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Learning Hierarchical Invariant Spatio-Temporal Features For Action Recognition With Independent Subspace Analysis

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Learning hierarchical invariant spatio-temporal features for action recognition

with independent subspace analysis

Quoc V. Le, Will Y. Zou, Serena Y. Yeung, Andrew Y. Ng
Computer Science Department and Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,,,


pendent Component Analysis (ICA), both very well-known

in the field of natural image statistics [10, 41]. Experimental studies in this field have shown that these algorithms can
learn receptive fields similar to the V1 area of visual cortex when applied to static images and the MT area of visual
cortex when applied to sequences of images [10, 40, 32].
An advantage of ISA, compared to the more standard
ICA algorithm, is that it learns features that are robust to
local translation while being selective to frequency, rotation
and velocity. A disadvantage of ISA, as well as ICA, is
that it can be very slow to train when the dimension of the
input data is large. In this paper, we scale up the original
ISA to larger input data by employing two important ideas
from convolutional neural networks [19]: convolution and
stacking. In detail, we first learn features with small input patches; the learned features are then convolved with a
larger region of the input data. The outputs of this convolution step are inputs to the layer above. This convolutional
stacking idea enables the algorithm to learn a hierarchical
representation of the data suitable for recognition [22].
We evaluate our method using the experimental protocols described in Wang et al. [42] on four well-known
benchmark datasets: KTH [37], Hollywood2 [26], UCF
(sport actions) [35] and YouTube [23]. Surprisingly, despite
its simplicity, our method outperforms all published methods that use either hand-crafted [42, 23] or learned features
[39] (see Table 1). The improvements on Hollywood2 and
YouTube datasets are approximately 5%.

Previous work on action recognition has focused on

adapting hand-designed local features, such as SIFT or
HOG, from static images to the video domain. In this paper, we propose using unsupervised feature learning as a
way to learn features directly from video data. More specifically, we present an extension of the Independent Subspace
Analysis algorithm to learn invariant spatio-temporal features from unlabeled video data. We discovered that, despite
its simplicity, this method performs surprisingly well when
combined with deep learning techniques such as stacking and convolution to learn hierarchical representations.
By replacing hand-designed features with our learned features, we achieve classification results superior to all previous published results on the Hollywood2, UCF, KTH and
YouTube action recognition datasets. On the challenging
Hollywood2 and YouTube action datasets we obtain 53.3%
and 75.8% respectively, which are approximately 5% better
than the current best published results. Further benefits of
this method, such as the ease of training and the efficiency
of training and prediction, will also be discussed. You can
download our code and learned spatio-temporal features

1. Introduction
Common approaches in visual recognition rely on handdesigned features such as SIFT [24, 25] and HOG [4]. A
weakness of such approaches is that it is difficult and timeconsuming to extend these features to other sensor modalities, such as laser scans, text or even videos. There is a
growing interest in unsupervised feature learning methods
such as Sparse Coding [31, 21, 34], Deep Belief Nets [7]
and Stacked Autoencoders [2] because they learn features
directly from data and consequently are more generalizable.
In this paper, we provide further evidence that unsupervised learning not only generalizes to different domains
but also achieves impressive performance on many realistic
video datasets. At the heart of our algorithm is the use of Independent Subspace Analysis (ISA), an extension of Inde-

Table 1. Our results compared to the best results so far on four

datasets (See Table 2, 3, 4, 5 for more detailed comparisons).
Best published 92.1%
Our results

The proposed method is also fast because it requires only

matrix vector products and convolution operations. In our
timing experiments, at prediction time, the method is as fast
as other hand-engineered features.

2. Previous work

as, Sparse Coding [31], Independent Component Analysis

(ICA) [9] and Independent Subspace Analysis [8] have long
been studied by researchers in the field of natural image
statistics. There has been a growing interest in applying
these methods to learn visual features. For example, Raina
et al. [33] demonstrate that sparse codes learned from unlabeled and unrelated tasks can be very useful for recognition. They name this approach self-taught learning. Further, Kanan and Cottrell [13] show that ICA can be used
as a self-taught learning method to generate saliency maps
and features for robust recognition. They demonstrate that
their biologically-inspired method can be very competitive
in a number of datasets such as Caltech, Flowers and Faces.
In [18], TICA, another extension of ICA, was proposed for
static images that achieves state-of-the-art performance on
NORB [20] and CIFAR-10 [15] datasets.
Biologically-inspired networks [11, 39, 12] have been
applied to action recognition tasks. However, except for
the work of [39], these methods have certain weaknesses
such as using hand-crafted features or requiring much labeled data. For instance, all features in Jhuang et al. [11] are
carefully hand-crafted. Similarly, features in the first layer
of [12] are also heavily hand-tuned; higher layer features are
adjusted by backpropagation which requires a large amount
of labeled data (see the Conclusion section in [12]). In contrast, our features are learned in a purely unsupervised manner and thus can leverage the plethora of unlabeled data.

