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Numerology: Discover Why You Are On Earth
Numerology: Discover Why You Are On Earth
Numerology: Discover Why You Are On Earth
Ebook314 pages5 hours

Numerology: Discover Why You Are On Earth

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Discover What Numerology Is And How It Works

Numerology is a universal language of numbers that has been used from ancient times. It can help you discover more about yourself, others, and the world.

Numerology will show you more about your personality, characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, inner wishes and desires, life path, soul purpose, and more. It will help you understand opportunities and influences in your life, and how to make the best of them. Numerology is not to foretell the future. It provides you with understanding and keys to explore and discover your own potential and destiny.

Used correctly, numerology can help you find a fulfilling work, life purpose, and the correct partner.

Inside Numerology You Will Discover:
• Explanation of the main numbers used in numerology.
• Easy-to-understand explanations and step-by-step calculations for over 36 aspects of you such as your life path and shadow number, transits, essence, pinnacles, challenges, karmic debts, and more.
• Calculations to discover your ultimate destiny, major soul lesson, important cycles in your life, inner child, and more.
• Personal cycles are explained to show you how to use numerology to make the most of each year and what to expect.
• Transits and essence numbers are explained to show you how to use numerology to discover how your full name affects you over a long period in combination with your personal year numbers.

These calculations and understandings will help you choose a suitable career, home, relationship, discover your natural abilities and strengths, your challenges, life lessons, and your potential.

The relationship between people is explored by showing you how people's soul urge and expression numbers affect the relationship. As well as how to compare other numbers in a relationship to help you choose the right partner or make the most of your current relationship.

If you want to know more about yourself, your life lessons, soul purpose, destiny, relationships with others, cycles in your life, and finding a career that will make you happy, then this book is for you.

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Release dateOct 1, 2019
Numerology: Discover Why You Are On Earth

Read more from Electra Valencia

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Numerology - Electra Valencia

Numbers are so interwoven in our lives, we often take them for granted. Birthdays, the time you get up in the morning, the age you feel you should have a family by, science, geometry, your house number, notes in music, and more.

Are your name and birthday random? Are you a product of random molecules that came together by chance? Science now proves there is nothing random about humans. That evolution cannot explain our DNA that just appeared 200K years ago. Research also shows that the sun and moon’s cycles pull and push the earth’s solid inner cure around the liquid outer core. This motion causes the earth’s magnetic field. That magnetic field and its fluctuations affect you. Even the solar flares on the sun have cycles, which affect your emotions, which in turn affect the decisions you make.

So if evolution cannot explain our DNA as just a product of molecules coming together by chance, and the conditions on earth are so finely balanced with the gravitational pull from the sun and moon, it seems that we are here by design. But for what purpose? What is the point of your existence? If we look at nature, we see that everything is always growing and evolving. We are here to evolve spiritually. And our name and birthday is a guide for us.

Numerology is an ancient study into how the vibrations in your name and birthdate affect your emotions, personality, and path in life. It gives you a blueprint as to who you are, and how you can evolve and become a better version of yourself.

This book will show you step-by-step how to easily discover a clearer and deeper understanding of who you are, how you respond to situations, what your deepest desires and fears are, and what your soul’s mission is.

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Disclaimer and Legal Notice

This book is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes. No guarantee is given that your life will improve in any way using the information, techniques, and ideas given throughout this book. Even with the best information at hand at what is best for you, you are ultimately responsible for taking action. Knowing what to do to enrich your life is only the beginning. You have to act to change your life.

Furthermore, you take full responsibility and karma for your actions. Numerology is a tool to be used responsibly to assist you in your life. To help you make better choices.

Numerology is largely a belief system. The information contained throughout this book may or may not be entirely accurate. Always follow your own wisdom and heart before making a decision.

