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State of Maine, Office of Maine Ceta v. The United States Department of Labor, 669 F.2d 827, 1st Cir. (1982)

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669 F.

2d 827
2 Ed. Law Rep. 947

STATE OF MAINE, Office of Maine CETA, Petitioner,

No. 81-1352.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Argued Nov. 3, 1981.
Decided Jan. 25, 1982.

Susan P. Herman, Asst. Atty. Gen., Augusta, Maine, with whom James E.
Tierney, Atty. Gen., William H. Laubenstein, III., and Peter H. Stewart,
Asst. Attys. Gen., Augusta, Maine, were on brief, for petitioner.
Charlotte M. Brookins, Atty., U. S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, D. C.,
with whom T. Timothy Ryan, Jr., Sol. of Labor, William H. DuRoss, III.,
Associate Sol. for Employment and Training, and Jonathan H. Waxman,
Counsel for Litigation, Washington, D. C., were on brief, for respondent.
Before COFFIN, Chief Judge, CAMPBELL and BOWNES, Circuit
BOWNES, Circuit Judge.

This case arose under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act as
amended, 29 U.S.C. 801 et seq. (the Act). Appellant State of Maine, Office
of Maine CETA (OMC), a recipient of federal CETA funds, seeks review of
the final decision of the Secretary, Department of Labor, that the "maintenance
of effort" provisions of the Act had been violated by a CETA-funded program
operated in School Administrative District # 43 (SAD # 43), Mexico, Maine.1
The local Grant Officer for the Department had determined that SAD # 43's use
of CETA-funded substitute teachers between 1974 and 1979 constituted a
violation of the Act and its regulations, which require that CETA participants

not be utilized to supplant regular workers but only to supplement them. 29

U.S.C. 845(c)(25) (1973-1977); 29 U.S.C. 823(g)(1) (1978); 29 C.F.R.
96.24; 29 C.F.R. 99.34 (1977).2

Following the Grant Officer's determination, wherein he ordered

reimbursement of misspent funds, OMC requested a hearing, pursuant to the
Act, to contest the decision. The administrative law judge (ALJ) found:

3 CETA Act and regulations were violated on every occasion that a CETA
substitute teacher taught for a continuous period of one calendar day or longer in a
grade for which he or she was qualified to teach and had been hired by SAD to
teach.3 SAD personnel should have exhausted the regular substitute teacher list
before utilizing CETA substitutes in these situations.

He ordered OMC to calculate the number of days CETA participants had been
utilized in this manner and to reimburse the Department for the disallowed

On appeal OMC argues that the ALJ erroneously allocated the burden of proof
to OMC; that the decision was not supported by substantial evidence; that the
ALJ erred in not allowing OMC's motion to join the subgrantees as parties; and
that his failure to rule on OMC's request for a waiver of the disallowed costs
was erroneous. Because the first two issues are closely interconnected, we
address them together at the outset.

At the administrative hearing below, OMC went forward first pursuant to the
CETA regulation which puts the burden of proof on the party requesting the
hearing. 20 C.F.R. 676.90(b)(1979). 4 OMC claims that this procedure was
prejudicial to its case and that the Department of Labor should have been
required at the hearing to establish a prima facie case of a maintenance-ofeffort violation before OMC proceeded. The Department on the other hand
asserts that its burden of production was met when counsel for OMC introduced
Joint Exhibit # 1, which contained the school district's budget information on
which the Grant Officer had relied in making his determination that a violation
had occurred.

The general provision regarding the burden of proof at administrative hearings

is found in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. 556(d):
"Except as otherwise provided by statute, the proponent of a rule or order5 has
the burden of proof." This has been interpreted to refer to the burden of
production and not the ultimate burden of persuasion; the latter may be on the

party challenging the order. Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. v. EPA, 548
F.2d 998 (D.C.Cir.1976); Old Ben Coal Corp. v. Interior Bd. of Mine
Operations Appeals, 523 F.2d 25, 39 (7th Cir. 1975) (opinion on petition for
rehearing). In its thorough opinion in Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., the
court examined the legislative history of 5 U.S.C. 556(d), canvassed the case
law, and concluded that the burden on the proponent is one of producing
sufficient evidence to make out a prima facie case. 548 F.2d at 1012-1018
(supplemental opinion on petition for rehearing).

While the APA relates to the burden of production, the substantive statute and
its regulations govern the allocation of the ultimate burden of persuasion.
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.; Old Ben Coal Corp. The burden of
persuasion in a proceeding arising under the CETA Act is set forth at 20 C.F.R.
676.90(b) (1979) and provides: "Burden of proof. The party requesting the
hearing shall have the burden of establishing the facts and the entitlement to the
relief requested." Relying on this regulation, the ALJ correctly assigned the
burden of persuasion to OMC.