In recent years, low-level hand-designed features have

been heavily employed with much success. Typical examples of such successful features for static images are
SIFT [24, 25], HOG [4], GLOH [27] and SURF [1].
Extending the above features to 3D is the predominant
methodology in video action recognition. These methods
usually have two stages: an optional feature detection stage
followed by an feature description stage. Well-known feature detection methods (interest point detectors) are Harris3D [16], Cuboids [5] and Hessian [43]. For descriptors, popular methods are Cuboids [5], HOG/HOF [17],
HOG3D [14] and Extended SURF [43]. Some other interesting approaches are proposed in [38, 30]. Given the current trends, challenges and interests in action recognition,
this list will probably grow rapidly.
In a very recent work, Wang et al. [42] combine various low-level feature detection, feature description methods and benchmark their performance on KTH [37], UCF
sports action [35] and Hollywood2 [26] datasets. To make a
fair comparison, they employ the same state-of-the-art processing pipeline with Vector Quantization, feature normalization and 2 -kernel SVMs. The only variable factor in
the pipeline is the use of different methods for feature detection and feature extraction. One of their most interesting
findings is that there is no universally best hand-engineered
feature for all datasets; their finding suggests that learning
features directly from the dataset itself may be more advantageous.
In our paper, we will follow Wang et al. [42]s experimental protocols by using their standard processing pipeline
and only replacing the first stage of feature extraction with
our method. By doing this, we can easily understand the
contributions of the learned features.
Recently, a novel convolutional GRBM method [39]
was proposed for learning spatio-temporal features. This
method can be considered an extension of convolutional
RBMs [22] to 3D. In comparison to our method, their learning procedure is more expensive because the objective function is intractable and thus sampling is required. As a consequence, their method takes 2-3 days to train with the Hollywood2 dataset [26].1 This is much slower than our method
which only takes 1-2 hours to train. Our method is therefore
more practical for large scale problems.
Furthermore, our experimental procedure is different
from one proposed by Taylor et al. [39]. Specifically,
in Taylor et al. [39], the authors create a pipeline with
novel pooling mechanisms sparse coding, spatial average
pooling and temporal max pooling. The two new factors,
learned features coupled with the new pipeline, make it difficult to assess the contributions of each stage.
Biologically-inspired sparse learning algorithms such
1 Personal

3. Algorithms and Invariant Properties

In this section, we will first describe the basic Independent Subspace Analysis algorithm which is often used to
learn features from static images. Next, we will explain
how to scale this algorithm to larger images using convolution and stacking and learn hierarchical representations.
Also, in this section, we will discuss batch projected gradient descent. Finally, we will present a technique to detect
interest points in videos.

3.1. Independent subspace analysis for static images

ISA is an unsupervised learning algorithm that learns
features from unlabeled image patches. An ISA network
[10] can be described as a two-layered network (Figure 1),
with square and square-root nonlinearities in the first and
second layers respectively. The weights W in the first layer
are learned, and the weights V of the second layer are fixed
to represent the subspace structure of the neurons in the first
layer. Specifically, each of the second layer hidden units
pools over a small neighborhood of adjacent first layer units.
We will call the first and second layer units simple and pooling units, respectively.
More precisely, given an input pattern xt , the activation
of each second layer unit is pi (xt ; W, V ) =
t 2
k=1 Vik (
j=1 Wkj xj ) . ISA learns parameters W
through finding sparse feature representations in the second

communications with G. Taylor.


Figure 3. Tuning curves for ISA pooling units when trained

on static images.
The x-axes are variations in translation/frequency/rotation, the y-axes are the normalized activations
of the network. Left: change in translation (phase). Middle:
change in frequency. Right: change in rotation. These three plots
show that pooling units in an ISA network are robust to translation
and selective to frequency and rotation changes.

