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The document discusses different types of research methods including descriptive, exploratory, applied and explanatory research. It also discusses topics like hypothesis, variables, data collection methods, literature reviews and more.

The document discusses descriptive, exploratory, applied and explanatory research. It also mentions basic, qualitative and quantitative research.

Some common data collection methods mentioned include surveys, interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions.

Research Method STA630 Solved MCQs


1- Hypothesis refers to

a) The outcome of an experiment

b) A conclusion drawn from an experiment
c) A form of bias in which the subject tries to outuess the experimenter
d) A tentative statement about the relationship

2- Statistics is used by researchers to

a) Analyze the empirical data collected in a study

b) Make their findins sound better
c) Operationally define their variables
d) Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

3- A literature review requires

a) Plannin
b) ood & clear writin
c) Lot of rewritin
d) All of the above

4- A literature review is based on the assumption that

a) Copy from the work of others

b) Knowlede accumulates and learns from the work of others
c) Knowlede disaccumulates
d) None of the above option

5- A theoretical framework

a) Elaborates the r/s amon the variables

b) Explains the loic underlyin these r/s
c) Describes the nature and direction of the r/s
d) All of the above

6- Which of the followin statement is not true?

a) A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project

b) A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conductin the
proposed research project
c) A research proposal is an unoranized and unplanned project
d) A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research project 1
7- Preliminary data collection is a part of the

a) Descriptive research
b) Exploratory research
c) Applied research
d) Explanatory research

8- Conductin surveys is the most common method of eneratin

a) Primary data
b) Secondary data
c) Qualitative data
d) None of the above

9- After identifyin the important variables and establishin the loical reasonin in theoretical
framework, the next step in the research process is

a) To conduct surveys
b( To enerate the hypothesis
c) To focus roup discussions
d) To use experiments in an investiation

10- The appropriate analytical technique is determined by

a) The research desin

b) Nature of the data collected
c) Nature of the hypothesis
d) Both A & B

11-Personal interviews conducted in shoppin malls are known as:

a) Mall interviews
b) Mall intercept interviews
c) Brief interviews
d) None of the iven options

12-WATS lines provided by lon distance telephone service at fixed rates. In this reard, WATS is
the abbreviation of:

a) West Africa Theoloical Seminary

b) Washtenaw Area Transportation Study
c) Wide Area Telecommunications Service
d) World Air Transport Statistics

13-A list of questions which is handed over to the respondent, who reads the questions and
records the answers himself is known as the:

a) Interview schedule
b) Questionnaire
c) Interview uide
d) All of the iven options 2
14-One of the most critical staes in the survey research process is:

a) Research desin
b) Questionnaire desin
c) Interview desin
d) Survey desin

15-Question that consists of two or more questions joined toether is called a:

a) Double barreled question

b) eneral question
c) Accurate question
d) Confusin question

16-The number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the total number

of eliible people who were contacted or asked to participate in the survey is called the:

a) Response rate
b).Participation rate
c) Inflation rate
d) None of the iven options

17-To obtain the freest opinion of the respondent, when we ask eneral question before a specific
question then this procedure is called as the:

a) Research technique
b) Qualitative technique
c) Funnel technique
d) Quantitative technique

18- A small scale trial run of a particular component is known as:

a) Pilot testin
b) Pre-testin
c) Lab experiments
d) Both A & B

19-Field testin of the questionnaire shows that:

a) Respondents are willin to co-operate

b) Respondents are not willin to co-operate
c) Respondents do not like any participation
d) All of the iven options

20-Service evaluation of hotels and restaurants can be done by the:

a) Self-administered questionnaires
b) Office assistant
c) Manaer
d) None of the iven options 3
Multiple Choice Questions
(The answers are provided after the last question.)

