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the Matrikas into herself.[4] In the Vamana Purana, the

Matrikas arise from dierent parts of the Divine Mother
Chandika; Varahi arises from Chandikas back.[2][5]

For the river, see Varahi River.

Varahi (Sanskrit: , Vrh)[note 1] is one of the
Matrikas, a group of seven or eight mother goddesses in
the Hindu religion. With the head of a sow, Varahi is
the shakti (feminine energy, or sometimes, consort) of
Varaha, the boar Avatar of the god Vishnu. In Nepal, she
is called Barahi.

The Markendeya Purana praises Varahi as a granter of

boons and the regent of the northern direction, in a hymn
where the Matrikas are declared as the protectors of the
directions. In another instance in the same Purana, she
is described as riding a bualo.[6] The Devi Bhagavata
Varahi is worshipped by all the three major schools of Purana says Varahi, with the other Matrikas, is created
Hinduism: Shaktism (goddess worship); Shaivism (fol- by the Supreme Mother. The Mother promises the gods
lowers of the god Shiva); and Vaishnavism (devotion to that the Matrikas will ght demons when needed. In the
Vishnu). She is usually worshipped at night, and accord- Raktabija episode, Varahi is described as having a boar
demons with her tusks while seated on a
ing to secretive Vamamarga Tantric practices. The Bud- form, ghting [7]
dhist goddesses Vajravarahi and Marichi are believed to
have their origins in the Hindu goddess Varahi.
In the Varaha Purana, the story of Raktabija is retold,
but here each of Matrikas appears from the body of another Matrika. Varahi appears seated on Shesha-nga
(the serpent on which the god Vishnu sleeps) from the
1 Hindu legends
posterior of Vaishnavi, the Shakti of Vishnu.[8] Varahi
is said to represent the vice of envy (asuya) in the same
According to the Shumbha-Nishumbha myth of the Devi Purana.[9][10]
Mahatmya from the Markandeya Purana religious texts,
the Matrikas goddesses appear as shaktis (feminine pow- The Matsya Purana tells a dierent story of the origin of
ers) from the bodies of the gods. The scriptures say that Varahi. Varahi, with other Matrikas, is created by Shiva
Varahi was created from Varaha. She has a boar form, to help him kill the demon Andhakasura, who has the
wields a chakra (discus), and ghts with a sword.[1][2] Af- ability like Raktabija to regenerate from his dripping
ter the battle described in the myth, the Matrikas dance blood.
drunk on their victims blood.[3]

2 Associations
The Devi Purana paradoxically calls Varahi the mother of
Varaha (Varahajanani) as well as Kritantatanusambhava,
who emerges from Kritantatanu. Kritantatanu means
death personied and could be an attribute of Varaha
or a direct reference to Yama, the god of death.[11] Elsewhere in the scripture, she is called Vaivasvati and described as engrossed in drinking from a skull-cup. Pal
theorizes that the name Vaivasvati means that Varahi is
clearly identied with Yami, the shakti of Yama, who is
also known as Vivasvan. Moreover, Varahi holds a sta
and rides a bualo, both of which are attributes of Yama;
all Matrikas are described as assuming the form of their

The goddess Durga leads the eight Matrikas in battle against the
demon Raktabija. The red-skinned Varahi (bottom row, leftmost)
rides a bualo and holds a sword, shield, and goad. Folio from
a Devi Mahatmya

According to a latter episode of the Devi Mahatmya that

deals with the killing of the demon Raktabija, the warriorgoddess Durga creates the Matrikas from herself and with
their help slaughters the demon army. When the demon
Shumbha challenges Durga to single combat, she absorbs

In the context of the Matrikas association to the Sanskrit alphabet, Varahi is said to govern the pa varga
of consonants, namely pa, pha, ba, bha, ma.[13] The
Lalita Sahasranama, a collection of 1,000 names of
the Divine Mother, calls Varahi the destroyer of de1


Devi Varahi Ambika at Parashakthi Temple in Pontiac, USA

mon Visukaran.[14] In another context, Varahi, as Panchami, is identied with the wife of Sadashiva, the fth
Brahma, responsible for the regeneration of the Universe. The other Panch Brahmas (ve Brahmas) are
the gods Brahma, Govinda, Rudra, and Isvara, who are
in charge of creation, protection, destruction, and dissolution respectively.[10] In yet another context, Varahi is
called Kaivalyarupini, the bestower of Kaivalya (detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations)
the nal form of mukti (salvation).[10] The Matrikas are
also believed to reside in a persons body. Varahi is described as residing in a persons navel, and governs the
manipura, svadhisthana, and muladhara chakras.[15]
Haripriya Rangarajan, in her book Images of Varahi A chlorite statue of Varahi, 10001100 CE, from eastern Bihar
An Iconographic Study, suggests that Varahi is none other state, India. Currently housed in Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
than Vak devi, the goddess of speech.[16]


