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2 Marine Auxillary 2005 Objective Paper

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1- During shutting down the purifier you find that purifier always vibrates heavily for some time and
then becomes normal until it finally comes to a stop. What should be done to avoid this situation?
A. The purifier bowl should be cleaned before next startup
B. The brake should be applied so that the critical speed doesnot last long
C. Complete overhaul of the purifier should be carried out and the bearings need to be renewed
D. The bowl should be sent for balancing

2-An auxiliary engine turbo-charged makes strange noises when the load changes. The engine
parameters however are absolutely fine. An external examination of turbocharger parameters as
stated in the manual also reveals nothing. Would you do
(a) Continue to run the engine and wait for some time
(b) Stop the engine for a while and make some checks
(c) Reduce the load of the engine
(d) Run it on steady load to make some checks.

(NOTE-this type of Question also asked in Exam just to check your way of thinking)

3-Centrifugal pump will typically give you a low flow rate at a lower pressure, where a piston pump
will give you more pressure and higher flow rate. Is the statement correct?
C. First Sentence is right. Second one is wrong
D. I Don't know

4- Sludge pump suction pressure is going full vacuum when u start the pump taking water of double
bottom tank suction u hv checked the suction filter n found in clean condition. Taking suction fr fuel
oil sludge tank does not happen. Causes of the problem.
A) Pump is not working efficiently n reqd. overhauling
B) sludge tank suction valve is leaking
C) W.O. tank D.B. tank suction pipeline has a blockage.
D) Can ??? say what is the problem but definiterly the pump needs to b opened up for overhaul


5- 3-ballast pump is being used to deballast a fore peak tank which is full. It is seen that suction
pressure is positive and discharge pressure is very low compared to rated discharge head. It indicates
A. Pump is not operating satisfactorily and pumping capacity is too low
B. Pump is not operating satisfactorily and pumping capacity is higher than rated, throttling of
discharge valve is required
C. Pumping capacity is not affected by suction and discharge pressures
D. Pump is operating normally

6- In a reciprocating pump the direction of flow depends upon:

A. Direction of rotation of the pump
B. Position & fixing of suction and discharge valves
C. High pressure to low pressure
D. Whether pump is single acting or double acting
7-If the direction of rotation of a gear pump is reversed due to change in-phase sequence, what
happens when the pump is started?
A. Direction of flow remains the same
B. The pump will get damaged due to overpressure on suction side
C. Pump relief valve will be lifted
D. The direction of flow will be reversed

8-Which of the foll wl cause cavitation

a. Low discharge pressure
b. Throttling the suction valve
c. Low water level in the wet well
d. High discharge pressure

9- In reverse osmosis type freshwater generator plants, pretreatment of the feed water is done to:
A. Soften the feed water
B. Sterilize the feed water
C. To facilitate wash through of salt deposits on elements
D. Add necessary minerals to the water

10-Centrifugal pumps cannot handle air and require priming.But you are aware that centrifugal
which on the same principal can handle air very well. Which two properties of air are responsible
because of which the centrifugal pumps cannot handle air:A. Fluidity only
B. Density only
C. Both fluidity and density
D. Compressibility

11- By which of the following is the attached vacuum pump of a ballast pump is driven?
A. Electrical motor
B. Hydraulic motor
C. Pump driven clutch
D. Pneumatically driven

12- Why centrifugal p/p not provided with safety valve while positive displacement p/p Is provided?
a. c/f p/p shut down head is o
b. c/f p/p shut down head is infinity
c. c/f p/p is so designed that it can withstand high pressure
d. not sure)
13- When centrifugal pump is overhauled it was found that shaft had developed grooves on it n no
spare is available onboard what action can be taken

a. Order a new spare

b. Assemble the pump without doing anything n wait for the spare to arrive.
c. Machine the shaft sleeve on lathe n put back the new packing.
d. Leave the pump as it is

Multiple Choice Question

14- Salinity of distilled water produced from fresh water generator onboard depends on
A. Amount of feed set in fresh water production
B. Amount of salt water leaking from condenser if any
C. Temperature of the sea water used
D. Efficiency of brine ejector from the evaporator shell
Answer-A,B & D

15- Ballast pump injection filter was cleaned n the pump was lined up it was found that there was
some leakage in the suction filter suction. The pump started n the leakage started. During deblasting
it was found that the pump could not take suction fr one of the double bottoms. The cause could be
A) Pump was drawing air from outside.
B) Pump was drawing air from suction filter
C) One of the pipelines on the suction side of the pump might be leaking
D) The filter was not cleaned properly.

16- Less vacuum in centrifugal pp

A leaky disch vv
B loss of gland packing
C loss of fluid frm suction take place
D long suction pipe

17- Tube in air compressors , self compensating for expansion

a.Straight line tube
b.U tube

c.Coil tube
d.Floating tube

18- What type of lubricating oils are generally used in auxiliary engines?
A Detergent
B Alkaline
C Synthetic
D It is not important.