Numerology is a tool that you can use for self-awareness. It is not a system to tell you how you should live your life. It gives you guidance on who you are. Your strengths and weaknesses. Your likes and dislikes. This knowledge allows you the opportunity to use your strengths and develop your weaknesses. To avoid your dislikes, and go for what you deep down desire in life. With the right knowledge, the decision becomes clear.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

In life, we are often our own worst enemy.

Table of Contents


Disclaimer and Legal Notice

Chapter 1: What Is Numerology?

Chapter 2: Origins of Numerology

Tarot and Numerology

Numerology In Other Cultures

Chapter 3: About Your Growth

Basic Self / Physical Plane

Conscious Self / Mind Plane

Higher Self / Soul Plane

Chapter 4: Astrology and Numerology Connection

Chapter 5: Introduction To The Number

Number 0

Number 1 / 10

Number 2 / 11

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Number 9

Master Number 11

Master Number 22

Chapter 6: Calculating Your Numbers

Chapter 7: Personality Number / Public Persona

Chapter 8: Social Consciousness

Chapter 9: Global Consciousness

Chapter 10: The Inner Self / Core / Soul Number

Chapter 11: The Inner Child

Chapter 12: The Sense Of Spirit

Chapter 13: Life Path / Ruling Number / Life Cycle

Chapter 14: Shadow Number

Chapter 15: Life Lesson

Chapter 16: Wisdom Number

Chapter 17: Birth Chart

Isolated Corner Numbers

Chapter 18: Lines of Pythagoras

Chapter 19: Name Chart

Changing Your Name


Chapter 20: Personal Year, Month and Day Number

Chapter 21: Soul Urge / Heart’s Desire Number

Minor Soul Urge

Chapter 22: The Quiet Self / Outer Expression Number

Chapter 23: Expression / Complete Name Number

Minor Expression

Chapter 24: Planes Of Expression

Amount Of Letters In Each Plane




Intuitive or spiritual

Numerical Value of Planes

Chapter 25: Maturity / Reality Number

Chapter 26: Ruling Passion / Intensity Number

Chapter 27: Karmic Lessons and Karmic Debts

Karmic Lessons

Karmic Debts / Testing Numbers / Hidden Numbers

Chapter 28: Birth Date and Success Number

Chapter 29: Cycles

Chapter 30 Pinnacles

Chapter 31 Challenges

Chapter 32: House And Street Numbers

Positive or Negative Houses

Karmic Lessons and Debts

Life Path Number And House Number

Street Names And Letters In The Number

Final Thoughts

Chapter 33: Important Letters In Your Name

The First Vowel

The Cornerstone

The Capstone

Deciphering The Letters

Chapter 34: The Key Number

Chapter 35: Bridge Numbers

Life Path / Expression (L/E) Bridge Number

Heart's Desire / Personality (H/P) Bridge Number

Chapter 36: Point Of Security / Habit Challenge

Chapter 37: Rational Thought Number

Chapter 38: Balance Number

Chapter 39: Subconscious Self Number

Chapter 40: Transits And Essence Numbers

Transits Numbers

Essence Numbers

Chapter 41: Compatibility In Numbers

Chapter 42: Repeating Numbers

Thank You

Chapter 1: What Is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of numbers and the belief that all of life follow patterns and cycles. That the day of your birth is no coincidence, but events that came together that your soul took advantage of. By studying the numbers that affect your life, you can create a roadmap for what you came to earth to accomplish. It will enable you to discover the strengths and weaknesses your soul chose for your body. As well as what major events might occur in your life so that you can take advantage of them when they do occur. Your birth name reveals valuable insights about your character and abilities. Your birth date points to your main opportunities in life and how you can find meaning and purpose in life. It also indicates your goals in life.

Everything is energy. Every number, sound, color, fragrance, and thought is energy in vibration and affects you. Each letter of your name has a unique vibration that impacts your personality. Your body is not your soul. Your soul came down to do and learn specific things. It chose a body that based on the time and day it would be born, would have certain characteristics that would help the soul achieve its purpose on earth. Unlocking those characteristics will help you sail smoother and happier through life. You are here to evolve, not suffer. Some life lessons may be hard, but life in totality is not supposed to be suffering.