Varahis iconography is described in the Matsya Purana and agamas like the Purva-karnagama and the
Rupamandana.[17] The Tantric text Varahi Tantra mentions that Varahi has ve forms of Varahi: Svapna Varahi,
Canda Varahi, Mahi Varahi (Bhairavi), Krcca Varahi,
and Matsya Varahi.[10][18] The Matrikas, as shaktis of
gods, are described to resemble those gods in form, jewellery, and mount, but Varahi inherits only the boar-face
of Varaha.[19]

the karaa mukua, a conical basket-shaped crown.[8][17]

Varahi can be depicted as standing, seated, or dancing.[16]
Varahi is often depicted pot-bellied and with full breasts,
while most all other Matrikas except Chamunda are
depicted as slender and beautiful.[19][21] One belief suggests that since Varahi is identied with the Yoganidra of
Vishnu, who holds the universe in her womb (Bhugarbha
Paranmesvari Jagaddhatri), that she should be shown as
pot-bellied.[10][16] Another theory suggests that the potbelly reects a maternal aspect, which Donaldson describes as curious because Varahi and Chamunda best
exemplify the terrible aspect of the Divine Mother.[19]
A notable exception is the depiction of Varahi as humanfaced and slender at the sixth-century Rameshvara cave
(Cave 21), the Ellora Caves. She is depicted here as part
of the group of seven Matrikas.[22] A third eye and/or a
crescent moon is described to be on her forehead.[2][10]

Varahi is usually depicted with her characteristic sow

face on a human body with a black complexion comparable to a storm cloud.[8][20] The scholar Donaldson informs us that the association of a sow and a woman is
seen derogatory for the latter, but the association is also
used in curses to protect land from invaders, new rulers, Varahi may be two, four, or six-armed.[10][17] The Matand trespassers.[19] Rarely, she is described as holding sya Purana, the Purva-karnagama, and the Rupamanthe Earth on her tusks, similar to Varaha.[2] She wears dana mention a four-armed form. The Rupamandana

says she carries a ghanta (bell), a chamara (a yaks tail),
a chakra (discus), and a gada (mace). The Matsya Purana omits the ghanta and does not mention the fourth
weapon.[2][17][23] The Purva-Karanagama mentions that
she holds the Sharanga (the bow of Vishnu), the hala
(plough), and the musula (pestle). The fourth hand is
held in the Abhaya (protection gesture) or the Varada
Mudra (blessing gesture).[8][17] The Devi Purana mentions her attributes as being sword, iron club, and noose.
Another description says her hair is adorned with a garland with red owers. She holds a sta and drinking skull-cup (kapala).[12][20] The Varahini-nigrahastakastotra describes her attributes as a plough, a pestle, a skullcup, and the abhaya mudra.[24] The Vamana Purana describes her seated on Shesha while holding a chakra and a
mace.[2] The Agni Purana describes her holding the gada,
shankha, sword, and ankusha (goad).[2] The Mantramahodadhi mentions she carries a sword, shield, noose, and
goad.[2] In Vaishnava images, since she is associated with
Vishnu, Varahi may be depicted holding all four attributes
of Vishnu Shankha (conch), chakra, Gada, and Padma
(lotus).[16] The Aparajitapriccha describes her holding a
rosary, a khatvanga (a club with a skull), a bell, and a
kamandalu (water-pot).[24]

at Abanesi, depicted with the dancing Shiva.[8] She may

also be depicted holding a child sitting on her lap, like
Matrikas are often depicted.[16][22]
Matsya Varahi is depicted as two-armed, with spiralcoiled hair and holding a sh (matsya) and a kapala. The
sh and wine-cup kapala are special characteristics of
Tantric Shakta images of Varahi, the sh being exclusive
to Tantric descriptions.[10][18]
The vahana (vehicle) of Varahi is usually described as a
bualo (Mahisha). In Vaishnava and Shakta images, she
is depicted as either standing or seated on a lotus pitha
(pedestral) or on her vahana (a bualo) or on its head, or
on a boar, the serpent Shesha, a lion, or on Garuda (the
eagle-man vahana of Vishnu). In Tantric Shakta images,
the vahana may be specically a she-bualo or a corpse
(pretasana).[10][16][17][20][24] An elephant may be depicted
as her vahana.[8] The goddess is also described as riding
on her horse, Jambini.[25] Garuda may be depicted as her
attendant.[21] She may also be depicted seated under a
kalpaka tree.[8]
When depicted as part of the Sapta-Matrika group
(seven mothers), Varahi is always in the fth position in the row of Matrikas, and thus is called Panchami (fth). The goddesses are anked by Virabhadra
(Shivas erce form) and Ganesha (Shivas elephantheaded son and wisdom god).[10]