19-An emergency diesel generator cooling system is equipped with an automotive type thermostat. If
the thermostat bellows loses its charge, the thermostat will __________.
A) open, and the coolant temperature will increase
B) open, and the coolant temperature will decrease
C) close, and the engine coolant temperature will increase
D) close, and the coolant temperature will decrease

20- deep well cargo pump are used in

a. chemical tanker
b.product carrier

21-Why is it essential to renew turbocharger bearings after a preset number of hours of running even
if the bearings are in seemingly perfect condition?
A. Because they are prone to failure due to prolonged exposure to high temperature conditions.
B. Because they are subject to cyclic loading and are prone to failure due to metal fatigue.
C. It is not essential to renew if condition monitoring suggests perfect condition.
D. Lube oil contamination is bound to occur and affect the condition of the bearings

Answer-B (Because bottom end bearing bolts are max amount of fatigue stress)

22- A D/E with full speed rpm of 1000 drives a propeller at 300 r.p.m...what is speed reduction
a)0.3 to 1
b)3.33 to 1
c)33 to 1hde
d)300 to 1

23- Labyrinth seal fitted onthe back surface of a compressor wheel of a turbocharger
a) prevents bearing lube oil contamination
b) prevents bearing lube oil being sucked in to air stream
c) helps to keep the shaft cool by controlled leakage of air
d) none of the above
Answer-May be D but Not Sure(Because Labyrinth seals or glands are fitted to the shaft and casing
to prevent the leakage of exhaust gas into the turbine end bearing, or to prevent oil being drawn into
the compressor. To assist in the sealing effect, air from the compressor volute casing is led into a
space within the gland. A vent to atmosphere at the end of the labyrinth gives a guide to the
efficiency of the turbine end gland. Discoloring of the oil on a rotor fitted with a roller bearing will
also indicate a failure in the turbine end gland)

24- In the _____ type of t/c 2/s diesel engine is _____ to start.
25-The speed of the turbocharger for a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine driving a generator at constant
speed depends on the
A. engine speed
B. kilowatt load

C. fuel injection pressure

D. air intake manifold temperature
Answer-A (Because impulse turbine is used but it may be B also because for Four Stroke the speed
will be almost Constant)

26- The purpose of an air cooler in a supercharging system is to :

A.Reduce temperature of supercharged air in order to condense and remove maximum possible
moisture from the air prior entry to the engine
B.Reduce the temperature of the supercharged air in order to increase the density & also to cool
down below dew point to remove moisture from air prior entry to the engine
C.Cool supercharged air to increase its density such that the dew point is not reached to avoid entry
of moisture into the engine
D.Cool supercharged air to increase its density and also to keep the peak temperature and exhaust gas
temperature within limits

27- After your overhaul a centrifugal pump is not rotating what may be the possible cause:
a. Uneven tightening of casing bolts
b.Gasket thickness very thin
c.More wear ring clearance
d.Only a
e. a and b
f. a and c

28- Fixed vane type emergency fire pump priming vaccum pump. after one week fire pump not
taking suction. the vaccum pump is engaging,but not developing vaccum in the suction side. what
will be the cause?
a) suction filter of the pump clogged.
b) suction filter cover gasket leaks.
c) vaccum pump not overhauled properly.
d) sealing water tank is empty.
Answer-Not Sure in between of A and D

29- It is given that engine room bilge pump has suction manifold on which 3 valves are located. One
valve for the 3 engine room bilge wells suction, another one for Bilge tank suction and the third one
is for sea water suction. It is found that the Bilge pump is unable to take suction from any of the bilge
wells, but is able to take suction efficiently from Bilge tank. What is the most probable cause?
A. Pump suction filter cover gasket leaking
B. Suction filter cover gasket of one of the Bilge wells is leaking
C. Bilge well suction pipeline leaking between individual bilge well valves and suction manifold
D. Bilge pump suction pipeline leaking between the manifold and the pump

30- Which is True ?

1.Rotary vane steering gear generally operates at high oil pressure than RAM type
2.RT > RV
31- Which of the following statements concerning antifriction bearings installed on pumps is true?
(a) The inner race should be free to turn on the shaft.
(b) The outer race should be free to turn its housing.
(c) Alignment is not a critical factor in their installation.
(d) They are usually pressed on to their shafts.

32- The static suction head of a pump is the

A.distance of the suction liquid level above the center line of the pump
B.distance the suction liquid level is below the center line of the pump
C.force necessary to overcome frictional losses in the pump and piping.
D.amount in inches of mercury the total suction head is below atmospheric pressure

33- which of the following form of inert gas is not used on gas carrier?

a) inert gas from combustion type generators.

b) nitrogen from shipboard production system.
c) pure nitrogen taken from shore
d) inert gas generated in ship's boilers.
Answer-D (Because in gas tanker v use to have IG GENERATOR, NITROGEN GENERATOR

34- The gland packing on centrifugal pump shaft should:

A. Not allow any leakage under positive suction pressure
B. Should only allow drop by drop continuous leakage under positive suction pressure
C. Should only allow drop by drop continual leakage under positive suction pressure
D. Should allow considerable leakage as gland packings are meant to allow considerable leakage

35- The purpose of an air cooler in a supercharging system is to :

A.Reduce temperature of supercharged air in order to condense and remove maximum possible
moisture from the air prior entry to the engine
B.Reduce the temperature of the supercharged air in order to increase the density & also to cool
down below dew point to remove moisture from air prior entry to the engine
C.Cool supercharged air to increase its density such that the dew point is not reached to avoid entry
of moisture into the engine
D.Cool supercharged air to increase it???s density and also to keep the peak temperature and exhaust
gas temperature within limits

