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Grand Conversations

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Grand Conversations
in Primary Classrooms
Sowing the Seeds of Deeper Comprehension
Why grand conversations?
student engagement in discussions
about text results in improved reading
comprehension, higher level thinking skills,
and increased literacy motivation.
(Gambrell, 2004)

Oral language is the foundation for the complex literacy skills that are critical to
a childs success in todays knowledge society. The capacity to analyze rich text
(including media and digital representations), to explore different perspectives, to
negotiate meaning and to critically question authors (and authorship) are all expectations of todays literate learner. This monograph, building on Gordon Wells notion of
grand conversation, explores the kind of talk that enables students to meet these
expectations and build the comprehension skills that are the foundation for high
levels of literacy.

Gentle Inquisitions Versus Grand Conversations

One talk pattern, familiar to most classroom teachers, is the gentle inquisition
an interaction between teacher and student(s) which is built on a series of questions
and answers (Eeds & Wells, 1989). The teacher initiates a topic by posing a question,
selecting one or more students to respond, providing evaluative or responsive feedback (Right; Good idea, but not quite what were looking for; Would you agree
with that, Paul?) and then introducing his/her own ideas, interpretations and opinions.
In this talk pattern, exchanges occur at a relatively fast pace between teacher and
student(s) as the teacher moves from child to child and question to question.
Throughout, it is the teacher who is in charge of directing the discussion, determining
who will talk and what will be talked about and bringing the group to the understanding of the text (or problem) that he or she has in mind. In this pattern, the
teacher retains authority for determining meaning, leaving little interpretive space
for students (Serafini, 2008).

April 2011
ISSN: 1913 8482 (Print)
ISSN: 1913 8490 (Online)

The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat

The Capacity Building Series is produced by the Literacy and

Numeracy Secretariat to support leadership and instructional
effectiveness in Ontario schools. The series is posted at:
For information:

Some conversation starters

for a PLC ...
What does a grand conversation sound like
to you?
How do you know whether a conversation
is grand or merely a gentle inquisition?
List the key characteristics that distinguish
grand conversations from gentle inquisitions.

A different talk pattern, one which has the potential to foster higher-level comprehension of text and improve students attitudes to reading, is termed a grand
conversation (Eeds & Wells, 1989). The grand conversation refers to authentic,
lively talk about text. The teacher initiates the discussion with a big question
or interpretive prompt. The talk pattern is conversational the teacher asks fewer
questions, but the questions she or he asks are an authentic reponse to what
students are saying. Turn-taking occurs spontaneously with students taking responsibility for shaping the content and route of the discussion. Decisions about who
talks, in what order and for how long, flow naturally as students and teacher alike
exchange ideas, information and perspectives. During the conversation, the teacher
participates as a member of the group, stepping in as needed to facilitate and
scaffold the conversation, but it is the students who carve out the conversational
path. The teacher typically brings closure to the conversation by summarizing,
drawing conclusions or establishing goals for the next conversation or by assisting
students to do this.
To be successful, grand conversations require a safe and inclusive classroom environment that can support students in freely expressing their ideas and opinions and
collaboratively constructing meaning.

Moving from Teacher-Led to Student-Led Conversations

Grand conversations can be about all kinds of texts wordless picture books, poetry,
non-fiction texts, magazine/newspaper articles, advertisements, graphic novels,
photo essays, film clips, zines, blogs and so on.
Selecting a text that is rich enough to stimulate and support a grand conversation
is a critical first step. The text needs to be sufficiently challenging so that it requires
students to wrestle with the concepts presented; it needs to be multi-layered so that
it allows a variety of interpretations and opinions. Books with interesting plots and
characters, detailed descriptions and dialogue are good choices for fiction. Non-fiction
texts should present content clearly and at times provide strong visual support. Poetry
is also a good choice for stimulating rich discussion.
Wordless picture books and books with limited text also provide opportunities to
engage students in rich conversations about text because they remove the linguistic
challenges presented by written text while encouraging collaborative construction of
meaning. The visual story invites students to look closely in order to make connections,
draw inferences and make predictions, and to express personal thoughts, feelings and
opinions. To support conversation, the pictures must be clearly and easily visible to all
participants. Unless the teacher has access to a big book version of a wordless text,
small-group structures generate the most productive conversations.


Initiating students into the kind of talk that fosters higher-level comprehension
requires varying levels of scaffolding. Students need to be taught the skills and
behaviours that will enable them to consider the ideas presented in a text, share
and defend their own ideas and opinions in response to the text and build on and
question ideas and opinions contributed by others.

