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Agenda 21 and You, Christian Gomez, 32 PDF

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by Christian Gomez, Research Associate

The John Birch Society

P.O. Box 8040
Appleton, WI 54912

Copyright 2011 by The John Birch Society

All rights reserved.

Published by The John Birch Society

Appleton, WI 54912
Manufactured in the United States of America.

Rising prices, high electric bills, water shortages, and a scarce supply
of gasoline at the pump. These are but a few examples of some of the
conditions that the United States has faced in the past, but just for one
moment imagine how you would feel if the next time they happened they
were a direct result of government policy.
Imagine that it was becoming more and more difficult each day to live
your life and enjoy your home and time with your family because of some
local town ordinances or city laws.
Imagine if the government was purposefully rationing the use of
electricity, water, gasoline, and natural gas, and that the enactment of these
policies came from your local government's committee or department of
"sustainability"? Well it is happening in hundreds of cities and towns all
across the United States.
These local government sustainability boards will decide how much
energy, water, and other natural resources your home is allowed to use,
limiting your ability to wash your dishes, take a shower or bath, flush
the toilet, and drink a glass of water - regardless of the size of your
household or how many kids you have.
The price of gasoline will be increased as a direct result of your local
government's goal of achieving "sustainability" and will use economic
incentives, such as an environmental tax, to discourage you from driving
or taking a plane trip regardless of whether you have to go on a business
trip or would like to take a personal vacation cross country.
This scenario is the result of something called "Sustainable Development"
or United Nations' Local Agenda 2l. Sound familiar? In the pages ahead
you will learn what "Sustainable Development" and Agenda 21 are, how
they affect you, and what you can do about it.
What you are about to read will sound too unbelievable to be true, but it is
all true and documented. You are encouraged to verify what you are about
to read and learn more about Agenda 2l.

You may or may not have heard of the term "Sustainable Development,"
but when you find out how it relates to you, your home, and work, you will
wonder why you haven't.
Popularized in the now often-cited 1987 UN report, entitled Our
Common Future, released by the Brundtland Commission, "sustainable
development" is defined as:
. . . development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.

The commission that authorized the report was chaired by its namesake Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former Director-General of the World Health
Organization and the first female Vice President of the World Socialist
Party. Using the framework provided by the Brundtland Commission, the
United Nations is seeking to have implemented in your local town or city
its agenda - Agenda 21.
This is the official name of the United Nations program on "sustainable
development" and it is also what will change your life, home and town as
you know it.

...... SU_


"Current lifestyles and consumption

patterns of the affluent middle class
- involving high meat intake,
use of fossil fuels, appliances,
home and work air conditioning,
and suburban housing - are not
- Maurice Strong, Secretary General a/the UN's
1992 Earth


The 1 992 Earth Summit produced its

official 1,000 page report and program,
entitled Agenda 21 (cover, left).

Simply put, sustainable development is the UN's Agenda 21 program

for the global control and restriction over your daily life, including your
private property, individual rights, and civil liberties - all in the apparent
name of the environment and so-called "social justice."
With the stroke of a pen, President George H. W. Bush, along with 177
other world leaders, all agreed and signed on to implement this socialist
conceived, new environmental order throughout the world, leaving no
town, including your own, free of its reach.

sustainable development is the UN's Agenda 21

program for the global control and restriction over your
daily life, including your private property, individual
rights, and civil liberties /I

. . . .

Because Agenda 21 represented soft law and not an actual binding treaty
(i.e. hard law), it did not require the ratification of the U.S. Senate or
approval from Congress, instead it was
implemented the following year by President
Bill Clinton.
Over the next few years, the federal
government established bureaus, which
published Task Force reports and further
advanced sustainable development and
Agenda 21 . In 1998, the President's Council
on Sustainable Development condensed its
reports into a book entitled, Sustainable
America: America's Environment, Economy

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and Society in the 21st Century

(cover, right).