36- Most T/C have -------- flow type of Compressor and --------flow type of Rotor
a. Centrifugal Radial , Impeller axial
b. Centrifugal axial, Impeller radial---ans doubt
c. Centrifugal mixed, Reaction Radial
d. Rotary axial, Reaction Radial


37- It is a known fact that centrifugal pumps require priming for pumping liquids , as they cannot
handle air and will lose suction due to air entry . But on the other hand T/Cs use centrifugal
compressors for supercharging . Which of the following do you think makes a centrifugal
compressors to pump air and behave differently than the centrifugal pumps?
A.Presence of air cooler
B.Presence of Labyrinth seal
C.High speed of rotation , very fine internal clearences and large impeller diameters
D.Difference in principle of operation

38- Modern marine turbochargers use a ___________ type of compressor

A.Radial flow
B.Axial flow
C.Mixed flow
D.Turbulent flow

39- What do you mean by surge limit of a turbocharger?

A. Characteristic curve of a turbocharger
B. Portion of compressor characteristic curve which lies on the left side of the point of maximum
C. A line joining all the points of maximum pressure on compressor characteristic curves , drawn at
various speeds of operation
D. Maximum rpm limit of T/C above which surging will start

40- With full load on the main engine, the RPM for the turbocharger is too low. What may cause
A The diffuser ring is damaged.
B Exhaust temperatures on the main engine are too high.
C Dirty nozzle ring.
D The lubricating oil pump is malfunctioning.
Answer-Not Sure

41- A partial opening of which of the following kinds of valves can lead to wire -drawing of its seat?
A.Globe Valve
B.Butterfly valve
C.Gate Valve
D.Full bore angle valve

42- Scale formation in a fresh water generator evaporator can lead to ____________________
A.Impaired heat transfer
B.Reduced capacity
C.Increased shell temperature
D.All of the above
43- The pumps performance depends upon
A. Clearance between the wear ring and the impeller
B. Clearance between the impeller and the casing
C. Clearance between impeller and shaft
D. Clearance between mechanical seal and shaft

44- Mechanical seal are not used in ...


45- A pump being used to deballast for peak tank which is full, it it seen that suction pressure is
Positive and this pressure is very low compared to rated discharge head, it indicates that
a. Pump is not operating satisfactorily n pump capacity is too low

b. Pump is not operating satisfactorily n Pumping capacity is higher than rated, Throttling of
discharge valve is reqd.
c. Pumping capacity is not affected by suc n discharge pressure
d. Pump is operating normally
Answer-May be D Not Sure

46- Which of the following can lead to premature failure of roller bearings?
A. Misalignment
B. Contamination
C. Shrinkage
D. Over greasing

47- For a main engine fuel system which has a 5 micron filter ,a super decanter is usually fitted-a)before the purifier
b)after the purifier
c)after the 5 micron filter to ME
d)before the horizontal clarifier

48- Pump, when coupled to constant speed motor , the discharge quantity will not change with
following pumps
A. heleshaw
B. steering gear swash plate type
C. Gear pump
D. None
49- If a bilge pump is able to develop vacuum, but is unable to sufficiently pump out the bilges, you
would check for ________.
1. the circuit breaker
2. for leaks in the suction piping
3. relief valve is not properly seated
4. the suction strainer


50- Which of the following is the material used for manufacturing tube plates of a shell and tube type
heat exchanger?
A. Cupro-nickel
B. Aluminum Brass
C. Admiralty Brass
D. Gunmetal

Multiple Choice Question

51- Amount of distilled water produced in fresh water generator onboard decreases with
A. Increase in vacuum in the fresh water generator shell
B. Decrease in sea water temperature
C. Decrease in efficiency of heat exchanger
D. Increase in sea water temperature
Answer-C and D

52- Which of the following is most suited to act as a deck air compressor?
A. Lobe type
B. Reciprocating type
C. Screw type
D. None of the above

53- Which of the listed conditions can lead to cavitation in a centrifugal pump?
A. Vapor pockets formed in the suction flow stream
B. Rough casing volute surfaces
C. Worn wearing rings
D. Heavy fluid in the flow stream

54- What is a function of the wearing rings used in most centrifugal pumps?

A. Absorb erosion of high velocity discharge stream

B. Seal pump shaft against entry of air
C. Isolate the discharge side from the suction side
D. Dampen the turbulent discharge flow
55- Frequent cutting- in & cutting -out of a fresh water pump on a hydrophone system indicates
which of the following?
A. Nothing abnormal
B. Excessive air charge
C. Insufficient air charge
D. The differential setting between cut-in and cut out is too low

56- In case of failure of the control system of a centrifuge,the correct sequence for manually
desludging a purifier would beA.Stop feed-give sealing water-close sealing water -shut operating water-open and close desludging
water quickly
B.Stop feed- shut operating water-open and close desludging water quickly
C.Shut operating water-stop feed- open sealing water for a short time then close-open and close
desludging water quickly
D.Shut operating water- stop feed- open and close desludging water quickly

57- The timing of the engine is delayed. The exhaust temperatures are high. How would you expect
this to affect the turbocharger?
A Decreased turbocharger revolutions.
B Surging of the turbocharger.
C Increased turbocharger revolutions
D Higher air and gas temperature after turbocharger.
(Because if after ignition is occuring there will be more pr when the piston uncovers the ports hence
more back pr where as the exh gases are not turning the turbine.(low exh) hence surging)

58- What is the meaning of the term "valve clearance"?