1. Mrs. Smith is writing her daily observations of a student and writes, without
interpretation, that the student is not completing the class work and is constantly speaking
out of turn. Which of the following objectives does she appear to be using?
a. prediction
b. description
c. explanation
d. exploration

2. Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers,

counselors, and other professionals to answer questions they have and to specifically help
them solve local problems?
a. action research
b. basic research
c. predictive research
d. orientational research

3. How much confidence should you place in a single research study?

a. you should completely trust a single research study.
b. you should trust research findings after different researchers have found the
same findings
c. neither a nor b
d. both a and b

4. The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge typically is built from

which type of research?
a. basic research
b. action research
c. evaluation research
d. orientational research

5. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of
a. rationalism
b. deductive reasoning
c. inductive reasoning
d. probabilistic 4
6. The idea that when selecting between two different theories with equal explanatory
value, one should select the theory that is the most simple, concise, and succinct is known
as ____________.
a. criterion of falsifiability
b. critical theory
c. guide of simplicity
d. rule of parsimony

7. Research that is done to examine the findings of someone else using the "same
variables but different people" is which of the following?
a. exploration
b. hypothesis
c. replication
d. empiricism

8. ________________ is the idea that knowledge comes from experience.

a. rationalism
b. deductive reasoning
c. logic
d. empiricism

9. According to your text, what are the five key objectives of science?
a. prediction, summary, conclusion, explanation, description
b. influence, prediction, questions, exploration, answers
c. exploration, description, explanation, prediction, influence
d. questions, answers, prediction, explanation, summary

10. A researcher designs an experiment to test how variables interact to influence how
well children learn spelling words. In this case, the main purpose of the study was:
a. Explanation
b. Description
c. Influence
d. Prediction

11. There is a set of churches in the U.S. where part of the service involves snake
handling. The researcher wants to find out why the people attending these churches do
this and how they feel and think about it. In this case, the primary purpose of the study is:
a. Exploration
b. Description
c. Influence
d. Prediction 5
12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good theory or explanation?
a. It is parsimonious
b. It is testable
c. It is general enough to apply to more than one place, situation, or person
d. All of the above are characteristics of good theories

13. Which of the following is not a basic assumption of science?

a. Science cannot provide answers to all questions
b. It is possible to distinguish between more and less plausible claims
c. Researchers should follow certain agreed upon norms and practices
d. Science is best at solving value conflicts, such as whether abortion is immoral

14. What general type of research is focused on collecting information to help a

researcher advance an ideological or political position?
a. Evaluation research
b. Basic research
c. Action research
d. Orientational research

15. Which “scientific method” follows these steps: 1) observation/data, 2) patterns, 3)

a. Inductive
b. Deductive
c. Imductive
d. Top down

16. Rene Descartes is associated with which of the following approached to knowledge
a. Empiricism
b. Rationalism
c. Expert opinion
d. None of the above

17. Which scientific method is a top-down or confirmatory approach?

a. Deductive method
b. Inductive method
c. Hypothesis method
d. Pattern method

18. Which scientific method is a bottom-up or generative approach to research?

a. Deductive method
b. Inductive method
c. Hypothesis method
d. Pattern method 6
19. Which scientific method focuses on testing hypotheses developed from theories?
a. Deductive method
b. Inductive method
c. Hypothesis method
d. Pattern method

20. Which scientific method often focuses on generating new hypotheses and theories?
a. Deductive method
b. Inductive method
c. Hypothesis method
d. Pattern method

21. Which of the following statements is true of a theory?

a. it most simply means “explanation”
b. it answers the “how” and “why” questions
c. it can be a well developed explanatory system
d. all of the above are correct 7
Why do you need to review the existing literature?
Select correct option:

To give your dissertation a proper academic appearance, with lots of

Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
To find out what is already known about your area of interest
To help in your general studying
Which one of the following is not an assumption of science?
Select correct option:

There are reoccurring patterns in the world.

Events happen because of preceding causes.
We can discover solutions to problems of interest.
Theoretical explanations must agree with common sense.
The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowing because it is more;
Select correct option:

All of the given options
Which of the following is not a concept?
Select correct option:

Total Quality Management
Human Resource Management
What is an hypothesis?
Select correct option:

A prediction of a relationship between certain variables.