Sustainable development will severely curtail your civil liberties and rights
as a citizen to run your own community through your elected officials as
Local Agenda 21 intervenes in your community and personal life. Every
aspect of your life will be affected. According to the book Agenda 21: The
Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet, published in 1 993, Agenda 21
proposes "an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by
every person on Earth."
The book goes on to emphasize its ominous view of its desired relationship
between Agenda 21 and every individual citizen, such as you:
Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound
reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world
has ever experienced - a major shift in the priorities of
both governments and individuals and an unprecedented
redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will
demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of
every human action be integrated into individual and collective
decision-making at every level.

Agenda 21 leaves no stone unturned and no person outside of its reach. In

order to accomplish its goals of sustainable development and to make you
into a so-called "steward of the environment," Agenda 21 seeks to control
you and your life. Once implemented, Agenda 21 will affect you in the
following ways:


Eliminating your right to private ownership (propeliy rights)

Forbidding you from entering woodland and wetland areas
Punishing you with higher prices at the store
Restricting your civil liberties
Restricting the number of children you can have
Restricting the amount of trash or waste you can dispose of
Restricting the amount of water you can use
Telling you how much to harvest on your farm or land
Forcing you to participate in community projects

Diminishing your individual rights in favor of community rights

The last point mentioned above, "Diminishing your individual rights

in favor of community rights," takes us to individualism versus

Not too dissimilar from communism, which is founded on the premise of

the dictatorship of the proletariat or working class, communitarianism is
founded on the belief of the dictatorship or supremacy of the community.
As a result of this supremacy, the individual is subservient to needs of the
"greater good" of society.

communitarianism is founded on the belief of the

dictatorship or supremacy of the community. /I

Examples of communitarian societies include Belarus, Burma, the People's

Republic of China, North Korea and Venezuela. In these states individuals
are subordinate to the dictatorship of the community; civil liberties are
curtailed and property rights are virtually non-existent. All things belong
to and are done for the greater good of the state under communitarianism.
Communitarianism is the central core ideology of Agenda 21 and
sustainable development. Your wants, your needs will come second to
the needs to the community. Likewise, the wants and the needs of your
community will come second to the needs of the global community - i.e.
the United Nations, by way of the Agenda 21 program.
Through a campaign of propaganda and playing on the emotions of
those actually concerned with the environment, Agenda 21 calls for
the government to take your land or property and redistribute the
resources of the community to assure each person receives a basic or
"sustainable" ration.


People who live in rural or suburban neighborhoods will be encouraged

to move to urban or centralized public transportation areas, and punished
for wanting to live in rural or suburban neighborhoods. To accomplish
this, Agenda 21 promotes the concept of "smart growth" - the central
planning of how your community will be organized and where you live.
Agenda 21 proposes using high gas prices, longer convoluted road
systems, new tolls, and eminent domain to manipulate migration patterns
to get you to live in a city or other metropolitan community, where your
ability to travel will be limited to public transportation services.


The imposition of high gas prices through an "environmental tax" on the
price of gasoline will be put into effect in order to force you either to pay
more for gas or just not travel as much. Gasoline consumption may also be
rationed per customer in the name of reducing pollution, resulting in car
lines forming at gasoline stations or pumps unable to give you as much
gasoline as you would like.
The book Sustainable America illustrates what this would mean for
Americans by praising the following time period in American history:

The American experience with energy during the 1970s and

early 1980s is often offered as evidence of the way price-hikes
reduce per capita use and promote efficiency and technological

You or your parents might recall this period as being an era defined
by high gasoline and energy prices, long car lines at gas stations, and
economic stagflation.


Now, Agenda 21 seeks to recreate those same conditions, of economic

stagflation, for the "greater good" of the community by way of raising the
price of and rationing the amount of gasoline a station may sell to you.



In addition to price hikes at the pump, new tolls, rerouting roads by

condemning old short cuts and replacing them with new longer routes in
the name of protecting the environment and creating a more "scenic" view,
Agenda 21 wants to purposely discourage you from driving.
Regardless of whether you are driving to and from work, school, place
of worship, supermarket, home or vacation, Agenda 21 wants to make it
much more difficult for you to travel to the point that you will pack up
your bags and move into a city where everything is close. You will thus be
manipulated into moving, of your own accord, out of rural areas into urban
settings, due to high taxes, increase in the price of fuel, and other general

This will not be done in one fell swoop, but rather incrementally and
almost unnoticeably through small amounts of sustainability until full
sustainable development is achieved.