A The clearance between the rocker arm and valve pushrod.
B The clearance between valve spindle disc and seat.
C The clearance between the rocker arm and camshaft pushrod.
D The clearance between the rocker arm and valve pushrod in either warm or cold state.

59- Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

A. Butterfly valves are used for modulating flow and can be throttled
B.Globe Valves can be straight flow or angle flow type
C. Swing check valve will provide lesser resistance than same bore diameter globe type check valve
D. In a globe type valves, mechanical seals are used for providing sealing between the valve bonnet
and the spindle

60- What ensures correction axial location of a thin shell bearing in its housing, for correct alignment
of the oil holes ?
A. The nip or crush of the bearing
B. Location tangs or pegs
C. Dowels or keys
D. None of the above
61- Auto Clean filter are cleaned by Means of
a. Compressed air
b. Turning the spindle
c. Backflushing
d. All of the above
Answer-B.... ref mc george... pag 136

62- Which of the following types of crankshafts is much lighter at similar power requirements?
A. Fully built type
B. Semi built, all welded type
C. Semi built type

D. Solid forged type


63- which of the following statement is false.

a I G is required in gas carrier
b I G is required in cofferdam
C.I G is not mandatory
D.None of the above

64- A multistage centrifugal pump is normally used

A) High head
B) High discharge flow
C) High viscous fluids
D) Low viscous fluid

65- In which of the following steering modes, rudder will be locked at a particular angle until next
manual order?
A. Follow up
B. Auto pilot
C. Non Follow up
D. None of the above

66- If water contamination occurs in the crankcase oil of an auxiliary engine the oil viscosity will:A Increase.
B Nothing happens
C Stay at the same.
D Decrease.
Answer-A (Because Emulsification Increase the viscosity)
Q- Proper lubrication of the main bearings is more easily obtained in a single acting four-stroke/cycle
diesel engine than a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine because

a)bearing pressure in a four-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversed

b)bearing pressure in a two-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversed
c)the maximum bearing pressure is higher in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine
d)two-stroke/cycle diesel engines require more complicated lubrication piping

67- A unit type fuel injector is used on a diesel engine to

a)meter the fuel
b)produce the proper fuel oil pressure
c)atomize the fuel
d)all of the above

68- The air spring pressure to prevent ME exhaust valve hammer is in the region of
a)2 kg
c)12 kg
d)14 kg

69- Coked material remaining after an oil has been exposed to high temperature, is an indication of
the coke forming tendency of the oil. It can be expressed as
A. Conradson
B. Ramsbottom
C. Micro Carbon Residue(MCR)
D. Any of the above

70- When the prime movers of two paralleled generators, equipped with mechanical-hydraulic
governors, are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed drop
will a)pick up more of any increase in load
b)pick up less of any increase in load

c)share an equal amount of any increase in load

d)drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

71- While calibrating bourdan tube gauge..adjustment should be made by

. increasing the sector to pivot point length
. resetting the pointer on shaft
. decreasing the sector to pivot point length
. increasing the set screw length Answer-Not Sure
72- It is given that engine room bilge pump has suction manifold on which 3 valves are located. One
valve for the 3 engine room bilge wells suction, another one for Bilge tank suction and the third one
is for sea water suction. It is found that the Bilge pump is unable to take suction from any of the bilge
wells, but is able to take suction efficiently from Bilge tank. What is the most probable cause?
A. Pump suction filter cover gasket leaking
B. Suction filter cover gasket of one of the Bilge wells is leaking
C. Bilge well suction pipeline leaking between individual bilge well valves and suction manifold
D. Bilge pump suction pipeline leaking between the manifold and the pump

73- Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products
through the same piping system aboard a tanker?
Contamination of the cargo
Flash points
Reid vapor pressures
Specific gravities
Answer-Not Sure

74- Leaking valves in a low pressure, reciprocating, air compressor can result from __________ .
excessive compressor discharge pressure
operating the compressor at excessive speed
uneven piston stroke in the compressor
abrasion by dust and dirt

Tricky Question Answer will be anyone of them But You Have to Choose the Most Appropriate

75- when the control lever actuates in sterring gear. two motors and the control can be actuated manual opearation one motor and control can be achieved

76- Overall length of pairs of rams is reduced in which of the following tiller designs of a steering
gear arrangement?
A. Forked tiller design
B. Round arm tiller design
C. Conventional tiller design
D. None of the above

77- Inert Gas System on board tankers is used during which of the following operationsA.Inerting of empty tanks
B.Inerting during crude oil washing
C.Purging before gas freeing
D.All of the above
78- In case of failure of control air supply ,some valves continue locked in the position they were at
the time of failure. They are said to beA.Fail-safe
B.Fail proof
D.Fail -blocked
(If you find some Questions are Repeating it mean that question repeats in the next year)

79- Too high Calculated Carbon Aromaticity index (CCAI) of fuel oil indicates:

A. Reduced ignition delay

B. Increased ignition delay
C. Reduced chances of knocking
D. None

80- The seating material for perfectly sealing type Ball valves is usually made up of
A. Rubber
B. PTFE or Nylon
C. Rubber reinforced with steel wire
D. Stainless steel