An experiment that tests certain predictions. 8
An independent variable.
A dependent variable.
Which one of the following creates problems of measurements of a concept?
Select correct option:

Unambiguous meanings
Vague meanings
Clear meanings
Dictionary meanings
_________ meanings attached to a concept create problems of measurements.
Select correct option:

Under which of the following research method is not applicable?
Select correct option:

Health care
Government offices
Imaginary worlds
one tailed hypothesis predicts-----------
Select correct option:

The future
The lottery result
The frequency of the effect
The direction of the effect 9
1- Hypothesis refers to

A. The outcome of an experiment

B. A conclusion drawn from an experiment

C. A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter

D. A tentative statement about the relationship

2- Statistics is used by researchers to

A. Analyze the empirical data collected in a study

B. Make their findings sound better

C. Operationally define their variables

D. Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

3- A literature review requires

A. Planning

B. Good & clear writing

C. Lot of rewriting

D. All of the above

4- A literature review is based on the assumption that

A. Copy from the work of others

B. Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others

C. Knowledge disaccumulates

D. None of the above option

5- A theoretical framework

A. Elaborates the r/s among the variables

B. Explains the logic underlying these r/s

C. Describes the nature and direction of the r/s

D. All of the above 10
6- Which of the following statement is not true?

A. A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project

B. A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully

conducting the proposed research project

C. A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project

D. A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research

7- Preliminary data collection is a part of the

A. Descriptive research

B. Exploratory research

C. Applied research

D. Explanatory research

8- Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating

A. Primary data

B. Secondary data

C. Qualitative data

D. None of the above

9- After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in
theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is

A. To conduct surveys

B. To generate the hypothesis

C. To focus group discussions

D. To use experiments in an investigation

10- The appropriate analytical technique is determined by

A. The research design

B. Nature of the data collected

C. Nature of the hypothesis

D. Both A & B

E. Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are known as: 11
1. Mall interviews
2. Mall intercept interviews
3. Brief interviews
4. None of the given options

F. WATS lines provided by long distance telephone service at fixed rates. In this
regard, WATS is the abbreviation of:

1. West Africa Theological Seminary

2. Washtenaw Area Transportation Study
3. Wide Area Telecommunications Service
4. World Air Transport Statistics

G. A list of questions which is handed over to the respondent, who reads the
questions and records the answers himself is known as the:

1. Interview schedule
2. Questionnaire
3. Interview guide
4. All of the given options

H. One of the most critical stages in the survey research process is:

1. Research design
2. Questionnaire design
3. Interview design
4. Survey design

I. Question that consists of two or more questions joined together is called a:

1. Double barreled question

2. General question
3. Accurate question
4. Confusing question

J. The number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the total number

of eligible people who were contacted or asked to participate in the survey is called

1. Response rate
2. Participation rate
3. Inflation rate
4. None of the given options

K. To obtain the freest opinion of the respondent, when we ask general question
before a specific question then this procedure is called as the:

1. Research technique
2. Qualitative technique
3. Funnel technique
4. Quantitative technique

L. A small scale trial run of a particular component is known as:

1. Pilot testing
2. Pre-testing 12
3. Lab experiments
4. Both A & B

M. Field testing of the questionnaire shows that:

1. Respondents are willing to co-operate

2. Respondents are not willing to co-operate
3. Respondents do not like any participation
4. All of the given options

N. Service evaluation of hotels and restaurants can be done by the:

1. Self-administered questionnaires
2. Office assistant
3. Manager
4. None of the given options

A literature review requires;

Select correct option:

clear writing
good writing
All of the given option

One of the preoccupations of quantitative researchers is with generalization, which is a

sign of:
Select correct option:

External validity
Internal reliability
External reliability
Internal validity

What is the basis of the Scientific Method?

Select correct option:

To test hypotheses in conditions that are condusive to its success. 13
To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis.
To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled
conditions that challenge the hypothesis.
To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely.

One of the preoccupations of quantitative researchers is with generalization, which is a

sign of:
Select correct option:

External validity
Internal reliability
External reliability
Internal validity

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good research topic?

Select correct option:

It is ethical.
It can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data.
It focuses on a philosophical or ethical issue.
It is theoretically or practically significant.