Initially, teachers may take a more hands-on role, initiating the conversation with a
dilemma, big question or prompt and modelling appropriate discussion skills. They need
to be ready to step in just in time to contribute new questions or prompts to redirect
talk that has become tangential or remind students to direct their comments to group
members. Teachers need to be prepared to support students in negotiating and
accepting differences in ideas and opinions about the text and building upon the ideas
of others; they may also need to intervene to invite responses from quieter students
and to assist students in practising appropriate turn-taking and discussion techniques.

Class norms for group

discussion ...
Make sure only one person talks
at a time.
Give others a chance to share
their ideas.

As Wells and Arauz (2006) note, keeping control of the floor does not necessarily
entail keeping control of the content of the discussion. Although it is almost always
the teacher who proposes the topic of an episode and brings it to a conclusion, the
topics of individual sequences are often selected by the students, as they propose
alternative perspectives on the issue that is on the floor or react to preceding
contributions by their peers (p. 420).

If you dont agree ... say so,

but be polite!
Listen carefully! What is the speaker
really saying? Has the speaker
finished speaking?

Both whole-class and small-group settings provide an opportunity for the teacher to
model skills and behaviours and for students to practise them with teacher guidance
and support. Anchor charts about rules and norms for productive conversations can be
collaboratively developed and posted for ongoing reference and revision. Over time,
as students become more proficient in applying these skills and behaviours, teacher
support gradually fades and students assume more responsibility for independently
conducting the conversation. The teachers role shifts from that of discussion director
to discussion facilitator to participant in the discussion as students gain greater
independence and proficiency as conversation participants and contributors.


A fishbowl activity can be used to help students reflect on
the features of an effective conversation. Discussion group
members sit in a circle facing each other as they conduct
their conversation. Other class members sit in a circle around
them so that they can see and hear the conversation. The
teacher reads the text to (or with students) so that all are
familiar with the text to be discussed. Alternatively, students
in the discussion group may have read a common text while
other students the observers have not.
Prior to beginning the activity, teacher and students review
the elements of a quality conversation about text and decide
on key elements to watch and listen for. If developmentally
appropriate, the teacher may want to give students in the
outside circle a checklist to focus their observations. In the
initial stages, the teacher joins the group and initiates
conversation with an authentic question or prompt, intervening strategically to encourage the exchange of ideas and
support participation and turn-taking. When students in the
inner circle have completed their discussion, the observers
are invited to pose questions about what they have heard
and provide the members of the discussion group with
constructive feedback.

(Sipe, 2006, p.290)

What Rich Talk About Text Might Sound Like


What it might sound like

Link to and build on

others comments

I agree with him but I also think

I think thats a good idea and also
Yes, but I also feel

Disagree constructively

I dont really agree with that because

I dont think so because
Thats not what I think it meant because

Ask for clarification

What did you mean when you said that

I dont understand what youre saying. Tell me again.
Can you explain that again?

Ask questions

I was wondering why

How come ...
Why do you think

Explain your thinking

Cause in the book it says

Me and my family did something just like that when
I think so because
Well thats not what I meant. What I meant was

Adapted from Pearson (2009)


Examples of authentic
questions/prompts ...
What do you think the author wants
us to think?
How would the story be different if
another character was telling it?
How does the author show his point
of view? Do you agree?
What do you think was the most
important thing that happened?
What was something that confused
you or that you wondered about?
How did you feel about what happened
in the story? What made you feel
that way?
Are you like any of the characters?
In what ways?
Did you agree with what (characters
name) did? Why?
What do you think will happen next?
What do you think (characters name)
will do? What would you do in the same
Is there someone in the book youd
like to talk to? What would you say?
Why makes you want to say that?

To begin shifting responsibility from teacher-directed to student-led talk about text,

teachers model the use of authentic questions and prompts to initiate conversation
and stimulate critical and reflective thinking about a text. This initial conversational
move opens the floor for students to share what they are thinking and feeling and
creates interpretive space (Serafini, 2008) for the co-construction of meaning. The
teacher makes judicious use of questions and comments during the discussion to
sustain the conversation and to keep moving it forward without taking over control.
Authentic questions and prompts are open-ended, big or interpretive in nature, so
that they allow for a range of possible responses. The teacher needs to be prepared
to respond spontaneously to move the discussion to deeper levels. Questions asked
in response to student input encourage elaborated thinking. At the same time, the
teacher models exploratory talk and appropriate discussion group behaviours and
supports students as they practise these skills in the group setting (Barnes, 1976;
Barnes & Todd, 1977).