81- F.O. transfer pump was working efficiently, but it stopped taking suction suddenly. There is a
sounding of 6.0 m in the F.O. deep tank. The suction pressure gauge was renewed recently and is
showing a positive pressure when pump is running, but Pump is not transferring any F.O. What is the
most probable cause?
A. Pump is damaged and needs overhaul
B. Suction filter cover gasket might leaking
C. Pump relief valve might be leaking
D. The pump suction pipeline is blocked Answer-C (Because relief valve releases the excess pressure
not full recirculation ....but sme amt will be transferred ....this was happend in my ship in LO PUMP)

82- A high pressure differential in a main engine fuel oilfilter onboard can be best reduced by A.
Back flushing the filter manually B. Stopping the main engine to change the filter element C.
Changing over to stand by filter if provided D. None of the above
Answer-A (Because by changing on to the other filter u r not reducing the differencial pr in that filter

83- When removing the cap from a sounding tube on a MODU, the sound of air escaping indicates
(a) the tank is full
(b) the tank may be partially flooded

(c) the tank level has dropped

(d) the tank is completely flooded
84- Vaccum evaporators onboard are tested for max vaccum by
A. pr. testing of evaporator shell
B. carry out leak test for distillate pp at sea
C. carry out leak test for vaccum pp and fittings
D. leak test evaporator shell
Answer-A and D

85- The theoretical minimum compression ratio necessary to ensure compression ignition in a direct
injection diesel engine is __________ .
A 10:01
B 12:01
C 08:01
D all of the above

86- When both the steering motors are in use??

1) 12 nautical miles near port
2) pilot on-board
3) navigational prblm
4) all the above

87- Subsequent to a oil spill in Engine Room and ingress of oil in the bilge wells ,the best course of
action is to _______________________________
A.Use oil spill dispersant chemical in the bilge wells
B.Transfer the oily mixture and let it settle in the bilge holding tank/bilge separator tank
C.Transfer the oily mixture using a portable pneumatic pump to a waste oil tank and then physically
demuck and clean the bilge wells using environment friendly cleaner
D.Dilute the bilge wells by flooding with water and then use the general service pump to pump out
the bilges


88- The muffling of exhaust gas noise in 4 stroke auxiliary engines in achieved by
(a) Allowing the gas to expand.
(b) Change the direction of their flow.
(c) Cool the gas with injected water.
(d) Cool the gas with scavenge air.
Answer-A and B

89- Electric and electro-hydraulic steering gear motors are required by Coast Guard Regulations (46
CFR) to be _________.
A. protected by a circuit breaker set at 125% and a thermal overload device
B. provided with a running motor overcurrent protection device
C. served by a single two conductor cable
D. served by two feeder circuits
Answer-D (Because Steering gear motor do not have any trip for safety reason )
90- We have a problem with vibration in the turbocharger. What might be the cause?
A Dirty air inlet filter.
B The turbine rotor is not balanced
C The lubricating oil needs to be changed.
D Worn out turbocharger bearings.
Answer-B and D (B Becoz if any othe turbine blade hs been worn out or something turbine wil nt be
balanced D Becoz naturally if the roller or balll baering hs been wotn it in either turbine or comprsr
side respectively vibrations wud be producd)

91- Two compressors should not be run in parallel because

A.It is not efficient to run two compressors
B.It will give over capacity in the system
C.There is possibility of losing oil from the compressors
D.A and B

Important Question for MMD

92- You have valves of same bore diameter but of different types. Which of the following is arranged
in the decreasing order closing torque required for giving a perfect seal?
A. Globe valve, Ball valve, Butterfly valve(rubber seat)
B. Ball valve, Globe valve, Butterfly valve(rubber seat)
C. Butterfly valve(rubber seat), Globe valve, Ball valve
D. Globe valve, Butterfly valve(rubber seat), Ball Valve

93- G.E overspeed trip what will u check

a governer is not responding(ANS)
b.fuel system
c.moving parts (crank shaft)
d.all of the above

94- With full load on the main engine, the turbocharger tachometer reads: Too low RPM. Why?
A Damaged connection between pick- up and tachometer unit
B Pick up is not connected to turbocharger.
C Turbocharger need to be cleaned/ overhauled.
D Pick up for tachometer is wrongly adjusted.

95- To reduce the weight of the reciprocating parts pistons of high speed engines are made
considerably shorter.This results in__________
A. less piston slap and quiter running
B.increased crankshaft bearing wear
C.slightly greater piston wear
D.decreased side pressure

96- The cylinders and intercoolers of most low pressure air compressors are cooled by
A. water
B. oil
C. air
D. CO2

97- The effect of excessive tappet clearance in 4 stroke auxillary engineA. Increased engine efficiency as expansion can take place for a longer duration and less energy
wasted with the exhaust gases
B. Valve hammering, change in timing of exhaust with more side thurst causing greater wear
between stem and bush
C. Loss in compression, poor combustion, improper mixing of fuel & air and gas gas leakage due to
improper closing of valve
D. Turbocharger surging, loss of rotation of valve spindle and high exhaust temperatures

98- Sequential starting of machineries after black out in engine room is necessary
A. To prevent overload of Generators
B. To quickly restore the failed power supply in order
C. To prevent damage to machinery which has been switched off
D. All of the above
Answer-A (because sequential starting is to prevent generator from overloading it has nothing to do
with damage with machinery. it just starts the machinery in sequence which are needed first...
preference... else bcouse if all r started once all the load will come on generator and it will get trip...
as starting current is high for motors)

