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Petrel 2011 - Data Import

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3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Creating a New Project

To start a new project, follow the steps:
1. Select New Project from the File menu. A Save warning of a
previous project may appear. If no project is active, ignore the
message and press No.
2. A new Display Window appears with black background color.
3. Select Save Project from the File menu.
4. When the Save Project As dialog box appears, specify the
name and location of the project.
Now you are ready to start the first step of building a 3D
geological model, which is Data Import as explained in the next

Main Steps to Building a New Static Model

When starting a new project, Petrel organizes the input data in
the Input pane. The following steps are required to build a 3D
geological model of a petroleum reservoir:

Data Import
2. Input Data Editing
3. Well Correlation
4. Fault Modeling
5. Pillar Gridding
6. Vertical Layering
7. Geometrical Property Modeling
8. Upscaling in the Vertical Direction-Well Logs Upscaling
9. Facies Modeling
10.Petrophysical Modeling
11.Defining Fluid Contacts
12.Volume calculations

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Data Import
The following table displays the different types of input data
required for Petrel along with their formats and types.




Well heads (*.*)

Well Path/deviation (ASCII)
Well Logs (LAS 3.0) (*.las)


2. Well Tops

Petrel Well Tops (ASCII) (*.*)


3. 3D Seismic

General lines/points (ASCII)



a. Fault Polygons
b. Fault Sticks

Zmap+ lines (ASCII) (*.*)

Zmap+ lines (ASCII) (*.*)


5. Isochore

Zmap+ grid (ASCII) (*.*)


1. Well Data
a. Well Headers
b. Well Deviations
c. Well Logs


4. Fault Data

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

1.Well Data
Wells and well data (trajectory and associated logs) can be
exported from Petrel in the following formats:
.Well heads, ASCII (well positions)

.Deviation file, ASCII (trace)

.LAS 3.0 file with well logs (logs)

Import Well Data

Petrel handles two types of well data: well tops (points) and well
trajectories with or without logs. When importing well data in the
supported well formats, Petrel automatically saves the data in
appropriate folders and sub-folders in the panes in Petrel. The
general workflow for importing well data into Petrel is:
1. Import of well heads.
2. Insert well path/deviation data.
3. Add logs to the wells.

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Well data includes three categories of data as will be discussed


a.Well Headers (Well Location Map)

Petrel has a format for reading well head information
(multiple well positions). This can be used to apply collar
coordinates and KB values for all wells simultaneously before
importing deviation data and well logs. This is a simple
format and the user can define in which column the different
data types will be located. The data includes Well Name, XCord, Y-Cord, Kelly Bushing (KB), Top Depth, Bottom Depth,
and Symbol of each well as shown in Fig. 4.1.

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.1: The well headers data file open in a Notepad


Well attribute description

* Well Symbol - The type of well. This attribute is a label
for the well symbol (discrete attribute).

* Surface X - The X location (in project units) of the well

at the well head (continuous).

* Surface Y - The Y location (in project units) of the well

at the well head (continuous attribute).

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

* Kelly Bushing (KB) - The Z value (in project units) of

the Kelly Bushing (continuous attribute).

* TD (TVD) - The vertical depth value (in project units) of

the last point in the well (continuous attribute).

* TD (MD) - The measured depth value (in project units) of

the last point in the well (continuous attribute).

UWI - The Unique well identifier (string attribute).

Max Inc - The value of the highest inclination from vertical
(in project units) in the well path (continuous).

Cost - The cost of the well (string).

Spud Date - The date the well was spudded (date

Operator - The name of the organization operating the

The attributes proceeded by an asterisk (*) are required fields, the
.other attributes are non-mandatory and can be ignored if desired

How to import a well head file

The import dialog for well header files allows the import of an
unrestricted amount of attributes for each well. Attributes can be
of several types including string, continuous, discrete and date.
1. Go to the Insert pull down menu and select New Well

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

2. Right-click on Wells Folder, then select Import (on

3. Select Well Heads (*.*) as files of type and click Open.

Fig. 4.2: The Import File form

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

4. Click OK for all.

Fig. 4.3: The Import Well Heads form

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

To display the wells in a 3D window, make sure that a 3D

window is active. The check to the left of the Wells folder toggles
the display of the wells in the 3D window. Once you check the
Wells folder, the wells will be displayed as vertical sticks in the
3D window as shown in Fig. 4.4.