The teacher organizes students so that they are seated in ways that support face-toface interaction such as knee-to-knee/eye-to-eye or in a circle. The teacher then
steps back from the traditional role of teacher as discussion director and moves into
the role of discussion facilitator/participant in order to allow students to shape the
Teachers may also use a strategy such as turn and talk in order to allow students to
discuss a point arising from the larger conversation and to practise engaging in the free
exchange of ideas. After some talk time, two pairs of students can come together to
form a discussion square and continue the conversation. As students are talking, the
teacher should circulate, listening for the content of the conversations and scaffolding
appropriate language and behaviours as necessary. When sufficient time has elapsed,
the teacher pulls the group back together and invites students to share their thinking.
Discussion triads offer another strategy to enrich discussion. The teacher arranges
students in groups of three and presents them with an open-ended big question or
prompt to get the discussion started on a text they have just read (or have had read
to them). The teacher allows students approximately three minutes to discuss the
question in their triad and then brings them back together to continue the discussion,
share their thinking and confront differences in understanding and opinion.

Encouraging Students to Share Ideas

Rich conversations about text cannot be scripted and student responses are often
unpredictable. Although teachers begin with a clear picture in mind of the important
issues, ideas or concepts that they want students to explore, and have a plan for how
to initiate this exploratory talk, grand conversations require a high degree of responsiveness on the teachers part. In a question and answer talk pattern, the teacher
responds with an evaluative comment or summary statement and then moves on to
another student and another line of thinking or inquiry. Often students fail to see the
relationship between these lines of thinking and do not listen to the ideas of others
when they themselves are not called upon to respond, waiting instead for the next
question to be posed and the next student to be called on.

In grand conversations, by contrast, the teacher invites the speaker to elaborate his or
her thinking and then invites other students to link to and build on it. This is a conversational move that acknowledges the intent of a student's contribution and keeps his
or her thinking in play.
Often the teacher simply remains silent, providing wait time for students to formulate
their ideas and reflect on their thinking and the thinking of others. The teacher monitors
the pace of the conversation to allow ideas to be fully developed and explored while
maintaining student interest and engagement. She or he draws out quieter students
and makes sure that all students who have something to say are given a turn. It is the
teachers role to keep the floor open, sustaining the conversation so that students
have both the time and space to explore the possible meanings of a text and work
collaboratively to create richer individual and collective understandings of the text.
Some ways to encourage students to share their thinking (adapted from Pearson,
2009) are suggested below:
invite elaboration of an idea (Uhuhh. Tell us more about that.)
ask for clarification (Im not sure I understand. Is there another way you can explain

Productive discussions ...

are structured and focused yet not
dominated by the teacher
occur when students are prompted
to discuss texts through open-ended,
authentic questions
occur when students hold the floor
for extended periods of time
maintain a high degree of student
(Adapted from Soter et al,
2008, p. 389)

encourage new points of view (Mmhmmm . . .so what does everyone else think?)
invite new voices to enter the conversation (Thats interesting. Im wondering if
anyone else has an idea to share.)
refocus the conversation (We were trying to decide why the character acted the
way he did. Any ideas?)

Preparing Students for Discussion

A number of engaging and innovative strategies have been designed by educators
to support students in thinking about the text they have read in preparation for
classroom discussion. Some of these are described below.


Journals provide students with an opportunity to record their personal ideas, reactions,
questions, connections and learning from their readings. Logs can be used after reading
a text and before participating in discussion to provide students with the opportunity
to reflect on and ink their thinking (Donnelly, 2007). A picture-it journal can be
especially useful for students who are not yet able to encode and record their thoughts
easily. Students use pictures which may or may not be accompanied by approximated
spellings and a few sight words to capture their thoughts and feelings about the text.
In later primary, a double entry journal offers a flexible format that allows for a
range of response activities. To begin, students divide the page in half lengthwise.
On the one side, they record a quote from the text or a description of a specific portion
of text. On the other side, across from the entry, they record personal ideas, opinions,
feelings or questions about the quote or specific piece of text.

This advance organizer is suggested by McGee and Para (2009). After reading a rich text
worthy of discussion, each student is asked to draw a picture of what aspect of the text
they think should be the focus of the group conversation. Younger students can label
their pictures; older primary students can write a sentence or two to explain more
fully the aspect they have selected. The teacher works with the students to group the

pictures and attach them to large pieces of paper, labelling each group so that students
can see what was considered most important and worthy of discussion. The category
with the most pictures is then used as the starting point for the group discussion.