Figure 1. The neural network architecture of an ISA network. The

red bubbles are the pooling units whereas the green bubbles are
the simple units. In this picture, the size of the subspace is 2: each
red pooling unit looks at 2 simple units.

layer, by solving:


subject to






pi (xt ; W, V ),


In many experiments, we found that this invariant property makes ISA perform much better than other simpler
methods such as ICA and sparse coding.

where {xt }Tt=1 are whitened input examples.2 Here, W

Rkn is the weights connecting the input data to the simple
units, V Rmk is the weights connecting the simple units
to the pooling units (V is typically fixed); n, k, m are the
input dimension, number of simple units and pooling units
respectively. The orthonormal constraint is to ensure the
features are diverse.
In Figure 2, we show three pairs of filters learned from
natural images. As can be seen from this figure, the ISA
algorithm is able to learn Gabor filters (edge detectors)
with many frequencies and orientations. Further, it is also
able to group similar features in a group thereby achieving

3.2. Stacked convolutional ISA

The standard ISA training algorithm becomes less efficient when input patches are large. This is because an orthogonalization method has to be called at every step of projected gradient descent. The cost of the orthogonalization
step grows as a cubic function of the input dimension (see
Section 3.4). Thus, training this algorithm with high dimensional data, especially video data, takes days to complete.
In order to scale up the algorithm to large inputs, we design a convolutional neural network architecture that progressively makes use of PCA and ISA as sub-units for unsupervised learning as shown in Figure 4.
The key ideas of this approach are as follows. We first
train the ISA algorithm on small input patches. We then
take this learned network and convolve with a larger region
of the input image. The combined responses of the convolution step are then given as input to the next layer which is
also implemented by another ISA algorithm with PCA as a
prepossessing step. Similar to the first layer, we use PCA
to whiten the data and reduce their dimensions such that the
next layer of the ISA algorithm only works with low dimensional inputs.
In our experiments, the stacked model is trained greedily
layerwise in the same manner as other algorithms proposed
in the deep learning literature [7, 2, 22]. More specifically,
we train layer 1 until convergence before training layer 2.
Using this idea, the training time requirement is reduced to
1-2 hours.

Figure 2. Typical filters learned by the ISA algorithm when trained

on static images. Here, we visualize three groups of bases produced by W (each group is a subspace and pooled together).

One property of the learned ISA pooling units is that they

are invariant and thus suitable for recognition tasks. To illustrate this, we train the ISA algorithm on natural static
images and then test its invariance properties using the tuning curve test [10]. In detail, we find the optimal stimulus of
a particular neuron pi in the network by fitting a parametric
Gabor function to the filter. We then vary its three degrees
of freedom: translation (phase), rotation and frequency and
plot the activations of the neurons in the network with respect to the variation. 3 Figure 3 shows results of the tuning
curve test for a randomly selected neuron in the network
with respect to spatial variations. As can be seen from this
figure, the neuron is robust to translation (phase) while being more sensitive to frequency and rotation. This combination of robustness and selectivity makes features learned
by ISA highly invariant [6].
2 I.e.,

3.3. Learning spatio-temporal features

Applying the models above to the video domain is rather
straightforward: the inputs to the network are 3D video
blocks instead of image patches. More specifically, we take
mean and identity covariance.
3 In this test, we use image patches of a typical size 32x32.

the input patterns have been linearly transformed to have zero


W to the constraint set by computing (W W T ) 2 W . Note

that the inverse square root of the matrix usually involves
solving an eigenvector problem, which requires cubic time.
Therefore, this algorithm is expensive when the input dimension is large. The convolution and stacking ideas address this problem by slowly expanding the receptive fields
via convolution. And although we have to resort to PCA for
whitening and dimension reduction, this step is called only
once and hence much less expensive.
Training neural networks is difficult and requires much
tuning. Our method, however, is very easy to train because
batch gradient descent does not need any tweaking with the
learning rate and the convergence criterion. This is in stark
contrast with other methods such as Deep Belief Nets [7]
and Stacked Autoencoders [2] where tuning the learning
rate, weight decay, convergence parameters, etc. is essential
for learning good features.

Figure 4. Stacked Convolutional ISA network. The network is

built by copying the learned network and pasting it to different
places of the input data and then treating the outputs as inputs to a
new ISA network. For clarity, the convolution step is shown here
non-overlapping, but in the experiments the convolution is done
with overlapping.

a sequence of image patches and flatten them into a vector.