4 Worship
For worship and temples of Varahi as part of
the Sapta-Matrika group, see Matrika Worship
Varahi is worshipped by Shaivas, Vaishnavas, and
Shaktas.[16] Varahi is worshipped in the Sapta-Matrikas
group (seven mothers), which are venerated in Shaktism, as well as associated with Shiva.

Vaishanava images often depict Varahi holding all four attributes

of Vishnu.

The Vishnudharmottara Purana describes a six-armed

Varahi, holding a danda (sta of punishment), khetaka
(shield), khadga (sword), and pasha (noose) in four hands
and the two remaining hands being held in Abhaya and
Varada Mudra (blessing gesture).[8] She also holds a
shakti and hala (plough). Such a Varahi sculpture is found

Varahi is a ratri devata (night goddess) and is sometimes called Dhruma Varahi (dark Varahi) and Dhumavati (goddess of darkness). According to Tantra,
Varahi should be worshipped after sunset and before
sunrise. Parsurama Kalpasutra explicitly states that the
time of worship is the middle of the night.[10] Shaktas worship Varahi by secretive Vamamarga Tantric
practices,[16] which are particularly associated with worship by panchamakara wine, sh, grain, meat, and ritual
copulation. These practices are observed in the Kalaratri temple on the bank of the Ganges, where worship is
oered to Varahi only in the night; the shrine is closed
during the day.[16] Shaktas consider Varahi to be a manifestation of the goddess Lalita Tripurasundari or as Dandanayika or Dandanatha the commander-general of
Lalitas army.[16] The Sri Vidya tradition of Shaktism elevates Varahi to the status of Para Vidya (transcendental knowledge).[16] The Devi mahatmya suggests evoking
Varahi for longevity.[10] Thirty yantras and thirty mantras


Barahi temple, Phewa lake, Nepal

are prescribed for the worship of Varahi and to acquire

siddhis by her favour. This, according to the scholar Rath,
indicates her power. Some texts detailing her iconograCentral icon of Varahi Chaurasi temple
phy compare her to the Supreme Shakti.[10]
Prayers dedicated to Varahi include Varahi Anugrahashtakam, for her blessing, and Varahi Nigrahashtakam, for destruction of enemies; both are composed in the Hindu month of Ashadha (June/July), is celebrated as a nine-day festival in honour of Varahi at the
in Tamil.[26][27]
Varahi shrine at Brihadeeswarar temple (a Shaiva temple), Thanjavur. The goddess is decorated with dierent types of alankarams (ornaments) every day.[14] Full
4.1 Temples
moon days are considered sacred to Varahi.[14] An ancient Varahi devi temple worshipped as Uttari Bhawani
Apart from the temples in which Varahi is worshipped
is situated in Gonda District. In Gujarat, there is a Varahi
as part of the Sapta-Matrika, there are notable temples
temple in a village named Dadhana where the goddess is
where Varahi is worshipped as the chief deity.
venerated as the Gotra-devi of a surname Dadhaniya
Another temple in Gujarat is located in Talaja town of
Bhavnagar district where idol of goddess was brought
from hathasani village near palitana The idol of goddess
A 9th-century Varahi temple exists at Chaurasi about 14 was found by digging in shetrunji river in that area.
km from Konark, Orissa, where Varahi is installed as
Matysa Varahi and is worshipped by Tantric rites.[10][28]
The famous Jaganath temple, Puri, is associated with
and sends oerings to a Barahi temple, which is a centre of Tantric activities. In Varanasi, Varahi is worshipped as Patala Bhairavi. In Chennai, there is a
Varahi temple in Mylapore, while a bigger temple is
being built near Vedanthangal.[25] Ashadha Navaratri,

Maha Varahi temple is located in peelamedu(118,sowripalayam pirivu),coimbatore, Tamil