OMC further claims that the Department did not meet its burden of establishing
a prima facie case. In the alternative it argues that even if the Department met
its burden, the proceedings were fatally defective in that the ALJ required OMC
to proceed first. We find, on the record in its entirety, that the Department met
its burden of establishing a prima facie case of a maintenance-of-effort


In making his determination that a violation had occurred, the Grant Officer
relied on a set of documents that have been referred to as the administrative file.
This file includes the letter of complaint from a regular, non-CETA substitute
teacher alleging that she had suffered a substantial loss in substitute work since
the arrival of CETA participants in SAD # 43. Also contained in the file is the
correspondence between the Grant Officer and a representative of OMC who
provided the SAD # 43 substitute teacher budget information for school years
1973-74 through 1978-79. It was this data that constituted the basis for the
Grant Officer's determination that CETA funds were being used to displace
nonfederally funded local workers and, thus, that a maintenance-of-effort
violation had occurred.6


The data shows that for school year 1973-74, the amount expended for regular
substitute teachers exceeded the amount budgeted by approximately $6,000; no
CETA-funded substitutes were used that year. For the following two years,
however, when two CETA substitutes were available each year, the amount
spent on regular substitutes decreased from 1973-74 and exceeded the budgeted

amount by only $2,000. Finally, the years 1977-78 and 1978-79, when SAD #
43 used five and four CETA substitutes respectively, show a marked drop in
the amount of local funds expended for substitutes as compared to the amount
budgeted for those years and as compared to amounts expended in prior years.
This budget information, as part of the administrative file, was introduced at the
outset of the hearing by counsel for OMC as a joint exhibit.

A party will have satisfied his burden of production if the evidence presented is
sufficient to enable a reasonable person to draw from it the inference sought to
be established. McCormick, Evidence 789-790 (2d ed. 1972). We have no
difficulty finding that the ALJ could reasonably have inferred from the budget
data that the increased use of CETA teachers resulted in a decreased outlay of
local funds and a displacement of regular workers. The Department's burden of
establishing a prima facie case, therefore, was met.


Ordinarily, the party with the burden of coming forward with a prima facie case
will be required to proceed first.7 OMC's argument that the ALJ's departure
from this procedure was reversible error turns on the question whether or not
OMC was prejudiced by it. OMC has not pointed to any particular manner in
which it was prejudiced, nor can we perceive any. It was clear that the
Department would rely on the administrative file, particularly the budget data,
for its case in chief, as that was the basis for the Grant Officer's determination.
Indeed, OMC's counsel herself introduced the file; that it was introduced as a
joint exhibit indicates OMC's awareness of the file's importance to the
Department's case. OMC was given an opportunity to rebut the Department's
case but declined to do so. Under the circumstances we cannot say that the
order of presentation of evidence at the hearing constituted reversible error.


Once the Department's burden of production was met, the burden was on OMC
to prove compliance with the Act. The ALJ supportably found that OMC did
not meet its burden, and there is substantial evidence in the record as a whole to
support his finding of a maintenance-of-effort violation throughout SAD # 43.
Mrs. Barrett, SAD # 43's bookkeeper, testified at the hearing that CETA
substitutes were routinely called to replace absent teachers without attempts
having first been made to locate non-CETA substitutes. She appeared to limit
this testimony to the procedure followed in kindergarten through fourth grade.
At the close of the evidence the ALJ, apparently unsure whether a
maintenance-of-effort violation had occurred, asked OMC to submit an
affidavit or deposition indicating whether or not regular substitutes had been
available on those occasions when CETA substitutes were utilized. The posthearing affidavit of Mrs. Barrett, submitted by OMC, which was not limited to
kindergarten through fourth grade, did not state that as a rule no regular

substitutes were available when CETA substitutes were used. Rather, it merely
indicated that when CETA substitutes were used in grades other than those for
which they had been assigned, it was because the regular substitute list had
been exhausted. Absent any evidence to the contrary, the ALJ reasonably
inferred that, in general, when CETA substitutes were utilized in grades for
which they had been assigned, the regular substitute list had not first been

As we have stated, the burden was on OMC to show that it was in compliance
with the CETA Act and regulations. The ALJ suggested to OMC counsel a
number of ways of meeting this burden, for example, through testimony or
documentary evidence that would indicate the procedure used for obtaining
substitute teachers. Unfortunately for OMC, its own evidence tended to support
rather than rebut the evidence indicating a violation. Documentation detailing
attempts to locate regular substitute teachers is required under the CETA
maintenance-of-effort regulation8 and Mrs. Barrett's testimony that such
records were not available because they would have been difficult to maintain
does not relieve OMC of its duty to follow the regulation. OMC's failure to
prove compliance with the Act more than justifies the ALJ's decision, and
because there is substantial evidence to support it, we will not set it aside. 29
U.S.C. 817(b) (1978).