Through the manipulation of transportation patterns and driving habits,
it is the intention of Agenda 21 to convince you of your supposed own
free will and desire to save money and avoid inconveniences that it would
be more prudent for you to move to more urban areas, such as cities or
redeveloped communities in which homes and businesses are not far apart
from each other.
The American dream of the beautiful house, big front and back yard,
white picket fence, and one to two cars is to be replaced with the United
Nations' Agenda 21 vision of living in small urban dwelling, where you

are restricted in the amount of what you can consume or dispose, where
prices on goods and services are higher, and where you will have no
mobile freedom or independence to travel as you please.
As the rural areas become less populated, these areas will become off
limits for people, but not animals and plants, such as weeds. Over time,
plants and animals will move in and take over. Grass ill go uncut and
grow creeping into sidewalks. Derelit automobiles will turn rusty and
become a breeding ground for vibrant plant growth.
T hese once lively and prosperous communities will become "open space."
These policies may strike you as farfetched or downright impossible this is America after all - but in just a few pages we will show you how
in three "clicks," on your own computer, you can verify this and what you
can do to protect yourself.



"Open Space" is defined as either agricultural or natural areas that do not
have any development on them. Examples of open space range from public
state or national parks to the back or front yard of your house. In addition
to the traditional definition of open space, it can also refer to community
areas that as a result of human neglect have been reclaimed by nature, such
as abandoned dwellings or the before-mentioned rural communities.

Eminent domain will be used to seize and demolish the last remnants of
private property in ghost towns or other "unsustainable" communities.
Other more sustainable communities will be redeveloped with specific
preselected portions of land reserved for a mixture of residential and
commercial development. This is more than just rezoning; it is central
planning at the local community level where unelected redevelopment
boards and sustainable consultants will plan the composition of the
community and decide what is allowed and not allowed to be developed on
that land, including both public and private land.
Simulated Reserve and Corridor System to Protect Biodiversity
As Required by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Wildlands Project,
UN and US Man and Biosphere Programs and World Heritage Program as a
Vital Step in Attaining Sustainable Development

;: : s: C


Buffer Zones, Highly Restricted Use

Normal Use

Indian Reservation

Military Reservation

2004, EPI, 207-945-9878

Image Prepared by Dr. Michael Coffman, Environmental Perspectives, Inc.

Other open space, such as state and national parks, as well as wetlands,
everglades (like those in Florida), lakes, rivers and deserts will be
preserved and forbidden to you by the Wildlands Project. The Wildlands
Project calls for the creation of a Wildlands Network composed of
"Wilderness Reserves & Corridors" - a series of interconnected tracts of
land with little to no human activity for the "protection of biodiversity."
Through the implementation of the Wildlands Projects an estimated
50% of the nation's land will be added to the project. Its implementation
will further advance the Smart Growth initiatives to eliminate roads,
manipulate transportation patterns, and force the migration of people,
such as you, your family and friends to live in cities that will be in full
compliance with the protocols and controls of the United Nations and
Local Agenda 21.


At the You Choose Contra Costa County Forum, which was designed as an
information workshop for the people of Contra Costa County, California,
to learn about and support sustainable development in the San Francisco
Bay Area, an attendee did not understand what was meant by "preserving
open space." She asked, "are you talking about government open space or
private open space, people's private property like eminent domain?"
The sustainability spokesman replied, "it's both" public and private land.
Another woman asked if this meant "the government being able to take
over [a] person's property?" The spokesman avoided the question saying
only, "this is not a policy learning session; this is about learning what's
important to you." Although he may not have been comfortable revealing
what public policy would need to be implemented to achieve the goal of
"preserving open space," other UN and sustainability documents are not
afraid to disclose what they really think about Property Rights - your
right to private ownership.
"Section Property rights and the use of biological resources" of
Global Biodiversity Assessment (1996), published for the United Nations
Environment Programme, states the following about property rights:


Property rights are not absolute

and unchanging, but rather a
complex, dynamic and shifting
relationship between two or more
parties, over space and time.