This vector becomes input features to the network above.
To learn high-level concepts, we can use the convolution
and stacking techniques (see Section 3.2) which result in an
architecture as shown in Figure 5.

3.5. Norm-thresholding interest point detector

In many datasets, an interest point detector is necessary for improving recognition and lowering computational
costs. This can be achieved in our framework by discarding
features at locations where the norm of the activations is
below a certain threshold. This is based on the observation
that the first layers activations tend to have significantly
higher norms at edge and motion locations than at static
and feature-less locations (c.f. [13]). Hence, by thresholding the norm, the first layer of our network can be used as
a robust feature detector that filters out features from the
non-informative background:
If kp1 (xt ; W, V )k1 then the features at xt are ignored.
here p1 is the activations of the first layer of the network. For instance, setting at 30 percentile of the training
sets activation norms means that 70% of features from the
dataset are discarded. In our experiments, we only use this
detector the KTH dataset where an interest point detector
has been shown to be useful [42]. The value of is chosen
via cross validation.

Figure 5. Stacked convolutional ISA for video data. In this figure,

convolution is done with overlapping; the ISA network in the second layer is trained on the combined activations of the first layer.

Finally, in our experiments, we combine features from

both layers and use them as local features for classification
(previously suggested in [22]). In the experiment section,
we will show that this combination works better than using
one set of features alone.

In Section 3.1, we discussed spatial invariant properties

of ISA when applied to image patches. In this section, we
extend the analysis for video bases.

3.4. Learning with batch projected gradient descent

4.1. First layer

Our method is trained by batch projected gradient descent. Compared to other feature learning methods (e.g.,
RBMs [7]), the gradient of the objective function in Eq. 1 is
The orthonormal constraint is ensured by projection with
symmetric orthogonalization [10]. In detail, during optimization, projected gradient descent requires us to project

The first layer of our model learns features that detect

a moving edge in time as shown in Figure 6. In addition
to previously mentioned spatial invariances, these spatiotemporal bases give rise to another property: velocity selectivity.
We analyze this property by computing the response of
ISA features while varying the velocity of the moving edge.

4. Feature visualization and analysis


directions than other directions.



Figure 6. Examples of three ISA features learned from Hollywood2 data (16x16 spatial size). In this picture, each row consists
of two sets of filters. Each set of filters is a filter in 3D (i.e., a
row in matrix W ), and two sets grouped together to form an ISA




In detail, we fit Gabor functions to all temporal bases to

estimate the velocity of the bases. We then vary this velocity and plot the response of the features with respect to the
changes. In Figure 7, we visualize this property by plotting
the velocity tuning curves of five randomly-selected units in
the first layer of the network.





Figure 8. A polar plot of edge velocities (radius) and orientations

(angle) to which filters give maximum response. Each red dot in
the figure represents a pair of (velocity, orientation) for a spatiotemporal filter learned from Hollywood2. The outermost circle
has velocity of 4 pixels per frame.

4.2. Higher layers

Figure 7. Velocity tuning curves of five neurons in a ISA network

trained on Hollywood2. Most of the tuning curves are unimodal
and this means that ISA temporal bases can be used as velocity

Figure 9. Visualization of five typical optimal stimuli in the second

layer learned from Hollywood2 data (for the purpose of better visualization, we use the size of 24x24x18 built on top of 16x16x10
first layer filters). Compare this figure with Figure 6

As can be seen from the figure, the neurons are highly

sensitive to changes in the velocity of the stimuli. This
suggests that the features can be used as velocity detectors which are valuable for detecting actions in movies. For
example, the Running category in Hollywood2 has fast
motions whereas the Eating category in Hollywood2 has
slow motions.
Informally, we can interpret filters learned with our ISA
model as features detecting a moving edge through time. In
particular, the pooling units are sensitive to motion how
fast the edge moves and also sensitive to orientation but
less sensitive to (translational) locations of the edge.
We found that the ability to detect accurate velocities is
very important for good recognition. In a control experiment, we limit this ability by using a temporal size of 2
frames instead of 10 frames and the recognition rate drops
by 10% for the Hollywood2 dataset.
Not only can the bases detect velocity, they also adapt
to the statistics of the dataset. This ability is shown in Figure 8. As can be seen from the figure, for Hollywood2, the
algorithm learns that there should be more edge detectors in
vertical and horizontal orientations than other orientations.
Informally, we can interpret that the bases spend more effort to detect velocity changes in the horizontal and vertical

Figure 10. Comparison of layer 1 filters (left) and layer 2 filters

(right) learned from Hollywood2. For ease of visualization, we
ignore the temporal dimension and only visualize the middle filter.