Western numerology is based on the numbers 1 to 9. Each number has a rhythm or vibration that you respond to. Your birth date and full name create a vibrational energy pattern that makes up the unique blueprint known as you. Your life lessons, gifts, personality, and more, are all contained in this blueprint. Numerology helps you discover these different parts, so you can understand yourself better.

Chapter 2: Origins of Numerology

The Book of Changes (I-Ching) is a Chinese system of numbers that is believed to date back over 5000 years. This book to date is the earliest system known to use numbers as an oracle. In the book, there are eight basic figures, which have three lines each. These are known as Trigrams. Combined, they form sixty -four hexagrams, arranged in pairs. Each pair have six lines. In ancient times, yarrow stalks were used. Later, three coins were used and thrown six times to create a hexagram. In modern times dices are also used. Where the coins or dices land on the figures, are used to make interpretations and predictions.

The science of the Hebrew Aleph Beth has 22 letters that are believed to each contain specific energy. The Sepher Yetzirah is the first written document that to date is widely accepted to be the forerunner of modern -day Cabalism. The Sepher Yetzirah gives information on the creation of the universe by means of 10 spheres. Each is given an archetypal number. The Tree of Life depicts these 10 spheres and the 22 paths that connect them.

Most of the systems practiced in the western world today can be traced back to the methods developed by the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras. Born in 608 B.C, Pythagoras was a student of Gematria (Qabalistic numerology) and based his system on it.

In around 532 B.C, Pythagoras founded his own university at Crotona, a Greek colony in southern Italy. He taught self-development in three trimesters. Numerology was taught in the second trimester. This trimester was called purification and revolved around the understanding of life and its purpose. He wanted to free the mind from political and religious confinement. His teachings were heavily based on the saying: Know thyself, then thou shalt know the universe and God.

In the Pythagorean method, numerology is based on the 10 base number system most of the western world use. The numbers 1 to 9 are used for normal calculations, while the number 10 is seen as special. Containing all the numbers from 1 to 9, 10 is sometimes seen as a higher level of the number 1. Adding 0 to any other number gives it a more spiritual quality than the original number.

Pythagoras believed that each number contains in its vibration different concepts related to that number, both in its positive and negative form. With his insight, he was able to link the mind with the outer world, by the use of numbers. This allowed people to awaken their minds to a deeper awareness of themselves and helped them reach their dreams and goals.

Assigning numbers to letters in the English language that forms the basis for modern numerology stems from 1903. It was during this time that an American musical teacher, Mrs. L. Dow Balliet, applied the Pythagoras principles to the English language. She assigned the values to each letter of the alphabet.

Tarot and Numerology

The meaning of the numbers from 1 to 9 in numerology has a very strong correlation to the meaning of the same numbers in tarot. For instance. 1 is in both cases a symbol of new beginnings, and independence. 4 is of structure and routine. Some of the higher numbers we see as master and karmic numbers in numerology do correspond to cards in the tarot deck. 22 is the world card in many tarot decks, and in numerology, it has the attribute of having a world view.

If you study the numbers 1 to 9 in either system, you will have some understanding of the other system. However, they are used to tell different things. Numerology is often used for long -term planning and events, as the numbers such as your birth date and name are stable. Tarot normally deals with specific events and short time frames of weeks, to a few months.

Numerology deals with vibrations (numbers) that are stable in your life over time and have an influence on your subconscious, which influences the decisions you make. It shows patterns and cycles in your life and actions. And how those patterns may affect the path of your life. Tarot is an intuitive guide to specific actions or events that often have an immediate effect on your life. Such as should I take that job? Should I marry that person? Tarot may give a yes or no answer but does not often give a reason. With numerology, you can analyze the energy and beliefs of people and see how they will combine. Or how you will react in a job environment. This knowledge gives you additional insight and allows you to decide the answer to your question.