If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to ascertain their
merit and worth, he is likely conducting which type of research?
Select correct option:
Experimental 14
The extent to which we can generalize the results of a study to other participants is called:
Select correct option:
Sampling validity
External validity
Construct validity
Internal validity

Procedures determining what two issues are rarely used in quantitative research?
Select correct option:

Objectivity and subjectivity

Reliability and validity
Accessibility and replicability
Quality and quantity

To explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the goal of----------------------

Select correct option:

Inductive logic
Deductive logic
The scientific method

To say that a theory is falsifiable is to say that;

Select correct option:
It is based on results that are not replicable.
Investigators have replaced it with a simpler or more accurate theory.
We can imagine results that would contradict it.
It is so vague that it fits any and all possible results. 15
When doing research involving deception with human subjects,
researchers have an obligation to do which of the following?
Select correct option:

Tell subjects the truth about the study’s purpose and methods after the study is
Prevent mental and physical harm to subjects
Let subjects withdraw from the study at any time if they don’t want to keep
All of the given options

Which of the following is the least appropriate research problem?

Select correct option:

Does studying Latin improve the standardized vocabulary test scores of seventh
grade students?
Does drilling fifth grade students with multiplication facts improve their
standardized test scores?
What is the relationship between students' math attitudes and math achievement?
Should students have access to controversial novels in school?

If a researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the "multiple
intelligences" of his students, he is likely to be conducting which type of research?
Select correct option:

Grounded theory

What is the final step of a scientific investigation?

Select correct option:

Analyze data 16
Collect data
Report the findings
Determine whether the hypothesis was supported

Research questions are crucial because they will:

Select correct option:

Guide your decisions about what data to collect and from where.
Help you decide which research area interests you.
Ensure that your findings have external validity.
Prevent you from thinking about research strategies.

Which of the following is the best hypothesis statement to address the research question,
"What impact will the new advertising campaign have on use of Brand B?"
Select correct option:

The new advertising campaign will impact Brand B usage.

The new advertising campaign will increase Brand B trial.
The new advertising campaign will cause increased Brand B usage at the expense
of Brand C.
The new advertising campaign will increase Brand B's market penetration.

What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or reviews in the
initial stages of identifying a research topic?
Select correct option:

They are readily available.

They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.
They are primary sources.
They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results more easily.

Ms. Laiba has decided to use the test at the end of the textbook to measure the
achievement levels of the students in her study. Which of the following BEST describes
the chapter test?
Select correct option: 17
Operationalized variable

Which of the following is least likely to occur as an ethical problem with e-research?
Select correct option:
People are not likely to be able to stop once they have begun participating.
Informed consent cannot be completely monitored.
Debriefing could be avoided.
Privacy could be invaded.

When we say that science is parsimonious, we mean that:

Select correct option:

Scientific theories are based on laws.

We must be careful because causes can occur after specific effects.
The best scientific theories are those that offer the simplest explanations for a
Science accurately describes a wide range of behavior.

1-The researcher protects the confidentiality in following ways, Except;

Select correct option:

Obtaining signed nondisclosure documents.

Restricting access to data instruments where the respondent is identified.
Disclosure of data subsets.
Restricting access to respondent identification.

2-Which of the following should not be a consideration in writing a proposal?

Select correct option:

Understanding the problem situation

The appearance/form of the proposal
Responding to every element exactly as specified by the client
Knowing as much as possible about the proposal recipients 18
3-Under which of the following research method is not applicable?
Select correct option:

Health care
Government offices
Imaginary worlds

4-Which of the following is a concept?

Select correct option:

Total Quality Management.
Human Resource Management.
All of the given options

5-In which way does a ratio scale measurement differ from an interval measurement?
Select correct option:

It measures larger or smaller scores on some underlying dimension.

It implies the existence of an absolute zero value.
It requires the mutual exclusivity of all cases.
It requires that exhaustiveness is applied to all observations.

6-If a researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the "multiple
intelligences" of his students, he is likely to be conducting which type of research?
Select correct option:

Grounded theory

7-An operational definition is:

Select correct option:

One that bears no relation to the underlying concept.

An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept.
A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures.
One that refers to opera singers and their work.

8-In the statement 'an examination of the effects of discretionary behaviour on employee
performance' employee performance is the:
Select correct option:

Independent variable
Dependent variable
Extraneous variable
Causal variable 19
9-Quantitative researcher's preoccupation with generalization is an attempt to:
Select correct option:

Develop the law like findings of the natural sciences.

Boost their chances of publication.
Enhance the internal validity of their research.
Demonstrate the complex techniques of statistical analysis.

10-Which one of the following tasks is NOT accomplished by theoretical framework?