Nadu. This temple has both Maha varahi and Goddess
Dhandanatha(Varthali) - The commander in chief of
Goddess Lalitha(Sri Raja rajeshwaris) army. This
temple is run by Sri Varahi mantralayam trust. Varahi
homam happens here on every panchami. This temple
performs Dasamahavidhya homam(the 10 cosmic forms

of goddess). Homa for Goddess bagalamukhi and as Varahi in Buddhism. Vajravarahi inherits the erce
Goddess Dhumavathi(Dhumra Varahi) are done on character and wrath of Varahi. Both are invoked to deamavasai(new moon) and pournami(full moon).[29]
stroy enemies. The sow head of Varahi is also seen
as the right-side head attached to the main head in one
of Vajravarahis most common forms. The hog head is
described in Tibetan scriptures to represent the sublimation of ignorance (moha). According to Elizabeth
A Barahi temple is situated in the middle of Phewa Lake,
English, Varahi enters the Buddhist pantheon through
Nepal. Here, Barahi, as she is known as in Nepal, is
the yogatantras. In the Sarvatathagatatattvasamgaraha,
worshipped in the Matysa Varahi form as an incarnaVarahi is described initially as a Shaiva sarvamatr (alltion of Durga and an Ajima (grandmother) goddess.
mother) located in hell, who is converted to the Buddhist
Devotees usually sacrice male animals to the goddess
mandala by Vajrapani, assuming the name Vajramukhi
on Saturdays. Jaya Barahi Mandir, Bhaktapur, is also
(vajra-face). Varahi also enters the Heruka-mandala as
dedicated to Barahi.
an attendant goddess. Varahi, along with Varttali (another form of Varahi), appears as the hog-faced attendant
Other countries
of Marichi, who also has a sow face which may be an
eect of the Hindu Varahi.[16][33]
Devi Varahi Ambika Homam is done at the Parashakthi temple in Pontiac, Michigan, USA on every
Amavaasya(New moon) night. Devi Varahi was in- 6 See also
stalled at the Temple in February 2005 by Yanthra Prana
prateeshta.[32] Varahi was installed in Sri Maha Muthu
Mariamman temple Lunas, Kedah on 21 February 2014. Varaha
That is the only Varahi Amman temple in the Malaysia.

7 Notes

In Buddhism
7.1 Footnotes
[1] Varahi is also used as the name of the consort of Varaha,
who is identied with Lakshmi (Vishnus wife). This consort is depicted in a human form.

2.There are 12 names of varahi which are benecial to everyone. They are Panchami, Dandhanatha,
Sangyetha, Samayeshwari, Samaya sangyetha, Varahi,
Varthali, Bothrini, Arikni, Mahasena, Agnachakreshwari, Shiva.

7.2 Citations
[1] Kinsley p. 156, Devi Mahatmya verses 8.1120
[2] Donaldson p. 158
[3] Kinsley p. 156, Devi Mahatmya verses 8.62
[4] Kinsley p. 158, Devi Mahatmya verses 10.25
[5] Kinsley p. 158,verses 30.39

Vajravarahi, with a sows head on her right side

[6] Moor, Edward (2003). Sacti: Consorts or Energies

of Male Deities. Hindu Pantheon. Whitesh, MT:
Kessinger Publishing. pp. 25, 116120. ISBN 978-07661-8113-7.

Vajravarahi ("vajra-hog or Buddhist Varahi), the most

common form of the Buddhist goddess Vajrayogini, originated from the Hindu Varahi. Vajravarahi is also known

[7] Swami Vijnanananda (1923). The Sri Mad Devi Bhagavatam: Books One Through Twelve. Allahabad: The
Panini Oce. pp. 121, 138, 197, 4527. OCLC


[8] Goswami, Meghali; Gupta, Dr. Ila; Jha, Dr. P. of IIT,

Roorkee (March 2005). Sapta Matrikas in Indian Art
and Their Signicance in Indian Sculpture and Ethos: A
Critical Study (PDF). Anistoriton Journal. Anistoriton.
Retrieved 2008-01-08. Anistoriton is an electronic Journal of History, Archaeology and Art History. It publishes
scholarly papers since 1997 and it is freely available on
the Internet. All papers and images since vol. 1 (1997)
are available on line as well as on the free Anistorion CDROM edition.


[9] Kinsley p. 159, Varaha Purana verses 17.3337

[33] English, Elizabeth (2002). The Emergence of Vajrayogini. Vajrayogin: Her Visualizations, Rituals, and Forms.
Boston: Wisdom Publications. pp. 479, 66. ISBN 9780-86171-329-5.

[10] Rath, Jayanti (SeptemberOctober 2007). The Varahi

Temple of Caurasi. Orissa Review (Government of
Orissa): 379.