Agenda 21's hostile view toward private

property can be traced back to the
1976 United Nations Conference on
Human Settlement, held in Vancouver,
Canada. Under "Section D. Land," of
the Report ofHabitat, which came out
of the conference, the preamble reads
as follows with regard to the private
ownership of land:
Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays
in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset,
controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and
inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a
principle instrument of the accumulation and concentration
of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if
unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and
implementation of development schemes.

Reading almost like a publication from the Soviet Union, private

ownership is to be replaced with collective ownership. If this "new way"
of managing your property and land sounds familiar, that is because it is.


Consistent with communitarianism, one of the first actions taken by

Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik government, following the October
Revolution of 1917, was agrarian land reform that did away with people's
private ownership of individual or family farms. The farms were seized
and converted into collective farms.
On these collective farms, the ruling Soviet government determined
production quotas to "bring the rates of harvest into line," as
recommended by the President's Council on Sustainable Development, in
Sustainable America.



Agenda 21 also advocates a policy of so-called "family planning" that in
actuality will be in sync with sustainability population reduction efforts,
such as those promoted by the United Nations Population Fund. This
includes the use of sex education, contraception and abortions to limit
population growth.
Furthermore, just like the "one-child policy" of the communitarian state
of Communist China, your local municipal, town, or city government
will limit the number of children you could have. Such coercive practices
would likely lead to a drastic drop in population for future generations.
This idea of population reduction is emphasized in Sustainable America,
which states: "The United States must have policies and programs that
contribute to stabilizing global human population," and again:



We must move toward stabilization of the U.S. population and

a reduced rate of population growth in the United States and
the world.


Poster from Communist China promoting "Family Planning"


Agenda 21 also proposes altering you or your children's school or college

curriculum to promote smart growth and sustainable development,
according to Sustainable America:
We must also expand the number of curricula, materials, and
training opportunities that teach the principles of sustainable

Smaller populations educated with "lifelong education" on sustainable

development will likely lead to future generations of Americans more
easily managed by the government and who will never experience the
American dream, but will instead be manipulated into believing the
propaganda of "sustainable development." This is what is meant by
"smart growth" - the government central planning and control over
human activity and decreasing the population to more manageable or
"sustainable" numbers.
It is remarkable that the people who are pushing for sustainable
development, smart growth and population reduction are the same people
who also support massive immigration into the United States. This
combination of policies would alter the voting patterns in your community,
as your vote becomes less important and diluted by the new voting blocs
immigrating to your community that may not share the same values and
beliefs as you.

In addition to subjecting you to Agenda 21 propaganda, or "lifelong

education," sustainable development calls for your local government
to require you to volunteer for the "greater good" of the community.
Sustainable America proposes the:
... need to expand citizen engagement and public trust-judged
by the willingness of people in a community to cooperate for
their mutual benefit.

In the name of the "mutual benefit," the book claims:


We need to work for increased citizen participation in

community and civic activities such as professional and service

Civilian national service coupled with "lifelong education" on "the

principles of sustainable development" is reminiscent of the mandatory
propaganda youth and civilian service in other communitarian societies
of the past, such as Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. In these countries
citizens were forced by the government to work collectively, on state farms
or state factories, for the benefit of the "greater good" of "The Fatherland"
or "Mother Russia."
In the case of "Mother Russia," one of the first actions taken by the
Bolshevik government was the implementation of mandatory national
service. "We must organize all labor, no matter how dirty and arduous
it may be, so that every [citizen] may regard himself as part of that great
army of free labor," Lenin proclaimed.
Lenin's communitarian vision came from the eighth plank of Karl Marx
and Frederick Engel's Communist Manifesto, which called for both the
"Equal liability of all to labor" and the "Establishment of industrial
armies, especially for agriculture."