99- Most steam traps respond well to cleaning. But when a thermodynamic trap fails to operate after
cleaning, the next course of action should be:
A. Throttle the steam outlet valve
B. Renew the trap
C. Lap the disc and the seat of the trap
D. Throttle the steam inlet valve


100- Over greasing Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

A. Butterfly valves are used for modulating flow and can be throttled
B. Globe Valves can be straight flow or angle flow type
C. Swing check valve will provide lesser resistance than same bore diameter globe type check valve
D. In a globe type valves, mechanical seals are used for providing sealing between the valve bonnet
and the spindle

101- Kinetic energy is converted into pressure energy in a turbocharger compressor by :

A. Combined diffuser and nozzle ring
B. Nozzle ring only
C. Combined diffuser and volute casing
D. Volute casing only
102- centrifugal pump will typically give you a low flow rate at a lower pressure, where a piston
pump will give you more pressure and higher flow rate. Is the statement correct?
C. First Sentence is right. Second one is wrong
D. I Don't know

103- Why are large centrifugal pumps started with their discharge valves closed?
A. To ensure proper priming
B. To limit sudden rise in discharge rate
C. To limit motor starting current
D. To minimize starting torque on motor shaft
Answer-C and D

104- Which of the following problems occurring in a hydraulic system can be caused by the use of an
oil having a viscosity lower than specified?

a Seal deterioration
b Fast response and hunting
c Increased power consumption
d Oil film breakdown

MMD Important Question

105- The suction pressure gauge of the Engine room bilge pump is broken and you dont have a
spare. Chief Engineer has asked you to troubleshoot the problem with Bilge pump not taking suction
from Fwd (P) bilge well. You try taking suction from Fwd (S) & Aft Bilge well and find that pump is
taking good suction. Thereafter you try suction from Fwd. (P) bilge well for sometime after priming
with Sea Water but there is no change in level. You inspect the suction filter of the pump and find
that it is very difficult to remove the same, you had to apply too much of force to lift the filter cover
while normally it comes out easily. What does it indicate?
A. It does not indicate anything, sometimes the filter covers are difficult to remove.
B. It indicates that the suction valve of the Fwd. Bilge Pump is leaking
C. It indicates that the suction filter of the Fwd. (P) bilge well is clogged completely
D. Pump suction filter might be clogged

106- Sludge pump suction pressure is going full vacuum when you start the pump taking water of
double bottom tank suction you have checked the suction filter n found in clean condition. Taking
suction from fuel oil sludge tank does not happen. Causes of the problem.
A) Pump is not working efficiently n reqd. overhauling
B) FO sludge tank suction valve is leaking
C) W.O. tank D.B. tank suction pipeline has a blockage.
D) Cant say what is the problem but definitely the pump needs to be opened up for overhaul

107- The overspeeding of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause
A. low voltage trip to trip
B. reverse power trip to trip
C. damage to windings
D. excessive exhaust temperatures

108- A fluctuating and unsteady vacuum in an evaporator may be caused by _____________.
1. wet steam entering the air ejector nozzle
2. pinhole leaks in the evaporator tube nests
3. rapid scaling on the evaporator tube nests
4. high water levels in the last effect

109- Which of the main shaft segments listed below, that are connected with the main engine, are
coupled to the tail shaft flange?
a. Thrust shaft
b. Stern-tube shaft
c. Intermediate shaft
d. Crank shaft

110- Piping cross-sections over 30 cm in diameter are sized by the __________.

a. inside diameter
b. wall thickness
c. outside diameter
d. threaded diameter

MMD Important Question

111- You have overhauled a centrifugal pump and while assembling forgot to install the o-ring
between the sleeve (provided in way of gland packing) and the shaft. What impact does this have?
(single answer)
e) It will not affect the pump in any way
f) It will cause leakage of fluid(air/water) in between the shaft and the sleeve and will affect the
pump performance
g) It will not affect the pump performance n any way but will corrode the shaft between the o-ring
and shaft
h) It will cause dynamic imbalance of the shaft


112- Correct method of greasing a centrifugal pump bearing is:

A. To pump the grease until you feel high back pressure on the Grease pump
B. To pump the greasefor 3-4 pumping strokes of Grease pump for each bearing
C. To pump the grease when the pump is stopped and drain any old grease at the same time by
opening the drain plug, giving only 3-4 pumping strokes on Grease pump for each bearing. the drain
plug should then be replaced
D. To pump the grease when the pump is running and drain any old grease at the same time by
opening the drain plug, until all the old grease is removed and new grease starts coming out of the
drain, repeating same for each bearing. the drain plug should then be replaced

113- Why is it essential to renew turbocharger bearings after a preset number of hours of running
even if the bearings are in seemingly perfect condition?
A. Because they are prone to failure due to prolonged exposure to high temperature conditions.
B. Because they are subject to cyclic loading and are prone to failure due to metal fatigue.
C. It is not essential to renew if condition monitoring suggests perfect condition.
D. Lube oil contamination is bound to occur and affect the condition of the bearings.


114- What long term effect will excessively high temperature have on lubricating oil quality?
A Cause oxidation which reduce viscosity.
B Evaporates the oil giving high consumption.
C The oil flashpoint will be changed.
D Cause oxidation which increase viscosity.

