply, and communicate
criteria for making aesthetic
judgments about personally
created artworks and the
artworks of others

Standard 3.2a: Communicate

ideas and concepts by
manipulating elements of
art and principles of design
to achieve specific visual

Standard 2.3b: Plan personal

artworks that interpret the
unique styles and forms of
different artists

Standard 1.2b: Create narrative

artworks from observation,
memory, and imagination that
show setting, characters,
action, and differing points
of view

Standard 1.2a: Compare how

artists use narrative conventions in selected artworks

Maryland Visual Arts


Students will know...

effective use
of narrative
conventions, art
elements and
design principles
to communicate
a story
effective use
of media



Students will be skilled at...

Student self-reflections defending decisions made in creating, selecting media, and completing narrative compositions.
Teacher observations of the artistic process of planning and use of materials.

Other Evidence

Students will use information learned from an analysis of selected
artists to generate ideas for a personal narrative by planning a
series of sketches, selecting one idea to enlarge and finalize in a
medium (collage, mixed media, and/or paint) influenced by their
study. Students will include a written description of their process.

background information on selected artists

key vocabulary and processes related to visual
narrative, narrative conventions, art media and
stages of planning and finalizing compositions


comparing, analyzing and discussing artworks

generating ideas through brainstorming and
planning, selecting and organizing a variety of
materials and images in a composition

Students will keep considering...

Where do artists get their ideas?
How do artists tell stories with images?
How can meaning be communicated in
What do artists consider when making
decisions about their work?

Students will understand that...

Ideas for artworks may come from observations,
imagination, personal experiences, and other artists.
Artists select, organize, and manipulate art
elements and principles of design to create specific
effects and communicate meaning.
Decisions about art and artmaking can be based on
established and personally developed criteria.



Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

Create original narratives based on various themes and media.
Use the artistic process in the creation of original narrative works.
Select and effectively apply different media and coventions to the narrative.
Analyze and critique works of art (including their own) against criteria.


Unpacking Standards Sideways Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012


Students will know...


Students will be skilled at...

Other Evidence


Students will keep considering...

Students will understand that...



Students will be able to independently use their learning to...



Unpacking Standards Sideways Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards - Inside Out Method


Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their

development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Source: Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards Reading

Stated/implied big ideas in NOUNS:


Stated/implied performances in VERBS:




Authors do not always state the
central idea or theme overtly; readers
have to infer it between the lines.
Effective readers use specific strategies to help them infer the implied
main ideas of a text.

Essential Questions
How can I to determine the central
idea or theme of what I read?
How can I read between the lines
to determine the authors meaning?
What strategies do effective readers
use to make meaning from a text?

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Transfer Goal(s)
Determine central ideas or themes of
a text and analyze their development.
Summarize the key supporting details
and ideas.

Performance Task(s)
Prepare a study guide for students
by summarizing the central ideas or
key themes of a text.
Use the Adding up the Facts organizer to show how supporting details
lead to an inference about main ideas.

Criteria appropriate inference

effective summary
supported by key details
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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards - Inside Out Method


Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Source: Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards Writing

Stated/implied big ideas in NOUNS:

development organization style
task audience purpose
(form follows function)

Stated/implied performances in VERBS:

Produce (writing)



A writers purpose (e.g., to inform,
entertain, persuade, etc.) and audience
shapes the style, development and
organization of the writing.
Different writing genres and purposes
have unique organizational patterns.

Essential Questions
What is my goal? For whom am I writing?
How does purpose and audience affect a
writers style and organization?
How do effective writers hook and hold
their readers in different genres (e.g.,
mystery, essay, poem, historical fiction)?

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Transfer Goal(s)
Produce clear and coherent writing in
which the development, organization,
and style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
Performance Task(s)
Write for the same purpose to different
audiences, and explain the influence of the
target audience on thestyle, word choice, etc.
Write on the same content in two
different genres and explain each genres
influence on organization, style, word choice.

appropriate to task, purpose, audience
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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards - Inside Out Method


All students will connect mathematics to other learning by understanding the interrelationships of mathematical ideas and the roles that
mathematics and mathematical modeling play in other disciplines and
Source: New Jersey MATHEMATICS Standard 4.3
in life.