Sketch-to-stretch (originally from Whitin, 1996; discussed in McGee & Para, 2009 ) is
an activity in which students use sketches to respond to a text that has been read to,
with or by them. Rather than drawing a picture to show a part of the story or the
main idea of the story, students use images, words, shapes and other symbols to
show what the story means to them. The teacher can have students stop at key points
during a read-aloud to record their sketches or wait until the reading is complete.
Students meet together in small groups to share their sketches and use them as a
starting point for the group discussion. Sketch-to-stretch requires students to create
an abstract representation of their thoughts, connections and reactions to a text.
Additional scaffolding may be necessary for students who are very literal and want
to draw a picture of their favourite or most important character in the story.


Close reading refers to careful interpretive reading of a short passage of literary text.
Teachers select a story that is rich and interesting enough to warrant close reading
by and select or invite children to assist in selecting a part of the story that seems
important. In a small group, students read, reread and discuss the passage carefully
in order to work out the authors stated and implied messages and how they align
with the students own thinking.

This strategy (Marcell, 2007) can be used with students who are able to read a text
independently to help them prepare for discussion. Each student in the group is
provided with narrow strips of sticky note paper, two to three each of green, yellow
and red. Students are directed to think of these three colours as traffic lights. They
use the green GO strips to mark points in their text that they agree with, think are
important, make a connection with, made them laugh and so on. They use the red
STOP strips to mark points that they disagree with, did not like, made them upset
(sad, angry, unhappy) and so on. They use the yellow CAUTION strip to mark points
that they are unsure of, found confusing, left them wondering, raised questions and
so on. Students are encouraged to use at least one of each strip.

Structuring Grand Conversations

Grand conversations have many names literature circles, book clubs, reading response
groups, literature discussion groups and so on. Students come together to talk about a
text they have read (or have had read to them) in order to question the text as they
examine it from different points of view. Read-alouds also fuel grand conversations
about text.


The teacher read-aloud provides a context for rich conversations at all grade levels,
but especially in the primary grades when many students are unable to read more
challenging and conceptually complex texts. Although teacher read-aloud can occur
in a small-group setting, it is most commonly used as a whole-class activity.

In the primary grades, teachers most frequently use picture books, both fiction and
non-fiction, for their read-aloud activity. As they read aloud, they bring students
physically close to the text and hold it so that students can observe the pictures as
the teacher reads. Students are encouraged to listen to the words and simultaneously
examine the pictures in order to make sense of the text. Often the teacher interjects
questions to assist students in clarifying understandings and constructing an overall
understanding of the message conveyed by the text. After reading, teachers can use
the read-aloud text to kick off a grand conversation. Students are asked to form a circle
so that all speakers can see and hear one another. The teacher and students review
collaboratively-established norms for group discussions. The teacher introduces a big
question or prompt to initiate discussion and scaffolds the conversation as necessary.


Shared and guided reading groups also provide an opportunity for students to practise
student-led conversation about a text. After using a shared or guided approach to
read a common text, the teacher presents a big question or prompt related to the
text. Following review of the class anchor chart for grand conversations, the teacher
withdraws, providing an opportunity for reading group members to engage in
student-led conversation stemming from the question or prompt. During this time, the
teacher checks in with other students and observes the functioning of the discussion
group from a distance. After a few minutes, the teacher returns to the group and joins
the conversation in progress. Students are encouraged to share, explain and elaborate
their thinking about the question or prompt. The teacher may assist in resolving
conflicts that may have arisen as a result of conflicting opinions or procedural issues
such as turn-taking and conversation domination. Before ending the session, teacher
and students reflect on and assess the functioning of the group in relation to the
class guidelines for grand conversations.

When teachers do read-alouds,

they act as ...
storybook tour guides who point out
certain features of the text
managers/encouragers who call on
students, praise them and ask them to
respond to the comments of their peers
clarifiers/probers who connect
students comments, ask for more
information or explanation
fellow wonderers/seekers who
question along with the children
extenders/refiners of the childrens
responses, identifying threads of
conversation that could lead to
teachable moments or summarizing
groups of responses to achieve closure
(Sipe & Brightman, 2006, p. 278)

In primary classrooms, small groups of students (about three) can come together
around a common theme or big idea (or umbrella question) using one or more texts.
The teacher selects books for these small-group discussions based on student needs
and interests. After listening to book talks given by the teacher, students may choose
the text for their group discussion by holding a vote. Before beginning the discussion
the teacher may want to introduce students to various conversational roles such as
discussion director, illustrator, word wizard and connector as a way of scaffolding
student-led conversations. Although these roles can be helpful, teachers need to be
cautious that learning the role and doing it right do not become more important
than the actual conversation and inhibit the natural exchange of ideas characteristic
of a genuine conversation. The goal is for students to be able to participate in grand
conversation without taking on a specific role.