Select correct option:

Elaborate the relationship among the variables

Explain the logic underlying the relationship between the variables.
Describe the nature, and direction of the relationships among the variables.
Relates the previous studies.

11-What is required if there is a chance that data could harm the respondents?
Select correct option:

Change of results
A signed form detailing the types of limits
Free consent of respondents
All of the given options

12-Which of the following is not an example of deception?

Select correct option:

A part of the truth is not communicated to the respondent

To observe code of ethics
To leak out information regarding any confidential matter
To create bias between respondents before the survey

13-Which of the the following is not included in Objects?

Select correct option:


14-The extent to which we can generalize the results of a study to other participants is called:
Select correct option:

Sampling validity
External validity
Construct validity
Internal validity 20
15-If a nominal scale is used, it is permissible to calculate which of the following statistics?
Select correct option:


16-All of the following are true about theories, except;

Select correct option:

They organize and summarize existing knowledge about a topic.

They are tentative until the facts prove them true.
They provide possible explanations for the phenomenon under study.
They lead to testable hypotheses through the process of deduction.

17-Research questions are crucial because they will:

Select correct option:

Guide your decisions about what data to collect and from where.
Help you decide which research area interests you.
Ensure that your findings have external validity.
Prevent you from thinking about research strategies.

18-What is the basis of the Scientific Method?

Select correct option:

To test hypotheses in conditions that are condusive to its success.

To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis.
To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled conditions
that challenge the hypothesis.
To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely.

19-Procedures determining what two issues are rarely used in quantitative research?
Select correct option:

Objectivity and subjectivity

Reliability and validity
Accessibility and replicability
Quality and quantity

20-Ms. Laiba has decided to use the test at the end of the textbook to measure the achievement
levels of the students in her study. Which of the following BEST describes the chapter test?
Select correct option:

Operationalized variable 21
Question # 1 of 20
Measurement reliability refers to the:
Select correct option:

Accuracy of the scores

Consistency of the scores
Dependency of the scores
Comprehensiveness of the scores

Question # 2 of 20
Which of the following should not be a consideration in writing a proposal?
Select correct option:

Understanding the problem situation

The appearance/form of the proposal
Responding to every element exactly as specified by the client
Knowing as much as possible about the proposal recipients

Question # 3 of 20
Which of the following is likely to reduce the validity of a test?
Select correct option:

Unclear test directions

Ambiguous test items
Untaught items
All of the given options 22
Question # 4 of 20
Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an article?
Select correct option:


Question # 5 of 20
The researcher protects the confidentiality in following ways, Except;
Select correct option:

Obtaining signed nondisclosure documents.

Restricting access to data instruments where the respondent is identified.
Disclosure of data subsets.
Restricting access to respondent identification.

Question # 6 of 20
Which of the following is the least appropriate research problem?
Select correct option:

Does studying Latin improve the standardized vocabulary test scores of seventh grade students?
Does drilling fifth grade students with multiplication facts improve their standardized test scores?
What is the relationship between students' math attitudes and math achievement?
Should students have access to controversial novels in school?

Question # 7 of 20
What is the basis of the Scientific Method? 23
Select correct option:

To test hypotheses in conditions that are condusive to its success.

To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis.
To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled conditions that challenge t
To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely.

Question # 8 of 20
Which of the following is the BEST hypothesis?
Select correct option:

Students taking formative quizzes will perform better on chapter exams than students not taking these quizze
Taller students will have higher test scores than shorter students.
Students taught in a cooperative group setting should do better than students in a traditional class.
Students using laptops will do well.

Question # 9 of 20
How can we determine if a test has good validity?
Select correct option:

It produces the same result when it is given at different times to the same group of people
It produces the same result no matter which version of the test is used
It measures what it is supposed to measure
All of the questions on it can be answered accurately by the subject

Question # 10 of 20
Why, as scientists, do we not want to rely on authority for explanations?
Select correct option: 24
Those in authority are often wrong.
Those in authority cannot be challenged.
Those in authority rely too much on objective information.
Those in authority often have no common sense.