Visualizing and analyzing higher layer units are usually

difficult. Here, we follow [3] and visualize the optimal
stimuli of the higher layer neurons.4 Some typical optimal
stimuli for second layer neurons are shown in Figure 9 and
4 In detail, the method was presented for visualizing optimal stimuli of
neurons in a quadratic network for which the corresponding optimization
problem has an analytical solution. As our network is not quadratic, we
have to solve an optimization problem subject to a norm bound constraint
of the input. We implement this with minConf [36].


(93.9%) and the closest competitive method (92.1%).5

Figure 10. Although the learned features are more difficult

to interpret, the visualization suggests they have complex
shapes (e.g., corners [22]) and invariances suitable for detecting high-level structures.

Table 2. Average accuracy on the KTH dataset. The symbol (**)

indicates that the method uses an interest point detector. Our
method is the best with the norm-thresholding interest point detector.
(**) Harris3D [16] + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
(**) Harris3D [16] + HOF [17] (from [42])
(**) Cuboids [5] + HOG3D [14] (from [42])
Dense + HOF [17] (from [42])
(**) Hessian [43] + ESURF [43] (from [42])
HMAX [11]
3D CNN [12]
(**) pLSA [29]
GRBM [39]
Our method with Dense sampling
(**) Our method with norm-thresholding

5. Experiments
In this section we will numerically compare our algorithm against the current state-of-the-art action recognition
algorithms. We would like to emphasize that for our method
we use an identical pipeline as described in [42]. This
pipeline extracts local features, then performs vector quantization by K-means and classifies by 2 kernel. With our
method, the only change is the feature extraction stage:
we replaced hand-designed features with the learned features. Results of control experiments such as speed, benefits of the second layer and training features on unrelated
data [33] are also reported. Further results, detailed comparisons and parameter settings can be seen in the Appendix

Table 3. Mean AP on the Hollywood2 dataset.

Mean AP
Harris3D [16] + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
Cuboids [5] + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
Hessian [43] + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
Hessian [43] + ESURF [43] (from [42])
Dense + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
Dense + HOG3D [14] (from [42])
GRBM [39]
Our method

5.1. Datasets
We evaluate our algorithm on four well-known benchmark action recognition datasets: KTH [37], UCF sport
actions [35], Hollywood2 [26] and YouTube action [23].
These datasets were obtained from original authors websites. The processing steps, dataset splits and metrics are
identical to those described in [42] or [23]. The main purpose of using identical protocols is to identify the contributions of the learned features.

Table 4. Average accuracy on the UCF sport actions dataset.

Harris3D [16] + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
Cuboids [5] + HOG3D [14] (from [42])
Hessian [43] + HOG/HOF [17] (from [42])
Hessian [43] + ESURF [17] (from [42])
Dense + HOF [17] (from [42])
Dense + HOG3D [14] (from [42])
Our method

5.2. Details of our model

For our model, the inputs to the first layer are of size
16x16 (spatial) and 10 (temporal). Our first layer ISA network learns 300 features (i.e., there are 300 red nodes in
Figure 1). The inputs to the second layer are of size 20x20
(spatial) and 14 (temporal). Our second layer ISA network
learns 200 features (i.e., there are 200 red nodes in the last
layer in Figure 4). Finally, we train the features on 200000
video blocks sampled from the training set of each dataset.

Table 5. Average accuracy on the YouTube action dataset.

Feature combining and pruning [23]:
- Static features:
HAR + HES + MSER [28] + SIFT [25]
- Motion features:
Harris3D [16] + Gradients + PCA + Heuristics
Our method

5.3. Results
We report the performance of our method on the KTH
dataset in Table 2. In this table, we compare our test set
accuracy against best reported results in literature. More
detailed results can be seen in [42] or [12]. We note that
for this dataset, an interest point detector can be very useful
because the background does not convey any meaningful information [42]. Therefore, we apply our norm-thresholding
interest point detector to this dataset (see Section 3.5). Using this technique, our method achieves superior performance compared to all published results in the literature.
There is an increase in performance between our method

A comparison of our method against best published results for Hollywood2 and UCF sport actions datasets is
reported in Table 3 and 4. In these experiments, we only
consider dense sampling for our algorithm. As can be seen
from the tables, our approach outperforms a wide range of
5 Our model achieves 94.5% if we use the interest point detector to filter out the background, then run feature extraction more densely than described in [42].


methods. The performance improvement, in case of the

challenging Hollywood2 dataset, is significant: 5%.
Finally, in Table 5, we report the performance of our algorithm on the YouTube actions dataset [23]. The results
show that our algorithm outperforms a more complicated
method [23] on the dataset by a margin of 5%.

of the comparison are given in Table 6.