John Adams

John Locke

Like also in the case of the Soviet Union, under sustainable development
and Agenda 21 mandatory national service, "especially for agriculture," is
just one of the many ways you will not be free.

"Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist," said President John

Adams. The implementation of sustainable development and UN Agenda
21 boils down to the loss of your liberty. Every aspect of your life will be
under the control of Agenda 21 through the elimination of your
property rights.
The right to property is the cornerstone of individual liberty and the prime
ingredient for a prosperous and free republic. In his book, the Second
Treatise of Government (1689), John Locke, the enlightened English
philosopher whose writings influenced the political ideology of the
American Founding Fathers, advanced the notion that the sole purpose for
the existence of governments was for the self preservation of man and his
property. Locke wrote:
The great and chief end,
therefore, of men's uniting into
common-wealths, and putting
themselves under government, is
the preservation of their property.

The protection of your private property

and individual rights are the utmost
role of the government; Government's
role is to protect your property rights
not usurp them. Founding Father
and President George Washington
(right) was even clearer on the
importance of private property; he
said: "Private property and freedom
are inseparable." Thus by its very
nature of opposition to property rights,

George Washington


Agenda 21 is incompatible with freedom. So which will it be: sustainable

development or freedom? Choose Freedom - STOP AGENDA 2l.

The first thing you will want to do is find out whether or not your local
municipality, town, or city is implementing Local Agenda 2l. You can find
this out by taking the following three-click challenge:
l . Type on your
web browser & click go
2. On the top bar menu of the
website click on "Members"
3. On the left side column click
on "Global Members"



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After you click, click, click you

will be redirected to a webpage
of all of the local government
"global members" of ICLEI,

=:nw."'--01.... ...J.o=.-_
listed in alphabetical order by
country. Scroll down to the
United States of America, or
other country of your choosing,
and see if your local town or city
is listed. If listed then you will know, but if not, do not celebrate just yet;
your local government may already have active redevelopment agencies
advancing Agenda 21.
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For example, in the state of California alone there are officially 127 local
member cities listed, however out of the state's 477 cities there are over 381
cities that have active redevelopment agencies.
These agencies enter your community without your vote or consent and
begin the process of implementing Local Agenda 21 and/or also facilitate
your towns' entry as a "global member" of ICLEI.

ICLEI was founded in 1990, as the 'International Council for Local

Environmental Initiatives,' at the World Congress of Local Governments
for a Sustainable Future, held at the United Nations in New York City.
According to its website, ICLEI describes itself as "an association of
over 1,220 local government Members who are committed to sustainable
development." Spanning over "70 different countries" and representing
"more than 569,885,000 people," ICLEI facilitates local governments in
the implementation of UN Local Agenda 21 .

You can stop the UN's Agenda 21 by electing candidates to your local
municipal, town or city government who will uphold their oath to protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States and who will also be
dedicated to both stopping and withdrawing from ICLEI. Where no such
candidate exists, run yourself.
Do not expect others or a political party to do the work for you. The
solution is not the Republican or Democratic Party, they are both equally
responsible for implementing Agenda 21. It was Republican President
George H. W. Bush that signed onto Agenda 21 at the 1 992 Earth Summit,
and it was Democratic Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama with the
signing of Executive Order 12852 and 1 3575 that gave us the President's
Council on Sustainable Development and the White House Rural Council,
respectively, to oversee the local coordination and implementation of
sustainable development and Agenda 21.

liThe solution is not the Republican

or Democratic Party, they are both
equally responsible for implementing
Agenda 2 7 II

W hether you are registered as a Democrat,

Republican, Constitution or other/no political
party; whether you identify yourself as a
liberal, moderate, conservative, independent,

libertarian or constitutionalist; it does not matter, because we are all

Americans. We are all individuals with freedom and unalienable rights,
which under the UN Local Agenda 21 initiative, you will no longer have
the benefit of enjoying. The stakes for your civil and individual liberty
have never been as high as they are now. Regardless of political party or
ideology, the threat posed by sustainable development and Agenda 21 is a
threat to us all, and your action can help stop it.