Instructional conversations (Tharp & Gallimore, 1998) are whole-class or small-group
discussions about a common text that combine instruction and conversation. They
share many of the characteristics of grand conversations, but are intended primarily
to help students extract information from a text. The teacher begins with a specific
curriculum goal in mind a theme, topic or concept and facilitates classroom conversation in order to meet that goal. Teacher and students share their prior knowledge
and integrate it with new information gathered from the text to extend understanding

of the topic or concept. Throughout, the teacher facilitates sustained discussion

encouraging students to share and clarify understandings, link new knowledge
to prior knowledge and consider issues presented in the text from various points
of view. Again, the teacher brings closure to the conversation by summarizing,
drawing conclusions or establishing goals for the next conversation.

Idea circles are heterogeneous small groups that support discussion focused on learning
about a concept. Their purpose is to have students build an understanding of a concept
through the dialogic exchange of facts and information (Guthrie & McCann, 1996).
The goal of the discussion is to ensure that each student leaves the group with a
clearer, more thorough and more accurate understanding of the target concept.
Multiple concept-related texts, at varying levels of reading difficulty, are provided by
the teacher. Each student reads their selected text, either independently or with a
partner, for the purpose of gathering information about the topic under discussion.
Students then bring their information to the circle where the information is shared,
clarified, extended and debated in order to co-construct a deeper and more elaborate
understanding of the concept.

In Sum
Student engagement increases when students are given opportunities to think deeply,
articulate their reasoning and listen with purpose in conversations about issues that
are important to them. When teachers open up a conversation that allows students to
take the lead, the classroom becomes a place where learning from one another is the
norm, not the exception. Involving students in collaborative structures and teaching
students how to engage in meaningful conversations about text makes a difference
in student learning and achievement, supporting the development of the higher-order
thinking skills which are so critical to todays learner.

References and Related Reading

Barnes, D. (1976). From communication to curriculum. Harmondsworth:
Penguin Books.
Barnes, D., & Todd, F. (1977). Communication and learning in small
groups. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Donnelly, P. (2007). Inking your thinking. Literacy Learning: The Middle
Years. 15 (1).
Eeds, M., & Wells, G. (1989). Grand conversations: An exploration of
meaning construction in literature study groups. Research in the
Teaching of English, 23 (1), 429.
Gambrell, L. B. (2004, Oct.). Shifts in the conversation: Teacher-led,
peer-led, and computer-mediated discussions. The Reading Teacher,
58 (2), 212215.
Guthrie, J. T., & McCann, A.D. (1996). Idea circles: Peer collaborations
for conceptual learning. In L. B. Gambrell & J. F. Almas (Eds.), Lively
discussions! Fostering engaged reading (pp. 87105). Newark
Delaware: International Reading Association.
Marcell, B. (2007, May). Traffic light reading: Fostering the independent
usage of comprehension strategies with informational text. The
Reading Teacher, 60 (8), 778781.
McGee, I., & Parra, A. (2009). Grand conversations in the classroom:
A presentation for the 2009 National Reading Recovery & K6
Classroom Literacy Conference.

Mercer, N. (2008). Talk and the development of reasoning and

understanding. Human Development, 51 (1), 90100.
Pearson, P. D. (2004). Rich talk about text.
Serafini, F., & Ladd, S. M. (2008). The challenge of moving beyond the
literal in literature discussions. Journal of Language and Literacy
Education [Online], 4 (2), 620.
Sipe, L. R., & Brightman, A. E. (2006). Teacher scaffolding of first-graders
literary understanding during read alouds of fairytale variants.
National Reading Conference Yearbook: 55, 276292.
Soter, A. O., Wilkinson, I. A., & Murphy, P. K., Rudge, L., Reninger, K., &
Edwards, M. (2008). What the discourse tells us: Talk and indicators
of high-level comprehension. International Journal of Educational
Research, 47, 372391.
Stien, D., & Beed, P. (2004). Bridging the gap between fiction and nonfiction in the literature circle setting. Reading Teacher, 57(6), 510518.
Wells, G., & Arauz, R. M. (2006). Toward dialogue in the classroom.
The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 15 (3), 379428.
Tharp, R., & Gallimore, R. (1988). Rousing minds to life. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

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