With numerology, you gain an understanding of yourself and will know how you react in situations or get along with people. This allows you to answer many questions yourself. With Tarot, you normally only ask one or a few questions in a reading. However. Both have their place. Even when you know all the facts, sometimes you need a second opinion to help you see the bigger picture. This can be a life coach, friend, or Tarot reader.

Numerology In Other Cultures

Evidence shows that some form of numerology existed in every major culture around the world. It is believed that the early Chinese, Tibetans, and Hindu people were amongst the first to use numerology.

In Africa, the numbers 1 to 9 are used in divination in conjunction with signs from nature. The Mayan culture used the numbers 1 to 13 as well as 20 sacred signs for divination. They used it to create the famous Mayan calendar. In Israel, the Gematria is a sacred section of the Cabbala where the sounds of the letters in names are translated to numbers. Great significance is placed upon these numbers and the power a name holds. In the Tibetan culture, the numbers 1 to 9 are used to analyze a person’s birth day. Ancient Tibetan scripts show how to use numbers to help people connect with their inner wisdom and live their life to their full potential.

Today, the Pythagorean method is the most widely known and practiced in the western world. However. There are some core similarities amongst the systems of different cultures. This book will focus largely on modern western numerology teachings based on the Pythagorean method and the similarities it has with other systems.

Chapter 3: About Your Growth

Human experience and growth are seen to represent three distinct levels. They are called the basic self, conscious self, and higher self. All the lessons you will learn in life are connected to one or more of these parts.

Basic Self / Physical Plane

The basic self is connected to the physical plane and the numbers 1, 4, and 7. The basic self represents verbal expression, motivation, patience, body language, materialism, organization, and learning through sacrifice. It is connected to the five physical senses being sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste. An imbalance here can be either fear or insecurity with worry, or it can go as far as self-centered narcissism. Life lessons in the basic self will be to get you to have more confidence in yourself, let go of the ego, and gain compassion and wisdom.

Conscious Self / Mind Plane

The conscious self is linked to the mental plane and the numbers 3, 6, and 9. The conscious self represents memory, thinking, analyzing, rationalizing, imagination, creativity, responsibility, ambition, and idealism. Life lessons will push you to link cause and effect so you gain wisdom. While the basic self is largely unconscious, the conscious self is where we mostly decide to do a specific action. The conscious self forms the bridge between the basic self (body) and the higher self (spirit). The conscious self is also the connection between our left and right brains.

An imbalance here may see people not thinking or caring how their actions will affect them or others in the future. Their actions may seem unwise and they may struggle to learn from their mistakes as they may not see how things they did in the past contributed to their current situation. They may blame others and the world for their problems and current situation. When someone does something back to them in retaliation, they may be unable to link their previous actions to the retaliation actions of the person, and think the person is out to get them. They may then justify to themselves that they need to harm or destroy the person to defend themselves without seeing or accepting that they were the original cause of the disagreement.

Higher Self / Soul Plane

The higher self is linked to the spiritual or soul plane and the numbers 2, 5, and 8. It represents your feelings or emotions, moral qualities, logical ideas, beliefs, and spiritual values. It represents the human heart, freedom, wisdom, intuition, love, positive emotions, artistic expression, and spiritual independence. The higher self guides you on an intuitive level and is your highest form of expression. It is rooted in love and wisdom but has a spiritual and compassionate guidance to it. The higher self is mostly linked to the right brain. However. The love of the higher self is on a different level from the love that the conscious self feels. The love of the conscious self comes from the physical attraction of the basic self and mental reasoning as well as emotions of the conscious self. The love of the higher self is larger than this and is not controlled by emotions. It is where you can love your enemies even though you hate them emotionally. It is where you can see the value of the people that hurt you as they helped you grow even though you hate the hurt that they caused you.

