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2015 Cal Dietz Presentation NSCA January Hyperlinked

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The document discusses various training protocols and considerations for developing different energy systems and athletic qualities over different time periods.

The three main energy systems discussed are the alactic anaerobic/CP system, the lactate/glycolysis system, and the aerobic/oxidative system.

Some examples of training protocols mentioned include workouts focusing on quality/speed, conditioning, or combining qualities for the alactic anaerobic system as well as high quality ratios and work capacity ratios for the lactate/glycolysis and aerobic systems.

Special Training Considerations

for Strength, Specificity, and

Energy Systems for Year Long
Cal Dietz
Thanks to many people.

Various Specificity of Athletes

Olympian 5-13
VJ 16.9 22.6
Pro Agility 5.35 4.49
E-10 Yard 1.97-1.84
E-20 Yard 3.29-3.04
Squat 155-235
Bench 120-155

Soon To Be Pro
-4 years in
-Hit Limit??
Work / Heart
-Specific 100
-Fast Twitch

Building the Base

Reasons for Training
What makes team Successful?
What are Key Qualities
Skill and Repeated Sprint Ability
RSA to me is Repeated Max Effort (RMEA)
How can I effect all Systems involved
Globally and Locally
Work on 3 Energy Systems involved in Future
Training Aerobic Most Important

- Sick?
- Lack of food

- Recovered?
- Aerobic

- Daughter

Building the Base

History of what your about to see - Tendo

The Bioenergetic Views- of Base Building
Anaerobic/Creatine Phosphate - 0-10 Seconds
Lactate/Glycolysis - +10 120 Seconds
Aerobic Heart Rate

Alactic Anaerobic / CP
High Quality Ratios
0-10 Seconds Work

Work Capacity Ratios

0-10 Seconds Work
Combining Qualities

2:30 5:00 Minutes
Reps 6 -8

:45 1:30 Minutes
Reps 8 - 16

Maxim Sokolov Moscow 2003 - VN Seluyanov 1996 - Vladimir Platonov Issurin - Yessis in Conversation

Alactic Anaerobic / CP Workout

Ideal Workouts
0-10 Seconds Work
1) Quality/Speed
2:30 5:00 Minutes Rest
Reps 6 - 8
2) Conditioning Focus
:45 1:30 Minutes
Reps 8 - 16

Combined Qualities Workout

0-10 Seconds Work
First Reps 6 - 8
2:30 5:00 Minutes Rest
Then Reduce Rest
:45 1:30 Minutes
Reps 8 - 16

High Quality Ratios
+10 120 Seconds Work

Work Capacity Ratios

+10 120 Seconds Work

2:30 5:00 Minutes
Rest up to 8 Minutes Elite
Reps 6 -8

:45 1:30 Minutes
Reps 6-10

Maxim Sokolov Moscow 2003 - VN Seluyanov 1996 - Vladimir Platonov Issurin - Yessis in Conversation

Aerobic / Oxidative
Non Adaptive Stress
Response 110 150 Heart
Stay under Lactate
Aerobic is the most

Various Protocols
Too many to list
Key components for Aerobic
Intervals for aerobic work
4 minutes max for good
Quality aerobic intervals
Long Duration Protocols

Sequence of 3 Training Blocks

Main Theory
Block 1) Aerobic 2 to 3 weeks Local & Systemic
Block 2) Lactate/Glycolysis - 2 to 3 weeks - Local &

Block 3) Alactic anaerobic / CP - 2 to 3 weeks Local & Systemic

Findings For Base Training

All Systems are Aerobic/O2 supported
Conundrum Elite Level Athlete
Shot Putter Aerobic Capacity How?

Contralateral 65 Station
Modified EDT - 4 to 8 minutes
5 Minute Isometric Holds - Djatschkov

Benefits of Contralateral
Lateral Sling

Brain Considerations for Programing - Future

Lateral Sling

Running most effective - Forces

Strong man
Isometric Flexion

Compatible Aerobic work

Metabolic Injury Prevention Running
120 versus
Pre Season

30 Second Isometric
EDT Methods High Reps

Alactic anaerobic / CP - Block

10 Second Isometric
10 Second OC
Extreme Myelination Circuit

Sequence of 3 Training Blocks

Main Theory 4 to 9 Weeks
Block 1) Aerobic 2 to 3 weeks Local & Systemic

Block 2) Lactate/Glycolysis - 2 to 3 weeks Local & Systemic

Block 3) Alactic anaerobic / CP - 2 to 3
weeks - Local & Systemic

GPP Variables for Programming

GPP 9 Week Plan All Blocks Used-Max
3 Aerobic 3 Lactate 3 CP/Alactic
GPP 6 Week Plan All Blocks Used - Shortest
2 Aerobic 2 Lactate 2 CP/Alactic
GPP 6 Week Plan All Blocks 2 Aerobic 2 Lactate 2 CP/Alactic Trade CP

GPP Variables for Programing

GPP 6 Week Plan 2 Block Used
3 Aerobic 3 Lactate
GPP 4 Week Plan 2 Blocks Used - Shortest
2 Aerobic 2 Lactate

Closing GPP
Results Repeated Sprint Athletes that have 39 RHR
Strongest Wingate on Team
This is not Sport Specific
Base for Specificity Raise the Ceiling
Pain Cave Set 4 minute
90% load failure isometric around 10 seconds
50% load for failure 30 to 40 seconds
30-20% load for a total of 4 minutes

Most Advanced Method

Supra-maximal Loading- Off Season
120 to 100 % + Loading During
Most Effective Results in Speed and
Reactiveness - Results 3 to 6 weeks Post
Compressed Training Effect
Not Sport Specific
Adaptation for Time Principle