"...the process of building an
informed electorate, an organized
approach, is going to be the most
effective way for those who are truly
concerned and willing to accept the
challenge that our civilization and
our legacy demand."
.- u.s. Rep. Larry P. McDonald

The only way to elect the right and proper candidates, at all levels
of government, who will understand the threat posed by sustainable
development and Agenda 21, will be through building a well informed
electorate and organizing. You can inform yourself and others by helping
to spread awareness about Agenda 21 through reading and distributing
this booklet.
The John Birch Society has also produced other materials to assist in
the campaign to stop Agenda 21, such as a tri-fold pamphlet, DVD,
and the reprint of the article "Your Hometown & the United Nations'
AGENDA 21," by William F. Jasper of The New American. Additional
well written and highly informative articles, by Alex Newman, Raven
Clabough, Thomas Eddlem, and William F. Jasper are available online at
After educating yourself and others, stay in contact with those others and
organize. Find your local chapter of The John Birch Society and join.

With our new action project, Choose Freedom - STOP AGENDA 21

at, you will be able to join with other concerned citizens
and work to stop Agenda 21 by contacting and visiting local government
officials and/ or testifying against sustainable development and Agenda
21 at your local town or city hall. Urge your local government officials to
withdraw from Agenda 21 or ICLEI.
ICLEI is the United Nations in
your local community. If you
have any doubts that your local
community, through membership
in ICLEI - as demonstrated
before in three clicks - is
working with the United Nations
Agenda 21 program then you need
do no more than take another
"three-click challenge," which is:

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l . Type on your web browser & click go

2. On the top bar menu of the website click on "Programs"
3. Scroll down and click on ''Agenda 21"
Upon clicking on Agenda 21 you will be directed to the official webpage (above) for the United Nations' Local Agenda 21,
proving that ICLEI is tied to the UN's Agenda 2l.
Effective education about this requires organization. Form a local
committee to discuss, educate, and fight sustainable development. The
more people who join your local committee, the greater likelihood of
success you will have in getting rid of it and/or withdrawing from ICLEI.
Effective organizations work best when people coalese. Working together
you will be able to educate each other and stop Agenda 2l.
Withdrawal from Local Agenda 21 or ICLEI will simply not be enough.
Examine the words and documents of your local community development
or planning boards and make sure that they are void of Agenda 21 and
ICLEI's policies and regulations. Propose that these changes be made or
make them yourself by running for office.

The most effective way to assure that ICEL! and Agenda 21 will be
stopped and prevented from entering into your local community would be
by officially getting the United States out of the United Nations and getting
the United Nations out of the United States.
The more people who are on board with this campaign to stop Agenda
21, the more your local government officials will see and realize that this
matters to you and that you do not want it to be a part of your community.
Get rid of ICLEI, sustainable development, smart growth, and Agenda 21
in your community and "Get US out!" of the United Nations.
This has been one of the most recognized slogans of The John Birch
Society for over 50 years. During all of this time, The John Birch Society
has understood and warned others about the danger of the United Nations
and its threat to our independence and national sovereignty.
For more information on Agenda 21, and how to help keep your local
community free, go to and click on the graphic for "Choose
Freedom-Stop Agenda 21."


Heywood, Vernon H., ed. Global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1995
Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. Indianapolis, Indiana:
Hackett Pub Co., 1 980
Marx, Karl, and Engels, Frederick. The Communist Manifesto. Appleton,
Wisconsin: The John Birch Society, 2009
Sitarz, Daniel, ed. Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our
Planet. Carbondale, Illinois: EarthPress, 1993
Sitarz, Daniel, ed. Sustainable America: America's Environment, Economy
and Society in the 21st Century. Carbondale, Illinois: EarthPress,
United Nations. Report ofHabitat: United Nations Conference on Human
Settlements. Vancouver, Canada: United Nations, 1976
Kemp, Steve, and Gass, Heather, Producers. "ONE BAY ARE A:
'AGENDA 21,' the UN's diabolical plan comes to the San
Francisco Bay Area." Video. 2011, May 1 1 . Retrieved July 12,
2011 from


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