OMC also claims the ALJ erred in denying its motions to join third parties
under Fed.R.Civ.P. 14. Three of the motions were filed one week prior to the
hearing and another was filed on the day of the hearing, approximately four
months after OMC had filed its prehearing statement and nine months after it
had requested the hearing. After so long a delay, joinder under Rule 14 requires
leave of court, which resides in the sound discretion of the trial court. Laffey v.
Northwest Airlines, Inc., 567 F.2d 429, 477 (D.C.Cir.1976), cert. denied, 434
U.S. 1086, 98 S.Ct. 1281, 55 L.Ed.2d 792 (1978); East Hampton Dewitt Corp.
v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., 490 F.2d 1234, 1246 (2d Cir.
1973). Because of the untimeliness of the motions and the inconvenience to the
Department a continuance would cause, the ALJ was well within the scope of
his discretion in denying the motions. Nor is Fed.R.Civ.P. 19 of any help to
OMC, because the subgrantees OMC sought to join were not necessary to the
adjudication, since full recovery was available to the Department from OMC as
the prime sponsor. See 29 U.S.C. 816(d)(1); 29 C.F.R. 98.27(d). Cf. 7
Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure: Civil 1623, at 241 (joint
tortfeasors need not be joined under Rule 19, since each is liable for entire
amount of recovery).


Finally, OMC claims it was error for the ALJ to fail to rule on its request that

the disallowance of funds resulting from the finding of a violation be waived

pursuant to 20 C.F.R. 676.88(c) (1979). That regulation provides that the
Grant Officer in his discretion may decide to allow the costs, i.e., not require
reimbursement, if certain criteria are met,9 which criteria OMC, at the close of
the hearing below, claimed to have met. We hold it was not error for the ALJ to
omit a specific ruling on this issue.

The Administrative Procedure Act at 5 U.S.C. 557(c) provides in pertinent

part: "All decisions ... shall include a statement of-(A) findings and
conclusions, and the reasons or basis therefor, on all the material issues of fact,
law, or discretion presented on the record(.)" We conclude that 557(c) does
not require a ruling on an issue of discretion unless the aggrieved party asks
that the discretion be exercised. Moreover, we do not believe that the provision
precludes an agency from establishing reasonable regulations concerning the
time at which a party must make such a request. Since OMC failed to ask that
the Grant Officer exercise that discretion in accord with 20 C.F.R. 676.88(c)
(1979), neither the Grant Officer nor any subsequent reviewing authority within
the Department was required to make findings under 557(c).




BOWNES, Circuit Judge (concurring separately).


While I, of course, fully concur in the court's opinion as I have drafted it above,
insofar as it goes, I feel that more should be said than my colleagues are
prepared to say. I therefore set forth these additional views of mine in this
separate concurrence. I feel that under the CETA regulations the Office of
Maine CETA had the entire burden of proof and that, therefore, the ALJ
conducted the hearing in a proper procedural manner.


As the majority opinion recognizes, the APA provision governing the burden of
proof at administrative hearings, 5 U.S.C. 556(d), has been interpreted by the
courts to mean the burden of production and not the ultimate burden of
persuasion. By its own terms the APA permits allocation of this burden to a
party other than the proponent of the rule or order if "otherwise provided by
statute." The burden of proof in a hearing commenced under the CETA Act is
governed by 20 C.F.R. 676.90(b) (1979) which provides: "Burden of proof.
The party requesting the hearing shall have the burden of establishing the facts
and the entitlement to the relief requested." Because I believe this language
encompasses both the burdens of production and persuasion, this is a case in
which the burden of production, i.e., establishing a prima facie case, has been

"otherwise provided by statute." Thus, since the CETA regulation relieved the
Department of Labor, as the proponent of an order, of the burden of production
(establishing a prima facie case), the ALJ was correct in requiring OMC to
proceed first.