Stated/implied big ideas in NOUNS:

Stated/implied performances in VERBS:

mathematical ideas
mathematical modeling
disciplines and life




Transfer Goal(s)

Mathematical models simplify and

connect phenomena so that we might
better understand them.
Mathematical models must be
viewed critically so that they do not
distort or mislead.

apply the mathematics they know

to develop mathematical models
of real world phenomena

Essential Questions
In what ways is mathematical
modeling useful?
How do you know if your model is a
good one (for a particular situation)?
What are the limits of mathematical

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Performance Task(s)
Create a mathematical model for a
selected real-world situation (e.g.,
seasonal temperatures).
Critically review a mathematical
model for its appropriateness to a
given situation.

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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards - Inside Out Method


Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive

topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient
Source: Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards Writing

Stated/implied big ideas in NOUNS:

Stated/implied performances in VERBS:

topics or texts

write support (claims)

analyze (topics/texts)


The effectiveness of an argument
is dependent upon the quality of the
supporting evidence used (validity,
appropriateness) and how it is conveyed.

Transfer Goal(s)

produce clear and coherent

writing to persuade a target
Performance Task(s)

Essential Questions
What makes an argument convincing?
What is the best evidence I can use
to support my argument?
How do I best organize and present
my argument?

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Based on your reading of informational

texts on a local or national issue, prepare
a (report, letter to editor, essay) for a
specific audience to convince them of your
position. Your argument should follow a
logical sequence with supporting evidence
for your position (claim).


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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards - Inside Out Method


Stated/implied big ideas in NOUNS:

Stated/implied performances in VERBS:



Transfer Goal(s)

Performance Task(s)
Essential Questions


Wiggins & McTighe 2012

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012

1. Explain how specific individuals and their ideas

and beliefs influenced U.S. history (e.g. John
Smith, Anne Hutchison, Benjamin Franklin).
2. Compare and contrast the economic, political
and/or religious differences that contributed to
3. Analyze how some conflicts have been resolved
through compromise (e.g. U.S. Constitution).
8. Compare the perspectives of England and the
Colonies relative to the events preceding the
American Revolution.
9. Compare and contrast the factors leading
to Colonial settlement.
10. Compare and contrast the value of using local/
regional/thematic maps to research early settlements in America.
11. Examine the geographical/ topographical
significance of the location of early American
Colonial settlements (e.g. coastal areas, mountains, rivers, plains).
12. Describe how early colonists needed to
adapt to their new environment.
13. Compare and contrast settlement patterns in
specific areas of the 13 American Colonies.
14. Analyze and assess factors that contributed to European migration.


Content Standards

GLEs Grade 5 The study of events, documents, and people addressing the founding
of the United States as a nation, with connections to Connecticut and local history, emphasizing how government works today, with the
use of primary source materials.

Connecticut History/Social Studies

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

Task 1 Create an animated map (using PPT, Animoto, or other technology tool) to
illustrate the push factors (reasons why people left Europe) and pull factors
(reasons why people were needed in the New World) leading to settlements during
the colonial period.
Task 2 Students are given a set of cards, with each card representing an individual/group that has relocated to a particular colony for a particular reason. They
consider the following questions for their deisgnated person or group: What will
life be like when they get there? How will they need to adapt to their new home?
Consider geography, climate, natural
resources and economic factors. Then, students write a series of short letters to
the new colonists about what he/she can expect, using their animated map to support their explanation and advice.


Use primary and secondary sources to produce an informed explanation of what

happened, why it happened, and how it impacted the future.