The higher self gives us freedom from our emotions and also intuition to guide us. Where the basic self is almost a knee-jerk reaction to our environment and the conscious self is based on wisdom from past experiences as well as emotions, the higher self gives guidance outside of environmental conditions and past experiences. This intuition leads to a new kind of wisdom and compassion that can be confusing for people operating from the basic or conscious self only.

Chapter 4: Astrology and Numerology Connection

The most widely used astrological sign is that of the sun sign. This also creates the biggest link between astrology and numerology. Although it is two different systems, both provide an insight into life and a way of self-development. The study of astrology can be seen in ancient buildings and alignments of pyramids, and so to the importance of numbers. The two systems complement each other in giving a picture of life.

Both systems explore your inner self and help you grown spiritually. When you were born, certain vibrational influences affected you. This can be analyzed numerologically or astrologically. In both systems, the date of birth is the most significant information. Astrology is studying planets and their movements, and how they influence human lives. Numerology is studying numbers and how they influence human lives.

Chapter 5: Introduction To The Number

Much of the meanings we give to numbers today are based on the original meanings Pythagoras gave over 2,500 years ago. In this chapter, the main qualities and meaning of core numbers will be given. Each number has positive and negative traits or qualities. All numbers are connected to 1. This is the absolute number and is thought to represent the expression of the ego of man. 0 is seen as God.

In each chapter of this book a formula for calculating a specific aspect of yourself is given. As exploring the full possibilities both positive and negative for every number for every aspect of you would fill volumes of text, only a short explanation for each number is given in some chapters. These explanations are not to be taken as absolutes, but as a guide to give you an understanding of the aspect you covered in the specific chapter. To fully understand each aspect (such as your life path number), look at the positive and negative qualities of the number in this chapter and then see how it fits into each aspect covered in later chapters.

Numbers affect life mainly in three cycles of life. 1 to 3 are creative numbers and deal with basic experiences. 4 to 6 are the middle or stabilizing numbers and deal with building. 7 to 9 are transformation numbers and deal with spiritual and mental growth.

You are influenced by a range of numbers in different areas of your life. You may not exhibit all of the qualities of a number, but you can develop those qualities. Negative qualities of a number are things you need to guard against. They are negative habits you may have or could develop.

The general description of each number given below can be used to see how a person will behave in different areas of life. It can also be used to describe a person’s general personality.

Number 0

0 is often more seen as a symbol (circle) as a number. However. In computer studies, 0 is seen as a number. In many esoteric teachings, 0 is seen as God or the divine. If a number has 0 added, it lifts the original number to a more spiritual level. For instance. 10 is seen as more spiritual than 1. So a 10 personality will be more spiritual than a 1 personality. As 0 is seen as nothing to add nor nothing to take away, it is seen as all -encompassing. Put two 0’s together and you get the infinite symbol. 0 is thus the beginning and the end. If you have one or more 0’s in your birthday, you are thought to have spiritual gifts and are more inclined to spiritual matters.

Number 1 / 10

1 is a creator and pioneer. It is all about new beginnings, independence, being number 1, and creativity. 1s like to be heroes and be appreciated. They like to put their personal stamp on all they do. 1 is also the first physical number as well as an absolute number. 1 is seen as divine expression, communication, self-expression, and the ego. 1s are often confident, charming, happy, and bright people. 1s need to guard against pretending they are something they are not. If you have many 1s in your name, you may be critical, sarcastic, and cynical. 1s are chatty and lively.

When the original number came to a 10 before being reduced to a 1, you have a great range of expression. 10’s can be the most confidant to the most insecure person you meet. 10’s, and to a lesser degree 1s, are the most adaptable people. 10 is thought to contain all the qualities of the numbers 1 to 9.

1s are very popular and are active people that are positive and enthusiastic. 1s do not often contemplate life deeply and are content to experience life through active participation such as sports, and material pleasures. They can become the best in their profession. With self-assurance, and self-confidence they can be from inspiring to egotistic. 1s do have a problem when it comes to mental problems

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