[30] Barahi Temple on Phewa Lake. Channel Nepal site. Paley Media, Inc. 19952010. Retrieved 24 January 2010.
[31] Reed, David; McConnachie, James (2002). The Kathmandu Valley: Bhaktapur. The Rough Guide to Nepal.
Rough Guides. London: Rough Guides. p. 230. ISBN

[11] Pal pp. 18445

[12] Pal p.1849
[13] Padoux, Andr (1990). Vc: the Concept of the Word in
Selected Hindu Tantras. Albany: SUNY Press. p. 155.
ISBN 978-0-7914-0257-3.
[14] G. Srinivasan (24 July 2007). Regaling Varahi with Different 'Alankarams in 'Ashada Navaratri'". The Hindu.
Retrieved 22 January 2010.
[15] Sri Chinmoy (1992). Kundalini: the Mother-Power. Jamaica, NY: Aum Publications. p. 18.
[16] Nagaswamy, R (8 June 2004). Iconography of Varahi.
The Hindu. Retrieved 16 January 2010.
[17] Kalia, Asha (1982). Art of Osian Temples: SocioEconomic and Religious Life in India, 8th12th Centuries
A.D. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. pp. 10810.
ISBN 0-391-02558-9.
[18] Donaldson p. 160
[19] Donaldson p. 155

8 References
Bandyopandhay, Sudipa (1999). Two Rare Matrka Images from Lower Bengal. In Mishra, P. K.
Studies in Hindu and Buddhist Art. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. ISBN 978-81-7017-368-7.
Donaldson, Thomas Eugene (1995). Orissan Images of Vrh, Oiyna Mrc, and Related SowFaced Goddesses. Artibus Asiae (Artibus Asiae
Publishers) 55 (1/2): 155182. OCLC 483899737.
Kinsley, David (1988). Hindu Goddesses: Vision of
the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Traditions. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 81-2080394-9.
Pal, P. (1997). The Mother Goddesses According to the Devipurana. In Singh, Nagendra Kumar. Encyclopaedia of Hinduism. New Delhi: Anmol Publications. ISBN 81-7488-168-9.

[20] Pal p. 1846

[21] Bandyopandhay p. 232
[22] Images at Berkson, Carmel (1992). Ellora, Concept and
Style. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. pp. 1445, 186.
ISBN 81-7017-277-2.
[23] Rupamandana 5.67-8, Matsya Purana 261.30
[24] Donaldson p. 159
[25] Swaminathan, Chaitra (1 December 2009). Presentation
on Varahi. The Hindu. Retrieved 23 January 2010.
[26] P. R. Ramachander (Translation) (20022010). Varahi
Anugrahashtakam. Vedanta Spiritual Library. Celextel
Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved 24 January 2010.
[27] P. R. Ramachander (Translation) (20022010). Varahi
Nigrahashtakam (The Octet of Death Addressed to
Varahi)". Vedanta Spiritual Library. Celextel Enterprises
Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved 24 January 2010.
[28] Destinations: Konark. Tourism Department, Government of Orissa. Retrieved 24 January 2010.

9 External Links
Varahi by Dr Haripriya Rangarajan at the National
Museum Symposium: The Return of the Yogini,
New Delhi, October 2013.


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Varahi Source: Contributors: Carlossuarez46, Vsmith, Kwamikagami, Rjwilmsi,

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File:Ashta-Matrika.jpg Source: License: Public domain

Contributors: Source: LACMA[1]. Transfered from en.wikipedia. Original uploader was Redtigerxyz at en.wikipedia Transfer was stated
to be made by User:Giggy. 2007-07-11 (original upload date) Original artist: Unknown Nepali
File:Barahi_temple,_Phewa_lake,_Pokhara.jpg Source:
2C_Phewa_lake%2C_Pokhara.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: originally posted to Flickr as Phewa lake, Pokhara Original artist:
Tom Booth
File:Chaurasi_Varahi.jpg Source: License: CC BY 3.0
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Varahi_Ambika_at_Parashakthi_Temple.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Rashkesh
File:Goddess_Kali_By_Piyal_Kundu1.jpg Source:
Kundu1.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Piyal Kundu
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Mandala_of_Vajravarahi.JPG Original artist: Mandala_of_Vajravarahi.JPG: Anonymous - Tibetan
File:Varahi.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: originally posted to Flickr as Varahi wife of the Hindu deity vishnu in the form of a boar 1000-1100 Ce India eastern Bihar state Chlorite
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