Competence in literacy, inquiry, and research skills is necessary to analyze, evaluate, and present history and
social studies information.
4 (2.1) Access and gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources
o (2.2) Interpret information from a variety of primary and secondary sources
4 (2.3) Create various forms of written work to demonstrate an understanding of history/social studies issues
o (2.4) Demonstrate an ability to participate in social studies discourse through informed discussion, debate,

and effective oral presentation
4(2.5) Create and present relevant social studies materials using both print and electronic media
o (3.1) Use evidence to identify, analyze and evaluate historical interpretations
o (3.2) Analyze & evaluate human action in historical/contemporary contexts from alternative points of view
o (3.3) Apply appropriate historical, geographic, political, economic, and cultural concepts and methods in

proposing and evaluating solutions to contemporary problems

Process Standards

Unpacking Standards Matrix Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Theme 1: Interaction between humans and the

o Demography and disease
o Migration
o Patterns of settlement
o Technology
Theme 2: Development and interaction of cultures
o Religions
o Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies
o Science and technology
o The arts and architecture
Theme 3: State building, expansion and conflict
o Political structures and forms of governance
o Empires
o Nations and nationalism
o Revolts and revolutions
o Regional, transregional, and global structures and organizations
Theme 4: Creation, expansion and interaction of
o Agricultural and pastoral production
o Trade and commerce
o Labor systems
o Industrialization
o Capitalism and socialism
Theme 5: Development and transformation of
social structures
o Gender roles and relations
o Family and kinship
o Racial and ethnic constructions
o Social and economic classes

Content Standards


The College Board

Advanced Placement Program

m Patterns of continuity and change over time

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

m Periodization

Consider this questions How did the coercive labor systems in the Americas
impact the economic growth and cultural patterns of both Africa and the
In 1998, UNESCO decreed that August 23rd is the International Day for the
Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. The focus of this years
remembrance is how economy shapes public behavior. Prepare a keynote
address that describes how coercive labor systems impacted Africa and the
Americas both economically and culturally. Be sure to consider alternate
points of view in your address as there are some areas of disagreement
amongst historians.


Use primary and secondary sources to produce an informed explanation of what

happened, why it happened, and how it impacted the future.


4 Historical interpretation and synthesis


m Interpretation m Synthesis

o Comparison and contextualization

m Comparison
m Contextualization

o Chronological reasoning
4Historical causation


o Crafting historical arguments from historical evidence

4Historical argumentation m4Appropriate use of relevant historical evidence


Historical Thinking Skills:

Process Standards

Unpacking Standards Matrix Method

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012

o Summarize and describe distributions.

o Develop understanding of statistical


4 Solve real-world and mathematical

problems involving area, surface area,
and volume.

o Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.

o Reason about and solve one-variable

equations and inequalities.

o Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.

o Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational


o Compute fluently with multi-digit

numbers and find common factors and

ings of multiplication and division to

divide fractions by fractions.

o Apply and extend previous understand-

reasoning to solve problems.

o Understand ratio concepts and use ratio

Grade 6:

Content Standards

Common Core State Standards


Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

A former NBA legend, Hoops McGinty, has pledged money to the

local science museum for an exhibit on our solar system. He pledges
the money under one condition: that a regulation NBA basketball be
used to represent some aspect of the scale display and that other
NBA-related shapes and sizes be used (e.g., a basketball be used to
represent a planet or mon). The building floor space is 300 by 800 feet.
As designer, how do you propose that the main exhibit hall with a
model of the solar system be built to scale? Prepare a diagram with
accurate measurements drawn to scale. Show your work so that Hoops
will approve and select your design.


apply mathematical reasoning to solve problems involving ratio.


