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Analytical Dynamics

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Analytical dynamics

For dynamics as the time evolution of physical processes, dealing with determination of the motion of bodies resee Dynamics (mechanics).
sulting from the action of specied forces;[7] another approach separated statics, and combined kinetics and kine[8][9]
This approach is
In classical mechanics, analytical dynamics, or more matics under the rubric dynamics.
common in engineering books on mechanics, and is still
briey dynamics, is concerned about the relationship between motion of bodies and its causes, namely the forces in widespread use among mechanicians.
acting on the bodies and the properties of the bodies (particularly mass and moment of inertia). The foundation
2.1 Fundamental importance in engineerof modern-day dynamics is Newtonian mechanics and its
ing, diminishing emphasis in physics
reformulation as Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian
Today, dynamics and kinematics continue to be considered the two pillars of classical mechanics. Dynamics is
still included in mechanical, aerospace, and other engi1 History
neering curricula because of its importance in machine
design, the design of land, sea, air and space vehicles and
The eld has a long and important history, as remarked other applications. However, few modern physicists conby Hamilton: The theoretical development of the laws of cern themselves with an independent treatment of dymotion of bodies is a problem of such interest and impor- namics or kinematics, nevermind statics or kinettance that it has engaged the attention of all the eminent ics. Instead, the entire undierentiated subject is remathematicians since the invention of the dynamics as a ferred to as classical mechanics. In fact, many undergradmathematical science by Galileo, and especially since the uate and graduate text books since mid-20th century on
wonderful extension which was given to that science by classical mechanics lack chapters titled dynamics or
Newton. William Rowan Hamilton, 1834 (Transcribed kinematics.[3][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] In these books,
in Classical Mechanics by J.R. Taylor, p. 237[3] )
although the word dynamics is used when acceleration
Some authors (for example, Taylor (2005) and Green- is ascribed to a force, the word kinetics is never menexwood (1997)[4] ) include special relativity within classical tioned. However, clear exceptions exist. Prominent
List of Fundamental Dynamics Principles

Relationship to statics, kinetics,

and kinematics

Newtons laws of motion


Historically, there were three branches of classical mechanics:


"statics" (the study of equilibrium and its relation to


Newtons law of universal gravitation

"kinetics" (the study of motion and its relation to

forces),[5] and

Special theory of relativity

"kinematics" (dealing with the implications of observed motions without regard for circumstances
causing them).[6]

3 Axioms and mathematical treatments

These three subjects have been connected to dynamics in

several ways. One approach combined statics and kinetics under the name dynamics, which became the branch

Variational principles and Lagrange's equations

Hamilton's equations

Canonical transformations
Hamilton-Jacobi Theory

Related engineering branches

Particle dynamics
Rigid body dynamics
Deformation mechanics
Fluid dynamics
Gas dynamics


Related subjects



[1] Chris Doran, Anthony N. Lasenby (2003). Geometric Algebra for Physicists. Cambridge University Press. p. 54.
ISBN 0-521-48022-1.
[2] Cornelius Lanczos (1986). The variational principles of
mechanics (Reprint of 4th Edition of 1970 ed.). Dover
Publications Inc. pp. 56. ISBN 0-486-65067-7.
[3] John Robert Taylor (2005). Classical Mechanics. University Science Books. ISBN 978-1-891389-22-1.
[4] Donald T Greenwood (1997). Classical Mechanics
(Reprint of 1977 ed.). Courier Dover Publications. p.
1. ISBN 0-486-69690-1.
[5] Thomas Wallace Wright (1896). Elements of Mechanics
Including Kinematics, Kinetics and Statics: with applications. E. and F. N. Spon. p. 85.
[6] Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1988). A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: With an
Introduction to the Problem of Three Bodies (Fourth edition of 1936 with foreword by Sir William McCrea ed.).
Cambridge University Press. p. Chapter 1, p. 1. ISBN
[7] James Gordon MacGregor (1887). An Elementary Treatise on Kinematics and Dynamics. Macmillan. p. v.
[8] Stephen Timoshenko, Donovan Harold Young (1956).
Engineering mechanics. McGraw Hill.
[9] Lakshmana C. Rao, J. Lakshminarasimhan, Raju Sethuraman, Srinivasan M. Sivakumar (2004). Engineering mechanics. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. p. vi. ISBN 81-2032189-8.


[10] David Hestenes (1999). New Foundations for Classical

Mechanics. Springer. p. 198. ISBN 0-7923-5514-8.
[11] R. Douglas Gregory (2006). Classical Mechanics: An Undergraduate Text. Cambridge University Press. ISBN
[12] Landau, L. D.; Lifshitz, E. M.; Sykes, J.B.; Bell, J. S.
(1976). Mechanics 1. Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN
[13] Jorge Valenzuela Jos, Eugene Jerome Saletan (1998).
Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-7506-2896-9.
[14] T. W. B. Kibble, Frank H. Berkshire (2004). Classical
Mechanics. Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1-86094435-2.
[15] Walter Greiner, S. Allan Bromley (2003). Classical Mechanics: Point Particles and Relativity. Springer. ISBN
[16] Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Wisdom Meinhard, Edwin
Mayer (2001). Structure and Interpretation of Classical
Mechanics. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-19455-6.
[17] Harald Iro (2002). A Modern Approach to Classical Mechanics. World Scientic. ISBN 978-981-238-213-9.
[18] Feynman, RP; Leighton, RB; Sands, M (2003). The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. 1 (Reprint of 1963 lectures
ed.). Perseus Books Group. p. Ch. 9 Newtons Laws of
Dynamics. ISBN 0-7382-0930-9.

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