115- You have checked the oil viscosity in an auxiliary engine with the viscosity test kit. The result
shows that the viscosity is high. What will you do?
A Decrease the cooling water temperature for the oil.
B Clean the system and change the oil

C Increase the cooling water temperature for the oil.

D Increase the lub oil pressure.

116- If 3 Centrifugal pumps are running in parallel and the backpressure is substantially increased,
what effect will be observed on the pumps in use.
A.Flow rate will reduce.
B.Increase in the pump casing temperature.
C.Safety alarms and trips (high casing Temperature) will activate, if no corrective action taken
D.All of the above.

117- Valves used in diesel engine fuel oil pressure piping are to be
a)installed to close against flow
b)solenoid released upon the failure of engine lubrication
c)either of the gate or globe valve type
d)forge constructed under the approval of the Marine Inspector

118- When specified Discharge pressure is not achieved, The Possible cause could be?
A. Discharge pressure too high
B. Pump speed too low
C. Casing ring is worn out
D. Cavitations exists
E. All of the above
Answer-B,C and D

119- Pump Start But Motor gets overloaded or Trip on overload.

A. Alignment is wrong
B. Gland packing too tight
C. Worn out / Damaged ball bearing
D. Cavitations exists
E. All of the above

Answer-A,B and C
120- A normal manometer reading of turbocharger air suction filter and normal speed of the
turbocharger but reduced scavenge air pressure may be due to:
A. Fouling of the nozzle ring
B. Fouling of diffuser or compressor wheel
C. Fouling of the turbine
D. Cold climate

121- length of the rams is decreased in which type of sterring gear?

a. fork type
b. circular type
c. conventional type
d. none of the above

122- Following method is sometimes used in constant pressure turbochargers of a 4-stroke diesel
alternators during starting and rapid acceleration :
A. Auxiliary electrical blowers assisting turbochargers during starting
B. Auxiliary shaft driven blowers assisting turbochargers during starting
C. Auxiliary air drive for turbocharger acceleration during starting
D. Variable geometry turbocharging

123- The difference between rotocap and spinners for rotating exhaust valve spindle is that:
A. Rotocaps rotate the valves while closing, while spinners rotate them while opening
B. Rotocaps rotate the valves while opening, while spinners rotate them while closing
C. Rotocaps rotate the valves while opening, while spinners rotate the valve for the entire duration
until valve is seated

124- the difference between water washing and dry cleaning the TC turbine is

a)there is no difference one is wet, the other is dry

b)wet washing requires reduced load
c)dry cleaning requires reduced load
d)none of the above

125- Some 4-stroke engines are fitted with a rotorcap on the cylinder head valves. For what reason?
A. Rotate the inlet valve during operation.
B. Distribute the exhaust gas or the air inlet better to improve combustion.
C. Improve the scaling surface function, increase the service time of the exhaust valve in the engine
D. To prevent the valve spindle from sticking


126- You must have worked with mooring winch and windlass hydraulic systems. The cooling of
hydraulic oil for the above system on large merchant ships is provided by:
A. There is no cooling arrangement as the system doesnt require cooling
B. Air cooled hydraulic reservoir
C. Water cooled plate or shell type heat exchangers
D. Radiator and fan arrangement Answer-C

127- Gudgeonpin bearings are difficult to lubricate because of their oscillating motion
A. Their free- floating design
B. Their relatively small size
C. The reciprocating motion of the piston
D. Their position in the lubrication system

128- The purpose of an air cooler in a supercharging system is to :

A. Reduce temperature of supercharged air in order to condense and remove maximum possible
moisture from the air prior entry to the engine

B. Reduce the temperature of the supercharged air in order to increase the density & also to cool
down below dew point to remove moisture from air prior entry to the engine
C. Cool supercharged air to increase its density such that the dew point is not reached to avoid entry
of moisture into the engine
D. Cool supercharged air to increase its density and also to keep the peak temperature and exhaust
gas temperature within limits

129- Which of the following can lead to premature failure of roller bearings?
A. Misalignment
B. Contamination
C. Shrinkage
D. Over greasing
Answer-A,B and D

130- When may the crankcase ventilation pipes or oil drain pipes of two or more engines be
A. Propulsion engines under 1000 shaft horsepower may share a common crankcase vent provided
the oil drains remain separate
B. In most cases it is desirable and cost effective for propulsion engines to share a common
crankcase ventilation and monitoring system
C. No interconnection may be made between the crank case ventilation pipes or oil drain pipes

131- you are pumping out sludge to a shore facility using your sludge pump. you find that the
discharge rate of pump is very slow and suction filter is getting clogged frequently.what is the best
alternative to counteract the problem?
a.remove the pump suction filter and pump out the tank
b. increase the tank temperature, keep an eye on the pump suction pressure and clean the filter as
soon as it drops
c. as soon as the as the shore facility tells you that they are not receiving any sludge, you stop the
pump and clean the filter
d. fabricate a bigger mesh size suction filter and use in place of normal filter so that frequency of
filter blockage is reduced and you can get a better discharge rate

132- Double entry impellers have a distinct advantage over single entry impeller. What is it?
A. They balance out the axial thrust
B. It gives a higher pumping efficiency
C. It is cheaper and easier to manufacture
D. The need of installing line bearing onto the pump shaft is eliminated