Standards for Mathematical Practice:

4 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
o 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
o 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4 4. Model with mathematics.
o 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
o 6. Attend to precision.
o 7. Look for and make use of structure.
o 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Process Standards

Unpacking Standards Matrix Method

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Core Concepts of Science and Engineering

4 1. Patterns. Observed patterns of forms and events
guide organization and classification, and they prompt
questions about relationships and the factors that influence them.
4 2. Cause and effect. Mechanism and explanation. Events have causes, sometimes simple, sometimes
multifaceted. A major activity of science is investigating
and explaining causal relationships and the mechanisms
by which they are mediated. Such mechanisms can then
be tested across given contexts and used to predict and
explain events in new contexts.
3. Scale, proportion, and quantity. In considering
phenomena, it is critical to recognize what is relevant
at different measures of size, time, and energy and to
recognize how changes in scale, proportion, or quantity
affect a systems structure or performance.
4. Systems and system models. Defining the
system under study specifying its boundaries and
making explicit a model of that system provides tools
for understanding and testing ideas that are applicable
throughout science and engineering.
5. Energy and matter. Flows, cycles, and conservation. Tracking fluxes of energy and matter into,
out of, and within systems helps one understand the
systems possibilities and limitations.
6. Structure and function. The way in which
an object or living thing is shaped and its substructure
determine many of its properties and functions.
4 7. Stability and change. For natural and built
systems alike, conditions of stability and determinants
of rates of change or evolution of the system are critical
elements of study.

Content Standards

High School Biology

A Framework for K-12 Science

Education: Practices, Crosscutting
Concepts, and Core Ideas Science

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...


Task 2 Design and construct a scientific experiment to test which of four antacids would be the
most effective for neutralizing acid. Prepare a (news article, podcast, Power Point slide show,
Animoto animation) to communicate your findings to the general public.

Task 1 How does exercise affect the pulse rate?

Design and conduct an investigation that compares normal pulse rate to changes caused by two
selected physical activities (e.g., jogging, swimming, push-ups, squats) for designated intervals.
Prepare a report including:
an explanation of homeostasis, oxygen/carbon dioxide feedback loop, effect of pulse rate
an interpretation of the results
Answer these questions in your report How did the pulse rates during exercise compare to the
normal (resting) pulse rate? How do CO2 and O2 levels effect the heart rate? How does the
heart rate effect pulse rate? How does this affect homeostasis? Is the respiratory rate also affected? How can your design be improved?


Design and conduct a scientific investigation and communicate results for a selfgenerated hypothesis.


o 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)

o 2. Developing and using models
4 3. Planning and carrying out investigations
o 4. Analyzing and interpreting data
o 5. Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking
o 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
o 7. Engaging in argument from evidence
4 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Scientific and Engineering Practices:

Process Standards

Unpacking Standards Matrix Method

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Wiggins & McTighe 2012



Reason with shapes and their


Geometric measurement:
recognize perimeter as an attribute
of plane figures and distinguish
between linear and area measures.

Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate

area to multiplication and to

Represent and interpret data.

Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of

time, liquid volumes, and masses
of objects.

Develop understanding of fractions

as numbers.

Use place value understanding

and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Solve problems involving the four

operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Multiply and divide within 100.

Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Grade 3:

Content Standards


Common Core State Standards

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...

Every seven weeks students work in groups of four to measure the height of each other
using tape measures affixed to the classroom walls. By mid-May, the class has obtained six
height measures. Then, students create a simple graph (height in inches plotted against
the months of the school year) and plot the data. Using rulers, they connect the dots to
see rise over run (a visual representation of their growth over time). The chart papers
are posted throughout the room, and the students circulate in a gallery walk to view the
changes in heights of the various groups.
Students then analyze the data to answer guiding questions: In what months did we grow
the most this year? Is there a difference between how boys and girls have grown in
second grade? How does our class growth compare to that in the other second grades?
What can we predict for next years second graders about how they will grow based on
our data? Students are then work in their groups to develop a presentation for the
current 2nd graders to predict how much they will grow in 3rd grade.


Collect, organize, display data on real-world phenomena; analyze data to

identify patterns; use patterns to make predicitons; communicate clearly
using mathematical terminology.


Standards for Mathematical Practice:

o 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
4 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
o 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4 4. Model with mathematics.
o 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
o 6. Attend to precision.
o 7. Look for and make use of structure.
o 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Process Standards

Unpacking Standards Matrix Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Content Standards

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

Students will be able to independently use their learning to...