Fig. 4.4: The wells displayed in a 3D window

3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

The settings of the wells may be changed by:

1. Right-clicking on the Wells folder and selecting Settings
2. The Settings for Wells form appears as shown in Fig.4.5
Make sure that the Style tab is active.
3. On the Path tab, change the Pipe width to a number
different than the default number; say 100.

Fig. 4.5: The Settings for 'Wells' form on Path tab


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

The settings of the well attribute may be changed

1. Right-click on the Wells attribute and selecting Settings

Fig. 4.6: Settings of Well attribute

b. Now click the Symbols tab, change the Font size to a
number different than the default number: say 400.
Similarly, change the Symbol size to a number
different than the default number; say 300,


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.7: The Settings for Well Attribute Form


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig.4.8: The wells displayed in a 3D window after changing

the Settings

Now play with it to get yourself familiar

to using this functionality in Petrel.


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

If we try to change the data of well headers, for example delete
"R" from "HEADER", Petrel cannot read the data.

Fig4.9: Changing the well heads data file

To make Petrel read the data we must write number of header lines, in this case
the number is "16".


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig4.10: The Import well heads form after change well header

How to Insert a New well header

1. A new well can also be created by clicking with the right
mouse button on the well folder or a sub folder inside the
well folder, and select Create New Well from the pull down
menu. Or use the Insert menu command and choose New
2. When creating a new well a dialog will appear as shown in
Fig.4.11 asking for name, coordinates, KB value and well
symbol. Trace and length of trace (vertical) may be defined.
The input figures may be converted to project units if
different. Enter desired information and click OK. These
specifications may be changed later from the Settings
window of the well or by using the Well Manager tool.


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.11: The Create new well form

b.Well Path/Deviation
Import of well path/deviation data is the second step in the
well import process. The deviation file can be imported well
by well, for several wells together or for multiple wells in one

The deviation file should be in ASCII format with the data

organized in columns. Data can be of several types:
Measured depth, inclination, azimuth.
True vertical depth, X-offset, Y-offset (MD optional).
True vertical depth, X, Y (MD optional).
X, Y, Z (MD optional).
The wells path is sliced into a number of points more
enough to represent its deviation. For each point, the
following data is needed: MD, X, Y, Z, TVD, DX, DY, AZIM,
INCL, and DLS.


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.12: The well (A16) deviations data file open in a

Notepad window

How to import a Well Deviations file

To insert well deviations to the project:
1. Right-click on the Wells folder, then select Import (on
2. Select Well path/deviation (ASCII)(*.*) from the Files of
type combo box. In the File name combo box, type *.dev
and press Open for the deviation wells to be listed. Select all
files, and then press Open. And Click Ok.


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.13: The Import File form


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.14: The Match Filename and Well form


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

3. When the Import Well Path/Deviation window pops up,

click the Input data tab. Check the TVD, X, Y radio button
and specify column numbers of the MD, X, Y, and TVD as
shown in Fig. 4.15. Click OK for all. The wells with their
deviations are displayed in the 3D Display Window as shown
in Fig.4.16.

Fig. 4.15: The Import Well Path / Deviation form


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.16: The Wells with their deviations displayed in a 3D


Fig4.17: window of well name changed


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Note: If the name of well changed, for example rename

(Proposed 1) to (Propose), it will shows new option (Create new
well), then choose (Proposed 1).

The settings of the wells may be changed by:

1. Right-clicking on the Wells folder and selecting Settings
2. From Error cone tab, activate Show and change the
options. And press Ok.

Fig. 4.18: The Settings for 'Wells' form on error cone tab


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.19: The Wells shown with Error cone


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

c. Well Logs
The last piece of well data is well logs. Well logs are read into
Petrel in a specific LAS format (both LAS 2.0/3.0 formats are
currently supported) as shown in Fig. 4.20

Fig. 4.20: The LAS format log file from

Petrel displayed in a Notepad window


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

How to import a well log file

To insert well log to the project:
1. Right-click on the Wells folder, then select Import (on
2. Select Well Log (LAS 3.0)(*.las) from the Files of type
combo box
Select all files, then press Open and Press Ok.