Question # 11 of 20
Which of the following is a concept?
Select correct option:

Total Quality Management.
Human Resource Management.
All of the given options

Question # 12 of 20 )
Under which of the following research method is not applicable?
Select correct option:

Health care
Government offices
Imaginary worlds

Question # 13 of 20 )
Research may differ along a series of dimensions. Which of the following may be applied to this statement?
Select correct option:

The type of data collected. 25
The data-collection technique.
The level of manipulation used to elicit data collection.
All of the given options

Question # 14 of 20
Which of the following is the best hypothesis statement to address the research question, "What impact will the ne
Select correct option:

The new advertising campaign will impact Brand B usage.

The new advertising campaign will increase Brand B trial.
The new advertising campaign will cause increased Brand B usage at the expense of Brand C.
The new advertising campaign will increase Brand B's market penetration.

Question # 15 of 20)
Bias is defined as;
Select correct option:

The distortion of responses based on gender, ethnicity, race, or language

A lack of validity
A lack of reliability
A poor interpretation of a student's score

Question # 16 of 20
If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to ascertain their merit and worth, he is likel
Select correct option:

Applied 26
Question # 17 of 20
In which way does a ratio scale measurement differ from an interval measurement?
Select correct option:

It measures larger or smaller scores on some underlying dimension.

It implies the existence of an absolute zero value.
It requires the mutual exclusivity of all cases.
It requires that exhaustiveness is applied to all observations.

Question # 18 of 20
A ________ scale only assigns numbers to objects to classify the objects according to the characteristic of interest
Select correct option:


Question # 19 of 20
A review that only demonstrates familiarity with an area is rarely published but it often is part of an educational pr
Select correct option:

Integrative reviews
Theoretical reviews
Self-study reviews
Historical reviews 27
Question # 20 of 20
What is required if there is a chance that data could harm the respondents?
Select correct option:

Change of results
A signed form detailing the types of limits
Free consent of respondents
All of the given options 28
1. The ___________analysis is a technique for gathering and analyzing
the content of a text:

1. Content analysis
2. Graphical analysis
3. Field analysis
4. Mathematical analysis

1. __________is the strength or power of a message in a direction:

1. Intensity
2. Frequency
3. Direction
4. Space

1. __________data refers to information gathered by someone other

than the researcher conducting the present study:

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Qualitative data
D. Quantitative data

1. ___________research produces soft data:

A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Descriptive research
D. Applied research

1. ____________research produces hard data:

A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Descriptive research
D. Applied research

1. ___________research is based on naturalism:

A. Field research
B. Descriptive research
C. Basic research 29
D. Applied research

1. _________interview is always with one respondent alone:

A. Survey interview
B. Field interview
C. Telephone interview
D. Electronic interview

1. Historiography is the method of doing _________research or of

gathering & analyzing historical evidence:

A. Historical research
B. Basic research
C. Applied research
D. Action research

1. Historical comparative researches often use _________sources or

different data types in combination:

A. Primary sources
B. Secondary sources
C. Internal sources
D. External sources

1. _________is a comprehensive description and analysis of a single

situation in a number of specific situations or cases:

A. Case study
B. Content analysis
C. Field research
D. None of the given options 30
Rationalism is the application of:
Select correct option:

Research solution
Logic and arguments
Previous findings

Question # 3 of 10 Total Marks: 1

The independent variable is;
Select correct option:

The variable manipulated in order to observe its effects

The variable that is measured
The free spirited variable
A confounding variable

What research is?

Select correct option:

A lab experiment
A report
A systematic Enquiry
A procedure 31
If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to
ascertain their merit and worth, he is likely conducting which type of research?
Select correct option:


The elaboration of the variables in the theoretical framework addresses which

type of qestions?
Select correct option:

Why we expect certain relationships to exist

How we expect certain relationships to exist
Both of the given questions
None of the given questions

What is an hypothesis?
Select correct option:

A prediction of a relationship between certain variables.

An experiment that tests certain predictions.
An independent variable.
A dependent variable 32
Question # 9 of 10 Total Marks: 1
A literature review requires;
Select correct option:

clear writing
good writing
All of the given option

Question # 10 of 10 Total Marks: 1

12. Which of the following true about the relationship between theory building
and data collection?
Select correct option:

When studies come out as expected, inductive support for the theory is
If an experiment fails, discarding the experiment is an example of affirming
the consequent.
When a hypothesis is not supported, virtually nothing has been learned
about the theory.
A good theory will be inclusive enough to explain every possible research
outcome. 33

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