Process Standards

Unpacking Standards Matrix Method

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards: Top Down Method

STANDARD 4 (elementary): Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful
questions and conducting careful investigations.


Source: California Science Standards

In order to meet the standard(s),

students will need to understand that...

Scientific knowledge develops as a result of carefully controlled

The scientific method deliberately isolates and controls key
variables. (It is not just trial and error.)
Scientific knowledge must be verified through replication.

In order to understand, students will

need to consider such questions as...
How do we know what to believe in science?
To what extent is science trial and error?
Whats the difference between scientific theory, common sense
and strong belief?
How do we make and validate predictions?

In order to consider such questions

well, students will need to...
key terms related to scientific
investigation attribute, classification, comparison,
conclusion, data, hypothesis,
measure, observation, prediction,

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

be able to...
make predictions based on patterns of obser-
vation (rather than guessing)
measure length, weight, temperature, and liquid
volume with appropriate tools
express measurements in standard and nonstandard units
compare and sort common objects based on
two or more physical attributes
write or draw descriptions of a sequence of
steps, events or observations

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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards: Top Down Method

Visual Arts, Goal 2 The student will recognize the visual arts as a basic
aspect of history and human experience.
Source: Baltimore County, MD Public Schools

In order to meet the standard(s),

students will need to understand that...
Artistic expression is influenced by time, place, and culture.
One gains insights into a culture by analyzing and interpreting
its visual arts.
Available tools, techniques, materials and resources influence the
ways in which artists/artisans express themselves.

In order to understand, students will

need to consider such questions as...
To what extent is art shaped by time, place, and culture?
In what ways does art shape culture?
Are artists cultural visionaries, reporters, or reactionaries?
Who determines the meaning of art?
How does technology influence artistic expression?

In order to consider such questions

well, students will need to...
visual art design elements (concepts
and terminology) line, color, form,
texture, pattern, space
visual art design principles balance,
rhythm, perspective, emphasis, unity
ways in which various technologies
are employed by artists
relevant historical and cultural
information about various periods
Wiggins & McTighe 2012

be able to...
analyze and interpret works of art
compare works of art from different
periods and cultures to determine the
distinguishing visual characteristics
(e.g., Medieval and Renaissance)
communicate their analyses and
interpretations verbally and visually

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Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards: Top Down Method

Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics
or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Source: Common Core State Standards - Writing

In order to meet the standard(s),

students will need to understand that...

Arguments need support.

Not all support is equal.
Complex issues require consideration of multiple views.
An effective argument anticipates and addresses counter
In order to understand, students will
need to consider such questions as...

What constitutes effective support for an argument?

What makes evidence relevant and sufficient in support of an
How might we determine different points of view?
How might we anticipate and refute objections to our argument?

In order to consider such questions

well, students will need to...
types of evidence
components / structure of an
related terms -- claim,
counterpoint, evidence, relevant,
refute, substantive

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

be able to...
identify a position and develop an
determine relevance and sufficiency
of evidence
build support for an argument
anticipate and refute objections

page 20

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Unpacking Standards: Top Down Method



In order to meet the standard(s),

students will need to understand that...

In order to understand, students will

need to consider such questions as...

In order to consider such questions

well, students will need to...

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

be able to...

page 21

Unpacking Standards Worksheets

Degree of Autonomy Rubric

The learner is able to successfully complete the task with complete autonomy.
The learner employs effective strategies without hints or other supports.

With Minimal Assistance

The learner is able to complete parts of the task independently, but needs
occasional hints or minor support (e.g., checklist, graphic organizer).

With Some Assistance

The learner requires some assistance in completing the task. Scaffolds such as
graphic organizers, a step-by-step checklist, and hints are needed by the learner
to successfully complete the task.

Only with Considerable Assistance

The task can only be completed with significant support. Specific help and handholding is required at every step. The learner would be unable to complete the
task without considerable assistance.

Unable to Complete Task

The learner cannot (or does not) complete the task, even with considerable

Wiggins & McTighe 2012

page 22

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