The elaborate mechanism under the CETA Act for the Department's
preliminary investigation and determination of violations of the Act supports
placing the initial burden of production on OMC. The Grant Officer has the
authority and the duty to investigate whenever he has reason to believe that a
recipient of CETA funds is not complying with the requirements of the Act. 20
C.F.R. 676.86(c) & (e) (1979). After completing the investigation, he must
make an initial determination whether the recipient is violating the Act or its
regulations. A finding by the Grant Officer that there has been a violation must
be based on substantial evidence. 20 C.F.R. 676.88(a)(2) (1979). In the initial
determination, which must be in writing and mailed to the recipient, the Grant
Officer must, inter alia, state the basis for the finding and give notice of an
opportunity for an informal resolution of the matter. 20 C.F.R. 676.88(b)
(1979). If the informal resolution has been unsuccessful, the Grant Officer must
within 120 days after the filing of the complaint

each party with a final written notice in duplicate by certified mail, return
receipt requested, that (1) indicates that efforts to informally resolve matters
contained in the initial determination pursuant to paragraph (a) have been
unsuccessful, (2) lists those matters upon which the parties continue to disagree, (3)
lists any sanctions, and required corrective actions, including any other alteration or
modification of the plan, grant, agreement or program intended by the Grant Officer,
and (4) informs the parties of their opportunity to request a hearing pursuant to these

20 C.F.R. 676.88(e) (1979).


Based on the budget data supplied to the Grant Officer by OMC, a final
determination was made that the maintenance-of-effort provisions had been
violated. Certainly, if the Department had the burden at the hearing of
establishing a prima facie case of a violation, this data would have been
sufficient. But I believe the requirement that the Grant Officer base a
determination of a violation on substantial evidence, 20 C.F.R. 676.88(a)(2)
(1979), is the functional equivalent of requiring the Department to make out a
prima facie case. A final determination, therefore, supported as it must be by
substantial evidence, "shifts" to OMC the burden of proving compliance with
the Act at the hearing which it requested. The ALJ correctly found that OMC
did not meet this burden.

SAD # 43 was a subgrantee of the CETA prime sponsor, OMC, which had the
prime contract with the Department of Labor. Because the prime sponsor is
responsible for the operation of the subgrant, the Act and regulations permit the
Department to proceed against the prime sponsor for violations of the Act, even
though the alleged violations occurred at the local level. See 29 U.S.C. 816(d)
(1); 29 C.F.R. 98.27(d)
29 U.S.C. 823(g)(1) provides in pertinent part:
(A) No program shall substitute funds under this chapter for other funds in
connection with work that would otherwise be performed.
(B) Jobs shall be created that are in addition to those that would be funded in
the absence of assistance under this chapter.
See 29 C.F.R. 99.34 entitled "Maintenance of effort."

He so limited the finding due to the testimony of an OMC witness that when
CETA teachers were used to substitute in grades for which they had not been
hired, attempts had first been made to locate regular substitutes. From this he
inferred that no such attempts were made when there was a qualified CETA
person for that grade

Although on appeal OMC argues that the ALJ erroneously assigned to it the
burden of going forward with its case ahead of the Department, it appears from
the record that counsel for OMC, familiar with the regulation, was prepared to
proceed and acknowledged that that was what the regulation required. Counsel
stated at the hearing that "the burden apparently shifts to us" in an appeal from
the Grant Officer's determination and indicated that she "was just pointing out
to the Court the inequity of that."

There appears to be no question that the "proponent" in this case is the

Department of Labor and that its "order" is the final determination by the Grant

The budget data shows the following:

School Year
$ 8,000.00 $13,895.23





This is not, however, a rigid requirement. In Old Ben Coal Corp. v. Interior Bd.
of Mine Operations Appeals, 523 F.2d 25 (7th Cir. 1975), for example, where
the proponent of the order was held to have the burden of presenting a prima
facie case, the court was unconcerned that the mine operator challenging the
order proceeded first. The court noted that the operator was given the
opportunity to rebut the case against it and failed to do so

29 C.F.R. 99.34(h) (1974-77) provides in pertinent part:

Prime sponsors, program agents, or subgrantees which utilize funds under this
part to hire persons to fill positions previously supported by funds other than
funds available under the Act or to provide services which are normally
provided by temporary, part-time or seasonal workers or which are normally
contracted out, shall maintain documentation that such use of funds does not
constitute a violation of paragraph (c) of this section nor of any other
requirements of this section.

20 C.F.R. 676.88(c) (1979) provides in pertinent part:

In any case in which the Grant Officer determines that there is sufficient
evidence that funds have been misspent, the Grant Officer shall disallow the
costs, except that costs associated with ineligible participants and public service
employment programs may be allowed when the Grant Officer finds (five

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