133- What prevents rotation and fretting between a thin shell bearing and its housing ?
A. Location tangs or pegs
B. The nip or crush of the bearing
C. A special kind of adhesive
D. Any of the above

134- Clearance volume scavenging in a turbocharged,four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is accomplished

A. during the valve overlap period
B. with only the exhaust valve open
C. at a pressure below atmospheric
D. without cooling the cylinders or pistons

MMD Important Question

135- U R responsible for daily transfers of engine room bilges. U follow the sequences aft fwd (P)fwd(s) bilge well n u have never experienced a problem but 5/E started the transfer n first transferred
forward (s) bilge well n without any problem n u join him later u find that bilge pump is not taking
suction fr f(p) n aft bilge well n then u have checked everything is normal. What is the cause?
A) 5th engineer made a mistake by 1st transferring the fwd (s) bilge well, normal sequence of
operation for engine room machineries should not b disturbed.
B) fwd (s) Bilge well suction valve is leaking
C) Bilge pump suction filter cover gasket is leaking.
D) Fwd (s) Bilge well suction filter cover gasket is leaking

136- An emergency diesel generator cooling system is equipped with an automotive type thermostat.
If the thermostat bellows loses its charge, the thermostat will
a)open, and the coolant temperature will increase
b)open, and the coolant temperature will decrease
c)close, and the engine coolant temperature will increase
d)close, and the coolant temperature will decrease

137- The turbocharger (constant pressure) is making "whoofing" noises. What might be the cause?
A Heavy seas from behind.
B A faulty turbocharger bearing.
C One or more leaking exhaust-valve(s).
D Strong current against
Answer-Not sure Check in ForumsQ138.In case of failure of the control system of a centrifuge, the correct sequence for manually
desludging a purifier would beA. Stop feed-give sealing water-close sealing water shut operating water-open and close desludging
water quickly
B. Stop feed- shut operating water-open and close desludging water quickly
C. Shut operating water-stop feed- open sealing water for a short time then close-open and close
desludging water quickly
D. Shut operating water- stop feed- open and close desludging water quickly

139- Centrifugal pump change over for pumping liquid of high specific gravity the discharge at the
rated capacity will be
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Same
d. Convert 50%

140- screw pump generally?

a. slow speed
b. high
c. medium
d. all.
Answer-A (But in some cases it is medium speed also)

141- The type of corrosion normally occurring in cooling Fresh Water systems of Marine Diesel
Engines is :
A. Stress corrosion
B. Hot corrosion
C. Bimetallic corrosion
D. Selective Phase corrosion

142- Normally so called??? Single screw pumps??? Are used as sludge pumps in engine room. What
is correct technical name of these pumps?
e) Snake pump
f) Screw pump
g) Progressive cavity pump
h) Gerotor pump or gyrator pump

143- which of the not self actuating valve.

a. check valve
b. relief
c. ball
d. safety.

144.During cleaning of the sea water suction filter, it was found that at some places the mesh size has
increased either due to corrosion or due to mechanical Damage. What action is required?

A. No action is required, it is quite normal for sea water filters to get corroded and it will not effect
the pump in anyway
B. Keep the pump which is having corroded filter on standby use while keep using the other pump.
Meanwhile order for the new filter
C. The pump can be run without filter for a short time, while the filter is being repaired
D. Permanent repairs to the filters should be carried out before putting it into service, or it should be
replaced with good spare filter


145- Which of the following conditions can develop if a valve with a badly scored valve stem is
a)the valve disc will crack
b)leaking and premature failure of the packing
c)the valve disc will become eroded
d)the valve seat will sustain damage due to fretting

MMD Important Question

146- You have a two stage centrifugal pump, with both stages in parallel configuration. after
dismantling the pump you realize that you forgot to the marking and both impellers are identical.both
the impellers are single entry type and the eye of both the impellers will come in opposite direction
what are you going to do?
a. since marking was forgotten, so we need not worry, any impeller can come in any place as they are
b. any impeller can come in any place, but the phase sequence of the electrical motor driving the
pump may have to be reversed, if impellers have exchanged places
c. you have to find out the right placement of the right impeller with respect to the direction of
rotation or by looking at the volute casing

147- If two centrifugal pumps, driven by two independent electric motors, operating at unequal
speeds are discharging an inflammable liquid through a common discharge line, the higher speed
pump may cause the slower pump to

b)turn backward
d)overspeed the driving end

148- When there is excessive ingress of water in the engine room onboard causing dangerous levels
of bilge water,
A.Start oily water separator and pump overboard
B.Start General service pump and pump bilges overboard
C.Use bilge injection valve and pump bilges overboard
D.None of the above

149- Which of the following is the material used for manufacturing tube plates of a shell and tube
type heat exchanger?
A. Cupro-nickel
B. Aluminum Brass
C. Admiralty Brass
D. Gunmetal

150- which of the following valve is liable to open or close under pressure of fluid,if not locked in
A.gate valve,
B.globe valve,
C.plug valve,
D.butterfly valve

151- During prolonged astern manoeuvring of the relative expansion between any of the turbine its
casing is likely to increase for an alarming level you should (multi choice) in photo no3 in download
A) Inform the bridge that no further manoeuvring is possible as the turbine are likely to be damaged
B) Reduce the vacuum further to control the relative expansion

C) Keep manoeuvring irrespective of damage to the turbines

D) Request the bridge to try to reduce number of astern movements

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