Various Aspects of Supramaximal

Strength for powerlifting
Strength for sportEnzyme
Maximal Muscle
Maximal Fast Twitch
Taxing on CNS
Hyperplasia of myofibrils in
muscle fibers

Increase in free creatine in

muscle fibers
Increase concentration of
hydrogen ions if duration
enough and or rest reduced
Hypertrophy of myofibrils
in fast muscle fibers
Joints and safety , tissue

Supramaximal Weekly Loading

Example of the Methods

Safety Bar Single Leg Squat Ecc Iso
Concentric Movement is 80 to 92% Load Blk3
Spotter Used on Both Sides and Back
Safety Pins are Positioned so only 5 or 6 inches
Drop if lift is Missed.
Examples Females 136 pounds Single leg 305
Examples Male 190 pounds Single leg 585
500/10 sec
Duration is under 10 seconds - Why 10

New Tissue Consideration

You should never lose sight of the ultimate goal, to
add new tissue. This requires balancing the hyperplastic
effect of the training against the strong tendency of the
body toward catabolism. Cortisol is the body's biochemical agent for catabolism. Training, particularly
heavy training, raises Cortisol levels. When Cortisol
levels rise, new tissue is favored over old tissue. This
raises the potential for a net loss of muscle tissue. This
is clearly counterproductive. Wesley James

Tissue Remodeling Biochemical

Triphasic tissue remodeling the consideration
to keep cortisol down should play a role in
Triphasic first two blocks with Eccentric and
isometric with maximal tissue adaption with 20
and 25 second sets.
After those sets possible sets rest periods are
extended and sets are reduced to under 10
seconds. Cluster Training concept.

Weekly Block Loading Model

Block Focus Monday



Block 1-2 Weeks

Loading Day 1

Loading Day 2

Loading Day 3





Block 2-2 Weeks

De-load week

De-load week

De-load week





De-load week

De-load week

De-load week





Block 3-2 Weeks

Con- Strength 85%

Con- Speed


Off Season-Loading Parameters


20%-30% 20-30

70% Iso - 70% Iso 50% OC 50% OC






Aerobic Aerobic Lactate








90% Iso 70%OC

90% Iso 70%OC

20%- 120% ,
120% , 20%30% 110%, 92% 110%, 92% 30%

Local - CP

Local - CP

DownDownEccentric Eccentric





20%-30% 80% Plus 80% Plus

Strength Strength
Focus Isometric Isometric Download 80%
Below 80% Download
Strength Strength




50%25% 50%-25% 50%-25%



Weekly State of Organism

- Self Report
Hormones 120
- Lack of Stress Functional
- Not One Model
- Management of
- Vegas Trip
- Triphasic 6

The Stress of Life-Considerations

Kids on Bus
Wound Healing Manage
Pro Athlete Emotion Ex wife
Lack of Sleep 1 Hour
Exam week
Most Advanced Training Method Training
In Season Example -

Real In-Season Maladaptation

Male 3 day Model French Contrast

My Sample Program

Video Split Squat

Safety Bar

Accelerated Band

Reading My Sheets

Exercise Selection
The Training Process in becoming Specific.
Magnitude of Load Impulse
Bondarchuck Dynamic Correspondence

Exercise Selection

Secrets to Exercise Selection

What am I trying to accomplish
Does it do what I want? Henk Specificity
The method of Completing Exercise
Kinematic Sequencing
Bracing Core Training Running
Butt Training?
Is it Sports Specific?

Henk Kraaijenhof

Henk Kraaijenhof

Secret to Performance

Skill is Key Everything is a Skill

Quality Reps 3 Reps
Fatigued Prevents Skill Development
Clusters Training 1+1+1+1+1+1
Potentiation Clusters

Potentiation Clusters
French Contrast Model
Exercise Selection
Acceleration/ Top End Speed
Bio Chemical Aspect of Method
Various Samples

Potentiation Clusters
Simple Contrast Model for high school - Acceleration
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% + Box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% + Box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% + Box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
Sport Back Squat - 1 rep 65-80% +Box Jump / 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2 to 4 sets

Potentiation Clusters
Top end Speed Running
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep1520 seconds Rest
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep1520 seconds Rest
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep1520 seconds Rest
Hex Dead lift - 1 rep 65-80% + Hurdle Hop / 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2 to 4 sets

Potentiation Clusters
Peaking Focus for Team Sports, Basic Approach
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep + Drop box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep + Drop box Jump /1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep + Drop box Jump / 1
rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump 1 rep +Drop box Jump / 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 1 to 3 sets

Potentiation Clusters
Peaking Focus for Team Sports, Advanced Athletes
25-30% Load Squat jump/1 rep +Drop box Jump/1 rep
+Acc. Band Jump/1 rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump/1 rep + Drop box Jump/1 rep
+Acc. Band Jump/1 rep15-20 seconds Rest
25-30% Load Squat jump/1 rep + Drop box Jump/1 rep
+ Accelerated Band Jump/1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2 to 4 sets

Physical exercises as a cybernetic system Nosko NM, Vlasenko, S., B. Sinigovets
N. R. Biochemical changes in the muscles during rest after physical
effort. Uk.bioch. Journ. 29:450-457, 1957.
Biochemical changes in the muscle on repeated work depending on the duration
of rest intervals between loads. Ihill. 30:66l-668, 1958.
Kuznetsov VV, Novikov AA The main thrust of the theoretical and experimental
studies of the modern system of training athletes / / Theor. andPract. nat. the cult.
Biochemical changes in the caused by protracted work once or several times.Ibizl.
312204-214, 1959


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Biological Principles in the Body's Adaptation to Training Loads OGOLTSOV

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