Fig. 4.21: The Import File form


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

3. You can choose which Log you want to display it, and
press OK for all.

Fig. 4.22: The Import well logs form


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.23: Caliper, Fluvial facies, Gamma and

logs displayed in a 3D window

Well Data Management

The well manager is a tool that collects all the information
associated with each wellbore and presents it in a user-friendly
spreadsheet format. Each well in the project is represented as a
row, with all associated attributes listed as columns. Most of the
fields are editable, allowing copy and paste actions from other

How to use a Well Manager tool

1. Right-click on the Wells folder, then select Well Manager
2. Well manager will appear as shown in Fig.4.24. There is a Show
button option is quite important as it will limit the amount of
data shown at any time in the Well Manager. There is a Show
button at the top of the manager which has drop-down menu of
view options. The selected (checked) attributes will show in the
Well Manager


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.24: Well manager form with Show button


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

2.Well Tops
Well tops are markers that define the crossing of a well with
a horizon or a fault. The well tops data includes: X, Y, Depth,
Time, Type, Horizon Name, Well Name, Symbol, Measured
Depth, Pick Name, Interpreter, Dip Angle, and Dip Azimuth of
each well as shown in Fig. 4.25.

Fig. 4.25: Well tops data file open in a Notepad window


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

How to import a well Tops file

To insert well Tops to the project:
1. Click the Insert menu command and choose New Well Tops.
2. A new Well Tops folder will be added, then Right-click on this
then select Import (on Selection).
3. The Import File form appears as shown in Fig. 4.26. Select
Petrel Well Tops (ASCII) (*.*) from the Files of type combo

Fig. 4.26: The Import File form

4. Specify location and name of the well tops data file and press
the Open button.
5. The Import Petrel Well Tops: Well Tops appears as shown in
Fig. 4.27. Press Ok for All and then press OK to close the
information window.


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig. 4.27: The Import Petrel Well Tops: Well Tops form

Fig. 4.28: Well Tops displayed in a 3D window


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

The settings of the wells may be changed by:

1. Right-clicking on the Well tops folder and selecting
2. The Settings for Well tops form appears as shown in
Fig.4.29. Make sure that the Style tab is active.
3. On the Common tab, change the Size to a number different
than the default number; say 200.
4. On the Number annotation, change the Font to a number
different than the default number; say 200.

Fig.4.29:Setting for well tops 1


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Now, as an exercise, hide the well logs and display well tops.
Well tops might not be shown clearly, you may need to change
the settings of the well tops as you did before in the well headers.
Again, try to familiarize yourself to playing with other factors
because things will get harder as you proceed. If you set the
settings for well tops correctly, you are supposed to get
something like Fig. 4.30 for well tops.

Fig. 4.30: Well Tops displayed after changing the Settings


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Now, we will organize the Well tops by following

the steps:
1. Rename
From Zone Base
Cretaceous to Zone 1
2. Rename
From Zone Top Tarbert to


3. Dropping
Drag Tarbert2 to Tarbert


4. Dropping
Drag Tarbert1 to Tarbert


5. Rename
From Zone Top Ness to
6. Dropping
Drag Ness1 to Ness
7. Delete
Delete all the remain zones &


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

8. Rename
From Tarbert.1 to T3

9. Rename
From Tarbert.2 to T2

10. Rename
From Tarbert.3 to T1


11. Rename
From Ness.1 to N2


12. Rename
From Ness.2 to N1


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig.4.31: Well tops after organization


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

The other settings of the wells may be changed by:

1. Right-clicking on the one of the wells, let say (A10).
2. The Settings for A10 form appears as shown in Fig.4.32
3. On the Info tab, choose the option from Well symbol.

Fig 4.32: Setting for A10


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Now, for more organization well will put the wells

in separate folders:


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Unit System
The units set here are used to determine the default units for the
project. Changing the Unit system will change the units for all of
the property templates to match the appropriate system.
Units are only used for a limited number of activities in Petrel,
depth conversion, volume calculations and simulations.

How to change the unit system of project

1. Click the Project menu command and choose Project
2. From Units and coordinates tab, choose your option from
unit system as shown in Fig.4.33


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig.4.33: Settings for New project

Export Data
Petrel can export data in many different format types and is
continuously updated to handle new formats as users request
Different format types are available for the export of different
types of data. When exporting an item, Petrel lists all the
available format types.
The format types Petrel supports are briefly described in Data
Types, and these formats are described in detail in Appendix 1
Note that all items in Petrel can be exported in Petrel binary
To export data from the project, follow the steps:
1. For example, Right click on Surface (Time) folder and choose
Export option as shown in Fig.4.34.


3D Geological Modeling

Chapter 04 Data Import

Fig.4.34: 3D window with Expot drop-down menu


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