5.6. Self-taught learning

In previous experiments, we trained our features on the
given training set. For instance, in Hollywood2, we trained
spatio-temporal features on the training split of 823 videos.
The statistics of the data on which features are trained are
similar to statistics of the test data.
An interesting question to consider, is how the model
performs when the unsupervised learning stage is carried
out on unrelated video data, for instance, videos downloaded from the Internet. This is the Self-taught learning paradigm [33]. To answer this question, we trained
the convolutional ISA network on small video blocks randomly sampled from UCF and Youtube datasets. Using
the learned model, we extract features from Hollywood2
video clips and run the same evaluation metric. Under this
self-taught setting, the model achieves 51.1% AP on Hollywood2. While this setting performs less well than learning
directly from the training set (53.3%), it is still better than
prior art results reported in Wang et. al [42].
The encouraging result illustrates the ability of our
method to learn useful features for classification using
widely-available unlabeled video data.

5.4. Benefits of the second layer

In the above experiments, we combine features from
layer 1 and layer 2 for classification. This raises a question:
How much does the second layer help?
To answer this question, we rerun the experiments with
the same settings and discard second layers features. The
results are much worse than previous experiments. More
specifically, removing the second layer features results in a
significant drop of 3.05%, 2.86%, 4.12% in terms of accuracy on KTH, UCF and Hollywood2 datasets respectively.
This confirms that features from the second layer are indeed
very useful for recognition.

5.5. Training and prediction time

Unsupervised feature learning is usually computationally expensive, especially in the training phase. For instance, the GRBM method, proposed by [39], takes around
2-3 days to train.6
In contrast, for the training stage, out algorithm takes 1-2
hours to learn the parameters on 200000 training examples
using the setting in Section 5.2.7
Feature extraction using our method is very efficient
and as fast as hand-designed features. In the following
experiment, we compare the speed of our method and
HOG3D [14] during feature extraction.8 This comparison
is obtained by extracting features with dense sampling on
30 video clips with a framesize of 360x288 from the Hollywood2 dataset.

6. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented a method that learns features
from spatio-temporal data using independent subspace analysis. We scaled up the algorithm to large receptive fields by
convolution and stacking and learn hierarchical representations.
Experiments were carried out with KTH, Hollywood2,
UCF sports action and YouTube datasets using a very standard processing pipeline [42]. Using this pipeline, we observed that our simple method outperforms many state-ofthe-art methods.
This result is interesting, given that our single method,
using the same parameters across four datasets, is consistently better than a wide variety of combinations of methods. It also suggests that learning features directly from data
is a very important research direction: Not only is this approach more generalizable to many domains, it is also very
powerful in recognition tasks.

Table 6. Feature extraction time. Our method with 2 layers on

GPU is 2x faster than HOG3D.
Seconds/Frame Speed
HOG3D [14]
Our method (1 layer)
Our method (2 layers)
Our method (2 layers, GPU)

The results show that if we use one layer, our method

is faster than HOG3D. But if we use two layers, our algorithm is slower than HOG3D. However, as our method is
dominated by matrix vector products and convolutions, it
can be implemented and executed much more efficiently on
a GPU. Our simple implementation on a GPU (GTX 470)
using Jacket9 enjoys a speed-up of 2x over HOG3D. Details

Acknowledgments: We thank Zhenghao Chen, Adam

Coates, Pang Wei Koh, Fei-Fei Li, Jiquan Ngiam, Juan Carlos Niebles, Andrew Saxe, Graham Taylor for comments
and suggestions. This work was supported by the DARPA
Deep Learning program under contract number FA8650-10C-7020.

6 Personal

communications with G. Taylor.

timing experiments are done with a machine with 2.26GHz CPU
and 24Gb RAM.
8 Provided on the authors website.


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